The Straits Budget, 17 April 1902

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 154 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” he Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French IndoChina. Kstabushed over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 17TH APRIL.
    • 19 1 •tunr.S!iAM.-.\t Campbell pore, India, ih 3r<i March the wife of Captain \V. SWET lnham R.G.A., of a son.
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    • 232 1 I s mith —On Friday, 4th April, 1902, L,r»„ Church of the Assumption, Penang, -hek**v..J Meneuvrier, Captain Richard jVt.N -on of the late aptain Thomas Itt*;. of Carnarvon, North Wales, to I ho > Matilda, second daughter of L* !U and Louisa Adeline Smith, and L. cauglder of the
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  • 170 1 Beading Articles. I harbour >cheme. r B Kutherford. ami Crime. I h’.e Police. W^iL I Quotations. PP !n 8 News Liet. I New* I L ai> k**port. WMdinp, up the Hock. Sals. I i in Eight Days. r Homicide. I EPerton. I ‘•I Changed. I Mr p
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  • 655 1 Singapore, 17th April, 190*2. PRODUCE. Gamhier buyers 12.10 Copra Bali 10.00 do Pontianak 9.25 Pepper, Black buyer* 31.75 do White, (5%) 53.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.75 do Brunei No. 1 3.40 Pearl Sago 4.45 Coffee, Bali, 15% basi« 25.00 Coffee, Balembang, 20% basis... 28.00 Coffee. Liberian No. 1 18.50
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  • 361 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the F. O. s. s Malta. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the B. I. s. s. Zamania. The mail for Europe by the M. M. s. 8. E. Simon* closed on Saturday. The German
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    • 19 1 London, 9th April. The House of Representatives at Washington has passed the Chinese Exclusion Bill.
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    • 25 1 STATE OF IRELAND. THE TIMES VIEWS. The Times again dwells upon the serious situation of affairs in Ireland, and urges the suppression of the League.
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    • 22 1 Lat>r. Mr. Barton, the Premier of Australia, declined to accept an invitation to visit Japan on his Coronation trip.
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    • 458 1 Lord Kimberley is dead. [Kimberley (Earl of,) The Right llou. John Wodchouse, K.G., born Jan. 7. 1826, waa educated at Eton and Chrint Church, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1847, takiu" a firat-claas in classical honours, He succeeded his grandfather as third Baron Wodehouse, Maty *29, 1846, and
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    • 9 1 The Manchurian Convention lias been signed.
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    • 13 1 Mr. A. J. Balfour, hopes to introduce the Budget on Thursday.
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    • 42 1 London 10 th April. The Duke of Connaught has been appointed to the supreme command over the troops at the Coronation ceremonies—British, Indian, and Colonial with General Sir Henry Trotter as Chief of the Staff.
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    • 45 1 In the last fight with Delarey, seventy Canadians kept 600 Boers at bay for two hours, until all but fifteen were killed and wounded. It was only then that the enemy ventured to rush and capture the remnant.
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    • 36 1 fyUtr. There are persistent reports that the peace negotiations are making some progress. The chief obstacle arises it om Steyn and Dewet who do not share the conciliatory disposition of the Tranavaalers.
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    • 27 1 London 11 tk April. Mr. A. J. Balfour stated in the House ol Commons that, strictly speaking, there were no peace negotiations proceeding.
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    • 46 1 He was unaoie to say whe: her the Boer leaders would make an offer to come to terms. Still less was he able to say whether any such offer was likely to be of a satisfactory nature. He himself did not feel very sanguine.
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    • 24 1 Later. There is a serious Socialist and Anarchist agitation in Belgium. Two classes of the army reserve have been called out.
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    • 41 1 A PEACE MOVE. Boer Envoy’ s Come. Schalkburger, Botha, and other Transvaal representatives along with Steyn, Dewet, and Delarey—three members of the Orange River Government —have arrived at Klerksdorp. There has been no communication from them except as regard a safeconduct.
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    • 40 1 London \2th April. Cecil Rhodes was interred on the summit of a small kopje or hillock on the Matoppo Hills in the presence at 1,000 whites and 2,000 natives, after a simple but touching ceremonial.
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    • 30 1 Later. Mr. Brodrick stated, in the House of Commons, that the Government had not received particulars of the terms which the Boer delegates were prepared to offer.
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    • 31 1 Mr. Brodrick also said that he was unable to state whether Lord Kitchener had authorised the offer to the Boer delegates of other terms than those of unconditional surrender.
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    • 8 1 There would, however, be no armistice.
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    • 40 1 London 13th, April. Besides one thousand Guards, following drafts already despatched, the following reinforcements for South Africa will begin to leave next (this) week: 7,000 infantry, 1,000 artillery, 7,000 Yeomanry, and 5,000 Colonials.
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    • 27 1 It is understood that the Boer conferences at Klerksdorp continue, but that, hitherto, the Boer delegates have laid no proposals before the British Government.
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    • 27 1 London 14 th April. r Schalkburger, Botha, Meyer, DelareyvSteyn, and Dewet have arrived atf Pretoria in two special trains from Klerksdorp.
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    • 18 2 An informal meeting of Ministers was held, late on Saturday night, a» Mr. Chamberlain’s house.
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    • 22 2 It is rumoured that the meeting took place in consequence of the receipt of an important communication from Lord Kitchener.
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    • 46 2 PEACE PARLEY. MR. CHAMBERLAIN’ S ACTION. London loth April. The Conference at Mr. Chamberlains house lasted from eleven o'clock to midnight. Mr. Chamberlain was at the Colonial Office early yesterday, and subsequently had a two hours’ audience of the King. Despatches were forwarded during the day.
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    • 11 2 Later. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has brought in the Budget.
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    • 34 2 He suspends the operation of the Sinking Fund, raises the income tax by oae penny, and increases the stamp duty on cheques and bills to twopence. Tea, tobacco, and sugar are untouched.
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    • 25 2 Sir Michael Hicks-Beach imposes a duty of threepence a hundredweighi on corn, and fivepence a hundredweight on flour and meal.
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    • 29 2 The new taxation is expected to produce £“>,160,000. He proposes to borrow £.32,000,000 and to obtain what remains to be raised by issuing exchequer drafts.
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    • 43 2 London \6th April. The Canadian Immigration Commission reports that the restriction imposed on emigration from Japan by the Government of that Empire sufficiently provides against the dangers of an influx of large numbers of Japanese into Canada.
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    • 30 2 The Commission advocates the ultimate exclusion of Chinese immigrants from Canada, and, in the meantime, the increase of the poll tax on them to *500.
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    • 41 2 H. M. S. MARS.” Fatal Accident. Eleven Lives Lost. Later. The breech of a big gun on board the armoured battleship Mars blew out on firing practice at Queenstown. Two lieutenants and nine men were killed, and seven men were injured.
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    • 18 2 M. Sipiaguine, the Russian Minister of the Interior, has been shot dead by a student.
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    • 19 2 The King’s be celebrated at Home on the 30th'May, aßs at foreign stations on the 9th Novemher.
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  • 70 1 I DEATHS. I n i —March 7, killed inaction near I v c!i. Lieut. G. H Venning, eldest A. ii Venning, of the Straits Set-■■•-Kieiits. aged 21. I Ki. lt< n—At tha General Hospital, I* -Hj.ore, on Sunday, 13th April 1902, 1 •'n.a Ei.i.erton of the Hongkong and J'- an
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  • 1281 2 {Straits Times 9 th April.) On reflection, we cannot see what other conclusion the Chamber of Comxperce could have arrived at yesterday than that recorded in another column. We have always considered that the evidence, as summarised by Mr. Matthews, was the weakest part of his Report; because,
    {Straits Times, 9th April.)  -  1,281 words
  • 828 2 (Straits Times lO//t April.) Let us be thankful that there has never before, in recent times, been occasion to chronicle such a terrible crime against a European* resident o' Singapore as that which was perpetratec at Dravcott last night. As far as may be gathered from the
    (Straits Times, lO//t April.)  -  828 words
  • 722 2 (Straits Times \\th April.) The terrible tragedy of yesterday has been the theme of a number of letters received in this office to-day; but, as it is impossible to publish all of them, we print two of directly opposite sentiments. The letter written by Anti-Panic is the
    (Straits Times, \\th April.)  -  722 words
  • 709 2 (Straits Times 14th AP n^\ {otraits 1 im€s Despite tlie criticisms w lL Panic” saw tit t° indite re^ ;i5 M| remarks made in these eoluffl the murder of Mr. R u f trend of public °P inl0D adherence to the opinm 11 lS H| parsimony of the
    (Straits Times, 14th APn^\  -  709 words

  • 3118 3 Wraiti Time.*, llith April ■h h nprru.) B orw ard the question of B, 1 ,enc y °f the local detective v re P° rt the proceedings ■iiw. y 8 meeting of the Legis■u*lf ou I nc J U reca^8 some memories ■form*,.* detective wor k of the
    Wraiti Time.*, llith April )  -  3,118 words

  • 990 4 General. The Manchuria Convention was presented to the Emperor the other day by the Chinese Plenipotentiaries. All the demands made by Kussia have been rejected, while the right ot working mines and the training of troops are reserved by China. The only important part of the Convention which
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  • 700 4 Lord Henry Francis Pelham-Clinton-Hope (usually known as Lord Francis Hope) sought a divorce, in the Divorce Court at London on the 21st March, by reason of the adultery of his wife, an actress, who is professionally known as May Yoh£,” with the correspondent, Mr. Putnam Bradlee
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  • 723 4 April 10 th. H. E. the High Commissioner ended his otheial visit to the on Monday the 7th. He arrived in Kuala Lumpur on the previous Saturday where he was met by Government men, and many others, who accorded him a hearty welcome. Sir Frank drove
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  • 84 4 The prospectus of Messrs. Jas. Buchanan Co., the well-known whisky merchants, will soon be out. The capital will be X 600,000, divided into X 300,000 of per cent, preference shares and X300,(K)0 of ordinary shares. There will also be a 4» per cent, debenture issue of
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  • 270 4 Sixth List. Brought forward 60,215 Netherlands Trading Society 1,500 E, Nathan, Esq. 1,000 Messrs. Behn Meyer Jt Co. 700 Jaeger <fc Co. 500 The Gambier and Pepper Society (1st instalment) 1,500 Seah Liang Seah, Esq. 1,000 Seah Song Seah 1,000 Khcng Soon Seng and Kheng Soon Long
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  • 761 4 An American View. The streets of Singapore, says Mr. F. G. Carpenter in the Washington Evening Star are a spectacular extravaganza. You see queer costumes and people at every turn. There is a yellow Chinese jinrikisha man in short blue drawers, but bare to the waist and with
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  • 421 4 A Noble Enemy. Attention is now more than evconcentrated on Commandant Driarc and, from all accounts, he mini*] truly notable character as well tea v« able military leader. Here is a sidJ of him given by a competent write! in Black and White He is a remaikable man.
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  • 782 5 Golf clu !f B D 6Xt 1 H u Jmedal competition takes place next, April 12th. r-nitpil States Navy Department TH i d Congress to appropriate a dinars cold for the construction dock at Manila. r Americans are to evacuate Cuba t he date of President-elect only
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  • 847 5 Lipis 2nd April. The wreck of the Aing Hin following so soon after the loss of the Amherst in Pahang waters, coupled with the fact that, during the last four months, all cargo for Pekan has, as a rule, been refused by east coast steamers, has affected people
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  • 1260 5 The Sunday Times an outspoken RadicaUveekly at Perth (West Australia) has just been making the most of a political scandal there, which proved to be a stick handy enough to beat a political opponent, Mr. Piesse, who had held the post of Commissioner of Railways until his party
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  • 491 5 The Rubber Industry. Among the industries possible in the Philippine Islands, none offers more attractions to the investor, in the way ot profits, than rubber planting. It may be safely asserted that no other branch of agriculture yields so great a return on capital invested. That rubber
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  • 4770 5 SPECIAL MEETING YESTERDAY. Harbour Improvements Discussed. Mr. Matthews* Moles Are not Necessary. A specia lly convened and very largely attended meeting of the Singapore I Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange yesterday afternoon to discuss the projected Singapore harbour improvements. Mr. John Anderson presided,
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  • 103 6 Greek and Roman feasts this d“. v I mark the return of summer. I 1553— Died Kabelais, one oi p I wits the Church ever sheltered. I words were, 44 1 go to w*' 1 1 Ferhaps.” 1626— Lord Bacon died. I 1788 Died Jacq ues
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  • 105 6 Messrs. Latham and Co. J Since our last report j st(X *B business kgs been done an with one or two exception a nI Raubs and Jelebus are be® at quotations. Temelongs i ferfl done at #5.75 to f« for ,9 ward, and there are still rate Sipiaus
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  • 245 7 B Stephens has won the Perak tl >,B n pionship with a score of 80, HS competitors. i,mteer Church Parade (Pres™K > .mnged for Sunday next has tnoned until the 20th inst. examination in Law will be e Federated Malay States, 'fv’.mie time,on the -'1st,22nd, and ,,ri
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  • 145 7 >iI William Jeffrey and John Moore and liner 'Boned, the former for believing l.tu»*r to Ih* .Ip>ii- 1 hn-t. Horn C rut fits, founder of science of •.t'Timt ionai Liw. 77«i Bom George Panning, Prime Born William Hazlitt. the most brili ii*: oi Si»iik»*-pear»*an critics,
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  • 165 7 Ihk Imperial German mail steamer If Irene, Commander Danne- tnn. arrived yesterday afternoon from K .rope with 214 passengers, of whom disembarked at Singapore. Among tnese were:— From Hamburg: Mr. A. ‘iviniit. Mr. Schmidt; from Southarnpton: Mrs. Klcurn and child, Mr. •ines Currie, Mr. James Melville;
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  • 166 7 iu t V AM and Co.’s share report, this re r ins as follows:— Since our last little business has been doauii stocks, with one or two fo,r''r iS are weaker. llaubs and l’-w' iare k oaring at quotations, have been done at $5-75 to till 1 anc
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  • 916 7 THE \VAK. Lord Kitchener wires that sharp fighting has taken place at Boschmanskop. where the 2nd 1 Dragoon Guards, <ietallied f r m Colonel Law* ley'seolumn, surprised at dawn, on the Istinst., a Boer laager. The Boers were reinforced ami held their ground, ami, alter a severe engagement,
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  • 318 7 A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at 4 p. m. yesterday between Mr. Albert Powtrill Ager and Miss Elfrida Lucy deßasagoiti. The service was conducted by the Rev. \Y\ H. C. Dunkerly, and Mr. Salzraann presided at the organ. The bride, who looked
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  • 433 7 AN ENGINEERING SUCCESS BUT A SPECTACULAR FAILURE. The Governor pressed the Button, the Dynamite did the rest. As arranged yesterday, the large Mock of rock which impeded navigation in the mouth of the Singapore River was blown up this forenoon at \1.40 o’clock. By eleven o’clock
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  • 674 7 NO ARRESTS AS YET. DETAILS OF A TERRIBLE CRIME. Singapore learned this morning, with horror and amazement, that a murderous gang of burglars had broken into Draycott,” the residence of Mr. George Rutherford, during
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  • 3666 7 At the present juncture, when matters I financial are suffering on all sides under I the burden of a fluctuating, but ever I falling exchange, no apology is needed I for calling attention to the question of I the currency of the Straits Settlements, I more especially
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 LAND SALE. I he following lots of land were disposed at Powell Co.’s saleroom, yesterday-. Leasehold building allotment at Killiney Road, area 7,784 sq. ft., being lot 214 of the Oxley Estate held under lease for 99 years from 187;*, subject to a yearly rent of $6. Bought by Lee
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  • 1312 8 Tiie Japanese torpedo-boat destroyer Akatsuki arrived from London yesterday, bound for Yokohama. 4 Tm: Portuguese gunboat Diu arrived from Colombo yesterday, en route for Macao. Her date of departure is uncertain. The homeward M. M. mail steamer Crnest Simons is due here on Sunday at daylight. The
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  • 75 9 Ip,\\Ti>ox A Co., the photograI,. ot Armenian Street, have taken x client instantaneous photograph 1. exploding ot the rock at the 1 of die Singapore River yesterday. W r :,i« ture which measures 15 inches was taken in one tw T o-thousandth L 0 f a second.
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  • 224 9 M r-TERi'Av afternoon, the preliminary B iiry into tbe allegation of culpable E.ieiae not amounting to murder Eight against I.i Lean, Keh Chung, E H .k and Chon Pik for causing the E ii of a Kling named Pilaney on the wt* ultimo, was concluded. Chief E- rive
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  • 240 9 |B'; r unship Forlunutas which left > Mralia this morning with Capt. r >th in command, is one of the which Messrs, irrie it Co. of Melbourne are 1[lZ on die Calcutta-Singapore-H ril11 run Built last year by rm: tr ong, Mitchell Co. she I'snje.liaUdy chartered
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1509 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times £ir, —You have written an unwise and very unfair article on the text of a crime which has horrified the whole community. Only the other day, the greatest man in the greatest and richest Republic on earth, was foully
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  • 171 9 Much has been said about Britain losing trade abroad. A writer in Chambers's Journal of an article on Selangor lays his finger on the key of the position. All goods and materials, he says, uped by every department of the Government of Selangor are obtained direct from
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  • 1361 9 Oub cousins in the Antipodes are far ahead of us in their attention to details involving the comfort and convenience of the race-going public. I have never enjoyed the privilege of witnessing racing in the Australian Colonies, but programmes of meetings held in various parts
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  • 190 9 On the faith of a statement communicated by a well-known officer,” the Army and Navy Journal of New York tells a curious story of a manifestation of “German ill-feeling” during the Spanish-American War. Just before the surrender of Manila, Admiral Dewey gave strict orders that
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  • 88 9 1613—By order of James I. f Edward Wight* man, a diaaenter, ia burnt alive at Lichfield. 1823—Born Laaaalle, the moat brilliant fit German Socialists. He wan killed in a duel over a love affair, which haa been treated in George Meredith’s novel Tho Tragic Comedians. 1829—Catholic
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  • 379 10 reward for the apprehen SION OF THE CRIMINALS. Mr. Rutherford's Funeral to be held To-day. The profound impression produced upon the community by the shocking murder of Mr. Rutherford, is testified to by the number of flags that are halfmasted in the town to-day as well as
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  • 111 10 Another correspondent dealing with the Water Meter Question bays that Koi-hai and Citizen have omitted an important point, which is that the increased tap rate and the decreased meter rate are intended to bring the meter into general use, with the laudable purpose, no doubt, of preventing
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  • 235 10 The shareholders in a number of tin properties have much less cause for anxiety than those who are investors in copper. In spite of all the attacks which have been made on the Metal Market, the price of tin has been fairly well maintained, and there appears to be
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  • 442 10 It would he hard to match for qualities of romance, the **tory to!d in Blackwood by Mr. Hugh Clifford of the settle-1 ment of the Cocos Islands. This real I Viking Saga begins in the Orkneys in the first years of the nineteenth century.
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  • 533 10 The Pope has addressed a long encyclical to the Catholic Episcopate, which he describes as almost his testament. After condemning modern materialism, he affirms that all moral and political disorders are due to the decay of religious sentiment. Society will find its salvation only in a return
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  • 304 10 The sixth Victoria Memorial Fund list increases the total to $70,916. Two hundred and thirty-two deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 50 87. Mr. F. H. May, the Captain Superintendent of Police at Hongkong, now away
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  • 451 10 Nearly all of the business firms in Collyer Quay closed at 3 p. m. yesterday out of respect for the late Mr. Rutherford. All Hags had been half masted since the sad news was made known. The entire community, British and foreign, attended the funeral as a
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  • 1317 10 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon with Mr. Anthonisz in the chair. There were also present Mr. W. A, Cuscaden, I.G.P., and Messrs. Maclaren, Chope, Moses, and Lee Choon Guan; with the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase, and the Engineer, Mr. Peirce. The minutes
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  • 99 10 ft*** I 9 Cokps Orders by Major v f j 1 A. Murray, v.d., Comb 19 Singapore, Iltb d y 1*1 Para<ie« :—Monday 14th to Drill for Noh. 1 and 2 Conip*® 1 I j 5-30 p.m. 14th j Cadet Companies Mon« joK** j Thursday 17th at
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  • 36 10 1759—Died George Freden^J „J ,795-Born James famous firm of Hari»er 9 blUbed in 1818 U Mr. H*rp«r and which J* >9 someone once j ft per,** was the reply, &nd I "wiES** -tonacd.
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  • 44 11 B Hongkong, l~th April. I nen forming the Volunteer r r iri Contingent from this Colony, I Hongkong for London, via the States, on the 14th May, in the 1 nf lav id of the Canadian ■acitic Railway Line.
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  • 400 11 fFT |NG oF E ch,nese I advisory BOARD. B Three more arrests. B TIS u f the members of the B 1 \.lvi=ory Board was held at k 'n vesterday to consider what B;' j /V. iJU 'id be taken in regard to the Bidder ot Mr.
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  • 316 11 Ihk Revd. J. F. Wilson, who, until ently, was Pastor of the English r :li at Penang, and had to proceed brth on account of ill-health, has been |T t pointed to the Central China Mission, ♦h p 06 1, 0r sonie them, belonging c n
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  • 2133 11  -  By Stafford Ransoms. (Author of Jo,pan in Transition [copyright.] [Editor's Note —Our contributor, Mr. Stafford Ransome, is recognised at the present time as the greatest authority upon Japan in connection with International politics. At different periods, beginning with 1896, he has studied Far Eastern problems on
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  • 1269 11 THE WEST TRANSVAAL. Lord Kitchener describes an engagement in which General Bruce Hamilton, after surprising a commando at Ngothi Basin, on the 15th March, killed four and captured six wounded, and 17 unwounded, including General Cherry Emmett, General Botha’s brother-in-law whom Lord Kitchener describes as an important leader.
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  • 81 12 A couple of nights ago a house on the Bukit Timah ltoad was cleaned out by burglars. The house was occupaid by Mr. F. T. Kinder, assitant engineer of the Singapore johore Railway. Porperty valued at $BO was stolen, including a carriage clock, an English silver
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  • 228 12 Evening Struggle in Robinson Road. Mr. F. \V. McLeod, an assistant in the firm of Messrs. Bagnall Ililles, writes:—On the 11th instant at 7.35 p.m. in Robinson Road two Chinese stopped my ’rikisha, one man trying to get hold of my watch and chain, while the other made
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  • 375 12 —Journal of Commerce. A scandal in connection with the collection and allocation of certain charges in the Colombo Customs, which has been known to exist for some years, but which is now being strenuously forced upon the notice of the authorities, has been proved to be of such
    .—Journal of Commerce.  -  375 words
  • 9542 12 Friday, nth April. PRESENT. Ills Excellency Sir Frank Athelstanb SwETTEXHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor o.m.o., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. F. G. Pennev (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. W. Evans (Acting Auditor-General). Hon. W. R. Col Iyer (Attorney-General). Hon. J. M. Allinson. Hon. C. Stringer.
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  • 223 14 The Russian transport Yaroslavl arrived from Odessa this morning. The American transport McClellan arrived from New York yesterday, en remte for Manila. On Saturday night the Malay theatre in North Bridge Road waß packed full to over-flowing. The singing and dancing of the lady members of the
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  • 61 14 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dallas and their Company arrived this morning from Hongkong by the Arraton A pear. The Company has earned such a high reputation for itself locally and throughout the entire Far East that it needs no commendation. Numbering 28 performers in all, it is
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  • 80 14 A correspondent informs us that on Saturday night two soldiers who were trying to got a shot at the animal, said to be a panther, which infests the cemetery, came across a half-grown tiger prowling about inside the cemetery. They fired a few shots at the
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  • 464 14 Things are beginning to liven up a trifle on the course in the morning, now I that horses are doing slightly faster I work —very few gallops with rlie I exception of some unintentional ones have been done yet, however. I The same old crowd of knowing [ones
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  • Correspondence.
    • 357 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times.' 1 Sir, —You will, doubtless, receive in the course of the day many indignant replies to the letter which appeared in last Friday’s issue over the name o Anti-panic.” Your correspondent refers to us, Singaporeans, as being a panic-stricken community.
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    • 1193 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -Connected as it is with such a deplorably tragic occurrence, it must he assumed that the letter of AntiPanic,” published in your issue of Friday last, was written with due deliberation and in all seriousness If so, it
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    • 2094 15 w Ot Wednesday night lias .'**over the community I ••’.is scarcely a smile left in l V now that poor Mr. H < v;ir 1 been laid to rest, let us I !i l nt to forget the terrible, iU the lighter things week J took a
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  • 125 15 The cuckoo is supposed to he first heard upon t his day. 1684 —The “(iazettc of this date contains an order suppressing all mountebanks, rope dancers, and ballad singers, who had not taken a licence from the Master of llevels, who was at this time the
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  • 102 15 More Arrests. Yesterday morning, eight Chinamen dressed in every respect alike, among whom were three men arrested on Friday, on suspicion of being concerned in the murder of Mr. Rutherford, were taken to Ardmore the residence of Mr. J. Anderson, by Inspector Howard and a police escort
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  • 182 15 11 is many friends in Singapore w ill be grieved to learn that Mr. J. Ellerton of the H. and S. Bank died at the General Hospital at 4.30 o’clock yesterday, and his funeral will be held at the Cemetery at 5.30 o’clock this afternoon. Mr.
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  • 788 15 CECIL RHODES. Mr. Cecil Rhodes, in his will, bequeaths £100,000 to Oriel College, Oxford leaves his place at Groote Schuar as a residence for the future Prime Minister of the Federal Government of the States of South Africa; provides a large number of scholarships at Oxford to young
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  • 121 15 A German Gentleman Stabbed. Last night one of the German residents living at the Goodwood mess in Scott’s Road heard a noiseAfter dinner he went out into the garden and saw two Chinamen. They tried to brush past him and he struck out at them. One of
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  • 651 15 A Nice Legal Point. On Friday afternoon, Ang Hai and Tan Guan, detectives, were brought before Mr. Marriott for preliminary enquiry into an allegation of havinc aided and abetted in the commission of the offence of dishonestly retaining four cases of plekat sarongs the property of T.
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  • 690 16 The Portuguese gunboat Din sailed yesterday There are now 8,200 Boers distributed among the various prisoner camps in India. 4 The Rev. \V. H. Robins has resigned the charge of the Protestant Church, at Bangkok. 4 Prin*. e Schwartzenberg, Secretary to the Austrian Legation at Tokio, has
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  • 144 16 Proceedings in the Police Court. Yesterday afternoon, after 4 o’clock, four Chinamen who are now in custody and suspected of being connected with the murder of Mr. Rutherford, were brought to the Police Court by Chief Detective Inspector Perrett, and placed in the dock before Mr. Beatty.
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  • 167 16 A reception and farewell dinner were given by a number of friends on Sunday afternoon and evening to Mr. Tan Hap Leong, who is leaving for Europe on Friday next by the P. O. mail steamer Malta to see the Coronation, and to make his second
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  • 154 16 MR. CHENG TUAN’ S FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan took place at the Alexandra Road cemetery at 11 o'clock on Sunday, and was very largely attended. The whole of No. 2 Coy. of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry (Chinese), to which Mr. Cheng Tuan belonged, and
    154 words
  • 120 16 The following passengers were booked :or Singapore up to the 19th March by the Imperial German Mail steamer Prinz-Regent Luitpold due on the 24th inst. From Bremen—Miss Anna Guette, Miss Helene Meier, Mr. B. Geske. Troni Rotterdam —Mr. and Mrs. A. J. W. van Hoorn and
    120 words
  • 155 16 Departures. Per Ernest Simons for London—Mr, Charles Thorne, Mr, Alex. Rodgers. For Mareeilles —Mr. and Mrs. de Sturler and children, Baronne de Watteville, Mrs. Opter and child,. Mr. A. Cloarec, Mr. van Yzeren, Mr. and Mrs. P. LevyPicard, Mr. J. C. van Gilse van der Pals Mr.
    155 words
  • 828 16 A Packed Audience greets The Toreador.” 9 No travelling company that intermittently visits these Settlements has ever met more palpable evidence of its own popularity than that contained in the Town Hall last evening. It was Monday —a notoriously poor show” night, and it was opening night
    828 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 864 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —I do not wish to burden you with comments on the recent tragedy, but I think you might well suggest through the columns ofthe Straits Times that the Government should more freely use its power to deport dangerous characters
      864 words
  • 104 16 1746—Battle of CulloVn 1755—Johnson published his T i When a lady reproached John having included some very 01.u■ 1 W terms iu his Dictionar^e Madam!" ,00ki 1758— Johnson published th..« her of the Idler." J.® I®-P 1 Pj <>d Dr Alexander \j philologist. JlU rr» 1814—Born
    104 words
  • 587 16 •P. O Malta, sailing about 18th April, p, London, Mrs. Innes, Mr. and Mrs. h ur man and two Misses Dunman, Carr Follett, Miss Kerr, Miss Fraser, Mr ar.d Mrs. Atkins, Miss Atkins, Miss Follett Mr. Hellier, Mrs. Fittock, Dr. Muglis I ton, Mrs. C. W
    587 words

  • 684 17 WEDNESDAY, 16 TH APRIL. '^mprican tTansport He Clellnn TH* at 4.15 p m. yesterday. H ,milton and Taylor arrived he Hebe tl.e day betore oB i' e!l b- fvvlon Volunteer ContinA service in South Africa has jJ c epted by the Home Govern- j _\j K Utii) and Messrs. Me
    684 words
  • 1049 17 Fun on H. M. S. Irresponsible. Despite the downpour last night a very line “house 0 turned up at the Town Hall to see ti*o Dallas Co. in II. M. S. Irresponsible and those who came were more than rewarded with tne merriment they took home in
    1,049 words
  • 611 17 New Guinea. The new Dutch Settlement in North New Guinea bears the name of Merauke. It has just been started and lies near j the boundary line of British New j Guinea. The savages of the land have no liking for the new comers, and their I hostility
    611 words
  • 1503 17 Tuesday, 15th April. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstanb SWHTTKNHAM, K.C.M.U., (GOVERNOR). Hon. Lieut.-Col. D.J. Fullerton (Actg. Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon W. T. Taylor c.m.g., (Colonial Secretary!. Hon. W R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. W. Evans (Acting Auditor-General). Hon. W. J. Napier.
    1,503 words

  • 2123 18  -  By Stafford Rax«ome. (Author of 44 Japan in Transition.") [COPYRIGHT.] [Editor'* Note :—Our contributor, Mr. Stafford Ilanaouie, is recognised at the present time a* the greatest authority upon Japan in oonnection with International politics. At different periods, beginning with 1896, he has studied Far Eastern problems
    2,123 words
  • 115 18 1521—Luther, at the Diet of Worms, declares, I neither can nor will retract anything.” 1551—Pestilence breaks out at Shrewsbury. It reached Loudon 7th July—weekly mortality 761. 1660—Sir Hans Sloane, naturalist, born. His library and museum formed the nucleus of the British Museum. 1760 —Earl Ferrers hanged
    115 words
  • 326 18 For Singapore. Per P. A O. e. s. Himalaya connecting A’ith the steamer Sumatra at Colombo, from London March 21, due April— Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, Mrs. Mackie, Mr. V. Knight, Mr. J. Pincheon, Miss Hughe*, Mr. E. W. Stringer, Mr. H. W. Noon. Rev. Holland
    326 words
    • 134 18 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh.— )hip;bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cm.-—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. -Horse-power; Brit.—British; u. S. —United States; Fch.—French; Gter. —German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac.,G.c.— General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf ;T.P.D —Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.
      134 words
    • 756 18 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Banka Brit.str. 127 tons, Capt Backhouse 15th Apl. From Auambals, 14th Apl. G.c. A 58 d.p. Joo Hoe Lye. For uaknown, U—Rus. G. G. Meyer Dui. str. 443 tons, Capt Vos 16th Apl. From Palembang, 14th Apl. G.c. and 67 d.p. Hock
      756 words
    • 457 18 Name, port probable date of and of agent,. STEAMERS. Ad. Duperre, Panillac, left Mar la Adna, Honglcontt, May 17 B ha Asramemnon, Liverpool Ani9? ey Alicaute, Barcelona, Apl 23- R« Aleiaous, Liverpool: Mav -V- fc' Amara, Hongkong, Anl >1 r,? Argo, Barry, left Mar 7 B USt^ Ballaarat.
      457 words
    • 1468 19 Cl j rows' Captain From 8ailbd. Consignees. I I >r str 1012 Schultzen Swatow Apl 1 Bean Meyer A Co. 'P 1 p a gtr 'i 2225 Pavne Hongkong Apl 2 Boustead and Co. A )llt g t ,r* 68 Nacodah Rhio Apl 8 Kim Hoe Bee iff aroe
      1,468 words
    • 66 19 I Massed sunda straits or arrived for orders. -J.V Rig. 4 I Ship’s Name.! Captain. M^EX *Ur i telamon Muir Amsterdam Batavia °?Kor Van der Putte Mar 28 Batavia Tjilatjap 2W ,e Schroder Mar 29 Batavia Amsterdam 3Dm Rotting Apl 2 Batavia Amsterdam *|Oer h^i er^ pi jUdema Rotterdam
      66 words
    • 1022 19 f Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Kia. Toss. Destination. i Apl 8 Dragomanf Brit 8tr. 2215 Rangoon 8 Benledi sir. 1480 China and Japan 8 str. 1292 Bangkok 9 Elset Ger str. 904 Saigon 9 Hontman Dot str. 1156 Bandjermassin 9 Oolobariaf Brit str. 3420 Rangoon and Bombay 9
      1,022 words
    • 1106 20 Programme for Spring Race Meeting. 1902. MAY 20 th, 22nd, and 24 th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday 20/A May. First Race. THE GOVERNOR’S CUP.-A Cup presented by H E. Sir F. A. SweUenbam, k. c. m. c., w«th $200 added money.— A Race for Maiden Horses and horses
      1,106 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 15 18 IQ L&STEEL A Stwrty flop all Tg iTmliln golg flnrTT■M^p-TVmihig^ bartin. cm. aounuwrvm m« imp
      15 words
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
      11 words
    • 591 19 COMMON SENSE-NUT8HJLL A m medical work on the eansos and rnort and effectual means of self-cars ever disoovaiod and functional dcbfflty, waste of vitality, depress**) <* ■pints, Ac.,with practical observations oc mamareand tuM directions for removing certain dtoqnaliflcauo— that troy the happiness of wedded life. It also treats en nri?*
      591 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 616 20 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its BSD Li ABE Li, tlie signature in WHITE of Lea Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. lea PERRINS SAUCE. Ihe on tied is in 2
      616 words
    • 179 20 FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS! THE “LAJU BICYCLE IS GOING AHEAD WHY Because the cycling public are fiudin" tl at it is what we claim it to be:—The lightest, strongest, easiest running, best hill climber and most comfortable machine on the mark't. built to customers own SPECIFICATIONS. STRAITS CYCLE AQENCY, 15,
      179 words
    • 682 20 The best and pnrest, direct The Durian Tu„ J Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Little A Co U Ann Lock A Co., Rattery-rokd .h",! 5N Yong Lee Seng, Orchard-road' d m. w. 4 BritishAntifouli Composition anj| Paint Co., Ltd. Von Hoveling’ s prove** Manufacturers of quick dr\i Enamel
      682 words