The Straits Budget, 4 April 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXI. NO. 2563. Singapore, Thursday, April 4, 1907. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents.
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  • 205 1 Vision ot New Lite I Mission to the Straits <i». ,tcr Singapore I’.niiu i ami Sarawak lj».rc for Supremacy Tiu Cargo at Make he I turfing Dl aeollcsses H l our ft Trade I’llHtoin Talc of WiK 1 1*7 ill rated Malaya Singapore Lowing i I Li
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  • 771 1 1 here comes to no* a vision of now lile new corporate life m this unit of the whole church which we call the Diocese. We have ouigtown the poor provision of elnm h eig.miration
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  • 175 1 Mi. .'Voiiiitorth Smith wa> to leave, M« 1bourne In)- Westr r;i ilia by tin l{. M. S. Orotava on loth in-l ml. n route to Ce\lon mid the Straits Settle,m iit*. He intends to procure a large supply <»l seeds of tropical plants, and will
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  • 808 3 interesting action for the recovery of .>ssj.". in rcsp?et to a cargo of tin shipi'j„ |itcciiibcr, 190h by Jinn Tin Kce ami Tli.-I!*, Seng- merchants of Penang, was ,n|nm ncctl in the* Supreme Court, of Hong. Ik*fore Mr. -Justice
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  • 112 3 The. Official Assignee applied to the Hankruptcy Court on the 27th ult. to adjudicate Liin Peng \gi and l.iiu Trek Cliiang. «*1 Chop d’ye .100, 'flit* iatti r was dead. “Do you want to makt* him a bruiKrupt after he is dead? asked hi> Lordshin. “Yes. The
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  • 255 3 Tin I). *aconos*e.-> Home. Mount Sophia, i*> about to he bereft of two of its leading spirits. Miss Sophie Hlackmoie and Ah*.s A. M. U. Harding, as tin' former is leaving tor Australia on a year's furlough on Sunday, and the latter left for Kngland by the mail
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  • 184 3 Mr. Van Oordt. the Notiici lands C otisit!lit iiera I at Kobe, who is now on a biiMiuss tour in Java, has been trying his best to persuade tobacco growers there to send leal to Japan. There, tobacco forms a<*o\einment monopoly and cigarette manufacture flourishes exceedingly.
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  • 742 3 (Mi the 19th instant,a little < hiiiesc Hoki* u girl name d Kho Tia went to tin- him -4 Protectorate and made a complaint to Mr. i Hailey. She told a pitiful tale. She informed Mr. Hailey that she wa-
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  • 670 5 'I' lent >vas manifested at the leiitouiu rtiih ou April 1 when the Amateur Drama- 1 c ommittee again made their bow before audience. This time they came ij., "two favourite comedies—one au old friend the other a new arrival in the
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  • 297 5 The Bangkok Times’ Ims received the following communique from Mr. Edward H. Strobel, the General Adviser to bis Majesty the King of Siam: A treaty between Siam aud France* was sigued on Saturday, at Bangkok, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
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  • 128 5 The Houorary Treasurer of The Destitute Strangers’ and Prisoners’ Aid Society begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following Subscriptions 11. K. Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G. $BO The Honourable Captain Young 2"> K. L. Brockman, Esq. The Honourable W. J. Napier
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  • 421 5 The annual report of tl«»* Committee ami statement of accounts of the Siugu|gwv Swimming Club, to lie presented at the meeting of members in the Drill Hall, on Friday, April l*.i. at p.iu.. luis Im-cii published. It states that the Committee
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  • 205 5 The Sctul Hydraulic Liu Mining Co.. held its first annual general meeting at Serein ban on Monday, March l ■’>. wh.**n the report and balance si ice t foi tin ear i miiug December Jl, 11HH>, were pre-cut* d .mil passed, and the
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  • 13 6 Correspondence The Straits Times is not res|»oiit»ibl* f"i tlic* opinions «*f its oorr«;Mpoiidtnt>.
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  • 621 6 To th© Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore. March 27. Sir. Your 1«*<i<i<*r, of the 2.1th iust.. touches on th*- most important element in the domestic life of the East. 1 ho “hoy servant not only takes valuables when he vanishes, hut not a day goes hy without the
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  • 88 6 To the K.liter of the Straits Times.” Singapore, March 27, 11*07. I b ar Sir, Chong makes a very pathetic protest against an alleged practice of Malay jwlicetueu of calling dignified Chinese gentlemen “Chong” or clansmen, and concludes his letter—which was addressed to you. Sir —by signing
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  • 219 6 To the Kditor of the Straits Times.” SingafMirt*. March 2 s Sir, Your correspondent •Chong* seems to have made too much out of a tiitle. One would infer from his letter that it is derogatory to the honour and prestige of the Chinaman to lie addressed
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  • 66 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Singapore, March 28, 11*07. Sir, -The Municipal clerk who informed me that the dog-shooters were not empowered to kill puppies now tells me that ho was wrong. As a result of my previous letter to you, lie has boon
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  • 342 6 'I o the Kt.litor of the Straits Times." Shiga) >orc, March ilO. s,r. Notwithstanding tiie fact that lam merely a visitor halting at your port for a few days. 1 venture to ask your consideration of the following suggestion. I. in common with the very largo majority
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  • 466 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Singapore’ April 1. p.m;. Sir.—S *wc ignorant Staits-born Chiuesi like Ah nig. if he is one of them, and mostly the Malacca-born Babas, (who art half-Malayan) who keep daily company with Malays, living in up-country in Malacca, take Malay women as
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  • 735 6 lo tin I- d:oor of tlie Straits Times.” Singapore, April 1. Sir,- -It i- remarkable to find An Singapore any person with sullicicnt i/tuityto get through even the ordeal of a dr/jnn, and more remarkable to learn that the [dreamer was carried so ;ar as to imagine th/t
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  • 116 7 Mr. du.-tiee Fisher. on tlio '2nd instant, yaw judgment in the case of I >av id Arulanani!:un Pillav v. M. S. K. Anoullia ami Co., tlu* claim boin«* for sjCjc,;} as wmj*os, alleged to la* due to plaintiff as manager and accountant •f tlio Mercantile I’rintino Works.
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  • 1488 7 Which is the Sabbath STRIKING REPLY TO SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. Lecture by Rev. J. A. Gray. I v ei si.ic* t lie* a *'l i a 1 I < a !iont. 11 111 e yea i ii'jo. of a small hiO t ry cue i <4el ic !mineI of missionaries,
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  • 165 7 Tin annual meeting of the i'ijivwntji l.ea'.u'e was liekl at i.h.• oicuiau Stia t Met!ahlist Kpi-eopal Cliuieh on I'hmi i.: last, the programme im-haliijo tl,<* <]«« t ion ot officers for tile M-Uilio confeii n< e vi ;u I he I ports lit till Ol i ei
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  • 302 9 t Sin Clio was some t weeks ago vc m tenet d to IS months’ rigorous imprisonment for deceiving and inducing Mr. Spaujuard to deliver to him goods, valued at *2,100. lie* appealed to the Supreme Court on the 2nd inst., Mr. Ellis appearing on his behalf. No
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  • 211 9 Gu Tuan whs charged at the Police Court. «H<tU ;>rd inst. with having enticed away the legal wife of a fellow-Celestial. Mr. Gaunt appeared for the prosecution and asked for a postponement to the loth instant., which was granted. lie also asked that the woman be sent to
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  • 773 9 The elephant in trout of the Victoria Memorial Hall in Maid to l»e dreadfully disappointed because the King «>f Siam dal not recognise him. He says he i.s not a white elephant! I>KHNino\s. Coolie A Chinese adept at accounts. C'hetty A chit magnified per cent. l gather
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  • 188 9 Tye Su’ee Seng, a dispenser and bill collector, employed at Dr. Von Wedel’s Pharmacy, was charged w’ith criminal breach of trust before the third Magistrate thin morning. The accused pleaded guilty and said that ho lx>rrowed the money to pay off the debts lie owed to a Bengali
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  • 149 9 Regret will he general amongst the members of the Swimming Club at the departure for Buugkok on the .'lni iust.of Mr. C. E. D. Warry, Captain of the Club. During bis stay in Singapore, Mr. Warry has beeu closely identified witli the
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  • 1174 11 T| literature on the subject of Rubber fultivation is, as might be expected, rapidly ,creasing. and here we have an addition to libra A’ of the agriculturist in the form ,,t a ‘.•nail work by the Superintendent of V, M |,Vr
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  • 177 11 Chop Wan Lee applied for permission at the Ban kruptcyCourt on the 28th make a composition w ith their creditors on the basis of 2U per cent., which money had already deposited with the Official Assignee by Chrorig Jim
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  • 572 11 In the House of Coin l non .on March L Sir Edward Sassoon asked the I’nder-Secre-tary of State for the Colonies: Whether, in t accordance with a letter which the Secretary of State for the Colonies addressed to His Highness the
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  • 49 11 We arc pleast d to record the Diet tmit Sergeant Golding, of the Arms Corps, who is statiom d at I'ulau Bran:. .»abeen promoted by His Excellency the High Commissioner to the local rank of Lieutenant, Malay States Guide-. He will also act as Quartermaster.
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  • 37 12 l»t i n March 6, at liny View, c ,:wlnkan, the wife of J\ Dreitag, of a sou. M nr. —On March 21, at Yokohama, the f< of Harry A. Stewart, ltus*oChinese Hank. f j. linughter.
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  • The Straits Budget.
    • 878 12 exchange compensation. Straits 'rimes, Mare*)i *js. \l l another young officer has left the Municipal service because his salary was not hit; enough. We do not know the merits of this particular case, but it is undoubtedly a tact that some of the departments in the Colonial
      exchange compensation. – Straits 'rimes, Mare*)i *js.  -  878 words
    • 234 12 Straits Times, March 2k. It is anticipated that before very k, u a cleau sweep may be made in Singapor many of the stunted and inal-pro|»oi tion*«<r buildings that do little credit to the Mutiicj. pality, and the erection instead of building* sublime ami lieautiful.” At any rate.
      – Straits Times, March 2k.  -  234 words
    • 790 12 Straits Times, March :M). Kirst impressions of Colonial life are mj doubtedly associated with what may b« described as a certain unaccustomed laxity of Sabbath observance. The day of rest at home is not now characterised by that dull monotony of weary reservation so common before enlightened governments
      – Straits Times, March :M).  -  790 words
    • 339 13 Straits Times, March JM). 1 owards the close of last year wo drew attention to the memorandum which the J resident, ice- President, and Committee of the Penang Association sent to the Colonial Secretary advocating the revival of the Settlement of Penang as a part of the Colony
      Straits Times, March JM).  -  339 words
    • 1039 13 *-Straits Times, April 1. Our Sister Colony across the Indian Ocean feels itself in very much the same position as a Hedgling with clipped wines. Turned adrift some Jive months ago, to run alone upon a new Constitution, the Transvaal Oovcrniiieiit is already exhibiting a dislike to any maternal
      *-Straits Times, April 1.  -  1,039 words
    • 470 14 traits Times. April I. m-c questions are sometimes raised in L! <• u-e of Commons that pass unnoticed by th* ordinary layman who scans his jo;i jj. and totally ignores the extended i« j.< i‘.-ol serious debates. Not that lie misses m -eh: lor. nowadays, popular papers use
      traits Times. April I.  -  470 words
    • 806 14 -•rail- Times, April 2. A fair contributor to the columns of a home journal deplores the decay of the English language. Possibly, she has overheard a slight difference of opinion between London cabbies, or may liave been an unwil- ling listener to an exchange of ideas iu Billingsgate
      -•rail- Times, April 2.  -  806 words
    • 585 15 liis more ardent supporters. -Straits Times. April 2. !u the course of the next three weeks we „huu ld know the secret of tho Badget. Whether Mr. Asquith will reduce tho taxes, in his attention to old age pensions—which ho seems anxious to take in hand—,r whether he
      liis more ardent supporters. -Straits Times. April 2.  -  585 words
    • 464 15 -Straits Times, April Those who have lived for some years in lie Straits Settlements will read betweeu the lines of the Uoutcr telegram we publish to-day, summarising Lord Klgin’s circular to the Colonial Governors. The, only ex-Gov-cruor within out knowledge who has conic under public
      -Straits Times, April .*».  -  464 words
    • 412 15 St < Times. April :t. flic* announcement made by our Hongkong correspondent of the approaching dejiartinv of Sir Matthew 7 Nathan will set the official quid mines speculating as to who is to *u- eeed him in the Governorship of the Northern Colony. Mr. F. H. May.
      St < Times. April :t.  -  412 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 86 12 I*l t'cc#pricc of the Straits Tom' is SV' a 'Car l&gt; &lt;-&gt;t free price of the Strait .&lt; HinJint is $U a ear -tot to tulnrrilje fora year. Ihe milmrt|»t»oii&lt;- for sl.orter periods arc at the same proporonalc rate as for a year. f 1 s .va.r liudgit ian Ik-
      86 words
  • 87 12 DEATHS. Kii.kM'*. —On March 2, at Falmouth, KirkiM BH, aged ♦J'i. formerly of I*, ami O. S' r v i it*\ S'*&gt; On March 23, nt *'Villa Branca,” 24. 'tMMOHon Hoa&lt;l, Hongkong, Dr. I’nnicisco i\ Soares, aged 82 yearn. Row— Suddenly’ at (llangow on the 4th March, the result of
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  • 496 16 •'t ‘Chinese lunatics were urrestci &gt;•- t&lt; and sent to the Asylum outhe'Td in&gt;\. 'i ‘Singapore Indian Institute \«i-j I f**: tempted from registration unde- *h* &gt; e Ordinance. *t. *work of removing the two tree- t &lt;vitrauce to the new Cricket J. h |-v :i assented to
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  • 227 16 SlXtlAPOIJK, A I'M!. 2, 1907. PRODUCE. nimbier 0.70 do &lt;C die N&lt;&gt;. 1 unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali 11.-5 ao Pontianak 10.70 Pepper. Bl.ok 18.60 ao White 5% buyers 26.50 'Cago Flour Sarawak 6.05 do Brunei No. 1 6.00 Pearl Sago 4.60 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 &lt;'«&gt;fTee. Palcrabang, 20?', basis
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  • 251 16 Exi'Kcti:i&gt;. M pei o ’i‘ V ?J ft,acca from Loudon March 9, due April 15—Mr. and Mrs. LaughamTartar «,nd child, Capt. G. I&gt;. Lister? Mrs Mouldeu. Lieut A II Allen. Per P. AO. s. s. India, connecting with the steamer Devanha at Colombo, from Loudon March 15, due
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  • 935 16 flic Kev. H. C. aud Mrs. Izard hit x day for Europe hy the YIU. Saeh-i' 1 lie Chief .Justice lias been q!l t' morning with suinmonses in ChandK r&gt;. I Major H. It. de Hamel been apisant, I Acting Superintendent of Police at lVnarm Mr.
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  • 873 17 I I'lfHM Ol II Ow C ’n»:iM.S|*OM&gt;KN r I*• umiig, March 2*.&gt;. on liavi. ol course. seen and road the I scheme tor Penang harbour improvement by Messrs, (oodo, Son A Matthews, laid on the t,l hle at the last meeting ot
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  • 201 17 Mr. Wee The am Seng, brother of Mr. Woe Tlieam Tew, of our local liar, w ho is engaged in the mining industry in Selangor, has turned to Kuala Lumpur after a prolonged holiday in .lava and Siagapoie. It is interesting to learn that Ik* has
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  • 268 17 Mo*.«ns. iVo .Moey f ri;m and 'iYoh Kali (‘how, proprietors of Chop Khiam Houg ('liooii hoc, paid to Seali Pock Seal* and Ng Kcng Tong money with which to settle with the Chop’s creditors. Subsequently the proprietors were informed that certain Clietty creditors had only received
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  • 1144 18 ’ll', i *****111; 11 an an*.;* iu*-nN «&gt;| tin u* j i,n ri-niliitM*. a hi* h i f la inr&lt; -i ji«&gt;t 1 1*' I i tin- ti tl&lt; olid \.|»j m Ki« a Kai-toa. i itIi* 11 i■&lt;&lt;i11J t I. ti
    1,144 words
  • 866 18 I in annual His try ot' ido S. Id o| on o*| al llallostior ilanjjo on I ridav. and tinv&lt; "lilts -.ip to date iiic I* i idas .‘2'Jl 11. 7 JM) a. in.. I'rosidiiit &gt; l*r*/.o. a daudii-ap opi u t«.
    866 words
  • 49 18 Mi. Oliver mentioned on tin* 2nd ilist, to Mr. Justice I’isber the case of Sheikh Salinf Talib A (d. v. Kim Ke Sievv for 517J1 lor floods sold and delivered, saying that his elient. the defendant, bail died. The case was accordingly struck off tbe list.
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  • 114 18 M I hol e was a stabbing affray in IVkh* Sticct on the ‘Jndinst. Pony A Chony. tin ii»jnrc«l man. heiny now in the hospital sufferin*' troni severe wounds indicted bv a chisel. A man named Ho Ah I’ook has been arrested as the alloye d ayyressor.
    114 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 742 20 Police Hoth Co# R. 0* A. 2nd XI. Tiji- match wa* played ou Beach f;«,ad iveiamation ground on the -7th nil. In tu &lt; n a team of the European Police* and i 'id eleven of the With Co.. It. G. A. It v»h»- .1 fairly well coiit*
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    • 531 20 The Championship. The final game of the Tenuis Tournament was played on the 27th ult. before a very large crowd of spectators, of whom! many were ladies. Having fought his way through the preliminary rounds. P. Sal/rnann had the privilege of challenging L. K. (Jaunt, the holder of
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    • 52 20 Penang Golf Club. The following was the result of the Ladies’ March monthly medal competition, plavcd on March 22 and 20: Mrs. May 11 pi. 44— 85—24—01 Mrs. Welliam 45 40 91—24—07 Mrs. Armstrong 60 49—109— :;o— 79 Mrs. Lowers Smith 50 .,02 —llH- :!4- R4 Mrs. Stitt 50
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    • 419 20 The Singapore Bisley. Shooting in the second and third -tuges of the Governor’s Prize took place on April good weather again favoui iug the n.eetiu«». although iu the third stage there was nasty fishtrail wind, hi the result there was n remarkably close finish. Sgt. Urowu. Capt. Elliot and
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    • 604 20 P. J. Sproule’s Eleven v. Malacca. A team, captained by Mr. P. J. Sproule. journeyed to Makacca last week-end. and engaged in a match with the team there. The weather was delightful aud the Singaporeans spent a most en joyable time*. The match was commenced on
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    • 187 21 S. Ik C. V. S. K. !’la\ed oil the Ksplanadc, S. poition, »u April 1. Victory rested with the visitors. The following were the scores:- S. H. K. do Souza b Nicholas 7 K. (ionics h van (’uylenlMivg 28 •lames b Nicholas ]0 C’oclhn b Nicholas 0 •fans/b Nicholas
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    • 453 21 S.C.C. v. 95th Russell’s Infantry. A fast game was played on the S. C. ground on the 2nd hist., between a team from tile Club and another from tiro Doth IhiSNcll’s Infantry, a good many spectators witnessing Ilu* match. The llussolls were* well to the front the tb-si live
      453 words

  • 454 21 Merlin, March ‘27. Jhe tow ti of Ujdrt, in Morocco ban Wn* occupied by French tiooj's from Alyrria. The occupation will l&gt;c temporary. The French Ambassador at Berlin ba* informed Ilerr VOll TscJiirscliky, the German Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the rcMisonn lor the occupation. M. Pichon, tb*;
    454 words

  • 3903 22 Reuter's Telegram ilOiidoii. Maieh in tlio 1 r«:ue!i f .hamhci of, I&gt;» ti M. Pichon cmiinera.*od long ii'l grievances which have not met with tion in Morocco, including other murderand assaults which have h'cii perpretrnted, tn 4 obstructions pi le* d in the wnv of F much Commerce. He
    3,903 words

  • 79 23 J f 4 ()i idln:, Ci.m.i si*4 in i&gt;i i). April 2, H M p.m. i: mi non need 4,tl .cially tliat J 1 is luiies Sir Matthew Natlmn, Governor of I I! m4Kone -vill sail fov Knelanel on Satinelay, \jinl2n Hi- Lm 4-He-ncy ]i rentee tls on
    79 words

    • 936 24 March 2(» i lUdang. Sum stv, Pugelste I, U.mgk'K, Asiatic Coy Riojun Mn u .T.rj&gt; s 4 I jMfir.rk Dangkol i Kunori* Rri Wongs#**) I&gt;lll s'. icodoli Mriana T Seng j R S Barn Dut sir ,\n jd.ih lihio him llw! 800 (Jiang Ann, Ruts* M&gt; s, Sarnarang, H'*'*
      936 words
    • 291 24 (1 1. ug S»-ng. Duf. str. I lagan Sri Muar. lirit str. Muar and i Opfiir, Dutstr, 1 1«?»i• l Kuching, Sar str, Sarawak live Leung. lirit *tr, P S’ham via port-, Cowrie Rrit str New York v?ji. ports ‘27 Manuel, ltrit sir, Cocos Island Mum-aster Casrle lirit str
      291 words
    • 552 24 A (wu\ -port, probable date, of arriva*. and name of Aqentn, Steamers. Airlie, Syduey, A pi. 24 Boustead Albcnga, Hongkong, Apl 20; A. Giltillnti r. Atuhria, Hamburg, MuyG; Behn Meyer Anchises, Liverpool, A pi 12; Mansfield Antenor, China. Apl 2d; Mansfield Apanma. Calcutta, A pi 2 Boustead Arcadia,
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 299 25 VONG LEE SENG CO., general .Mercia ntB. Wmes and Spirit*, Beer and Stout. Viovisiona of Beat, Quality Orfly. 170-2 TO 170-3 ORCHARD ROAO, SINGAPORE. ■r'”. “4!i' *5 n* 7l?X* -S.'?r,‘ [Vlephone orders promptly execrated. SCHWEITZER’S III: Best Purest COCOA. ■■■■—,.i—-r. i.iNow especially packed in double-lidded ~motors ensuring freshness for years,
      299 words
    • 647 25 tV .I A: "K &gt;j ''A FREE TO ALL CYOLI8T*T. ‘'V«JTI/W«*e*y *tom V»J1. &lt;«r 910 ART booK. 1 Vm.IIVJi'I" ■***’*&lt;. Hlmf, Wot ti i&lt; rrtt r»l»l, &gt;Ttrt&lt; J'.-*- .&lt;tii«hh- l»»w« tiBMlbotfl* fSeni “"f V i*®' ’V •■AIM1I l&gt; «MH«: I .k*.-i Im I. irr, «J* ItM •&gt;! I fe&lt; ftililUrtitri
      647 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 177 26 P USE ONLY tiSE ALWAYS MOST PmHl!l (&gt; REFRESHING. A. LUXURIOUS PERFUME F Im Health. German Kinds. A NECESSARY RESTORATIVE IJf* 1 Lll J ®1 T I»i IN BICKNESS. DINNEFORDS The Univen&gt;al Remedy for Acidity of the tftomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, 6our Eructations, Bilious Affections. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA The Physician’s Cure
      177 words
    • 129 26 DAVIDSON COMPANY Singapore. TAILORS." Mr. Geo. Davidson, years with the celebrated firm of Messrs Henry Poole Co., Savile Row, London, \V,, 10 yens with the noted provincial firm of Messrs R, R. Neill dr Co., Sheffield, over 14 years with Messrs. Pritchard A Co., Penang. The above have been appointed
      129 words
    • 290 26 COMMON SENBE—NUTBHELL *9* dircAß-m! wo»t on th* causes iuh} mo*t seßit.i and &lt;ffeettad means of setf-cutw ever discovered for nr, J, and functional debility, waste of vitidiiy, depreii,,., spirits, dec .with practicalobecnratlonson inarriiLcand f„i directions for rewovtn* certain dh^ualWimii.„, g that h, troy the happiness of wedded life. It »»o
      290 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 277 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” ORIENTAL HOTEL. K. lioii. Proprietor. 596 E-0. NORTH BRI06E RD.. SINGAPORE. ilj( ami Spirit* of tlio finest Quality. EWANS ALE STOUT ON DRAUGHT marine hotel. Ganei of COLEMAN STREET and HILL STREET.) Wiiio an*l Spirits of first quality only oipphctl. Accommodation for boarders by
      277 words
    • 19 27 WAI SENG Co. Tailors, Outfitters, Hatters and General Drapers. 12 Battery Hoad, Singapore. EXCELLENT FIT GOOD CUTTING MODERATE PRICE.
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    • 37 27 THE PUBLIC arc cordially invited to inspect our special Show of FOOCHOW LACQUERWARE, PICTURE POSTCARDS, HIGHLY FINIBHED DRAWN THREAOWORK, AND OIL PAINTINGS. PRICES VERY MODERATED. J/TTS Co, G9B-2 North Bridge Boad akd 82-8 Bras Basah Boad. 292
      37 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 179 28 WILSON CO., I'lJOlOfili AVHEBK a 1. I: N. tl:&lt; [,ncl s U (l t &lt; H. »v J( lioxuniuffiH.l &gt;ii tlx Ulllft V Vlif U.-MrUt M.-t Uvi a.xtl.u (.r«-nu -n T. H.MM.I, t)„. I, a..i:-i uU 11“ 1 l l *&gt; PRICE $4.00 EACH. NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA
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