The Straits Budget, 8 October 1902

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 110 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. .t-abushed over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 8TH OCTOBER.
    • 181 1 L, .f, op Sept. 13th at Kobe. Japan. L Mr i::.i Mrs. GEORGE S. WATROUS. s.-N On the 16th September, at L .ii v.tV of A. K. Robinson, HongL:j_\ «>l«.-.ou •AM On ti9tli September, .at Hankow, V <*• 1 T I’v.M, I. .VI 0., of a son. [V'.//77v- \ik.
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    • 141 1 K V, At the Presbyterian •''mgapore, on the 1st inst. by the talker, Thomas Clark, Engineer, Miration, 3rd son of Air. Thomas >rt fda-gow, to MARY DONALDSON, f tin* late Mr. William Wilson of Scotland. On the 27th Sept, at the Penang, by the Rev..!. S. y3 f 11
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  • 230 1 Leading Articles. Brunei Affairs. The Perak Farms. Commercial bureau Strike Troubles. Local. Market Quotations Shipping News Passenger List. Police Nows. Racing Notes. The Bios* one. A. M, Beaulieu’s Bankruptcy. Fire in Canal Road. Coconut ultivation. Jmfortant Auction. Licensing Sessions. Lieut, 01. Murray and the S. V'. 0.
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  • 626 1 Singapore, 8th Octobep,, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier 15.00 Copra Ball 8.90 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black ,,35.50 do White, (8%) 53.50 Sago Flour Sarawak ,,3.87$ do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sago 5.25 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 20.00 Tapioca, small
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  • 197 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the B. I. 8. s. Zamunia. The Straits Budget next week will be forwarded by the P. O. s. 8. Valetfa The N. D. L. mail for Europe by the s.s. P. R.Luitpt Id closed yesterday. The mail
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    • 36 1 London lsf October. For making intimidating speeches, Mr. Roche, M.P., has be6n sentenced at the Galway Crimes Court to four months imprisonment—two months of this being hard.”
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    • 114 1 Mr. Gerald Balfour, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at the Cutler’s Feast, Sheffield, made an announcement as to the arrangement the British Government has come to with the Cunard Company and Mr. Pierpont Morgan. Cunard Still a British Company. The Cunard
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    • 35 1 Later Ex-Captain Dreyfus visited the death chamber of Zola and was profoundly affected. Dreyfus will probably be absent from the funeral on Sunday, lest his presence should lead to Nationalist disorders.
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    • 23 1 The Boer leaders Kritzinger, Fouche, and Joubert have sailed for England, en route for America, where they will lecture.
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    • 47 1 Reception of Britain’s Action. The arrangements made by the British Government with the Cunard Co. and Mr. Pierpont Morgan are generally praised, though there is some criticism on the amount of the subsidy, especially in shipping circles, which complain that the subsidy handicaps tramp steamers.
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    • 43 1 Russia and Japan Join Hands. London 1st October. A Russo-Japanese Society has been established at Moscow to promote commerce between Russia and Japan. The new Society will establish a mill at Minsk for the purpose of weaving Japanese raw silk.
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    • 78 1 Owing to the coal famine in New York, resulting from the strike of miners, President Roosevelt has invited the Presidents of the coal-carrying railways add the President cf the Miners’ Union to hold a conference with him
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    • 137 1 London, Oct. 2nd. The Times, commenting on the reference of the house-tax question to the Hague Arbitration Court eulogises the courtesy and good humour displayed by both parties, and the sraceful and becoming concessions made by the Japanese Government, which, says the Times show a high sense of
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    • 24 1 Later. Japanese five per cent, bonds for 60 million yen will be issued in London next week, probably at par.
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    • 110 1 The sentences passed on Messrs Reddy and Haviland-Burke mentioned in the message sent on the 26th Sept, have been revised on appeal. The sentence on the former has been altered to two months without hard labour, with an additional three months on failing to find sureties for
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    • 28 1 Over 30,000 Death. London t 3rd Oct The cholera scourge continues in Egypt. There have been 36,358 cases since July 15th last, and 30,9*8 deaths.
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    • 21 1 Both Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain deny that the Government intends to withdraw the Education Bill.
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    • 42 1 A great display of Turkish force is being made in Macedonia, and it is likely to overawe the revolutionaries. The Governor of Monastir reports that three bands of insurrectionists have been dispersed by Turkish troops.
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    • 66 2 With regard to the proposed interview of the Boer Generals with the Kaiser, it is stated that the initiative was taken, not by the Generals themselves, but by some powerful friends of the Boers in Berlin, who intimated to the
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    • 53 2 It is officially announced in New York that the Shipping Combine has stated that the agreement with the British Government provided no discrimination against Combination ships regarding the carriage of mails, troops, etc., and no policy antagonistic to the Combination or to the continuance
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    • 70 2 Later. There is a general stir in political circles in view of the approaching Parliamentary Session. The opposition of the nonconformists to the Education Bill is growing and the spirit of opposition is extending among a section of the Liberal Unionists.
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    • 24 2 London 4 th Oct. Yielding to Madame Zola’s entreaties, Dreyfus will keep away from her husband’s funeral to avert disturbances.
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    • 75 2 President Roosevelt has made a strenuous appeal to both parties in the mining strike to avert the suffering, almost amounting to a national calamity, through the coal famine, in view of the coming of cold weather. Though his intervention has failed
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    • 20 2 The Japanese loan was issued on Tuesday. The price was £lO2 Is. Bd., being equivalent to par.
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    • 20 2 The Japanese warship Shikishima which recently ran aground, has been floated off with slight damage.
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    • 23 2 President Roosevelt’s efforts to settle the coal strike have proved abortive, owing to both sides being uncompromising in their attitude.
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    • 77 2 The Financial Neius states that Mr. Chamberlain will bring in a Bill to authorise the raising of a Transvaal loan of .£30,000,000. The money will be applied to redeem Boer obligations, and to further public works. TJ»e question of the Transvaal contribution
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    • 47 2 London oth Oct. The funeral of Zola at Montmartre took place on Sunday, at 1 p.m. The crowds present were enormous but orderly. The Minister of Education represented the Government and delivered an oration. Dreyfus was present, but passed unnoticed.
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    • 13 2 The Martial Law Commissioners have sailed homewards from Cape Town.
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    • 122 2 London 5th Oct. The Morgan Trust haR arranged to purchase in England 50,000 tons of the best domestic coal for immediate shipment to the United States in its own steamers, to relieve the suffering resulting from the coal strike. Canadian Help.
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    • 47 2 Forty-one Boers, chiefly Cape Colonists, have arrived at Durban. They are charged with high treason on their return from Ceylon. A meeting attended by 2,000 persons, held at Johannesburg, has passed a resolution to form a political association to voice the views of the people.
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    • 55 2 Admiral Casey of the American Navy has refused to allow Colombian troops or war materials to be transported across the Isthmus by rail, without special permission. The Government of Colombia strongly protests against this, as being a violation of all principles of neutrality
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 rw r .o'.t free price of the Stratis Times vv r or rv/-. The post free price remits Kuduet is?‘JO a year, or40/- r t necessary to subscribe for a year. v '.V.V.ripiions for shorter periods are ame proportionate rate of price as »vj s'*'cn/4 t can be sent to
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  • 98 1 deaths. "J.;lV SMple,u,,er at Shanghai, James at Wuchow, Mazie, of 1. H A., the beloved wife of Christian and Missionary ln h **r 39th year. J r a t Brighton, LADY ,,t ot Halliday Macartney, Une-e legation, in her 41st I\«b. > n 9, at his residence, a k Ii(
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  • 490 2 (Straits Times, 3rd October.) It would be iuteresting to' definitely understand the full scope of power officially vested in the British Consul at Brunei, and also against whom he has directed the extraordinary note of warning published in another column. From its perusal a stranger might infer that
    (Straits Times, 3rd October.)  -  490 words
  • 676 2 (Straits Times 3rd October.) The Perak revenue farms have just been let to Mr. Loke Yew by private sale. This has been objected to by the Perak Pioneer on the groum that tenders should have been called for by public advertisement The Malay Mail points out that
    (Straits Times, 3rd October.)  -  676 words
  • 624 2 (Sir rits Times, ftth October.) The question of forming a Commercial Bureau in Singapore was discussed at the meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce held recently, and the idea was approved generally. Mr. Frizell put forward the suggestion, but t he Chairman, who favoured the proposition, entertained
    (Sir rits Times, ftth October.)  -  624 words
  • 4209 2 (Strait* Time*, 7th Odot «i Now that the American coal I has become a matter of int«>rnJ*J moment—creating an unnatural mand for British and Canadian j| and paralysing the great industrial United States—it is interesting to upon the incalculable amount evil that one man can do i n
    (Strait* Time*, 7th Odot«i  -  4,209 words

  • 1489 4 A Chinese lunatic escaped from the Asylum yesterday and has not been seen since. The stranded steamer Oslo belongs to the firms of Thoreson and Co., not Thornes and Co., of Shanghai. This morning, Mr. Beatty fined a ’rikisha puller $7, for refusing to ply. Chief Insp.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 76 4 To the Editor of the Straits 'Times Dear Sir, —There is one thing in Mr E. Mathieu’s letter to your paper of 25ih inst. which seems to me worthy of notice. He admits that he knows nothing of Selangor. For the rest I am content that those interested
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  • 69 4 This morning in the reading room at the Volunteer Drill Hall could be seen for the first time a handsomely bound hook containing photographs and newspaper cuttings from home papers referring to the sojourn in England of the Colonial troops in general and
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  • 161 4 In his report on the Philippine Islands for last year, Mr. Sinclair, the British Consul, says that trade in 1901, as in 1900, failed to come up to expectai< is, imports keeping slack owing to the unsettled state of the country and scarcity of money. Exports
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  • 467 4 At 8.30 this morning, a fire broke out in the back part of the ground floor of 33 North Canal Road. The part of the premises where the fire began is a marine store, and contained a quantity of tar, paint, rope, and other inflammable material;
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  • 423 4 (By an Australian Horseman.) Thursday being a fast morning, there was a good attendance of owners and others interested in the training. About the first to work were Sir Lancelot (Kirwan) and Snoozer (Pierbux). They went twice round, the second round improving the pace and the last half
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  • 382 4 A meeting of the Licensing Justices was held in the private room of the first Magistrate at the Police Courts at 3 p.m. yesterday. Mr. E. L. Brockman, Seuior Magistrate, presided, and there were also present Dr. Middleton, and Messrs. W. E. Grove (Chief Police Officer), W.
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  • 257 4 An opportunity now I to the public of t^in£raDo^ P es nt, J Coronation procession^. lo J the real thing, but, at lea,. n Vj reproduction on the proprietors have 1 b.lms of yanous portions of Vs *4 sion, and the Royal coach t
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  • 539 4 A whiter of Planting notes in c Madras Mail Sept, loth says:- Advice from London as regards the 6tak oil the coffee market are meagre id tiki extreme. While stocks of cuurse still| remain high, deliveries in Loudon art I very much less than at the same
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  • 231 5 ,f the Goodwill of a Gambler and Pepper Business. i -b*caXT to an order ofthe Supreme ''tin we matter $eah Hood Hak Cheng Chong, plaintiff's, and iDa i L a og Scab, Chan Swan and Seng i > irS defendants, Messrs. Powell \*old at auction yesterday afterv in
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  • 527 5 [he adjourned public examination a. M. Beaulieu took place before Mr Justice Hyndman-.Jones in the Bankruptcy Court this morning. Debtor *aid in 1896 he was adjudi.ted bankrupt and in February 1897 e made a composition with his credits and the bankruptcy was anulled. He was
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  • 478 5 Continuance of volcanic dihturbances in Mexico and Central America has reunited in general demoralization of mining and herdin" interests in that region. Great paHture area£ na\e been blighted on the plateaux and the herds driven off, sheep and cattle perishing by thousands. Many mines have closed down, on
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  • 901 5 Cholera is reported to be raging at Medina. Mr. Philip Jam&s Bailey, the author and poet, died on dept. 7th at the age of 86. Lieut. Thomson, the Acting Adjutant of the 8. V. A., has been granted leave or home till December 20th next. The British
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  • 117 5 A Mandor Knifed. A murder took place recently at Christmas Island, and ten Chinese are now in Singapore awaiting trial at the next Assizes on a charge of being concerned in the murder. It seems that the coolies were called to work in the early morning
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  • 120 5 Trolly Crashes into a Carriage. This morning a Mr. d’Almeida was driving towards town in his carriage from Tanjong Pagar. When near the Detective Station a trolly suddenly dashed down from the hill on the side of the road and crashed into his carriage with considerable
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  • 86 5 We hear that, as the result of the deliberations of a committee which recently sat to consider Volunteer expenditure, and one of whose recommendations was the appointment of a permanent Adjutant for the whole of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, it is probable a permanent Adjutant may
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  • 167 5 An army order has been issued making a number of changes in the regulations. Roll-calls are to be abolished, except the reveille also all parades on Sunday, except for church. Regimental garrison guards are to be replaced by police. Smoking is to be permitted in the streets
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  • 79 5 President's Cup Race. Following are the handicaps for the 250 yards swimming race for Mr. T. de M. BraddelTs Cup at Katong on Sundav: Henderson ...scr. Diehn ...30sec^. Kvans ...3*j 9t Darhishire H&nnaford 35 Whetham Rosenbaum r Napier f 40 Davis, S. Thompson y Berndfc "Penny '45
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  • 342 5 The following article in the China Mail from a correspondent apparently resident in the Philippine Islands, is worthy of attention The Americans in the Philippine Islands are certainly no improvement on the Spaniards, not only from the native standpoint, but also in the opinion of the former
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  • 855 5 Sept. 29th. H. H. the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan has been staying in Seremban during last week. Mr. D. H. Wise was away in the Districts early in the week, and left on Thursday last for Perak, by the Malacca. He will be absent about
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  • 835 6 A.S.C. Sergeant Acquitted of Stealing Col. Mui ray’s Property. The Daily Telegraph of Sept. 4th contains the following police court report: James Reynolds, 28, a sergeant in the 49th Company Army Service Corps, was charged at Tottenham, before Mr. Alderman Huggett, with stealing on Aug. 20, from
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  • 71 6 —Egyptian Gazette. During last month 284 vessels passed through the Suez Canal, of which 157 were English, 46 German, 24 French, 19 Dutch, 11 Russian, 8 Austrian, 5 Italian, 4 Japanese, 3 Spanish, 2 Danish, 2Turkish, 1 Norwegian, and 1 Egyptian. The receipts during last August and the
    —Egyptian Gazette.  -  71 words
  • 162 6 An impudent case of assault took place yesterday morning, a gang of Chinese having the effrontery to make a combined attack on another man in the Police Court building. It would be imagined that the Police Court, of all places, would not he chosen a*
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  • 258 6 Half-Yearly Report. This following directors’ report was presented to shareholders at the halfyearly meeting of the Robinson Piano Co., held at Hongkong on Sept. 25th. We have satisfaction in presenting to our shareholders a statement of accounts for the half-year ending the 30th June, 1902, and in
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  • 294 6 New Act Passed by the U.S. Congress. The United States Chinese Exclusion Act, approved April 29 last, continues in force until otherwise provided by congress, all existing legislation regulating the coming into the United States of persons of Chinese descent, and the residence of such persons therein,
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  • 1860 6 Extraordinary Action by the British Consul. [From a Labuan Correspondent.] Labuan 27th Sept. On the 24th Sept, the following notices were posted outside the liovernment Offices in Labuan. NOTICE. The public of Labuan are hereby notified, at the request of H. B. M. Consul for
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  • 484 6 Mr. L. C. Brown of appointed Inspector of Coconut Tree F. M. B. Four cases of cholera were reports this morning from B. division, and tic in Sepoy Lines district. Two hundred and thirty-four dean* were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The
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  • 79 7 w s Arethusa was undocked at Paear close on to 10 p.m. IW** an d f»he now lies at the East te? l r Ganymede was dry-docked oo rn. This forenoon the French > her r >rt Cackar was towed to Tanjong :ra wharf to await docking. A large
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  • 112 7 FdW ere held at M*»dan on Mon"V [nt following are the placings: 3 Pice—for Maiden Batak Ponies i Jankrik 2, Isa 3—Tote $6. j p fcl(J e —.Selling for 2nd Clasß a Kitty 1, Goldlinks 2, Katak 3. 'Maiden for Horses—ZoroVoonray 2, Phoenix 3—Tote *3 f: rrh Race
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  • 114 7 Shipmaster Murdered. .gvv dayrt ago, the four-master, nerican Schooner F. J. Wood aniored*»lf Manila flying signals of dis;iS' The people on board of her told irlood-eurdliiig storyof how the masted aptain Jacobson, had been murdered tne Japanese cabin-boy who had j' feD abetted by the Japanese
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  • 113 7 The steamer lSamx.tra is exempted :rom the hill operation of the Cattle Transit Ordinance. Fresh rules are notified under the Fees Ordinance, as regards the fees leviable in respect of the demarcation and survey of parcels of land throughoat the Colony excepting the Dindings. The following appointments take
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  • 314 7 .here was a heavy downpour of rain ai* morning and the reservoir will robablv have benefited to the extent •in inch cr two thereby. The state r he water “famine” is slightly im.’rcved, and at the present rate of con•uruption there is six weeks’ suf ply and
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  • 423 7 (By an Australian Horseman). This morning’s work started with Sir Lancelot(Kirwan)andSnoozer (Pierbux) Loth horses doing a real good working gallop of 1± mile. K Sweet. Erma (Kirwan) and Blue Jacket (Pierbux) went round, the former lj mile, the grey horse about 1 mile and a furlong, both striding
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  • 123 7 Mr. Birch, the Governor, lately paid a visit to the Sulu islands where he was hospitably received by the Americans at the town of Jolo. H. B. has also visited the island parts of the B. N. B. territory at Kaningan and Tamburan. Near Kinabalu 13,000
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  • 215 7 Last night a pleasant little function was held at the Temperance Club. It was the occasion of the opening performance of the Singapore Dance Club which has just been organised. There was a fairly good attendance. The music was rendered by some of the Town Band, and
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  • 609 7 I What la IL The Siam Observer thus endeavours I to explain the ins and outs of I the Customs question at Kelantan:— I Reuter tells us that negotiations are I proceeding between Britain and Siam I regarding the preferential Customs I duties which are said, quite
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  • 546 7 Acheen. Onslaughts by the Achinese, sword in hand, are now less successful than formerly owing to Dutch patrols and scouting parties having learned to be more careful. The strict blockade of the coast has cut off the supply of arms and ammunition which used to be smuggled in
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  • 139 7 Dr L. Restrepo, of Medellin, has reported through the channel of the British Legation, Bogota, Columbia, that he haR found the husk of coffeebeans useful in malarial fever, as also in influenza and chronic dysentery. His prescription is:— Coffee-husk 30 grams Water 400 grams Boil for five
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  • 321 7 The effective entry which the Shell Transport Company is making into the American market through the Texan oil-fields, is now attracting particular attention in New York. The local correspondent of the Berlin Boersen Courier states that Sir Marcus Samuel, the Chairman of the Shell Company, who is
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  • 814 7 Fresh Legislation. The Government Gazette publishes the text of the following Bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council intituled an Ordinance to validate certain grants in fee simple of Crown Land heretofore made by the Government of the Colony and to authorise the future issue of such
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  • 190 7 Last night’s shower, added to those of Saturday morning, have had a slightly appreciable effect on the storage. It is well tba» this is so; for it would have been necessary to further reduce consumption had it been otherwise. Last week the daily output reached 2,700,000 gallons,
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  • 1225 8 This is the tenth anniversary of the death of Lord Tennyson. The American transport Maclellan is due here from Hongkong on about Friday next. The will of the late Mr. Alexander Michie, formerly of China, is declared of the gross value of £20,123. The annual general meeting
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  • 85 8 The Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce has been inform ed by the Government of Bengal that information h is been received, through the India Office, that the Commander ol •>ne of the Hamburg-Araerica Steamship Company's vessels, which lately passed in pioximity to the
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  • 171 8 Confers with the Foreign Office. Says the London and China Express, to hand by Saturday’s mail Phya Sri Sahadheb, Siamese ViceMinister of the Interior, has arrived in London from Paris to confer with the British Government, and visited the Foreign Office on Btn Sept, The date
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  • 464 8 250 Yards Race. The 250 yards handicap race for the President’s Cup came off yesterday morning at Tanjong Katong under perfect conditions, the sea being smooth as a millpond, with little or no current against the swimmers. The distance, which is fifty yards longer than the longest
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  • 231 8 Yesterday was Children s Day in the Middle Road M. E. Church and last night a programme, chiefly Maiuj. of songs and recitations, wa- go' through by the children of the Vlala\ speaking Chinese Sunday S hool After prayer by the Rev. J. R. De iyes a quartette
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  • 143 8 Messrs. Sternberg and Herzberg, two accomplished musicians who have been touring the Far East and are now giving concerts in Penang, will be here in course of a few days and will give a concert at the Teutonia Club on Saturday next, the 11th instant. Lovers of
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  • 270 8 On Saturday night, the members of the I O. G. T. and their friends were “at Home at their lodge at the Temperance Club. The room was comfortably full. A varied programme was worked through. Miss Scholey and Miss Webbe gave a good rendering
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  • 265 8 As cockfighting has been carried on for some time in spite of the vigilance of the officers of the R. S. P. C. A., increased efforts have been made to check it, the result of which was the arrest of three Eurasians, four Chinese Babas and a
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  • 277 8 A curious case of suspected theft was exposed in a pawnbrokers shop yesterday, when a Malay was arrested by Detective Inspector Brennan with about $20,000 worth of gold and jewellery in his possession, which he is suspected of having obtained dishonestly. The chief detective
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  • 808 8 \By an Australian n«r K B Monday mornings work B of the slow order nothing I?* Eg a canter. Southall return!? where he rode three winner. I rode no less than seven JSI Eutlin Junior two, Pear. r lr r ‘‘r, H one. Turner’s stable Won V 3
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  • 343 9 Beri-Beri and Malaria. M ead-Hunting Savages. a French naturalist, who is ‘Vr to Marseilles in the M.M n conversation with a Perth reporter the other day, graphi- ted the terrors of life in Dutch rlmea. which he visited in May Tne settlement, which is called
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  • 462 9 Thu Mowing from the Asian gives details of the Amateur Golf of India, which has re--ntly been advertised in our columns: Tu eleventh competition for this •rent, which is yearly growing in aiV r -tanoe, will, we see from the programme issued by the Calcutta
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  • 1070 9 Home. The papers strongly resent the tone and temper of the Boer appeal. They declare it to be a disingenuous attempt to »tir up hostility to I icat Britain. The donor of the hundred thousand dollars ii, the Boer fund mentioned on Tuesday, is Mr. Phipps, of the
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  • 190 9 Mr. F. D. B. Opershaw, draftsman, F. M. S. Railways, Perak, to act as office assistant, F. M. S. Railways. Perak. Mr. I*. A. Satow to be an inspector of Mines. Mr. Nevill Kendall, collector of Land Revenue, Lower Perak, and acting Indian immigration agent, Perak, has been
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  • 274 9 A recent issue of the Liverp ol Journal of Commerce considers that the opening uf the Panama Canal will exert a most serious and detrimental effect on the port of Colombo, and that Singapore too will be affected in a measure. Our contemporary
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  • 333 9 Th* following properties were dis-| posed of at Powell C’os saleroom on Wednesday. The sale was largely attended, the bidding keen and the prices realized were extremely satisfactory The shop-house No 1 High Street, area 1224 sq ft for 999 years. Bought by Syed Abdul Rahman for 921,400
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  • 128 9 A Chinese boatman was murdered on Saturday afternoon. Four Chinamen were hringing a tongkang, which was laden with stones belonging to the Municipality, from Pulau Obin toSingapore, when on the way the lighter ran on to some fishing stakes belong* iug to Malays. As a result some
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  • 637 9 H. M. S. Vestal returned here this morning from a week’s cruise. On Tuesday last she visited Malacca and on Thursday arrived at Penang. General Chaffee is relieved of the chief command in the Philippines from the end of September hy General George Davis. Instructions have been
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  • 93 9 Siamese Rumour. The Siam tree Pres hears from Sia rae8e sources that the Rajah of Kelantan has low a strong body-guard of Sik h soldiers and that more of these troops are expected in the near future. Arms and ammunition are being plentifully imported into the province by
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  • 102 9 Although the Shanghai Club i« an institution for the benefit of members only, and its proceedings therefore of a private nature, yet the meeting held last night (says the N.-C.Daily News of the 24th September) was of such public interest that we think it a duty
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  • 123 9 A native correspondent writes to the Allahabad Pioneer: The Lancet came out with the an* nouncement the other day that pin#* apple was goou lih i> i medical journal’s discovery has been, however, a common belief in Bengal for ages. Pine-apple is a fruit that has
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  • 171 9 The Siamese expedition up-country to attack the rebel Shans who had sacked the town of Phre, found all quiet on reaching that place. It seems that the rebels had attacked only the Government officials, of whom eight or nine were murdered, including the Siamese Commissioner. They broke
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  • 304 9 Two men have been arrested in connection with the murder of a Chinese boatman on Saturday afternoon, reported in yesterday’s issue. Inspector Kirk went out to Changi to search for the murderers, and brought the two men back with him, identified hy the victims three companions. The two
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  • 511 10 Hy an Australian Horseman was a good attendance on the course this morning. The PadlockPledge filly J. Campbell did a three parts pace once round from the straight going well. Sweet Erina (Kirwan), Bine Jacket (Pierbux), the mare going 1$ mile, the grey horse picking her up at
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  • 211 10 A correspondent writes. —the Perak Towkays are dissatisfied with the proposed allotment of the shares in the new Farm, asTowkay Loke Yew desires to retain 5i,100,000 for Selangor, leaving only $900,000 for Perak. Towkay Leong Fi, Member of the State Council, has gone to Taiping to interview the
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  • 1037 10 London, \2th Sept. If you have the lantern of Diogenes, you should also have his cudgel.” —Dc Chamfort. The Times of yes erday contains the following:—“The King having informed the Due d’Orleans that the dooi> of England were reopened to him, the Due and the Duchess
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  • 261 10 Mr. Skeat’s Interesting Observations In a new number of the Journal ot the Anthropological Institute, Mr. W W. Skeat has many quaint things to tell of the wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Though marriage is mainly by purchase, the bridegroom is catechised by the bride —whether he
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  • 287 10 Tre Supply Bill for 1903 is published in an extraordinary number of the Government Gazette. The heads of outlay are as follows Outlay. Personal Emoluments $2,632,174 Other Departmental Charges I.— 1,136,464 U. —Special 111,230 Pensions, Allowances, and Gratuities 311,77 s Charitable Allowances.. 17,331 Transport 6,200 Interest 97,900
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  • 499 10 The New Commanding Officer. Among Garrison Orders issued yesterday afternoon, but received after we had gone to press, appears the following:— It is notified for information that Col. Sir A. Dorward, K.C.B., D.S.O., ha* been selected for appointment as a Colonel on the Staff to Command the Troops,
    499 words
  • 121 10 The result of first-class county cricket is that Yorkshire retains its position at the heaJ of the list. The final record is as follows Pld. Won. Lost. Dm. PtB. Yorkshire 25 13 1 11 12 Sussex 24 7 3 14 4 Notts 2 6 3 11 3
    121 words
  • 145 10 An old resident writes to the Ceylon Observer: —“Inwould seem that the coconut does not admit of exploitation to any great extent —being indigenous and apparently unimprovable by pruning and grafting. ‘Selection’ of seed, or 4 fertilizing’ flowers to that end, might do something, but life is short—and
    145 words
  • 95 10 Manila, A. Lopez, due 7th Oct., Barlow. Fremantle via ports, Saladin, on 7th Oct., Mansfield. Japan via ports, Sachsen due 10th Oct., Behn Meyer. Odessa via ports, Saratov, mid Oct. M R.V F. Teluk Anson via ports, Malacca every Wednesday, and Penang on Mondays, 8. 8.
    95 words
  • 461 10 U. S. Transport McLelUn I ®n it* Mission. '"'ll The United States Govern. I port McLellan arrived this morning from Manila hi *«B New York via the 8ue. V* U. S. A. Government i n f** 1 1$ with a long established’
    461 words
  • 110 10 The following are the results ot second day of the Races at Medan First race —Batak ponies—Charlie.. Si Pirok, 2; Djankrik 3. Second race —Galloway Handicap—Pretoria Chestnut Star, 2; Geraldine, 3. ThW race —Planters’ Cup—Kitty, 1; Pb tcx 2; Morning Joss 3. Fourth racePony Handicap Rejane, 1; Delila.Annie,
    110 words
  • 161 10 For Singapore Per P. A O. s. b. Oceana the steamer Parramatta ftt uttsm London Sept 18, due IWo A.1. R Ballin, J. Macintosh, K. n N. Ryrie. Mr. and Mrs Follet-, Moor kintnsh, Messrs. E. Wilson, Cron Dalgleish, Mr and Mrs. F- A. t in£a* Per
    161 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 772 11 Tuesday s Play. “Profession Pairs” event was (j yesterday afternoon, Messrs. ]Di uvl Bradbery being the victorious C attr j iie c ame was keenly contested P air and the Brokers, Messrs. nr r q ictaggart and Kerr, made a hard it V re*“C Doubles”
    772 words
    • 186 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sb.— jhip; bq.— barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— Vacht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. S.—United States; Fch.—French Ger.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; c General-cargo; d.p. -deck paRsenjer; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Aharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. -Borneo
      186 words
    • 1449 11 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Admiral Humisan, Fch. str. 3,<>18 tons, Captain Corp, 7th Sept. From Saigon, 3rd Oct. G.c. M. C. Unknown, U Rds. Attaka Brit. str. 139 tons Capt Deacon, *"th Oct. from Palembang 4th Oct. Petroleum. Syme and Co. For Palembaug, 7th VV. Benalder
      1,449 words
    • 680 11 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamer8. Alboin, Bombay, due Oct. Borneo Co. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2; Mansfield. Afton, Hongkong, left Oct 1; Q. W. Alesia, Hongkong, Oct 24; Behn Meyer. Alting, Cotie, Oct 31; Annam, Colombo, Oct IS; M. Mari times. Aotea, London,
      680 words
    • 1097 12 i' LAO b <i" v J’Of' t ATTAIN FROM [SAILED CONSIGNEES. 3 Ul* J t*’pt I 30 Petriana Brit s*r. 1147 Ken Colombo Sept 22[Syme and Co, 30 Breid Nor str 645 Falkmnn Brooketon Sept 27 P. Simons and Co Ocl l [Bamberg tier str. 4148 Kirshuur .Yokohama Sept
      1,097 words
    • 111 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag 61 (DateofI I Destin- j Rf Date. Rio. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing From where ation. j mark Sept 18 Rrit ss Duke of D’shire (Makepeace Sept 18 Bntavia London 2: *er s s. Kiel Bruhn Sept 21 Tjalatjap Batavia 24 Da
      111 words
    • 619 12 Date. Vessel’s Name. 'Flag Rig Tons. Destimation. Oct J 2 Afridi Brit str. 2254 New York 2 Bamberg Ger str j 2669 Hamburg via port* 2 Alting Out str. 794 Bandjermassin 2 Cambodge Fch str. 2855 Saigon 2 Wakool Brit tra. 8147 Hongkong 2 Resident Schifl Dut str. 68
      619 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 SARAWAK Coal in good supply at Brooketon and Labnan, with prompt despatch for bunker or cargo. For terms apply to John Hardie, Sarawak Govern* m«nt Agent, Labnan. n.c. ill® 1 .ij r K means torturing pain, incessant t; weariness, wretched days and V IX wakeful nights. It means being c/yv
      265 words
    • 455 11 Ladies.I A R«n;edy for all Irregularities. fwjKrse-ftajr Bitter Apple. Pennyroyal. I I C ch a. A Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd* Raffled Place, Singapore. Prop* ietor MARTIN. Ihemtit SOUTHAMPTON. ENGLAND. «*S5Sw DURABLE AND ACCURATE The Keystone Witch Case Co. im, Philadelphia, U. S. A. America’s Oldest aad Largest Watch
      455 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 326 12 fJfetOl// |fddtcifid tne tind iiiiciit, i*i '.it: wtl n.ti*a ‘tUt't iv ‘•jO'J nt-'fOO D* LALOR’S PHQSFHODYKI HAS THE LARQEBT BALE OF ANY PHOBPHORIO MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. k-vr forty y»r» has maintained it« Ita eaergixing effect* are aheim from the world wide reputation as the Best ano UfW llrst day
      326 words
    • 78 12 LEA «fc PERT* LSIS bog to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Origizz! Worcestershire Sauce, they rjv now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the led label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at once proceeded
      78 words
    • 668 12 CAPTAINS. Me RAHTJKN’S ANTI-FOTTT COMPOSITION 11^ Other maxes than our orienn., tores are now sold. 8 ai 'k&atif* The genuine and onlv rnmn which Mr RAHTj£Nhim^ifh^' tl0Q tion 18 Hartmann’s Rahtj^ 8 ages are marked with the.* the trade mark—an ooet Reject all others. dand io AET NEEDLEWGEE M DRESSMAHIG
      668 words