The Straits Budget, 4 January 1906

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 38 1 The Straits Budget B2ING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES. rlsiablished v ei. Half a Century Cable Address: T:mes, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents OL. LX. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. 4 JANUARY. 1906. NO. 2498
    38 words
  • The Straits Budget. Thursday, 4TH JANUARY 1906.
    • 168 1 M »Kinn«*n <1 *tli Decern be at Shanr an 1 Mr*. H. on M Kisnon. i < (*n 1 Ith 1>« oin'er. at AY sung, th f e ,,t i l:. i ur F C«v. of a dainter. On the tnl Pettier, a tlu' wife -»f K. W H\i;i;iaO'Fulloden,
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    • 148 1 ,m' :—Onl’Jth Deceiber. at ma, Nr 1 Am 1 Ifama t ls\n» i uKi i- !■> ih r»i si,! nf M s\> i 1 i s: On 4th Decer *er. at sh.r.nghai. *L x Mi will to I IE M. ,:1’ \m-s. I'm tiu Peshyterian liuroli. «»re. by tiw
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  • 402 1 LaU-s I Leading Articles Vagrancy hrKtmas Amioyames Chinese ChaioCtovitics Vo»*tal Arrangements 'spinsterhood India and Thibet Kalian*' Tunnel Leadiifttis Local: Summary oi ~J *.C 1 Domestic Occurrences 1 Kiflc Shooting in 3 Tapping Para Rubber lues 4 <. iiristmas Sport 1 Xmas Burglaries 4 Russian 1’ misers 4
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  • 190 1 Thk b> <it* Ihuhfrt. this wl*k, it mailed along tl* V v O. route by thJ7ri<*iq. The M. M. 11 for Europe by lie Anmnul lU hif cloml on Monday. Till reman mail I from Kuti j. by the Uoon arrild on Thursday. Tit* 1 1.
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  • 336 1 Thi*i> thea^ec rescarc h and expcri'Bt, wh* n all nature, so to ransacked by for the comfort an happiness of man. ®nce has indeed mao* *>*n,tndes during the piyntury, and among tne—i no means least discoverirs in tnoi.j nc comes that of tvapion, particulars of «hj,
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  • Leading Articles.
    • 783 1 (Stmitn TiinvH, 2Hth December.) Every thinking member of the community must rejoice at the steps taken by Government in the introduction of the Vagrants till that was submitted for the consideration of the members of the Legislative Council at the last meeting of that hotly. The imposed measure is
      (Stmitn TiinvH, 2Hth December.)  -  783 words
    • 688 1 iSt fit its Tint' :tsth December.) Boys will be boys,” and Christmas is Christmas. Therefore grown-up folks —even if they Ik* liverish —should look lightly U|K>n the various infringements of the laws of decorum which mark the advent of Yuletide in countries where British manners and Christian customs
      iSt fit its Tint' *. :tsth December.)  -  688 words
    • 971 1 (St rmtx Ti me*, 29th Decern her.) A report, just issued by the Foreign l■ in London, contains what is termed an interesting and very illuminating study of land taxation in Honan. The report is compiled by Mr. George Jamieson, who was at one time Consul-General at Shanghai,
      (St rmtx Time*, 29th Decern her.)  -  971 words
    • 575 2 i Strait* I nut’*, ‘I'.tth fh'rtnifn r. A eoi:i;Ksi>oM»KNT refers to the article on the alleged deficiencies in the Straits Postal Service's which was republished from the Straits in our issue of yesterday. He ealls attention to a matter, nearer home to i:s in Singapore. which certainly seems
      i Strait* I nut’*, ‘I'.tth fh'rtnifn r. /  -  575 words
    • 595 2 i Straits linns. 2'Jtli brmnhtr.l even sympathy, feigned or real, as the case may Ik*, but she cannot, as a rule l«x>k for them as acts of love and it is just such acts of love, that art* so most acceptable in old age. If only the young realized
      i Straits linns. 2'Jtli brmnhtr.l  -  595 words
    • 627 2 1 Straits Time .Joth bn-ember, India, at the present time, is being honoured by the presence of two very distinguished personages—the Prince of Wales and the Tashi Lama—and it would be difficult to over-estimate the significance of the latter s visit to the Peninsula. It will la?
      1 Straits Time*, .Joth bn-ember,  -  627 words
    • 3896 2 l Sha its 'Jut! January. 1 1 uk item of news aiient the accident to the Kallang Tunnel shield, which is published i“ another column of this issue, has been common property for some days past. We call attention to it editorially as a Reminder to the authorities
      l Sha its / 'Jut! January. 1  -  3,896 words
  • 89 1 DEATHS. K n\. <> loth Dc.endxr. at >1 »gl*». L Ki r.\ Tide Surveys ami Hk hour Master. 1 !Uj>‘ Maritinu* «'ntoni*. 4A* 61 >' e rs i... 1 sir Pii J .7 ns>;'“\: On *jsth l>t* t*rd*r. at I Nt. \n,uiVilla-. H gl gate K< u. Hainii eml. \i
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  • 709 3 I? the list of donations u» the (Queen s lu* i ployed Fund we note .4**210 from Sir Boyle. Bart. K.C. T® programme for clearing Port Arthur from mines has lieen completed. The autlu* Acs still advise precaution. It iA mioured that Messrs. liutteubach Bros. «A o..
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  • 390 3 Continued Prosperity. This unrivalled property, so tar as the tin industry is concerned, says the •Times of Malaya continues, and is likelv to continue, to be a “veritable r old mine to all who arc fortunate enough to be connected with it. Consummate Good Management, both scientifically
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  • 726 3 i 11 matter for ('mi granulation that the Mar which lias just cl sed has pcovtd a red letter one for Kiflt Shooting, for never before has such interest b*.‘en shown i-n this Colony in thU connection. The majority of persons h*ok upon a skilled knowledge
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  • 97 3 Mr. David McGil', a leading broker at Kimberley, has been tried at Cape "A for an offence under the Act the diamond trade which it was allege te had committed with the one Damant, of the diamond dctcetne department, who, when the offence wa, dicovered in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 491 4 To the Editor of t1u i “Straits Times." Dkar Sin: -It is very gratifying to those who feel sympathy for the local unemployed to see that Government is taking energetic, and wiiat promise to be effective, measures to provide for the necessities of this class and.
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    • 190 4 7Y> the Editor of the Straits Times." 1 ikai: Sin. —My evening stroll often takes nit- along Oxley Rise. and. on tlie crest of the road, opposite a European residence, there has been during the last ten years or so a pile of refuse, sometimes bigger, sometimes
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  • 299 4 In Botanic Gardens. Mkssks. H. X. Kiulky and R. Deny have just compiled tlieir report on the experimental tapping of Para rubber trees in the Botanic Gardens for 1904. which has been delayed for the reason that of all the rubber obtained ill that year the
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  • 304 4 On enquiry from the Chief Police this morning, it was ascertained that none of the jewellery stolen from Mr. Sugden’s residence at Orange Grove O Road has yet been recovered. Between 7-30 and It) last night burglars visited the residence of Mr. Phillips at Edendale. Xassim Road. They
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  • 263 4 The displays in the lions cage at War1 ren’s Circus are always of a thrilling character even under ordinary circum- stances, but at the performance last night the trainer. M. Zaboiri. while in the cage. met with an adventure which made more
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  • 309 4 Thk ‘‘peanuts" case, in which, as our si>ecial wire announced, two Filings were sentenced to imprisonment at the Penang Assizes for fraud in delivery orders closed on the 19th Decemlier. It was a record case for length there, having lasted eight days. The case which turned upon a
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  • 858 4 Rugby at Kuala Lumpur. Singapore v. Selangore. This match was playnl at Kuala Lumpur on Boxing l»nv. I'ufortuuatoly u liat should have been a very fast and exciting match was spiihd to a peat extent by the rain which came on aliout an horn l»efore play started. Singa|»oro
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  • 355 4 Till British transport time-1 expired men fiom alongside Section :j. "liarf.l punctually at l.:;o andJ immediately started tukißiv^ 1 "'aterl stores. and provisions. *i'«L a constant stream of military vi -it< t rdilfercM brandies of the service. H the tiu\m expired men of the siKE
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  • 125 4 Thi annua! Christmas Treats) kindly oi\ eP »y Mi. C. B. Buckley U L children of i> held last nihf in Hi** TjiV Hall and was as ha;) yi gathering a/f> of its many predecease l There w$re children and theii Lers present. op the spectacle
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  • 95 4 At a largely attencleil 1 3C*tin*4 of the Zet land in the East Lo<|P. yesterday, tli*following office-bearers wfc elected for tht ending Year: M. Wor. Bn F. A. Rickard. I. I*. M. Wor. HnU. L. Coghlan. S. W. Rro. H.- r Kinghom. •I. \V. Rro. F.*pps. Chaplain Rro. Re.
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  • 118 4 An Eclectic** competition, for a prize presented hv Mr. Jjl. D. Jones, was held on the Keppcl Liuks tiring the Xmas holidays with the following Result: W. S. Rarrett L 79—11 6s J. W. Wilson s-j—l 6 69 J. H. D Jones. 75 3- 72 H. R.
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  • 66 4 Thk Castlewood rubber estate at Johore has been purchased from Mr. M. Larken. by Messrs. Cogldan and Company acting on liehalf of a local syndicate. The estate is about 1.000 acres in extent, and there are at present on it 1,500 rubber trees from six to eight
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  • 41 4 Thk Viceroy’s Clip Race at Calcutta resulted as follows: —1. Long Tom; 2, Great Scot; 3. Munderah. Won by a length; two lengths lietween secoud and third. Time, 3 min. 5 2/5 secs. Also ran—Applause, Dalkeith,*and Lieutenant Rill.
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  • 395 4 if s c. V. John Little’s. if x i*RE' y large crowd assembled on the ester day afternoon to watch the football match between the K pJ. and John Little's team. The rain L v V h came on just as play started, sent H»c s acta tors
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  • 226 4 THE RUSSIAN CRUISERS. Singapore invited to inspect the Vladivostockers >1 J. St« hkukatc hoff, the Acting Russian Could, informs us that Admiral Jessen has kiiu i consented to allow the cruisers of his squ; ron now in harbour here, to be inspected by v Singapore visitors wlio may care to
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  • 195 4 'l'n-piautitv of tin exported last montli IfroufNegri Sembilan. says the iVr*»A pi rim. "shot up to 8.005.:48 piculs, a fiii"itxceed«*d«»nly once (lining the pre\ ionten with* The value of the metal is returned a®57.*241.71 on which duty to the extent of sw2.*i.H6 was collected —the highest sum reac®
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  • 122 4 TH.k session of the Straits Medical Colle-f tloses oil doth December, say. tla L o l;, ii o„H as Dr. freer s serve and. as will tita l* u freer. I>ean of the rc coni» ude< that 1 isit to Madras Ito niortX)w on his was
    122 words

  • 3846 5  -  Hy S. <»* Ao. The following paper was recently id lr j e the Institute of Mining id M,;.,.iuigv. The mines dealt witl™ v IKr ,i bv the Borneo Company: Thi- paper is limited to a descri^ 1 ,he auriferous deposits
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  • 205 5 Thk Kev. F. H. Morgan, formerly Pastor of the Coleman Street M. E. Church, has l»een reporting for the paper of which lie is the Field Agent Ziott'n Hmihl— the annual meeting of the General Missionary Committee, which makes appropriations for the coining year's work. The meeting
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  • 109 5 Thk Conrrier Saiyonnu i* hear, that a detachment of the British Far Ka*t fleet will shortly visit Saigon. A grand reception awaits tiie visitors who are exacted on the 20th January. M. Deloncle, the Deputy for French IndoChina. left Saigon just in time to take i»rt in the
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  • 1455 6 Ttie following is from the “Straits Echo.’* [In the Straits Legislative Council recently the lion. J. Bromhead-Matthews asked whether *ome arrangement could not ’>e made whereby letters posted at Penang after 5.30 p.m. could be despatched by the first train
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  • 316 6 Thk Black water Estate iKlangi Rubber to. Ltd., is among recent company dotations in Ce\ Ion. Ihe main object of the Company is to purchase the Black water Kstate in Selangor, F. M. S.. containing some l..‘>4*2 acres, and to develop it chiefly with rubber. The nominal capital
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  • 1036 6 A .mono several new Hills which ha\e been laid before the Legislative Council are the following:— Decrepit Beggars. The objec ts and reasons attached to this Hill read thus:—The Indian Act “To prevent the landing and leaving of Decrepit Heggars in the Settlements of Prince
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  • 344 6 LONDON RUBBER MARKET. S. Figgis C.o' Report. The following ar .articular* of PlantatiA 'bbei ffered m auction to-dav v* t r Str cm. SoM at K. A o. Ltd, g V I* .M.S. 1 A 4case-» Sheet l*^ 1 Alciu»m> 4 m' »>f'c up. IB. 1 I ii a. t
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  • 925 6 FEDERATED MA LAY STATES. Annual Reports.-High commissioner's Remarks. The Axirts on the Feinted iialay States 1904 have ll-ji issued as a Blue look [Cd. 2777.1 Tlcy comprise lie a ilaa 1 report by til tifident-Gkner-al oil f e States as a wllswud of reports bv tjT Residents on tl< iirious
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  • 856 7 i„.„in »n "e*lv«lay •|'„K \--izes will ,K f' ,n 0(\t. «1 January. tl.,- snivel tl.i' t«*»J that a Chinaman jiimja-l o'Wboai.l o tin- mads. h.m.hvil ami v. nt.rn -Katbs re l lt Sin>'aiH»v during till K S "1 '.be Sjni l>ee. The ratio 1* tliihistii'l was J
    856 words
  • 54 7 w i ii'»» ff AsENBAL, h who resieles at i- I 11 e, A a cer y Lane, reports to the IKilice that, on Wednesday morning, lie left a jacket, book containing *lOO in notes on the dressing table in his room. At r»-30 p.m.. yesterday,
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  • 65 7 koi i; Chinamen, one of them a postman of se\en years standing, are alleged to have assaulted a countryman of theirs, named Lnn Koli, at 821 Tanjong Pagar Road at 10 o clock last night. Lim Koh was struck on the head with a tepi, or fighting
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  • 79 7 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, the Chief ustiee delivered judgment in the case of talniann Co. V. Alma Moliained Tamby, hieli has occupied his lordship's attrition M* some <lays. His lordship held that the legations of the plaintiff that defendant vis either a partner in or proprietor of
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  • 120 7 ‘quirt wedding took place at St. Oecgc's Church, Penang on the 2fith I >****. whe Mr. Orlo Venning Thomas, eldest son of tl* Kev. .1. Venning Thomas, of Westbury-on-lyni, Kngland, was married to Tsiiiua. only augliter of the late Ye/.o Sakaguehi. of Kummoto. Japan. The bride, who
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  • 117 7 At a mt*ting of past pupils, friends, and admirers o. the Dev. l»ro. dames, held at tin* Chinese Town Hall. Penang, on 22nd of December, mder the chairmanship of Mr. (»an Teong Vit. it was unanimously decided that ail addrKs, a gold watch, and a purse Ih*
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  • 114 7 lx the early lion of this morning.a jagah. employed at the Si gapore Golf Club, hoard footsteps in the pav ion. He saw a man in the building and promptly secured the door by which he had entenh lie then yelled for the police, and a
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  • 331 7 A pretty little wedding was solemnised yesterday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, the contracting lai ties l>eing Captain f. Larkins, of s.s. and Miss Davies, Sister at St. George’s Hospital. London. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. S. S. Walker, m.a. The bride looked
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  • Correspondence
    • 1021 7 To the Editor of the Stra it* Time*. Sir, —It is reported that an English girl is now en route to Singapore to marry a Chinaman. I do not know who the man is. but there is only one Chinaman in Singapore with whom marriage would not, in
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    • 222 7 To tie Editor of the Strait* Timet Dear Sir, —The correspondent, whom you quote in a leading article this afternoon, calls attention to a custom wliicl, prevails m Singai>ore and is a surprise to some of us newcomers. I refer to the use of fi re crackers as
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  • 328 7 Thk first annual com|)etitions of the Fire Brigade will In* held on New Year’s Day on the Hatties reclamation ground commencing at 10.80 sharp. The programme will include single man hose race, scaling ladder and jumping sheet drill, five men steam fire-emune drill (weti.
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  • 443 7 In the recent correspondence which passed between the Imperial Government and tin* S. S. Government, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, in a despatch to H. E. Sir John Anderson, said: When niv predecessor in his despatch No. 340
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  • 631 7 LONDON RUBBER MARKET. Lewis Peat’s Report. p 24th Xovt'tii r. l,,rH fi k f 1 uiet with business in 1 deliver!' 6 U 2 SIK t and 52 i forward per lb V° ft fi 'k C a i l dowu to 5 P«rlb. -November Dec delivery. Xegro3 Isla,lds 3
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  • 242 7 LONDON COFFEE MARKET. Sanderson Co.’s Report. 30th N- Spot. A fair supply lias been catalogued. and has principally sold at p.aes which show inconsiderable fluctuati* :.s. Colombian has been coming freely to hand, and in consequence there has c-n some difficulty in disposing of this description at full rates, and
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  • 2273 8 Christmas Eve. tUOo. Peanuts is Orf, 01 at least they are removed from the Penang menu for a time, for the great bill of lading case has resulted in the two accused being each sentenced to a couple of years’ hard labour. Justice Fisher informing thenr that he
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  • 1185 8 The following article is from the “Mining Journal*' :—ln estimating the output of tin in the East Indies, there is evident sometime* a tendency to treat the output of the Straits and the Federated Malay States as though thev were convertible terms, and from the excess
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  • 569 8 The following is from the Mining Journal” London, 24th Nov. The consumptive demand for this metal is on a largo scale, and the market during the past week has shown considerable strength. Attempts have been made by interested parties to keep prices from advancing Until after the
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  • 507 8 Fete in the Town Hall. A most enjoyable Xmas entertainment was given in the Town Hall last night under the auspices of the Singapore Catholic Club, and the attendance of members, their young folk and guests, was so large tiiat the capacity of the building was taxed
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  • 60 9 i I run <>nr Own >**I 1<Luwpur. »»for. Grand Ball Tin I5a.ll proved a great sucres- and at c.i'.t three-hundred person-* were pw-ent. Costume Prizes |-n/i woe awarded t«» Mrs. K. Grey, u m pi« rented the Duchess of Devotdiire, |i\ i i.-du-ho! oi.oji. and t > Mr.
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  • 639 9 Monthly Report. j ,n inu i- the General Manage!** ri mu tin- Ranh Mine tor the monti ciuli.iM id lV<*eini»ei. iOOo. *j' t i-. panving sheet mine measure Ui. nt- id :i-—.i> results ol prospecting work „l .»f 274 V for the jx-riod l weeks,
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  • 161 9 Bi.w k water Estate in Klang which is now run by a Ceylon Company, styled the I»luck water Estate Rubber Company,consists •>1 1.114*2 acres. The purchase is under agree"n nt dated the 7th instant, between Mr. Arthur Passmore Adams of Tanglin, Eltliam. bent, the Hon. Mr. G. S.
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  • 704 9 1 hk death has occurred of Mr. William I Gai in Stronac li. a former menilx*r of the British Consula*- Service in China. Du. Mi:i;m.s ki\ *s leave of absence ha- been extended on half-salary until the 28th of April next or. without salary, to the 7th
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  • 209 9 i* C. C. v. S. R. C. Tub S. K. C. have lately taken to hockey, and yesterday afternoon saw them plav their first match, on their own ground, with the second team of the S. C. C. An interesting game followed, the homesters making a good show against
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  • Correspondence.
    • 395 9 \],o I’.rfitor of the Straits Tim*’*." I )kah Sik, —We have long boasted of the freedom of our port. the facility with which passengers and curjio me ljuidtnl here, without burdensome custom house or other regulations. The cliintings have nr late somewhat weakened our faith in
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    • 258 9 fin' Ihhtvr of tlf Stiiiit s Sin. At the last meeting of the Legislative Council a paper oil the Singapore water supply scheme was laid lx*fore that body by command of His Excellency the Governor. In that document i*- some interesting matter relative to the recent Joan,
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    • 294 9 To tin Ihlitnr ttf tin Strait* J ime*. Dkar Silt. —Your coire-i>oiideiit was tin«4 at you when lie prompted your criticism of the Post Office for not opening on Sunday or Christinas Day. to close a supplementary mail for the homeward German steamer. You remark that not
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  • 1254 9 Asioi r noon on Tlwnday. a Kling coolie i trotted up Diver Valley Road hill, crooning t(» himself as Kling men sometimes do. When he g..t to the level stretch at the top
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  • 716 9 A host of tender memories arise to each and all at the very sound of the greeting. I wish you a Happy New car. Here in Singapore, the ubiquitous Scot keeps up the canny Scotch customs. of Hogmanay —etc., the rest. Many a veteran in Singapore, aye
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  • 953 10 An ordinary meeting of tlie Municipal Commissioners was held in the Hoard room .at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. All*. .1. Polglase. Deputy President, occupied the chair and there were also present l>rs. Murray Robertson. Lim Hoon Kong, Hay ley, in. Macliean. C. McArthur, li. L. Coghlan also Mr. F.
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  • 1104 10 Nations differ in the manner ami custom** of the people. Kven in .lapan. where 1 spent alxmt a year, the jieople of the various districts in ancient times differed one from the other as far as New Year were concerned. There was a great difference between
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  • 344 10 LOUIS BOUWMEESTER. Lights Out.” Castr. Yon Haiincwiiz, tie Hi’. 1*. I»«»u\vmee*loi. Captain. Yon Howen. K. Arnoldi. Lieutenant. Von Lautfen P* Hi* n. Lieutennnt Yolkliardt. k.aiis Houwmeester Sergeant. Queisz. L Hndcniinn. ().M. Sergt. Helbig. Cor. Sunt*. Corporal. Miclmieck. I“‘«- l!on«.n«^U-i Chian troo|K*r. Spiesz. G. Pnlle. Orderlev. i Klarchen Yolk Alej. Alan
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  • 260 10 The election of the President of the Commercial University of Berlin, which is to be opened in October 190l>, took place on the 4th November, last at the meeting of the Elders of the Berlin Merchants Guild. Professor Jastrow of the University of Berlin was elected, and he
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  • 269 10 At the fortnightly sale of rubber in London on the 19th Dec., says a Time* of Ceylon eorresjHmdent. which was the last of the year, the Fine Para quotation was again os. .-Ml., and the market closed very firm. Crepe rubber was in go(nl demand; but worm was
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  • 326 10 Tiik many frieuds of that charming artist. Mine. Bassett (Aline Blanche ArralI. will be pleased to learn that she lias decided to open, in March next, a Singapore School of Music, for which a select and influential patronage
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  • 602 10 Annual Dance. Last night the annual dance of tb I'anjong Pagar Dock Recreation Club wn held in Boustead Institute. It wasagreai access. About SO couples atte*neleel. No emi t liael Ih'cu spared in making arrangeniei* or the eemifort of the* dancers. The first png
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  • 917 10 Knafti £jij,ln ayt! t 1 ,th mlnr. Yikllidv have 't'K u" Vi l’ Lii>is. the leases is no till in Kuala Lipis. u 1 r 1 lie Hatib gold output for v..i- i returned as «7o .uncos-:, 29 tVo,?/' pI.L-il K.-nwi and 141 from f!,ikit \l' iova
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  • 2626 11  -  I Ry ,1. >. Geikie.) t, I t’lt <f I'n'hi rhnrxii'ti/x Stnut* 'lintix.t II GOl.I)-BEARING SHALES. i:i many plates the shales overlying th limestone have been much disturbed ilu metamorphosed—all trace of lidding j, lV: disappeared. Such altered mi. d invariably carry gold,
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  • 1601 11 Fi:ki»kkick .I\mk> Chai-man was I afore Mr. Bryant at the Police Omit on Saturday morning on a charge of culpable homicide He was allowed a seat at the table reserved for members of the bar. Dr. D. McNeil Ford, in charge of Tan
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  • 398 11 Since the production of the shield with which the celebrated Kallaug Tunnel is J going to be pierced, the work has been progressing satisfactorily and, as we mentioned ':he other day. is likely t-j be accomplished within six months or so so if the rate of speed
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  • 693 12 Thf. new band for the Hotel de 1'Europe is expected out in March. Last night a Chinaman was arrested in the act of stealing a pair of carriage lamps from Capt. Palmke's stables at Ann Siang Hill. A shootino party got up by Mr. Holloway of the
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  • 123 12 A wkll known landmark of Singapore lias disapjieared by the deatli of Mr. Thomas S. Butler. or as he was better know n. Tommy butler, of the Home. Mr. Butler di* d at the General Hospital at daylight on the last day of 1905. The
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  • Correspondence
    • 273 12 To thr Editor of the Stro it* Timvz. Sik. —What does A Briton mean by the term “aliens" whelthe refers to them as paying no taxes? I should say that Britons are aliens and also that they pay a very small portion of the taxes here. The home of
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    • 240 12 To tin Editor of th»' St nuts I hut's. Dear Sir.- Your reference to the correction of the calendar in the omission of 11 days in 17.V2. in today's paper, brings to mind the absurd contention of a local body of earnest though mistaken Christians
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  • 341 12 The seasonable celebrations in Johore culminated on New Year’s Eve when the Date Mentri Besar invited the Ministers Residents and their guests to his fine Marble House at Bukit Senyum. The guests, who numbered nearly 150, included H. H. Ungku Suleiman,
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  • 1106 12 New Year was celebrated in Singapore as a public holiday and all places of business were closed for the day. Unfortunately, it rained heavily nearly all day which meant that the New* Year Sports that form the main featuie of the season's rejoicings were more or less
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  • 827 12 The President’s Cup. Thk first ties for the new |k>1o trophy, presented ly Mr. Spooner, C. M. G., brought four teams to Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday last, two of which were from the Kuala Lumpur Club, while one represented the Straits Settlements Police, anti one the Singapore
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  • 161 12 George Graxdrfi't u-aw Bryant at the I'ohue morning cliarge.l with ah* Det'Tns ln uet. insp. Iyrt-11 said a wumn* i arrest liad come from Colon, lk,.' s Constance Baszanger, sai,l i„ VVi(k rif l a,,,, u ha l liv «l at
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  • 288 12 During these dull and trviug times it is gratifying to be able to repod on any promising enterprise, especially such a cue as that so recently started bv Mr. Lim Ho Puah, head of the well known shipping firm, Messrs Wee Bin Co. We should call our readers
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  • 379 12 Yesterday evening, Air. Low' c Bouwmeester and his taiented company of artistes played The Merchant of Venice at the Teutonia Club before an audience that almost filled the concert room. The play was in Dutch but even those who were nou-conversant with the
    379 words

  • 3339 13 Consul-General Wilbur, of Singapore, >tMlI Settlements, a large and lmporcommercial centre, in the Far East, ni^|lcs a valuable letter obtained from Mr lujro ,1. M. EPis, of the firm of Ellis aud Co., in
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  • 168 13 Bonfire of Pictures. Thieves have broken into the historic Salvadego Palace at Brescia and wrought cutold havoc among its priceless ait treasures. Foiled in their search for money and jewels, the miscreants forced the famous hall frescoed by Noretto, which M. Paul Bourget regarded as being among
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  • 524 13 Johore We lcome to the New Year. le ear was ushered in with rejoicings and festivities by the x res, dents in Johore who were entertained at “Bukit Siuynm by the Hen Peniangku Raja on the Eve of New fbe Date's well-jcnown and characteristically hopitable fashion. After a splendid dinner
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  • 401 13 The report for the half-year ending July states The profit on the year’s operations has been £18,476 6s. 7d., which includes the profit on the sale of 1,500 New Gopeng shares. Quarterly dividends of Is. each have been declared, absorbing £14,240. and the balance in hand
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  • 2334 14 Thk expropriation of Tanjong Pagar Dock Uw>k place oil the 1st July. The cost of the expropriation will be fixed by an Arbitration Court which took evidence here. The acquisition raised the question of reconsidering the costly and burdensome harbour improvement scheme drawn up
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  • 1604 14 Iu a general way the land market during 1905 has lieeii fairly satisfactory. Good prices, some of them remarkably so, have been realized for certain classes of town property. Compared with 1904, the position at present is slightly lietter. and there is
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  • 494 14 Football. In the matter of local Association football, though there has been a considerable amount of play, public interest cannot be said to have been sustained in the same degree as in many previous years. Possibly this can be attributed to the indifferent quality of
    494 words
  • 1761 14 “One of the Worst Years on Record." One of the worst years on record. prominent merchant, when asked he* ,in on the commercial situation in even at the worst there are coiui* n** 1 10 and the year though in the main mos > appointing
    1,761 words

  • 1896 15 First Annual Competitions and Sports. Thk first annual competitions ami sports of the Singapore Fire Brigade were held on the Hallies reclamation ground yesterday forenoon. The ground had been roped off and large tents wire erected for the Europeau visitors. A special tent was reserved for Straits-born
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  • 510 15 Importance of Rubber Shavings. The following is from an F. Al. S. Correspondent of the Times of Ceylon The F.A1.S. has been much agitated as to the land question, with so far nothing but rumours as to the future land policy All applicants in Selangor have been
    510 words
  • 1239 15 Second Day. I results of Saturday’s racing at K.iala Guiupur were as follow 1. THE PRESIDENT S CUP. A Cup presented by Sir William Taylor. ho^ W,th 1 400a<Wed A race f°r maiden orses weight as per scale, reduced J1 lbs. and allowance of 7 lbs. to all
    1,239 words

  • 348 16 A Big Sarawak Rubber Venture. Lvst September while travelling in Sarawak, Mr. Moir asked me." writes Mr. H. X. llidley, to accompany him and Mr. Ellis to Lundn where it was promised to open a rubber estate. Most of the country of Sarawak is very sandy owing to
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  • 442 16 Armoogam. a Kling boy in the employment of a family residing in Clove Hall Road, was arraigned before Mr. W Peel on the 30th December and charged with using criminal force towards the lady of the house, and with the theft of a napkin ring and najikin. valued
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  • 766 16 The Hotel do L’Europe issues wall Calendars for 1906. The German transport Titan in arrived here from Bangkok this morning. Yesterday evening, a Chinaman wascaught in the act of stealing a quantity of gutta from Messrs. Paterson and Simons’ godown. Two Chinamen were brought before Mr. Seth
    766 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 375 16 An Asiatic Point of View. To (In- Ktlitnr of (hr Strait* Time*." Dkak Sir. —There appeared in you columns some time ago lively correspodence relative to alleged cheekinsss on the parti of a portion of the Asiatic community. During the holiday season just ended 1 have happened to
      375 words
    • 409 16 the Editor of the "Straits Times. Si»:. —Forgive this letter really my laston this subject) which 1 am impelled to write in order that no one may remain under the impression that an unsupported silver currency was the cause ot the great financial crisis in Austria in
      409 words
    • 191 16 To the Editor of the Strait* rime*." Sir, —Greater attention to the needs of the public by the Tramway Company would not only popularize the Company with the travelling public but swell its own revenue. I refer particularly to the lack of trams on sjiecial occasions such
      191 words
  • 553 16 Daring Gang Robbery. At Chemor, in Perak, on the 30th December a party, in an out-of-the-way part of the jungle, a party of five or more armed Chinese gang robbers attacked the atap-built house of an old Malay Hadji Hamid, and after stabbing him in over a dozen
    553 words
  • 153 16 Thk following appointments with effect from Ist inst. are announced Mr. \V. H. Hvmlman Jones, Chief Judicial Commissioner. Mr. A. T. D. Berrington. Senior Judicial Commissioner. Mr. L. M. Woodward. Junior Judicial Commissioner. Mr. A. B. Voules. Registrar. To Ik* Assistant Registrars—The Rcgistrai of
    153 words
  • 160 16 Thk men s December medal was played for on Saturday last. Scores J.H.D. Jones 47 43= 90— «2 O. Marks 40 45= 85scr. -«5 C. T. Hose 46 46= 92 6=» «6 D. M. Ford 45 51= 96- k= Ks H. Marriott 53 54 107—14= 93
    160 words
  • 300 16 Th.s morning the sitth,.,. commenced—<_'l,ief Justice"*:" U -a, presiding. X« less tiian lt;J the list, these impli'calm- h lr I n aie two charges of cm-hm ,'|loT act one of culpable 1 "I, bankrupts are indict.,I I out of the colony 7 f ll which had been obtain<
    300 words
  • 283 16 The exhibition of Art Work under tin auspices of the above Club will te held in tin Victoria Memorial Hall on the afternoon of the 26th inst., tickets being obtainable, at a nominal price, from the Robinson Piano Co. The affair will te* carried out on unusually
    283 words
  • 183 16 A sample of tin ore from the mines belonging to the Royal Joliore Tin Mining' Company. Ltd., at Kota Tinggi. .loliore. was sent by the Manager, Mr. (i. A. le Doitx. to the Engineering unit Mining Jounwl, New York, ami the following reply has been received by
    183 words
  • 95 16 This morning, three Filipinos were ag.u" liefore Mr. Seth in connection with tin death of a Filipino barber of Hill Street. Scrgt. Nolan informed his worship that the verdict of the Coroner s inquest was culpable homicide against the Indefendant. There were no charges again-t the other
    95 words
  • 62 16 Yesterday, liefore Mr. Brvant. a woman and a Bengali man, both nu "J* were fined $25 each and costs for** dulterated milk. The former h.u t lo per cent of added water in the i latter eighteen per cent. Wee Ah Teug was also charge! *iui breaking by
    62 words

  • 1045 17 address Presented to Mr. Tandy. w Y< ai x Eve there were gay doings N V,,\ver Station in McKenzie Hoad to t: t j ie advent of 19<K>, and advantage ct .,1 ,f the occasion by the none .1-in employees to present the
    1,045 words
  • 1393 17 External Lolities. Par in 9th Dec. Dark clouds obscure the political horizon. Whilst the Campbell-Bannerman Cabinet in England expresses a sympathy with France equal to that of the Conservative Government, wise persons insist 'that the Entente must to some extent be weakened by reason of the known
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  • 281 17 A cricket match was played on the S.K.C. ground on Saturday last, between the elevens captained resjiectively by Messrs. Ess and Jansz. The scores were:— Ess’s Team. T. D’Silva b dansz 1 J. R. Angus lbw Jansz 14 A. E. van Wulven c Galiatan sr. b Alvis 1 J.
    281 words
  • 2608 17 i2r f'jni a Special Correspond* ntoj the Sfraiti Times)." London December 8th. For this relief much thanks, expresses what is generally felt by a large section of the coflimunity on the resignation of Mr. Balfour and his party. The late Ministry perishes unhonored and unsung. Mr. Balfour instead
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  • 109 18 Ak.u; r 9 o’clock last night a number of Kliiu»> bail a row in Kcrbau Hoad, in tlie Seraugoqn district. One of them is alleged to Lave stabl»ed another in the neck with a knife, ami then bolted. The injured man proceeded to Kandang Kerbau Police Station,
    109 words
  • 468 18 One man killed-10 Injured. Russian Funeral this Morning esternay morning a sad accident occured on board the Russian cruiser Bogntyr. lying out iu the Hoads. A number of the crew were engaged in hoisting up the* anchor, preparatory to the vessel going outside to adjust compasses.
    468 words
  • 505 18 Planting and Mining. The Malay Mail tints looks hack on the old year: In the year under review, our trade has prospered, but the most noticeable event in this direction is the enormous strides made by the planting industry. Nowhere can this be seen better than along
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  • 316 18 Tin and Gold Companies. The Mining Journal gives the following list of mining ventures under European management in the Federated Malay States supplied to it by the Office of the Commissioner of Mines, Selangor, Malay Peninsula: TIN MINE COMPANIES. Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Com pauy, Bidor,
    316 words
  • 436 18 Arrived 28th December. Per Mahieca —From Port Swetteuhani apt Nasliet. Messrs. .1. K. Nathan. K. L. Talma, A. M. Hogg. P. Linton, O. J. G. Jones. It. R. Llewellyn. K. F, H. Edlin, C. I. Carver. K. L. Cuscaden, 1). V. Perkins, G. W. Pugh. A. C.
    436 words
  • 913 18 (By Submarine Cable > I RACING AT KUALA LUMPUR. Yesterday’s Results. [From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur 28th December. The Kuala Lumpur Race Meeting commenced to-day. Heavy rain fell during the i last four events. Appended are the results: Race i. President’s Cup. Mr.
    913 words
  • 468 18 [By special arrangement with D?r Ostasiatische Lloyd" [By Submarine Cable) Berlin. 27th December. Deed. Singapore S.M p. m. 26th December. Delivered. 2.2 a. m. 26th December. The holidays in Russia have passed off quietly. The publication of the election law. giviug the right of voting to all
    [By special arrangement with *• D?r Ostasiatische Lloyd"  -  468 words
  • 2801 18 By Submarine ('able) London. 27 th December. Becd. Singapore, i p.m. Advices from Moscow to the 26th December say that the barricades are extend ini'. The rebels are still unsubdued. A large force of troops has left St Petersburg for Lithuania. Herd Singapore a. Id p.m. :*7th D>e.
    2,801 words

  • 42 19 «2 E j IU i E was a^er *»oon committed for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of cnlpr ble hrfmicide not amounting to murder by canning the death of l>te. Short of the Sherwood Foresters.
    42 words
  • 24 19 FINANCE COMMERCE. 'ini January I9o<i. The Netherlands Trading Society to-dav quotes the 4/uis bank rate at 2/31. The Mercantile Hank quotes it at 2/3
    24 words
  • 155 19 Reduced Output The tin statistics for the ten months of this year compared with the corresponding period of last year show a reduced output. The figures in regard to output and tin duty for the period under review are as follows:— Output Output 10 m s
    155 words
  • 103 19 Registered November 27. Capital. -£2.000 in A*1 shares. Object, to acquire, work, turn to account and deal with land, estates, and plantations in the Malay Peninsula. Ceylon, and elsewhere suitable for the cultivation of rubber, timber, tea. coffee, tobacco, coconuts. and other produce. No initial public issue.
    103 words
  • 452 19 Lewis Peat’s Rubber Report. London, stli December. Para. The Market has been quiet during most of the past week and not much business has been done. All the close however a slight advance has taken place and sellers are holding off. The sales include Fine Hard, and Madeira spot and
    452 words
  • 81 19 Gambier Copra N 11 Unpicked 'Mi 4 do Pontianak I*?? Pepper. Black .I™ do white, 5% iVoa Sago Flour Sarawak sdo Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago Coffee Bali. 15% basis ->100 S°5 ee Pa'embang, 20% basis 25.0(> Coffee, Liberian No. 1 #> •>*> 00 Tapioca, small Flake 7 so
    81 words
  • 269 19 (Mercantile Bank.) On London —Bank 4 m/s Demand 2/2 Private 6 m/s 2/3* do 3 m/s 2/3^On Germany —Bank d/d 2.2 tj Private 3 m/s 2.31 J do 6 m/s 2.33? On France —Bank d/d 2.Si* Private 3 m/s 2.86* do 6 m/s 2.SS* On India —Bank T. T.
    269 words
    • 270 19 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used :—str. —steamer; sh.—ship bq. —barque sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo H.p.—Horse-power; Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.—French Ger —German Dut. —Dutch G.c.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H.—Keppel Harbour
      270 words
    • 705 19 Benlomond, Brit. str. 1,7.52 tons, Capt HeuderHon. -2nd Jau. From Hongkong. 29th Dec. G.c. Pateraou 8imons A Co. For London, V— Rda! Billiton, Brit. str. 139 tons, Capt Russell, 3rd 1 Jan. From Natuna Is, 2nd Jan. Copra, and 14 d.p. Teo Teow Peng. For Natuna Is.
      705 words
    • 440 20 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. Alicante, Europe, Jan. 4 Barlow. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 16 Behn Meyer. An tenor, Liverpool, Jan. 3 Manstied. Arratoon Apcar, Honkgong, Jan. 16 P. Simons. Arcadia. Colombo, Jan. 6 P. A Austria, Trieste, Jan. 12 Rautenburg. Ayuthia, Bangkok,
      440 words
    • 57 20 Valenlgn Pontianak Sri Mnar Muar Selangor T. Anson Ban i Yhatt Hiii Kelantan A. Bchie Yokohama Hong Moh Penang Emile Rhio Amherst Pontianak Botavier Natuna Is. Kistva Penang Speelman Sourabaya Knt Sang Calcutta C. A pear Hongkong l'-nang P. Swet’liain CLEARANCES-.IAN 1. Boh .Do/ Teluk An so u (i
      57 words
    • 217 20 December 2*. KibeMa. Dut. str., < hole for Rhio. Singkep and Lingga. Patroclus. Brit. str.. Dickens, for Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan. Farfalla. Lai. str., Campbell. for Kliio, Singkep and Lingga. Boribat, Siam. str.. Kami, for Bangkok via i»orts. Samseti. Ger. str.. Kehwokit, for Bangkok. Chengmai. Ger. str.. Ehiort. for
      217 words

  • 247 20 Number 1 Last of ue 1 ft,d Company Buyers Sellers TrausacShares Xalue U P 10 t« ns_ solo. 9 9 13,500 j 10 10 M. Co., Lti 10.00 15.00 3 juo unissued. 4,000 > 10 > 10 I (Deferred) 8.00 20,000 >lO >lO Kadaua G. M. Co., Ltd. *2
    247 words
  • 133 20 400,000 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. 6.50 8.00 uuu auia ued j 2,000 100 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. 175.00 4,500 #50 50 Fraser Neave, Ltd. lud.00 105.00 80,000 125 125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank £93.10 12,000 #100 #100 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 275.00 275.00 5,400 #10 #10 Maynard
    133 words
  • 107 20 20,u00 r 10 #6 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. 8.50 8.00 70,000 1 1 Bukit Rajah *3.17.6 y.OO-J Uulasueu 0,000 1 1 Cicely Rubber Estate £2.5.0 6,000 1 1 5% Pref. ..£2.5.0' l,50o um»»ued 30,000 1 1 Pataling Rubber Co. 5..3.0 12,500 uuissueo 2,000 #100 #100 Ribu Planting Co. Ltd.
    107 words
  • 46 20 > Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 7% 250,000 3% prem. Riley, Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% prem buyers Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 2% prem buyer.. 5% 1,878,000 1% prem buyers. >, 4% 655,500 2% dis. uom. Tftujvug Pagar Djck Co., Lwl. 6% 250,000 Is% prem. 5% 1.3'i5,500 i%, prem
    46 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 349 20 10, Charnley Grove, Blackpool, Eng. Doan's ointment cured me of piles in Oct.. 1899. It is now 25 months since the cure, and I want to say I have had on return of this annoying complaint during the peiiod. (Signed) Mrs. Howarth. (Of all chemists.) MARTIN’S Ladles.1 A Prtneh luMdr
      349 words
    • 928 20 and Perrins’ Sauce. By Royal Warrant to His Majesty the King. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. DINNEFORD’S The Uni.ersal Remedy for Acidity ui i.. Stomach. Headache. Heartburn, Indigestion. Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections DINNEFORDS ■CNESIA 'iLe Pnysina:. Cure for Go Rheumatic Goat and Grave;. Sufe>t and n.( *>! Gentle Meciiu.o for
      928 words