The Straits Budget, 8 September 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 131 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the v Philippines,
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    • 27 1 I y v E \7H—Di-rand. On the 27th ult., I > (\ithedral of the Good Shepherd, I I'.l.j-.r*, David Maureath, of Kuala I Lar.pur. to Marie Durand.
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  • 387 1 u L Nm ARTICLES. tVii<t« and liolfei***. Pti'iWff**'! Nuisance*. TtonVket Season. I Triangular Duel. iuo > Turkey. Sinapore l.iijlitii>u. Tflrjr!]»!• la‘*n s o n. Local Mark®’ Quotation*. j Shipping N**\v-. Li^t. Municipal Progress. figs and Munieipal Revenue. [setter Smuggling. Hone Sale. Fishermen Robbed. Hack Gharries. Sambayang at
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  • 454 1 Singapore, 8th September, 1896. PRODUCE. Gambier, do Cube No 1, do do No 2, 9.00. Copra Bali, do Pontianak, o-30. Pepper, Black, oqSago Flour Sarawak, do No. 2 H-* Pearl Sago Sri* Coffee, Bali, ~?-xr* Coffee Palembang, M Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 8*-W-Tapioca, small Flake, 3.30. do
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  • 424 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. Yarra. The M. M. 8. s. Caledonxen with the mail from Europe of the 14th August arrived on Friday. The mail for Europe, next week, leaves by the I\ O. s. s. Rosetta
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    • 39 1 GERMANY .PROTECTS THE PRETENDER. London, Ist Sepfemlter. Seyyid Khalid, the Pretender to the throne of Zanzibar, lias taken refuge in the German Consulate there. Germany lias refused to extradit him on the ground of his offence being political.
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    • 30 1 Prince liobanoff, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has died suddenly His death took place on returning from Vienna to Kieff, with the Czar and Czarina.
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    • 24 1 THE RECORD BEATEN. Tjoh/Iou 2nd September. Ranjitsinhji’s score, this season, reaches two thousand seven hundred and thirty nine. This beats Grace's previous record.
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    • 74 1 PRESSURE ON THE SULTAN BLOODSHED AT CONSTANTINOPLE. President Cleveland has ordered the despatch of cruisers to Turkey. The Ambassadors at Constantinople have refused to illuminate the Embassies in honour of the Sultan s accession. The Ambassadors arc drafting a Note to the Sultan, pointing out that the massacres of
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    • 34 1 RUSSIAN POLICY Prince Lobanoff died of aneurism at a country railway station. The general opinion is that his successful foreign policy will be continued. The Czar will continue on his tour. a.
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    • 15 1 London, 3rd Setter, dter. Thornton's Eleven has beaten Ausby an innings and thirty-eight runs.
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    • 25 1 General Carrington reports that military operations are now proceeding against six rebel forces, located chiefly in the districts of Buluwayo and Salisbury.
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    • 16 1 A New Organic Law, embodyingjthe reforms granted by the Sultan, has been promulgated in Crete.
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    • 57 1 ACTION OF GOLD DEMOCRATS. ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. Londpn Jfth September. The National Convention of Gold Democrats has met at Indianapolis. The Convention adopted a platform, with planks upholding a gold currency and opposing the free coinage of silver. The Convention nominated General Palmer of Illinois as
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    • 22 1 Count Shouvaloft, the Governor of Poland, has been seized with a paralytic stroke, and now lies in a critical condition.
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    • 42 1 JjO/ufon, oth September. The betting on the St. Leger upon Persimmon is three to one. Otherwise there is no betting on the race whatever. ],aJtraitor and Nouveau. Riche are likely to start. Ualcazzo Arrean and Santa Maura are doubtful.
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    • 84 1 DETAILS OF THE ATTACK. Details of the seizure of the Ottoman Sank have now been received. Twenty-five well dressed and educated Armenians entered the Bank at midday in twos and threes. Meanwhile, porters brought in bags, ostensibly of bullion, but actually containing bombs. Suddenly the Armenians
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    • 22 1 A manifesto from the Mussulman CretaiA, appeals to the Moliamedans there to resist the reforms which the Cretan Assembly has accepted.
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    • 75 1 AN IMPERIAL TOAST. Ijond.on, 7th August. The Czar and Czarina have arrived on tour at Breslau, where they met with a splendid reception. At a banquet there to the Imperial visitors— the Emperor William proposed a toast to the Czar, as the bulwark of peace. The Czar’s
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    • 34 1 A NAVAL GATHERING. A French Squadron has been ordered to the Levant, where a powerful British fleet is already assembled. Sir Philip Currie, the British Ambassador at Constantinople, has returned to that city.
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    • 18 1 The Nile railway has been re-opened for twenty miles. It was relaid within ten days.
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    • 707 2 (Straits Times, \st September.) We publish a communication regarding a proposed cycling club. The idea, j it appears, is to obtain permission from the Singapore Sporting Club to lay down a cycle track side bv side with the existing training track. It is a proposal that would
      (Straits Times, \st September.)  -  707 words
    • 709 2 (Straits Times 2nd September.) Complaint has been frequently made concerning the close proximity of market gardens, improperly and oilei.-1 sively manured, to public roads and I household dwellings. There are many I roads in Singapore that, in them- I selves, are picturesque and Convenient, 1 and very suitable
      (Straits Times, 2nd September.)  -  709 words
    • 717 2 (Straits Times 3rd Septemlier.) To-day, the Australian eleven commences its final match against a team representing the South of England, and with its conclusion on Saturday may be said practically to end the home cricket season of 1896. The Australian cricketers, who, this year, have visited the
      (Straits Times, 3rd Septemlier.)  -  717 words
    • 290 2 (Straits Times 4 th Septemlter.) There are now three candidates for the United States Presidency. Yesterday, the National Convention of Gold Democrats, meeting at Indianapolis, decided to uphold gold and oppose the free coinage of silver. Their champion for this platform is to be General Palmer, of
      (Straits Times, 4th Septemlter.)  -  290 words
    • 547 2 (Strait# Times 5th Septemlter.) Details are given in to-day’s tele- gram of the recent attack upon the 1 Ottoman Bank at Constantinople by a J band of Armenians. The result of that I attack, which could never be anything bin futile except as a murderous 1 demonstration, is
      (Strait# Times, 5th Septemlter.)  -  547 words
    • 157 2 (Strait, Time,, r,th ,W The main obstarl,. ''’l The main obstacle to thoroJ I reform in Turkey lies at tl„ fresh trouble in Crete from medan islanders. The Cl dera had chafed under of their Mahommedan from Islamism admitting 0 <; a,1, H| political or religious rights t 0
      (Strait, Time,, r,th ,W( The main obstarl,. ' ''’l  -  157 words
    • 553 2 (Straits Times 1th Septeml*,-.) I It would appear that the cstimaJ made in Singapore, both by tlu- MuoieJ pality and the (las Company, a« J saving powers of the WYlsWh ImnJ are open to question. The WV14-J burner has also been a subject of rM sion in Hongkong;
      (Straits Times, 1th Septeml*,-.) I  -  553 words
    • 206 3 vrijits Tims, 7/A September.) States Residents, in their )n f r rt*nee, discussed, our corresT l!v informs us, the advisability of 4T of the telegraphic system of J \r vr States with that of Burmali the Malay-Siamese territory. J "’unetion might have very iin--t* results, It would facilitate
      , vrijits Tims, 7/A September.)  -  206 words

  • 88 3 \> v.ettkxham was not responsible :•>!* tin* “mV" inserted id the P reprint of the Municipal yn' Re did not know that such a ivn; v-iiein£ done. i bleary rate f dollar ••I i.. :i.i« 1 1 1«* .piari* s eomiM: <>l r 1 ~t. at 2
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  • 25 3 Int i*. J.ay races, next year, are fixed rT b-:' M> te the 27th February. The *!'>'•'Mi Bombay Gold Cup will be itllHNM*
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  • 42 3 i’ow ell Co., yesterday, sold n)^*r of Australian horses at Lam•^r yard. There was a large atten4 '.and the prices realised were dis- ir? !y good. Out of 24 horses offered, sold, the highest price being and the average $133.
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  • 46 3 it Municipal Health Officer remarks V Mngaj>ore town ran, in July, a conf!'* a if ri>k of an outbreak of sniallthe arrival of infected pilgrim Irani Jetldah. Had it not been i j ac ‘hve measures taken, there heen many more cases to *‘*nu*b J
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  • 50 3 )k- !Ule>e "ent out fishing, early a > morning, in the direction of t| ;r Shoal lighthouse, when four J Tl ai,u up. and demanded their H Fhinanien, through fright, 'j 1 '<p- They were of the value ,1P affaii was then renorted at h, "x Kling Police
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  • 44 3 j' 7” Hackney Carriages, t tor July, complains of the practised in passing these insjwction. In his opinion, uu remedy until ?ln amended »ii |s introduced, and it is made •v j,. I" l<> use fittings and ponies l! *‘ver passed inspection.
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  • 54 3 last advices, freights J cana l steamers had fallen Presi., h This is the lowest rate fyth e( .!7 an, l can hardly suffice to u Ur,. ues every voyage ship n^ Sar d must mean a loss to P low a rate as 2s. fid. was re
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  • 35 3 A.\ unusually ghastly tragedy has taken place at Lahore, in North-west India, where a young Hindu has murdered his father, his step-mother, and his infant daughter, and has seriously injured his wife.
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  • 56 3 A week ago, the steamer Halthor arrived at Colombo from Batavia with a cargo of Java sugar for Philadelphia, lliere seems to be, at present, an unusual demand for Java sugar in America, owing to the insurrection in Cuba. But, notwithstanding the great demand forsugar, freights still continue
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  • 51 3 THE CHAMPIONSHIP. The competition now stands:— Dr. Fowlie, a Bye, G. Macbain plays J. C. D. Jones, the winner to play Dr. Fowlie. Macbain and Fowlie played one round yesterday, leaving Macbain one up. The match was a good one, all the holes after the fourth being
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  • 109 3 A maxdore in Municipal employ was dismissed on the 10th August, anil pay was granted up to the Blst July only. The man appealed to tlie Board, but the order was confirmed. As he does not understand why he should be deprived of ten days’
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  • 118 3 A correspondent says that a couple of enterprising speculators are about to oiler the Municipal Commissioners the sum of $1,500 per annum for the exclusive monopoly of dealing in live pigs, in other words, to act as middle men between rearers and butchers. They allege that
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  • 116 3 Mr. A. Hale, the District Officer at Tam pin, has drawn up a report on Rinderpest or Murrain in the Malay Peninsula. The disease rarely attacks cart cattle, but it proves very destructive among water buffaloes, and sweeps away large numbers of them periodically. With the large Malay population,
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  • 252 3 The Australian Mining btu.ndard pleads for bimetallism on the ground that the prices of coal and tin are inuissolubly linked with the price of silver. The price of silver rales silver exchange, and coal and tin are largely produced by silver standard countries. Thus, Japanese coal is
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  • 54 3 NOMINATION OF MR. D. LOGAN. A special telegram to the Straits Times this afternoon informs us that the Committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce has unanimously decided to nominate Mr. D. Logan for the seat in the Legislative Council, rendered vacant by the
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  • 129 3 The Sambayang last evening, in Teluk Ayer Street, given by the Opium and Spirit Farmer, was conducted on a scale of magnificence for which the Farm is noted, and, of course, attracted immense crowds of Chinese and natives of all castes and nationalties. The various
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  • 148 3 With reference to a paragraph which appeared in this journal yesterday, touching on this subject, a correspondent says that while locally the Post Office arrangements regarding Chinese letters arc much improved, yet it is not possible to meet all requirements unless special measures are resorted to. For this reason:
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  • 362 3 FINANCES. The Municipal President's Progress report, for July last, gives the revenue figures for the tirst seven months of the year as standing at $533,903, against $518,264 for the corresponding months of last year. The President points out that there are heavy expenses ahead. Supplemental Budge
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  • 1104 3 SURREY r. NOTTS. Notts made a wretched display on Monday the 3rd ult., against Surrey at Ken-nington-oval, being all sent back for 69. On Tuesday Surrey played a very fine innings, making 424 before being all out, thanks principally to some splendid batting by Baldwin, Key, and Lees.
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  • 246 3 COMPENSATION CASE. In this case Mr. Joaquim was for the executors and trustees under the will of late Cheong Hong Lim. The Attor-ney-General was for the Collector of Land Revenue. Mr. Joaquim said the land was comprised in a Government lease No. 1,981 for 99 years,
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  • 205 3 Perak Pioneer. As Mrs. Birch was driving down from her house at about 5.30 on the evening of the 25th instant, the horse shied at a heap of burnt bamboo leaves. Mrs. Birch, seeing that the coachman was thrown oft’ the box, and that the carriage wheels might
    Perak Pioneer.  -  205 words
  • 208 3 This was the title of a paper which was read not long ago in Melbourne by a well-known Australian breeder, and in it he expressed the opinion that hunters and stock horses had deteriorated, except in Queensland. The early settlers, he continued, had many uses
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  • 2244 4 THE RIN” LODE. MR. BIBBY’s REPORT. The Jelebu Mining and Trading Co. (Lim.) have been for gome time engaged in prospecting a lode of tin-bearing ore near Kuala Klawang, Jelebu. Having proved the lode to a certain extent, and while waiting for a full
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  • 323 4 Five Chinamen were deported to China, this morning, by the >.s. Mendavs. There was no business at tin* Supreme Court to-day, owing to the indisposition of Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox. In Shanghai, where there were already three established daily papers, one more (the Shanghai Dally I*rets)
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  • 31 4 Two Chinese detectives were fined $25 each, yesterday, or one month’s imprisonment, for negligently allowing a* prisoner to escape from custody, at the Detective Station, on the 18th ultimo.
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  • 62 4 A sad fatality occurred on board the P. O. s.s. Ravenna at Shanghai, on the night of the 17th August. The fourth engineer, Mr. Inglis, was lying asleep on the starboard gangway, when shortly after 11 o’clock he was sOon by the quartermaster on watch to fall overboard.
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  • 77 4 At Galle, on the 24th August, a Moorman entered the Government gunpowder and dynamite store, to steal lead and brass, it is supposed. He struck a match, and a spark fell on the gunpowder. The explosion which followed burst open the doors, and set the magazine on
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  • 27 4 T THE CIIAMPIOXBHIP. In tlie semi-final, Fowlie beat Robertson, 4 up and 2 to play. Jones r. Maeßain unfinished, first round Maeßain 1 up.
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  • 32 4 Major General Sato, Lieut.-Colonel Masula, and Lieuts. Ishidzuka and Furuishi have been tried by courtmartial, and suspended lrom their duties for c owardice during the recent troubles in Formosa.
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  • 34 4 Telegrams have been received at Bangkok from Mr. Murray Campbell, in London, that it has been arranged that the preliminary railway arbitration proceedings shall take place on neutral ground at Brussels.
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  • 38 4 The North China Daily Netrs says that the Russians occupied the disputed foreshore atChefoo, on the 15th August, and began digging foundations. Messrs. Fergusson d; Co. applied for an injunction restraining them, but were refused.
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  • 49 4 The date of opening the new port of Hangchow to foreign commerce has been fixed for the Ist October next. The customs house will not be completed before March, 1807. In the meantime, the customs business will be transacted at the oiiiee of Foreign A Hail's.
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  • 52 4 The steamer Oopack encountered very rough weather on the lfith August, on the voyage from Shanghai to Nagasaki, and, in trying to go about, was thrown on her beam ends. During the storm, her cargo caught fire, and a considerable portion of the cotton and cotton seed cargo
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  • 53 4 At one o'clock, yesterday morning, some detectives saw live* Chinamen board a tongkang at Hong Lim Quay, and steal three bags of copra. They avrested them but two of tin* men got away by cutting off their queues, and leaving these in the hands of
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  • 56 4 In l'ckin, matters are reported to be not improving. The Emperor is in failing health, ami politically counts for nothing. The Em press-liowager has succeeded in removing him from the counsels of the only two men, his old tutors, Sun and Weng, who were capable of exciting his languid
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  • 59 4 There was a fairly large field at yesterday s paperchase, the company including a lady who rode in excellent style throughout. A start was made at the cross roads, Tanglin, and the run concluded in the front of the Barracks. Jumps were successfully taken at Tyersall, Balaclava, and
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  • 63 4 The Bth May next is the Last day for the people of Formosa to decide whether they will leave the island or adopt Japanese nationality. Those who remain will not be required to change their usages and customs. The smoking of opium will be prohibited only to those who
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  • 66 4 Osaka, says the Jajym Mail, lias long been the commercial centre of Japan. Its manufacturing industries also have developed so rapidly that no other place in the empire can compare with it. The number of factories is about 3,000, giving employment to 30,000 males and <O,OOO females. The reasons
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  • 74 4 After«wc went to press yesterday, the Chief Justice gave judgment in the case of the executors and trustees, under the will of the late CheangHong Lim, against the Collector of Land Revenue. The disputed point was the value of certain land acquired by the Government at Pasir
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  • 54 4 In the telegraphic tiiHvi-r-.-,,: 14th August, between Chang at (lieenwieh and Sk- U H 'nt at Shangliai, the former which, after retnuMmUriJ t > human relays, readied SI,-, Jr •‘Hi minutes actual time. reply amounted to SM wonls'S,- 1 seven minutes in niching with tin- same number of
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  • 61 4 A correspondent urges th enactments against lottor cr J at should not apply to agencies, which do business in i connected with money remitt-,, coolies to Cliina. These letujT‘ pass through the I'ost indeed, cannot conduct the J remittance business so cffieientkT is said that the late directed
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  • 76 4 The coolie traffic for August «h< u considerable falling otf from That ofthl previous month. This, no doubt great extent, is due to the heavy *,I that Las prevailed in the thin N During August, the number of grants that arrived totalled against in July, tints a
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  • 104 4 Superintendent Bell, C.P.0., applid to Mr. Saunders, yesterday, for an or.]* for tin* confiscation of property, in hou* No. 55. Church Street. This was a .-as in which the owners were implicate] 1 an extensive counterfeit coin affair, a the early part of July last, v,ii some
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  • 106 4 DECLARED TO BE A LUNATIC. Herbert Charles Wilmot, (tariWI as an Englishman, was brought Mu* Mr. Blagden, yesterday ordered to he sent to the Lunar Asylum. A certificate from Dr. KUI* T\as put in, bating that the j»r> was insolent in manner and raiiiflme in his statements,
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  • 83 4 England no longer owns tin' shipping port of the world >ucb e 1 result of the investigations earrin by Mr. Ernest Williams in bis htu book Made in Germany Liverpo* lias been passed by Hamburg, an looks as if it would probably be by Antwerp. Here are the
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  • 150 4 The Hongkong and W hamp'Company held their half-yeai v a* at Hongkong on the 24th report and accounts P^ c^ irinaft unanimously passed. Mr. J. Kramer, in noting amount for appropriation «623,000, said This enables us to again pa' rce ni> of 8 per cent, and a bonus
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  • 976 5 j-oK HOUSEKEEPERS SINGAPORE. 1,,/ihj Correspondent.) il'H t jie week i n vo things which I abhor—hi, infidelities, and the fool lull'd 111 V. 011 n Mahomet. hi kch-going. in tit** East brings with it a gr s in religious observances, .-which those at homeeanvd to understand. It partly
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  • 197 5 THE FORTHCOMING MATCH. Arrangements are lx'ing perfected for t In; annual interport rifle match. Singapore and Shanghai have been communicated with, Hongkong having suggested that the match he fired some time during the last fortnight of October. Singajiore has acceded to tliis proposal, and an answer is awaited
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  • 316 5 CAMPHOR, GUTTA, AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. The Assistant District Officer at Serendah notes, in his last monthly report, that, in accordance with instructions from the Government, a block of camphor wood has been sent to the Director of Botanical Gardens, Singapore, to enable him to make experiments in extracting the
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  • 29 5 From noon on Saturday, the 15th August, to tfoon on the 22nd, there were cases of plague at ‘Hongkong. Five of the patients belonged to the Hongkong Regiment.
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  • 426 5 HIS WONDERFUL CRICKETING ABILITY’. To-day’s telegram announces that Prince Ranjitsinhji has eclipsed all previous records at cricket by amassing this season up to date the extraordinary total of 2,7d9 runs. Prince Kumar Shrei Ranjitsinhji is undoubtedly at the present time the finest batsman in England, if not in
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  • 228 5 The race-course proper was open this morning, and some of the horses were rattled along a hit faster than usual. Cooper sent Tremelando for a short spin, finishing down the straight in very good style. Zita was one of the earliest out, and was given very slow work.
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  • 90 5 Via Bangkok.) London 2oth August. The Turks have routed the principal insurgent band in Macedonia, killing their chief. The Porte has accepted the scheme of reforms in Crete agreed upon by the Powers subject only to some slight changes which are now being discussed, Paris 26 th A
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  • 399 5 HIS ABILITY AND KINDNESS. The following testimonial was presented yesterday afternoon, at the Post Office, to Mr. Noel Trotter:— Singapore 1 st September 1898. To Noel Trotter, Esq,, Straits Settlements. Sir, —We, the undersigned, employes of the General Post Office in Singapore, are desirous to present you,
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  • 492 5 Sii axgiiat report has it that the Chinese Telegraph Administration only came to terms with the Cable Companies, after a long struggle, by order of Count Cassini, the Russian Minister. The British Minister opposed it in the interest of the commercial community as long as it was possible
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  • 222 5 This morning, the driver of a bullock cart was fined for negligent driving in the road opposite the Boustead Institute. He was on the wrong side of the road, and collided with Mr. S. F. Clark’s trap. The point of interest in the case is its connection
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  • 24 5 Two Hokiens, for possessing illicit chandu, value $B, in Yeo Chu Kang Road, on the 18th instant, were fined 880 ear'll yesterday.
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  • 28 5 Black Plagee is said to have broken out on the Mekong, in the neighbourhood of Nongkai, and the people are dying in large numbers there.
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  • 29 5 In the week ending on the 29th August, 207 deaths were registered in Singapore, with a ratio of 53.5 per mille. Eighteen deaths are set down tocholera.
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  • 35 5 In the semi-final for the championship of the Singapore Golf Club, played last night, Macbain beat J. C. D. Jones by 4up and 3to play. Macbain meets Dr. Fowlie in the final.
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  • 34 5 The tin exported from Perak, this year, up to the end of July, came to 159,389 piculs of block tin, and 67,779 piculs of tin ow- The duty collected amounted to $946,246.
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  • 36 5 Lim Chia, Hokien, was convicted, yesterday, and sentenced to six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment, for theft«of two and a quarter bags of copra, from a cargo boat, in Magazine Road, on the Ist. instant.
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  • 39 5 Nine Chinese, found in possession of false scales, etc., were convicted, on Tuesday, and fined §5 each, and upwards. Yesterday, a Hokien was fined or ten days' imprisonment, for uhin<r unstamped measures in Beach Road Market.
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  • 45 5 A correspondent calls attention to the increasing practice of using jinrikishas for the conveyance of loads of fruits, vegetables, and other goods. The vehicles are in a foul condition after being thus obviously, should be for passenger traffic, and not as hand-carts.
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  • 53 5 The open space in rear of Telub Ayer Police Station is now converted into a pasture ground for geese. Formerly, the boys of the neighl>our!iood used this place as a recreation ground. It is now in a condition too offensive for respectable children to go to. Is it
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  • 90 5 In Mr. Dow's second round, in a Penang Golf competition, he holed out the 4th hole in 2. His drive was short, and, on reaching the ball, he found himself stimied by a bullock cart laden high up with firewood, which had stuck in a rut on
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  • 52 6 Ministerial changes are reported from Siam. The most important feature is that the Minister for Public Works, H. R. H. Prince Bidyalabh, will henceforth devote nil his energies to the demands of that Department. These demands include the opening up of the country by railways, roads,
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  • 60 6 The second day of the races at Medan (23rd August! was confined to local horses. On the third day, (24th August) Oranje Boren won the second race, and, also the third race —that forthe Planters’ Cup. I)r. W. C. Brown's SUnrboy won the fifth race. Mrs. Chant came
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  • 56 6 •In the Siamese district of Petriu, where gang robbery and outrages on foreigners have latterly been rife, the authorities have made several arrests. A secret society is reported to be at the bottom of the troubles. A land dispute, in which two French missionaries were concerned, is
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  • 126 6 FAIRY MUSIC. Ix Jifne last, the Acting District Magistrate of Kinta drove to Ipoll, to visit the caves in the limestone hill by Fu Chun’s coflee estate, which has recently been taken possession of by some Chinese priests, who have commenced making a temple there. The outer
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  • 215 6 The District Magistrate of Upper Perak, the other day. received news that a Malay, working on the new road towards the boundary, some six miles from Janing. had been taken away by a tiger in the middle of the day. Out of twenty-five Malays working in
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  • 271 6 Planters. —British North Borneo lferald 16 th August. The construction of the Padas Railway is being actively pushed on from Bukau, it being found difficult to commence from Sipitong in this monsoon with the present arrangements for landing there. MatSalleh, a disaffected Bajow chief, is again threatening
    Planters.—British North Borneo lferald, 16th August.  -  271 words
  • 1235 6 MANAGER REPLIES TO MANAGER. TO THE EDITOR OF THE M BTRAITB TIMEB.” Sir, —In your issue of 14th instant, a paragi&ph headed Sarawak Coal apjiears; and, in that paragraph, Mr. Fisher states that the Brooketon Colliery has been very much mismanaged. As I at one time had the
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  • 55 6 Another addition to the Kickmers licet was launched at Bremerhaven on the 27th July. She is named the t\lrhnier luckiiier*. The Rickmcrs Company now owns five four-masted full-rigged ships and barques, and eight steamships of from 1.500 to 7,500 tons d.w. capacity, besides eight tugs* and 14
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  • 64 6 The trusters of this institution, a short time ago, applied to Government for a piece of land adjoining the* present building for the purpose of enlarging the school. The Government, before granting this, desire to know if there are funds available. The reply ul» the trustees is
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  • 68 6 The number of vessels that arrived here last month, irrespective of men-of-war. was consisting of 344 steamers and 10 sailing vessels, with a total tonnage of 340,520 tons. Of this number, 250 were British, .‘t4 German. .*l4 Dutch, 10 French, 6 Italian. f> Norwegian. 3 Spanish, 2 Austrian,
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  • 126 6 A correspondent says that the Municipal Engineer has engaged the services of two young men in Bombay to fill existing vacancies in his department. This, says the correspondent, is another instance in which the Government is culpable. Not long ago, a survey class existed here. It was,
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  • 169 6 Thk British North Borneo Herald speaks a good word for Labnan Coal, and dwells upon its cheapness in comparison with the Japanese and Cardiff article. Vet, Labuan coal does not make headway. This is ascribed to former mismanagement and want of enterprise. It is alleged that these shortcomings
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  • 1594 6 WEDNESDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER. PRESENT. H. E. the Governor, Sir Charles Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hon. J. A. Swettenham, c.m.g., Colonial Secretary. Hon. W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon. E. E. Isemonger, Colonial Treasurer. Hon. Capt. Anderson, Acting Colonial Engineer. Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. G. S. Murray. Hon. Dr. Lini Boon Kong.
    1,594 words

  • 113 7 J*u '28th August. broke out in Conv,—I;:v, espe<*iallv at Pera, ijii* 'ii**iu:ei* were riotous. A bomb wliieli e\pbxb*<l amongst the Ii:: aii'l wounding several solottoman Bank was broken into, ,..i, iniuretl, nor was there any •a-ju**' J Yf*}>l***!'} (Z;i r j|j)*| Czarina have arrived in w |),.|v they
    113 words
  • 213 7 u it wharfage accommodation M< k Ans*»n has been extended, it is that -'*!'ietimes tlieit* is not Eodi Urthage room, and some => are obliged to anchor in mid itam. \i- T 1>. Herrington, the Senior hr.; ate. is confined to his house eonii a kiek from a
    213 words
  • 214 7 lHf Klang Hunting and Estate Syn- r (Limited) has been registered, by r, :Un<l Brighton, London, with a l’*>,000 in .4*1 shares. The -'to enter into an agreement H. (lodgers, and to carry on tea, coffee, cocoa, tapioca, 1'P* i planters and growers in the v v ttl«‘inents
    214 words
  • 37 7 Mr. Anthokisz, as assistant agent Indian Immigration Department, goes next week to Johore and Malacca on business in connection with the department. Mr. Rgerton with probably conduct the magisterial duties during Mr. Anthonisz’s absence.— Carr.
    37 words
  • 782 7 He (on horseback): “Shall we take the high road home?” She: “No; I should prefer the bridal path, I think.” Little girl from Chicago: “Our family is more aristocratic than yours.” Little girl from Boston: No, it isn’t. My mamma can l>oast of her forefathers for the past
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  • 435 7 The Armenians who had safe conduct »rom Sir Edgar Vincent (Governor of the Ottoman Bank) were conveyed on board his yacht, the Gulnare. So long ago as August 2Brd, the Governor of Manila telegraphed to the Spanish Government that he was quite ihle to cope with any
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  • 46 7 Last evening, a gentleman lost, while walking between the Hotel de la Paix and the Shipping Office, the sum of three hundred ancl seventy dollars in notes. There were six fifty dollar notes, one twenty, and ten of five dollars each. •f 7
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  • 66 7 The steamer Van Goens that, by telegraphic advices, was recently reported ashore on the coast of Sumatra, arrived yesterday, and will go into dock to-day. It appears, that on tlie 19th ult., she ran on a sandbank and damaged a few of her plates, but after a
    66 words
  • 154 7 Yesterday afternoon, a carriage accident occurred in River Valley Road. A iovka y, named Tek Lim Lo, was driving along the road and, in passing a horse that was led by a syce, the animals collided, with the consequence that the horse in the shafts took fright
    154 words
  • 269 7 A despatch from Perim of Aug. 8 announces that the Dutch steamer Doebryk, with a full cargo, consisting of a large quantity of arms and ammunition, ostensibly destined for Kurrachee, has lx»en surprised and caj>tured, while out of her course, by the Italian cruiser Etna
    269 words
  • 561 7 In one of the reaches of the Thames, just above Grays, and, therefore, several miles higher up the river than Tilbury Docks, the P. and O. Company have bought a plot of land having a river frontage of over 4,000 feet,
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  • 1334 7 (Translated from various Newspapers.) PEARL-FISHING. Tub Batavia Niemrsblad gives details of the pearl-fisheries in Northern Queensland, where many Javanese are engaged in diving under engagement with Australian firms. These Javanese work under the disadvantages that they have no guarantee of a return passage to Java, should any employing
    1,334 words

  • 50 8 His Excellency and Lady Mitchell, accompanied by their suite, left in the Sea Belle to-day for Pahang, where a short stay will be made. The Governor went on board early, but waited for the deliver} 7 of the mail, after which the Sea Belle proceeded on her voyage.
    50 words
  • 61 8 The Marine Police made quite a number of arrests, on Wednesday, for thefts on cargo boats in the harbour, and from sampans in the river. Rice appears to have been the principal article stolen, in quantities, of the value of a dollar or so in each case. Some
    61 words
  • 108 8 A bystkm of extortion from Chinese passengers, on hoard several steamers ‘bound to China, has become very common of late. When the passengers take up their quarters in the ’tween decks and lay down their sleeping mats, a sum of money is demanded from them, by coolies
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  • 899 8 (From the Times of Ceylon.) Ijondon, 24 th Atujust. Yorkshire is champion county this season in cricket; and Ranjitsinjhi takes the lead in hatting averages. A case of cholera among the Indian Camp followers has occurred at Suakim. Contracts for supplies to the Indian troops at Suakim are
    (From the Times of Ceylon.)  -  899 words
  • 67 8 Some attention should lie given, says a correspondent, to the eoneoetions that are manufactured by Chinese, and sold as aerated waters in the streets, at one or two cents a bottle. These compounds, it is thought, are, in a great measure, responsible for a great deal of the
    67 words
  • 201 8 M arcus ok Silva, late chief clerk at the Criminal Prison, was charged on remand, yesterday afternoon, with eriminal breach of trust, as a public servant, in respect of Slff4.9(>. belonging to the Government, «during the month of April last, and also in respect of 918 during
    201 words
  • 316 8 SIA M i;s E I’l'OVOt •AT I< >X. Tiik Coiirni’f <1 Ifttiphomj publishes advices calling attention to the Siamese Government breaking the convention entered into with France in IS9JJ, l>y arresting and ill-treating people under French protection. It is asserted that, under that instrument, Cambodians, Annamites, and Laotians
    316 words
  • 371 8 The course has dried up considerably since yesterday, and the going, this morning, was fairly good. Galder was the first out, on Buccleuah. This horse is improving. Kita was thl next to appear, and then came The Stcell ridden by Kinvan, Magician with Pierbux up, and the Betsy
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  • 83 8 The scheme of Imperial defence upon which Mr. Chamberlain has been engaged for some time will (says the Nary atal Army Gazette) shortly be sent out to the Colonies. It will l>e accompanied by a request to the Colonies to furnish any comments they may think it necessary
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  • 133 8 At t lie commencement of the hearing of a charge against the late chief clerk at the gaol, yesterday afternoon, the prisoner asked that tlie witnesses in the case should remain outside the Court till called upon. His request was grants. At about quarter past
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  • 185 8 The arrangements for the departure of the mission organised by the Blackburn Chamber of Commerce for the development of the Lancashire cotton trade in China are complete. The leader of the expedition; Mr. Bourne, of her Majesty’s Consular Sendee in China,together with Mr. Neville and Mr.
    185 words
  • 65 8 -Scat a Malay woman for trial, yesterday, f or eS ,c# ">* of trust, in resist 0 f n,| S jeweller}’, value,! at soner, it seems, had hued .J 1 from several arsons fort!, lending them out, |*fi a day for the hire 0 f 0 Phi
    65 words
  • 118 8 The Colonial Secretary i Deputy Governor during the i l absence from the Colony a.T' 1 the 4th instant. Letters patent are publish*} ing a Commission to renort be desirable or otherwise*,o system of farming the revenue from pawnshops. ni The name of Mr. L. A M
    118 words
  • 568 8 At this season of the year. I have a word to say to holiday-#* women, and especially to woWm lead comparatively sedentary lives., rule, but who are inclined to liehavt if they were trained athletes during months of August andScptemler.Nai does not approve of being liurriHi being
    568 words

  • 94 9 to the article that WL r^ n R m ie or Rhea fibre, it l n x olir issue of yesterday 1 in t has been formed to raits I vesterday and noon mnif* ll s of cholera were Eilir* ca I s ]>,. r hani i.s
    94 words
  • 38 9 I a id to do fairly well in the I exporting elephants. An I Itr iiieiit just prepared shows I thirrv-tiirce years, 2,240 I i t It the island, their value P p-Ht .1 H H».
    38 words
  • 35 9 I , of the Governor Goodwin P princes Island, along with I ,.t fifty thousand cases of I wa < wold by auction, at Bata- August, for twenty-eight L v j guilders.
    35 words
  • 49 9 I a ttalion Northumberland I at Portsmouth lias been placed I !r",pier- of readiness to embark for I .onor about Oct. 18, to relieve r littalion West Yorkshire Uegt., I proceed to Hongkong to place of the 1st battalion Rifle I 1 The Rifles will be conveyed
    49 words
  • 53 9 d et t lie Pawnbroking ComI a ,,f inquiry are gazetted. They ,t: the Hon. A. M. Skinner, I k* Councillor of Penang); Mr. ■BBi kby: Mr. E. H. Bell, Superin»t Police; Mr. Tan Jiak Kim; K: >1’ (heali Chen Eok of Penang. Hft A M. Skinm»r will
    53 words
  • 60 9 !3E >!i *u i ng t »*leg r; 11 if from the Min at Raub details the crush tin' last two months: Kins finished, 2,030 tons stone Jci 1,176 ozs. smelted gold pros3remain unchanged. ■athe 4th August, a rough clean-up iph for four weeks ending on that t i.WH;
    60 words
  • 253 9  -  XANTHOS. ski ua' some faster work done racing track, several -rh;rst*> being allowed to slip along 5 Stance at a good half speed. L a» usual, was out early with Horens followed him, and r -Tb, Ve// (Kirwan) and the Betsy •Hayes) these being worked -•bmetan (Pierbux) and
    253 words
  • 30 9 A Macaonese, named Low' Ah Kong was sentenced to three weeks rigorous imprisonment, yesterday, for theft of a felt hat, valued at 35, the previous night, in Sago Street.
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  • 41 9 It is understood that the prospects for vessels visiting Calcutta in 1897 are very gloomy, as they cannot compete with the cheap running class of steamers known as ocean “tfamps.” Freights are ruling very low in Calcutta at present.
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  • 90 9 Ang Teng, Taichew, was sentenced by a court of two Magistrates, yesterday afternoon, to six months’ rigorous imprisonment for robbery from the person of one Lob Ah Long of $49.50 in cash, on the afternoon of tlie 20th ult., in River Valley Road. The prosecutor, who had
    90 words
  • 94 9 The Reichstag having refused to vote supplies for increasing the German Navy, a public subscription was started for the construction of warships. The sums raised came only to <£‘s.4 15s. Ojd. So the construction of warships was postponed and the money was invested. Recently, the Trustees of
    94 words
  • 222 9 The German barque Andrce Rickmers Boahe, from Cardiff for Penang, with coal, was discovered to he on lire on July 11. After twenty-seven hours’ work the captain and a crew of 19 took to the boats in lat. 6 48, long. 19 20, and were picked up
    222 words
  • 303 9 (From a Correspondent One of the objections, and perhaps the chief, raised against the present system of working jurors, is the hour they are called upon to attend court. This applies in a particular manner to special jurors, who are invariably men whose avocations involve large interests. Their most
    303 words
  • 1123 9 A PROMISING STRAITS PRODUCE STAPLE. The remarkable development of the Rhea fibre, says the 7Ym«, throws for the moment all tariff differences between Bombay and Manchester into the shade. The Indian Government has long been aware that in this widely-spread variety of the nettle family its provinces
    1,123 words
  • 900 9 KENT r. THE AUSTRALIANS. The Australians defeated Kent in the easiest fashion at Canterbury, on the Bth ult., bv 176 runs, 310 and 203 as against 196 and 141. GLOUCESTER V. MIDDLESEX. Middlesex suffered defeat from Gloucestershire on the Bth ult., •«> tiie tune of six wickets. Score:
    900 words
  • 1672 9 Many happy returns of the day to the Hon. Janies Alexander Swettenham, c.m.0., Colonial Secretary, and at present Deputy Governor, of the Straits Settlements. To-day, the Deputy Governor attains his half century (having been bom on Sept. sth, 1846), and The Moralist felicitates him on so auspicious
    1,672 words

  • 282 10 THE DIRECTORS* HALF YEARLY REPORT. Gentlemen. —Your Directors now beg to present to you the Accounts for the half-year ending 30th June last. The net profit for that period is $205,241.68, which, with the balance $46,525.38 brought forward after payment of last dividend, makes 8251,767.06.
    282 words
  • 191 10 Capital and Liabilities, capital. Total Amount, received from Shareholders 81.500.000 Total number of Shares 15,000. 'total number issued.. All. Remaining unissued. None Amount received per share 8100. Arrears of Calls .None. Shares forfeited ..None. LIABILITIES. Debentures,Seventh Issue, New Series, due .‘list. Dee., 1890 200,U00 Do.
    191 words
  • 343 10 Property. Freehold and Leasehold.. §416,107 Permanent Works.. 703,440 Victoria Graving Dock 190,000 Albert do 275,000 Bon Accord Dock, share of 20,000 Wharves 290,000 Godowns 196,000 Coal Sheds 178,000 Machine Shop Buildings.. 15,500 Foundry 4,000 House Property 90,000 Dock Store 13,000 Town Offices, Collyer Quay 55,000 Land at
    343 words
  • 177 10 30th JUNE, 1896. To Dividend of $7 per share for the half-year ending 31st December last $H>5,OOO Directors’ Remuneration 3,500 Balance carried forward 46,525 $155,025 To Gei io ra I Cli argon,Sa la r ies, Stationery, Printing, Advertising, tfre. 32,978 Quit Rent and Assessment- 9,427 Interest
    177 words
  • 135 10 The Consular report on the Port Said district states, with regard to the Suez Canal, that in 1895 the 3,434 vessels passing through paid in ordinary tonnage canal dues the sum of 75,934,357 fr. Passengers to the number of 216,938 paid 2,169,385 fr. The number of vessels passing
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  • 3045 10 PROPOSED CYCLING TRACK ON THE RACE-COURSE. AN EXPLANATION OF THE SCHEME. [Comm tmieaietfj] A few cyclists have recently been considering as to where and how a cycling track -could be most advantageously laid down in Singapore. The result ot that consideration is that a proposal may shortly
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  • 113 11 It is understood that no intimation regarding the return of the whole or a portion of the Indian bngade from Suakim will be made by the Home authorities until after the occupation of Dongola by the Nile column, wliic i mav not take place for another month
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  • 119 11 £480,000 France is to spend on the approaching visit of the Czar. On her last trip from Hongkong to Sandakan, the Mem non encountered a heavy typhoon. It is proposed in Calcutta to erect, next year, a colossal statue of Her Majesty’, in commemoration of herlength of
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  • 27 11 General Jones-Vai giian leaves Penang for Singapore in the Ceylon to-day or to-morrow. The inspection of the Troops at Penang took place on Wednesday last.
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  • 32 11 Penang rumour notes tltat Lieut. Leach will take down to Taiping, some time next month, cricket and football teams. The football team will be from the Detachment, 5th Fusiliers.
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  • 31 11 Between noon yesterday and noon to-day, eight oases of cholera were reported. Four were discovered after death, one was treated at home, and the other three were sent to hospital.
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  • 37 11 It is reported that a letter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, thanking the Penang Chinese for generous donations to the Free School there, has been circulated among the subscribers to the School.
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  • 42 11 In the second and third Magistrates’ courts, during last month, there were 9(32 cases, in which 1,5(59 prisoners figured, dealt with, in addition to a number ot postponed cases held over from the previous month. Crime is materially increasing.— Carr.
    42 words
  • 52 11 A young Eurasian, named Taylor, a shopman in the employ of Messrs. John Little and Co., Limited, pleaded guilty, on Saturday, to criminal breach of trust, in respect to three curling tongs, valued at 90 cents, the property of his employers. He was sentenced to two months’
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  • 58 11 The Penang Assizes open to-morrow with a calendar of twenty-seven cases. The only important case is that against the late storekeeper of Messrs. Behn Meyer Co., charged with criminal breach of trust of a large sum of money. A Sikh stands charged with attempt to murder, and a
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  • 60 11 Mr. Tomlinson reports on the foul and offensive nature of the water at the bottom of the Impounding Reservoir, and urges the securing of an efficient filtration and deration plant at once. He urges, also, precautions at the Filters and Cleanvater Tanks to prevent deterioration and stagnation of
    60 words
  • 67 11 The Calcutta Corporation have resolved almost unanimously that the evils of rain-gambling are so far-reaching and disastrous in that city as to warrant legislation for their suppression. A large number of Indians in the Straits are said to invest their dollars on this form of gambling, w’hich consists in
    67 words
  • 78 11 The Prospectus of the Bombay Races, 1897, announces the meeting from 20th to 27th February. Some of the stakes at this meeting arc exceedingly good; the Bombay Derby R‘3,000, and the Bombay Gold Cup RIO,OOO on the first day; the Turf Club Cup R 2,500 and Harris
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  • 83 11 The Hongkong C. C. has received an invitation from the Shanghai C. C. to renew the interport matches, and an attempt is being made to get together an eleven to represent Hongkong at Shanghai this autumn. Cricketers in Singapore would be glad to see a revival of the
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  • 88 11 The Punjom Mining report for July notes that milling was carried on during 27 days, crushing 1,100 tons, yielding 519 oz. 4 dwts. of melted gold. The calcining works went on during 29 days, treating 69 tons of concentrates, yielding 84 oz. 1 dwt. of melted gold. The cyanide
    88 words
  • 136 11 The continual changes taking place among the subordinate staff of the Municipality are, says a correspondent, to be regretted. Some men leave because the salaries are low, others resign owing to a tendency on the part of Superintendents to hector, more again are dismissed for faults committed. The
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  • 181 11 The scarcity of rubber, and the advance in its price, due to the boom in cycling, are directing the attention of investors and company promoters to new fields for the exploitation of that valuable product. A company has just been formed in London, called the Rubber Exploration
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  • 307 11 THE CUSTODY OF WILD ANIMALS. A Magistrate's appeal case —the Sui>erinten(lent of Police r. Dennys—bearing upon negligence in keeping wild beasts, came before Mr. Justice Leach at Penang, on the 31st August. The appeal lay against a Magistrate's order whereby lie dismissed a charge against the respondent for
    307 words
  • 80 11 Two Hokiens, named Lee Ah Quah and Lim 800 Choon, were charged on remand, on Saturday, with attempting to abduct a woman, named Chua Soon Ngoh, with intent to compel her to marry against her will. Mr. Newiand conducted the case for the Police, and Mr. Bromhead Matthews
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  • 163 11 During the past week, says a correspondent, there has been quite a number of convictions for using false scales, weights, and measures, in the public markets. It has been suggested that, in every market, the Municipality should keep a standard set of scales, weights, and measures,
    163 words
  • 139 11 London August. The scheme of reforms for Crete propounded by the Powers comprises a Christian Governor, who will be appointed for five years under a guarantee of the Powers, as well as economic and judicial autonomy. Paris '2\th August The Minister of Colonies, after a careful examination of
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  • 217 11 SUSSEX r. THE AUSTRALIANS. The match between Sussex and the Australians, as noted in our issue of Saturday, began at Brighton, on the 13th August. Sussex went in first, and made a total of 221. The Australians then went in, and, on the 14th, completed their innings for
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  • 229 11 —Perak Pioneer 2nd September. In a cricket match played on Saturday last, Dr. Fox retired after reaching the century. His score included one six, eleven fours, three threes, and fourteen twos. Mr. W. H. Scott is said to have applied for long leave, and proposes to proceed home
    —Perak Pioneer, 2nd September.  -  229 words

  • 404 12 We regret to announce the death of Mr. John which occurred last night at the Central Engin j Works, Victoria Street. Mr. Lawson was attacked by a very malignant type of remittent fever about ten days ago, and he succumbed about ten o’clock yesterday evening.
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  • 283 12 (From a Corespondent) There was a mooting of British Residents held in Kuala Lumpur last week. The Residents spent several long days in consultation and it is believed that the result of the conference will be the settlement of matters of vital consequence to the welfare of
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  • 121 12 It has been ascertained, says a correspondent, that men, who have for good reason been dismissed the Municipal service in one department, are found in the same service in another department. This is certainly not the correct thing. The Municipal Engineer has found it necessary to put forth
    121 words
  • 904 12 Saturday was a busy day with golfers; the finals of the Championship and the Sweepstake Competition being played off, and the monthly medal was also competed for. i CHAMPIONSHIP. The victory of Dr. Fowlie is a popular one. He has been playing very good golf for sometime
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  • 903 12 SERIOUS STATE OF AFFAIRS. HUNDREDS OF NATIVES IMPRISONE?. There is serious trouble in Manila. Exactly what it is, by whom and for what purpose it was started, aim how it will all end, are things over which there is a mysterious veil. A gentleman of Spanish blood
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  • 468 12 to Shanghai, and still make a profit.”— China Mail. A HONGKONG VIEW. It must have been apparent for some considerable time to those engaged in the general trade of the Colony that Hongkong, in sympathy ldth other parts of the Far East, is suffering from stagnation of trade.
    to Shanghai, and still make a profit.”— China Mail.  -  468 words
  • 120 12 MONDAY'S RESULTS. LADIES* PAIRS (FINAL). The Misses Bogle beat Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Waddell, sets 2-1. CONSOLATION TIE (FINAL.) Mrs. Saunders beat Miss Gunn, sets 2-1. RESULT8 OF TOURNAMENT.—THE PRIZE WINNERS. Championship Won by Mrs. Murray. Runner up —W on by Mrs. Salzmann.* SINGLE HANDICAP. 1st
    120 words
  • 516 12 THURSDAY’S RESULTS. B CLAMS SINGLES. Holloway scr. v. Jenkins «cr. (postpone d.J H. A. E. Thomson *cr. beat Cajrmichae 1 rec. 2. Hardcastle owes 2 beat Orman rec. L C CLASS STNUL&. E. J. Nanson scr. beat J,T. McDougall fr Sisson scr. v. Fimistone v 1
    516 words
  • 287 12 (For the Far Eastj Per P. <fc O. s.s. Parramatta from ixwioj. Aug. 18 :—Mrs. Webster, Mr.H. P. Bavtty. Mrf A. C. Messum, Mrs. Wills, Miss"Mr. B. Beckett, Mr. G E. <***>£’.*! Lieut. F. Grover, Messrs. Gale, E. L-<• wood, H. M. Newman, Blundell, and J. P. Henry.
    287 words

  • 521 13 f MKi: THAN BY MAIL. 1 gJm btwlon, Hith Atufust. tiiccori'inoiiy of the installa- s-diabury, the Premier, as WarCinque Ports, was performed t r rU .toinary pomp. In a speech ’v i:! n tion Lord Salisbury referred :V ,ru quest ion. and declared that ,,f the Ottoman
    521 words
  • 734 13 Rhodes l>e placed upon liis trial, it V the first time for 91 years that *.a! proceedings have been instituted a member of the Privy Council. In k Melville, better known as the lIoh Henry Dundas, Lord of in Pitt’s administration, was Vr p, jr malversation of public
    734 words
  • 356 13 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at a Special Meeting held on Wednesday, the 19tii August, 1896. Present: —The President, Alex. Gentle, Edq.; the Inspector-General of Police, Col. Pennefather; G. T. Esq.; Seali Leang Seah, Esq.; Th. Sohst, Esq.; J. P. Joaquim, Esq.; M. Meyer, Esq.; Hon’ble
    356 words
    • 250 13 SELLING OF SPACE FOR SLEEPING. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES/* Sir, —ln your issue of the 4th instant. I notice a paragraph re extortion from coolie passengers. As chief officer of a Glen line steamer carrying passengers north and south each voyage, 1 may naturally
      250 words
  • 514 13 ARRIVALS. Pcrs s. Menelaus from Jeddah:--Mr. K. Neville. Per s.s. Malacca from Teluk Ansmi via ports* —Messrs. Geschwindt. Miles, and M urchie. Per s. s. Yakan from Moar: Mr. Rvlands, and Miss Rylands. Per P. &O. s. s. Have ano from Shanghai. —Mr. G. McAnnalley. From Hongkong:—Mr. and
    514 words
    • 185 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh. —ship bq.—barque Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. —French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch Joh.—Johore <fcc., G.c.,—General cargo d.p. —deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. F W. —Tanjong Fagar Wharf T. F. D.—Taniong Fagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;
      185 words
    • 1447 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Arthur Head Brit. str. 1,887 tons, aptain Leonard, 7th Sept. From Bombay, 26th Aug. G.c. and 9 d.p. Wee Bin and Co. For Hongkong, 7th.— Rds. Auxtralind Brit. str. 554 tons, Captain Talboys, 6th Sept. From Fremantle, 20th Aug. G. c., and 16
      1,447 words
    • 168 13 Name port probable date of arrival and name o/ agent*. Adour, Saigon, shortly M. M. Aglaia, Hongkong, Sept. 18 Rautenberg. Bawean, Bandjermassin, Sept 28; Daendels. Bayern, H'kong, Sept. 20; Behn Meyer. Benlarig, H’kong, Sept. 15; p. Simons. Bisagno, Bombay, due Sept. 19; B Meyer. Cadiz, Manila, Sept. 9;
      168 words
    • 1103 14 u Flag 5 Vessel’s Name. Tons Captain From a I Sailed Consignees j 3 Rig. Aug I 29 C’tre Amerique Fch. bq. 633 Lenorman Mauritius July 27M. S. E. Anguilla 30 Evie J. Ray Am bq 918 Kasten Padang Aug 28Rautenberg 31 Kohilla 'P&Ostr. 221(5 Cole Bombay Aug 10P.
      1,103 words
    • 643 14 Date! i Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Oaptaik Destination i Auc 31 Crown of Arragon j Brit.str. Dewars Darvcl Bay via ports 31 Lady Mitchell str. Mugford Bangkok 31 Clio »tr. Whyte Bangkok 31 Caspian str Beard Delaware Breakwater Sept 1 i Dean str. Wilson Bangkok 1 Hve Leong str. Eddie
      643 words
    • 86 14 PASSED SEND A STRAITS OR ARRIVED FUR OUDEkK, Flag I Date From Destin- I TKeDate. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of Where ation '.marks. Rig. Sailing. Aug 2<>iBrit. s.s. Sheikh I Colombo Batavia 2(}|N T »*«1. M. Borneo Bagehus Aug 2<> Batavia Rotterdam 27!Brit. s.s.jJumna jSunders Aug 28 Batavia London
      86 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 326 14 GOLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA SORE THROAT Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Will relieve tin* most distressing nni|»ii, soothe tlu* intl::ix*'il membrane, loosen the phlegm, and induce refreshing sleep. For the c'trj of (’roup. Whooping Cough, Sort! Throat, ami ail the pulmonary ir »ul»le> to whb’h the yo:;i;g are at) liable, there is no
      326 words
    • 403 14 Rowlands Odonto An antiseptic, preservative, and aromatic dentifrice, which whitens the teeth, prevents and arrests decay, and sweetens the breath. It contains no mineral acids, no gritty matter or injurious astringents, keeps the mouth, gums, a i d teeth lit*c from the unhealthy action of germs in organic matter between
      403 words
    • 812 14 A CASE OF NElAoi’S I>K( ,<r resulting from They say that misery m and they have had it so lft( J into a proverb. Yet it i V '-iTZ i 11 ,s, »t an truth. Some kinds In company They want to 1 hoy hate to lx* elbowed and" and
      812 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      879 words
    • 819 15 LEA ft PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL. WORCESTERSHIRE So.d Whoiesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: Crosse Blank well, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LIETTLE CO. fc
      819 words

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