The Straits Budget, 14 March 1907

Total Pages: 30
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget WEEK I Y ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXI. NO. 2S60. V, Singapore, Thursday, March-14, 1907. r UXMXW9 0¥U NAIF A &KNn&|P? Price. 25 Cents.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 V|ll <?£<• •j iV “-i ■'"J-^WCrf'' iA/11 iCQ lv k iulmg PhotographerB antl SINGAPORE, WI LOtr Jiand 7 EL. m Rustoft Proctor 8 Co., Ltd. Portable 1 {< >«ul RqU*3tnb &CTANCYES Ltd. I )uplt*x 8toa*i Pumps. ••feiSki Campbell Gas Intine Co. ,Ltd <)il aud Gas Suetkm Plants. COCHRAN 8 Co..
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 357 1 3Tv Zr< jjt/t m I USE ONLY Jk ItSi C: ''<«r>*N .-*> VC* •’>»>,?* v v.->- -tvn’if 't/ S v’i ATKINSON S •‘*wi:. ;v >** *> r v, '■'afcK A. Luxurious Perfume,. .In Health. |.:,T' Jpj|STORATIV« (N MOKflCM. > >:-* ’s •T-V--. •>*)>.£ L2S« 1 n* X. t A' mott
      357 words
    • 144 1 wt. y.. th« D. v U A Util full d<*, Winn Ur< Its ron W.i *<*’*,%# v i.j esw w .'I 'I *4 h» r> -< C»- T* a > teN iK-v r >> > tl ?$M3l M *xv 1 '5") j t&*P :*V V Vf# .vr «V* 8 S.
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  • 242 1 Kuautau Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 1 The New Bishopric 1 Preparing for Death 2.8 Plantation Labour .*3 Uaub Australian Gold 3 Kev. C. S. Buchanans’ Departure 8 Chopper as Weapon 4 Licensing Cases 4 Medical Man and His License 4 Posters on Cavenagh Bridge 4 Morphia Prosecution
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  • 342 1 The following is the report of the Directors of the Kuautau Tin Mining Company. Limited, to be submitted to the meeting of shareholders on the 15th instant:— Singapore, March 2, 1907. Gentlemen, —Your Directors beg to submit the accounts
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  • 440 1 The cause which the Bishop of Sarawak and Siugaf>ore has so much at heart regarding the necessity of establishing a bishopric for the Straits Settlements and F. M. 8. is gradually progressing. On March 5, Hi« Lordship Bishop Hose addressed a public meeting on the subject, at
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  • 282 3 It tin* intention of the Government to introduce into the Legislative Council a bill to regulate the employment of Netherlands Indian labourers in the Colony. In ltis objects and reasons, the AttorneyGeneral states that a considerable number of Javanese labourers are at present employed iu the Colony on
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  • 868 3 The following is the monthly report of the General. Manager of the Kaub Australian Gold Mining Co., for 4 weeks ending February 28:— The Chairmau and Directors, liaub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Singapore. Gentlemen, —I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling
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  • 365 3 Rev. K. E. Pease, Principal of the AugloCbinese School, gave a farewell reception at Oldham Hall on Thursday last to Rev. C. S. Buchanan, who left on Saturday for his new station in Java, to which he was appointed at the recent session of the
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  • 173 4 On tin: morning of tin: 12tli inMt., a Chiu* detective constable on duty in South Cana! K«.ail siw a Chinese coolie, covered with bleed In. in wounds in the land, pursuit g another t hinaman and. at the Harm: time, shouting for the police. Ihe detective took
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  • 169 4 Mr. T. Sergeant, of the Caledonian Hotel was summoned la‘fore .Mr. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday for keeping open a public house without a licence. Mr L. K Gaunt, who apjasircd tor Mr. Sargcant. explained that Mr. Sargeant had taken over the Temple liar from Mr. Murdoch, ami
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  • 121 4 Dr. Werthcini. of 19 Battery Hoad, appeared 1h fore Mr. Michcll, the Senior Magistiate. on the 18th iust. in response to a summons issued by the Principal Civil Medical Officer for not renewing his poison license for the year. The doctor pleaded guilty ami said
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  • 93 4 Ibe manager of Messrs. Travers and < oiupany, agents for a particular brand of '.out. was summoned before Mr. Michell, the Senior Magistrate, on the 12th iust., for iH»stmga placard on Cavenagh Bridge. Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew gave evidence, stating that he had warned the ril
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  • 488 4 On March 5. Sergeant Thrale proceeded to the premises of a medical practitioner in North bridge Hoad and seized bottles and packets, containing 103 grains of morphia hydro chlorate. 443 ,V, grains of morphia sulphate and 190 grains of morphia tartrate, for the jKjssessiou of which, it was
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  • 132 4 Shortly before five o’clock on the 12th inst.* it was discovered that the back premises of an attap-roofed bouse in Cainpong Java Head, occupied by Mr. Frois, were on fire. The neighbours and a uuniber of Malays came to the assistance of Mr Frois, and
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  • 181 4 The Japanese cruisers Tsukuba and Chi tone arrived front Yokohama on Tuesday The Tsukuba went alongside Tanjoug jw wharf to coal. Vice-Admiral Ijnin is on the Tsukuba, and the vessels are bouud f or Europe and North America. The Tsukuba is commanded by Captain Take-no-utsi and is
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  • 135 4 We have received the advance statement of the weight of block tin and tin ore export ed from the F. M. S. during the months of January and February of this year aud of the duty collected thereon, as compared with the corresponding period of
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  • 93 4 Coolies draw ing baud carts cause consider able inconvenience to traffic. They know that their vehicles cannot be injured if a collision occurs, and, consequently, they refuse to move for other vehicles. In fact, they behave as if the roads belonged to them solely. It is a
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  • 152 4 On the morniugof the 12th inst. a Chinese coolie was poling a koleh load of cocoanuts along the Gaylang Kivor when he struck agaiust a temporary bridge and fell into the water. A European went to his assistance immediately, but the man was not seen again.
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  • 1052 5 Tli.' can' against the jroung tpwkay. Tan Siam!, accused of K .vin« falae evi.10,..* 1 i mncecdings was concluded at the iu J h Justice Fisher, on the A verdict of not guilty was ,l ",1 and the accused
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  • 306 5 The introduction of the new $1 notes was received with general approval as being much superior to the cumbrous dollar. They were issued by the Government of the Straits Settlements, and it might have been presumed that they were legal tender. In view of these facts the following
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  • 577 5 Lini A)i Hang was tried at the Assize Court, ou the 7th inst., before Mr. Jus. tiee Fisher, ou a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, the deceased being one Lim Tek Kee, and the date of the crime,
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  • 27 5 The production of dry rubber on the Balgownie Estate for the month of February amounted to 1,556 lbs. This is exclusive of bark rubber.
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  • 2158 8 Sitiga]M»r<\ March It A proposal to comer the* pine-apple industry of th« Straits Sottl* meets was discussed in Singapore to day. The far-reaching elf**;t of such a combine, not only in Singapore and the immediate neighl*ourh<xid, when; the growing and canning of the fruit
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  • 343 9 After the conclusion of the criminal M-ssion*. Mr. Justice Fisher hoard the suit f Situ All Tian v. Sim Ah Chan, which was a ecclesiastical case re the goods of Sim Ah Clmy deceased. Mr. t\ Everitt appeared for the plaintiff,
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  • 97 9 When the Supreme; Court opened on the 12th iust., the Hon. Hugh Fort asked permisnion to mention the case of M. C. A. L. Letchumanan Chetty v. Cheang Jim Hoe and another, saying that Mr. Cleaver, who had been retained by the defendants, had been instructed not
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  • 858 9 A penny saved is two pence clear, A piu a day's a groat a year; This, Galloway, devoid of fear, Drum well into our Council's ear. So we welcome Dr. Galloway on his reassuming the mantle of Flijiih, whilst once more we view the not uncommon instance
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  • 392 9 We are informed that pork stricken with small pox has been lately sold in the Bangkok market, says the Siam Free Press.” This is rather a serious matter as it concerns the public health in general. A European resident informs us
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  • 483 10 Tlie dim of Me*sm. Fraser ami .Wave. Ltd., have i—tied tin* following report which will fa* »i« MUited ut tin* uniting ol 11 if hharcholdi is to lx 1 liolil at noon on Ihl-silhn, March 19: Siugajioro, March 11. 190 i. Gentlemen, Nour Directors lihnc the
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  • 159 10 London, February 14. The steamer Candlcshoe from Barry Docks for Singapore is ashore in the Gulf of Sue/. Her forward part is full of water. Assistance has been sent. The Captain of the steamer Weissenfels, which arrived from Hamburg, reports that she spoke to the British steamer
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  • 418 10 The rciNirt of the Committee for the year ending Deeeiidx r ill, P.M)6, says: The financial |x»siti.m of the Club continues to improve steadily the balance of assets over liabilities at December Hi, 1906, l>eing $4,621.47 as aguiust $2,950.58 at December HI,
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  • 207 10 The Government will shoitly introduce into the Legislative Council, an amending bill to tlie.Bauishiug Ordinance. The objects and reasons set forth are as follows: 1. By Ordinance VII of 1906 two new sections numbered 12 and 16 were added The Banishment Ordinance 1888.” They enabled the Governor to
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  • 381 10 A Chinaman, named Ying Ah Chau, was charged before Mr. Justice Fisher, at tlm Assize Court, on the 7th inst., with forgery and using as genuine a forged documeut, an order for tweuty-five boxes of tobacco, purporting to have been made by the authority of Chop
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  • 259 10 A Ilylam boy,” employed at the French Hair Dressing Saloon, was charged before Mr. Colruan, the Third Magistrate, on the 7th inst., with being in possession of several bottles of scent, a number of razors and a hone, belonging to M. Sabatier, his employer. Inspector Hart prosecuted. M.
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  • 506 11 (From Oik Own Corrksrondkxt). Penang, Marcli 3. I wring the week we have had a couple of tires, the iiist a very insigniticaut affair, which burnt itself out before the arrival of hV engines, while the latter, which occurred ,ii Thursday night, was a good big blaze
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  • 154 11 The reading room of the Sailors’ Home was full on Friday last with Europeans and Kurasians, who gathered to listen to the excellent musical and literary programme furnished by the ladies of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Among the large number of singers were Misses Keasberry, Ellis, Olson,
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  • 407 11 (From Out Own Cokkkhimjnuknt). Kuala Lumpur, March .>. News has reached here that one of the F. M. S. students undergoing a course of study at the Imperial School of Forestry at Dehra Dun (Inuia) has met with a serious gun accident, resulting in one
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  • 184 11 In the aunual report of the Government Veterinary Surgeon, at Singapore, for the year 1906, Mr. P. Scott Falshaw refers to the outbreak of rinderpest in February, which he states was introduced from Southern India. By the prompt use of anti rinderpest serum the number of deaths
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  • 657 11 (From Oik Own Cokkkhpoxdkxt). Penang, March 3. The annual inspection of our Volunteer Corps was carried out to-day, and was on a plan which has not been tried here lx lore. Major Pedley, of the Royal West Kent ih•lament, who has come up from Singapore, announced his intention
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  • 137 12 Bi’Hvitt. —On February 2<>, at Casa Nova, the wife of W. H. Burnett, of a daughter. Dai.kymfi.k. —On March 3, at Kuala Lumpur, the wife of Norman Dalrymple, of a son. JIakm.k. —On March s, at Lady Hill," the wife of F. Hafner, of a son. Jakvih, —Ou March
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  • The Straits Budget.
    • 1134 12 It ik to Ik* regretted tlmt the Crown Colonics are not to be represented at the approaching Colonial Conference. Of course, the Imperial Oovernnicnt participates in the Conforeuce through the Colonial Department it cannot be said that this is Hufficicn narantcc that the interests of the various Crown
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    • 160 12 In our comments on the placing of the local military contract for frozen meat with the Singapore Cold Storage Company, we, expressed the hope that there was no intention, as rumoured, to cut down the soldier’s ration. The following paragraph appears in Wednesday’s Garrison Orders, from which it
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    • 232 13 Fifty five per cent for one year and 85 |>er cent, for two years should be dividend enough to satisfy the most avaricious investor. This is the record of the Kuantan Tin Mining C'oinpauy, Limited, whose rcqioit, forwarded to ns by the Secretary, Mr. 11. Koland Llewellyn, appears
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    • 660 13 What is there in a name? asked Shakespeare centuries ago. It would be hardly necessary to ask such a question of the company promoter, or the owner of a recipe for what our American cousins have taught us to describe as a proprietory article,” for ury often, the
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    • 206 13 We understand that a movement is afoot for instituting an Automobile Club for the Strain Settlements and Federated Malay States. The object of the Club is tho eiicouriigcmciit of motor and other allied interests, a centre of information and advice on matters pertaining to motor vehicles. It will
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    • 700 13 1* ive thousand one hundred aud seventylive American exiles in Manila—and 61 of them in jail! Every American in the Philippines is termed an exile by the Press, Of the 5175 in the town on January 1 last, 4104 were males and 081 females. Of the
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    • 568 14 11 itlf -ii- million poor people who were in <lll,: ot t,lu Chinese famine relief eamps have dispersed hy a native official ia charge «’l the relief work. Having been attacked in «>ne of the Shanghai newspapers for his action, he dt fends himself with no
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    • 883 14 As Great Britain’s first line of defence the Navy must be prepared for any coalition of i possible antagonists, and it is the proud boast of our Navy that it is always efficient, always prepared for any emergency, and ready to go anywhere to protect British interests. There
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    • 345 15 Wt> give. to day, some further particulars of the proposed creation of a trust or comnine to control the local pine apple trade. The subject is of interest to others than the export merchants, and we have endeavoured to place before our readers the opinions of those best
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    • 715 15 There would appear to be a considerable amount of discontent in the Civil Service of the Federated Malay States—a discontent which is, we believe, reflected in the Service of this Colony,—and the chief cause of the prevailing dissatisfaction is the salaries paid under the present system. The older
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    • 533 15 Considering our identity of aim, the ini provement of the lot of the pine-apple culti vator (as well as the improvement in the quality of the pine-apple), we regret to learu that our efforts to enlighten the public with regard to the proposed Pine-Apple Trust
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    • 978 16 The fact that Mr. Louis Botha, Premier of the Transvaal, is going to London to attend the Colonial Conference is augury of good things for South Africa. When Botha was chosen as the first Premier under the new conditions in the Transvaal, we hailed with satisfaction the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 The post free price of the Straits Titan i* $3« a year The post free price of the Straits tindgrt is $l4 a year It it not necessary to sulwcribe for a year. T lie mil«criptions for shorter perils are at the same proportionate rate as for a vear. The
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  • 36 12 DEATHS. Lam.*.—At Arbroath, Scotland, on February s, James Alexander Lukew, eldest son of James Kydd, Gaoler, Convict Establishment, Taipping. Aged 3 years and mouths. Mitciikli..— On Man h Joseph Mitchell, Lighthouse- of Green Island Lighthouse, Hongkong.
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  • 39 16 Samuel Especkerraan, a Eurasian clerk, pleaded guilty before the Dench Court Messrs. Mitchell and Ellis, Tuesday, to criminal breach of trust in respect of three sums of $2OO. He was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 49 16 Eleven Chinese, sampan coolies and boarding house runners, were charged l>eforf Lieutenant Cafcor, the Deputy Master Attendant, on Tuesday with approaching the steamer Fook Sang while she was lying iu the quarantine anchorage. Captain Edwards, Senior Hoarding Officer, prosecuted. The accused were fined $lO each.
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  • 86 16 Early on Tuesday it w*as discovered that the Oriental Hotel had been broken into and a number of bottles of whisky and boxes of cigars had boeu stolen. A few hours later, a detective on duty in Victoria Street arrested a Tamil with some of the stolen
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  • 925 17 Mr F.P. d’ Almeida linn been licensed as a t rveyor and ieveller. Mr. .1. T. Lloyd lias been granted a licence conduct sales at Malacca. Mr Frank Duxbnry lias been recognised h- Vice Consul of Sweden at Peuang. Mr S Codringtou, District Officer, Halik f ilaii.
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  • 506 17 Mr. Justice Woodward is to conduct the Assizes at Seremban. Humour has it that the Christian Brothers intend starting a School at Ipoh. The colonial system of keeping accounts will be introduced iu the Audit Department, F. M. S., from April 1. Mr. Arathoon Seth, the Registrar of
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  • 610 18 Chop Kim Ho Hin sued C hop Tong Ban llin before the Chief Justice yesterday tor 11,000 alleged to be due on a bill of exchange. Mr. E. Farrer- Baynes appeared for the plaiutiffs and Mr. <». S. Carver for the defendants.
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  • 176 18 Liberty is sweet, but we are afraid the attempt of the two Chinese convicts, lower grade, employed at the Ceutral Prison, laiping, as water carriers, who, taking advantage of the heavy downpour of rain, on Friday afternoon, says the*** Perak Pioneer, attempted to secure their
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  • 148 18 News comes from Dutch NewGtiiuea of an affray there with savages who had cut up a detachmcut of troops in an ambush. Soon after the surprise, reinforcements came on the scene and they interrupted ten savages in the act of blocking up a river. Five of the
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  • 151 18 A few days ago we gave particulars of a “scrap” between two cooks. It will be remembered that the two men in question, a Cingalese and a Tamil, quarrelled in the kitchen and the Cingalese hit the Tamil over the head with a saucepan, causing blood to
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  • 497 18 We understand, says the “Bangkok Times, that the Government has come to a decision with regard to the question of granting son,* compensation to those of its officials whos.salaries are fixed in foreign currencies. The claim for compensation is chi© t course, to the
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  • 134 18 The recent departure of Princess Henry of Battenberg for Madrid where she intends to remain in attendance upon her only daughter, Queen Victoria Eugenie, until after the happy event, which, it is hoped, will give early in the spring a direct heir to the Royal House of Spain,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 81 18 Property Sale. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Cos sale-room on the 18th inst: —Two shop-house dwellings Nos. /HtSt <9 Java Hoad, 2290 feet, lease for 99 years from 1841; N. S. T. V. R. M. Soma-' sundaram Cliitty $1700; Two freehold allotincuts of Balester Road,
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  • 13 19 T|, t Straits Times is not responsible for opinions of its correspondents).
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  • 363 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Singapore, March 9. Sir, -i deeply regret to seem to be in antagonism to HoHe whow 1 K«*eatly Uteein* but I feed i must enter iny protest •uzainst some of the efforts to establish the fl £\v Bishopric for the
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  • 792 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Singapore, March 11. Sir. -A correspondent in your Friday’s issue resurrects the question of the nomenclature of the Colony in which we live, and l desire to express my hope that his and your exertions for a change therein will bo
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  • 170 19 To the Kditor of the Straits Times." Singapore, March 12. Sir, -The sarcasm of your correspondent “S. S." makes very good reading, hut it is not as effective as it would have been if he li id read witii any care your editorial on names and my
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  • 223 19 Sinoapork, March 13, 1907. PRODUCE. Gam bier buyers I 7.05 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali N 11.80 ao Pontianak 10.55 Pepper, Black 19.00 do White 5% 26.90 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.05 do Brunei No. 1 8.00 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20%
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  • 239 19 The statutory meeting of the Lahat Mines, Limited, was held on Pith ultimo at the offices of the company. Mr. Walter#!. Payne presided. The Chairman iu the course of his speech stated:—The company went to allotment on December 4 last, and on .January 8 the property was
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 281 20 Below is the list of entries for the next race!, to be lieW at Medan on March 14, 16, and 18, under the auspice* ot tin Nice we Deli Race lub. Fibst Day. Maiden Plate. Referee. Diogeuae, CasuAri Griffin It .ex.
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    • 60 20 A large crowd turned up on the Auson Road ground on the 10th instant, to watch the match between the C. P. A. and the Darul Apia. The game was well contested. The C. P. A. scored a goal in the first half, and this proved to be
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    • 74 20 Eleven members participated in the Club run on Saturday. Starting from Cluny Station, the trail lay across country by the municipal boundary to the Kallang Tunnel, aud round the lhompson Hoad Hescrvoir, the finish being at Mr. Greaves’ residence. There will be another run on Saturday week.
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    • 360 20 5.C.C. Tournament. Thursday’s play resulted as follows A Sinolks. R. A. Mason 8 beat E. F. Salzmannowe 8, 8—6, 6-1, 9-7. C Sinolks. Sechehaye owe 1 beat Tomlin scr. 6 2. 6—1. Phipps scr beat I*. C. Lean 2, w.o. A. D. Allan scr beat H. L. Cuscaden
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    • 137 20 Eight competitors started in the 440 yards handicap race at the Swimming Club at Tanjong Katong yesterday morning and all finished. Franklin, with 15 secs, start, won the event. Black (scr.) was second and Baddeley (40 secs.) third. Brown (75 secs.) came in fourth. There was no tide
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    • 284 20 Club’a New Policy. The following appeal to members and others interested in rowing has been sent out by the Hou. Secretary of Singapore Rowing Club, Mr. F. J. Benton At the Annual Geueral Meeting of the alnive Club held at the Boat House on February 7,1907, the following resolution
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    • 184 20 Singapore Griffins. The drawing of the gritfins, which took place on Saturday afternoon at Mr. Horse Repository, was attended by most of the leading horse owners in Singapon Of the 29 griffins landed, 25 were subscribed for, and but for the fact that it was found necessary to
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    • 69 20 Perak Ladies* Association. The following is the result of a compcti tion for the Ladies Challenge Trophy Score* Mrs. Douglas 82 Barrett •••82 Barnard 82 Pinkney 81 Harper 81 Vanrencn •••81 189 Miss Archer 29’ Mrs. Trump 27 Tate 27 Moss 27 Davidson LXi Madden 24 Sayers J® Miss
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    • 168 21 nr* V# M. C. A P r i ck et match was played on tlieRaffle* V eround on Saturday afternoon chi,,m hc Police and the Y. M. C. A. resulted in an easy win for the The nt the Captain of the fulicc*. waH tbe highest scorer with 45
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    • 344 21 Fine Performance* Mr. A. It. Stephens accomplished a line performance on the 6th instant on the Taipintf Links. Playing beautiful golf he went round the 9 holes in 88. This score equals the record made by Mr. Oliver Marks, of Singapore, some years ago, but there is no comparison
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  • 3487 21 Loudon, March 6. The Naval Estimates were submitted to the House of Commons by Mr. Kdniund Robertson, K.C., Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty. In the Admiralty’s opinion.* the maintenance of a two-power standard was adequately provided for as regards the latest types of ships, namely, the
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  • 729 23 Berlin, March 6. l'art of the late Queen Victoria's correspondence will be published in October next, it will include matter of a political nature. The publication was to be brought out some months ago, but it was deferred to admit of careful revision by order of H. M.
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  • 174 23 (From Oru Own Correspondent). London, March 11, 7.20 p.m. Le Temps’’ (Paris) publishes a message from its own correspondent in St. Petersburg to the effect that he is authorised to state that the negotiations between Russia and Japau with regard to fishery rights off the Amur coast and
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  • 231 23 Expected. Per P. A O. s. s. Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Delta at Colombo, from London Feb. 13, due March 16—Archdeacon Perliam, Miss H. Morrison, Mrs. Lcresche, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmel/.el, Mrs. A. W. Roberts,
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    • 406 24 March 7 Taian Muru No. 2. Jap str. Huda, Kuchmotzu. M. Bnssan Kaisha Ranee, Ger str. Peter*. Periling. Behn Meier Kuching, Kar str, Waddell, Sarawak, Ong hwi Ha! Real, Dut str. Potjuwijd. PmUng. Daendels Persia. Aust str. CoglioHo. Trieste, IP ten berg Priam. Brit str. Fillotson, L>*J. Mansfield Tere«ia,
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    • 383 24 March 5 Yatoslavl, Huh i-tr, Odessa Ayutliia, lirit» tr, Calcutta G. G. Moyer, Dut Btr, Muntok, Palembang u 6 haxonia Ger str, Hamburg via portw Paklat, Ger Htr, Bangkok Pelayo, lli it Htr, Langkat K 1 1 Htr, Colombo, Bombay Kainp.A, i'ch Htr, Saigon Gaea, Nor str, Bangkok Beawada,
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    • 866 24 Name port, probable date of arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Airlie, Sydney, Apl. 24 Boustead Ambria, Hamburg, May 6; Behu Meyer Aucbises, Liverpool, Apl 12; Mansfield An tenor, China, Apl 25 Mansfield Apanma, Calcutta, Apl 2 Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Mar 30 P. A O. Ayuthia, Calcutta, Apl
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 334 25 •f fienoral «M9Pcliant8. Winw ,w ,ui<l st,,ut Provisions ofr Best SINGAPORE,* ij r IN' Telephone orders promptly executed. SCHWEITZER’S a T i P S Now especially packed m double-lidded canisters ensuriug freshness for year*, in all 1 1 mutes. 1 IN8TANT RELIEF. poKI Balsam Aniseed' OOUQHS For OOl DS ASTHMA
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    • 477 25 mH h m* TS 1 S3 Jr* fti v ■t rv <« A r-> V* v- ID >>v ir<>3 IT 1r-I« w •r<1 y V V- L V- 'lp very mdfiy. •TnC digestive #8$ and secretive organs become slightly deranged, and unless the cause Is removed,' the trouble becomes aggravated,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 186 26 order to w »<v ■yX-'-Ck' V J.'^S rT'r'vfc <r. 'u < i t4i y A V VK W* tmm mm .aZfl OkPT «R 4 1 W. fim* £r •brvytf tij? f--*5 *^t5SG$£ SPECIAL V* V > rv > »»V-*ta r < V; •> **k. 1- <,* I IT WILL BE
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 339 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” ORIENTAL HOTEL Boh. Proprietor. 596 E'O. NORTH BRIDGE RD.. SINGAPORE. Wines ami Spirits of the Finest Quality. McEWANS ALE STOUT ON DRAUGHT marine hotel. Corner of (COLEMAN STREET and HILL STREET.) Wines and Spirits of lirst quality only supplied. Accommodation for hoarders by ,1ay.
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 198 28 WILSON CO., i'HO’i’OO KAI'HKISS. ..I T. I!. II. tl» l"'l- l,H ,i„il I’rima-> I'atii.ia »f "nna'iylit. tli.. < himI Miss Awl.-rsmi. tin Milli.y Stairs Sultan ami lirsiili III S. t Also almtla r Ill '-I T. II. H. ami suit. ,m tlii' fJovcrimicnt House I'arty. PRICE $4.00 EACH. Twent y-KiKhtli
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