The Straits Budget, 29 December 1898

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 142 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE ’WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” T: e Straits Tirnes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 20 1 On the 22nd in>t., at Belfast, Ireland, the Life of < aptain K. A. Herbert, Inniskilling Dnigo-ins, ol a daughter.
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  • 227 1 Leai»in<; Articles. Lord Charles. Air ;ind Water. Cheerful Siam. !.0 l M-. Market Quotations. Shipping News. i'.t-M-nger List. r»!i'-e News. R iiil iustitOtioD. The Maiutainance Case. Rescued at Sea. Commander and Adjutant. (wOZCtte. Fair Play’s a Jewel. On the Verandah. Rescued from a Junk. Banishment Legislation. The
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  • 532 1 {I POJiT, -28tTH Du, 1898.PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to 12.30 p m.) Gambler 5.20. Copra Bali, 6.30. do Pontianak, 6.00. 1’epper, Black 24.00. ily bite, 41.00. Flour Sarawak 3.15. do Brunei No. 1 2.87*. Pearl Sago 4.10. Collee, Bali, picked 27.00. Coffee Paiembang, picked.... 29.00. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 238 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. <fc O. Coromaiulel. The M. M. Laos, with the mail from Europe of the 2nd December, arrived on Sunday. The mail from Europe of the 9th by the P. it O. Bengal dftctroday next. The mail
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    • 44 1 ACROSS THE CHANNEL. London, 23rdl December. Success has been achieved in steering a balloon, as the result of efforts maintained by the Daily Chronicle. A start was made from the Crystal Palace, and the balloon crossed the Channel in five hours.
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    • 63 1 ABYSSINIA TO BE CROSSED. The Paris Temps states that Captain Largean, the Commander of a French force at Meshra-el-Rex, has joined Major Marchand, and will accompany him in his march across Abyssinia to Ji bo util. Major Marchand’s party were all well, excepting a lieutenant, a sergeant, and
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    • 50 1 NOTICE OF ABROGATION. London 24/A December. Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British Ambassador at Washington, has been instructed to negotiate with the United States for the abrogation of the Clay-ton-Bulwer treaty. This is the preparatory step to the conclusion of a treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of the Nicaragua Canal.
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    • 48 1 31% OFFERED. The correspondent of the Times at Philadelphia su)S that ltu.-sia is renewing efforts to raise a loan of eighteen millions sterling in the United States at 3*% interest. It is expected that the negotiations for the loan w ill prove to be a success.
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    • 53 1 DONATIONS BY LORD IVEAGH. Lord Iveagh, a member of the Guinness family, has given a quarter of a million sterling to the Jenner Institute to enable the latter to extend its researches in bacteriology. Lora Iveagh proposes <4o spend anotherquartcrof a million in improving insanitary areas in the
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    • 80 1 AN EUROPEAN SHOT. PETITION* TO THE QUEEN. London, 26/A December. There is great indignation among the Uitlanders in Johannesburg, over the shooting of an European by a Boer policeman. The latter has been released fronj custody on quite trifling bail. A meeting of Britishers was held. This led
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    • 29 1 Russia has declined the terms offered in the United States for the raising of a loan of eighteen million pounds sterling. Russia suggested 34 per cent.
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    • 24 1 STOCKS FALLING. Senor Sagasta, the Spanish Premier, is suffering from pulmonary catarrh. His condition is causing grave anxiety. Spanish stocks are falling.
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    • 25 1 The French Senate has passed the Bill authorising a loan, on partial State and Colonial guarantee,for the construction of railways in French Indo-China.
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    • 19 1 A United States war-ship has been ordered to take possession ot Wake Island in the Pacific.
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    • 75 1 POLICEMAN ARRESTED. London 27 f h December. The offending Boer policeman has been re-arrested at Johannesburg, and will be imprisoned until trial. The Timer, in discussing the matter, expresses the opinion that no serious political trouble is likely to arise from the incident for tlie present. But that
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    • 40 1 PATIENT AT PLYMOUTH. The British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamer Golconda landed at Plymouth a person suffering from a mild form of plague, before she proceeded to London. The patient, a British India Company’s officer, has been isolated.
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    • 29 1 VALUED AS A CABLE STATION. The United States Government intends to utilize Wake Island as a station on the proposed cable route from America to the Philippines.
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    • 60 1 IMPROVED RELATIONS. IxjTuIs/a, 28/A December. TheJPresident of the British Chamber of Commerce at Paris said, in the course of an after-dinner speech, that he was* able to state that the Queen had decided upon paying Nice a visit in the coming Spring. In his opinion, this evinced
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    • 26 1 MORTALITY AT JTAMATAVE. There have been altogether one hundred and eight deaths from plague at Tamatave, a port in Madagascar, including that of one European.
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    • 12 1 DEPARTURE OF THE ADMIRALS. The foreign Admirals have finally left Crete.
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  • 520 1 Straits Times 23rd Decern! >cr Loud Charles Beresford’s trip up the Yangtsekiang may easily prove the most practically interesting part of his sojourn in the Far East. It is there, at any rate, that the political side of his mission has most likelihood of coming uppermost; and the
    (Straits Times, 23rd Decern!>cr )  -  520 words
  • 34 1 DEATH. Aganoor— On the 25th Nov,, at 52, Bathroad, Chi-wick, Petrus, eldest son of the j :l te Mr. A. I\ Aganoor, of Batavia, Java, an ,i ,,f Mrs. Aganoor, No. 18, Pembroke-u-dens, Kensington.
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  • 499 2 (Straits Times 23r<Z December.) Yesterday Reuter recalled one of the most sensational ship-wrecks of the year; to-day he records a triumph in aerial navigation. It is not at all likely that the bulk of this world’s restless travellers will ever forsake its wonderful surface of land
    (Straits Times, 23r<Z December.)  -  499 words
  • 683 2 (Straits Times 28th December.) Siam and tilings Siamese have a way of growing upon one, even when the contemplation is from the Pisgah of Singapore unto the Promised Land of Bangkok. On the spot they grow with bounding rapidity, and their effect is deep indeed. An editor on
    (Straits Times, 28th December.)  -  683 words
  • 248 2 One hundred and fifty-six deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 35.83. 4 Some 30 or 40 cargo-laden steamers are on their way to Japan from Europe and America anxious to arrive this month, before the new
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  • 38 2 On the 13th instant, the Japanese steamer Yayeyama-maru ran into the P. &O. steamer Brindisi at Bakan, near Moji. The Yayeyama sank almost immediately. No lives were lost. The Brindisi was slightly damaged about the bows.
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  • 80 2 The departure of Li Hung Chang for Shantung, it seems, evoked considerable comment. Reuter’s correspondent at Pekin hears, on good authority, that the reason why he was not reinstated in office when the DowagerEmpress regained her ascendancy was that among the papers belonging to Kang Yu-wei which
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  • 132 2 ITS LARGEST PROFIT. Addressing the eleventh ordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Pahang Corporation, Mr. A. E. Pontifex reviewed a year of considerable difficulty, owing to the severest flood ever known in Pahang.” Almost all the mines were flooded and the whole village was between five and
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  • 203 2 Paul Hombert was examined this morning, in the terms of the order from the High Court, touching his ability to pay the $100 a month adjudged by the First Magistrate for the maintenance of his wife and child. The appellant said his sales had gone down by
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  • 196 2 For voluntarily causing hurt seven men have been penalised in sums varying from two to ten dollars, and one got fourteen days. The following cases are remanded for a week, and bail allowed as stated: Two men for theft, SI 00 each one, for absconding to avoid the
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  • 83 2 f.t A Havas telegram states that the Yunnan railway question was sharply debated in the Chamber of Deputies on the 16th instant. The stipulation that the loan to build it should be guaranteed by both the Colonial and the French Governments met with strong opposition. M. Doumer,
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  • 84 2 BRI0AND8 AT THE CAPITAL. Hanoi, the chief town of Tonquin, was attacked by brigands, early this month. About one o’clock, on the morning of the 6th, the alarm was raised. The brigands were met by the native and foreign forces before any serious damage could be done, and
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  • 119 2 The following Washington telegram has been received in Tokyo:— 44 The United States gunboat Ranger is being fitted out at San Francisco, and will soon sail for the purpose of surveying the route for the Pacific cable between Hawaii, and Japan via the Caroline and Ladrone Islands.
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  • 139 2 Yesterday afternoon, the pupils of tl#e several branches of the Methodist Girls’ School met at the Deaconesses’ Home, Mount Sophia, to enjoy a Christmas Tree entertainment. There were about two hundred girls Europeans, Eurasians, Jews, Chinese, Malays, and Tamils —present; also a considerable number of guests. It
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  • 323 2 RIKISHA FARES. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Reference has been made in your columns to the constant recurrence of late of persons being hauled up, probably at the instance of the Hackney Carriage Department, for either failing or declining to pay the legitimate fare. Instances are, no
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  • 913 2 Won, 18/;, K of(nltr The two great London 8how« opened simuitaneously-one J Agricultural Hall, where theStani has a larger number of exhibitors than ever before a, l ,i s MU at the Crystal Palace, where thev 0Ul Show includes upwards of a :N thousand exhibits. Probably Up remembered
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  • 838 3 Thk young Queen of the Netherlands is one of the most skilful and enthusiastic of goyal painters. She has at present a passion for military subjects, and her great ambition is to paint a thrilling battle picture. The King of Denmark, who has been on a visit to
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  • 65 3 For Calcutta via ports, Purnea t on 28th bee., Boustead Co. Sourabaya, Fauxuny due 30th Dec., Boustead Co. Fenang and Calcutta. Suisany due 30th bee., Boustead &lt;fc Co. Sydney via ports, Euryalus. on Ist Jan., MeAlißter Jr Co!* Hamburg via ports, Stbiria, early in Jan., Behn
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  • 760 3 London, 11th December. The Egyptian Government is about to propose to the Powers the extension of the Mixed Tribunals for one year. The Christians at Canea (Crete! surrendered their arms amid salutes and cheering. The Emperor William, receiving a deputation from the Reichstag, said that, though Germany
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  • 53 3 The Penang Municipal Commission have rejected the Jubilee Clock Tower tenders. It was pointed out that the estimates for granite in the tenders were absurdly high, and that better and cheaper granite could be obtained from China. It was decided to have a model prepared before taking
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  • 605 3 THE SECRET DOSSIER. PICQUart’s prosecution denounced. The Matin (Paris, Dec. 2nd) said:— M. de Freycinet, Minister of War, explained to M. Loew, President of the Court of Cassation, that several documents of the Dreyfus secret dossier could only be communicated to the Court under the condition of
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  • 74 3 Our Penang contemporary speaks of an influential Company, formed in London, for the purpose of opening sugar-estates in the Malay Peninsula. It is to build factories for the manufacture of sugar, and also to acquire and prepare land for cane-growing on which planters will be established on
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  • 74 3 H.M.B. Edgar on her way to China, called at Cape St. James on the 16th instant. Several of the officers landed to see the place. Cape St. James has fallen completely out of favour as a health resort; doctors at Saigon actually dissuade patients from resorting thither.
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  • 478 3 VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. PUBLIC MEETING. The Volunteer movement at Penang was the object of a public meeting caHed there on Monday last, by Mr. J. Y. Kennedy, the President of the Municipality. Over a hundred persons were present when Mr. Kennedy took the chair. He addressed the meeting to the
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  • 151 3 OBJECTION TO AMERICAN SHIPS. The Nagasaki Press of the 8th instant says that the U.S. ship Hugh McCulloch arrived there a few days before for docking. The U. S. authorities naturally supposed that since the Paris Commission had come to a settlement regarding the terms of peace,
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  • 123 3 A SHANGHAI RESOLUTION. Lord Charles Beresford was expected back in Shanghai on the 14th inst. In the meantime theChamber ofCommerce there had fowarded to him the following resolution: —“That in the opinion of this Committee the interests of both China and of the Foreign Powers having commercial
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  • 542 3 The Empress-Dowager’s reception of the wives of the Foreign Ministers, on the 13th, is described as a great success. The Emperor was present and, like the Empress, shook hands with the guests. Lady Macdonald acted as spokeswoman. Several thousand men have been recruited for the new
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  • 155 3 CONVICTION OF THE ACCUSED. Charles E. Leopold, an employe in ihe firm of H. Ahrens and Co., at Yokohama, has been tried before Judge Wilkinson and a jury in the British Court for Japan, on a charge of fraud. The trial lasted several days, after months of
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  • 70 3 Play for the Championship of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club will take place in January. The entry list closes on January 7th, and entries should be addressed to the hon. secretary, Mr. L. E. P. Wolferstan, or subscribed to the list posted at the Club. Play
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  • 1378 4 FRENCH FRIENDLINESS. M. de Cassagnac suggests that Franceshould immediately revive the right of privateering as the sole means of competing with England. With light and swift ships it would be possible to avoid all the heavy war vessels, and we would fall upon the 36j)00 English merchantmen.”
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  • 99 4 ALLEGED RUSSIAN CLAIM. News has reached the Peking and Tientsin Times that Russia has been demanding the inclusion of the MiaoTao group of islands in her Port Arthur sphere of influence. Russia has pointed out to the Chinese that, as the northernmost of these islands, or the
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  • 2823 4 PRIZE DAY YESTERDAY. THE BI8HOP AND THE NEW CODE. The boys attending Raffles Institution received their prizes, yesterday afternoon, at the hands of the Bishop of Singapore, who kindly consented to undertake the task usually performed by the Governor. Unfortunately, on this occasion Sir Alexander Swettenham found it
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  • 401 5 Attention is drawn to the Bandeng affair, where Siamese soldiers on the search for illicit distillers are alleged to have fired upon unarmed peasants, and to have killed two of them w ho happened to he French subjects. Four other French subjects were arrested, tried, and sentenced for
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  • 107 5 A iiALF-yearly general meeting was held on Wednesday, and officers were then elected for the coming year, as follows: President, Inche A. B. Osman Vice- President, H. M. Sirab Secretary M. Ennan; Asst. Sec., Pagnk; Treasurer Shaik Baboo; and Captain M. Ghazally. The members of Committee
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  • 51 5 Capt. Christiansen, the master of the steamer Koniyslterg, from Hongkong for Hamburg, reported, on arrival this morning, that on Wednesday, when in lat. 9°44' N. and long. 108'28' E he sighted a disabled junk. He took off the crew of twenty-one Annamites and has landed them here
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  • 198 5 The Perak Estimates for 1899 provide for an expenditure of S6,066,140. The State Railways require $2,647,348. It is said that Mr. Spearing, District Engineer, Klang, will probably soon be appointed principal engineer in Pahang. Yesterday, a Javanese living at Teluk Kerau had money and clothing stolen from
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  • 41 5 News reached Shanghai on the 16th instant that Peter Rijnhart, travelling in Thibet with his wife, disappeared on the 26th September. It is believed he was murdered by robbers. His wife arrived at Tachienlu on the 29th November.
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  • 58 5 Major-General Jones- Vaughan will be absent from Singapore from Christmas Day to Tuesday inclusive, and the command of the station during that period will devolve upon Lieut.Col. W. H. Chippindall R.E. Lieut. King, Ist West Yorks, will assume the duties of Garrison Adjutant, during the absence on
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  • 78 5 An Order is notified prohibiting the importation of cattle from French IndoChina, owing to the prevalence of murrain there, until they shall have undergone inspection and detention lor fourteen days. Dog regulations for Penang are published. Under them, dogs may only be imported there from the Colony or
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  • 123 5 THE INSPECTORS REPORT. Mr. Hullett, Head-master of Battles Institution, writes this morning I regret that I misunderstood your representative on Thursday, when he asked for a copy of our report. I understood him to be alluding to our annual report, which is not published till thet&gt;eginning of the
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  • 160 5 AN OLD FAVOURITE. The 21st anniversary of the production of The Sorcerer was kept with great eclat at the Savoy Theatre, where the first of the long series of what are now called Savoy Operas has been running for some little time, together with Trial by Jury. The
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  • 50 5 The marriage took place quietly at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Polwatte (Colombo), on the 17th instant, of Mr. Albert W. Just, of the Straits Civil Service (Perak), son of Mr. H. W. Just, to Mdlle. Emily Beatrice Francis Anne Gaudin, daughter of Mr. F.Gaudin, a Sigiss clergyman.
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  • 345 5 The prosecution of A. E. Sourajin for criminal breach of trust as a public servant has resulted in his acquittal. The man who escaped from the court has been re-arrested and remanded for a week. For offering a half cent to a detective, a Chinaman has been fined
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  • 431 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Dear Sir, —With reference to “a Scholar’s” letter which appeared in your issue of the 21st instant, anent the awarding of a prize to a boy who had failed in reading in the 6th form, which, in the ordinary
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  • 1734 5 I have persuaded the Editor that 1 can do what he ought to have done very much better than he would do it himself— i. e. offer to all readers and friends of the Straits Times the season’s greeting. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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  • 395 6 MR. CLIFFORD ON TOLERATION. V The Pahang Government Gazette of the 21st instant, contains the minutes of the proceedings of the State Council on the 10th October. After preliminary business had been transacted, the Sultan spoke in favour of pensioning five of his old retainers who
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  • 234 6 AT FEUD, BUT STILL FRIENDS. Colonel Sir T. H. Holdich illustrates the blood feuds of the Afridis by a tale of his two orderlies: They rode together, and assisted each other in the duties of camp life. They helped each other out of difficulties. When, in due time,
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  • 175 6 Some correspondence has been passing in the columns of a London journal in reference to- public-school training for military officers. The Army and'Navy Gazette has published a short article on subject which, after pointing out expense of educating a boy at one best Public Schools, and that
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  • 1223 6 ACHEEN. j The Acheen war is now reduced to a campaign against Umar who is the only chieftain that is at all formidable among the Achinese war party. Umar hailed from the west coast of Acheen, where the petty States are only Dutch vassals in name. The people
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  • 239 6 Mr. Clifford in his report on Pahang for November, notes that Mr. Swan and Mr. Percy Wise t'pent a few days at Kuala Lipis, en route for Bukit Tujoli, where they are now prospecting for gold. Mr. Carroll, of the Straits Trading Company, passed through Lipis from the
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  • 86 6 The amending Banishment Bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council, at the next meeting, is based on the fact that persons banished from the Native States as a general rule must be brought to this Colony and transhipped in order to be repatriated. Some difficulty has been
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  • 991 6 NO CONFLICTING INTERESTS. AN APPEAL TO GERMANY. The following is a summary of the article by Dr. Carl Peters to which reference was made in our leading article, on Thursday. The statements gain greatly in force from a consideration of the author's experiences as a pionedr in Africa
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  • 456 6 The Avenir da Tonldn describes the attack of brigands on Hanoi, thecanS of Tonquin, as a serious matter Thp natives and Chinese there knew before hand what was coming, and warning had also reached the Government But no precautions were taken and the attack came by surprise ’The
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  • 122 6 As we reported yesterday, the steam Konigsberg, Capt. Christiansen, from Hongkong to Hamburg, arrue Singapore and landed 21 from the junk Tankong If ye wine sighted on the 21st inst,, at 31a in N. lat 9 44' and E. long. W When Capt. Christiansen first the
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  • 670 7 Rev. S. S. Walker has returned wher from India. 4 Entries for the Penang January races 05f on Thursday next. 4 Provisional four-cent stamps are now finable at the Post Office r*iK Uh tries Mitchell and Lady MitVI ire due here on New Year’s Day. 4 Wall
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  • 122 7 A buggy overturned a ’rikisha in Pekin Street this morning, the latter having been left broadside on outside the public convenience. The driver could have got round it, but for an innocent pedestrian stepping suddenly off the pavement. The ’rikisha was a good deal broken up; the buggy
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  • 194 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Dear Sir, —Is it not possible that your printer has made a mistake and substituted 26th for 25th I feel sure it must be so; for who could enjoy Christmas Day, knowing their greetings from the dear home folk were
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  • 125 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sir,— I shall be glad if you will allow me to state that the scholarships in the Jpper Sixth were awarded according to the class marks for the year, including :he marks for periodic examinations. Credit was also given to boys
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  • 357 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’ Sir,— In your issue of Nov. 22nd you were good enough to print a very strong leader on the correspondence I sent you concerning the method of collecting rainwater which I am endeavouring to introduce here. Your issue of December 6th
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  • 90 7 The Warren Golf Shield, which carries with it the championship of the Straits, was played for at Penang yesterday, and was secured by the two Singapore representatives—Dr. Fowlie and Mr. J. B. Robertson. The scores were: flr. P. Fowdie 87 Mr. J. B. Robertson 91 Mr. D.
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  • 131 7 APPEAL TO AMERICA. Aguinaldo is reported as saying that i;he complete organization of his army is only retarded by the lack of arms, out he has already over 40,000 men fully armed in the island of Panay, where the second largest city in the Philippines is situated. The
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  • 164 7 “nothing less than independence.” The Times correspondent at Manila writes, on Dec. 1st, judging from the tone of the native Press, the Independent party of the Filipinos is not disused to accept the result of the Paris 3 eace Commission. The Independencia Mints a particularly bombastic leading
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  • 343 7 INDIAN FRONTIER TROUBLES. The formation of the Malakand field force, at the beginning of this month, was described as a matter of precaution. The Fakir was reported to be retiring again towards Upper Swat, but it is impossible to estimate how far the feeling of fanatical unrest
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  • 454 7 SECURE8 THE VICEROY’S CUP. FUTUBB ENGAGEMENTS. Vandas ran yesterday for the Viceroy’s Cup at Calcutta Race Meeting, and was brought home an easy winner, by Calder, by a neck. The order at the finish was:— Vanitas 1 Keenan 2 Ijt onidae 3 Cinder Ellen 4 There were
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  • 223 7 CHINESE AND THE PHILIPPINES. Washington advices indicate that when the Spanish-American treaty is transmitted to the U. S. Senate there will be found in that body the necessary two-thirds majority for its ratification. The belief is that the President will transmit the treaty as soon as
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  • 70 7 By order of the Military Council in St. Petersburg three ecclesiastical missions are appointed for the Russian military forces in the Liao-tung peninsula, one attached to the 9th East Siberian Regiment of riflemen at Port Arthur, one to the 11th East Siberian Regiment at Ta-lien-w’an. and the
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  • 560 7 NEWS OF THE EXPEDITION. CLEARING THE UPI’ER NILE. When the arrangements were made for the northward march from Uganda down the Nile, six companies of troops were selected by Mr. Ernest Berkeley, the Commissioner, to be under Major Martyr's command. As the force was about to start,
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  • 171 7 GRUESOME DETAILS. The Perak Pioneer describes an amok at Bhota in that State, under the following terrible circumstances. A Malay, named Ghafur, fell out with his wife and the latter took steps to secure a divorce. The result was that, on the 14th instant, the husband took
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  • 54 7 On Christmas Day, the inmates of the European ward at Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital were made comfortable in X’mas fashion. Dr. and Mrs. Mugliston and Colonel Pennefather actively assisted. The patients presented an address to Dr. Mugliston in which they expressed their gratitude. There was nothing unusual
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  • 926 8 AT THE CHURCHES. At nearly all the places of worship in Singapore on Christmas Day, the usual Sunday services were combined with celebrations and ceremonials specially appropriate to the season of peace and good-will.” A9 will be seen from the particulars given below, ministers of religion had a
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  • 88 8 The Count of Turin arrived on S nd tv vening from Bangkok, whence he sailed on Tuesday last, in the Siamese gunboat Coronation. The Singapore police authorities had intended to receive His Highness with a Sikh guard, but we gather that the Count came ashore somewhat
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  • 89 8 At the North Borneo dinner held in London ori the 29th November, Sir Charles Mitchell referred to the excellent tobacco-producing capabilities of the colony, anti expressed the opinion that the idea of fortifying one or two of the North Borneo ports must be relegated to the future.
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  • 125 8 Tiie name of Mr. E. A. Gardiner is now on the Commission of the Peace at Penang. Mr. R. J. Farrer passed his final examination in Malay on the 7th instant, and has been appointed acting District Ofiieer at Nebong Tebal. Messrs. G. A. Hereford, C. F. J.
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  • 310 8 HOW TO TEI.L IT. To distinguish merely between the young horse and the old, it is necessary to remember that the milk teeth are present in the horse's mouth until he is four and five years old, that the mark,” or dark central depression on the surface
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  • 1742 8 CRICKET. SINGAPORE v. PENANG. (Specially reported for the Straits Times. 11 The Singapore cricket and football teams arrived in Penang on Thursday morning, and were quietly provided lodgings either at private houses or at the Sea View Hotel. In the afternoon, the visitors and the home team had
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  • 86 8 Penang DecemJw 24th jo, n The Singapore innings closed f runs.- To this total Reid a grand 61; the next ben was Howard with 20. l 8cor missed for 5, Hannaford n and Carver for* 2 each, and Sharif Stevens, Gordon, Noon,
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  • 64 8 Penang, Dec. 0 6/A) p,™ Penang in their second innings on Saturday, -scored 106, the last wicked and b n nSCraig 10 Lamb 16 Talln 23, and Dennys none. Nineteen extras were recorded. iras Singapore won by eight wickets the necessary runs being made by
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  • 25 8 The football match between teams representing Singapore and Penang resulted in a win for Singapore, who scored two goals to their opponents’one
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  • 154 8 Penang, Dec. 2S t/t, ]U.20a.wi. The scores in the inter-team golf match, i»layed here yesterday, were:— Penang 280, Singapore 295, Perak 326. The handicaps were Mr. Brown 9:j. Mr. Kerr 94, Dr. Fowlie 95. THE STRAITS CHAMPIONSHIP. The competition for the W arren Sing-apore-Penang Golf Shield which
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  • 91 8 SINGAPORE VERSUS PERAK. Taipeng Dec. 26th, 4.55 p.m. The match between the Singapore and Perak elevens commenced at Taipeng to-day. Winning the toss, Singapore batted first and were out for 126 runs. The full score was as follows:— Reid c Curtis b Spink $3 Lang c Curtis
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  • 117 8 RAIN STOPS WAY. Taipeng Dec. 27'A, 5p.wThe Perak team are all out for 142 The score was as follows Walker Ainslie J. Hughes Marshall Spink McKenzie Curtis q Pearse Fox Grenier s Bagnall not out w Extras Total W For Singapore, Davies took 6 for 47 runs,
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  • 55 9 The followingare the handicap weights for the Club Handicap (4lh race, Ist day), at the next January Meeting Jhihallow 10.10 10. 4 day la** 10. 2 Silrmtone 10. 0 l’.osn 9 13 Who Not 9.10 Triton 9. 7 bird of thr I ties. 9. 4 Urut Royal
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  • 399 9 On Saturday afternoon last a match wa&gt; played, between the Garrison and the &gt; C. C. Second Elevens, resulting in a decisive victory for the latter team. The scores were: GARRISON. fie I*, in bridge, W.Y. b Matthews S*i. YY’iight, K.E. b Easton 0 .-a|&gt;pr. H ayward, R.E. b
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  • 299 9 For Singapore.) IVr German s.s. Vreu&sen from Bremeraaven due sth January:—Mr. and Mrf. Ajarl 11 i.-k. Mrs. Marq. Schmitz, Mr. C. G. Kolti, Misses J. E. and E. Kolff, Messrs. Aagc Westenholz. H. v. Witseii Elias, J. v. hu.'sel, C. G. Kolff, M. H. Kolff,CP. Hon'liu&gt;.jr., C. M.
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  • 430 9 Thehb are now 112 Government schools in Perak. The Siamese gunboat Ccrrcmation left eastwards yesterday afternoon. —4 Anonymous and libellous letters are unhappily frequent in Selangor. 4 Italy’s representative at Bangkok (Count di Donato) arrived there on the 22nd. 4 The body of a Chinese boatman was
    430 words
  • 222 9 THE P. O. REPORT. For the year ending Sept. 30th last, the P. O. Company shows a net surplus of £180,604, which admits of 2| per cent, on the Preferred and per cent, on the Deferred Stocks being added to the interim dividends of 24 and 3] per cent, respectively
    222 words
  • 122 9 The action in which $20,000 damages are claimed by Mr. James Aitken, as administrator of the estate of Mr. William Anderson, who was drowned in the foundering of the Sri Hong Ann off Malacca, on June 19th, 1897, wdth his wife, was resumed before the ChiefJustice,
    122 words
  • 169 9 Sentences of imprisonment were pronounced in the following cases: A Chinese servant for theft, one month; two receivers of stolen property, one month and six weeks respectively; a Chinaman for pilfering rice on the Cerberus, two months an old-timer for theft of a municipal hose-coupler, six months' (rigurons).
    169 words
  • 461 9 The weatjier at Johore was anything but propitious for the races held there yesterday. It rained the greater part of the time, turning the race-course into a quagmire and spoiling, from a spectator’s point of view, an otherwise interesting event. The Singapore contingent of turlites and ladies
    461 words
  • 297 9 INSTALLATION IN LODGE ZETLAND. The regular meeting of Lodge Zetland in the East, No. .*&gt;08 E. C., was held yesterday, St. John’s Day, at Freemasons’ Hall. In the unavoidable absence of Wor. Bro. J. Gray, the I. P. M., Wor. Bro. Barker, took the chair, being well supported by
    297 words
  • 321 9 AN OFFICIAL VERSION. On the already well-discussed subject of the alleged sacrilege at Bangwek, the Siam Observer, of Dec. 17th, wrote, in its Siamese columns, as follows The people of Bangkok ought not to believe for one moment that the French church at Bangwek w r as
    321 words
  • 367 9 (Not from our Correspondent.) TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Dear Sir, —I have read with much concern the contradictory accounts in several papers about the Bangwek pillage of the Catholic Church. Allow me to make a few’ remarks on the subject as an official who
    367 words
  • 1193 9 INTERESTING DISCUSSIONS IN LONDON. SINGAPORE FREIGHTS. WILL GOVERNMENT INTERFERE? A meeting of the members of the Straits Settlements Association was held on November ,‘iOth, at the offices of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, in London. Mr. Wm. Adamson, the Chairman of the Association, presided. THE CURRENCY QUESTION. The
    1,193 words

  • 84 10 Now that the Situl and Purlis provinces of Siam are administered by the Kedah authorities, Chinese planters and traders are flocking thither. The general farm of Situl already fetches $26,000 per annum, instead of only $10,000 as heretofore. The latest news from Bombay is that the plague is again increasing
    84 words
  • 2810 10  -  BY ARNOT REID. COPYRIGHT.] (Continued from Dec. 22nd.) NO. III. —IN THE DESERT OF GOBI. We spent eighteen days in passing through Mongolia, of which the larger part was in the desert of Gobi,” and I will ever remember the journey as one of the most pleasant
    2,810 words
  • 72 10 In their cricket-match yesterday the N. C. Os. and men of the West Yorks, with Dr. Shoyer, scored 88 against &lt;jj put together by the S. C. C. 2nd XI The principal contributors were he Bainbridge 19, Dr. Shoyer 18, and he Gomersall 16 for the regiment, andC F
    72 words
  • 475 10 children’s entertainment at the TOWN HALL. Mr. Buckley’s annual treat to the youngsters of Singapore passed off in the Town Hall last night, with all the success and enjoyment that have marked its predecessors. The huge delight of the children as they romped about in their hundreds
    475 words
  • 34 10 Mr. Charles Thoroe, Editorand priet or of the Ba &gt;igkok Q me f' ter a su by the M. M. Laos or bunday, alt« w months’ holiday in Europe, ne leave for Bangkok to-**orrow.
    34 words

  • 495 11 arrivals. p or g p. Rosa from Penang—Mr. and Mrs McCarthy. 1 per s. s. Van der Ijyn from Batavia— W. P. Van Benninge, Kamminga, a d de Groot. jvr s. s. Sumatra from Deli—Messrs. A. i vn Berger, C. Alma, A. Alma, and E. M. M. s.
    495 words
    • 267 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh.—ship fcq.—barque; Brit. —British; U. S. United States Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. K I&gt;.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo
      267 words
    • 1196 11 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. J’&gt;rn&lt; mnr t Brit. str 2316 tons, Capt Porter, tit From Hongkong, 22nd Dec. G.c., and 12 d.p. P. Simons and Co. For New York, 29th—W. Chow Phya Brit. str. 370 tons, Captain Jellicoe, 28th Dec. From Klang, 26th Dec. G.c., A
      1,196 words
    • 490 11 Name port probable date of arrival, aud name of agent Steamers. Armenia, H’kong, to leave, Jan 7 B. M. Asturia, to leave H'kong, Jan 18 B. M. Bamberg, to leave H’kong, Dec 19 B. M Benbow, London, l’ft Oct 15 Bengal, Colombo, Dec 31; P. Sc O. Candia,
      490 words
    • 767 11 1? k+JLkj h Vessel’s Name. A Tons Captain Fbom Sailed Consignees. Rio. Dec 22 D’thea Rickmers Ger str. 2412 Pape Hamburg Nov 13-Behn Meyer A Co. 22 Tambov Rus tra. 3180 Schidlovsky Shanghai Dec 14 Borneo Coy Ltd. 22 Rosa Brit str. 267 Davidson Penang Dec 10 Beng Kay.
      767 words
    • 466 11 I I i Date. Vessel’s Name FlagARig Captain Dwtinatios Dec 22 Sri Samarinda i Dut str.. Olsen Bag an via ports 22 Tambov Rus str. Schidlovsky Odessa via ports 22 Euplectela Brit str. i Stott j Hongkong 23 Bellerophon Brit str. Peters Penang 23 Neera str. Coysh i T.
      466 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 25 11 s4£ The price of the weekly mail edition of the Straits Times is four and-a-hcdf dollars per quarter in Singapore and S 5 poet-free anywhere
      25 words
    • 41 11 A FIRST-class cigar manufactory in Holland, specially for export, wishes for connections with a poshing, well introduced agent. Address with full particulars and references (European preferred) to B. H. Z., c/o Nijgh A van Ditmar, General Advertising Offices, Rotterdam, Holland. 28/12
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    • 26 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED. BY an Eurasian, with eight years experience in shipping and general mercantile work. Good credentials from former employers. 29/12 Address SEEKER, c/o Straits Times.
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    • 477 12 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGN A TUBE W IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Dottle of the *¥GIXE3THRSKIRE ffl$onfy Medicine of the kind awarded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhldltfon, 1883-84, open 10. Registered D R LALOR’S PHDDTNE hAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY
      477 words
    • 189 12 Sc Wear’s COCOATINA The Best J4 COCOA I Now 8- ecially packed in double-lidded canis ers ensuring freshness for years, in all climates.” LTD. y By Special Warrant Purveyors to the Queen and Empress of India. CELEBRATED glCKLES, SAUCES, JAMS, JELUE3, TART FRUITS, POTTED MEATS, PRESERVED FISH, SOUPS, CAME, SAUSAGES,
      189 words
    • 317 12 MESSRS. G. R. LAMBERT CO. Is* L\ HAVING added considerably to their already large collection of SINGAPORE VIEWS AND TYPES, are now offering them for sale with NEW JAPANESE AND OTHER ALBUMS. Also, Views of Bangkok, Native States, etc. A large collection of NEW PHOTOGRAVURES from Messrs. Marion Co. with
      317 words
    • 402 12 TIMES AND or BUDGET 1 ®H“* Tima i *SoT7e»r, or |2i fifteen cents a copy. "Hu quarter. Sira.f, bZL* year, or $5 a quarter, a copy. The advertising ratetf* tune, 1# cents a line- 9nw* r times. lOcentealine; 4th cents a line; 7th to lSthtm.e,®*'; afterwards, 2 cents a
      402 words