The Straits Budget, 6 January 1900

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 143 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ’v v ?r i The Straits Times has the largest; circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all tKe'Brotgfcted States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies,
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    • 16 1 On 1 -ruber, at Ailsa, Mount h.iz.vHLTM. the wife of J. Graham, of a son.
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  • 284 1 •VJ RriCl-E?. tO; t I:c W *r. Of E»tate. Tii<- W.r Units. The \V;tr. >r an i Country. Cosily Lt*s>oii. J he Jubilee M LiticilQ. Ke v icw of too \oar. /XAI.. Market Quotations. i hinping News. List. J'oi !<*♦- News, Sui«-i(i«*s. Of shares. The T uusvaal
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  • 568 1 Singapore, 6th January, 1900. PRODUCE. (Hates are corrected to noon.) vlambier buyers 6.80. Copra Bali, 6.70. do Pontianak 6.10. Pepper, Black buyers 28 50. do White, (5%) 46.00 >ago Flour Sarawak 3.65. Je B w No i. r Pearl 4.10. Coffee, Bali, 15% basi9 22.00 Coffee Palombang, 15%basi9.. 23.00
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  • 509 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Oceanien. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. and O. Parramatta. The German mail for Europe, by the Prinz Heinrich closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 8th December
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    • 65 1 London 28/A Dec. An official despatch from Cape Town, dated the 26th inst., states that the situation is unchanged. Lord Methuen reports that the force I of Boer* bun Fae c:m uy uie wng in entrenching three and a half miles from
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    • 15 1 Lord Kitchener has embarked on the Dunottar Castle at Gibraltar, for South Africa.
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    • 31 1 The embarkation of the sixth (Sir Charles Warren’s) division will be completed on Monday next. The mobilization of the seventh division will be completed next Saturday.
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    • 16 1 The battery of Artillery from New South Wales sails for the Cape on Saturday.
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    • 27 1 The Queen has signified her intention of entertaining at Windsor the wives and families of the Guards now on service in South Africa.
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    • 101 1 Lord Stanley joins the staff of FieldMarshal Lord Roberts. [Lord Stanley is 84 years of age. He is a Junior Lord of the Treasury, was a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards from 1885 to 1895, was A. D. C. to his father as Governor-General of Canada 1889—1891,
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    • 60 1 Later. Communication by means of Marconi’s wireless telegraph, between the Modder River and De Aar Junction, a distance of 70 miles, is perfect. A Reuter message from the Modder River, dated the 21st inst., states that on that day there was
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    • 82 1 The limes correspondent wiring from Sterkstroom, says it is not loyalty but fear that prevents a general rising of the Dutch in South Africa. The correspondent says the British reverses have encouraged many waverers to join the Boers,
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    • 20 1 The Boer positions at Colenso were again shelled with lyddite on the 21st inst.
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    • 51 1 Ixmdp0, 29th Dec. Although there hae/*een no actual fighting, the made successful reconnaissances on a small scale from KimbcjW» from the Modder River Camjrfrom Chieveley, and from Sterkstir'™* Xijr meanwhile, are strengthp* D 8 their entrenchments and counting guns at
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    • 19 2 Considerable bodies of Boers afe constantly moving about on the southern side of the Tugela River.
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    • 52 2 The director of the Hanoverian missions in Natal, llartes hy name, and a German farmer named Stucke, have been arrested on a charge of harbouring the enemy. The-e two Germans claimed the protection of the German flag. They were remanded to the gaol
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    • 39 2 hater. A Times message from Ladysmith, dated the 19th inst, states that the garrison have fool stuffs for a further two months only. There is some trouble regarding the supply of forage.
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    • 30 2 The message further states that the enemy’s shelling operations were improving in the matter of accuracy and that the firing was causingj heavier casualties in Ladysmith.
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    • 91 2 A i'.'wr message from Delagoa Bay states that the Boer army commissariat. is well supplied, but that great destitution exists among the nu in hers of the burghers’ families. The price of necessaries used by the
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    • 13 2 The seventh Army Division com mences embarking on January 4th.
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    • 18 2 The Government have accepted a battery of the Honourable Artillery Company.
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    • 44 2 FRANCE. HER COASTS, COLONIES, NAVY. London 30/A The French Government has Bills into the Chamber of Deputies assigning 120 millions of francs for the defence of the French coasts and Colonies. 400 millions of francs have besides been assigned for increasing the French Navy.
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    • 33 2 Advices have been received from Mafeking dated the 12th instant. At that date the enemy were firing there daily from all sides. The health and spirits of the garrison were good.
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    • 9 2 The Royal .Malta Artillery goes to Egypt.
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    • 38 2 Later. Advices from Ladysmith to the 22nd instant state that the British casualties there since the beginning of the siege were 70 killed and 236 wounded. There are many cases of enteric fever at Ladysmith.
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    • 53 2 According to an officially sanctioned statement, the Government regards the formation and despatch of the Imperial Yeomanry Corps as one of the most pressing needs of the situation. The Daily Telegraph says that the Government is now prepared to accept the services of
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    • 16 2 The British at Chieveley continue to shell heavily the Boer positions at Colenso.
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    • 16 2 A Cavalry Brigade has made a reconnaissance due west of the Modder River
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    • 77 2 London 31**/ Dec. The German steamer Bundesrath having three German officers and twenty men aboard dressed in khaki, has been captured in Delagoa Bay and taken to Durban. Government is convinced that she has not been seized without ample justification, hut
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    • 33 2 A Boer despatch states that the British on Christmas Day hotly attacked the Boer Fort Malopo, outside Mafekinp, and that the British lost 109. The Boer losses were only nine.
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    • 44 2 Lord Cecil Cavendish Bentinck is wounded. [Lord Cecil Cavendish Bentinck is a Lieutenant of the 9th Lancers (the Queen's itoyals) He was selected for special service in the Mafekiog district and wa6 nrobably wounded in the sortie which is recorded to-day.]
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    • 17 2 General Sir George White has made a sortie from Ladysmith and has captured a hill.
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    • 38 2 Ist Jan. It is stated at Washington that the result of Mr. Hay’s negotiations to secure an open door in China is most gratifying. Great Britain, Germany, Fiance, Russia, and Japan have responded favourably.
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    • 57 2 The Volunteers at Deelfontein, twenty miles south of De Aar, dispersed a party of Boers on the railway on Christmas Day. They had no casualties. The same correspondent states that there is increasing d iso flection in Cape Colony [among the Dutch], but nothing ike
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    • 50 2 Reuter's agent, telegraphing from Jrere Camp, states that on Saturday several hundred Boers were cut off on )lie south side of the Tugela owing to i;he river suddenly rising. Lieut. Dalzel of the Devons was killed ami others were wounded by a shell striking the mess-room at Ladysmith.
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    • 29 2 Colonial volunteers continue to be enrolled at many centres. Another New Zealand contingent is be despatched on January 15th, and t lere are more to follow.
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    • 55 2 The Times correspondent at Lorenzo Marques states that suspicions are confirmed of the close relations between the Boers with a foreign consulate at Pretoria. There are persistent rumours at Lorenzo Marques and Durban that guns and ammunition for the Boers are
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    • 66 2 The Duke of Connaught has been appointed to the command of the troops in Ireland, in succession to Field Marshal Lord Roberts. Ihe United States are sending a military attache to the Boer forces. Colonel Sir Howard Vincent is to command the infantry battalion of the London
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    • 68 2 2nd January. The evening papers publish a message stating that General French routed he Boers and occupied Colesburg yesterday morning (January Ist) after a night march. The detailsl given are that a body of cavalry and light artillery out-flanked the enemy, while the infantry
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    • 17 2 It is reported that 2,000 Boers have attacked Dordrecht and have been repulsed.
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    • 72 2 At Ladysmith, by the bursting of a Boer shell in an officers’ mess room, the iollowingjwere wounded :—Lieuts. Dent, iTwish, Caffyn, Scafe, and Kane of the Devons; Bryne of the Inniskillings; and Lieut. Tringham of the Queen’s West Surreys. The fire
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    • 33 2 A reconnaissance from Chieveley on the 30th Dec. (Saturday) has proved that the Boers still hold Hingivane 6trongly. [Hingivane is the Zulu name of an eminence in the vicinity of Chieveley.-
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    • 57 2 BUFFER’ S TASK. REGARDED AS STUPENDOUS. THE TUGELA IN FLOOD. BOERS IN A FORTRESS. London Jan. 3rd. The newspaper correspondents, writ ing from Chieveley,are unanimous in regarding the task confronting General Buller as stupendous. The river Tugela is now in full Hood. The position of the Boers on the river
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    • 111 2 There are ugly rumours in Capetown as to disaffection in the Victoria West and Clanwilliam districts of Cape Colony- The Victoria West district is practically in the centre of Cape Colony, its most northern point being some (Jo miles south of the Orange River.
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    • 11 2 The seventh Army Division embarks by the 11th instant.
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    • 86 2 Later. An official message has been received stating that Colonel Pilcher with a force largely composed of Canadians and Australians effectedTirnTT^ 5 of 22 miles on the Ist inn c surprised and completely ,u. f Boer commando near Belmont 4 The force
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    • 100 2 General French’s success at Coles: is confirmed. General French, with a force of i n t r try in wagons, five squadrons of mounvi men, and ten guns attacked the at daybreak on the Ist inst. The Artillery shelled the Boer h ti2( r from
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    • 21 2 The Boers, who number from 7,000, occupy a strong laager near the junction [presumably De Aar junction
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    • 29 2 The Japanese Minister to Germany has had an audience of the Kmperor William and has conferred the Order ot the Chrysanthemum on the OVinun Crown Prince.
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    • 60 2 London 4th Jon. Nothing official has yet been received in regard to General French’s fight at Colesberg. Government has decided to employ twelve Militia battalions outside Great Britain—seven of these to go to South Africa, two to Malta, and two to the Channel Islands.
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    • 39 2 Later. An Army Order just issued gives sanction to the employment of a certain number of reserve officers, not abo\|e the rank of major, to fill vacancies i en South Africa. i
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    • 44 2 An official despatch received at the War Office states that General French’s position is unchanged. He is still manoeuvring in the Colesberg district. General French adds to his despatch hat,with small reinforcements, he could dislodge the enemy from Colesberg.
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    • 29 2 It is stated that the Defence, Committee of the Cabinet have decided to ask for over five million pounds to 1 provide new guns. <
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    • 55 3 H London sth Jan. .1 1- ranch's artillery forces the tU tac vicinity of Colesberg to ai*‘d in t he iiills. ■i' j* m i.-* occupied Molteno and p. They retired from the latter, H ii (iem ral (iatacre
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    • 18 3 i from Kimberley states I and scurvy are increasing I 1.-aiiucred town
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    • 61 3 Thorn**ycrt»fi‘s Horse reconnoitred re-terdav towards Springfield and saw I huge f» »rce of Boers. The reconnoitring party then retired. The Boers fired on them, and piaintained the fire iJatiJ the British Lamp was reached. J I It is
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    • 27 3 Later. A message from Frere says that yesterday the Boer trenches were slit'll**» 1 and smashed with lyddite. Til** enemy thereupon shifted their I» isitiun.
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    • 30 3 ih.nnany has protested against the M /'iie uf the Herman steamer Bunr mil, Delagoa Bay. Negotiations on the matter are now hniv: on in London.
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    • 12 3 I have been sent to Bl'.iwral French from De Aar.
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    • 19 3 H Wan mail steamer has been q Jr ained ail, l being searched at Aden.
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    • 22 3 I/ ,v" r **l*tch sa horsemen K' rom Ladysmith. I s Relieved to include A Khodes and Dr. Jameson.
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    • 28 3 Hvet stn n e bbon tau B ht at Modder M Vttyfroft t i In n lnfonnati °n to the W I ,roSitl British lines.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 r'-* V, V ,-jS vT '7’A\tt/: v jr TiM+: s m |>ri«*t* of tilt» Straits Times c-.j The post free price t is $20 a year, or 40/ t t > si*1 >s*'i*ii>e for n year. f**r shorter periods are m i i tionate rate of price as y; :i
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  • 12 1 DEVl'H. ry 1 ~t, at ."y jpore. J. W. !>e k:> 1
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  • 355 3 (Straits Times 28 th December.) The situation in Cape Colony turns very much on whether the Dutch near the borders have or have not the courage to be disloyal in action as well as in heart. They doubt and fear. That is what the Times correspondent wires
    (Straits Times, 28th December.)  -  355 words
  • 318 3 (Straits Times, 2 Sth December.) With reference to the property sales occasionally recorded in our columns, it may be noted that Syed Alkafif is a trequent purchaser, as also are other Arabs. It may he explained that, according to the proper practice of the Mohammedan religion, these
    (Straits Times, 2Sth December.)  -  318 words
  • 629 3 (Straits Times 29 th December.) In various places in South Africa, the embattled armies are marking time. Meanwhile, the British are keeping their hands in by little reconnaissances, while the Boers are chiefly erecting earthworks, except in Natal where they ride through the country a good deal.
    (Straits Times, 29th December.)  -  629 words
  • 341 3 The only disagreeable news from South Africa is that at Ladysmith there are many cases of enteric fever. It is not good for people to remain underground; and although, no doubt, everything that skill and science can do is done to improve the sanitation and water supply of
    (Straits Times, 30th December)  -  341 words
  • 872 3 (Strail s* Times id January.) The telegrams of Saturday afternoon, of Sunday, and of to-day tell of a quantity of miscellaneous fighting. From Colesberg, in Cape Colony, there was a New Year’s Day British victory. From Dordrecht there is news of a Boer repuli e. It is
    (Strails* Times, id January.)  -  872 words
  • 1657 3 (Straits Times 3rd January News of British successes in South Africa continues to come. First, we have a confirmation of General French’s success at Colesburg.. It seems that, packing his infantrymen in waggons, and with but a moderate mounted force and ten guns, he attacked the
    (Straits Times, 3rd January.)  -  1,657 words

  • 240 4 (Straits Times 4th January.) General French, who is a cavalry leader, states that with small reinforcements, he could dislodge the Boers from ColeBberg. Let us hope he will get reinforcements soon. Only seven militia battalions are to go direct to South Africa, at which news the militiamen
    (Straits Times, 4th January.)  -  240 words
  • 397 4 (Straits Times Aik January.) w 9 v Everybody should read our report of yesterday’s Legislative Council. There was some line speaking. Mr. Stringer, who did not contribute one solitary cent, either by himself or by his firm, to the Queen’s Jubilee Memorial Fund, denounced various persons who
    (Straits Times, Aik January.)  -  397 words
  • 1670 4 (Straits Times sth January.) To-day’s news from South Africa is of two different grades of quality. From Cape Colony the news is good. General French’s artillery forces the Boers at Colesberg to keep concealed in the hills. Further than that he has not found it convenient to
    (Straits Times, sth January.)  -  1,670 words

  • 4047 5 I W’EfiYK MONTHS’ REVIEW. jrn 4 an easy task to review the (l f a twelvemonth; it is an task to deal within the inT 0 1 1 r>i f ,,j a newspaper article exhausr v. .v with all the happenings of a year; > ti.irffly necessary to say,
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  • 4546 6 LOCAL AFFAIKS. OUR ADMINISTRATION. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hunh Mitchell, died suddenly of paralysis on tne <tii Decembci. Sn J. A Swottenhuin, the Colonial Secretary, upon this, assumed the Acting Governorship. Mr. C. W. Si icy d Kynnerslcy became Acting Colonial Secretary. Sir Charles died in
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  • 386 7 Thg Loodiana with the Penang cricket eleven on board, arrived to-day 4 H. M. S. Undaunted arrived at Hongkong on the 20th instant from Manila. H. E. Major-General J. B. B. Dickson paid a visit to the Italian cruiser Etna at about 11.30 this morning. To-day, 19
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  • 44 7 Messrs. Latham and Mactaggart in their share report. ol to-day say: —The I markets have been practically closed owing to the Christmas holidays. It is reported by telegram that the clean-up at Redjang Lebong gives a return ol two ounces per ton.
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  • 57 7 A Chinaman named Tan Eng Wan, of 213-9 New Bridge Road, reports that about noon on tlie 23rd, i\ Eurasian went to his house and invited him to Prinsep 8treet to gamble. After gambling till 5 p.m. the Chinaman said that he wanted to go home, but
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  • 64 7 A Chinaman committed suicide on Christmas Eve by hanging himself in 1 Phillip 8treet. An old Hokien woman attempted to commit suicide by cutting her throat with a piece of glass. A Hindu, living at New Bridge Road, was sent to hospital on the 23rd, suffering from the effects
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  • 1028 7 (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lipis 20 th December. MURDER. Another murder, the third this year in the district, has been committed in the Semantan. Awang Akil, hitherto a harmless maniac, suddenly armed himself witli spear and kris and constituted himself a terror alike to his household and to
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  • 311 7 THEY ARE TOO VALUABLE TO BE SPARED FROM THE COLONY. EACH MAN HOLDS HIS HEAD HIGHERTO-DAY. It may be remembered that we have already explained that tlie Acting Governor wired to the Secretary of State that a large number of the men of the Singapore
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  • 171 7 A Frenchman named John Gabriel reports that at about 11.15 p.m. on Wednesday, he was walking along Jalan Kubor when live Chinamen attacked him. They knocked him down and robbed him of $lO in silver, and then made oil’, lie followed them to Blanco Court, and saw them
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  • 64 7 THE ORIENT.” The current number of the Japanese monthly magazine, the “Orient,” is a good number. There are interesting articles on religion and education, newspapers in Tokyo, Dalbiac’s Dictionary of Quotations, miscellaneous and editorial notes, and a summary of general news. The magazine discusses the political and diplomatic questions of
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  • 907 7 F. M. S. v. R. E. and R. A. A WIN FOR THE STATES BY 4 GOALS TO 1. It says a good deal for the pluck and stamina of the Federated Malay States players that, on three consecutive nights, they play football against three teams of standing and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 PROPERTY SALE. Messrs. Powell Co., yesterday, ottered for sale several lots of house property. No. 12 Clyde Street was sold to Syed Alkaff for $1,450, and the three houses Nos. 28, 29, and 30 Johore Road fetched $1,600, Hock Joo being the purchaser. At $3,500 Syed Alkaff was the buyer
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  • 244 8 THIRTY-TIIIRD DAY TOTAL $28,986. cash IN bank: $28,297 15. To-day, the Fund has the following bank credits: Chartered Bank 31 «,829 *29 Hongkong it Shanghai Bank 8 9,467.86 The principle has been to pay into each bank the cheques drawn on it; and the cheques drawn on
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  • 78 8 The Buddhist deputations from Burmah and Ceylon, to which we referred yesterday, sailed for Bangkok to-day. The delegates hope to receive there a portion of the relics of Buddha recently found in India. The Buddhists of Singapore have subscribed over 825,000 to be spent in the erect
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  • 105 8 A Havas telegram, dated Paris, 22nd instant, states that M. Piehon, French Minister at Pekin, has notified to his Government the appointment of Li-llung-Chang to be Viceroy of Canton. Marshal Sou, the Chinese military officer, who had been commissioned to mark out the boundaries of the territory
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  • 127 8 A Hokien named Ang See, a shopkeeper of 126 Thomson Road, reports that on the 23rd instant his house was broken into and property valued at $46 stolen. A Siamese named Pen, of 29 May hew Street, reports that during his absence from his house on the
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  • 125 8 THE LADIES’ CHAMPIONSHIP. The ladies’ championship was played for on Tuesday and Wednesday—9 holes at Sepoy Lines and 9 holes at the Race Course. It was won by Mrs. Lovell with the very excellent score of 98. Mrs. Stringer was second with 113. The following are the scores:— Sepoy
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  • 74 8 The Government invites tenders for the construction ofChief Police Officer’s quarters. Mr. Ainger, of the London and. China Express leaves for Kotie, and will thereafter make a tour of Borneo. About 12 noon yesterday the dead body of a female child was found in Upper Cross Street.
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  • 24 8 One hundred and seventy-five deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday la3t. The ratio per thousand was 39 07.
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  • 45 8 The loss of the British steamer Jlupeh which foundered the other day on a voyage from Java to Hongkong, has been inquired into at the latter port. The Court found that the master, Captain Pennefaiher, was free from blame for the loss.
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  • 41 8 A hockey match played on the Esplanade,yesterday afternoon, betwe the S. C. C. and the representatives <>f Selangor. Both teams were eve nly matched, and the game at, times wa> quite exciting. The result was a tie one goal each.
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  • 495 8 .THE SINRAP )I(E BATTALION WILL HELP THEIR COMRADES OF THE 2.ND BATTALION. The 1st battalion of the “King’s Own” Royal Lancaster Regiment, stationed in Singapore, is collecting a special fund of its own for the 2nd battalion, which is in South Africa. The iund, oi
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  • 62 8 STERN MEASURES. The following telegram, dated New York, 15th instant, has been published at Manila At a meeting held by the Cabinet it was decided to punish summarily all the insurgent bands still remaining in the Philippine Islands, considering them as marauders. The American Government intends to pacify
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  • 74 8 Last night, at the Singapore Club, the visiting teams from Penang and the Federated Malay States were entertained at dinner, a number of members <>f the S. C. C. being also present. Altogether about eighty sat down. The Hon’ble C. Stringer, as head of the Cricket Club,
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  • 148 8 By the Salazic on the 23rd inst., there arrived, for the Straits Cycle Agency, Mr. J.T. Matthew from Dundee, where he was, previous to his departure for the East, manager of Eadie Co.’s cycle depot. Mr. Matthew is a clever Itrick cyclist and polo-player. It was
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  • 482 8 TO SIAM FOR RELICS. The Buddhist deputation from Burma and Ceylon to the King of Siam left yesterday by s.s. Vatani for Bangkok, where they will be received by His Excellency Phja Bhaskarawongse, the Minister of Public Worship. A hearty sendoff was given to the delegates by
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  • 63 8 A Chinaman named Soh Yang Teck of Outram Road went to the Police Court yesterday to pay a fine of $1 for a friend of his. He handed in a counterfeit British dollar, which was detected. On being asked if he had any more, he produced three bad
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  • 135 8 A whaway collector was charged with assisting in carrying on a public lottery in Reach Lane and was fined $250 or two months. Tan Soo, who worked his bullock whilst suffering from a bad nose caused by the ring, was sent to jail for a month, without the
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  • 721 8 November 24th. The great annual carnival which commenced on Friday la*t is drawing to a close. On all hands complaints are heard that, despite the vast expense involved in rendering the shows attractive to the public, there has been a sensible diminution of public interest evidenced by
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  • 67 8 Yesterday, at the Calcutta rv meeting, the Cooch Behar Cun won by Cherry easily. Cherry i turning out a very dark horse. s A wire from Calcutta announce* a l f that in the Lawn Stakes, run yesterday Lyon, Mr. Tan Hup Seng’s horse arrived home first, being
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  • 470 8 From our Correspondent liiuila Lipis 22 nd /v.EXECUTIONS. The three condemned men awaiting execution were hanged this morning in the gaol liere, in the presence jji lj r McClosky, Acting Residency Surgeon and Mr. Payne, Superintendent 0 Prisons. One of the men was a Sikh Sunder Singh, who
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  • 239 8 A Bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council on the 3rd January, called an Ordinance to provide for the protection of certain agricultu al lands in the district of Trans-Krian from the inflow of the sea. The preamble declares that certain inarch lands in that
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  • 220 9 TH day: TOTAL $29,186. it im of Johore is the first T in Lis power of attorney Editor to collect a to-be-memorial subscription. ,d already subscribe d nv* nient to note that fund, which amounted >71,633, includes the ;ry of Canton and, British fleet on the i
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  • 327 9 I'm* W ,1 i!i:ii of Denmark is H« ;u:ivf at Saigon in ..n the 15th January. H< 11 1 1i 11 are going on i i iV-tivinYs in bis honour. H i ii (J /cpivsciitativos of Hi’.:. I s', i and industry are on board H'~ ..a- :d
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  • 62 9 v. l HIN Man na^ie d Hock Chiah was V* a l'»ngSouth Bridge Road with ;!?i ’Gaining $4.50 when he was u l 1 tliree other Chinamen. He tl i'■ ll0 d down in the scuffle and c !r r' 1 iIltS mac e with the bag lining
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  • 56 9 l ay named Hadji Mahommed a^an Sultan reports that, I‘ ,n and 10 p.m. yesterday, roke into his house and stole UrJ, j y valued at 2 269 The thieves l l0 1<j through the floor of the 1«;,,.' a containing the jewelNo A was chained to
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  • 941 9 EARLY RECOLLECTIONS OF KEPPEL. HE IS TO ARRIVE ON SUNDAY. Of the series of books called “Builders of Greater Britain,” published by Fisher Unwin, none is more interesting to residents in this part of the wofld than that on the first Rajah of Sarawak, Sir James Brooke.
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  • 228 9 PENANG v. SINGAPORE. The annual game between Penang and Singapore took place yesterday, and resulted in an easy win for Singapore by 34 holes. Penang were unable to send their best men. But, in order that the game should not fall through, Messrs. D. Brown, D. A. M.
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  • 496 9 PETROLEUM. The petroleum trade in Langkat is said to be going ahead. Three ventures —the Royal, tlie Sumatra Petroleum, and the Langkat Agricultural and Mining Companies have refineries at work in that quarter. The Sumatra Petroleum Company has its works on the Gebang River. At the end of
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  • 29 9 The Italian cruiser Etna left this morning, bound for Colombo. A Chinese fireman on one of the Blue-funnel steamers dropped dead in the street last night.
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  • 26 9 The Perak cricket team left Singapore by the Mena yesterday evening. Some of the Penang team return tomorrow and the remainder on Mondav.
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  • 37 9 It is reported at Kuala Lumpur that two well-known citizens of that town are going to the Transvaal with the object of joining the Imperial Light Ilorse, or any corps that will take them.
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  • 41 9 The U.S. transport Logan 4,000 tons, arrived at Singapore this morning from New York. There are on board 60 army officers, 1400 enlisted men, and 22 ‘emale nurses the Logan will leave for Manila at 5 p.m. to-day.
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  • 301 9 SPECIAL MEETING YESTERDAY. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday, Mr. Gentle presiding, and there being also present: Messrs. Evans, Solist, Moses, Tan Cheng Tuan, and Choa Giang Thye. With reference to the Budget, the President said that, so far as he knew, there was
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  • 257 9 INTER-TEAM TROPHY. The inter-team trophy was instituted last year and was won on the Penang Links by the Singapore Golf Club. This year four teams competed, and it was expected that Selangor would be the victors Singapore, however, bucked up and have for the second time won the trophy.
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  • 606 9 What you say, oh learned Editor, about Arabs and the purchase of real estate is very true, although to those of us who keep our eyes open it is not new. But, of course, it may be justly 1 retorted that throughout the wide dominions of the
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  • 42 9 On the night of the 24th December, a burglar entered the house of a Chinese planter near Butterworth in Province Wellesley. The planter seized the burglar, who then stabbed him to death with a knife. The burglar escaped.
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  • 157 9 HINDRANCES IN THE WAY. The Malay States Miners’ Association met at Kuala Lumpur on the 21st December. Mr. Lok Yew presided as Chairman. Mr. Pasqual, the Secretary, addressed the meeting on the subject of lode mining. He pointed out that the high duty on tin in Malaya
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  • 42 11 Owing to the prevalence of rabies in Colombo, the Municipal Council has decided to enforce the provisions of the Ordinance relating to rabies. Additional dog-carts and seizers have been engaged, and other steps taken. Rabies has seized horses there.
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  • 153 11 GENERAL BULLElVs ESTIMATE. The following telegram dated Pietermaritzburg, Dec.6th, was received at the War Office from General Buller: It is very difficult to make any statement as to enemy’s loss. For instance, at Belmont, 81 of their dead were accounted for; enemy gave 15 as the number
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  • 524 11 THIRTY-FIFTH DAY TOTAL *29,253. The collection by the Straits Times is being maintained open, in order that money in course of collection, or that has been promised, may be received While for convenience we retain the Fund’s old name, it is now merely a tributary to the
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  • 345 11 A Russian medical corps is proceeding to Manchuria to combat the plague. Only five deaths from plague were recorded in Calcutta on the 28th December. Among the arrivals from London by mail on Sunday were Mr. H. Fort and Mr. 11. Conway-Belfield. 4 Rumpelstiltskin was given for
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  • 48 11 At a recent general meeting of the Perak Turf Club the following committee was elected: —Messrs. R. Watson, President, W. W. Douglas, Honorary Secretary, and P. Moss, Clerk of Course, Capt. 11. S. Ainslie, and Messrs. E. H. Bratt, J. I). Mclntosh, and Frank Mills.
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  • 47 11 Mr. Mason, the Liberal candidate, has been just elected for Clackmannanshire and Kinrosshire by a majority of 516 votes over Mr. G. Younger, the Unionist Candidate, replacing the Right Hon J. B. Balfour, who has been appointed a judge. The polling was Mason 3,489, Younger 2,973.
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  • 99 11 PENANG l\ SINGAPORE. The two-days’ match, Penang r. Singapore, was concluded on Saturday, and ended in an easy victory for the homesters. At the interval on Saturday Penang had 5 of their wickets down in the second innings for 48 runs, and 79 were still wanted to avert the
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  • 119 11 ARRIVAL AT SINGAPORE. Vice-Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia arrived this morning by the German flagship Deutschland from Bangkok. The German cruiser If ansa from Hongkong acted as an escort, and both ships exchanged salutes with the port. The Deutschland will proceed U Germany on Friday, but
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  • 167 11 YONG LEE SENG CO. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT EXTENDING. An advertisement in another column announces the removal of Messrs. Yong Lee Seng’s grocery and provision business in Orchard Road to new premises in the same road. The new buildings are in every way more commodious and convenient than those lately occupied
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  • 481 11 PROBABLY 105,000 MEN TO-DAY AND 115,000 THIS WEE*. THE ARMY WILL TOTAL 140,000 MEN. By the New Year the British Regular and auxiliary forces in South Africa were expected to number 117,500 men, including the Army Service Corps, the Medical Staff, and many non-combat-ants. The
    481 words
  • 133 11 London 2 oth Dec. Belated despatches show that the Artillery fought at Tugela for two hours exposed to a withering fire and only abandoned the guns when the ammunition was exhausted and most of the officers had fallen. The Boer defences at Tugela were most scientific
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  • 48 11 The following telegram has been received from the Manager at Kechau: “Mill has been working day and night for 20 day8 and has crushed about 200 tons of ore in that time. Have cleaned up 570 ounces of gold amalgam. Mine is looking well.
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  • 1697 12 ON THE SEA. The fortune of the Singapore New Year sports seems to be turning in the matter of weather. The function has very often in the past been attended by quantities of rain and wind; but last year, and again this year, the sports have been
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  • 2023 12 London \bth Dee. The Militia are ready to serve but 30,000 more are wanted. General Gatacre, in a despatch, has declared that, though conscious he was running a great risk, it was one he considered justifiable. Special information has been received that Lorenzo Marquez is being
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  • 1408 12 The Stock Exchange opened steadily yesterday; but large sales of important securities brought Consols lower than they have been for the last six years. The present figure is below 99. Paris operators in the Kaffir market discontinued their purchases, with the result that there has been a slump in Africans.
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  • 97 13 Mr. E. Landers, of 7 Battery Road, reports that his shop has been entered and $l5O in nptes, and 560 guilders stolen. The Rev. D. Holland Stubbs of St. Andrew’s House, reports to the police that $2l and a gold ring were stolen from the house on
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  • 106 13 Admiral Keppel arrived by P. and O. mail on Sunday afternoon from England. He was greeted on the landing stage by several friends and drove away to Government House, where he is the guest of the Acting-Governor. The Admiral is over 90 years of age, but he looks
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  • 245 13 THIRTY-SIXTH DAY: TOTAL $29,493. We are informed, that Capitan Ah Kwi, of Perak, has increased his subscription to the War Relief Fund from $1,000 to $15,000. We have very cordially to thank Capitan Ah Kwi, and we note with interest that he is now the largest donor
    245 words
  • 445 13 FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. There was a great audience at the Marine Club Concert in aid of the Transvaal Widows and Orphans’ Fund in the upper Town Hall, on Saturday night. The hall was quite full —a Fact on which Singapore is to be congratulated. The concert
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  • 131 13 Yesterday, eight Chinamen, for playing in a common gaming house in North Bridge Road on the 31st Dec., were ffned $25 each or 1 month. The informer got $lOO. The commander of the German cruiser Hanna renorts having met the British barque mki York on the Ist
    131 words
  • 52 13 Mr. H. G. Sarwar acts as third magistrate from' to-day. Mr. H C. Sells acts as 4th magistrate. Mr. de Rougemont reverts to his former posto in Malacca, for which place he leaves to-day. Mr McArthur, who has been acting as third magistrate, reverts to his post in
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  • 86 13 A policeman on duty this morning in Battery Road noticed the doof of Messrs. 11 art wig’s godown open. Another policeman was put on to watch the place till the arrival of the manager, when it was found that goods to the value of $154 were missing. Mrs.
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  • 92 13 Information having been received that bubonic plague exists at Osaka and Kobe, it is declared by the Officer Administering the Government that the ports of Osaka and Kobe are infected Under “The Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance, 1886,” all vessels arriving from the ports of Osaka
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  • 170 13 HOW HE DIED. Col. Wingate went in pursuit of the Khalifa with 3,700 men officered by Col. Lewis, Lieut.-Col. Mahon, LieutCol. Hickman, and Major Wilkinson. The force had six Maxims and a battery of artillery. When Col. Wingate overtook the enemy the Khalifa tried hard to outflank him
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  • 209 13 London 2\st December. A despatch to The Times dated Chievely, December 16 states that after the batteries of field artillery were abandoned by the Tugela River, at Colenso, during the fight on 15th instant, Captain Schofield, Captain Congreve, and Lieutenant Roberts made a plucky attempt to
    209 words
  • 32 13 THIBTY-8EVENTH DAY TOTAL $29,555. Amount previously acknowledged. 29,493 John Hanenden, (Bible Society).. 25 Beach Hotel, (Holiday collecti n). 15 3. s. Loodiana collection 22.50 extended as.. 22 Total.. 29,555
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  • 352 13 HE WILL PLAY POLO. H. R. H. Prince Henry of Prussia officially landed at half-past three yesterday afternoon, and was received at Johnston’s Pier by H. E. Major-General Dickson. A guard of honour consisting of half a company of the K.O.R. was also drawn upon the pier, and
    352 words
  • 202 13 The S. C. C. smoking concert in the Town Hall on the 27th Dec., was a great success. The members of the visiting teams enjoyed themselves immensely. Major-General Dickson was chairman over a large audience. The programme opened with the comic song The Hypochondriac sung by
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  • 44 13 It is reported at Shanghai that the British and foreign Ministers at Pekin had signified their willingness to grant Tariff Revision provided a Financial Board, with joint foreign and Chinese representation, is established to control the expenditure of the extra revenue collected.
    44 words
  • 38 13 MAJOR-General Lawton, commanding the First Division Corps at Manila M was killed on the 19th instant, in an attack on San Mateo, by sharpshooters, who opened fire from across the river eighteen miles from Manila.
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  • 4185 14 SINGAPORE V. PERAK. PERAK WINS. The match began on Tuesday, 26th December. The players were Singapore W. Dunman, R. T. Reid, C. W. Abrams, E C. Ellis, H. W. Sharp, H W. Noon, J. G. Mactaggart, L. Dunman, C. \V. Darbishire, L B. Hannaford, and J. A. R.
    4,185 words

  • 303 15 p r^ian transport Vladimir left ‘vV,i‘vo-to<k last evening. 1 lip* of people who succumb to ;in > cremated in Japan. 4* T I m \nderson leaves to-day on I Australia. He will be back -—-4— i-trian cruiser Zenta, 2,500 r ,.;v and 27 guns lias arrived ‘V
    303 words
  • 31 15 Maimiai. siu, the Chinese general the difficulties between the a and (’!iin«*se at Kwangchauwan, i' •••»•11 impeached and suspended ■a at Pekin for conceding too R.vh to France.
    31 words
  • 48 15 L: 1/./.7 finds that agriculture t i *i i' at a very low ebb. Hun- ot native coffee gardens have had abandoned. Many European iV' n ivv recently passed out of the i their owners for a mere frac•1 l ’ne money spent on them.
    48 words
  • 64 15 AN AVERAGE CRUSH. Lu.ou.wi from Raub, dated the Hafi-s: Crushing lias finished. .I- nom* realised 1,650 ounces iHu-ltcd gold. ln a_es a little over sixteen i■‘•Miy;vrL'liN to the ton. At the ‘'Ainu which finished on the 9th il H average was sixteen and 1 p'-nrnweights to the ton.
    64 words
  • 174 15 JNTERKSTIXG to the S. V. A. nr v rnor °f Ceylon has been in ‘in ariuii with the Secretary of (',.V r ,r 'ling tl»o employment of i i i “Peers in South Africa, t t received a telegram to wiij that the Military authorities i 1
    174 words
  • 165 15 thirty-eighth day total §29,570. The Officer Administering the Government has been requested by Her ‘Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies to convey the thanks of Her Majesty's Government to the Legislative Council for their generous contribution for the relief of those connected with the Forces in
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  • 245 15 London 24/// Dec. During tlie past few days the 2nd Dorsets, the 1st South Lancashire?, and the 6.3rd Battery, have arrived at Durban. The Maplemore,” with tlie composite regiment of Guards, has arrived at rape Town, Calcutta, ’Joth Dec. The 16th Lancers, stationed at Uni bn
    245 words
  • 175 15 Yesterday, Prince Henry of Prussia formally handed over his command to Rear Admiral Fritze, who is second Admiral of the German cruising squadron in Chinese waters, but who will be in full command till the arrival in February of the senior ollicer who will supersede him. Since yesterday,
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  • 93 15 OFFICIAL CHANGES. There are quite a number of official changes in the air, says the Malay Mail of which the following are likely to come off: —Mr. R. D. Hewett to be Accountant and Auditor (a Federal appointment). Mr. C. Wray to be District Officer, Kinta. Mr. Duberley
    93 words
  • 779 15 (From Mail Papers.) THE MAUSER BULLET. The Lancet has a special correspondent in the hospital at Wynberg, and he writes that the Mauser bullet, which is largely used by the Boers, does not inflict so severe a wound as the LeeMettord. It is simply surprising, he says,
    (From Mail Papers.)  -  779 words
  • 5302 15 WEDNESDAY, 3rd JANUARY. PRESENT. i His Honour Sir Alexander Swettenham, k.c.m.g., Acting Governor. H. E. Major-General J.B. B. Dickson, c. b. (Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon. O. W. Sneyd Kynnersley (Acting Colonial Secretary). 1 Hon. W. R. Gollyer (Attorney-General). Hon. E. C. It. Hill (Auditor-General). Hon. R. N.
    5,302 words

  • 72 16 A Pekin telegram states that the mines for which France has demanded a working concession from the Chinese Government are situated near Kwangchau and Laichow, while the railways are to be constructed from the mines to the sea-coast of Kwangchau, winch is not far from Canton.
    72 words
  • 364 16 WANTED, A NEW ONE. 8ome time ago, a committee was appointed by Government to report or the following questions Whether any, and if so what alteration is necessary or desirable in the light now shown at night from Fort Canning Whether, during the existence of the present
    364 words

  • 227 17 W wddemar is expected at it g4th of next month. I tic* new Russian Minish P' v expected there at the B rli I N f,, r bathing at a public I _i.* Road, has to pay v- r'i" days. I V,d.:i pullers have been V,[ for
    227 words
  • 43 17 hi. i a i i -i i -liH in Siam are I ;> euing ta natives in Lie i -liine-e ire continually k ..:ri_ > t.i tj» ine>e consulate for r -mi then* dug in> C' unese k l iv-> itivo at Bangkok.
    43 words
  • 51 17 I\ 'Ix'ik-i. i t.»vcm.»r ruling at Patriew, k limgk'»k. h is hern dismissed by 1 w-inm-nt for illegally arresting I iy taining a (ierman subject i iv k* rt The latter was one of 1 I'-irty winch got into trouble I- i I* nr illy bitting a
    51 words
  • 51 17 I II St rat u>n, ol the Ban Poh I' •••in.: in the harbour, reports the I’ v guilders and three gold studs ftw his cabin. I 1 iay morning, eight coolies were f r 'Tiling cargo Irom the Hebe. r vv, r, arrested by the first
    51 words
  • 46 17 I mited i»nd universal prayer P‘ l 'l tin* 7th to the 14th It- W, k (ia y Meetings are held l'-tn.xiist Church every evening r an l tin* various chairmen will Rev. J. R. ,s Tomlinson, Mr. J. L tlallcnden, and Mr. C.
    46 words
  • 82 17 Iiilit i advices from the Iv 1 1 P ec the insurrection IiiMn'i n ‘bae, and many insurK St,!/; .f urre l, i L r ed. Large numbers I' in Jr I’ n soners liberated from L nt ha(1 arrived at Manila. Km 1 in J.i as brighter
    82 words
  • 118 17 l° ut ianri an tate °f Sao Paulo, l v ereij a rance is now almost I*** though wl ich does well r 11 frosts d nng ln some parts P'-'Jof ll Vlt h the fall in the r > the rl\ a l ie P
    118 words
  • 24 17 THIRTY-NINTH DAY: TOTAL $29,680. S Amount previously acknowledged. 29,570 Non-Combatant (Malay Archipelago) loo Alfred Lea (January payment) 10 Total.. 3 2D,6«0
    24 words
  • 164 17 Ir has been stated that pink-eye has broken out amongst the British and Boer horses on the western frontier. Rink-eye, it property treated, is by no means a fatal disease. There is always great debility, stiffness of the limbs and body at first, and pink appearance of the insides
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  • 173 17 Mr. Do Xije, a rubber planter on the Labuk River, has discovered a rubber tree which is indigenous to thatcountry. Its colour is whitish, but the rubber darkens on exposure to the atmosphere, ultimately going perfectly black. Its quality is wry good, and the Chinese are willing to
    173 words
  • 342 17 A London paper describes the Stormberg district as an extraordinarily difficult country, affording any amount of typical Boer cover. It is eighteen miles from Burghersdorp to Stormberg, and for more than half that distance the road winds between precipitous declivities, with frowning mountain crags overlooking the narrow
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  • 406 17 FIRST COMMITTEE MEETING. Mixute8 of a meeting of the General Committee of the Straits and Malayan South African War Relief Fund held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, 3rd Jan., 1900, at 4.30 p.m. Present: —H. H. Sir J A. Swettenhnm, k c M.G.. Chairman, H. E.
    406 words
  • 242 17 ANNUAL MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club is fixed to be held next Wednesday, in the Exchange, at 5 p.m. In the annual report and accounts to be submitted to the meeting, the Committee again congratulate the members on the very
    242 words
  • 130 17 LABOUR AND MARRIAGE COMPULSORY'. At Guam, one of the Ladrone islands annexed by the Americans, the natives are lazy and live from hand to mouth. Captain Leary, who has recently been appointed Governor of the dependency, cannot stand it. He has ordered all the inhabitants who do not
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  • 439 17 The quarterly meeting of the Licensing Commission was hell at the Central Police Station yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. Evans presided, and the other members present were Capt. Craufurd and Mr. Brockman. Supt. Cuscaden watched the cases on behalf of the police. TRANSFERS. The Globe Utftel, Middle Road, having
    439 words
  • 173 17 A correspondent of the Pioneer writes that Ladysmith, when the investment began, was fully provisioned for five months, stores in abundance having been sent there long before the war. In fact, for the last two years the quantity of supplies kept always on hand was very great, this military
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  • 83 17 Mr. Winston Churchill, who was successful in escaping from Pretoria, in the State School of which he had been confined with Captain Haldane and other officers, gives an interesting account of his escape. He climbed the wall of his prison, and walked along the railway track towards
    83 words
  • 672 17 YESTERDAY’S BIRTHDAY MEET. PRINCE HENRY ENJOYS HIMSELF. Yesterday may be regarded as the birthday meet of the Singapore Polo Club, although as years are reckoned it was a tritie early, as the initial game of ttie Club was only played on the 14th February last. The first
    672 words
  • 92 17 There was a good attendance of playing members, thoughXhe chukkers were weakened by the absence of Mr. W. C. Symes and others. Among the players were: Col. Whitley, Capts. White and Pinhorn of the Staff; Major Lewes and Messrs. Cruikshankand Reid, R. A Capt. Jackson, A D.C., Major Gpwne, Capts.
    92 words
  • 63 17 Two ’rikisha coolies who committed robbery of $lO and assault upon a man named J. Gabriel, in Jalan Kubor, on the night of the 26th Dec., were to-day sent up for trial at next assizes. The two Chinese who were aitcsted by Detective Inspector Watcham on Dec.
    63 words

  • Article, Illustration
    499 18 (CONDUCTED BY “king’s PAWN.”) All Chess correspondence should he addressed to “King’s Pawn.” Solutions: Problem No. 153 (Jensen) Q —K 8; No. 154 (Jonsson) Q—R 7. Correct solutions received from Caissa, A. O. S., and Nemo. The following game was plaved simultaneously with 24 other» by Mr. Taubenhaus at
    499 words
  • 470 18 I TO THE EDITOR OF THE 8TRAIT8 TIMES.” 5 1 Sir,— The IJon’ble C. Stringer's I remarks at the recent Council meeting I on the subject of ’rikishas were very I much to the point, and I think that I most people will agree with him that I
    470 words
  • 739 18 A LETTER FROM AN ENGLISHMAN IN NETHERLANDS INDIA. I TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAIT3 TIMES.” Sir,—Whilst many deeply deplore the bloodshed and loss of life in South Africa, I it is healthful and inspiring to pulsate I m sympathy with the mighty heartI beat of
    739 words
  • 66 18 At Weihaiwei, the Chinese Regiment grows apace, reflecting much credit on Colonel B.»w’er and his officers. A most striking feature is the aptitude the native non-commissioned officers show in handling the raw recruits. The regiment presents a fine appearance on parade. The average height is 5ft. 7£in
    66 words
  • 386 18 A public meeting was held at Singapore on the evening of Friday, 29th December, His Honour Sir Alexander Swettenham, Governor of the Straits Settlements, presiding. The meeting, which was large and which was very enthusiastic, was called for the purpose of furthering the collection in relief of
    386 words
  • 1004 18 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. N*era from Deli —Mr. A. Geutte. Per s. s. Loodiana from Penang— Messrs. A. W. Bailey, Dunn, H. Berg, E. L. Talma, D. Brown. C. A. Wicks, G. Koch, A. G. Coveney, H*. A. Neubronner, C. E. Craig, F A Hallifax, and Dr. Skae.
    1,004 words
    • 249 18 Under this heading the following actions are used:—str.— steamer sh J v bq.—barque sch.—schooner; Yet -lyl Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat t, t; Torpedo H.p.—Horse-power u British U. S.—United States; p U French; Ger.—German; Dut—l)ii» r r Joh.-Johore; Ac, Q. c. -S cargo d.p.—deck passengers; it W Tanjong Pagar Wharf
      249 words
    • 924 18 Arrivals Singe Noon of 5 e stemmy. Calypso Brit. str. 339 tons, Capt Low 5th Jan. From Deli, 3rd Jan. G.c., and 27 d.p. W. Mansfield and Co. For lV-nanc 12th-W. Giang Ann, Brit. str. 556 tons, Capt Fol lett, 5th Jan. From Samarang, 2nd Jin. G.c.,
      924 words
    • 697 19 port, prcAahle date of arrival, aa ilClfht of 'Hjrnt*. Steam eks. •V'! fl. j» -d (’anal, Dec 19 •b Barry, j»S«l (’anal, Nov 28 b-'- t. ll.iMiburg, Jan 2; B. M. H'Migr ong. ian 20; P. Simons. ib» igk«i ig, Jan 20 B. Meyer. V.. an. < ..nub...
      697 words
    • 1375 19 H r L %ij 1 w v’ksrklV Nam? A i’.*y Captain J kov j Sailei Consignees. C Kit:. Dec! 27 Sappho ‘Rrifc str 320 Turner Klang Nov 26 S. S’ship Coy Ltd. 27 ,S. T’jong Penang'Dut str 93 Naeodah Kagan jDec 26 Tiane Wai 27 ;Kim Nani Seng sell
      1,375 words
    • 811 20 I>at-. V »:>•.* r:.’«*!'. Flvuvl.’ -t. *».«’Ta:‘n Pksii;>> 27 wii-itt Soon Bril sir. Ko.vso Lilli ion nivi Pontianak 27 N nr M.-insoor J>ut s- *!x. Nacodah Kotnwaringing 2- IToniz Wan Brit >•»:•. Unison Muar and Malacca 2S (how I'llya sir. Jdiicoe .Malacca and Klang **p 1 i.Mtvorlifh srr
      811 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 722 19 STAND BACK AND THEN LOOK. Madam,” said a wise old physician to a woman who had brought a feeble, amende, and poorly developed daughter to him fur examination. “Madam, the treatment of this girl should have been begun two hundred years ago.” “Sir,” she exclaimed, 44 1 don't understand what
      722 words
    • 808 19 STEEL. for Ladies.| PILLS A Remedy for all Irregularities. .Superseding Bitter Apple, Pennyroyal, l i C ch a, *e. Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Raffles Plaee, Singapore. Proprietor MARTIN, Chemist SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLANDl COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A new medical work on the cauoes and most scientific uid effectual means of self-cure ever
      808 words
    • 285 19 MadlelhOtf the kind awarded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 1883-84, open to allCountrlB9 RmtTiMo JJR- TRA E PHDSPHDDYNE HAS THE LARGEBT BALE OP ANY PHOBPHORIO MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. For forty |MH has maintained its Qa Its energizing effects are shewn from the world-wide reputation as the Best and
      285 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 96 20 The Universal Remedy lor Acidity ol Stomach, ma les, and the Sick* Headache, Heartburn. Indigestion, Sour Eructations, ness of Pregnancy. Bilious Affections. Sold Throughout the Wond. N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD’S MAGNESIA. KflflfqSLGfl of Japan I TOILET WATER I Appro:ioieil for its drticate prfuise and the Ming of comfort and frrcMicss which
      96 words
    • 186 20 OBSERVE THAT THE Jj SIGNATURE /fojfr X IN BLUE INK f j DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE I/'' iX OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the n K:> A*• TTT A, 14 WORCESTERSHIRE 'if Prcr»defers, i r» I .•fbfL L m. mr j RSiAjL u/iif»♦ MiMT JLl&mLl lvlillx Superior E-:. £0 per
      186 words
    • 622 20 ENVELOPES TO BE HAD AT THE “STRAITS TIMES" oFER'E THE ANTIQUE ENVELOPES 1,000 $5? .">0 Rpnt freo hv Poet Sf| A third supply of this lx,oh luu „e r r been received. FROM PEKING TO PETERSBURG (A journey of fifty days in IS! is BV ARNOT REID 01' ith author's
      622 words