The Straits Budget, 2 November 1911

Total Pages: 26
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget /OL. LXV NO. 2803 BEING TiiE WEEKLY ISSUE OE THE ‘STRAITS TIMES.” Singapore, Thursday, November 2, 1911. (STABIISHtU OVIII HAlf A ot* T li# Price 25 cents
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  • 325 1 LKADLRS— Mr. Winston C hurchill ,s I'lu* Federal Council n The Jimah Judgment H-9 I lie 1 ripoli War 9 Ihe Imliaeiii Meotiue 9-10 I lie Railvvaymen’s Revolt 10 Lee VL \NI» GICNKItAL Local and lVrsonal 1-2 helt ra Decreasing 9 Neutrality During the War 4 Hvetlo
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  • 3610 1 notified, in tin’ F.M.S. Gazette, that "*l ini <l(‘Hij»iiation of lI.K. the *****11 will in future bo “11.10. the oiuMiisHioiK’r tor the Malay States 11 be use of the <l< on <olll 1 ,l l'"r tb Fed-rated Malay Stans" neetorth b dis ontinuoil in all otli<• i;»1
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  • 16 2 [1 bfc Straits 1 imes is not reß{.onai le for the opinions of its orren|>on<l<‘ntH.
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  • 813 2 To the Editor of the StruitH Times. Sir, —Your Budget of September 7 made good reading with its report of the numerous indignation meetings you have had protesting against the new Municipal Bill. I am sure the Municipal Commissioners of two years ago ought to be most
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  • 170 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Ho v is it uone of the theatrical companies or circuses have paid us a visit after leaving Singapore, and why don't Messrs. Paulusz, Melrose, Dr. Carl L p, and others like them, come this way 1 1 arc certain to
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  • 1294 2 To the Editor of the Straits Tinie*. Sir,—In your issue of the lsth instant, your Penang special correspondent, aft. r letailing the manv unfortunate incidents in the Pulau Jerejak quarantine station, runeluded by saying that the Medical Stall was inadequate, as at the camp itself there wa*
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  • 350 2 To the Editor of the Straits ’1 itnes. Sir. The world at present seems to have gone mad. It is seldom that a parallel can be found in modern history with the present when we hear nothing but wars, revolutions, organised plunders and industrial upheavals. hat is the
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  • 796 2 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have from the very beginning boon a regular passenger on the K.M.S. night trains and am still making the trip up and down once a week. The accommodation, specially of the sleeping cars, in use since beginning
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  • 1080 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —On Saturday. 2lst instant, a Tamil friend of mine died at the quarantine camp of small pox, lie was removed there from his residence on the morning of the Iffth instant. He was working under Government as a clerk.
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  • 110 2 To the Kditorof the Straits I i:nes. Sir, I la y to Iniliy to the notice of your coitcs|m unit nt that a society u nd« i tin name of tiie Sinyapoie i hrisLian Fi i. nd In Need Society was founded some years ayo on the
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  • 444 2 To the Kditor of tlio Straits Tines. Sir, I think Government might take hi hand tin' question of storage of rellnloid lilniH him I goods. Tin; tin* last, at Bathe I’n n s ini^*lit Iiiivi* liii l iiiii<*h morn serious consequences had it st trUsI an hour
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  • 259 2 A more pleasing state of affairs in eonmc tion with the potential epidemic of cholera in Singapore is recorded in the mortality statistics for the week elided October 21. The total of deaths from the disease was 29, against 19 the previous week. Of the former number five
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  • 2395 4 SENSATIONAL ALLEGATIONS 01TAMIL WOMAN. Contradictory Statements. Throughout the whole of on October 2u the special jury hearing the charge of murder brought against A. I*. Marie, a municipal road inspector, and his son in law. Ik ('aldera. a dresser, sat listening to the evidence o! the
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  • 200 4 A Government Gazette Extraordinary, bearing date October 15 1 contains the text of the proclamation of neutrality by H. M. the Kino during the continuance of the war betweou Italy and Turkey. This is published under instructions received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
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  • 307 4 A correspondent writes: Anyone looking at a heavily, and ofttimes. over laden bullockcarton the busy street sof Singapore with its ponderous yoke pressing upon the necks of the draught oxen, would naturally come to the conclusion that a society for the prov >ll tiou of cruelty to
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  • 120 4 The hired transport Kohilla was not due from home until November 1. but at six o'clock the evening before she was observed steaming slowly into port and berthed at the I*, and wharf. She left S mthampton <>u October 4, with about 1.000 details aboard. She
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  • 102 4 It will be a lucky day for India, says tin Englishman (Calcutta), if the projected rail way scheme is carried out to build it line front Suez to this country. Tin; revolution in tran spoliation facilities between here* and Lug land will indeed be ;t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 SALE OF PROPERTY. Seaside Residences Disposed of By Auction. The following Singapore properties were disposed by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co's sale-room on October .‘51. There was a large attendance of buyers: lielmont House, fronting the sea at Siglap, area 72,750 sipiaro feet, freehold, H. Sonia puli S*.• <
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  • 600 5 Followin'' are the entries for the Singa pore Autumn race meeting this mouth:— First Day (Tuesday, Nov. 7.) 1. Thk Oi'kmm; Stakks. Honey bear, Hay Ronald, Melodist, /anibar. Benevolence, Lossie, Toni Lees, Browning, Nark y Dale, Rougt -et-Noir, Howhill. 2. —Tiik I*a\ii.ion
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  • 480 5 In the Bankruptcy Court, on October 27 the public examination was eomiiieueed before Mr. Justice Fisher, of Dr. F. W. Goonetilleke. of Hurricane House, and the Pharmacy, North Bridge Bond. Kxamined by Mr. P. F. David, Otlicial Assi gllee, debtor said that
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  • 291 5 Tht! preliminary enquiry into the murder of a bricklayers kepala on the Bukit Sembawang Rubber Kstates at Tampeuis on the night of October I, was opened in the second magistrate’s court on Oct. 27. The deceased s inline was Ncow Kooti and the accused is a Hokieti
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  • 40 5 The follow ine further subscriptions to the KinKdward VII Memorial I’uud have been received Amount previously acknowledged 5112,640.19 Tone Shoon Konesi, 2,000. I'ahani» Consolidated Co. Ltd., ihuantuni -00. I lon. W. I >. Ilarnes WMh 511 f.h'.io.l'.*
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  • 599 5 Tli« .Municipal Commissioners met mi October 27 ninler tin* presidency of Mr. I’. *1. 11 alii fax. I’lie other memliers of the board present were the Non. Nr. ('rmieher, Messrs. .1. Carapiet, NS. I lean, Tan Klieain Hock, A. M. S. Augullia; It.
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  • 249 5 Mr. Kiliani left Singapore for en route for Australia, by the Dei man mail last week end. lie ones to the oreat Southern Dominion as Consul Dencral, and bis many friends in Singapore warmly coueratulate him on a eoiispieuoiis and well merited promotion. Hut we shall all
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  • 853 5 Fortunately the heavy rainstorm early on Saturday afternoon cleared in time to enable the annual athletic sports of the Singapore Recreation Club to be eoncludcd. (Mi account of the sodden state of the ground the results obtained were not quite 1 as
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  • 556 6 A binder crowd of s|M.*ctators tlmn is usual even at final tennis tics was present <>n Oclo b<*r :M) to watch the match between Mr. L. K. Gaunt and Captain Finches, 11.A.M.C. In the ordinary eourse of events
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  • 316 6 A banquet open to m> mbi r* of the St. Andrew'* Society and tin ir guests and other Scuts resident, without hiciial ion, is to he held on NoVi other in lion mi ni Scotland's patf' n saint. There wiil ho no hall. This Was d> eided
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  • 653 6 The prosecutions arising out of tin recent shooting accident in tin.* godown of Messrs. Katz ItroH., Ltd., did not occupy the time of the third magistrate lone. Loth defendants. Kiuil Geier (charged with causing hurt by a rash acti and A.
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  • 249 6 Messrs. Ilowarth Krskine, Limited, are to be congratulated on their new catalogue of general requisites. It is on quite a novel plan. The cover is still cloth, bound in two put ts, joined by adjustable screws, and the sheets of the catalogue are perforated and placed in
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  • 228 6 A Malay man and his mother, both of whom reside* at 6.‘>, Kampoiif' I toko. wore charged, before Mr. Firmstoneon October 27, with having tailed to report a case of cholera. Dr. Campbell, assistant Municipal Health Officer, prosecuted anti asked permission to
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  • 222 6 The privilege just gained by the South Lancashires of having a change of marching tune is very rare, and most regiments cling to their time-honoured tuues because of their historical or interesting origin. For example, because during the Peninsular War the loth Slierwood Foresters marched all night
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  • 125 6 France will have the biggest sailing vessel in the wot Id. Slit- is to !>>• launched within a few weeks and will be called La France, like tin' new steanu r bring completed for the French Line. She w ill replace the first sailing ship of the
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  • 120 6 The report and balance sheet of Selangor Turf Club shows a loss of $7,1(59.80 on tlio year's working. The report states: -This disastrous state of affairs has made it necessary to recommend that the Club do not hold a race meeting in 1912. but a
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  • 79 6 Apropos of the theft of da Vinci’s masterpiece, the following amusing report was published in a Chicago paper:—“ln the last days of August a young lady visitor, Miss .locondo, was abducted in broad daylight by a daring ravishcr while she was visiting the Louvre Museum. This regrettable
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  • 835 6 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) Hongkong, Octobei The Hon. Warren Delabere Barnes, Cok nu! Secretary, Hongkong, while playing polo at Happy Valley, on Saturday afternoon, hll from liis pony dead. A Naval Officer who
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  • 234 7 The groat Chinese conjurer Hun I‘ong Cliien, ami his uhle troupe of gymnasts, jugglers and contortionists, attracted quite a good house for the opening performance at the Victoria Theatre, on October 20. They are as clever a company in their liue
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  • 341 7 I he whole of Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co.’s block of buildings in Stamford Uoad escaped destruction on October 2b. solely through the work of the Fire brigade who, at about 9.45, were cal »d upon to cope with what threatened to bo tin- most serious
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  • 118 7 A notification appears in tin* Calcutta Ha/ette to tlie efiect that tin 1 Lieutenant Governor in Conueil hereby declares tie l following davs to be public holidays on account of the Imperial Ihirbar to be held at I’elhi and in honour ot tin' visit ot I
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  • 132 7 I welve in number, seven gentlemen and hve Indies, young. bright, musical and strong ■n comedy,” is the description given by Mr. l ied Coyne of the latest addition to comI’ :i,| i< sin tb<» Kast. which be expects to pie s,,, d to a
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    • 329 7 Singapore Oolf Club. The Captain's cup competition, the conditions of which were uino holes match play against bogjy under handicap was played during the month of October. Mends •rs were allowed to take out any number of cards the winner to be the member who returned the four best
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  • 121 7 A telegram from San Francisco, on October 7, says that the wireless operators there exchanged the previous day for the first time messages with Japan over (i.OOO miles of ocean. The San Francisco operator receives! instructions to listen for calls from the Jaf lilllese operate! on the island
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  • 262 7 Counsel engaged in the Curonia cholera case Mr. Kdmonds, D.IM’., for the prosecution and Mr. Kveritt for the defence appeared again in the District Court on October JO. Mr. Kveritt stated that the ship bad not arrived f*om Calcutta y« that as she hud left I
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  • 468 7 'The following interesting Chinese deed of the sale of a girl was read in the course of the hearing of a kidnapping ease before bis Honour tho Acting Chief Justice and a jury at the
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  • 230 7 The new armoured battle cruiser Indomitable which is io be the ilagsiupof the Inna Squadron, taking the place of the smaller armoured cruiser Mino’aiir, which lias been flagship since Februaiy, 1910, has a displacement of 17,2*0 ton*, as compared with the Minotaur's 1 1.000 tolls, and she carries
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  • 185 7 The decision of the Admiralty to send a Dreadnought cruiser as flagship of the China Squadron will he heartily welcomed by Hri tisli residents in the Far Fast, and by every one having interests in that part of the world, remarks the London and China KxpresH.
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  • 244 7 In their weekly share circular, dated Oetolwr 25, Messrs. Fraser and Co. say: I 110 past week lias seen a coimid) ruble fall m sterling rubbers att rihutisi to foi red selling and lower prices for tho raw material. Local stocks
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  • 317 7 Tin* King has selected his Serene High mss I’rinee Alexander of Teak, G.C.8., G.C Y. 0., D.S.D., to represent bis Majesty at the Coronation of the King of Siam in December next. Ills Serene Highness will be attended by the following gent leinen Lieutenant General Sir J.
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  • 315 7 The second ami third d.uighh is of the l.’ev. Timothy liichard, DD. Lit.D. were married at the same time at I ni >n t iiurcli, Shanghai, on October 11. Mi is Mary Celia liichard was married to Mr. Norman Lennox Napier (acting accountant ot the Inter
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1188 8 from ruinous and futile competition.—Straits Times, October 20. We arc Home what surpiiscd that none of our liOiulon contemporaries Imvt- stateil the chief reason for Mr. Winston t hmehills transfer from the Home Otliec. When the great strikes woe at their worst in August last Mr. Churchill
      from ruinous and futile competition.—Straits Times, October 20.  -  1,188 words
    • 1103 8 a death-trap reputation —Straits Times, < k-to* her *27. Notliin*' particularly exciting has taken place at the sittings of the Federal Council which have just conchulcd at Kuala Lumpur. The members of the Council are practical men who hoc no wisdom in turning the legislative body into
      a death-trap reputation—Straits Times, < k-to* her *27.  -  1,103 words
    • 1248 8 Straits Times, October 2N. We have read the Jinmh judgment with a good *ieiil of surprise ami disappointment. It conveys a suggestion that action was taken in a form—that, instead of claiming compensation from Mr. Loh Clink roll, which they might conceivably have done with success, the
      Straits Times, October 2N.  -  1,248 words
    • 1124 9 —StraitH TiiucH, October HO. Our Italian friends are already i&gt;cginuing to see that their arrival in Tripoli is not regarded as a heaven sent boon by tho Arab population. We do not doubt that these Arabs would prefer to be quite free, and that they would turn
      .—StraitH TiiucH, October HO.  -  1,124 words
    • 1189 9 to the* company as a whole.—Struits Times, October :tl. Xcal is a merit when tempered with discretion, and we welcome very cordially any signs of zeal among the shareholders of a rubber company, because the common fault is to let gross mismanagement nnd even worse things pass
      to the* company as a whole.—Struits Times, October :tl.  -  1,189 words
    • 1238 10 higher appreciation of quality.—Straits TiinuH, November 1. If there be any lock of firmness during the next few weeks, a great change w*ill be effected in the relations of capital and labour in the United Kingdom. Hitherto employers have been regarded as possessing a right to manago
      higher appreciation of quality.—Straits TiinuH, November 1.  -  1,238 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 Ihr Vo«l freo |»ricit th*i Straits 7 &lt;mr.' in &gt;i y* tr i he pokt (ret price of ti e Straits huugit ik $l4 year. It m not neccasarv to »ul&gt;*cnl&gt;e (or a year. 1 hi- *ul&gt;♦criptionn for ■horter periods are at the name proportionate rate at for a year.
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  • 27 8 DEATH. SiikkiiY. On October 'is, at 11, I'ort Canning Load. SingajHire, K ithlccn,daughter of Mr. A. J. Slicedy and Mrs. Sliecdy, aged two years and 9 months.
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 113 10 i From Our Own Correspondent). Hongkong, October 25. The new Tartar-General of Canton, His Excellency Fung Shan, has been killed by a bomb and ten of his bodyguard either killed or wounded. lie had just landed and was proceeding to his Yamcu when a bomb was
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    • 352 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 25. At the Federal Council meeting, which opened at 10.DO a.ui. to-day, there was a representative attendance of the chief oflicial members of the Council, and members of the general community. Lady Evelyn Young and several ladies were present during
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    • 292 10 I From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 25. Detective-Inspector Charles Henry Wyatt has instituted proceedings against William Proudlock, claiming $1,000 damages for maliciously causing to be published, in M.A.P., a statement to the effect that Proudlock was in a position to prove that two witnesses
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    • 71 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, October do Exceptional floods have occurred at Kuala Lumpur. Many districts arc under water and motoring and pedestrian ism in certain place* is extremely difficult. Hundreds of bouse* aro flooded, the river having risen to a er..',, height. at The Episcopalian
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    • 73 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, October DO. Four houses are to be built at Kuala hum pur for use by the Sultans of Perak, Selangor. Pahang and the Yam Tuan of tho Nearj Setnbilan. The houso to be assigned to tho Sultan of Selangor is estimated to
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    • 52 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 2b. The wedding took place to-day at St. Mark’s Church, Butterworth, of Dr. John Sutton Webster, medical officer, General Hospital. Penang, to Miss Maty Ashworth Waliusley, only daughter of the late Mr. James Wahusley, of Oldham, F.ugland. The Kev. J. L.
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    • 104 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 2b. After a slump, the Hangoou rice market during the last few days has seen a rise. Yesterday, 7,500 lbs. fetched Ks. GOO at Hangoon, an increase of Us. 25 in less than a week. The price of Uaugoon rice
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    • 86 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 27. Prince and Princess Chakrabongse, of Siam, arrived by the German mail ami were wel coined by Mr. Xeubronncr, Siamese Consul, and Phya Kasada, High Commissioner of Puket. The party procee *ed toChakrabougst House, where the Kesideut-Councillor called ou the Prince,
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    • 103 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 27. Mr. F. Knocker, formerly of the F.M.S. Government service, will arrive at Penang shortly on a visit connected with tbo business of the Scientific Development and Cultural Association, Ltd., which w a combination of scientists skilled in all branches of
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    • 145 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan}*, October 2$. The Straits Echo reports that tlio Canton Chamber of Commerce has wired to f lai *y e Yin, of Penan}*, that a great public meeting has been held at Canton, with the to countenance and participation of the otncia s, under
      145 words

  • 1474 13 Berlin, October 25. The suggestion of a conference on Tripoli has been declined by tho Triple Alliance. For the present there will be no intervention, but later on the Bowers intend making a joint approach to Turkey for the conclusion of peace. Bulgaria has again given the Bowers
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  • 371 14 Reporting on the teak and timber trade of Si am din-ini' 1910, Mr. Hoi'*', Acting ViceConsul at thiengmni, says that tlio otlicial returns show a total of 109,209 logs, as against 99,075 for tlio preceding year. He proceeds “The floating season
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 292 14 October 28 Ger. str., Wolff, Swatow, Behn Meyer Kurama, Jap. oru., Ishu, Colombo Tone, Jap. era., Yamngachi, Co'otnbo W. Ish Prince, Brit, str., Sbepperd, Hongkong. Boustead 21 Lightning. Brit, str., Smith, Calcutta, Paterson Simons Asdang Siam, str., Christiansen, Bangkok, Ea-t Asiatic Coy. Rumphius, Dut. str., Donck, Deli, Ships Agency,
      292 words
    • 241 14 October 26 Rhesus, Bri*. str., Antwerp via ports Likhtnug, Brit, str., Hongkong ramba, But. str., N#g&lt;patarn via ports B*nga!a. Brit, str., C ticutta via ports 27 Upida, Brit, str., S urabaya .Mind' roo, B'it. str., Fremantle via ports Rumphiu-i, Dut. str., Sourabaya Vadala, B; if. str Madras and Cdcutta
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  • 246 14 SUfGAPOlK, NoVKMBKR 1. 1911 EXCHANGE. Or Lordor —Bank 4 m/s 2/4^ Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/s 2/4)7 do 8 m/i 2/4 Or GaaaAMt—Bank d/ i 288) Private 8 m/« 242) On Franc h —Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/i m 2(8) On India—Bank T. T. M 174
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  • 1106 14 SlNQAPORR, XoVKMBBB 1, 1911. MINING. Issue r!? Buyers, Sellers 10 10 Belst Tin 4X0 4,16 10 10 Bruang 8 CO 4 00 10 10 Kanaboi 160 1 70 £1 41 Kiuta Tin 17.23 19 00 £1 41 Labat Mines 12 CO 12.75 10 10 Malacca Tin 2
    1,106 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 *-y i'i r'A „s&lt; %S& 'i*oiw' &lt;5*'* i% 2' £fS &lt; SOLI IOINTS FOR HORNMV’S ERSKINE. LD gas engine and suction gas plant. (SUITABLE FOR ANTHRACITE, COKE, CHARCOAL AND OTHER FUELS). AJB &gt;]k:4p&lt; 'v» yJ* NOW IN U8E ON NUMER0U8 E8TATE8 BIG 8UCCE88. •*rvTvJ AGENTS FOE HORNSEY'S tA'.'u?!. 4. ■sr*
      201 words
    • 425 15 Tkt only 4 ledlelne of the kind awarded a certificate a! the Calcutta Exhibition, 1863*4, open to §B Registered. HHHPI Dr. LALOR’S trad PHOSPHODYHE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. For forty Years hat maintained ha world-wide reputation aa the Best and only safe reliable
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 290 16 Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders, EBTATE TOOLS. BIORES ANO REQUISITES. Lartfe Stooke. Prompt Delivery. PBOPRIBTOBB OF THB .«PAT" TAPPING KNIFE. BERTRAM’S Rubber Machinery AWARDED Ist PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. Estimates and designs free. Tree Jacks, Oils, Paints,
      290 words
    • 56 16 Before purchasing or hiring a piano send for New Illustrated Catalogue of Moutrie t PIANOS. r 4. Over 1,300 of these High-class instruments are now in use from MANCHURIA TO THE STRAITS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PRICES FROM $240 CASH or in Terms to Suit You. HIRE FROM $lO PER MONTH. S.
      56 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 303 10 RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY, With many Tablaa of Valuation Fonaoaata of Production, and Istimataa of Future Profit a. Reprinted from the Strait• Time*. THIRO EDITION. rbiB valuable series of articles, republished first in September, 1910, ia a convenient pocket form has been bo popular that the second edition
      303 words