The Straits Budget, 11 April 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXI. NO. 2564. Singapore, Thursday, April 11, 1907. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 175 1 legislative Council 1 Young Singapore 2 Straits Defences 2 Life-Boat Institution 2 Health Problems 8 Sunday Volunteering 3 Plague in Singapore 3 Curious Case 3 Correspondence ...4,5,6 F. M. S. Railways tt Commercial 6 Hanker Arrested 6 Shipping Conference 7 Claim for #lO.OOO 7 Royalties in Ceylon
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  • 612 1 At half-past two on the 5th mutant, members of the Legislative Council met to consider the Orders of the Day, and at twenty-minutes to three the business was concluded. There were present His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., Major-General T.
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  • 111 1 Mr. E. M. Jauion, manager of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, writes to us as follows, under date 3rd instant: We have received a telegram that, at the annual meeting of Shareholders, this Bank’s Directors will recommend increasing the capital to ill,(XX),000, £*200,000 new
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  • 41 1 Sir Mathew Nathan, k.c.m.0., the present Governor of Hongkong, according to a home correspondent, who had information—if not assurance —at the Colonial Office, is to be Sir Henry Blake’s successor when the time comes for the latter’s retirement.—Ceylon Observer.
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  • 1174 2 Distribution of Prizes. The greatest <lifturulty if. »*ur schools hero has alwavs been tl<< supply of trained local toaclu is. Our attempts to meet this want have, hitherto, been unsuccessful, and. while i am not at liberty to -.ay much on the subj*;ct as.
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  • 97 2 A ricksha coolie on the 5th inst., pleaded guilty to ste aling a bag. containing a small sum of mone y —$2.011—belonging to a Chinese woman, saying that on account of having a sore foot he had been unable to work and was compelled to steal to
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  • 412 2 The public will he* interested to learn that, although no official or public notification has been made on the subject, the imperial Government contemplates an immediate reduction of tlie garrison in the Straits Settlement. This announcement we are able to
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  • 159 2 Mr. Charles Dibdeu, F.K.G.S., the Score tary of the Koyal National Life boat Institution has written the following letter to Mr. E. M. .Janiou, of the Chartered Bank, Singapore, under date March 13 I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt to-day of your kind letter of the
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  • 1019 3 •n \<»rioultural Bulletin of the Straits 1 derated Malay States for March conl‘ u ioa‘»tliy and interesting article ta; the medical management of in Malaya, from the pen of Dr. n S Gerrard. There is an appendix
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  • 206 3 The Editor of The Malaysia Message is not pleased with Sunday volunteering. He says: We protest once more against the practice of taking the Volunteers into camp for a week-end, thereby violating the sanctity of the Lord’s Day. One Sunday this month a number of mere lads w’ore
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  • 205 3 Singapore is fortunately practically im mime from bubonic plague. Unlike tho northern Settlement, where it is now looked upon as endemic, we rejoice in a clean bill of health, and have very little in the way of
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  • 206 3 The Chief Justice gave judgment at tho Supreme Court on the Bth inst., on the appeal of Wee Chee Bin, a young Chinese woman living iu Niven Uoad, who was fined $730 on a charge of being in possession of morphine exceeding five grains. Mr. Gaunt appeared for
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  • 170 3 Towkay Low Boon Tit, one of Kuala Lumpur’s wealthy citizens who owes his present enviable position to a successful mining enterprise in the past, had a narrow escape lately from falling info the hands of robbers, says the Malay Mail.” It appears that he was paying a
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  • 15 4 [Th** Strait** I ime* >•* not re*q»onwible ff*r the optn < ns <>f it* rf»rr»*s| onuerit*..
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  • 1690 4 Which is the Sabbath To the Lditm ol the straits Time-. Singapore, April 1 ‘.M»7. A pene-ai ot tin* report appearing in your columns of >esti rday of a lecture delivered on the above question, brings one face to face with the ipiestion. Is the Bible to he the rule
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  • 801 4 To the Kditor of the Straits Times." Singable, April 5. Sir, —The Seventh Day Adveutists seem to me to be slaves to the letter, while they miss the spirit of the teachiug of the Word of (iod, which they hold dear as all Christians
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  • 1027 5 To the Kditor of the Straits TiIneH.' Singapore, April 5, 1907. Sir,--As was to be expected, the address delivered by the Rev. J. Gray last Monday evening, has brought a long and telling response from one of the Adventist leaders, whose doctrine was molested. To give Mr.
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  • 509 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Singapore, April 8, 1907. Sm, —The letter iu your columns of April 6, on the Sabbath question, is completely void of evidence in favour of a sacred Sunday. Neither does your correspondent produce any stable argument
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  • 363 6 Chastising Chong.” To tin I irti.i i• I tlic "Straits Times.” Singapore, April 4. Sir. piain fact* require explanation id y|ii» i t.. ilispt 1 tin- cloud of blissful ignoram* in "bu ll't holin' i*. e nveloped. It tiapp) that I am an Indian Miis-.ul niati ami not cur of
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  • 226 6 Reply to Chong." To tin- Kditor of tin? Straits Time s.’' Malacca, April 0, P.M)7. Sir,- I have read with great inte rest the correspondence in your paper with regard to Malays and Chinese, introduced by “Chong.” But, it seems to rue that “Chong” is preaching to us in Malacca
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  • 231 6 Another Reply to Chong." I o 11 ic- Editor of the Straits Times." Malacca, April 9, 1907. Ihe voice of your correspondent hong in your jiajicr of March 27 jilainly reveals and confirms the fact that la* is not Strait- born, hut China horn. \Vhtle 1 agree that “Chong's” comment
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  • 508 6 We heartily concur in the praise contained in the following extract from an article* in the L. and C. Express hy Mr. A. 41. Angier: One ot* the leadiug features of the growth of economic life in this part of
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  • 225 6 Sixuapokf:, A I'ril 8, 1907. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers ft <lo (Cube No. 11 uopicke<I 10.50 Copra Bali 11.25 do Ponfcianak 10.70 Pepper, Black M 18.25 do White 5% buyers 26.25 Sago Flour Sarawak g.PO do Brunei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago 4.50 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20%
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  • 162 6 Four respectable towkays were haled before Mr. Coleman, yesterday afternoon, on charges of using criminal force and rescuing a prisoner. Mr. Hawtrey said that he had been instructed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to withdraw the charges against the accused. Mr. T. de M. Braddcll. who appeared in
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  • 59 6 Mr. Wee Theatn Tow applied at tlio Bankruptcy Court, on the 4th inst., for a receiving order against Lini Teng and Co., who were* indebted to his clients, Ban Soon Ann and Co., in the sum of $70,945.56, on a judgment given by the Court. The debtor was
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  • 959 7 There was a large attendance at the Singapore Exchange on the 5th instant, when a meeting took place of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange to consider replies to questions submitted by Government regarding the Royal Commission on Shipping Hiugs. Mr.
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  • 275 7 Chan Jni Non began an action to-day before Mr. Justice Fisher, against the Shanghai Life Assurance Company, Limited, for $lO,OOO upon an interim receipt on a policy of insurance, dated April 10, 1900, on the life of Chan Boou Keat, who
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  • 262 7 S.iuu- detail- of an incident which does not ;i|)|M\’i i to Invo boon previously mentioned in print, although it h?.s been referred to in social and club circles at Colombo, aro recorded in the Times of Ceylon as follows; -When the Hoyal
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  • 342 7 Hongkong papers to hand bring particulars of the death of Mr. J. H. Smith, the American millionaire who recently arrived in Singapore in the private yacht Marguerita. with a party of guests including the Duke and Duchess of Manchester. i Mr. Smith suffered from necrosis of the
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  • 1063 8 Street 11<t1 111 1:•' not «i v» ry intiicate undertaking. «i n I may In* «j i L< satisfactorily and successfully done by a very ordinary j)orM)U \v iLfi no other aeeoiiipliskiiii nt than carefulness. Street numbering. however, is not
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  • 303 8 Expected. Per 1*. A O. s. s. Malacca from London March 9, due April 15—Mr. aud Mrs. LaughamCarter aud child, Capt. O. D. Lister, Mrs. Mouldeu, Lieut A H Allen. Per P. A O. 8.8. India, connecting with the steamer Devanha at Colombo, from London March 15, due
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  • 434 8 The Royal visitor to Singapore during tin past few days is outward bound ou hi* voyage to Kurope. King Chulalougkorn boarded the German mail steamer Sachsen on tlio 3id instant, and, amid the dippiim of
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  • 54 8 Two Chinese were found guilty by the Senior Magistrate on the 8th inst. of wilfully impediug a railway servant at the crossing at Kampong Bahru, from opening the gate when the train was approaching, and thus committing a rash act likely to eudanger their own safety. They
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  • 50 8 Yong Lee Seng, proprietor of the Clearwater Dairy Farm, was tiuecl $25 by Mr. Michell on the 9th iust. for selling milk which contained 90 per cent, of water. The accused said that lie had bought tho milk elsewhere. It was not the product of tho Farm
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  • 904 9 In a compendium of information entitled |C t’uiversal Steamship Guide 1906-7 t 15H), provided gratis, and to be found „u certain mail steamers visiting Singapore, we C ome across the following stupefying The Malay Peninsula is of comparatively little importance, but many of its inhabiunts are men
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  • 145 9 We understand on good authority that word lias been received in the Colony from Loudon that the extensive repairs to the steamer Netherton will be effected at Hongkong. Tenders for the work were received from the Tanjoug Pagar Dock Board, the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company, and
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  • 349 9 The American M**thodi?>t Kpiscopa! Church has sustained tin? loss hy death of on of its most valued workers Bishop Janies N. Fitzgerald. 1 his is indeed sa«l news for local Methodists, as it is for Methodists generally in the Far Fast, for Bishop Fitzgerald was very
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  • 152 9 Mr. J. Pommereuk was sued hy hi. “boy,” in tho Court of Requests on the 9th inst. for 12.80 as wages, from March, to April 2, inclusive, at 512 a month. The plaintiff said that, on tho morning of April 2, tho defendant promised him his
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  • 112 9 A great and unique gathering will he held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday, May 6, at 9, when a large, missionary meeting will take place iu honour of the late Robert Morrison, who began his mission work among the Chinese a hundred years ago. The
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  • 687 10 Foie u tin r. it 1<*r pi« m ijtatli'li at the m\« i th u n« *Min ting t<* b« lu M on 20th in-t our 'lit* t- '••ii in it lit icwith tin* njKirt HH<1 Hi < '•'.ilit- 1«»r tf Mtclltll veer
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  • 362 10 The* Middle Hast correspondent of the* llriti>h Trade* .Journal contributes to that old e stablished monthly the* following comincuts u|*ou the* telegraph lines in course* of construction in Malaya News has come in from Kuala Lumpur, the* capital of the neighbouring Federated
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  • 179 10 Tow Tong Seng appealed to Mr. Justice Fisher at the; Supreme Court on the Bth iust. against his conviction, by the Pencil Court, and his sentence to two months’ rigorous imprisonment, on a charge of obtaining credit from one Wang Lai Chuan to the extent of
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  • 353 10 The members of the Tangtin Club held their animal general meeting at the Club on April 9. There was a good attendance of members, Mr. F. M. Flliott. the President oretipying tin* chair. After the reading and continuation of the minutes of
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  • 67 10 The action brought iu the Supreme Court by Mr. Kong Soon against Mr. W. C. Niblett, Solicitor, for $2,912.72 as balance alleged to be due for work done and materials supplied, in repairing defendant's houses in Sago Street under instructions from Mr. K. H. Matilcftinch,
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  • 146 10 Lee Ah .fee was worshipping his ancestors, or trying to propitiate an evil spirit, in Tank Road on the 9th iust. by burning sacrificial papers, when a policeman interposed. This morning, he was told by Magistrate Green that he must have a pass of authorisation before he could
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  • 923 11 have made reference to the!j|«» j«it to tin* Strait** Settlements of the Hon Stanifoi tli Smith, who recently retired lit. in the Australian Senate to accept a lii«*h appointment in New Guinea. Kioiii the t’eylon Obxorver.” of the 2Hth
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  • 141 11 REDJANG LEBONG MINE. Dividend of 52 per cent. Recommended. The report on the Uedjang Lobong Mine for 1900 lias been published. It shows the development work to he progressing satisfactorily, and that prospects are highly favourable. In 1900, 40.980 tons of ore were milled for a return of 22.14 dwts.
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  • 588 11 The annual rc|inrt of r!i»* Tan Tock Seng's Hospital for the year 1900, is published in the “Government (ia/ette, which was issued on the uth instant. It states that erection of the new Hospital in Mandalay Boad being still in progress,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 169 11 Property Sale. The following properties were put up for sale by Messrs. George A. Fernandez and Co., <m the 3rd instant Freehold land, situate at Race Course Hoad, Singapore, area 3.880 square feet, was not sold as the reserve price was not reached Freehold land, situate at the Government Hoad,
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  • 56 12 lie hi os. At Suij. H|#Mr«*, <>n April th*- wife of Capt iM .11, Burton, Jt.G.A., of u Kon. Hasi/s.— At Taiijong Katnng, 011 April 7, to Mr. and Mr-. It. I>. Davies, 11 dnnght» r (Sylvia Ailfiap Hahimi.i. On April a*. Polperro, Cornwall, tii*- of h. G.
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  • 91 12 i s si. Si ai t Mapoox. —On March ]H, at the I nion imroh, Ootarariiund, Frederick Charles ('lt v< land Stewart, Central Provinces Police, to Mabel Loonoru, daughter of George Maddox, p.a., of Lawrence Asylum, Lovedali*, Nilgirin. Tmom*s— —On March 2d, 1907, at ll.ii.M. cumulate General.
    91 words
  • The Straits Budget.
    • 1150 12 and healthiest Press in the whole world.--Straits Times, April 4. lint -liall right.thinking, moral p« <»|»K• liold about the* conduct ot sensational criminal case*.* Shall jtuhlic sentiment demand that the* Press be restrained from publishing anything but the barest facts, and that the law attempt differentiation betweeu lic»
      and healthiest Press in the whole world.-- Straits Times, April 4.  -  1,150 words
    • 1124 12 —Straits Times. April The announcement that the subject of disarmament does not appear on the official programme may be taken to indicate a serious controversy at the opening of the Hague Conference, bor several British Ministers, including the Prime Miuister, have declared in recent speeches that Great Britain
      —Straits Times. April  -  1,124 words
    • 502 13 Straits Times, April 6. At various* times during the past sk months, we have referred to the mission of a Chinese official to the Straits Settlements and the neighbouring islands to obtain financial support for certaiu railway schemes in South China. This emissary was successful in
      Straits Times, April 6.  -  502 words
    • 523 14 -Straits Times, April 0. We cannot t xrrx *»a*, tin attitude of The Tinier m vuwm.:. with some concern, tlie <*\t« umoo tin of the; Siamese Conrt- It i-po—iMe that its renowned corn t at Peking has keen making his recent journeys tlu* occasion for securing
      -Straits Times, April 0.  -  523 words
    • 717 14 Straits Times. April 8. We have boon told that the military contribution in one of the subjects that have been disc us sod to finality in Singapore and settled years and years ago, but, at the risk of being accused of tilting at windmills, we i ventuie to
      Straits Times. April 8.  -  717 words
    • 1602 14 Straits Times. April 9 In the programme for the Conference of Colonial Premiers, no mention is made of the right of the Colonies to make treaties independent of the Imperial Government No such right exists at present. While freedom is given to the self-governing colonies embraced in the
      Straits Times. April 9  -  1,602 words
    • 195 15 the official reply to the petition. Straits Times, April 9. The announcement we were able to make exclusively on the With ultimo that Lord j Kl#in had refused to #rant the prayer of the Penan# Association for the appointment of a Lieutenant-Governor for Penan#, with lar#er powers than
      the official reply to the petition. Straits Times, April 9.  -  195 words
    • 1118 16 for many years to come.—Straits Times. April 10. Though it may come as a surprise to some people, the projiosal to neutralise the Philippine Islands is by no means new or novel. It has been discussed more than once since the Islands were purchased from
      for many years to come.—Straits Times. April 10.  -  1,118 words
    • 150 16 rap over the kuuckles.—Straits Times, April 10. We hear complaints from the Federated Malay States of the hindering of mining enterprise in a manner which it is difficult to believe. Until we are in possession of fuller details, we must suspend judgment; but,
      rap over the kuuckles.—Straits Times, April 10.  -  150 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 104 12 The i*o f.ti price of the Str>nt\ Ttr**'- is fjH a year 1 he |»o'>t tree price of the Striiiti HuHvrt i» $U a star It i» not nert siary to fora >car. 1 he sulrscriptior for shorter periods are at the same proportionati rite as for a star. The
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  • 70 12 DEATHS. Dykk —On March 7, tit Government House, Trinidad, of yellow fever. Charles .John D)kc. A.D.C., Captain Northumberland Fusiliers, elder aon of C. W 1*. Dyke, of 20. Fellows I toad, Hampstead; aged U‘6 years. Wilson, On March <>, at 6, Camden-crescent, Dover, in her Hist year, Isabella, daughter of
    70 words

  • 1374 17 Captain Stockley, A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor, was among the passengers arriving from Port Swetteuham by the Malacca on the 9th inst. The case against Ow Wan, who has been before the Court several times -on a charge of enticing away a married women, was concluded yesterday,
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  • 438 17 Mr. J. R. lunes has arrived and assumed* duties as a Judicial Commissioner of tho F. M. S. Mr. E. \V. Harvey has left Kuala Lumpur i for a visit to Java, and Mr. H. C. K. i Zacharias is visiting Sumatra. I Mr. F. Dugdale, the
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  • 1001 18 From casual remarks made at the second ordinary general meeting of the Ledbury Kubber Company, Ltd., held at Winchester House, at noon on the 9th inst. it is evident that shareholders favourably regard the outlook of the new undertaking. Mr. F.
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  • 228 18 (From Ouu Own Couuf.spoxoknti. Kuala Lumpur, April 4. We have a Malay Agricultural and Industrial Settlement in Kuala Lumpur, wdiich has been in existence for some years and has has been productive of much good among a number of Malay settlers. Owing to the large number of permanent
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  • 643 18 Sir Fi<lward Sassoon asked the Coder Secretary of State for the Colonies in the House of Commons on March 14 whether in accordance with a letter which the Secretary of State for the Colonies addressed to his Highuess the Kaja
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  • 923 19 The following U tlie monthly report of the < it ueral Manager of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Go., for the month ending March 28. The Chairman and Directors, Kauh Australiau Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Singapore. Gentleman, —I beg to submit
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  • 231 19 (Fkom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 4. At a Committee meeting of the Selangor Government Library, lield recently, it was decided to band over the financial control of that institution to the Curator of the Museum. The library, which was
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  • 514 19 The Singapore Marine Insurance Agents' Association held their annual meeting at the Kxchangeon the 9th inst. Mr. F. H. Carr, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, presided. Mr. A. K. Baddelcy, Hon. Secretary aud Treasurer, read the minutes of the previous meeting, aud the Chairman
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  • 96 19 Further evidence was heard on tho 9lh inst. by the Hcncli Court in tlio Borneo Company rice case. The charges against the first two accused, Ng Yong and Teh Ah Kan, wore withdrawn, the Deputy Public Prosecutor saying that they appeared to be merely tools for
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 961 20 Several important events in the S. 11. A. annual Meeting were <lecide<l during the past week end at the* Dalestier range, and they attracted an exceptionally large number of riflemen. The shooting generally was of a high order and reflected
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    • 188 20 Entries for First and Second Day’s Events. The following are the entries for the various events in connection with the Seremban Gymkhana Club's Spring Meeting, which commences on the 11th inst.: FIRST DAY. Rksidknts Cup. I tick Choy Kenaboi Susan Kongkoi Cairngorm Jack Hernor Mimpi Moonlight Kista Cup.
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    • 133 20 Singapore Qolf Club. The monthly medal for April was played for on Saturday and Sunday last, and resulted in a tie between Messrs. C. I. Durward, A. C. Padday, and Capt. J* Kirkwood, who returned net scores of 79. The following returned cards: C. I. Durward 40 89 Scr.=79
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    • 117 20 National Union Cup Tie. As the result of a meeting held at the residence of Mohanicd Ali, Chief Malay Interpreter of the Police Court, last Saturday, a new Association Football competition among the local native clubs has been organised, and the first tie will he played off soon
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    • 339 21 r, (1 A. v. S. R C. cricket match took place on Saturday t i iun Mali between the Hoyal Garrison Utillei'V aud the Singapore Recreation Club. T i„. scores were as follows 1 R. G. A. Scut. Arthur b Coelho 9 I'ornl. Kinlier b Jans/ 6 Lieut. Bussell
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    • 149 21 Ipoh Gymkhana Club. The accounts of this popular sporting Club for the financial year, ending February 2H la*t, are published, and show a vast improvement nver those of the previous year. The guaranteed overdraft has 1 een reduced by something over #1,200, in addition to which liberal allowances
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  • 170 21 (Know Orn Own Correspondent). Penaug, April 8, 10.25 p in. The refusal of Lord Elgin, Secretary of States for the Colonies, to accede to the request of the Penang Association for the appointment of a Lieutenant-Governor for the Northern Settlement has been published. The Peuang Association lias resolved
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  • 886 21 Berlin, April 3. The Kaiser will meet Baron Achrenthal, the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, at a reception fixed for the beginning of May. Baron Achrenthal, previous to the meeting, will confer with Signor Tittoui, the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Russia will issue a circular to tho
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  • 3483 22 Lon'lon, April 4. I)r. L. S. Jameson. Premier of Cape Colony, and Mr. Moor. I'rc*riiic*r of Natal, have* arrival in England to participate in the Conference «»f Colonial Premier*. Mr. Louis Rotlia, Pr« mier of the Transvaal, is 4 Xfieoted (»n the 12th instant, and Mr. Alfrtxl Deakin,
    3,483 words

    • 611 24 March 30 Kpoudilu* Bril wtr Moses, It Pupaii, Syme A Co April 1 Janet Nicoll, Itrit str, Hopkins, Bangkok, Tailt Lee Guan Babaian I)ut ntt Swart Pladjoe Syme Koli HiChang Ger str Rosiefsky liaihow Helm Meyer 2 Horihat, Siam str, Larsen, Bangkok, East Asiatic Coy ltrit str Phillips Seda
      611 words
    • 496 24 March 29 Hong Moh, Brit str, H’kong. Amoy, Swatow Tolv, Nor str, Bombay G. G. Meyer, Dut str, Muntok, Paleinlmng 30 G. Apcar, Brit str, Penang and Japan Redatig, Siam str, Bangkok via ports Pin Seng, Brit str, P. Swettenhani and Penang Perak, Brit str, P. Swetteiiham, Teluk Anson
      496 words
    • 528 24 Same, port probable date of arrival and name of Agent?. Steamers. Airlie, Sydney, Apl. 24 Boustead Albenga, Hongkong, Apl 20; A. Gilfillau A Ambria, Hamburg, May 6; Behu Meyer Anchises, Liverpool, Apl 12; Mansfield Antenor, China, Api 25; Mansfield Atholl, Hongkong, Apl 28 A. Gilfillan dr Co Ayuthia,
      528 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 375 25 YONG LEE 8EN6 CO, general .Merchants. rl < V; f s y, 1 ljJ?. Wines aud Hpirite, Boer aud Stodt. I'rovisiouu of Beat' Quality Only. 170-2 TO 170-3 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. Telephone orders promptly executed. <i SCHWEITZER’S '■<<$ Tli I So COCOA. Now <'a|>eci»lly packed in double-lidded i :inistrrs ensuring
      375 words
    • 311 25 Yu iS’&riTjjr^agaji'jrg^gy.pir^^ Lftsra i**1, for jour MEAD CYCUE CO., owr. K362 LIVERPOOL. viSt -y.? r c Considered HOW very many seriou* illnesses develop from small ailments? Tk* te,te^=»£!Sfs^-sfeSS betTer* <££•* ®rk^a h Wr0n ta rly .s IStt rr T 1 -"v Bp&Sre“»E' a “-■tja-A^ l^ t .'n^ in8^ EE CrfAM
      311 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 191 26 r UBE ONLY USE ALWAYS most REFRESHING. Far Superior A Luxurious Perfume sZ In Health. German Kinds. NSOSSSARV I^HiIffKWnPPHRWBWI^I NMTOI.ATIVE IW yyl l i t jVnLi 3 l IN SICKNESS. H§ f >. > .>\ J Jifc N The Physician’# 111 I k gJWIS II I Core for Gout, Rheumatic
      191 words
    • 138 26 DAVIDSON COMPANY sffisr™* si Dg .po, TAILORS. Mr. Goo. Davidson, 4£ years with the oelebrated firm of Messrs Henry Poole A Co., Savile Row, London, W„ 10 years with the noted grovmcial firm of Messrs R. R. Neill A Co., heffleld, over 14 years with Messrs. Pritchard A Co., Penanjr.
      138 words
    • 229 26 •ml HTtviual meanmrf wlf-cur* cvm ditto* eird f or n ami fniM-uoual dtblHty, »ut« of vhiUily^IL^^ Mon .if life. It aino treats on •»ririnry <1 >■ and no miflfefer h?ini!df’Jf If OMaioabld ala© of tmcachch aco u«nrt», io MI TIN’S 4 dial OB th« ,h*rd WSk- 3"or a 9ood Easy
      229 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 355 27 Hotels Recommended by tbe Straits Budget.” marine hotel. Corner of COLEMAN 5TNEET »ntf Mil STREET.) HOTEL VAN WIJK. Nos. I, 2 and 3, Stamford Rood. Singapore. The Adelphi Hotel. Wines and Spirits of first quality ouly applied. Accommodation for boarders by .hi v. week or mouth. Terms moderate. Proprietress, Mr*.
      355 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 433 28 WILSON A CO., I'HOTOGHAI’HEIIS. (rroups ot T. It. II. the I>uke aud Duchess and Princess Patricia of Connaught, H. K. the Governor and Miss Anderson, the Malay States Sultan and Residents, ect Also another Group of T. it. H. and suite an the Government House Party. PRICE $4.00 EACH. NOTICE.
      433 words
    • 142 28 KOH COMPANY have just received a f»ood collection of Tucks POSTCARDS, all English Vctresses, and Postcard Albums. bd. Novels—All the \Nork> of (»uy lioothby and aKo a number of Detective and Adventure stories. Please give u> au early inspection and see oui new stock. Koh Company, IK) liras Hasali Hoad,
      142 words
    • 90 28 For^lervoiis 'Exhaustion ■JQ CHAPQTtAUT't Phosphoglycerate OF LIME a,*-— Tfie modern restorative or the nervous system. Koi brainworkers, professions men, leathers, students “t. and in debility, semioai losses, d\s|.ej)sia of nervous origin and insomnia. It is reudilv assim.lated and promotes>tiuu. 'HOSPHOBLYCERATE SYRUP (CHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBLYCERATE WIRE (CHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBLYCERATE CAPSULES (CHAPOTEAUT) rut
      90 words