The Straits Budget, 20 January 1900

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget

  • 960 3 (Straits Times Wtk January.) It seems that a report was circulated yesterday that our Transvaal War Fund is now closed. The report is untrue; but it probably arose from the fact that the present secretary of The .Straits and Malayan South African War Relief Fund” either sought to
    (Straits Times, Wtk January.)  -  960 words
  • 790 3 (Straits Time» l-l/i January We have now got from ollickil sources the later version of the exceedingly nasty affair at Colesberg. when four ollicers and twenty-four men were killed, when sixteen men were wounded, and when about one hundred and thirteen men and ollicers were missing, presumably
    (Straits Time», l-l/i January )  -  790 words
  • 285 3 (Straits Times, 1 3tk January.) We mourn the death of Thomas Sheltord, in his day the leading unpaid publicist of the Straits Settlements. Some few details of his uneventful and prosperous career appear in another column. Here we are content to say that he was, before ail, an
    (Straits Times, 13tk January.)  -  285 words
  • 323 3 (Straits Times YMh January.) There are received six further letters on the subject of the Roman Catholic Church and the War Relief Funds; and we do not publish these letters. The only one of them that contained a useful suggestion asked Is it still too
    (Straits Times, YMh January.)  -  323 words
  • 1065 3 (SI rails Times 1 bth January.) In the latest of our telegrams (believed to be from London of this morning’s early date) it is stated that a battle is raging at three points on tlie Tugela River. The meaning, presumably, is that such a battle was raging on
    (SI rails Times, 1 bth January.)  -  1,065 words

  • 860 4 v /\me* t 1 Gtk January.) i here is no official news from General Buller, and the various telegrams from newspaper correspondents that we publish to-day are possibly not so recent as one message that we published yesterday. Yesterday’s message stated that a battle was raging at
    (*v/\me*t 1 Gtk January.)  -  860 words
  • 717 4 (Straits Times, 17 th January.) I Major-General Sir Frederick Carrington, of whom it is telegraphed that he receives a high command at the Cape, is a great fighting soldier. He has been the fiery “Rupert of the Rhine of South Africa, which now claims him as its
    (Straits Times, 17th January.) I  -  717 words
  • 258 4 (Strait8 Times 17 th January.) I I 1 ROM the Glasgow Herald shipbuilding returns for 1899, we find that the year was a record year. The United I Kingdom total of shipbuilding in 1899 amounted to no less than a I tonnage of 1,/13,353, as compared with
    (Strait8 Times, 17th January.)  -  258 words
  • 861 4 (Siraits Times 18/4 January.) The Kingdom of Portugal, which has one of the most glorious records of any European Kingdom, has declared that she will neither sell, nor cede, nor lease any of her colonial possessions. That announcement, perhaps, arises from some sudden resurgence of
    (Siraits Times, 18/4 January.)  -  861 words
  • 529 4 (Straits Times 1 St/t Janwtnj.) Yesterday, we published an x lby I article upon Sir Frederick Carrinqtys! apropos to the telegraphic news that he I is about to receive a high command a: I the Cape. It now appears that the same article (barring some lour lines
    (Straits Times, 1 St/t Janwtnj.)  -  529 words

  • 497 5 x 77, es 19/A January.) v t iit* example of some great i n 2 leaders, (General Sir V; V*; ha* issued to his men a el i We are going,” says I!/ ivli»*ve our comrades in j there can he no turning r u -j 11
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  • 2236 5 Junes, 19 lh January.) j (/u/utu/ 1( M>rt 0 t j ie Xanjong Pagar r in liquidation, for the J honi the 1st October 1898 to c illbtr has been issued •\VC; 1 is tated that Mr John lias signed the office of r tl that Mr.
    Junes, 19lh January.)  -  2,236 words
  • 228 5 Mr. August Huttenbach arrived to-day from Penang. The German cruiser Hctiizu went to the wharf early this morning to coal. The men who were arrested for stealing gambier from a tongkang have each been sentenced to six weeks. Yesterday afternoon a Kling boy fell into a pond
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  • 20 5 A launch will leave Johnston’s Pier 'or the Swimming Club bungalow on Sunday morning, at 9 sharp.
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  • 54 5 The Women’s Christian Temperance Union wish to publicly acknowledge its gratitude to the kind donors to the fund expended by them in Christmas gifts for the poor and the unfortunate. The hospitals, the Leper Asylum and some destitute families were substantially remembered, and several street Sunday
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  • 50 5 Poh All Menu, for theft and receiving stolen property, was sentenced to 4 years. Omar, for theft from a dwelling house, got 5 years. Chew Kim was found not guilty of a charge of theft, and was accordingly discharged. Hull Chin Poll got three jeers’ rigorous for theft.
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  • 57 5 A Chinaman living at South Bridge Road states that property to the \alue of 5289 lias been stolen from his premises. A Cliitty reported to the police that two Chinamen snatched S(>o from him last night. Three Buggis women living in Gaylang Road report that seven sarongs, value SI
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  • 63 5 In reply to a lady at Newhavcn, asking for a definition of the tei in AbsentMinded Beggar,” Mr. Kipling's secretary writes:—“Mr. Itudyard Kipling desires me to say, in answer to your letter, that the term i Absent-Minded Beggar is one used by private soldiers themselves when they
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  • 82 5 Thts morning a private gharry was being driven in Stamford Road by a native syce, and when near the Museum an old Chinese woman was met. The syce made very little attempt to run clear of the woman, and as result she was knocked down. The syce
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  • 107 5 Messrs Latham and Mactaggari report: —Since our report of tiie Oth inst., we have had a dull market. Prices, however, continue steady in nearly all shares. Jelebus have advanced to $12.50. Raubs are firm at $O2. South Raubs are exchanged at $l9O and $BO. Temelongs have been
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  • 659 6 FORTY-THIRD DAY: $63,032. The E iitor of the Straits Times has to-day received from the Editor of the Perak Pioneer the following letter IVrak Pioneer’’ Pres*, Taiping. 7th Jan.. 1900. Dear Sir,—l he" to enclose a Sola Hill in your favour on the Chartered Hank for
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  • 118 6 I certify that I have examined the accounts of the War Relief Fund now being conducted by Mr. Arnot Reid, Editor of the Straits Times, and that the sum of Thirty Thousand dollars, paid by Mr. Reid to Mr. \V. H. Frizell, as honorary treasurer of
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  • 903 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —You attacked us, and it seems that our answer has wounded you. The wound is deep indeed if we are to judge by the way you cry out Murder Yet, Mr. Editor, a
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  • 71 6 The Hongkong Daily Press in commenting on the purchase of the Scottish Oriental liners by a German Syndicate, deems that the public may well ask whether there must not he something wrong with a system which fosters such transfers. It is of opinion that under the insidious
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  • 144 6 '1 he British Deli and Langkat Tobacco Company met at London on the 11th December, with Mr. M. Mowat, tiie Chairman, presiding. The Chairman explained that last year’s tobacco crop on the Company’s* estates was big but had not paid the cost of production owing to low prices.
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  • 150 6 Late news from Iloilo states that peace and order are rapidly being restored all over that province, the people returning to their labour in the fields and resuming their former occupations. The towns of Jaro and Molo have swelled their populations to nearly twice as many as there
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  • 159 6 Mk. T. D. McKay, the well-known passenger agent of the San Francisco Overland Route, has arrived in SingaP? re a f js at the Rattles Hotel. He will be in Singapore for a week or so. The lines which he represents are the pioneer steamship lines
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  • 182 6 Cruelty to a bullock has cost Hoh Son, its driver, $25 dollars. The Bank of England discount rate has dropped from 6 to 5 per cent. Moragappa Chitty is bound over in $lOO to keep the peace for six months; in default a month. The Queen has
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  • 588 6 WHAT A TECHNICAL PAPER THINKS. 1 A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. In the Mb drictan ol Dec. Dili last. there are some interesting comments on tlie question oi {Singapore lighting it is pointed out that an analysis of’ the reports on the various schemes for tin*
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  • 606 6 TANJONG PAGAR DOCKS CO. THE AMALGAMATION WITH NEW HARBO UR. A .N e x traor d nary general nimi, the Taniong Pagar Dock f\, 1 "‘-M at the Company’s offices this tp U; J to pass certain resolutions r( agreements entered into het„l l? Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Harbour Dock
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  • 181 6 A LITTLE PRINCE BORN AT HOME. On Wednesday morning, H. H. H Prince Henry of Prussia visited the Pulo Brani Smelting Works, aocontt' panicd by Admiral Fritze, Korwttenkapitain von Witzleben, and Mr H Esclike, the German Consul-General here. The party were shown over the works by Mr. Muhlinghaus
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  • 1144 7 KI ,iroKOKTHB'-STKAITS TIMES.” t, Crimean W ar, the late tli«M Vicar of the t ie OU (l Shepherd, and u |j Lloyd, then apothecary 7 ;l jc Asvluni, went round t j», (111 u/Catholies and others ti Fund as it was
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  • 66 7 Two eases of small-pox were reported yesterday, one from BO Selegie Road, and tlie other from a house in another Road. Both patients were removed to Hospital, and the houses quarantined. At tlie latter house, during the night, a hole was knocked in the wall, and tlie
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  • 81 7 ’The examination ofJ. P. Kilgour,lately trading as a general merchant in Battery Road, was resumed in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday. At the tlie last hearing, debtor stated tl\pt it was owing to outstanding debts that that he became bankrupt, and if all these were collected there
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  • 122 7 Lim Kim Watt was charged with breaking into Mount View, Sophia Road, and stealing property belonging to Mr. Cuthbert Layton, who recently lectured in the Town Hall on the Second Coming of the Lord. Prisoner was also charged with offering an illegal gratification, and he was found guilty
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  • 139 7 A HORSE DROWNED. Lieut. Wynter has reported to the police that, yesterday evening, he was driving in a buggy, in company with Mrs. Wynter, to Government House. When about 20 yards from the Orchard Road Police Station, a pony attached to a gharry appeared to shy, and
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  • Article, Illustration
    1072 7 (CONDUCTED BY KING S PAWN.”) All Chess correspondence should be addressed to King's Paw 7 n/’ Solutions: Problem No. 100 (Erlin) Q—R 4; No. 156 (O’Hara) K-Q4. Correct solutions received from Caissa and A. O. S. Game played in the Berlin Chess Chib Winter Tournament, 18 -8-99. h'rriwh Ih
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  • 1250 7 London loth Dec. Mr. Quinton Hogg who, in the days of the now defunct Metropolitan Board of Works, a body whose declining days passed under a temporary cloud, and which has make way for the potent London County Council, has delivered an excellent speech on the lessons
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  • 39 7 LA SEYNE” STILL ASHORE. Captain Rawlinson, of the Penang, which arrived at Singapore this morning, reports that the French mail steamer La Scyne is still ashore off Garras Light. H. M. S. Hm-mume and two tug-boats are in attendance.
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  • 43 7 It is reported that the EmpressDowager of China was much displeased with the memorial addressed to the Tsung-li Yamen by the Chinese residents of the Straits Settlements, requesting her to retire and restore the Emperor to the government of the empire.
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  • 159 7 On the 3rd ult., F. A. Hunter charged a hack gharry syce named Rarasamy, at the Central Station, with the theft of $100 from him while he was asleep in the man’s vehicle. Much difficulty was* experienced in getting the prosecutor to press the charge, and when
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  • 224 8 C. Grankir, master of the barque Spinaicay, was yesterday fined $25 tor assaulting It Jansen, one of his crew. A living near the 4th mile stone. Herangoon Road, has heen removed to Hospital suffeiing fiom small-pox. At the Assizes, yesterday, Lim Ming was sentenced to six month»*
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  • 40 8 Yestkld \y. (‘long Ah Tyc and Mamat wt'ie column tod tor trial, the foimei for the th-ft ef four fowls; the latter on py. cuittges ot j j 11 u-e-breaking whin property valued at >137 was stolen.
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  • 45 8 On the Ph instant, a Chinese girl called a fruit hawker to her door to purchase fruit. There he snatched two gold pins worth 8 1 30 from her. lie was promptly arrested, and yesterday was sent to prison fur nine months.
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  • 41 8 11. R. H. Prince Henry of Prussia was entertained to dinner by the officers of the German cruiser llama List night. The guests included Major-General Dickson, Mr. Kschke, Sir. Puttfarekeii, Mr. Sohst, and Uapt. Montahnan of the Austrian cruiser.
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  • 73 8 The Malay Mod gives a detailed account of Mr. Cheat’s unsuccessful attempt to ascend Gunong Tahan, which is reputed to be the highest mountain in the Malay Peninsula. The journey was very trying. Mr. Skoal reached* the mountain blit could not get to the top, owing to the
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  • 82 8 A Chinaman named Tan Ah Lim, of :U7 Beach Road, states that his godown at Sultan’s Gate was entered on Thursday, and n ine hags of copra stolen. Two men have been arrested for removing furniture, <fcc., from a house in Palembang Road, which had been quarantined owing
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  • 84 8 Chi a Tenw and Yeo Puteh, both women, were yesterday sentenced by Aft. Wolferstan, the former to pay a fine of $4OO, or three, months, the latter to $250, or six weeks for carrying on a 44 Chap Ji Ki” lottery at No. 157 Ben- coolen Street
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  • 85 8 Yabterdav, a Chinaman was prosecuted before the bench of Two Magistrates for inducing six Chinamen to enter into a contract to labour w.thout the Colony, and also for trying to take them out to Benekalis. The man was sentenced to six months, and fined 5250, or three months
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  • 583 8 It is with very deep regret that we announce the death in Europe yesterday of Mr. Thomas Shelford, C.M.G. Toexplain the regret that the community of Singapore will feel at this death it is necessary to make a comparison. Since Mr. Siielford was a merchant and
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  • 217 8 At the next meeting of the Legislative Council a Bill will be brought in to amend the Perak Railway Ordinance of 1899. The statement of objects and reasons sets forth that this Bill is introduced by the direction of the Secretary of State. Chapter VI ol the Perak
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  • 813 8 are THEY deteriorating? (By a Correspondent.) Has the climate of Singapore improved or deteriorated during, say, the last forty or fifty years This is a most important question to every one -ot us and on the right answer to it much ot the health and comfort
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  • 823 8 A PROPOSED REMEDV j A correspondent writes The! local Chinese merchants and traders deprecate the present condition of the copper currency they view it with very grave anxiety, and attribute it to the enormously large circulation of foreign coins in this settlement. They say that the law
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  • 282 8 MR. FRIZELL’.S FIRST u> T I Mr. Arnot Reid, Editor 0 f the I Straits Times, for the relief 0 f Widows, Orphans and D< r M dants" in terms oftle lh>.,i u I tion passed at the Publir Meetii r I
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  • 205 8 The 31st January and M February next will be observed as bank holiday? for the Chinese New Year. The -na February will also be observed as a public holiday. The 12th February is fixed up’* l as the date for the assembling of a Court of Appeal at
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  • 115 8 Notwithstandikg the efforts of H p Tfermionc and two steam tugs, t■*French mail La Seyne is still on t l rocks near Garras Light. The harbour-master of Rhio. arrived at Singapore this niorninsreports that La Seyne is still fast, an on a coral reef not a
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  • 450 9 y ,nnii HAY 567,^91. .Served that the Editor j; ltH yesterday received tr.m-fer from lVrak a ‘/J! -11, which we extend in xjno. This morning i Sf < oilier m iif uf the Motoy Mm/ 4 which we extend as Ui l, the three instal- Mi
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  • 89 9 E imeh. ial treatv. I tr dt‘Government have :u.o r ...I l,:Slun of India to the rif uin aiiti i. r ary between Great l Mh <>h ti,eU-u Vl IC i li WaS Signed Ju| y» 1894 The f ’4 to the whole of India, r r
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  • 290 9 Singapore, 12th January, 1900. 1 have this day received from Mr. Arnot Reid, E litor of the Straits Times,” the Mini ol thirty-five thousand and ninetv-seven dollars and sixty cents (in addition to thirty thousand d*illars received from him four days
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  • 492 9 X kws from Kedj;ui2 L ihong reports the s* of imning ikjummih’iis theie. 1 lie lirst siiipiiieni ol gold titan the mine is expected to he reads early this month. The ore treated contains also much silver. The lirst pai t oi l heeleetnem-tallai ion iscxpected iohe i
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  • 60 9 During the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal’s Christmas shooting camp near Hardwar, an exciting incident occurred. In a beat for a tiger, a wounded one charged an elephant on which Major Manifold was seated, severely injuring that officer. The tiger was killed. Captain Clayton White attended to the injuries
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  • 67 9 A British North Borneo. official notification announces that no foreign soldiers or sailors are to be landed from any vessel in any port in British North Borneo without the Governor’s permission, obtained through the consulai officer of the country to which the troops belong. This, however,
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  • 459 9 The programme for the reception of Prince aldcmar at Saigon compiises a round ol lest i cities to lu.-t ar least tour diys. Toe events arranged Tor are Reception at Government House, dinner followed by a ball, torchlight procession, review of the garri.-on, hor.-e races, dinner at the
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  • 54 9 ONe of the good points of Penang is said to be the system of housing the people. For moderate rent, fairly-sized cottages may be had. Land, is apparently easy to be got. Thus the congestion and real want of house-room, felt hy the population in Singapore, artalleged
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  • 70 9 THEY ARE A FAILURE. Mr. Bromhead Matthews, counsel for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, one of the creditors <J Kerr Stuart’s Penang Steam-Tramway Co., applied at Penang on the Bth instant to Mr. Justice Law that the Tramway Co. should be wound up and that liquidators should
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  • 1485 9 Good Mr. Editor, it is quite clear that with your announced determination to retire on London and remain entrenched there you have also determined to 1 speak your inind in Singapore. From tlie point of view of the newspaper reader, and from the substantial point of view
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  • 100 9 The nomination of Li Hung-Chang to the position of Viceroy of Canton took everybody by surprise, and is the chief topic of the hour in Pekin native circles. A very well informed and intelligent Chinese ollicial says that the appointment is due to three motives: (1) the desire
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  • 170 9 ONEof the new appointments provided for in the Selangor Estimates for 1900, and which is looked upon as a prize appointment, is that of Accountant in the Post and Telegraph Office at Kuala Lumpur, the salary being $l5O a month. Singapore is sending up a cricket team, a
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  • 144 10 Thb plum is creeping northwards gradually in Jap*n by means of rats. Tub steamer Uiomc't from Am<~>\ yesterday brought over 80« J coolies to Singapore. Thi kk are twenty-».no mon and live women io the small-pox hospital at Bullestior Road. It is reported that Sir Alexander Suettei»!,am
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  • 34 10 It’ is xueetel that Dr. Ellis is shortly croin'» on lifte-n muiths* leave, and th it* Dr. Fry will take charge of tin Lumri A -vlum during the absence ol Dr. Ellis.
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  • 33 10 The Sultan of Johore, fresh from the rae-e -r und of Calcutta, arrived this morning in the luuhi rallies. i»y the same steamer there came also Mr. Tan 1 lap Seng.
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  • 41 10 It is probable that some Mounted Infantrv lr*.m Burma!» will lie sent to South Africa. The ponies on which they are mounted will probably be lonic 1 far mme 11-eful for service in South Africa t*»an Waler horses.
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  • 40 10 On Satur lay, Mr. Sells fined one Gob Aii Sing SgaO or three months, fi»i k eping a common gaming house at 101-o Bakit Timah Road. The house was succ< fully raided by Sergeant Ambrose a fortnight ago.
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  • 47 10 Several ing carters were fined, tlrs morning, by Mr. 11. G. Sarwar for loading t!»«*ir whirl's in a manner likely to cause injury to the public. Sergeant Brennan sai l that heavy articles pio-j*-ct ing some distance over the wheels rendered the carts dangerous.
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  • 56 10 The shipping of th**, port of Colombo f>r the year just ended shows a con--8 d-trahl i 1;l re i~e over that of previ*»uy«* irs. Inc u-imh *r ot vessels, excluding the small native cralt which eniereo toe harbour during 1899, was 2,5t »2. against 2.254
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  • 100 10 V Bfngxli residing at 3, Chin Li Slice!, report.- that, while at work at Taiij >ng Fagir 1) >ck on Saturday, lout Mica) m u vi-iici his house ostensibly to deliver a letter to bis wife from II nigkoiig. i lie men, who were urmed \vir!i knives,
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  • 104 10 At Sr. Andrew's Cathedral, last evening, Bishop lloso made sympathetic refueuco to the regretted death of the late Mr Ih»m is Shelford. He spoke of Mr. Sieiford as a man who, though greatly overworked, was always ready jo bring to bear the fullest and most careful consideration
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  • 87 10 CHARGES AGAINST CHINAMEN WITHDRAWN. At the Assi/e Court this morning, the Attorney-General mentioned the case in which five Chinamen named Chan Cheng, Lok Yu, Sim Chow, Lon Chu Sam, and So Si were charged with being members of an unlawful society, and also with managing the same. The
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  • 139 10 HOW AN ENGLISH CARDINAL ACTS! CARDINAL VAUGHAN IS A GLOUCESTER MAN. Cardinal Vaughan recently made an appeal to the Roman Catholics in. hi.diocese f*»r subscriptions f«*r the .wives and orphans of the soldiers killed in tinwar. A- a result the sum of
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  • 68 10 Prince Henry of Prussia leaves Singapore for Europe in the German mad steamer sailing promptly at five o'clock this afternoon. It wa> thought llis Royal Highness would have been able to take part in a final game of polo this aiternoon, an»l there was some talk of delaying
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  • 86 10 Gunner ('aiming K. A. was bet ore Mr. 11. G Sarwar this morning, on fom counts, viz:—drunk and disorderly; refusing to pay rikisha fare; mischiet »nd assaulting a public servant. He was tine»l $lO or 14 days on the first; Sg or 4 days on the second;
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  • 84 10 Mr. C 11. <le .Silva of Ceylon, whose name is very familiar in Buddhisi circles in Siam, Burma, and CVvlon, irriv»*»! in the lienga! on Saturday on his way to Bangkok. He is going a> .1 delegate to the Court of Siam to receive ?I »0 Buddha
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  • 94 10 On Saturday, pia> took place for tin* gold medal for winners of monthly handicaps it'. 1 5 99. with the following results: F. 11. lVaree 1"» 45 90 -6= £4 Major Lewis Jones tl 51 92 l* sit M•»j *r I lea me 50 r* I
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  • 317 10 Tub (ibtyjotr lUr ill published on 18’!i 1) icemi)i*r its usual annual returns of the world's shipbuilding, in the course of which it says RILEY HARGREAVES CO. SINGAPORE. Tews Ve s. J. T\f«*. 1.11. P. Roister. ns'iistim SS :>1 PO Bit.iva V'-Mirw im ...S. lurlit •.<» 7
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  • 421 10 PRINCE HENRY TAKES TART. JUMPING LADIES. The mounted sports under the auspices of the Singapore Polo Club on Saturday afternoon, were not held at I'yersaU as at iirst arranged, because the ground there would have been too heavy. They were transferred instead to the ground on the
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  • 235 10 KILLED AT LADYSMITH. The Karl of Ava was Hie son and heir of the Marquess of Ddlerin, and was 36 years old. lie wis a retired lieutenant in the 17ili Lancers, but. when the war broke out lie detei mined to see some lighting, and went to
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  • 78 10 This morning, J. I)e Fontaine summoned a Bengali dhobie for refusing to return certain articles given him to wash, until a sum of money alleged to be due was paid. The dhobie admitted the facts and produced the clothes in court. The complainant acknowledged liability for S
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  • 55 10 On Saturday morning, a woman named haji Mariam reported the theft of $2,506 in notes from her liou-e. Inspects Williams searched the hou-e and foJTd *2,167, and an ad pted daughter named Sopiyah confessed having taken the notes. The prosecutrix begged to be allowed to withdraw the
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  • 2511 10 Lahore 30 th Decern 1 er. The strength of the 16th Lmce r s proceeding to South Africa, will be 19 officers, 3 medical officers, 63 officers chargers, 550 ot other r lives a f i 1 4/0 horses. The Regiment leaves Umballa on the evening
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  • 97 11 Tii;: revenue of S dangor lor the piyear is estimated at •**L< —ll,l v -t against an expemlituro set at £.*»,220, 818. The outlay oil State Railways this year is estimated at £2.221.50L lhe statement of assets ami liabilities for 1H)0 shows a probable balance to credit ol
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  • 111 11 II. M. S. Ticccd has been operating ruralnst the pirates in tin* We«t River ol Canton Province. On the (>th inst., a <-utter from the Tn'tnl pursued a launch, which had fallen into the hands ol pirates up a creek to a large village Here the launch
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  • 107 11 OPEN P«)RTS. Captain Nazro of tli« I S. steamer Manila handed in the following n»»titieatioii to lhe British North Borneo Government on the 22nd December: I have the honour t«> inform you that Isabella, Basilan Island, and the following ports ot Mindanao, n?., Zamboanga, C«»ttahatto, Poll*>k, Parang Parang,
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  • 142 11 TOVVKI) OFF BY THE HERMIONE” Tiie French mail steamer La Seytie which, it will he remembered, ran ashore near Garras Light sonic days back when coming up from Batavia, was Rifely towed oil tin* rocks by H. M. S. llermiona on Saturday. The mails and passengers
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  • 446 11 The Russian transport (hel left for Odessa at 10.80 this morning. About 9 o’clock this morning the Austrian cruiser Zen’a left, bound for Hongkong. 1 The mrman cruiser llans*i left Singapore yesterday afternoon to return to the China Station. The British steamer Aeolus of West Hartlepool passed
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  • 36 11 Mr. II Bellield, Commissioner ol Lands and Mines, Federate»! Malay States, report»»»! Ins return front leave of absence on 2nd Jan. and msumeo the «lilties of Acting British Resident, Selangor, on the Bi d.
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  • 41 11 Up to the Cth instant one hundred and tweive volunteers had come forward to join the Ceylon Contingent for South Atrioa. The authorities will endeavour to provide for those who are bond lido unable to procure their own
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  • 156 11 Tiie committee of the Sir William Maxwell Memorial Fund have forwarded 10 Mr. Chamberlain the sum of C2U4 12s. 9d with a request that it may b« landed to the secretary of the Seamens’ Hospital at Greenwich for the purpose» »f endowing a bed in the tropical
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  • 219 11 LEAVES SINGAPORE FOR GERMANY. After a stay of twelve days in Singapore, H. R. H. Prince Henry of Prussia left yesterday afternoon by the German mail steamer Preussen for Germany. There was no military or naval ceremony whatever at his departure. Accompanied by His Honour the Acting Governor,
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  • 52 11 At the Assize Court, yesterday, Tan All 'lee, Tan Ah Piow, Lim Kat Watt, 1 in Teng Long, and Yeok Tai Chin were charged with gang robbery and causing grievous bodily hurt to another Chinaman in Balestier Road on the Kill) June. Prisoners were found not gmlty and
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  • 153 11 In tlie Supreme Court, this morning, the ea-e of Syed Aliie bin MoliameU Al llahshee v. Syed Mohamed and another was heard before Mr. Justice llyndman-Jones. The facts of the case were that on the 17th August, ls J9, plaintiff deposited a sum of 54,J00 with ttie
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  • 329 11 IIS «JJ/IMATK AND DISEASES. Tiie War OUice h:is issued a memorandum on the climate of South Ahiea, wliiei» of considerable interest. A* regards temperature we learn that 1 1 1 the high country the days are hot and ilie nights cool. In Marit/.burg a maximum of lOodeg. F.,
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  • 707 11 A meeting of Legislative Council was held this afternoon, His Honour the Officer Administering the Government presiding. There were also present: 11. J5. j Major-General Dickson, Acting-Colonial Secretary, Acting-Colonial Treasurer, Colonial Engineer, Attorney-General, Auditor-General, Hon. J. M. Allinsun, Hon. C. Stringer, and Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. The
    707 words
  • 72 11 On the 12th instant, Inspector Ryan arrested Li in Choh at 121 Bcncoolcn Street under circumstances which showed that he was living on the earnings of women. Yost* rday, ho was brought before Mr. H. G. Srawar. He admitted that he took sixteen cent of the women’s
    72 words

  • 298 12 ANOTHER SCHEME FOR RETURNED JUBILEE MONEY. CMMilCNICATED BY TFIK SING WOKE NT USING ASSOCIATION. Tm. Committee of the Singapore Nursing Association draw the attention of the public to the need of a Nursing Home to he built, and if possible CTidowe 1, out of the
    298 words
  • 297 12 b'n>r,L Dutch Sources The I [ague, 51 h Jan. Trustworthy private advices show that the British, despite their assertions to the contrary, continue to KJir the Kaffirs tin t,ua Fearful deeds ot cruelty committed by Kaffirs cm the north-west boundary of the Transvaal «'ire reported. A
    297 words
  • 68 12 The band of the “King’s Own” Regiment, under the conductorship of Bandmaster Tyrell, gave the usual «aotitlily musical performance at the Gardens last evening. The following •toms were rendered, and were highly appreciated by the large gathering: March u The Absent-Minded Beggar;” overture, 1 Bauer und Dichter; Reminiscences
    68 words
  • 708 12 (From ovr Correspondent.) Kuala Lipin Mh January. FAILURE OF SELENSING. Sinck I wrote about, the Selensing Mines in July last, aiiairs there liave, unfortunately, been going from bad to worse, and the Company’s posBion-is now such that the final shutting down of the mines is only a matter
    708 words
  • 84 12 Mr. W. Palmer, the editor of Hazel /V Aii/i?/a/,sends the volumeof that publication for 1900 —the eleventh year of issue The Annual keeps up its high reputation as an authoritative record of events, and of opinions on the questions of the The Transvaal, Newfoundland, and China questions, for
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  • 845 12 THE HALF-YEARLY MEETING. The thirty-fourth half-yearly general meeting of ttie British North Borneo Co was held cn 19th Dec., in London, Mr. R. B Martin, M.P., presiding. The Chairman stated that the accounts wliich had been received showed that up to the end of June last
    845 words
  • 256 12 forty-fifth day: $67,495. A letter was received by Mr. R«dd from Vos, of Kuala Lipis, morning; and it has been handed to us for publication. Mr. de \os enquires whether he is to send to the Straits Times certain fuither sums that lie has collected;
    256 words
  • 1276 12 (Contributed.) A short residence in any place may give one a fairly good idea ot hi> surroundings il he make good use of hi?* time and opportunities; so 1 take il ihat a three weeks’ stay in Penang enabled me, bv making s««me effort, to -ee and note
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  • 122 12 Sir F. A. Abel, the Hon. Seen tan the Imperial Institute, has addres*? 1 the following letter to the Col« ,lJia Secretary of the Straits Set th-ira thunder date the Ist December: offer has been made to me by a tin» l c brokers of high standing for
    122 words

  • 231 13 I with Prince Waldemar I fur Saigon on I; I y.-tcr.lay, imposed I ,rt a case of smallIf r I I n lined -S2O for failing I r requirements of a I I 1 1 -.«I ><> Icl died of I i>i il.,ir»l I load. Ino I'
    231 words
  • 34 13 Anii'iMM* raided a H Stn-rt and arrested t» r gambling. Two t t lu* window and each 4l»*d arm. One of the in Court this morningr, H detained in hospital.
    34 words
  • 45 13 H t' he.*n received at the >!j !i oi i Bank in Singan* -t 1, ufliee, announcing ii\th« dividi‘nd for the >!».«l'!y he I*l 10s.: and 1 a bonus in addition having 59(55,(X)0 to H u'd f t he next half-year.
    45 words
  • 51 13 H ’>' n!o the collision between H;' !l im**r h,t;„i and the H' I’lf lno»' at Bangkok, B »> was opened, on the H .e !!i»* British Consulate B sank but was H l!, d otr. It is possible B will ronie to Singapore K;, 1 ln*r
    51 words
  • 57 13 H i:ir > monthly medal will be Ourday next. H Ml S tturday (27th inst) ill he played for by wuuhts of last year’s He “d aS; die Kev. S.S. Walker, Messrs. J. Campbell, ■,.7 A A. A. Earle, J. C. m ,v r «e, J. H
    57 words
  • 99 13 H‘ j 1 uinanian was arrested "dh a portion of the v Ckeang llod t Kian i,,n This morning, at Re.,",! (a pt. Pentney, the v< gave evidence to c pipe had been cut and 1 1 1,1,1 found on the defenr;. it < with that
    99 words
  • 79 13 An American named L. W. Buskett» staying at No. 9 Hotel de L’Europe, reports to the police that, last night, lie went to Raffles Hotel in a ’rikisha, taking Si 15 in notes with him. After being in the latter hotel for a few minutes, he found the
    79 words
  • 81 13 Mr. W. Stewart, a native of Scotland, who was engineer to a rice mill at Bangkok, died mysteriously there on tie* loth inst. He was last seen reading a newspaper on the verandah of his house. A scream alarmed an inmate at midnight, who found that Mr.
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  • 111 13 <>x Monday morning, Ng Am was arrested in New Bridge Road in possession ol’s »me wearing apparel hearing the initials \V. A. T and supposed to belong to a ship's officer. As the man could not, or would not, give any account of tie* things, he was sent
    111 words
  • 93 13 There lias been an enormous increase in the export, trade of Burma oil, which aggregated 750,>-14 gallons valued at R*. 5>,VJOi• in 1 MAS 99 as c mipared with 15.407 gallons valued at Us 11,549 in 1597-9 S, which was wholh due to the very large shipments
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  • 168 13 The mysterious complaint horse sickness,” now said to have broken out in Natal prevails there most during the months of March, April, and May. It is supposed that the dew on the grass causes the complaint, as horses that are muzzled in feeding bags, by which they are
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  • 239 13 POLICE ACTION AT LAST. A Correspondent writes to say that the police have begun to deal with what has long been felt to be a continual source of danger to the public, viz., the manner in which bullock carts are loaded. It is not uncommon, he says,
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  • 411 13 THE FIRST DAY. (Special to the 11 Straits Times.' The first day’s racing meet of the Penang Turf Club, held yesterday, was a great success. The weather was excellent, and there was a record attendance, there being a holiday in town. After the second Griffin Race, a dispute
    411 words
  • 111 13 Mr. Sanderson, a director of tin* Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., and Mr. Ewald, of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros., have made a journey to Jelebu and hack in what may he regarded as almost record time. Leaving Singapore on Saturday afternoon, they were at the head-quarters of the Jelebu Mining
    111 words
  • 257 13 S. C. C. V. TAN JONG PAGAR F. C. A friendly game was played last night on the Esplanade, between teams of the S. C. C. and the Tanjong Pagar Club, before a fair crowd of spectators. Unfortunately a very high wind was blowing right over the pitch and
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  • 475 13 PATENT FLOUR-GRINDING MACHINE. SI450 ALLOWED. In the Supreme Court this morning, the case of See Chuan Kiat v. J. M. Lyon and Co. was heard before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones, it being a claim for damages for breach of contract in supplying a flour grinding and silting machine.
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  • 173 13 An action —II. \V. Sampson v. l>e Basagoiti—was tried in the British Consular Court, at Bangkok, on the 9th instant. The plaintiff, as Inspector of agenciesof the China Mutual Insurance Company of Shanghai, sought to recover from the defendant, who was engaged bv the plaintiff at Singapore,
    173 words
  • 133 13 A correspondent says —Yesterday morning, three Klings, employed in driving Municipal rubbish carts, were before Mr. Sells for cruelty to their bullocks. They said they were carrying rubbish to fill up a swamp at Jalan Besar, that the carts stuck in the mud, and that to
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  • 875 13 BY A FESTIVE OLD STAGER. The European population of Singapore i 3 numbered by some thousands, that is men, women, and children. Of these the Scotch probably number the most, though the Germans are not far behind. There are also a good few of
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  • 190 14 THE QUEEN’ S JUBILEE MEMORIAL THE WAR FUNDS. A «KNTI.EM vv, not in Singapore, who has already subscribed MW to ouirfund for the widows, orphans, and dependants of the officers an me F'j us t 0 forces who may die as a result of the war operations Bend him a
    190 words
  • 875 14 BU.LER IS NOT SUPERSEDED. I \freu tin* announcement that Lord Roberts was going out to .South Africa as Commander-in-chief, the Press Association said 4 There appears in some quarters an inch nation to interpret tiie appointment of hard R .belts to the command in South Africa as
    875 words
  • 910 14 London, Jh'\ 22>|d. The over-shadowing of the great Christmas festival lias obscured mos f tiling.» that do not accord with the peri*» I There are many things in think of at t hiLtmas which preclude uUemiou lu the wheel pastime, unless indeed tin weather i» sufficiently bright, with
    910 words
  • 363 14 Tiih Strait* Times is to be sold by auction on 30th May. Sekfmbax lias challenged Malacca at cricket during the Chinese New Year holidays. A Kuxu boy living at 13S Tanjong Pagar Road was removed to H »pital yesterday, suffering from small-pox. Land is reported to have
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  • 42 14 One of our planters, says the Malay Mail has just sold coffee at $2O a picul, and lie is advised there is now a good demand and we shall not be surprised to see better prices ruling before long”
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  • 48 14 Rumour has it that the Malay States Guides will proceed to Singapore on the 26th instant for the annual mobilization. It is also reported that Captain Davidson Houston, assistant superintendent of police, Penang, will join the Malay States Guides as wing officer at an early date.
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  • 40 14 THE H. S. BANK. In a paragraph yesterday regarding the result of the half year's working of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, the statement was inadvertently omitted that live lacs of dollars (8500,000) are to be placed to Reserve Fund.
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  • 41 14 About midnight last night, a Chinaman living at 117 South Bridge Road took a large quantity of opium. Inspecter Black was called in, and he had the man removed to Hospital. The man, however, died shortly after admission.
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  • 54 14 A kemarkable find has just been made in the Mount Drysdale mine at Cobar in New South Wales. Gold was found to be showing in the face of the drive in lumps, and an assay of the stone gave lOOoz. of gold and 240 z. oi
    54 words
  • 78 14 Yeo Kim Kiat and Chi Jim Swee were charged with making a false document, abetment of theft, and theft. Prisoners, it was alleged, by means of a forged ticket got possession ot two bales of goods, the property of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. The first prisoner was
    78 words
  • 81 14 The Spanish transport Alicante 2,77 b tons and 108 crew, commanded b\ Captain Fernandez, arrived this morning from Manila. She has l.OBi» Spanish soldiers and 201 ollieers on board and is bound for Barcelona. Mam of these Spanish soldiers are men win have up to recently been
    81 words
  • 114 14 CHARGE DISMISSED. This morning, F. A. Hunter appeared before Mr. Brockman in answer to a Mimnion3 issued at the instance of Ramasamy, a hack-gharry driver, foi intentionally giving false information to a public servant. The evidence of tin syce showed that be had been arrested for the theft
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  • 119 14 Yesterday, Lce.-Corpl. Draman was before Mr Wolfrrstan for enquiry into an allegation of his having received from Ang Eng Bee, a carter, an illegal gratification of $2 on the 9th inst. From tlie evidence adduced, it appeared that Eng Bee was arrested at Ballestier Road for obstruction
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  • 179 14 The Municipal Commissioners have acquired a piece of land at Ballestier and thereon built an disinfector. It is now alleged that this site is part of a Government reserve road, which was marked out probably forty years ago. The Land Oflice has intimated that the land is
    179 words
  • 479 14 A Correspondent, who i. I knowledgable man, writes a f',)* It would be as well for those i I in tin mining ventures in JohVre stand some of the ii/tI in management, transport, a»* p r B sumed that it is intend»*.! to
    479 words
  • 159 14 ANNUAL MEETING. I The annual meeting ol the \m>~. I Lawn Tennis Club was lield ye-t*r > I Mr. Waddell presided, and t li* i.* I also present: Mesdames a: Lovell, Reid, Wetlierall, Brown, Kynnersley, ILmitseli, M- rr-L I Newton, Coleridge, Braddcll, H ‘i h: I
    159 words
  • 212 14 At the Assize Court, this n. H before the Chief Justice and a*}' 'H jury, a Chinaman named Ileng was charged with the in n•’ a Chinese woman named N*e V H the Mrd December, at Singapore H The Attorney-General 1 I for the Crown, and
    212 words

  • 180 15 tfV meeting of the Municipal Av hc |d yesterday afterV,'; <i,-ntle presided, and there Messrs. W. bvans, i;irker. and K K. Jaso. ~t the last meeting were nK w members. ted members: Mr. lor I’agar h Ml ~\,tlnir linker for Tanglin 1 r .Moses for Kallang jj,
    180 words
  • 787 15 HI- PORTRAIT. j*. i -aid that, with regard v tin* late Governor, Sir v M:*« i.‘ 11. he had communicated v j iiul iri i Bro*. and had been v, j ot all tlie untouched I V,,f :i,c late Governor, ard ’.’V.-ii'i.-avour to place them before ;,r
    787 words
  • 547 15 THREE WEEKS IN HOSPITAL. The case of Inspector Jones of the rikisha department was then considered. The President said this was a case of misconduct on the part of one of their inspectors, and Mr Sohst ami Mr Jatio had joined with him in dealing with the case.
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  • 476 15 THE CORPORATION TO BE MONTHLY TENANTS. The President reported that a communication had been received xom the Borneo Company stating that the Commission may continue in the present offices, as monthly tenants, at a rent of «500 a month. He thought the Commission should try and get
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  • 1521 15 (By Scientific Agriculturist,) This is the second instalment of an article on the scientific cultivation of india-rubber. The first instalment of the article was published in the Straits Times of Nov. 9ih, and dealt fully with the various kinds of trees yielding rubber and the conditions under
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  • 436 15 A SCHEME FOR REDUCTION. In an address to a Liverpool meeting on the subject of Imperial Telegraphic Communication,” Sir E. bassoon M. P. complained of the onerous charges of the cable companies, which, in view of the phenomenal increaseofthe traffic, beheld to be wholly antiquated and intolerable, lie
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  • 35 15 On the 28th December, the Government sold by auction at Manila over thirty millions of Philippines stamps, and also postal cards dating from the» days of Spanish rule. The whole lot fetched 550,300.
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  • 939 16 2,000 KILLED AND WOUNDED. TERRIBLE EFFECTS OF LYDDITE. THE*war correspondent of the Daily Telegraph accompanying Lord Methuen’s column, in a picturesque description of the fight at Magersfontein on the 11th ult., says the Doer tactics were admirable. They allowed the Highland brigade to advance in the darkness close to
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  • 276 16 Corea intends, it is said, to throw open Port Hamilton to foreign trade. The plague continues to spread in Japan. Two Japanese doctors have died of it. The Americans have begun to stock the Washington Museum with war relics from the Philippines. Tiie municipal debt of London
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  • 38 16 The Belgian Syndicate, which is pushing railway schemes in China, has just secured concessions for two lines at Pekin. One line runs right through the province of Honan to coal mines in the province of Schensi.
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  • 50 16 Early this month, a Bishop and one hundred and sixteen friars arrived at Manila after long captivity among the insurgents, who are said to have treated them in a cruel manner. One of the friars stated that he had received more than 8,000 lashes during his confinement.
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  • 49 16 Early yesterday morning, a Chinaman was found in the Singapore river under suspicious circumstances. He was arrested and charged with attempting to drown himself. He said he was having a bath. The police thought it was a very early hour for .bathing. He got seven days.
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  • 129 16 The Court of Inquiry held at the British Consulate, Bangkok, into the collision there between the German steamer Patani and the British steamer Taichiotr in which the latter was sunk, has delivered its finding. The Court found that the collision was solely due to the wrongful act
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  • 63 16 An important movement in connection with the supply of kerosene to the Australian colonies is on foot. It is intended to establish depots for dealing with bulk petroleum from the Borneo wells. The movement is strongly supported by several large firms in London. Sites have been secured in
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  • 77 16 Mr. Duxman reports to the police that yesterday afternoon one of his tambies went round collecting. The tamby recived $2lB from the Netherlands Trading Co., but as the money was not handed to him (Mr. Dunman) the latter proceeded to take the tamby to the police station. On
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  • 74 16 It is stated that the Tsungli-Yamen, or Foreign Office at Pekin, has sent a circular dispatch to the various high provincial authorities, authorising them to send abroad each a large number of students for the purpose of studying one of three professions, viz: —scientific agriculture, mechanics, or commercial
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  • 71 16 The Hongkong Bank is collecting subscriptions at Manila for the Transvaal War Widows and Orphans’ Fund. The amount raised reached £7,967 on (he 10th instant. Of this sum, #3,2:44 were contributed by Chinese as a mark of gratitude for the protection accorded to Chinese subjects in’ Manila by
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  • 84 16 A Eurasian woman living in Prinsep Street was removed to the Hospital yesterday suffering from small-pox. A Malay hoy, five months old, died about three weeks ago and was buried, but it has now been discovered that small-pox was the cause of death. No report was made at
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  • 90 16 Yesterday, Loll Ah Seng was committed tor trial for voluntarily causing hurt and attempt to murder. From the evidence adduced it appeared that Hob Ah Lok, the prosecutor, had been in hospital a fortnight suffering from the effects of a scratch wound in the side. The evidence
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  • 90 16 About 6 o’clock last night, a row occurred on the Charterhouse lying at the New Harbour wharf, between some of the firemen and coolies. A free fight ensued, and in the melee a Hylam named Yong Beng Cheng got his skull fractured. He was removed to the
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  • 166 16 PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. The distribution of prizes at the Penang Free School took place on the 12th instant. Mr. Hargreaves, the head master, pointed out that at the annual inspection of the school 52/ boys were presented, and a firstclass grant was awarded for higher standards, lower standards,
    166 words
  • 75 16 PRISONER SENTENCED TO DEATH. At the Assize Court, yesterday, evidence was concluded in the case of Chiarn Ah Heng who was arraigned on a charge of murder. Prisoner was arrested on a statement made by himself that he had murdered a woman named See 00, some distance
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  • 89 16 Before the Society of Arts, in London, on the 14th December, Colonel R.C. Temple explained a scheme for establishing a line of wireless telegraph stations between Diamond Island, near Rangoon, via the Andaman and Nicobar islands, in file Bay of Bengal, to Acheen Head, whence communication can be
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  • 138 16 Ban Teng and Lee Ah Tiew were yesterday before Mr. H. G. Sarwar for enquiry into the allegations of robbery and abetment respectively. It appeared that on the BOth ultimo a Chinese woman named Loh All Fong, with her daughter, was going along Club Street in a ’rikislia,
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  • 203 16 Ena Sundrum Merican, a clerk in the employ of C. E. Crane, was charged on Nov. 21st, last in respect of sums of $2 50 and S 3 belonging to an estate of which he was collecting rents. A postponement was then asked for in order
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  • 229 16 AN INTERESTING COMPARISON. When the immense military strength latent in the Empire is so rarely realised it may be useful to remember the number of men we brought under arms in 1809 during the great Wf r Infantry, Cavalry, and Regular Militia 285,398, Local Militia
    229 words
  • 247 16 (Special telegram to the I The weather at Penan* H on the second day of ti,, excellent. The majority of r C(a nfl had dose 3 sider, carried off the Au. 71 the totalizator paying a n, *I«1. Results are tl o„,'| ,V1^UI The Roadsters’ Haxdk u i-
    247 words
  • 143 16 —Manila Times. Mr. J. O’Brien, an Englishman fr..m London and a professional »r« »>:«♦ cl, who lias just returned to Manila afra long captivity among tin* insurgent* makes interesting statements a l»o'jt the mountainous regions of Capivas Province, in the island of Luzon. Mr O’Brien says that
    —Manila Times.  -  143 words
  • 146 16 Filipino officers, who have surrendered to the Americans, speak disconsolately of the insurrection The insurgents in the north, they say, as a whole have lost faith in Aguinaldo, and after their continued defeats have been forced to realise that it is useless attempting to'flght the Americans. ith the
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  • 152 16 London 10 th Jw in J The Emperor William has sent telegram to the King of Wurte mbt-rg-saying he hopes the events of the la* few dayB [i. e. the seizure of German vessels by British men-of-war "ill ha' e convinced widening circles that her many’s interests
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  • 1124 17 I mi: anni’ al meeting. I ir .i ,t(. n *‘ni\ meeting of the Th* :MI t i7 Singapore Sporting r i on Wednesday in 1 ll,M Mt \v A. Cailell took Lx *a‘ supported by Messrs. B' "■••ivl.-iiberg, (oinii, Laird, V, <; indoor, Makepeace, ■>-, Uidu.-ll.
    1,124 words
  • 112 17 ARRANGEMENTS FOR CAM I*. It lias been decided to hold the annual camp o*’ the S. V. A. at New Harbour this year, and the corps will go under canvas on Saturday, the inst., until the Gth February. There will be one or two field days, the
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  • 185 17 On Wednesday, Messrs. Powell Co. offered several lots of building land for sale. The most important lot was that of Government building allotments at Robinson Road. Afterwards a piece of land in serangoon Road 54 acres in extent was sold for $2,950; 30 acres in the Sembawang district
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  • 181 17 THE PLOT THAT FAILED. The funeral of General Lawton, who had been recently killed in the neighbourhood, in action, by insurgents, took place at Manila on the 30th December. The insurgents sought to take advantage of the funeral to start a rising there, under the idea
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  • 211 17 FORTY-SIXTH DAY $67,609. We acknowledge to-day a contribution to the Straits Times collection of $lOO from the members of the Chinese Merchants’ Club in Singapore. We thank the members of the Club for this useful contribution to a good cause, andweinay add that our collection is
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  • 229 17 Speaking at a dinner recently given in his honour by the Glasgow Imperial Union Club, Lord Kelvin offered some suggestive speculations on the politics of the twentieth century. Among other things he doubted the continued existence of government by party. Riitisli polities in the twentieth
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  • 165 17 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’ Sir, —Will you allow me through the medium of your valuable journal to call the attention of the head of the coneervancy department to the want of effective supervision that is so apparent regarding the removal of street sweepings and drain
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  • 77 17 ACTION IN BARAWAK. The Rajah of Sarawak has abolished almost all the taxes levied at the slaughter-houses and markets at his capital. In future only a nominal sum will have to be paid for the use of a table in the fish-market or for the use of the
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  • 661 17 NEW GUINEA. From Dutch New Guinea come accounts of an outrage by the savages there. Two officers and three engineers of the steamer General l*el went ashore and came upon natives who, all of a sudden, attacked them. They captured the third officer and two engineers. The chief
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  • 117 17 The Belgian Consul in the Philippines reports that these islands are full of gold, but that there is no market for it in the Philippines. The gold mines would probably prove very lucrative, but their development would be slow. The richest mines are in Camarines, near the town
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 17 (conducted by kino’s pawn.’*) All chess correspondence should be addressed to “King’s Pawn.” Solutions: Problem No. 157 (rradignat) Kt-Q 5; No. 158 (Neale) B—B 6. Correct, solutions received from Caisss, A. O. S. and Novice. White to play and mate in two moves.
    44 words
  • 1038 17 The following story by A.'L. Stevenson in the liritidi Chess Magazine" i* so true to life that I can scarcely refrain from giving it in extevso. Characters: Harold Merton and Kate, his wife. Kafr: There be is—still at that horrid < he s! Now wouldn’t anyone 1
    1,038 words

  • 42 18 Tlit* Singapore Chess Club account up to 31st December last shows a cash balance of $521 as against 83.0 on the corresponding date for IB9S. After taking into account all o (.standings, there is an available balance of $345.
    42 words
  • 136 18 London 4th Jan. Thr Boers at Colesberg are almost surrounded but keep the British outside the town. Incessant fighting is going on in the hills. Colonel Pilcher, f »r military reasons, evacuated Douglas, conducting the loyalists to Belmont. Montmorency evacuated Dordiecht, going to Bird’s Siding. General
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  • 233 18 General Hector Macdonald, who we learn has reached Capetown to take over the command of the late General Waucliope, lias seen South African service before. In fact, he was at the battle ot Mnjuba Hill, and the wonder is tint he survived that battle l his tact
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  • 996 18 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang via ports— Mr. Rull, Hon. J. M. Alliuson, Mr. McDonald, Mr an I Mrs. Garling, Mr. Marsland, and Dr. V. de Brandt. Per s. 8. Nienhuys from P. Laut—Mr. Hoorman, and Mr. and Mrs. Richards. Per s. e. Neera from Deli—Mr.
    996 words
  • 27 18 Japan via ports, Oldenburg dne 19th Jan., Bebn Meyer A Co. Copenhagen via ports. Siam, due middle of Feb., Bebn Meyer A Co.
    27 words
    • 133 18 [Jnder this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh.—ship bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo H.p.—Horse-power; Brit.— British; U. B.—United States; Fr.— French; Ger.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Job ore Ac., G. c., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong
      133 words
    • 1062 18 TRADING VESSELS c. Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Seng Guan Brit. str. 502 tons, Capt Lyons, 18ih Jan. From Bangkok, 14th Jan. G.c, anti 42 d p Ban Seng and Co 1 For Bangkok, 2oth—Kds. Ban Whatt Soon Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt Rowse, loth Jan. From Pontianak, lfith
      1,062 words
    • 785 18 I tfante, port probable da'e oj arrival o..r I name of agent». I Steamers. I Afridi, Hongkong, Feb 5 P. Simons. I Ainbria, Hongkong, Jan 20 B. Meyer. I Ancona, Bombay, Jan 25 P. A O. I Aiitatilusi.i, Hamburg, Mar 27 B. Meyer. I Annam, Colombo, Mar 5
      785 words
    • 1167 19 Flag 1 v Captain From Sailbi CosBiGszss. t'» > A M 1 r E Rig. j 7 ~r tAn out str. 550 Rolufs b’jerraasin Jan 6Ek Leong Chan J ,!i 1 l.i ’-’Z >oon str 395 Voor Bangkok Jan t llooglandt <fe Co. lui i° Hrit str. 102 Hendry
      1,167 words
    • 785 19 A1 Vessel’s Nam k Flag Flo Captain j Destination r,n j° Brit str. Lyon Penang how f'iiya sir. .lellicoe i Malacca and Klang r, *> I»s. n str. Fyfe Penang and Deli Hong Wan str. Hudson Muar and Malacca PAO str. Symons Bombay v I1 7'‘*p Dut str. Nacod.ih
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 738 18 [ACETYLEN GAS tor PRIVATE or industrial lightias handbook of practical bints M Producing aww* Postal ire.* by price-list oi sent gratis a‘nd DEROY Fils Atnĕ, Ei.^inee,, 71 to 77» rue du Th *at r p AR ,g STAND BACK AND THUN Loot Madam said a wDc old plivsi,riant,, woman who
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    • 202 19 POWELL ROBINSON. Battery Road. 3STEW OXJTFITTI3STC3-. EX S. S. IXAIIA AIARU, NEW STRAW HATS, LEADING SHAPES, NEW SINGAPORE” HELMETS, Light weight, thorough protection. POWEL L~ROBINSON. FOR THE SKIN SOAP (For Delicate, Sensitive, Irritable £kins). CREAM (For Itching, Face Spots, Piickly Heat, Sunburn, Insect Bites, <£c.) POWDER (F° r Redness, Roughness,
      202 words
    • 265 19 Ax> U t.ODttlHT’ Btraits Times $3O a year, or s2s a month or cents a cnpv Post Free, a quarter. Straits Budget post free, $2O a year, or $6 a quarter, or 40 cent* a copy. The advertising rates are: firrt time, 16 cents a line; 2nd and 8«1 time*.
      265 words

  • 506 20 Shipwrights, Eng inkers, Ikon anl Brass Founders, Wharfingers, Ac. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in leDcti 2l feet on sill. Wharf frontage, one mile and a quaver Sheers Wharf 350 feet in length, Boiler and Masting Sheers worked by steam. Extensive range of
    506 words
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    • 456 20 si I'fa.i*» a LEA PERRINS OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER .of every Bottle of the < ORIGINAL, WORCBSTjPK^IIIBB hoicsa’^y K 'J V i: Proprietors, > j r;\o; ,v. *ve*L Ltd.. Loo* l* ,*;vi Export O lra-.n *;er;er:il!y. i Jii’ Ali-
      456 words
    • 664 20 s for Ladies! A Remedy for all Irregularities. !iop«md.B| Bitter Apple, r«nnyroyal, Pi. C ch a. gold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Udn Ramos Place, Singapore. Propil«‘or MARTIN. CheeteC SOUTHAMPTON. ENOLANtt COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL new medical work on the cause** and most scientific ~;d effectual means of nt-lf-n'.re ever discovered for oervous
      664 words
    • 593 20 A third supply of this hook has now l>een received. FROM PEKING TO PETERSBURG (A journey of fifty days in 1898) BY ARNOT REID (With author's portrait and a map) EDWARD ARNOLD: i^don. ON SALE' NOW (Price: §4.50) AT KELLY WALSH, (LTD.) The Daily Telegraph: —“lt is an interesting story
      593 words
    • 189 20 'OU should read the HISTORY OF Racb and of how the price of the from about a sovereign to a shilk-? rose from ln 50 CENTS TO $6O. A complete story of the comnanr its inception up to the period entered the stage of assured work in be found in
      189 words