The Straits Budget, 22 August 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 111 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. HE p ovkh Half
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 22ND AUGUST.
    • 24 1 \Llv!li-Simoss—At Birohingtoa-on-*on July loth, the wife of Henky ||LV LL-MM«,*Ne», of A d»Ught*T. tafMftinst. at Hafton, the wife of i. Vf2/ of a
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  • 161 1 i» Si AkTH'LEH. m i>rl»a’'b Print*** h. Ko::L. Huy a in 1900. f±\ Mvket Quotation^. 9Qipp:a«i News. ranger List. By the Way. Wjrren Football Shield. Club Notes. Mare furious Driving. bravery Rewarded. jh?TerniK»rary Supreme Court. ’barren ."hooting Shield. Bootbnll Cup Compitition. •be brink Question. s wifc* Relief
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  • 579 1 ♦Singapore, 22nd August, 1901. PItODUCB. Gnmbier buyers 3 l n 3o t’opra Bali B.B* do Pontinnuk 7.85 Pepper, Blark. buyers 28.25 do White, (5%> 44 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.25 do Brunei No. 1 290 Pearl P»go 3.95 Coffae, Bali, 15% basi* 19 oo Coffee, Palembantr. 15% basis 23.00
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  • 181 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. it O. s.s. Coromandel The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M. s.s. Ooanien. The mail from Europe of the 2«th July by the M M. s.s. Indus, airived on Monday. The
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  • 703 1 (Straits Times, \\Ha Aug.) It is a sad coincidence that the news of the death of Prince Henry of Orleans should arrive by the same steamship by which M. Paul Doumer, the GovernorGeneral of French Indo-China is a passenger; but it transpires that the Prince succumbed at
    (Straits Times, \\Ha Aug.)  -  703 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 of the Straite Timfr or* I The f’ ost rec P rice Hvd-jd i»?2° y™’ or4o/ .„r\ to subscribe for a year. for shorter periods are e proportionate rate of price as Hu'lart can be sent to meet pa-sonie.s from Europe. If the the name of his steamer, fr. line
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  • 1151 2 (i straits Times, J2U tk Avg) Profound interest attaches to the latest assertion of the great bacteriologist, Dr. Robert Koch, who, at the British Congress on Tuberculosis, held »t fct. James’s Hall last month, laid it down as an axiom:—“ That tuberculosis is curable in its early stages
    (istraits Times, J2Utk Avg)  -  1,151 words
  • 3422 2 (StraitB Times 20 lh Aug.) Mu. \V. H. Tkeachek, the Acting Resident-General of the Federated Malay States, presents, in his Annual Report just issued, a picture of prosperity in the districts over which he has control which is a splendid tribute to the efficiency of the Federal
    (StraitB Times, 20lh Aug.)  -  3,422 words

  • 661 3 The Austrian flagship Kaiserin Elizabeth left for Penang at 9 30 this morning. 1/11 per dollar is the exchange compensation allowance rate lor this month. 4 Mr. A. M. Sakkies has taken out a licence to conduct sales by auction at Singapore. 4 Mr W. Evans, Protector
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  • 92 3 The German transport Bahia arrived from Hamburg, via Colombo, yesterday and anchored in the roads. She has 17 officers and 863 soldiers on board bound for Taku. She is expected to leave to-day. The German transport 1 Vitteki nd arrived from Bremen at 2 p in. yesterday
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  • 384 3 American Marriage Broker in London. The American Colony in London, which increases by hundreds annually, is deeply interested at present in the latest form of American enterprise now beginning operations in London According to a home paper, this is the establishment of a matrimonial agency for the purpose
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  • 191 3 Few of the present generation probably remember the uame of Dr. Lynn, the famous magician of the seventies and eighties, who was the original founder of the Egyptian Hall. Dr. Lynn's fame was world-wide, for there was hardly a quarter of the globe front Yokohama to
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  • 214 3 I.ANTE-CorporalOmmundsen, the first King’s Prizeman, is by occupation a lawyer's clerk in the firm of Messrs. J. and K Anderson, Writers to the Bignet, Edinburgh. He is about 24 years of age, and is probably one of the most youthful prizemen. Certainly he is the youngest who
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  • 373 3 Extraordinary Statements In The German Press. A flw days ago, says the Pinang (ia:eite the announcement was made that the Straits Settlements Government had passed the first reading of a bill prohibiting the import of Chinese coolies on other than English ships. A tremendous outcry was
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  • 773 3 Further Details. The most detailed account of the Paterson-Hastings Wedding to hand is that given by the Ladies' Pictorial. It runs as follows On the 20th July, at the Church of St. Anselm, Davies street, hy the Rev. W. Ward, late Chaplain to the Earl of
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  • 106 4  -  Effigy. O frail dissembler of an English Spring, With snowy blossom hang from every tree, Yonr heavy odour always seems to bring Far-off home memories from o’er the sea. Your comiug has no reason man can tell, Untimed, untimeablc, a Mock-May mummer, Whitetingered Witchery w hich weaves a
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  • 102 4 Tus annual meeting of the Masonic Club, held yesterday afternoon in Freemason’s Hall, was attended by a representative gathering of members. The Vice-President, Mr. T. Powell-Robinson, presided. The Chairman congratulated the members on the satisfactory condition of the Club, financial and otherwise. The balance sheet and report
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  • 130 4 Practice for the regatta fours has been well maintained this week, and though it is evident that the six crews have had insufficient training to turn up at the starting post as trim as they ought to be, nevertheless there ought to be some good racing and
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  • 168 4 'This Company is due from Hongkong next Tuesday, and will open in the Town Hall on that and the following nights The Company numbers fifteen clever artists, whobe dresses are described as fresh and pretty, and whose dancing, acting and singing are full of vigour.
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  • 202 4 His Intentions in South Africa. The freedom of the City of London was conferred on Lord Milner on the -3rd July at the Guildhall. Dense crowds assembled in the streets adjacent to the Guildhall. Lord Milner, who was greeted with ringing cheers, emphasised the remarkable, almost phenomenal,
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  • 112 4 Probably the oldest timber in the world, which has been subjected to the use of man, is that found in an ancient Egyptian temple, in connection with stone work, which is known (says 41 Science Siftings”) to be at least 4,000 years old. This, the only
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  • 168 4 When Society gives itself over to silliness it is amazing how silly it can be. Women who are pretty think their prettiness saves them from criticism, and if they are wealthy and boast a noble name as well they are practically immune from censure. Things are not
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  • 153 4 A correspondent wilting to the conductor of “Stray Notes” in the hole Chronicle gives some suggestions for suitable epitaphs for members of various professions. We quote some of them. The teacher’s- He’s enjoying his long vacationthe lawyer’s—“ Lies here wit h hi* retainer;” the post-masters “Kent to the
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  • 170 4 It was stated some months ago (says a San Francisco contemporary), that the Taft Philippine Island Commission had sent a rough draft of a tariff bill to Washington to be submitted to experts in the Slate and War Departments. The new tariff is designed to provide the
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  • 193 4 Particular regarding ex-Prdsident Steyn’s escape from Reitz state that when Broadwood’s troops reached the town, after hard riding through a very cold night, Steyn was hurriedly aroused, and along with two attendants made a rush for liberty. His horse had no bridle, and he had only time
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  • 275 4 Two Persons Killed. Another terrible accident to Alpine climbers is reported from Switzerland A party of two persons, consisting of a gentleman and two ladies, all English, and a guide, named Carrell, started to climb the famous Matterhorn, the scene of several fatal accidents. The whole four
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  • 586 4 The First Round. The S.V.R. and 12th Coy. RG.A. met last night on the Recreation Club ground in the firstround of the Warren Challenge Football Shield, before a fair crowd of spectators. Unfortunately the R. A. nad to turn up with a team which might be termed
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  • 775 4 Oil Trade. The Royal Petroleum Company which works oil wells in Langkat has issued its report for 1900, during which the profits admitted of an eight per cent dividend to ordinary shareholders. In Langkat itself, the Company’s wells have fallen off in productiveness, and the Company has bad
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  • 1177 4 The Condition, ofw Warfare •Vr t nt; f B,S W. on J;,r» Pntt^M 81-oko as toll a 1 LU l)urin- ttie last 20 year, > present at a great IS* ,u d 1 have never fa.u flt «kH
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  • 218 5 Pvjgress is slow with this chartered u;uny, says tiie Investors' Guardian tvl its expenditure on capital account "’’imies somewhat heavy. After •iiowing lor depreciation and adjust"lit of exchange, the net balance on 'ne year’s operations, the year closing /ht December last, was £14,187, or including £B4.
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  • 142 5 Jealousy and Murder. 'UauKKATE murder was committed 1 mgei Gedong, Bagan Serai, Perak, "pother day, under the following cirA Malay man had dii! ‘d his wife and the woman had ratedated another marriage. The jq er us^ail d reappeared one day with' VaS toun( n his house
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  • 2078 5 (Via Australia.) home. Thk Duke of Cambridge, on behalf of His Majesty the King, opened the Congress on Tuberculosis on the 23rd July in the Queen's-hall, London. Representatives of foreign Governments and British colonies were present. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Secretary of State tor Foreign A flairs,
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  • 287 5 The New Bye-laws. I As was announced in yesterday’s j report of the Municipal Commission, the Commissioners have passed Byelaws for the control and supervision of swine and ducks and for prohibiting the keeping of swine within Municipal limits. I The localities within the Municipal limits in
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  • 1298 5 People who have read about the dog in the manger will appreciate the argument against granting the electric tramway system that I have recently seen in type in this town. Said argument was in effect as follows :—lt is throwing good money money after bad to atrempt
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  • 280 6 An interesting glimpse of the working of the Colonial Office is given by Mr. F. Dolman, in the Windsor Magazine. The siaffi of the Colonial Office (he says) now numbers about seventyrive, tnirty-tive of the officials ranking ia the upper, and forty in the lower «li vision
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  • 79 6 The Shanghai A. D. C. is spending Tls. 11,000 on the re-construction and reseating of the theatre. After these alterations are made, it is claimed that the Shanghai theatre will be better than any other east of Suez. That is nothing to brag about. Saigon and Manila
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  • 1153 6 Batavia is declared to be an intected port owing to an outbreak of cholera there. Signor Piatti, the great violoncellist, is dead; also Mr. John Farmer, the composer. The British transport llajah passed through the port from west to east at 8 o’clock this morning. The Kaiser
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  • 107 6 Too Much Coffee. The production of coffee in Brazil is 90 severely felt, says Mr. Consul Rhind in hi« report on the financial economic situation in Brazil, that a strong opinion has gained ground that a 20 per cent, reduction in output is I necessary and that
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  • 177 6 I Rikisha upset and two Ladies hurt. 1 About 530 yesterday evening Mrs. I Chopard and her daughter were riding I in a ’rikisha along Kampong Java Road. I When near a corner of the road, the I’rikisha was run into by a high dogcart I which'was
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  • 283 6 Traffic Disturb* the Law. In consequence of complaints made as to the difficulty of hearing in the temporary building used as the Supreme Court owing to the noise from traffic, a police notice in Friday s Government Gazette made it known that all vehicles passing that
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  • 660 6 Humane Society's Medal for a Local Hero. On April 12th last, it. may be recalled, a sad tragedy occurred in the harbour whereby four men were killed by benzine fumes on board the tank steamer IVigonia. At the time, we mentioned in these columns the heroicaction of the
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  • 86 6 Victory of “H" Co., l4t I All the teams I petition for the I Shield have now S| teams fired at Tanglin'.*/* day afternoon, Madras Native Infa lltrv h H J'.lM with the score of 4» -3B highest score of a ,j *tfe,?■ trophy. The Mala'* Co
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  • 208 6 Malay* Chine* I T esti ki.av afternoon I game in the competiti on r J Nationals FmWaZi played before a McMarray officiated ,■J Hie Darul Afiah tvrre Si force the game and soon had "i to their credit. The -Natior^ hard to equalise and before halt time,
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    • 400 6 To the Editor of the Straits Time? Sir, As ever) one in Singapore b note or less interested in the Drira. Question, an expression of opinion iud again on this subject may col bt an welcome. Some people seem v (•ink, as some extreme lolks do ?ay.
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  • 147 7 I hiv Service between France and Indo-China. H ('hargeurs Rounis have started m*l service from trance a|:-* rhe Company named H Ik'*’"" ■Li of I-'.300,000 francs, i services to the West Hi ami between SoothV in ri Madagascar; 'also ‘?j !rl ami Dunkirk to
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  • 658 7 T HE “SOBRAON.” H esU it of the Enquiry. -ourse of the judgment gi ven H j r y jiro the 3franding of the ■B Sol>rao>>. on H;: y, Ji2 Island, on the eoa3t of BB r. -h r;i-hii, iDO 1 the Court, in |§B r rlie questions set by
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  • 1060 7 (lla a Correspondent.) 161 h August The Malacca brought up to Klang on Friday the Revd. W. H. C. Dunkerley and Messrs Barnard, Thompson, Cross* and Thorpe. Iheie has been a gang robbery at I udu near Kuala Lumpor on Thursday last, but no details are
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  • 273 7 17/ h August. Wuiia»t a Malay the other day, at Hindoo, was cutting down coconuts from a tree, with a long pole at the end of which was attached a curved knife, one of the coconuts fell on his head, knocking him insensible on the ground. The
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  • 208 7 Chinese Mission to Singapore. Tamtai Li Ching-yung, the manager of the Bureau of Commerce of Szeciiuen province, is reported to have been appointed by the older of Viceroy Li Hung Chang to go to Singapore, Ceylon, Australia and the like to raise famine relief funds for
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  • 67 7 Tmc report of the Yokohama Engine and Iron Works, Ld for the year ended 81st of May last, shows a*balance at eredit of Profit and Loss of 119,228 yen. The directors propose to p*y a final dividend of 15 yen per share, making 50 per cent, for
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  • 1141 7 I bat 8 one man’ll poinon, Signor, 1m another’* meat or drink. Loves Cure. London 2bth July. I Half the world has been panting, I praying, for rain and it has come, but I what the farmer, who has just begun harvesting, thinks, or whether I
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  • 63 7 This play for the monthly medal an Batavia on Monday last, resulted as follows R. Maephereon K> —3 =37 D. <». Rose.. 39 -f3 =42 H.V.S. David? 48 —5 =43 VV. H. Shultz 53 —9 =44 J. Ij. Burt ..44 scr. =44 C. A. (iairdner r. 2
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  • 153 7 A, dated Tokyo, July 25th, says —The works for the defence of the Legations of the Powers at Peking, which were decided upon at a conference of the Commanders of the Allied Force?, were intended to be completed before the return of the Chinese Court to Peking,
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  • 243 7 It was announced the other day last that Commodore Powell having supported a petition from the Europeans employed in certain grades in the Naval Yard, Hongkong, the Admiralty had granted an increase of pay to the extent of 75 per cent. The plea was that these employes,
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  • 705 8 H M 8. Rosario was to leave Penang yesterday for Klang. The British transport Ching Tu (No. 3) passed through the port yesterday evening bound westward. The final pull for the arren i ug-ot-War Shield will take place at *ort Canning on Thursday, -9th inst. Admiral de
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  • 106 8 A remarkable case is reported from North Weald, in Essex. Some weeks ago a Mrs. Pegrume was stung j>n the arm by some inseot, and as the wound became more and more painful and the arm became very much swollen, blood poisoning was feared. Dr. Fowler was called,
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  • 196 8 The result of the draw for the Fours races in the Regatta which opens on Thursday next is as follows Scott-Russell bye Robertson Darbishire J Rodesse l Scoular j Burgees bye On Thursday, weather permitting, the first two races take place, viz, Robertson versus Darbiehire at 5.15
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  • 352 8 Jhk results of the first day's racin at Taiping are appended. Splendic weather, good fields, and some interesting racing with many upsets and exciting finishes were the features of the day. Maiden Plate. Mr. Cheah Tek Tliye’s Redcliffc 1 Mr. Tan 800 Lint's Veritas 2 Mr. H. 15.
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  • 121 8 A correspondent writes to the N. C. Daily News from Taiyuan-fu: —54 foreigners were massacred in this city alone and over 4,000 Christiana belonging to the Catholic Church. The statistics for the whole Province will startle the world and bring home to the public mind the
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  • 246 8 The London China Express thus refers to the death of Mr Arnot Reid, formerly Editor of the Straits Times We much regret to announce the death of Mr. Arnot Reid, who died at Tonbridge on 21st July. Mr. Reid was of a somewhat roving nature., Pievious
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  • 504 8 The Goodwood Cup. SrEcia l telegrams to the A*iun give I the following results I Mr. Arthur James b e Fortimatus, Maher.. J I Ix>rd Ellesmere’s eh f Inquisitive, Martin.. 2 I Sir E. Cased'* b f Fleur D’Etc, Buchanan 8 I lx>rd Falmouth’s b c Crown
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  • 1389 8 Thk Acting Manager's report on the Raub mines to August 17th, runs as follows: Mining. tfulrif Jellits Mine —The 150' south level has been driven 34', making the present end 240' from the east crosscut. The reef in the face is 3' wide, and shews an occasional colour
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  • 283 8 The principal event of the Wf Meeting on the 12th Julv was petition for the hit* ho Slnel -jj?. teams representing 1 Ireland, and Wales The W* eight came out first wit of 1 609. Scotland "8 s with 1,595, and Ijjffjl ten points less Wales id
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  • 762 9 Inquest at Bangkok. ...irv into the death of Mr. A. nv ,;,V Messrs ]h*warth Ertkine f ,o was killed by electricity at ■“’“it n the Oth instant, was opened h O l. „;«h consulate there on the '•'VwntVldre Mr Carlisle. Kerr stated that on Friday I
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  • 20 9 tife. from Marseilles—lju' lc ‘‘;»l, Barbier, Kenesse van •i, Beyders, Van Zoelen, N. P. 4on and Coppinet.
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  • 14 9 t Wni, M Colombo Mr. R. IVh| m ‘‘or Marseilles—Mr. Karl
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  • 1170 9 The following news items l>y wireto ColomlH), were unavoidably held over vesteiday owing to pressure on sp>ace:— York has beaten Hampshire at Harrogate by an innings and 81 runs. J. T. Brown, senior scored 110 and Mr. T L Taylor 156. In the match between Kent and Surrey
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  • 201 9 There seems to be a number of dangerous characters infesting the harbour making police duty rather a risky matter. Yesterday, Inspector Bianagan charged a Chinese boatman, one of a party of three, two of whom effected their escape, with the theft of a bag of rice from a
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  • 178 9 There has recently come to light (states “The Humanitarian”) a Masonic apron —probably the most exquisite example of needlework extant —that busied the fingers of Mary, Queen of Scots, during her long imprisonment, and served to divert her mind from her impending doom at the block.
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  • 1277 9 H.M.B. Lizard will leave on the 2nd or 3rd of next month for Australia —to which station she belongs. During the year ended on the Ist inst., 121 murderers and outlaws were executed in the Phillippines. 4 Ihe British India Steam Navigation Co. has placed an order
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  • 163 9 Or late, quite a number of brass taps have been stolen from the public standpipes in the neighbourhoods of Serangoon, Havelock, New Bridge, and Tanjuug Pagar Roads. Mr? Nash, the Superintendent of mains and services, made a report at the Detective Station to the effect that
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  • 50 10 Tins C nnpiny arrived from Hongkong by tli 3 K.v(/i unify evening, and they open to-night in the Town Hall with a v<4» ied an 1 hike’estiug. piogramm;. The entertainment will he given on t »or nigh* There is a >n>tfitter. on Saturday afternoon, at 4 o’clock.
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  • 76 10 A St. Petersburg despatch states that the Russian Ministry of Marine intends to increase the strength of the Pacific fcjuua iron by sending out eleven additional fighting units during the present year. These additions to Russia’s naval strength in the tar Last comprise two squadron ironclads, three
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  • 86 10 On the 10th insfc, the Police Magistrate at Colombo, on the application ot Mi H Wilson, the Manager ot the Hongkong Bank branch there, issued an order allowing the transfer to the Singapore branch of 257,00 J dollars worth of notes discovered at the Colombo Customs and
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  • 529 10 35th Co. R. O. A. v. R. E. These teams mot last evening on the Recreation Club ground, in the first round of the above Challenge Shield. Both sides were strongly represented. The teams were:— 35th Co. R. Q. A.—Lt. Oninsford. Backs —Cooper, Logan. Half
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  • 1430 10 REPORT FOR 1900. The Administration Report of the Singapore Municipality for 1900 has just been issued The Commissioner!? sat thirty-six times during the year* Mr. Gentle as president attended al the meetings. Mr. Barker came Dexi with 33 attendances. Mr. Sohet anu Mr. Maclaren tied with 32 the
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  • 102 10 Giving evidence in a law-suit., Dr. Easts, a Wost-cnd practitioner, was very frauk about the fees that medical men receive. Of course the charges for well-to-do people were very different from those far a bricklayer’s labourer. In the latter case, he said, he would not sit down
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  • 108 10 Kecfoiu —lt has been reported to me on good authority that the extension of the main lode carrying a good quantity of gold has been discovered some distance south from the main workings. This is a most important find as it fchows the lode extends for a
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  • 113 10 At a session of the Philippines Commission, at Manila, on the 4th inst,. Senor Paterno asked the Commission to confer rank and decorations on its Filipino ollicials, or to increase the salaries. He referral to the European custom and «aiJ; “We are all only human, :»nd like the
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  • 333 10 Some statistics from Mr. Treacher*s Report. According to the Report of Mr. W. H Treacher, the Acting Resident General of the Federated Malay States, the output of tin in the Federated Malay States for the year 1900 amounted to 713,058 piculs or 42,442 tons, valued
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  • 394 10 A Gagging Act. Tuk Duke and the Duchess of Cornwall called at Mauritius on their way to Natal. Before their arrival the Government of Mauritius laid before the Legislative Council of that Colony an Ordinance imposing penalties for seditious libel. The Attorney-General explained that, in Mauritius, the
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  • 399 10 L L. T. C. TOURNAMENT. Friday’s P| ay I Championship I Mrs. Coleridge beat \r H wat Mr*. Fl^« Mixed Doubles (A. Cli« I tMr IT Gansl ««er be it in l. I Mr. W ildes, 6-1.5qj.6-*> Mrl, Championship P»n, -urs. Adams A Pam i\ B IV-ston ,t Mr. fUinn.e.M^
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    • 129 10 Oil I I J UoJ6' j^h.: I Lions *re usod Y bq.—barqtzs; scb —schoon.-r I Cru. —Cruiser; »Jbt.— gr*' I Torpedo H.p. —Horse-P 0 v j p f British U. k—Vn’t»l hl **^l !W K*. I French I fob.—Jobore Ac- I argo d.n. —deck p£8sen#e£. 1 hain;
      129 words
    • 1504 11 HH |A U vK \>,s op VKSTERDA V. L I *’l > jT vrr 111 tons Captain 'mm n Pontianak. 19th Um Awira. For Bril. *Sr. lfc> tons. Cap! B. From Klang, iOth Aug. IIS! 7' "*r.%i‘- 1 Steam-hip Cov. ■>- r vr itfl i-Rd*. i» u
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    • 646 11 Xante, port, probable date of arrival and name, of agent*. Steamers. Alboin, Bombay, 8ept !<>; Borneo Coy. Alexandria, Hongkong. Hept 4; B. Moyer. Annam, Colombo. Oct 26; M. M* Aragonia, China, end of Sept; B. Moyer. Aw a Maru, Ixmdon, Sept 4 l*. Simons. Ballaaiat*, Colombo, Nov 3;
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    • 895 11 P 1 I Vgf>KLy. Naju A lon Captain From Sailed. (Consigners. Q Kk, i Aug 16 .FarfaHa .TUI str 147 Gaggiuo Muar Aug 158oon Keck >at str. 1123 Arnold .-tatavia Aug 11 uaenueis and Co. Sj. lang Seng Brit tr 7 R*wlingson 'aniaraug Aug 14 V. K. lian Co
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    • 490 11 V N am*. f ■'i.Ati«SrjK pya ?»Rj*n a nos i i Aug 17 Deucalion Brit sir. Keav London via port* 17 Fin Seng sir. Davidson J Poiiang 17 Kuby sir. Mriith i Muntok and Palomuaug 17 Chigwell 9tr. Nuderhay I Balik Fapan 17 Will Othe Wisp air. Ualpli Pnntiana*
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    • 70 12 PASSED BUS DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. date Re* DAT*. W Ship’s Same. Captain. op Fbomwhkrk marks. Rig Bailing. ation. j TT'iint Gedrt Le < ’lercq Inly 3I Batavia Rotterdam a l.«, £«.*Ksa. "SsL i liJsitjSS™i.i.o “>"»“« ;»w I2S£K.i 7 Dut B.A. K.Wilhelmlne Bakker AtijJ I Kata via
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 454 11 w r \\rED, for Mining Company in Pahang, competeut Surveyor and (with knowledge of min>ng and nine amounts preferred). Good Salary to really competent man. Apply to it OflF?r»» o/n>ic naDor. 2t»/8 for Ladies. I PILLS A Remedy for all Irregularities. h'upcrM'l D fc Bitter Apple. Pennyroyal, »i V «-h
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 726 12 The Phv*i<d*n f Cur© 1 for Gout, Kheumatic mOout and Gravel; the uatest and most srentle medicine for lntants, Children, Delicate FeThe Remedy lor Acidity oi v e males, and the SickHeadaohe, Heartburn. Indigestion, Sour Eiuctstious. nrl of Preanancy. Bilious Affections. Sold Throughout the VVonu. N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD’S MAGNESIA.
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    • 577 12 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of L»ea Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS SAUCE. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB The Autumn It are
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    • 583 12 BIXTH ivACIi. THE ROADSTER RACE.—Valued $3OO. A Race for Roadsters. Optional Selling Race. Gentlemen riders. Weight, I2st. 71b. Horses to be sold not to be entered at a price exceeding $5OO. Horses entered at $5OO to carry 12st., with an allowance of 71b. for even $5O below' $5OO. Minimum weight
      583 words
    • 739 12 Batwia Pl -W.i BHßto) Igl 11 B T,, I|M AXCKsaiJ* ENVEI.I »VKsB THE i N'r.iM'iy I THE ANT I (m| ENVELOPES I j 1,000 r>o Sftnt frewhy PcKit,. B fliks and 'VumKTmT'H A fly alight< on Jour s Ura n instantly i nforiu ■s f btuonoff, ■lhati,th,-n3!.,;: *M \oa hit
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