The Straits Budget, 6 May 1909, 12

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXIII. NO. 2673. Singapore, Thursday, Nay 6,1909.. ESTABLISH KB BVIR HALF A QfMTURV Price 25 cents
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  • 247 1 LEADERSThe Shadow Passes Economic History 12 Mr. Llovd-George s Budget 18 Prediction and Fulfilment 1814 The Personal Rule JJ Trade in the East 14-15 Local and Gbkbral Priie Day at Raffles Correspondence Miss Palotta’s Ayah lpoh Tragedy Resident of Kuching n Church Work Association h China s
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  • 606 1 Crowds tilled the Criminal Court at Saigon on April 22, when Celestin Massol, an engineer, a native of Marseilles, was placed in the dock on the charge of murdering his wife on board the mail steamer
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  • 213 1 A small romance was revealed to the second magistrate, on Tuesday, when two Tamil coolies were charged with having onticed away the wife of another coolie, with evil intent. One of them was also charged with taking away jewelleiw valued at $127. Sergt. Joyoe prosecuted.
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  • 35 1 Messrs. McAlister and Co., Ltd., advise having received a cable from the manager of Ragalla Estate in which he states that tb > estimated crop of robber (dry) for April 9HO lbs.
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  • 361 3 January 10, nineteen Chinese were arrested on a charge of participating in an .ffrav in Oueen Street. Three of these were convicted and sentenced by Mr. Green to a month’s rigorous imprisonment, lhey entered an appeal, but when it was called before
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  • 73 3 u a Gove rnment Gazette extraordinary, am tl on Monday, the following notification »n itY**'. 1 l,avin b °en ascertained that rmlV' l,0I,s °f contagious disease, namely, f CX,st8 amon R«t cattle in the anJ of His Excellency the br. n imn, stenng the Government has by
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  • 59 3 manacor f! r he P rin c 'pal advance the hr t i Bandmann Cos. arrived by i r r K if H^(:ai]Q er Muttra, on Tuesday romts aDK 00n the necessary which h f f r the vlß,t of the Opera Co mst. f r pc m
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  • 13 3 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 123 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In accordance with regulations, the holder of the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, Malacca, must continue to attend one of the schools in the colony in which English is taught or else he transfers his rights to the boy next in
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  • 216 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Surely some influence should be brought to bear upon the Municipality to persuade them to stop, or in some manner to deaden the sound of the clock chimes between the hours of 9 and 11.30 p.m., during the visit of
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  • 180 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to note published in your issue of the 29th ultimo, I beg to state that I am of the same opinion as your correspondent. In spite of repeated efforts to stop the all night musical performance in
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  • 209 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Ido not know whether or not there is any law in this colony, which can deal with the makers of unnecessary and unseemly noises during the hours of Divine servico, but if such a law does exist, I would
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  • 206 3 Mr. D. Beatty, the acting Official Assignee, appeared in the district court, on 29th ult. f to prosecute a Eurasian on a charge of a breach of the Bankruptcy Ordinance in borrowing $2OO from one Lim Chin Hin without informing
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  • 183 3 The Morea, is the first P. and O. vessel which has been provided with a machine laundry, says the Madras mail, and the plant is capable of treating 2,000 pieces of ship’s linen a day in addition to passengers washing. The principal charges for washing
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  • 61 3 Warner, Barnes and Co., Manila agents for the Bucknall line, have been advised that some of the Mauila cargo of the Kalorno, which was sunk at Sings pore several months ago, has been landed and will bo forwarded to destination. Among the saved cargo are
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  • 577 4 Those w ho witnessed the comedy at the Victoria Theatre on Monday, had little idea that in Hongkong the company took part in a drama in which the principal artists were an Indian and an ayah, and the stage furniture a
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  • 95 4 The report of Dr. W. Gilmore Ellis, the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shows that, during the week ended April 24, 231 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 43.27 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 41 deaths, bronchitis 17, phthisis
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  • 367 4 It is our sad duty to have to chronicle the death of Mr. Ernest Whorwell, late manager! of the printing department of the Times of Malaya Press, Ltd., under most distressing circumstances, says the Times of Malaya,
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  • 181 4 tfergt. Dickson prosecuted a man named Lee King Sia in the district court before Mr. Howard, on Monday, on a charge of breaking into a shop at 204 Middle Road, with intent to commit theft. The towkay, described how he was aroused from sleep at 4 a.m.
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  • 58 4 Uhe Secretary of the Navy League, on March 30, received the following telegram from Mr. Normau Preutice, dated Bangkok. March 25:—British residents, Siam, interested movement increase Navy, prefer to see I* ar Last take meisures to suoscribe one Dreadnought. Should movement becoun general, will start local
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  • 485 4 Following is the report of Messrs v and Co., dated April 29: ras Our market has been active in ail during the week under review, and »IH the chief dealinga have been in satisfactory to note that several of the in
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  • 125 4 We understand that tue Secretary of State for the Colonies has sanctioned the award to Capt. F. J. Benjafield, S. V. A. Maxim Co, of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Ser« vice Medal. This decoration isopen to members of the Colonial auxiliary forces of all ranks, after
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  • 1129 5 iav Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith <)u 0 f an action brought L 0 ,uuiencr«l «heh« >j d a( ,aiust the British by "r ar tiesMr Ka“ter.. Syndicate Ltd B,er ISrewcr te j_ fo t machinery aud ani delivered. Mr. Fort
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  • 104 5 The French cruiser Bruix left for Batavia yesterday morning. From Aroe Bay, 3,000 tons of dangerous petroleum arrived on Monday, by the British steamer Clam, which proceeded to Hankow yesterday. The Dutch stoamer S. Rickmers arrived from Pladjoe, on Monday, with 900 tons of dangerous petroleum for
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  • 325 5 A Tamil named Rengasamy was tried iu the third magistrate's court, on 29th nlt., on a charge of defaming Mr. H. S. Mclntyre, of the municipal water department, by writing to the municipal secretary that Mclntyre had solicited a bribe.
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  • 168 5 The Lancet has been discussing the early morning cup of tea, which it admits is a source of comfort and refreshment to a good many persons. When tea, properly infused, is harmful at all it is, our contemporary asserts, when it is taken withotft food—that is to say,
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  • 119 5 F. W. Coehlo, piano tuner, was before the second magistrate, on 29th ult., on charges of trespass at the residence of Capt. Fyfe, 45 Sungei lioad, and mischief in creaking a number of flower pots. It appeared from the evidence that Coehlo had been spending a
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  • 528 8 The manager of Klanang Estate, near Jugra, Mr. K. Valpy, who is going on leave, had a great send off on Tuesday night from the Tamil labour force on the estate, says the Malay Mail of April 29:— For
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  • 92 8 A large number of invited guests attended the social gathering at the Deaconess Home, Mount Sophia, on Saturday afternoon, the occasion bring the celebration of the nineteenth anniversary of the founding of the home. The feature of the afternoon was an historical address by Miss Blackmore, who
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  • 198 8 Bangkok merchants have decided to have a commercial watchdog in the shape of an Importers’ Association, and Messrs. Windsor and Co. have been elected to till the chair. That the measures adopted will be fruitful of good results, there can be
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  • 213 8 We have received the May number of the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States which is fully up to its usual standard of excellence. The first thirty-six pages are devoted to a report on the land laws and land administration of the F. M.
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  • 173 8 A goodly number of young men belonging to the Straits Chinese community met on Friday, in the hall of Prinsep Street Church to form a reading club. After the Rev. W. Murray had explained the purposes of the proposed club, and the method of its working
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  • 541 8 The fifth ordinary general meeting 0 f th Kuantan Tin Mining Co., Ltd. w a t n the the offices of Messrs. Derrick and c 0 ham House, at noon on 28th ult Mr r Derrick, presiding. The others
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  • 113 8 We regret to learn, through the medium of a Ceylon contemporary, that Mr. N Lazarus, the well-known optician, died on bo<ird the P. and O. Malwa, on April 24, at Sue/, wliile homeward bound from a trip through the East. The cause of death was
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  • 449 9 i ii».o rimz of the case in The »;l iru 1 kc deputy registrarof *bich I Bt00 d charged with receiving vehicle**. K,,1 i DS wa s resumed on April illegal tf riill^ L r j >i c c. Reay at the
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  • 139 9 A Hylam boy employed at Fort Canning has been before Mr. Hooper charged with bilking a ricksha puller, who said the defend ant engaged him after 11pm. on Saturday for two hours and offered him 50 cents. He ref'i'ed this and claimed 80 cents, which he said
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  • 52 9 Hie m tnager reports that the rubber crop harvested during the month of April was Ol J dry; that of the corresponding month > var 1 04 lbs. dry. The total for the first our months of 1909 was 15,677 lbs. dry, and ir correHpon<lin S
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  • 471 9 Mr. de Mello. fourth magistrate, continued on Saturday,the long drawn-out case against the Straits Cattle Trading Co. who were charged with supplying to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital milk to which water and buffaloes’ milk had been added. Mr. Thunder appeared
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  • 123 9 The province of Yunnan in Western China has been famous for trouble with foreigners, the more so since the railway from Tonkin has made progress. The Prince Itegent has directed the newly appointed Vicoroy to inquire into the matter and to settle all the difficulties that have
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  • 36 9 The total quantity of tin oro exported by the tributorß on the land of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Co., Ltd., during the month of April was 180 bags—lo 2 piculs.
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  • 409 9 Any one pawing Tank Road Ntation on I Saturday morning would have been forcibly reminded of the crowds of children that are to be seen, at the London termini, in July and August, leaving for a fortnight’s holiday in the country.
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  • 207 9 His Excellency Admiral Sir Frederick Bedford, G. C. 8., Governor of Western Australia, Lady Bedford and Miss Bedford were passengers from Australia by the Charon, which arrived on Sunday. Some 57 years ago Sir, Frederick entered the Royal Navy, and as a midshipman he served in tiio
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  • 342 10 Further interesting facts were elicited in the Bankruptcy court, on Friday, before Mr. Justice Sercornbe Smith, in connection with the failure of a Chinese trader, Yap Wee Chee, who, in the end, was fined $100, or in default a
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  • 186 10 The following official changes will, the Malay Mail hears, take place Hhortiy:— When Mr. E. C. H. Wolff goes on leave next week, Mr. F. E. Taylor will act as assistant secretary to Resident-General. Mr. W. H. Lee-Warner will act aH 2nd assistant
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  • 107 10 Jan, the Javanese who murdered a China man with an iron bar at Kranji, some weeks ago, in response to instructions from a bantu, was before the second magistrate, yesterday. Dr. McGregor, of the General Hospital, stated that accused was insane, and acting leap. Niool, of Orchard
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  • 365 10 The dance arranged by the entertainment committee of the Volunteer Club, held at the Drill Hall, on Friday, was an extremely enjoyable little affair—the more enjoyable because unconventional, and because those Volunteers who had been deputed to attend to
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  • 129 10 It is announced iu the Gazette that the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to make the following appointments: —Mr. R. C. Edmonds, registrar, Supremo Court, to act as registrar of joint stock companies, Singapore; Mr. E. L. Talma, deputy registrar, Supreme Court, to act as assistant
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  • 98 10 A Pittsburg newspaper, on April 1, hoaxed the inhabitants by publishing a report from the Pacific Coast that San Francisco was blown off the map by a Japanese fleet, that Oaklaud was levelled, that an American warship was sunk outside the entrance to the Golden Gate,
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  • 362 10 Mr. Hawtry, assistant superintendent police, prosecuted Mr. H. M. Poths in m summons court, yesterday, on a chart'* i rashly drivin K a motor car near the Tennis Club premises, at 9 a.m. on Dr. W. G. Ellis said that
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  • 267 10 At 9 p.m. on April 8, raid was made by Capt. Bower, Insp. Fray no and a posse of constables on 11 Clyde Street, and nineteen Chinese were captured on the allegation of being members of an unlawful assembly. The case was adjourned twice and finally fixed
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  • 20 12 Noon. —On May 1, at the Maternity Hospital. Sepoy Lines, the wife of H. W. Noon, of a Son.
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  • 42 12 Mimj^ktos—Hi'NT. —At Saint Andrew’s Cathedral, on April 29, bv the Rev. 11. C. Izard, William Robert Colvin Middleton. Municipal Health Officer, Singapore, to Ethel Hunt Hunt, widow of J. Brooke Hunt, Woodford, Essex, and daughter of the late George Taylor Bakewell.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1122 12 v, luoni wapaun -Straits Times. April 29. And ho an end has been made of the reign of Abdul Hamid, “greatest of Caliphs and Shadow of Clod on Earth.” He passed unscathed through those strenuous times when the thunders of (lladstonian eloquence were rolling out an invocation
      — —- — v, luoni wapaun -Straits Times. April 29.  -  1,122 words
    • 1110 12 exchange autoiuftticftlly« 1 iuigh, April :10. That most faithful of all tho old bi-metal-lists, Mr. Moretou Frewen, writes of the new era in economic history in tho current issue of tho Nineteenth Century. He has a wealth of references to tho story of past efforts and failures, and
      exchange autoiuftticftlly« 1 iuigh, April :10.  -  1,110 words
    • 1177 13 —Straits Times, May 1. Kven the moderately lengthy telegrams with which we have been favoured by Heuter give but an imperfect account of the manner in which Mr. Lloyd-George has met the largest deficit in the national finances which has ever had to be faced by a
      .—Straits Times, May 1.  -  1,177 words
    • 1237 13 —Straits Times, May 3. Ouce upon a time —to be strictly accurate on November 19—we drew the attention of tho Straits Times readers to certain phenomena with which the painstaking student of finance is familiar, and we predicted that there was about to be a boom in
      —Straits Times, May 3.  -  1,237 words
    • 1029 14 Straits Times, May 4. Two very ablo and distinguished retired members of the Indian Civil Service have recently discussed Lord Morley’s scheme for reforming the Government of India. Lord Macl>onnoil deserved his peerage far more for what ho did as Governor of the United Provinces of Agra
      Straits Times, May 4.  -  1,029 words
    • 1419 14 —Straits Times, May 1. Straits Times, May 5. The scope of its work is so wide that the management of the Chartered Raok of ludia, Australia and China enjoys exceptional opportunities of forming an opinion as to the probable future of fiuance and trade. We do
      —Straits Times, May 1.; Straits Times, May 5.  -  1,419 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 Thu post frew price >d the Straits Times i* > war,< The post free pric e of the Straits Budget is $l4 a year It is not nece-vsarv to subscribe for a year. The t,ub* •criptioru for shorter periods are at the same propor tionatr rate as for a year.
      93 words

  • 959 15 The output of rubber from the Linggi Plautations Ltd., for April was 41,500 lbs. The feast of Santa Cruz is to be celebrated in Malacca, on Sunday next, and a large number of Catholics will attend from Singapore and the F. M. S. Hong Li Hing, charged
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 233 18 S.C.C. V. Police. The S.C.C. and the Police again played a match, on Monday, and the game was witnessed by a fairly large crowd of spectators. The teams had met twice before, and in each case the game had ended in a draw. Yesterday, however, the Club showed
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    • 177 18 Penang Turf Club. The Penang Turf Club subscription griffins for the forthcoming race meeting were draw n for on April 28 as follows 2, J. S. Willis; 8, Tan Rung Hock 5, C. E. Paterson 6, Ampat Kongsi; 7, J. F. Wreford: 8, Festine 9, <). R. L.
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    • 56 18 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The April monthly medal was played for on April 24 and 25, and the following scores were returned:— J. H. D. Jones 79—10-^69 C. Emerson 93 18 75 D. Kerr 88 12 7(3 Dr. J. G. McGregor 82 5 77 R. M. Woollcombe 90 10
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    • 191 18 5. C. C. v. R.E. A fast and at times exciting game was played Tuesday between the S. C. C. and an R. E. eleven. For some time from the start sbot sides worked hard to score, but only the hclu were able to notch a point, through Gold.
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    • 468 18 S.C.C. 2nd XI. v. 99th Deccans. The 99th Deccan Infantry played a game, on Friday, with a second eleven of the S.C.C. The teams were well matched, and there was no score in the first half, when neither side was able to press its attacks home. Early in tbe
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  • 390 18 The French, British and German st*.* lines that call at Haiphong have sud, J raised freight rates toChina by 30 Their Chinese customers at the Tonkin nort are dissatisfied, and have boycotted the (Jon ference which
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  • 167 18 The Dairy Farm Co. at Hongkong reports success after years of continued failure and disappointment in raising alfalfa. It seems that many have tried to produce this uutri tious grass in and about Hongkong, but the tradition sprang up that owing to
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  • 1145 19 n Arc the entries for the Ihi lollow ug r tQ be held 0Q the Ut h, tost, which closed at noon ''the MAIDEN PLATE. Value *6OO Second Horse. A Race for Valatn llorsis. Weight 9st. Entrance. #2O. net Race Course. Vara King, late Second Start Cardinal
    1,145 words
  • 148 19 Two Malay police constables, N09. 30fi and 206, were before the third magistrate, on Saturday, for a continuation of the hearing of the charge, laid against them by a Chinese hawker, of receiving an illegal gratification of ten cents at the junction of Hill
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  • 2095 20 London, April 28. The Sbeikh-ul-Islam's fetwa referring to Abdul Hamids tampering with the holy writings, and she dding the blood of innocents, was greeted by the National Assembly with cries of Dethrone him. \bd ii Ifamid receiving a deputation said that he expected deposition “It is fate,’ he
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  • 518 21 Berlin, April 28. The (lrthroninR of Abdul Hamid has taken Nlt, out f orce, and his life is assured. <j h ls b oen taken to Salonika, it* 1 roc amation of Uechad, as successor, 1 11 place amid great rejoicings. in N anx f; ty among the
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  • 108 21 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., agents of the Linggi Plantations, Ltd., have received a cable from the secretary of the company, in London, announcing that a final dividend of 4p per cent, has been declarer!, making a total dividend 0f.60 per cent, for the year, This information, it
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  • 414 21 Before a crowded and overwhelmingly enthusiastic house, the curtain rose at the Victoria Theatre, on Tuesday, upon the Ward Comedy Company s production of The New Clown. It was their second appearance and success was assured from the start. The
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  • 176 21 At the Assizes, which opened on Tuesday, the Chief Justice inflicted a sentence of five years’ rigorous imprisonment on Chow Nang, whom the jury unanimously found guilty of housebreaking by night after making preparation for causing hurt. The accused, who had
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    • 579 23 April *8 u atr Cockmau, Hongkong, P. O. cru, de Vaineaut, Saigon, Bru ,v 1 29 uu J>aaay. Span str, Soria, Barcelona 81 0 Ba» atr. Borkovsky, Odessa, Btcher 1 B- tlt. 1 OUen! Penang. Straits S. 8. Coy B k ji rlt str, Davidson, Penang, Talk Lee Guft,
      579 words
    • 449 23 April 38 Guslar, Ger str, Hamburg via ports Ban Hong Leong, Brit str, Bangkok Airlie, Brit str, Batavia and Sydney via ports C. Apc&r, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Hild, Nor str, Bangkok Both, Dut str, Batavia Chakrabongs, Siam str, Bangkok via ports Koranna, Brit str, H’kong, Shanghai, Japan
      449 words
  • 235 23 Singapore, May 5, 1909 PRODUCE. Gambier buyers I 8.90 do (Cube No. 1) uupioked 12.8T| Copra Bali 7.75 do Pontianak 7.40 Pepper, Black 11.15 do White 5% ouyers 17.25 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.90 do Brunei No. 1 2.86 Pearl Sago 4 00 Coffee Bali 27.00 Coffee Palemb&ng.
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  • 197 23 The Chinese Church, connected with the English Presbyterian Mission, met in its half-yearly Presbytery at Prinsep Street Church on Tuesday, from 9.30 a.m., to 9.30 p.m. The morning was devoted to business, the afternoon and night to devotional exercises and conference. Beside the representative pastors, preachers and elders
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 400 24 si ■.if m 1 NEFORD’S The Physician’! Cure for Goirt, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Universal Remedy for Aciditv of the t h Iieadache. Hearthura, Indigestion, K nictations, Bilious Affections. |DINNEFO| MAGHES1 Safest and most Xffective Aperient for 2 Befular Use. U MAGNESIA V- .v.y,., U i> i yoa roiii HEADACHE,
      400 words
    • 1 24 'I
      1 words
    • 409 24 REFINED HOME FOR LAMES. Ladies of Good Family received into lady’s comfortable home. Healthiest part of London. Girls chaperoned. Studies assisted in English, French, German, Italian, etc State terms to Anglo Freaoh,",a/o l| Henry Tiedemw j 47, FitsjMM* Avenue, Kensington, London E. M.thiea, ;f L—, •V. MARTIN’S W2h¥!S& fisaa <Aa
      409 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 297 25 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND OYDUE WORKB 47 Hiii Street, (opposite Armenian Church}. Bicycles on hire, for sale and repaired. We Jdo all WfwHa of Repair Work on Carriage, Dogcart and Ricksha Wheels, also supply all kinds of Robber Tyree. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod rate. 'gjgy'- ltd -djjgL' i. .< -Is
      297 words
    • 336 25 are Tha only Madlclno of tha kind awarded a Cartlficata at Registered. DR. LALOR’S Bp* Trade r.i*^ HAS THE LAR3E8T SALE OF ANY For forty ftftrt has maintained its world-wide reputation a% the Beet aivd tnly safe reliable Fhoaf l«rto CM# <«* Brain Wrickaoi, Paraltsis, SumtlH Km, Dyspepsia, Nervi, Kidaey,
      336 words