The Straits Budget, 1 December 1898

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE 'WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 15 1 P >: iek <>n the 30th November, the wife William Dixon Fisiier, of a son.
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  • 322 1 Jiii.iV. Akth les. Tiie l T pi»er Nile. Tae Philippine Tariff, Coppr Coin. Thu Philippines. Lor! Charles. Navai L~t incites. About Jamaica. Ldol. f Ma-Quotations. I Shipping News. I List. I Poll' News. I Th^ I A Motli» i -in-Law. I L* ■> Again. I HoU'enn akmg.
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  • 424 1 Singapore, 1st December, 1898. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to 12.30 p.m.) Gam bier 5.10. Copra Bali, 6.75. do Pontianak, 6.45. Pepper, Black buyers 24.00. do White, (5%) 41.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.10. do Brunei 2.22L Pearl Sago 3.85.~ Coffee, Bali, picked 29.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 80.50. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 286 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. O. Bengal. The M. M. Salazie with the mail from Europe of the 4th November arrived on Sunday. The P. <fc O. Paramatta with the mail from Europe of the 11th November, is due on Saturday.
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  • 46 1 POLICE STRIKE. OVER 50 RESIGNATIONS. (Special to the Straits Times Penang Tuesduy 11.52 a.m. The police recently drafted here from Singapore have stopped duty. Fifty-one constables, besides corporals and lance-corporals, have resigned. The strike arises from dissatisfaction with the official treatment meted out to them.
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    • 49 1 AMERICAN TARIFFS FOR ALL. London 25 th November. A despatch from Washington states that Colonel Hay, the Secretary of State, announces that the ‘trade policy of an “open door” in the Philippines means applying the existing American tariffs to all countries alike, including the United States themselves.
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    • 26 1 A BRITISH ADVANCE. The British expedition from Uganda (tinder Major Macdonald) is advancing northwards. Posts have been established at Wadelai, Dufileh, Fajas, and Fatiko.
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    • 32 1 The appointment of Prince George of Greece as Commissioner-General in Crete i<* being held in abeyance, pending final arrangements regulating recognition of the Sultan's sovereignty and the Turkish flag*
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    • 38 1 A GLOOMY OUTLOOK. A gloomy financial year has just closed for Italy. The Budget returns this year show a deficit of one million lire. The estimated deficit for 1899 is no less than fourteen million lire.
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    • 41 1 A CONTRADICTION. London 26th November. Colonel Hay, the U. S. Secretary of State, denies the authenticity of the announcement (made yesterday on the authority of a Washington despatch), regarding the trade policy of an open door* in the Philippines.
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    • 40 1 NO FRANCHISE FOR ASIATICS. The Washington Commission has drafted a Bill for submission to Congress providing for the government of Hawaii by an American Governor with a Legislative Council. Japanese and Chinese are to be excluded from the franchise.
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    • 17 1 The International Anti-Anarchist Conference has commenced its settings at Rome. The discussions are to be secret.
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    • 12 1 The Powers have resolved to maintain the Turkish flag in Crete.
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    • 42 1 RUMOURS CONTRADICTED. London 28 th November. The semi-official Journal de St. Petersbaurg 1 formally contradicts the report of i:he Russian occupation of Newchwang. It likewise denies that Russia intends (as had been alleged) to occupy ';he province of Pechili (Chih-li
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    • 54 1 THE MILITARY POWER. The decision taken by General Zurlinden, the Governor of Paris, to try Colonel Picquart by court-martial while the Court of Cassation is deliberating on the Dreyfus case is being hotly criticised in France: This incident has rekindled the antagonism between the Civil Power and the
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    • 30 1 THE RAILWAY LOAN. The loan for French Indo-China, mentioned in the telegrams publisher on the 21st instant, is specially intended for railways into the Chinese province of Yun-nan.
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    • 19 1 The first detachment of the American army of occupation has .landed in the province of Havana.
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    • 26 1 PRINCE GEORGE OF GREECE. The appointment of Prince George of Greece to be High Commissioner for the Powers in Crete has been formally announced.
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    • 41 1 INDEMNITY REFUSED. London 29th November. Spain has decided to sign the Treaty of Peace, yieding only to superior force. She will probably refuse an indemnity for the cession of the Philippines. The refusal will be couched in dignified terms.
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    • 32 1 HEAVY INCREASE. Mr. Alger, the Secretary of State for War at Washington, intends to recommend an increase of the United States army to a total of one hundred thousand men.
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    • 37 1 THE FRENCH NAVAL ESTIMATES. The French Naval Estimates include a formidable sum for the construction of one hundred and eight new ships. Among these will be seven battleships, thirteen armoured cruisers, and eight other cruisers.
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    • 60 1 CESSION UNDER PROTEST. London 30//i Novemlter. Spain has formally accepted, under protest, the American terms, including the cession of the Philippine Group and the Sulu Islands for twenty millions of dollars. The treaty will probably be signed within the next few days. Meanwhile, negotiations are proceeding for the
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    • 55 1 REDISTRIBUTION OF SEATS. The House of Assembly of the Cape Parliament has passed a Bill for a redistribution of seats. The arrangement come to is a compromise between the Bond Government and the Progressives. The vote making redistribution imperative was carried against the Government’s desire by the casting
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    • 55 1 AN EXPERTS OPINION. An agent of Reuter has interviewed Colonel Lewis, the engineer who was commissioned to make a report upon the possibilities of Wei-hai-wei. The Colonel states that Wei-hai-wei is likely to form one of the best British stations anywhere. [Col. Lewis passed through Singapore some time back
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    • 23 1 THE NEW KASAGI-KAN.’ The new Japanese cruiser, the Kamgi-kan has been considerably damaged by colliding with a bridge at Newcastle-on-Tyne.
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  • 518 2 (Straits Times, 25 th November.) It is only a few weeks since we told in considerable detail the story of the recent mutiny in Uganda. It broke out, it will be remembered, on the eve of Major Macdonald’s start upon an expedition whose goal was unknown to
    (Straits Times, 25th November.)  -  518 words
  • 456 2 (Straits Times 26th November.) Nobody will be nearly so much astonished by the contradiction to-day as they were by the asseveration yesterday, in respect of the Philippine Customs Tariff. For our own part we were so surprised by the declaration and so suspicious—first of its accuracy if
    (Straits Times, 26th November.)  -  456 words
  • 586 2 (Straits Times 26th Noreml>er.) What with prohibited yen and debased copper, the Straits currency now offers itself very obviously to the comments alike of business men and of theorists. We have received communications from both classes. At the moment, however, we shall deal particularly, and that retrospectively with
    (Straits Times, 26th Noreml>er.)  -  586 words
  • 792 2 (Straits Times, 28th November.) It is interesting, in view of recent developments, to recall some of the statements semi-officially made in Madrid immediately prior to the assembling ofthe Spanish-American Peace Commissioners in Paris. One that appeared in several quarters was to the effect that the Spanish representatives were
    (Straits Times, 28th November.)  -  792 words
  • 393 2 (Straits Times 2 Sth November) Y esterday’s mail brought papers containing comments upon Lord Charles Beresford’s remarkable speech, as it is very generally styled, in this place. Evidently, the telegraphic messages had attracted unwonted attention, so that when our report reached England Editors were on the alert to
    (Straits Times, 2Sth November)  -  393 words
  • 395 2 (Straits Times 29 th November.) The French Naval Estimates, we are told by Reuter, in a delightfully vague way, include a the construction of new w W the items of the adjusted, as they Beem the numbering given 0 f h S and armoured and other and by
    (Straits Times, 29th November.)  -  395 words
  • 1103 2 (Straits Times 30 th A oremter.) Much has been said about the agitation in the West Indies in favour of incorporation with the l nited States. On the other hand, a very good has been shown for political ties with Canada; and, in the third place, the whole
    (Straits Times, 30th Aoremter.)  -  1,103 words

  • 246 3 j The Japanese Government is said to have only U million yen of silver left for disposal. The Hon. F. G. Penney, the Colonial Treasurer, leaves for Colombo by the M. M. Caledonien. 4 Early this morning, a Chinaman died suddenly while gambling. There were no marks
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  • 43 3 It is stated that the constable who was hurt on Wednesday, on the switchback railway, owed his accident entirely to foolhardy stupidity and inattention to the regulations. Certainly neither the proprietary nor their plant are in any way to blame.
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  • 67 3 The occupiers of a house in Kallang Road were aroused early this morning by hearing a suspicious noise at the back of the house. On getting up they discovered in the hall three Chinese who, on the alarm being raised, ran off. Pursuit was given by several Malays, and
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  • 73 3 A football captain could not raise a team to go to a town five miles away, so he wired to that effect to the secretary of the opposing team. In half an hour back came a telegram. “Crowd waiting already. If you can t come yourselves, please
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  • 71 3 At a meeting of Ex-Rafflesians held last night, it was decided to re-open an athletic club, in January next, for Old Boys of the school only. The various officials were elected, and it was proposed to name the club The Ex-Raf-flesians.” The officials are President, Mr. H. Scott;
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  • 104 3 A lady living near Shanghai lost in rapid succession a duck, a chicken, and a pigeon. The man in charge of them was suspected, and he was accordingly dismissed with the value of the missing birds kept back from his wages pending theif return or other explanation. A
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  • 341 3 This morning, Mr. Khory appeared before the Senior Magistrate on behalf of Seet Tiong Lim, the Opium Farmer, in answer to a summons issued instructions of the police, charging him with using false weights at the Opium Farm in Cecil Street. Inspector Bateman recently paid, a visit to
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  • 338 3 PROBABLE ACCRUING ADVANTAGES. CHANGSHA AN IMPORTANT CENTRE. Mr. Warren, British Consul at Hankow, discusses in his last report the advantages that would probably result from the opening of Hu-nan Province and the Tung-ting lake to foreign trade. There can be no doubt, he says, as to the
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  • 102 3 THE BOURGOGNE DISASTER. THE CAPTAIN S HALLUCINATION. Fifteen suits have been instituted in the American courts for damages arising out of the collision by which the Bourgogne was sunk. Counsel retained for the claimants alleges that the Captain had such a presentiment of death, in the precise manner in which
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  • 127 3 THE COIN DEMONETISED. On the 18th instant, the Legal Tender Enactment came into force in Perak. It sets forth that the only legal tender in that State shall be the paper currency of Federated Malaya and of the Straits Settlements; British, Mexican, and Hongkong silver dollars; and
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  • 165 3 YEA, TWO OF THEM. In the course of a recent trial for bigamy, the prisoner’s counsel exertec himself to the utmost to save his client, but there was no disguising the fact that the case was going against him. Judge, prosecuting counsel, witnesses —all were exceedingly severe on
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  • 377 3 ACROSS AFRICA AFOOT. AN EMISSARY OF CIVILIZATION. Because of political complications, there has been too scant an acknowledgment hitherto of the real worth of Marchand’s trans-African achievement. This is now being atoned for, and if the following note, from the Evening Standard is a little ironical at times,
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  • 268 3 FOR THE CHINESE GIRLS’ SCHOOL. This afternoon, at four o’clock, Archdeacon Perham will declare open, in the Town Hall, the half-yearly sale of work in aid of the funds of the Chinese Girls’ School. Most of the articles for sale are fanciful and useful, and nearly
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  • 317 3 CONCERT AT THE SOLDIERS’ INSTITUTE. In the ranks of the West Yorks, and of the other branches of the regular forces in Singapore, there are, it is satisfactory to learn, a large number of men who are members of that admirable organization the Army Temperance Association and
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  • 141 3 COLONIAL HELPLE88K ESS. The China Mail calls attention to the abuses of the Crown Agent system in Hongkong. For instance, it is notorious that the material supplied and the services rendered by the Crown Agents could be supplied and rendered by commercial firms at home at a saving
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  • 538 4 THE CANTON-HANKOW RAILWAY. According to official reports, the route of the proposed Canton-Hankow Railway, the contract for the building of which has been given by the Tsung-li Yamen to an American Syndicate represented by Mr. Bash, will go through the principal tea-growing districts between the two
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  • 208 4 Chan Ah Ox, a goldsmith, was tried to-day, before Mr. Justice HyndmanJones, on the charge of dishonestly retaining stolen property. The facts of the case are that on the 19th September last the prosecutrix, Choa Chin Neo, missed from her almeirah a deed-box containing some §4,000 worth of
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  • 859 4 London, Ist Novemlter. The naval department of Great Britain is laying in heavy stocks of coal, and arranging for its distribution in such a manner as will serve the best purpose in case of a war with France. The Eclair (Paris) asserts that Great Britain’s naval
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  • 190 4 Many of our leaders will doubtless remember an entertainment given in Singapore by an American styling himself Professor Baldwin. Baldwin left New York three years ago quite penniless, having laid a wager for §20,000 that he would travel round the world within a given time, starting without
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  • 591 4 London 28 th Oclolw. After the racing season in England is over, the Amateur Cycling Association has sprung its 50 Miles Championship on the cycling world. This body is formed of university and hospital men; it 1s really on a footing with ordinary clubs, except that it is
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  • 34 4 During the temporary absence from the Colony of Mr. F. G. Penney, the Colonial Treasurer, the Hon. W. Egerton will act as Colonial Treasurer, Collector of Stamps, and Accountant-General of the Supreme Court,Straits Settlements.
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 4 CONDUCTED BY KING’S PAWN.” All chess correspondence should lie addressed to King’s Pawn.” Solutions: Problem Mo. 70 (Wainwright) B*Kt4; No. 71 (Allen) Q-Kt 3. Correct solutions received from Caissa. Correct solutions of Nos. 68 and 69 received from H. Cobb, Penang. White to play and mate in two moves.
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  • 946 4 Nelly, love,” said Mr. Rookby, looking up from his paper.—“ Yes, dear?” This is certainly an excellent suggestion”—“What is that, dear?” “Some eminent chess-player proposec that during this year, while there is so much interest shown in the game, each player should teach a novice how to
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  • 440 4 CHEATING THE GALLOWS. The Judicial Commissioner’s court opened at Ipoh, on the 14th inst. The first case called was one of murder, in which a Chinese fruit-seller was charged with killing a countryman of his Thirteen wounds had been inflictd on the victim, who was murdered because he
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  • 150 5 j hK Rev. S. S. Walker left to-day for Calctta in the Knight Templar. Xhk body a Ghinaman has been ver ed in the sea off New Harbour Wharf- thf annual general meeting of the Turf Club was postponed to rtsterday* liih Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engir
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  • 39 5 At the Penang Assizes, on Monday Tuesday last, two Chinese and two Malay hank-note forgers were sentenced ;o rigorous imprisonment—two to five rear*, and two to four years. One who turned “Queen’s evidence” was sentenced to one year.
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  • 50 5 A USTRIAN EMPEROR’S JUBILEE. Os the gnd December, a pontifical J, Ik mi will be sung by Bishop Bourdon in the Cathedral of the Good Shep[yrl at 7 -‘10, in celebration of the Emperor of Austria having reigned tinvyear*. The Emperor desires this t tii»* only .J ubilee celebration.
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  • 52 5 The t things at the sale of work yesterday in the Town Hall, in aid of the iunds of the Chinese Girls’ School, were very satisfactory. This morning, there ms a large gathering of purchasers, ind it is expected that the total sum ftiizedwill he a
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  • 47 5 The Yni Demonestisation Enactment in Perak has been amended to enable t.T coin to be accepted at all Governi**nt treasuries there either in pay.'Mit of revenue or in exchange for vil currency, without any discount, •P to .and including the first day of fe.ember.
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  • 61 5 I notified that British India, British I cntral Africa, British East Africa, I e Niger Coast Protectorate, the Niger I 'jmpany’s Territory and Uganda, hav- ;ari epted the Imperial Penny Postage iieme. the postage on letters from I Straits Settlements to those parts I ”bd*ritsh Empire will be
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  • 62 5 I black seamen, who were fortried here by the Consul at SouraI a have been insolently besetting I Ma>ter-Attendant and his Deputy I r some days past. They have at last I T-stepped the line. One of them was near Cavenagh Bridge this I r mnL, and the
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  • 87 5 •r *'°th his feet badly. —Malay N the 17th instant, about thirteen Ij, \vond Raub, a tiger was shot by lj l >’ n ‘*ar tiie Pahang Trunk Road. was only w’ounded and Allied alive until the next morning. 1,11 -outs had been the result of
    •r *'°th his feet badly. —Malay  -  87 words
  • 89 5 Secretary of State for the Colol' directed that all ollicers retur•Zi M ave absence in England, ’•a UW slUar y at sterling rate ‘ango fixed in their leave certifi,’T to and including the day W- r 1)" their departure from t l at any othcer spending U
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  • 294 5 London, 12th to 15th November. Sir Edward Grey, speaking at Warrington, said that, although we went to Egypt promising to eventually evacuate that country, circumstances had created fresh obligations resulting in a position which any British government was bound to uphold. Major Marchand and Captain Baratier lett
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  • 410 5 M. Jung, Vice-Resident in Tonquin, and M. Lachol, a member of the Chamber of Commerce at Haiphong, have written to the Chamber of Commerce at Paris that the present high import tariff trammels trade in Tonquin. Tht% counsel the freedom of trade there from all vexatious customs restrictions.
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  • 63 5 A two-days’ match was commenced, yesterday afternoon, between Probables” and the S. C. C. Ist XI. The score when stumps were drawn was as follows: PROBABLES. T. N. Howard c Elliot b Mactaggart G. P. Stevens not out 7 C. W. Gordon c Edlin b Mactaggart 0 H. W.
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  • 2224 5 Siam is a happy land, and in no respect happier than in the journals that do so zealously promote the arts of peace and enlightenment. The Post-office may spy upon the communications passing through; the Foreign Office may gleefully gloat upon the tortuous burrowings of its underlings
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  • 95 5 The Brough Company made a lot of money in their last Indian tour, but the profit was fairly earned. At Calcutta, where they boomed for three months and put the financial success of the tour beyond doubt, it is the rule for visiting companies to play for
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  • 135 5 A Malay who deserted the police here and joined the force in Malacca has been sentenced to three months. The trial of a Macao woman, for trading in Chinese girls, is postponed for a week. A Clerk of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company gets three months’ rigorous imprisonment
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  • 1114 6 TOBACCO. The Souraltaya Courant discusses why tobacco-growing has proved a failure in the islands beyond Java, with the only exception of Deli. Yet, in Borneo and the lesser Sunda islands, large tracts of land are available for that line of cultivation. Tobacco-planting has been tried in these regions,
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  • 282 6 (From Spanish sources.) The Comercio states that the Customhouse formalities at Manila have been simplified as much as possible. The new tariff came into operation on the 10th instant, with an eight per cent. ail valorem duty. The existing valuations continue to be in force. At the
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  • 148 6 A working man in China earns not more than three-pence a day, but on that he can marry and live as well as a married man and family can in Australia on the lowest living wage. Thus, if he make the lowest living wage for a
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  • 46 6 PAHANG AND YEN.” The Pahang Government gives notice that, up to and including the first day of December, 1898, yen will be accepted at all the Government treasuries of the State, either in payment of revenue or in exchange for other coin, without discount being charged.
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  • 93 6 WARREN CHAMPIONSHIP SHIELD. The competition for the above will take place at Penang, on Monday, December 26th, at the same meeting as the competition for the Penang Singapore Challenge Shield. Clubs wishing to enter representatives to compete for this Shield must notify the Garrison Adjutant, Pearls Hill.
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  • 675 6 AN INDO-CHINA CONTROVERSY. THE GREAT DRESS QUESTION. During the Fashoda crisis, the French Indo-Chinese Press was occupied in discussing,—not Marchand, butthedecency or indecency of the costume worn by the Tamils. A Saigon paper opened the controversy in an article signed tin vieux gahier. 1 This gentleman spoke
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  • 1200 6 The Queen, when holding a Drawing Room, is said to have on several occasions worn jewels worth rather more than £*160,000. The Czarina speaks perfect English, and has the delightful art of setting new comers at their ease. It is said that the two Englishmen who speak French
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  • 466 6 Two long-established home firms advertise for respectable agents here. The U. S. gunboat 7/e/e/ia left Boston on the 4th inst., for the China station. via Suez. A competent reporter to work at the Statesman” office, Calcutta, is advertised for. Messrs. McAlister Co. intend to open a branch
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  • 44 7 »v Saturday night last, a Chinaman arreted fur knocking down a Macao .in. in Sago Street, and stealing a *;d bangle from her. Another China- r. arrested yesterday in South r.r. jl Load, for snatching a pair of r.-rrs valued at $10.
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  • 46 7 The I'tsiigden from Singora in tow of a Tanjong Pagar i, k tug yesterday afternoon. Shortly 0 re reaching port the top of the pah-pressure cylinder was blown to L f and she was unable to proceed Erthout the assistance of a tug.
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  • 51 7 The rate for the Viceroy s Cup at Calcutta will he run on the 26th [u.-ember. At the date of last mail livi'-es. betting on the event was tenant; Leonidas, a Madras horse, f# about the only one enquired for, icd the bookies were chary of laying fidi against
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  • 55 7 I The Selangor Government notifies ■Lit */t*H \V ill be received at the Bank L lwula Lumpur and at all District Erea.'urit*s, and exchanged at par for Kriti-h or Mexican Dollars, up to the i»t December, 1898, inclusive. After date yen will no longer be L epted
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  • 60 7 at Bre>t on Nov. :jrd, orders were even for the cruisers Page l ictorieuse, iL*i Onoi'ilnga to fill up with stores for days. At Cherbourg, the new tor--T-.'troyer La Hire was launched, hi.* vessel lias been in course of con-rnji-tion at Cherbourg since December, M6l The bn Hire
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  • 59 7 I Is re» ocnition of the courtesies ex1''l'«l to the Duke of Connaught and Biytatfat the recent French military when also high distinctions conferred hy President Fan re, the 1 een lias appointed General de Negrier J Honorary Knight Grand Cross of Koval Victorian Order and has given ■her
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  • 58 7 •■*»;kiks Brothers are building a new Hl a t Kangoon, on a block of land v ntly occupied by the Commercial there. The hotel will be a edifice with accommot«,r forty-six guests, designed principles which have been found to u r well at Singapore. The build- !ias been
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  • 59 7 f »i> number of S. V. A. men turned Hie Maxim-gun practice at Teluk on Saturday afternoon. The V J was very fair all round, several 'triking the flagstaff attached Heating target. Another I o practice will be held at m place next Saturday afterB I hi<
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  • 113 7 I \i. a Manchu holding ultraI Native and bitterly anti-foreign |J;' S by the Times corespon- 7 l/' kin, to have obtained great I in tin* counsels of the Empress- i M* 5 is believed to have 1 the recent edict re-estab-K i ,fnv and arrow exercise
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  • 193 7 THREE MEN FINED. Fourteen Chinamen were brought before Mr. Saunders charged with mobbing Privates Oxlade and Wright of the est orkshire Regiment at Pandang Kechil, on the 15th inst. Private Oxlade said that he and his comrade went out shooting. He shot at a bird it fell, rose,
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  • 273 7 .—Perak Pioneer. Mr. W. H. Treacher, the Resident of Perak, goes home on six months’ leave in April next, and Mr. J. P. Rodger proceeds thither as Acting Resident, Mr. Belfield again acting as the latter’s Ioann ieneiis in Selangor, in addition to his own appointment. Provision is
    .—Perak Pioneer.  -  273 words
  • 267 7 S. R. C. V ROYAL ENGINEERS. On the Esplanade, on Saturday, a match was played between elevens representing the S. It. C. and the Royal Engineers, resulting in a win for the Recreation Club. In their first innings the Club put together 79, to which the Engineers replied with
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  • 375 7 NEW LEASE GRANTED. RIGHTO AND EXEMPTIONS. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Ltpi8 22nd November. A xgw lease to the Penjum Mining Company, which has hitherto been working without a direct title from the State, has just been issued by Government. The document, which is the result of protracted
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  • 179 7 Replying to Pro Bono PublicoV’ last letter, on the subject of a work-house for Singapore, which we printed on Thursday last, another correspondent joins issue with him on almost every point raised. He is especially insistent on “Pro Bono Publico’s” failure to appreciate the real conditon and
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  • 102 7 Lt.-Col. F. W. Kitchener, who is the second in command of the West Yorkshire Regiment, is now hard at work rehabilitating Khartoum. He is laying out a new town, and has just been appointed its Governor. Colonel Kitchener went through the Dongola campaign, which won for him
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  • 103 7 11. M. S. Edgar was commissioned at Devonport on November Ist, by Captain H. S. F. Niblett, for transport service in taking out reliefs to the China Station. She is now probably on her way out East with reliefs for the Alacrity, Pigmy Daphne Plover and Redpole. The
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  • 1271 7 ITS RESOURCES AND FUTURE. THE FRENCH CLAIMS. It cannot, of course, be disputed that the Bahr-el-Ghazal, at the time r of the Mahdist rebellion, formed part of the Soudanese possessions of the Khedive. The universal testimony of r all those who were acquainted with its resources, says a
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  • 180 7 The s. s. Charterhouse arrived in port on Saturday afternoon, from the wrecked Earl of Hopetmn. She brought news that the vessel is a total loss. The Earl of llopetoun a full-rigged sailing ship under the command of Captain Rowley, was on a voyage from Philadelphia
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  • 165 7 This morning, Mr. Fort appeared beforethe First Magistrate to ask a further postponement of the cases against Lee Kian Teo, the second cashier of the firm of Messrs. Mansfield <fc Co. Mr. Fort said he was for the prosecution, and that the defendant was accused of embezzling certain
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  • 1712 8 THE SIBERIAN RAILWAY. INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL. The Glasgow Evening News of October 31st, mentions Mr. Arnot Reid’s arrival in that city fresh from his arduous journey in the Far East*.” The Times of October 29th, has a signed article from that gentleman, occupying nearly three columns, on
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  • 1658 8 Allahabad, 12th November. The Pioneer's London correspondent telegraphs on the 11th November as follows:— The projected combination between the bimetallic leaders and gold monometallists is now understood to have fallen through and bimetallic views, as a panacea for the existing currency derangements, arc now at a discount,
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  • 91 8 We are glad to learn that the result of the sale of work on behalf of the Chinese Girls’ School has been most satisfactory and that a sum of S 1,400 has been added to the funds of the institution. The success of the sale was
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  • 253 8 party of 18 shortly proceeding conduct investigations there.® 0^ The Ceylon Steamshin f’ nr appointed Mrs. Strong the their late agent at Point Sf* succeed to the vacancy. V. Early this morning a (n broke into a shop i n V: V ll0an hn The coolies in
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  • 41 8 Mr. George Reid, Premier of New houtli ales, in making his annual financial statement, which showed a credit balance of £135,000, declared his belief that the federation of the Australian colonies would be an accomplished fact within twelve months.
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  • 47 8 At the Assizes yesterday, Supia Piday. a driver, charged with criminal breach of trust in respect to two cases of merchandise entrusted to his care at Tanjong Pagar Wharf, was discharged. This morning, Syed Ali bin Sagafcame up for trial on the charge of theft.
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  • 47 8 Planters in Cochin-China, under Government auspices, are now extensively cultivating the Cayda tree, the hark oi which is exported to France, where it is used in making a dye which is a competitor of the vegetable dyes known as cachous,” and is replacing aniline
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  • 50 8 On and after next Christmas Day. the postage of letters to British India, British Central Africa, British has*. Africa, the Niger Coast Protectorate, the Niger Company’s Territory,and f (in addition to the parts ol the Bntis Empire already announced,) will b the rate of 5 cents per half-ounce.
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  • 54 8 According to the Pioneer, Capt. Horne, the late commander o P. and O. China who was dismbtfa from his appointment for his nmanagement in sending hi> ashore in the Red Sea, is in very s pecuniary straits, and his fnen endeavouring to help him by rai e
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  • 62 8 At the opening of the session of the Royal to. lonial u cn on the 8th inst., in London, the E. H. Wittenoom, late llDl5 ter Mines in West Australia, an Agent-General in London, read. L on Western Australia in Among the audience were 1 and Lady Mitchell,
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  • 72 8 Signor Angelo Luzzatti ha*’ appointed ollicial Italian interests in all ciliD taining to concessions obta n i JK ate by the Anglo-Itahan 1 e^:.. e d Recently Signor Luzzatti was re< jr- ji um bert in special audience by His Majesty expressed h\ el)J at
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  • 101 9 v t OKRESI’ONDENT at Pekin wrote to his rn»l- at ent ast raont h» that !°the only force now capable of oyerawir tie 1 turbulent soldiery is the division reign-drilled troops under the comot j 0 f Yuan Shek Hai, stationed in of Tien-tsin. The >
    101 words
  • 112 9 NO LICENCE REQUIRED. Tji niurning, two Chinamen were with having opened a pawn,‘,’V shop at Pulo Brani, with,t a licence. It was found though an Ordinance of nta ned a provision for this, «*ah*d by the Ordinance of 1895, r t; Ordinance just passed is not r
    112 words
  • 262 9 S’roiu our Correspondent.) kmdu IdpiSj 22 nd November. This State is becoming prolific in the proi e tion of lunatics. There are six iieMi, all of homicidal tendencies, at w-ent in the Lipis gaol. Among {.Jem is Mat Kabas, the 'man who wanted to he a Panglima Prang
    262 words
  • 290 9 A h.antki: complains that he is not viw.'ito < v the timber, which he ;‘K t (dear his estate for planting. '*■'tninly seems hard. But other ‘.ru: jiJe planters would possibly u, i a piece oi‘ well-wooded land, sell timber, and then refuse to go on planting. A
    290 words
  • 132 9 The laws of Selangor now include an enactment prohibiting the importation or possession of ganja or Indian hemp, rhe penalty for a first offence is a five hundred dollars fine or six months’ imprisonment. The Selangor State Council passed, on the 12th instant, enactments defining the law
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  • 179 9 A Constable charged with receiving two cents, as an illegal gratification, has been remanded to Dec. 6th. In answer to Mr. Saunders, this morning, Sergeant Brennan said that detectives’ duties differed from those of constables in respect of arrests for disorderly conduct. The former must make themselves as
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  • 431 9 ACTION OF THE COWERS. Under the new administration of Crete, the occupying Powers will continue, for the present at least, to be responsible for their respective districts, and, in accordance with the decision of the Admirals, will set in motion as quickly as possible the administrative machinery.
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  • 209 9 MR. MCKINLEY’S POSITION. The New York Trdmne (Nov. 3rd) publishes a letter from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, succinctly expressing the practical difficulties of United States Imperialism. He quotes several expressions by volunteers of their readines.s to fight, but their reluctance to perform garrison duty. Application must be made,
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  • 403 9 BRITISH INTERESTS SUFFERING. ACCUMULATING WAR LOSSES. A correspondent who has been engaged in Philippine trade for 37 years, and who has lived in the islands half of’ that time, writes to the Times calling attention to the great amount of suffering and loss to unoffending merchants and traders
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  • 136 9 INFLUENCE AT CONSTANTINOPLE. It has been confidently declared that the Sultan signified his intention of not protesting against the nomination of Prince George to the Governorship of Crete. inasmuch as the newGovernor is a relation to his friend the Emperor William.” This is one point credited to
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  • 1077 9 SOME FURTHER COMMENTS. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS ALARMED. The following semi-official note was published in Paris on November 4th: The Government has decided not to retain the Marchand mission at Fashoda. This decision was arrived at by the Council of Ministers after an exhaustive examination of the question. The Government,
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  • 288 9 TWO GREAT SERVICES. Lord Charles Beresford visited the Mercantile Marine Officers’ Club at Shanghai on the 9th, and afterwards addressed those present. He congratulated them on possessing one of the best Clubs of the kind he knew, and expressed his appreciation, from his own experience as
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  • 255 9 TRADE AND REVENUE. Major-General Black, in the Hongkong Blue Book for 1897, says that the revenue collected during that year was $2,686,914, as against $2,609,878, collected in the preceding year, and as against $1,427,485, collected in the year 1887. This shows an increase of revenue during the last
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  • 1128 10 RECEPTION IN THE CITY. 80ME NOTABLE 8PEECHES. On November 3rd, the honorary freedom of the Fishmongers’ Company was conferred on the Sirdar, the ceremony taking place in their hall, London Bridge. Lord Kitchener was accompanied by Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood, late Prime Warden of the Company, and was
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  • 49 10 A home paper learns that, before the crisis came to a head in China, certain negotiations were entered into between England and Japan, which would be found to have a highly important bearing upon future British action if the situation hadanyfurtherseriousdevelopment than at that time appeared.”
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  • 63 10 Newspapers everywhere are still ringing the changes on the Emperor of China’s alleged linguistic preferences. During the war with Japan he began studying English and French; but he has recently given up the latter, and now turns his sole attention to getting a mastery over English literature.
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  • 124 10 On the 6th instant, at Ulu Tappa, in Negri Sembilan, a buffalo was killed by a tiger. The next evening, a Malay sat up to shoot the brute when he returned to his kill. The tiger returned, but being struck by a bullet from the Malay’s
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  • 114 10 The squall of wind and rain which struck Singapore this morning, was one of the most severe experienced for a considerable time past. So far as we have been able to gather, there were no accidents. Several ships in the harbour, however, commenced to drag their anchors when
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  • 94 10 THE NINGPO GUILD DISPUTE. The negotiations between the French and the Chinese authorities regarding the Ningpo Guild dispute are apparently at a deadlock, the latter requiring an indemnity for the lives sacrificed and the former claiming a considerable addition to the French Settlement as compensation for the
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  • 518 10 MURDER OF A MISSIONARY. On the 17th instant, a telegraphic report reached Shanghai that a member of the China Inland Mission in Pangkai, not far from Kweiyang, the capital of Kweichow province, had been murdered. The next day, official confirmation of the news was obtained. The
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  • 219 10 CONSULAR REPORT FOR 1897. RICE THE GREAT STAPLE. During 1897, the total trade done at Bangkok amounted to £15,689,040, an increase of over half a million on 1896 and the total tonnage cleared was 463,244 tons, an increase of 13 per cent, for the year. British shipping
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  • 1390 10 THE MAJOR AND THE BRITISH. The Daily MaiPs Cairo correspondent gays no one could fail to be struck with the manly and modest bearing of Major f Marchand. With a smile, he regretted his inability to speak English, adding, f I should like very much to visit
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  • 218 10 PROPOSED CHANGES. A Committee appointed by the Governor of Ceylon to consider the re-orgMU sation of the clerical service there reported. It is proposed that, in the clerical service be divided in four classes: First, a special classj> eluding appointments of J upwards, to which promotions be
    218 words

  • 750 11 I STATE of the emperor. I «well understood in Pekin that the I T tion of the Manchus was to kill or the Emperor, and that his sueP’P 0 was chosen but the attitude of r ci ffn Ministers, and the arrival of l* r Uation guards
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  • 19 11 At w I| ri n Captain Eddie is canvasnames of Europeans and 0 ns (iesirous of forming a volun-
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  • 434 11 EXCLUSION OF ENTERPRISE. GLOOMY PROSPECTS. A home paper refers to a jeremiad on the impending exclusion of German en terprise from all parts of China, except the province of Shantung, which appears in the Cologne Gazette. The special occasion is the appointment of Ho W.e Yung as
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  • 313 11 A NEW VE RSION OF THE FIST. Writing from Berlin, on Nov. 4th, the Times correspondent says: —In the official accounts of the sojourn of the Emperor and Empress in Jerusalem, the most interesting feature is the reports of the addresses delivered and of the Emperor’s speeches in
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  • 347 11 The bulk of the manufacture of the Indian cotton-mills finds a market in China. An auction sale of Spanish grapes is advertised to take place at Messrs. Powell Co.’s sale-room to-morrow. This morning, a Chinese coolie was killed at Borneo Wharf by falling off the gangway attached
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  • 43 11 A serious outbreak of typhoid recently, on board the Bibby outwardbound steamer Cheshire which was traced to ice from Port Said, has resulted in Messrs. Bibby Brothers deciding that, in future, ice for their steamers must be made on board.
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  • 51 11 At noon yesterday, during the squall, a Chinaman went aloft to furl the sail of a tongkang in Rochore River. Missing his footing, the man fell into the water, striking his head against the edge of the tongkang. At low tide his body was found with the skull
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  • 46 11 During the storm yesterday, a large tree was blown down in Orchard Road, opposite the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club ground, but fortunately it fell over the canal. In several streets, in the lower parts of the town, water stood to a considerable depth.
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  • 60 11 Advices from Suez, dated 28th October, state that the steamer Kemnore which had grounded on the way from New York to Japan, had been floated and was in* harbour there. Divers report several rivets started and several plates opened under the forehold on the starboard side. Divers temporarily
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  • 87 11 The boy was crying bitterly. \Y hat’s wrong, my son the kind-hearted man asked. I d—didn’t m—mow the lawn when pa told me to.” 44 Ah And he punished you then, did he?” 44 N—no; not just then. He said he would—wouldn’t have no insurgents around the pl
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  • 427 11 PROGREBB OF REACTION. Hongkong papers, to the 24th November, contain no news of the Emperor or of his state of health. The EmpressDowager, it is said, is determined to place Li Hung-chang once more in power and to reinstate him in his position in the Tsung-li-Yamen. The
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  • 232 11 The two Chinamen, charged with keeping an unlicensed pawnshop at Pulo Brani and with retaining stolen property, were acquitted on the latter count. One pleaded guilty on the first charge. Section 3of the Pawnbrokers’ Ordinance of 1872 applied. But no penalty was provided. Recourse was then had to
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  • 82 11 The Superintendent of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co., Ltd., informs us that Press rates have been arranged for between the Straits Settlements stations and the Australasian Colonies at the following—rates, per word:—From Singapore, Penang, or Malacca to West Australia (55 cts.), South Australia (55 cts),
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  • 1284 11 AN ISLAND KINGDOM. Ax Ottawa telegram says that the Attorney-General will introduce into Parliament, next session, a Bill enacting that the title of the heirs of Francois Bisset to the island of Anticosti has been established. The eff ect of the Bill will be to invalidate the
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  • 494 12 MINISTERIAL DECLARATION. SOME TAXATION PROPOSALS. The Ministerial Declaration of the new French Cabinet w r as read in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies on November 4th. Ministers expressed consciousness of the difficulties and responsibilities entailed by their acceptance of office. They affirmed tlie supremacy of the
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  • 537 12 SPEECHES IX DIFFERENT PORTS. Although Lord Charles has, for the present at any rate, finished with northern China, it is only now that we are receiving much news of the progress of his tour there. These accounts, moreover, require a great deal of sifting; and even then
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  • 24 12 On November 10th, the P. and O. steamer Rosetta struck an unknown object near Nagasaki. She was since undergoing repairs in the Nagasaki Dock.
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  • 2758 12 WRITTEN FOR THE STRAITS TIMES BY MRS. EGERTON EASTWICK. (Continued from 22nd November.) CHAPTER XIII.—THE REPRISAL OF FATE. The atmosphere of the Residency was very still. Nearly eighteen months have passed since Miss Bellairs's marriage the Resident-Councillor has remained a bachelor, and the Residency without a mistress.
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  • 416 13 The concert of the Philharmonic Society in the Town Hall last night, was a decided success. There was an audience of gratifying numbers, and it is pretty safe to say that not for many months have the Society submitted so successful a programme. The chorus again appeared, after
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  • 86 13 Mr. Graves, member for Delatite in the Victorian Assembly, spoke the other evening of a man “who selected 300 acres with a family later, he said that the House was too pessimistic, whenever we see a ray of light we must throw cold water on it.” Then, alluding
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  • 464 13 The rebels in Central China have played fearful havoc with life and property over a wide area, and it is by no means certain that their leader, Yu Mantse will accept the Government bribe, of money and rank, to disband. Foreigners are in great danger of
    464 words
  • 527 13 arrivals. i Pers.s. Tambora from Batavia Messrs. E Carr, E. Bernar, B. Mahieu, Meeng, W. Rose, Johnson, J. Buth, R. Wilson, Hamersley, J. Sands, J, Baxter, H. Clery, Tanner, and C. Jacobson, Per 8. s. Gorgon from Bangkok—Messrs. Rodda and Visinan. Per s. s. Pyrrhus from Yokohama—--1 Messrs.
    527 words
    • 157 13 Under this head ing the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh.—ship bq.- -barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p. —deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo
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    • 1279 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Amherst Brit. str. 108 tons, Capt Rozells, 30th Nov. From T. Anson, 27th Nov. G.c., and 75 dp. Wee Bin and Co. For T. Anson, 2nd Dec—Rds. Berandan, Dut. str. 285 tons Capt Rosingh 30th Nov. From Batavia, 27th Nov. G.c. T.
      1,279 words
    • 560 13 Name, port probable date of arrival and name of agents Steamers. Abana, Barry, l’ft Oct 26 Asturia, Bremen, p’sd C’nal, Nov 15; B. M. Ballaarat, Hongkong, Dec 16; P. AO. Bamberg, H’kong, to leave Dec 21 B. M. Bantam, Sourabaya, Dec 4 Daendels. Bayern, Hongkong, Dec 12 Behn
      560 words
    • 786 14 Flag h Vessel’s Name. j Tons Captain Fbom Sailed Consignees, q Big. jr\ Nov- i 24 1 Pyrrhus Brit str. 2281 Batt I Yokohama Nov 10 W. Mansfield <& Co. 24 ,Rosa str. 1 267 Davidson Penang Nov 22Beng Kay. 24 HokTj ioe Dut str. 397 Hubert 'Penang Nov
      786 words
    • 427 14 I 1 Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination Nov 24 Fantee Brit str. Hunter Kemaman via ports 24 Knight Templar str. Fain j Fenang and Calcutta 2.5 i Neera str. Coysh T. Anson via port3 25 i Hydra I str. Lyons j Bangkok 25 1 Amherst str. Rozells Klang
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      44 words
    • 484 14 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., Londrr and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. fhe only Medicine if the kind awarded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition,
      484 words
    • 863 14 IN A THIRD-CLASS CARri A(^ oax Ea rly February of this year was travelling in a v—»i i the neighbourhood of Glasgow i® two women entered the com^ 84 which I was seated. One was a P rr^f meiu i® dressed; the other a woman. She had no hat or
      863 words