The Straits Budget, 23 June 1910

Total Pages: 28
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget VOL LXIV NO. 2732 Singapore, Thursday, Jane, 23,1910. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ItTABUSMEO OYER IMU A CCVTOT Price 25 cents.
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  • 227 1 LEADERS Political Compromise Robber Reflotations 8-9 Extinguisher The Shipping Ring 9-10 German Expansion 10 Internalional Union ...10-11 Local and General— Social and Personal Correspondence 8-4 Mosquitoes and Malaria 4 Notes from Laboan 4 Municipal Affairs 5 Eastern SmeltiDg Company 5 Divorce and Matrimonial Causes... 6 Coconuts in
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  • 774 1 Mr. R. W. Harrison proceeded homeward by the German mail. The Archdeacon of Singapore and Mrs. Izard returned from Java on Saturday. Mr. G. B. Cerutti, the well-known authority on the Sakies, is an inmate of the general hospital, Penang. Mrs. E. A. Snewin and children left
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  • 175 3 (From Odr Own Corrbspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, June 20. The cricket matoh between Perak and Negri Sembilan which commenced at Ipoh, on Saturday, was drawn owing to rain. Perak had scored 20 for two wickets. Jnne.2l. Speaking at the tiffin, Mr.
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  • 13 3 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 282 3 To (he Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —While you are calling attention to the numerous extraordinary methods of conducting business in use in the munioipal offices and outside, by municipal employees, you might call attention to the way in whioh the revenues of the postal department
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  • 241 3 To (be Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l take leave to hope that the shooting of certain insanitary buildings at Teluk Blangah, to which a correspondent called attention in voor issue of Monday last, has reached the ears of the local officials who are paid to attend to
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  • 130 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—When they have disposed of complaints you have already published, tho municipal sanitary inspectors might give their attention to the conservancy arrangements in Emerald Hill Road. Our portion of it is particularly disgusting, and no one whose olfactory nerves are in
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  • 168 4 From Our Own Corrrspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, June 21. I)r. Malcolm Watson, medical administrator of the Kuala L&ngat Hospital Estates Co., gave a most interesting loctureou Malaria, last evening. He described the discovery of the parasite, the different stages of its
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  • 96 4 (Prom Our Own Corrkspondrnt.) Kuala Lumpur, June 20. Training for the Selangor Races, which commence on July 5, is now in full swing. The entries close to-morrow. The prospects are good, horses fancied being Phonograph, Roulette. Lucretia, Blue Boy, and Trypanosomiasis. Four
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  • 135 4 Indian tea exports to all ports to the end of April are nearly a million pounds ahead of the figures for the corresponding period of last year, the exact figures being 1910, 2,903,783 lbs 1909, 1,812,387 lbs. These shipments consist of the balance of last season’s crop.
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  • 950 4 The scheme for the construction of a large new stand ou the Racecourse was considered and approved at a meeting of the Sporting Club, on Wednesday eveDiog. The Hon. H. Fort presided and those present were
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  • 176 4 (From Odr Own Corrbspondint.) Labuan, June 16. The Resident, accompanied by Mr. Koberto and Inspector Cromnoov. left for Braneion the 6tb inst. and returned on the 1-tb inst The preliminary inquiries iu the case. Hex vs. Tan Teong Bee, was concluded on the6tb inst. when the accused
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  • 43 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June k>The directors’ report on Tronob, has been published and shows -j-j tons 2,158 tons of ore were sold, agaJ“” f pro in the preceding year. The balance of P on tbe year is JC64.991*
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  • 529 5 w .!-sr« TSSSS Sl»3 ff.J w kacock.A. J. W. Watkins. (secretary) and Ball (acting chairman stated that the balance of the ml fund in hand was $486,325.64 as at last meeting. Infecdisease he regretted to say, was still Th them In
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  • 47 5 Tin vr manager of the Kuantan &r fnii miDß sports to the direotors tou n> W9 ’-“Gentlemen—l beg to sabmit to iatiJJT* done 011 J oar mine of May, 1910. •orkina *i 40 acre fiioch.—^The tribute rs re urn of 99 b “< B
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  • 217 5 Mr. W. M. Bath, manager of the Belat Tin Mining Company, Limited, submits the following report to the directors Gentlemen, —I beg to submit to you my report of the work done ou your leases during the month of May
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  • 151 5 Messrs. Presgrave and Matthews write to say that Messrs. H. Jessen and Lee Chin Ho consider the statements contained in a telegram from our Penang correspondent, published in our issue of the 13th inst., grossly improper and libellous. It had reference
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  • 187 5 The text of an ordinance to confer upon the Supreme Coart jurisdiction to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes is published in the Government Gazette which states that the bill is about to be introduced into the Legis* iative Council. Among the clauses it is stated that: No
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  • 244 5 T 1 ic quarterly statement of imports and exports to and from the Straits Settlements has just been issued from the Government Printing Press. It gives in detail a statistical account of the growth or otherwise of the many varied
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  • 224 5 Mr. Lermit Rends to the Editor of the Agricultural Bulletin an instructive photograph of coconuts cultivated in the same kind of peat soil which has been already described as utterly unsuitable for Para rubber. The coconut palms were first planted some twentyfive years ago and at
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  • 147 5 Mr.Green,second magistrate, on June IT gave an order for the destruction of four bullocks which had reached a stage of senility and emaciation that made it an act of cruelty to work them. Mr. Pestana, inspector for the P. C. A. department, at 2 a.m. on the
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  • 452 6 Through Mr. H. Cooke Yarborough, C. Foster, engineer and contractor, applied to Mr. .Justice Fisher, on Jnnc 17, tor his dis charge from bankruptcy. Mr. David, the acting Official Assignee, read his report on the case, showing that the receiving order
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  • 147 6 Romance dies hard. Even after six yearn of married life and a further period of divorced singleness the blood of the old Malay was tired when he saw his one-time wife embracing another nan beneath the cocoanuts in Tanjong Eaton g Road. He attacked her with a
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  • 116 6 (From Ock Own Corrbspondbnt.) Penang June 16. Mr. W. O. Maxwell, the British Adviser at A lor Star, has replied to Messrs. Kennedy and Compauy on the question of absconding coolies, mentioned at a meeting of Kulim planters held at
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  • 240 6 Messrs. Fraser and Company's circular, dated June 16, says:—Towards the end of last week there was a distinct advance in rubber shares, both dollar and sterling, and more activity than wc have Been for weeks, but as we write the market has again drooped, and is extremely
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  • 119 6 A fatality occurred qn June 17 on the Pontianak vessel Ban Fo Soon in the harbour. The gangway which connects the bridge deck with the forecastle head, was being hoisted upon its hinge preparatory to commencing the unloading of the forehold. It had been hoisted
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  • 98 6 Members of Singapore Cricket Club ought to know that they have been in daily touch with a man whose wife has been suffering from small-pox for the last ten or eleven days. The man is a bar-tamby at the olnb —rather, he was a bar-tamby there he
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  • 161 6 FESTIVITIES IN KEDAH. C elebrations on the Occasion of Royal Weddings. (From Our Ow* Coruuo,*^ Kedah is en fete owing to the' fo"*! 1 dingß, which were postponed frr We<l, account of the plaoe. The ceremonies rrm, l Wednesday when the son twn 6 f C&i t and a nephew
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  • 222 6 The breaking of a rubber tyre was the cause of an accident to a private gharry, containing two gentlemen, on the Tanjong Ivatong Road on June 16. The tyre parted near tho East Coast Road corner, and the pony, startled by the flapping of the loose
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  • 147 6 Hundreds of little brown boys-Bc^ 1 from some fifteen vernacular schools of timj* pore held carnival on the Raffles Jnstiratioß recreation ground, on June j 6, tMJOff part in athletic sports which uad arranged by Messrs. Elcum and rteliier their special benefit. The pictorespe litt e fellows,
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  • 304 7 ,ino was held on Friday in the crc m ptviliSn to arrange fixtures, etc., for C 'fcirthcomiog football cup competition. tbe W < FrSish was in the ohair. Others <1 M 't'wfire Mr. S. H. Davidson (hon. sec. present we an( j
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  • 213 7 St. Andrew a Cathedral, on Saturday, was the scene of a pretty wedding in which the contracting parties were Mr. Herbert Murray Hodges, of Ipoh, and Miss Jessie Mon month Bart, daughter of Mr. C. J. hart, prison department. The officiating clergyman was the Rev.
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  • 65 7 b blowing shares were disposed of by L° n A eHsrs Powell and Co’s saleroom hhnr a u f^J v Tin Mining Co. Ltd. 25 i.j 50 Por share, 50 at $8 50, 50 at A 100 at *3 20, 100 at $3.50, and 25 at Il
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  • 477 7 (Fkom Odb Own Cobkbspondbnt.) Malacca, Jane 19. The demand for bungalows in Malacca increases daily and the supply is apparently quite exhausted. To a family man the rest house charges for a long stay are absolutely prohibitive because tbe terms are daily and no reduction whatever is
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  • 23 7 (From Our Own Corrbspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, June 15. The Kinta Tin Mining Co. will pay a further dividend of one shilling.
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  • 110 7 The marriage was solemnised on Thursday, Juno 9, at 11 a.m., at St. Michael’s Church, Polwatte, Ceylon, of Mr. Stanislaus Matthew Hastings Rhodes, SolicitorGeneral of the Straits Settlements, Penang, who arrived by the P. and O. steamer Devanha on tho previous Wednesday, and Miss Lizzie Thurston
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  • 165 7 (From Oub Own Cobbhspondbnt.) Penang, June 18. In the Eastern Shipping Company’s report for the year ended December 81, last, the directors state tbat after writing off $90,667 to depreciation of the fleet and water boats, and $22,450 to
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  • 114 7 PLANTER’ S SAD DEATH. Juru Estate Assistant Dies From Hydrophobia. (Fbom Our Own Cobbbspondbnt.) Penang, June 20. The death took place at the General Hospital here, on Saturday evening, of Mr. Charles Gordon Finlay, planter engaged on Jnru Estate. It appears that six weeks ago the deceased was separating a
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  • 244 7 Judgment was given by Mr. Justice Fisher, on Monday, in the recent action brought by the administrators of M. A. de Silva (deceased) against Dr. Goonetilleke for leave to proceed to exeention on a judgment for $ll5O odd given against Dr. Goonetilleke in a previous action. The defence
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  • 21 8 Hendbkson. On .luDe 19, at 58, Blanche Cottage, Scotts Road, Singapore, the wife of B. H. Henderson, of a son.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1118 8 Straits Times, June 16. Mr. Balfour has agreed to meet Mr. Asquith, and probably some other present and past ministers in an attempt to settle the question of the Lords' Veto. Before the death of King Edward, this question had reached a stage at which it seemed to
      Straits Times, June 16.  -  1,118 words
    • 1021 8 Straits Times, Jane 17. It was quite unnecessary for the Hon. A. R. Adams to become either furious or facetious abont the few remarks we made with reference to a proposal for increasing the capital of the Kedah Rubber Estates from $200,000 to $500,000. Not being a fool,
      Straits Times, Jane 17.  -  1,021 words
    • 1053 9 Straits Times, June 18. Whatever may be the fate of the Ordinance to impose a duty on certain Bills of Lading, and to protect shippers of goods from excessive charges and undue restrictions," the Government of this colony is to be congratulated on a more daring proposal than either
      Straits Times, June 18.  -  1,053 words
    • 1234 9 discuss a compromise.—Straits Times, Jane 20. There will be a period, no doubt, during which criticism of the Shipping Conference Ordinance will be inclined to go astray. We heard one critic exclaim in bitter disappointment after reading the bill “Why it loaves that infamous secret rebate absolutely
      discuss a compromise.—Straits Times, Jane 20.  -  1,234 words
    • 1080 10 coed to tear the fatare.-Str.iti Ti^ Sir Francis Oppenheimer, the British Con sol General at Frankfort, has presented a report on the industrial situation in Germany which gives in a concentrated form the result of much careful inquiry by Government and other authorities. Germany is at its best
      coed to tear the fatare.-Str.iti Ti^  -  1,080 words
    • 1002 10 Straits Time?. Jnne 22. At the time of Kin* Edward’*f„ netal kin KS Bvo lieira apparent, four queen, "2 representatives of all nations met in Load At one memorable dinner party. tkeGermt Emperor had a conversation with M the French Foreign Minister, the vm friendly tone of which
      .- Straits Time?. Jnne 22.  -  1,002 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 Tke Post free pric« of the Straits Times i» $3B a year. The poet free price of the Straits Budget is $l4 a year. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits
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  • 44 8 DEATHS. Bradford. —On June 17, at the General Hospital, Singapore, M. G. Bradford, of the Sarawak Government Service. Tan.— At 8.80 p.m, on June 21, at Dingwall, Pasir Panjang, Tan Soo Kheam. the youngest son of the Hon’ble Tan Jiak Kim aged 7 years.
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  • 839 11 At the Bank of England, on May 23, the Km of £25,000 was set aside for the Straits Settlements note guarantee fund, gold portion. There were 1,1:57 deaths in Singapore last month. This is equal to a death-rate of 4' 9H. There were 88 fatal cases of
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  • 398 11 A special meeting of shareholders m the Tongkah Government Compound Concession Co., X. L Siam, was held on May 10, at the offices of Messrs. Toohey and Wimpole, 87 Queen-street, Melbourne. Mr. C. Andrews presided. The object of the meeting was
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  • 164 11 As Jiu impressionist demonstration the show at the Engineers’ Institute does not count, says the Pinang Gazette as an exhibition of modest work by ingenuous amateurs it is quite up to the average and in some instances deserves genuine praise. There are seventy-seven water colours, among which the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 I Property Sales. The following Si ngaport properties weredis posed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.’s sale room on June 21:—Freehold land at Scrangoon Road, area 69,104 square feet, grant 906. Cilia On# Tin at 5 cents per sq. foot —92,957.70., and freehold land fronting a reserve for
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  • 699 12 (Fuom ()r, f H Own Corrksi'onuknt.) Kota Bahru, .June 13. It is satisfactory to note that the cultivation on the Kuala Pahi estate is progressing in a favourable manner. Extensive works are bring carried out expeditiously, and with a thoroughness which is highly commendable. Clean weeding is
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  • Sporting Intelligence. NOTES IN GENERAL.
    • 143 12 Ladies Competitions. The monthly spoon was shot for at Bales* tier by the members of the Singapore Ladies Rifie ‘Association, on June 16, the winner being Mrs. Keigwin who with the help of a 8 handicap handed in a gross 66.8, this score securing her the spoon. The
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    • 208 12 Singapore Golf Club. The Spring Cup Competition was played off at the Racecourse on Saturday and Sun* day last, June 18 and 19. Owing to the fine weather a number of members competed and 26 cards were returned. The Cnp was won by the Hon. F. J. Pigott with
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    • 201 12 5. C. C. v. Garrison. On Saturday afternoon, a cricket match was played on the Esplanade between the S. C. C. and an eleven of the Garrison. The military batted first and were dismissed for 139. The Club had made 122 for seven wickets when play was abandoned. The
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  • 233 12 Writing to tbe Pi aa n„ Parßtone, Dorset, on MJL f ward H. Bell, late of Kli ments police, says: 1 mg that the news 0 f Mr H and's death will come ,7 to his many friends
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  • 177 12 The British North Borneo Herald, of .Jan® I, says :—The ascent of Mount kinabala ha« already been accomplished twice during the present year. A third expedition will leave Usukan early in Jnne, for the purpose of ob taining scientific observations, and a
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  • 161 12 Tbe Globe of May 21 contained the following:—On Tuesday the price was 2s. 6d. to ss. per ton better, on Wednesday absence of sellers caused an advance of 13s. and Thursday, after beiDg steady, there was» decline of ss. to 10s. per ton. Thus on the week
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  • 1908 14 London, Jane 15. A Pretoria telegram sayH that General Botha, in a declaration of policy, «aid he hoped the old party organisatiors would be amalgamated into a great South African National Party. The foremost task of the government was that of welding the racea into one people, sympathetically
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  • 624 15 Berlin, Jane 15. Ahrevally, Upper Bavaria, and the Tyrol cave suffered most severely from thunderstorms. The North German Lloyd steamers, after S. ptember 8, will call at Tsingtau. Nagasaki as a port of call has therefore fieen given up. The Emperor William goes on June 18 to Hannover.
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  • 143 15 Iloberfc Stevenson, of 11 Dhoby Ghaut, plead ed guilty, before Mr. Wolferstan, first magistrate. on June 22, to a charge of being in possesion of a double barrelled breech-loading gun on June :i without a licence. Inspector Lucas stated that the charge was the out come
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  • 114 15 Mr. J. A. Le Doux, manager of the Kota Tinggi (.Johore) Rubber Co.’s estate, prosecuted on June 22 in the second police court, a young Malay for retaining stolon rubber worth 545. He stated he saw the defendant landing from a Harapan at KofcaTinggi with a suspicious lookiog
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    • 252 15 June 15 C A)tear, Brit Htr. Hudson, Calcutta, Paterson Simons Meimdal, Nor str, Jolmsen Saigon, Boustead Srnegambia Oer Btr, Eckhorn, Yokohama, Behn Meyer hu It ala, Brit Htr, Haddock, Calcutta, Boustead Kciiia Maru, Jap str, Haginc, Antwerp. Paterson Simons 10 At hull, Brit str, Saxby, Hongkong, Standard Oil Coy
      252 words
    • 196 15 June 16 Poona, Hrit str, Japan via porta Ceylon Muru, Jap atr, Hongkong and Japan Palitana, Brit str, Rangoon Ricktnent, Ger atr, Vladivostock 16 Cardiganshire, Brit atr, Japan via porta Lightning, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Volga, Brit atr, Bun burg Henlariy, Brit ntr, Hongkong and Japan Suruga, Brit
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  • 244 16 Singapore, Junk 22 1910 EXCHANGE. On Lend on—Bank 4 m/s 2/4* Demand 2'4*‘ a Private 6 m/s 2/4J do 8 m/s 2'4*$ On Germany —Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/8 244 do 6 m/s 246* On France —Bank d/d 295 Private 8 m/s 299* do 6 m/s
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  • 883 16 StNflAPOKK, June 22, 1910. MINING. Issue 72, Value. c£ Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Bel at Tin 4.00 4.50 10 10 Bruang 4.00 5.00 10 10 Bruseh Hyd. 6.00 6.60 10 10 Kanaboi 2.25 2.40 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 14.00 14.75 £1 £1 Klodang Tin 1.50 2.00 10
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  • 218 16 A burglar attempted to burgle the house of Mr. Walt Jackson, at Ipoh, during the ab sence of that gentleman a few nights ago. and he was promptly caught by the scruff of the neck by Miss* Ada Jackson. Mr Jackson’s
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  • 60 16 The s.s. Sane Bandjer, no* M r0 Dock, Hongkong, is a big job. lot ingPost underntanda tba about l WP- jtj have to come out of her, tlie g r t0 to be straightened and replace. be discarded and new ones > 0 P., Sarie Band jer
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 378 17 The onlj Medidnt of the kind awarded a certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 1883 4, open to edU registered. Dr. LALOR’S Trade Mark. PHOSPftODYNE has the LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHO8PH0RIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. For forty year, has maintained it. werld*wi()e reputation as the Best and fln ly safe
      378 words
    • 318 17 ASK FOR Schweitzer’s Cocoatina GaarmnUed mn absolutely pure Cocoa. Used in the Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Greeoe, Denmark, ete., etc. SOLD DVBBYWHEBE flAABTIN'b A vo tkitiaihi koo|> bo* of Ruttai Pill* Hi fr* of any Itroeulorify of tho Sy*( ~T*«oo who km thon r swBtJSPr'i Chop Ah Siew,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 199 10 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Passir Panjang, Singaporo. Retreading t Repairing OK ALL MAKE OF Motor "(Byres AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Agents: HOOGLANDT COMPANY, Singapore. YV\9 D© yoa goffer From HEADACHE, LOSS OF SLEEP, INDIGESTION, TORPID LIVER, BILIOUSNESS Beecham’s Pills will quickly remme the cause ot these distressing complaints* and restore healthy
      199 words
    • 297 10 BURRELL GO'S, Pale Boiled Linseed Oil, Boottopping, Snow-White Zinc, and Assorted Paints. 8ANDILANDS BUTTERY AND GO. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements A 3067 F.M.h. Try Doniun LOUIS BOISE CHAMPAGNE. UctailerH KIM HIM GO. KWONG YAN HIN& CO. TECK WHATT CO. STONE IX THE KIDNEY Agonising Hladpkh Disordkrs Mr. J ames Mobs
      297 words