The Straits Budget, 13 May 1909

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget VOL LXIII. NO. 2674. Singapore, Thursday, Hay 13,1909. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents
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  • 237 1 leal>eksThe Unwritten Law Books About Japan Reform by Outrage Treasury Tyranny A Railway Policy f* Poverty and Crime i*-io Loc al \nd Gbnbral— Foods and Drinks Straits Chinese f Carters on Strike Imperial Funeral Chinese in Singapore 8 Storm at Ipoh The Late Mr. Whorwell 4 Ward
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  • 718 1 Mr. A.G. Harrington, A.I.C., F. G.C., F.C.S., Municipal Analyst, delivered an interesting and instructive address at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, on 5th inst., on the adulterations of some of our more important foods and drinks, with experiments to show’
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  • 164 1 A gentleman passing through Colombo on his way home from the F. M. S. brings information of a regular boom there in rubber shares consequent on condition of the rubber market, says the Times of Ceylon of April 28. We are told of forward purchases
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  • 630 3 i Barnes, secretary for Mr. u arr V D c tra its Settlements, in the hiocsc AtfaTN J»‘ t {or lg0H writes The course of h> C M caU sed a considerable depress
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  • 250 3 A Tamil lad prosecuted a Malay in the second magistrate’s court, on Friday afternoon, on a charge of breaking the leg of a calf belonging to him. Complainant said that he lived in Macpherson Road and accused lived in a plantation a quarter of a mile away.
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  • 173 3 Same story —wife ill, borrowed money, couldn’t pay, remarked Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith at the Bankruptcy court, on Friday, when a Chinese assistant in a local firm replied to questions put to him by the acting official assignee, Mr. Beatty. His salary was $7O a month,
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  • 79 3 Teiah Singh, employed by a Bombay mercnant named Asoodumall, at 1 Mansoor St., did the vanishing act on April 21. Asoodumall complained that 129.75 disappeared at the same time and the police laid hands upon Tejah Singh, who has been twice before the third magistrate in connection
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  • 38 3 The following statement of the export of tin from Perak for April, which is liable to correction has been forwarded by the Secretariat, Taiping:— Block tin 9,515.78 piculs. Tin ore ,346.60 piculs. Duty *325,254.56 cts.
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  • 612 3 The thunderstorm which burst over Ipoh, last night, was of great severity, and on all sides is declared to be the worst Ipoh has experienced for some years, says the Times of Malaya of the 11th instant,
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  • 44 3 Messrs. F. W. Barker and Co., secretaries of this company, inform us that the output of clean ore from Kanaboi, Ltd., for the month of April, was as followsmine, 39 piculs J and tribute 228 piculs, making a total of 267 piculs.
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  • 466 4 Before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, on Monday, Mr. Harris conducted the appeal of K. Aloarisand A. Curris against a conviction by Mr. Howard for having imported 871 tahils of opium contained otherwise than in an original unbroken chest, they having been fined
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  • 162 4 To celebrate the anniversary of their club, the members of the Fathol Munir Club gave a dinner and musical entertainment on Saturday night. The club house, which was tastefully decorated with evergreens and buntings for the occasion, presented quite a gay appearance. A large number of members
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  • 490 4 We reproduce the following from the Times of Malaya of .the 6th inst.: The inquiry into the circumstances relating to the tragic death on Friday last of Mr. Ernest Whorwell, aged 32, late job manager of the Times of
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  • 93 4 Tenders for the following works have been accepted by the Government:—re-attaping, general repairs, painting and limewhiting to the Sikhs’ barracks at Sepoy Lines,—Gob Sam Sye, $1,519 erection of five additional quarters for the crew of the steam launch Petrel at Pulau Brani—Wong Ah Seng, $2,400; conversion of single-floored
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  • 36 4 There was another oil tire along the beach at Pasir Panjang on oth instant, so the Kalomo is being taken out to the dangerous oil anchorage to-day, to avoid any serious conflagration.
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  • 267 4 HOSPITAL MILK. Maximum Penalty Inflicted for Adulteration. The case against the manager of *i Straits Cattle Trading Co., who was with supplying the Tan Tock Seng HtS with milk adulterated with water and buff? milk, was continued before the magistrate, on Saturday. Mr. TlmnderT the prosecution having addressed the m.,*
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  • 314 4 The Ward Comedy Co. terminated their season in Singapore on Saturday and, on Sunday, left by the steamer Charon for Australia, their first performance being at Perth on the 29th instant. The vaudeville and dramatic programme pre sentod on Saturday was exceptionally
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  • 313 5 a i evidence was taken by the Additional in the caB e second Letchnian and Govindan, being charged with disorderly tbe hrfit k Hating causing hurt to a public CODduC t custody. servant, an P tructing the police, ‘“it Forj pro-cuted and
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  • 212 5 A message receive d at Kobe, on April 21, from the engineers ol the Mitsu Bisbi Dockyard who are at work on the stranded steamer Indrani states that on removing the cargo from the No. 1 hold it was discovered that a
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  • 26 5 U^\, W T R,! r P the following outputs worn Mat and Kuantan Tin Mines:!V„! 08 '.l* 11 lioxeß Tributors Total
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  • 256 5 Tbe annual report of the Nortb German Lloyd at Bremen states that the freight traffic on the mail line to the Far East has during the whole year been satisfactory; only on the outward line was there sometimes lack
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  • 227 5 Two Chinese named Lim Chun and Koh Wi were before the second magistrate, on Friday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into a charge of taking part in a gang robbery. Mr. Mundell prosecuted and Mr. Campbell defended the accused. Mr. Mundell explained that the complainant, a bullockcart driver,
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  • 114 5 Before Mr. .Justice Sercombe Smith, in the Bankruptcy Court,on Friday,the matter of Lim Leng Kiam was allowed to stand over for a fortnight, it being understood that bankrupt hopes to settle with his creditors in that time. In the case of Chop Lim Heng, an order for
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  • 450 5 The point about The Man from Mexico is that he has not been there at all. He has, in fact, beeu spending bis time in a place which if not more reputable is at all events less distant, because an
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  • 185 5 Mr. C. C. W. Liddelow, late Manager of the .Teller Hydraulic mine, has been appointed manager at the Sorendah Hydraulic mine, says In Tioland. He graduated at the Koyal School of Mines, Freiberg. His connection with these States consisted of prospecting under Mr. W. W. Richard*on in
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  • 471 6 Mr. Wolferstan acting inspector of prisons, prosecuted a Tamil sub-warder named Karambaram, employed at the criminal prison, on the sth inst., before the second magistrate, on a charge of taking a letter from the prison contrary to regulations. A prisoner named
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  • 73 6 The committee of the gymkhana meeting held at the racecourse on February 13, assembled at the S. C. C. on 6th inst., under the presidency of Sir Arthur Young when the accounts were presented and shewed a credit balance of 9176.29. These were passed and it was
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  • 79 6 Some time ago wo called attention to the record of tho Castle wood Rubber Co. and reumrked upon tho losses which the shareholders had sustained under conditions which have been singularly favourable to tho success of rubber enterprises. Wo now learn that a first and final
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  • 435 6 Official decrees dated Saigon, April 19 and 22, bronght the sensational treason plot case to a lame conclusion. The decrees, as published in Saigon papers, admit that, under the guise of a trading enterprise, a gang of agitators had set
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  • 204 6 We have been asked to air the complaint of several people that, on leaving performances at the theatre, they have not been able to obtain refreshments at hotels owing to its being after the midnight closing hour. It is a very nice and desirable thing, no doubt,
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  • 362 6 A sensational arrest was made at c on April 22, when the police laid hinH 1 ?0a Chinese agitator-. bi* Mb. TO** well as in influence—on the chari/enf u M had a hand in the pepper-growm' tion at Kampot in Cambodia. He
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  • 134 6 A very brilliant meteor came into our atmosp hereon the night, of sth inst., shortly before eleven o’clock, describing half a great circle from the horizon off Siglap to the neighbourhood of Bukit Timab, where it appeared to have become entirely con sumed. When first seen,
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  • 98 6 The report of Dr. W. Gilmore Ellis, the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shows that during the week ended May 1, 192 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 35.97 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 27 deaths, bronchitis 12, phthisis
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  • 838 7 airman and Directors, Haab AustraT a W h Mmin« Coy., Ltd., Singapore, lian f be rewitli beg to hand you m your mining and milling operatioDfl -n* measurements and assay returns The
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  • 186 7 There is considet&ble difference of opinion among local members of the bar regarding the advantages and disadvantages of certain features of the new civil procedure code, 1907. Under it, the discovery of documents in the district court is not allowed. Before the code went into force, all
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  • 82 7 It is said that over ten thousand natives of the Shun I district have emigrated as coolies to the Straits and Malay States, writes the Canton correspondent of the China Mail. Very few of them attain wealth, but one lucky fellow named Ngan has lately returned
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  • 451 7 There was an interesting Jewish case before the fourth magistrate, on Sunday, which brought about thirty of that race to the court. Mr. Isaac Ezekiel Elias, a well-known member of the Jewish community, prosecuted Miss Rachael Bekor on a charge of
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  • 145 7 A well-known Ceylonese contractor named Mutukumaro was the complainant in a case before the second magistrate, on Saturday, the accused being a youthful cousin named Kandiah, charged with theft of clothing and jewellery, valued at #141.50, from the contractor. Mr. Yarborough defended the erring youth, who said
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  • 700 8 (From Ocr Own Corrbspondknt.) Malacca, May 9. The weekly shoot of the Ladies’ Rifle Club took place at the miniature range on Tuesday and Friday and resulted as follows Miss McKenzie 8# Mrs. Howell 82 Mrs. Williams 26 Mfss
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  • 260 8 A crowded house witnessed the exceptionally good programme which was put on at the Alhambra cinematograph on Saturday night, three Aims d’art figuring among the items. The first was a new one entitled The Fear, a sensational picture of crime, remorse and fear, capitally produced, and the others were
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  • 143 8 Saturday night was a presentation night at the Wayang Kassim, the popular proprietor, Mr. S. Kassim, being the recipient of a cup from the members of the Subordinate Civil Service Association under whose patronage the wayang were performing that evening. Special seats were assigned to the
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  • 127 8 Strikes in the 11.I 1 M. S. seem to be infectious, says the Malay Mail. No sooner has the car-’ ters’ strike in Kuala Lumpur come to an end than a strike of gharry drivers and rickshapullers takes place in Kuala Kubu. The strike in Kuala
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  • 152 8 A strong westerly wind lias caused t.. sea on the Goodwin Sands, and the ther damage. 61 hf. A novel offer was made, on April 12 Dover unemployed with the view of as much as possible of the Mahratta« wS* able
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  • 144 8 Some months ago, a chetty prosecuted another chetty, but the prosecution failed and the prosecuted ono turned round and claimed $1,100 odd damages for malicious prosecution, judgment for which he obtained. The matter came before Mr. Justice Ser combe Smith, on Monday, in the form of a
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  • 129 8 The Sultan of Tringganu, with a consider able suite of followers, arrived in Singapore yesterday, from Rhio, where he has for some time been on a visit. Though the Sultan may, incidentally make an appearance at the races, it is quite probable that his visit to
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  • 86 8 The British Steamer Hong Wan I, Capt. Kinghorn, arrived at Amoy, on April 29, from Hongkong and Straits. She was carefully searched by the Customs, and to good effect, for a very large quantity of percussion caps were found in the steward’s room, and in, other places.
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  • 43 8 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., the local U'ent" are advised by the manager, Linggi i ’Utnta tions, Ltd. that the net revenue derivt i i roU1 tin mining on the company’s Kam estate during the month of April was HC Ml<l
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  • 374 9 rl( a. case has been reported to the A ur, Cl c aa( i M. Station, says a police of th« q{ Apri i 26. The facts, ther them, are that on the as ar of he Sisters of the
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  • 286 9 Following a spell of intense heat which caused the perspiration to roll in rivers from the performers, says the S. C. M. P. of the •10th ult., a squall struck the huge marquee of the hippodrome circus and menagerie on Wednesday
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  • 488 9 For the information of local readers the following excerpt is printed from the columns of the Perth Sunday Times—an Australian publication:— The boss Chow, having determined to bring his free compatriots to a proper sense of their bearings, writes to bis agent
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  • 60 9 A congratulatory message was sent from Bangkok to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands on Ist inst., in the name of the Netherlands subjects in Siam. Both they and members of the diplomatic and consular body also called at the Netherlands Legation at Bangkok to
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  • 70 9 Mr. Khoo Cheow Teong was the victim of a safe robbery on the 2nd instant. A safe in his residence in Light Street, Penang, was rifled of its contents consisting of unset diamonds, gold and diamond jewellery and banknotes, altogether valued at $lB,OOO. A reward of $l,OOO
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  • 231 9 Mission School writes as follows to the MadittH-Mail:—Seme thne ago a Madanapalle correspondent wrote about the advice which thieves adopt to make themselves invisible. I have heard of another, and this is what it is. You take the black
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  • 320 9 Mr. H. Schutz, manager of the Hotel de I’Europe, was prosecuted by Capt. Bower, assistant superintendent of police, in the fourth magistrate’s court, yesterday, on a charge of selling liquors during prohibited hours. Prosecutor stated that he was passing the hotel at
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  • 53 9 Mr. A. Lowther Kemp, secretary, advises us that the manager of this company reports as follows: —Rubber crop harvested during April 0742 lbs. dry. Corresponding month last year nil. Total for first three months of financial year 8,888 lbs. dry. Total for corresponding period last year
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  • 60 12 William*.— On May 9, at Holroyd, Syed Ali Road, Singapore, the* wife of A. P. Williams, of a Son (still born;. McCully. —On May 10, at 26 2, Sophia Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCully, a Daughter. Baktkls. —On May 5, at The Maternity Hospital, Sepoy
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1243 12 lkjl Kiicir auuous, goou or Dad, as men.— Straits Times, May 6. We reported yesterday a pitiful case at the Saigon Criminal Court in which a Frenchman was charged with the wilful murder of his wife, just after the steamer in which they were travelling had left
      lkjl Kiicir auuous, goou or Dad, as men.— Straits Times, May 6.  -  1,243 words
    • 1183 12 on every page of contemporary history.— Straits Times, May 7. We have received several books »i Japan recently, but most of them ap have been written for the purpose of suading globe trotters that there is a l an ?!i pure delight, away out across the China
      on every page of contemporary history.— Straits Times, May 7.  -  1,183 words
    • 1106 13 a great and solemn trust.—Straits Times, May 8. The gravest pity about the trial which has just concluded at Alipore is that it has dragged on for nearly twelve months. Justice in such a country as India must be swift to be effective, and, though we would
      a great and solemn trust.—Straits Times, May 8.  -  1,106 words
    • 1284 13 o luiiuiry into tlio honesty of tho proceeding.—Straits Times, May 10. We have commented occasionally on the drastic control that is exercised by the British Treasury over the expenditure of that country. Quite recently the old-stand-ing grievance of men who now being curtly overruled by some understrapper who
      o luiiuiry into tlio honesty of tho proceeding.—Straits Times, May 10.  -  1,284 words
    • 1174 14 the anchors of tradition. —Straits Times, May 11. We have beard of a worthy griffin who, on arrival in Singapore, selected a bouse on the Bukit Timah Koad so that he might hear the screech of a railway whistle and have sweet memories revived of Victoria and Charing
      the anchors of tradition.—Straits Times, May 11.  -  1,174 words
    • 1123 14 any lawlessness that is allowed to prevail.— Straits Times, May 12. In the report of Mr. W. D. Barnes, secre tary for Chinese Affairs, which we published a few days ago, the statement is made that there has been recently a great increase in the number of
      any lawlessness that is allowed to prevail.— Straits Times, May 12.  -  1,123 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 Tli*j po»tfr*»« price of the Straits Times s■#> <* y® :4r i# The p<»t free price of the Straits Budget is $l4 a year It it not nete!»»arv to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the satne propor* tionate rate as for a vear. T
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  • 933 15 The Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland pays a drvidend of 61 per cent, for the past year against 8 per cent, for 1907. On and after June 1, the insurance system will be extended to parcels exchanged by way of Italy between the Straits Settlements and Malta. The number
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  • 440 16 (From Oi:r Own Correspondent). Malacca, May 5. A committee meeting of the Malacca Golf Club has been held to consider the tilling up of the vacancies caused by the resignations of Messrs. Mackenzie and Kinder. Their resignations were accepted with regret, and
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  • 174 16 The Shanghai Mercury states that a natural phenomenon, something after the style of a human ostrich, has just come under the notice of the Shanghai police. The other day a coolie was run in by a policeman under the impression that he was off his head, for
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  • 463 16 Of all the plays in Mr. Ward’s repertoire, Mr. Hopkinson was certainly the one we were anticipating with most pleasure. In* the first place, the author, Mr. R. C. Carton, is a playwright of some distinction, having written several well-known
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  • 97 16 Probably because the ceremony was not generally known, very few people went to the (iardens yesterday evening to hear the drums of the 3rd Middlesex Regiment beat “retreat.” Nowadays, “beating retreat ”is a ceremonial function, but in days gone by, when troops were called upon to
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  • 39 16 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. agents for the Labu (KM.B.J Rubber Co., Ltd., have been advised by the manager that the output of dry rubber from the company’s estate during the month of April was 3,394 lbs
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  • 432 16 In the summonß court, on 6th inut *l case of the third engineer of the I oitu Castle versus the second engineer C a Z the charge being assault. After a wordy battle between M r aul; and Mr. Perkins regarding
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  • 115 16 17 is reported that the Chartered Co. ol British North Borneo have voted the sum oi •20,003 for opening another rubber estate at Membakut on the West Coast. Mr. Hard wick, one of the district officers, has been appointed manager with instructions to expend this
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  • 63 16 Mr. W. M. Hogg, assistant at the Tambun mines, was bitten, the other night, by a venomous snake. Being miles away medical assistance, says the Times o Malaya, he promptly adopted sou'cwha heroic measures. He cut off a portion <> the flesh from the injured arm and
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  • 13 17 <>ra s Times is not responsible for the opinions of it* correspondents-]
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  • 813 17 To ti e Editor of the Straits Times. will regret that Courts of Sir 7do an n y ot always uphold sentences of Appe* 1 cio Du u men and women Smanatfe CbapJi kL gambling dens in Singapore. known the ru in this kind of on tbe
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  • 412 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Will any of your readers be so good as to tell me how the answer to the following sum is to be arrived at 1 have tried my utmost and had in the end to give it up as a bad
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  • 309 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Having read lately in your Rubber Notes some remarks about the Hilaries of estate managers in Malaya; 1 should like I through the medium of your columns to draw attention to the amount allowed for superintendence in the estimates given
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  • 112 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I read with much interest the suggestion made to me in the Straits Echo of the 8th instant; but I am sorry to state that time will not permit me to go up there. I shall only be too pleased
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  • 81 17 The following promotions have taken place in the S. V. C.: —Co. Sergt. Major D. Mo Leod Craik, S. K. E. (V.) to be Quarter* Master Sergeant S. V. C M and Ex Sergt.Major W. Careless to be Quarter-Master Sergeant, S. V. A., and attached for duty to
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  • 103 17 Our correspondent at Malacca, writing on Tuesday, says :—This afternoon, Lieut. Coleman, R. N. It., Mrs. Coleman and their two children left by the steamer Selangor for Singapore. Lieut. Coleman goes to take command of the Government yacht Sea Mew in succession to Capfc. Murphy.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 488 18 S R. C. v. Police. The Police team tried conclusions with the S. K. C. at soccer, on 5th inst. The game was a somewhat slow one, and there was nothing keen about it. The Police were two men short in the first period, but had their full
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    • 557 18 S. C. C. V. Y. M. C. A. On the S. C. G. ground, on Taesday, the Club’H tirnt team played a cricket match against the Y. M. C. A., the latter team winning. The Club’s second eleven is down for a match against the Y. M. C. A.
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    • 221 18 Straits Champion Beware Mr. U. Frdhlich successfully accomplished the swim yesterday evening from the flagstaff jetty to the Swimming Club bungalow at Tanjong Bungah, says the Pinang Gazette of 8th instant. Thero was a strong breeze and a heavy swell, and at one time heavy rain as well, but
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    • 306 18 Selangor Golf Club. The following scores were returned for the Ladies May medal lue Mrs. Gallagher 55 ecr =55 Miss Vetter 65 H =.57 Mrs. Freer 65 scr.-- ft Keppel Qolf Club. The results of competition by Medal Pl av for •'the President's prize on Saturday and Sunday was
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  • 34 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 6. Joseph Smith, a well-known Eurasian, has been committed for trial at the Assizes on a charge of forging documents relating to land in Province Wellesley.
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  • 43 18 (From Our Own Correspondent Penang, May Two Chinese have been arrested at Jelutong, the seaside resort just beyond George Town in connection with the recent piracy in Johore waters. They vere brought before the magistrate for preliminary enquiry and were remanded.
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  • 158 19 I Our Corrkhpondknt.) London via Penang, May 6. The (iolconda Malay Rubber Company a d,-licit on the year s working of £52. sh Tte whole year’s expenditure has been cbargert gainst revenue, and the crop was 15
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  • 185 19 before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, on Monday Ham Singh appealed, through Mr. Crabb Watt, against a conviction in the police court, by Mr. Howard, on a charge of giving false evidence. It appeared that Isar Singh owed money to Ram Singh, who sued biiu for
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  • 40 19 Tbe Secretary of these mines informs us tLiat the outputs for the month of April were as follows: I’ueing Lama.—444 piculs, won by the company, plus 225 piculs, won by the tributors. Pusing Hharu.—532 piculs.
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  • 129 19 A correspondent writes to the Malay Mail that motor -cycling is absolutely dangerous cn 1(3 rofit *s in Liu Pahang, and wishes our contemporary to warn motor-cyclists intern 10 t avcl that locali ‘y- The roads, in P'tc ot their sharp corners and uneven suraces, would
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  • 377 19 At the Assizes, on the sth instant, a gang robbery at a planta’ion in Yeo Chu Kang Road was investigated by the Chief Justice, two Chinamen being charged with the offence. Mr. Song Oug Siang defended them. This is the case
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  • 307 19 A correspondent writes :—On the arrival of the steamer HoDg Wan I. from Rangoon via Singapore and Hongkong (April 30, 1909) the Customs found a quantity of ammunition, percussion caps, etc., in the galley and on of the ship’s servants promptly decamped and his place knew him uo
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  • 342 19 A lecture delivered before a scientific society in Holland, the other day, gives up-to-date particulars regarding the working of the Opium Regie in Java. Under it, there is less smuggling than under the old farming
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  • 140 19 The sanitation of Kuala Lumpur, has evidently made appreciable improvement of late, says the Perak Pioneer, for we read that only eleven prosecutions were sanctioned at the last meeting of the civic board, as compared with treble that number in the previous month. A discrimin. ating
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  • 129 19 Among planters in Deli, especially with companies, assistants are generally bound by agreement not to marry until they have served five years. The argument is that the employers do this in the interest of the assistants to prevent them from being burdened with a family before they
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  • 1834 20 London, May 5. In the HouHe ot Commons, Mr. LloydGeorge said he was gratified at the reception of his Budget. He pointed out that criticism was practically confined to the land tax, and to the new licensing fees. In regard to these he was merely following tho example
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  • 949 21 Berlin, May 5. Id accordance with the wishes of the Emperor Francis Joseph, the chief festivities at Vienua on the occasion of the Kaiser s visit on May 14, will take place in the Town Hall, to which the royal guest has been invited by the Municipal Council.
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  • 257 21 .Belin, Meyer and Company, Ltd., agents of the North German Lloyd line at Manila, with the arrival of every vessel of their Japan-Austral service in Manila, says the local Times, are conducting an adequate launch service to and from the vessels while in
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  • 142 21 Additional police evidence was given, yesterday, in the case against the proprietress of an Anson Road coffee shop, who was charged with selling intoxicating liquors without a licence and keeping open her licensed coffee shop during prohibited hours. Mr. Kitovitz appeared for the defence. European
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  • 105 21 Between 5 p.m. on Monday and 9 a.m., on Tuesday, thieves removed jewellery, mostly gold rings, valued at about $1,300, from a show case in tho shop of Messrs. John Little and Co. Diligent inquiries were made with the result that three Tamils employed by
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  • 73 21 On Tuesday, the remains of Pte. Palmer of F. Co., Middlesex Regiment, were interred at Bidadari Cemetery. Tho service was read in the chapel by the Rev. W. Drury, Chaplain to the Forces also at the grave. Three volleys were fired; the Last Post was sounded, and
    73 words

    • 569 23 May s Wegner, Saigon, Bjhn Meyer I, T Meter vX, Memersz, P^embang Meyer. Philippine leland. Birke h d w Mansfield tr Sutherland, London, Pft^ r r D (>e 1 r m Bt° Muller, H’kong, B. Meyer jjicomedis. y )ut Btr> Mulder, Pontianak, V»a der i*) n < S1 "P;
      569 words
    • 436 23 May 5 Kanag&wa Maru, Jap str, Antwerp via ports Gnadiana, Fch str, Saigou La Seyne, Fch str, Batavia Tasman, Dut str, Muntok Den of Kelly, Brit str, Port Said and Bordeaux Lai Sang, Brit str, Hongkong Profit Nor str, Bangkok Terrier, Nor str, Bangkok 6 C Hock Kian, Dut
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  • 246 23 Singapore, May 12, 1909 produce. Gambier buyers I 9.00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked M 13.00 Copra Bali 7.75 do Pontianak M 7.40 Pepper, Black buyers 11.00 do White 5% Ouyers 17.371 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.93 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 4 00 Coffee Bali
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  • 206 23 The Pioneer states. —We are now able to confirm the hint contained in a letter of our London correspondent some time ago relative to the possible visit of Sir Charles Wyndham to India next cold weather. Sir Charles has always had a wish to see
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 458 24 5*1 I I F >+ taP Pr 1Ch Allicticn,: Dll £feyrgjci&n’f 4 Cure to t Gout, Rheumatic Gout i.3 and Gravel.."/ Safest and most Effective Aperient j&'Sra£s 01p k x Rogular 4Use. .MAGNESIA “V' Jo -yo»^|4|fP«r L~ 5 Prom HEADACHE, LOSS OF SLEEP, IHDIGESTIOH, f* TORPID LITER, B1LI0USHESS will quit
      458 words
    • 577 24 REFINED NOME FOR LADIE8. Ladies oi Good Family received into lady’s comfortable borne. Healthieet part df London. Girls chaperoned. Sttfdie* assisted in Knglisb, French. German, Italian, etc State terms to Anglo French,” o/o Mrs. Henry Tiedemaa f 47, Fitzjames Avenuo, Kensington, London or to Mrs. E. Mathm* Singapore. 425 constipation.
      577 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 296 25 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE W0RK8 r 4, v p y p i j j y r i, r 47 H*U Street, (opposite Armenian Church). Hioycle on hire, for site and jjifuired;r We do ail kinds of Repair Work on Carriage, Dogear* and RtckriiejWeele, also supply all kinds of Rubber
      296 words
    • 357 25 The only Medicine of the kina warden a vert ip cate at the Calcutta Exhibition, i a '■'V v Registered. mm&mom Tr P»n tt u Mauk, St K HAS THE LARQE8T SALE OF ANY PH08PHORIO MEDICINE IN vv 0 Rlo It# entrgizing tlfects For forty ymri has maintained ha world-wide
      357 words