The Straits Budget, 27 May 1909

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXIII. NO. 2676. Singapore, Thursday, Hay 27,1909. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents
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  • 246 1 leadersWar aDd Commerce J* The Governor's Return 12-18 “A New Way of Life 18 Scare* and Soares 18*14 The Monster Deficit 14 The New Oxford Movement 14-15 Local and General— Freemasonry in Singapore 1 Moro Outlaw Defies Capture 2 Destructive Hailstorm 2 The Governor’s Return 4 The
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  • 310 1 Further evidence was taken in the district court, on Saturday, in the case in which a merchant named Too Soo is charged with dishonestly misappropriating an investment bond by the China Mutual Life Insurance Co. in favour of a child
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  • 61 1 (From Ocr Own Correspondent Hongkong, May 25. The Empire Day shoot for the Daily Mail Challenge Cup, presented for competition among rifle clubs throughout the Empire resulted in a score of tt6o by Hongkong and 727 by Shanghai. It will be remombered that
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  • 417 1 There was quite a strong muster of Free, masons, representing all parts on the Eastern Archipelago, in Singapore, on Thursday, occasion being the celebration of the Jubilee of the District Grand Lpdge For the first time in the history of
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  • 303 2 Messrs. Guthrie aud Co., agents. send uh the directors’ report of the Rubber Estates of Johore, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1908, to have been presented at the annual general meeting on 4th inst. It is as follows The directors
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  • 296 2 From Zamboanga comes still another story of Jikiri the outlaw and one that not only throws some light on the character of Jikiri, but a reflection on the long, stern chase that is being made for him. It seems
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  • 406 2 The question, which has given rise to so much controversy lately, as to what consii* tutes an amateur is to be discussed by the International Olympic Committee at a meeting at Berlin on May 27, when action will
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  • 217 2 Heavy in the knowledge that Rome evil disposed perRon had purloined three of hi* duckR, Ho Mo, who fears these water-fowl near the Balestier range, went with mournful heart to a restaurant in Serangoon R« ad, when lo there entered unto him Ha«san who wished him
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  • 113 2 Another method adopted bv Chi, MDftggliog opium was discove red on April 28. Defective lusp. D o n„%?' Customs Department. “S Chinese pa-eeDgora who had arnud by tI,J steamer Empire into quarantine 11 ngg-gewaa examined, but it proved *2 lean.
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  • 236 2 A correspondent informs us that a verv severe hailstorm swept across the northeast of the Island on the afternoon of the inst., and wrought considerable damage to young vegetation under cultivation. On the Sembawang Estate, two miles north of the Mandai Road and one mile and a half
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  • 133 2 Certainly the shrinking of the globe goes on apace, says Travel and Exploration and now, owing to the Tr&Ds* Siberian Railway, as newly supplemented by the enterprise of the Great Eastern Railway Co. and the International Sleeping Car Co., it is actually possible to
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  • 101 2 Some prisoners were employed two to three miles from Sandakan, and one of therii waded into the sea. He suddenly disapp* and re-appcared a few minutes ht.rata greater distance f i om the shore. 11 h« a and one of his shoulders was in the J vs
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  • 404 3 Reattv, 0U Friday, examined A. Mr .Jh contractor, who had been put Senoayal 1 on le petition of a Tamil iDtobankrup > o r said f )e came to creditor. c )n jn 1H84 we nt to the S'“fP? re
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  • 120 3 Sir Arthur Young has appointed the following officers to be coroners for the Settle ments oi Singapore, Penang and Malacca respectively Singapore.—Mr. Alexander Gentle, Mr. E. Hooper, the second magistrate, Singapore, the third magistrate, Singapore, the medical officer, Labuan, the istriet officer, Christmas Island, and the district
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  • 57 3 tefegrtrn f! Co havo recei ved a to.Slow™- LondOD 0ffic 01 the Pr' 'imTnar7,! tlnR ff ho whole the itioo ul y X pt n80s and £3.500 for deprecifT “>« year ended binctor t w 18 £25,000, which the hi,j,| r I’ r l P os e
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  • 413 3 Port Swettenham. INTERMEDIATE P. O. STEAMERS CALLING FORTNIGHTLY. Boon to the Planting Community. We are informed, says the Malay Mail of the 20th inst, by Messrs. Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd., local agents of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., that arrangements have been made for this company’s steamers
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  • 149 3 Considerable interest has been taken in Fremantle ever since the alteration of the North German Lloyd steamer-sailing day at Colombo for the Australian outward vew'-el, in the runs made between Colombo and Fremantle by the German ships and the P. and O. mail boats, which
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  • 263 3 At the general meeting of the shareholders of the North-German Lloyd, which was held at Bremen on April 21, it was announced that Herr Heineken had been appointed chairman of the board of directors in the place of the late Dr. Wiegand. According
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  • 261 3 A Chinese woman named Nya Chee was arrested, several weeks ago, on a charge of criminal misappropriation of a large quantity of jewellery, which it was alleged she had borrowed from Sheikh Abdul Kader, and bad subsequent!}’ pawned, for the most part, instead of restoring it. She
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  • 70 3 The Straits Echo learns from a man who ought to know that the Chendai and Mmiglernbu Syndicate properties have been taken over by London cap talists, with a view, of course, to promotion business. This means substantial gain f.»r present holders, esjiecially for recent buyers at
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  • 442 4 The American army transport Kilpatrick arrived from Manila, on Saturday on her return passage to New \ork. She left Manila on the 10th inst. aud remained here till Monday. The number of cabin passengers on board is 144, and there are
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  • 200 4 Now Singapore cau boast of being tbc scene of rnauy thrilling tiger tales founded both on fact and lictiou, but the award for veracity must be pas-ed along to Canton, where stripes has had an opportunity of claiming local attention. This is what a Canton cor* respondent
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  • 357 4 Exact to the appointed moment —half-past two —His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K. C. M. G., accompanied by the Misses Anderson, Lady Evelyn Young,MajorGeneral Perrott, Sir Arthur Young, Capt. Stockley A.D.C., and several others, stepped ashore at
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  • 116 4 Mr. Chan Wai Po, a well-known citizen of Canton, who proceeded to the Straits Settlements last year on the settlement of the West Itiver patrol question, to invite subscriptions from the Chinese residents there with a view to promoting Chinese navigation and industries, has now returned to
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  • 100 4 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shows that duriug the week ended May 15, 217 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death rate of 40 65 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 31 deaths, bronchitis
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  • 235 4 forecast of the tuonnoon winch 'n issued as usual by the Meteoroloeic, s meut next mouth should be an interesting one, saysthe Pioneer T|.«k cold weather storms which B w, b laM Upper India in April, giviog he&« certain parts of
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  • 215 4 Heng Moey, proprietor of a now defunct cloth shop Chop, Wall Kee, Circular road, was further examined in bankruptcy on Friday. The debtor underwent the first part of his examination a week ago, when Mr. Beatty, the official assignee, promised to ascertain! if possible, what sums
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  • 142 4 The Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. having been dissolved the only means now available of communicating with shareholders of the company is through the press, and Mr. Rennie, the liquidator, desires to acquaint them with the contents of a letter to hand this mail from the secretary,
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  • 413 5 i ut writes to the Ceylon A cort£sl '®itws —Could you or any of Observer w* o jve 80me information yoar rt4 fpoints? I have noticed on the ,ol ‘°J “harebolders have in one ecently t jfoown up their part cisc a» ;,a
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  • 110 5 It was announced a few weeks ago, says a rtrent issue of the Vancouver News Advertiser. that the Blue Funnel line is preparing to enter the transpacific passenger traile. It is now stated that tue big British shipping lirm, Alfred Holt
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  • 78 5 J' Chinamen, Ho Sein and 1& wk, were prosecuted on 10th inst., 5™* th magistrate of Bassein .angooD, lor ofieringa bribe to Mr. Houldev sub divisional magistrate. They were murS' ed a case P endi °K before the at0 ari 2 ,n U 0Q t
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  • 257 5 .Sir Arthur Young, as High Commissioner, F. M. S., wrote to the Resident-General, at Kuala Lumpur, as follows: —It is with the deepest regret that I received your telegram this morning conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mr.
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  • 182 5 An account of the salvage of the steamer Netherton, written from on board at Madras on April 28, by Mr. W. J. Russell, formerly of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company’s staff to whose charge the work was entrusted by the purchasers of the wreck, appears in
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  • 176 5 In the Supreme Oourt, Shanghai, on l.~>th inst., leave was given to amend the writ in the case of Tackey versus Mcßain so as to oharge the latter with wrongfully causing plaintiff to sell Langkat shares under value and thereby sustain a loss of Taels oo.QOO. '4n
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  • 241 5 The directors of the Eastern .Smelting Co., in submitting the accounts of the first year's working of the Co. state The net profits of the year after allowing for 20 per cent, depreciation on the property of the Co. amount
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  • 188 5 FRAUDS ON THE H. S. BANK. Absconding Clerk Arrested in Hongkong. Information has been received by tbo police in Penang, says the local Gazette, of 21st inst., of the arrest in Hongkong of a Chinese Hokien named Lim Chee Saing, a clerk in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Penang, who
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  • 105 5 News of a serious affray with natives comes from Dutch New Guinea by wire from the assistant resident of the district under date May 4. An exploring party from a gunboat was reconnoitring near the frontier of British New Guinea, when it was attacked by
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  • 292 6 At the Van Spilbergen, which arrived from Batavia, oo Saturday afternoon, rounded the point at the I >omain. those persona who were waiting on Messrs. Birt ana Co.’s wharf were ama/ed by the wealth of colour, which was apparent, even
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  • 190 6 1 »o the Hongkong authorities ever attempt to find out anything about the secret societies that exist among the Chinese, asks the S. C. Morning Post > We would not like to say that they are remiss in their duties in this lospcct. for we frequently hear of
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  • 131 6 Made in Germany, is now the hall mark with meteorological observatories in Java. The observatory at Batavia, is the only one in the equatorial zone where the phenomena of nature manifest themselves in a simpler way than in higher latitudes. Hence the investigations at the Batavia Observatory are
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  • 112 6 (From Our Own Corresponds*?.) Hongkoog, May 24. Messrs. John Swire and Sons, of London, senior partners in the firm of Messrs. Butterfield and Swire, of Hongkong, who are agents for the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Ltd., for the Tafltoo
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  • 30 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 24. In the Daily Mail Kmpire Challenge Cap competition, the Penang team have scored 719 points.
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  • 39 6 (From Our Correspondent). London, via Penang, May 20. The Lanadron company pays a dividend of ten per cent, places £B,OOO to reserve, and carries forward £2,550. The estimated yield of rubber in 1909 is 250,000 pounds.
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  • 159 6 A Chinaman was arrested by a Chinese detective in Wayang Street, at about seven o'clock, on Monday, on a charge of disorderly conduct. He appeared to be under the influence of liquor. While being taken to the Detective Station, he jumped from the ricksha which was conveying
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  • 133 6 At the date of last advices from Saigon,a peculiar strike waß engaging public attention. Eighty native workmen employed on quay construction work there suddenly strode on Mav 3, and refused doty; No persuasion oould induce them to turn to. They demanded that the working day should
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  • 332 6 Lieut. G. R. Home, hon. secretar* i son Sports Club, sends us the follow in,. for the Warren football shield com w-titinn 1. The competition to take S r the final being played on a date P to bytbeG.S.C. 0 2.
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  • 178 6 On Saturday, afternoon. Mr. A. E. Pass more was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral to Miss Susie Leard, of Sydney, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. W. Marsh Kirkby. The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Capt. Wright, and was attended by Miss Beatrice Wright,
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  • 84 6 Miss Naomi Dabool was fined $lO by the fourth magistrate, on 19th inst., for assaulting Miss Rachel Bekor. This was the first of three Jewish cases which have been befort the coart for some time. In the second of the oases the lawyers engaged were Messrs. Kitovitz, Toeer
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  • 644 9 i 1 1 a proprietor of tbe OrnaMr. ri '\Vnrks' Ivlio takes keen intercut e ul T i‘ion“connected with cither religion ID all q l,est tho Epworth League at or science, adJ rt 1 Churc l J |> Fort Canning
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  • 390 9 A sensational incident in the war being raged against Achinese rebels in Sumatra is related iu the local Post. It seems that the other day a band of rebels was located in a large cave, but upon toe Government troops
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  • 230 9 Saturday last was the feast day of Bishop Barillon, and tho members of tbe club duly celebrated the occasion in the evening by giving a concert in the club-room, which was tastefully decorated. A good programme was successfully carried out. A dozen performers, under the conductorship of
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  • 219 9 A European writes as follows to the Editor of the Peking Daily News:— Sir, —On May 1, a deplorable accident occurred in the new public garden outside the West Gate at Mukden. During a high wind a summer-house was blowu down killing eight,
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  • 176 9 The New Year day native hports which it wan found impossible to bring off on the appointed day in January last, owing to continued wet weather, were held at the race course, on Monday, in ideal weather, and proved a source of great interest and amusement
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  • 93 9 A daring robbery of a pearl necklace valned at j£B,ooo is being investigated by the Bangkok authorities. It appears that the necklace was despatched by the Diamond Merchant’s Association, of London, to the Q leen’s Chamberlain. The package arrived in Bangkok by the steamer Deli and was
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  • 93 9 Two pounds of opium hidden away in the soles of two pairs of shoes being brought in the baggage of a returning Celestial was discovered by Chief Derr of the baggage division at Manila, on May 14. It is probable that it would never have been
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  • 2600 10 Interesting Functions in Singapore. The first of a series of entertainments in celebration of Empire Day was given at the Cross Street School, on 20th inst, under the superintendence of the Principal, Miss Buxton. There were over three hundred school children and about
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  • 875 11 The inquest into the death of Hoh Hoo, who was shot at Pulau Brani, on May 15, was resumed at the Coroner’s Court at the General Hospital, on Tuesday, by Mr. Alexander Gentle, the coroner. The accused, Privates 1). W. Miller and J. S. Dunkley,
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  • 196 11 At about seven o'clock, Friday night, two twakow coolies engaged in a wordy war at the corner of Canal Road and Keng Cheow St., the bone of contention being fifteen cents due one by the other. Suddenly one of them, whose name is Lee Chong, drew a
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  • 127 11 The Aerial League of the British Empire have decided to form a branch in India, with the object of interesting officers and Anglo. Indians in general in the aims of tfle league. Colonel H S. Massy, chairman of the league, stated to a Press representative yesterday,
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  • 101 11 The Russian Volunteer Floet steamer Voronej, which arrived in Colombo from Vladivostock, bound for Odessa, is taking in at that port as much as 4.000 tons of copra. This is easily the biggest shipment of copra ever made from Colombo in a simile vessel. The
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  • 78 12 Brooksbank. —On May 19, at Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Oswald E. Brooksbank, a daughter. Dalky At 43, Prinsep Street, Singapore, on May the wife of Albert L. A. Daley, of a daughter. Ruddock. —On May 21, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of M. C. Ruddock, of
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  • 39 12 Pashmork—Lkakd. —On May 22, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. M. Kirkby, ma Albert Edward Passmore, eldent «on of Edward Passmore, of Stamford Hill, London, to Susie Leard, of Sydney. Australian and Home paperH please copy.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1177 12 —Straits Times, May 2<T A recent issue of the Economist brings i out clearly some strong points made during the debate which took place some time ago in tbe House of Commons on the British attitude towards seizure of enemy's merchant ships in time of war. In
      —Straits Times, May 2<T  -  1,177 words
    • 1044 12 —Straits Times, May 21 Sir John Anderson returns to Singapore to day, after an absence which has beer** once too brief and too strenuous to be regarded as a holiday. We entertain a hope that the six weeks or so which he has spent on the sea
      —Straits Times, May 21  -  1,044 words
    • 1177 13 A NEW WAY OF LIFE.” no other conceivable way.”—Straits Times, May 22. The trenchant npeecb on army matters which Lord Roberts has just delivered in the House of Lords emphasises a remarkable article in a recent issue of the Spectator on what that most thoughtful organ describes as “anew way
      no other conceivable way.”—Straits Times, May 22.  -  1,177 words
    • 1109 13 most faithfully aod intelligently.—Straits Timed, May 24. Rats, rooks and bats, besides other things innumerable, animate and inanimate, have done duty as ghosts. We have met a few of them in onr time, and enjoyed the peculiar sensation at the roots of the hair which is supposed
      most faithfully aod intelligently.—Straits Timed, May 24.  -  1,109 words
    • 1243 14 make no progress without their aid.—Straits Times, May 25. By the last mail we received the text of Mr. Lloyd George’s speech in presenting a Budget, which showed a deficit of nearly sixteen millions sterling on the current year’s balance between estimated expenditure and income, taking the
      make no progress without their aid.—Straits Times, May 25.  -  1,243 words
    • 1179 14 —Straits Times, May 26. There are Chancellors and Chancellory just as there are Viceroys and Viceroys, but in whatever office he in&y hold two things may be postulated about Lord Curzon—the first that he will be strenuous, the second that he will be interesting. It may
      ,—Straits Times, May 26.  -  1,179 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 91 12 The postfree price of the Straits Turns «s years is The post free price of »he Straits Hudgrt it $U a year. It it not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same propor* tionatr rate at for a year. The Straits Hudgrt
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  • 1061 15 When Kodah joins the Federation, the British Consulate, now situated at Alor Star, will be removed to Puket. The board of foreign affairs at Peking, has decided to establish Chinese Consulates in Hongkong, Java and Colombo. Tho F. M. S. Railway authorities allowed the outstation school children to
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  • 541 16 Mr. Claude King, who was tho leading actor in the Bandmann Company, it* now on a tour to Auatralia. Mr. Sheffield, ono of the two officer* Rent by the Federated Malay State* for training in the survey of India, iH returning to hiH own department. Mr. W.
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  • 546 16 Before the Chief JuHtice, yesterday, the case of Chop Buan Teck Sony against Soon Keck Ltd., owners of the Sri Mtiar which recently sank at the wharf at Muar was continued, the claim being for 91,260, the value
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  • 76 16 New« from Tibet in the Echo de Chine fchowH that journalism has at last gained a footing in that land of mystery. The Dalai Lama or head pontiff of the country has sent to the Vassal’s Department at Peking, a specimen copy of a newspaper he is
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  • 530 16 (From Ocr Own Corrkspondknt.) Malacca, May 24 The Malacca Empire Day committee seated a novel programme this year with unprecedented success. Up to 4 0 c l 2 the visitor would have thought Sleepy Hoik an ideal name for The Ancient
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  • 61 16 Following is the result of crushing opera tions at Raub for the four weeks ending 22nd instant:—BukitKornan —Stonecrushe, 3,885 tons, gold obtained, 1,092 ounces, an average per ton of 5 62 dwts. Bukit Malacca Stone crushed 2,094 tons, gold obtains, 110 onnees, an average per ton
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  • 14 17 Tbe Strait* Time* it no* re.pon.ible for the p Jioos of it* irreepondenta.]
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  • 333 17 To the tiJitor of the Straits Times. with reference to a report headed v/C I rtflt aDDearinc in your issue of Mail bag J*® I should wish to lue J S' om notion and that of the public YTthe statements reported to have been ,b *L‘b
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  • 155 17 To the Kditor of the Strait 9 Times. Sir—Can any of your readers inform me it, by the laws of the Straits Settlements, beggars indicted with diseases, loathsome to a degree, have all the rights and privileges of healthy inhabitants, ana are allowed to take up their
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  • 282 17 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. „„n' r In connection with the Malaya Footd »L 50C n Le S« ue &gt; a match was played betumit Reclamation, yesterday, Karih^ri^ 6 H?-"? 1 Bahar and the Pathol im.,,' u ba which ended in a win for the I
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  • 346 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A8 Sir .lohn Anderson, our Governor, returned to the Colony to-day, I respectfully suggest, that His Excellency’s attention be drawn to the increase of dangerous secret societies in the Colony more forcibly than has already been done in the
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  • 89 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —1 would call your attention to an error in your publication of my letter of the 19th instant, regarding A Lost Mail Bag. I believe 1 said, the children are not allowed to leave the class rooms just after they
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  • 186 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. s 'ir» —While thanking very much the gentlemen who have so kindly arranged for a Tamil meeting to be held in the Methodist Girls’ School, Short Sfteet, on the 31st instant, at 6.15 p.m,, may I, through
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  • 325 17 The case against a towkay named Lok Yam Seng, charged with engaging four coolies for work at Serapong, without signing a written contract, and against one Long Sian, charged with being an unlicensed recruiter and with furnishing the towkay with the
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  • 86 17 The death is announced of Huria Matenga, an interesting old Maori woman, who has generally been known as the Graoe Darling of New Zealand. In 1863 the brigantino Delaware was wrecked near Nelson. Huria was a witness of the disaster, and without thought for her own safety
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  • 681 18 Garrison v. S. C. C. There was some excellent cricket on the Esplanade, on Monday afternoon. The feature of the match between the Garrison and the »S. C. C. was the 97 runs by Home. I »etails follow Garrison. Lieut. Home run out 97 Ij. Corp. Shallcross
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  • 433 18 Malacca’s Champion. Malacca has just lost one of its oldest residents in the person of Mr. Mackenzie, acting assistant principal, High School. Since coming to the Settlement three years ago, Mr. Mackenzie bas devoted himself heart and soul to the interests of the community, writes our correspqpdent. He was
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  • 364 18 Ladle’s Spoon Match. Several lady members of the sin.,.* IUfle Association took p*rt in a spoorT^ fouX^ 6 l 0n S Mrs. Kills 34 ser •&lt;« Mrs. Bowes 30 5 L Mrs. Lemon 26 ’7 Mrs. Learmont 27 5 &gt; Mrs. Jago 81 Kr j,, Mrs. Axten 25
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  • 197 18 5. C. C. v, 3rd Middlesex Regt. A match between the first elevens of tht S. G. C. and the 3rd Middlesex regiment ie always interesting to watch, and the meet ingot these teams on Tuesday, was no excep tioo to the rule. The game was fast and lively-throughout.
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  • 813 19 Association Championship. MaliJ* nn verBation among the Tbe ooo topic of waa the big match Malays “J, Bahar and the Fatal bet**" b played off at Beach Road, Karib. bicb D8 i«ierable interest waa oenby three or four thousand t',d m tb ”i u jj Dt! many Europeans.
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  • 83 19 Cricket Club Sports. The S. C. C. athletic sports Gymkhana will be held on the Esplanade on July 8, commencing at 8 p.m. Entries close on June 23. The programme includes the following events:—throwing the cricket ball; 100, 150, :t00 and 600 yards’ handicaps; hurdle raoe; veterans' race 100
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  • 133 19 Accident to a Jockey. The Malay Mail of 21st instant, says:—We regret having to report that a serious accident occurred on the racecourse here this morning. Kidd, the jockey, was riding Marqnis, when the latter—usually a very quiet horse —attempted to bolt off the track. Unfortunately in so
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  • 176 19 Tournament at Malacca. The final of the billiard tournament at Malacca, was played on 18fch inst., when Mr. Mackenzie (receive 20) fell an easy victim to Capt. Symonds (owe HO). The game was a very slow one until Capt. Symonds passed his opponent at 130 with a nicely-compiled break
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  • 341 19 The most curious point in the remarkably criminal career of Frederick Murray, or Sylvester, who was sentenced at the Old Bailey, was hardly brought out in the brief summaries that were given in the morning paper. He seems to have bad
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  • 129 19 On the 12th inst., about 5-45 u.m., an accident of a serious nature oocurrea to the P. and O. Company’s steamer Egypt, now lying in the Victoria Dock, Bombay, at bertha 10 and 11. The French mail steamer Dunbea, which arrived in Bombay that day from Noumea was
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  • 135 19 There is a meeting of the Mnnicipai Commissioners on Friday next, when Dr. Fowlie will move:--{!) that after Jane 90, no person in the employ of the Municipality be given any extra payment or grata ify for overtime work, or Sunday work performed by them, such services for
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  • 1959 20 London, May 19. i The «ienoral Confederation of Labour has placarded Paris with u fervent appeal for a j general strike to day in support of the postal strikers. The House of Commons has passed the resolutions increasing the stamp duties. Mr. Lloyd George denied that the duties
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  • 918 21 Berlin, May 19. The attempt made in Paris to bring about a general strike in support of the postal servant;' is not regarded as likely to succeed. The Armenian Patriarch has sent a request to St. Petersburg for Russian protection. By agreement the Reichstag adjourns until Juue In,
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  • 533 21 The Trans-Siberian Railway has now established itself as the quickest of the three chief routes for the conveyance of (nails and passengers to the Far East, says Engineering. The time taken is much shorter than that taken by India or America, and recent
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  • 421 22 The Kev. F. B. and Mrs. Meyer received a warm welcome to Singapore on Saturday, when Miss Blackmore and other workers at the Deaconess Home held a reception and meeting under the presidency of Mr. J. Polglase. Among those present
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  • 193 22 Mr. Hastings Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, applied to the second magistrate, on Friday, under section 842 of the criminal procedure code, for the committal to the civil prison of one Lo Ko Li, whom be described as a very important witness in the piracy and murder
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  • 263 22 The action of the Mysore Government in excluding the dancing girls known as Devadasis from their customary participation in the ritual of temple services is a remarkable advance in the name of humanity. The repulsive and detestable system by which girls,
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  • 175 22 An official report on further opening up trade between Java and Australia, has been issued from the Government printing office at Batavia. It is written by Mr. B. Streefland, who had been sent by the Java Government on a special commercial mission to the Commonwealth, where he stayed
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  • 163 22 The North Borneo Trading Co., Ltd., proceeded against J. D. W. Thomson, lately employed in some of the docks at Hongkong, for breach of contract. The assessors, Messrs. Dale, McCreath and Cox, gave their opinions in favour of defendant, and the judge, Mr. Turner, gave judgment and
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  • 83 22 (From Our Correspondent j London, via Penau«, M av or The Share Market in London j« active in response to a strong demanri r the Robber Market. aDd “&gt; The Rubber Securities Investment Tm«tm is promoted with a
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  • 261 22 Mr. Forsyth Martin left a week ago for Nakon Sritamarat, says the Bangkok Times of the 15th instant. Mr. B. T. Knight has since gone down to Singora and tho other R. R. D. engineers who have gone or are on
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  • 224 22 It is not an uncommon matter for persons wishing to stand surety for a friend to represent their wealth in cash or property as greater than it is, and they do not scruple to make a declaration on oath to such effect Sek Poh Geok was
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    • 594 23 May 9 H i r h fc b ri"tr. P Uieki ,1 *oD. R’goon. Bomt«d t r ‘l Gentleii Hongkong, Pa.erL, c ri U b fcou bin* 008 J0 w r ctr Christensen, Bangkok, Tan freya. sor 8 Ka v I/P tr oisen Penang, Straits S. 8. Coy Ir\
      594 words
    • 506 23 May 19 Cbskrabongs, Siam str, Bangkok via ports Kmta, Brit str, Teluk Anson via ports H» be, Brit str Penaug and Deli Kistna, Brit str, P. Swettenbara and Penang Ban Poh Guan, Brit str, Macassar via ports Ban Wbatt Hin, Brit str, Telobin via ports Monmouthshire. Brit str. Hambu
      506 words
  • 247 23 PRODUCE. Gambier buyers I 0 00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 18 00 Copra Bali 7 05 do Pontianak 7 45 Pepper, Black buyers 11.121 do White buyers M 18 75 Sago Flour Sarawak 8 00 do Brunei No. I 2.85 Pearl Sago
    247 words
  • 199 23 Yesterday, Teh Quan Sew, sub-post-master, at the Canal Road post-office, was charged before Mr. Howard with a criminal breach of trust as a public servant in respect of $140. Mr. Hawtrey prosecuted. Defendant pi* aded guilty aud said he had been in the service
    199 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 409 24 IN NE FORD’S Uox'rttl »«Mr to* aat Ni The Pbjaioiefl’s Cure for Gout, Rheumetlo Goal had Gravel. Safest and moat If floe tire Aperient for V Regular Ule. Jj Do you Suffer rom HEADACHE, LOSS OF SLBBP, INDIGESTION, TORPID LITER, BILIOUSNESS Beecham’s Pills will quuUv removeth* caU** IL to evetv
      409 words
    • 448 24 REFINED HONE FOR LADIES. Imdim of Oood Family noeived into lady's comfortable borne. Healthiest part of London. Girls chaperoned. Studies assisted in English, French, German, Italian, etc State terms to Anglo-French,” o/o Mrs. Henry Tiedetnan 47, Fitsjaxnes Avenue, Kenmngton, London or to Mrs* E. Mathieu, Singapore, 496 IJl SCIATICA AlfD
      448 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 276 25 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE WORKS 47 Hill Street, (opposite Armenian Church). Bicycle on hire, for sale nod repot red. We do nil kinds of Repair Work on Carriage, Dogcart and Ricksha Wheels, also supply all kinds of Rubber Tyres. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod rate. To INVESTORS LAND PROPERTIES INSPECTED
      276 words
    • 347 25 Th§ only Madid ne of the kind awarden a ver tipcat a at the Calcutta Exhibition, IBS' r«o,.t B o Or. LALOR’S PHOSPHOOY HAS THE LARQE8T SALE OT ANY PH08RHORIC MEDICINE '■pan ta ta. TRaoc mauk For forty /MU ha* maintained iu •world-wfde reputation as the Best and only Mfi
      347 words