The Straits Budget, 9 May 1912

Total Pages: 24
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXVI NO. 2830 Singapore, Thursday, Ha; 9, 1912. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTt RV. Price 25 cents
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  • 274 1 leadersTho Turco Italian War China ami Opium j* Reason aud Politics o-J The Cummins Grab 9 African Conquest Bryce as tho Buffer Local and Gknkbal— Local and Personal Thclato Mr. A. M. Aitken 8 The R. G. Knowles Company 8 Sudden Death A Notable Wedding 8 Local
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  • 4482 1 f ktiprenio Court, on May 8, the and r J L> y t!r ai, d Co., Ltd., versus Evatt Sir \v 'Vi* ,nen^one d to the Chief Justice, Ks v t Hyadman Jones. Mr. F. G. wit!, i' S asked permission to wh W U, i action
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  • 753 3 i ,nl/rm>tcv jurisdiction at the Sitting l, v J Urn 3rd instant the Sunrci'* 0 11 c;,. w H. Hyndinan Jones, bcari f Mr J. cl Ho > u Mr i L K f lion of r inc debtor on
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  • 118 3 'iMiiihf rof exceptionally comfortables 1 rirUslias are appearing in the street'll 'l* 1 ami should be in great demand. i'' ,ll« w »t,li tyres of the Dunlop and I 'i patterns, and the body rests low on ar) h sv bi<'b run on ball bearings. They at(
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  • 284 3 The following is a statement of block tin and tin ore exported, approximate value (in Singapore) and duty collected, during the months of January to March 1912, and comparison with corresponding period of previous year: Total Tin Increase or Decrease:
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  • 107 3 A good Htory is goiug tlic rounds concernin''the late Mr. Alexander Muirhcad Aitken, some time leader of the Singapore Bar, says the Globe. It is told by a class-mate who was with Aitken at Bathgate Academy in 1885. Ho was prompting a boy, who
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  • 63 3 A Dutch planter asks us to draw the attention of firms connected with cold-storugo to the chance there is of doing good business at Deli, where meat of indifferent quality has been as much as SI peril). He says there are about 8,000 Europeans, all meat buyers,
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  • 424 3 There must have been many of the audience in the Victoria Theatre on May 1 when Mr. R. G. Knowles aud his Com pany opened their short season, who wondered whether the K. G. Knowles that we
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  • 156 3 Mystery enshrouds tho circumstances attending a burglary that occurred at Keppel Harbour Golf Clubhouse early on the morning of the 6th inst. About 2.30 a.ra. the telephone clerk at tho Central Police Station received a telephone message, in Malay, to the effect that burglars had brokeu
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  • 250 3 In tho Supremo Court, at Johoro, on 4th inst., the trial was concluded before the Chief Justice, UunkuOmar bin Ahmad I).K., and the lion. J. B. Elcuni, acting General Adviser to the Johoro Government with Messrs. Bryce and Cuscaden, as assessors, of tho Gunong Pulai Estato assistant,
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  • 424 3 It is with profound regret that we have to auuounce the tragically sudden death of Mr. William Gutclier, chief engineer of tho Siugu(>oro Oil Mills, Havelock Road. He expired at 9 am. on tho 6th inst., in the mills office, without premonition. Up
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  • 366 3 Tho wedding of Dr. G. A. Finlayson, Government Pathologist, to Miss Helen Muriel Barrett, of Manchester, was solemnised in the Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large company of friends. The church was prettily
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 167 4 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. Tlio animal report of tho Selangor Health Department, presented by Dr. Gerrard, says: —I feel it my duty to report the unprecedented amount of obstruction and passive retd stance which has been shown by certain members of the planting
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    • 74 4 (From Our Own Corkkspondrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 6. Following the football scene at Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday last, the League Committee met at Selangor Club y» sterdny, and as a result of its deliberations a Malay back was sus|tcnded for a month and the goalkeojxr for
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    • 87 4 (From Our Own Cokrksponoent.) Kuala Luiupur, May 7. Tlio F.M.S. collection for the London Zoo leaves Kuala Lumpur to morrow for Port Swettenham, ami will In? placed on tlio steamer Mochaou. Splendid specimens have been secured, including a baby clonhant, a Sumatran tiger, a clouded tiger, a
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    • 40 4 (From Our Own Corukspondrnt.) Penang, May 2. The Baja Muda and the Banco Muda of Sarawak, tho Hon. Oliver Brett, and Inflpcctor Bower, with Paul do Boseck, passi d through Penang by tho P. and O. steamer Devanha.
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    • 215 4 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Penang, May 7. At yesterday's mooting of tho Penang Immigration Conmiittoo it wan resolved to pay recruiting allowancos for tho first quarter of 1012 at tho rate of $2.50 per head. All quarantine ox|»onHOH are now defrayed from tho commit toe's funds. The
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    • 90 4 (1-’hom Ouk Own Cohkkhpondknt.) Penang, May H. The replayed eup-tio on the Esplanade last night bctwe *n the Mohainedau itecrcation Club and the Chinese Central I'niou produced a scene. A Malay player struck a Chinese. The referee, Mr. Cunningham, took each hy the scruff of the neck,
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  • 13 4 [The Straits Times is not responsible for he opinions of its correspondents.!
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  • 158 4 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, To settle a discussion will you be so good as to answer the following questions 1. Who was in charge of Highland Brigade at Magersfontein 2. Who took command of samo after the leader was killed a. Was the
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  • 124 4 To tho Editor of tho StraitH Times. Sir, —I have read in your valuablo paper of 22nd instant that there aro only 477 Scotsmen and 236 Irishmen in Singapore, whilst there aro actually 3,678 English.” I must admit I was astonished at the information. Would you be so good
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  • 213 4 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,- Heading about “America’s Inquiry” in last night's p.-i|>er, do you not think there was too much of tho Wo Are" about it in the racket they made over the sad Titanic disaster. Have they forgotten their own disaster of
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  • 352 4 To the Editor of tlio Straits Times. Sir,—1 would lie much obliged if you or the Government official concerned could en lighten mo as to tho reason why when a tender for tho supply of opium to the Govern tnont is invited, the public announcement should be confined
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  • 71 4 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, Teachers residing iu Malaya, but whose homes are iu ludia, Burma and Ceylon, would like to hear, whether the B.l.S.N. Co. grants return passages at conce ssion rates during tho summer vacation in June and July. ours, etc., Tkacukr. Malacca,
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  • 172 4 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. r Sir,—You had a paragraph in your yesterday’s issue stating that a Chinese jeweller in High Street was cheated in having beeu paid 5060 in false five dollar notes, and that several such aro about in town. r lhis reads more
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  • 484 4 A case of uo little interest to those who have experience of Chineso cooks which means all Singapore —was heard by Mr. do Mello in the fourth police court on May 2. It as a civil action in which
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  • 170 4 Rioter’s Telegram. London, May l. The Senate Titanic committee iaa adjourned until Friday. .Mr. Istnay, recalled aud questioned cWl. on the affairs of tho International Mercantil Marine, declared that there was nothing iu u mail contracts demanding
    Rioter’s Telegram.  -  170 words
  • 116 4 London, May 2. The British Titanic inquiry has been opened at the London Scottish Drill Hall, Westminster. Sixty counsel are engaged, including some of the most eminent. Sir Kufus Isaacs and Sir John Simon aro for the Board of Trade and Sir Robert Finlay
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  • 133 4 London, May 3. When the Titanic Inquiry was resumed Sir Rufus Isaacs gave a clear consecutive account of tho disaster, giving particular attention to the Titanic’s speed and tho icewarnings. He concluded by saying that the investigation would also be particularly directed to the insufficiency of
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  • 73 4 London, May 4. Reuter wires from New York that Senator Smith is making private enquiries in connection with the Titanic disaster, and is issuing daily statements of the results of his investigation. He says an Irish steerage passenger who avoided being thrown out of a boat because
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  • 218 4 Some injury was caused to a tramcar in a collision with a motor-lorry at raujoug Pagar on April 13, and, in cousc' quence, ‘the driver of the lorry (No. s> a Malay named Ibrahim, was to the senior magistrate's court on May on a charge of
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  • 1875 5 I'mlct Secretary, K.SI.8.. kindly T1 1 that the tollowioi! note» ol the visit J r o k\ vll'-''ey *•>«*• Cou>™ r o U cT, ".“irthor Youok. K C.Md.. to Oododk Nr A forwarded to uh for publication. It
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  • 515 5 There was a very large gathering of guests at Messrs. Katz Bros.’ new premises in Raffles Square on May 4 from noon to 2 p.m., on the occasion of the completion of the spacious building which this firm have erected in
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  • 330 5 A correspondent writes; Referring to a letter by Scot which appeared in your issue of the 2nd instant in which your correspondent took exception to your statement that there wero 3,578 English people in Singapore and asked if you would explain whether by English you meant naturalized
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  • 285 5 A remarkable fcaturo of the police reports on May 3is tho fact that practically no complaints have come from tho native community while an unusual number of serious robberies are reported by Euro peans. The most serious perhaps was
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  • 228 5 In connection with the extradition procood ings instituted by the Rangoon police, Mrs. Irene Myrtle Thorpe appeared beforo Mr. Firmstono in the District Court on May 2. Sho was accompanied by Mr. Carron Sharpe, thc gentleman with whom sho
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  • 76 5 Mr. G. A. Derrick has sent us the follow ing further list of subscriptions to tbo Titanic fund: Amount previously acknowledged. $1,035 R. 11. Taylor 30 W. M, Sime (Malacca) 25 C. W. K.-P. F.M.B. aud C.E.C. (Malacca) 25 S. H. Burgess, Malacca 10 W. E. Hooper
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  • 80 5 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during tho week ending April 27, there were 2'-7 deaths, giving a ratio per tnillo of population of 14.(10. Malarial fever accounted for 85 deaths, phthisis 28, convulsions 29, beriberi 18, bronchitis
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  • 836 7 i nrca.l interest attaches to an expodi- vl i, shortly to b« undertake* by n° D Wollaston, whose objective is |)r v VV range of niountains in New probably the worst preoi- in the world. 11 Mr Wollaston
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  • 617 7 Although blue has often been called Heaven’s own colour,” it hasbecomo a commonplace to speak of those who may be feeling for a time depressed and downcast as suffering from a fit of the blues,” the origin of
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  • 121 7 Mr. A. von do Hell, an assistant on the Pabatoe Estate of tho Rotterdam Deli Maatschappy, was attacked by Javanese coolies on the morning of April 23. He had reproved one of them for improper behaviour to women whereupon the coolie rushed at him with his chankol
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  • 114 7 A Manila exchange to hand states that a suit has been brought in the court of first instance by Barbara King on behalf of herself and Bessie Le Claire, both members of tho theatrical troupe of Eccentrics organised by Fred Coyne and financed by
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  • 518 7 It is possible that our forefathers attached absolute and differing values to tho different days of the week. In Wednesday is enshrined the name of the god Woden, the mover and inspirer.” Tuesday is derived from Tuisco, tho clear
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  • 189 7 The following from the Bangkok Daily Mail should be a consolation to some of the worthy men who have accepted directorships in Malaya: Sir, —At a yearly meeting held in Bangkok by a company dealing at present entirely in rubber, thero occurred a rather curious and
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  • 102 7 Manila papers state that the Standard Oil company has renewed its application to the insular government for an allotment of space on tho Malccon-Luncta fill, and if it receives favourable consideration will erect a large pier and a storage plant. This project has been under
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  • 634 7 At tho last meeting of the Sanitary Board, held at Kuala Lumpur, the Clerk of Works' report on the progress of buildings for March, 1912, was laid before the Board. Detailed plans and estimates having been submitted for examination, the
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  • 164 7 The wireless telegraphy station at Nauou, near Potsdam, was blown down in tho gale on March 30. Tho structure rose 000 ft. above the wind-swept plain, and at the time of the disaster the clerks were working in the oflices at its foot, and some 10
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  • 58 8 llakohavk. —At Adelaide, on May 1, the wife of F. Ilauilyn Hargrave, of a daughter. Bkn.iahkl,!>.— On May 2, at Oarston, Gilstead Koad, to Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Benjafield, a daughter. Simmonds. -On May 8, at the Nursing Home, St. ThomaH Walk, Singajioru, tlte wife of Capt. SinnuondH,
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  • 41 8 FINLAYiON Bakuktt. —At the Presbyterian Church, Siuga|»oro. on May 4, by the Hcv. W. Hunciman, M.A., IU)., George Alexander Finlayson, M.A., M It. (Aberdeen), M.H.C.P. (London), aon of .lames Fiulayson. Aberdeen, to Helen Muriel, daughter of Win. Curwen Barrett, Manchester.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1063 8 .—Straits Times, May 2. It would apjMuir that Italy has been uuablc to clear the Turks out of Tripoli, aud that her fleet cannot prevent a considerable amount of successful gun running to that portion of tho North African coast. In consequence of this failure, Italy desires
      .—Straits Times, May 2.  -  1,063 words
    • 1119 8 Straits Times, May 8 We are not very much in sympathy with those who are inclined to make a fuss over the failure of China to carry out her part of the opium agreement with India. When the question of an agreement was under discussion the view
      .— Straits Times, May 8  -  1,119 words
    • 1133 8 spectacle in British politics.—Straits Times, May 4. Is it possible for a perfectly fair minded and reasonable man to endorse the bill for repeal of the Osborne Judgment which Mr. Asquith has promised to introduce before Whitsuntide Firstly wq have to explain that the Osborne J udgmen
      spectacle in British politics.—Straits Times, May 4.  -  1,133 words
    • 1230 9 deal in" man would call adequate —Straits Tiinos, May 6. Once upon a time—it seems over so long ago—we created an idol, and continued to honour him long aftor we knew that he blessed us in Billingsgate for our fervour. But thero came a day when wo
      deal in" man would call adequate ? —Straits Tiinos, May 6.  -  1,230 words
    • 1108 9 —Straits Times, May 7. When Frauco began her period of active influence in Morocco her statesmen described their purpose as one of peaceful penetration.” They had no intention of making war on the Moors. They hoped on the contrary to be good friends with them, as they aro
      —Straits Times, May 7.  -  1,108 words
    • 1003 10 lias made. At present we son nono.—Straits Times, May H. Tlicre is a wrong torn; in tho I'nionist party just now. Wo do not kuow whether it is duo to tho recent change of leadership or a general collapse of character among members of tho party
      lias made. At present we son nono.—Straits Times, May H.  -  1,003 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 rb« Po*t frM prlcu of the Strain Timi i l» #:is a year The poet free price of the Straits liudgrl is $l4 1 year It it not neceaearv to •übecribc for e year. The »üb•cription* for thorter period* ere at the *ame proportionate rate aa for a year. The
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  • 121 8 DEATHS. Sahkiks. —On April 2H, at Ispahan, Persia, M. Sarkies, founder of the firm Sarkioa Brothers, aged 62 years. Kctired from the Straits in 1890. Sutton. —At Kuantau on April .'in, at 6.80 a.m., suddenly. Louise, the dearly beloved wife of W. II. Sutton of Hruang. aged f»2 years. OuTeiiKK.
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  • 131 10 Tho third ordinary general meeting of the above company was held in I’enang on Tues day. Hr. Jamieson, who presided, said, in reference to tho accounts, that the nett profit for the year was ftlff,llfi.H7, which, added to the sl, I brought forward from the last accounts,
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  • 458 10 Two Indians, Abdul Kasim and Abu Dakar, were arraigned in the second police court on May 3 on four charges, viz., 1, on April 21, negligently committing an act likely to spread dangerous infectious disease by removing one Abdul Gunny,
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  • 343 10 Writing to The Times on April 9, O. F. S. says:— it is to be hoped that the letter on this subject in your issue of the 6th inst. may attract attention, as the instances therein mentioned are not, I
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  • 702 10 The attention of the senior lua.Mstrat I Firmstone, was engaged for about! B hours on May 3 in the further rJ• the case against Jacob Brisk, who is °fl with criminally intimidating anuel. Brisk was also summoned to i B cause why
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  • 142 10 A meeting of the Legislative Council be held on Friday when the orders of the < j include motions by the Colonial hugmecr. “That this Council approves a vott1 910,000 for the supply of electrical 1>° and light, faus and X-ray apparatus ui General Hospital, Singapore, an 'J
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  • 1787 11 nin.» of the Spring Race meeting .ua<lo iiudcr very doubtful JU M*y H iu the earlier half of the of the arran R0 «J»y ra 1 looked like muddling the calcula■“'“wrtf£tacker» also; but just at tbo cut the rain .topped and
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    • 239 11 5.C.C. Tournament. In tho S.C.C. tournament match, played on tho Esplanade on 4th inst. the Telegraphs beat the Merchants by a large margin. For tho winning team, Lenthall contributed 61 runs. The Merchants were one short. The scores were:— Tiik Mkkcuants. R. D. Rutley lbw. b. Jenkins 1 O.
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    • 619 11 Forthcoming: Annual Prize Meeting:. The programme for the twelfth annual meeting of tho Singapore Ritlo Association to bo held at tho Balestier range on May 25, 26, and 27, and June 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 13 aud 15 has now been issued. The officials are as follow
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    • 145 11 S.L.R. Association. Tho following scores were made in the May competition for tho Mill’s Trophy Miss Kerr 32 Mrs. Felkiu 29 Miss Gunn 28 Mrs. Mauldon 28 Mrs. Gattoy 28 Lady Evelyn Young 26 171 Mrs. Gattoy won the May spoon, tho scores being: 100 150 Nett H’cap
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    • 96 11 L.L.T.C. Tournament. The results of play on 6th inst. are as follow: Championship Pairs. Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Wishart boat Mrs. and Mr. Vowlcr, 6 1, 6—2. Mixed Doubles. Mrs. aud Mr. Cantrell ree. 4 beat Mrs. Swindell and Col. White owe 4, 6—0, 6—2. B. Doubles —Final.
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    • 111 11 Singapore v. Sepoy Lines. A match between the Singapore Golf Club and Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played at Sepoy Liues on May 5, and resulted in a win for the visitors. The scores were as follows: Singapore Goli Skpoy Links Goli Club. Club. Ferguson A Sharpe l Raker
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  • 851 13 Berlin, May 1. Turkey, in reply to tho Russian note, holds to her present position on tho question of tho Dardanelles, and denies that there is auy justification for the demands for indemnity. The Russian grain trado troubles are said to bo tho result of the closing of
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  • 121 13 Jules do Bosock, tho man who was arrested in Londot) in connection with tho retention of tho Qucon of Siam’s pearls, and extradited to tho Straits Sottlemeuts, arrived in Singapore on tho 3rd inst. by tho P. and O. mail steamer Devanha, in charge of Cliiof
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  • 101 13 Tho Director of St. Joseph's Institution wishes to thank Mr. ami Mrs. Ltx> Clioon Guan for presenting tho Institution with the new Encyclopedia Britanica. Last July, when ho commenced work on King George’s Hall they wero among the first to siibscnbo a handsome sum to defray the
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 285 14 Ml} 1 Hook Mol), Brit, str., Bainbridgo, Penang, Ho Hong Donera, Brit, str., DewsoD, Calcutta. Boufetead Lightning, Brit. str. Walker, Calcntta, Boustead Iyo Mara, Jap. Htr., Takcda, London, P. Simon h f Amayc, Brit, ntr., Cockmann, Hongkong, P. k O. Coy Tara, Brit. Htr., Sullivan, Sourabay, Bouatead Astraea, H.
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    • 195 14 May 1 Knurhk, Itus. str., Vladivostok 1 Hudson Maru, .lap str., Uuigoon Bombay Maru, Jap. str., Hongkong A Japan Japan, Brit. str., Penang A Callcatta Brit, str., Swatow via porta 2 lyo Maru, Jap. str., Hongkong Japan Brisbane, Ger. str., Hamburg via ports Morapi, Hi it. str., H'kong N’chwang
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  • 230 14 SufoaroBa, May 8 1912 ■XOHANGE. Ob London—Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 1/4.^ Private 6 in/« 2/41 8 m/8 2/4^i Dm Hiemamt—Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/s 2424 On Fbangs—Bank d/d 294 Private 8 no/s 299 On India—Bank T. T. 1744 Private 80 d/s 176 On Hononono—Bank d/d
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  • 1126 14 Simoapobb. Mat 8, 1912 MINING. Issno IS Vaio3 Bayern. Boilers. 10 10 Bolat Tin 4 60 4.76 10 10 Braang 210 2.60 10 10 Kanaboi 2.40 2.60 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2.2.0 2.0.4 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 1.10.6 1.18.0 10 lOMalaooaTin 1.00 6/> 6/* Pahang Consol 6/6
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  • 254 14 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Singapore shan circular, dated May 2, states The market for sterling rubbers has been dull, and prices in most cases remain un altered. Local stocks have kept steady with a fair business passing. Tin shares are in
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  • 331 14 Per P. and O. steamer Oriental, con netting with Malwa at Colombo, sailing May 17. —Mr. S. S. Crisp, Mr. F. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Kellie Smith, Miss Hether, Mr and Mrs. Galbraith, Mr. J. C. Moulton, .Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Davidson, Miss Blair, Mr. Hodge,
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1345 1 We quote b» low the beat available London list from (he reports brought by (he last mail, and add local quotations from (he list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Co. (Singapore) os the corresponding date
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    • 136 2 London and Singapore Uubbkr Pricks 1 Gknkral— Singapore Rubber Auction 2 Malacca Rubber Auction 2 April Rubber Returns* ft Rubber items* ft Tho Rubber Industry ft The Siak Tangle 8 Big Blaze at Goobilt 9 Tklkorams— London Rubber Prices* 2 CoKItKSPONDKNCK Bin tan Rubber I Mkktinqh and Rrporth— Roinnu
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    • 41 2 (From a Malacca Corrkspondknt.) Tho following prices have boon roceivod during tho past week Kino Para Plantation. May l 4/7* 4/11 h 2 47 H 4/ll| 3 4/8 4/11* 4 4/8 4/11 0 4/8 5/- 7 4/8 4/11
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    • 88 2 The thirty-fourth auction of tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on May 7. Thero were offered for sale 158 cases equalling 169.47 piculs, or 2*2,596 lbs., and of this quantity 76 cases equalling 82.48 piculs, or 10,997 lbs. wero sold. Prices realised were Sheet
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    • 75 2 Following are tho prieos of rubber realised by public auction, at tho Auction Mart, 77 River Side, on May 4:— Sheet No. 1 5 >48.80 Sheet No. 2 244.10 Scrap crepe 217.00 Bark crepe 207.,'>0 All lots were sold. Following are the prices of rubber realised at
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    • 2217 2 The directors of the Boinsu Rubber Company, Limited, have issued a report by Mr. C. W. Ramsay on his visit to West Africa. Mr. Ramsay, in tho course of his report, says: I arrived at Soccondeo on September 26, 1911.
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    • 538 2 The secretary of the Sungei Reyla (F.M S. Rubber Estate, Limited, has issued to the shareholders a copy of a report on the pro perty by Mr. A. Patrick Hadnw, visiting agent to the Sumatra Para and Sungei Fruit Rubber Estates,
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    • 1578 3 I ,.sti -.innlinary Koneml meetina of tho I ,1,1 liwbber Company will bo hold at st 1 1 I nion Building", Singapore, on I 17. at noon, when the following I FrK Sions will be submitted v is expedient to
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    • 1597 3 The second annual general meeting of the shareholders in the Kroewook .lava Plantations Company was held in Shanghai on April 27 in the China Mutual Life Insurance building. The report and accounts were accepted without discussion and tho following directors were
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    • 1652 4 Tim ;it;Mini general meeting' of tho Selangor IJn 1)1 h r Company, Limited, wan hold on April.'!, at Glasgow, Sir Frunk A. Swettonham, <i (’..M.G. presiding. Thr Chairman said: Gentlemen, the director's ii'poit and tho accounts for tho pant
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    • 250 4 Tho report of tlio Seliusiug Rubber Com pany, Limited, states that tho crop secured for the year to December 31 amounted to 150,555 lbs. of rubber, as against au estimate of 150,013) lbs. and cost 88.75c. to harvest. Tho net average price realised was lts.4.04 per lb. In
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    • 1189 4 The annual general meeting of Trafalgar, Ltd., was held in the registered offices No. 2 Prince Street, on May 7. Mr. W C. Southaiu presided over the proceedings and the following shareholders attended, namely, Messrs. G.
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    • 13 4 Tho Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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    • 480 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I note that you dismiss the valuation of the Rintan Plantations, Limited, in very few words, but it seems to me that there are one or two points worthy of consideration:— 1st. Land costing nil (as far as one can
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    • 2168 5 p; -niMi.'il «M*nrra! meeting of the Sungei iiigor) i»'»bi>» Company# Limited. V,,; \nril a. at Glasgow, Mr. Thomas V",‘'I i.ristie presiding. N, .V! l, «ai<i: Gentlemen, tho 1 r4 or t has been in your hands for ,".i you
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    • 880 5 Mandai-Tekong.—1,595 lbs. Pertuata. 1,580 lbs. Pantai. —2,800 lbs. Badella.—4,700 lbs. Ayer Panas.-6,120 lbs. Soekee Rubber.—1,150 lbs. Kim (Malacca). —3,325 lbs. Karau.—1,762 lbs. Padang.—3,770 lbs. Gula Kalumpong. —28,700 lbs. Padang Jawa. —5,260 lbs. Sam&gaga.—904 lbs. Pegoli.—19,900 lbs. Bauteng (Selangor).—6,606 lbs. Cheviot.—5,884 lbs. Labu (F.M.S.) —21,472 lbs. Sungei Buaya.—5,305
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    • 109 5 The Tobrau Rubber Kstates, Limited, pays an interim dividend of 5 per cent. Tlio directors of the Reverlac (S Rublier Company, Limited, have declared a dividend of per cent, for tlio yoar to December dl. The general manager of tlio Moroni Crown Rubber Kstate has just had his
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    • 2752 6 The second annual general meeting of shareholders of the I’.ikam Itubbor Lstate, Limited, wns held on April 11, at the London Chamber of Commeree, ()xford court, K.C., Mr. II. Krio Muller (chairman of the company) presiding. Mr. .1. Mol lines
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    • 178 6 The report of the Croiulix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate, Limited, states that, us stated in last report, the directors hoped to have 250 acres planted, and another 250 acres opened up by December 81. Not only lias this been done, bin; in order to round off
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    • 749 6 The following information respecting rubber industry is taken from tin* and China Fxpress of April 12: The market for Plantations hasbe»u, |lll( and prices are rather lower. Contract gr ,4 on the spot quoted 5s. 3»d.
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    • 1142 7 r.i annual general meeting of tbe The fifth Kubber company, Limited, U bu 1 1 1 2 a t Winchester House, wa-» 1,1 AP Colonel the Hon. Charles J o (chairman of the comLimbt"U. Y '““Stativo of the
      1,142 words
    • 1162 7 The second annual general meeting of Cheviot Rubber, Limited, was held on April 2, at Winchester House, London, E.C., Colonel the Hon. Charles Lambton, D.S.O. (chairman of the company), presiding. The representative of the secretaries (Messrs. Outline aud Co., Limited,) having read the
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    • 1306 7 The second annual ordinary general meeting of tho Siak (Sumatra) Rubber Estates, Limited, w'as held on April 1 at the ofliccs of tho company, 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, E.C., Mr. Theodore diaries Owen (the Chairman) presiding. The representative of the secretaries
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    • 472 8 Several shareholders in tlio Mantin Rubber Com puny have sent uh copies of tho following circularH: I)ear Sir, Certain largo shareholders resident in Ragland have approached tho direc tors with a proposal to convert this company
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    • 292 8 Kommaicy ok Mb. K. Mackadykn'h Hki'okt anh Valuation on Mantin Ehtatk Datko Fkiikuaky ‘27, 1912. The area owned by the company comprises a. a. i*. a u over 5 years old .‘1 0 20 4 HO 0 00 :i 29 0 01 *S«-{ 1„ 01 *2 00
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    • 476 8 Dear Sir,—As the replies to our circular letter dated March 21, last, issued to shareholders resident in the Last, indicated that there was a large majority of shareholders in favour of a sale of the property to a London company, the directors have been carrying on negotiations
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    • 1138 8 To tlio Kditor of the Strait** Times. Sir, —You imve ho often wielded your pen to caHtieato what you have conceived to be disingenuous if not dishonest deeds in conmiction with local companies already accomplished, that I believe it will not be in vain to
      1,138 words
    • 385 8 THE SIAK TANGLE. Dr. Nijhuis Trying Ligitation i n Hongkong. The N. C. Daily News of April 24, says A further and on this occasion cxtraordT nary development has taken place m rt anl to the Siak Indrapoera Rubber Concessions Ltd. It will be remembered that in tho action with
      385 words
    • 270 8 The report of the Straits Rubber Company. Limited, states that during the year to December 31 about one acre was acquired at Nova Scotia Estate, affording further road frontage. The rubber area has been in creased by about 778 acres on Gedong estate and 830 acres on Nova
      270 words
    • 81 8 The report of the Kajang Rubber Esta Limited, shows a profit of .1*1,368, whic carried forward. The premium of X*l, >•’ on shares issued has been carried to rt s< ru out of which the directors recommend >a the whole of the preliminary expenses written off. The
      81 words
    • 1084 9 vcrv cucouraj-inK report wa» made to A in the Jmiah llubbor Kstate, tbt T in- extraordinary general meeting U n ,n May -L in the Exchange. Mr. !it Mclivmont presided and the follow- "litleuien were also present, namely, wS Snodgrass,
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    • 428 9 The secretary of the Narborough (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, Limited, has issued to the shareholders a copy of a report by Messrs. Osborne and Chappel to the directors, dated Ipoli, Perak, Federated Malay States, March 6, 1912, which states as follows:—Mr. Metcalfe visited tho property on the sth inst.,
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    • 238 9 The report of the Kurau Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the total crop of rubber harvested in 1911 amounted to 00,785 lbs., as against the estimate of 46,080 lbs. The average gross price realised for the rubber was 4s. 7.90 d., per lb. The cost of production
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    • 555 9 The annual general meeting of the Damansara (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on April 11, at tho London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford-court, Cannon-street, E.C., Mr. W. P. Metcalf (chairman) presiding. In moving tho adoption of the rejiort and accounts and tho payment
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    • 348 9 The report of the Gula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the whole of the land available for rubber eultivation has now been planted. The total crop of rubber harvested during the year to December .‘51 was 243,040lbs. The number of trees being tapped at the end of the year
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    • 559 9 On April 29, shortly after 11 pin., a serious fire broke out at tho works of the British Malaysian Manufacturing Couqiany in Goebilt, Sarawak. Tho night shift had just settled down at 11 p.m. w hen tho village
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    • 319 9 The report of the Aengsouo (Java) Rubber Plantations, Limited, states that the total crop of coffee from the company’s estate for the twelve mouths to December 31 amounted to 557.09 piculs, or 676.46 cwts., which was sold in .lava and realised £1,783 14s 8d. This sum
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    • 3488 10 Tho second ordinary annual general meeting ot tho Java Amalgamated Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on April 2, at the Loudon Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Herbert Wright (Chairman of the company) prodding. The Secretary (Mr.
      3,488 words
    • 290 10 The report of the Seafield Rubber Coia puny, Limited, states that the profit and loss account shows a credit balance of i.‘36,095, including .£5,661 brought forward after ruak ing the appropriations and adjustments applicable to 1910 and paying on October 10 an interim dividend of 15 per cent., less
      290 words