The Straits Budget, 28 December 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 137 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE TIMES.” w m 1 “[he Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the
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    • 38 1 I At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, Id the 22nd inst., by the Rev. S. Stephen h’alker, M. A., William MacMurkay, KDgineer, Bintang Oil Mills, to Janet fegs, eldest daughter of the late Daniel [imilton Duncan, Crosshill, Glasgow.
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  • 338 1 iadinu Articles. The Partition of China. The Far East. Cuban Warfare. The Scramble for China. The Occupation of Chusan. a)CAL. Market Quotations. .Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. Three Shipping Cases. The Plague Case. Her Grandmother. Shipwrecked Crew. Suspicious. More Measles in Court. Radiy Beaten. A Burglary.
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  • 501 1 Singapore, 28th December, 1897, PRODUCE (Hates are corrected to 11.15 pm.) Gambier, f 5.40. Copra Bali, 6.35. do Pontianak, n 6.00. Pepper, Black, buyers 17.875. do White, (5%) 34.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 8.00. do Brunei, 2.525. Pearl Sago 8.50 Coffee, Bali, picked 80.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... ,,35.50. Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 378 1 The Mail for Europe leaves this week, by the M. M. Emest-Simons. The M.M. Yarra with the mail from Europe of the 3rd December, arrived yesterday. The mail for Europe, next week, leaves by the P. <fc O. Chusan. The P. 4 0. Hohilla with the
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    • 125 1 “THE TIMES*ON THE FAR EASTERN SITUATION. London 2 \st December. <The Times in discussing the occupation of Port Arthur by a Russian squadron, says that Britain cannot remain indifferent to political changes like that. Such changes, by their effect upon the Government at Peking, and
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    • 48 1 THE RUSSIAN OCCUPATION. GERMAN VIEW. London 22nd December. It is reported that the German Foreign Office professes not to be surprised at the occupation of Port Arthur by Russia. In its opinion, the Russian occupation bears no aggressive significance, and does not clash with German interests.
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    • 41 1 SPANISH ENVOY SHOT. Colonel Ruez, the Aide-de-Camp of General Blanco, the Captain General of Cuba, was sent to negotiate for peace with the Cuban insurgents in their camp. The insurgents shot Colonel Ruez, after a travesty of a court-martial.
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    • 95 1 UNITED STATES POLICY London 23rd December. It is understood that the United States Government has been sounded as to its views on Chinese affairs. The United States Government is said to have replied that it has no interest in questions affecting the territory of China. Its
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    • 58 1 NEW BANKING SCHEME. The Articles of Association of a new Russo- Corean Bank, with a capital of half a million of roubles, has been officially published at St. Petersburg. The Russian press dwell largely upon the immense importance of the Bank in the direction of developing
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    • 46 1 BRITISH LOSSES. HEAVY CASUALTIES AMONG OFFICER8. London 24 th December. The total number of casualties among the British forces engaged in the Afridi expedition amounts, up to date, to 483 killed and 1,321 wounded. This includes 36 British officers killed and 81 wounded.
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    • 38 1 ENGLISH RAILWAY ENGINEERS TO GO. Russia demands the dismissal of the English Engineers employed on the Chinese railways. Russia also demands that Russian military instructors shall replace the German instructors in the Chinese army.
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    • 42 1 RECONSTRUCTION OP FORTS. RUSSIAN PERMANENT OCCUPATION. The Times correspondent at Pekin states that the Chinese will reconstruct the forts at Port Arthur under Russian supervision, and with Russian money. This is considered to point to Russia permanently occupying Port Arthur.
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    • 24 1 FRENCH NAVAL RE-INFORCEMEItT London 2bth December. The French cruisers, Jeanne d' Are. and Pascal have sailed for the Far East.
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    • 18 1 THE PESHAWAR COLUMN. The Peshawar column has entered the Khyber, and has re-occupied Alimusjid unopposed.
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    • 25 1 THE DERVISHES ADVANCING. The Dervishes from Shendi and Aletemmeh are advancing against the Egyptian troops. Their objective is believed to be Berber.
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    • 13 1 Colonel Bryan has been appointed American Minister to China.
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    • 39 1 ALLEGED RAPPROCHEMENT, London 27 th Dec. Various rumours are current in London as to the likelihood of a rapprochement or understanding being come to between Britain and Japan in view of recent events in North China.
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    • 70 1 LETTER TO THE QUEEN. Prince Henry handed a long letter from tha Emperor William to the Queen at Osfiorne. It is said that the letter explains the significance to be attached to the Emperor’s speech at Kiel. FRIENDSHIP WITH THE CZAR. The Emperor, on visiting the frontier fortress
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    • 30 2 The town of Kassala in the Eastern Soudan has been handed over by the Italian garrison to Colonel Parsons, the British Commander. The Italians have started for Keren.
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    • 45 2 CALAMITY AT CHICAGO. The Coliseum at Chicago has been burned. Nine persons perished and about fifty were injured. FATALITY AT BETHNAL GREEN. A fire in a cottage at Bethnal Green resulted in a woman and her nine children being burned. They all died.
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  • 14 1 obituary. Sir Frank Lockwood M. P., Q. C. Liberal Member for York, has died.
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  • 652 2 (Straits Times 2lst December.) To-day, the news reaches us of a startling development in the Far Eastern situation. Our Hongkong correspondent telegraphs that the Russians are reported to have seized Port Arthur, while the British have seized Ta-lien-wan. Further and later news comes of trouble between
    (Straits Times, 2lst December.)  -  652 words
  • 418 2 {Straits Times 22 d Decemaer.) To-day’s Reuter’s telegram affords no confirmation of the reported seizure of Ta-lien-wan by the British Squadron. It may, therefore, be assumed that the report was inaccurate. Reuter could hardly fail to chronicle an event of sush far-reaching importance as the seizure of
    {Straits Times, 22 • d Decemaer.)  -  418 words
  • 246 2 (Straits Times 22nd December.) The murder of Colonel Ruez, the Spanish peace envoy, by the Cuban insurgents, bodes ill for the peace of Spain and the future of Cuba. The treatment accorded to Ruez may have been due to very provoking circumstances but, whatever these circum 1 stances
    (Straits Times, 22nd December.)  -  246 words
  • 486 2 (Straits Times 23rd Decerrdyer) The Washington Government,according to Reuter, has been sounded as to its views on Chinese affairs. It has replied that it is uninterestec in the territorial question. If protection be established, American interests will be Washington’s sole concern. There is nothing particularly notable in
    (Straits Times, 23rd Decerrdyer)  -  486 words
  • 467 2 (Straits Times 24 th Decermlmrl) We may expect to hear, at any moment, that Britain has taken possession of Chusan Island at the mouth of the Yangtse Kiang River. We so much expect to hear so, that we almost hesitate whether to publish the Straits Times
    (Straits Times, 24th Decermlmrl)  -  467 words
  • 501 2 Or leaving i William Maxwell the Widow* and (W 7 but, *tl ;p«.d. Thu J facts'Si the Buies. Ud r ’I informed, consequently Jn T* 1 m merely nominal 8um f drs I Fund. There was no the Gold Coast. mUar fundJ The Municipality* announce t h<k J posed
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  • 57 2 The amalgamated Selangor and Sub gei Ujong Race Meeting will not takj place next year. The arrangement which was hailed with such a flourish of trumpets last Easter, seems to have! broken down. The Selangor Race Meeting will not be held till June, and the Sungei Ujong
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  • 214 2 The annual meeting of the Hong-I kong Benevolent Society was held oil the 17th inst. The Chairman, Mr. JI Jackson, remarked on the good work I the Society was doing and the devotionl of the ladies to their, at times, disagree I able task. Occasionally, they werel
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  • 264 2 BIG HAULS BY THE PIRATES. Within the past few days, says China Mail of the 20th instant, two daring piratical outrages have been com mitted in the neighbourhood of Hongkong, the deliberation with which the outrages have been committed pointing to the conclusion that a well-organic
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  • 94 3 I Thebe will be a Tanglin Club dance I oo the evening of the last day of the I r* r I gjR Alexander Buller, C.B., having I been promoted from the rank of ViceI Spiral to that of Admiral, hoisted his |jL a t the main
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  • 21 3 Last night, a young Eurasian girl left her home, owing to being corrected by her grandmother for levity. Corr.
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  • 32 3 Eighteen of the crew of the wrecked I American barque Conqueror arrived I yesterday evening from Batavia, by I ihe s.s. Tamltora. They have gone to I the Sailors’ Home.
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  • 46 3 I Tee Hoo Soon, 317, Havelock Road. I sent his coolie out on tiie morning o f I of the 17th inst., to buy four liundrec I dollars worth of chandu. He has not |*en the coolie, nor the chandu, nor the I money since.
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  • 40 3 Last night, at midnight, while a Chinaman was walking along Lim Eng Bee Lane, he Avas attacked by four Malays and a Chinaman. The men broke bis arm, and then ran away. HLs Chinese assailant was afterwards arrested.
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  • 48 3 C. Kolff Co., of Batavia have published a neat and useful handLmide” to the Batavia Gardens at Buitenzorg. A plan of the gardens anc in index add to the value of the w r ork for reference purposes. The Hand Guide i> all in English.
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  • 45 3 At one o’clock this afternoon, Mr. Saunders, avlio has been officiating for Mr. Wolferstan, had to leave the court, being under the impression that he Avas Attacked by measles. Mr. Wolferstan is suffering from this disease; this court will need disinfecting.
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  • 48 3 Tins morning, Inspector Ballard prosecuted Punusami, a syce, for loitering with ills gharry on the side of the road adjoining the Supreme Court on the titli instant. The syce was in the employment of Mr. A. P. Adams. He was lined a dollar and costs.
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  • 57 3 llassan, living at 292, North Bridge lioad, complains to the Police that during last night, his house was broken into, and five hundred dollars worth of jewellery stolen. The burglar, or burglars, not over the wall at the back, and effected an entrance by removing three of the
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  • 61 3 A Kuxg trader, at 32, Kling Street, reports to the Police that he has lost H,f>oo from his safe. He says, he examined the safe two months ago, and found every thing correct. On the 19th i&st., he made another examination, *nd found 5i,500 missing. He
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  • 56 3 Ihe Selangor Government Gazette notifies that the coolie recruiters for Jhe Federated Malay States, at Negapawill be the persons in India engaged by employ ere of labour in Selangor to J eeruit coolies for them, and that these fruiters will be authorised by the British ltesident on approved
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  • 85 3 Ihe Oovernor and Lady Mitchell, funded by Captain Ainslie A.D.C., jjt hr India, via Rangoon, yesterday jjjkrnoon by the B. I. steamer Pentakota '0inTanjong Pagar. Mr. Thomas Scott, “airman of the Tanjong Pagar Com*rjy, was on the Wharf. Among those bid His Excellency and Lady good-bye were
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  • 88 3 Yesterday afternoon, Sergeant Rainbow of the Gambling Suppression department, proceeded with a posse of men to a plantation at Tiong Bahru, and surprised seven Chinamen in the act of declaring the results of a drawing of a wahway lottery. Considerable precautions had been taken on both siaes, but
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  • 107 3 The Cabinet Council in Madrid, on Nov. 20, decided that the Minister for War should telegraph authorising the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands to accept the terms suggested by the Insurgent Commissioners. These are: that all the chiefs of the bands shall present themselv’es to take the oath
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  • 131 3 A decree, dated the 15th of October, has been promulgated to all the Viceroys and Gov’ernors of provinces consenting to the proposals of Yang Yi-chih, a Cantonese and a member of the Transmission Office, recommending the minting of gold coins in order to prevent the drain that
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  • 121 3 APPEAL TO SINGAPORE. In the British Consular Court at Bangkok on the 14th instant—before Mr. Archer —Mr. Bidoulac, on behalf of Mr. Naylor, made an application to have proceedings stayed in the case of Watson Co. v. Naylor pending the appeal, which lie asked permission to lay before the
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  • 145 3 Sir Frank Lockwood, whose death is announced by wire, was born in 1846, and was educated at Cambridge. He was called to the bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1872, and became Q.C., in 1882. He was appointed one of the Commissioners to inquire into corrupt practices at
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  • 181 3 The arrangements for the Singapore Golf Club’s Christmas meeting are complete. On Christmas Day, Singapore will play Penang. The Home Club will be represented by Mr. Vade, Captain Eccles, Mr. J. B. Robertson, and Mr. A. A. Gunn. The Penang representatives will be Mr. L. C. Brown, Mr.
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  • 68 3 All BRITISH WAR VESSELS ORDERED THITHER. P08SIBLE CONFLICT WITH RUSSIA. [The following is the substance of later telegrams from other sources Telegraphic orders have been given for H.M.S. Grafton to leave for the north at once, owing to trouble with Russia in Corea. The Russians
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  • 46 3 RUSSIA SEIZES PORT ARTHUR. > BRITAIN SEIZES TA-LIEN-WAN. LI HUNG-CHANG DEGRADED. (Special Telegram from our Hongkong Correspondent). 21 st December 1.3 p.m. It is reported that Russia has taken Port Arthur, and that the British have taken Ta-lien-wan. Li Hung-Chang has been degraded.
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  • 109 3 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION. We have received the following from the Colonial Secretariat: The Colonial Surgeon, Penang, and Municipal Health Officer on further examination considered the case of the African fireman shipped at Bombay who was reported sick with slight but suspicious symptoms on 13th, the day after leaving
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  • 307 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I am glad to see from your late papers that the Chamber of Commerce is at last moving in the matter of a Circulating Medium,” for the Straits Settlements, the want of which has always been
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  • 65 3 LOSS ON THE EUROPEAN LINE. At the half-yearly general meeting of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, at Tokyo, on the 29th November, Mr. Kondo, the President, explained that, owing to the loss of over 400,000 yen in working the European line, and to the general riBe in prices,
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  • 548 3 [BY AN INDIAN.] Port Dickson 11th December. Since the retirement of Mr. W. F. B. Paul, British Resident of Sungei Ujong, in 1893, the administration of the State has passed through several hands, and although Mr. W. Egerton’s name could be made prominent, as
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  • 179 3 THE PORT OF JUGRA. Mr. R. W. Duff, the District Officer of Kuala Langat, in Selangor, favours measures to connect the various promising parts of the district w’ith Jugra. The tendency at present would seem to :>e to connect them w T ith Klang. Only one small Chinese-owned
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  • 86 3 This morning, two Klings, a man and a woman, were brought before Mr. Anthonisz for selling milk largely diluted with water. Sinitary Inspector Simon purchased some milk from them on the Ist of December, and handed it to Dr. Middleton, who analysed it and found it to contain
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  • 961 3 WHY H IB ARRIVAL 18 DELAYED. THE DEMAND TO SEE HER. HER CREW AS AMATEUR ACTOB& The reason the magnificent new eraiser for the China station, H.M.8. Powerful, has been such a long time reaching Colombo, says the Times of Ceylon, has been that, when she reached the
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  • 51 3 A fortnight ago, Lim Chang deposited two hundred dollars with an eating-house-keeper in Japan Street. Later on he demanded his money, and then declared that bad money had been substituted. The matter was brought before the courts, but the evidence failed to prove cheating, and the accused was*discharged,
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  • 1143 4 GERMANY, JAPAN, AND MISSIONARIES. THE CLAIMS OP BRITAIN. THE GERMANS AT KIAOCHAU. On the 3rd instant, the Germans took possession of Kiaochau city. On the first summons to open the city gates the garrison declined to db so, but a volley fired in the air induced them to
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  • 397 4 THE WELCOME FESTIVITIES. The Siamese post office marked the King's return by issuing a special post card. The design is said to be a shield covering rather less than one half of the card. In the centre of the shield is a portrait of the King surmounted
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  • 60 4 Yesterday, Lim Ah Sam .was committed for trial on the charge of stealing from Mr. Alvisse the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars at Collyer Quay, on the occasion of the landing of the King of Siam. Mr. Niblett appeared for the defence, and asked a reduction
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  • 2461 4 NEWS, NOTES, AND REPORTS. THE GOLD COAST. A IJetJteb’s telegram of November 25th, says: The Labour Ordinance is now being enforced by the colonial authorities and carriers are being impressed by the police indiscriminately, with the result that trade is totally stopped. The merchants are protesting against this
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  • 120 5 The Nippon Yusen Kaisha’s new steamer, the Tamba Mara with cargo from Europe, should also arrive in the course of the week, as she is given out as having left on the 29th November. The Stent or left Calcutta on the 16th instant, laden with a cargo of
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  • 201 5 The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph has received from a very well-informed source the following account of the very difficult position of the Amir of Afghanistan According to the report in question, Abdurrahman alienated the sympathies of his clergy, and of a considerable number of
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  • 356 5 A MAGISTRATE TO EXPLAIN. Recently an inquiry was held by Mr. Wolferstan, as Justice of the Peace, into a complaint made by Ana Vayloo Padiachee against Peh Tat and Ena Seyeena Sourajin for forgery and abetment. Mr. Brydges with Mr. Lowell conducted the prosecution, and Mr.
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  • 427 5 THE “LADY LONGDEN” OVERLOADED. TH* CAPTAIN FINED. Yesterday, Harry Smith and Tan Toon Eng, the master and owner respectively, of the Lady Longden appeared before the Court of two Magistrates, in answer to a summons issued at the instance of Captain «Boldero, Deputy Master-Attendant, for having, on
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  • 24 5 Yesterday evening, the InspectorGeneral of Police and the Chief Police Officer inspected the police and the quarters at Kandang Kerbau Station.
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  • 12 5 H.M.S. GRAFTON.” H.M.S. Grafton left at 9 o’clock, last night, for China.
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  • 24 5 H. M. S. Centurion and Iphigctiia left for the North on the 16th inst. Admiral Buller was on board the Centurion.
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  • 35 5 Mr. Howard, the third magistrate, says a correspondent, frequently sits till a late hour in the evening. This, while it affects him personally, also affects the office staff as well as the public.
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  • 78 5 A woman recently arrived at Canton from the Straits Settlements and soon gave indications of insanity. She opened her box, and began to throw many hundreds of dollars overboard. In answer to the people on the boat, she said that, as her husband could not be found,
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  • 92 5 One way of celebrating the return of the King of Siam is the opening of an exhibition of Siamese work, ytfnch was to take place, on the 16th instant, at Bangkok, this project has been organised by a society of Siamese gentlemen, and is intended to be
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  • 40 5 BRITISH MINISTER DEMANDS CONCESSIONS. [Special telegram from our Hongkong Correspondent 2 2nd December 1.7 p.m. The British Minister at Pekin, Sir Claude Macdonald* has demanded concessions from China to balance those made to Russia and Germany.
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  • 98 5 Tan Swee Hong, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Brandt Co., has reported that a considerable quantity of coffee has been kept in three godowns in Cheang Hong Lim Lane, during the past four months, for the purpose of being cleaned. The place was always secured
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  • 119 5 A couple of days ago, it was reported that a woman, living in Merchant Road, had been robbed of $4,500 in jewellery. Yesterday, a Chinese lad went to her and saiddie had been sent by the Chief Police Officer to tell her to get out notices in
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  • 647 5 The first lecturer of the new session of the Yorkshire College Textile Society was Mr. Henry Neville, who gave an account of his travels as one of the Commissioners sent out to China at the instance of the Blackburn Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Neville said: One
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  • 731 5 PAHANG CORPORATION TIN. THE LO>T MAILS. ULU PAHANG GOLD. (From our Correspondent.) Pekan 13 th Decendter. There was a Kongsi fight in Sungei Lembing, Ulu Kuantan, the other day, in which some 20 Chinese coolies took part. The Police stepped in and arrested the lot of them,
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  • 48 5 Chan Ah Honq committed suicide in the criminal prison, early this morning, by hanging himself. He was a short sentence prisoner. Goh Beng Choon,* on Monday, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. He was brought before Mr. Howard, this morning, and remanded.
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  • 664 5 (Via Australia). London, 29th November. Nelson’s old flagship, the Foudroyatnl, which was lying at Southport, was completely broken up during a north-westerly gale which has swept the British coasts, and which has done much damage to shipping. The Powers are arranging for the issue of a Cretan
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  • 151 5 The third annual show of the Chow Chow Club was opened at the Royal Aquarium, on 23rd ult., with a good number of the pretty dogs which are now amongst the foremost pets in England. The essential features are the black roof of the mouth and
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  • 484 6 THE INAUGURAL MEETING. The first meeting of the Johore Sport- ing Club took place last Sunday. The weather was, unfortunately, very bad, heavy rain falling all the afternoon. There Was, however, a large and enthusiastic attendance, the Malays coming from far and near to witness tlie sport.
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  • 188 6 The Secretary for War has directed that the attention of officers commanding troops shall be given to the necessity of intelligently and energetically ‘carrying out the portions of the Queen’s Regulations which relate to teaching soldiers useful trades, and effecting repairs to bariaeks by the regiments occupying
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  • 1597 6 THE CONFERENCE. In view of the unfortunate fiasco in which the conference between the parties to the engineering dispute has resulted, the following articlo by the Times special correspondent is interesting. The correspondent says:—The long expected conference, upon which many hopes are fixed, sat from 10 till
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  • 42 6 The undermentioned officers, having arrived per Jelunga are taken on the strength of the Command: Royal Engineers :—Lieutenants C. E. G. Vesey and M. St. L. Simon Army Service Corps:—Lieutemnt and Qr-Mr. Hennessey; and Army Ordnance Department: —Captain T. Carlyle.
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  • 75 6 Up to two o’clock, to-day, no magistrate appeared in the Second Police Court. Government Officials and members of the Bar, as well as the public, waited in vain for some one to take up the duties of the Bench. Two magistrates are ill, and the Government knows
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  • 1406 6 THE FARM EH AND HIS RENTS. WHO PAYS THE PIPES (Contributed.) A contribution recently appeared in the Straits Times on the subject of market-farming. At a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, held about three weeks ago, the President of the Board said that the writer of that contribution
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  • 90 6 BAM BOOED AND MALTREATED. At Swatow, says tlie Hongkong lekgraph, there has been some trouble about the imprisonment of a Singapore registered British subject, whose release was only obtained after considerable difficulty, but not before he was bam* booed and maltreated. Several conflicting stories are afloat for
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  • 99 6 The s. s. Flenslmrg arrived alongsi c the Tanjong Pagar Wharf, this morning, from Sydney laden with a cargo about 4,000 tons coal, which elie i* discharging for account of the f c s, signees, Messrs. Paterson, Simon!- 1* H. M. S. Edgar after coaling at tanjong Pagar,
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  • 1161 7 THif following is the Acting Mining Manager’s Report for the four weeks ending on 16th December, 1897:— MINING. ru'B Hole.— The main west crosscut has been extended 33', making the total distance from the shaft of 406'. We have cut ge veral small leaders, none of which carry /•Id.
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  • 147 7 The ports of Segli (North East coast of Acheen) and Tenom, Panga and Melaboeh (West Coast) are proclaimed to be. open to general trade from the Ist January, 1898, and coast trading will be allowed between Kuala Lengah and Kuala Beratjan from the same date. By
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  • 207 7 THEFTS AT TnE JETTY SHEDS. At a meeting of the Penang Municipality, on the 17th December, the President (Mr. J. Y. Kennedy), read a report from the Superintendent of the Jetty Sheds, noting that nearly every steamer that comes into port there discharges at night and, therefore, work
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  • 355 7 THOSE HONGKONG JUBILEE MEDALS. Sir William Robinson says the Hongkong Telegraph of the 16th inst., is a genius at advertising. On reading his speech at the presentation of Jubilee medals last Saturday there could be no vloubt whose medals they were, whose was the design, and who
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  • 66 7 The m Private Secretary was successfully given by a company, of amateurs at Penang on Saturday last. Four Chinese were sentdheed at the Penang Assize, on Friday last, to eight years’ rigorous imprisonment, each, for gang robbery. Mr. AllarDj a railway contractor, has been arrested in Penang,
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  • 24 7 There was no Magistrate in the Second Court to day till after twelve o’clock. Mr. Anthonisz then disposed of the cases.
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  • 25 7 A. Wallace, an inmate of the Sailors’ Home, was this morning sentenced to fourteen days’ imprisonment for stealing three blankets from the Home.
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  • 24 7 One hundred and twenty-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last, with a ratio of 31.23 per thousand.
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  • 30 7 This morning, Inspector Paglar prosecuted a Kling bullock driver for cruelty to anhnals. The prisoner was sentenced to three weeks’ imprisonment without the option of a fine.
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  • 39 7 Mr. C. N. Maxwell, who has had much shifting during his official career, leaves the Sungei Besi Police Court, says the Perak Pioneer to assume the duties of a first class magistrate in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 33 7 AN ABSURDLY SMALL FINE. This morning, Mr. Howard fined a Chinaman one dollar, in default, seven days, for gross indecency, yesterday evening, on the Esplanade. The fine was paid.
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  • 31 7 The s. s. Singapore was yesterday afternoon towed to Tanjong Pagar and docked there. A large number of pilgrims left for Jeddah yesterday, by the blue funnel steamer Valinuriis.
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  • 72 7 The Committee of the Perak Turf Club propose to present a piece of plate to Mr. Aylesbury, as a token of their appreciation of his exertions on behalf of the club during the long period he acted as Honorary Secretary. Mr. W. W. Douglas has resigned the
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  • 67 7 This morning, a Kling named Madarsah was charged with having, on the 13th of November, pushed a person named Ambar into the sea at Tanjong Pagar. Mr. Steven prosecuted, and Mr. Van Cuylenberg defended. Both parties were tongkang men. The alleged offence occurred when their respective boats
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  • 90 7 *lt is reported that the Garrison Detachment will not leave Penang till the Bth of January. A detachment of fifty strong of the Malay States Guides under the veteran Subadar Major Bhola Singh will leave Perak early next month to relieve the European garrison at Penang. Captain
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  • 93 7 The Public Servants Liabilities Ordinance of 1889 is said to cause hardship by being interpreted so as to debar public servants from entering into bailbonds or recognisances for accused persons. A correspondent says that the purpose of the Ordinance is that “no Government servant who is
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  • 64 7 THE RUSSIAN FLAG HOISTED. BRITISH FLEET AT CHUSAN. (Special Telegram from our Hongkong Correspondent.) 23rd December 2.35 p.m. The Russian flag has been hoisted at Port Arthur. The British Fleet is rendezvousing at Chusan. r Chusan is an island at the mouth of the Yang-tse-kiang River and is
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  • 116 7 Yesterday afternoon, at four o’clock, at the Presbyterian Church, Mr. William Mac Murray, Engineer of the Bintang Oil Mills, was united in matrimony to Miss Janet Glen Duncan, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Daniel Hamilton Duncan, of Crosshill, Glasgow. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. S.
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  • 179 7 CAPTAIN DUFF’S ENGINES FLOODED OUT. Captain Duff of the s. s. Langkat says:—We left Penang at five o’clock on the evening of the 15th instant. All went went until 4 a.m. the next day, when we encountered a very strong wind from the north-west
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  • 294 7 EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A meeting of this society was held, last night, at No. 112, Bencoolen Street. Among those present were: His Highness Rajah Mallec, His Highness Rajah Said Tauphy, Messrs. Munshi Mohamed Siddie, S. Mahmoud, Abdul Wahid, Hadjee Mohamed Said, M. A. Patail, Mohamed Salleh, Adnan, Ghazally,
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  • 47 7 An outbreak of cholera is reported from Southern India and Ceylon. No particulars are to hand as to the number of cases in Southern India; but, from Ceylon papers, it is seen that 29 cases and 14 deaths occurred at Jaffna, and one case at Colombo.
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  • 771 7 HACKNEY CAKRIAGE FABE& ASSESSMENT APPEALS. THE BUDGET. THE INCREASED SALARIES. Yesterday afternoon, a Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held. There were present: Mr. W. Egerton, Deputy President, and Messrs. Sohst, Choa Giang Thye, M. Meyer, Evans, Nanson, and Moses. ASSESSMENT APPEALS. The first matter for consideration
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  • 62 7 The Pinang Qazetle states that the plague patient, landed there from the Thames is one of the firemen who had come down from Bombay. He was kept apart from the remainder of the cfew and from the passengers, directly the doctor on board discovered he was ill.
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  • 1543 8 PRIZE DAY. Y'esterday afternoon, the Deputytovernor, the Hon. C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, who was accompanied by Mrs. Kynnersley, presented the prizes to the successful scholars of the Raffles Institution. Among the large company present to witness the distribution were: the Acting Chief Justice (Hon. \V. R. Collyer) and
    1,543 words
  • 117 8 PALL MALL MAGAZINE.” In its illustrations, the Pall Mall Magazine always has stood out pre-eminent from all other monthlies of its class. The November number is no exception to this rule. Every tale and article is copiously and beautifully illustrated. La Sarabande,” the frontispiece, is a full page engraving from
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  • 20 8 An English export hardware firm advertises for an agent at Singapore to collect indents for hardware and general i goods.
    20 words
  • 1024 8 A correspondent, who signs himself An Englishman in Germany,” sends an interesting communication to The Times .under the heading Germany’s Commercial Policy,” in the course of which he says: In his admirable speech at Manchester. Lord Rosebery justly described the free trade policy of the British Empire
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  • 1288 8 His Majesty the King of Siam has been received at Bangkok with immense enthusiasm on his return from Europe. At half-past five o’clock, on the morning of the 16th instant, the King and Queen left Koh-si-Chang on board the Maha Chakhri a royal salute of twenty-one guns
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  • 215 8 The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian is informed that the Council of the Royal Society have agreed to despatch, next spring, an expedition, under the charge of Professor Haddon, of Cambridge, to investigate tne ethnology of, and to obtain data relating to, the natives of Oceania, and
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  • 101 8 TWELVE UNDER DEATH SENTENCE. A few months ago, a party of Burmese rebels, headedjby a Buddhist monk, attacked a fort at Mandalay in Upper Burma, and committed murder in the insurrection, which ended in the death of their leader and several ol m s followers. Most of the
    101 words
  • 56 8 Mb. Abrams has sent a J übilee wall calendar for 1898, embellished witn really good, portraits of the Queen, th Princess of Wales, and the Duchess York. This handsome calenda* contains also a picture, showing K>u r g efl tions of the Royal family f* o l Queen
    56 words

  • Article, Illustration
    155 9 (CONDUCTED BY 11 KING 8 PAWN.”) fhes£ correspondence should be to “King’s Pawn,” Straits fines Office. Those who take any interest in chess, 2 nd there are many who more or less will welcome this column devoted to chess problems, games, and news. The dyigrains will be used, not
    155 words
  • 1392 9 GAME 7 GIUOCO PIANO. White. Black. Messrs. A. L.Chitten- Messrs. P. A. Reutens «lou A W. Mosbergen. A Stuart Mowe. P-K 4 P-K 4 R-B 3 R-Q B 7 Kt-K B 3 Kt-Q B 3 Q-Kt sq Q I' 7 K-B 4 B-B 4 (See Diagram). P-Q
    1,392 words
  • 562 9 London, 11th December. Sir Michael Ilicks-Beach, speaking at Bristol, said there will indue time be an advance on Khartoum, and that Government, if necessary, would ask Parliament to aid Egypt in the achievement of that task. It was, he said, a complete misnomer to call our Indian
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  • 41 9 Mr. Cliffords Tales of Malaya” deals this week with some interesting characteristics of the Malayan theatre. The Carrousel Company’s Bicycle Merry-go-round was inaugurated last night, and, judging by the patronage extended to it, has caught on at once.
    41 words
  • 40 9 Chay Tam Yam, a clerk in the Land Office, was brought up on remand, yesterday, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of forty-five dollars. The case was further postponed*till the 30th instant.
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  • 41 9 Dr. Schlossek, the Chiropodist, has decided, because of pressure of work, to remain a few days longer, but on Christmas day and on Monday, the 27th, he will receive patients only from nine a. m. to one p. in.
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  • 43 9 Ong Jiak Chuan, the murderer of Pee Tong, was hanged at six o’clock, this ’morning, within the precincts of the Singapore Prison. The sentence of death passed on Leong Ah Kong, his accomplice, has been commuted to penal servitude fur life.
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  • 52 9 ST. ANDREW CATHEDRAL. This evening—Choral evensong, 8.15Christmas Day Eucharist, G and 7.30 a.m. and at noon Matins and Sermon, 11; evensong, 5.30. December 2G. Matins, 7 Eucharist and Sermon, 7.30; Catechism, 4; and evensong, 5.30. New Year’s Eve —Midnight Service 11.30 p.rn. New Year’s day—Eucharist, 7
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  • 206 9 It is notified that the Governor left the Colony, yesterday. On the same day, the oaths of allegiance and of office, as the Ollicer Administering the Government of the Straits Settlements and Dependencies, were administered to the Hoji.C. W. S. Kynnersley, ActingColonial Secretary, by the Ilon’ble the Acting
    206 words
  • 326 9 S.O.C. r. RIFLE BRIGADE. A friendly game between the above teams was played, last night, on the Esplanade before a fair crowd of spectators. The night was a good one for the game, although the ground was still very soft, owing to the recent rains. Unfortunately, the Club turned
    326 words
  • 972 9 A Ql'ININJC SING. A threaten ing dangji s hi ds before Cinchona planters in Java. A ring of quinine-manufacturers in Europe nad systematically kept the price of bark down, at enormous profit to themselves. The planters then combined against the ring and started a quinine factory of their
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  • 657 10 The twin screw cruiser, 1st class, Powerful 14 guns, 14,200 tons, 25,000 N. D., I. H. P., left Portsmouth on Thursday, October 7th, for the China Station, via the Cape. Her officers are Capt. the Hon. Hedworth Lambton; Commanders A. P. Ethelston and Logan S. Stansfleid (N.)*; Lieutenants
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  • 1199 10 What are our German friends going to do to welcome the brother ol tii** Emperor William? Surely there will a banquet at the Teutonia Club and a concert to follow. And what is the Acting Governor going to do to welcome Prince Henry, the grandson of the
    1,199 words
  • 499 10 WITHDRAWAL FROM TIRAH. Shinawari, 8th December. General Lockhart is leaving the Orakzai country* which, from Kiirram to the Mastura Valley, has been settled. He has crossed the Singakh Fass into the Adam Khel country without opposition. The Adam Khels arc surrendering in full. The pass is difficult,
    499 words
  • 2489 10  -  [by HUGH CLIFFORD]. NO. 9—THE FATE OF LEH, THE STROLLING PLAYER. I made them to lanph till their riba were Bore, I made them to weep till their eyes were red, I hore their hearts through the carnage of war, I bore them back to the day
    2,489 words

  • 55 11 and .exported goodfc there. Uftx *y Native despatches received from report that the Germans have occupied the city of ChimO, some from the city of Kiaochau on The territory occupied |y the Germans is estimated at somethree or four hun80 The Germans afso begun collecting taxes
    and .exported goodfc there.— Uftx*y  -  55 words
  • 437 11 A DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLAND THAT BRITAIN IS GOING TO OCCUPY. A BEAUTIFUL AND FERTILE ISLAND. Chusan is the principal island of a group situated off the eastern coast of China, in 30° N. lat. and 122° E. long, and belonging to the province of Chekeang. It lies N.
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  • 464 11 A popular orchestral concert was given, last night, at the Town Hall, by the orchestral section of the Philharmonic Society. The audience was not as large as is usually the case at these concerts. There were seven orchestral numbers, each of which was rendered extremely creditably under
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  • 1383 11 WITHDRAWAL FROM TIRAH. HARD FIGHTING AND HEAVY LOSS. Calcutta, 11th December. It has now been ascertained that the raiders who fired on General Hammond’s rearguard on the 7th instant were Akka Khels. They had one man killed and another wounded. A few shots were fired at a
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  • 92 11 The palace grounds at Bangkok aA said to have been beautifully decorated illuminated on the evening of thq King’s landing there, on the 16th instant. The paface grounds were crowded with people, and the King and Queen entertained a large number of guests to tea in the
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  • 127 11 The nominations for the Hongkong. Derby closed on Saturday, the 18tb instant, the total being 38. > Sir Charles and Lady Mitchell arrived at Penang on Wednesday morning last, and were to leave for India the same evening. Arthur Vigianaga, a Singhalese, was i sentenced, the other
    127 words
  • 32 11 A ‘*Johore Rest House” is announced dsed as opened there, with accommodation to meet the comfort of visitors. Some such hotel facility was very much needed in Johore.
    32 words
  • 37 11 An almost unique fact in connexion with Shanghai harbour is that there va^ 1 not a single foreign sailing vessel, either ’ore-and-affc or square-rigged, there on 1 ;he loth inst., exclusive, of course, of pilot boats.
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  • 34 11 A Siamese official judicial report notes an increase of crime in Bangkok, chiefly from the spread of secret societies, organised by the Chinese and afterwards by other Asiatics under European protection.
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  • 45 11 The M. M. Y 'arra, with the mail from Europe of the 3rd December, passed Malacca at 7 a.m. to-day, and is due here at about 3 p.m. She brings the following passengers booked for Singapore Mr. H. Hilton and Mr. E. Alexander.
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  • 102 11 THE CHEEK CASE. The Siam Observer says that the arbitration in the Cheek case is likely to begin at Bangkok in February next. The case arises out of sundry disputed claims regarding timber in connection with the estate of Dr. Cheek, an American citizen. Sir N. J.
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  • 257 11 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. An extraordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Fagar Dock Company, Limited, was held at the Company's Office, Collyer Quay, at two o’clock on Friday afternoon. The business was submit for confirmation the following resolution passed at an extradrdinajy meeting on the 4th inst.:—
    257 words

  • 51 12 THE REBELS YIELD. (From the Governor-General at Manila to the Spanish Consul, Singapore.) (Deceived on Christmas Day.) With great pleasure, I have to communicate to you that the principal leaders of the insurrection have laid down their arms and cheered three times for Spain, the King, and the
    51 words
  • 624 12 ST. ANDREWS. labour had been expended or thi work of decoration, so that tli beautiful Cathedral presented somewhn. a homelike Christmas appearance. Tie congregration had evidently been lavLl in seeding green decorations ot ever) description, and they were used with artistic taste to the best advantage.
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  • 91 12 H.M.S. “PLOVER” SAILS TO-DAY. H.M.S. Plocer has received orders to sail at once for the Coast of Borneo; and she goes this afternoon so soon as the mail from home is delivered. The Plover goes in connection with the Mat Salleh Affair —that chief having successfully beaten off
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  • 706 12 (Prom a Correspondent.) One of the first points for consideration, about the proposed hack gharry fares, is that care should be taken not to raise the fares so as to put them too much out of joint with those of the great competitive institution, the jinrikisha. It
    706 words
  • 742 12 THE PROFITS OF THE TRADE. NEW FRAMES AND GEAR. London 26th Nuverrdyer. Thb publication of annual reports still continues, and reveals a prosperity during the past year in the cycle trade in strong contrast to the gloomy forecasts of pessimistic critics. An unfavourable balance sheet is indeed
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  • 139 12 TWO EUROPEANS AND THIRTY flRATES KILLED. The China Mail says that, on the night of the 15th instant, a gang of about 800 pirates attacked the suburbs of Haiphong in Tonquin, inhabited by Europeans, setting fire to houses in the four quarters of the city simultaneously.
    139 words
  • 1224 12 HONGKONG COMMENT. Thb case of the Straits Chinaman imprisoned at Amoy, says the Hongkong Daily Press of the 18th inst., seems likely to raise important issues. In 1868, a notification was issued by the then British Minister to China (the late Sir Rutherford Alcock) in which it
    1,224 words
  • 384 12 ENGLISH ENGINEERS AND THE RAILWAYS. The Tientsin correspondent of the N. C. Daily News writes: —There is considerable talk and feeling among the people regarding the course of the Germans, and the rumours of Russia's movements in the North. These are not understood, and not a little
    384 words
  • 42 12 Kobe and Yokohama are in against the rates charged by t i Insurance Association, and a P 1 ra is being considered to d° at a the tive Fire Insurance Co. e in Japan will be watched with tion here.
    42 words

  • 1114 13 g. C. C. v. PERAK. I cbicket match was commenced this between the S. C. C. and Perak. R\ visitors left by the Mena at five |R,. k on Friday afternoon, and arrived, R e r a pleasant voyage, at ten o’clock Rvrlav morning. The Mena brought: Rg
    1,114 words
  • 345 13 INVISIBLE JUDICIAL JOKES. The case of D. Gubbay and others r. E. R. Belilios, in the Hongkong Supreme Court, is attracting a great deal of atten tion in that Colony. It is an action on behalf of the JewishcommunityofHongkong for the recovery of Inland Lot No. 1,381 from
    345 words
  • 123 13 TAMILS AND MALAYS COMPLAIN. The Malay Mail hears that dissatisfaction exists at present among those Government servants in Selangor who are not allowed the benefit of the 10 per cent, increase sanctioned by the High Commissioner for officers in that State not entitled to exchange compensation. It
    123 words
  • 2252 13 go home and have a game of chess.” St. James's Gazette. The following are the results of Saturday’s play:— SINGAPORE V. PENANG C£t\LLENGE SHIELD. N Penang, Singaj&r*. L. C. Brown all even with A. A. Gunn D. A. M. Brown 1 up on Capt. Eccles Capt. J. M.
    go home and have a game of chess.”— St. James's Gazette.  -  2,252 words
  • 51 13 “TOMMY’S HOLIDAYS. The military authorities, in arranging the change of regiments, have not. observes the Hongkong Laxly Press had much regard to Tommy's Christmas or Nc\ Year holidays. The new regiment is expected to arrive on Christmas Day, and the West Yorks are under orders to embark on New Year's
    51 words

  • 225 14 Thk ship Vortigern, which was towed to sea on her way to Calcutta on the 52nd instant, had to be towed back on Christmas day, owing to some damage on board which needed repairs. The 8. s. Lad.y Mitchell was towed to Tanjong Pagar on Christmas eve, where
    225 words
  • 325 14 CONSULAR CHANGES. Jamieson returns shortly to be Consul-General and ■/iefiTmereial Attache. This appears to be*an attempt by the Foreign Office to carry out the wishes of the Ch.iacr Association, but is really an evasion. What is wanted is an official W10 can give his whole time to travVlm#
    325 words
  • 515 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. a. Chow Phya from Klang via —Mr. Schaap. Per s. s. Van der Lyn from Batavia:—Mr. Van Rhee. Per s. s. Tambora from Batavia:—Messrs. H. Switz, Robinson, A. Vriesmeyer, Oberfceck, fit, and Bowach. Per P. s. s. Mirzapore from Hongkong:—Mrs'. l dL B. Harris, Miss
    515 words
    • 203 14 Underthisheadingthefollowingabbreviatisns arc used —str. —steamer sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Jobore; Ac., G.c., General eargo d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. r. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’sWharf;N.H.W.— New Harbour Wharf; N.
      203 words
    • 1405 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Friday. Amherst, Brit. str. 108 tons, Capt Rozells, 25th Dec. From Klang, 23rd Dec. G.c., 148 d.p. Wee Bin and Co. For Klang, 27 th—Rds. Bengkalis Brit. str. 90 tons Capt Hendry, 25th Dee. From Muar, 24th Dec. G.c., and 16 d.p. Wee Bin
      1,405 words
    • 905 14 ■A j I h Vesssl’s Name. A Tons. Captain From Sailed 5 Rio j Dec j j 20 Arethuse M.Mstr. 682 Baretge Saigon Dec 17 M fo 20 Singapore Brit. str. 748 Main Bangkok Dec lTJoo^nir 9 20 an der Lyn Dut str. 651 Haye Batavia Dec 18 Diemii
      905 words
    • 549 14 Date. Vessel’s Name FlagARig Captain Destination I Dec 20 Sultan Brit str. Chopard Bagan via ports 21 Benmohr str. Boutillier Calcutta 21 Ban Hin Guan sir. D’Cruze Kltfng via ports 21 IPoh Ann str. Dawson j Macassar via ports 21 JSri Tringganu str. Shimmen i Malacca 21 Hydra str.
      549 words
    • 90 15 I PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. I Flag j Date T I Date. aND i Ship’s Name. Commander, i of Fkomwijere Destin- HeI Kig j Sailing atjon marks. ss.’K. Rogentes Bruijns Doc lo Batavia Amsterdam I 15 Brit s.s. Alagonia Davies N. C’tle nsw. Pnoek I 18
      90 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      631 words
    • 966 15 HE DID NOT GO TO AlBTRALU/ Nothing is easier than a man to go to Australia, if dozen words or so out of your mouth andwou have dona it. But for him to act advice that is a gray horse of aitother colour You see, Australia is half-wavStf>und the world;
      966 words
    • 297 15 Hi -I OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE KS ’^0*— IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE of every Bottle of the Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse Si Blackwell, Ltd., London; and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Now specially packed m double-lidded camsera ensuring fresshness for years, in
      297 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 388 16 L. I55 ,y% «n tr r £J f Y >* r. W -w W. 1 N SIN PORE. New arrival of Cooking Stoves. FOR WOOD OR COAL. 1 t* 1 Vi ft > ~=r 'Ux>-' A' NEW RIVAL. Size of oven. x 17 x 10$". Firebox will take wood
      388 words