The Straits Budget, 18 July 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXI. NO. 2578. Singapore, Thursday, July Is, 1907. UTABUMU mi NAIF A WWW. Price 25 cents.
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  • 234 1 LEADERS— Annexation of the Congo 12 Necessary Improvements at Government House 12 Some Lessons in Crown Colony Administration 12-18 Improvement Scheme for Singapore 18 Births and Deaths in the Straits Settlements 18-14 Chinese Humorist at the Hague Conference 14 Beachcomber Nuisance... 14 Japan's Currency System 14-15 Should
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  • 896 1 The atmosphere of Singapore, at present reeking with the stench of rotten fruit-skins, contains also the questionably salubrious aroma of the toothsome durian. For the fruit season is in full swing. Everywhere fruit growers are in evidence. In the fruit compounds
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  • 742 4 Legislators voted the a<l<litioual increase of salaries to Civil Servants at the meeting on tli 12th inst. There were present at the meeting His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.o., Major-General T. Perrott, c.i». (o.o.c.t.), Captain A. H. Young, c.m.o. (Colonial Secretary),
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  • 459 4 Within the course of the next few wee ks the Taujong Pagar Dock Board will invite tenders for a large extension and improvement of their property at Tanjong Pagar. This work is the outcome of the action of Government, in taking over
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  • 363 4 Stall Ann Seng, formerly employed aclerk by Mr. Rudra aud later by Messrs. Rudra and Chopard, sued the latter firm in in the Court of Requests, on the 18th inst. for $5O as salary for June, and another $5O iu
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  • 167 4 The cruisers Psyche and Pioneer will be recommissioued at Singapore for service as drill ships on the Australian Station on the arrival of new crews in the Crescent, cruiser, and this vessel will convey from Singapore to Sydney the new crews for the Pyramus, cruiser, which
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  • 104 4 The Malay States Coffee Company lias had an uphill road, blit has climbed it well* and on duly 8 was able to declare 10 per cent dividend with prospect of five times that amount, or more, next year. It is certainly a model to other companies, says
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  • 783 5 Mr. J. 8. M. Rennie is appointed liquidator for the purpose of winding up the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd., and paying over a sum of #60,000 for distribution amongst a number of persons, in consideration of special services
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  • 252 5 The Chief Justice, Bir W. H. Hyndman Jones, and Mr. Justice Fisher, on the 11th inst., gave judgment on the motion of Mr. R. St. J. Braddell, made on behalf of Masliooda Prares, for a review of the proceedings
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  • 155 5 The output of tin and tin ore from Selangor during the month of June was piculs 21,818.48 (1,299 tons), valued approximately at #1,967,912.10. The duty realised by the Government amounted to #279,015.96. The average value for the month was #91.35 per picul. The total output of block tin
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  • 291 5 The other day, we published a special telegram, announcing the discovery in Java of an international gang of robbers, some of whom had enlisted in the Dutch army and had been arrested. Further particulars by mail show that
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  • 81 5 The following changes and transfers in the Police Department have been approved by His Excellency the Governor:— Assistant Superintendent Gardiner is transperred from Province Wellesley to Singa()ore, ami Assistant Superintendent Bower goes to Province Wellesley. Chief Detective Inspector Perrett will act as Assistant Superintendent of Police at Penang,
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  • 73 5 Captain Hudson, of the Sri Muar, which arrived from Muar and Malacca, on tho 11th inst., reports that at 7.10 p.m., on Tuesday, while I.J miles off Pulo Cocob, he heard a splash in the water. He stopped the steamer, and when a boat was
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  • 48 5 The Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has received the following telegram from his Head Office at Hongkong:— Subject to audit, the Bank Dividend for half-year will probably be 85/-; added to Silver Reserve #7s lacs; carried forward to next half-year #lB lacs.
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  • 138 7 We have been informed that Dr. T. Murray Robertson has given notice that he will, at the next Ordinary Municipal Meeting, ask the tollowing questions regarding Tramways in addition to those of which he has already given notice: ii> What control does the Municipality xercise over
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  • 290 7 All the day schools in Singapore, excepting those used exclusively by Malays, and the Convent, were re-opened on July 15, after a month's vocation. A new handsome building is in course of completion for the brothers, and to day two floors of
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  • 549 7 Mr. P. H. Myhill was recently giving his opinions regarding the Malay Peninsula and its mineral wealth, to a reporter on the Adelaide Register. This mineral wealth, he said, was worked before the British official appeared on the scene.
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  • 189 7 Siam’s Customs export figures now bear out the fears expressed early in the season, and the rice mills seem to have entered on a period of slackness, in which some shut down and others manage to keep open by not working anything like their full capacity.
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  • 105 7 The C'itator is a new Madras publication, containing good and accurate reports of cases decided in all Courts in England, India and Burmah. As the work is published every thirty-one days, and claims to contain all the finished cases during that period, it will
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  • 56 7 Some idea of the enormous profits drawn by some oil companies may be formed from the fact that one Java venture—the Dordt Petroleum Company—has distributed a dividend of 425 per cent for 1906. This -is the highest yet recorded. In 1899, the dividend was 418 per cent,
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  • 613 10 At a uniting of the Legislative Council on the 12th inst. Mr. John Anderson asked tlie follow iug question*: (1} What department or officer of the Government of the Colony is directly responsible for the state of the permanent way and rolling stork
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  • 421 10 Iu a few weeks’ time the snug little jungle village of Kuala Kangsar—for stich only can it be truly called —will emerge from accustomed serenity and develop considerable commercial activity. Although it cannot be expected that the forthcoming Agri-Horticul-tural Show, to
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  • 99 10 The Russian steamer Vladimir, Captain Borkoraki, put into Manila in distress on the morning of June 28, and anchored just outside the breakwater entrance at 7.10. She was boarded by the Customs inspectors at 7.85. The Vladimir had encountered the full force of a typhoon after
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  • 50 10 The following arc the outputs of June at Perak Tin Mines: Pikuls. (iopeng Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 540 New (iopeng, Ltd. *2OO Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. 200 Kedhills Tin Mining Co„ Ltd 185 Kambutan, Ltd. 125 The output for Kambutan. Ltd., is for half a month only.
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  • 291 10 The Methodists held their final service at the Coleman Street Church on July 11, and on July 12, the gas fixtures and pews have removed to the temporary quarters, at the Methodist Girls’ School, Short Street, pending tho erection of the
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  • 94 10 The following donations towards the new building of St. Michael’s Catholic Club, Kuching. Sarawak, have been received with thanks:- Koug Wah Seng, Singapore 60 Yong Hoa Seng, Singapore 35 V. H&sselt and do Mculcmeester, Holland 34 75 Messrs. Howarth F.rskinc and Co., i Singapore 30 G. Ley
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  • 62 10 Mr. It. M. Sutton, an Englishman, who was formerly Settlement Officer, Land Department, Katang Padang, Perak, was arrested at the Caledonian Hotel on the 11th inst., by Mr. Stenhouse, Chief Detective Inspector, at the instance of His Highness the Sultan of Perak, on a charge
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  • 66 10 Four petitions for receiving orders were 1 postponed at the Kankruptcy Court, on the 11th inst., on the application of Mr. Knowles and Mr. Yarborough. The petition for an order against Chia Kcng Koek was withdrawn, as he had settled with the petitioning creditor. An order of adjudication
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  • 656 11 On the 10th iust., from two to four, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street, was gay with plants and bunting, and the guests were regaled with the strains of reed music, rendered, not badly, by a Manila baud. After the
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  • 230 11 A big engineering scheme i* now lx-foie the Pahang Government, and that is the improvement of the Kuantan Harbour, if harbour it can he called. The opinion* of experts, says In Tinland. seem to be extensive dredging which may probably ruu into millions,
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  • 303 11 Iu our columns on Saturday last, we anuouuccd a number of fleet changes to be made at Singapore at au early date. It appears that the cruiser Flora, of the China Station, will come to these waters from Hongkong, and, with the cruisers
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  • 34 11 Mauy of our leaders will regret to learn that Mr. George Davidson, Tailor. NY inch ester House, died at the General Hospital at eight o’clock on the 15th inst.
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  • 448 11 Sir Pelham L. NVarreu. K.C.M.G.. British Consiil-Ueueral. Shanghai, ha* received the follow ing petition dated June 27, iu reference to an alleged attempt on the part of the Chinese Viceroy at Nanking to create a monopoly of the opium trade
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  • 149 11 The dramatis person;** of the Rajah of Stengahpour, which is being presented by local amateurs at the Teutonia Club on July 23 aud 27, is as follows Rajah of Stengahpour, Mr. A. S. Bailey. Harry Chalmers, Mr. J. Henry. Archibald de Vert, Mr. C. Everitt. Baron Papouche,
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  • 25 12 'J’homvs.—At Singapore, on .Tulv 11, the- wife lux Kiln van Cuyleiiburg; of Horace Thomas, of Kiiub, Pahang, of a daughter. Ceylon paper* please ropy.
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  • 28 12 Lh\u» Finn —At the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Singapore, on July 9, Reginald William Lewis to Adrlmr Freda, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. S. J. Lon.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 692 12 -Straits Times, July 11. Laron Router, as usual, might have walked from London in person to hand us the telegram which we publish in another column to-day with regard t<*thc annexation of the Congo Independent State. His owi* correspondent in Brussels sent a far more explicit
      . -Straits Times, July 11.  -  692 words
    • 329 12 Straits Times. July 11. In the report for 1900 of Mr. F. J. Pigott, Colonial Engineer, it is stated that the following votes provided ii the estimates were deleted by order of Government or ordered to be postponed New* Rail Room, Government House, 5120,000. Government
      Straits Times. July 11.  -  329 words
    • 1574 12 points for future guidance. Staits Times, duly 12. Sir Henry Blake's valedictory message to the Legislative Council of Ceylon is in the nature of a vindication of his administration since 190#. It is often urged that the Crown Colony system is a bad one
      points for future guidance. Staits Times, duly 12.  -  1,574 words
    • 806 13 Straits Times, July Id. In an admirable speech, the AttorneyGeneral introduced to the Legislative Coun cil yesterday a measure to enable the authorities to improve the sanitary condition of Singapore. We have seen it stated that because Singapore, fortunately, has been free from serious epidemics, w’hile
      Straits Times, July Id.  -  806 words
    • 627 13 obtained from untainted sources. —Straits Times, July 18. In his report for 1906 as RegistiarGeneral of Births and Deaths, Dr. McDowell, P.C.M.0., furnishes some interesting facts in connection with the vital statistics of the Colony. His percentages are based upon an estimated population
      obtained from untainted sources.—Straits Times, July 18.  -  627 words
    • 1047 14 and gives a ruling to define war.—Straits Times, July 15. It is a relief toffud that the delegates to the Hague Conference have discovered a humorist among their number. There was a danger that the weighty nature of tlie i subjects to be discussed
      and gives a ruling to define war.—Straits Times, July 15.  -  1,047 words
    • 217 14 -Straits Times, July 15. Cannot the- police do something to protect the business community from the beggiug pest Day after day, business men are in vade-d iu their offices by beachcombers, w hn submit the most specious stories of accumulating misfortune. They profess a williugne** to work, but
      -Straits Times, July 15.  -  217 words
    • 1100 14 the report before us.—Straits Times, July 16. We are indebted to Mr. Mouichi Kobe Acting-Consul for Japan, for a copy of the seventh Financial and Economic Aunual of Japan, issued by the Department of Finance. It is replete w ith interesting information for the statistician or student
      the report before us.—Straits Times, July 16.  -  1,100 words
    • 1075 15 SHOULD STRAITS JURIES BE ABOLISHED —Straits Times, July 17. NVecall to remembrance a dear old Professor of Letters, years ago, who considered that he bad reached the highest pitch of broadmindedness when he allowed us complete liberty of opinion and expression in the literary essays he set us; but he
      ,—Straits Times, July 17.  -  1,075 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 The post free price oi the Straits Times is $3B a year. The post free price of the Straits lliulget is $M a yearIt is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Strait <
      92 words

  • 840 16 It is being asked on the street by what authority the hotels and cinematograph shows can fly tho Union Jack, while only the blue enHign flies from the staffs on tho buildings. Ang Twa and Ang Soo, two hawkers who were causing trouble in Market Street, last week,
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  • 13 16 [The Straits Times is not responsible for tho opinions of its correspondents].
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  • 127 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sungci Rcojam, July 12. Sir,- -In your issue of loth umlaut under the heading of “Curry and *uuiW», I see you mako a witty refer**net* t** the prosecution of a certain M.l*. Now, Sir, neither you nor I wen* then*, and
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  • 485 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, July 12, 1907. Sir, —With reference to Shareholder’s letter, which appeared in your issue of 10th instant, whatever may be the practice of the Dutch Mining Companies named, in publishing' monthly working details, The Raub Australian
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  • 396 16 Bishop Oldham, of the Methodist Episco pal Church, is on a brief visit to Penang. Mr. J. H. M. Robson, Kuala Lumpur, has gone on a trip to Java to recruit his health. Mr. J. H. Tyrrell left the service of the Britsli North Borneo Co., Ltd.,
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  • 239 17 The Mandalay authorities, it seems, are making a bid for the reputation of being liberal-minded, by treating Lajput Hai as a prisoner of State, and giving him a carriage and pair. We, in Singapore, however, are not to be outdone. Kven our mere Drunks and Disorderlies have
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  • 736 17 (A Mine Ballad.) 4 luce more the sun resumes his sway. The dawn above the bills is breaking; Across the tailings now their way The lady fossickers are taking. (>f every age aud size are they, Some tiny, some a trifle bigger; Ihit in wet sarongs all
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  • 172 17 There was a racial row between Chinese aud Tamils in Trafalgar Street at 1 p.m., on July 13 The trouble seems to have started with the throwing of a stone at a Tamil bullock cart driver. Stones then flew from both sides, and the natives of
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  • 282 17 The aunual report of the administration of the East Coast District of British North Borneo states that the total revenue of tiu district exceeded the estimated revenue by $2,478. There was'a large increase in the export trade at Lahad Datu, due.greatly
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  • 286 17 The Assize Court reopenod on the 15th inst. after two days’ interval, the first case being one of alleged highway robbery and assault on a public servant, one Mir Abdullah, a policeman, the accused being a Chinaman, named Chau Ah Keng.
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  • 1424 18 (KliOM \S < \-*|o\ «>l:l{Ksl*oM*KNTI. London, .June 20. Nothing in life is so disappointing* attainment. and I fancy that, just now. many Straits people, who are wishing themselves in London, would, if transplanted suddenly thither,
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  • 193 18 Referring to the prowess of Mrs. Barrett with her rifle and the wt 11-deserved praise which she has received in China, the Perak Pioneer says some degree of glory is reflected upon the Tuiping branch of the
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  • 144 18 Is it Murder The dead body of a Hylam, showing marks of violence, wasdiscovered by the police near the 4.1 milestone, on the Bukit Timah Road at daylight, on the 12th inst. The police are investigating what appears to have been a brutal murder. There has been an epidemic of
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  • 140 18 Soli Tiam, who lives at Payah Lebar. prosecuted two small Chinese boys, before the Senior Magistrate on Monday afternoon, for stealing mangosteens from his plantation. He saw r the first accused in the tree plucking the fruit, and the second lad was underneath receiving it. The first
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  • 1052 19 Revenue, 52,487,000 Expenditure, 52,274,000 This is what Mr. It. C. Grey, Acting British Resident, states in his report on the administration of Negri Sembilan in 1900. The revenue exceeded that of 1905 by 5151,555, and the estimate for
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  • 185 19 The heavy rain of July 16 caused the Hooded districts to be in worse condition than liefore. This morning, there was water over a portion of Kanq>ong Java and lhikit Timah Roads, while the adjoining compounds and plantations were, in some, several feet under water. As
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  • 202 19 The Assize Court Hat later than amud, on the 12th inst., to conclude the cane in which Hamid bin Sman and Merican bin Mohamed Kassim were charged with cauning grievous hurt to one Sman with their fists, and by knocking him down with such violence
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  • 136 19 The Rev. F. G. Swindell, Acting Colonial Chaplain, begs to notify those who kindly contiibuted to the educating of the sons of the late Mr. .lames T. H. Miller that tho total sum of money collected amounted to 5842. This sum, less 524 first payment made, lias
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  • 88 19 Mr. N. Mitchell sued Messrs. Riley Hargreaves <V Co., Limited, in the Court of Requests, ou the 17th inst., for 578.87, as balance alleged to he due for work dono and for overtime at Saigon and Fusing Lama. The defendants admitted owing plaintiff 514.26. The Commissioner
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  • 140 19 Messrs. Jac. Fattara and Soti Fattara, tobacco dealers, were before the Third Magis trate, on the 17th inst., on a charge of using criminal force; against Inspector Fitzgerald, while in the* discharge of his eluties as inspected of weights and measures. According to the evidence of the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 961 20 (From Our Own Corkksionuknti. Kuala Lumpur, July 11. The weather was fine at Kuala Lumpur to day, when the second day s races,. in connection with the Selangor liace Meeting, commenced, but., as the afternoon progressed the sky became overcast and rain fell.
      961 words
    • 165 20 The following are the results of the score* in a shooting match between the Malay States Guides and the Shanghai Police, resulting in a win for the former:— MALAY STATKS GUIDES. 08 oe oo T 3 'O S ►»►>>> -5 Jemadar Gurdit Singh 29 82 81 92 Jemadar Jaswant
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    • 182 20 Singapore Golf Club. The following is the result of the second round of the V&de Cap:— Reid beat Thomson w. o. Rurnie beat Denniston 6 and 4. Durward beat Drummond w. o. Ferguson beat Kirkwood 8 and 2. Special arrangements will be made for playing off the remaining rounds.
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    • 38 20 S.C.C, Tournament. McKenzie, on July 11, beat McKean in the Singles Handicap in the S.C.C. Bowling Tournament, by 21 to 18. In the Championship final, the positions were reversed, McKean beating McKenzie by 24 to 14.
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  • 3182 21 London, July 10. Tlit L'nited States Federal Government lias instituted proceedings against the American Tobacco Company and other companies, including the British Imperial Tobacco Company and all constituting the Tobacco Trust, lor the purpose of stopping the combination and monopolies created by them, which divide the tobacco business
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  • 918 22 Berlin, July 10. The Dutch Government has granted a concession for opening 38 Marconi wireless telegraphy stations in Netherlands India. The Company which works the couces sion is capitalised at 265,000 guilders. The Ministers of several Powers are likely to confer together next autumn. It is not yet
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  • 508 23 (Fk«*m Oik Own Coki:khi»oni>knt.) London, July 12, 10.15 p.m. The party of Korean delegate* who failed to obtain admission to the International Conference at the Hague have issued a statement containing serious allegations against the Japanese. They accuse the Japanese Government of keeping the Kmperor of Korea a
    508 words
  • 334 23 Singapore, Jtly 17, 1907. PRODUCE. tom'tier 6.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.36 Copra Bali 9.45 do Pontianak 9 00 Pepper, Black 17.70 ao White 6% 24.75 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.02J do Brunei No. 1 2 96 Pearl Sago 4.35 Joffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 22.50
    334 words

    • 426 24 July 10 Austria, Aun str, Bilofler, Trieste, It. Schmidt Kagoshima Maiu, Jap 8tr, Kori, Bombay, P. Simons Ban Hio Guan, Brit str. Hunter. Pontianak, Wee Bin l.’mta, Brit ntr, Lowe Calcutta, Boustead Bajaburi, Ger str, Koch, Hailiow, Behn Meyer Lock Suu, Ger str, Taubert, Swatow, B. Meyer Glenfjtlkch, Brit
      426 words
    • 457 24 July 10 Hatouma, Brit str. Hongkong and Shanghui Vheuinpenh, Brit str, Saigon Kistna, Brit str, P. Swettcnhaui and Penang Kam pot, Fch str. Saigon Selangor, Brit str, Teluk Anson via ports Calypso, Brit str, Penang and Deli Nord, Nor str, Shanghai I Brei/, Izel, Fch str, Bordeaux Solva, Nor
      457 words
    • 774 24 Name port probable date o f arrival and name oj Agents STEAMERS. Airlie, Sydney, Augt 24 Boustead Alcinous, China, July 21; Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 P. A O. Coy Asdang, Bangkok, July 31; East Asiatic Coy Austria, Hongkong, Augt Rautenberg Australien, Marseilles, Augt 26; M. Maritimes Ayuthia,
      774 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 249 25 —afcrss USE ONLY USE ALWAYS ATKINSON'S MOST REFRESHING. ft A Luxurious Perfume Health. -‘u0. Far Superior iv> -Sy'. to the ".ife German Kinds. A NSOB88AKY RMTORATIVB IN SICKNESS. Cao^Couocnl lipMS DiNMEFQRD’S ‘-t.t -V 1 The Universal Remedy for Acidity .dl tSs Stomach, Headache, Hei The Physician’s Cure for Gout, Rheumatic
      249 words
    • 262 25 tuH and effectual means of and functional debility, vast* of vitality, •pint*, Ac.,with practical observations on m directions for removing certain it tsyllfl ratio— that 4fttroj the happiness «f wedded Ufa. It also treats on •vtaary tent*. "Jit ftrmf t Jalja (ft^wTerOaiosSalT* M.t, Smile., daresaoM Sq., London,* C. also of
      262 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 503 26 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE W0RK8, 47 Hill Btreet, (opposite Armenian Church). Bicycle* on hire, for sale and repaired. We do aH kinds of Repair Work on Carriage, Dogcart and llicksha Wheels, also enpply all kinds of Robber Tyres. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. A WONDERFUL DISOOVERY. TUs is the age
      503 words
    • 394 26 [>■ i B1 toy'YjjtK \Li J- > vi& SffSroSi iC v j>»v PERRINS SAUCE I .‘I k‘* Assists digestion and gives a delightful 9 v piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DISKE8, SOUPS. FISH, CHEESE, CURRIES, i« 6AME, POULTRY and BAUDS. P&© 2.-' >M§1£ The Original Genuine 1 Worcestershire. By
      394 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 368 27 Hotels Recommended by the "Straitsbudget.” Caledonian Hotel, hotel van wijk- The Adelphi Hotel. 7T, Brass SBasab Hoad, Nos. I, 2 and 3. Stamford Road. Singapore. SINGAPORE. This First Class Newly-opened Hotel provides excellent accommodation for Families and Single Travellers. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in
      368 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 69 28 9 7 FO& SfflLK mark INFANTS CHILDREN &INVALIDS A COMPLETE DIET IN ITSELF 'C'CTBOLS fa* 1 fr* quits: a NEW DEPARTURE. Based on Science and f 'Practical Experience. Jeffrey’s Stout 5^ In order tlmt this First-Class Stout may become better known in this market, It will be sold until further
      69 words
    • 368 28 YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR HEALTH Keep your teeth ia condition by cousultiu^ GHE0N6 BROTHERS DENTISTS. 25, South Bridge Koad SIX* A TORE. Special Confulting Room for Ladles and Qentlemen Higli Class Mechanical Work for the Profession 60L0 FILLING, PLATE BRIDGE WORK. CROWN VULCANITES. Teeth extracted without pain. Punctuality guaranteed. Feet
      368 words