The Straits Budget, 1 September 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 125 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” j he Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 16 1 11( ,r.-7 l mli, at Mount Echo, Tanglin of li.W. Hi tt, of a son.
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    • 61 1 L A alker. —On the 23rd July, at >l \u: WVst Kensington, Rouert Uumu.Mekry to Alice Ruperta,youngest to,- of the late Edward Walker, of r ,,-oa.ui l’pton-on-Tront, and of Mrs. K v Wo-4 Kensington. OUvi Uichakds —At the Cathedral, I/-:, jj shepherd, William Martin, «ah.f Airs S. O’Grady to
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  • 343 1 -iWN ARTICLES. i":i .'Liab**lt* Surrender. I> -putcd Sueoession. Saloon 1 Water. Penaotf Harbour. }**hore Kailwav. Tiw Municipal Bill. lh«* M ifcsurre>. JIICA!. Hark* 1 Quotations. dipping News, hunger List. Hi'Oat Mother. UetamjH-d Jitters. V-rav tu tlte River. iHrii of Mr. Lawson. It’ treat*. hirnpean Constables. Household. LuLLi*
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  • 467 1 Singapore, 1st September, 1896. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.62^. do Cube No 1, 11.25. do do No 2, 9.00. Copra Bali, 5.60. do Pontianak, 5.30. Pepper, Black, 10.40. Satro Flour Sarawak, 2.82£. do No. 2 n 2.17-L Pearl Sago, 3.30. Coffee, Bali, 31.7o. Coffee Palembang, 31. to. Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 478 1 The mail for Europe, this week, goes by the P. O. s. s. Ravenna. The mail from Europe of the 7th August by the P. tfc s. s., Uohitla arrived here yesterday. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the M. M. s. s.
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    • 29 1 REBEL SURRENDER. 1/Ofulon, 2oth August. Cecil Rhodes lias arranged terms with eight important Matabele Chiefs in the Matoppo Hills. These Chiefs have agreed to surrender themselves.
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    • 29 1 Major Coventry, who had been sentenced to live months simple imprisonment for complicity in Jamesons Raid, has been released from prison on the ground of ill-health.
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    • 20 1 General Gossler lias been appointed German Minister of War, in place ot General Bronsart, who has resigned.
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    • 11 1 Australia lias beaten Gloucester by an innings and fifty-four runs.
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    • 57 1 A DISPUTED SUCCESSION. Ixmdon, 26th August. The Sultan of Zanzibar is dead, Syed Kalid has proclaimed himself successor to the Sultanate. The Pretender has seized and barricaded the Palace, and has mustered seven hundred armed followers, Men have been landed from H. M. S. Philomel, Thrush and Sparrow, and
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    • 72 1 ULTIMATUM TO THE PRETENDER. London 27th August. H. M. S. St. Gewge and Racoon have arrived at Zanzibar, and have landed two hundred and fifty men. The guns trom the men-of-war command the Palace. The force of the Pretender, Syed Khalid,is estimated at two thousand five hundred strong, all
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    • 60 1 bloodshed at C'< tNSTANTINOPLE. Londwi, 28th August. Forty Armeuians have seized upon the Ottoman Bank at Constantinople, after killing the guards. Riots broke out simultaneously in other quarters of the city.* Many people have been killed and shops sacked in the riots. H. M. S. Dryad has left
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    • 35 1 THE PRETENDER DEFEATED. THE SUCCESSION SETTLED. The Palace at Zanzibar has been bombarded and destroyed. The Pretender, Syed Khalid, has fled. Hamed, a cousin to the late Sultan, has been placed on the throne.
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    • 93 1 THE ARMENIAN OUTBREAK. London 29th August. T1 ie Armenians who seized upon the Armenian Bank at Constantinople have opened a parley with Sir Edgar Vincent, Governor of the Ottoman Bank. In the parley which was conducted at the windows of the Bank, the Armenians declared that their object was
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    • 13 1 Li Hung-Cliang has met with a grand reception at New York.
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    • 91 1 FOREIGNERS ATTACKED. WARNING TO THE SULTAN. London Jlst August. It is estimated that one thousand innocent* Armenians have been massacred in the streets of Constantinople. The Turkish troops stood as passive spectators all the while. Marines from the foreign guardships have been to protect all ,the Embassies
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  • 236 1 (Straits Times, 2bth August.) The situation in Matabeleland has so far improved, that several rebel chiefs have agreed to surrender. These chiefs had gathered themselves in the Matoppo Hills, which lie near Buluwayo, and have been a rebel stronghold since the revolt began. These Hills abound with
    (Straits Times, 2bth August.)  -  236 words

  • 325 2 (Strath Tiiiics, August.) Trouble is again brewing on the East Coast of Africa, and, this time, it takes the form of a disputed succession at Zanzibar. That State constitutes an Arab Sultanate which has, for years, been under British protection. Zanzibar is the name of an island,
    (Strath Tiiiics, August.)  -  325 words
  • 317 2 (Straits Times, 27th August.) The question of the quality and quantity of the Singapore Municipal water supply occupied considerable time at yesterday’s meeting of the Commissioners. The question of quantity arose out petitions sent in requesting that certain streets might be watered. The explanation seems to be that
    (Straits Times, 27th August.)  -  317 words
  • 933 2 (Straits Times ,?<S th August.) We publish to-day a correspondence between the Governor and t he Secretary of State on the subject of the proposed improvements at Penang Ilarhour. The correspondence contains certain proposals by the Governor, and it finishes with a qualified approval of theVe by Mr.
    (Straits Times, ,?<Sth August.)  -  933 words
  • 407 2 (Straits Times 28 th August.) The proposal made at yesterday’s Legislative Council to spend a limited sum of money on surveys for a proposed railway between Singapore and Johore Straits is a reasonable proposal. Such a railway is much needed and would certainly he profitable, and ought,
    (Straits Times, 28 th August.)  -  407 words
  • 211 2 (Straits Times, 28th August.) The Municipal Bill has almost passed through its Committee stage. It is to be presented again in that stage on Wednesday, but the delay is chiefly for the purpose of enabling the AttorneyGeneral to go over the numerous amendments that had been made,
    (Straits Times, 28th August.)  -  211 words
  • 291 2 (Strait* Times August.) History is now repeating itself at Constantinople. Last year, when the Powers were pressing the Sultan to lighten the oppression of the Armenians, those of the latter at Constantinople saw lit to urge their friends on by raising riots there. The Turks put the riots
    (Strait* Times, August.)  -  291 words
  • 416 2 (Strait# Times 31st August.) Notwithstanding that Constantinople is* now a city of blood, t hat a thousand innocent Armenians have been massacred in its streets, that the Turkish troops, as is their wont, have once more been passive spectators of the unnameable horrors incidental to such a massacre,
    (Strait# Times, 31st August.)  -  416 words
  • 132 2 The Chinese trustees of theAngfoChinese School, who recently have, on the nomination of the'W C. C. Kelso, appointed Messrs. Son* Ong Siang, Foo Teng Quee, and fid, Cheng Lim, who are Christian?, t 4, act in their stead. Mr. K«U sent a letter to the late trustees,
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  • 380 2 TAXATION IN KIND. The Counter tC Haiphong praises the Governor-General for introducing tat* t ion in kind throughout Upper T&lt;m&lt;iiiiu The country there is rugged and mountainous with abundant iorcst aid mineral wealth, hut it is very thinly inhabited. The inhabitants live fn» hand to mouth and trade
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  • 16 2 The Governor is understood told the Magistracy that lette r, gling cases should be dealt with.
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  • 64 3 to a law report headed nyon' Divorce, it may be well t hat the woman—who had J] relations with a native- was jrm«) puteL She was, we are L fiurmcs&lt;*-European half-caste, wl'i- :i i !iin ,vm.ng__^_ ifj i les Rohixson has decided Vh-the title, on his elevation
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  • 26 3 \KFN noon yesterday and noon v two cases of cholera were t, ,i. Of these one was discovered and the other was sent to
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  • 52 3 ,ri&gt;lik. who {rave his age as (&gt;4, was e d t«» seven days’ simple imprint. ye-terday, tor theft of coke at rz Ha«ar. The old fellow pleaded ,.r y. on account of his old mother r l who, he said, was a hundred v Iii- 7 vr
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  • 38 3 THE P. O. ni i'acillc and Oriental Steam Weldon Company have acquired a .ilenihlo area of land, having a of 4.000ft. or 5,000ft. to the 1-.-tween the Tilhurv and the Dock'. Ibrthe purpose of loading hurging their vessels.
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  • 43 3 k :st&gt;E boy, employed on board was charged in the Magistrate's court, yesterday, for unstamped letters tiy Colony, on the 22nd instant; Wl Trotter, Postmaster-General, ar* lto prosecute. He was lined y, %ix weeks’ rigorous imprisonment. T!v:;n»* wa&gt; at once paid.
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  • 47 3 fimouuced that a Brit Mi firm, &gt; business with tin* Far Fast, r&lt;» try the experiment ot' a- eonimereial traveller a It is said that this native ummer will spend the next in exploiting the Celestial f, v i.i behalf of tin* firm in ijues-
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  • 65 3 M l 0 W. Smalley, the New York 'j :i&lt;lt !iT of the telegraphs, a -*nd August, that thirty-six out of forty-live States representing the ii have given in their adhesion to e Jonovratie gold movement with &gt;' »le desire of defeating Mr. \V. J. ;7
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  • 98 3 correspondent of the N. Ae//\« writes —Pekin is in an Availing condition, and all the Lega:'ar»*at the Hills. Thereby hangs the British legation people have usual convenient and conuno'temple. A short time ago, the Rus- ofiered the native proprietors con- hV'lv higher terms, and, of course, got
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  • 194 3 k&gt; k re I&gt;crt presented at the recent °f the Messageries Maritimes ll at w °rk of transforming the K liUr &gt; of the steamboats Caledcmien Halazie, Sydney, and Yarra r H‘ expansion engines of greater t Ulf l been proceeded with. This l n! ,ltlon
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  • 36 3 Bangkok Times tells how, the other day, tliere, a crow picked up a olf hall on the links, and flew off with li* ran frantically after the ball, but his efforts proved futile.
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  • 77 3 iexxa sets an example in the regulation ot her hicyele traffic. Every rider has to pass an examination before ho is allowed to cycle in the streets. He must he able to mount and dismount on either side, back-pedal, and have complete control of his machine. When the
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  • 104 3 The last verse of The Flag, black, white 4 and rod,” sung by the litis sailors as they went down, is rendered into English by the X. C. Daily Xeirs as follows And should the might of wild, wild storms On to a reef us drive, And
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  • 116 3 THE LOSS OF THE ILTIS.” The eichsa,uzeiger publishes the following telegram, sent from Bergen by the Emperor of Germany to the German Admiral in command ofihe East Asiatic Station It fills me with deep sorrow to receive news of the loss of the gunboat 1 Itis, which was driven ashore
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  • 121 3 —Selangor Journal. The formal inauguration of the Federation of the Protected Malay States has now been definitely fixed to take place on loth September and tin* four following days. A Committee consisting of several gentlemen, official and private, has been formed to make and carryout the necessary
    —Selangor Journal.  -  121 words
  • 152 3 The other day, the Times of Ceylon under the impression that a jury had given a wrong verdict in a recent criminal case at Colombo, held up the jury to scorn by publishing their names with depreciatory comments. The result was that the Chief Justice
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  • 158 3 China Gazette. The authorities at Shanghai and in Japan are on the look-out for a quartermaster who deserted, about a month ago, from the German mail steamer Ilohenzollem, taking wit h him, it is believed,gold dollars to the value of 20.000 yen. Upon enquiry at the office,
    China Gazette.  -  158 words
  • 1422 3 On Saturday, the 8th inst., there was commenced in the Siraits Times a series of articles on the cultivation of coffee, under the above heading, and these .articles are now periodically appearing. It is pleasant to note that the Selangor Journal is also giving its attention to
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  • 103 3 Ax aft ray, between Hokien and Taicliew boatmen, took place in the river last evening, and twenty arrests were made by the Marine Police, who were .prickly on the scene of action. The prisoners were carrying on a mimic warfare on board their cargo boats, bv
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  • 359 3 In the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice (before Mr. Justice Gorell Barnes), the case of Cuff v. Cuff ami Syed Bin Indin was taken on 27th July. It was the petition of John Clement Cuff for the dissolution of his marriage with EHen Jane
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  • 1149 3 SURREY V. THE AUSTRALIANS. Large crowds visited Kennington-oval •to see the three days’ malch between Surrey and the Australians, which began on Monday, July 27th. In-Surrey’s first venture of 288 Abel was the hero of the hour, with a fine score of 116. The Australians replied with
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  • 43 4 Mr. Cuuzon, the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has assured the House of Commons that the consular staff in Siam will he increased by two new appointments, but the exact area of the new consuls’ jurisdictions are not yet fixed.
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  • 279 4 He F. W atson Mackie. This debtor, described as ot lb, King-street, .St. James-square, appeared for public examination in London, on the -1th Juiy. He admitted that this was his third failure. In 187P lie failed as an East India merchant, in partnership at Penang, in
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  • 366 4 OPINION IN HOLLAND. The recently published offieial statement in the Netherlands (Jovorivnieut Gazette concerning the treacherous behaviour of the rebel chief, Tuku Umar, has, the Brussels correspondent of the Times states, raised a fresh polemic in the Dutch Press respecting the entire system upon which the administration of the
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  • 140 4 Speaking, on July 26, at the unveiling of a statue to the late Jules Ferry, at Saint Die, M. Hanotaux delivered a long vindication of French Colonial policy.* The scope of the enterprise was marked out, liqpsaid, by M. Ferry, and in less than fifteen years a new
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  • 610 4 (From the Times of ('ey lon.' 1 London, 14 th Arufiixt. Parliament was prorogued to-day. The Queen’s Speech says: My relations with foreign Powers coin inn** friendly. hostile movement of Dervishes on the Nile and against the Italian position® in Abyssinia eonvineed me that it was necessary that
    (From the “ Times of ('ey lon.'1)  -  610 words
  • 1310 4 Three Days Later than try To-day's Mail.) THE SCULLING CHAMPIONSHIP. The (late for the sculling match for the championship of the world between James Stanbury, the Australian, and Jake Gaudaur, the Canadian sculler, has not yet been settled. Stanbury desires that the race should be rowed on
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  • 325 4 1 agree with the Shah of Persia,” remarked Watts, “in regard to horseraces. You know, he said he took no interest in racing because he already knew that one horse could run faster than another.” “Of course,” responded Potts, “one knows that one horse can run faster than
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  • 120 4 With reference to our rep,,. ,7 case under tlic heading of k 1 Divorce” Mr. Rowland Mil to be stated that his connecli this matter was in &lt;,n *'Ui capacity. Mr. Allen 1 with the firm of I, advocates and solicitors v -i acting for Mr. Cuff.
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  • 35 4 The llukit Mas Mining Co lll|am announces an extraordinary lm L to be held at Penang on the.Ml, ins,;,.'" 1 he aim is said to he to increase u capital of the Company.
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  • 35 4 After spending a week in Serein!** Air. b. A. Swettenham left for ria Port Piekson, on Saturday accompanied by the Resident. Th* party visited and lunched it Lj nsuni Estate on the way.
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  • 42 4 A scheme for starting Griffin runs at Colombo, has met with promise of &upport from the Governor of Ceylon. Twenty-live names of supporters of the scheme had been given in a tbitnight ago, and more are expected to takiqian.
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  • 46 4 Lieut. A. R. C. Warren of H.\Ls llmmune was drowned during the Manoeuvres last month, while makings heroic jittenipt to rescue another oliim who had junified overboard. Lieut W arren was sub-lieutenant in t lie J/amity on the China Station from to 1*95
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  • 43 4 At a meeting of the Calcutta t'uivoration on the Kith instant, projwsur were brought forward to nubstitiiU electricity for horse-power on the Calcutta. Tramways. After discussion, it was resolved that the question I* adjourned to enable the Chairman** get fuller information.
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  • 53 4 The Siamese authorities have several arrests in connection with ti* recent outrages in the province ol Pctriu on French missionaries and on one.Mi&gt;n tressor, an Italian cattle dealer. Murder and robbery have been rife there ui ht** and the victims include; Maltese, her mans, Frenchmen, an Italian,
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  • 51 4 On the loth instant, a custom official at Bangkok, discovered ,n Chester rifles and 2.A00 cartridges/™ board the German steamer I"! The eompradota was arrested on charge of attempting to smuggle j* these articles, but was released on The case is to be heard at the Consulate
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  • 56 4 The American ship Gorernor bound from New ork to stranded upon Princes’ reel ,n Straits on the 15th instant. still hard and last on tn« on the 21st. The m^ r gone to Batavia to take I i, as j |(r salving the cargo. Two mates a of
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  • 53 4 The new arrivals irum {Tthrt dissatisfied with the arransr* find here. A correspon they exi&gt;ect too much. and were particularly well oft a one fails to understand 1 hen* them here; hut, since ca re they are able with ord or save $20 a month, whu 1 most
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  • 71 4 -irt. 15 A new departure in■ m 0 f tl* reported from Bangko i t roB1 Siamese princes there 1 na( idy fre ,n *5 the custom of sending 1 c ity, country to the nulls *&gt; fae graino® hasdcterminedupon nuUu g up his estate. A mill
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  • 54 5 «*ase of cholera in •T Market this forenoon. r&gt; r, n 1 |I n of the case was not rvl 7 until tie* man was sent to 1 yesterday and noon t &lt;&gt;f cholera were j}),-*• two were sent to C overed after death, and j the way to
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  • 50 5 .j, -ays tin; Hough ok .*,,11! t!i&gt;* tin-mining centres &gt;|m! ;v' States. Thousands .t of employment tlirn*, ,1 that matters cannot pa-sing of the mining ~w i.rfav the Legislative I nder these regula- x j- materially decreased tj t;11• I• working of the tin .!i t&lt;i»* ‘O’"*lhie.
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  • 60 5 t win* wa&gt; iintMl by Mr. v. -t nlav. lor uon-eom-init:irv regulations. efiecr tr« 1111 t!u* Slirolfs room. .iLnit. wiiii others, wa.&lt; V ,„.|,ilintc tin* settlement of t ;i I.arrangement t *&gt;i i in* railings are broken. i„* managed to get away: r„ ,^raj••*&lt; lin a similar manT
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  • 79 5 fl sii iit. tS I filial tie in ill Association ClialB. i. w;• r* )between Cal- eS|m*i»liirt* Liirlit Infantry, I i in a \ietory tor tin* former I t:, il Tin* Shropshire* had 9 V-t «&gt;! t In* yame and shot K 'iit t.»,?h wore disallowed for
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  • 108 5 I i.MIMi FROM IIANOKOK. Wlu ‘jl.'nl.' I (uV'si says 1 lit? i&gt; making an endeavour v;un to go down and play Bui':*' nt\t month. The (.iovemB and ineivantile linns, !i ui our host cricketers B rc:i. ought to welcome this &lt;&gt;f giving their employees S ri especially as it
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  • 261 5 In tii is morning kept people in iin* course*, and the place a dcscited appearance. Howt of the horses were worked, as arrived, and rode some ot lot. including the Snirellerli looks and breeding go this should be a good one, lias a nice taking action. :t out
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  • 1191 5 NOTES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS IN SINGAPORE. (lit) a Lady Correspondent.) Motto for the week Method is the means, hy which expectation reached the top of the ladder of life—that is, t he summit of real power and influence.” SINGAPORE FRUITS. l!io season just passed has not been a good
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  • 271 5 We regret to record the dentil of Mr. W. J. Lawson, which occurred this morning at the residence of I)r. T. M. Robertson, Leonie Mill. Mr. Lawson had been feeling unwell for some time, owing to a liver complaint. but he was not obliged
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  • 228 5 —AT. C. Daily Newts. In Shanghai and Sicawei Observatory, the conditions for observing the eclipse of the sun on the 10th instant, were very favourable, and, it is believed that some very satisfactory results have been obtained at the Observatoiy. The observations there were made
    —AT. C. Daily Newts.  -  228 words
  • 1545 5 (Fourth Article.) OPENING AN ESTATE. Third Article teas published on 20th Aug.) Felling. —With the compass, mark out t lie land you propose to clear, parallel to the rentice or boundary of the estate. For obvious reasons it is as well to make a principle of this
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  • 215 5 AN EXPERIMENT IN NEGRI SEMRILAN. Writing from Seremban, a correspondent says:—There left this on Sunday last, a gentleman, bound for Singapore, who has been commissioned by the Negri Sembilan Government to make an artesian experiment in this town. An experiment of a similar nut ure was, we believe,
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  • 1332 6 (From a Correspondent.} ITS EVOLUTION. The necessity for the artificial lighting of streets, seems to have been first recognized in comparatively modern times. When letters patent were granted to the ingenious Homing, about two hundred years ago, giving him the exclusive privilege of lighting up the streets of
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  • 61 6 Although the Admiralty, says the China Mail has decided not to close with the offers of the Dock Company for the construction of the new Naval Dock in Hongkong, no decision has been arrived at, as to where the new dock will be made. The Admiralty favours construction
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  • 60 6 .—Perak Pioneer. The blockade at Ac been, h said, to have hit hard some Penang merchants who had dealings with Aehinese. They are mostly natives, and the amount lost comes to nearly half a million of dollars. One Indian merchant had $50,000 out on advances for pepper,
    .—Perak Pioneer.  -  60 words
  • 172 6 As soon as the Manoeuvres are over, says a naval correspondent of the Morning Post, there is to be a general dispersion of destroyers and torpedo-boats. The Ptoxer and Jtruizer in company with three torpedo-boats, are to go to the Mediterranean the llnnhj and Hart are to proceed
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  • 810 6 —Morning Post. THE VEHICLE OF THE FUTUREOf the marvels witnessed during the reign of Queen ictoria none haw been more striking than the growth of railroads, which have altered all the conditions of life and of trade, revolutionised the whole aspect of the country, and for their
    .—Morning Post.  -  810 words
  • 30 6 With reference to this matter, which is exercising the minds of the Municipal Commissioners somewhat, a correspondent asks, why Singapore does not copy Rangoon and try sea water.
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  • 81 6 Information has been received of the arrest of a quartermaster at Nagasaki on a charge of stealing $13,000 worth of fold treasure from the German steamer lohenzollem. The treasure was placed on board at Yokohama, and the box supposed to contain it was transhipped at Hongkong on
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  • 87 6 It is, says a correspondent, the opinion in some well-informed quarters that the sporadic cases of cholera now' occurring are due largely to houses being packed with lodgers. It is feared, that the recent arrival of pilgrims has done much harm. The houses they occupied need very much
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  • 648 6 The pictures of Buluwayo scenes published in some English papers a correspondent in that town finds very amusing, for he writes: “The home illustrated papers are most amusing, as in all their pictures of fighting they are totally incorrect. In the pictures the men have sabres? and are
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  • 135 6 At the Legislative Council tknoon the Colonial Secretary that at the next mectim, would move that a sum of expended in surveys f ur between Johore and Singapore It is telegraphed to us f ro that Dr. Brown, who sits in l' Council, as selected bv Chamber
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  • 25 6 The French transport &lt;?ofo«i/VaJI to-day from Saigon, with tweattfl passengers, two officers. and :t:&gt;s ,4* on hoard. She leaves for Marseifl to-day. H
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  • 36 6 The master of the s. s. Clio, tfcfl arrived yesterday from Chliaefafl reports having passed a full rigged ashore on the S. \V. end of Priifl Island, South Sunda Straits, on fl 24th inst.
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  • 33 6 Six Javanese, formerly employedK the Pumping Station, in M Road, were committed fur trial, yew[ day, for attempting to murder asffli watehman, named Bada Singh, onfl 19th ultimo hail was refused.
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  • 71 6 Messrs. Katz Bros., says a rorrespcM dent, are anxious to have a Hj 6,(XK&gt; gallons of water daily tor tfl Serangoon lee works, hut. as those Beyond the water limit, this cannot lx* given. It is also in 'oii&flj plation to open a new ice at Tanjong Pagar.
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  • 67 6 Last night, in the Rochore IHstnM a Chinaman, named Koah struck another Chinaman. named V All Seng on the head, causing a serious wound. Tlie man was taken™ the hospital, where his depositions«M taken, and his assailant was The two men. together with two "l 1
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  • 83 6 Ax ingenious robbery wa* last night, at. the residence ot Mr. rett, of the Cross Street School, a V§ Road. The burglar forced open a 'Vjj tian. jambing it with a cushion vent its flying back, lie then, •&gt; Jj of a cleft bamboo caught hoi cliain
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  • 158 6 A meeting of the e berof Commerce was Md noon at the Exchange. Tli sent the Hon. T. Shelford. man) Messrs. Burt, Cutli e Katz, Lnykx, Meyer, &gt;a'&gt; r jm Rauch, Sugden. Sohst. Jinn Secretary. t i |t fIA The Chairman proposal lion of the following
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  • 72 7 r „i&lt;nce which has atten’p Department, since its u uiie f to its having no \&gt;er'ilepot, will shortly ••ml. pj. ;lir a piece of land at the Koad ami Prinsep i-uiiired for this purpose. r levelled #ith a view to jvipiired building thereon, r' !ia- had Tn
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  • 96 7 v v. »:ii:in, a witness in a case ~t trust, with respect to a jewellery, created &lt;piite a &gt; &gt;,-rninl Magistrate s Court, afternoon* Ihe witnt s. evidenee in the ease, was r'• ,r„ dun a recognizanceform, .;,n,lmiee at the Assizes, anil t; .it failiiur to attend
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  • 239 7 1 i,\Kt&gt;. on 24th July, askt*d the r ~i Mato for the Colonies, u;e aware that, in a recent l.ivcrjKH&gt;l, Sir W illiam E. H*-,.' &lt;i .\vrnor ot t!ie (Juki Coast, B. tit would lie proposed to make W/. for the nqjive chiefs to I
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  • 297 7 J l"iL\Ei» COMPETITION. I -'l' ndknt rails attention in A/ juwri'uj to the keen comis sim»tomeet from |B t: hahuaii coal in the .Straits JBr“'' ;i In he gives the B ••••itain analyses furnished .Mining AaoOciatiuii, Kilbuni A Co., and Messrs. jß'j "ri &gt;&lt; 1 1j Co. The
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  • 1389 7 (A week UtJer than tnj Mail.) 3rd A iu/w&lt;t. Him Aiidre e, t lio .Swedish aeronaut. ias filled liis balloon, and with his companion has left the north-west corner of Spitz! H'rgen on his way to the North Pole. At a meeting of tlie members of the
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  • 265 7 [t is surprising, writes n correspondent, what an immense difference there is now in the peace aspects of the town, and those of hut a few years back. The reason for this is not hard to find. The flourishing condition of the place has converted the petty
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  • 1975 7 A meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon. There were present: Mr. Gentle (President), Mr. Shelford, c. m. g., Lieut.-Colo-ii el Pennefather, Mr. Joaquim, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Moses, Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, ami Mr. Sohst. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Mr. Seah Liang Seah, and
    1,975 words

  • 401 8 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS. J chore is now celebrating the first anniversary of the coronation of the Sultan. Yest erday, despite very unfavourable conditions of weather, rain falling nearly the whole time, sports were held and tin* day was observed as a general holiday. Tin* picturesque little town
    401 words
  • 1087 8 THE AUSTRALIAN TEAM IN ENGLAND. THE TWENTY-FIFTH MATCH {News a week Infer than by last mail.) TxmeUto, 3rd August. The Australian team commenced a match, the twenty-fifth of the tour, to-dav against Warwickshire, on the county ground at Edgbaston, Birmingham. The weather was perfect, and the attendance enormous. The
    1,087 words
  • 624 8 Thus Sir Walter Besant in the Queen I nave before me the d7th annual report of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women. I am sorry to learn from this report that the demand for women clerks and bookkeepers is on the increase. At the sometime I
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  • 310 8 In the semi-final of the Singapore Golf Club Championship, T)r. Fowlic plays J. B. Robertson, and J. C. I). Jones play's A. A. Gunn or G. Macbain. A correspondent signing himself Benvoirlicli writes to us to-day calling attention to the annoyance caused by unauthorised and unqualified land
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  • 27 8 The new griffins all arrived safely, and in good condition, yesterday’. They will be drawn for to-morrow (Saturday’) at 5 p.m., at Mr. Abrams’s yard.
    27 words
  • 30 8 In July and in the early’ part of August, about fifteen thousand tons of coal were shipped from the mines at Hongay, in Tonquin, to Singapore and Hongkong.
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  • 65 8 A Eurasian, named Marcus de Silva, formerly' a clerk at the Criminal Prison, surrendered at the Central Station, yesterday, upon a charge of criminal breach of trust, in respect of a sum of $134.96 belonging to the Government, during the month of April last. The prisoner was formally'
    65 words
  • 240 8 S ini' hi the last sale at Klang on the 13th July, application has been made by Mr. E. V. Carey, on behalf of Mr. A. (jfchard, for block No. 18, Kapar Hoad, in exchange for block No. 57 on the Langat Road, and Messrs. A Forsyth and
    240 words
  • 29 8 The expenditure i n Knrr I next fiscal year i* L:? 08at '&lt;f|kH Japanese Budget at 9 against which the rev,,,"’? M is put at about .&gt;,000,000", h
    29 words
  • 29 8 Gaudaur. the Ameriem B sailed for London for the J trying to wrest the world ship from Stanburv The lia J rowed on the Thames on Sept^jjB
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  • 27 8 Oxg Yang, a Taichew, for theft rJ belonging to one Chua Ho Chai Bridge Road, on was sentenced, yesterday months rigorous imprisonmeiu 1
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  • 36 8 A Hokiex coolie, employed J godowns atTanjong Pagar/waslJ ced, yesterday, to two months’ r |,,J imprisonment, and to receive ten«taJ with the rattan, for theft o f a of rice, the previous day. I
    36 words
  • 56 8 At a joint committee meeting of B Hongkong Football Club and offl Hongkong Football Competition ooB 19th instant, it was resolved to inZB a permanent shield and to medal to each member of the wid team. The cost of the shield wM $300, of the medals Si.50,
    56 words
  • 73 8 On Wednesday morning, the poitfl of the boarding liouse kept by 9 Brown, in Eber Road, collapeedB rikisha that was within a few feet I the pillar was crushed by one of fl falling beams. The puller was fortfl ately not by. No one was in
    73 words
  • 65 8 The Chamber of Commerce at Had in Tonquin, has resigned in consequefl of the attitude of the French Govefl inent with regard to the Red Kifl transit trade. The Chamber had tested at various times against excessive charges and vexatious r» lations to which this trade i&gt; tmt
    65 words
  • 65 8 Messrs. Otomune and Company opened at *26. High Street, a five bazaar of Japanese fine ait and curios. There are some ingly handsome specimen? of useful and ornamental, and sgg charming ivory ware, and general «ng| knacks. Mesfrs. Otomune are 'jgj expecting a new shipment etgood? g
    65 words
  • 78 8 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” A Correspondent informs us that B. Egerton East wick will shortly y 1 from England to edit tlie PivongW* Mr. Eastwick was, we think. an Inspector of Schools in Knpf and thereafter he held a yarn I U J ing appointments in the Straits ment Service, including
    78 words
  • 72 8 A Klixg, named Mutia. vas l l f for trial, yesterday, for die w der of a Bengali, naniefl* On the 11th ultimo, it al .5 .&gt;i deceased was walking along j the prisoners dog sprang he then struck at it with hi? and the prisoner then
    72 words
  • 93 8 In the Slroit* U taut, was published the llt jH The P. C. M- 0., says a attributes the insanitar\ jSg the marine station to ;jV B mates tluit the place &gt; r &lt;\4«B roughly cleansed, B Pennefather writes tin H the wording of the V
    93 words

  • 199 9 IP JKirr Municipal CojnmisI \%t petitioned tin* GoverH r p J' legislative Council as to «*r facilities, in the MuniciK&lt;iH ascertaining the names m*': of real property. Yesterday, of the petition were I },v the Colonial Secretary I ..a t!&gt;" Council table. In of the petition where
    199 words
  • 135 9 9 Mala vs, named Awang and i A, 7,iv charged yesterday, the first H with being in possession of X jvkainiu. valued at $1,116, in Kain(Bvil'K Inieli. on the 8th instant; the X‘t rNoncr. with receiving $10 as flua'jviiVi*. for the purpose of purchas- -:iiil eliandu. for
    135 words
  • 410 9 UK MANAGERS RKRI.Y. iuiiiiii.riiinjj, a representative of the 'hbU Time* called upon Mr. Urrutia, Manager of the'Sta. Cecilia Band, tfi! leknl him what he thought tin*. petition addressed hy his h hint ’i to the (iovernor. Mr. Urrutia, r !y, 'aid he was very glad
    410 words
  • 3717 9 &lt; Governor Mitchell to Secretary of Stole.) Tlie Cottage, Perak, 28th February, 1898. have the honour to acknowledge of your &lt;les P«t&lt;-*h No. 381 of the )th November, on the subject of the lenang Harl&gt;our Hoard. The alterations which you suggested in I)r. Brown’s Bill, namely, that the
    3,717 words
  • 52 9 A Chinese coolie, who was arrested a few days ago for vagrancy, was sentenced to one year’s rigorous imprisonment, yesterday. The prisoner had been previously convicted tor housebreaking and theft. The prisoner wandered in the five-foot ways at night, trying doors and windows with a view to
    52 words
  • 117 9 It is in contemplation to fix a standard of examination for such local teachers as do not possess of proficiency. This is not intended to affect those who hold classes up to Standard IV. A correspondent, who has had considerable experience as a teacher, thinks Standard IV should
    117 words

  • 2439 10 THURSDAY, 27th AUGUST. PREBEXT. H. E. the Governor, Sir Charles Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hon. J. A. Swettenham, c.m.g., Colonial Secretffcy. Hon. \V. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon. H. Trotter, Auditor-General. Hon. E. E. Iwemonger, Colonial Treasurer. Hon. Capt. Anderson, Acting Colonial Engineer. Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. G. S. Murray. Hon.
    2,439 words
  • 34 10 Three elephants passed through Ku;da Pilali, on Wednesday last, to the Cherubang Gold Mines, at Pasoh. MR.GREENSiLL.from Raub, has arrived atßatu-Bersawab,and has taken over the management of the gold mines there.
    34 words
  • 30 10 A Chinaman was sentenced yesterday to a month's imprisonment for stealing one of the blankets belonging to the General Hospital. He had recently been a patient at the hospital.
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  • 57 10 Yesterday, a Klingman was brought in a ’rikisha to the Pauper Hospital, and left on the ground at the gates. The man who brought him ran away, but the ’rikisha puller was arrested. When the apothecary examined the man, thus strangely left at the gates, he found
    57 words
  • 69 10 There was a paragraph in our yesterday’s issue as to the collapse of the portico of Mrs. Brown’s hoarding house in Eber Road. We are, this morning, asked to state that the sentence No one was in the room above, hence the absence of personal accident
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  • 61 10 A telegram just received from Aehcen announces a successful military expedition into the district of the 22 Mukiras. Several chiefs offered subjection. The territory of those who did not has been laid waste. Tuku Raid, a disloyal headman, has been sent to Kota Radja. A battalion has been left
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  • 371 10 THE AUSTRALIAN TEAM IN ENGLAND. THE THIRD TEST MATC H. (Neirs Via Australia.) London 1 2th August. Rain put a stop to the play in the third test match on Monday, until after lunch. Grace won the toss, and elected to bat. The first innings of the Englishmen closed
    371 words
  • 387 10 HEAVY loss. The Deli Courant of the &gt;6th gives full particulars of the boil &gt; Au u sionat I’angkallan Brandan alio win" that it arose f roin n k benzine works. Tbo hitherto inexplicable cause* It that,-indistillation, the out jiascs which will not end..,,.,, the
    387 words
  • 430 10 Tiikke was a fair attendance of uieinbers at the course, this morning, watch the training. The work dour was mostly slow, hut one* or two wm allowed to slip along a hit faster tor a furlong or so. Abrams had out hh horses early, including Magician, Iw'j"lia, Leila,
    430 words

  • 460 11 I, jtm* tr *P a P er fcink finds its notes so that it has intricate and complicates of 10 and 25 ijca-ly been issued which I.V neat and artistic j. jiijcc veai- to r|e\ i—c, P i: ,nufacture these new ,111'id.’ii\ a 1 mselea11 v t'.c rase
    460 words
  • 87 11 I'l’tM Orrlin a nee, Amend* -Vo. of 1«96, comes the hext. Howard, Passed Cadet, t( j leave of absence, with r leveli months, to be vacation leave the 20th July, 1896. t‘ kiiison, Acting Collector l 1 W)a!l g. is appointed i of Education, 1 *‘oll to his
    87 words
  • 1370 11 (Fifth Article.) OPENING AN EKTATE. article published o, t ;*r;th August.) Holing.- The tap-root of the coffee plant is a delicate subject, and should be treated with every possible consideration* If it meets with any obstacle, even "l !l *ts strength is fully developed, there is a
    1,370 words
  • 125 11 Owing to the illness of Mr. Justice Law, there was no sitting of the Court of Appeal on the 2oth instant. There are three criminal appeals in the list in which it is necessary to have all three judges sitting. The case against Kam Guan Sean, the
    125 words
  • 1139 11 (From a Corre*ponde f at BY ELECTRICITY. (Second Article.) I need not review the arguments pro et contra public lighting being undertaken by the governing body. Statistics show an increasing tendency among Municipal authorities in Great Britain to take the street lighting under their own direct control, and,
    1,139 words
  • 1232 11 The mere lad, lounging in the most comfortable chair on the verandah, said that Mrs. Smith rouged too obviously. When 1 pointed out that I had cycled to Kranji and hack with her at high sjved, and that the colour had stood, the mere lad said that,
    1,232 words

  • 86 12 Racing took place at Medan on the 22nd instant, to he continued on the two following days. Seven events came off. The last race, the Deli Derby, was won by Mr. S. F. Melbourne’s ltona with Par me nan and Shipmate following. Mr. F. Stewart’s Inirdla won the
    86 words
  • 1403 12 O f I —-Daily 1 'eleyraph. VIEWS OF AN EXPERT. Since Mr. Bryan, nicknamed by his friends the boy orator,” and known in Congress as the hope of the Silverites, was nominated for the Presidency of the United States by the Chicago Convention, interest in
    Of I '—-Daily 1 'eleyraph.  -  1,403 words
  • 139 12 It is -now generally understood that the much talked of Durbar that, with great eclat and ceremonial, was to inaugurate the federation of .the Native States, is not to take place this yearIt seems almost doubtful whether it will ever come off, as some nice questions of
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  • 25 12 Mr. J. Armstrong, accountant at the Chartered Bank, Singapore, left on Saturday for Bangkok, where lie will he in charge of the sub-agency.
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  • 26 12 Among the passengers by the ltohilta which arrived from Europe this morning, was Mr. Jackson, the newly-appointed Judicial Commissioner of the Native States.
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  • 27 12 Between noon on Saturday and noon to-day, six cases of cholera were reported. Of these five were discovered after death, and one was sent to hospital.
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  • 32 12 A cricket match was played on Friday and Saturday between the S. C. C. Committee and “The Rest,” resulting in the former scoring 137 and the latter 39 for 9 wickets.
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  • 31 12 Monsieur Albert Ptnard, the new French Consul for the Straits Settlements, is expected per M. M. Caledcmien on Friday morning. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter.
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  • 37 12 Bangkok rumour has it that Mr. de Bunsen, tiie British Minister there, will apply for leave on his return there from Java, and that he is likely to receive an appointment, probably at Vienna.
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  • 34 12 The Australian Cricketers in England complete their season on Thursday, when Jhey meet the South of England. On August 13th, they had played 27 matches, won 10, lost 5, and drawn 0.
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  • 39 12 The Hons. Martin Lister and \V. H. Treacher, and Messrs. J. K. Birch and E. F. Belfield have been in Kuala Lumpor, the object of their foregathering being the consideration of a new Land Code.
    39 words
  • 41 12 THE RAJAH BROOKE.” The wreck of the Rajah Brooke was this afternoon, sold by Messrs. Powell and Company at their sales rooms. The wreck itself fetched $450 and the cargo $9O. Both lots were bought by Song Kim Swee of Sarawak.
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  • 37 12 Ox Friday night, two Malays attacked Mr. Boudowyn, junior, near the Ladies* Lawn Tennis Ground, struck him with sticks, hurled him from his bicycle, and injured him considerably. The attack is attributed to malice. Carr.
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  • 40 12 The Papal Bull appointing tli€* Hew Fatlu»r Fee Bishop of Malacca will probably arrive by the French mail on Friday. It is expected the episcopal consecration will take place in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd.
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  • 42 12 The Vail Mall Gazette in reverting to the subject of a naval dock for Singapore, expresses the opinion that Singapore is the spot naturally marked out for a large dock capable of floating the largest ships in the Royal Navy.
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  • 42 12 A collision case in Bangkok harbour, affecting the s. s. IncJulune is to come before the Supreme Court at Singapore on appeal. The appellant is said to have engaged the following counsel: the Attorney-GeiieraL Mr. Fort, and Mr. Napier.
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  • 39 12 Riders in the United States.... 4,000,000 Riders in New Y’ork City 200,000 Amount expended each; year in caring for wheels and on excursions £200,000,000 Capital invested in plants £00,000,000 Persons em ployed by factories 70,000
    39 words
  • 46 12 Ihe property known Sandringham, situated on the Hkikit Timah Road, at the 6i milestone! comprising acres of land held under Yiovernment Lease for 999 years, together with the residence thereon, has bee m bought by Mr. C. B. Bucklej r for $5,00&lt;1
    46 words
  • 52 12 THE SORCERER.” Rehearsals for “the Sor&lt;#rcr” started on Saturday, and it is IhjAhml to produce the opera earlier thai was originally intended. The nibinagonieiit, however, are liampenxl bj a lack of copies, and would be muni obliged if any iierson, having a copJT and being willing to lend it, will
    52 words
  • 50 12 Ox the 17th instant, tys 0 ur Aujer correspondent, the American ship Govenutr (loud, win rap on Princess Reel, 1 rincess Island X and remained firmly bedded in the locks. The crew are saved, and the captain has proceeded to Batavia to attend salvage operation. is a total loss.
    50 words
  • 24 12 semi-final Dr. FowLIE heat ,J I; p I up and 2to play. Kohen *«ri A. A. Gunn scratched toG. y^.B
    24 words
  • 51 12 IHE &gt;S Kim rcc &gt;r f(&gt;gg jsj n r I an English Syndicate J obtaining the Chiengmai cession ,n Northern ot extension towards then?*® frontier. asserted that til* will be l&gt;uilt by English capital ZM a guarantee will be given by tS Government ol 5 per cent* llj
    51 words
  • 59 12 It is said that impure water thrr M prolonged drought, was thecauW* outbreak of cholera at the L u*S Estate Bagan Serai (Provi lesley). Out of twenty-four ca** M five survived. In most parts of S Province, the water supply -...-M at Butterworth, falls short and Government lias
    59 words
  • 71 12 It will be remembered that time ago a copy of the New TestaaJß in Chinese was presented tTSB Dowager Empress of China, who i««S| to have perused it with great into 9 It was a beautifully hound enclosed in an elegant casket. andU version in facsimile
    71 words
  • 78 12 Some little excitement was caused fl the Third Magistrate's Court thiHuunß ing, when the man, named WilnioM alleged to be a Poet, walked uptotifl bench and threw a paper in front oft* Magistrate, at the same time, making-fl insulting remark. He was ordered* l&gt;e arrested. Inspector Bugden
    78 words
  • 85 12 The Foreign Representative* at Ban; kok have appointed a Committee report upon regulations just drawn i by the Siamese Government to reme( evils in tin* teak trade there. Tuepn eipal evil arises from a habit anion*ce tain people of obliterating Lamia marks on logs and replacing
    85 words
  • 78 12 The local subscriptions to the ‘M® Alexander Memorial Fund amount 8157. The money was collated M the following ladies and gentleman.® The Rev. W. H. C. DunkerleySlo; Leach $l5; Mrs. Plunkett Sit; Adams 810; M rs. Thor] »e s Mrs. Lady Mitchell 857; and Mr. Seven)«
    78 words
  • 79 12 The monthly medal handicap won on Saturday by Major Scores as follows H W. J. F. Morgan 40*4* Jones 42—51 jr A. W. Stiven 41—47 J* T. E. Earle 49-49 F. S. B. Gaffnev J'r H.V.VmI.. W. G. Tavlor Si-«* ,'J J 4 A H. \V.
    79 words
  • 93 12 Os the l!»tli instant, to Lunmt that a (Mihiesceo-die kiUedamlpartlyi atciil-va"K*‘f before. Then, a messenger.; »&gt;« fl next kongsi, about two »«j sav that a Chinese cooltr seized by tlie foot bv a l irl r in bed, but the Wutt.talW'.J off. Mr. Mitchell, district_oth‘e b geant
    93 words

  • 412 13 t „k IIANDH APS. I sin r l*" 1 M. Krhwnahe I ,v '7‘hv~ 15: S. M. Hinny -*5, r iJ- A n V peiinys. an«l F. T. Bryant y li Maeirrejror, V -Villi ami A. Morrison :j, 1' 'fimM". A. II:irilcnstl,% l&gt;. M li
    412 words
  • 77 13 h:Tiiri: Keyseu, Collect or of .in hi' report for July, remarks lisiiili«r« have been applications tor in the Kenaboi valley, lately ntnrafnl to Government by the he n Mining and Trading Co. As me good men, this is a pro•'in: departure. Three death oceurred Nmpi Muntoh. owing to
    77 words
  • 88 13 1 iiN-air preaching in Noordin Lane -■i other street* in tin* vicinity, ha*? a regular tiling on Sundays, a correspondent. The services are ducted hy Missionary ladies ;l»ut it is feared t!»a! the seed is scattered v&lt; *ry rurky "round, and the distrihu- tracts amongst a crowd of
    88 words
  • 216 13 iHK appeal ease of the* Queen versus Mariam was concluded on the instant* when the conviction was and the prisoner, a jewellery ,r M ‘r, will have to appear at the next r ai, h r Assizes in order that sentence l,u on her. This is a
    216 words
  • 340 13 The griffins were drawn for on Saturday at the North Bridge Hoad yard, f here was a fair attendance of members, but there was not such brisk wagering as on former occasions, and the gentleman who usually opens a book on the griffin races complained that his generous
    340 words
  • 403 13 MARCH OF CONQUEST. From Mindanao, conies news of the further strengthening of Spanish authority in the territory newly conquered from the Mahommedan Malays, on the hanks of the lake of Lanao in that island. A flotilla of gunboats and armed craft now patrols the waters there, and gives
    403 words
  • 59 13 (For the Far East) Per ft O. s. 8. Ceylon from London, Aug. 8: —Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Lieut. Ryder and Mr. Boffy. T j Por p O s.s. Parramatta from London, Aug 13 Mrs. Webster, Mr H P. Bayley, Mr*A- C. Messum.Mrs. Wills, Miss Wills. Mr! R.
    59 words
  • 507 13 (From u Times of Ceylon''). Canta 18 th August. Zilmi Pasha, in receiving the Cretan Deptities, stated that some of their demands would infringe the rights of the Sultan, and he desired them to amend them. London 19//&lt; August. Five of the stern wheeler steamers belonging to the
    (From u Times of Ceylon'').  -  507 words
  • 1243 13 (Six Days Later than by to-day's mail.) London Bth August Several hostile comments have appeared in the German press on the acquittal of Major Lotliaire. Last night Li Hung-Chang, the Chinese Envoy, was present at a dinner given in his honour by the China Commercial Association, abody
    1,243 words
  • 136 13 MONDAY’S RESULTS. ladies’ double handicap. The Misses Bogle—scr. heat Mrs. Merewet het* and Miss Salzmann, plus 2. TUESDAY’S RESULTS. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Miss Salzmann and Mr. Hooper, rec. 2. heat Miss Bogle and Mr. Stevens, 6-3, 6-2. CONSOLATION LADIES’ SINGLE HANDICAP. a Mrs. Jclley, rec 3,
    136 words
  • 2083 13 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday, the 12th August, 1896. Present: —The President, Alex. Gentle. Esq.; the Inspector-General of Police, Col. Pennefather; G. T. Hare, Esq Hon. T. Shel ford, c.m.g. Seah Leang Seah, Esq,; Tai. Jiak Kim, Esq.; Th.
    2,083 words

  • 264 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports: —Messrs. Cologon. Arohambard, Fearle, Liard, Maereath, Bartholomuesz, Cazalas, and Clarke, Miss Gibson, Miss Anchant, Mrs. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe, and Mr. and Min. Davidson. Per M. M. s. s. Natal from Marseilles:— Messrs. Engolbeeh, Hospitalier, Darue, and
    264 words
    • 162 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer; sh. —ship bq.—barque Brit. —British U. S. United States; Fr.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch Joh. —Johore &lt;fcc., G.c., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;
      162 words
    • 1325 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Benykali* Brit. str. 90 tons, Capt. Casey, 31st Aug. From Tringganu, 29th Aug. G.c., and 10 d.p. Wee Bin Sc Co. For Tringganu, Ist Sept.—Rds. Ban S eny Gann Brit. str. 500 tons, Capt Lyons, 30tli Aug. From Bangkok, 2oth Aug. G.c., anil
      1,325 words
    • 152 14 PASSED BUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. "i Flag Date From Dectiv Date. and Ship’s Name. Commanueb. of W hebe Big. Sailing. Aug 21 Brit sh. Indore Parry May 9 New York Slww'.' 1 21 Am. sh. Lucile Ballard !July 16Hongkong 21 Brit bq.Windrush Walker May 9New York 'llo
      152 words
    • 899 15 ,&lt;SA.M£. Toxs &lt;ArTAls Fbom Sajleu' Consignees j J »55 Paly T. Anson Aug 228. S’ship Coy. Ltd. N r I,,,. Ke.norts.-n J’ Louis June 28M. 8. E Angullia ‘I r H i !.™V V. uar i Au 3* Wee Bin A Co. M.Ms i. I aul ;Miaughai |Aug
      899 words
    • 599 15 m I I I Vf..&gt;&gt;i;i.'s Name Flag Rig Captain Destination I i I N, Ann Brit. str. Moppett Labuan via ports I Amigo (Jer. str. Hemmert Saigon 3 Singkcp Put. str. Xacodah Singkep I '&lt; Natal MM. str. Verron Saigon, H kong, S hai .1 pan I &gt;alazi«* str.
      599 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 201 14 FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD.*’ Important to Missionaries ami other Foreign Residents. SEWELL CO. Passenger, Shim ting, Ac Fortvanling Agent*, 97, Queen Victoria St., London, E. C. Meet passengers at all Docks or Railway Stations in London, or through their Agents in all Pouts, clear baggage and conduct to destination,
      201 words
    • 810 14 A CASE OK RESULTING FROM They say that n&gt;i«crv l ov ami they have had it so into a proverb. Vet it i«„-, 1 r,a 'I*.* truth. Some kin.l. «-t,2 company. They want to T* 'S They hate to Is- ells,w,si L, «C, ami talked to. A wounded dor jin'"'''*
      810 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 342 15 I Cure DYSPEPSIA, Cure BILIOUSNESS, Cure CONSTIPATION, Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good for the Stomach, I Good for the Liver, I Good for the Bowels. THERE ARE NO OTHER PILLS SO COOD AS AYER’S PILLS. Highest Awards at the World's Creat
      342 words
    • 404 15 C10MF0RTABLE rooms for three bachelors in a private residence, 10 minutes down from town. Stabling and Tennis. Apply to 24/0 V., c/o Straits Times. SCHWEITZER'S The Best Purest COCOA. Now specially packed in double-.-. tded canisersensuring fresshness for years, i n all climates.’ ME “STRAITS TIMES.” The “Straits Bud-get." The
      404 words
    • 800 15 What Finer Can You Drink Than JOHN JAMESON and SONS*(DUBLIN) «0}VN CASED” Very Old BLACK-BOTTLE WHISKEY. Please see you g«*t it with BLUE Oiu* Star. Metal Capsules I5LI fj i me Star. -J PINK Two Stars. GOLD Three Star-. OF ALL DEALERS. Bole Export Bottling Agents to J. .T. S.—
      800 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 738 16 WALTER MACFARLANE CO., GLASGOW. .glass enamelled drain and soil pip a are impervious to rust, have perfectly smooth interiors, and can be supplied tested to any pressure. Rj FIRST CLASS AWARD, IN'TERXATIOXAI. SANITARY EXHIBITION, LONDON. £acfarlane’s Conductoe Pipes, for Rain-water, Stow, Drain, Soil, and Ventila)l tino PurpoMt. Plain and Ornamental.
      738 words
    • 418 16 &gt;1 i BL, V HAT THE HNATURE S IS Noi* //V fi/.(/£ w DIAGONALLY ACROSS Tni OUTSIDE WRAPpj,, of every Bottle of the ’JAL WORCESTERSHIRE e Ltd., London n generally. WHERE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LIETTLE CO. I I e THE BEST BEKBDT FOB ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEABTBUBN, HEADAQHE, GOUT
      418 words