The Straits Budget, 15 September 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 142 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 12 1 ,.<• in-tant. at Elsternwick, MelI wife of Frank Ritchie, of a *1
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    • 44 1 I itths. On the 9th Sept., at I !s prw»*vterian Church, Singapore, by I Rev. 8. Stephen Walker, John I \|,p j:\s. third -on of Robert Brown, I laic of Helensburgh, to I Hissei. second daughter of Richard I u ,:h\ of Birkenhead.
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  • 387 1 Articles. The (toman Emporo**. TV Pri *c of Rir»\ Mr. Burkinshaw. Lighting. On Plgri. IV S. V. A. bHuag-Cliang in Canada. t Hasten Slowly. The Municipal Bill. Mi of Sugar. i*AL Market Quotations. 'hippmg Nows. ?as<a»nger List. Police News. Cholera. ?arioas Driving. Illicit. ®*i!l. fobbing an Old
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  • 510 1 Singapore, 16th September, 1896. PRODUCE. 6.77b Gambler, *4 11 u\ do Cube No 1, 9 00 Jo Pontianak, Sago Floor Sarawak,. do 3.474. Pearl Sago.. 33.60. Coffee, 33.26. Coffee Palembangv qo qq Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 Tapioca, small Flake,.. do do 1st quality, do me* flake- do
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  • 379 1 The mail for Europe, this week, eaves by the P. O. s. s. The > &O. s. s. Pekin with the mail from Europe of the 21st August arrived on Sunday. The mail for Europe, next week, leaves by theM. M. s.s. Saghalien. The M. M.
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    • 61 1 TO THWART BRITAIN IX THE FAR EAST. London, Sth September. The Russian press dwells upon the Czars visit to Germany as being a pledge of durable peace in Europe. A durable peace, in the opinion of the Russian press, will enable the Continental Powers to thwart British
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    • 12 1 Li Hung-Chang has arrived at Toronto en route to Vancouver.
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    • 92 1 MISSION OF THF. TWO EMPIRES. Jjondon y Oth September. At a banquet given at Goerlitz after iihe departure of the Czar, the Emperor j William delivered a speech. In this speech, he said that the Czar desired only to employ Russian troops in the service of civilisation,
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    • 19 1 Makoni, the leader of the rehe Mashonas, has been captured, tried by court martial, and shot.
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    • 19 1 Gaudaur, the American, has beaten Stanbury, the Australian, in the race for the Sculling Championship of the world.
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    • 33 1 PERSIMMON WINS. t London l Oth September. The St. Leger resulted as follows: The Prince of Wales’s Persimmon 1 The Duke of Westminster’s Labrador. 2 Do. of do. Rampion. 3
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    • 58 1 DISAPPOINTED HOPES. reserve and brevity with which tHKCftsr replied to the Emperor William’s toast at the Breslau banquet have grievously disappointed the German and Austrian press. These newspapers had anticipated assurances from the Czar that Russia would draw nearer to the Triple Alliance. Nevertheless, they construe the
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    • 19 1 Major Watts has <been suspended, pending an inquiry the execution of Makoni, a Mashona rebel chief.
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    • 23 1 The third brigade of the Nile Expedition is advancing to Absarat. The cavalry force of the expedition has occupied Dulgo.
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    • 56 1 RIGOUR AGAINST ARMENIANS. London 11 th September. Heedless of the objections of Britain and Italy, the Turkish Government, has again sent off a vessel packed with Armenians, and has taken rigorous measures to prevent their return to Turkey. A watch is kept to deport these Armenians wherever they may
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    • 34 1 CURIOSITY ABOUT THE POLLTAX. Li Hung-Chang, on his passage through Canada, anxiously inquired about the proposal mooted to increase the polltax on Chinese there from fifty to live hundred dollars a head.
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    • 19 1 A desfructiye cyclone has raged at Paris, with serious damage to property and loss of life.
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    • 15 1 The third brigade of the Nile field force has arrived at Absarat.
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    • 20 1 Major Watts has been arrested for shooting a captured Mashona rebel chief after trial by court martial.
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    • 37 1 London 1 2th September. The Bank of England rate has been raised. The rise, which is wholly unexpected, is intended to stop the drain of gold from the Bank. A further rise is expected.
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    • 18 1 Constantinople is still in a state of nervous unrest. Trade is paralvsed, and the Treasury is empty.
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    • 55 1 ARMENIAN THREATS. London, 14 th September. The Armenian Itevolutionary Committee has sent out circulars to several of the Embassies at Constantinople. In these circulars, the Committee declares thaj*. unless all the reforms demanded by the Armenians are granted, more serious demonstrations by the Armenians will ensue. The Cavalry patrols
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    • 29 2 Vice Admiral Sir John Hopkins succeeds Admiral Sir Michael CulmeSeymour in the command of the Mediterranean Squadron, on the expiry of Admiral Seymour’s term of service.
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    • 38 2 Mr. Gladstone ha? written a letter, describing the Sultan as a great assassin. Mr. Gladstone also says that all remonstrance with the Sultan will be useless, unless the Powers intend to use coercion.
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  • 50 1 DEATHS. >t-ptember. at the Genera! Hosp.;.;', \i.kxvndek Couhjox, ITngenienr lijrvltwj! Ac la Soriete de- Ktnin- de pn»-:. p ,:»k. ged 84 year-. ir, *EK i »!i-. 14th Aug., at Southend. jHiN.-iuNL. aged 8 wars, third >oii ol UP.LD ami Emma Turner, formerly of v nptp<-!v, IVnang, and Sandakan, North iorrro.
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    • 255 2 (Straits Times, Bth Sepiemltcr.) Within the last day or two there has been a sharp increase in the cost of the people's food. Itice has gone up in price about twelve or fifteen dollars per eoyan, or say, roughly speaking, an increase of eight per cent.
      (Straits Times, Bth Sepiemltcr.)  -  255 words
    • 435 2 (Straits Times B th September.) The Honourable John Burkinshaw the unofficial legal member of Legislative Council, goes to Europe during this month. The precise date of Mr. Burkinshaw’s departure is not fixed, nor has it yet been arranged whether he will take lea ve of absence, or will
      (Straits Times, Bth September.)  -  435 words
    • 302 2 (Straits Times 9/// September.) The German Emperor is a manysided monarch. He shines as king, prophet, statesman, general, poet, painter, orator, and oven as priest. The latter function, hqwever, he seems to confine to his yachting trips, when he relieves his chaplain of Sunday duty. There is,
      (Straits Times, 9/// September.)  -  302 words
    • 268 2 (Strails Times 10 th SepternUr.) Yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Commissioners spent two hours and three quarters in running through a long nnd varied agenda. The principal point .in yesterday's business was the compromise which has been arrived at between the Commissioners and the Gas Company. Taken all round, it
      (Strails Times, 10th SepternUr.)  -  268 words
    • 434 2 (Straits Times, 10 th Sapfemtter.) The Municipal Commissioners dealt with an amusing petition from a I couple of Chinese traders yesterday afternoon. These traders alleged that the pig rearer and importer was “imposed upon ’by the i>ork butcher, and so they asked permission, of course from philanthropic motives,
      (Straits Times, 10th Sapfemtter.)  -  434 words
    • 229 2 (Sira Its Times lOtk September.) The S. V. A. are in a difficulty. The Government recently turned them neck and crop out of the building which they have hitherto used as a store, the building being required for an extension of the Government Printing Office. Yesterday,
      (Sira Its Times, lOtk September.)  -  229 words
    • 384 2 (Straits Times 11 tk September.) According to to-day’s telegram Li Hung-Chang, who is at present in Canada, is making anxious inqiuries as to the proposal mooted there to increase the polltajf on Chinese* immigrants from fifty dollars to five hundred. The Chinese statesman will, probably, do
      (Straits Times, 11 tk September.)  -  384 words
    • 465 2 (Straits Time.*, IU/A St^tsmher.) Sir Charles Mitchell, arriving from Pahang late last night, curbed the eagerness that, no doubt, urged him to proceed straight home. Tie remained all night on board the Sea Itelle. It was a prudent thing to do: for it is sometimes well to restrain
      (Straits Time.*, IU/A St^tsmher.)  -  465 words
    • 489 2 (StrtnU Tithes, l#k Adverting to our remarks r cj day, in connection with ti* Passing of the Municipal Thursday’s meeting of the L-SB Council, it may not be out ot emphasise the advice that. matter, His Excellency wise to “hasten slowly." \v M that Sir Charles Mitchell
      (StrtnU Tithes, l#k  -  489 words

  • 159 3 a v*s advices, via Hongkong, < >ir r jging in the Philippines, i-' Jlt Vj| ie priests.” To-day’s advices, -l ;l Marne “the masons/* v ,lanation of the paragraph panning in Selangor is that P*". r:irV of Kuala Lumpur have, r i withdrawn themselves j ake Club,
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  • 28 3 ;I v: *k tmvkny. named Tan Cheng uVv e lined five dollars yesterday, ;.e r dy driving his horse and trap V.rth flii'lgc Road, on Sunday.
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  • 29 3 r ;;p Japanese Government is said to allied to put on tin* London v’ r ii»* new industrial and other j to an amount of thirty million
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  • 29 3 I* H 'kiens were arrested yesterday .rLii.i, .‘t Teong Bahru, in the act ol cliandu dross, valued at 8:30.’ !(i -'...Her was fined $lOO, and the
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  • 31 3 .:rermm»ii at the Supreme Court iV, i Ju>tice inflicted the sentence .hV.. ve:n>* penal servitude on a tiiL.;*: tom id guilty »d robbery and »r murder in a brothel.
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  • 33 3 Lkk ti'** Hongkong. Shanghai, and nn iiamhcrs of Commerce, the '•ntvii t’liai.iber has protested against heavy increase of telegraph rates v-.ditly put into operation by the Telet»ih C •nipniiies in China.
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  • 38 3 A’e}i:ivp received a copy of the lin-.-tK'iinlExports of Siam, 1H94-5, coni-?-W i "in H. S. M. Customs figures, arranged by Mr. H. Hillman, Alitor of rlie Siam Oftsercer. The l, in(!oii h useful and coinprchen-
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  • 34 3 Akin advices state that Sir Robert intends requiring shipments ol from China to be passed and examined by the Customs die only possible step for stopping shipment of counterfeit coin to •;rn.ntlies.
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  • 43 3 1Hi China Merchants’ Co.*s steamer Captain Wallace, has been v hri for the conveyance of LL Hung••*n#rfroin Japan to China. She was *.Fit into yacht-like order for the option of the Envoy, and was to leave v Anghai shortly for Yokohama.
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  • 50 3 f PE( 3AU general meeting ot the of the Singapore Insurance Limited, in Liquidation, will elri at the Exchange Room, SingaThursday, the 1st of October, kv, 1° n *ceive the report and u of the Liquidators, who are **1 jV t n L’raig, John Fraser, o Joaquim.
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  • 52 3 I*arht,2&th August. lroll ffictK have been fought 4 n and Brazilians ofring over a project introduced m of long-ponding diffiIU1 V a Plenipotentiary Vnt r inland reparation for the 'A’ 011 the Italians. Brazil l the guilty. 01 Commerce signed between 0 f accords reciprocal treatI r advantageous
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  • 52 3 Last evening, at about seven o’clock, an old Chinese woman was knocked down in Victoria Street, by three or four ruffians, and robbed of a few cents, which she was carrying in her hand. Two Eurasians passing by, in the absence of Police, detained one of
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  • 55 3 The estimate of the extraordinary expenditure tor the Governor-General’s Office ot Formosa in the Japan Budget for next year has been decided at eight million yen, of which five millions are to he applied for tin* construction of railways. The estimated expenditure for the regular steam services to Formosa
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  • 55 3 The Chino Gazette believes that the engineers employed by tiie Nippon Yusen Kaisba intend approaching the directors of that Company with reference to recent outbreaks of insubordination among the Japanese crews in their steamers, and also to point out the evil likely to result unless such breaches
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  • 65 3 Report says that never in the history of Shanghai has any new company met with such solid support by investors as the Shanghai Engineering, Shipbuilding, and Dock Co., the shares in which were allotted on 27th Aug. Even the 2,000 shares, which were to be kept for
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  • 63 3 Di king last month, there were 272 Chinese (of tin* coolie class) arrested for playing in common gambling houses. Of this number, 47 were discharged, the remainder being fined in sums varying from 81 to 825, making a total of $687. In almost every ease, half of the fines
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  • 67 3 Had.ii Hrsix, a Malay, was committed for trial, yesterday, on a charge of cheating to the amount of $4OO. The case is connected with a criminal breach of trust case, in which a woman, named Suat, the prisoner's niece, (also sent for trial) is charged with borrowing a
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  • 100 3 Three Malays yesterday went into a shop in Arab Street with the apparent intention of perpetrating a neat little theft. One of them harangued the proprietor as to the price of certain clothes while his companions sat on a box in which they had previously noted a
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  • 89 3 Owing to the death ol Chiei Inspector Drum, and the retirement of Inspectors McGregor and Patterson, the following promotions have just been made in the European contingent of Police —lnspector Fiddes, of Penang, to be Chief Inspector; Messrs. Surreff, Bourn, and Thornet to be lst-class Inspectors Messrs. Black,
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  • 194 3 The Dance at the Selangor Club, on the 28th August, was quiet and enjoyable, says the S'clangor Journal. The Committee is not strong in married members, but one of them, Dr. Travers, was present with Mrs. Travers. One lady was surprised to find that high-kicking is not
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  • 720 3 THE FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Mr. John Lawson took place last evening at halfpast five, there being a very large and representative attendance of the friends and acquaintances of the deceased. Additional pathos was given to the ceremony by the recollection of the
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  • 37 3 H. M. S. Rainbow and Pique are expected at Hongkong for docking and repairs at the completion of the summer cruise with the Admiral. They will then go to Singapore to strengthen the southern squadron.
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  • 1442 3 The writer of the series of articles on The Cultivation of Liberian Coffee,” appearing in the Selangor Journal, give? us in the current number Chapters IV. and V., the one dealing with the engagement of coolies, and the other with the nursery. The writer deprecates going to
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  • 548 3 The Selangor Journal contains a report on the timber supply of the State, which shows that Kuala Lumpur has only secondary forest with large stretches of abandoned tin mines, which might be utilised for tree plantations. Timber abounds among the hill? in Rawang. The camphor tree
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  • 19 3 Between noon yesterday and noon to-day, three cases of cnolera were repotted. They were all discovered after death.
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  • 1134 4 course ol' time disappear. —Iktihj 7Wegroph. the parser lady pleader of POONA. India is not so very distant from England, andthere is something of distinctly evil omen for the legal profession in this country in the announcement that a lady barrister has been admitted to plead in the
    course ol' time disappear.—Iktihj 7Wegroph.  -  1,134 words
  • 430 4 Caloola, ridden by Mr. Acton, was the first to appear on the course this morning. This horse is looking very well just now, better than 1 have ever seen him. Tomlwy( the ltct*y fill v (Hayes), and The Smell (Kirwan) followed, working singly. The Betsy filly is coming
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  • 156 4 The conspiracy in Manila, says the Hongkong Daily 1 ‘retidy has culminated in a rebellion, and the British gunboat lledpole lias been sent there. The first news of the outbreak reached Hongkong ou the 31st August, when Commodore Boyes received a telegram from the British Consul in
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  • 899 4 1 SECRET SOCIETIES AND MASONS. REBELS TURN APPROVERS. The Manila Comercio to ths 2nd instant contains guarded statements regarding the political crisis in the Philippines. The press stands there understrict censorship,and can only publish news that hears Government approval. So silence was kept regarding trou1
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  • 136 4 A Cor respox dent, referring to the increase of crime in Singapore, says: The Colony is overrun with criminals of all clashes, who have given China leghail, in order, perhaps, to save their heads. Some little more supervision is needed, regarding the thousands that arrive here month after
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  • 189 4 The Foochoir Echo publishes the following extract from a letter of the 21st August —1'lie rates of freight demanded and, unfortunately, obtained here by that leech-like combination commonly known as The London Homeward Conference,’’are considered monstrous when compared with those which the same clique accepts —willingly or unwillingly
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  • 234 4 Lord Esher, Master of the I tolls, i« 81 vcars of ago. A chair is always placet for the at a meeting of the Privy Council, although Her Majesty may not be actually present. Verdi, tlie celebrated composer, is a great lover of horses; and his paddocks near
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  • 93 4 Jhe assertion Chang’s .e,,ly to Sir Chari,., telegram -published in an.,.1, UVlr -1 to the effeet. that our fTol the first representative of Empress to entertain !,j m rather rough on Sir \Villj aiu p*** the .Governor of Hongkong be rememWrd made elal m pa rations for
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  • 21 4 Between one hundred and fifty two hundred Chinese were convhSj and fined by Mr. Anthonisz. for breach of sanitary regulations
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  • 29 4 Father Viuxol left for Tar,ah with the Papal Bull appointing fatL Fee to be Bishop of Malacca, 'ft* party is expected to return on Saturday
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  • 31 4 Report has it that sundry leadiuChinese at Penang have telegraphed u England for a portrait of the Queen t be put up in some publie place tliai town.
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  • 30 4 Between noon yesterday and nm*i to-day, five cases ot clVdera wenreported. Two were sent to hospital, two were discovered after death, t*<i the other one was treated at home.
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  • 33 4 Mr. Axtiioxisz leaves to-day on j tour in connection with the Indian Emigration Department, of which ht s assistant agent. Mr. Brockman tali? the magisterial duties during Mr Anthonlsz’s absence. —Corr.
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  • 42 4 A scheme to establish an emigrate company has been set on font atOfab with a capital of yen 50,000. The parti* to which the new Company proposes N* send emigrants are Hawaii, Australia. South and N ortli America, and Siam
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  • 44 4 Yesterday afternoon, a Kling lji named Sundra boarded a steamer lyiw alongside the wharf. Jn the course ui a few minutes he was pushed overboard by some person unknown, and, falbn? into a sampan, sustained injuries tlmi necessitated his removal to hospital.
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  • 41 4 A batch of Chinese mendicants charged before Mr. Saunders, yesterday, with vagrancy. Many of them n sentenced to simple imprisonment week or so ago; and, as an experinirnk they were returned to the gaol, yesU* day, to undergo rigorous imprisonment
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  • 48 4 During last month, there were convictions for being in possess^ 1 o\ illicit the total amount of bn*' being $740. Morphia cases resulted n three convictions, the fines being <‘ N whilst charges for being in possession < illicit spirits numbered 8 persons, tines in total of $330.
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  • 59 4 Thefts of rice on the way from IJ > to vessels for shipment are on increase at Bangkok. These ro occur on board lighters, and uie has grown st> intolerable that the owners have decided to offer rewards the capture of the thieves an» confederates. The
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  • 109 4 It was disclosed in the trial of a suit in the g,. Court, the other day, n 1 bond, that it contained a l ,enJ y ta that in cast' of detault in an) fi t mcnt on the mortgage bond, 1 j*f the rate of four annas pef
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  • 65 5 ,v rIfK LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. *vY ,V wc learn that, at a special Bv rl ra .L,oftl><‘ IVnang Chamber Thrl.l yesterday, Mr. l>. f,,r th,! va<ant |C Council. There :5 vr nomination. B rlI i,M, ol the Chamber, a I M.norrd meeting has to m interval of not less
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  • 66 5 B value of the personal estate B r,d Kingdom of Maurice, B lias been entered at B <t tin* net or actual value ’V :r d The Baron makes no B k },i- will for the mother of daughter, and there is no B tin* will to
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  • 74 5 B r:. r ,,f Siam has decided to B’M: Kirkpatrick, the King’s B m i. fo art as judge and preB-! l:* criminal court at Bangkok Siamese judges became B A -itli the practical working B it"rv law of criminal i>roB'v.airh came into operation in I
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  • 67 5 V' ago, a promising lad, r ,it Holloway, climbed a tree aihood of Messrs. Lam- :i ,.h tn.-torv. with a view to •:i t. While tints engaged, which lie sat broke, and juiiinl. Doth wrists were r 'iiiij his spiin? injured by the y. lingering in much
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  • 72 5 B ib at Bangkok in 1895 Bb to 819.3M.513, against 1Mb The exports nggiv-ii-r >2 1.00*'.950 in ••XjNirtN In Singapore were 8!0.075,673 di 1*9-1. B •’ijH.rt of rice to Singapore, B. lvarlied 2,605.000 piculs. r fonii Singapore in 1895 JB ".?4;.73i. ugaitbt S8.223.806 in m 'T.-ani'-i and
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  • 108 5 *Ai»\MK BRANDTS PRIZE. round may he played off* 'hiring the next fortnight. Hint Mr-. < u ignr Tun for, scratch and Miss Bradley, minus W w .*thf»r and Miss Salzmann, B v Mr. O’Sullivan and Mrs. M ‘‘hui- U: Mr. Cadell fl Mi*n*\vet her minus 17
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  • 127 5 tic- case oil Wednesthere was a large Jl r V. 1 I,len ‘l>ers at the course the track being in B H,-- as h*r work was threatened rain the downjfl j l 0!l,e until all the |Bt i done, and most t|B had arrived at their l,lon °1
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  • 900 5 I he Mining Manager’s Report for fhe tour weeks ending the 3rd instant run* as follows:— MINING. Lanb Hole, A o. 2 Shaft. —This- section still continues to look very well. In the intermediate drives going south from the winae. we have now driven about 100 feet through the
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  • 152 5 The foreshore question at Cheioo has entered on a more acute phase, says the North China Daily Aews. For some time, the Customs Engineer and his staff have been planting poles and Hacs on the disputed area in front of Messrs. Fergusson's and then the local agent
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  • 1179 5 PROSPECTS AT RANGOON. The dearth of rice supplies and the rise in the price of grain hero, to which we called attention yesterday arise, as we noted, from scarcity at Rangoon. ;An expert thus discusses the situation there in the Bangoon Times: Paddy, or rice in
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  • 224 5 lire was two hours. —Perak Picnieer, sth September. The question of water supply for Tapah, the headquarters of the Batang Padang District, has been engaging the attention of the authorities for years. Tapah has the advantage over all other towns in Perak of being the important centre connecting
    lire was two hours.—Perak Picnieer, sth September.  -  224 words
  • 195 5 On the 14th ult., as already recorded by us, Li Hung-Chang visited the cable factory of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, and was subsequently entertained by the officials of the leading Cable Companies. On that occasion the Viceroy was placed in telegraphic communication
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  • 285 5 In the Engineering Magazine G. H. Stockbridge describes Ur. Jacques’s promise of a revolution in power production by producing electricity directly from coal. E. H. Williams puts more concisely the same wonderful discovery of Ur. Jacques. By it, over eighty per cent, of the energy of
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  • 1139 5 NOTES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS IN SINGAPORE (By a Lady Correspondent-} Motto for the week We seldom find persons whom we acknowledge to l»e possessed of £ood sense, except those who agree with ns* in opinion.” NATIVE PACKMEN. The housekeeper would at times be much inconvenienced, were it not for
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  • 268 6 (From a Correspondent.) The careless way in which pawnbrokers take in pledges was clearly brought to liglrt, the other day, in a case, wherein a Malay woman was committed for trial, upon a charge of criminal breach of trust, in respect of a quantity of jewellery, valued
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  • 256 6 SHE IS A CHRISTIAN. Miss Cordelia Sorabji, the Parsec lady pleader of Poona, writes a missionary, is the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Sorabji, an honorary missionary of the C. M. S. in Poona. Her mother is a well-known educationalist, and is principal of the Victoria High
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  • 141 6 A Siamese woman marrying a British subject comes by virtue of her marriage under British jurisdiction, says the Siam Free Press. Further, it has been understood that, after her husband’s death, the widow retains the British nationality. A decision, given in H. B. M. Court, at
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  • 143 6 Mr. Alfred Pereira, (son of Mr. T. A. Pereira, Sanitary Inspector) who has, says a correspondent, been engaged by the Straits Government as Student Apothecary, left for Madras yesterday by the B. I. steamer Sirsa. Mr. Pereira was a special class boy of the AngloChinese School at the
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  • 146 6 17 d Saigon.) Paris Ist September. The death of Prince Lobanoff will make no change in Russian policy. President Faurc has telegraphed to tin* Czar his regret at hearing of the Prince** death. At Manila, three thousand insurgents attacked the Spaniards on Saturday night (29th August). The insurgents
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  • 227 6 (Via Rangoon.) lAmdov y 29th Axujvxf. The latest news from Zanzibar states all is <|iiiot and that a detachment of Sikhhad arrived from Mombassa. Said Khalid still remains at the German Consulate. Italy is sending Signor Martins of tin* Diplomatic Service on board a cruiser on a special
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  • 1007 6 The Sultan of Turkey, who consumes a larger number of cigarettes than any Royal personage in Europe, is run very closely by the German Emperor. The Czar of Russia has recently taken to cigarettes, but the pipe used to be his favourite. A despatch from Dane’s Island, dated
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  • 292 6 Persimmon has again carried the Prince of Wales’s colours to victory, tliis time at the St. Leger. The victory was considered a foregone conclusion, the betting having been three to one on. All good sportsmen will offer the Heir Apparent hearty congratulations on his success. The Prince
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  • 26 6 A change of ministry i 9 reported from Japan, resulting in the appointment of Count Kuroda to be Minister President of State there.
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  • 30 6 A comi'ax v to light .>uiss.m with electricity has been formed at Paris. It is now* expected t hat Saigon w*ill be lighted electrically* in a year’s time.
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  • 38 6 Last night, in Sago Street, a police constable detected a thief descending from a house by means of the water pipe. He arrested him, but a companion escaped, and a box of clothing is now* missing.
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  • 37 6 Captain McEuen, a retired Commander of the Royal Navy, w ho was latterly Captain Superintendent of the Shanghai Police, died at Yokohama, on the 29th August. He was on his way to Europe, in ill-health.
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  • 41 6 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Company, Limited, has received advices from Punjom that the greater portion of the village there has been destroyed by fire. The damage to the company is slight, the loss not exceeding two hundred dollars.
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  • 45 6 The Hon’ble G. P. Glendinning and Mr. A. A. Swan left yesterday by B. I. steamer—the former for Rangoon and the latter for Penang. Mr. Swan is in charge of the petroleum oil interests, in the Netherlands Indies, of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation.
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  • 42 6 i HE want of sncci'il 1... hangkat oil burning be met. The Deli V v *>H Koval. Petroleum pared two kinds of burner. V, 4 pose, which it intends 7 *J sale Three already on the way to Dop
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  • 52 6 On the night of the a r <l broke out in the densely of Canton known as Ton.r ward* of two hundred i 10 L... > U M destroyed. It is th« dozen persons were burnt Tlie Shameen Fire Brigade did" g work m rescuing women audS
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  • 73 6 Advices from a Manila, dated 3rd ins[ lm that the outbreak in the pU;,,continues. The Spanish W ti2 are adopting every possible i.Z, suppress the rising, and to i, r spreading throughout the proving is not such a serious rising as first ant icipated, and it is
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  • 109 6 The new French Consul, M. Piy held his first reception at tin* Hold l’Europe, where he is at present stavi at 9 o'clock, tliis morning. All principal French residents wen* the company numbering about tiia five. M. Pinard made ajj eularlv happy speech, pleasure at
    109 words
  • 120 6 Ox the 22nd instant, ar Ariuu, Japan, a disturbance arose h*t*t Japanese coolies and a numlierof n sionaries chiefly* from China, birk reasons are assigned to accountkf! origin of the dispute, such a* t»l missionaries refused to accept ddw of their goods on a Sunday; anotb that
    120 words
  • 200 6 London 1 9th Am* The prevalence of phenomenal. fc rcpoi ic«i liiroiigiimit Europe auu A*' 1 It is stated that six hundred deathsunstroke have occurred in alone, anti numerous deaths from cause are reportetl from othei l nl l centres. g Li Hung-Chang has had an the Right
    200 words

  • 3912 7 tHK GAS CONTRACT. V of the Municipal OommisS*&: Yesterday afternoon, joo v ri .jsent Mr. Gentle (Presijy^" shclford, c.m.g., Mr. Hare, j*i‘- J q r >ohst, Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, j j an g Scab, Mr. Joaquim, and Jlr :l ivmiefather. Mr. Meyer .".‘iugthat lie was unable to
    3,912 words
  • 97 7 A golf l>oy, who had turned thief and intimidutor, was sent to gaol recently, at Hongkong, for forty-two days. The boys employed by the Golf Club there wear badges to distinguish them from the ordinary rink. Some time ago, a lew of them prove trouble and they were
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  • 739 8 Robert Louis Stevenson’s Sougn of Travel” will probably be published in October. Mr. J. E. Mu (block’s new romance Young Ijochinvar” is almost ready. Mr. T. W. Speight has written a story entitled A Minion of the Moon,” to form the “Gentleman’s Annual” for next Christmas. Mr.
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  • 46 8 There were two cases of cholera in the A Police Division to-day. The tie for the September medal of the Singapore Golf Club has been played, Croucher beating Gunn. 4 Malayan planters should read the paragraph headed “Japanese Coffee Coolies.” It reads ominously.
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  • 22 8 A Chinaman, who was assisting in the demolition of a temple in Philip Street, yesterday, sustained a badly fractured arm.
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  • 30 8 The latest census of Chinese in Formosa gives 812,20**1 in the Tainan administrative district, 603,282 in the Taichu, and 555,531 in the Taipeh also 44,820 in the Pescadores.
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  • 31 8 Railways running, building, and projected in Japan total 7.376 miles and 22 chains. Two hundred and one eompanies are interested, and the capital invested is over million yen.
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  • 34 8 In the early hours of this morning, the house occupied by Mr. Nicholson, Bidadari,” Serangoon Road, was entered,and two small boxes, containing about $25, were removed. The thieves have not yet been apprehended.
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  • 41 8 A Chinaman, last night, entered a house in North Bridge Road and, after annexing two ha jus, was leaving the premises wlien he met the owner. He was arrested and eharged ;the property, of course, being recovered.
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  • 35 8 Two hundred and thirteen deaths were registered in Singapore town during the week ending on Saturday last. Thirteen of these are set down to cholera. The ratio of deaths per thousand stood at 54*59.
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  • 39 8 The Tanko Tctsudo Kaislia, a Japanese company, are said to intend despatching two experts -one to the United States and Europe, and a second to Hongkong and Singapore—to enquire into the conditions of the coal trade.
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  • 40 8 JAPAN COTTON S PINNING. SiXTY-five cotton-spinning companies now existing in Japan have a total of 650.000 spindles over (>00.000 bales of raw cotton were consumed last year. The supplies cost 35 million yen odd; the returns were practically 46J million.
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  • 57 8 A telegram has been received in Singapore from Suez, stating that the Glen steamer Glenarivcy, outward bound, had caught fire, and that considerable damage to cargo had ensued before the flames were extinguished. The vessel was due here on the 9th inst., hut she will
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  • 69 8 A Maoaonese, named Li Khi Gip, was arrested on board the s. s. Ceylon on Wednesday morning, (owing to the receipt of a telegram from Penang) on a charge of criminal misappropriation of money, to the amount, it is said, of about $9O. The prisoner was
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  • 75 8 Coals from Cotie furnished to the Java Government by the East Borneo Coal Mining Company have been experimented with for naval purposes there. The result was their being found far below Ombilien coal in quality. The railways in Java are said to complain loudly of Ombilien coal from its
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  • 77 8 Mr. Quinn, the British Consul at Nagasaki, reports that the import of Cardiff coal for naval use has increased to a considerable extent there. A few years ago, the British navy was the only one to use Cardiff coal in any quantity, in that quarter; but now it
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  • 68 8 A Bugis man and his two children, who were sleeping in a prahu at the mouth of the ftochore river, were surprised to find, upon waking up early this morning, that some $127.20in jewellery and money had been stolen during the night. Information was given to
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  • 55 8 The Serna ine Colonials of the stil September notes that public works on a large scale are now in hand at Saigon, with corresponding unwonted business activity. The foundations of a Municipal theatre have been laid. The construction of waterworks has begun. Preparations are also going on
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  • 64 8 A Correspondent says that the Chinese are now evincing a keen interest in the Raffles School. Mr. Scab Liang Scab, who foUnerly refused, has now consented to serve on the Board of Trustees. There are now three of the most active influential Chinese on the Board,
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  • 53 8 A Hindu, named Govindasami, was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment, yesterday, for theft* of a bag of copra from a tongkang near Johnston’s Pier, on the 2nd instant. For receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen, a Taichew, named Kwok Wai Seng, also received
    53 words
  • 480 8 FISCAL CHANGES. The Philippine estimates for the coming financial year provide for additional revenue by increasing the import and export duties on many staple articles. The export staples are all liii -except indigo and rice—the duties on which remain unchanged. Petroleum is another article laid under heavier contribution.
    480 words
  • 1103 8 A WOMAN HANGED. r PliE JfaJaria A icuirsbla/i of the *Jr<l install gives particulars of the execution of a Javanese woman, Nya Karim by nauie, the other day, in that quarter, for murder. She was the wife ot n headman, and died with firmness and courage, after acknowledging
    1,103 words
  • 425 8 (From a Corrfispoiukrt. j H As compared with those inrun*!* in the gaol at Hongkong the priscS in the Singapore establishment ra* far letter treatment and kw* pier times than those in tin* >* Colony: ami this, no doubt. irtbefl son why the number in Il rgkfl hardly
    425 words

  • 824 9 v DESCRIPTION OF fHIXGS I t to COME. wrv striking article in the by Mr. H. \V. Wilson wjtif'"• -Yii,. Human Animal in l ;v Wilson, the author of 7 j,, Action,” draws a very 1-1 tlll e as to the extent to fcbr j. c
    824 words
  • 22 9 month, the Police effec- -j, j or house-breaking and Bt, si cases of thefts from the arrests were mSde.
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  • 38 9 BrazilB treaty with Japan is*understood to be nearly ready, the immigration of Japanese labourers to the coffee plantations being especially desired, lhe Kissa Emigration Company has 20,000 ready for transportation when the treaty is signed.
    38 words
  • 54 9 Balmoral, Oshr/nie, °f Bt-. John now that the (ilevfarg and Kirkhill have been practically released, are the only foreign steamers still under charter to the Nippon usen Kaisha. The last of the lour loaded 2,000 tons of coal at Moji, and was to leave for Hongkong
    54 words
  • 66 9 A Correspondent remarks that, in the Teluk Ayer market, there are commodities tlie sale of which is exclusively reserved to certain individuals. One man is the sob? vendor of pigs' blood, another of towgay (a preparation from green peas) a third of salted mustard leaves, and so forth.
    66 words
  • 1451 9 There is no gout in Sir Percy’s family, is there Not now; there was formerly It was introduced into the family by Sir Roland Highliver, but they have been so poor for the last two hundred years that they couldn’t keep it up.” Your son, I believe, made
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  • 107 9 Mr. Bascom, the State Treasurer at Pekan, has been fined ten dollars for flinging a chair at a Chinaman. Lieut. A. J. R. Greene, R. A., leaves by the mail for Hongkong, to be stationed there. A large number of Labuan stamps have been surcharged Jubilee 1846
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  • 28 9 Eusope, a Kling, for removing three bottles of beer and two bottles of port* wine, without a pass, in Battery Road, was, yesterday, fined $5.
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  • 26 9 The two Arab editors at Cairo, whose papers were suspended for insulting the ol England, have been sentenced *o eighteen months imprisonment.
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  • 28 9 Between noon yesterday and noon to-day, three cases of cholera were reported. One was sent to hospital, and the other tw r o were treated at nome.
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  • 39 9 The Governor and Mr. F. A. Swetten.iam returned from Pahang last night, about half-past ten o'clock, in the &ea tielle but slept on board. Mr. Swettenham left, this morning, for Klang in the same vessel.
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  • 38 9 The Pacific Circus arrives to-morrow from Saigon in the steamer Tifrre. It opens on Monday night at the junction of Tank and River Valley Roads. The program me promises an attractive and varied Assortment of amusements.
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  • 36 9 The receipts on the Selangor Govern.nent railway, last month, reached $65,064, against $74,104 in the corresponding month of last year. Last month, the coaching contributed *31,657, md the goods tratlic furnished the oa lance.
    36 words
  • 47 9 The property known as Mount Zion, River Valley Road, area about 33 acres, part freehold and part leasehold for jyj) years, with three residences for Europeans, also a number of shoptouse dwellings, total monthly rental >209. Sold for £30,000, by Messrs. Rowell Co.
    47 words
  • 52 9 Two additional Sikhs were enrolled in the Bangrak Police force, at Bangkok on the 7th instant; both of them possessed excellent certificates of discharge from Indian Regiments. In future, none will be enrolled who cannot produce such certificates, as the authorities are anxious to improve the discipline ol
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  • 60 9 In British North Borneo, a Government circular has been issued t*> Officials intimating that Residents, District Officers, and all heads of departments are required to send in a report on their district or department every fortnight, in duplicate. The report may take the form of a diary or
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  • 60 9 Two Malay women, named Meedah and Sulong, were charged before a court of two Magistrates, yesterday afternoon, with housebreaking by nicht and theft of silk sarongs and jewellery, valued at £209, the property of a cattle dealer, named Mohamed Daud. Mr. Sisson appeared to prosecute, and Mr.
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  • 68 9 Owners of property at Tanjong Rhu, says a correspondent, complain that considerable quantities of sand are removed from the foreshore at this place. The result of this is that the sea at high tide finds its way into the compounds and walls and fences are washed down by
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  • 87 9 There have b<»en several applications of late to the magistrates, for warrants for the arre?*t of women who have borrowed jewellery from tlieir female friends. Their avowed puri>ose was*to lend out the articles to those wishing to make a show at weddings but, in most cases, the
    87 words
  • 95 9 The British North Borneo Herald of the Ist instant complains of the high charges for cable telegrams there. It instances Ae fact that to Singapore the cost is 80 cents a word, and to the other Malayan ports $l, except to Penang which is $1.30. From these last
    95 words
  • 121 9 A report w T as made to the police to-day by a Kling family residing on the Rocliore Road. It seems that yesterday afternoon a man, who was known to be at enmity w ith the occupants, visited the house and asked for a drink. He told
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  • 133 9 On the 31st August, the Officer in charge of Lahat Datu, in British North Borneo, received new r s of the murder of Robert Jackson, an assistant on a tobacco estate. A Javanese woman, the murdered man’s housekeeper, states she w r as present when
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  • 98 9 llTH SEPTEMBER. Mr. A. L. Stewart, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Singapore, has la-en appointed to be Acting Chief Police Officer for Malacca, with effect from the 2drd August. Mr. H. B. X. C. Trotter, PostmasterGeneral, Straits Settlements, lias been granted leave of absence, with halfsalary, for twelve months,
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  • 197 9 The following sales have been made by Messrs. Powell and Co.: —Three freehold building allotments (for shophouses) situated on Orchard Road (Prinsep s Estate), marked Lots 1(5. 17, and 18 of Government Grant No. (57, area 6,381 square feet, with frontage of 57 feet on Orchard
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  • 769 10 There was quite a big crowd down at the race course, this morning, to see the horses do their work. In fact, it seemed almost like old times come again, and, in spite of the counter attraction of certain concoctions called slings, the coffee gave out before those
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  • 96 10 A correspondent deplores the neglect evinced by the Government in opening up branch roads between Buddoh arid Changie. At present beyond Ross Lane, which is private and situated at 10} miles, on Changie Road, there is no communication whatever with the beach. The consequence is that the
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  • 574 10 HALF YEARLY MEETING. .The sixty-fifth half-yearly meeting of the above named Company was held this afternoon at the offices, Collyer Quay. Mr. Thomas Scott presided, and there were also present: Messrs. John Finlayson, C. Sugden, T. C. Bogaardt, A. P. Adams, C. A. Rauch, F. H.
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  • 177 10 Rather more than two years ago an attempt was made bv the Standard Oil Company to conclude a contract with the syndicate of Russian petroleum producers, by which the Russian syndicate would have supplied petroleum to Eastern Europe, Asia, Australasia, and the East Coast of Africa, while the Standard
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  • 1135 10 HOW THEY GOT THEIR MILLIONS. An American, who writes from intimate personal knowledge but who prefers to remain anonymous, tells in Comhill with much sympathy the story of several of the millionaires of the giant Republic. He claims that even it the 4000 millionaires own between them 40,000
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  • 505 10 SPANISH HOSTILITY. The San Francisco Weekly Chronicle of the 6th August tells how an American firm went down at Manila, last Juno, under the petty tyranny of the Spanish officials. The particulars given show that, in 1887, IYele, Hubbell <fc Co., an American firm in Manila, failed.
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  • 122 10 Paris 6th September. Great Britain has accepted without any objection the new position of Madagascar as a French Colony. At the banquet given in honour of the Imperial guests, the German Emperor, speaking in Gorman, thanked the Czar, in the name of Gerfnany, for his visit to a
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  • 1625 10 He’’ is the thine a m I*. Beck; and Mr. J You can make nice litti,. f r out of gold and dia‘. Rhodes has proved) "“■S*. fortunes from finance L > showed); but for l.iir JI >3 to “lie.” And Trading Corporation has. "v'Sl S'"' 1
    1,625 words

  • 54 11 The Siam Observer notes that the Wattana Mines are reported to be in a had way. Pockets here and there, but not enough to pay for the labour of linding them, and coolies all left is the latest story. The soil is full of gold, only it is
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  • 625 11 Irate Suburban Resident: “If you don't stop getting out that infernal lawn-mower of yours every morning at five o’clock, I’ll— I’ll—” Next Door Neighbour (defiantly). “Well, what’ll you do?" “I’ll—I’ll start my daughter practising on the piauo every morning before breakfast.” So far as London is concerned the
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  • 67 11 It is expected the Cape Government will deal with the question of coolie immigration there next session. There will be a meeting of the members of the Church Work Association at Government House, on Thursday, 17th instant, at noon. 4 It is officially notified that the Protected
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  • 30 11 A Chinaman was arrested this morning in the act of stealing a bag of sugar, lying outside Messrs. McAlister's premises with other hags. Another bag is missing.
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  • 32 11 The mail papers contain allusions to the position of affairs on the Centurion the flagship on the China Station, showing her to be what is known as an uncomfortable ship.
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  • 24 11 A Sarawak Government notification announces that the importation of powder or cartridges there in any quantity without special permission is strictly prohibited.
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  • 33 11 The Pacific Circus will open to-morrow on the usual site at Tank Road. A monster programme, varied, novel, and sensational, is promised. Full particulars may be seen in the advertisement columns.
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  • 35 11 Advices from St. Petersburg state that the Russian Government has decided to make Vladivostok a commercial port, and the necessary works for that purpose are to be finished hy the end of next year.
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  • 35 11 The Rev. Alfred Iliff has been appointed Chaplain at Hongkong to the shipping afloat and to *St. Peter's Institute ashore, in succession to the Rev. A. Gurney Goldsmith, M.A., recently seamen’s chaplain there.
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  • 35 11 The Penang Chamber of Commerce have appointed a sub-committee to report on the proposed Wharf and Harbour Improvement scheme. The report will be considered at a general meeting as soon as possible.
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  • 39 11 It is reported in Hongkong that telegraphic intelligence has been received from Manila to the effect that the import market is entirely disorganised owing to the rebellion, and that no further consignments should be sent.
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  • 44 11 A concession in Laos has been given to a company formed in Paris, for the exploiting of Tran-Ninh province, in French Tndo-China. for gold. A French company, with a capital of fcs. 400.000, has to be formed within six months
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  • 37 11 The Inspector-General of Forests and the Director of the Forest School in India are in correspondence with the Siamese Conservator, regarding the officering of the Siam Forest Department with men trained at Debra Dun.
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  • 46 11 On Saturday afternoon, there was a one club competition in connection with the S. G. C. The weather was very unpropitious, and there were only a few competitors. Mr. D. McCann, playing with a lofting iron, won with the good score of 49.
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  • 42 11 The annual examination ofthe Penang Free School was conducted, this year, by Messrs. Elcum and Wilkinson and ended on the 9th instant. 445 boys were presented, with a maximum of 1 705 passes. The passes gained amounted to 1,436.
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  • 50 11 The Bukit Mas North Gold Mining Company met at Penang on the Bth instant, and decided to accept an offer made by the proposed purchasers of the Bukit Mas Co., by which the present shareholders obtain a certain interest in the new Company, which will include both concessions.
    50 words
  • 54 11 Heavy rains fell on Penang island on the 11th instant, and flooded large stret hes of lowlying land. The plentiful supply of water js expected to give a much-needed impetus to paddy planting there. Rice has so risen in price at Penang that famine shortly may be
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  • 50 11 The District Officer of Port Dickson notes that the number of steamers entering the port during July was 52. >fo steamer arrives in the port from Singapore now between Sunday and Wednesday. He also observes that people in most parts of the district show reluctance to cultivate rice.
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  • 53 11 The Indian Opium Rules are now being entirely revised, the principal proposals under consideration being to abolish altogether opium saloons in India, and to restrict the selling of smokeable opium in Indian bazaars. It is most unlikely that these proposals will meet with the approval of the
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  • 65 11 The programme of the Sarawak races for 1897 includes two days* racing with six events on each day. The dates are not yet fixed. The value of the cups to be run for are not yet settled, but will be about the same as tins year, viz: From
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  • 67 11 The District Oflicer of Kuala Langat tries to protect the Malays there from the exactions and impositions of local medicine men who profess to cure by quackery, spitting on painful spots, or sacrificing to spirits. That official seeks to remedy the evil by urging the Government to train
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  • 76 11 The renewal of the P. 0.-mail contract is said to be still under consideration of the Government of India. The latest proposal is to divide the contracts in the same way as between the Australian mail steamers, one Company carrying the mails between Brindisi and Aden,
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  • 76 11 The Sarawak Gazette observes, as regards the loss of the Rajah Brooke that few of the Chinese concerned in that steamer had insured as to their shares in the vessel or their cargo on board. Numbers of them, especially small traders in the bazaar, have been hard
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  • 78 11 A cokuespoxdent says This morning, a strange Chinaman landing from a 3oat got ashore in the neighbourhood of Teluk Ayer Market. Some coolies were at work on the spot and resented i;he intrusion. They set on the man and apparently mauled him a good deal. A sergeant of
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  • 82 11 A memorial has been received by Mr. Chamberlain from Ceylon. It calls attention to the serious statement of a i;hirty-tive years’ resident in Colombo with regard to the sale of opium and hemp drugs in Ceylon, praying that the Secretary of State will grant the request urged
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  • 79 11 The Berlin correspondent of* the Daily Chronicle states that the likelihood of Mr. McKinley’s election to the Presidency of the United States has alarmed the shareholders of the North German Lloyd, the directors of which are considering the advisability of establishing new lines, especially with Eastern
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  • 51 11 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co., Limited, has received the following cable from Punjom, giving the result of the August clean up The mill ran 28 days, crushing 1,100 tons yielding .‘lB4 ozs., fifty tons of concentrates calcined yielding 55 ozs. The cyanide clean up is not yet
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  • 55 11 A Spanish subjetj named Domingos, the quartermaster of the s. s. Kecnuj Wax, has been arrested at Bangkok on the eharge of murdering the Chinese quartermaster of that vessel. Domingos was confined in the British consular gaol at Bangkok, before being shipped off to be handed over to
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  • 89 11 The Rajah of Sarawak notifies that all cultivated produce there shall incur an export duty of 2j per cent, ad\ valorem, unless special provisions are made to the contrary. That the inferior tobacco used in pepper and gambier gardens shall incur the half of the import duty,
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  • 86 11 The complimentary dinner which is to be given at Cambridge to Prince Ranjitsinhji has been fixed for the 29th instant with the mayor in the chair. It is proposed to hold, the dinner at the Old Lion Hotel, but if, as seems highly probable, the number of intending guests
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  • 81 11 There will be no more trouble aoout the silver question in the United States—nor, it may be assumed, elsewhere. The New York correspondent of the Daily \fail assures us that 41 Dr. Stephen Emmens, a well-known metallurgist and inventor in New York,” 44 positively asserts*’ bis ability to make
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  • 103 11 Last year, the mines of the United States yielded 58,000,(XX) oz. of silver, or sufiicient, the Boston 'Transcript says, to make a solid sphere with a diameter of 22ft. The entire silver production of the globe in 1895 would be represented by a sphere :*sft. in
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  • 112 11 Mr. Tregarthex, who lives on Moynt Sophia, has been the victim of numerous burglaries of late. A week or so ago, he lost a watch from box in his bedroom, and various iimor articles have been abstracted. On Saturday, he fixed a bell <*n the inside of
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  • 155 11 The Colonial Troop Relief for 1896-97 will commence on Oct. 1 and end on Feb. 6, 1897. On the v rme» date the Ist battalion Northumberland Fusiliers and four companies of the 2nd battalion Dorset Regt. will leave. England for Gibraltar, and the ■raiirfport that carries out this
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  • 105 12 St. Joseph’s institution is temporarily closed, says a correspondent, owing to one of the Brothers and a boy being attacked by cholera. They fell ill on Saturday morning;, the school was closed in the afternoon, and arrangements made at once to send the boarders away. Up to time of
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  • 121 12 The Cherubang Company has received a wire from the chairman, Singapore, 17th August, as follows: —“The result assays Cherubang Reef at a depth of 30 feet, 40z. 15dwt. Bgr. Palmerston Reef, 15 feet in width, Bdwt. llgr. per ton.” The W. W. Development Syndicate (Limited) desire it to
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  • 137 12 At one o’clock yesterday afternoon, Police Constable No. 483 was on duty near the Tan Took Spng Hospital when he heard cries for help coining from the kampong nsar the rifle range, lie went to the spot, and saw a Chinaman running away, and arrested him. At
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  • 133 12 The following extracts from the fxmdori Gazette are published for information Staff Paymaster and Honorary Major De la Pere Robinson is granted Honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated {>:h August, 1896. Second Lieutenant Claud H. M. L: nnox, of the N ort humberland F usiliers, resigns bis commission. Dated
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  • 272 12 —Perak Pioneer. The Resident-General is expected to arrive in Perak at the end of this month. The drought, in Lower Perak is so severe that the eartli is parched, and large cracks are seen in all clearings. Several thousands of coffee plants are ready for planting, but cannot
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  272 words
  • 75 12 A TOWN ENTIRELY DESTROYED. MANY LIVES LOOT. Yokohama, 2nd September, 12.25 p.m* Japan was visited with another great earthquake on the evening of the 31st August in the North-east Provinces. The town of Rokugo has been entirely destroyed and other tow r ns severely damaged, and
    75 words
  • 167 12 s. v. a. v. 8. R. c. Played on S. R. C. ground on Saturday, resulting in a draw\ Gr. Ross took 5 wickets for 13 runs. Valberg took a wicket with each of the last three balls he bowled. Score: s. v. A. Capt. Barker b Tessensolin 9
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  • 476 12 From the “Time* of Ceylon.*) fondon, 2nd September. Rain and a sandstorm have further damaged the Nile Railway. The new Sultan of Zanzibar, in not ifying his accession to President Faure. says he hopes the friendship between France and Zanzibar may increase. The Tnnes is surprised at this
    ( From the “Time* of Ceylon.*)  -  476 words
  • 1131 12 8URBEY V. AUSTRALIANS. Ir rained all Tuesday (August 18th) and play at the Oval being, therefore.-confined to Monday and Wednesday, no surprise was felt when this was left a draw. Surrey scored 293 (Abel 71, Hayward 84, and Hayes and 90 for four wickets (AIk?1, not out, 50).
    1,131 words
  • 197 12 In the seeming desire of the authorities to suppress gambling, has it not occurred to them, asks a correspondent, that the penalties of small fines, inflicted upon the hundreds that are arrested during the course of a month, are totally inadequate? During last week alone, there were 121
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  • 412 12 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. On the 30th August Kobe was visited by a destructive storm, and on shore very extensive damage resulted from floods caused by heavy rain. The river Minatogawa burst its banks for the first time for thirty-two years, and a large portion of
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  • 62 12 (For the Far East) Per P. O. s. s. Manila from London, Ang. 22: —Mrs. and Miss Mola, Mrs. Diss, Mrs. Sarjeant. and Mr. Denham, Mr. E. B. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce. Per PAO.8.8. Aden from London. Sept. IP, Miss Pycroft, Miss Freda Kekewlch, Miss Marie Campbell,
    62 words
  • 560 12 TUESDAY'S RE8r LTs R HAMPlONSHlp k J. G. Mactaggart v. J. K A CUM 8.SCLB, m Linton rec. 4 6«o/Fort' Ainslie, owes 30 v (w H (unfinished.) Waddell rec. 2 beat G I>n H D. P. McDougall. rec 3 i»at(' n °***U«H son, owes 2. 1 apt. Wj£jH
    560 words
  • 1496 12 w the M’“ Minutes of Prooeeuim* o*aiCIPAL COM .^ptY, NARY Mketino 0> ei 20th August, 1896. Gentle. PRESENT:-The Presi.icn A Esq.; Col. Pennefatlier, t ghctfoiA ttenerai of Police; H®" b L. <ohsl. c.M.0.; Tan Jiak Bn-;** J. P. Joaquim, Esq.; A. C Moses sr.'Srs'.'Sg held on the 12th
    1,496 words

    • 305 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,—Iii spite of what has recently appeared in the Straits Times, the practice of furious and reckless driving on the EspVinade Road is as rife as ever. On Saturday afternoon last, at about halfpast five, this kind of
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    • 711 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” ►Sir, —XVill you kindly allow us to explain the circumstances under which the Welsbach light, which has been a brilliant success everywhere else, failed to be introduced in Singapore for lighting the public streets. In March, 1895, >ve were asked
      711 words
  • 422 13 arrivals. Per s. s. Malacca from Teiuk Anson via ports: -Messrs. Walker, Allen, Booth, Carmichael, Whyte, Bibby, Chevalier, Petherbridge, and Egerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Groom, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and Mrs. Prentice. Per s. s. B. IP. Hin from P. Brandan Messrs, Bogaardt, and Davis. Per M.
    422 words
    • 162 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str.—steamer; sh. —ship btj.—barque Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr.—French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch Joh. —Johore Ac., G.c., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U. —Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. 1). 1 Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.
      162 words
    • 1393 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Alboin, Brit. str. 650 tons, Capt Ritchie, loth Sept. From Penang, 11th Sept. Ballast, Borneo Cov. For Bangkok, U.— N. Amiqo, Ger. str. 722 tons. Capt Henimet. 12th Sept. From Sourabay, 9th Sept. 1( d.p. Wee Bin and Co. U. —Rds. Baa Hin
      1,393 words
    • 406 14 N time. pi<)t, jU-nhoW*' tfufr of nrr>ml. tnot oi Ofjrntx. Aglaia, Hongkong. Sept. 18; Kautenberg. Bawean, Baudjcrniassin, Sept 2-3; Daendels. Bayern, H’kong, Sept. 20; Behn Mever. Benlarig, H’kong, Sept. 17: P. Sirnons. Bisagno, Bombay, due Sept I9; B Moyer. Ceres, Hamburg, Oct. A; Ran ten berg. Cam, Now
      406 words
    • 958 14 "Flag i I t Vessel’s Name. <fc Tons.; Caitain From Sailed. Consignees. Rig 7 Palinurus Dut. str. 1620 Edmondson A’.-terdanr July 22 W. M*ansfield <fc Co. 7 Malacca Brit.str. 405 Daly T. Anson Sept SS. S’shipCoy. Ltd. 7 Glenorchy str. 1821 iFrakes Moji Aug 25Boustead and Co. 8 Yarra
      958 words
    • 644 14 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag &Rig; Captain Destination j Sept 7 Arthur Head Brit.sir. l.cimard H'kong and Shanghai 7 Singkep Dut str. j Nacodah Singkep 8 Sirsa Brit.str. Hardens! le Madras via ports 8 j Ban Hin Guan str. Peters Klang via ports 8 Psikau str. Brin e Muar and
      644 words
    • 114 14 PASSKD SUN DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR 0R1>F|>. Fi-w. Date Fko,m D\tk. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of i Where .7., i Rio. I i Saii.ixo. U1, N Sent l Ned s.s.Colelies l)e Wyn Sept 1 Batavia iVi«i u 2. «>.Soenda Yisser Sept 2Batavia Annin2 Duinker Sept 2 Batavia Annin,;'
      114 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 118 14 PURE BLOOD Is the source of good health. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Sharpens the Appetite, Removes that Tired Feeling, and Makes Life Worth Living. Sufferers from indigestion, general debility, skin diseases, or any other ailment arising from impure blood, should take AYER’S SARSAPARILLA Cold Ml dais
      118 words
    • 778 14 A C L K A X CFT IXDIVI DU A L OPINI ON, BOLDLY KX TRESSED. It is for this reason that an assertion like the following sticks up above the dead level of our stupid talk, and becomes noticeable; When I xaw hum pale I had grown I ah!
      778 words
    • 389 14 FAR FROM THE M.\*>DIXr,< !il|V Important to Mis i-.iiarios• Fore ign Residents. SE \V KI, 1, co Pa»*en<jer y Shippiiuj, <0 Fortm^ 1)7, Queen Victoria St., Londu Moot passengers at all Docker p*, Stations in London, or through r|>. :r v in all Ports, oloar Damage and destination, reserve Hotel
      389 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      335 words
    • 224 15 JOB-PRINTING. the type in the Straits Times Office is new. and the job-printing department is arranged to do work quickly and well There is a special department for bookbinding and paper-ruling. THE “STRAITS TIMES” OFFICE. ART PHOTOGRAPHY. ROBERT LENZ CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS By special appointment to H. If. THE KING OF
      224 words
    • 515 15 LEA PERRINS f OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold V/ho’esale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Cro**:e Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE, i SAUCE Singapore Agents, JOHN LIETTLE CO. i 6
      515 words
    • 260 15 EAST COAST ETCHINGS BY HUGH CLIFFORD, BRITISH RESIDENT AT PAHANG. PRICE: TWO DOLLARS. rlie had (post free) from the Straits Times Office; and on sale at J. Little Co. (Lim.) and Kelly and Walsh (Lim.) These tales deal with the life of the Malays of the East Coast of the
      260 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 359 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd SINGAPORE. ELECTRO PLATE DEPARTMENT.—Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic meeting, We are always pleased to submit- special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups. Military Trophies. Presentation Plates, Ac. T>w K- hi
      359 words