The Straits Budget, 4 April 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget

  • 728 2 (Straits 'limes, 1st April.) Latest advices from China inform us that tne reported sale of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. to the Hamburg American Steam ship Co. is now declared to be “off”; it having transpired that the Managing Director Siieng, could not be persuaded to sell
    (Straits 'limes, 1st April.)  -  728 words
  • 1153 2 (Straits Times, '2nd April.) Russia is evidently harrowing those wretched Chinese diplom its whom she has impressed as representatives of the Celestial Empire in the matter of the Manchurian affair, and is forcing her point in the matter without any attempt at dissimulation, or pretence at tiie
    (Straits Times, '2nd April.)  -  1,153 words
  • 2886 2 (Straits Times 3rd April.) Shanghai Bunders,” so-called, are unfounded rumors that emanate from Shanghai, and Shanghai is the most fertile hot-bed of unfounded rumors in the known universe. The report referred to in our special Hongkong telegram to-day, to the effect that the Convention which virtually cedes
    (Straits Times, 3rd April.)  -  2,886 words

  • 818 3 It is reported that the King of 28iam will go to Java in the latter part of April. Balfe Point Lighthouse, on Perim Island, is to be increased in range from five to ten miles. The Netherlands India Government has authorised outlay on building a lighthouse on
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  • 137 3 S. C. C. v. MILITARY. A friendly game was pJayed last night on the Recreation Club ground, between the above teams, before a fair crowd of spectators. The ground was very hard and falls were of frequent occurrence, consequently the game was robbed of some of its fine
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    • 165 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.*’ »Sik, —I noticed in your valuable paper the programme of routes along which it is intended to drive Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of ork and Cornwall round, during their stay in Singapore. What surprised me and other
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    • 239 3 LIST OF VISITORS AND RESIDENTS. <’aptain and Mrs. Reese; Mr. and Mrs. Paul; Captain and Mrs Ewart: Mr. and Mrs H. S. H. .Sarkies; Mr. and Mrs. Bowes; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Lane; Mr. and Mrs. HusseubosL'h: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. diittendel; Mr. and Mrs. .1.
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  • 303 3 CHINESE MOB ATTACKS THE POLICE. A disturbance of a rather serious character took place yesterday, in which the Police were compelled to use their weapons in self-defence. It appears that several coolies were engaged in fixing a beam in a building at Kallang Pouding, when the
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  • 235 3 WHEN MOBBED HE FIRED A PI8TOL INTO THE CROWD. A lecture fry an ex-priest, Victor Ruthven, on the confessional in the Roman Catholic Church, commenced at Shanklin Town Hail on the evening of the 3rd instant, developed into a riot. Soon after the lecture started, opposition of a
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  • 522 3 MR. MCKINLEY INSTALLED. Mu. McKinley, the President of the United States, was on Marefri 4th, installed for his second term of office. Rain fell at intervals during the day, and marred somewhat the pleasure of the proceedings, fruit otherwise the enthusiasm of the day and the
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  • 1150 4 THE PEACE PROPOSALS. According to one account, a council of the Boer leaders has been held at Pietersburg, on the railway line in the far northern Transvaal. In the neighbourhood of this town Mr. Schalk Burger (Mr Kruger’s successor as acting President) has been busy enjoining the
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  • 358 4 A FREE FIGHT. A remarkable and disgraceful scene occurred in the House of Commons at midnight on the 5rli, during the debate on the Education Bill. Sixteen members of the Irish Nationalist Party refused to vote on a motion for tlie application of the closure, and after
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  • 1952 4 Singapore is no “city of palm 6 and palaces,” though a nice enough sort ot place in its own way. At the same time it seems absurd to hide what little light we have, under a bushel, on the occasion of the coming visit of royalty, and
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  • 321 4 LOUD L ANSDOWNE AND LORD Wolsf In reply to the speech of Lord \V 01 *J ley, m the House of Lords, in which t I ex-Commander-in-Chief advocated t'1 abandonment of the present the establishment of professional Cl I trol ol the Army, and a rehabilitate I
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  • 279 4 BKST SEEN AT SUMATRA The total eclipse of the sun takes place on 5lay 18th will *j ul I visible in Europe, but two expy* nti are on the pointof starting tromrJ t yB to make observations therein at side of the world —one proceed 111 H
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  • 787 5 n a recent number of the Academy was published a sarcastic skit on E,» H.'t.tromnn's li e-litters, which "rv'ated so much discussion. It is in t t oT m of a series of Subsidiary f ,t er between the author, who '‘,i coded the missives, and his
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  • 947 5 f H y Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Cos list closes to-morrow, Tuesday. Mr. H. Conway-Bel field has been appointed Resident of Negri Sembilan. I Ihk Rev. N. J. Couvreur arrived here yesterday from Shanghai in the M. M. Annum. Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones took his seat in the
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  • 37 5 Per M. M. A,mam, for Colombo—Mr. L. R. zelman, Mrs. Yzelman. and Mrs. G. Yzelman. For Port Said—Mr. Geo. B. Reynolds, and Mr. P. M. Ford. For Marseilles Messrs. J.Spanjaaid, Bluntschle, and Mrs. Suzor.
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  • 44 5 An immense male tiger was caught at Batu Pahat yesterday. It is a magnificent specimen, and in its capture only received very slight injuries. The animal was taken to Johore, and was placed in one of the cages near the jail.
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  • 115 5 IUK bo V ClJ i'll annual prize meeting of the Garrison Rifle Club, which was postponed owing to the death of Queen Victoria, will be held at the Tanglin Range on April Uth, 12th, and lßth next, under the patronage of Lieut.-Col. Oakes, O. C. T., and
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  • 146 5 It is to be regretted -«**»ya the lmint* Mnlical liec rd— that no uniform system —of regulating medical practice exists in many of the Crown Colonies. In some i here is a Medical Register kepr> by a Medic*.*l Board; in others the Medical Register is accessible
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  • 151 5 A committee has been founded in Paris for the defence and extension of French interests in Asia. It is to take the name of the Comite de l’Asie Franchise. Its president is M. Eugfene Etienne, a former Colonial Secretary, and one of the French politicians who
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  • 141 5 The University boat race on Saturday must have been an exciting contest, Oxford winning by half a length, after Cambridge had been leading a great part of the way. Oxford were anticipated to average 12st olb per man, andj Cambridge 12st 61b. Both boats were built by
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  • 171 5 Mr. right the Manager, writes from Benkeoolen, on the 18th ult.:—Late this evening I received a letter from Lebong Donok announcing that a very large landslip had taken place from the top of the reef over the Elsa shaft, by which the line was blocked at that point.
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  • 490 5 MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. The first ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Company was held at the offices of Messrs. Huttenbach Co., general agents, on Saturday, at noon. Mr. \V. Ewald occupied the chair. f, n i t i lere also
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  • 141 5 I There is one peculiar feature of the I Dutch constitution which is not (says I the English Mail) generally known, viz., I that if a son is born to the Queen and I survives to the age of 18, he then I becomes King. The Consort
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  • 318 5 I The Chinese report that the Throne is I s, gmng the Manchurian convention unaftI tered. I On the 19th March the British and RusIsian guards were both withdrawn from j lientsin station by Count von YVaidersee’s order pending the home settlement of the I affair. All is
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  • 390 5 Prep a rations for the reception of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York are taking definite shape in various parts of Singapore. A beginning lias been made with the decoration of the entrance to Government House Grounds, in Orchard Road, and the
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  • 109 6 Surprise has been created at Halifax, Nova Scotia, by the receipt of news that the British cable operators employed at St. Pierre and Miquelon, in connection with the French cables landed t here, have been notified they must take the oath of allegiance to France
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    • 314 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.*’ Sir,— You have recently made suggestions as to the change ot route of the Royal Procession, so as to include Raffles Institution and Rallies Hotel. May I use your paper as the medium ot addressing an open letter to Mr.
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    • 377 6 In f ',.<>eir.< Magazine for March is a special article on the personal liiends «»t the new Sovereign. Among politicians,” says the writer, His Majesty iias always been careful to preserve that impartiality which was fitting in the destined holder of a constitutional .monarchy. Yet some of
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  • 680 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The second ordinary general meeting of the members of the Temelong Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd., was held at 2, De Souza Street, at noon, on Saturday. Mr. A. Von Roessing was in the chair, and there were also present: Messrs. »S. R. Robinson and A.
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  • 905 6 (Prom Oar Correspondent) Sand ay, 31 st March. D'Akc’p Marionettes have come and gone. At first the novelty of the show attracted large houses, and the proprietor'© spirits went up. He talked of a new tent and a prolonged stay, but, after a week or so, the patrons
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  • 1335 6 The Sbn'ord Osborne arrived yesterday from the Straits of Malacca. The final shoot for S. U. casuals will take place at Balestier on Sunday, the 14th inst. A case of small-pox occurred on board the British steamer Siam during the trip down from Hongkong with immigrants. This
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  • 83 7 j HK *ing Manager of the Kechau j Mining Company Ltd. telegraphs:— 'jiu-e cleaned 'U> a ter crushing 119 of stone for a yield ot 62 ounces ot ounces of gold from specimens; iiunces of gold will he despatched \j,ril Have struck a pocket of very ore tvMfy explains
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  • 295 7 .UK HISTORIC MAI.AKOKF. .j;ai -cn.-ation has been caused (1 v;i. society at Sevastopol by a J »hat was recently fought i. i. outeiiant Ruschtschikofski j >• li-fiij'.’/ian Ilovaiskj, both young m, i lamilies, and previously »mr:eles. The cause of the r/.r was briefly as follows:- va’e
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  • 325 7 Hi: .WTI-KXGMSH FEELING. tSi.* heading An Epidemic H-Uieii. ilie Sene II eiuer Tojif/alt ii letter from a German sub!i* l»'*rliii. who endeavours first lo Lv then to explain, AnglopJn#- 1 ''crmany. lie says a melancholy fact, but there hatred of England among tlie people, which, in
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  • 109 7 Mr. Hugh Clifford, the late Governor of British North Borneo, and Mrs. Clifford left Sandakan, on their linal departure, on the 18th March. The embarkation was fixed for the morning, but they could not get on board until’ night owing to a squall raging all day. Ihe
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  • 118 7 It seems to the Hongkong Daily Prc** that not only in Chinese steamers but in the ownership of Chinese mines there is a possibility of change in tire near tuture. Negotiations have been in progress for the transfer of the business ot the Chinese Engineering
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  • 546 7 THE PEN-1UM MINES. With additional capital of over half a million dollars in hand, and with the appointment ot a new and experienced Manager—(Mr. Thomas Lester, of one of the leading gold mines in Australia)— who assumed duties a few weeks ago, it is to be hoped that
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  • 64 7 A Liverpool telegram says:—An extraordinary ar Office blunder has become known here. The War Office seem under the belief that the Liverpool v olunteers, who returned four months ago, are still in South Africa, as the new special service company raised is being kept waiting orders
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  • 86 7 Ihk Dentsuhe Medizinische IVocheaxehrift publishes a communication from the staff' surgeon, Dr. Uhlenfurth, of the Hygienic Institute at Greifswald, who claims to have discovered a test by which it is possible to distinguish between human and animal blood. The test is exceedingly delicate, and will detect
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  • 621 7 KHiHTIMi FOK ONE HUNDRED YEARS. South Africa, China, and tiie Philippines are not the only countries where war is in progress says the Daily Mail I n different parts of the world campaigns of long standing are being earned on daily. Some of them have never
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  • 234 7 Lloyds’ Register of British and Foreign Shippinggivea statistical tables for 1900 showing that, in the United Kingdom, the total addition of steam tonnage during the year has been 1,186,630 tons gross: and, of sailing tonnage, 34,903 tons gross; or, in all, 1,221,533 tons gross. About 93’5 per cent.,
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  • 532 7 PREPARATIONS IN CEYLON. The Times of t eylon gives the following details of the preparations for the reception of T. R. H. the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York The preparations are pretty well completed except for finishing details here and there. The jetty will be
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  • 155 7 The following are the results of the Men’s Monthly Medal competition, which took place last Saturday at tlm Sepoy Lines links. Owing to the hardness of the ground, the links were in a difficult condition: Capt. Barry 52 +4s 10 87 Major Lewis Jones 42 47
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  • 254 7 Some time ago, a band of six insurgents attacked Putatan,in British North Borneo, and committed many murders before they made off. They remained at large until January when Mr. Malcolm, the district officer of Keppei Province, took measures for their capture on receiving information where to find
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  • 394 7 ANGLOMANIAC PREPARATIONS FOR i\ ROYAL BABY. Queen Helene of Italy hopes to present her royal spouse and master with an heir to the throne in June next. It is stated that the Dowager Queen Margherita is in constant attendance on her daughter-in-law, and a whole army of
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  • 76 8 In a recent land acquisition lawsuit M Colombo, the Chief Justice, Sir W Bonser, said as regards slum property in dispute, which fetched a high return My impression is that a great deal of •property which brings in heavy incomes would be absolutely useless if the authorities
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  • 154 8 sal ;tes to be firei# on her ANNIVERSARIES. It is characteristic of the Kings veneration for the memory of his mother that, in revising the list of Royal Salute days for the present year, His Majesty tthould have included not only the birthday but also the accession
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  • 590 8 FACTS AND PROSPECTS. Mu. Blair, of the firm of Richardson smd Blair, mining engineers who has lately returned to Sydney, after a visit to Dutch Borneo extending over ten months, was seen the other day by a representative of the An.draliim Mininy standard, and gave a good
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  • 162 8 A French investigator has come to I the conclusion that the brains ot mili-1 tary and naval men give out most 1 quickly, says the Medical Record. He states that out of every 100,000 men of 1 the army or naval profession 199 are I hopeless lunatics. Of
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  • 620 8 How is it,” asked the Debutante of the Successf ul Married oman, as they sat in the conservatory for a little w'hile between dances, “that you are such a success? Aou re not so very she flushed and paused, uncertain of her words. The Successful Mamed
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  • 951 8 AC H BEN. In Acheen Proper all is quiet. Ini Samalaugan the enemy shews hardly 1 any fight after the action at Batu Ilik, 1 where over seventy of them fell. The I blow struck there has so demoralised I the enemy that the Dutch troops in the
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  • 149 8 A Berlin telegram, announcing that the Supplementary Budget for 1901 had been laid before the Bundesrath, explains that it contained a second demand for a vote ot credit for the China Expedition to the amount of £6.340,100. Of this snin £->.010,000 are for the army, .£875,000 for
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  • 148 8 BRITISH CONSULATE ATTACKED. A Berlin telegram to the Mommy I'ost states that a German coirespondent at Newchwang telegraphs, under the date of February IMh that all the large mercantile houses are closec owing to the state ol disorder which is general throughout Manchuria. Predatory bands of Chinese
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  • 287 8 The following telegram anent the new American Steel trusts appeared in the Daily Telegraph of the 4th instant. New York March 3rd. The cabled comments on the new Grant Steel Company indicate that foreign observers have no clear perception of the real impelling motive of the new
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  • 1075 8 Thf. Boer prisoners now number 17,000. A new German loan ainonntii £15,000,000 sterling, is announced The Japanese battleship lUu„„ direct tor Japan at 1.15 pm. tu-<la\ A French man-of-war passed thro the port from east to we*t at fc yesterday. H. M. S. Algerine arrived Malacca at
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  • 61 9 B limbing attempt at paternal govB> r n.Hit L being made in the LegislaB tiie New Yoi k State by a member ;:<« i mposes (says Literature that H.; h»;»k«. newspapers, and other serial re.r»* diouid be printed in large ■}p: One result would he that a
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  • 68 9 William Smith, butcher, of Bhi*M.iiry, has just killed a cow, in -e .stomach he has found a long W nail, a piece of pencil, a small a staple, a stud, and a number toils. The animal was in lB Hi.lition, and did not appear to #B
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  • 80 9 B Lummy Corporation lias resolved B t‘*i ii:i>e the Tramway Company B was also resolved to enter into •‘-'foment with Mr. Wiliam Gentry .airing on behalf of the British Llectiiv- Light and Power Coins' ln«lia, for the acquisition of 1 raifnvays; but as under its Articles
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  • 107 9 arc h, Mr. Oscar B 1 t,ns who has been appointed ‘y >*ates Consul-General to Singa- compared by his soil and B h r drived at Manila. At the l outbreak of the Spanish ■L r t was the Consuls' v States at Alanila. fl, u d
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  • 138 9 who keep cats may be interested to hear that most cats cannot be stolen. In legal phrase, there can be no larceny of a cat; for there is no statute making cats the subject of larceny, and at common law cats are animals, feire natime, or
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  • 104 9 RAIL WAYS IN CHINA. At present, excluding the Russian lines in Manchuria and the Liaotung Peninsula, the following are the only existing railways in China: (l) Woosting Shanghai. 17 miles. (2) A length ol 15 mde.s between the iron mines and the N angtse at Wong-ehi-tong below Hankow. (3) About
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  • 115 9 Mi:. Charlie Taylor, of the TaylorCarrington Theatrical Coinpany, in a letter u> a Japan journal, writes thus of tl»e Hongkong’rikisha mm:— I may -ay that during my r.»ur «.f the East I have had considerahli* experience with bat class .*i gen* r: -in Cevlop, Penang, Hongkong,
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    • 401 9 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES.” 8ik, —In the s traits Times of yesterday, I note a paragraph in which it is alleged that Colonel Walker, C.M.G., Ag. Resident of Perak, advocates the formation of a “cadet corps” in connection with a company of
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  • 240 9 5 1899 AND 1900 COMPARED. i Ihk return of imports and exports P into the Straits Settlements for the fourth quarter of 1900 has been issued. The figures have been converted into sterling at the average demand rate for the quarters compared— 1/11
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  • 272 9 TnEßudgetStatenient.just laid before the Legislative Council of India by the Finance Minister, contains the following remarks re the sugar duties Th»* countervailing duties on bounty-fed sugar came into practical effect in M »y, IBD9, and consequently there is hardly two years’experience of their working. Two years arc
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  • 287 9 It is expected that the new Infantry Drill Book will soon he ready for publication. Colonel Henderson, than whom there is no officer more competent for the work, has been engaged upon it since his return from South Africa. He brings fresh to the preparation of
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  • 238 9 The King is quite determined that whenever the coronation takes place it shall be conducted on a scale of great magnificence. It will in many ways resemble the coronation of the Stuart kings; and a great deal of ritual will be observed. It is also His Majesty’s
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  • 478 9 P. AND O. Plasty, sailing about 5th April, for London, Mr. O. L. M. De Montereau, VIr. Booth, Mr. G. Giltnour, Mr. A Robertson, Sir Lionel Cox, Mrs. Llewellyn, Miss Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, infant and amah, Rev. and Mrs. Walker and infant, Misses Craig (2),
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  • 55 9 Penang and Calcutta Suiaang, due 4th April. Bouetead A Co London via ports, Sinai, on 6ih April, MessAgeries Maritime*. Samaraug and Sourabaya, Onaong due 7th April, Uonstead A Co. Melbourne and Sydney, CUtua due 21st April, McAlister A Co. St. Petersburg via ports, Annan^e arly in
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  • 2238 9 Koso Island,” by W. Clark Kus*eli. Loudon, Edward Arnold. Tommy and Grizel.” By J. M. Barrie. London, Cassell and Co. Ltd. Clark, Russell and sea breezes are synonymous terms, and all youthful lovers of sea tales will read Mr. Russell’s new story with avidity. In this book
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  • 289 10 THE P. O. AND PASSENGERS. The following letter apjxjurs in the Allahabad Pioneer: Sir, —I notice in your editorial columns of the 8th instant a paragraph referring to my remarks on the prices of aerated water in my letter on the above subject, which appeared in your issue of the
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  • 186 10 FRIDAY’S PLAY. “C" SINGLES. Penney scr. beat Masterton —15, 6-2, 6-2. PROFESSION PAIRS. Ar ™y —Oapts. White and Dewing beat Mer. IV.—Graham and Mosley-6-0, 7-6. Army III.—Butterworth and Berkshire Mftt. Army. Il.-Capts. Mulliken and Gainsford, w. o. Munpty.—S. Reid and Hooper beat Mcv I.—Noon and
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  • 390 10 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Bcnmohr from Manila —Mrs. Donaldson, and Mr. Hermann. Per s. s. Bormida from Bombay—Mr. Michele Zaehariadi, Mrs. Ennicbetia Zach.ariadi, and Mrs. Zaehariadi. Per s. s. IVrirarfs from Sarawak —Mr. and Mrs Findlay, Messrs Reese, andMackenzie, and Bishop Warne. Per s s. Malacca from Teluk
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    • 237 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are usedetr.—steamer; ah.— ship bq.—barque; sch. schooner; Yet.—Yacht* Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.p.—Horse-power Brit.— British U. B.— United States; Fr.— French; Ger.—German Dut.— Dutch: Joh. —Jobore &c n G. —Generalcargo d.p.— deck passengers; U.— Uncer tain*; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar WhW;
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    • 1498 10 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Liony Dut. str. 276 tons, Capt Koenig 3rd Apl. From 30th Mar. G.c.. and 136d p. Ek LeongChan. U —lids. Ban Whatt Hin Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Olsen. 3rd Apl From Klang, 1st Apl. Go., and 40 d.p. Straits Steamship
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    • 613 10 Sain* 1 port, probable date oj amidand name of agents. HteamskAgamemnon, China. Apl 2rt• Man*’ 1 1 Amhria, Europe, Apl 2°; Behn Mrv?r. Arcadia, Europe, Apl *22; Bebn Arnold Luyken. N. York, shortly, M Athol 1. M’hro left Feb 15; Atla9, Barrv, l* j ft Jan 15 Ball&arat,
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    • 705 11 5 Vessel sN ame j Xo.v J Captain From Saileo. Consignees, a I m<». Mar Katie ;Ras str. 1322 {Russo w Moji Mar id 29 Jeram HN gb. 340 j.Sobels .Don iMar 2b H’ N ‘rnn'Jni evo Brit str. 186 Foster -Batavia Mar 26 T K Tian Co Lt
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    • 375 11 Date. Vessels Name FlagAKig cactais j Dshti.>atiojc Mar 29 Kook Light Brit str. j Welch Madras via ports 29 Nienhuys But sir. Leonhard Bandjermassin 29 Brouwer str. Wonder l)eJi via ports 29 G. G. van Lansberge str. Neyts Padang via ports 30 1 Sappho j Brit str; I Turner
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 539 11 [for Ladle s.[ A Remedy for all Irregularities. j, ii" B'.?v-r \|.p>. P* nnyroyit*. i .-h V Dispensing Co., Ltdt| Raffles Place, Singapore. Pr mj> ie‘< r WM»\ .i-o. SOU IU.MPTON. KNOI AND [IMPROVED STIUS I tor niSTflliJIC k BSMIFIIMB llWmiCt, RUMS. SPIRITS, StO. OEROT FILS AINE MAKER ;7S. rut
      539 words
    • 752 11 COMMON SENSE <"* NUI SHELL ne work on the cause* *nd mo*t scientific i ♦effectual means «rf gelf-cure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, wast/of vitality, depresof "P»rits,*3., with practical observation* on and •t U *i reuti or reinonn* certain disqualincatmns that de-»roy the happiness of wedded life ai«o
      752 words
    • 855 11 “TIMB8” AND “BUDGET.” Straits Times, $90 a year, or $2$ a month or fifteen cents a copy. Poet Free, Sty a quarter. Straits Budget post free, $*J0 a year, or $6 a quarter, or 40 cent** a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 16 cents a line; 2nd and
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    • 23 11 jfour Yaitk to FRASER NEAVE’S AeratedWaters. m m They are THE BEST. And therefore THE CHEAPEST. FRASER NEAVE. Ltd., 100* Robinson Road, SINGAPORE.
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  • 1064 12 The Spring Race Meeting will he held on May 21 st, 23rd, and 25th. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 21 st May. FikBT Hack. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIue $400. A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight as per scale (10st.), An allowance of 141 b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 459 12 y ft LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea <fc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. J 'll* only Medicine of
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    • 469 12 /Jlil’SH Kl> FOOJi Ikv it and you wn l re yvrisFii.n. I. K. BEI.I LIOs»begs to inform the public bis Factory for preparing Crush*' 1 at >o. f Ben.i05« iloan is new opened: Class Frash Crushed Food p. c. per hag wg. 1-10 $4.50 Cleaned Oats do wg. 0-90 No.
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    • 430 12 Charles fteihsiecl; White Seal Champagne.' Hole Agent?, BKHN, MEYER A Co., SiVQ'tpuo* tin>! ItfcPOT* Si ntjupit fb Vff-Htr.. 1 ohx Little A lM. Mi'a>rj. UrNi/.ii. Avi Mill'H jCACHl-Ti. ['•ataria <1. HoriENVU. St,arah(iya MeK'Ts. L. VAN NlEHOl 1 A Co. w Ul n. f. W. Dalian orr. a Du ill 100
      430 words