The Straits Budget, 23 December 1898

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 139 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 50 1 Km him.— On tho l*th inst.. at SpottisHouse, the wifeof Alfred Kitciiing, r»f a pom. OsSmulav, 18th inst., at Tyrie, Mount Kli/ah« th, the wife of James Graham, of a »on. On 17th inst., at Singapore, the wife of K Y>. Ckoucher, M. 8., of Malacca, of a son'
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  • 420 1 Leaning Articles. Pity the Liberals! \V<,nifii and War. Trade with Japan. Identical Interests. Telegram Topics. Britain’s Suitors. I/jcal. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. The Convent .Bazaar. Warship Movements. The Clarke Quay Fire. High Tides. Public Instruction. The Convent Sale. A Sample Sale. Port Cuardship.
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  • 536 1 Singapore, 22nd December, 1898. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to 12.30 p.m.) Gambier, 0 5.10. Copra Bali, 6.40. do Pontianak, 6.00. Pepper, Black 24/JO. do White, (5%) 40.75. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.20. do Brunei..., 2.00. Pearl Sago 4.10^ Coffee, Bali, picked 27.25. Coffee Palemb&ug, picked.... 27.50. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 352 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Laos. The P. &O. Chusan with the mail from Europe of the 25th November arrived on Sunday. The mail from Europe of the 2nd December by the M. M. Melbourne is due on the 25th;December.
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  • 90 1 PUBLIC MEETING. CHINESE CO-OPERATION. (By Special telegram.) Penang, Tuesday. A large meeting of Europeans was held here yesterday, to discuss the question of raising a volunteer corps for local defence. The meeting passed a resolution requesting support from Government should a volunteer corps be enrolled at Penang suflicient
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    • 69 1 RESIGNATION OF SIRW. HARCOURT. London 15/A December. Sir William Harcourt has written a letter to Mr. Morley announcing that he lias resigned the leadership of the Liberal party. Sir William assigns as reason for resignation that he cannot any longer continue to lead a party which is rent
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    • 37 1 RAILWAY LOAN GUARANTEE. The French Government, out of deference to the opinion of the parliamentary budget committee, has decided not to insist upon a proposed State guarantee of some part of the Tonquin loan. A
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    • 21 1 THE GOVERNORSHIP. General Brooke has been appointed Military Governor of Cuba with control over both the civil and military administrations.
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    • 63 1 REASON FOR RESIGNATION. HIS DECISION IRREVOCABLE. London 1 6*h December. The Times has been informed that Sir William Harcourt’s decision to resign the leadership of the Liberal party is irrevocable. That journal believes that the trouble which resulted in the resignation was largely due to Sir William
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    • 49 1 THE CHINESE RfiUlMifiMT. The officers Rr the regiment to be raised in China ti garrison Wei-hai-wei have started for that station. The recruits for the regiment will be enlisted among the natives of the Shantung province in North China. It will' be styled the First Chinese Regiment.
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    • 75 1 SURPLUS REVENUE. BRIGHT PROSPECTS. The half-yearly meeting of the British North Borneo Company has just been held. The Chairman, Mr. R. B. Martin, said that the gross surplus revenue of British North Borneo, for the first half of the present year, amounted to eighty thousand dollars. The
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    • 16 1 The battle-ship Irresistible a sister ship to the Formidable, has been launched at Chatham.
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    • 25 1 THE RAILWAY i cvan. The French Chamber of Deputies has passed the Bill to raise a loan for railway construction in French Indo-China.
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    • 55 1 LIGHT ON THE RESIGNATION. London 16th December. Two additional letters from Sir William Hareourt re his resignation have been published. In these letters, Sir William expresses hopes of serving the Liberal party as an independent member. Sir William also explains that the situation of affairs rendered his
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    • 30 1 PERIOD OF RATIFICATION. A protocol has been signed at Paris, extending for six months the time originally fixed upon for ratifying the Niger Convention between Britain and France.
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    • 83 1 TURKISH PRIDE WOUNDED. RUSSIAN WAR CELEBRATION. London 19 th December. The Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia has arrived at Constantinople on his way to unveil a monument at San Stefano, where Russia dictated terms of peace to Turkey in 1878. The unveiling ceremony will takt place in
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    • 132 1 FRENCH STATE GUARANTEE. The French Chamber of Deputies has passed a Bill authorising a Government guarantee for the proposed railway from Tonquin to the frontier of Yunnan. This is the only one of M. Doumers projected French Indo-China railways which will receive a French Government guarantee. [This railway
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    • 58 2 ARRIVAL AT LONDON. FRENCH AND BRITISH INTERESTS. London, 20th December. M. Cambou, the newly appointed French Ambassador, has received a deputation of the French residents in London. In addressing them, he defined his diplomatic task as that of defending the interests of France by proving that the interests
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    • 18 2 A strong detachment of telegraph engineers has been ordered fromJAldershot to Egypt, on special service.
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    • 18 2 Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Holds worth Rawson, K.C.B., has been appointed Commander of the Channel Squadron.
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    • 33 2 EGYPTIAN OCCUPATION. London 21s/ December. Major Marchand and his party evacuated Fashoda on the lltii instant, and marched towards the Sobat River. The Egyptian troops immediately occupied the fort at Fashoda.
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    • 40 2 PROBABLE FAILURE. The international conference threatens to end in failure. The representatives of Britain, Belgium, and Switzerland have declined to accept the proposal to surrender resident foreign Anarchists, upon the demand of the respective Governments of these Anarchists.
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    • 24 2 DEPARTURE FOR CRETE. Prince George of Greece has staited for Crete, escorted by the flagships of the four Powers forming the Concert.
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    • 6 2 Judge Hawkins has resigned.
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    • 73 2 INQUIRY RE-OPENED. London, 22 nd December. The Board of Trade has ordered that the investigation into the stranding of the P. and O. China at Perim should be re-opened, generally, by the High Court of Justice of England. This step is taken owing to representations that those
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    • 33 2 ARRIVAL IN CRETE. Prince George of Greece was enthusiastically received on his arrival at Canea. He promised to govern Crete impartially, and urged the Cretans to forget their long-standing mutual hatreds.
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    • 29 2 DEATH PENALTY LAW. The French Penate has passed a Bill prescribing the death penalty on State officials f jund guilty of treason in time of peace.
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  • 51 1 DEATHS. \ni.*. NVwlands Park, Sydenham,on the .4 i November, Laura, the beloved wife of Edmund Scott- Russell, aged 43. \V. Bekthand Roberts, late Manager of the Buffalo Reef Gold Mining Company, Limited, died suddenly in London, on Novendier 3rd. OBITUARY. Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, Liberal-Unionist M. P. for Aylesbury’, is
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  • 439 2 (Straits Times t ,\oth December.) The Rt. Hon. Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, M. I\, P. C., LL. D., the self-boasted descendant of the Plantagenets and the p unpous Squire of Malwood, has resigned the leadership of the Liberal Party. Therewith goes his last h
    (Straits Timest,\oth December.)  -  439 words
  • 570 2 [com MUNICATED.J (Strait a time*, ~>th December.) The Tsar’s Peace Manifesto was evidently a little too previous. 'Hie Devil has still some very pressing pots to boil, and the world is not vet readv for W ft it. Still it was a cheering sign of the times
    [com MUNICATED.J (Strait a time*, ] ~>th December.)  -  570 words
  • 943 2 {Straits Times, 19/// December.) Great Britain led the way in revising the old-style Treaties of Japan, in 1894; Austro-Hungary has completed the series of revisals only this month. All the Powers, excepting France, have agreed that the new Treaties shall come into operation'on July 17th next. The
    {Straits Times, 19/// December.)  -  943 words
  • 641 2 (Straits Times, 20th December.) The French Colony in London is a large and important one. In addressing the delegates of that body, M. Cambon, the new French Ambassador to the Court of St. James, was speaking in a closely analogous position to that occupied by Sir Edmund Monson
    (Straits Times, 20th December.)  -  641 words
  • 730 2 (Straits Times, 21 st December.) There is no one subject calling fur special comment in to-day s telegrams. The Anti-Anarchist Conference lias appeared from its inception only less hopeless of practical result than that millennial congress which is to meet next month in Ht. Petersburg. But the gathering
    (Straits Times, 21 st December.)  -  730 words

  • 872 3 (Straits Times, 22nd Deceitiher.) Oik declaration, on Tuesday, that ''Hat Britain lias suitors on more than •inside, is challenged. That it is a matter J opinion rather than of proof, we nlmit: also, that there is plentiful evidence to the contrary. Moreover, nowhere is there to be found
    (Straits Times, 22nd Deceitiher.)  -  872 words
  • 1753 3 The Berlin Post is sceptical regarding the community ot interests in East Asia which, in Mr. Chamberlains view, ought to unite England, the l nited States, Germany, and Japan. It advises its readers to regard his declaiation on this point as a hallon d’essai, at least so far as Germany
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  • 322 3 A Chinese woman, living at No. 30 Nordin Street, has been robbed of property to the value of $415. 4 Mdme. Sarah Bernhardt has chartered a yacht, and has put the notorious M. Pierre Loti in command, for a cruise to the east. 4 The Chinaman, who
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  • 57 3 It is reported that, owing to the general distress caused by the disastrous Yellow River floods in north China, numbers of the refugees have taken to piracy on the coast, a large number of cargo and passenger junks having been robbed within the last two months with
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  • 50 3 Owing to the unusually high tide yesterday and this morning, the streets in the vicinity of South Bridge Road and South Canal Road were flooded with sea-water. A great many of the shops were also ankle-deep in water. To-day, several tongkangs found difficulty in passing under Cavanagh Bridge.
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  • 62 4 It is reported that the Government have* remedied, at least in part, the long-standing grievance of jurymen in Penang in respect of their expenses. It has instructed the Supreme Court officials to pay over per diem to jurors living within three miles of Butterworth, aud S
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  • 55 4 The gold production for the first ten months of 1898 for Victoria, Queensland, and West Australia combined amounted to 2,282,191 oz., showing an increase over the corresponding period of 1897 of 461,1940 z. This increase is divided among the several colonies as follows:—Victoria, 32,4860 z.; Queensland, 114,0560 z.
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  • 88 4 The Muluy Mail &ays that there will be a bachelors’ dinner at Kuala Lumpur on the 31st instant. The main idea is that all the European bachelors (and grass widowers) in the State should meet and dine together on the last day of the year. Mr. Baxendale, as
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  • 76 4 THE “LITTLE STATE8-MEN.” A society has been organized in Boston for opposing Imperialism and the annexation of foreign territory by the United States. An address to the people has been issued protestingagainst the annexation of the Philippines. Mr. Andrew Carnegie telegraphed, stating that he would contribute 81,008
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  • 98 4 Under the chairmanship of Sergt.Major Westcott, the members of the West Yorks. Sergeants’ mess gave a smoking concert at Tanglin Barracks last night. The entertainment was numerously attended, among the audionof* hfiin/r Q. M. Sergeants Hill and Grant; Staff-Sergeant Harrison, the whole of the sergeants of the
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  • 324 4 A BANDIT AMONG BANDITS. The preliminary chapters of Esterhazy’s Dessous de 1’ affaire Dreyfus are now in circulation. An attentive perusal of them, it is said, indicates that their sole object is to threaten the French General Staff and oblige it to enter into negotiations with Major Esterhazy
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  • 70 4 The Penang Municipality, on Friday last, opened tenders (two in number) for erecting the Jubilee Clock Tower there. One was from Ung Ah Heang for S38,500, with the contract to be completed in 30 months, and the other from Lee Ah Kong for $42,500, with the contract
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  • 79 4 A Bill before the Legislative Council of Ceylon provides that any Press message received in Ceylon by telegraph, from abroad will be protected for a period of 48 hours from the time of first publication. Any person guilty of publishing such message or making any reference to it,
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  • 109 4 A Slavonic chemist named Zzigmody has just shown that gold can exist in a soluble form. By acting on a slightly alkaline solution of a gold salt, he has succeeded in obtaining gold which is soluble in water and may be precipitated by the addition of common
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  • 102 4 The West Australian diamond-fields, to which a rush has set in, lie at Nullagine, 300 miles inland from Cossack, on the north-west coast. Gold drew at the outset a crowd of diggers there. Some of the diggers happened across the diamonds, and tested them in a crude original
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  • 96 4 The Famine Commission’s report is a bulky volume. It speaks in the highest terms of the work of relieving the distress throughout India and Burma, except the Central Provinces, upon which it passes criticism the more scathing from the temperance of the language employed. Taking India as
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  • 282 4 Further evidence was taken yesterday in the case against seven Chinese charged with causing the death of a man in an opium-shop in Carpenter Street. They, and a Chinaman chargee with using as genuine a false document, were remanded till the 21st instant. Two cases of robbery and
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  • 103 4 The weather of the past few days would seem to indicate that rough seas and dirty weather generally are being experienced in the China Sea and other waters around Singapore. A heavy swell has prevailed in the harbour for some time, and it was so strong about midnight
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  • 129 4 One of the effects of the English coal strike is shown in the returns of the rail-borne traffic of the port of Bombay during the past year issued on the 30th Nov. An increase of coal and coke is recorded, equivalent to 32*5 per cent, over last
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  • 160 4 Sir Edmund Commerell V.C., Admiral of the Fleet, will retire under the age clause in January. The appointment to the highest rank in the Navy is diviectly in the hands of the Queen, and that her Majesty will on occasion exercise this prerogative was shown
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  • 202 4 Fresh springs of petroleum have been discovered at a spot on the Black Sea side of the Caucasus, opposite to the Baku oil-field. The new oil region is situate near Anakliya, at, the mouth of the River Mgur on the Black Sea. The soil belongs to the
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  • 194 4 THE DAPHNE LEAVES TO-DAY. Her Majesty’s first-class cruiser Edgar which arrived from Plymouth yesterday morning with relief crews, and coaled at Tanjong Pagar, left in the course of the afternoon for Hongkong. Early this mbrning, H. M. S. Archer arrived from that port to replace the Daphne, which
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  • 990 4 FRANCE AND RAHEITA. It is reported from Assab that the French officer, who landed on the coast of Raheita belonged to the cruiser Scorpion. He was accompanie4 by six sailors, two askaris, and a civil officer. The officer stated to the Commandant of the garrison, who came
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  • 292 4 MILITARY ARRIVALS AT MANILA. The steamer Indiana arrived at Manila on the 80th November. She brought eight companies of the 20tb Kansas Volunteers. The former Australian liner Zelandia completed her second trip to Manila, this time carrying the two battalions of the Tennessee Regiment. She arrived on the30th
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  • 152 4 The following is the report for the half-year from the 1st April to the doth September last, submitted to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha on the 25tli November: On the European line, cargo was obtained in large quantities at the Straits Settlements and Colombo for the outward
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  • 92 4 Major Lawrie, who has he< n m.u amidst a sympathetic concourse »> brother officers in the Soudan campaq, the hero of an interesting suspjerstit.on. Before Atbara be discovered in the >en lator of his helmet an energetic j'P which came out in the evening, an« I a'
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  • 179 5 I everything went well on the opening 1/L of the annual fancy bazaar in aid Hr he funds devoted to the orphans t ie Convent. The Town Hall I largely thronged by busy sellers Wf: generous buyers; stall-holders vi-itors were alike busy in ,1 cause, and were
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  • 531 5 -kmucal enquiry yesterday. I Municipal Office yesterday, an H dry was held, under the presidency I Mr A. Gentle, into the circumstances Hiding the li re which occurred in B_rv Sandilands, Buttery, and Co.’s ■Town, (’lark Quay, in the early hours Sunday morning. J Me A
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  • 91 5 m.kxt cyclone devastated the I "1 Tunis on November 16th. It k nver the plain of Mornag, and away part ol the Oued Miliane I Thousands of olive trees were I The river overflowed its H 1 and when the water receded W- 1 Old was covered
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  • 772 5 8TATE AFFAIRS. The Empress-Dowager has created a new body-guard, consisting of 40,000 troops, half picked from the Imperia Guards and 10,000 each from the lekin Field Force and the Banner Corps. Their pay is 2 taels a month J more the Guards have formerly f received.
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  • 3042 5  -  BY ARNOT REID. [copyright.] NO. 1. —AT PEKIN. Pekin is a great city much in want of repair. You can see at once that it is a cit)% that has been founded—as in contradistinction to one that has grown. Further, you can see that the men who
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  • 108 6 A German newspaper has been started at Kiaochau. The first number was published on the 21st November. 4 Mr. L. E. P. Wolferstan arrived from Calcutta this morning. He resumed his magisterial duties in the second Court this afternoon. A Sergeant of the West Yorks protested in
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  • 48 6 At the first fixture for an audience by the Empress-Dowager of China to the ladies of the Embassies in Pekin, the latter all left the Palace as a protest at some detail of their reception. At a second attempt, on Nov. 21st, everything went happily.
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  • 55 6 At Calcutta, on the 5th instant, while Mr. A. D. Allen, a dock superintendent was proceeding up the Hooglily river in a boat, the latter collided with a launch. The force of the impact threw Mr. Allen forward, his head becoming wedged in the wreckage and being almost,
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  • 53 6 Messrs. Tan Kim Tian and Sons have been appointed local agents for the China Mutual Life Insurance Company of Shanghai. Mr. Hector W. Sampson, the travelling representative of the Company, is now in Singapore. The advantages and benefits which the Company offer to insurers are fully set forth in
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  • 58 6 The Plague Commission have decided to make Bombay their headquarters Tiuring their enquiries in India. There, on the 3rd instant, the plague figures showed twenty new cases and nine deaths, with 102 deaths from all causes, against Id new cases, 10 deaths, and 106 deaths from all
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  • 66 6 A young man, named O’Leary, of the Military Works Department, was bitten by a dog three months ago in Mian Mir (India), and went off to the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He returned apparently cured, a few weeks ago. He died the other day of hydrophobia. A
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  • 43 6 The betting on the Viceroy’s Cup was as follows on the 9th instant:— 6 to 4 against Leonidas 6 to 1 Vanitas and Gluten 7 to 1 Keenan Long odds the rest. There was a good deal of place betting.
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  • 115 6 The Neues Wiener Tagblatt states that the dungeon in which Luce hen i, the assassin of the Empress Elisabeth, is now confined has no windows, its walls are of cold, generally damp stone, its floor of stone, its ceiling of stone; and that Luceheni will probably
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  • 110 6 HONOURS TO P. O. OFFICERS. At Bombay, on the 7th instant, Mr. Burke, Chairman of the Port Trust, presented Mr. Reginald R. Dolton, second officer oft he P.andO. steamer Peshaicur, and Mr. William Oranefieldofthe Chusan, with silver medals and an engrossed scroll on behalf of the Australian Humane Society for
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  • 116 6 Mr. Yilliers, in a lecture on Omdurman, told of a trooper, whose horse was cruelly hacked in the charge of the 21st Lancers. The man was ordered to put the animal out of its misery bv shooting it. He led the animal down to the Nile, and
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  • 132 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’* Sir, —In your report, in yesterday’s issue of your paper, of the evidence given by me, at the inquest on the recent fire at Clarke Quay, you state that I said “1 had known pepper become so hot as
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  • 267 6 A MARINE MONSTER. The steamer Deutschland now building for the Hamburg-American Line at the Vulcan Yard at Bredon, near Stettin, will be the largest of passenger steamers. The vessel has a length of 663ft., a breadth of 67ft., and a depth of 44ft. In order to be
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  • 43 6 H. M. S. Daphne sailed at four o’clock yesterday afternoon for Hongkong. The Archer by which she has been replaced, left the harbour early this morning, for gunnery and other trials she will probably return to the man-of-war anchorage this evening.
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  • 780 6 ALL ABOUT LEAVES. This morning at the Supreme Court, before the Chief-Justice, the case of Messrs. Katz Bros. v. Lim LJang Lim came on for hearing. Mr. S. Katz appeared on behalf of the firm; Mr. J. Carver, of Messrs. Donaldson and Burkinshaw,represented the defendant. The facts
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  • 83 6 The police at Rangoon have just arrested two Buddhist monks for circulating treasonable proclamations in favour of the Mingoon Prince, a pretender to the throne of Burma. The pretender is at present harbouring in French Indo-China. After this, came the arrest of a wealthy native trader, in
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  • 312 6 For using criminal force a man has been fined $3 and costs: another has gone to prison for two months for causing hurt. Two men have lost their liberty for three months for theft; another was similarly sentenced for fraudulent possession of property. For possession of illicit chandu
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  • 378 6 ‘LAUNCHED AT CHATHAM YESTERDAY. H. M. S. Irresistible which, as is announced in to-day’s telegraphic news, has been launched at Chatham, is one of three sister-ships, the other two being the Formidable (already launched) and the Implacable (building at Devonport). She has about 100 tons more
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  • 353 6 Therb is every reason to substantial pecuniary return sale of wo* in the Tow^i"? th Singapore cJJJLf 1 both ednesday and Thursda. 0t fJ the attendance of visitorst^!'' 111 ingly large, and the wares were so inglypressed upon the purse-U^* 1 they were feign to succumb nT*
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  • 276 6 COLLISIONS AND EXPLOSIONS. I A dense log at the mouth of the Elbe, I on Nov. 15th and 16th, occasioned the I total loss of three English vessels. The steamer Bede, of London, bound for I Norfolk with general merchandise from Hamburg, got aground on a quicksand outside
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  • 133 6 Before Mr. Justice HyndmanJones this morning, an action v\as heard in which Choo lek Choon, a salesman who was dismiss on suspicion from the Venice of John Little and Co., claimed Iron that firm a month s wages in of notice. Mr. \\ce Th iarn
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  • 839 7 REVISED UODE REVIEWED. (Writtenfor the Straits Times. j week’s issue of the Government f e tfr contains the text of a revised dr <‘f public instruction which hpLS n submitted to the Government for Yj.roval- School-managers and those in public instruction are > vl t*.i to send in
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  • 20 7 cu,v Uchester possesses a magnificent r'Uace made entirely of black pearls, p nth was once the prrperty of the Eugenie.
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  • 689 7 London, 5th December. Colonel Picquart has applied to the Court of Cassation to determine whether he is amenable to military or civil jurisdiction. Court upon this ordered the postponement of the court-martial on Picquart.] It is stated that the Austrian Premier’s declaration in the Reichsrath on the
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  • 73 7 At the prompting of Mr. J. Y. Kennedy, a public meeting will be held at Penang, on Monday next, to take steps to form a Volunteer Corps for that Settlement. It is urged that what would suit Penang is a Volunteer Corps of infantry, the members of
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  • 73 7 At the date of last advices from the north-west frontier of India, the socalled mad Mullah or fanatical agitator had met with reverses among the tribesmen. His followers were deserting, but more recruits had joined him and further fighting was confidently expected. Recent events have proved that
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  • 2082 7 ESTERHAZY’3 CONFESSION. The Petite Repuhliaue published under the title “The Uhlans Confession,” an article containing certain remarks ascribed to Esterhazy, which are said to have been uttered by him during the Zola trial in the hearing of two men, one of them a representative of the Figaro,
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  • 79 7 The team chosen to represent the S. C. C. in the football match against Penang and Perak, on the 28th instant, is composed as follows Goal. —R. T. Reid. Back*. —Ezekiel and Rainnie. Half-Backs—So 1 Is, Lt. Crowley, and Lt. Howard. Forward*. —Lts. Logan and Gordon, Capt. Lang, and
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  • 129 7 A Singular incident, an exchange says, has just come to light at the Royal Palace at Stuttgart, the residence of the King of Wurtemberg. By some means a man found his way into the garden, and gained access to the Palace. He went no further than the
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  • 855 8 Insomnia has been cutely defined as staying awake all night trying to go to sleep. The Mallina gold-field, in Western Australia, is said to have been discovered by a lad who noted a speck of gold in a stone he picked up to throw at a crow. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    858 8 CONDUCTED BY “KING’S PAWN.” All chess correspondence should be addressed to King’s Pawn.” Solutions: Problem No. 75 (Sparke) Q-Bsq; No. 76 (Feast) B-R 7 correct solutions received from Caiesa. The chess competition last Saturday evening, was between the letter C and the rest. C w’on with flying colours by
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  • 76 8 The importation of yen is now also forbidden in British North Borneo. A horse attached to a gharry bolted in town this morning and galloped along the Esplanade and Stamford Roads, probably in the direction of his stable and his feed.” Twenty-three reported thieves were arrested in
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  • 51 8 The s. s. Abana was abandoned by her crew' on Monday last, the fifth day after the stranding near Labuan. They arrived here on the h’anee this morning. The prevailing heavy swells are expected to completely wreck the vessel, w hose decks now’ are only clear at low
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  • 49 8 A Liquidation scandal is presented* by the Agra Savings Bank liquidation in India, which has been running over seven years. The depositors have not yet been paid in full, but the legal and other expenses have lynounted to over Ils.2,000,000 The liquidation is about to be closed.
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  • 88 8 Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery, <fc Co. have appealed to our senses of sight and taste on behalf of Messrs. W. M. Teacher and Sons, makers of the famous 4 Highland Cream Whisky." The local firm are the agents here for this noted blend, the 41 perfection ol old
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  • 94 8 At Sandakan, Mr. Beaufort, the Governor of British North Borneo publicly presented, on the 28th November, the Royal Humane Society's bronze medal and certificate to Mr. E. de Mattos of the s. s. Her aba, for saving the life of a Mr. Roberts in Darvel Bay. H. E.
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  • 91 8 Since it has been announced that Lieutenant Hobson has signed a contract agreeing to write a full and complete account of the exploit of the United States collier Merrimac he has been almost constantly annoyed by offers of various kinds. The latest proposition made him is said to
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  • 98 8 Yesterday, the enquiry into the circumstances attending the fire at Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery, Co.’s godown on Sunday morning last, w’as resumed at the Municipal Office. The evidence of the head and junior kranis, both of whom were called, revealed nothing of particular importance. Both witnesses were
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  • 174 8 An action was tried before the Chief Justice, in the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, in which Robert Hamilton claimed from his nephew, James Hamilton, a sum of money amounting to $389 odd fer passage-money from England, the value of clothes, and board and lodging. The evidence went
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  • 176 8 In 1846, the Ministry of the Interior had 3,777 employcs 9 and the total increased by little over 300 in the 27 years up to 1873. But in another 20 years, it had more than doubled (9.129), while the total at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had nearly
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  • 216 8 Malay Mail. On the IGtli instant, there is to be a cricket match. Sir Frank Swettenham is getting up a team of Federal officials and visitors to Kuala Lumpur v. Kuala Lumpur and District team. The Federal team will contain the following players: —Sir Frank, H. L. Talbot,
    Malay Mail.  -  216 words
  • 198 8 THE COLONIES INCLUDED. On and after Christmas Day, 1898: the rate of postage on letters from the Colony to the United Kingdom, British India, British Central Africa, British East Canada, the Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Cyprus, the Falkland Islands, Fiji, Gibraltar, Gold Coast Colony, the Gambia, Hongkong,
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  • 1009 8 ANNUAL PRI/e DISTRibi :t Yesterday marked the I another very successful andn~ «fl year of work at the Radies ofe*! The conclusion of the school the commencement of the n**8 vacation was celebrated tni by the distribution to the pupils of the prizes gained year. There was
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  • 467 9 RAILWAY SCHEMES. M. Bor.MKR, the Governor-General, has remained longer in France than he had existed. 11 is railway extension scheme, says the Semaiae Coloniale meets with miidi opposition. The Parliamentary Colonial Standing Committee, which had been directed to inquire into the iieine, indeed reported in its favour. But
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  • 1530 9 Anglers are notoriously excellent performers with the long bow,” and golfere do not dissipate all their skill in wielding the clubs. It is solemnly reported that two gentlemen playing consecutively, on the Hastings links, each killed a lark with his ball in their approaches to the third
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  • 75 9 The British North Borneo Herald. announces the discovery of coal on the banks of the Sugut river in that quarter. The quality is said to be like that of the best Welsh variety, i.e. splendid steaming power with little smoke or ash. Specimens shown are said to
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  • 1071 9 THE NORTH-CHINA TRADE. A Consular report, just published, gives details of the trade between Shanghai and Netherlands India. The direct trade is small, and is confined to importations of Sumatra petroleum. Many Netherlands India articles find their way indirectly to Shanghai and North China, but particulars are hard
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  • 293 9 For theft two men have gone to jail for three months, one of them to receive fifteen cuts. Two more have got six months each. Another for aiding and abetting in the theft of property valued at SI97 has been committed to the Court of Two Magistrates, bail
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  • 209 9 Evil fate still besets the Royal Langkat Petroleum Company. The reported discovery of two freely flowing oil-wells stopped, a few weeks ago, a heavy decline in the Company’s shares which arose from the output failing. But, now, decline has again set in from 250 per cent, premium to
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  • 1479 10 TROUBLE AT HAVANA. The battalion of the (Jrden PMico which first mutinied owing to the nonreceipt of its pay was embarked for Spain on board th e Alicante. Another despatch states that Senor Sagasta telegraphed that it was impossible to send the 30,000,000 pesetas required to pay
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  • 104 10 Snrah Bernhardt’s dressing-room is divided into two parts. In one of these she dresses, and in the other receives her friends while waiting to go on. She usually appears from her iuner-dressing room (Cas8eirs Journal says) with her gown hanging in shapeless masses round her. Standing before
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  • 1161 10 A SEEMING DILEMMA. SOME ILLU8ION8 DI8PELLED. The Petite Republique (Paris, November 17th) say9: France is faced by the following dilemma, from which she cannot escape:—Either she must persist in the alliance concluded during.the last few years—in other words, "hither she will become the increasingly-devoted servant of Russia
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  • 344 10 SMOKER AND DANCE. THE S. V. A. AT HOME. The S. V. A. cigarette smoker last night was a distinct success, numerically and otherwise. Its promoters deserve great credit for their programme,and the smoothness with which it was carried out. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags and palms so
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  • 115 10 In point of stature, the rulers of to-day compare very unfavourably with their predecessors. The first Christian, King of Denmark, was seven feet high. The present Danish King, Christian IX., barely reaches five feet eleven inches, and his son, King George of Greece, is four inches shorter. The
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  • 603 10 T HE Chin Chew Street Chinaman, wag hanged this tnoJJ* 'ftA Chinaman report* havin. i worth of property stolen fron^ 4 Thf Singapore Jury list f or m published in last week’s <; r „L Gazette. 4 Messrs. Brinkmann and Co anno that Mr. N. 6. M.
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  • 47 10 A Javanese woman, living at *i° Elizabeth, states that on going to on Saturday night last she put twe y sovereigns and 67 dollars under pillow. On getting up next mornin, the money had been stolen. Three j* were sleeping in the same room.
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  • 43 11 Negotiations arc in progress between American syndicate for the conduction of the Hankow-Canton Railj^Vj the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, j’ Messrs. Jardine, Matbieson, anc *7 with a view to amalgamating for V e 'purpose of constructing the line in question.
    43 words
  • 43 11 marriage has been arranged, to ♦ike plaoe early in January, between y iiicl.thirddaugliterof the late Charles .uglitoii Collison, of* Capetown r i Herne-hill, Surrey, and Percy A. Nightingale, M. D., Physician to the Legation and to the Royal palace, Bangkok, Siam.
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  • 53 11 During the current year about 400 Chinese families have settled down in Southern Russia. They had been leaned to Kt Russian planters into the rets of this branch of agriculture. 7i)t* tea fields are situated close to the iea,runningalongthe Batoura-Tiflis line. The harvest, on a grand scale, is
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  • 57 11 The Imperial decree removing from fiia* the Taotai Tsai of Shanghai, an ,-.ffir-ial of Progressive and pro-foreign leniencies, has drawn from the Britisli and American Consuls a request to their Legations in Pekin to endeavour to obtain his retention in oflice until the question of the extension
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  • 57 11 The Committee of the St. Nicholas society desire to acknowledge with »hanks t lie undermentioned sums which have been forwarded during the ;f,.\ V weeks: -through Mrs. Hynd-aiaii--Jones, §11; throng'll Mrs. Waddell, (including §50 from Mr. Tan Jiuk K.m and §30 from Mr. Tan Buo Lint); through
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  • 90 11 II. M. S. I Irish sailed from Sheerness for China on Nov. 23rd, but put into "•pithead next day through stress of weather. Her overhaul hascost £18,000, exclusive of the re-armament effected with 6-in. q. f. guns in place of breechloaders. 11. M. S. Pique just home from this
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  • 95 11 As Commander Lewis Blackburn, of the cruiser Iflenheim. was leaving the hulk Ixoyal Adelaide in Chatham I dockyard, on November 24th, a gazelle which lie had recently brought home ironi abroad ran to meet him, and while affectionately rubbing against him fell overboard. Commander Blackburn, who was
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  • 105 11 The s. s. Euryalus which arrived from i'inka Straits on Saturday, and was berthed at New Harbour, is to be thoroughly examined as soon she is dry-docked. Captain Curtie reports that the ship took the ground on the 4th inst. at 12.15 p.m., ,J f! Tanjong Point. After
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  • 113 11 Die appointment of LieutenantGeneral Sir Francis Grenfell to the Governorship of Malta, which carries it a salary of L'5,000 per annum, is '•cognised as a fitting recognition of distinguished military services extendog over a period of nearly 40 years, al•Ij0*t all of which have been spent in
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  • 381 11 A Chinaman was committed for trial on Saturday, for making preparation tor gang robbery and for being in possession of dangerous weapons. Two others were remitted to the Court of l wo Magistrates for house-breaking and theft. Tor gang robbery, a man was committed for trial, this morning.
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  • 449 11 ALREADY EXISTS IN EGYPT. Salisbury’s reasons for content. We recently quoted, at some length, an interview reported from Paris by M. de Blowitz with r\ French politician who has held oflice, who is still consulted by those in office, and who is likely to return to power
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  • 176 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE 8TRAITS TIMES.” kiR, —In your report in to-day’s issue of your paper, re the case R. Hamilton v. J. A. Hamilton I didn’t think that in a paper of such standing as the Straits Times you would have taken P a ns
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  • 333 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,— In the interests of small consignees, I wish to call attention to the considerable delay and inconvenience experienced in obtaining delivery of goods at the godowns attached to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company’s wharves. These are due, (i) to
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  • 304 11 LADIES IN “THE FORBIDDEN CITY.” (From ihe Evening Standard When Prince Henry of Prussia obtained a promise that the wives of the Ministers at Pekin should be received by the Dowager Empress on her birthday, very few old residents, if any, expected the event to come oft’.”
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  • 64 11 An enjoyable concert was given on Saturday evening, in the regimental theatre, Tanglin, before a large audience. A good programme was presented, towards which the contributors were Mrs. Salzmann, Mrs. Hutton, Lieut. Tew, Mrs. Gornell, Mr. Ruchwaldy, Band-Sgt. Murrell, Lance-Corpl. Scragg, Musician Haley, Musician Stone, Pte. G.
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  • 82 11 A home writer declares that Aguinaldo, the leader of the rebels in the Philippines, is said to be the smallest General in existence, or possibly on record, excepting General Tom Thumb from the latter category. He is, however, a rather great man at present. He. is quartered in
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  • 85 11 (From our Correspondent.) Unki: Sulieman, the State Commis-sioner-General of Johore, attended by rhe Dato Sri Stia Raja and Dato Yah ah arrived on the night of the 15th on inspection duty. The weather is very dry. No rain for »he past fourteen days; strong Northeast winds raising clouds of
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  • 484 11 RUSSIA'S INTERESTS. DANGERS IN PERSIA AND AFGHANISTAN. The Nova* Vremya has been lucubrating upon Russian interests, and the inattention thereto, in the near Asiatic East. Its advocacy of an independent line of policy in the European East was repudiated by the St. Petersburg Foreign Office so the
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  • 120 11 Miss Flora Shaw, whose name, as Che representative of the Times, frequently came up in connection with the Jameson raid inquiry, has been to Klondike and has paused on her way home in Montreal, where Mr. Fitzpatrick, the Solicitor-General, gave a banquet in her honour, which was
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  • 666 11 ment. He gave notice of appeal— Malay Mail. Mr. Skeat, a Perak official on leave, has been requested to accompany a small scientific expedition shortly leaving home for the purpose of exploring the Siamese States of the Malay Peninsula and other regions in these parts. This expedition is
    ment. He gave notice of appeal— Malay Mail.  -  666 words

  • 74 12 The Khalifa, with a small following, remains in the mountains in Southern fyrdofan. The reception of Mr. Chamberlain’s speech at Wakefield by the Berlin Press is uniformly favourable, Anglo-German interests in common being recognized. Mr. D. Maciver, Conservative, has been elected Member of Parliament for the Kirkdale
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  • 218 12 REMARKABLE CONTRIVANCE. $ir William MacGregor, late Lieuten-ant-Governor of New Guinea, gives the following sketch of a method of catching fish which will be new to most Europeans At Dobu, there was a good opportunity of seeing the very original method they employ for catching fish by means
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  • 75 12 On Saturday, theSepoy Lines monthly medal was played for with the following result: Capt. Ellis 45 41= 86 6= 80 Capt. Jones.. 44 43= 87 6= 81 Mr. Bland 53 48=101 20-= 81 Surg.-Maj. Hearn.. 50 47=97 12=85 Mr. Elcum 48 43= 91 4= 87 Mr. Grigor Taylor..
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  • 312 12 A cricket match was played on Saturday afternoon, between the Probables,” and a Singapore team, resulting in a decisive victory for the former. The scores were as follows: SINGAPORE TEAM. N. Paternott c Ezekiel b Carver 9 J. G. Mactaggart c and b Reid 0 H. B. Wilson b
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  • 389 12 THE “OPEN DOOR” DEFINED. SOME GERMAN CRITICS. The U. S. Secretary of State, Mr. Hay, being asked what the Philippine open door means, is reported to have explained that the American tariff enforced there will operate equally against all nations. None will be given an advan- tage,
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  • 408 12 THE MAR KET OF TH E TWENTIETH CENTURY.” A VIENNA JOURNALS SPECULATIONS. A London journal quotes a passage from the Handels and Borseid>erichi which, it says, is one of the best commercial newspapers in Vienna. The article from which the extract is taken is headed “The market
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  • 437 12 AMERICAN OFFICERS ON TOUR. FE8TIVITIE8 AMONG THE NATIVE8. Two officers of the U. S. Monadnock named Wilcox and Sargent, rejoined their ship at Manila towards the end of last month after a tour of six weeks’ duration in the interior of Luzon Island. They report, according to the
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  • 175 12 A notification gives a list of officers entitled to frank letters despatched on Her Majesty’s service within the Straits Settlements. The managers of estates are allowed to frank official returns sent to the Immigration officers. The Subordinates of the public works, education, medical, and police departments in the
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  • 120 12 A YEAR S OPERATIONS. The directors of the Pahang Corporation report that the operations of the year ended June 30th, 1898, resulted in a profit of £13,836, against £5,969 in the previous year. The price of tin has shown an improvement, and the Company’s produce was sold at
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  • 670 12 SINGAPORE FRIEND8 IN TOWN. (Written for the Straits Times' 1 A distinguished company assembled, on the 16th November, at St. Stephen’s Church, at S. Kensington, to witness the marriage of Lilian (Queenie) eldest daughter of Sir Henry McCallum, K.C.M.G., Governor of Newfoundland, to Percy Neville, Sub-marine Mining R.
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  • 105 12 The drill instructors, who are now on their way from England to Wei-hai-wei, have been engaged for a period of two years on special terms. Young, unmarried sergeants have been chosen each gets a step in local rank, and the members of the staff whilst so employed i are
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  • 1398 12 the prince of Wales The Prince of Wales has no. an excellent and, we (the i'Ni really say, complete recovery fr. severe accident which he mi, 0 U* July last, and after the int^l,r UI has elapsed of more than L. hl< the cure may be reasonably
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  • 83 13 j 4 !'‘tain Toulmin of the steamer l! 9 has been found guilty of murder th'*! nited States Consular Court at r.mlmin hadquarrelled with the cropradore of that vessel, and had shot 1111 dead. The trouble arose from the imputed ownership of a chair on board, crime
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  • 57 13 HK question of increased harbour at Madras has been to the India Office in order view of Sir Alexander Rendel, consulting engineer to the Secre•"’tate, may be ascertained. Up- of three-quarters of a million lri have been spent during the 1 twenty -two years in endeavouring V urn
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  • 280 13 Two more cases of hydrophobia are reported from Tonquin. U. S. battleships Oregon and Iowa, which are en route for Honolulu and Manila, left Montevideo on Nov. 19th. There were several new features in last night’s performance at the Circus, and the audience was enthusiastic in approval.
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  • 429 13 A telegram from Chungking, dated 5th instant, says there is no prospect of peace in Szechuan, and that all hope of saving Father Fleury from the rebels under Yu Mantsze is abandoned. It is stated that the Viceroy of Canton is negotiating for the purchase of
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  • 61 13 It is stated that the export trade in Japanese coal is in a very dull condition. Large accumulations ot coal are now lying at various ports. The amount of coal stacked is roughly estimated at 400,000 tons at Moji; 100,000 tons at other Kyushu ports; and 300,000 tons
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  • 61 13 In reference to the notorious de Rougemont stories, the Wide World Magazine (November) comes out with the following notice Since thi? magazine went to press, certain evidence has come to light which causes us to publicly state that we do not vouch for the truth of this
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  • 265 13 VANITAS A STAYER. The racing season in Calcutta promises well. The horses are said to be simply jostling each other on the course in the early morning gallops”. As to the Cup horses, Leonidas last year’s winner and now the favourite, is said to be on the
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  • 509 13 RECORD OF SERVICE. The following is the service record J of Admiral Rawson, who has been i appointed to the command of the Channel squadron Naval Cadet in Calcutta's launch at the capture of the Peiho forts, 1858; A.D.C. to On plain R. Dew, of Encounter during the
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  • 976 13 THE BANGWEK PILLAGE, j A HIDDEN ARRANGEMENT. (By our own Correspondent.) f One of the most active and wellinformed members of the French I colonial party in Paris is Monsieur Charles Lemire, Resident Honor (.ire de France correspon/lant et officer de V Instruction PMique, Chevalier de la
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  • 243 13 OPERATIONS NEAR BENIN. BRITISH OFFICERS WOUNDED. News was received at Akassa, on Nov. 24th, concerning the Royal Niger Company’s further military operations against the rebellious tribes in the Hinterland of Benin. Lieutenant Wake, of the Middlesex Regiment, had attacked the town of lselpatiraa on the 13th, and
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  • 396 13 A TALK OF THE WAR. Ensign Curtin, of one of the smaller United States craft called the Wasp, is a little fellow who ought to make his mark somewhere. The Wasp was engaged in blockading the port of Ponce, and Ensign Curtin was sent on shore with
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  • 1245 14 DIET AND EXERCISE. HOW TO LIVE HEALTHFULLY. Diet and Exercise in the Tropics was the subject chosen by Dr. Fowlie for the health lecture delivered by him last night, at the Tanglin Club. The Chairman was the Hon. W. R. Collyer, who, in introducing the lecturer, alluded
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  • 214 14 E. A. Sou raj in was before Mr. Wolferstan yesterday on the charge of criminal breach of trust, and was again remanded till the 23rd, on bail of 4s 100. He was than arraigned before Mr. Saunders for defaming Inspector J. Bourne. Accused alleged that the Inspector accepted
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  • 232 14 THE ALLEGED FORGERY. The Paris Journal says that, as the result of the preliminary investigation by the military authorities in the case of Colonel Picquart, three charges will be formulated against that officer, two of which relate to the 'petit hleu dossier and a third to the
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  • 1378 14 8PANI8H FINANCE. A semi-official note was published on Nov. 23rd, on the question of the Spanish debt. It states that all parties who wish to see Spain arrive safely in port must respect her aim, whiph is to pay the interest on her debt, or at least
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  • 208 14 SOME PARTICULARS RECEIVED. Particulars of the murder of Mr. Fleming, of the China Inland Mission, at Kueiyang, in Kueichou province, and of a native pre voLcr have just come to hand. It took place on the 4th November. Mr. Fleming was on a preaching tour when
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  • 165 14 The football and cricket team* u I to represent the S. C. C. for eSl mas tour leave by the Tanjong Pagar Wharf, at fe' H noon The Singapore visitor T peeled at Taiping on Christ" M They play Perak at cricket on D' 3 and 2<th, and
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  • 308 14 DEFEATED THE DERVISHES The Vie Illustree of Paris publishes the following letter from Caito Major Marchand refused to be inter viewed by any one. But, in the course of the very cordial reception which we accorded him, he gave a vivid account of the various incidents of
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  • 321 14 The 10th instant saw the promised revival of cricket in Bangkok, and the match was sufficient, in the opinion of the Bangkok Times to demonstrate that there will be no difficulty in arranging for a full season’s play, if the members of the Club really desire it. On
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  • 311 15 Liberia coffee rose to-day from $22 to S-3. Vox has omitted to give us his name, and his letter is therefore inadmissible. Military circles in Odessa anticipate a n increase of 12,000 men in Russia’s garrisons in China, early in the New Year. This morning, a Hylam
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  • 47 15 Besides the Explosives Bill, the only other measure in the Orders of the Day for next Wednesday’s Legislative Council meeting is a Bill providing for the safe custody of persons banished from the Protected Native States and -I oh ore whilst passing through, the Colony.
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  • 53 15 An eleven of the S. R. C. play 1 1 loyal Artillery team on the Esplanade on Saturday. The Club representatives will be: Messrs. S. Zehnder, N. halls, H. D. Jansz, J. F. Ess, W. Ryan, C. Valberg, F. de Rozario, G. Armstrong, B. II. Buxton, C. Clarke, and
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  • 50 15 Lie total of American casualties in ’lie taking of Manila from the beginning until the troops occupied the city amounted to 122. On August 13th, then* were five killed and forty-three mounded previous to this in the trenches there w r ere fourteen deaths md sixty wounded.
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  • 60 15 A Hokien living in Chinchew Street, Vv ent to the Central Station on the 2nd :il9t and stated that he had fallen Wn <tairs and had injured his head. expressed the belief that he was die, and said that he did not Aan? anyone to be blamed for
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  • 55 15 A 1 m\ am an reports that his fish•:'ori(l in Bukit Timah Road was poiyesterday, and that a lot of the -'n had been 8tolen. This morning, of the fish exposed for sale were at Clyde Terrace Market. seller was arrested. The fish which ot a special kind.had
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  • 68 15 Suiting ia the Nineteenth Century Mr. A. S. Hurd presents an view of British coal, trade, Empire. He observes that we Ve taken control of a coal-field in W( n j ia which could supply the whole 1 thousands of years. We need tw o more naval bases,
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  • 74 15 It is reported that Director-General Sheng had several times requested Minister \Y u in America to negotiate a loan for the Luhan railway scheme, but owing to the Hispano-American war the negotiations had to be suspended. Peace has now been concluded and Minister Wu resumed his arrangements
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  • 82 15 News has been received at Yokohama of a sanguinary affray between political factions at Seoul. The despatch says that twenty-three persons were killed on one side, and that further bloodshed is apprehended. It is added that the Japanese Government has been asked to send troops to maintain
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  • 87 15 The Philippines, it is stated, contain over 7,000,000 inhabitants. The Chinese, who are in the majority among the aliens, control the retail trade; next to them come the Spanish dealers, and there are about 800 other Europeans in business in the whole group. The richest dealers are the
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  • 99 15 A horrible case of piracy upon a Hongkong fishing junk was reported to the police there on the 16th instant. The affair took place that morning, while the junk lay becalmed off’ Pinghoi, in Mirs Bay. Two rowing boats, with ten armed men in each, came alongside
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  • 114 15 The Ceylon Post Office has had under consideration the question of postal motor cars. As regards oil motors, the main difficulty is the light grade of oil which it is necessary to use so far, no motor vehicle has been designed in which the heavier and safer
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  • 322 15 The officers and crew of the ElderDempster liner Calaljar relate an experience which might well have befallen them, in years gone by, in many parts of the Malay Archipelago. In October the ship struck a reef off Grand Bassa, one of the chief ports in Liberia. She
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  • 97 15 Frenchmen have been led to believe, exclaims M. Lionel Dfecle, at the end of a paper in the Fortnightly Review, that Great Britain, with her small army, would never dare to try conclusions with France and her millions of soldiers. “I wish I could undeceive them.
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  • 110 15 Mr. Gladstone’s private set of Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates,” numbering 319 volumes, has found its way to Whitechapel, to a second-hand book seller. It will probably not have to wait long for a purchaser at the £lO5 at which it is priced. It is described as the rarest
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  • 157 15 A strong anti-military feeling is reported to be growing among the people of the Philippines. The taxes for army purposes are becoming rapidly heavier, and producers find their interests suffering severely. The agricultural class is gradually undermining the military, which at present holds all the glory and
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  • 154 15 REFORMS ARE COMING. Under the treaty just concluded with Japan, Siam has secured the abolition of extra territoriality, so soon as the administration of justice shall be placed on a good footing.” This fact seems to have acted as a spur to reform. The scandal of untried
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  • 236 15 SECRETARY HAY’S APPRECIATION. Of American policy in the Far East, Mr. Maurice Low, writing in the National Review, tells us that the orders sent to Admiral Dewey to detach the cruiser Baltimore and the gunboat Petrel, to proceed as near to Pekin as possible, caused
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  • 327 15 A Malay ayah has gone to jail for a month for theft of cutlery, the property of her mistress. Three Chinamen also are in for one, two, and three months respectively for theft. For introducing tobacco into the criminal prison, a Chinaman has joined his friends there for
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  • 459 15 (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lip is, 1 2th December. The Selensing output of gold for November was under 300 ounces, a poor return. The Robey shaft was flooded during the greater part of last month, and the fact that no good stone from there was milled accounts, in
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  • 244 15 TO THE EDITOR OF THE U STRAITS TIMES.” Dear Sir, —Is it fair that a boy who has failed in his reading in the Sixth Form should have a prize and a scholarship This is contrary to the rule of the School. I have known many a boy
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  • 392 15 (From Spanish Sources.) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Files of the Manila Comercio have been received to the 12th instant. They give no news of insurgent movements, and barely notice Spanish defensive preparations at Iloilo. In Manila itself, the foreign residents are making a stir in urging a reform
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  • 94 15 The officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of A Company of the West Yorks (more familiarly known as the Grenadier Company) made merry in R Bungalow, at Tanglin, last night. The entertainment was styled a company re-union and comprised a substantial supper followed by an excellent concert. A
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  • 480 16 Mrs. Egerton Eastwick’s story’, “The Resident-Councillor,” that ran serially in The Straits Times from the middle of August to the end of November, is now published in book form. The typographical work has been carefully attended to, the style being similar toother works from this office which
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  • 345 16 H.M.S, WOODCOCK.” LAUNCH AT SHANGHAI. The Woodcock the first British man-of-war ever put together in China, was christened at Tunkadoo Dock, Shanghai, on the 7th instant, by Miss Hannen. This new gunboat, meant for service in Chinese rivers, came out from home in pieces, and was put together in little
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  • 1369 16 CHINESE RAILWAY VENTURES As regards English railway ventures in China, the Pekin syndicate, with the Rothschilds at its back, has gained what is known as the Shansi concession, under which lines will be constructed to tap the mineral wealth of tke country south-west of Pekin. The best
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  • 267 16 A CTRIOU8 INCIDENT. I The Japanese Court officials have, it I seems, always been specially punctiI lious in regard to going into mourning I on the death of foreign sovereigns or I theirnearrelatives In five years between 1891 and 1896 the Japanese Court went into mourning
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  • 3131 16 A TERRIBLE TALE RETOLD. CLAIM FOR $20,000 DAMAGES A case which has been long pending came on for hearing before the Chief Justice, in the Supreme Court, on Tuesday. It was a claim brought by Mr. James Aitken, as administrator of the estate of Mr. William
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  • 308 17 A Malay ran amok at Bhota, the other day. After hiding tiiree women and three girls, and further wounding two other persons and setting fire to two houses, he took to the wilds. Lieut. Ingpen of the West Yorkshire Regiment has been appointed Wing Officer in the Malay
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  • 127 17 The Home News issues its last number on the 30th instant. H. M. S. Grafton, whose arrival we reported yesterday, coaled at Tanjong Pagaj this morning. So far, the attempts by the staff of Tanjong Pagar Dock to raise the sunken pontoon at Johnstone's Pier have been
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  • 47 17 A Siamese official will shortly start for Calcutta to receive on behalf of the King of Siam some relics of Buddha which the Government of India is offering to him. The relics are considered to be the hones of lho Founder of the Buddhist faith.
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  • 48 17 A Chinaman, living on a tongkang ofl’ Teluk Ayer Market, reports that he was aroused by harbour thieves early this morning. After striking the complainant with a stick the men, five in number, made ofl* in a sampan taking with them property to the value of
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  • 55 17 The master of the S. Juno reports having sighted a schooner of about GO tons on her beam ends, with one mast standing and bowsprit. Her position was Lat. 2° 14 N Long. 102.' B.' :i0" E. Cape llachadu bore N 49 E true HU Tanjong Kling
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  • 66 17 WHO IS HE A correspondent writes to the riming Gazette :—1 hear that relations between a Borneo British official and his fellowpassengers on board a recently outward bound N. Y. K. steamer from Europe, several of the latter being Russian military officers, became so strained that a duel, ur a
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  • 387 17 Six Chinese have been committed fortrial for beingconcerned in thedeath of a man in a ruw in an opium-shop in Carpenter Street. Two others were committed for an unnatural offence, and one for theit. For robbery and personating a detective, a Malay got one year —six months on
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  • 1086 17 Yesterday afternoon, the usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held. There were present: Mr. Gentle (President), Col. Pennefather, Messrs. Fort, Meyer, Moses, Sohst, Evans, Tan Cheng Tuan, and Choa Giang Thye. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The financial statement laid upon the table showed the following balances copper coin
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  • 359 17 On Saturday, the Selangor Planters’ Association held a meeting at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. E. V. Carey took the chair. After preliminary business had been gone tltrough, Mr. H. M. Darby spoke in favour of the Government appointing a European Medical Officer for the coast districts. In support of
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  • 157 17 At the Methodist Episcopal Church, Hill Street, yesterday afternoon, the weddingtook place of Miss Frances Ellen Lightfoot, who arrived from London in the Chusan on Monday morning, and Mr. Walter Herbert Williams, who is engaged as a sub-agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society depot in Singapore.
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  • 3759 18  -  BY ARNOT REID. [copyright.] (Continued from Bee. 15th.) NO. n. TO THE OUTER WALL. The first portion of the great overland journey from East to West was at once the shortest, the easiest, and the slowest. From Pekin, we set forth as a caravan of three Europeans,
    3,759 words
  • 1200 18 THE GERMANS IN CHINA. A telegram to the Cologne Gazette announces that the German Shantung Syndicate has already in view the laying down of a railway between Tsin-tau and Tsi-nan-fu, the estimated cost of which is calculated at from 60 to 70 millions of marks, and that
    1,200 words

  • 714 19 arrivals. P,m s. s. btljMjora from Madras—>frs. Shaw, Miss Fox. and Miss YVouters. From Penang—Dr. and Mrs. Simon, Miss Simon, Lev. Archdeacon Perham, Mr. and Mrs. Witthoeft, and r. O: Venning. Per s. s. Sajtpho from Klang via ports Messrs. Duff. Stuart, Twosie and Kllis. Pers.s. ('hf-aug Hock
    714 words
    • 235 19 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh.—ship bq. —barque; Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Jobore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. p. D—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;
      235 words
    • 1028 19 Arrivals Since Noon op Yesterday. Argyll, Brit. str. 1,886 tons, Capt Ward 22nd Dec. From St. Nazaire, 17th Nov. G.c. P. Simon 3 and Co. For Saigon, 22nd—W. Bellerophon, Brit. str. 1,318 tons, Captain Peters, 21st Dec. From Amoy, 13th Dec. G.c., and 864 d.p. W. Mansfield
      1,028 words
    • 71 19 Name, port, probable date of arrival and name of agents. Steamers. Armenia, R’kong, to leave, Jan 7 B. M. Asturia, to leave H'kong, Jan 18 B. M. Bamberg, to leave Hkong, Dec ly; B. M Benbow, London, l’ft Oct 15 Benledi, p’sd Canal, Nov 29 P. S. Bengal,
      71 words
    • 91 19 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag j I/ate Date. and Ship’s Name. Captain. of From where Destin- ReRio. j Sailing ation. mares Dec lllt&l bq. Formosa Solari Aug 5 New York Anjer f.o. n 14 Dut s.B. Soembing Deßoer Nov 5 Rotterdam Batavia 14 Dut 8.8. K.
      91 words
    • 1162 19 *a Flag h Vessel’s Name. A i Tons Captain From Sailed Consignees. Bid. Dec i < 13 Anthons Brit sch 133 Dundee Fremantle Nov 4 Guthrie and Co. 14 Sappho str. 329 Turner Klang Dec 13 S. S’ship Cov. Ltd. 14 Ban Liong Dut str. 206 Voss b’jermasin Dec
      1,162 words
    • 602 20 Datf.. Vessel’s Name Klag&Rig Captain Destination I 1 1 I I Dec 14 Tsiutau Ger str. Bendixen Hongkong 14 Kawachi Maru Jap str. Thompson Antwerp via ports 15 Ban Whatt Soon Brit str. Rowse Billiton and Pontianak 15 Chow Phya str. Jellicoe Malacca and Kiang 15 Isabella str. Hudson
      602 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 riYnr *> L LIMITED. Have just received a large supply of 12 bore, “EJECTOR” Cases loaded by Eley with 26 grains of NOBEL’S BALLISTITE, and 1 H oz. Best Newcastle Chilled Shot. §6-50 per 100 or $62.50 per 1000. The above cartridges bein<r absolutely damp-proof, are the most reliable to
      63 words
    • 116 20 MAISON F. PAUL 00. Beg to announce to the public that they have just received a large stock of BONBONS of the best quality. Also, TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, and various articles, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. At very moderate prices. Names of the different kinds of Bonbons Amandes flots dragees. Avelines
      116 words
    • 199 20 t— RCETYLEN for PRIVATE or INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING HANDBOOK of practical hints and price-list of producing apparatuses sent gratis and postage free by* DEROY Fils Atn6, Engineer, 71 to 77, rue du Theatre, PARIS. SCHWEITZER’S The Best i Purest COCOA. Now s; ecially packed in double-lidded cania ers ensuring freshness for
      199 words
    • 502 20 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE ORI IS NOW rl v PRINTED AM IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRJIPP Er cf every Bottle of the INAL WORCESTERSHIRE So.'d Wholesale by th? Proprietors, Cross* S\ PI a? k well. Ltd.. Locdrr an«1 Export Oilmen ceneraliy. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. I n LJ
      502 words