The Straits Budget, 5 January 1897

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 137 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times ha£ the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted, it* circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 26 1 \t St.- A ini rew'**'* Cathedral, on the 2nd »n*4ant. by tin* Yen. A rvh deacon Per ham. William Patcihtt to Mary Georgina Taylkuk Seaton.
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  • 259 1 Leading Articles. 1*96. Revolt ia South Africa. Turkish Mi>rub». Tli»* IMiilppino-t. Ar i n« t ii:: 11 Relief. h* A L. Market quotation.'. Shipping Nows. Dur Local Industries; No. 1 A‘2. Ice and (ins. Dishonest Constables. A Secret Society Case. Vessel Aground. Marriage of Dr. Li in
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  • 502 1 SrxoiroRE, oTfi January, 1897. PRODUCE Gambler 6.57*. do Cube No 1, 10.00. do do No 2, 7.50. Copra Bali, 5.45. do Pontianak 5.05. Popper, Black 11.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.77L do Brunei 2.25. I'enrl Sago 3.25. Coffee, Bali, 34.00. Coffee Palembang, 3000. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 254 1 The mail for Europe, this week, loaves l>y the P. O. s. s. Kaisar-t--llitul. The P. &os. s. Mlf-ipore with the mail from Europe of the llth December is expected this afternoon. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M. s. s.
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    • 60 1 THE RISING IN RECHUAN ALAND. ho.nhm. ”>t!i Decent her. The Katlir rising in British Beehuanaland arose from the slaughter of cattle stricken with rinderpest there. It took sharp fighting to capture the rebel position at Pokwani. Numbers of Kattirs, but no British, were killed in the engagement. The
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    • 15 1 M- Doumcr, an ex-Minister of Finance, has been appointed Governor-General of French Indo-China.
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    • 41 1 RUSSIA WARNS THE SULTAN. London 30 th December. M. Nelidoff, the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople, has warned the Sultan of the necessity for following the counsels of the Powers. Oth«wise, as M. Nelidoff points out, the coisequences will be unpleasant..
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    • 21 1 m Mr. fF. N. Beauclerk, Secretary to the Brftish Legation at Pekin, has been appointed Consul-General at Budapest!* <* m
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    • 25 1 SPREAD OF PLAGrE. CROP OI'TLOOK. London, dt.d Dscemfter. The plague at Bombay is seriously increasing. Further rains have improved the crop prospects in India.
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    • 41 1 BIMETALLIC MOVE. JiUitdoii Isf Junitiii'ii. A caucus nicotine of tlie Republican party has drafted a Bill in the interest of bimetallism. The Bill empowers the President, to appoint delegates to any conference held for the purpose of restoring bimetallism.
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    • 13 1 Mr. J. W. Carrington, the Chief Justice of Hongkong, has been knighted.
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    • 28 1 Lou A on, 2nd Januanj. Mr. Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, has left almost the* whole ot his vast fortune to theinternatmnal fund for scientific research.
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    • 14 1 Tin* Czar sent to President Faurc a hearty New Year telegram.
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    • 31 1 London Januari/. Sir Charles Bruce. Governor of the Windward Islands, has been appointed Governor of Mauritius. Sir Herbert Jerningham, the present Governor of Mauritius, has been appointed Governor of Trinidad.
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    • 26 1 Failures of local banks have been continuous in the Western States of the American Union. Two of the hank managers concerned have, committed suicide.
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    • 21 1 The Czar has authorised the collection of funds throughout the Russian Empire for the relief of Armenian immigrants there.
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  • 2512 1 189 6. The catastrophe that, every year, during the last decade, has threatened to engulf Europe in a disastrous war has, fortunately, once again been averted. Not for many years has the peace of the Continent been so seriously threatened as during the past twelve months, but it is a
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  • 46 1 DEATH. ,\r Kensington. Oxford. Kent. on Christ»H t' Djiv. tin* Revd. James Ixd Wei.ldox, i*.( vi« ;ir of the pnrish and honorary Cnuon of Cnnterbury Cathedral. agod So. DEATH. n\ 30th December, at tin* General Hospital. William iai.iu;aitii. Into second Krigmeer, s. ILcntc. aged 2S years.
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  • 243 2 (Straits Times, '2\)th Decemtter.) Now that Matabeleland has been pacified, the flame of revolt breaks out in British Bechuanaland. That this would happen had boon foretold by people acquainted with the native races and versed in their ways. The killing of infected cattle by the authorities
    (Straits Times, '2\)th Decemtter.)  -  243 words
  • 302 2 (Straits Times 30 th Decemhef.) The Sultan has now received what may almost he called a final warning. Russia has hitherto, been his only friend in need to ward off impending danger. She stood by hirn when his cruelty and oppression had alienated his l>est friends. I Those
    (Straits Times, 30th Decemhef.)  -  302 words
  • 240 2 4th January) A heavy reverse has overtaken the rebels in the Philippines, from their having suffered an inq>ortant defeat in the province of Bulacan. That province lies near Manila, and has been overrun by rebel bands, against whom the Government forces have gained several successes. But the rebel
    4th January)  -  240 words
  • 252 2 (Straits Times 4th January.) Russian* sympathy for the Armenians in Turkey has been lukewarm at the best, and the immigration of Armenian refugees into the Russian Empire has met with little encouragement. The Czar has now inaugurated a change of policy by authorising subscriptions throughout the Russian Empire
    (Straits Times, 4th January.)  -  252 words
  • 58 2 The levy of customs duties in Celebes and the Molucca islands has been urged upon the Government by the Head of the Customs Department. His report on the subject from inquiries on the spot is now under consideration. Should the States General sanction the step, the new departure
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  • 89 2 The most serious phase of the famine in India is expected to show itself about February. A meeting is to be held at Calcutta shortly to consider the raising of an Indian Famine Relief Fund. Lord Sandhurst presided at a public meeting held recently in the
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  • 172 2 (From a Correspondent.) Anything more dismal than a Kuala Lumpur Christmas with half the people away and no visitors can hardly be imagined. The 24th, 25th, and 26th were made public holidays, which will result in a great accumulation of work in the overworked offices, but there was
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  • 166 2 THREE DEATH SENTENCES. On the 23rd December, the trial took place at Teluk Anson of live Malays; Salleh, Osman, Musa, Awang, and Braliim, charged with murdering a Chinaman, at Teluk Buloli, on the oth October last. The Legal Adviser (Mr. Kershaw) prosecuted for the IVrak Government. BrahiirL
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  • 219 2 The coming Chinese new year w ill be a disastrous one in Kinta, so the Te'rak Pioneer is informed, and will be a noted one for the number of failures of Chinese miners. The survey of the railway line between Tapah Road and Tanjong Malim, the Resident Engineer
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  • 282 3 Consulates have been established at Kobe and Nagasaki. Mu AY man died of cholera at So it's New bridge Hoad, yesterday. ommittke of sixty gentlemen have hJ.,, appointed to arrange for a Ball on S,. (larges Day at Hongkong. OiotfKA had almost ceased at Colombo on the
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  • 31 3 Arrangements for celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the accession ot her Majesty the Queen form part of the recommendations of tin* Finance Committee to the Municipal Commissioners to-morrow.
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  • 40 3 The U»nl: i< the present Russian tlag--2 e.*i the China -tation tin* Admiral A tdihiuf,jf Hies tin* Hag of tin* second in command of the squadron. The Russian Heet, it is said, will winter at Mokpo (Corea).
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  • 39 3 The fund started by tin* hnpareial of Madrid for the wounded soldiers arriving in Spain from the Philippines and Cuba lias reached the sum of dT(>,OOO. Hie latest contributors are tin* exEm press Eugenie and tin* ex-Queen Isabella.
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  • 46 3 Ihe s. s. Sam Tor, trading between Singapore ami Sumatra, ran aground yesterday afternoon on the Sultan •Shoal, near Pido Sala. She was floated pH. however, at four o’clock this morning. and arrived safely in Singapore later. Sin* has not any sustained serious damage.
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  • 57 3 The Chinese Imperial Bank Scheme lias so far progressed that Slieng Taotai lias offered the managership at Hongkong to Chan Hewan, Secretary of a Chinese Insurance Co. there. Hewan is said to have accepted the post, and to have been authorised to raise $2,<X)0,000 in shares in
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  • 58 3 j' i‘OM Formosa we learn that everything is going along quietly; trade is ruining its usual channels, most of the rebel chiefs have tendered their submission. and tlioge that are still at large are likely to be rendered harmless in the near future, as the Japanese commanders know all
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  • 65 3 J. K ellesley Parker has returned <» Singapore after a most successful S 1 enang and the Native States, m.iT- e ias )eei l arra nging for the teat ion of pictorial supplements ma r t° those of Singapore that are be jssued by the Straits Times.
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  • 75 3 The Christmas week programme at Taiping, during the matches, included cricket from the 25th to the 2Sth inst. The other items were Saturday (26th), tiffin to cricket and football teams in Perak Club, beside concert and living pictures in the Town Hall. Yesterday, tiffin to cricket and
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  • 76 3 The Right Rev. Monsignor Zalinski is expected on the ,‘3l at instant. It is anticipated that arrangements will be made so that he mav land at Johnston's Pier, where he will be met by the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. A formal reception will be held
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  • 84 3 The King of Siam has started judicial reforms in the extensive province of Ayutbia, where three Commissioners have been busy clearing oil long lists of cases in arrear. Corrupt judges have been deposed and punished. New judges will he trained up and ten candidates have been
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  • 86 3 As far as the Siam Fret 1 Press can ascertain,, the crop reports up to the middle of this month show excellent results for all parts of Siam except Pachim. The Bangkok Chinese firms have excellent prospects this year, when the export is expected to he the largest
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  • 93 3 At the date of last advices from Seoul, the capital of Corea, Russia was securing a firmer foothold in the peninsula. A few weeks ago, a number of Russian military officers arrival to drill the Corean army. Amongst these were ten non-commissioned officers, who occupy quarters within the enclosure
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  • 83 3 The mail steamer Salazie, which arrived her.*, last evening, brought tin* remains of the late Governor-General of lndo-China. M. Rousseau. This morning the flags on the Government buildings, the Consulates, and on H.M.S. Alacrity and other ships in tie* harbour were at half mast. Minute guns
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  • 106 3 Tiie annual installation banquet in connection with the Zetland Lodge was held last evening at tin* Freemasons’ Hail and was largely attended. Worshipful Brother Arthur Barker was installed as Master, and he appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows I. P. M. Wor. Bro. J. I).
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  • 136 3 An additional constable on the Trafalgar Estate yesterday complained to the Police that some Chinamen had stolen his turban. The men afterwards cametothe station and returned the turban, and said the constable had stolen their eggs. This proved to be the case, and the policeman was taken into
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  • 60 3 PERAK r S. C. C. (By Telegram.) The football match at Taiping between Perak and the S. C. C., was played last evening, and resulted in a draw, no goals being scored by either side. The ground was a quagmire. The Singapore football team consisted of Messrs Stevens, Woodrotfe,
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  • 71 3 Huang Chun-hsien, formerly Chinese Consul-General at Singapore, has been objected to by the British and German Governments as Chinese Minister to London and Berlin. It is alleged that there are reasons connected with Huang's career in Singapore that interfered with his promotion to a foreign legation. It is
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  • 115 3 The silver Cup which tin* Viceroy presented to the Calcutta Turf (’lulu to bo run for during the races on the 26th instant, is in the shape of an ancient amphora. It stands, without \l> base, 2 ft. 5 in. high, and its circumference at the shoulder
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  • 115 3 The District Magistrate, Kuala Kangsar, says in his November report: “On the 7th 1 walked over tin* line of now Bendang Kring irrigation works, and on the. Bth to Padang Rcngas. for two days, to organize relict*works for the starving people aT Kruh and elsewhere. There
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  • 408 3 Si Tong Sen, Lee Mang Whai, and Then Een Chin were charged this morning with being members of an unlawful society. Mr. Evans, UegistrarofSocieties, said lie had received information of meetings of I lie members of a Society called “Van Shin Tong” being held in a
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  • 2623 3 INTRODUCTORY. (By our Commissioner.) I remember, some time ago, reading a magazine article on our American cousins, and by way of a frontispiece to that article was a picture showing a multitude of Yankees worshipping the 44 Almighty Dollar,” shining as a sun in the heavens. That was
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  • 2481 4 THE MOTOR SYNDICATE. Prince Ranjitbinhji is said to be in for a good thing. He is one of the directors of the British Motor Syndicate, Limited, and omier of ttie Indian Patents. This syndicate is the original parent syndicate of the whole horseless
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  • 444 4 One Wong Kow, a Chinaman, waJ put on his trial on Tuesday, the 22n! instant, before His Honour, A. Benin J ton, Senior Magistrate, and a jury! The charges were: (1) culpable homieid! amounting to murder; and (2) culpabll homicide not amounting to murder! It appears, says the
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  • 157 4 Mr. Vernon’s Hongkong share rep dated 23rd instant, says that Punjo have continued quiet with only sib sales at $l2. The weakness was can: by news from the mine of flooded ro and scarcity of firewood, from wb cause work was delayed. News reeei' that day from the mine
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  • 101 4 Six Nippon Yusen Kaisha's mers were in collision or strain during the six months end with Septem)>er; only one, how**’ was lost. The Company’s profit for last half year was close on ban million yen. At the end of 1H9& 1 Company owned 45 steamers with aggregate
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  • 113 5 "tmkkk is talk of further railway extension in TongninII M < Ibisrity, with Admiral and h- Buih-r on board, leaves to-morrow mor n in" for Saigon ami Hongkong. W'v ».v"ivt to learn that Or. J. I. \Vell«ion.* the father of U\*}y Mitchell, died at anterhiiry on hristmas
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  • 42 5 Wi; regret to loarn that, owing to the ser iou> illness of one of the principal niemhors of the company, the performance hv 11. M. S. loualn»a m g minstrels, on January 4rh. has had to be postpono'l until further notice.
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  • 49 5 Yesterday forenoon, hy order of Admiral Bailor, 11. M. S. Alacrity fired seven minute guns as a mark of respect to the memory of the late M. Rousseau, Governor-General of French Indochina. whose remains passed through Singapore yesterday on board the Sahtzlt on passage to France.
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  • 69 5 A litigant in the Court of Requests, thi> morning, bogged the sitting Commissioner. Mr. Elciun, to take up his ease. He stated that it had already been six times postponed. Mr. Kleum regretted being unable to afford relief as tin* ease had already been partly heard hy Mr. O’Brien.
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  • 142 5 Mr. Alderson, who was mauled by a tiger ;it Cliitra, near Juhhulpore, early this month, wounded tin' animal in the* shoulder with a. 808 rifle. Both he and Colonel Lawrence were shooting from trees. Both then followed on foot. Colonel Lawrence offered his large bore for the ***//q>
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  • 146 5 Those who write about the rhea industry in India, remarks an Indian newspaper, always miss the one point which is fatal to success. The difficulty in India is to grow a green stem. Indeed, in all parts of India where rhea has been tried, it is an impossibility, except
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  • 176 5 Foil: days ago, a Chinese clerk employed by Tan Joo Shin, at Joliore, was entrusted with a sum of thirteen hundred dollars in notes to take to another establishment. On the way he called at a gaming house, and, when he got up from the
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  • 476 5 At seven o’clock, yesterday morning, attlie Presbyterian Church, the Honourable Lim Boon Kong, M 8., C.M., M.L.C., was married to Miss Wong Duang Ging, eldest daughter of Mr.WongNaiSiong, of FooCliow. Mr. Wong NaiSiong is a Methodist missionary at Foo Chow. The bride was educated
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  • 263 5 The Nanking correspondent of the X. C. Ihiih/ Xetr x writes that it seems/ to have been decided to commence the rebuilding of the road from Woosung to Shanghai. It is confidently stated that this will he the first attempt which Slieng Taotai will make in railway
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  • 48 5 The samples of Japanese goods to be exhibited at Singapore, and other foreign ports, by the Department of Agriculture and Commerce in Japan, have been finally selected and over 242 articles are to be sent. Besides those chosen some 570 others were offered by different merchants.
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  • 400 5 ADMINISTRATION. The death of M. Rousseau is regarded as likely to produce an unfavourable effect in France, where the adversaries of colonial expansion in Indo-China will assuredly take advantage of it to make outtheunhealthincssof Tonquin. Speculation as to his successor runs high among the officials in Cochin-China. Rut
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  • 155 5 Tun KnUc fVtroirirt* assorts that the Japan Patent Bureau has come to the following decisions in regard to the patents applied for bv German subjects: 1. No patent shall be granted for a German invention whieli lias been already imitated in this country. 2. No patent shall
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  • 116 5 As to the rumoured commercial treaty between Japan and Siam, the Yomiitri says that it is now reported that the Japanese Government lias instructed Lieut.-General Kawakami, who has left Hongkong for Tonquin on a tour of military observation, to call at Bangkok. He goes there to ascertain
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  • 66 5 All the match-manufacturers of H iogo Prefecture have come to an agreement to reduce their output by one-half after this month. This action was owing to the decrease in the exports to Hongkong and Singapore, coupled with the high price of the materials used,
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  • 654 5 SOME INTERESTING EXPERIENCES. Sir F. Napier Broome, whose death occurred at home recently, experienced some rather stormy times as Governor of Trinidad and Tobago. Some two and a half years ago mutters came to a head. Mr. Bell-Smyth, one of the unofficialmembersofthe Trinidad Council, drew attention
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  • 184 5 A ciiaxue in the kerosine oil trade in India is silently taking place. Ten years ago Calcutta was supplied entirely from America and, up to last \ear, although Russian oil had entered the market and began to compete, American oil continued to predominate. In 1895 the Russian
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  • 1723 5 RINDERPE8T ITS RAVAGES AMONG CATTLE. A DREARY PICTURE. It is seldom that we record any pleasant news from Africa, remarks the Spectator. Events on the Dark Continent are usually calamities, as if the strange destiny which for throe thousand years has kept its people
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  • 1819 6 (BY A. DE WIT.) When the Lady Dolly van dor Decken, in answer to questions anent her legendary husband's whereabouts, murmured something vague about ‘‘Java, Japan, or Jupiter," she had Java in her mind as the most impossible of those impossible places. And, indeed, ever} 7
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  • 608 6 Parliament will be opened bv commission on either Tuesday, January 10, or on Thursday, 2lst, aecording to present arrangements. There is not the slightest chance of the Queen opening Parliament in person. Her Majesty has not been at Westminster since the first day of the senf sntional Session
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  • 48 6 The German cruiser Irene left Hongkong for Manila on the 22nd instant. H. M. S. Centurion arrived at Hongkong on the 23rd instant. Three days out from Singapore, she encountered the monsoon in all its fury, and made rough weather all the way to Hongkong.
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  • 36 6 A large deal in Japanese bonds is reported to be under negotiation. Baron Rothschild, it is said, lias nearly completed the purchase of War and Con- solidated Bonds valued at about three million sterling.
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  • 39 6 Mu. T. Scott of Messrs. Guthrie Co. has given a donation of 51,500 towards the fund for the extension of the AngloChinese (Free) School. It is expected that other European gentlemen will subscribe towards this undertaking.
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  • 56 6 Mr. I). A. M. Brown won the Championship of the Straits and the Warren Challenge Shield at Penang, on the 24tli inst., with a score’of 81 for the 18 holes. We understand that Mr. I). A. M. Brown, who goes home next year, will compete for the Amateur Championship.
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  • 521 6 A STRONG COMMITTEE TO BE FORMED. Yesterday, at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, Mr. President Gentle introduced the subject of the Queens Long Reign, arrangements with regard to which formed a part of the business on the agenda. Mr. Gentle said the
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  • 5140 7 u.mimstkatiox. ti vi' ir l.>snl with ;intici|iations ot 1 in liijllt ollicial ap/wint- Colonial Treasurer, tlu Vu'iiiar-Coneral, anil the UosidtmtCouni „i I’eiianjr were all expeete. to xvitliin a few months. 11k* r tiIr n rvV i< appointed High Commissi the Federated Native States. j;.r|| ('omnu.'Sioiior tor Borneo, ;:,,uiiv.l into
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  • 400 8 I hi Jitrmjoow.) London, 19th December. Rettek's correspondent nt St. Petersburg says that tbc'jucstionof tin* passage of the Dan la ih* lies will only ho raised in the event of a Turkish crisis compelling the Powers to resort to coercive measures. New York, 19th December. Mr. Olncy has
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  • 1120 8 A meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. Gentle (President), the Hon. T. Shelford, C.M.G., Mr. Solist, Mr. Moses, Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, and Mr. Evans. CHANGES ON THE BOARD. The President announced that two important changes had
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  • 158 8 Mr. A. Uaiminai: lias been admitted partner in Messrs. Fischer Huber Uo. It has been telegraphed that SprujUtly now the Viceroy’s Uup, run at Calcutta on Boxing Day. Mr. Wilhelm Shekels interest and responsibility in Messrs. Hooglandt Co. ceased on .‘list December, 1^96*. Mil Hafktkk is now
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  • 35 8 The last report from the North-W est Provinces states that some 250,000 persons are now on relief works this is an increase of about 70,000 over the total a week before.
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  • 39 8 We learn from the Deli Courant of 26th December that there is a probability of Mr. Fleury, who has for the last two years been acting Consul-General for the Netherlands at Singapore, being appointed Consul at Jeddah.
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  • 47 8 The Perak Government Gazetie of the 29th December, notifies that no cattle from Singaj)ore shall be brought into the State of Perak until further orders, from the 23rd instant. Any person convicted of contravening this prohibition will be liable to a fine not exceeding $5OO.
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  • 59 8 The torpedo-destroyers Hart and Handy arrived at Hongkong on the 24th Deceml>er tinder convoy of H. M. S. Porpoite. These vessels met with rough weather during the voyage from Singal>ore on the 21st instant. The boats rolled tremendously and no headway was made for 36 hours but, notwithstanding
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  • 52 8 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. On the 10th instant, a fire broke out in a crowded theatre at Foochow in China, owing to a lighted candle falling upon combustible materials. The panicstricken throng choked every means of getting out until about three hundred persons perished. Of forty actors, only
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  • 60 8 The Marquis de Goyzueta, the Italian Consul, has telegraphed to Singapore, that he will leave Naples on the 13th instant on board the German mail steamer Preussen which is due to arrive here on the 4th February. He will be accompanied out to Singapore by his wife,
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  • 75 8 Lieut. Flower of the sth Fusiliers has arrived at Bangkok to take over the curatorship of the Museum there. He has made a special study of the fauna of the Malay Peninsula, especially as to reptiles. lie has written notes on the natural history of Malaya, and a
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  • 77 8 A London telegram to Bangkok,dated 23rd ult., says: —Reuter’s correspondent at Stamboul states that the Ambassadors at Constantinople have been empowered to consider fresh proposals for the amelioration of the situation, but are to refer their proposals to the Powers represented before submission to the Porte. A Havas telegram
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  • 91 8 At Bombay' on the 17th December out of 1,511 plague cases, 1.094 deathoccurred, but the satisfies are unreliablt as people are reluctant to report ease: ifnd cause of deaths. The exodus eon tinues; it is stated that two hundred thousand have fled. General Gataen has issued a
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  • 96 8 ACCIDENT TO CAPTAIN RATCLIFFE. The paperchase, Wednesday aft* noon, commenced in Orange Grovd and concluded at the OfficerMess. There was a good field but the success of the chase waJ marred by a serious accident to Captaii Ratclifle of the Rifle Brigade. WlitJ taking one of the jumps
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  • 268 8 The other afternoon, a rather loidiscussion took place in the court o two magistrates on the subject of lay men addressing the court. Mr. Matthew took exception to Mr. Evans in liii capacity of Registrar under the Crimi ing Ordinance. Mr. Matthews admitte that, if Mr. Evans had
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  • 1879 9 SUCCESSFUL ON SEA AND LAND. Forti-se smiled upon the New Year <TU ,rts of eighteen hundred and ninetv-seven. The weather yesterday was delightful, perfect indeed, for the sports both on sea and land The morning opened bright and dear and, though the heavy nimbus clouds on
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  • 427 9 Values of house-property situated in town and in the district of Tanglin have been well maintained, the past year having shown a good demand for investment in tin* better class of European residences and in buildings occupied as godowns. stores, shops, and offices. Several important sales
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  • 172 9 A regulation under the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance of 1886, enacts that: It shall also be lawful for the Governor, or for the Colonial Secretary or 'Resident Councillor at any Settlement from which the Governor shall be absent, to prohibit tin* transshipment at any ports or
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  • 985 9 A Happy and Prosperous New Year! Dawns now the day of resolutions and new pages in the book of life. Gone for ever is the old year —the had old year: as we call it ungratefully —and before us is another march, as full of possibilities for
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  • 765 9 SINGAPORE v. PEKAK. I T xforti T xately, the weather at iaiping was completely broken up on Monday (gsth ult.), and after titlin in the New' Club, the rain commenced to tall, at first in a slight drizzle, but afterwards in a regular deluge. This continued
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  • 1118 10 ACHEEX. In Acheen, the rainy season has stopped military operations on a large scale, and has given the troops a much needed rest. It is intended, at the tirst opportunity, to move upon the enemy at Lepong, Lohong, and Pedir. Tuku Umar who only lately had fled in
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  • 537 10 DEMONSTRATION AT JOHNSTON’S PIER. Yesterday morning, a demonstration, pleasant and cordial, took prince at Johnston’s Pier. The structure was very tastefully decorated with flags and evergreens. From seven o'clock, a number of piersons of both sexes and of all ages began to collect, and this
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  • 100 10 H. M. S. Pique has left Manila bound for Labuan. Mr. S. P. Stephen has been authorized to sign per. pro. for Messrs. Stephen, Paul and Co. On Saturday, Mr. Benjafield s XI beat Mr. Elliott’s XI by two runs, the scores being $7 and So, resjactively.
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  • 47 10 Ricksha Peon No. 15, named Mahomed Amin was prosecuted this morning by Mr. Hooper, for having released a ricksha he had arrested, on receiving a gratification of thirty cents. The arrangement was discovered by an acting mandoro. A sentence of one month’s imprisonment was awarded.
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  • 75 10 For using a false daching, a Chinaman was this morning fined $2O with the alternative of a month’s imprisonment. He was told by the bench that if he came up again he would be liable to a line of $5O. A second individual w r as brought up for
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  • 66 10 Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Bogaardt and Mr. Adams have given $5OO, $5OO, and $250 respectively towards the fund for the extension and improvement of the Anglo-Chinese (Free) School. Other donations are expected from European gentlemen. The Chincsv arc active in their efforts to get on with the work. Government
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  • 88 10 Si Chu Kim, an opium shopkeeper, living at the flrd milestone on theSeran-goon-road reported to the Police last night that, about 0 o’clock, five men, all of whom are known to him, came to his shop to smoke opium. They stayed for about an hour and then
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  • 98 10 Lim Ah Son, a charcoal dealer living at New Bridge* Road, has reported to the Police that on the Ist instant, a Hailam named Tan Lee Kim came to him and asked him to buy some tea. He agreed, hut lirst of all asked to try it
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  • 83 10 The Police arrested a number of known bad characters during the holidays. One of a company of four loiterers was arrested in Keng Chow Street this morning, having in his possession a sharp knife. No fewer than seven pickpockets were secured, three on the Esplanade, one of whom
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  • 127 10 Several big robberies arp reported around Kandang Kerbau. *One man living in Paya Road, a serang on board ship, missed his box containing money, clothes, and jewellery, valued altogether at $2Ol. Last night in consequence of this and other robberies several plain clothes men were sent
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  • 115 10 8PAXI8H VICTORY. HEAVY REBEL LOSS. News lias just been received, through official sources, of a great victory won by the Government forces over the rebels in the Philippines. The engagement took place yesterday at Cacarong and Bigaa, in the province of Bulacan. The troops stormed six entrenchments held
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  • 69 10 THE SINGAPORE LADIEB WIN. (Special Telegram The golf match between the ladies of Singapore and those of Penang took place on Saturday. The Singapore ladies won by 14 holes. Mrs. Grigor Taylor was one up with Mrs. J. A. Brown Mrs. Mere wet her 6 down to
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  • 64 10 The Spanish troopship Isla de Miiulanao arrived here on Saturday, en route for Manila. She carries thirteen hundred troops. The Mexican corvette Zaragoza arrived here on Saturday and went to Tanjong Pagar to coal. She is the first Mexican warship which has visited this port. She has 10
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  • 82 10 Mr. \V. McKenzie, a well-known Ceylon planter, intends, it is said, to open up 4,000 aeros of land in Upper Serdang, in E. Sumatra, where the soil, lie declares, is splendid and the best he has yet seen for coffee cultivation. Coffee-plan ting there is going ahead, and much
    82 words
  • 114 10 On Saturday a Chinaman who was bavins: some goods in a lane otr Arab Street, carrying with him in a linen bag three rolls each containing $5O, laid down his bag whilst he emphasised his opinion of the goods he wished to purchase. The bargain concluded he lifted
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  • 110 10 There is now on view at Messrs. John Little Co.'s godown an exceedingly rare and beautiful orchid, which has been grown here by Mr. Pereira, the florist. It is the Cattleya Eldorfulo, a plant that belongs to Brazil, and that the importation has proved successful is shown
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  • 176 10 Last night, a lance corporal off duty was passing along the street outside the lock-ups at the Central Station when he heard some mortar falling and noticed a hole in the wall. He at once raised the alarm and a search was made in the lock-up, with
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  • 2638 10 lI.—ABOUT GAS. (By our Commissioner.) One cannot, by any conceivable chance throw a halo of romance or of poetry over a gas works. There, at all events in England, are the huge holders, in all their naked ugliness, the heaps of coal, the severely utilitarian and invariably black
    2,638 words

  • 1920 11 THE LAST OF DARJEELING. LEVEE AND DRAWING-ROOM. WORK, AND LIFE, AND CHEE-CHEE. THE TOTAUSATOR AND THE BOOKIES.” [by a knot keid.J (I'alcutfti 23/v/ December, 1.S96. Out last day at Darjeeling was a perfect day. We had not meant to go anywhere; but, incited by the almost unusual clearness
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  • 173 11 JANUARY MONTHLY MEIiAL. A. A. Gunn 44 42 scr. 8G Dr. Fowlie 45 43 2 80 J. Adamson 44 49 scr. 93 A. Maekay 31 49 4 93 A. A. Earle 33 55 12 *>» Geo. Machain 32 30 2 102 H. T. W. Vade >2 30
    173 words
  • 534 11 ARRIVALS. lVr M. M. s. s. Salazie from Shanghai: Messrs. R. de Luze; K. Burton, nnd G. Ha inane. From Yokohama:—Mr. Wiiittaehe, and Mrs. Egland. From Hong-, kong:— Messrs. H. Hart, and \V. Gibson, Mrs. Derreeho, Mrs. Yineen and Mrs. A. Gan. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang
    534 words

    • 188 12 Underthis heading the folio wing abbreviations are used: sir. —Steamer; sli.—ship bq. —barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Gei. —German; Drt. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U. Uncertain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.
      188 words
    • 1496 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Ranka Dut. str. 124 tons, Capt Vo>, 3rd Jan. From Palembang, 2nd Jai'. G.c.. and 43 d.p. Lim Chin Swee. For Palembang, Oth -Rds. Randjermassin, Brit. -tr. 261 tons, Capt Kx ‘esc, 3rd Jan. From Deli, 3rd Jan. 9d. p. W. Mansfield and
      1,496 words
    • 472 12 Same., port probable date of arrival and name of agent*. Achilles, China, Jan 6; Mansfield. Aglaia, Hamburg, Dec 30; Rautenberg A. A pear, Calcutta, Jan 18; S. A* Moses Bayern, Hongkong, Jan 10; Rautenhorg. Bellona, China, Jan 20; Rautenberg. Bcnmohr. New York, Jmii 12; P. Simons. Borneo, Hongkong,
      472 words
    • 1068 12 Flag j Vessel’s Name. Toss. Captain From Sailed. Consignees < Rie j D ,‘L e p oh Ann Brit str. 484 Moppett Yokohama Dec 25 Wee Bin and Co 5a Oscar II No str. 1999 |Arnesen New York Oct 23 Boustead and Co 28 Pakan Brit..str. 84 |Scott Muar
      1,068 words
    • 558 12 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag&Rig Captain Destination i Doe 28 Kut. Sang Brit. str. Bayne Ho igkong 28 Palameotta str. JBr n 0 .Jcut in \1 a j)oi ts 29 Penang str. Tavlor Cheribon and Samarang 29. Sirsa I str. Hardcastle Mad *as via ports 29 1 Ban Hin Guan
      558 words
    • 82 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flmj Date RePvtf and Ship's Name. Commanded. of Fromwiiere Destin- marks. Kio. Sailing ation )v •_>;> \m l»ar. A. W. Spies Meyers Dec b*»Singapore New York Am shipS. Skollield Skolticld Dee s Shanghai New York e;, Ned s.s. Jason Hutchinson Dec L
      82 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 291 12 PURE BLOOD Is the source of good health. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Sharpens the Appetite, Removes that Tired Feeling, and Makes Life Worth Living. S uf f erers from indigestion, general debility, skin diseases, or any other ailment arising from impure blood, should take AYER’S SARSAPARILLA
      291 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 431 13 LEA PERRINS’ OBSERVE THAT THE A SIGNATURE (j is now 0 PR,NTED Q fji/ IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, j m gj hq| Crosse Blackwell. Ltd., London; Bft Hj B H B| and Export Oilmen
      431 words
      422 words
    • 494 13 WE MUST HAVE THE TOOLS. Uoiunson On soi:, you roniombci*, ma le a big boat or canoe out of the trunk of a tree. It. was a laborious and tedious joh. And that wasn't the worse of it. When he p»t the boat done he couldn't launch it. It was
      494 words
    • 332 13 complaint tea* dyspepxia, but his medicine had no perceptible effect. J continued like this for eight years; not always the same, but now better and then worse. Yet in all that long time there was not a day when I could say I was well. No medicine or treatment seemed
      332 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 440 14 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. EI FCTPO PI \TB DEPARTMENT.—Our E,«,r. PI..C M a «.n,p,o„. of-M. *r W to™. »"u for Challenge W. Hare C,». Mil,.ary IW* "-<* n iSS ’At V* V s\ r ±A st Ki.ST -*v£ < ra cst,iisaMnaanatM«MMMMM 9K > m 9H T<^r ji'— *0 .,*Uu£**tf£4
      440 words