The Straits Budget, 8 February 1906

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 92 1 The Straits Budget WISHED OVER H.4LF A CKKTURY VO I- LX. Cable Address Times, Singapore. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. 8 FEBRUARY. 1906. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits i imes 15 cents NO. 2503 Th: STRAITS TIMES” circulates b rLY ix Singapore and Penang ,»t
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 8TH FEBRUARY.
    • 61 1 P: ki.i —On the 2nd February 1906. at J esvi 2.x, Lloyd Road, the wife of L. Pup re. of a daughter. Sii.m 1: vi —On the2sth January, at Bangkok, tii»* wife of L. Silbermen, outside foreman engineer. Bangkok Dock Co., of a soil. Hriri much: —At Aledati (Deli)
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    • 117 1 -Poktki: On the 4th Jan., at St. Paul Woking, by the Rev. T. Dent, formerly Rt-rtorof Dominica, W.I. assisted by the Rev. A. iVmltertou. Rector of West Stow. Suffolk (uncle "f the bridegroom), and the Rev. Price l>ever*‘UK. Vicar of Christ Church, Woking, Lieut. Philip Ambrose Cardew. R.G.A., eldest
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  • 384 1 Pa oks. Leading Articles l» tk> (Quarter 1 I riiico Arthur’s Message 1 I Iu- < iirroncv 2 L aderettes 2 Local: of the Week 1 0“ii M *>tic Occurrences 1 a.»euger List 1 V 1 -Wsault-at-Anna... 3 Kiiblier Experiments 3 huportant Case Settled 3 <, anj
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  • 174 1 A hk Straits Ihulgct. this week, is mailed j bv the Zaida on the B. I. route*. The German homeward mail by the ltoon closed on Monday. The P. A’ O. mail from Europe by the Jhwgolo arrived on Saturday. Among the subjects discussed in our
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  • 236 1 Arrived 31st January. Per Zibenghla :—From Rangoon via Penang— Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Hargreaves, Mr. W. A. Battenberg, Mr. Grinell, Mrs. Grun, Miss Muller, Col. Whittall, Mr. F. D. Rees, and Mr. Schaclit. Per Hge Leong :—From Telok Anson—Messrs. F. G. Somerville, H. A. Kennedy. A.
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  • Leading Articles.
    • 1743 1 Strait# T hues, b'chruo ri/.t are favoured with 'the following official communication Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught before leaving, desired liis Excellency (the Governor to convey to those responsible for the decoration of the route traversed by the procession, and of the public and private buildings,
      \ Strait# Thues, b'chruori/.t  -  1,743 words
    • 599 1 f Stvoitx llltfx, tlffr I'rhtfnWlf.t j I What is obviously a step in the right I direction has been taken by Government in I attempting to provide decent living accommodations for clerks in the Subordinate 1 Service at rates of rental within the scope of I the salaries
      fStvoitx llltfx, tlffr I'rhtfnWlf.t  -  599 words
    • 4508 2 Strait* Time* 7th February. ~7hTthe Agenda tor the forthcoming meeting of the Legislative Council, we read that it is then intended to carry the Currency Amendment Bill—the Ordinance fixing the dollar rate of exchange at *2s 4d through its final stages. This action will meet with no opposition.
      Strait* Time* 7th February. .  -  4,508 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 Th“ n< >t free price of the Straits Times b i war. The post tree price of the Stni' r B>-dje* is $20 a year. It is not ueO"-'ir\' to subscribe for a year. The lub'criptions for shorter periods are at the «aiue proportionate rate of price as (or a
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  • 21 1 DEATH. I’i m ini\ On 29th January, at Bttrmuh Ik-'A i, iVnani*. Henrv Hilary Peterson, aged years ami 19 ,la V8
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  • 670 3 THURSDAY, 1 ST FEBRUARY. Oxk hundred and eighty-six deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 27th instant. The ratio per thousand was 34.57. Colon kl H. G. Sutton, who lias been appointed to command the 95tli Russell’s Infantry, formerly commanded the 16th Madras Infantry here in
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  • 257 3 Somk days ago, Pina Mahomed Mydin, and Ati Mulam were arrested: the former for dishonestly retaining stolen property, and fraudulent possession of property the latter for theft as a servant and disposing of stolen proper *.y. The property referred to was a number of
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  • 781 3 Ykstkrday. much of Mr. Seth s time was taken up in the investigation of a case in which the Opium Farmer was very much concerned. Ghulam Mahomed is a Bengali and a shrewd trader in gauja between Bangkok and the neighbouring territories. He is wellknown
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  • 260 3 Chkw Lyk Whatt was again before Mr. Si*th. yesterday, for further prelim' tary enquiry into allegation- of gang robbery ami attempt to murder. Some details of the matter have already been given in these columns, but the following facts may refresh the memories of our
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  • 397 3 Entertainment by the Sherwood Foresters. An assauHat-armn aud gymnastic disulav was given by the 1st battalion Sherwood Foresters at the Volunteer Drill Hall last night. The entertainment was under the patronage of H. E. the Governor. Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g., and H. E. Major-General Inigo-Jones, c.v.o., c.b., Officer
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  • 474 3 Tapping at the Gardens in 1904. In their joint report on the experimental tapping of rubber trees at the Botanical Gardens. Singapore, during 1904. published in the Agricultural Bulletin Messrs. Ridley and Derry note, amongst many other interesting facts, that in their opinion the first object
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  • 64 3 Wk understand that the ease >f alu f’ M chained Brothers ai'aiust Messrs. !syioe Co. and four other Insurance Companies has tieeu settled out of court. The Companies are said to have paid a very considerable sum. The Hon. H. Fort and Mr. Harris acted as Counsel
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  • 224 3 following, r ‘*V lustol t*> publish the S ns I v .h f 11 of "*°»nts os furnished b t,,e treasurer. Mrs. 8. E. Tomlinson. Receipts. H. E. the Governor Mrs. Noel Trotter fl Mrs. Paul Misses Norris 7? Mr. R. Peirce m Mr. J p.
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  • 281 3 ••The Admiralty has set its face against the consumption of Alcohol, except in very moderate doses” etc., etc. Straits Tin:***, Jan. 27th. I*ve lieen scratchin' of me ’ead, Ever since I seen, an* read In the Pa)>er, that extraordinary noos That the Admiralty are doin’ to stop the
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  • 236 3 One Robber Killed. Early ou the morning of the 19th .1 January, a gang of w Chinamen, armed with a gun and parangs, forced an entrance into Towkay Tan Tek Joon’s bungalow—on the Railway Works, between Ayer Kuning an 1 (iemas. After severely liaudling the Towkay,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 723 4 To the Kditor oj tin Stmit* 1 inie Dear Sir:— 1 was very astonished to read such nursery-tales as told by “Sympathizer in your newspaper of last Saturday. He travelled recently as a jeweller and dealer in precious stones through Sumatra, where he expected to
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  • 343 4 The following is from tlie Malay Mail Elsewhere we publish some editorial remarks from the Strait* Tina on the subject of allotting the plums in the Government Service to outsiders we entirely agree with our contemporary's views. It is not a question of whether the officer from another
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  • 413 4 How they are Increasing in Number. The Investor’s Guardian ’1 of the 30th December, contains the following details of new Rubber Companies, some of which, will be noticed, are simply on the look-out for profitable deals, and might be termed get rich quickly syndicates instead of Rubber Companies.
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  • 269 4 Sanderson and Co.’s Report. January, 4th 1906. Spot. —The public auctions which were suspended on the 20th December on account of the Christmas holidays were resumed to-day. The offerings were on a small scale, and consisted chiefly of new’ crop East India. The demand was very slow*,
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  • 435 4 Exchange —The New Land Terms, —Mr. Bailey’s Farewell —Good Tapping Results. A correspondent writes as follows to the Times of Ceylon from Kuala Lumpur under date 5th January A meeting of the shareholders in the Batu Unjor Company, Limited, was held on the 28th December, to take the
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  • 285 4 Corporation and Health Officer. The Calcutta Cotp« nation is dissatisfied with Dr. Neiltl Cook, its Health Officer, and lias given him six months' notice. On the 16th January the Corporation held auothci* meeting for the purpose of recon sidering the decision to give six months' notice, but
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  • 160 4 Yesterday. Sergeant Nolan arraigned Gob Him, a supernumerary at a Chinese theatre in Merchant Street, before Mr. Seth ou a charge of theft. Ang San is employed as a musician at the theatre and he and Goh Kim lodge together. Ang San leaves his trunk and
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  • 710 4 Subadar-Major Brhari Sixoh Bahadur 95th Russell’s Infantry, has been appointed extra Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Inigo Jones. The Royal Mint struck during the year 1905 a total of 50,600,360 pieces of Imperial coinage, and 45,211,474 pieces of colonial coinage. Yesterday, a Kling carter was fined $4 for leaving
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  • 105 4 Government Gazette. Inf February 1900. His Excellency the Governor has Ixx'n pleased to appoint Mr. M. S. H. McArthur to be Judge of the General Court, Labuan, with effect from the 1st of January. 1906. Subject to confirmation by the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for
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  • Correspondence.
    • 133 4 To the Editor of the Strait Ti m Sir,—A notification which am*..,! the signature of the Chief ji' your issue of yesterday, concludes bv Jl', 10 that No carnages containing H the proper dress of their nationality be allowed to enter Government u 11 grounds.” 11 Ho
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  • 174 4 Ox the 26th ultimo. Detective Cliwi You* Ki was in Fraser Street. He heard dispute going on in a spirit shop. The shopman w as expostulating with a Chinaman to the effect that a dollar tendered was bad Cliwi Yong Ki took the dollar and on
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  • 362 4 The main topic of interest at the Methodist Conference yesterday was a warm dis cussion on the subject of mission work among women and girls, on the best methods of conducting which there seemed to lx- cousi derable divergence of opinion. A -qxx-ial committee w
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  • 252 4 Selangor Opinion. Tkk Malay Mail thus criticis. s tli« eminent policy on the exchange question We want exchange fixed, anti wan! E since, being large producers, it is v us to know bow we stand whereas the not being a produced, but a less interested in the matter. the
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  • 734 5 veniiif* a venerable and gallant Hi M a whose* fortune has landed |Jt the land loving and jieace'iti/r„s of this Colony might (derived making tracks for his j siMittiswiNHle, piloting along the j.Hoad not one of the vessels, t inc apacity of Pilot he customarily t
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  • 119 5 night of the 27th ultimo, Eusope j 1 M ld«-Li both Ja vanese, entered the Cadets '•-buw. and carried off tliirteen pairs of *-»n| xhiH-s. ten pairs wf trousers at quilts and tyvo table cloths* There bait a dozen gentlemen /deeping bouse in separate '-aiaiing
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  • 114 5 ‘i« veiling meeting Mr Churchill was ted hy women suffragists, who creat- disturbance. One woman, unfur- han ner bearing the words otes for !l and harangued the audience, but, l< tlie uproar, her observations could u heard. Mr. Churchill promised that “tatives of the women conld
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  • 979 5 I Most Interesting Expert Evidence. 1 Yesterday, the preliminary enquiry held by Mr. Seth, as to a case of alleged bigamy i brought against Cilia Yu Seng by his wife j Siow Ann Xioh, was resumed; Mr. Ellis conducted the prosecution Mr. T. de M. Brad. dell
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  • 58 5 A Canton dispatch states that Mr. Sun Shili-ting, an expectant prefect of Kwangtung, has received the appointment of Chinese Consol-General at Singapore, and that 4 telegram to that effect from H. E. Wang Tahsi, Chinese Minister in London, was received by Vioeroy Tsen Cn‘un-hsun, asking the latter
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  • 888 5 Its Interesting Associations with Knights and Ladies. The arrival of Prince Arthur of Connaught, on a mission from King Edward to confer the Order of the Garter on the Emperor of Japan, arouses fresh interest in the history of this celebrated decoration. At present it
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  • 135 5 It was known some time ago that Mr. E. V. Carey had met with a bad motor car accident at home. In writing to a recently, from Scotland, where he had gone for some shooting, Mr. Carey says:— I am very fit and well,
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  • 1008 5 From o Contributor Singapore in full Of expectation, aud prepared to give a Koval welcome to i uce Arthur of Connaught. The Prince celebrated hiH twenty-third birthday, on board shin on Jan. l»th, amidst no little enthusiasm f5,' r j n common with all the members
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  • 1055 5 We are indebted to Messrs. Gow, Rttkk' 1 J" ld T Stanto Ltd., Tea aud Rubber Sliare cf London. f cr a f U D l,d Well brou ff ht out handbook o Rubber Producing Companies having properties in the
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  • 600 6 Trade Report. Messrs. Stedman a* d CTmvthcr, -n their general report on the linAal markets for 1905. w’rite The past year was a profitable one for the producers of tin, as, although there were many fluctuations, the gains in price preponderated, especially during the last half-year,
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  • 384 6 R. Q. A, v. S. C. C. Yesterday afternoon saw a fine Association football match, played on the Esplanade, betw een the R. G, A. and the S. C;. C. A vast assembly watched the game. The teams lined up with the S. 5. C. at the Cathedral
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  • 676 6 Thk Malay llesidental School at Kuala Kaugsar formed the subject of discussion at the last meeting of the State Council in connection with a letter received from the Resident-General, in which he forwarded an enquiry by His Excellency the High Commissioner as to whether, if the
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  • 440 6 The Court of Appeal will assemble at Singapore on the 19th instant. -t lilß. J. R. Ixxes is appointed to act temporarily from the sth instant as AttorneyGeneral, S. S. The Hon. Mr. J. Anderson succeeds the late Mr. H. 1. Chope as member of the Singapore
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  • 371 6 Said to be injured by Gambling. Thk following is from the Ceylon Observei We hear indirectly that an excellent authority in the Straits, or rather Malay States, thinks that, as time goes on. the position of rubber only gets sounder, and that he has no fear of rubber
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  • Correspondence.
    • 147 6 To the Editor of tlie Straits Times" Dkar Sir, —I think that you are a little hard on the Government for attempting. to make of the inside information which they possessed, in order to make a heavy purchase of gold before that information became general. It is a
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  • 422 6 Exhibition at the Memorial Hall. Thk members of the Singapore Art Club held an exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday afternoon. The exhibition included the work of non-members, and the members of the Penang Impressionists’ Club and the F. M. S. Art Club (Selangor and
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  • 124 6 A special telegram to the Timen of Ceylon dated Loudon January 25th says:— The Malacca Rubber Plantations. Ltd., is advertised, with a capital of £*Boo,ooo, The prospectus states that Mr. W. W. Bailey valued the property (Bukit Aslian y at £76,000. The Directors, being dissatisfied, sent Mr.
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  • 132 6 Thk July —December six niontldv gold medal of the Tjandie (S&marang) Golf Club was played on 21st January. The follow ing members were eligible to compete: —W. M. Killick —scratch, A.R. King and E.T. Campbell—10, and H. J. Soeters—20. A keen struggle was witnessed between King and
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  • 1567 6 A Right Royal Welcome, Ox Saturday morning His Royal Hi',) Pnnce Arthur of Connaught. K <; in Singapore en route to Japan' has come to be known as the Japan M At the present moment it is rather i, n ing to review the details
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  • 1214 7 An Imposing Display of Ornamentation. Undoubtedly Singapore was e»i fete. Like the native resident J, the city was clad in festive garb, which, to say the least, was most effective. With few exceptions the decorations were hy no means gaudy: they were simple and neat. But they did
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  • 881 7 Prince Arthur of Connaught has everv reason to be proud of the manner in w hich be was welcomed by the inhabitants of Singapore on the occasion of bis visit on Saturday. For on every hand the utmost loyalty was demonstrated, indicating the fact that Singapore
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  • 2042 7 In the eveuing an official dinner was given at Government House. Those present were H. E. the Governor, Mrs. Bland, H. R. H. Prince Arthur, Miss Anderson, Lord Redesdale, Sir Kdward Seymour, Mrs. Thornton. Lt.-Gene-ral Kelly-Kennv, Mrs. G. S. Murray, Major(Uncial luigo Jones, Mrs. J. Anderson, Bishop Hose,
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  • 122 7 Practically the entire community of pore went out on Saturday night to hoc tlie Chinese procession, which part of tlie entertainment of 11. K. H. was of n purely Oriental nature and was a gorgeous and fnntartir function. The Straits-born nese for the occasion joined forces with
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  • 449 7 On the arrival of the head of tlie procession at tlie porch of Government House, Dr. Lim Boon Keng, who accompanied the Straits Chinese British Association, presented an address in a silver casket to His Royal Highness. The address was as follows The humble address of
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  • 434 7 HU Royal Hi*bites* thanks Residents of Singapore. Thk departure of Him Royal Highness from Government House to Johnston's Pier Wan witnoaed by a large number of people who evinced, for another time, great interest i n the event The route was lined wit)) members of the Singapore
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  • 288 8 There were several incidents both serious and amusing in connection with the reception of the Prince. Over the entrance to a shop in High Street w*as a motto containing the words God Save the British Empire and a still more amusing motto was one 1 tearing the
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  • 265 8 A startling accident, which fortunately was not attended by serious eousequences, happened while the reception was in progress at Government House on Saturday evening. A gharry containing Mr. and Mrs. Elphick,and Mrs.Grundy,an elderly lady, was being driven up the drive to Government House, and Hie syce made an
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  • 236 8 The Tramway Company could scarcely have had a better occasion for increasing their profits than that of the Royal visit, which threw a very large portion of the traffic into their hands. The cars in all the sections, particularly that between Gaylang and Taujong Pagar, were filled with
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  • 99 8 Libkkty to gamble seems to have been given to the natives during the Royal visit. N umbers of gambling mats and tables, w r ith groups of fortune seekers in attendance were to be seen along the sea margin of the Esplanade, and in the five-foot (>atlis of
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  • 426 8 Wilson Smithetts and Co.’s Circular. ~ith January. Plantation. During the juist year the market was throughout in the favour of growers at the opening auctions, on 6th January, flue sold up to 6s per lh., and this price was obtained or exceeded duriug the whole course of
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  • 205 8 It is reported that two battleships, four armoured cruisers, three cruiser* and twenty-nine destroyers, are now either under construction in .Japan, or are about to be laid down. The following is a list: Aki battleship, (about 19,000 tons), construction expected to commence this month, at Kure Naval
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  • 2595 8 Penang, Sunday, 28th Janumry. Wedding. On Wednesday the wedding of Mr. George Teeling, Barrister at Law, and Miss Bee Anthony took place at the Church of the Assumption, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Fakher Meneuvrier. The bride was attended by Miss Gunn and Miss Burghope as
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  • 699 9 Tlt monthly shoot of the S.V.A. Rifle ill Ih* held on Saturday afternoon and jjjjfulny morning. di« havearrested a second Japanese, i: .,,,,,.,-tion with the recent burglary at 1 Bungalow. N. B\ttenber<i has returned \l t >. whither he went four months Unetit of his health. n
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  • 42 9 Lonoox of January 9th -Ui* s: company formed and r ottered in New Jersey tffl|Knloit extensive r LL«-r concessions in Mexidp The capital 01 the Company is T6,(KK),(KH). Mr. J. D. ‘‘"■kefeller. jnn. is the president of the 'oration.
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  • 57 9 Thk Russian transjxirt Malaya arrived from ladivostock via Hongkong on Friday afternoon and left for Odessa on Saturday. She had on board 14 officers and 1,661 soldiers. The Russian transport Mercury arrived from Vladivostock on Saturday cn route for Odessa. She had 1.2(H) officers and soldiers on board.
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  • 106 9 Prince Arthur of Connaught expressed to H. E. the Governor how much he* was impressed by tlie admirable appearance*, bearing and conduct of the troops of the Garrison, whom he saw during his visit; not only the men conqiosing tlie Guards of Honour, but also
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  • 128 9 One of the Royal Suite Robbed. On the arrival of the I*. A s. s. Domjolo on Saturday with Prince Arthur of Connaught and suite on hoard, it was at once reported to the jKilice that one of the members of the Prince’s party had lost
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  • 126 9 Ox Saturday morning, a Chinese lad left his home at Ann Siang Hill, to go and witness the review. He did not return. On Sunday afternoon, his body was found floating off Teluk Ayer market. 1 n connection with tliis it is said that the deceased was at
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  • 185 9 The Malay Mail thus once more raises the old question of the incorporation of Joliore with the F. M. S. It has been well-known for some time past that the present position of Joliore is not altogether satisfactory, anti it seems likely that, before
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  • 301 9 A Result of the Royal Visit. Thk Police Courts have seldom been so crowded with defendants as they were yesterday. This was due to the activity of the police in carrying out the Ordinance for the suppression of gambling. Mr. Scott had on his file 125 cases, the
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  • Correspondence.
  • 659 9 D Co. Foresters r. S. C. C. 2nd. ‘*D.*’Co. Sherwood Foresters were engaged in a hockey match with a second eleven team of the S. C. C. oil the Esplanade last Friday afternoon, a tine game resulting. Both teams displayed good form and maintained level play in the first
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  • 86 9 Last week. Yho Tan. Dutch lawyer, cited Mrs. Yho Tan liefore Mr. Bryant to show cause why a maintenance order allowing her $4O a month, payable by her husband, should not be cancelled: her husband alleging that she was misbehaving herself with a Chinaman. The defendant was
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  • 1497 9 Tuk morning session of the Methodist Kpiscopal Conferenee on Friday was main!, ■U-votol to the question of the patroua" t ie Mission Press by the schools an churches connected with the Mission Tim Manager of the Press desired that it should
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  • 171 9 Ox Friday. Insp. Hart charged Tiew Quail before Messrs. Bryant and Coleman with attempting to break into the godown of M<-ssrs. Adamson, Gilfillau and Co. at Havelock Road during the early morning of the 29th ult. Sunda Singh, a watchman, was on duty there, and about 5
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  • 143 9 Ox Friday. S. Jacob, a Jew, and Haji Abas, a Turk, were charged by Detective Inspector Tyrrell on remand with fraudulent sion of a pawn ticket representing a suit of clothes and a pair of boots, which were found to be the property of Mr. De
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  • 78 9 At Government House, on Saturday night. Prince Arthur of Connaught personally expressed to the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim his interest in and appreciation of the great torchlight procession which passed before him. The Prince wished Mr. Jiak Kiin to thank the Chines** community, on
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  • 1142 10 i Hi/ an occasional Corrcxjnanlcnt) By way of introduction ‘to the following brief details of the termination of what I understand is considered by His Royal Highness to have been an interesting and very pleasant visit to Singapore, I may say that the original heading of
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  • 519 10 The Annual Shoot. Thk annual prize meeting of the Singapore Volunteer Artillerv Rifle Club has been arranged to lx* held oil the dates sjx*cified below. The programme is a comprehensive one aud tl ere is every prospect of a large* list of entries. The details
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  • 1460 10 An Expert's Views. Thk following is from the Financier —In Mr.Herbert Wright’s volume —“Hevea Brasilieusis, or Para Rubber: Its Botany, Cultivation, Chemistry and Diseases’’—which has just been published in Co1oih1h> by Messrs. A. M. and J. Ferguson, the regular readers of the Fitutncier will find, for one thing,
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  • 760 10 Taipintj, 2ntl February. Thk Chinese New Year has passed off quite quietly this year, a sure sign of pecuniary depression which is being felt by all. The cricket match Perak, versus Penang, was played at Penang on the 25th and 26th. We are jubilant over one win of
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  • 521 10 Visit of Mr. W. J. Bryan to Singapore. Thk Hon. W. J. Bryan, the leader of th* American Democracy, and his wife returned from Java on Saturday, and left Sin«r a h tins morning for India on their way h ome Last night a reception was tendered
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  • 317 10 Chinese New Year. 30th January. With the closing of the mines at Pen j mu Selensing, and Kecliau, the Chinese population of the Lipis <listrict has fallen oft considerably, and this accounts for the lact that the Chinese New Year holidays passed "ft very quietly iu Lipis, this
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  • 684 11 I tt- |>:iuc«u of the Malay Mail of I t Lumpur: M Uftt r ate than never is an old which may. with more truth I numerous occasions, be applied I Straits Times Annual.” The ~f arrival, says the Malay I !U no way due to dilatoriness
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  • 409 11 i iiii obi ('oriTx/tomh nt) Among the many private decorations in Singapore, which have won the approbation of the sightseers, must be mentioned the flag and bunting arrangement-, which rendered the Opium Farmer’s house in Cecil Street very bright, and the offices of the Straits
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  • 229 11 LCwis Peat’s Rubber Report. Straits and Malay States. ■ith •hinuory. :.g >:«- weighing about 114 tons were offered in public auction to-day as follows M: Quantity. Description. Price j>er lb. 7 oases Sheets pale to darkish 6/14 1 bag Sheet rough rejections 6 I Black sheet 4/6
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  • 660 11 Recently, we republished from the Strait* Echo a letter from Messrs. Russell Grant Cy. about certain unsound rubber flotations. That letter resulted in the following letter signed CommonjScnse.” dated from Ipoh. to that journal: 1 have read Messrs. J. Russell Grant Co s letter in your issue of
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  • 260 11 From out of the East, iu a crimson veil. Hastened the »mi on the morning pale. Foam flecked, a virgin cruiser bore Eastward, to tropic Singapore. High iu the rigging, with steadfast gaze, The lookout faced tin* effulgent blaze. A youth of twenty, with hazel eyes.
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  • 871 11 The Bntisli steamer Stettm arrived from Langkat this morning with 86, 6W tins 16.200 cases of kerosene. n l Thk British torpedo-destroyers Erne aud hxe have been docked at the Albert iwlTanjong Pagar. WK Mrs. Gueritz, wife of the Governor of B. N. Borneo, has been suffering
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  • 180 11 l' r l y, 'lth February, 190*1 j Duty Bill (to impose a on the property of bodies corporate and unincorporate 3rd Heading. 2. agrancy Bill i for the establishment ot houses of detention for vagrants). Committee. 3. Banishment Ordinance 1888 Amendment Bill to
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  • 112 11 Mr. Preniyslav. the distinguished violinist whose magnificent playing will be well remembered by those who attended his recital some time hack at the Teutonia Club, is due to arrive here on the 19th, from Japan, and during his stay here will give a violin recital in the Teutonia
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  • 533 11 It is understood that the draft which was lost by one of the Prince’s suite on board the honyola between Colombo and Singapore, was a Foreign Office demand draft for £200. Some sovereigns also disappeared. It is lielieved that the draft belonged to Lord Kedesdale. The local
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  • Correspondence.
    • 167 12 To the Editor of thr "Straits Titii ’s. Sir. —Far from reducing the cost of living fixity of exchange seems but more likely to bring greater profits to retail traders and. in the vet unsettled state of tilings, the “wily Chinee” finds another opportunity for squeeze.
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  • 95 12 Foi: some time. Messrs. Cadonau and Company, of Collyer Quay, have been missing umbrellas from their godown. They were determined to discover the thief ami their j.i'/tik was told to keep a sharp lookout. This morning the jayah saw a Chinese coolie, who has been at work
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  • 104 12 Two \\i ngalis. Bmkatsliah and Pakir Alahonted. thought to do a little business in the wav of extorting money from some gambling Chinese in Shaik Aladarsah Bane bv threatening them with the police. They succeeded in getting thirty cents, hut demanded more and on its being refused
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  • 148 12 Mkssijs. Howarth Erskine Limited arc to be congratulated oil the tug boat Martha that thev have recently completed for the Federated Malay States Railways under survey of the Government Marine Surveyor. She is a powerful tug 05’ 0” long l»y 12
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  • 380 12 Rkcmntly Low Pok, a gambling informer succeeded by his information in getting a number of Chinese fined for playing in a common gaming house. They came to know of this informer and it may lie conceded that they made up their minds when an opportunity offered,
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  • 372 12 Thk report of the Destitute Strangers' and Prisoners' Aid Fund for last year has come to hand. The report dwells upon the geuerous manner in which the European public have responded to the appeal made on- l>ehalf of the many who,
    372 words
  • 292 12 IxsiarroK llax returned to Ipoh on the 31st January, from Singapore, bringing with him K. Palmer, who is charged with criminal breach et trust iu respect to propertv to the value ot' about $1,290. The Appeal Court, comprising the Chief Judicial Commissioner, the Senior J.
    292 words
  • 263 12 A coKKKSPONDisvr thus writes to the Malay Mail :—At the next general meeting of the Ranh Recreation Club, the committee propose suggesting the* introduction of the deposit system. Mr. Lock, late manager of the Rauh Gold Mining Co., has lieen busy ius|a*eting and c aking a report on
    263 words
  • 2134 12 [i'r*un #r Special ('orrcH/nni*icnt oj fh>"Straits Times. > Iranian. Tith J>tnaartf. have »ust returned from ail eighty- five mile tramp in Cornwall. It was r. delightful week s journey and under circumstances which 1 revelled in. That is to say a week of Atlantic gales making ihe rugged
    2,134 words
  • 443 12 In the Practice Court. Perth iW.A.t *«n tin Hth January, liefore Mr. Justice ParKer. ;m application was made for a writ «»t ha'oea* corpus directed to the keejK*i of i' < I th lockup for the releast.' of William
    443 words

  • 860 14 (By Submarine Cables C aleutta, 31st January. It has been settled that the command of tlie 95th Russell’s Infantry, now stationed at Singapore, be given to Colonel H. G. Sutton (formerly commanding the 16th Madras Infantrj^liere). Colonel Whittali, now commanding the 95th at Singapore,
    860 words
  • 483 14 \By special arranjement with Der Ostasiatisc.-ie Lloyd (By Submarine Cable) Berlin, 31st January. The funeral of King Christian will probably take place a fortnight hence. King Edward will attend the funeral, if it he ]K)ssible for him to return in time to open Parliament on the 19th
    \By special arranjement with “ Der Ostasiatisc.-ie Lloyd”  -  483 words
  • 3088 14 (By Submarine Cable) Mr. Heir Hardie. in an article published I in the National Review, sketches the poliev I to be followed by the independent Labour I Party. Its main features arc protection of trades I union funds; shortening the hours of labour I old age pensions reafforestation
    3,088 words

  • 251 15 Rafflesiansv. Telegraphists. „Hii i: mat» h was played on the Baffles ~j > ioiind vestin’*lay afternoon ln-twecn ,”i **>m|M*si‘*l of present pupils and V,s ~f Batiks Institution and another T, kgiaph onipany. ami a good w i- wit n« -s*-*l. I in* I eleerapllists as haie *»nlv lately enteric!
    251 words
  • 532 15 m»ki: the heading "A British Enterprise :1m Far East.*’ the Train tray and llail- World lias an excellent descriptive :clt on the Singable Tramways. In the >e of it" account, the journal says that tram wavs here may. with tin* exception hap" of the Calcutta enterprise, safely :n
    532 words
  • 1028 15 Kualo Lipin, tut L’rl/nmry. The State Budget for the current year shows: Revenue 513,235. Expenditure $1,404,392. The former, which, for the first time in the hisUiry of Pahang, appears above the half million mark, is $104,669 more in the history of
    1,028 words
  • 222 15 Kakiwsax is a watchman, employe*! in taking care of some godowns iu Hallpike Street. At 7 p.m. on the H#»tli ultimo, lie went to his duty, making his room fast before doing so. Ho returned at 0 o’clock am! went to bod. He awake at *2 a.m.
    222 words
  • 160 15 Thk play for the Championship has resulted as follows: Fii:st Korxi*. Messrs. Fowlie. Marks, Ferguson Jt Miles byes. 4. \Y. Barrack l>eat K. D. Hew an 4 and 3 F. Longmnir lieat G. A. Fiiilayson 7 and 5 U. A. (’ampbell beat \V. M. Anderson 2
    160 words
  • 135 15 FINANCE COMMERCE. Bth February liHHi. Thk Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4/ms bank rate at 2/44. Tlie Mercantile Bank quotes it also at 2/4J. Thk total amount of tin ore exported by the tributors on the lands of The Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy., Ltd., during tlie month of
    135 words
  • 168 15 Lewis Peat’s Report. London 12th January UfOti. Para. Since our last, we have had a quiet market with easier prices, resulting in sales of Hard Fine at 3/4$ to 5/4, at which there are sellers. Soft Fine 5/3 to 5/2$ sellers. Negroheads neglected and small sales at
    168 words
  • 28 15 Thk output from this mine for the month of .Iannary was 1013 piculs of tin ore, of an approximate value* of 150.000. A
    28 words
  • 179 15 London oth January. The market, which o)ietied dull on the resumption of business iu the new year, has, says the ('orni*h Pont, since shewn renewed strength, partly owing to a fair demand for prompt shipment to America, where full prices are still paid for Tin for immediate delivery.
    179 words
  • 76 15 Qambier ..6 7.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.62$ Copra Bali 7.40' do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers 20.25 g-1? White, 5% buyers tt ‘J9..10 8 Flour Sarawak 5, p Brunei No. 1 j*Vi* Pearl Sago M ?*®f* £°*<* basis M T *f'oc*. »m»U Flake 9 2? do small
    76 words
  • 268 15 n- r j (Mercantile Bake.) On London —Bank 4 m/s 2/4$ Demand 2/4} Private 6 m/s 2/4;* do 3 m/s 2/41 On Germany —Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/s 2.45 d° 6 m/s 2.47 On trance —Bank d/d 2.95$ Private 3 m/s 3.00$ On Indta —Bank T. T.*”' 8
    268 words
  • 243 15 Number tyj Last Value iup to Comply Buyer. Seller* TnnanoShares j ___j j i tions solo. 13,50 I 111 I 10 ti. AI. Co., Ltd 13.50 15.00 2,U r* uuiboued. 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) 6.00 20,000 I 10 10 Kadana G. M. Go., Ltd. 200 iiom. 10,000 #lO
    243 words
  • 138 15 400 000 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. #.OO 8.00 “"“tSSa*' 100 100 Federated Eugmeenug Co.. Ltd. 175.00 4 500 *50% 50 Fraser dr Neave, Ltd. 102.00 80[000 125 1125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 270 00 275 00 12,000 100 JOO Howarth Lrskiue, Ltd 27*>.W 0,400 #lo* 10 Maynard
    138 words
  • 94 15 mm 410 i t 6 Balijowuie Rubber Kstate Ltd. 12.00 12.00 70,000 #lO #lO Bata llnjor Rubber Co., Ltd. "i ft 70,000 I! 1 1 Bukit Rajah £SMM ll £1 Cicely Rubber -f*| 6.000 1 1 Pref '*»ssSr 1 l Fataling Rubber Co 5.3.0 #lOO '#loo Ribu Flantiug Co.
    94 words
  • 25 15 isrtsss ts a sss asses.. i ~JSg SS=S£: 655,500 par. Mller.. Taujoog Pagar Pock Co., Ltd. 6% 29’SS e,D- Vt 1. »«4.500 par. buyer.
    25 words

    • 717 16 Men or Wak, A*». Alacrity, Brit, cm.), Hongkong, Jan. Donegal, (Hrit. erm), England, soon. Duke of Edinburgh, (Brit, cru.) England, soon Keut, (Brit, cru.) Chatham, Feb. Natal, (Brit, cru.h England, soon Jan. 31 Tientsin, Brit str, 2555 tons. Andrews. Hornbay. I*. A* O. Zilieugbla. Brit str, 2690 tons. Packliam,
      717 words
    • 445 16 Jan. Jl oaxoma. Ger str, Shanghai aud Japan Manila. Ger Rtr, Bangkok Chow Tai, Ger str. Bangkok Palma, Brit str, Antwerp via ports Kistna, Brit str, P. Swettenham ami Penang Vidar, Brit str, Kuantau via ports Ophir, Out str, Paletuhang Singa|K>re. Brit str, Bangkok Batavier, Brit str, Anambas and
      445 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      347 words
    • 657 16 Any irritating or disfiguring skin disease is quickly relieved and permanently cured by Doan’s ointment. This ointment cures piles, eczema, scurvy, itch, and every skin complaint. Sold by all chemists and pharmacies. MARTIN’S dles.l A Prtneh R«m*dy for all Irregularities Thousandsol Ladies Snap a box of M-t'l un P.11*. in
      657 words
    • 688 16 liCA and Perrins’ Sauce. By Royal Warrant to His Majesty the King. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. The Uni.ersal Remedy for Acidity u: i Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Inditeesti**::. Sour Eructations, IJilious Aff»-c turns MNNEFORDf iNESIAj lbc I t< lH Cure i.,f i„„ Kheuniaiic and (iuvpi. Safest ai.d run*.* Gentle Medicine
      688 words
    • 130 16 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A nkw medical work on the causes amt most sctentt and effectual means of self-cure ever discovered lor nrrv and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression spirits, Ac. .with practical observations < *n marnaze and tw. directions for removing certain disqualifications that troy the happiness of wedded life.
      130 words