The Straits Budget, 30 March 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXV NO. 2772 Singapore, Thursday, March 30,1911. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 Cents.
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  • 251 1 LEADERS— Germau Savings 10 When West Meets East... 10 Sold! 10-11 Doctors in China 11 Should Port Dickson Sell? ...11-12 Woman aud Word 12 Local ani> General— Local and Personal 1 Legislative Council 2 Mr. Cook Nominated for Council... 2 The Colony’s Prisons 2 Aviators Leave for
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  • 1686 1 R. E. Stubbs, who was sent by the olonial Secretary to Ceylon, Hongkong, and Straits Settlements, to inquire into and •'■port upon certain departments of the administrations of those Colonies, has returned to the Colonial Office, and has drawn U P a valuable report on the results
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  • 2251 2 Six new measures were intnxluced into the Legislative Council at tin meeting, on March 21. There were present: His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, G. C. M. G.; His Excellency the < »eneral Officer Commanding the
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  • 208 2 A special general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange was held on March 24 for the purpose of nominatin'' a representative on the Legislative Council as substitute for the Hon. D. T. Boyd, the Chamber’s representative, who has been granted leave of
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  • 99 2 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending March 18 there were 212 deaths, giving a ratio tier milk* of population of 37.82. Malarial fever accounted for 30 deaths, phthisis 21, convulsions 16 beri beri 11.
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  • 653 2 The annual report on the prisons of the Straits Settlements in 1910 was laid upon the table at Friday's Legislative Council meeting. The aggregate figures show that there were in prison on January 1, 1910, 1,14;{ prisoners. During the
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  • 123 2 i l wo eat,1H occurred last week from cholera in the household of Mr. Edgai iahstan, engineer to the Marine Department, who resides at Pulau Brani. His hither-in-law, Mr. Minjoot, was in bad health and went to live with him recently. CO I\ tract d cholera
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  • 947 3 The more important business brought forward at the annual meeting of the Swimming Club em March 27, was the recommendation that an aquatic carnival lx; held e»n June 17, ami that a now rule lie made respecting the
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  • 261 3 The recent aviation display on the Singapore racecourse was not a financial success, and the promoters of it leave us with a considerable debit balance to their account here. 1 he flying itself was not so satisfactory’ as it
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  • 210 3 The acting Colonial Treasurer rejH>rts, in connection with the system of loans to members of the subordinate Government service inaugurated by Government to keep them from running into debt and having recourse to moneylenders, that from April to December, 1910, advances amounting to 521,436.30 were made.
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  • 212 3 The total revenue collected by the Singapore Land Office in 1910 (exclusive of revenue from forests. Sultan Ali’s (‘state and the Rural Board) was 9:105,400, against 9155,859 in 1909, says Mr. Fairer in his annual report laid on the table at the Legislative Council meeting
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  • 135 3 Mr. E. M. Janion, lion, treasurer of the King Edward VII Memorial Fund, sends for publication the following further list of subscriptions received Amount previously acknoyvlcdged 568,822.42 The Shipsagency /gjq Coode Son and Matthews 260 Wm. Menke and Co.
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  • 197 3 A liner of the mercantile marine will be selected for the Royal visit to India in November, as the experiment of altering the cruiser Renown for the occupation of their Majesties, when Prince and I’rineess of Wales, does not encourage repetition. It is to be remembered
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  • 171 3 Judging by some of Mr. St. J. BraddeU's observations when reading the evidence taken at the magistracy to Mr. Justice Fisher, sitting in appellate jurisdiction, on March 27, the recent gambling raid in which Lint Soli Cliwee and Row Quec were said to have been concerned, must
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  • 211 3 Sikhs on bicycles, armed with long swords and carrying electric lamps of many huso have been set at large for the purpose of securing heads for the foundations of the Lagoon I)<x:k at Tanjong Pagar! So we are assured by a Chinese corrosjiondent who avers that rumours
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  • 600 3 In tho Supreme Court, on March 28,before the acting Chief Justice, Sir Archibald Law, the suit was commenced in which the Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., are suing tho Straits Steamship Company, Ltd., for damages arising out of
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  • 173 3 In the discussion of the Army Estimates much criticism was directed against tho official publication of (icncral Sir lun Hamilton h Memorandum on Compulsory Service;. Lieut, (ten. Sir R. Pole-C'arew, (’nionist Mendx*r for South Last Cornwall, in making Ins
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  • 13 4 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 639 4 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. H*ir, It Government's real reason for refusing facilities is what you suggest, it seems rather a pity that it should waste the time of the 1 1 amIx r of ('ommcrcc over a couplft of false wents. And even if you
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  • 1492 4 I o the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, The article of 20th inst. on “An endless life spoke I think as if it were a truth provable, proved, known, irrefutable and unquestioned, that just as glandular organs have for their manifest function the secretion of rheum
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  • 355 4 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir.—It has been w isely decided to form a I *ro< I nee Brokers’ Association in Singajwre: w hy not a Stock and Share Brokers' Association also There is not the faintest doubt that such an Association would be beneficial to
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  • 128 4 I o the hditor of the Straits Times. Sir. -May I. through the medium of your valuable paper, call the attention of* the Municipal Commissioners to the lighting of the streets in Malacca? Most of the streets, of late, have been left in total darkness. Is this
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  • 318 4 T° Ha Iitor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Some time ago the hours of attendmice at the Untiles Institution were altered an earlier start being made and an earlier ti nisii, the hours being from 7.45 a.ui. to 1 p. hi. These hours do not work well as
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  • 327 4 An interesting judgment was giveW iu the Supreme Court, on March 27 by Mr. Justice Fisher, iu connection with Chap Ji Kee lotteries. Tan (Juan hud been convicted by Mr. Hohinson on charges of writing the lottery tickets, assisting in carrying
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  • 107 4 1 he shipping community of the Straits have been cautioned by the conservator of the Port that from about April 9, for three or font days, three submarine vessels will be berthed in Singapore Hoads seaward of the not tltern portion of the new mole under construction.
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  • 149 4 A successful trial took place on March -•> o tin 1 Helen, a small craft to trade between the rubber estates on the coast in .Johore territory and Singapore. The principal dimensions are length H(K, beam 1(1\ depth 7' <>". She is fitted out with Clyde111,11 e
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  • 387 5 The report to l>e submitted at the annual •uceting of the Tanglin Club, on March 81, 4 t 9 p.m., states —The aecouut for the year will be considered satisfactory when compared with last year in that it shows an vxcchk
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  • 257 5 At the meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Parliam«*ntary Debating Society, held at the Y.M.C.A. on March 22, about twenty-five men were in attendance, ami took part m a very interesting discussion on the recommendations ,e>f the Municipal Enquiry Commission.
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  • 146 5 \n occasional corresjjondent writes, on March 18:-Great activity is being displayed m the majority of plantations in the interior Kelantan. thanks to the continued dry weather, planters should experience some m ollent burns.—On the arrival of a batch coolies at Lower Sokor Kstate on the inst., one
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  • 172 5 We gave in a recent issue the successes achieved by Singajxire scholars in the Cambritlge Local Kxaminations for this centre. 1 he full list of results contains details of the whole of the schools in Malaya, and from it wc
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  • 195 5 (From Our Own Corkksponhknt.) Labuan, March 15. The French cruiser Montcalm (Capt. Che/on), with Hear-Admiral de Castries on lx>ard, arrived here from Batavia on the evening of the 18th iust. The next morning, the Hesideut calk'd on the Admiral, who landed officially with his staff in the afternoon
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  • 227 5 Mr. Louis 1). Stone, of New York and San Francisco, a well-known American writer and traveller, arrived recently at Colombo, where he was interviewed. He said that during his stay in Penang he was a spectator of the Hindu Taipusam festival and that during the whole
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  • 156 5 A curiosity in the Indian Census returns is that detailed enumeration w as effected, for the first time, of all the inhabitants of the Nicohars except the Shorn Pen, a wild tribe in the interior of the Great Nicobar Island. These people are irreclaimable
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  • 500 5 The greatest day of the annual hegira from Singapore is that on which the P. and liner Marmora makes the through run to Hugland via Bombay. Passages are booked weeks ahead and by the time that the
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  • 287 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly share circular, dated the 22nd inst., states: At the close of a dull week we have few alterations to make in the prices of shares. London Rubbers have fluctuated slightly, but have returned to last week’s
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  • 290 5 Mr. tl. H. Hollow, ai'wl <.'{ ycarH, manager of tin; hiHtute of the Maharaja ot Mymonsingh, committed suicide on tho 1st instant, by shooting himself with a revolver, while in a ticca gharry in Lower Circular Itond, Calcutta. The
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  • 303 5 The Ih itish cruiser Crescent rume in from Colomls) on Match *2*2 and went alongside the wharf at Tanjong I'a gar to rako in coal before proceeding to the China Station with the reliel crews which she is
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  • 232 5 Last week there arrived in the harbour 1 from Calcutta and Iturmah ports the .Janus, j the latest addition to the Currie line of Indian and Australian steamers. The vessel was built by Palmer's Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., of Jarrow on Tyne, and was launched
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    • 494 7 S.C.C. Tournament. Following are the results of the ties played on the Esplanade on March 22:— A Singles. Upcott beat Terrell, 8—6, 5—7. 6—2. C Singles. Macphail beat Maekay, 6—4, 6—2. Henderson v. Klphick postponed. Newcomers’ Handicap. Allen beat Kollewiju, 6—4, 4—6, 6—1. Kichenberg beat David, 8 —6,
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    • 610 7 Home Results. 1 lie following are; home f* sit ball results up to March 11:— Association. Cup, Fourth Hound. Chelsea 8, Swindon 1. Blackburn Hovers 8, West Ham 2. Newcastle Cniteel 4, Derby County 0. Bradford City 1. Burnley 0. Scottish Cup, Semi-Final. -Celtic 1, Aberdeen 0. Hamilton
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    • 280 7 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The S. L. (1. C. men's medal for March has been won by Mr. Melville. The following cards were returned Melville 47 4 II 14 74 Mundell 44 42 10 76 Leggatt 48 44 8 79 Bryant 46 58 16 88 Cowap 52 46 11
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  • 255 7 A meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce, on the 15th inst., passed a resolution by a large majority urging the Government to apiKiint a very strong Royal ('ommission to enquire into the desirability of an alteration of the fiscal
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  • 216 7 Mr. R. A. L. van Someren, M.D., D.P.H., M.8.0.U., of the Uganda Medical Staff, ami Mr. V. G. L. van Someren, L. I). S. R. C. S. Ed., sons of Mr. R. G. van Someren, the wellknown advocate and solicitor of Singapore, are issuing through John Ball,
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  • 105 7 The annual Straits and F. M. chain pionship meeting will lx; held this year at Penang during the Faster holidays. The programme of events has been arranged as follows: Friday, 14th prox., open handicap divided into two classes; Saturday, loth, Straits Championship, Warren Shield, and
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  • 712 7 Describing to a circle of friend* bin approaching departure from Singnpote, Mr. T. S. Thomson recently mtid it was not so much a homegoing as a going from home. And to him it must assuredly bo
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  • 149 7 Several steamers wcllkliowil ]<m*;i 11y were disjiosed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.’s saleroom on March 2N. There was a large attendance, including rep resell ta tives of several leading Singapore firms. Tim iron screw steamer (ilenfalloch, classed 1 fHI A I at Lloyds,
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  • 1005 9 The New Zealand Government has requested Mr. Bertram Mackennal, A. B. A., the sculptor, to furnish the design for a new series of postage stamps for the Dominion, says a recent article in the
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  • 361 9 The Times of Ceylon rejiorts that Alutgama was the scene of a shocking tragedy on the evening of March 16, when Mr. I*. A. \V. Mainwaring, Police Probationer in charge of the police at Kalutara and the neighbouring stations,
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  • 300 9 The Karimata Matan (Borneo} Trading Company, Ltd., has been formed with a capital of $.">(X),()0<) divided into 500,000 shares at 91 each. The under taking is acquiring from Mr. Tan Hood Guan, the option holder, the lease for 75 years of the Karimata Islands, West
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  • 319 9 The cremation of tho late King of Siam is an accomplished fact. The great solemnity to which a whole week’s services and rites and ceremonies were leading up was consummated iu the capital on the 16th inst., when the laxly,
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  • 301 9 In an address which Baron Seh.ottky delivered recently at Meavfferporc to the Ik liar indigo planters, he claimed that his research w ork, in the direction of marketing the natural dye in a more suitable form for the dyer,
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  • 182 9 The largest vessel ever constructed on the stocks of the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes was to be launched at La Ciotat on February 10, and will be named Raul Lecat. She is destined for the line to China and Japan. The dimensions of the new mail
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 101 9 (Fkom Ouk Own Cokkkmi'Oni>knt.) Hongkong, Mart’ll 27. The annual mooting of the O m u Island Cement Co. was a noisy affair. The shareholders asked a number of questions, and afterwards decided to apjioint a committee of two gentlcmwn to investigate the company's affairs and Issiks
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    • 186 9 (Fkom Ouk Own Corrkspokdknt.) Kuala Lumpur, March 27. In the House of Commons, on March 2, Mr. C. F. Needham asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the offices of High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States and (iovernor of the
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    • 102 9 (Fhom Gun Own'ondknt.) Penang, March 27. At the half-yearly meeting of the Karan* gan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., held to-day, the Hon. K. Young presided and alluded to a satisfactory increase in the profits. A dividend of 2\ (inrcent. was declared. The re]>ort showed that the
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    • 268 9 (Fijom Ot:ii Own C'oiikksi’ondknt.) Penang, March 2H. Mr. Griffiths, of Tronoh, in the course of an interview with a representative of the I Finally < inzetto, asserted that lie has not given 1 up hope of a reduction of the tin duty. He will Is* greatly
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    • 85 9 (Fuom Ori: Own 'oiii:i-:si*oN m-.vrd I’euaug, March gs. Tlir Kill" Edward Memorial '«>1 r i li t i tt« m have a|>| »<ti111« <I Or. Kirk lion, secretary and Mr. Pctcrkiu lion, treasurer. I lie executive committee com prises the lion. W Evans, the lion. IC. Non
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  • 75 10 Cami'likix. \t .lohore Bahru. <in March 20, the wife nf bulimias <i. Camplx-11, of a < laughter. Srk. Oii March 21, at Mayfair, 10, Balmoral Road, Singa|M»ie. the wife of See Teong Wah. of a son. C'Aitvut.— On March 2fi, at Bcxhill-on-Sca, the w ife of Cecil I. Carver,
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  • 94 10 Snto.vAt h OuvKit. On March 22, at Oil stead, Singapore, by the Rev. A. B. Cook. M. A., Alexander Archibald Oeddes Stronaeh to Mary Kllen Dawharn, eldest daughter of (i. B. Oliver, Kst|., Lochwinnoch, Scotland. Whytk Van Cijyi.kmuiiui. On March 22, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Venerable Archdeacon
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1006 10 Straits 'I hues, March 2!l. Some little time ago, a discussion Look place in the Reichstag which is interesting for two reasons. It brought out the amazing extent to which (iennany has prosper*xl in recent years, and at the Haine time the curious way in which that wonderful
      Straits 'I hues, March 2!l.  -  1,006 words
    • 1190 10 competitive examination. —Straits Times. March *24. We have often thought that if the British Haj would drop about.TO per cent, of the pure literary culture of the men who are to serve in Government offices in India and elsewhere, it might greatly improve the efficiency of
      competitive examination.—Straits Times. March *24.  -  1,190 words
    • 1078 10 of the market is favourable.—Straits Times, March 25. One cannot refrain from expressing regret over what occurred at the meeting of the Singapore and Johore Rubber Company yesterday. Local opinion was strongly against the sale of the property to London on the terms proposed, yet London votes swept local
      of the market is favourable.—Straits Times, March 25.  -  1,078 words
    • 1239 11 StraitH TiiiM'H. Marrli 27. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh have sent us a copy of a volume on The Discuses of China, including Formosa and Korea,” by W. Hamilton Jeflferys, A. M., M. D., and James L. Maxwell, M. I). Both these gentlemen are working as medical missionaries
      StraitH TiiiM'H. Marrli 27.  -  1,239 words
    • 1112 11 count, til low II ill ;is IllllkcU StlilitH Times, Mnrcli Out of pity for tin* investing public we are thinking of offering ourselves as rubber estate valuers. We do not know tomes semitostus either by taste or smell, and we have a conscientious scruple about asserting
      count, til low II ill ;is ;| IllllkcU StlilitH Times, Mnrcli  -  1,112 words
    • 1301 12 Straits Tiin<>s, Muivli 2!*. No one w ho follows the currents of modern thought or w ho is in touch, even lightly, with the r literature of our own times can lie unaware of what Olive Schreiner has done to win a place in the ranks of
      Straits Tiin<>s, Muivli 2!*.  -  1,301 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 Th» Po«t frea prlc* of th« Strait} Times la SHH u year. Tha post free price of the Straits Hialgrt it $l4 a year. It ia ot neceaaarv to iul&gt;tcnbe for a year. The tub•criptinna for thorter period* are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. The Straits
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  • 47 10 DEATHS. Mi.viooi.— On March22, at noon, Frederick Minjoot. son of .lonkocrman Minjoot, aged 69 years. Deeply regretted. IjmiIi and Penang pn|iers please copy. Low.—On March 12. at Bangkok, Low Khiok lining (Jacohe), managing partner of the firm Kiain lion lleug A Go., at Bangkok. ag««l 69 years.
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  • 1721 13 London, March 22. j There an* strong t umours in tho House oi* ('ominous lobby that the constitutional crisis will not Ix 3 settled before the coronation. The Veto Hill will not be passed before the ltd of August. The Morning Host and the Daily Chronicle -late that
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  • 953 13 Berlin, March 22. At Kiel, iu the presence of the Kaiser and Kaiscrin, Herr Buthmaun. Imperial Chancellor, delivered a n|hxh*li at the christening of u battleship Kaiser,” which is to replace the Hildebraudt.” He said lie was reminde*! of the birthday of the old Kaiser (March 22). Loyalty
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  • 474 13 Mi Siaiiiforlh Smith, tin* Papuan explorer, aii«l his missing party have arrival at Timm day Island vv liieh they reached after creat pri Nations. They lost a f«*\\ carriers. Otherwise* all are well. This welcome news is contained in a
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 306 14 March 22 Gerd, Nor. sir., Anderson, Bombay, Borneo Coy. Ltd. Aki Maru, Jap. str lloumm, l,oudou. Bator sou Simons Mara, Jap. str.. I araona, Bombay, P. Simona Crescent. II. M cru., Streattidd. Portsmouth Vladimir. Bus. Htr., skalsky. Vlailivostoek Borneo Coy. Ltd. 25 Shinkai Maru, .lap str., Totuo/awa, Muko, Mitsui
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    • 210 14 March 22 Ma/agou. Brit. str. Bangooo aud Calcutta Bingo Maru. Jap str Hongkong and Jnpan 25 Capri. Itah str Penang and Boubay Marcuora, Brit. str.. Loudon via ports Myrmidon. Brit, str., Snmarang Tambov, Bus. atr.. &lt; moasu 7 .a ports Gord. N01 atr. Bankgok 24 Aki Maru, Jap. sir.,
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  • 914 14 'I'lt! following JMCW ng*.'** d liomrw aid I*, a n. 1% 1 U umiiM. ronm-cting 't 1 okiiiiL* with Moldavian ruling April 7. .Mr. H. W. Mi. Patter*-*&gt;u. Mr. II. la maiiv, Mr. J. MBurnt tt. Mr. Yut« s. Mr. and Mr*.. Ikn/it mill infant, .Mr. I!. Griinshaw.
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  • 242 14 SlMiAP'/ttH, MAB&lt; H 2‘* 1911 s EXCHANGE. On Lom/on Bank 4 m/s 2/4. Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4/.? do 3 m/s 2/4a On Gbkmasy- Bank d/d 239 Private 8 ru/s 248 On Franc k Bank d/d 295 Private* 8 m/s 299* On India r Bank T.
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  • 941 14 Sinuaporb, Mari h 29, 1911. MINING. Issue 72 N alue Buyers Sellers 10 10 Belat Tin 6.00 10 10 Bru&ng Q00 10 10 Bruseh Hyd 5 00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 20O Xl Xl Kinta Tin 17.00 17.50 Xl Xl Kledang Tin 1.50 2.00 10 10 Kuantan
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 555 16 €f Si ,.'v7j Electrical, Mechanical, Marine Civil Engineers Shipbuilders. E8TATE T00L8. 8T0RE8 AND REQUISITES. Lartfe Stockw. Prompt Delivery. PROPRIETORS OF THE PAT M TAPPING KNIFE. BERTRAM'S Rubber Machinery AWARDED 1st PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL, SINGAPORE, 1910. Rubber Factories, Drying Sheds, Smoke Houses, Coolie Lines, etc., etc. EstimatM and designa free.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 Property Auction. At .Mi ssis. II. L. '&lt;&gt;&lt;') dan and t'u. s sail rooms on Monday, tin* following Singapore properties were disposal of: —18 iu*ms fr,;eliold land, with house thoroon known as Ayer Jornch, No. 401, Hoad. sold to Koh Kek Hong lor $12,.*&gt;00. Tin* lit &gt; Haven mi liber
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