The Straits Budget, 16 September 1898

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 143 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” r; e Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 19 1 M lrt voir Road, Bangkok, on the ui,- wife of H. Campbell c M. -Ml)., of a son.
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  • 399 1 Uhl ART!' LES. C-ui.-i in Flames. NVn'iors. pfK.ii > Fri«*n*ls. \nv« hi'tic l ime. ThM* vil Supply. Tii'* l pp** r Nile. A fr»r!i«*li r..v. nr;**** in liina. It!-. >- T.Ngrams. ji* 1 Australia. ■dQL Mar*; quotations. News. List. ft;..S^'A's. A!k:-«i Mur<l«*r I A 1:-;. Nursery. BlPlri'-
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  • 526 1 Singapore. 16th September, 1898. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to 12.30 a.m.) Gambier 6.12$. Copra Bali, b.70. do Pontianak, 6.30. Pepper, Black, 23.50. do White, (5%) 43.00. Sago Flour Saraw ak, 2.70. do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago 3.70. Coffee, Bali, picked. 28.75. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 30.50. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 372 1 Th» mail for Europe, this week, leav es by the M. M. Salazie. The mail from Europe of the 12th August by the P. O. Coromandel arrived on Sunday. The German mail from Europe by the Preussen arrived on Thursday. The German mail for Europe by
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  • 118 1 (Special to the Straits Times.'') Hongkong 9th September. Li Hung Chang has been dismissed from office. This news is not altogether unexpected. We mentioned a few days ago that Lord Salisbury was reported to be pressing for this very end. Since Li’s visit to the Czar’s
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    • 51 1 RESULT OF THE RACE. London. 8/// September. The race for the St. Leger Stakes, run for yestetday, resulted as follows: Capt. Greer’s Wihlfovbr oh. c by Galli-nulc-Tragedy 1 Mr. Larnach’s Jeddah ch. c by JanissaryPilgrimage 2 Mr. A. Belmont’s Bridegroom ch. c by Rayon (COr St. Bridget
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    • 122 1 ATTACK ON BRITISH SOLDIERS. A CITY IN FLAMES. In conformity with a decision arrived at by the foreign Admirals in Cretan waters, a British force on Tuesday took ever the tithe taxation office in the town of Candia. The Mahoinmedan inhabitants upon this collected, and opposed the
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    • 79 1 BRITISH LOSS. TROOPS ON THE WAY. London, 9th September. Twenty British soldiers and sailors were killed, and fifty wounded in the riots at Candia. TheMahommedan mob there opened fire suddenly from the houses. The British Vice-Consul was burned to death in his house. It is feared that
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    • 28 1 THE DERVISH LOSSES. Sir H. Kitchener telegraphs that the Dervish losses at the battle of Omdurman amounted to 10,800 killed; 16,000, wounded and 3,000 prisoners.
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    • 101 1 TERRIBLE MASSACRE. TURKS FJRE UPON THE BRITISH. London, lOt/i September. The Times' correspondent in Crete reports that eight hundred Christians were massacred by the Mahommedan rioters at Candia. The Bashi-Bazouks, or Turkish irregulars, pillaged the town. The correspondent also says that Turkish troops were seen firing upon
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    • 37 1 STABBED IN THE STREET. THE MURDERER ARRESTED. London 11th September. An Italian anarchist, named Luccheni, murdered the Empress of Austria with a stiletto, on Saturday in a street at Geneva. The murderer was arrested.
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    • 99 1 DIED IN THREE HOURS. AN ANARCHIST CONSPIRACY. London 12M September. Particulars of the assassination of the Empress of Austria show that she was stabbed in the bosom with a slender triangular file, as she was proceeding to a steamboat pier from her hotel. The Empress was, at
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    • 23 1 BRITISH TROOPS RETURNING. The British troops at Khartoum are returning to Egypt as fast as the transport arrangements will allow.
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    • 10 1 The Spanish Senate has adopted the peace protocol.
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    • 116 1 FRENCH FORCE AT FASHODA. UNFRIENDLY ACT TOWARDS BRITAIN. London 13 th September. News has reached Omdurman that a force of white men, believed to be French, occupies Fashoda, a station on the Upper Nile, south of Khartoum. Sir Herbert Kitchener is going there to ascertain the
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    • 38 2 THE TURKS MUST GO. The Foreign Admirals in Cretan waters have requested the Powers to insist upon the immediate expulsion of 15,000 Bashi Bazouks from Crete, and the recall of all the Turkish soldiery in the island.
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    • 114 2 PATY DU I CLAM DISMISSED. COMPLICITY |\VITH ESTERHAZY. London 14 th September Major Paty Du Clam, who took a prominent part in getting up the case against Captain has been compulsorily retired from the army, and has also been dismissed from the General Staff. Major Paty du has
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    • 28 2 U. S. REINFORCEMENTS. London, Udh September. At the urgent request of Admiral Dewey, the battleships /owtand Oregon accompanied by transports, will sail shortly for the Philippines.
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    • 42 2 THE CORTES PASS THE PROTOCOL. The Spanish Cortes have adopted the peace protocol —after a debate broken by frantic scenes of excitement, and marked by much vituperation of the Spanish Government andjeommanders in general, and of Admiral Cervera in particular.
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    • 75 2 BRITISH ULTIMATUM. The news that six hundred Christians fell in the massacre at Candia has been confirmed. Rear-Admiral Noel, of the British Mediterranean fleet, has sent an ultimatum to the Turkish Governor of Crete, calling for the complete disarmament of the Mussulmans at Candia within forty-eight hours,
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  • 369 2 (Straits Times, 8th September.) It 16 unfortunate that British marines should have been compelled t6 fire upon the Mussulman rioters at Candia. It is still more to be regretted that the extreme step of bombarding the city should havebeenfoundnecessary.H.M.S. Hazard, which was on special duty in the
    (Straits Times, 8th September.)  -  369 words
  • 410 2 (Straits Times 8 th September.) The nuisance caused in the streets by itinerant vendors of eatables is, we are glad to see, in course of amelioration by what we may call a natural process. After much talk, and indeed while despatches on the subject are still passing between
    (Straits Times, 8th September.)  -  410 words
  • 474 2 (Straits Times 9th September.) Germany has an opportunity ready to hand of proving her newly professed desire to accommodate Great Britain in Africa. Her friendship need not be strained to the extent of allowing Portugal to sell Delagoa Bay, nor even of establishing virtual British tribunals in place
    (Straits Times, 9th September.)  -  474 words
  • 395 2 (Straits Tim4s, \2th September.) The Empress of Austria, whom an anarchist lias done to death in a street at Geneva, was a daughter of the Duke Maximilian of Bavaria, and was in the sixty-first year of her age. Shemarriedthe Emperor of Austria in 1854. Her only son, the
    (Straits Tim4s, \2th September.)  -  395 words
  • 644 2 (Straits Times 12/A September.) More than ever before in the world’s history is the “Black Diamond” a product of great price, a jewel for which Governments will pour out their wealth freely. We have come to regard coal as a necessary of life; even in very small
    (Straits Times, 12/A September.)  -  644 words
  • 197 2 (Straits Times, 13 th Fashoda. which L- <r Fashoda, which a French f reported to have occupied* 7* the Upper Nile about fi,, 7 to the south of Khartou,' > under the tenth parallei n S an important strategic U several Wench expeditions h u to reach
    (Straits Times, 13th , Fashoda. which , L- . <r)  -  197 words
  • 355 2 (Straits Times YMk September.) To judge from the reports transmits to London, M. de Lanessan, a fomo Governor-General of French Indo-China, has been telling his compatriots ii Paris some remarkably plain truth It is to the unthinking section than constantly striving to accentuate tig difficulties between Russia
    (Straits Times, YMk September.)  -  355 words
  • 432 2 (Straits Times, Vith Septanter 1UWUHO Lord Charles Beresfurd says he to complete his enquiries in to get back home for the next of Parliament. But he is |»repar submit gracefully to they compel a longer sojourn in His programme, if certainly not be done e shorter time
    (Straits Times, Vith Septanter )  -  432 words

  • 441 3 i Thin?;, 1 ~&gt;t/i September.) "n Tuesday, we announced the difspat&gt;-li of the battleships i‘« and from America to. 1 ’J Admiral Dewey’s squadron on Renter informs us to-day 1 it i&gt; really the Oregon and Iona :,a art.* to sail shortly, convoying :t&gt; for Manila. The first
    iThin?;, 1 ~>t/i September.)  -  441 words
  • 2107 3 (Straits Times 1 oth September.) A few days ago one of the new steamers built for the Japan Steamship Company’s Australian line passed through this port on her way to Japan. The special pains taken to fit these boats in every way for the work is but
    (Straits Times, 1 oth September.)  -  2,107 words
  • 108 3 The Times says —There is reason to tear that Lord Charles Beresford will find himself very much in the position of the naturalist who set out to give an account of the snakes in Ireland. Before inquiring how far the Chinese Government can guarantee the safety of
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  • 460 3 FUTURE OF THE PHILIPPINES. A SERIOUS COMPLICATION. In the peace negotiations no serious complications are apprehended with regard to Cuba and Puerto Rico. In Spain, indeed, some people are already consoling themselves with the idea that the loss of thuse two islands, though most painful to Spanish
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  • 674 4 A lunatic was committed to the asylum this morning. Fok stealing the Resident’s watch, a Malay employed at the Selangor Residency has been sent to prison for three months. The Corean Government has appointed Mr. McLeavy Brown, the British Financial Adviser, to superintend railway affairs. At the
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  • 48 4 The Viceroy of Canton is said to have protested against the surrender ofKwangchau Bay to the French. The Tsungli Yamen insisted that he should at once send a deputy to formally hand over Kwangchau-wan to the French. The Viceroy thereupon wired his resignation to Pekin
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  • 49 4 The Viceroy of Canton having failed to despatch troops to suppress the rebellion in Hainan and protect the lives and property of American missionaries, the American Consul at Canton has forwarded a strong despatch to the Acting Viceroy, urging him to at once suppress the revolt.
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  • 57 4 The Museum Curator at Sarawak has heard of a case of suicide by a specimen of the common viper of the country, Luckesis Wagleri. The snake, which had been secured by rattan to a pole, managed to get its head free; it bit itself in the
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  • 54 4 Excessive heat prevailed at Hongkong at the date of last advices. An American mining engineer named McClure died there of heat exhaustion on the 2nd instant. One of the crew of H.M.S. Barfieur also died from the same cause. On the 3rd, Mr. J. Baxter Powell died
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  • 76 4 The Malay Mail urges thorough-going reform in the clerical service in Selangor. It is pointed out that, under the present system, a man who has never kept books may be sent to take charge of an outstation treasury a P. W. I), man, who cannot speak Malay,
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  • 74 4 At Seram ban. the Residency Surgeon suggested, the other day, that a central milking station should be established there under control of tlie Sanitary Board. The Board approved of the idea in principle. But one of the members Said that the cows would also have to be housed
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  • 98 4 The Selangor Golf Club opened their new pavilion on Saturday last. An approach and putt-out competition came off in honour of the occasion. Sixteen men entered. \V. Tearle succeeded in holing out three times in 11 strokes. John Glassford reduced the total to 10, a score which
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  • 95 4 Official notifications have been issued of the re-establishment of Corregidor Island light and of the light at the mouth of the Pasig; also that the obstructions in the Pasig have, been removed to give a channel of 15-feet depth at high water. Municipal notices have also
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  • 187 4 lom fat is the accepted name of a Chinaman who entered Lord Charles Beresford’s service during his stay in Chinese waters some years ago. After nine years of seemingly honest labour, it suddenly struck this worthy, as Lord Charles relates, that he had never had a regular
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  • 71 4 In referring to a case against one of its staff* in the British Consular Court at Bangkok, the Siam Free Press makes the following confession: The Siam Free. Pres* is French property, owned by a Frenchman, edited by a Frenchman, and responsible to the French Goverment and
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  • 109 4 Evidence was taken yesterday in the case against a Macao woman for importing girls to the Colony and for keeping them for immoral purposes. It appeared that the two women in question were married, and had been purchased for 5350 and Siso respectively. Under the influence of
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  • 116 4 CHINESE ALL SOULS.” The Chinese period of praying for the dead and making offerings is now at its 23rd day. The object is to make offerings to those who have died leaving no posterity to pray for them. The great respect the Chinese have for their dead and the strong
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  • 107 4 A correspondent, writing from Hankow to the G/o/&gt;e, urges the necessity of shallow-draught steamers of the Woodcock type for use as police-boats inChina. The presence of foreign gunboats for police duty on the inland waterways is, he says, indispensable. .Only during four months of the year, can the
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  • 128 4 The man, with whom the woman murdered in Nankin Street yesterday was living, says that he returned home at one o'clock and saw deceased rush out of his room. She was bleeding from a wound in the neck. The prisoner was standing near the bed, trying to cut
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  • 235 4 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.*’ Sir, -The public may be interested to know that lying between the Leper Asylum and the Contagious Disease ward of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, abutting on Ballestier Hoad, there is a large sheet of water, formed there slowly in
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  • 61 4 18 dwts. TO THE TON. A telegram from Raub, dated 8th instant, says: Crushing finished, 2,300 tons of stone realized 2,075 ounces of smelted gold. Battery was stopped in all for six days from want of water. [These results average eighteen-penny weights to the ton. The crushing which
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  • 139 4 in nth a 0 h inaman attemptec murder at Linggi and escaped from the place. He was arrested yesterday, and placed before the Magistrate this morning. As Linggi is in Dutch territory, the case was postponed with a view to extradition. Three Javanese gardeners were arrested yesterday by
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  • 146 4 From the Ist instant, the official hours of business or work in the Government Offices in the State have been changed from 9 to 1 and 2 to 4 to from 9-30 to 4 with half-an-hour’s interval for lunch, and on Saturdays from 8 to 12 instead of
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE AND THE SULTAN. The Sultan of Sulu is a monarch of the good old type, familiar to our nurseries, says the Globe. lie sleeps with his crown in his bedroom and travels with treaties in his personal luggage. The system has its disadvantages; for at
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  • 201 4 MORE SHIPS WANTED. It is predicted that, as a result of the war, a steady increase will take place in American trade generally. It is in shipbuilding, moreover, that the chief improvement is looked for; the great firm of Cramps predict several years of great activity. This is
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  • 38 4 In retaliation for the action of the United States in imposing an extra duty upon tea, while leaving coffee on the old footing, the Japanese teamerchants have solemnly agreed to 4 abstain from the use of coffee altogether.
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  • 212 4 LI HUNG CHANG SPEEtk Xf traveller T8 Mb. Arnot Reid, writing &lt;• on the 22nd of August, made a precedent at Pek;l is not an easy place at precedent. We are a*4 CrS K°^ being oftcials, who leave Pekin wt'S li Yamen special order to get
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  • 237 4 Hongkong papers give full particuj of the loss of the German steanj Trinidad, which was announced inJ Straits Times on the Ist instant, sj was an old Cunard liner, purchaJ by the German Government, and i 3 on her way from Hamburg to KiaociJ with a
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  • 269 4 A BRITISH PETITION. The following is an extract trora petition submitted to Lord Salisbuiy by the Howard Association, and by to® transmitted to the British Minister! Tangiers. Early in the present year, Dr. hewn Kerr, of the Central Morocco Mew® Mission, wrote from Rabat u N&lt; 'tninf
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  • 1526 5 T E n?xl 3L\ fortnightly meeting of the Commission was held on the instant the President, Mr. A. h tn j n the chair. There were also (itn r Messrs. Nanson, Fort, Evans, M eV&lt; *r, Moses, and Choa Giang Thy finance. T financial statement indicated .7 r;
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  • 112 5 Restrictions imposed by the American authorities at Manila are alleged, by the China Mail to be starving the trade of the port. It does not appear to us that the official notifications justify any such assertion, the only limitation being the reservation of the coasting trade to Spanish
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  • 1149 5 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS. EXISTING RELATIONS. [By a Correspondent f Manila 3rd September. The great point of administration which interests the exporters and merchants of Hongkong, Singapore, and Shanghai is the Custom House together with the Captain of the Port. Before going any further, let fne say that it
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  • 1033 5 COL. HAY AS SECRETARY. Referring to Colonel Hay s appointment at Washington, the Hamhurqische Correspondent writes: Colonel Hay’s appointment as State Secretary is one of far-reaching importance. He succeeded not only in promoting the AngloAmerican entente in London to a very high degree, but was also a
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  • 96 5 One of the hardest tasks ever allotted to any British Minister, says a home paper, is that which has fallen to the lot of Sir Claude Maxwell Macdonald at Pekin. Hard as is the task, however, Sir Claude is, as Lord Salisbury has affirmed, the best of
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  • 105 5 GERMANY AND AUGUSTIN. Thk Xotfh-German Gazette, alluding to the statement that General Augustin left Manila for Hongkong on board a* German warship, remarks: The Kaigerin Auyagta did not, apparently, leave Manila until that city had capitulated. The Spanish officers were set free after the fall of the
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  • 29 5 Mr. E. E. A. Marcks,the Dutch Postal Agent at Penang, has been presented by the Queen of the Netherlands with the Silver Medal of the Order of Oranje Nassau.
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  • 543 6 HEALTH OF THE TROOPS. garcia's repentance. Washington, 12ih August. The ‘American Government has accepted the responsibility of com pelling the Cuban and the Philippine insurgents to strict observance of the armistice. No great trouble is anticipated with the Cubans, but in order to coerce the Filipinos’ leaders,
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  • 193 6 Whiting to the Westminster Gazelle, A Colonial Magistrate'’ says that the practice of tire-walking prevalent amongst the Hindu communities was carried by them to the Straits Settlements, and was there observed without any interference on the part of the Government up till 189 d. Owing to the
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  • 28 6 On the 27th of August, at a meeting held at Ipoh, it was unanimously decided to form an association to be called The Perak Mining and Planting Association.
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  • 1157 6 INCIDENTS AFTER DEATH. TEXT OF HIS RESIGNATION. The Emperor of China said, in his telegram of condolence to the family, that he remembered with gratitude the services of Bismarck in promoting friendly relations between Germany and his Empire. The number of w reaths received overflowed the house and
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  • 305 6 liE M ARK A RLE I)E V ELO PM ENT. The foreign trade of Cordh showed a remarkable development during the past year. From the figures in the report of Mr. Jordan, British ConsulGeneral in Seoul, now raised to. the rank of Minister-Resident, it appears that, while
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  • 160 6 THE NEGRO VIEW OF THE DEPRESSION. A murderous attack has been made upon the Hon. A. J. Pile, C. M.G., Speaker of the Barbadoes House of Assembly, and member of the Executive Council. Mr. Pile was shot at and seriously wounded by a negro, while
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  • Article, Illustration
    730 6 (conducted by “king’s pawn”) All chess correspondence should be addressed to M King’s Pawn.” Solution of Problem No. 66 (Loyd) P-K 4. Correct solution received from Caissa, Nil Desperandum, Londres, and Bertie. Immediately after going to press, last week, I received from the first three solvers correct solutions of
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  • 1097 6 Carmen Sylva,” the lifted n, Roumania, who is passional, S" music, often plavs the harmoni,,'™ Protestant Church of Abbazi.i on^.'V 1 CUIj rrince Max of Saxonv, nephew King Who has lately been Catholic priest among the poor of w k chapel, IS said to have been nr, Bishop
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  • 257 7 LABOUR FOR THE PHILIPPINES. A- ci iors turning of the tables, it is L may be witnessed in the imeri'-ans inviting the Celestials to wit the I'a* ific slope for Luzon and Mindanao. The labour problem must shortly eometo tlie front in the Philipps and it is still
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  • 85 7 i 'J r,lP gives some statistics of the hl by the postal officials of r 01 Commons during the last u. 0 icwer than 550,600 letters H 1 in the Lobby, while the ►v delivered to members numbe registered letters Numbered 1,000» and those 1 express letters, 1,761
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  • 143 7 Cattle disease is said to be raging in some of the Acheen districts of Sumatra. The Penang Assizes opened on Tuesday last with thirteen cases on the list, including two of murder. H. M. 8. Powerful was to have left Hongkong on the 5th instant to relieve
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  • 73 7 To the Chinese mind an eclipse is as much a horrible mystery to-day as ever it was. A proclamation was issued by the Shanghai magistrate, in anticipation of an eclipse on the 4th of this month, calling upon all loyal citizens to help in making as much
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  • 83 7 A few weeks ago, an Old Age Pensions Bill was introduced into the New Zealand House of Representatives. It provides for a pension of £lB a year to the deserving poor, persons having property of a capital value of £540 being excluded from its provisions. Mr. Seddon,
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  • 78 7 Lake Superior, it is said, never gives up its dead. Whoever encounters disaster and goes down in those beautiful blue waters, never comes up again. Those who have met their deaths in mid-Superior still lie at the stone-paved bottom. Sometimes, near the shore, the bodies of people
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  • 149 7 Last night saw the celebration of the festival of the seventh moon by the Spirit and Opium Farmers in Cecil Street. The street, which was densely crowded with Chinese, was lit up by electric light for the occasion. A great number of tables illuminated with Chinese
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  • 168 7 A Chinaman was fined ten dollars for removing boundary stones. A fine of ten dollars, or in default, fourteen days, was the penalty imposed this morning, on a carter for overloading his cart. Dr. J. Leask appeared in the first court to prosecute a hospital servant for retaining
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  • 100 7 Australia is becoming more and more zealous in its determination to make that continent a white man’s land.” All the colonies have measures to exclude some Asiatics/ The most approved form is that of the Natal Act, imposing an educational test ihstead of any definite racial 'bar. But
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  • 94 7 A message from Manila to a Hongkong contemporary says that the Philippine rebels are holding some 20 priests as prisoners in Bulacan. These men, it seems, are subjected to gross indignities. One infliction is that they have to walk through the streets in'short pants and carry a proclamation,
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  • 101 7 They are making strange innovations in postage stamps in Newfoundland. In November last that colony issued two new stamps, one bearing the portrait of Her Majesty and the other that of the Prince of Wales. At the beginning of last month a new three cent stamp was issued
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  • 108 7 One of the telegrams from Atbara, on August 12th, amusingly read: “Grouse prospects are moderate: the birds are plentiful and strong on the wing, but very wild.” On these Soudan shootinggrounds, the; picturesque leader-writer of the Daily Telegraph will at last be justified in writing, as he once
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  • 93 7 Rules under the Opium Ordinance of 1894 are published. These rules regulate the management of farm shops. Shopkeepers must affix their photographs to their licenses, and must have entrances from the public thoroughfares only. Shops must be opened at 5 a.m. and closed at 10 p.m. An additional
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  • 99 7 At the Assizes judgment has been given in the following cases Sun Moh, charged with theft, five years’ rigorous imprisonment; Yeo Nguan Lee, charged with suffering a person lawfully committed to custody to escape, eighteen months’ imprisonment; Tow Tye, charged with escaping from custody, one month’s imprisonment; and
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  • 141 7 The owners of houses Nos. 82, 85, S9, and 208 Tanjong Pagar Road were summoned to show cause why the occupants of these hopses should not be ejected on accouift of the nuisance they are to the neighbours and to passers-by. The defendants pleaded that they had
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  • 276 7 GENERAL MERRITT* CONGRATULATORY ORDER. General Merritt, on 17th August issued the following general order ti the American troops at Manila: The Major General Comm ending desires to congratulate the troops of this command upon their brilliant success in the capture, by assault, of the defences of Manila
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  • 552 7 ACCESSION DOINGS AT BATAVIA. Batavia papers to the sth instant give details of the accession festivities there and throughout Java, which began on the 31st August and were to last until the 6th instant. A grand military review opened the proceedings at Batavia on the 31st August,
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  • 403 7 The news from Pedir tells of difficulties in overtaking the enemy. The troops have easily overrun the low country, have followed up the enemy into almost inaccessible fastnesses, and have enforced submission far and wide; but the Achinese leaders remain at large. So far, the aim of the
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  • 401 7 WARREN SHIELD COMPETITION. The H. Co. West Yorks, met the Tanjong Pagar F. C. in the first round of the Warren Competition on the S. R. C. ground yesterday afternoon. The heavy rain that had fallen in the earlier part of the day rendered the ground soft and
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  • 20 7 One hundred-and-thirty deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 29'86.
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  • 27 7 H. M.S. Hermione arrived at Woosung at the beginning of the month. It is not impossible that she will go up to Shanghai as senior officer’s ship.
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  • 49 8 In a bicycle collision case before the Supreme Court, Penang—MacCarthy v. Lee Hai Thye—the decision was in favour of the defendant. The Court held that the collision between the plaintiffs bicycle and the defendant s carriage was due to negligence on the part of the plaintiff.
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  • 856 8 London, 12th August. One of the latest fatalities from carelessness in descending an unknown hill occurred near Hull, where a rider, losing control, was killed hv collision with a gate. The coroner on this occasion remarked that it ought to be made an offence punishable by fine for
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  • 550 8 GENERAL MERRITT’S MISSION. HOLD LUZON OR NOTHING. (By a Correspondent.) Manila, 30 th August. Major-General Merritt with his three Aides and his Secretary leaves to-day for Paris, via Hongkong, on the steamer China. 'General Merritt is to be present at the meeting of the Commission in Paris
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  • 267 8 A Correspondent says:—The Government Gazette notification on the subject of gambling is a masterpiece in its own particular way, but it is a way that cannot pass muster with sensible people. The definition of the words “excessive gambling,” as being gambling out of proportion to their means is so
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  • 765 8 REBELLION AFOOT. The Canton authorities have established a strict censorship of the native press, and have forbidden the publication of any references to the rebellion in that province. The rebellion is in full swing and a large body of insurgents is now reported to be about
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  • 44 8 Mrs. Jackson Millar left by the P. and O. Chvsan this morning for home. She is stated not to be returning. Lieut. Head of the R. A. was a passenger by the same boat, on his way to take up new duties in India.
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  • 2903 8 WRITTEN FOR THE “STRAITS TIMES BY MRS. EGERTON BASTWICK. (Continued, from August 30 th.) CHAP. IV.—CHIPPY’S TRIALS. On reaching the Residency, Chippy met with a further disappointment. Mr. Bellairs had not dined at home, and Edith was in the billiard-room with Mrs. Willis, the wife of one
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  • 209 9 A gentleman who has spent a number of years in the Ladrone Islands, in which the United States is determined to maintain a footing, has been giving his views on their acquisition. Situated as they are on the direct route between Central America and Japan
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  • 111 9 Captain Arthur Lee,*R. H. A., the representative of the British Army in Cuba, is said to have been the only foreign military attache to accompany the firing line at Santiago. He went with the 12th Regiment when they charged up a hill and, while maintaining his
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  • 56 9 WHOSE DELAY Rumour alleges that, if there is any trouble over the of Manila being subsequent to the signing of the Peace Protocol, the blame will fall upon General Merritt. The fleet were all ready some days before the actual capture but day after day General Merritt put it off
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  • 163 9 It is rumoured that Sir Alexander Swettenham is going to Kuala Lumpur next week. He will visit the Pahang Trunk Road. On October 1st next an Indian 3-pie postage stamp is to be issued. The current £-anna green stamp, surcharged in black, will be used. TwENTY-five Sikhs
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  • 46 9 A Shanghai resident had recently to obtain medical assistance to extract an insect that had flown into his ear. It proved to be a moth of larger size than any creature the doctor had ever heard of forcing a passage to the human ear.
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  • 47 9 It is alleged that an agreement has been concluded between the French and Chinese Governments whereby the former are to be allowed to use the docks and arsenal at Foochow for the purpose of carrying out repairs to the ships of their Ueet.
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  • 54 9 The entries forthe tennis tournament arranged by the Committee of the S. C. C. close to-day. The lists of competitors in the various events have tilled up very well; but one or two vancancies were left last night in the profession pairs.” TlierS is no time
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  • 47 9 Yesterday, a Hylam boy was arrested on the charge of stealing an iron bedstead from his master's house at Tanjong Katong. In consequence of numerous thefts a man was placed on watch both the thief and the receiver of the stolen propertj’ have been apprehended.
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  • 55 9 A shop-keeper, living in Balestier Road, states that yesterda}', while he and his coolie w r ere working in the shop, ten Chinamen entered and stole $2O from the till, after threatening him with a knife. The police do not attach much faith to the story since nothing
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  • 62 9 An American was arrested this morning. for disorderly conduct at the Sailors* Home. Before the Magistrate, he accused a European constable of asking him for liquor, and implied that it w r as because he refused it that he w r as arrested. He was too tipsy,
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  • 61 9 One can start from Shanghai, by boat, and proceed up the Yang-tze to Hankow, across Hu-nan to the head waters of the Siang River, thence by a canal connecting that with the KiuKiang, past Kuilin, the capital of the Kw'ansi province, and down to Wochow, Canton, and Hongkong,
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  • 66 9 Selangor and Perak law widely diverges on the subject of the restriction on the importation, sale, possession, and use of arms. The penalty for a breach of the regulation in Selangor consists of a fine not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment up to 2 years, or both fine artd
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  • 72 9 The Malay Mail seeks for the establishment of a State Bank in Selangor, or rather a Bank backed by a Government guarantee, to advance money to respectable people at six per cent, interest. At present, business operations there are clogged for want of cheap money. The
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  • 670 9 A FREE POUT EXPERIMENT. Pulo Way, off the Acheen coast, has had a free port standing since 1896, and hopes run high in Java that it will, in time, prove to be a successful rival to Singapore. It is alleged that Pulo Way is favourably situated as commercial
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  • 102 9 WAKREN SHIELD COMPETITION. The A. Co. West Yorks met the F. Co. team of the same regiment at Tanglin, yesterday afternoon, in the second round of the Warren Competition. The ground was in very bad condition, rendering good play almost impossible. F. Co. kicked off; and it was
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  • 606 9 (From our Correspondent.) Friday 9/A September Malacca, like most other stations in the East, has to sustain frequent changes in her residents. It was not long ago that Mr. Merewrether, Mr. Garrard, Mr. and Mrs. Cuscaden, and Mr. and Mrs. Gahagan left us. Last Tuesday Mrs. Copley, who has
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  • 94 9 There was a good audience at the Novelty Theatre, Queen Street, last night, to witness the production by the Sri Penglipor Muar Theatrical Company of the play Ardan Zangi.*’ To Europeans, of course, the greater part of the play was unintelligible, but to the natives present the performance
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  • 1433 10 EDITED BY SIR F. SWETTENHAM. DISCURSIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE. Great was our disappointment when 'Messrs. Kelly and Walsh informed us that a mistake occasioned delay in our receipt of Sir Frank Swettenham’s volume,entitled Unaddressed Letters.” That gentleman kindly came to the rescue, and forwarded us one of his own
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  • 129 10 Mr. A. J. Ross is in charge of the Siamese Consulate General, during the absence of Mr. John Anderson on leave. Mr. M. A. S. Grosse, Chief Clerk in the Public Works Department, Singapore, is a Director of the Widows and Orphans’ Pension Fund, vice Mr. A. Allan resigned.
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  • 180 10 Two Malay lads about ten years of age, both of whom had been flogged before, were brought tyefore Mr. Elcum for stealing two canaries with cages in Coleman Street. They were ordered to receive ten cuts each. Two Tanjong Pagar Dock watchmen were arrested by a private detective
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  • 1199 10 (From our CorrespoTident.) Kuala Lipis Isf Sept&mlter. OFFICE HOURB. The hours of attendance in the Government Offices in Pahang have been fixed for week days at 9.30 a. m. to 4 p. m., with half-an-hour’s interval for tiffin, provided that an Officer can go tohis house, eat his
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  • 603 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’’ Sir,—That portion of the proceedings of the Legislative Council referring to the opium question, which appeared in your issue last Wednesday, was very interesting rending, from the simple fact that despite the heavy armour worn by Mr. Burkinshaw, the Colonial
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  • 208 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STR^ Sir,—The mere mention in count of the Ball at Government If' in honour of the Queen 0 f H( j, coronation, that Capt. Duff.,,™ reUed in the glories of his HjJS uniform tempts me to giveeipS" to a feeling which, I think
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  • 359 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIJfe Sir, —Much has been heard of lau the short-handedness of the medx staff of the fctraits Medical Departmes and of the utility of stalling an untL tion for the training of local student enable boys to obtain a proficient kw ledge
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  • 67 10 A PUGILIST’ S FATHER. The father of the fighter “Jem” Corbett opposed the latter’s choice of■ fession;” and objections differences in the now reported, from aI1 ite the old man has shot his jjV the course of one of l ies&lt; ’j .uk’* immediately after coinn ef o? with the
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  • 2369 11 K Va chance for Singapore yet; I Hh j id iting Committee has been a To* 1 ns tituted by the Municipal f°m i:i In *l |e uture there’s Con’*--. a lot of light thrown on all j- subjects. Nearly all of the 1T i communities in
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  • 84 11 It is the Emperor of China’s intention to open schools of Chinese and foreign languages, attached to the Chinese legations abroad, for the benefit of the sons of Chinese residents doing business in the countries to which the legations are accredited. The idea is to educate young Chinese
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  • 740 11 Mail matter from Manila now bears American stamps. 4 The appointment of Mr. \V. Clarke as Chief Clerk of the Police Office has been confirmed. Mr. A. Murray, the Colonial Engineer, arrived yesterday morning from Penang by the mail steamer. The Acting Governor is expected in Taiping
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  • 45 11 The Pekin correspondent of the London Daily Mail asserts that a secret treaty between Russia and China gives Russia the control of all the railways in China. Russia will also, it is asserted, undertake the reorganisation of the Chinese Army and Navy.
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  • 56 11 The P. and O. Company’s new express steamer Isis arrived at Port Said on the 16th August, with the passengers who left London as late as the 12th idem, and travelled by the express service rui. Brindisi. The transit of four days from London to Port
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  • 55 11 Bicycle races were successfully carried out, on the track opposite the Palace, at Medan in Deli on the 4th. A grand carnival procession and battle of flowers on bicycles w r ere especially admired. Mr. Squire won the chief race (15,000 metres) by a few r yards
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  • 57 11 It is argued at Penang that direct representation of the Chinese there on the Legislative Council is called for, ow’ing to the Chinese of Singapore and those of Penang differing considerably in customs, manners, and views. Even in religiousceremonies and domestic life, the Chinese of the one
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  • 64 11 More than one of the London editors, who discuss the probabilities in regard to the future of the Philippines, urge that the archipelago shall be administered, under American protection, as are the Protected Malay States under the British. The taking of Manila admittedly a fleet 8 the
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  • 65 11 The Perak Pioneer notes that progress on the Kinta Valley Railway extension has been checked from want of funds, apparently. The efforts made by the Federated Malaya Government to raise a railway loan has, so far, not answered expectations. Several Chinese capitalists there are of opinion that the
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  • 77 11 In consequence of a difference of opinion with the Manager, the pianist of an Australian Company that has been performing here almost refused to proceed further on the tour. He was at last persuaded to put off to the steamer; but ere reaching it, the argument was
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  • 94 11 The Adam and Eve Stakes,” one of the latest of Gymkhana competitions, is described for us by the Madras Times. The Eves nominate their Adams, and the latter then race to the pavilion from a distant point. While this is being done, each lady, from a
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  • 101 11 A Chinaman has been fined two dollars, or in default five days, for trespass at Fort Canning. A case of robbery in Tank Road of $2O has been remitted to the court of two magistrates. The alleged Nankin Street murderer was brought up this morning. On the application
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  • 59 12 Paris, 2nd September. On the occasion of the anniversary of the trip of President Faure to Russia, the Czar and he have exchanged telegrams renewing their pledges of unalterable attachment in cordial language. At several meetings of the Departmental Councils the French Government has been requested to put
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  • 84 12 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. On Monday last, advices readied Hongkong of a heavy storm having raged in North Formosa. The coast was strewn with wreckage. At Tamsui, eight junks were wrecked and over one hundred persons perished. Part of the crew of the American barque Comet was picked
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  • 116 12 Yesterday morning, Mr. van Esmond, the Dutch Resident of Lingga, who is at present staying in Singapore, drove w ith his wife and family in a gharry to the waterworks at Thomson Road. They went up into the bungalow leaving a small handbag behind them, with about
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  • 128 12 A MANILA PROCLAMATION. The following has been given us as the copy of a proclamation posted in Manila, as an alleged official despatch, at the end of July. It says Germany is combining with Russia to prevent the capture of Manila. Therefore Admiral Dewey and General Merritt will
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  • 149 12 CULTIVATION IN SIAM. The Siam Free Frets states that, in Siam, the banks of all the streams are utilized as tobacco gardens. When the rains are over, thousands of people are busy along the water-beds, planting tofciccd. ThspvdCGSs of pro paring tobacco isavery simple one. The leaves are
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  • 206 12 ADVANTAGES AS A BASE. Recent events in China, which seem to point to an approaching partition of that Empire, will, it is thought by English correspondents in New' York, confirm the tendency of American public opinion in favour of retention of the whole Philippine group. The United
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  • 1146 12 London, 30th August. It now appears certain that the Czar did not consult any Power before issuing his note in favour of a reduction of armaments. A feeling of irritation is expressed in France. It is generally believed that the Czar personally initiated the proposal. Keuter, telegraphing
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  • 238 12 EXCITING FINISH. In the tournament match finished on Saturday afternoon, between the S. Y. A. and the officers of the West Yorks, the former won on the first innings, the play of which w r as exciting to the last. The score of the S.Y.A. has been already published.
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  • 283 12 WHAT THE REPORTER SAW. The Prim Heinrich arrived at Colombo on August 30th, and an effort was immediately made on behalf of the Times of Ceylon to interview General Augustin. But the interviewer found, as his colleagues in Singapore and Hongkong had found before him, that, the
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  • 1600 12 THE FALL OF MANILA. ALLEGED CONNIVANCE. The Manila correspondent of the Times says The capture of the town to-day (Aug. 13th) was not without a certain melodramatic element, notwithstanding the fact that the Spanish made a serious resistance against the advance of the right wing of the
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  • 82 13 v (;.»vcrmnent notification H t -x —iV*; gambling/* applies 1 T l Malay States as toSinga1 j.tltni Mail comes out with r.' a{-rofMis: remarks The v. 1 anybody have the [duck V’ t lV b-dy else for being the v’j.-ii propensities? Consi- piMiple who are notorious v,. :tknesses
    82 words
  • 84 13 r- .—i.'ii festivities at Batavia on the 6th instant, with .on!,lie prayers for Queen Ju the forenoon, dele-Vr-iiC'enting all the masonic Netherlands India waited (iovernor-General to pre- r oiii&lt;* congratulatory address. f .,n ;it the Governor-General’s i illowcl in the evening. brilliant success. The German from the
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  • 202 13 CRAWFORD BLAMED, Ihe 11 &gt;ard of Trade have issued the r tin* report made by the Court at inti* flu* loss ot the China. The hi.! &gt; that the supernumerary ioiii yr. Mr. Crawford, isdeserv- re conjure for not impressing t. •u..'ter. Mr. De Ilorne, that the iir-r
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  • 193 13 -V\ &lt; in SUPREME INLAND. iition of atlairs in the island ininu r more serious, was the middle of August. It is !&gt; i' 1 then that they have since 1 head Since the formal \v the Assembly of the -mine of provisional governrt! r steps have been
    193 words
  • 231 13 Seven hundred and thirty-one deaths were registered at Singapore, last month. The ratio per thousand was 3806. Two cyclists met full tilt this morning in Kallang Road. The machines suffered somewhat, but no serious damage was done. The First Magistrate had about one hundred Municipal summons cases
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  • 40 13 Despite German objections to America establishing a coaling station at Pago Pago, in Samoa, the U. S. Navy Department is determined to carry out the intention of Congress, that body having appropriated £40,000 for the project.
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  • 41 13 Householders at Tanjong Katong complain that their places are continually rifled by so-called hawkers with the connivance of the care-takers. The other day a bedstead was carried away, and afterwards found in a second-hand furniture shop in Victoria Street.
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  • 49 13 Wei-hai-wei is progressing slowly, says a correspondent, and the island of Liukung-tao is gaining an orderly and neat appearance. A tine stone pier was started by the Iphigenia and finished by the Victorious and is so solid that it will doubtless last as long as the place.
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  • 54 13 Parcels can now be sent from home to Formosa under the some conditions as to Japan. They can also be sent, via Germany, to Tsiaban on the Bay of Kiao-chau, China, to Grand Comoro and Johanna in the Comoro Islands, and to the Banks and Santa Cruz
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  • 58 13 It is rather amusing to receive, as an advertisement from London, a facsimile of a letter written from Government House last November, by the Governor himself, informing the advertiser that your prices, on my order for the year, shew a net saving of about £3” on what
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  • 53 13 We reported yesterday the commitment of James Clarke to the General Hospital for observation. Early this morning, he obtained permission to go to the lavatory, a mata-mata being placed on guard outside. After waiting some time, the man entered the lavatory and found that Clarke had escaped
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  • 61 13 In connection with yesterday's article on the coal supply, it is interesting to note that India can supply a good quality coal at 3s. Bjd. per ton a* the pit’s mouth. This is said to be the cheapest average production in the world, the United States being second with
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  • 78 13 During Sunday night, six singlets, valued at $12, were stolen from Mr. McNeil’s house in St. Thomas Walk. Footmarks corresponding with those of the Kabun, were discovered on the verandah. On searching the man’s box a pair of military trousers, a razor belonging to the West Yorks
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  • 41 13 SEVERAL PERSONS KILLED. (Special telegram to the Straits Times.) Penang, 13th Sept. 3.13 p.m. Faction fights have taken place here. One or two men have been killed. Things are quieter now. Extra police have been put on duty.
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  • 57 13 A correspondent who recently passed through Montreal, on his way to England, tells us that the street-cars in that city have a notice prominently posted that Straits Settlments coins will not be accepted in payment of the fares. Some enterprising individual had lately planted a number of these
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  • 99 13 Campong Java Road, at the back of the Cemetery, has, of late, become a favourite resort for thieves after dusk, owing to the absence of any gas light. A good number of people have been robbed of their hats and valuables recently. At about 8 o’clock on
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  • 97 13 The report that the King of the Belgians is endeavouring to acquire a strip of Chinese territory is, according to the following curious story, linked with a great project for the aggrandisement of Belgium. The Congo Free State, nominally independent, will be brought under the protection of Belgium,
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  • 110 13 For being in possession of forty dollars’ worth of contraband chandu, a Chinaman was this morning fined two hundred dollars, in default four months’ imprisonment. Yesterday, two police constables were charged witli extortion. The evidence was not considered conclusive, and the charge was dismissed. A Chinese lad, who
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  • 116 13 The American Government still intends strengthening the lieet in the Far East. Two battleships, the Oregon and Massachusetts in all probability, will be sent out shortly. It is thought likely that the Olympia will at the same time be relieved by the Minneapolis. The American squadron
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  • 187 13 A GOOD CLIMATE. Strategically and as a harbour, and as improving our position in North China and increasing our influence in Pekin, the acquisition of Wei-hai-wei, the Times says, must be considered a distinct gain to the Empire; the more so when one considers what a loss it would
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  • 1050 13 (From our Correspondent Kuala Lipis 7 th September. Towkay Foo Choo Choon, of Ipoh, Perak, lias petitioned for patent rights in Pahang in respect of his invention which is known as Foo Choon’s Endless Chain Eartli Lifter.” The invention is to be used in the removal of overburden,
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  • 134 13 A movement is on foot for the establishment of another form of 44 open door in China. This is nothing more nor less than an international institute which it is proposed to found in Pekin. “By a library and reading-room, by class-room and reception-rooms, by a museum
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  • 143 13 A LARGER SCHEME ADOPTED. The answer of the Admiralty to the request of the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral for explanations as to the underexpenditure, under the Naval Works Acts, has been issued as a Parliamentary paper. The works referred to are those at Dover, Gibraltar, and Hongkong. Concerning
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  • 294 13 REVENUE FARMING IN 8IAM. The right of search of the Opium and Spirit Farmers at Bangkok is a serious grievance to shipmasters because of the manner of its enforcement. According to the Siam Free Press, dirty and insufiiciently clad coolies are often employed as searchers. On the
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  • 1244 14 (From Spanish sources). THE SITUATION. Filks of the Manila Comercio —22nd to 31st August —have come to hand. That journal stopped publication for several days after the capitulation of that city. The Comercio now contains advertisements in English, and has begun inserting Reuter’s telegrams in English as well
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  • 79 14 MURDEROUS SUPERSTITION IN SIAM. The inhabitants of Pakdjong, a Siamese village, have for months been living in a state of excitement, on account of an alleged visitation by an evil spirit who took delight in killing little children. Many of the latter had died recently, when suspicion
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  • 96 14 Three Chinese firemen were charged at the Thames Police Court, on August 18th, with deserting from the steamship Glenogle, with which they signed articles in Hongkong. Sir. W. Roberts, Superintendent Engineer of the Glen Line, informed the Magistrate it was a common thing for Chinese firemen to desert
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  • 119 14 Public attention has of late bee n s much absorbed in railway concession questions in North China, remarks the correspondent of a London paper, that the substantial progress o’f the only British railway approaching the Chinese frontier has escaped observation. Quite recently orders have been given
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  • 1729 14 THE ALLEGED ABSCONDER. It now appears that no really serious effort was made to find M. Christian Esterhazy in order to have the documents which he had promised to produce as the basis for his accusation of fraud against his cousin. He telegraphed indignantly to the protesting
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  • 1045 14 After a gallant effort to win, Su* had to acknowledge defeat attheim of Surrey, on Saturday, Augu 6 t l* by 73 runs. Sussex were set a foq dable task inasmuch as they had make 305 to win. At lunch time tfa had arrived within 135 of victory,
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  • 122 15 THE BRITISH MINISTER IN DANGER. ihk Hiingl.ok Tunes describes how, on 7th instant, as Mr. Greville, the British Minister, and Mrs. Greville were livin': there, a Chinese youth flnn&lt;? a eracker in fr«mt of their ponies. Th# bolted, and the British Minister his wife were placed in
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  • 127 15 HK estimate for the new pier at and for certain cranes yd dredging plant in connection -♦Tewith. was prepared in the Colony jj. h y Major Anderson, R. E. ;y estimate of the cost was £45,900. then, however, the consulting yy'-ers ha\ e found that the gross
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  • 79 15 iii*. U r ai1 war Tnust have cost Spain ri j ,0Us fcu,n an( l there is no need y r that she is all but bankrupt. ai liberate calculation, it is t,lUt a least 1,874,000,000, dhfpi spent up to the end of W',1 1 1 ln
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  • 86 15 During the week ending September 3rd, there was one death from bubonic plague at Hongkong. After waiting for some time on the bench this morning, Mr. Elcum retired to his room and waited till the police j turned up. The daily complaint is reaching a climax. j
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  • 53 15 A terrible boat accident is reported from Canton to have occurred in the East River,on the Ist instant. A Chinese passage boat was suddenly struck by a squall, heeled over, filled, and sank. Only a few of the passengers on deck escaped not one of those in
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  • 81 15 The Johore Government steamer Fiilai arrived at Muar on the 12th to pick up intending visitors to Johore on the occasion of the anniversary of the Coronation of the Sultan of Johore. The vessel is to leave that port to-day. The festivities at Johore take place on
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  • 98 15 A Chinese trader at Tanjong Rhu, reports that a Eurasian purchased 15 earthenware pots at his shop yesterday or $B5. He said he would give a $lOO note on receiving $l5 change but on ?eing asked to show the note, the visitor said he had left it
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  • 85 15 A LOSING BUSINESS. It was recently reported that three Japanese cotton spinning companies had appointed a committee to consider a scheme of amalgamation, and also to determine whether, by closing the mills at night, or reducing the working hours, the output might not be diminished so as
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  • 155 15 At the trial of the prisoner accused ef murdering a woman in Nankin Street, the evidence of the man, who was living with deceased at the time of her death, was taken this morning. He repeated exactly the story told at the preliminary hearing. The case stands over
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  • 181 15 A new use for petroleum has been discovered in America. The tracks of the Pennsylvania Railway are sprinkled with it, and the trains between Philadelphia and Atlantic City are no longer accompanied by the clouds of sand and dust that suffocated the passengers.' The sprinkling of water, as
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  • 781 15 I London, 19th August. I Speaking in the course of the Cape Colony election campaign, Mr. Cecil Rhodes said that, if President Kruger egged on the Transvaal burghers to treat the English inhabitants of the republic as slaves, England would have to take the Transvaal. He
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  • 1657 15 ITS ORIGIN AND LESSONS. Events follow one another with such I rapidity in Africa, that six months after I they have occurred they have almos I ceased to interest the general public. The remembrance of a telegram describing a disaster in South Africa is effaced I in
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  • 1611 16 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th. PRE8EKT. Sib Alexander Swettenham, k.c.m.g., (Acting Governor). The Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, (Acting Colonial Secretary). The Hon. W. R. Collyer, (Attorney-General). The Hon. F. G. Penney, (Acting Colonial Treasurer). The Hon. E. C. Hill, (Auditor-General). The Hon. A. Murray, (Colonial Engineer). The Hon. G.S. Murray.
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  • 56 16 German capitalists are obtaining almost a monopoly of railway concessions in Asia Minor, and German colonisation schemes in that region are extensive. But, as usual, Britishers led the way, and from Mersina (a port of south-east Anatolia) to Adana (40 miles inland) the railway is the
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  • 63 16 At Swatow, from which many Chinese immigrants come to Singapore, trouble is reported to be brewing. Numerous secret societies are springing up numbering members in tens of thousands, and composed of the lawless elements of the population. Robberies are frequent and are often committed in broad daylight.
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  • 200 16 warren shield competition. The undecided tie between F. and A. Companies of the West Yorks, was played over again at Tanglin on Monday afternoon, and resulted in another drawn game. 35 CO. H A. V. C. CO. WEST YORKS. The game between these two teams, in the second
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  • 337 16 Tiie first stage of the mixed foursomes competition for the President’s Prize took place yesterday. There were 28 entries and of these 26 couples started to play against Colonel Bogey’s score of f&gt;, 6,4, 5,6, 7,5, 7, 5 50 for the nine holes. The original conditions were
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  • 935 16 GERMANY AND PALAWAN. SMUGGLING IN ARMS. (By a Correspondent). Manila Srd September. The chief topic of discussion in Manila, yesterday and to-day, has been the report that Germany had purchased the large island of Palawan and all or part of the Sulu group from Spain, paying a
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  • Article, Illustration
    806 16 CONDUCTED BY KING S r AWv i Solution of Problem No (K/&gt;)-B4; No o7 (Wash) K-K ter is difficult and pretty. Corrections from Caissa and Londres. 1 The consultation tournament hasulted in a tie between McIntyre Tordeiro on one side and Reute ig *2 Hooper on the other, with
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  • 224 17 I u V left Batavia for the 1“ p: IV B on the 9th instant. L tdni. the Chief Police Officer, r on account of indisI' i\-ti Chinaman was found I a r Change. An inquest will I di lu-liloiloW. I 4 K in Havelock Road was
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  • 48 17 I Dr k crocodile was captured in one I airways in Matang (Perak) the day. It measured twenty-three ft* m iencrtli, the head being two and a h»n_r and over one foot broad. I- i the teeth were five to six inches |k rt i.
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  • 45 17 instant. ;i Klin" coolie ’ni and Parit-Buntar Railway, B■' ‘i t coiiiu across a snake. twisted itself round some and bit him on the top of B *•'.railing him instantly. Anothei B*-- working close to him, managed B -ird tiic snake.
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  • 198 17 I ft 'HV 1 HtSE MSAKILITIKS I 1 “goes fur” rules I ".that were published in the 1 ijttzvUr last Friday, for the I* 1 11 h Farm shops. The W? r provides that the licensee’s l&gt;e confined to theground- one entrance only, and that I.- n,
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  • 3202 17 WRITTEN POR THE u STRAITS TIMES BY MRS. EGERTON EASTWICK. (Continued from 9th September,) CHAP. V.—AN EMBARRASSING SITUATION. Mr. Bellairs, in concluding that it would not be difficult, when occasion required, to drop any show of particular intimacy with Mrs. Mainwaring, reckoned without his host; the host
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  • 103 17 (For Singapore Per German 8.8. Darmutadt from Bremen, due on Sepr. 15—From Bremen Mr. and Mrs. Henvaux. From Southampton— Mr. and Mrs. MacCarthy, and Mr. Perry. From Genoa—Mr. G. W. W. Bargman, Mr. C. A. Koning, Mr. F. George, and Mr. Peter Te icher. Per M. M. s.
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  • 157 18 A YEAK’B WORK. The Committee of the Singapore Temperance Club has issued its first annual report, covering its work to the end of June last. The receipts for the twelve months from refreshments, billiards, and beds amounted to $3,371; the expenses totalled $4,130. This need occasion no deep
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  • 155 18 A chinaman pleaded guilty to stealing a gold ring from a child, and was sentenced to six months* imprisonment, and to receive ten cuts with a rattan. Mr. Matthews, Acting Government Analyst, prosecuted a Kling servant for stealing two glass-jars from the laboratory, and for disposing of one
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  • 219 18 ITS AIMS AND MEANS. The Committee of the above society is to be congratulated upon the success achieved thus far in its efforts to replenish the funds available for its good work among the children. The duty, to which the society seeks to give practical effect, of
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  • 194 18 TO THE EDITOR OP THE STRAITS TIMES.’ Sir,— Attention lias been again drawn through your valuable columns, in yesterday’s issue, to the matter of street lighting, and it is surprising that the Municipality have paid little or no heed to the repeated urgings of the public for urgent
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  • 403 18 TUESDAY’S RESULTS. The ground was in anything but good condition for the start of the S. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Recurring showers and variable light still further handicapped the efforts of the players. Several games were got through, however, with the following results: A. SINGLES.
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  • 656 18 ARRIVALS For s. s. Lo&lt;Uliana from Madras and Penang:—Mrs. Dent, Messrs. D. Dent. L. A. M. Johnston, A. Campbell, and. Rev. J. M. Maraud. Per s. s. Fume a from Rangoon and Penang: —Mr. A. J. Harcourt, Mrs. Gordon and child, Messrs. Kenny, and Kadooree. Per s. s.
    656 words
    • 149 18 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; &lt;fcc., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; V.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.—.Tardine’s Wharf;
      149 words
    • 1199 18 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Hath, Put. str. 1,385 tons Capt Goon, I5th Sept. From Batavia, 13th Sept. G.c.. and 153 d.p. Paendels and Co. For Batavia, 17tii —\V. Hebe, Brit. str. 345 tons, (’apt Inkster, 15th Sept. From Penang, 11th Sept. G.e.. and 32 d.p \V.
      1,199 words
    • 1152 19 Flm 71 1 1 mi's Namk A Ions. Captain Fbom Sailed. Consignees. I* Rio I I 11 •P 1 ..t ha Rickuiere Ger. sh. 1754 Rose Hongkong July 11 G. Wood and Co. 7 r£n Vang Brit str. -0 (kunath Muar Sept 6 Khoo Teong Pan. I tr vlisti-r
      1,152 words
    • 669 19 ■hn Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig! Captain Destination I I j 7 Prometheus Brit str. Day London I Oo|»aek str. Barber j Bassein and Portsaid I 7 Malacca str. Olsen T. Anson via ports Chow Phya str. Jellicoe Malacca and Klang KianAnn str. Casey Palembang and Djambic Isabella str. Hudson j
      669 words
    • 143 19 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag j Date j Date. and Ship’s Name, i Captain. of ;From where Destin- RkftlG* Sailing j ation marks. &gt; Sept 7 Brit s. C. of Benares Baxter Juno 3 London Batavia 7 Dut s.s. Bster den Tex Hubert Sept 7 Batavia
      143 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 310 18 fACETYLEN GAS for PRIVATE or INDUSTRIAL LIGHT me HANDBOOK of practical hints m price-list of producing apjiaratos* sent gratis and postage Iree ty: DEROY Fils Afn6, Engineer, 71 to 77, rue du Theatre, PARIS. SCHWEITZERS G0G0AT1 The Best s Purest COCOA. fsow especially packed in double-lidded ers ensuringfresshness for years,
      310 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 356 19 STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT AND INDIGESTION. I, JUf ■■lO.pBH D1NNEF0RDS MAGNESIA REGULAR USE IN WARM CLIMATES. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. FORDINNEFORD’S MAGNESIA. the only Medicine of the kind awarded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 7883-84, open to c Registered I I rm I I II W& Trade Mark.
      356 words
    • 880 19 TWO BUCKETS AND A PIPE. Take two common water-buckets; connect them at the bottom with a small pip*?Now undertake to fill one of them with water; you perceive at oiit*c that the water tends to fill the other pail also. What’s the use of saying that you ask me. t;
      880 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 499 20 JOHN LITTLE Co SINGAPORE. Ltd HARNESS SADDLERY DEPARTMENT. All articles in this Department are of. English manufacture and only the best tanned hides are used in making up our harness. We are now stocking several styles in the various qualities of Harness, so as to give our clients a better
      499 words