The Straits Budget, 7 September 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 144 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE Vv EEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 44 1 lUNin. Or less.- —On the 3rd inst., at s (yliureli, Portsmouth, by the I;. Wrignt, assisted be tht, Rev. Cari-v. Grant, CHARLES EDWARD, son Of Chvri l- Duni.op. of Singapore, to Isabel M.vßY,t*i‘ier daughter of Staff Commander p. I), I M’LKSS, K. X.
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  • 308 1 I.K»IUXO Articles. France ami Russia. IV .1 chore Government. Bimetallism. Obstructive Germany. Th** Indian Frontier. Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. !’;t'S’*nger List. Police News. Colonel Alexander. Alleged Theft of Jewellery. A Plant.” A Malay Drowned. Ponlirniation Service. Tlie Murder of a Kling. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Police
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  • 520 1 Singapore, 7th September, 1897. PRODUCE. (Kates are corrected, to one p.m.) Gambier, 6.75. Copra Bali, 6.25. do Pontianak fJ 5.90. Pepper, Black, 18.50. do White, (5%) 30.25. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.40. do Brunei, n 2.45. Pearl Sago 3.65. Coffee, Bali, picked n 42.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 45.00. Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 393 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. S alazie. The M. M. s. s. Sydney with the mail from Europe of the 13th August arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. O. s.
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    • 65 1 GERMAN OPINION. London, 31st August. The German press takes calmly the Czar’s announcement of an alliance between France and ltussia. It is convinced that Russia will never support France, should the latter undertake a war of revenge against Germany. The British press is indisposed to cavil at
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    • 39 1 THE COMMERCIAL FUTURE. The Times deals with the commercial future of Japan in a leading article. It asks how soon will the commercial supremacy of Britain in the Far East be shaken by the sharp-eyed and intelligent Japanese.
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    • 18 1 The Powers have again add r essed the Greek Government on the subject of the indemnity.
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    • 14 1 The Duke and Duchess of York meet with a hearty reception in Ireland.
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    • 17 1 The gunboats have passed the cataracts, and the Dervishes garrisoning Berber have withdrawn to Metemmeh.
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    • 14 1 The first sod of the eastern Chinese railway has been turned at Stanitza.
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    • 61 1 PRESIDENT FAT RE’S RETURN. London Ist Scptemlter. President Fame lias returned to Paris where he met with an enthusiastic reception. The addresses and speeches delivered on the occasion all laid stress on the peaceful nature of the alliance between France and Russia. BOMB OUTRAGE. A bomb harmlessly
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    • 22 1 ANTI-BRITISH RUMOUR. Some German papers believe that Russia intends to bring France and Germany closer together to the detriment of Britain.
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    • 26 1 The Greek reply to the Powers offers to assign the stamp revenue of Greece amounting to eleven millions of drachmas—to secure the indemnity loan.
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    • 86 1 COUNCIL BILLS. London, 2nd Septemlvr. The Secretary of State announces that biddings for Council Bills will be suspended for not less than ten weeks. FRONTIER TROUBLES FURTHER UNREST. There is delay in despatching a strong expedition into the Afridi country owing to the Secretary of State’s sanction to it
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    • 49 1 NEGLECT TO HELP. The Times has published a letter from Mr. Cooke, the Secretary to the British Chamber of Shipping, re the disaster to the s. s. Glengyle. He vehemently denounces fifteen British men-of-war then at Gibraltar for ignoring the fact of the Glengyle being in danger.
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    • 35 1 GERMANY AGAJN OBSTRUCTIVE. The Greek reply as regards assignment of revenue to meet the indemnity loan satisfies the Powers. The only exception is Germany, whose views on the subject have not been made known.
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    • 49 1 THE BRITISH ADMIRAL’S ABSTENTION. Laadon 3rd September. At a review of Turkish troops at Canea and at a banquet there on the anniversary of the Sultan’s the foreign Admirals on the Station were present. The only exception was Admiral Harris, the British Commander, whose absence has aroused comment.
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    • 15 1 Germany has informed Greece that she maintains her opposition to an indemnity loan.
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    • 21 1 The King of Italy attended by the Marquis Visconti Venosta, his Foreign Minister, meets the Emperor William at Homburg, to-day.
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    • 43 1 THE NORTH-WEBT FRONTIER. London, 4th September. Two columns, altogether ten thousand strong, under Generals Blood are about to advance from Khar and Shabkadr, respectively, to move against the Mohmands who are led by Hadda Mullah. TheJAfridisJwil 1 be attacked after the Mohmands.
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    • 28 1 THE ST. LEGER. At the St. Leger, the betting is 9 to 2 on Galteemwre. 8 to 1 against Velasquez and 20 to 1 against the others.
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    • 29 1 GERMAN POLICY. Germany has declined to discuss the Greek offers about the indemnity loan, until the Ambassadors at Constantinople have settled the whole of the financial question.
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    • 35 1 MR. JACKSON 9 EXPLORATIONS. The Windward has returned from the Arctic regions with Mr. Jackson on board. Mr. Jackson has spent three winters there, during which he completely mapped out Franz Josef Land.
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    • 36 2 PARLEYING BTOPPED. London 6th September. The peace parleying at Constantinople is at a standstill. France and Russia are disinclined to join in guaranteeing the indemnity loan. Britain is indisposed to guarantee the loan herself.
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    • 54 2 TURKISH POLICY. The Turkish Government has addressed a N ote to the Ambassadors of the Powers at Constantinople on the •subject of Crete. The Note lays down the requirement that the Governor of Crete should be an Ottoman. The retention of the Turkish garrison in the island is also
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    • 64 2 THE FRONTIER TROUBLES. General Sir W. S. Lockhart, on receiving a hasty summons, left Brindisi, yesterday, to take the command of the expedition against the Afridis. THE FINANCES. Lord George Hamilton, the Secretary of State for India, offers to buy ten days’ drafts on Calcutta or Bombay to the
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    • 38 2 FAILURE OF THE POTATO CROP. Heavy rains in West Ireland have completed the ruin of the potato crop there. 11 is believed that the coming winter in that quarter will be one of the worst cilice 1847.
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  • 19 1 DEATH. D’Almkida —On the 10th August, of bronrhiti". at his residence, 37, OakleyChelsea, William Barrington n\iMui>.v. Barrister-at-Law, aged 56.
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  • 156 2 {Straits Times, Ast September) —Tijr veddresses and speeches at Paris to celebiate President Faure’s return from St. Petersburg, remove all doubt of an alliance having been concluded between France and Russia. Stress is laid on the peaceful nature of this alliance. In fact, neither France nor Russia
    * {Straits Times, Ast September)  -  156 words
  • 321 2 (Straits Times lsf Septeml>er.) Mr. Lee Soo Tat, whose complaints against tjie Johore Government we described on* Monday, has petitioned the Governor of the Straits, seeking aid. We understand that Sir Charles Mitchell will refuse to interfere, on the plea that the grievance is only a civil
    (Straits Times, lsf Septeml>er.)  -  321 words
  • 184 2 (Straits Times, 3rd September.) Germany again stops the way to the conclusion of peace. She had, a fortnight ago, stood out that the Turkish evacuation of Thessaly should be gradual and conditional on successive payments of the indemnity. Lord Salisbury urged quick evacuation, and proposed to the Powers
    (Straits Times, 3rd September.)  -  184 words
  • 214 2 (Straits Times 4th September.) The British Government are not yet in a position to reply to the proposals which the special envoys of the United States and the French Ambassador have placed before the English Ministry, touching the question of an international agreement respecting silver. Sir Michael Hicks Beach
    (Straits Times, 4th September.)  -  214 words
  • 853 2 (Straits Times 4th September.) The telegrams from India, received by mail to-day, show the increasing gravity of the situation on the North West frontier, a week ago. The outbreak started by a fanatic mullah or priest at the Malakand pass on the Chitral road, at the end
    (Straits Times, 4th September.)  -  853 words
  • 42 2 The British Realm, of the 2nd ult., contains an admirable reproduction of the portrait of the King and Queen of Siam, and family, and of the Governor and Lady Mitchell, as taken during the King’s visit to Singapore in the spring.
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  • 74 2 It is becoming a question of moment with the Municipal Executive how far street stalls may be allowed, or whether they may be allowed at all. The question was raised a couple of years ago, but came to nothing. In face of the provision of the Municipal Ordinance,
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  • 81 2 It has several times been projected to smelt tin in Penang after the manner of the same industry in Singapore at Pulau Brani, but every scheme has come to naught. The rumour now is, says the Perak Pioneer that Captain Ah Kui and some other Chinese gentlemen
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  • 104 2 The crop of 1896-97 was remarkable as being the smallest exported from India for many years, the total quantity not exceeding cwts. 211,760, or some thirty-one per cent, less than the previous crop, which itself was not a good one. The total value of past year’s
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  • 120 2 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. The Singapore Municipal Supplementary Budget, No. 2 of 1897, has been approved of by the Governor. It provides for an outlay of $84,359. The Jubilee Permanent Memorial contribution accounts for $40,000. For buying incinerators $13,000 are put dow r n, and Si2,000 more are required to
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  • 153 2 CRIME AT BANGKOK. At Bangkok, on the 26th instant, a gang of thirty armed robbers, Siamese and Chinese, broke into the house of the Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, a well-known educated Siamese, Nai Chom by name. They killed him, and wounded two watchmen. The gang succeeded in securing
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  • 78 2 At a meeting of shareholder. Puniom Company, held at h m on the 30th August, the DrJ! On ?S. mitted by the Board wi™ P Sa 8 The gist of these to give to Mr. L L p 1 0 84 8 option of purchase of the r* property
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  • 696 2 Mrs. Brown Potter and Mr. Kyrlt r will appear at the Shaftesbury The October loth in an Australian dra!!^ 0 Messrs. Williamson and Musgrovr will be the managers of the enterprise A.D.1925. Emancipated Mother Jitdown the stairs to her son):“Harr tell that light-headed, good-for-nothii^! to get out of
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  • 47 3 ''Yesterday, a Chinaman was fined yd) or six months, for being in posJiion of illicit chandu. Tanjong Pagar Dock declares a bonus two dollars a share in addition to the I nal dividend, which is at the rate of fourteen per cent, per annum.
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  • 51 3 At ten o’clock, last night, two Malay s ten returning in a koleh from fishing whwi they fouled the hawser of a craft Ivina off Tanjong Ithu. The koleh was overturned, and one of the men was drowned. The other hung on to the knMi. and was
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  • 47 3 Ma ok Lothaire, the Belgian oflicer w lo hanged Mr. Stokes, has handed in |,is resignation as an officer in the Pelgian Army, and has entered the M-rvi* of an Antwerp-Congo cominerrial rompany. He will proceed to (’ongo to manage the plantations f t!i»* company.
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  • 56 3 j. a- r Sunday, at the Cathedral of the Shepherd, Bishop Fee Held a conjirmat >n service at which forty chil,j r n wi*d their baptismal vows. At t! ll; il of tlie evening service, the miii' mg tin* benediction—an innovation so pleasing that it is hoped this
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  • 58 3 A sn< i ai. tea meeting to celebrate the I‘jghtli anniversary of the Chinese Pliri-tian Association will be held, at tlit* Prinsep Street Chapel, on Friday, tlm 3rd pn»x., at Bp. m., when addresses will l»e given by Messrs. Tomlinson and Wet Theam Tew. As the accommodation
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  • 64 3 Colonel Alexander, Colonial Engineer, goes home, with Mrs. Alexander, by the KuUer-i-Hind to-morrow. There iv a suspicion of cancer of the tongue, so it has been thought well for Colonel Alexander to go at once to be operated on. if need be, in London. It is hoped he
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  • 84 3 A Chinawoman, living at 9, Upper Croi* Street, complains to the Police that sii«* has been robbed of jewellery, worth She says that she and her husband were sitting in their house at halt j' i't nine o’clock last night, when f»»ui llukiens burst in. Three
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  • 109 3 Two Chinamen went, last night, to a >j*irit shop in Hill Street, and asked for drink While in the house, one of the nun went into an inner room. Afterwards. a woman, who lives in the room, went in and found that a peculiar looking stick had been
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  • 105 3 A governor’s advice. s ik West Ridgeway, the Governor of oylon, distributed the prizes at Wesley Coll ♦*ge, Colombo, on the 20th instant. Ho promised the Ceylonese youths preset at the distribution that he would fiomv open the Government departas much as possible to the young mt n
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  • 125 3 x UIXESE CONSULAR PARTNERSHIP. 1 ‘nk of the most enterprising men in ,N ‘l;ujgor. says the Malay Mail, is undoubt*‘(>h Tnwkay Loke Yew. Besides mining M planting in Selangor and mining in r 8»*nibilan, he has taken a venture if Dan*! in Pahang. There, in the Ben- district,
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  • 166 3 Mr. J. Y. V. Vernons Hongkong share report, dated 26th August, states that Punjoms have continued quiet and with but small sales at from Ss£ to $6, closing at $5.75. At the private meeting of shareholders, held on the 24th August, an offer was submitted from the American Syndicate,
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  • 167 3 CASE IN CEYLON. An interesting separation case, raising an important point of law, came before the District Court at Colombo on the 20th instant. One Le Mesurier, a British subject born in the Ionian Isles, had, as Protestant, married a French lady, a Roman Catholic. They .differed and
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  • 203 3 EXPORT FROM CEYLON. The Times of Ceylon notes some decrease in the coconut oil export trade of that island. To the United Kingdom, formerly Ceylon’s largest customer for the article, only 29,000 cwts. were shipped during the first six months of this year, against nearly 107,001) cwts. in
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  • 246 3 PRESIDENT FAURK AT ST. PETERSBURG. Havas telegrams give particulars of President Faure’s visit to Russia. The President, M. Hanotaux, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Admiral Gervais embarked on board the Vot\uau a man-of-war, for Cronstadt, at Dunkirk, on the 18th inst. Another man-of-w r ar, the
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  • 396 3 THE RECORD BROKEN. Not content with holing out the 18 holes on Saturday 21st instant in 40 and 37—77 and thus breaking the record Mr. Vade yesterday evening broke the 9 hole record —holing out in 36. Although Dr. Fowlie has done a 36 he cannot
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  • 479 3 A CONFESSION. Yesterday afternoon, a Kling named Chakra, who, with two other Klings, called Anguswami and Namswaylam. stands charged with the murder of Kandaswami, made a voluntary confession of the deed before Mr. Wolferstan. Carbolic acid was thrown at the deceased on the night of
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  • 1402 3 SURREY V. NOTTS. There was a large crowd at Kcnnington Oval on Bank holiday to witness the start of the 8nrrey v. Notts return match. The home side occupied the wicket all day, and scored 414 for the lods of seven wickets. Abel was not out 211 when
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  • 531 3 There was, says Truth some outcry at Hongkong over a Police order f issued in connection with the Jubilee fete, which excluded all but European and American residents from a certain portion of the streets —apparently one of the best points of view. It seems that some
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  • 433 4 directors’ report. Gentlemen, —Your Directors now beg to present to you the accounts for the half-year ending 30th June last.. The net profit for that period is $223,541, which, with the balance $60,672 brought forward after payment of last dividend, makes $284,213. From this sum
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  • 207 4 The first part of the Amsterdam tobacco sales is now concluded. Of the 1896 crop there had been sold, to the 6th instant, 134,377 bales against 140,446 bales for the similar period in the preceding year for the crop of 1895 while the stock forward is 47,903 bales, against
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  • 2348 4 A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. A shocking accident occurred on the j 5th August on board the recently built Japanese battleship Yashima at present lying in the Tyne, where she is taking in ammunition and stores. A workman named John Tern pieman was employed in the hold, when his
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  • 155 4 EFFECT ON TRADE. Japan is already, says the Japan Mail beginning to feel the disadvantages of her gold monometallism in the field of exports. Gold having appreciated considerably since she chose her ratio, there is a difference of five-eighths of a penny between the exchange value of
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  • 161 4 Liberia coffee *23.50 to *24.50. Thb Hon. T. C~B^ rdt h bn verin circulationTnTwi to be steadilyjupon is Accobdisg balance of the China War f^ ts money in London, on the ii ,£5,184,193. JkSt v ')^Z The rate at which the dniio issued to the troops, during
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  • 40 4 Chief Inspector Peralta is on leave preparatory to pension. He will probably leave the Force at the end of next month. Chief Inspector Jennings is also expected to take a few months leave in view of pension.— Corr.
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  • 45 4 At Tokio, on the 10th August, a bridge w T as so overcrowded with onlookerviewing a display of fireworks that the railing gave way on one side. Over one hundred and fifty persons fell into the water, of whom only thirty were rescued
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  • 44 4 A sub-committee of the Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association is enquiring into contagious diseases matters. The committee sent a circular recently to medical men; and now presses for the replies. Replies should be sent, care of Mr. W. .St Clair.
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  • 48 4 The New York Herald* correspondent in Rio Janeiro reports that the United States and Japan have communicated with Brazil, which is badly off finan cially, with the idea of the possible purchase of warships now building for Brazil in England and Germany. These are principally small boats.
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  • 48 4 On the evening of the 15th Augusta severe shock of eartlujuake, accompanied in many places by subterranean noises, was generally felt in Manila and throughout Luzon. In Yigan, many houses were thrown down, including that of the Captain of the Port. lives appear to have been lost.
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  • 57 4 On the 25th instant, says the Hong kong Daily Press Mr. May, the Captain Superintendent of Police there, ordured the dismissal from the police force Detective-Inspector Quincey for grosj neglect of duty in not discovering an in not reporting a certain coming gaminghouse. Just previously, I nspee
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  • 61 4 A spirited boat race between •H> ar crews from the U. S. S. Gimp™ H.M.S. Pique took place at okohanw on the 10th August. A good start effected, but the American ere* the lead at once, winning eventually J five lengths. The Americans attei offered to change boats,
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  • 86 4 It is stated in Peking that, 1 t quence of the Imperial Govemni having decided against putting lection of transit dues and the b in Chekiang province under Hart, as suggested by with of the proposed loan of £16,000, the Hongkong and Shanghai Ban a part guarantee for
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  • 217 5 THE kise in price. Whiley, manager of the Sperry F Company at Hongkong, ascribes fl^" r j in the value of wheat to tb* ra J heavy demand from the ContitF v r v r a in The stocks of wheat in m d the Continent are very fc-::
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  • 315 5 Vk'TKKday, a Kling dairyman was yj;, for selling milk adulterated wa p*r to the extent of 72 per rent. ,f tin* latter. Roughly, this may be 3 j,i to he one quarter milk and .»j*r.jua iters water. The magistrate is ,"!>.<.wered for a first offence of this J
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  • 303 5 HONGKONG OPINION. The Hongkong Daily Press puts the 'jWrstion: Shall we tiirow the silver foliar owr andcut the loss Hitherto had been considered that the interns of Hongkong were linked with die silver standard, and any sugNion ‘*1 going upon a gold basis ad \nv n regarded
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  • 701 5 STEAMERS LAID UP. A strike of marine engineers, employed on vessels trading out of this Port, commences to-day, the 1st., of September. On the 31st., of July last the Wages Committee of the Singapore Engineers’ Association applied to the various employers, in a formal letter, for
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  • 42 5 With reference to our paragraph of yesterday, we believe it is now definitely settled that Colonel Bogle, R.E., will act as Colonial Engineer during the temporary absence of Colonel Alexander. Colonel Bogle will continue to be Officer Commanding the Troops.
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  • 50 5 The Malay lad, Mohamed Mangsar charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of cash and jewels to the value of *36,126 at Ipoh, in Perak, was identified yesterday by a witness from Perak, and was committed to prison for fifteen days in view to his extradition.
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  • 1148 5 London, 6th August. The centre of attraction, so far as racing was concerned at holiday time, was the colossal meeting at Glasgow held by the International Cycling Association for the world’s championships. Brilliant weather attended the three days’tournament, which was conspicuously successful throughout. This was the fifth annual
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  • 135 5 The China Mail publishes the following telegram re the foundering of the Cheang Hye Teng: —Shanghai, August 25th. Mr. Collins, third engineer of the Penang-owned steamer Cheang Hye Teug and ten Japanese and Malay members of the crew, have arrived at Ningpo. The steamer, which was on
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  • 195 5 Metropolitan policemen will hear with feelings akin to envy of the pleasant life led by their Scandinavian brethren, which a correspondent of the Daily Telegraph describes. In Scandinavia, the lot of a constable is so full of enjoyment that barristers leave the Bar and solicitors their desks and
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  • 258 5 THE DOCK CO. The Hohgkong and Whampoa Dock Company held its half yearly meeting at Hongkong on the 23rd August. Mr. St. C. Michaelsen took the chair. The Chairman stated that the net profit, including the amount carried forward from the previous half year, came to over ‘'#421,000.
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  • 73 5 JAPANESE BLACKLEGS. It turns out that the Japanese blacklegs,” who are stated to have filled the places vacated by British workmen, owing to the strike at Messrs. Humphreys and Tennant’s engineering works, are merely five young students, sent with others from Japan, to study engineering in various British establishments. These
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  • 85 5 A Chinaman, living at 104, Teluk Ayer Street, has informed the Police that, last night, at the invitation of another Chinaman, he went out for a walk with him on the vacant ground beyond the Market. There, two other Chinamen came up, and the three attacked him, and
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  • 92 5 NEW YORK TO JAPAN. It is stated that arrangements have been made for a new steamship service between New York and China and Japan. The first steamer, the Montauk, will leave New York on or about October 15th next. The firm of Busk Jevons will be the New
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  • 244 5 It is satisfactory, says a correspondent, to learn that the wealthy and influential Chinese are, as usual, cheerfully responding to a call to assist in helping forward the good work which has been carried on by the Sisters in the French Convent for a half a century. During
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  • 308 5 At noon, to-day, Ong Jiak Chuan and Leong Ah Kong were ciiarged before Mr. Wolferstan with murder by causing the death of Tay Guan Siew alias Pi Tong, at the cemetery, in Alexandra Road, on the 16tli July. Mr. Newland prosecuted, Mr. Khory appeared to defend Ong
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  • 1329 6 BENJAMIN SWIFT.” Among the new books of the opening autumn season will be 44 The Tormentor, by 44 Benjamin Swift,” who has wisely enough refrained from rushing out the volume too soon after the success of 44 Nancy Noon,” though I urftlerstand the manuscript ayear ago was
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  • 99 6 Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Mac Ritchie were among the passengers to-day from Penang. —r The dead body of a male Chinese pauper was found in a godown at the P. A’ O. Wharf this morning. The Bangkok Tramway Company, at its half yearly meeting on the 26th
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  • 45 6 This morning, a Chinese coal coolie, engaged on board the s.s. Ijoch Toy unloading coal at Tanjong Pagar Wharf, overreached himself, and fell into the hold, lie was taken up in an insensible condition, and was sent to the General Hospital.
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  • 50 6 The Chinese cook of the s.s. Nams/tan was, this morning, fined 860, or one month, for being in possession of sixty dollars’ worth of illicit chandu. The man admitted the charge, but said the drug was the joint property of ten of the crew. The drug was confiscated.
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  • 52 6 A goldsmith, named Tan Ah Chang, of 12, Chinchew Street, was discovered to be missing this morning. He is alleged to have taken away with him two thousand dollars’ worth of jewellery entrusted to him for repairs. The Police believe he has been gone at least two or
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  • 225 6 A Blue-book was issued on August 4 containing papers and despatches relating to the execution by Major Lothaire of Mr. Stokes, an English trader, in the Congo Free State. Lord Salisbury, in one despatch to Sir F. Plunkett, British Minister at Brussels, says Her Majesty’s Government is forced
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  • 149 6 Some half a dozen enthusiastic cyclists met, yesterday afternoon, at the Marine Club to consider a scheme for the holding of bicycle road races some time in October. It was decided to have two handicap races on the first Saturday in October, one —a ten mile race
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  • 135 6 RUBBER CULTIVATION. Facts are said to show that there is good prospect of a new industry springing up for the benefit of the northern territory of Australia, in the cultivation of the India-rubber tree. Mr. M. Holtze, director of the Botanic Gardens at Adelaide, who lias had a
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  • 157 6 MONUMENT ERECTED. A monument has recently been erected at Chemulpo, Corea, to the victims of the terrible Edgar disaster. The monument is of Japanese marble, very dark grey in colour, and is composed of three bases and an obelisk die. The lower base is seven feet square,
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  • 154 6 DEPRESSION IN SAMOA. From Samoa, it is reported that the German commercial business there is very depressed. The cultivation of cotton and coffee have been dropped, especially because the German tirnis from year to year have to overcome greater difficulties in getting native workmen, as the
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  • 157 6 $71,000 OBTAINED. COMMERCIAL SQUARE LEASEHOLDS UNDER THE HAMMER. This afternoon, Messrs. Crane Bros., Auctioneers, held a sale of valuable leasehold properties, by order of the Supreme Court, in tlje matter of the Estate of Khoo Tiong Poll, deceased, and an action connected therewith. Lot 1 comprised a
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  • 228 6 COOLIE HEROISM. The District Officer of Kuala Selangor reports how, the other day, he went to inquire about the death of a Chinese miner among some caves there. It appears that this man, Sew Yew, with two friends, was collecting tin-sand from the bed of the stream which
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  • 251 6 Pollard’s Opera Company, last night» presented to a very large and enthusiastic audience what is one of their most successful performances Les Cloches de Corneville.” The acting was so successful that the audience could at times forget that the performers were but children, so thoroughly well were all
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  • 353 6 A LONG LIST. The Police are considerably concerned at the number of burglaries and thefts of various kinds being reported to them just now. The thieves seem to have been taking unusual advantage of the dark nights, and the burglaries are committed in such a manner as
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  • 97 6 Malay coff Ee p I The District Offi, p r Sq I (Selangor) reports notiein^ 1 J coffee growers there sW ing belief in the nraefi? f an i&3 the trees-a pract ice wh^i 0 Sal advocated *31 condition of manv of the a ?> J gardens is
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  • 646 6 THE ROMANE M I* IREANI)C I There was a fair attendant Presbyterian Church when the first of a series of SS lectures was delivered bv the p Walker, m a Taking f Tl* Roman Empire a 8 a tor hrist lanity, the lecturer insisting on t he tart,
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  • 931 7 I,, 4t h of August, His Majesty T rU f Siam journeyed from Buck- "Palace to Osborne House to to the Queen. The King and s prince Chira and Prince era. with the members of bis It riff, left the Palace in State at
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  • 763 7 arrived u copy” in hand. Cas&eWi Saturday Journal. I EXPEDIENTS ADOPTED BY EVENING PAPERS. One of the secrets of success among evening papers which depend to a large extent upon what is known as the street sale is to obtain and publish any item of
    arrived ucopy” in hand.—Cas&eWi Saturday Journal.  -  763 words
  • 998 7 The Society ot 1837, says a writer in the Morning Post was a Society of great ladies and great houses. The houses that received conspicuously then were many who bear the same name as those who 60 years after open their doors and with magnificent hospitality receive the
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  • 474 7 Hadji Amat was this morning charged with rash navigation in the Singapore River, and causing damage to a twakow to the extent of $25 by colliding with it. Mr. Fort defended. Lee Ah Peng said he was a boatman. About 11 a.m. on the .‘loth ultimo, he
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  • 97 7 THE LAKE CLUB. The Lake Club, at Kuala Lumpur, held a general meeting on Saturday last. It was decided to raise funds for extending the Club buildings by issuing debentures. It was resolved to raise the entrance fee from $40 to $75. It was also resolved that, in future,
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  • 88 7 A COLLISION CASE. In Penang harbour, on the 20th August, the captain of the a. s. Jason, after anchoring in front of the Fort point, found that she was too near the s. s. Macduff, and ordered the anchor to be hoisted again. A strong current drifted her
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  • 456 7 The law, says a London paper, is i I notoriously illogical, but its curiosities •lof omission have rarely been more I clearly illustrated than in the course of I the case recently tried before Justioes I Collins and Ridley, which has formed I the subject of
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  • 331 7 I A KONG TO THE MEMORY OF GOOD OLD RAJAH BROOKE.” Tune, Good Old Jeff. w It’s just a year ago to-day. That I remember well.” The Rajah Brooke went on the rocks. Amidst a heavy swell. A right tight little ship was she. As sailed the Eastern
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  • 40 7 Prince Albert of Belgium will, shortly, set forth on a tour around the world. He will follow the route adopted by the present Czar. But, before proceed* ing to CMna and Japan, he will vwrit Australia.
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  • 274 8 The Pinang Gazette notes the departure for Europe of Mrs. R. A. Law and child; Mrs. Law had not been strong. 1 A 'rikisha puller was yesterday fined S2O, in default a month, for disorderly conduct, mischief, and assaulting Inspector Jones. One hundred and fifty-two deaths were
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  • 27 8 One Tan Chew was this morning fined, on two charges of gambling and managing a common gambling house, <5 and S25, in default, five weeks' imprisonment.
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  • 41 8 Mr. \V. H. Sears, Chief Postmaster atTaiping, has died in hospital at Penang from blood-poisoning. The latter, it is said, resulted from his having recently a tooth extracted by a Chinese dentist. The deceased leaves a wife and three children.
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  • 61 8 Mr. Rigby, w ho came out from Europe last year and lias since been on the Hon. J. M. Vermont's estate, is, says Penang rumour, to sneered to the post of Secretary to Mr. Justice Law. vacated on Mr. Bowers Smith's resignation, and Mr. J. 1 jamb wi
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  • 50 8 The Governor and Lady Mitchell, attended by Captain Ainslie, A.D.C., and accompanied by Mrs. Merewether and the Misses Bogle (2), left for Malacca at half past four yesterday afternoon in the Colonial steamer Sea Belle. The Colonial Secretary and the Master Attendant accompanied the Governor's party on board.
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  • 71 8 THE RAILWAY SCHEME. The idea of constructing a railway up Penang Hill has now come to a practical issue, says the St rails Observer. The survey has been made the different methods of construction stated; and the expense worked out. It now remains for the public to give
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  • 112 8 Mr. Holt, Manager of the Ocean Steam Ship Company, in July last, wrote to the Colonial Office, asking that the Company’s vessels engaged in the piligrim trade here should he exempted from the rule that metal decks should be sheathed with wood. These vessels had hitherto carried pilgrims
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  • 1180 8 INCREASED LAWYERS FEES. As will be seen in our report of yesterday’s Legislative Council meeting, Mr. Joaquim intends, at the next meeting of Council, to move the adoption of the Rules and Orders, as to costs, made by the Supreme Court Judges in 1894. These rules were
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  • 703 8 S. C. C. V. RAFFLES SCHOOL BOYS. A game between the above teams was played last night on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators. Great interest seemed to be taken in the game, considering this was the first appearance of the Boys against the Club, and, judging
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  • 1109 8 ACHEEN. Papers laid before the States General show that the Government has had under consideration proposals for increasing the revenue in Acheen. The idea of taking the import duties in the coast states out of the hands of the local rajahs there has been broached. The Governor of
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  • 118 8 The result of Messrs. Crane’s sale of leasehold property in Raffles Square was published yesterday afternoon Mr. Lim Low acquired the property. 12,080 square feet, with various offices built thereon for the sum of $71,000. The second lot comprising 17,841 sqi lare feet in North Kampong Malacca,
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  • 167 8 COFFEE PLANTING. The District Officer of Matanm gives particulars of a recent visit tA Selensing estate there under tlie ance of Mr. Waddell Boyd. the first time, apparently, tfcat CjB estate has been heard of. It have sprung into recognition very #P l V and gives hopeful promise. It
    167 words
  • 161 8 The situation, in regard to the anat l Engineers' strike for increases o P a j remains practically um hange<.. Urn Lan’s Rufy, and Me**. 6'rt Bamljar arrived to-day,an<' t v .f o ur neers aboard her liavegi'en hours’ notice to leave./question stated by the engineers a
    161 words

  • 1991 9 XHUBSDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER. present. TlIK Governor, Sir Charles Bullen M itchell, W. Sncyd-Kynnersley, Acting i’ niai Secretary. I Vat -Colonel Bogle, R. e., Officer the Troops. »ic M. Braddell, Acting AttorneyfljC i* j (I v <; IVnnev, Acting Colonial Trea‘Uj, pill, Acting Auditor-General. Jjt Lim Boon Keng. 5
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  • 64 9 This morning, Mr. E. H. Shakleton, the second Officer of the s. s. Flintshire prosecuted a Chinese coolie for stealing a tin of sardines from a case that had been broached. The man was sentenced to three weeks’ imprisonment. Yesterday, the same officer prosecuted a coolie for broaching
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  • 80 9 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. G. P. Owen* gave a very successful children’s party. Bixty happy youngsters were present, and enjoyed immensely the entertainment provided for them. The conjuring by natives produced no end of excitement, and, with this and other games, the children had a very jolly time.
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  • 131 9 For some time past, the French Navy officials have been endeavouring to discover a colour which will conceal vessels from an enemy’s sight as long as possible. The shades of grey and black adopted in the French Fleet are considered to meet the requirements satisfactorily during the
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  • 756 9 Mr. Oldboy: “I am a self-made mail. sir. I began life as a barefoot boy.” Kennard Well, I wasn't born with shoes on either.” He: “When I married you I believed you to be an angel.' 1 She: You seem to con eider me so still, and that
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    • 27 9 The Governor has appointed the Hon’ble C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley to be his Deputy during his absence from the Colony, dating from the 2nd instant.
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    • 42 9 The Hye Leong it is stated, will take the usual Klang run of the Sappho this afternoon owing to the refusal of the second engineer of the latter to proceed to sea. In other respects the situation remains unchanged.
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    • 47 9 The receipts from the Concert in aid of St. Nicholas Society amounted to $610.50, and the expenditure to $70.28, leaving a balance of $540.22, which has been handed to the Treasurer. The Comm ittee thank everybody who helped, and Mr. Salzmann in particular.
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    • 56 9 Colonel Alexander, the Colonial Engineer, has been granted leave of absence, with half-salary, for twentyone days, and leave without salary for twenty-eight days, to be taken after six weeks' vacation leave commencing on the Ist instant. The Hon’ble Colonel J. du T. Bogle, r.e., has been appointed Acting
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    • 169 9 The following are vessels which are now in hand for the Japanese Government, in addition to the Fuji which has been completed, and the Yashima which recently left the Tyne:—The battleship Shikishima of 15,000 tons and 14,500 horse-power, is to. be completed within two years at the
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    • 336 9 Last night, the members of the Chinese Christian Association assembled, in Prinsep Street Chapel, to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the institution. The cha pel was very tastefully decorated. A select programme of good music, addresses, recitations, and reading, in which the members took a prominent part
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  • 1652 10 (From a Correspondent.) At the comer of Stamford Road, opposite one entrance to St. Andrew’s Cathedral, stands a large building, advertised over its gateways as 4 The Sailors’ Home.’) Upstairs, accommodation is provided for mates and men of that class. Downstairs are the seamen’s quarters. Here, to
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  • 55 10 This morning, an unlicensed dog was shot at in Stanley Street. Aim at the animal was taken in the direction of the front of the houses, and a part of the charge passed through the window of a dwelling house. There were seven) women and children in the room,
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  • 2409 10 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. i THE KING OF SIAM. The King of Siam concluded his visit to London on Aug. 6, and left Buckingham Palace cn route for Taplow Court. The Royal visitors were received at Camberley by the Crown Prince of Siam, Lieutenant-Colonel Hume, R.A. (military governor
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  • 94 10 Ra-N'JIT87.\'H.)I leaves fcnglaM tnontk, with Mr. Stoddart s e Australia. On the completion tour, he will leave the team at Colony and return ho»ie, says the He has been nine years in and has won for himself a place among English fielders. He has 4 strength to Sussex, but
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  • 1706 11 (from ihe Times of Ceylon.") London, 22nd August. hr foreign Admirals at Crete have yjblislicd an International Military Commit'"* 1 at Canea for the administration of justice. lute' 1 Woodford, the new American tcr in Spain, has been charged with D ,.gotiation of the appointment of a
    (from ihe “ Times of Ceylon.")  -  1,706 words
  • 502 11 That’s a queer-looking picture you have on the mantel.” Yes. That’s a composite photograph of the only girl I ever loved.” Like the East, in the hotels of South America men are usually employed to do the chamber work which falls to the lot of w omen in
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  • 1783 11 Colonel Bogle has become a great pluralist. He is, by substantive appointment, Colonel Commanding the Royal Engineers. He is, by acting appointment, Officer Commanding the Troops, a major-general’s post. He is going to be Colonial Engineer. Truly, it needs a great brain and a vast and untiring
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  • 97 12 The Colombo Branch of the National Bank of India received, the other day, a number of rupees from Calcutta of genuine silver, but which were never issued from the Government mint. The bogus rupees were tested at the local Treasury, and pronounced to be silver stamped, not moulded.
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  • 153 12 The Austrian man-of-war Pola was to start, on Hie Ist instant, on a scientific expedition to continue the work begun last year of investigating the zoology, oceanography, and chemistry of tiie Red Sea between Jeddah and Aden. Captain von Pott will be in command, while Hofrath Dr.
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  • 238 12 THE SELANGOR JOURNAL.” The Selangor/ Journal, of September, announces iu“*A Valediction: “With tflfis number Vol. V. and the Selang'jf Journal come to an end. The for this, given shortly, are that the Malay Mail provides all that is necessary for the purposes of daily news by giving accounts of events
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  • 252 12 The Lilliputian troupe secure! a big success for their last night of the present season. The Town Hall was packed last night with a large and appreciative audience, and encores were accorded to almost every item on the programme. The children did not seem in the least tired
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  • 2549 12 NO. 19.—BUITENZORG. (BY MISS AUGUSTA DE WIT.) The Javanese sans-souci* lies cradled in a fold of the undulating country at the base of the Salak, whose blue top, twin to that of the Gedeh, is seen, in fine weather, from the Koningsplein, rising aerially, tender,
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  • 163 12 I What rise in wheat means may be gathered from the fact that the price of wheat i>er quarter has not been as much as 37 shillings since 1883, when it w r as 41 shillings. Since that year it had declined till, in 1894, it
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  • 817 12 On Thursday afternoon in .u Court, three Klings, named Namswaylam, and Angus*:,, charged, the first with t|, e others with abetment of tZ one Kandaswami Pillai, in Road, during the night of the i 12th of August. Mr. Newland pr lS on behalf of the Crown
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  • 285 13 Saturday the S. C. C. defeated Next XVI by 73 runs (for 9 wickets) Ipin- 4 67 \j S. Mac Arthur has been inted Acting District Officer, at 1'ulau, Penang. Bangkok Tramway Company 1 n t he 26th instant, and declared of six per cent, for the
    285 words
  • 41 13 I'ait Talbot, Second in Command of the Malay states Guides and Superintendent of Prisons, Selangor, has teen appointed Commissioner oi Police, in 1 tolerated Malaya, vice Capt. Syers. It is not yet known who is to succeed Capt. liiibot.
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  • 54 13 Iheke are seventeen cases in the calendar for trial at the next Assizes, at Penang, tone opened to-morrow, but only one is ior murder. The only other case ot iiu}H>rtance is that against a Dutch oavai onicer, charged with causing the death ol a Malay woman by a
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  • 54 13 It i 3 reported in the Pinang Gazette Cat seven more Aehinese, who were connected witn the Pegu tragedy, arenow the hands ol Tungku Di Buali, about Crt:e miles from Kerti, and that Chut Nyak, of Kerti, has insisted upon Tungbi huaii s handing over the men
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  • 52 13 a recent gymkhana at Colombo, r ikisha race was one of the items. In tliis race there were seven entries, a very exciting contest ensued, sat in the ’rikislias, which were ‘*li drawn by a blindfolded man between the shafts, with another man I'dsh behind and assist in
    52 words
  • 55 13 c in<; to the opinion entertained, first, ytheCovernment, that the police magibar) overworked, and, secondly, r Municipal Commissioners, that eases are not fully and fairly Squired into, Municipal summonses n v applied for in extreme cases 1 Ids week, but twenty have been Last week the total reached
    55 words
  • 74 13 k h*hk js great scarcity of bullocks in fnai* V *purposes at present, Jjj 1 uavingfbeen sent upcountry for Jr.' ull, r al purposes. Men are employed r,1 ggmg bullock carts along in large J4irs an< l this way the distress tsktn Ulg ls em g partially relieved. Six
    74 words
  • 565 13 INVOLUNTARY BLACKLEGS FROM CALCUTTA. There is a new, though not unexpected development in the local marine engineers’ strike. Yesterday, the s. 8. Zweena arrived from Calcutta with nine engineers aboard, under engagement with certain employers in Singapore, to take the places of men on strike. The men
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  • 92 13 Yesterday, at noon, one Maulasa Saiboo was proceeding along Hill Street. He had a bag strung over liis shoulder, in which were $162.25, chiefly notes. The strings of the bag were passed round his arm. Three men approached him, threw pepper in his face, and snatched at the
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  • 40 13 Two Klings were arrested yesterday morning in possession of a despatch box on which was printed:“ Government of W. D. J. Grant Browning, Engineer in charge, Pahang Trunk Road.” The men have been remanded, pending inquiries.
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  • 358 13 A most successful Concert was held at the Freemasons’ Hall, on Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Masonic Club. Wor. Bro, Elliot occupied the chair. The programme, which was a long and varied one, was commenced by Mr. Mepham, who gave a nicely rendered pianoforte solo.
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  • 366 13 Training is now in full swing, but, considering that we are within six weeks of the races, the attendance of members at the course in the morning is very small. A good number of horses that ran last meeting have dropped out now, but their places have been
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  • 2269 13 IRISH BERI BERI. There is a considerable increase in the number of beri-beri cases in Richmond Lunatic Asylum, Dublin. At a meeting of the Dublin Corporation, the Lord Mayor condemned the LordLieutenant and the Castle authorities. They, it was stated, had been asked by the Asylum Governors,
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  • 185 14 Per German s.* s, Preussen from Bremen, due 16th inst:—From Southampton Admiral Bush, Captain Hitchfield and Mr. Hall. From Genoa: —Messrs. Van Berg, E. A. Hilckes, and H. Winkelmann. (For the Far East) Per P. O. s. 8. Oceana. connecting with steamer Mirzapore at Colombo, from London, Aug.
    185 words
  • 2236 14 ESSEX V. LANCASHIRE. Afters very keen struggle, in which they showed the better cricket, the Essex eleven at Leyton on Saturday (August 7th) won their return game with Lancashire by six wickets. Special interest wag centred in the game, which commenced on Thursday, as each eleven had only
    2,236 words
  • 297 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Chow Phya from Klang via ports:—Mrs. Lemereier, Mrs. Edwin Neubroaner, Messrs. Amos, Kehding, Adrian, and De Cotta. Per s. 9. Hebe from Eeii:—Mrs. Wilson. Per s. s. Singkep from Sinkep:—Mr. Almaker. Per s. s. Sumatra from Deli:—Mr. and Mrs. Rauch, and Mr. Waldegy. Per
    297 words
    • 136 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit. —British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; .Toh.—Johore: Ac., G. c., Genera) cargo d.p. —deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;
      136 words
    • 1553 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Agamemnon, Dut. str. 1,505 tons, Captain Steeves, 4th Sept. From Amsterdam, 29th July. G.c. W. Manfield Co. For Batavia, U—W. Ban Liong Dut. str. 275 tons, Captain Dunker, 6th Sept. From Bandjermassin, 31st Aug. G.c., 44 d.p. Ek Liong Chan. For Banjermassin U—Rds.
      1,553 words
    • 919 15 M J to LAG il! h Vessel’s Name.! A Tons. Captain From 8ailei»J Consignees, q Rio Aug 30 Haiphong MM.str.' 875 Raibold Saigon Aug 27'M. Maritimes 30 Riverdale |Brit. str. 1945 Laurence Tegal Aug 27 Boustead and Co. 30 Singkep 1 Dut. str. 1 90 Nacodah Singkep Aug 29j
      919 words
    • 549 15 Date, i Vessel’s Name FlagARig Captain Destination I j Aug 30 Riverdale Brit. str. Laurence Port Said f.o. 30 Fantee str. Hunter Ruantan via ports 30 Bhundara str. Kerr Melbourne and Sydney 31 Tantalus str. Hannah Marseilles and London 31 Sultan str. Pitts 1 Fremantle via ports 31 Hydra
      549 words
    • 131 15 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag i Date j j Date. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where Destin- ReRig. Sailing ation marks. Aug 26!Brit bq. Eudora Lewis July 6 Manilla Boston 27! bq. Strathern Flemming May 15 New York Saigon 28 Ger bq. Lilia Kaseh Bandjar
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 242 15 w 'p* eia!lv packed in double-lidded canis- ng fiv >im»*ss for years, in all climates.” NOTICE. P die insurer of 1 lie Estate of the late 1 WALTER A. L. HENNINGS, "oased. N°tiee is hereby given that, the under-■-”*ed having IH‘»*n appointed Administra'Kv l 0 Bi>trict Court, Lahadato, all 'liters,
      242 words
    • 542 15 THE STEAITS TIMES.” The price of the Straits Times or Straits Budget is as follows:— Daily issue per year 30 dollars. Do. do. copy 15 cents. Weekly do. year 18 dollars. Do. do. copy 40 cents. When sent by post, there is added for the daily, issue one dollar a
      542 words
    • 195 15 Pure, Rich Blood is the soil in which roots life, health, strength, happiness. The soil of the blood can be drained or impoverished like any other soil, and can be ferfcilf ized and nourished in a similar way. You can get back the old spring and snap. You can enjoy
      195 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      519 words
    • 224 16 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral For Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza, and Incipient Consumption, no remedy approaches Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral It has long been the most popular and successful anodyne expectorant in Pharmacy, and is everywhere approved and recommended by the Faculty. It soothes the inflamed membrane, breaks up irritating mucus,
      224 words
    • 1374 16 *4 LEA OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE J f J 'S NOW A r§. IS printed OAsS IN blue INK f DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRJppgg of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. ONE THOUSAND
      1,374 words