The Straits Budget, 19 November 1902

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 119 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times -is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, 4n Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Established over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 19TH NOMEMBER.
    • 195 1 iL. —At Yokohama, on the 22nd October, ,h wire oi V. Blad, of a son. It:’The.—(in the 24th October, at Yokohath wife of the Swiss Consul-General, Dr. Kittek. of a son. Kkmi.dios. —On Oct. 29th, at Ivohr, .ire or F. X. Dos Kemkdios, of a son. Hr the 31st
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    • 315 1 Hit ki.asd Carter.—At Nagasaki, on Oct. 1 I*kri;v .James Bucklaxi>, of Nagasaki, Marlaket Carter, of Wyelands, Shire- near Bristol, England. I \ku\nt-Millar.—On the 4th November, skong, .1. A. Tarrant, son of H. W «»i London, to Cecilia Millar, "*i oi Andrew Millar, of Hongkong. ‘I i.Ki: S< »i*kr. —On
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  • 163 1 Leading Articles. Consular Vagary. Mr R. Brough. Government Default. Hauoi Exhibition. Municipal Oppression. The Municipality. A Travellers’ Tale. Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Pussenger List. Police News. Interport Rifle Match. The New Year Sports. Singapore Chamber of Commerce and the Currency Question. Land Sale. Pritchard’s Medal. Allegation
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  • 617 1 Singapore, 19th November, 1902. PRODUCE. Gam bier Copra Bali do Pontianak Pepper, Black do White. (8%) M 00 Sago Flour Sarawak do Brunei No. 1 J*9u 15% b~U M 00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis JJ'S Coffee, Liberian No. I Tapioca, small Flake 4.60 do med flake 5.40 do small
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  • 264 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the B. I. s.s. Zaida. The next issue of the Budget will be forwarded by the P. and O. Massilia next week. The German mail for fiurope by the Sachsen closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of
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  • Special Telegram to the “Straits Times.”
    • 26 1 Hongkong, November. A telegram from Shanghai says that the Japanese garrison there has received orders to evacuate that place on the 22nd instant.
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    • 40 1 London, llth Nov. Mr. Balfour’s motion for adopting the closure by compartments in the Education Bill has been adopted by 222 votes to 103. The discussion on the Education Bill closes before the end of this month
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    • 23 1 The Chateau d’Eu, which belongs to the Duke of Orleans, is on fire and is threatened with total destruction.
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    • 30 1 H.M.S. Beagle has left Mombasa to examine the Italian ports north of Kismayu, with a view to the practicability of landing troops there for the advance i nto Somaliland.
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    • 37 1 London, 12 th November. With the exception of one wing and a portion of the Chapel, the Chateau D* Eu has been destroyed. The literary and art treasures in the building were fortunately saved.
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    • 33 1 The Standard says the latest fail in stiver is partly due to the appointment of the Straits currency committee to consider the establishment of a gold currency for the Colony.
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    • 27 1 Mr. Henniker Heaton M. P. has received in London a letter from Chan-chi-kwang in 26 days, the letter going via the Siberian Railway route.
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    • 51 1 London 13 th November. Owing to disorders breaking out at Tetuan in Morocco, a Spanish mail steamer has been sent there to embark the European residents. Three British cruisers have gone hastily to Tetuan, where a serious rising among the Kabyle tribes ft endangering the lives of
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    • 27 1 Mr. Chamberlain has recently said that the Trans-Siberian railway route will not be overlooked in next settling the China mail contracts.
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    • 49 1 JjMjbndoi i, YMh Nov. s Russian officiM§Sfrclea are concerned about the reducuftn of the French navy in the Mediterran'£anr~ The Novoe Vremya says that the French navy in the Mediterranean is now a mere plaything and that its condition demands a speedy change.
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    • 10 1 The Cape Emigration Bill lias passed, considerably amended.
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    • 87 1 An expedition under Major-General Egerton is now assembling at Kohat. It will operate against the Waziris, and consists of four columns of 8()0 men each. It will start on the 17th inßt., and will probably be absent only one week. [Major-General C.C Egerton C.
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    • 44 1 IjOiulon 14 th. Nov. The proprietor of the Limmck Ijender has been sentenced to ten months’ hard labour for intimidation. There are various indications that the law is beginning to get the better of the Irish National League.
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    • 45 1 Agitation continues at St. Petersburg with the object of semiring advantages to Russia in Afghanistan. The Novoe Vremya urges that Britain, having completed the South African war, will utilise petty frontier troubles to strengthen her grip on Afghanistan to the prejudice of Russia.
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    • 14 1 London, \bih Nov. The Cape Parliament has adjourned for the Session.
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    • 23 1 British warships which have returned from the coast of Morocco to Gibraltar, report that the uneasiness felt at Tetuan has subsided.
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    • 37 2 Mr. Brodrick, in a speech delivered at Dewsbury, stated that a gigantic conspiracy was on foot in Ireland, but that the forces of law and order had proved to be too strong for the conspirators.
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    • 74 2 The King of the Belgians and the Royal family were returning from St. Romfe to Brussels from a memorial service to the late Queen of the Belgians when an Anarchist namec Rutino fired three shots. The shots struck the third carriage of the royal
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    • 175 2 The liner Elingamite on a voyage from Sydney to Auckland, was wrecked on the Three Kings’ Islands on the 9th instant. [The British steamer Elingamite, Capt.P. Le Neveu, 1875 tons net, wan built in 1887 by O. S. Swan and Hunter at Newcastle and her owners are
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    • 17 2 The Kaiser has left Sandringham and is the guest of Lord Lonsdale at Penrith.
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    • 108 2 London 17th Nor. Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar is dead. [Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar bore the rank of Field Marshal in the British Army which he joined as ensign in 18:17. Prince Edward served in the Eastern campaign of 1534 with the Grenadier Guards, i ncluding
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    • 30 2 Kruger’s memoirs will be published to-morrow. They do not contain any sensational revelations. They mention that Cecil Rhodes visited him at Pretoria during Kruger’s second presidential term.
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    • 53 2 London Nov. 16 tk Rubiro, the man who fired at the King of the Belgians, is an avowed Anarchist. Photographs of Belgian royalties were found on him. Although he declares that he has no accomplices, it is believed that the crime was organised
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    • 11 2 Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar died of appendicitis.
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    • 23 2 MOORISH PRETENDER CAPTURED. The pretender to the Moorish throne haa been captured at the town of Fez by the Sultan of Morocco’s troops.
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    • 91 2 London, 17 th Nov Lord George Hamilton, in reply a question put in the Hoot of Commons by Major Rasch, said that a punishment had been indicted on the Ninth Lancers, consisting in the stoppage of all leave to Offers and men except to the sick, and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • 201 1 DEATHS. Mestrallet.—On the 23rd ult. at Yokohama, Felix Mestrallet, aged 24 years. Elliot.—On Oct. 27th, at Kobe, Joseph Rider Elliot, aged 56. Warn. —At the Yokohama General Hospital, on October 26th, John Warn, Danish subject Van Der LINOEN. —At the General Hospital Penang, on Nov. Bth, J. J. G. Van
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  • 1532 2 (Xt‘ •aits Timet, 13 th November.) On September 24th, as we were informed by our Labuan correspondent in a letter dated Sept 27th which was published in the Straits Times of the 3rd ult., the following extraordinary notices were posted outside the Government Offices at Labuan NOTICE. The
    (Xt‘ •aits Timet, 13th November.)  -  1,532 words
  • 679 2 (Straits Times, 14 th November.) Though Mr. Robert Brough has definitely announced that the season just opened by his company at Colombo is to be his farewell professional tour of the Orient, he leaves it to be understood that his determination to return at some time subsequent
    (Straits Times, 14th November.)  -  679 words
  • 835 2 (•Straits Times, 15 th November.) Philosophers and fools alike agree that you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and similarly we are beginning to discover in this practical municipality of Singapore that we can* not cut out from an eleven million dollar harbor improvement
    (•Straits Times, 15th November.)  -  835 words
  • 481 2 (titraiti Timef, 15th. NovemM To-morrow the Hanoi Exhibition *»i be opened by M. Beau, the General of Indo-China. A good deal W already been written about the K^P 0 1 tion, and from all accounts it shoui prove a big succees9. Singap° r represented by Sir Lionel ox
    (titraiti Timef, 15th. NovemM  -  481 words

  • 668 3 {.itrents Time?, 17 th November.) In another column will be found the rej ort of a case against a Municipal 'antary Inspector which was heard .ii Saturday by the Senior Magistrate. The evidence is given somewhat fully, because the issues it involves, hearing as they do upon the
    {.itrents Time?, 17th November.)  -  668 words
  • 577 3 (StraitslTimes, 18th November.) Judging from the tone of the Open Letter to the Municipal Commissioners published in another column, there are persons in this town who do not regard the Municipal Commission as being quite so energetic—quite so efficient, perhaps—as it really might be. That such is at
    (StraitslTimes, 18th November.)  -  577 words
  • 4784 3 (Straits Times 18th November In the Windsor Magazine for November is a distinctly complimentary article anent Singapore by a gentleman who signs himself C. de Thierry. Apart from being flowery in itself, the article is adorned with charming if bewildering illustrations. These latter are calculated to baffle the
    (Straits Times, 18th November )  -  4,784 words

  • 1531 4 It is notified that Poutianak is no longer an infected port. The R. E. defeated a |team from the Cricket Club at hockey yesterday afternoon by 5 goals to love. The Penang Assizes were to be opened on Tuesday. There were eight cases on the calendar, two
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  • 183 5 Ihs following passengers arrived yesterday morning by thr Sachsen from -he north. From Shanghai—Mr. Isaac Josephs, Mr. \Y\ A. Crawford. From jjongkong— Mr. Chas. Meikleham, the V. B. Ponssuley, Mr. I. A. de Rothschild, Mr. and Mrs. J. Macobrey tn ;i Jones Mrs. Mella. i he
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  • Correspondence.
  • 74 5 A cable from Hongkong announces that the Hongkong team fired in the Interport Rifle Match yesterday, and scored 875. Penang has also fired, making 781. Singapore scored 893, and is therefore top at present. Shanghai has yet to fire. The Hongkong team was chosen from among the
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  • 333 5 Ballast Train Dashes into a Truck. Two Men Killed. Further details are to hand in the Malay Mail of the fatal railway accident at Rasa on the 6th inst., which has already been telegraphically reported in these columns. About 3 p.m. a truck carrying a portable engine
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  • 806 5 Messrs. Puttfarcken and Co., as agents for the Belat Tin Mining Syndicate, send the following first annual directors’ report to the Shareholders From the balance sheets lying before you you will observe that the financial position of the Syndicate is satisfactory. The credit balance is certainly
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  • 469 5 To bo hold on tho Race Course in future. There was not what by any stretch of the imagination could be termed a very large attendance at tne meeting re the New Year’s Sports held at the Exchange, yesterday afternoon, only about 16 persons putting in
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  • 369 5 The Bill for it Sent by Government to the Popular Volunteer. For unadulterated meanness, says the Pinang Gazette, the action of the Straits Government in connection with the bestowal of the Long Service Volunteer Medal on an officer of the S.V.R. will he hard to beat, if the
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  • 1283 5 (From the 44 Mining Journal.”) The increasing difficulties which have been met with in profitably working the tin deposits in the Federated Malay States have been continuously prominent in the reports issued by the administration during the past two or three years, and as these regions
    (From the 44 Mining Journal.”)  -  1,283 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 LAND SALE. The following properties wore disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.’s sale-room yesterday —Leasehold land off Yeo Chu Kang Road, area 2d a. 1 r. 28 p. comprised in Government Lease No 1014 for 999 years—quit rent $7.20 —planted with coconuts and fruit trees also, agricultural land
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  • 503 6 Reuter wires from Aden that there is a bazaar rumour that the Mad Mullah has raided an outpost near Bohotle, rapturing an important camel transport. Reuter further wires from Aden that Colonel Swayne has been recalled to act as Adviser to the Foreign office. Brigadier-General W. H. Manning,
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  • 56 6 The October monthly medal resulted in a win for A. Dowie. Scores: A. Dowie 48 6= 42 R C. Stoker 43 0 43 J. W. Stewart 52 6**46 A. Thomson 52 5-*47 E. C. Brain 52 4= 48 J. H. Loudon 61—12 =49 Miss Dowie 52—12 =6O
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  • 241 6 Two hundred and fourteen deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 47 42. We understand that the Kelantan which left Singapore in ballast for Bangkok, collided near the bar with the P. Chom Klao. The Kelantan sunk.
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  • 240 6 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cook and family returned to Selangor on Sunda> by the Sappho. Mr. Conlay returned to Seremban on Wednesday from Tampin. The cricket and football teams from Klang arrived at Port Dickson by the Penang on Friday, and proceeded to Seremban by special
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  • 277 6 This morning, Assistant Surgeon Mitchell appeared before Mr. Brockman, in answer to summons issued at the instance of the Government, alleging that defendant, at St. John’s Island on 4th ult:, received as a reward other than legal gratification the sum of $5 each from Tan
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  • 273 6 The first round of the Polo Tournament came oft yesterday afternoon. The match was between the Garrison and the Polo Club and resulted in a win for the former of three goals and two subsidiaries to two goals and one subsidiary. The teams were as follows Garrison. Club.
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  • 273 6 The following is from the London Stock Market Report of the 18th Oct: The chief adverse influences affecting tin have been the slackness of some of our tin-plate mills here, as well as in America, and at the time of writing reports from the various works are
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  • 223 6 SHANGHAI WINS WITH 936. The Shanghai team has won the this year’s Interport rifle match with the excellent score of 926, or an average of 92 6 per man. The final scores read:— Shanghai 936 Singapore 893 Hongkong 875 Penang 781 The latest news from the north
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  • 506 6 —Malay Mail The Kuala Selangor Oil Mill is in danger of being closed unless additional capital is forthcoming. The trouble lies in getting a regular and adequate supply of copra from the coast in tongkangs, a slow and unreliable means of transport. Money is wanted to buy a
    —Malay Mail.  -  506 words
  • 556 6 B rSeT D S Horrible Deaths of the S; Chief Full accounts of the lnjl explosion of the little oil-t J,t £te reached Singapore k teai her it r er b ‘p the'^ amvea. it seems that 4a reached Palembang shortlv 1 o’clock on Monday
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  • 116 6 Mr. John Ferguson, editor and pro; prietor of the Ceylon Observer, who ha been put forward to fill a vacant niiouicial seat in t he Legislative Council o! hey lon was set aside, the other day, t) t fe Governor of that Colony on the groun that though
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  • 63 6 Second Day s Results. First Race— Willy Second —Ayala Third -Blueskm Fourth -Scotsguard Fifth -Boyton Sixth Katak Seventh —Maiamun Sir Launcelot was scratched m fourth race. Or the 9th inst. at Klaag f B. V. and O. O. Carey b W«d brace of snipe within tnre« taking seven
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  • 2175 7 iHF AMERICAN COMMISSIONER 1 MEETS the chamber of COMMERCE. iesponse to a notice sent out /iv- ago, a special general meeting ;e Chain her of Commerce was n at 2 15 o’clock this afterwhereat the Hon. John r the Special Commissioner of Vnited States for the
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  • 288 7 From Brussels comes the news that the Royal Dutch Langkat Petroleum Company, which is about to increase its capital by 5,000,000 11., has just issued to its shareholders a confidential circular, from which some interesting details with reference to the Asiatic Petroleum Trust can be gathered.
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  • 775 7 Judging by all accounts the members of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club are a very sportive lot indeed. Quite recently they held their first annual general meeting. It was naturally an after dinner one and there was undoubtedly lots of fun about it. After the usual
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  • 1305 7 Mr. Chamberlain proposed visit to tae Caj»e has induced general comment in the newspapers on the Continent as well as in Great. Britain. Treatment in Britain is generally favorable, excellent results being anticipated from the visit, which will acquaint Mr. Chamberlain with conditions with which he mu*r, deal
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  • 1373 8 We understand that certain of the crew of the s.s. Cowrie who had refused to go to sea in her with a cargo of benzine were paid off to-day. Rubber-tyred rikisbas are now plying for hire in Hanoi, with pullers dressed in uniform. The iare is 25
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  • 333 8 Acheen. Acheen Proper has now so advanced in the arts of peace as to admit of holding, last month, a successful race meeting at Olehleh for three days. Pep-per-growing which suits the climate and soil admirably i6 flourishing, and the mineral riches of the land, including gold, are
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  • 436 8 We learn, says the Siam Free Press, that ttie Siam forces sent North to fight the Shans find their stomachs as slack as their knapsacks According to recent accounts money is being collected in various districts to support the famishing Tommies,” who are sinking
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  • 1766 8 Friday, Nov. 14th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWKTTENHAM, K.C.M.O., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor, c.m.g., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. K. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. \V. Egerton C.M.O., (Acting Colonial TreaHurer). Hon. A. Murray, (Colonial Engineer). Hon. J. M. Allinson. Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Hon. C. Stringer.
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  • 1182 9 U writes to the Field —In March -i year 1 visited a coconut plantain British North Borneo and took •rr following notes, which may be of r ter Ut to some of your readers. Dis♦Irie from Sandakan, two hours by launch. Six thousand coconut -Jl-planted in
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  • 440 9 With reference to the troubles in the north of Siam we have been avoured with a copy of a private letter rom a gentleman well-known in Singapore. He says We have had a ittle excitement here lately. I dare say you noticed it in the papers. Since
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  • 1436 9 Perak and Negri Sembilan have now, each, a Civi Procedure Code. Mr. H. Owen won the November m edal of the Keppel Golf Club with a net score of 64 for 14holes. Messrs. Sternberg Herzberg gave their farewell concert in Bangkok on the 11th inst. It is
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  • 318 9 The Kind’s Own M Challenge Cup. On Saturday afternoon,, the final tie for the King's Own M Challenge Cup took place on the Racecourse before numerous spectators. Quite a number ot ladies were present. The result of the game was a win for the Civil Service by
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  • 336 9 On Saturday night last the Town Hall was filled to overflowing by an audience assembled to witness the performance of the drama King Rodolpho’s Will,” performed by some members of the Singapore Catholic Club for the benefit of the poor whose needs are attended to by the
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  • 157 9 The following i& me result, of the November Monthly Medal, which was played for on the 12th instant W. O. Burt 44 Scr. ~44. J. C. Ferrier 44+2 =4«. Wra. C. Grieve 49 Scr. =49. B. C. Criewick No card. T. Jones. No card. Among the passengers
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  • 1085 10 MEETING IN LONDON. The Currency Committee of Inquiry. A meeting of the Straits Settlements Association was held (says the London and China Express) at the offices of the Tanj< »ng Pagar Dock Company (Ltd).,! 120, on 22nd October. The meeting was called to consider a letter from
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  • 1392 10 Sanitary Inspector Olsen Fined. On Saturday, Sanitary Inspector Olsen appeared before Mr. Brockman in answer t.o a summons issued at the instance of Ibrahim bin Kassiin Mysoory for having on the 1st inst. committed criminal trespass and assault A cross summons was granted to Insp Oisenugetinst Ibrahim
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  • 99 10 A Reuter’s telegram to Bangkok dated 12th instant announces that a French “Yellow-Book” has been issued containing the official correspondence on Siam. It covers the negotiations since 1893. It shows that Siam in 1900 refused to negotiate unless Chantaboon were evacuated. M. Delcass£ on the 15th January,
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  • 3506 10 Recollections of a Soldier, his Dog, and some Incidents on, the Frontier. The news of the latest expedition from Kohat, as heralded by Reuter on Satur-day, was preceded only a few days by a news item from India to the effect that Major Barton of the
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  • 1055 11 home. The London correspondent of the Kngluh7"- telegraphing on the 4th November, states that the Blue Book which has just l>een issued contains a full report of the proceedings at the Colonial conference. Mr. Chamberlain, in an opening speech, said that he thought Imperial Federation was w ithin
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  • 762 11 Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Amy Bradley and Dr. Jesser Coope, at St Andrew's Cathedral, on Friday, 28th inst. at 4 p in. The Hon. C. W. S. and Mrs. SneydKynnersley, and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dare are passengers to Singapore by the
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  • 238 11 Col. Oakes' Cup. The qualifying round for Col. Oakes' Cup open to members of all the Singapore Golf Clubs, was played off on Saturday last In spite of it being an open competition, no less than 25 competitors took out cards. The holes had been lengthened out
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  • 269 11 On Saturday afternoon last, at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Mr Frederic Krarup was married to Miss C. U. Lowell, youngest daughter of Mr. John Lowell. The bride was charmingly attired in a rich ivory satin duchesse drees and bore a magnificent bouquet. Miss Harderup was
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  • 222 11 Yesterday the Sultan of Turkey celebrated the sixty-second anniversary of his birthday. In honour of the event, the Turkish Consul-General, the Hon. Ahmed Attaoullah Bey, held a. reception at the Turkish Consulate, Robinson Road. The leading Mohamedans in Singapore, Sayed Mohamed Alsagoff, Sayed Omar Alsagoff’, Sayed
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  • 800 12 To the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore. Siks,— An all-disposing Providence and the entire absence of enlightened public opinion have placed you in a positionof grave responsibility. Responsibility without tangible or concrete risk it is true, but still responsibility which a less supine and invertebrate agglomeration would have
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  • 1226 12 Government Views in 1898. A paper just laid before the Legislative Council contains a despatch on the Straits Settlements Currency question by the late Sir Charles Mitchell, the then Governor. It bears date the 9th March 1898. At that time the Singapore Chamber of Commerce favoured a gold
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  • 1397 12 Mu. 1). H. \Y ise returned to Seremban on Saturday. Mr. Ileslop Hill left for Kuala Lumpur on Sunday and returned to Serein oan on Thursday by the Ksmernbla. Mr Richardson left Seremban for Perak on Tuesday by the Lady Alifchell. The Esmeralda sailed for Port Dickson on
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  • 264 12 For Singapore. Per P. A 0. s. s Himni, at Colombo with th, conn ‘<-tifrom London Oct. 31 due‘S.rt r «*S D. Simpson, Mr. A N ov._y Mrs. A. R. Wilson, Mr nald, Messrs. F. Maitland p with the ttMm'w BoCroTM Dn r" ri from London Nov.
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    • 123 12 Under this Heading the following abbre nations are used str.—steamer; sh.<hip; bq.— barque; sch.— Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit— Bri tish; U. S.—United States; Fch.—French Ger.—German; Dut.—Dutch;Job.— Johore G.c.— General-cargo; d.p.-deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong PagarDock; B.W —Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’s
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    • 1181 12 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Fo Soon Dut. str 222 tons Captaic Odink, 17th Nov. From I‘ontiaDak, l«u Nov. G c., and 32 d.p, Lim Ah Bam. fo 1 Pontianak. 19th —Kds. Ban Poh Gunn, Brit. str. 575 tons, Cap' Stratton, 17th Nov. From Boeleling, 13th
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    • 570 13 port, probable date of arrival, and name, of agents. STEAMERB. ‘*> irn* innon, Hkong, Nov 30; Mansfield. J ln Bangkok, Nov 20; Borneo Coy. :y HoLgkong, Jan 7 Behn Meyor. Hongkong. Nov 23 M. Maritime^. 0r Liverpool, Dec 15; Mansfield. rn, Hamburg, Nov 22 Behn Meyer. r 1
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    • 989 14 Flag j Vxssel’s Name A lons. Captain From Sailed. Consignue*. a i Rio. Not! 12 Mahratta Brit str. 3688 Pebrkin K’chinotzu Nov 3M. Bussan Kaisha 11 Ban Fo Soon Out etr. 222 Odink Pontianak Nov 10 him Ah 6am 12 Glenfalloch Brit str. 1474 Bainbridge Amoy Nov 4 Wee
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    • 184 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag > Date of Dfstix- KfDatk. Rig. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. From wheke ation. mam. Oct 22 Brit 8,8. Duke of Norfolk p rentice London Batavia 22 Dut 8.8. K. Regentes Kotting Amsterdam 26 Brit 8§ D ofWestminster Jenkins Oct 26Batavia London
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    • 592 14 Date. Vessel’s Name, Flag A Rig Tons. Destination. Nov 13 Giang Bee Brit str 1198 Sam.rang via ports 13 Resident Schiff J Dut str. 68 Rhio 13 Hye Leong Brii st.r. 296 Port Swettenham 13 De Kook Dut str. 336 Pon’ianak 14 Ailing M 6tr. 794 Sourabaya and Bawean
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 259 13 COMMON SENSE—NUTSHELI ntw irwli<'itl work on the chuju.* and most scientific :>iul effectual mean* of self-cure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirit*, Ac .with practical observations on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualiticatious that destroy the happiness of wedded life It
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    • 423 13 LEA PERRINS Messrs. L.EA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing thetr Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 169 14 GOOD HEALTH implies freedom from physical pain and disorder. It means strength, energy, power; power to think well, work well, eat well, sleep well. It means being fit,” fit for home duties, fit for business, fit for pleasure, lit for everything. It means money—money saved and money earned. Indigestion destroys
      169 words
    • 224 14 CEMENT. The Famous AALBORG AKttl I H ft f f AALBORG PORTLANDCE/V\ENT FABRIK AMBOnr. Of N AA APK fear T' u »I I rv. -> V A-Y*\ N -K i X A* A L> i E% 50 Js.'W MM fl-J ;-lfc A? fif !t g >. i V >vWj. \i
      224 words
    • 673 14 KIM WAN BRICKWORKS** I'AMtt \\j. v g “0, H Are now supplying building ©very kinds. For partici lar* ar CHOP Kl\i hif 7 18-12 n it TAXSAX' Is on sale at all t| P ~e pHllr-p-: Hotels Tiffin Eooms "Wine Spirit Deai^ Sole Importers...H-,rneo&. T i r,. Sub -asre n
      673 words