The Straits Budget, 14 December 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXV NO. 2809 Singapore, Thursday, December 14, 1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CESTUI Price 25 cents
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  • 306 1 LEADERS— The Chancellor’s Speech 10 Russia anti Persia 10 Frenzies in Politics 10-11 Trivialities n Electricity and Hospitals 11 India, Real and Ideal ...11-12 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 Indian Christian Association 2 Municipal Commissioners 3 A Harbour Incident 3 Child Drowned in Flood 3
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  • 4140 1 The death-rate of Malacca for October was 37.38 per mille per annum, compared with 30.02 tho previous month, and 79.93 tor October, 1910. Of tho 119 deaths, 31 were luo to malaria. Towkay Loke Yew has returned to Kuala Lumpur from Saigon. General repairs are about to
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  • 767 2 The coroner’s inquest on the body of th,. Chinaman shot while attempting to steal fowls from Mr. C. O. Forrest’s compound on the morning, of tho 5th inst., was resumed and concluded on the 6th inst. The coroner Dr.
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  • 88 2 A largely attended general meeting of the, Indian Christian Association of Singa* gapore was held on Saturday evening, at tlio St. Andrew’s Mission School, when the fol lowing officers were unanimously elected foi the ensuing year: —President, l>r. Handy; vice presidents. Kcv. A. H. Thavasiappen and Mr.
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    • 440 3 Keppel Golf Club. The President’s prize (1910 aud 1911» was won by Mr. M. D. Rutley, Mr. F. Niblock being runner up. A “One Club’’ competition will bo played off during the week beginning Saturday, the 9th, and ending Friday, November 15. First and second prizes presented by two
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    • 493 3 Subordinate Civil Service. Quite a delightful afternoon was spent on the Hatties School ground, last Saturday, on tho occasion of the athletic sports in connection with the Subordinate Civil Service Association. The weather was nice and hue, the ground was decorated with bunting, u attendance was good and
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    • 359 3 S.L.R.A. Competitions. The final competitions of the Singapore Ladies Kifie Association were held yesterday. Mrs. Felkin won the rapid firing event, the scores being Mrs. Felkin 21; Mrs. Fisher 15; Miss Kerr 15 Mrs. Tyler 11 Mrs. Watkins 9 Mrs. Goldie 9; Mrs. Sibary 8; Mrs. Elgee 7
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    • 116 3 Garrison Football League. K. Company of The Bulls have won the Garrison Football League competition, the final positions being Goals. cr S V t b l L Team j? J 5 \t o w E Co Buffs 20 15 2 27 H :i J°- ro Vl'tO K.K.20 12 t
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    • 136 3 Married v. Single. On the Esplanade on Saturday, the Single eleven beat the Married by 55 runs, the scores being Sinoi.k Bath b. Yowler 14, Rooke b. Page 10, Cameron o. Jones b. Bovun 1. Peareth b. Jones 3, Ward c. Grey b. Jones 4, Henry b. Grey 2,
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    • 87 3 Singapore Rowing Club. A four-oar race has l>een arranged, between certain members of the Singapore Rowing Club, to bo held on Friday, December 15, at 5.15 p.m., weather permitting. Distance one mile—course from Reach Road Market to Johnston's Pier. The following aro the crews:— Red and White.—(Row) P. Duke,
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  • 279 3 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held on the 8th iust., Mr. F. J. llallifax presided and the other mem hers present were Dr. 1’’. It. Cruncher, Messrs. A. W. Bean, J. Carapiet, Chiu Kong Chin, and W. Peacock. It
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  • 211 3 There is more than a suggestion of callous ness and brutality about an accident that occurred in the Inn hour on December 11. .lust before her departure for Batavia, the Dutch steamer Van Noort loaded a ipiantity of ice from a sampan lying alongside. I m mediately
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  • 45 3 During the heavy storm that broke over Singapore on Sunday afternoon, some flight flooding took place in town. In New Bridge Bo,id, a Chinese child, aged 0, f• 11 "It the five foot-way into a Hooded drain an l was drowned.
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  • 589 3 In the Supremo Court, on December 7 Mr. Justice Fisher hoard the ap|>oal of A. M. Mansoor against a verdict of Mr. I* irinstono, tlm District Judge, by which lm had b«*on convict**! of conspiriug with Adolf K rank and Co.,
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  • 274 3 Mr. A.J. ('uekney, who rides a motor cycle on his daily rounds of the Municipal markets, ot which lie is inspector, met with a serious accident in Fullerton Itoad on the IKh inst., lie was riding alone that thoroiielJare, at ft fair pace, shortly after nine o'clock, and
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  • 1022 4 The Bishop of Singapore, in moving the adoption of the first annual report of the Singapore Diocesan Association, at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on the 11th inst., made a strong appeal for support of missionary work in
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  • 1096 4 The first year’s work of the Singapore Diocesan Association has been—as is indi cated in the report presented at the above meeting —devoted to organisation, and the members of the Association have reason now to congratulate themselves on the amount of
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  • 269 4 (From Ocr Own Correspondent. Shanghai, December 7. There is much rejoicing at tho Regent’s abdication and Yuan-shih-kai's next move is awaited anxiously. A conference will probably be held here; the provincial delegates in the city threaten to form a national assembly and to transfer to Nanking at
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  • 13 4 fThe Straits Times is not responsible for Ibe opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 183 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Would you kindly grant me spaco in your hospitable paper to point out to whom it may concern the following facts: Formerly, when the drums and fifes were playing in the Botanical Gardens, no carriage was admitted to
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  • 325 4 To the Editor of the Straits Tidies. Sir, —In your issue of December 6 under the heading “The Chinese Revolt,” there appeared a paragraph referring to the firm of Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg and Co., in connection with the anti-German feeling, which seems to prevail in some parts
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  • 251 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I notice that Mr. Felkin, in reply to my letter and, as he terms it, in the interests of accuracy,” states that he never heard that Mr. Wilson’s complaint was diagnosed at the General Hospital as typhoid fever. The cause
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 Property Sale. The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. I’owell and Co.’s saleroom on the 12th instant:—Freehold land situate at the entrance to Darker Load and Chancery Lane, area 9} acres, being part of Government Grant No. 1<>7, together with the residence erected on the said
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  • 997 5 The Sourabaya Courant of November *>7 «ives a thrilling account of a man-hunt there on the preceding night which recalls the Hound soli tch tragedy. Close to the Arab Association Moeroatoel Ichwan in Frcdorik Hendrik Street, lived a
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  • 251 5 A voluminous Government (ia/.ette Kxtra ordinary was issued on December 7 giving in detail, with diagrams aud illustrations, the orders, rules and regulations made by the Governor in Council under the Merchant Slapping Ordinance I‘Jlo. The document is one of ,{;{.7
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  • 232 5 Ill their weekly share circular, dated December 6, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Sterling rubber shares have been firm and close with good demand but few sellers at current quotations. In local shares the tone has been steady with a fair
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  • 86 5 We understand that the declaration of Mr. Moss’s election for Katong ward hy 42 votes to 11 will not pass unchallenged. Mr.Carapiet'H friends state that two absolutely good votes wore tendered, there being well-known citizens ready to identify the voters as the persons whose names were on
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  • 107 5 Mi. Karl Davidson is rapidly getting the Singapore Model Dairy Farm into perfect order, and will be able w ry soon to begin the sale of pure and wholesome natural milk. His progress appears to excite the interest of some minor rivals, and one may imagine his
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  • 710 5 The ow nership of certain soda water hitties floating about in Singapore" as it was expressed in court was the subject of a brief but amicably settled case heard by Mr.Firmstone in the District Court on December 7. Three aerated-water-making firms
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  • 154 5 What is termed atypical story <>f Yuan Shih-Kai, the new I’rimc Minister of China, istold in Fverybody’s Weekly. Yii.iii began to create an army on Western lines. II is discipline was exceedingly severe. There was only one form of punishment in tin; new army death. On one occasion
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  • 703 5 The enlightening little telegram, published elsewhere, to the effect that Heinrich drosse, who is now under arrest at Portsmouth on a charge of espionage, wan once sentenced to t* n years imprisonment in Smga|Hirc will recall vividly to many
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  • 130 5 The musical evening at tin- rooms of tho Y.M.t'.A., on the 5 th mi si., proved most enjoyable and was a great success, the spacious hall Ik ing crowded by an audience which frequently showed appreciation of tho efforts of Mr. Salz-iiaiin in arranging the function. Those
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  • 4739 6 (VII) The next morning after breakfast, I saw the arrival of a vessel in five days from Nagasaki. 1 said to Warden, “Here’s a ship in five days, is that an average passage? Oh yes,” ho said, “from four to five days.' Then I should have time
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  • 258 7 The Kin*; and Queen have leut to the ictoria and Albert Museum and the Pctlinal Green Museum several examples of Chinese craftsmanship which formed the Coronation presents to their Majesties from the Chinese Imperial Family. The presents to the Queen are
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  • 1796 7 We came acroas a highly reap, < ted renident ot Singapore thin week- a t-ontleman of very sound principles and undoubted solidity who was in ecstacies over Mr. John Dill Boss's new book, “Sixty Years’ Life and Adveuture in the Far Fast glorying in the shameless
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  • 296 7 Mr. (ioh Say Knj», of who is ooine to China to represent the revolution aries of the Straits Settlements, F.M.S. and Dutch Indies (as re|Hirted in our columns on the r»11 1 inst.l, has arrived in Singapore, accompanied by Messrs. Tan Sin Client, ('lice Swee
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  • 149 7 Wo have ri'crivcd a oopy of tin* acknow Icdi’iiicnt of an address from residents, and a resolution hy the Leejslativo Council, of the Settlements on tlm occasion of Tlieir Majesties’ Coronation. It is signed by Mr. L. Ilaroourt, the Seeietary of State for the Colonies,
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  • 166 7 Mr. Francis It. Kllis, C.M.G., the Governor of liritisli North l.ornco, which otlicc recently bee.'ime vacant hy flu: retirement of Mr. K. I*, (iueritz, arrived hy the Herman mail on Hecember H, on his way to Sandakati. lie was received in Singapore l»y Mr.
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  • 47 7 To relieve the anxiety of the passengers aboard the <ilenfalloch and their relative*, the owner has cabled to Lloyd's Surveyor at Hongkong to charter a steamer to proceed to the Glcnfulloch at Gaalong Lay, take off her passengers, and tow her to llougkong.
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  • 43 10 Kbmi'.— At Ansdcll Lodge, Grange Hoad, Singai>orc, on December 11, the wife of A. Vincent Kemp, of a Hon. Mautin. —At the Maternity HoHpital, Singapore, on December 12, the wife of Mr. A. K. Martin, Hukit Asahau Estate, Malacca, of a son.
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  • 150 10 Smith Tiikakrk. —At Kt.Goorgc'sChurch, Penang, ou December 2, by the Rev. Frank Haines. Colonial Chaplain, Frederick William Smith to Hebecca Thcakcr, of the General Hospital Nursing Staff, Singapore. Siiknton—Jaookr At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on December 7, Enoch, eldest son of John Shcnton, Esq., of St. Helens, Lancashire, to
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1045 10 O —Straits Times, December 7. The speech of Herr Bethinann, Imperial Chancellor of Germany, does not strike us as one that is likely to improvo Anglo-Ger-man relations. He does not appear to have any fault to find with the tone of Sir Edward Grey’s recent exposition of
      O •—Straits Times, December 7.  -  1,045 words
    • 992 10 Straits Times, Decembers. I lie situation that lias arisen between Russia Persia is distressing. There was a very sincere hope, when the Anglo-Russian agreement determined the spheres within which 1 Britain and Russia should confine their commercial enterprises, that Persia would recognise the advantage of having two
      Straits Times, Decembers.  -  992 words
    • 971 10 Straits Times, December 9. To some extent the intensity of Unionist comment on the Insurance Hill is explained by a feeling in the party that it must bo up and doing. The Liberals have been in office for six years, and during the greater part of that
      Straits Times, December 9.  -  971 words
    • 977 11 ’—Straits Times, December 11. We were amused the other day to read au article by one of the soundest of the younger London writers, on what the people consider important. Mr. Filson Young had been working at homo all day, and in the cat 1} evening he strolled out
      ’—Straits Times, December 11.  -  977 words
    • 1055 11 manger is not ousted. —Straits Times, December 12. Wo remarked the other day while commenting on the condition of the General Hospital, that it possessed neither electric lights nor fans. That remark, perhaps, should havo been followed by an assurance that the disgraceful condition of tho institution
      manger is not ousted. —Straits Times, December 12.  -  1,055 words
    • 1137 11 Straits Times, December 13. The King's visit to ludiu promises to realize the utmost expectations of those who were bold enough to say that His Majesty did well to resolve u|>on a royal progress to tho City of the Kings, there to hold conference face to
      Straits Times, December 13.  -  1,137 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 95 10 Th« ro*t Ir price of the Straits Times ia $3B a year. 1 tie free price of the Straits Budget it $l4 a year It i* not neceimarv to subecribe for a year. The tub* •criptiont for shorter periods are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. The
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  • 592 12 The Committee of the Children’s Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following subscriptions:— Collected by Mrs. Ciscadkn. —Singapore Police Officers 822, Dr. Van liiju 810, Dr. Coronel 810, Dr. MacDougall 810, Dr. C. Werner 810, Mr. K. Struve 810, “A Well Wisher 85, Dr.
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  • 76 12 At a meeting of Scotsmen held in the Malacca Club on Sunday, it was unanimously decided to form a St. Andrew’s Society, at Malacca. 1 ho following oflice bearers were elected for the current year:—President, NV. M. Siiuu; vice president, H. W. Dunn; lion, secretary
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  • 418 12 Wo regret, says a recent issue of tlio Ceylon Mail, to announce the death of Mr. Walter van Cuylenburg, Suprintendent of the Correspondence Department of the Colonial Secretary’s Office, at the General Hospital, Colombo. The deceased, who had been laid up
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  • 136 12 We have received the advance statement of the export of tin from the Federated Malay States during tho months of January to November, 1911, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. The figures (catties and cents omitted)
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  • 98 12 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by tho Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during tho week ending December 2 there were 237 deaths, giving a ratio per mi lie of population of 38.78. Malarial fever accounted for 45 deaths, phthisis 18, convulsions 23, beri-beri 20,
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  • 726 12 One class of peoplo in Singapore the criminals, seem to have had a particular!,, abandoned time during last week If Not for a long, long time have the police !n<i such a tale of crime to rocord in their
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  • 129 12 As centenaries are so popular nowadays, it may be worth recalling that the present year is a notable anniversary in Anglo-Asiatic history. It was in the year 1811 that the British occupation of Java began, and Sir Stamford Hurtles had his first opportunity ot showing how able
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  • 1346 14 Berlin, December 5. A Mongolian delegation is being sent from St. Petersburg where it is declared, in Government circles, that the Mongols desire to be under Russia's protection. The Nowojo says that Russia must not hesitate to recognize the independence of Mongolians. The Russian Foreign Office learns that
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  • 115 15 A telegram was senton the 12th inst.. by the Singapore Hindu community to Delhi, says a correspondent, olferiug their hearty congratulations to H.I.M. the King-Emperor and the Queen- Empress on their Coronation as Emperor and Empress of India, respectivcly. A religious festival was held in
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  • 178 15 The first six launches under construction by the Central Engine Works for the Singapore Marine Motor Service, at ianjong R m, are now making a good show. It is anticipated that at least three of them will be delivered next month and the reuiaim 01 early
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  • 1080 15 His Majesty Somdetch Phra Paramendr Alalia ajiravudh, Pliri* Mongkut Klao, Kln •'■'lam, was crowned with fitting pomp and circumstance in Bangkok on Saturday, December 2. The spirit of the occasion was well voiced by tho Bangkok limes
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  • 445 15 The writer of the following letter to the Evening Standard, London is so well known locally, that the views ho so ably expresses are sure to be read with interest: Sir,-—One so seldom finds oneself in dis agreement with the views expressed in your admirable
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  • 163 15 The Straits friends »»f the Into John Bran son will loam with regret tlio nows of Ins (loath at tho age of n3, which sod > vent took place in Kurland on November K». On re tiring on a pension from tho chief clerkship of
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 124 15 (From Our Own ('oi:KKspoNDr.NT.) Kuala Lumpur, December 11. The annual inspection and field day of th* Malay States Volunteers took place on Saturday, at Kuala Lumpur, before MajorGeneral Stevenson, C.B. There were nine officers and 117 men on parade. In the afternoon the Bishop of Singa|)oi'o
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    • 78 15 (From Our Own CoIiukspondknt.) I'enang, December 12. Training for the January race meeting is in full swing, chief interest centring iu tho griffins and c\-griffins. Among those at present in training are Wellington, Millionaire, Sirdar, (’arlo, and The Friar, while Josephine, which has Im-cii sold to Sum itra,
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    • 29 15 (From Our Own Corrkmponhknt.) I’enang, Dccemlier 12. The result of the Municipal election hero is that Mr. (juali Betig K‘*e has been returned unopposed, receiving oM votes.
      29 words
    • 39 15 (From Our Own I'orrkhconiucnt.) I'enang, December 12. The lion. W. Evans, Resident Councillor, and the Commander of the Dutch cruiser I lei tog Hendrik have exchanged visits. The cruiser left to day for I'ulati Tikus.
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  • 257 15 The parties rcs|)ouMiblo for tin* partial burning of the small loe.d steamer Ophirin Singapore Harbour on Novemlter 21 wero punished liy tin* third magistrate, Mr. Maundr* II, on tin* l‘2Lh instant. Slew Ah Jin, a tinsmith, residing in
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  • 170 15 Seven deck coolies from the steamer Ijvih appeared in the Marine Court, on the 12 inst., before the Master Attendant, charged with assaulting Mr. A. II. Rarnes, chief officer of the vessel mentioned. Police Sergeant James prosecuted ami Mr. T. D. Parsons defended. Mr. Rarnes told
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 266 16 December 6 Meteor, lias. str., Remmerten, Batoum, P, Simons Perseus, Brit, str., Robinson, Liverpool, W. Mansfield Perfia, Ans. sir., Clennak, Trieste, R&utenberg Birkenfels, Ger. str., Freriohs, Newcastle, Boostf ad Edward Bary, Ottciuann, Vladivostok, Borneo Coy 7 A. A pear, Brit, sir., Hudson, Calcutta, A. Gilfillan Calliope, Brit, str Topp,
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    • 251 16 December 6 H&kata Mara, Jap. str., Colombo Bombay Namur, Brit str., Andrews via ports Ujina Maru. Jap. atr., Moji Minderoo, Brit, str., Fremantle via porta Ferando Poo, Span, atr., Iloilo Manila S. Van Langkat, Dut. atr., Rangoon 7 Meteor, Kus. atr., Vladivostock Peracua, Brit, atr., Japan via porta Taroba.
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  • 454 16 The refusal of a lifeboat crew to man their boat and the rescue of the solo survivor on a wrecked vessel by a scratch crew were described at an inquest at Rock, near Padstow, Cornwall, on November 14, upon the
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  • 177 16 It connection with the death of Mr. Holt llallett, M. Inst, C. E., it is interesting to recall that lie was formerly in the service of the Indian Public Works Department and largely concerned with railway works and extensions in Burmali. After taking part in
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  • 99 16 The following further subscriptions to the King Edward VII Memorial Fund are acknowledged by Mr. E. M. Jan ion, the honorary treasurer:—Amount previously acknowledged $115,140.19. Collected by Mr. Lim Peng Siang: Chops Bian Seng $lOO, Ban Siang Bee $lOO, Siang Hup $lOO, Liang Ho $5O,
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  • 97 16 Tho Chinese and Malay companies of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry, with the S.V.C. Rand and tho Cadets and Bearer Company, held their annual inspection on the 10th inst. They left tho S.V.C. Drill Hall headed by the Band, for Tank ltoac Station, where they entrained for Pasir Panjang.
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  • 266 16 SlNQAPORS, DkCEMBBB 18 1011. EXCHANGE. Ok Low doe—Bank 4 m/p M 2/4| Demand 2/4 3 8 a Private 8 m/ft 1'4|| 8 m/ft M 2/44 On GaauANf— Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/« 2424 On Fbaeci— Bank d/d M 204 Private 8 m/ft M 209 On India—
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  • 1014 16 Singapore, December 18, 1911. MINING. Issue !2 Value Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Beiat I id 8.75 4.00 10 10 Bruang 8.00 8 50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.75 2 00 41 41 Kinta Tiu 17.00 18.00 41 41 Labat Mines 12.6J 18.26 10 10 Malaooa Tin 2.00 5/•
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 263 17 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE TOOLS. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. i. Prompt Delivery. PROPRIETORS OF THE “PAT” TAPPING KNIFE. BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds; Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Estimates and designs free. LARGE STOCKS HELD of Pumps,
      263 words
    • 97 17 m -> i Before purchasing or hiring a piano send for New Illustrated Catalogue of V 1 '.14. W <• PIANOS Jl Over 1,300 of these High-class instruments are now in-use from MANCHURIA TO THE STRAITS. 4 I yb* t v#/. 4*. t ij v,';. V*’.j-'V. y .v k x
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 635 18 n mt <r v •OLI AQINti '■^P^WISBY'S W&WM5/J!- S GAS ENGINE AND SUCTION GAS PLANT. V (SUITABLE SUB ANTHBAGITB, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER FURLS) ri V* ijSSrvf mt i, to_ K&r* V t 1 4 r jd 1 <« A J IN U8E dfa&A t. 8 E8TATE8. h m s*
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 1155 1 We quote below the test available London list from the reports brought by the last mail, and add local quotations from tho list by Mossrs. Frasor and Co. (Singapore on the corresponding date for convenience
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    • 136 2 London and Singapore Kubbkr Pricks 1 Qrnrral— Singapore Rubber Auction 2 November Rubber Returns 8 The Rubber InduHtrv 8 Valorisation Proposal 8 American Rubber Exposition 8 Rubber Company Suod 5 Siak Indrapoera 8 Ankobra Rubber Estates 6 Malacca Rubber Auction 6 Invest Trustmcnt Flotation 8 Rubber Items 8 Kombok
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    • 171 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, December 12. The fortnightly rubber auction opened today with a strong, hopeful tone, and priees showed improvement on those of a fortnight ago. Four hundred and seventy-eight tons of plantation was offered (867
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    • 46 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, December 8. A London telegram, via Colombo, says it is announced that tho Rubber Plantations Investment Trust pays an interim dividend of five per cent. Sekong pays seven per cent and carries to reserve XI ,000 and forward X296.
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    • 113 2 At the fourteenth auction, held on Decomber 12, by the Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, 101$ cases weighing IOH J piculs, or 14,470 lbs., wero put up for salo and 78 cases, or 11,702 lbs, were sold. Prices made were as follows Smoked sheet $2BB to $247
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    • 918 2 An extraordinary general meeting of the Tocrangio Rubber Compauy, Ltd., was held at the offices of Messrs. Lowe, Bingham and Matthews, Hougkong, on November 22, to consider an important resolution respecting tlio sale and disposition of the undertaking and assets
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    • 578 2 The first report of the United Malaysian Rubber Company, Limited, for the year to May 31, ptatcs that the expectations of those who advised the board on the formation of the company liavo so far not been realised, and, instead of
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    • 636 2 From Mr. Stanley Arden, the lion, secretary and treasurer, we have received a copy of the report of the committee of the Stiawan and Dindings Planters' Association which was to have been presented at the first annual general meeting of the
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    • 334 2 Presiding at the first annual meeting of tho Tikam Batu Rubber Company, Mr. Walter Wysard said that tho property had turned out better than anticipated. When the company had purchased it they believed it contained about 8,000 trees, three years' old, and
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    • 37 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, December 7. A Colombo rubber wire states that tho following interim dividends have been declared: Highlands and Lowlands, third, 7J per cent; Cicely 75 per cent; Bakap 5 per cent.
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    • 1879 3 Tho fourth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Tandjong Rubber Company, Limited, was held on November 14, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C. Mr. Charles Arthur Lampard (chairman) presiding, saidDealing with the accounts first,
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    • 449 3 The second annual report of the Sungoi Hahru Rubber Estates, Limited, for the year to .lime HO, states that tapping was com menced on May 24, 1911, and a small (piantity (895$ lbs.) of rubber was harvested. Tho estimate of
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    • 234 3 Morliraau.— 8,700 lbs. Singapore Para.—7,575 lbs. Sungoi llnhru. —1,400 lbs. Hcvca (Jobore). —2,914 lbs. Hertam. —121,OHO lbs. Kern pas, Ltd.—1,920 lbs. Hukit Jclotong.—1,800 IbH. Maluka Pinda. —November 4,201 lbs. United Tomianj* (K.M.S.) —21,095 lbs. Panokattan. —20,000 lbs. Seekoo. —9210 lbs. Indraf'iri (Sumatra). —1,291 lbs. Tambulak. —2,2100 lbs.
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    • 543 3 The following information relating to the rubber industry is taken from the L. and C. Express of November 17 Tho market for Para has txsm very quiet, with au easier tendency. Hard Kino on tho spot aud November-December delivery closes
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    • 233 3 According to the (lummi /fitting, tho so called rubber valorisation scheme in lira/.il has recently received zealous consideration tit various meetings of the Congress. The (lovernment projstsal for the flotation of a loan of £6,000,000 has l>eon worked out, and the interest
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    • 2818 4 Tho third ordinary general meeting of the Brieh Kubber Estates, Ltd., was hold on November 10, at the Great Eastern Hotel, Bishopsgate, E.C., Mr. K. Moreau, tho chairman of the company, presiding. 1 he Chairman in the
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    • 782 4 The adjourned first annual general meeting of tho shareholders of this company was held at the head office, No. 1, Foochow Road Shanghai, on November 15. Tho directors present were Messrs. H. Robertson, (presidiug), A. M. Evans, and Von Fischerz.
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    • 1595 5 The second annual meeting oftheSungei Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber Companv Ltd was held on November 15, at tin? roistered offices of the Company, 5, Whittington avenue, London, L.C., Mr. A. G. Angier (Chairman of the Company) presidin'* Tho
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    • 144 5 The following gentlemen so far, have agreed to act on the Hon. Advisory Comniittec for the European section I resident Sir Henry A. Blake, G.C.M.G.; vice-president, llight Hon. Lord Elphinstone; Sir Daniel Morris K.C.M.G.; D.C.L.; D.Sc.; Sir Wil iam Treacher K.C.M.G.; Hon. K. Fielding, Hon. E Haling,
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    • 442 5 At tho meeting of tho Sagga Rubber Company, Limited, on November 11, Mr. J. H. Starey said he trusted that the shareholders would share the view of tho board that tho progress of their enterprise was fairly satisfactory. During the year they had
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    • 307 5 The report of the Kisumii Rubber Instates, Limited, for the period from the incorpora tion of the company to Juno .‘10, states that the total acreage of the estates acquired was 5,950 comprised in threo blocks Mumias Road 472, Kibos 0,478 and Kibigori 2,(HX). Tho directors havo
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    • 99 5 At Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court, on December 6, the Federated engineering Company, of Kuala Lumpur, sued Ihikit Rajah Rubber Company for $2,000, balance of contract for work done this year. Originally the sum of 98,954.40 was claimed by plain tiffs, but of this sum $6,951.10 was paid
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    • 589 5 Dr. J. Q. NijhuiH created an cmharaMsing scene in the llritish Supreme Court, Shanghai, yesterday morning, says the China Press of November 21, when he excitedly declared that the defence in his suit against the Siak
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    • 149 5 At a meeting of tho shareholders of the Sinjopak l(uhlw:r Instates, held at Shanghai ou November 2‘.f, an informal resolution was adopted by tlio shareholders calling an extraordinary general mooting for tlio purjioHo of voting ou a resolution for voluntary liquidation. Tho mooting
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    • 566 6 An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Molesworth Brothers' Rubber Estates, Limited, was field, on November 10, at Winchester House, Old Rroad Street, E.C., for the purpose of receiving a report of the proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting held on October 25
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    • 221 6 The report of tho Kurunegala Rubber Company, Limited, for the year to June 530 states Unit tho acreage of land held remains at about 1,5350 acres, of which some 978 acres are now under cultivation. The plantings have been mainly with llevea Jirasiliensis, excepting in exposed and wind
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    • 398 6 The r«*|)ort of tho Narborough (F.M.S.) Rub ber Estate, Limited, for tho period from the incorporation of tho compauy on April 27, 1910, to Juno 80, 1911, a period of 14 months, states that tho estate comprises tho area j of
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    • 191 6 In the Companies Wiuding-up Court, on November 14, tho petition of A. H. Murgatroyd and another for the compulsory windingup of the Ankobra Rubber Estates, Limited, came before Mr. Justice Swinfen Eady, when counsel for the company asked for
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    • 67 6 The following prices of rubber were realized on the sale of rubber at the Auction Mart, Malacca, on Saturday Sheet 1 at $240.30 per picul Sheet 2 at 233.00 Crepe at 238.00 Scrap crepe... at 200.00 Hark crepe... at 192.00 Scrap untreated 164.00 All lots were disposed
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    • 104 6 A w T ire in the Times of Ceylon, dated the 1st inst., says :—Another Rubber Plantations Investment Trust baby is appearing on Monday, namely, the Rail Lias Tobacco and Rubber Company, with a capital of £300,000, of which *****,000 is being issued in XI shares. Tho
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    • 676 6 An adjourned meeting of the South Sumatra Rubber Estates, Limited, was held to receive the committee's report. Mr. Parsons, who presided, said that at the tirst meeting it had been projw>scd to wind up the company. After a long discussion a committee
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    • 97 6 It is reported in Colombo that Mr. E. W* Dartnell, a planter of Peacock Hill estate, has shot himself. The manager of the Nyalas Rubber Estates reports that the output of tapioca for November amounted to 184 piculs, dry weight. A London wire of November 25 says:— The
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    • 405 6 The report of tho AugloSumatra Itnbu. C ompany, Limited, states that tho acre,,;? for the year to May 81 show a profit 2, providing for depreciation of buildings and machinery, and charging to revenue the un keep of the whole planted area,
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    • 338 6 Tlio report of the Hevea Rubber Trust, Limited, for the period to June 30, states that in accordance with the prospectus and in view of the policy approved by the shareholders at a meeting held on December 9 last, the
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    • 78 6 Messrs. Outhrio and Co. inform us ,a they have received cable advice from Eondo that a call of one shilling per share ing the shares fully paid) has been made 0 the partly paid shares of this company, P'V* able to tiie Hoyal Hank of Scotland. n
      78 words