The Straits Budget, 26 January 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 36 1 (»n thel'M inst.,at 44 Waverloy, ”Tannin, me wife of G. M. Preston, of a daughter. At the P.ritish Residency, Pekan, Pahang, on the 20th January, the wife of Mr. Hi gh Cliffori*. of a son.
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  • 353 1 \aimno Articles live Ciar. iay s Telegrams. The Sulians Doom. The Queen s Reign. The Reported Plague. The Nile Expedition. J The Niger Exp*dition. I.o< AL. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. Theft from High Street. Dig Rise in Freights. Allege! Theft of Oil. The
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  • 489 1 Singapore, 26th January, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.50. do Cube No 1, 9.60. do do No 2, 7.50. Copra Bali, 5.35. do Pontianak, 5.05. Pepper, Black, 12.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, ,,2.85. do Brunei, 2.22. Pearl Sago 3.32*. Coffee, Bali, 33.50. Coffee Palembang, 35.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 3‘.75.
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  • 428 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. Taruise.. The M. M. s. Oceanien with the mail from Europe of the 1st January arrived on Sunday. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. k. s. Rosetta. The
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    • 55 1 STRICKEN WITH DI9EASE. London 10//; January. Dr. Bergmann lias been summoned to operate on the C/ar. The operation serve* to prevent the extension of an osseous growth in the cranium arising from the assault upon him in Japan. This osseous growth added to the pressure of excessive work
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    • 49 1 the queens speech. London 20//; January. Parliament was opened yesterday. The Queen's speech makes reference to the massacres in Turkey, the Dongola expedition, and the arbitration treaty with the United States. Bills arc announced, dealing with Kducation and the improvement of the military defence of the Empire.
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    • 17 1 The Liberal peers have elected Lord Kimberley as their leader in the House of Lords.
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    • 81 1 PAKTIcn/AKS OF THE TENDERS. The receiving of tenders for India Bills to the amount of one million sterling payable in three, six, or twelve months has closed. The tenders total twelve and a half millions sterling in amount. 1 hose who tendered lA the rate of £97 10s
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    • 22 1 Two hundred marines have been ordered to Benin. The St. George flagship at the Cape, has sailed for Benin.
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    • 84 1 LORI) SALISBURY'S VIEWS. ljondcm 21 st January. Tiie House of Lords has voted the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne. In the dehate on the Address, Lord Salisbury expressed his conviction that, unless the Sultan adopts the reforms regarded by the Powers as essential, the doom
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    • 10 1 The reported illness of tin* Czar is denied.
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    • 8 1 Admiral Rawson, commands the Benin expedition.
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    • 7 1 Trouble has arisen in Griqualand.
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    • 55 1 THE BENIN MASSACRE. London 22nd January. Further particulars regarding the massacred expedition to Benin show' that it went unarmed. I• The expedition advanced in two parties and bore presents for the King of Benin. Both parties fell into an ambuscade and were massacred. Out of two hundred and
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    • 42 1 ADVANCE ON KHARTOUM. Reuter hears that the garrisons of Debbeh, Korti,and Merani on the Upper Nile will advance early in the summer. Later on they will advance to Abu Hamed and Berber, preparatory to a subsequent movement on Khartoum.
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    • 56 1 THE ENEMY PANIC-STRICKEN. London, 23rd January. Reuter's correspondent at Brass reports that the Niger Company's land column, on reaching Kabba, found that the Foulah army, south of the Niger, had dispersed panic-stricken. The column is advancing on Bida. The flotilla has reached Egwa, where it cuts the
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    • 30 1 NEWS OF VICTORY London, 25th January. The Niger River expeditionary forces have defeated the natives at Shonga after a sharp fight. The town of Shonga was destroyed.
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    • 15 1 A Conference of the Powers to discuss the plague question meets at Venice.
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  • 250 1 (Straits Times 19 th January.) The rumours- which spoke of the impaired health of the Czar find confirmation in to-day's telegram. Since the assault on him in Japan, the Czar has suffered from a bony growth in the cranium, and this morbid development has brought on serious results.
    (Straits Times, 19th January.)  -  250 words
  • 328 1 (Straits Times, 20 th January.) Parliament opened yesterday for what has every prospect of proving tobe a stirring session. The Education question, which so embarrassed the Gov-. emment last year, is to be dealt with by Bill. The previous Education Bill divided the Government supporters, and aroused the
    (Straits Times, 20th January.)  -  328 words
  • 35 1 DEATH. (IN the 21st instant, at “Erin Villa,” I Pl»er Wilkie Road, Margaret Mary Davidson, the beloved wife of Capt. John Eugene Gearv. R.I.P. The funeral will hive her resi leace, at 4.30, to-morrow evening.
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  • 316 2 (titrails Times, 21 st January Unless essential reforms are adopted by Turkey, the doom that overhangs that Empire cannot long be delayed.’* Such are the significant words used by Lord Salisbury in moving the adoption of the Address to the Throne in reply to the Queen's Speech.
    (titrails Times, 21 st January.)  -  316 words
  • 524 2 (Straits Times, 21 it January.) Mr. Chamberlain, it is understood, will make a statement in the Houae of Commons early in the present Session as to the arrangements for celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession in the Colonies. We should like to know what steps
    (Straits Times, 21 it January.)  -  524 words
  • 532 2 {(Straits Times 21s/ January.) The meeting of the Municipal Commissioners that was held yesterday may be taken as confirming in a measure the reassuring remarks that we made regarding the possibility of an outbreak of plague in Singapore. There is no plague; and, so far as the
    {(Straits Times, 21s/ January.)  -  532 words
  • 308 2 (Straits Times 22 nd January.) The long anticipated advance to Khartoum is now at hand, and military preparations to that end are far forward. A few months ago, an expedition pushed up the Nile from Egypt and recovered the town and province of Dongola from the Dervishes
    (Straits Times, 22nd January.)  -  308 words
  • 394 2 (Strait* Times 2bth January.) The precise quarter where the Niger Company intended to driver its jong meditated blow in the southern section of that stream is now apparent. While its naval and military forces were assembling, and even after they had started, the objective point was not
    . (Strait* Times, %2bth January.)  -  394 words
  • 45 2 The Hon. Secretary of the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club informs us that the Club will commence a Tournament on Wednesday, 11th February. The events for competition are: —The Championship; Single Handicap; Ladies Double Handicap; Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Double Handicap; Championship Pairs.
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  • 96 2 The Times of Ceylon offers its congratulations to Major MeCallum on his appointment as Governor of Lagos, where, in the present disturbed state of the neighbouring territories of the Niger Company, he will have abundant opportunities for distinguishing himself, and of utilizing that experience of native races which
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  • 300 2 The following are the principal batting and bowling averages of the S. C. C. for the six months ended on the 31st of December last: BATTING. aD 0; 3 a o u g o BP 8 o> S h -5 Eight Innings and over J. J.
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  • 491 2 PNEUMONIA AND PLAGUE. The Times of India considers that tt death of Dr. Manser, a medical man from plague accompanied bj pneumo. nia, has a significance from a profev sional point of view which must 1* regarded as of the highest important* It establishes the important
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  • 43 2 It is the intention at Penang entertain the Resident Councillor of that Settlement at dinner before tf leaves that quarter. The 3rd Februar has been suggested as the day, and Mr. Skinner has replied that the dak will suit him conveniently.
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  • 47 2 Ceylon planters were the sale of State agricultural land in Klang, on the 18th inst., by Mess* T. N. Christe, Kingsbury, Metcalfe, ai*> Norman Grieve. All the lots at Paffl ansara put up to auction at the above sale, sold at upset prices, except on»*
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  • 160 2 Havas telegrams in the Semaine bear date Paris, 14th instant. They that the French Ministry' will ask Chamber of Deputies for a credit to ni<** the expense attending a State funer* 1 to be given to M. Rousseau, the W Governor-General of French Indo-Chi 0 at. Paris. The
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  • 397 3 Chirol, the well-known indent of the Times, is to-day in on his way to Bangkok. Christie Palmerston, mining r in the service of the Straits Tvelopmeiit Co., died at Kuala Pilah 1 •j y last. He had been carried for 1 "atment from Pasoli to Kuala Pilah.
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  • 29 3 The half-yearly Tennis Tournament »>i the Penang Cricket Club comments on 25th instant. The events are: C hampionship, Single Handicap, Double Handicap,- Profession Pairs, and ladies'and Gentlemen’s Doubles.
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  • 39 3 Rady tiger-slayers are not very plentihut Mrs. Biddulph, wife of the Adjutant of the Nagpore Volunteers, has dropped a full-grown tiger with her wn rifle this Christmas week, at Darek ;u? a, in the Chatisgarh country.
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  • 41 3 Ij is notified that the Conunander-in--I’hiefe f has been pleased to grant leave of absence in extension to Lieutenant Urd C. Conyngham, Ist Battn. Rifle from 25th December, 1896, to 10th March, 1897, on the recommendation of a medical board.
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  • 55 3 Bn the Bth instant, there was another case reported in Church Yard Lane, Island, which made two for the Both cases proved fatal. There no case reported up to the afternoon of the next day. The total number d cases up to date is 120, of
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  • 94 3 At two o’clock this morning, a dock constable at Tanjong Pagar saw' Chinamen stealing oil from a He reported the incident to Superintendent Patterson, who called .the assistance of the Singapore A search was made, and the JJbole of the oil was discovered at a in
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  • 54 3 At five o’clock this morning, a Kling man,residing in High Street, went put to prayers, leaving on the five-foot way ninety-nine rolls of tapestry worth $2OO. When he came back, the property had disappeared; and there is at present no clue to the thief. The rolls
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  • 46 3 The Japanese Government announces that due respect will be shown towards the customs and usages of the Chinese in Formosa. Footbinding is enumerated among the things deserving tolerance. This has aroused adverse comment. But it is pointed out that footbinding is also tolerated at Hongkong.
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  • 56 3 A telegram, dated Kobe, 12th instant, states that Mr. J. F. Lowder, counsel for tlie defence of Mrs. Carew, charged with the murder of her husband, allege* that Miss Jacob,the nursery governess, is tlie authoress of the mystcriom Annie Luke* letters. Mr. Lowder also charges Miss Jacob
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  • 54 3 The Siamese Minister for Finance, who has recently arrived in Tokio, has communicated the desire of his Government to conclude a treaty between tint two countries on equal terms. Tin* Japanese Government is considering the matter, as the laws of Siam are incomplete and that country is
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  • 57 3 The public of Selangor are informet by notification that, as all communications addressed to H. E. the High Commissioner on matters concerning the Federated Malay States are sent to the Resident-General for his report, it would save time if all persons would address the Resident-General in tin'
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  • 66 3 On the 8th December, the following Selangor officers satisfactorily passed the prescribed examination in law before the Legal Adviser of the Federated Malay States and the Chief Magistrate of Selangor: -Messrs. D. G Campbell, R. C. Edmonds, and M. H. Whit ley (with the exception of Selangor Regulations).
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  • 77 3 The Bank of Madras has declared a dividend of ten per cent, per annum, transferred R 75,000 to the Reserve Fund, and carried forward 1166,000 to the current half year. The Bank of Calcutta is a comparatively new institution, but it appears to be doing well. Its
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  • 76 3 Fire broke out at Hongkong, on the 12th instant, in the Indo-China Steam Navigation Go’s, steamer Fan Sang among cargo in the second hold, owing probably to the bulkhead separating* ii from the first hold becoming .red hot. It is supposed the fire had been caused by some
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  • 79 3 PENANG OPINION. At a meeting of the Penang Municipality on the 15th instant, the appointment of a committee to administer the funds raised to celebrate the Queen’s reign was discussed. The Commissioners were of opinion that it would be invidious on their part should they follow the
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  • 99 3 The message of the Queen to the Indian troops who recently held Suakirn is about to be published. The Queen telegraphed to Lord Cromer her satisfaction at the steady and soldierlike conduct ol the troops while employed on unattractive, but important, duty in holding Suakirn and the
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  • 256 3 WHOLESALE EXECUTIONS. At Manila, on the 4th instant, there were executed thirteen men, including three native priests. The charge against them was that of conspiring to raise a rebellion in the province of Camarines. It appears that the Civil Governor of that province received confidential information that a
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  • 54 3 At the end of last year, Messrs. Lowell and Rodgers returned from Batu Bersawah, bringing fifteen ounces of smelted gold, the first output from a reef mine in the Negri Sembilan under the present administration. Mr. Rodgers seemed to think that there was every propect of successful
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  • 74 3 SAKAI COOLIES. Mk. Ckrrutti, of the Changkat Mamut 'old mines in the Batang Padang district, is said to have applied to Government for 200 acres of forest in that district towards the Pahang Pass, and intends to plant it up with coffee. A peculiar feature of this
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  • 69 3 SUCCESS OF A PENANG BABA. Mk. Gnoh Lean Tuck of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, has passed both Parts of the “Little Go” and also the Additional subjects required of Candidates for Honours.” Mr. Gnoh Lean Tuck gained the Queen’s Scholarship for l S9H, and entered Cambridge University direct
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  • 119 3 Two Americans, Dr. and Mrs. MacUrath, have arrived in Bhamo on bicycles. They left Chicago on the 10th April, 1895 rode to the Pacific Coast; went by steamer to Yokohama; rode through Japan thence by steamer to China. They inloiided entering Burma through the south of China
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  • 153 3 The twenty-shilling rate, agreed upon by the Straits Homeward conference came into existence on the Ist of January, subject to a rebate to shippers who coniine iliCir shipments entirely to conference steamers. To-day the rates have been raised to 225./6d. for February, and 25/- *for March
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  • 1819 3 VI.—THE JOHORE STEAM SAW MILLS. (By our Commissioner.) The history of the Johore Steam Saw Mills is, to a very large extent, the history of the Hon. Dato Meldrum. Around both is some halo of romance, the sanctity of years, the peculiar interest attaching to the times when
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  • 79 4 Yesterday, four ’rikisha pullers were brought before Mr. Anthonisz on remand, charged with being members of an unlawful assembly in Victoria Street, on the 10th instant. The evidence brought forward bv the Police was considered insufficient, and the prisoners were discharged. A batch of fifteen was disposed
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  • 86 4 The negotiations for the revision of the treaty between Japan and Spain are progressing satisfactorily. The new treaty between Japan and Belgium, which was recently ratified and exchanged, has been promulgated in the the Official Gazette. It is stipulated that the new treaty can be given effect to
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  • 214 4 THE FORM OF THE OLD PLAYERS. Last month, several members of the last Australian team were engaged in a match played between the Colonies of New South Wales and South Australia, and which resulted in a victory for the Syun v-siders by 51 runs. The men of
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  • 225 4 COOLIE IMMIGRATION. The Selangor Planters’ Association is hold a general meeting on Saturday next. The agenda include the following items:—To consider the following resolutions proposed by Mr. Carey—“ That in view of the important extensions now being undertaken by the Government, of roads and railways in out-of-the-way districts
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  • 1145 4 NAVY EXHIBITION. Under the presidency of the Duke of York, who is showing great interest in the undertaking, a movement has (says the World) been started for holding next May a Marine and Naval Exhibition, which will include yachting, in the grounds of
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  • 204 4 P. A O. ARRANGEMENTS AT MARSEILLES. For the homeward passenger season, 1897, the P. O. Company have made arrangements with the French Railways whereby the Sleeping Car Company will, on the arrival of the P. O. through steamer at Marseilles from Bombay, provide sleeping cars, for up
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  • 238 4 STORY OF IT8 INVENTION. There has always been uncertainty about the inventor of the jinrikisha. Some claim the honour for a foreign missionary, others for a Japanese. The Japanese have always maintained that one of their nationals hit upon the happy idea. His name is Izumi Yosuke, and
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  • 576 4 The plague at Bombay turns out, on sanitary investigation, to be bubonic fever. The real plague has disappeared from Europe, but is common enough in certain parts of Asia, especially in the Euphrates Valley and in China. Inquiry tends to show that plague has its endemic foci
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  • 68 4 An ariged robbery at Winglok Street, Hongkong, on the 8th instant, where the robbers, three in number, safely got away with valuables worth $150, was characterised by the utter helplessness of the six inmates of the house. They did not raise an alarm until the robbers had long
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  • 180 4 Positive statements are again published by the Japanese press with reference to the volunteer fleet, the building of which is projected by a number of staff officers on the Reserve List. The fleet is to consist of two cruisers of six thousand tons displacement each; six of
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  • 329 4 The Native States people are getting on. We hear that a new paper wa* expected to start in Kuala Lumpur on the 19th instant. True, one paper begets another; but we did not anticipate that our contemporary, the Malay Mail would so speedily be assailed by a
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  • 38 4 Inspector Campbell left for Penang this morning, to take charge of the arms and gunpowder department. Inspector Batemen, of the weights and measures department, takes over the gunpowder department here, in addition to his own duties.
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  • 40 4 Advices from Acheen report success** of the Dutch over the Achinese, on the 7th and 9th instant. In one engagement, thirty Achinese fell. In the second engagement, the Achinese lost twenty killed and wounded. The Dutch loss was slight.
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  • 51 4 The Standard Life Assurance Com pany, of which the Borneo Company are the agents here, has brought out a neat and strongly bound blotting book diary for this year. It has also issued an elegantly got-up and useful pocket almanac and diary. The Company 1 invested funds amount to
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  • 62 4 It is announced in a regimental order to the Royal Artillery that, in future, when companies of garrison artillery serving in the Colonies are relieved from home, all short service soldiers serving on their original engagements who have not entered their seventh year of service by the date
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  • 63 4 The play for the championship of the Singapore Golf Club will commence on February the 1st. Play consists of two rounds of the links until the final is reached, when the game will be four rounds. Entries close on the 29th inst. A sweepstake competition for those
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  • 103 4 Mr. H. N. Ridley writes us regarding the article on Johore Saw Mills:—l see by last night’s paper I am accredited with having named the ballow teak Vatica Meldrumi. I must protest against this. 1 never believed it to be a Vatica, which is a tree allied to
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  • 64 5 is a id that Mr. Chamberlain will, T «inrlv stage of the coming Session, at 11 statement in the House of <"* if. >l» may ba wM to pla, m Vibrations ot the Queens long vn this year. The Colonial Secrebeen in communication with IwColonuil Governments on
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  • 72 5 TORTURE to be abolished. l’ j; King of Siam will, it is said, ‘jV issue an edict, making it a Timiiial offence to obtain evidence L in accused and other persons n 0 <rging and other means. Of these methods have been abolished in Bangkok for
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  • 81 5 kresh issue of Siamese stamps is it hand. Some millions of new stamps have arrived at Bangkok from Germar v sollieirnt <*t all values to meet public requirements. They are said to be entirely new in colour and design, and there will be an opportunity for comparing the
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  • 92 5 The temple in Tank Road has been jscene of much stir and excitement among the Hindus during the past two evenings. The gorgeous ear containing the deity was drawn in procession with the usual accompaniment ot torches and music. The crowds in attendance were large, and the number
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  • 119 5 AMERICAN MISSION ATTACKED. On the :>rd instant, an attack was made by armed men on the Uirls’ School of th»* American Methodist Mission, at Ngu Cheng, in the Hok-cliiang District, about fifty miles S. E. of Foochou. This attack was the last of a >eries of annoyances
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  • 288 5 Americans are found of saying that :ie v no titles of aristocracy, and >‘>juld not have them if they could. It “J 5 Nevertheless, been remarked that conduct towards European nobles dies this statement; so it is with only modified surprise (says the Globe) that learn from the
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  • 1983 5  -  (by A. DE WIT.) THE TOWN.— (Continued.) Rijswijk, Noordwijk, and Molenvliet, tlie commercial quarters of Batavia, are more European in aspect than the Koningsplein: the houses —shops for the most part—are built in straight rows; sidewalks border the streets, and a noisy little steam-car pants
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  • 236 5 REDUCTION IN THE NOTICE FEE. A correspondent points out that, while the reduction in the water rate notice fee may have heen intended as a boon, it is a questionable one. Heretofore, the fee was one dollar, but it did not become due until the middle
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  • 130 5 SOCIAL EVENINGS V. SMOKING CONCERTS. A new social departure has been taken at Tientsin. The smoking concert season was opened on 19th December, and the ladies, not to be left out in the cold, organised a social evening of t heir own. Who got home first was a
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  • 135 5 TIGER KILLING. The district officer of Tampin (Mr. H. Hale) in Negri Sembilan, reports that, the other day, a constable shot a tiger just behind a house, in Malacca territory, and obtained the Malacca reward of $5O; the tiger was a very large one, and it is peculiar
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  • 1187 5 The approaching settlement by arbitration of the Venezuela-Guiana Boundary Question does not come as a surprise, says a Standard correspondent, on anyone who has studied the few score of similar disputes that have occurred in the past thirty years. Except in one or two cases, they have
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  • 67 6 A contest of motor cars for heavy traffic has been organised by the Automobile Club of Paris, and will take place, on July 1 next, near that city. Prizes will be awarded for merits such as speed, quickness of stopping on slopes, absence of noise, &c. An official
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  • 83 6 Although it was certain that the Indian Budget in March would disclose a considerable falling off in land revenue and in railway receipts for the past year, a satisfactory increase was looked for early this month in the revenue derived from irrigation, as the demand both in
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  • 334 6 A COLONY ON THE ROAD TO RUIN. The last Timor mail to Macao brought bad news from that island, ana people who have just returned tnither tiom there are strong in their condemnation of the stupidity and folly with which the Governor is aoniinistering that unfortunate colony. The
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  • 323 6 a syce’s alleged negligence. This morning, in the Supreme Court, before Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox, Wing Hum Soon brought an action for damages against E. F. Paglar, s<so being claimed in respect of alleged negligence on the part of the defendant’s syce, whereby two mares belonging
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  • 487 6 The Queen has appointed Gen. Sir Henry' Wylie Norman, G.C.8., G.C.M.G., C.I.E. (Chairman), Sir Edw’ard Grey, M.P., and Sir David Barbour, K.C.5.1., to he Commissioners to inquire into the conditions and prospects of sugar-grow ing in the West Indies and British Guiana, and Mr. Sydney Olivier,
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  • 673 6 AN IMPORTANT RESOLUTION TO-DAY. TO-DAY’S MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon, il to consider a resolution approving of the Sanitary Inspectors being empowered to enter dwelling houses in terms of Section 223 of the M unicipal Ordinance 1896.” There were
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  • 31 6 The man-of-war Red Buoy has been shifted to a position w’ith the following bearings: Obelisk, Tanjong Katong, N. 42° E. Fort Canning Flagstaff N. 52' E. Peak Island S.6W.
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  • 77 6 In his last report on Raub, Mr. Bibby finished by saying: I beg to congratulate the shareholders on the improved prospects of the mines for the coming year.’* The shareholders, says the Malay Mail have the very best manager possible in Mr. Bibby, who is to be
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  • 163 6 Mr. Valentine Chirol and ConsulGenetal Anderson left to-day for Bangkok in the Centaur. Mr. Chirol will shortly return to Singapore, whence he goes to Burmah and thence homewards. Consul-General Anderson will also return shortly. The troubles in Bechuanaland have now reached the Cape Colony, where the coloured
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  • 17 6 Among the arrivals by the Sirsa were Messrs. Sugden and Owen and Mrs. Leach and Miss Sharpe.
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  • 37 6 Mr. J. Bastiani advertises that he has again established himself in business as a pine-apple preserver at No. 5, High Street, and that he has no connection with the late firm of J. Bastiani Co.
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  • 277 6 —Malay Mail. The championship of the Selangor Golf Club for 1897 was competed for on the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th inst., under medal play rules, over two rounds of the course. Mr. J. G Glassford, champion for 1896, was again the winner, completing each round one stroke
    —Malay Mail.  -  277 words
  • 243 6 CROP PROSPECTS. Heavy rains fell in the planting districts, last month, and considerably interfered with estate operations. The tobacco harvested, says the Deli Courant, promises to be just large enough in quantity to satisfy growers. The quality seems to be good. Sorting is over on most estates, and
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  • 285 6 JUDGMENT TO-DAY. Thie afternoon Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox gave judgment in the action Wing Hum Soon v. E. F. Paglar In this case the plaintiff claimed damages for alleged negligence on the part of the defendant’s syce, whereby two mares belonging to the plaintiff were injured,
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  • 563 6 A NEW IDEA. In the presence of a number of shipping experts, a practical demonstration was given on Dec. 21 of a new’ invention for preventing vessels from sinking after being damaged by collision, stranding, &e. at the offices of the Insubmersible Company, London. The apparatus with an
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  • 304 7 lK situation on the 7th instant. J! meeting of the Supreme Legisla- (’ouncil of India on the 7th instant, t» v V Woodburn made a statement of nation as regards the famine. thP John Woodburn said The timely Nr 1 y oV eii)ber and December have ra,n
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  • 552 7 THK COMPANY'S STEADY GROWTH. The Nippon A usen Kuisiia had its origin HO years ago. Starting with half-a-dozen vessels acquired by the feudal chief of Tosa, the tleet was handed over to Mr. hvasaki Tataro, and it grew with great steadiness in the face ot many
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  • 683 7 the prince of wales wins £26,000. The list of winning owners is headed by Mr. L. de Rothschild, whose total is 46,766/., as compared with 20.749/. last year, while in the two seasons of 1892 and 1893 his gains amounted to only 3,218/. Mr. de Rothschild’s great winner
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  • 40 7 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Exchange Room on Thursday next. At the meeting, resolutions will be submitted respecting the Bill for the issue of Government Paper Currency.
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  • 57 7 The arrangements for the Governor’s visit to Kedah contemplated his leaving Penang for that State to-day. H. E. was to go with the Resident Councillor of ithat Settlement, and was expected to reach the capital of Kedah to-morrow. There they will be the guests of the Sultan till
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  • 56 7 Two Chinamen were yesterday taking a photographic view in Raffles Place, when they were unpleasantly interrupted by a Sikh constable and removed to the Central Station. They were charged with obstruction, a number of persons having gathered about the camera. The Magistrate took a reasonable view of the
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  • 184 7 St. Petersburg, December 23. —By an Imperial, Ordinance issued this evening, the Czar’s sanction is given to the articles of association of a new company, entitled the Eastern Chinese Railway Company. The company is to construct and work a railway on Chinese territory, starting
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  • 557 7 Tpon tin* marriage of his daughter Consuelo with the Duke of Marlborough. Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt settled five million dollars upon her during.her lifetime, and afterwards upon her children, should she have any. He also settled five million dollars absolutely upon the Duke. It is not generally known
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  • 907 7 THE TREATMENT OP CONVICTS. Dr. Benjamin Howard, who since 1859 has made a special study of penology, has arrived in England from a fourth visit to Russia and Siberia, undertaken for the purpose of confirming and bringing up to date the observations made by him in Saghalien
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  • 116 7 From Bombay, we learn by wire to-day, that the plague is decreasing there. Yesterday, there w T ere sixtynine cases and seventy-five deaths. 7+ The Bank of England discount rate has drop]H»d from 4% to 3|%. The Saigon rice crop has turned out to be abundant, this
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  • 46 7 The other day, a Chinaman in a large way of business died in Bangkok, and, on enquiry being made for his books, in order to settle up his affairs, it was found that they had been religiously burnt as, it appears, is the custom there.
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  • 57 7 Of late, in one week, there were no less than six gang robberies in the Gopeng Division alone, and some of them very daring ones. One of the detective? in the Kota Bahru Road was attacked and injured badly, while one of the robbers went a>vay
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  • 60 7 Steps- are being taken to open a sub post office at Tanjong Pagar, and a room in the police station is to be used for this purpose. This will afford great facilities for postal purposes to the community living in the neighbourhood of Tanjong Pagar. This
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  • 69 7 The tie in the competition for the final winner id* the monthly medal handicaps was completed last night. The winner proved to be Dr. Fowlic. who went round in the excellent score of 87 as against Mr. E. J. Nanson's 97. The scores were Dr. Fowlie, Ist
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  • 55 7 A corporal of the Royal Engineers, named Bates, committed 'suicide at Hongkong on the 14th instant by throwing himself over the verandah of Wellington Barracks, his neck being broken by the fall. The deceased had for a few days previously been behaving strangely, and is said to have expressed
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  • 70 7 The Canton Government has received a telegram from the Chinese Consul in Cuba to the effect that, owing to the rebellion in that island,, many Chinese who are out of work a/e unable to find means to support themselves, and that many have died in the streets
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  • 70 7 The Japanese Government propose to engage a foreign adviser in the Governor-General's Office, Formosa, at a salary of 500 yen a month, for four years from Ist April, 1897, to 31st March, 1901. It is stipulated that this gentleman shall have lived many years in Formosa and have a
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  • 65 7 The pest among the cattle in Bangkok is becoming stamped out, says the Siam Observer. The Siamese Government took strict measures against the disease, and Dr. Nightingale, the Slaughtering Insi>ector, has stringently enforced them. The cattle dealers themselves have so recognised the importance of following his instructions
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  • 85 8 Among the arrivals from Corea at Nagasaki, the other day, was Mr. Leigh Hunt, who is heavily interested in the mining concessions in the vicinity of Wonsan recently secured by Mr. Jas. FL Morse of the American Trading Co. Mr. Hunt has been up prospecting the mines,
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  • 96 8 The Ching Ling Foo troupe of conjurors, who arc admitted to be the most clever wonder workers throughout the East, if not in the whole world, will visit Singapore and perform here shortly en route to Europe, where a long tour has been arranged for them. Their first
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  • 101 8 The last of the men who wen* arrested in connection with rioting was before the magistrate yesterday. The man, Lim Lua, had been in hospital since I he 10th instant. He was arrested on that day in Victoria Street for alleged complicity in a disturbance. Judging from
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  • 98 8 It appears from the report of the British ConsuUat Moscow that in 1843, up to which date the export of spinning and weaving machinery from England was forbidden by law, there were only 350,000 spindles in all Russia, the annual product being no more than 5,600 tons
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  • 97 8 Telegrams regarding the Carew case state that Miss Jacob lias been remanded on bail until Monday next. The trial of Mrs. Carew was resumed oil the 13th. Mr. Ifickinson was compelled t-o read his love letters in Court, which caused a sensation. In the course of his
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  • 120 8 The official returns of the bubonic fever at Karachi for Saturday, 2nd Jan., show 10 cases and 9 deaths, mostly Hindus. This brings up the total from date of the present outbreak, to <s.‘i cases 'mm 76 deaths. The. disease is chieflv confined to the old
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  • 135 8 At the date of last advices from Manila (4th instant), Spanish troops were pouring there from Europe —about 1,200 per steamer—and there must now be between 12,000 and 20,000 in the Philippines. They are said to be a poor-looking lot. It is amusing to see them rigged
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  • 89 8 A LAW BCHOOL. The Siamese Government has reformed its laws, but lacks competent judges to administer them on modern principles instead of on the old corrupt system. To meet this want, young men are being placed under the charge of the newly appointed judicial commissioners in
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  • 124 8 LOSSES AND SAWDUST. The Bangkok Tramway has latterly been in a had way from the dearness of fuel there, owing to the small supplies of paddy to the mills. In busy times, the mills turn out enough paddy-husk to feed their ow n fires and also those
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  • 167 8 W ANT OK DISCIPLINE. Only a few’ weeks ago, it was decided to despatch one of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha’s liners under a Japanese master to an Indian port; and there is every reason to believe that the venture will prove as successful as though the skipper were
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  • 192 8 i jiK police of Now South Wales are on the track of a murderer who used to lure people to the mountains there on prospecting expeditions. He then killed and robbed them. This man passed by many aliases, the latest of which is Butler. Two detectives have loft
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  • 264 8 A corkesi‘ondent says: —It has more than once been observed that the work in the 3rd magistrate’s court is too much, and tins is now’ proved by the indisposition of Mr. Blagden who has carried on the drudgery of this court until he has broken down, and
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  • 93 8 Via Bangkok.) London, 16th January. The New York World states that an agreement with Spain as to the terms to be granted to the Cubans has been virtually concluded, and will be submitted to Congress ten days hence. 16th January. The report in the New York World that
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  • 213 8 ITS CONSECRATION ANNIVERSARY. Sunday next, the eve of St. PauPs Day, is the anniversary of the consecration of the above church, and the Bishop will be the preacher at Evensong, 5.30 p. m. It may not be uninteresting to recall a fact or two touching the past
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  • 215 8 CHINESE DUPLICITY. Traders have often complained of the levying of squeezes in connection with transit passes in the province of Canton, and, the other day, the Chinese authorities then* issued a proclamation which was supposed to remedy the grievance. It. now turns out that the proclamation docs not
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  • 243 8 Vallance’s Varieties performed at the Town Hall last night before a small but appreciative audience including H. E., the General Officer Commanding the Troops. The programme was very entertaining, and the company achieved a success which should stand them in excellent stead for their performances to-night and to-morrow\
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  • 1881 8 VI.—THE COCONUT. (By our Commissioner.) It is a far cry from the English country fair where the sportive youth is invited to “roll, bowl, or pitch” at the “milky coconut,” (‘All had ’uns changed, and only a penny a ‘shy’”) to the majestic plantations of the tropics where
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  • 779 9 the currency question. The following interesting notes are ken from the St. James's Gazette The development of the currency question in India is reaching an interesting e an d the recent debate on the VlVct in the Council affords fresh of the difficulties with which J? legislation of
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  • 186 9 A correspondent sends the Daily Chronicle an instance of official imbecility—to use no strongefi word—recently perpetrated by the French Colonial Office. A public engineer was required for Tahiti. The Colonial Office selected for the appointment an engineer in the French service who had only two months to serve
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  • 601 9 A BELGIAN Royal decree has been published against the adulteration of syrups, preserves, jellies, &c. When such articles are mixed with any foreign matter their labels should bear the additional word “glucosed,” “coloured.” “acidulated,” «fcc., or fantaisie.” Lord Justice Bowen, whose Life has just been published by Messrs.
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  • 130 9 The dead body of a Chinaman was found in the Impounding Reservoir at Thomson Road this morning. It is advertised that the Mr. N. Ruchwaldy is willing to give lessons on the Banjo, Mandolin, and Guitar. The 6th February is gazetted as a public holiday, it being
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  • 41 9 The Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak is reported to have postponed his visitation of Penang and Perak to the week before Easter. He hopes to be at Taipingon Palm Sunday, and in Penang for Good Friday and Easter day.
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  • 40 9 The cricket match Probables v. CapLain Parsons’ eleven, was commenced yesterday. The Probables went in first, and scored 69, of which H. V. Eccles contributed 23 and G. P. Stevens 16, before the drawing of stumps for the day.
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  • 103 9 The members of the S. V. A., gave an extremely successful Cinderella dance at the Drill Hall last night. The Hour was perfect, the accommodation was most convenient throughout, and the decorations of the hall and the verandah, were charming. Captain and acting Commandant Dutiman,
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  • 149 9 iiailyx Moyazine. the well-known sporting monthly, discussing Mr. Arthur Balfour as a golfer, says He treats the game as seriously as Sarah Battle treated whist. There is nc pretence of his not caring whether he wins a match or los«*s it; he likes to win, and when he
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  • 140 9 The sends out a large number of Christmas cards every year. She loves to remember in this way all w’ho have well served her or given her pleasure. Artists, actors, musicians, authors, clergymen, doctors, soldiers, and sailors are among those who are thus reminded at ule Tide of
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  • 215 9 The present (remarks the Medical JVeas and Circular are the days of darkness and doubt, when deadly germs have been proved to lurk on all hands in what we eat and in \vhat we drink. Science has warned u> off with emphatic voice from uncooked saveloys, from
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  • 2092 9 J DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. J, The tenth annual distribution of prizes to the scholars of the AngloChinese School took place yesterday afternoon. The school hall was very prettily decorated for the occasion with greenery and bunting. Many pretty mottoes in fern adorned the walls, and flags of
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  • 348 10 PROSPECTUS ISSUED TO-DAY. We publish, to-day, the whole prospectus of the Siak Timber Company (Lim.) which seems a singularly honest and reasonable document. Perhaps, orve reason why it is so reasonable is that the proposed company might almost be described as being under the patronage of Tanjong
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  • 1134 10 The bicycle continues to wipe the eye of the horse. This afternoon we are to have a bicycle paper chase which I doubt not will be even more successful and more interesting than any paper chase conducted on the back of the oldfashioned horse. I congratulate the
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  • 1026 10 RACING. The race club at Buitenzorg met on Hie 10th instant, and discussed sweeping suggestions for reforms in its methods and procedure. Thorough revision of its rules came also under consideration, the rules of English race clubs serving as model. The revision, says the Batavia NieuwsbUtd, took in
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  • 234 10 ATHLETIC SPORTS. A meeting of the Chinese New Year Athletic Sports Committee for 1897 was held yesterday evening in the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. Mr. Tan Hap Seng presided. The meeting carried unanimously the resolution fixing the events and the programme. The sports will be held on
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  • 905 10 MR. ST. VINCENT B. DOWN ON CULTIVATION Yesterday afternoon a public meeting was held in the Exchange to congi<U the arrangements for the propose Flower Show. Among those presor were Messrs. St. Vincent B. Down, w}> was called to the chair, W. H. Slielfonj Brydges, Little, Kliory,
    905 words

  • 765 11 ,,i Sophia of Sweden affects a very l c „;\li: of raiment. Queen Emma of like Queen Hcnriette of rViani. makes no pretensions about dress. (Jo riimn Empress, too, is another .on..,* of a royal ladv who has little or insiau*- influence on the fashions of her country-
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  • 3863 11 “STRAITS TIMES” FUND. FIFTH LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. (Tuesday) To-day, the loading members of the Chinese community have come to the assistance of the Straits Times Famine Relief Fund, and in the most handsome manner. The subscriptions recorded below will show how representative is the contribution; and it
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  • 313 12 A very successful bicycle paper-chase was arranged on Saturday by a bachelor mess. The function was well organized, and was much enjoyed. The run was about eleven miles, besides a return journey of a few miles more. Mr. Isemonger, the retiring Colonial Treasurer, was entertained to lunch
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  • 32 12 At Punjom, in December, the cyanide plant worked 26 days treating 920 tons of tailings, yielding 285 ozs. of bullion of an average assay value of £1 11s. Od. per ounce.
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  • 30 12 Mr. R. Craig is provisionally recognised as Consul for Sweden and Norway at Singapore. Mr. J. N. Heim is also provisionally recognised as Vice-Consul for these kingdoms at Penang.
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  • 34 12 A telegram has been received in Penang that Mr. C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, Resident Councillor of Malacca, has arranged to come to take over the acting appointment of Resident Councillor of Penang.
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  • 30 12 This morning, Captain Boldero, Ag. Master Attendant, fined eight Chinese tongkang men, eight dollars or three weeks’ vigorous imprisonment each, for throwing ballast overboard within the harbour limits.
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  • 43 12 A chitty came to the Central Police Station last night, and complained that at half-past eight o’clock while in Canal Road, about fifty yards from the station, four Chinamen robbed him of promissory notes for the total sum of SI,200.
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  • 46 12 Mr. Lange, of Spring Grove, was aroused by a noise in his house this morning. He went downstairs, but the :liief or thieves had taken fright, and iad bolted. Nothing was missing, but a lamp had been shifted from the table r.o the floor.
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  • 40 12 A general meeting of the Singapore Chess Club was held on Saturday afternoon at the Town Hall, Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox presiding. Rules for the management of the Club and for tournament play were considered and decided upon.
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  • 50 12 A tongkang was starting on Saturday morning from Singapore with a party oflepersfor the Penang Leper Asylum on ioard, w hen a Chinese sailor fell overward and w’as drowned. Two other sailors then refused to proceed, and the vessel's departure had to he delayed until yesterday morning.
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  • 56 12 At two o'clock, this morning. Corporal No. 13 w’as awakened in his room in the Police Barracks at the People’s Park by somebody touching his head. He got up, and, seeing a Chinaman running off, he gave chase, and caught the intruder, who, in his flight,
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  • 51 12 ADMITTED BEFORE THE SELANGOR CHIEF MAGISTRATE. The Government Secretary, Selangor, has written, informing Messrs. Braddell Bros., and Matthews, that, from and after 1st February 1897, all advocates admitted to practise before the Judicial Commissioner will be entitled to practise in the Court of the Chief
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  • 149 12 Kol papers received to-day contain accounts of the earlier part of the Carew case. The trial commenced in H.B.M.’s Court for Japan at Yokohama on the 5th January before Judge Mowat. Mrs. Carew came up to the Court in a closed ’rikisha. She was attired in dedp
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  • 744 12 A STATEMENT BY SIR A~ MACKENZIE. An influential deputation of the British Indian Association waited upon the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal on the 11th January to urge the desirability of paying relief works wages in gram imported on behajf of Government, the idea being to relieve the demand
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  • 47 12 After a cessation of three days, this disorder broke out again in Colombo op the. doth ;i instant, one case being reported which proved fatal.. Another was from Sea Street, the patient beinir a Chetty pWWbezt day. Thj» totrfl nunibw»feM«r«pto thataftwnton wat 148, death*
    47 words
  • 1673 12 FELL0W8 OF THE R.C.I. I Mr. George C. Cox (Hongkong) u.l L. P. Ebden (Straits Settlements) I Mr. John J. Francis, Q.C. have been elected Fellows of the Colonial Institute. j BISHOP OF SOUTH CHINA. I We learn that Bishop Burdon I posed leaving
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  • 65 13 The Perak Cricketers, who will meet the S. C. C. during Chinese new year at Singapore,are Messrs. Hubback, Bagnall, Talbot, Watson, Dougall, Bellamy, Whitley, McClosky, Neubronner, C. Glassford, J. Glassford. Severn, and Paxton, The cricket match to he played well he a three days’ match, and will
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  • 107 13 At half-past six o’clock this morning, a Chinese crockery dealer named Tan Iloon, living in Clyde Terrace, came to the house of his clerk, Tan Quail, at 9 Balik Lane. Tan (Juans wife was aroused by her husband’s cries of “murder’* and “police,’’ and, rushing to the
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  • 157 13 The Indian Agriculturist describes a beetle which, it says, has lately beei cac.singextensive destruction among tin coconut palms at Cochin, and which luu been known to do damage in Singapore. It is known as the orgetes rhinocevos, am is a foe to all palms, but particularly ti coconut-palms.
    157 words
  • 214 13 The Goeernmmt Gazette publishes the draft of fin Ordinance to amend the law relating to lepers. The Bill is to b introduced into the Legislative Council. The Attorney-General explains in tin statement of objects and reasons that the Bill lias been drafted to replace the measure which was
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  • 92 13 (For the Far East) Per P. tk O. s. s. Java from London, Dee. 24: —Mrs. Alice Enzer, Miss A. Worley, Mr. P. Roberts, Mr. Harfy. L. Giles, Mrs. Tidy, Mr. H. Sharp, Per P. O. s. s. Parramatta from London Jan. 28 connecting with the s. 8.
    92 words
  • 1082 13 (From the 11 Times of Ceylon.") London, 9th January. Mr. Asquith, speaking at Densburg, said that Ireland and Scotland ought to be treated as separate fiscal entities. An enquiry into the ease of Scotland would produce startling results. The Peninsular steamer A 'ubia arrived at Plymouth with cholera
    (From the 11 Times of Ceylon.")  -  1,082 words
    • 705 13 ro Till: EDITOR OF the “straits times." Sir, If you will kindly permit me, 1 will make a correction in a small matter. His Excellency the Governor of British North Borneo and Labuan Isas* informed me that it is my duty to contradict a statement made by
      705 words
  • 399 13 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Pertlaua from Kelantau Mr Borghese. Per S. S. Sri B andjar from Koetie —Mr. Perrichon. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports: —Mr. Holmes, Mr. and Lincoln. Per s. s. A. Apcar from Calcutta Mrs. A. T. Murray, Mrs. Howard Porch, and
    399 words
    • 119 13 Under this heading the following abbreviafcions are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Johore; «&c., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. 1*. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’sWharf;N.
      119 words
    • 1474 13 Abkivals Since Noon of Satikiuy. Albom, Brit. str. 660 tons, Capt Ritcliie, 24th Jan. From Penang 22nd Jan Qc A 25th—W’ BOrne C y Lt<i For Bangkok, oi*l TO i <r < T? r t s ;r:' 108 tons, Capt Nicol, 24th Jan. From Klang, 22nd Jan. G.e.,
      1,474 words
    • 80 14 Same, port, probable ila-e of arrival ana name of aye nix. Adour, Marseilles, 1ft Dee 13; M. M. A. Apcar, IPkong, Feb 8; Sarkies A Moses. Bayern, Europe, Feb 4; ilelin Meyer. Bonn o, Hongkong, Feb 2; P. A <). Benvenue, Antwerp, Jan 28; P. Simons. Bucephalus, Calcutta.
      80 words
    • 1132 14 Flag P*—s Vessel’s Nam*. A Tons. Captai* I Fbom Sailed. Cox 8 igx Ci p Big j 1 Jan 18 Singapore Brit. str. 748 Main Bangkok Jan 14JooSeneCh» 18 A. Apcar sir. 1392 Sundberg Calcutta Jan 9 Sarkies aodv 18 Kut Sang str. 1495 Payne Hongkong Jan 13Boustaed an
      1,132 words
    • 697 14 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag it Rig Captain Destination I I I j Jan 18 Clio I Brit. str. Whyte Sourabaya I 18 Sishan str. Jones Shanghai I 18 Juno str. Morris Tcluk Anson via port® I 18 Canton PAO str. Cubitt Hongkong I 18 Sunda j str. Gordon I
      697 words
    • 59 15 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. T Flag Date ReDate. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where Destin- marks Rig. Sailing ation Jan 11 Ned s.s. Celebes De Wyn Padang Batavia 13 Ned. s.s.'R. Regentes Bruyns Jan 13 Batavia Amsterdam 17 Brit. s.s. Muttra Turner Jan 1 Melbourne
      59 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 154 14 i. t .TrWeiPIPJC ’"i-*’ t* 'vv» «r IS O f i rrp g v ft .li<ju j'li v *•a* c *i:m u L .1 hj a t a i O OJ.wiJ u Ul C.D Will relieve {'.10 most disYr* 4 i* ci :i *j !i soothe f the ii!i!:;2!i(sl iminbrane,
      154 words
    • 875 14 ONLY A LITTLE AT A TIME. J| There are sound objections to one’s knowing too much about his own body. I am going to tell you what they are not to-day, but soon. To make sure of them you will have to watch these articles sharply in the newspapers. Yet
      875 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 152 15 OBSERVE THAT THE O SIGH A TUBE "OA' /"S' N r IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER cf every Bottle of the O ':L7*$±JU WORCESTERSHIRE Sold V. \.*i v*y *:-»e Proprietors, n Crosse liiackweil, Lto., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Singapore Agenst, JOHN
      152 words
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 303 16 JOHN LITTLE Co. SINGAPORE. Ltd ELEC'i'iK > PLATE DEPARTMENT.— Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic meetings. k> We arc always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, Ac.
      303 words