The Straits Budget, 11 August 1896

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 143 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits inr J® s as e argest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore «nd Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the
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    • 30 1 |piiTEJ.» At Clerk’s New Quarters, next ITliltin’* Istana,” Taiping, Larut, Cak. on Tuesday, the 28th July, 1896, at Eiiil,the wife of Mr. Victor Josei*h pnLVs’ Matang. of a daughter.
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  • 236 1 Articles. ICwte I Wi-* Malays. I Li tiuiig Chang 1V. .>rG<*vernmeut Defeat. 1 \t- h;i’’ Brooke. ■fc'ii. I quotation*. I News, lb- r List. I Pc!!<’*■ Np.W.S I of the Rajah Brooke. r Shipowners and English I Upuins. I to Household. Ib in Mission 8choolt‘ Ijowjad
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  • 486 1 Singapore, 11th August, 1896. PRODUCE. Gainbier, 6.75. do Cube No 1 11.25. do do No 2, 9.00. Copra Bali, 5.35. do Pontianak, 5.05. Pepper, Black, 10.12*. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.621. do No. 2 2.25. Pearl Sago, 3.30. Coffee, Bali, 31.75. Coffee Palembang, 31.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 520 1 The mail for Europe next week leaves by the M. M. s. s. Ernest Simons. The mail from Europe of the 10th July by the M. M. s. s. Sydney arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the P. it O.
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    • 104 1 London 4th August. France, Russia, Germany and Austria favour a blockade of Crete to prevent the landing there of volunteers and arms from Greece, and thus to leave the Turks free to restore order in the island. The British Government
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    • 218 1 OBJECT OF HIS MISSION. TARIFF CHANGES. BRITISH CONSENT NECESSARY. MILITARY AND NAVAL ORDERS. London, sth Avgust. The Time s announces that the real object of Li Hung-Chang’s visit to Britain is to obtain the sanction of the British Government to an increase of the duties of the
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    • 38 1 London, 6 th August. Gloucester, playing against Sussex at. Bristol, totalled five hundred and fiftyone runs in the first innings. Grace made three hundred and one runs. Australia has beaten Warwick by one innings and sixty runs.
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    • 41 1 The Government lias been defeated in the House of Lords on an amendment to the Irish Labour Bill. The amendment is unimportant, but its acceptance is considered to augur badly for the prospects of the Irish Land Bill.
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    • 13 1 Li liung-Chang has had an audience of the Queen at Osborne.
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    • 62 1 MINISTERIAL DEFEATS. Ixmdon, 7th August. The Government has been twice defeated in the House of Lords by a majority of fifty, in Committee on the Irish Land Bill. It is believed that the Government will be compelled to shelve its Irish measures in order to prevent
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    • 9 1 The situation in Crete is daily becoming worse.
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    • 13 1 Li Hung-Chang has received the Grand Cross of the Victoria Order.
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    • 16 1 London Bth August. Ranjitsinghi, yesterday, .reached an aggregate total of two thousand runs at cricket.
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    • 27 1 Colonel Plumer’s column has routed five Matabele impis or regiments. The British loss was Major Kershaw and four others killed. Fifteen,mostly officers, were wounded.
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    • 22 1 The acquittal of Major Lothaire has been confirmed on appeal at Brussels. The London newspapers comment bitterly on the acquittal.
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    • 72 1 EXTRAORDINARY ACTION OF PLAYERS. London, lOtk August. Australia has beaten Kent by one hundred and seventy-six runs. Lohmann, Gunn, Abel Hayward, and Richardson have refused to play in the Test Match with the Australians at the Oval, to-day, unless their pay were doubled. The Surrey Cricket Club have refused
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    • 86 1 Li Hung-Chang has been entertained at a banquet in the Metropole Hotel. At the banquet, Li Hung-Chang said that the difficulties between England and China resulted from a misunderstanding. But, in his opinion, Britain had been fair to China, and had gained the confidence and respect of the
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    • 15 1 Colonel Plunder’s action with the Matabele, reported on Saturday, lasted seven hours.
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    • 14 1 The Irish Land Bill has passed through Committee in tho Houso of Lords.
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    • 560 1 (Straits Times, 4th August.) The Cfttan revolt has made so much head, aided by arms and men from Greece, that most of the Great Powers find that Turkey needs their active help against the rebels. The Cretans rose in arms to demand reforms and better government from their Turkish
      (Straits Times, 4th August.)  -  560 words
    • 271 2 (Straits Times J/th August.) Malay parents, according to the District Officer of Kuala Langat (Mr. Skeat), are not convinced that it is to the advantage of their boys tiiat these should be educated. They aptly complain that to be able to read and write does not jenable their
      (Straits Times, J/th August.)  -  271 words
    • 269 2 (Straits Times f 6th August.) The object of Li Hung-Chang’s mission to Europe is the raising of additional Customs revenue in China. Bumour had long ago indicated Cus- toms changes to be one of his aims, and to-day’s telegrams bear out the voice of rumour. The European Powers
      (Straits Timesf 6th August.)  -  269 words
    • 248 2 (Straits Times 7th August.) The uncle has failed to manage the Peers as the nephew has failed to manage the Commons. Yet, it was supposed that the uncle carried the votes of the Peers in his pocket! Wherefore, his fall is greater than the fall of his
      (Straits Times, 7th August.)  -  248 words
    • 202 2 (Straits Times 7th August.) Captain Joyce, in an interview with our Special Commissioner, published in another column, attributes the wreck ol the Rajah Brooke entirely to the current. His course, he says, was set in such a direction that he expected to pass Victory Island a good
      (Straits Times, 7th August.)  -  202 words

  • 120 2 Mr. T. Fisher Unwin is publishing an excellent series of works under the title of u Little Novels.” The books are handy in shape, neatly bound, and clearly printed on good paper, and the stories are very crisp and meaty. The three under notice are: Margaret Grey,”
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  • 451 2 The following is the sixty-second report of the Court of Directors of the above bank to the ordinary half-yearly meeting of shareholders, to be held at I lie City Hall, Hongkong, on Saturday next: The directors have now to submit to you a general statement
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  • 781 2 (From our Correspondent.) destructive fire. The town of Kepong— a mining settlement situated about six miles from Kuala Lumpor—has been almost completely destroyed by fire. Fortyone builaings were totally gutted, including the Gambling, Spirit, and Opium Farms. The cause of the disaster is believed to have been accidental,
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  • 269 2 Through heavy rain visited 1 S ML n RST 8 d ‘»“^ass Mitchell at Malacca flj Mr. Douglas, late of s«, taken over the arrat H* Alexander Forsyth’s Mr. Cyril Baiendale, Dagang Estate (Klang i, a uft M the charge of a Suneei V* ke, the property of
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  • 434 2 The first annual general rneotii? the above company was held all offices, London, on «tli July, Mr. Dent presiding. The Chairman staw The result of the year’s not been satisfactory, the accounts A iug a debit balance of £*1.950 6s. bii to the
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  • 72 3 Penang ttf-day Ms- v r A«*>r, to act as Starter ,r Thus, a timely article F*n* n /has changed, for tltf '''th,- arrangements for start'*s• c m M. A. Wood, H. lit :K> ,V N Hraitliwaite, all of the 'ip i». Newman, r.a., have outhe f ck
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  • 23 3 nN named Teng Seang, was K morning at the Police L r R .porting a ease of foot disease.
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  • 52 3 a icon", tnere Avas only one case l .7" n t hr 25th July. The total *< k was nine. On the 26th ri w; McIntosh, one of the sisters iVivii Hospital, who has been in i„ 1( y at the Plague Hospital, was kQ r differing
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  • 52 3 Ths District OHieer of tort Dickson, fur June, notes that Mr. er gusler. who has taken up 300 1 irlvir Putrh for planting coco- arrival from Singapore on the that month, bringing with him I' HMt coconuts; as soon as his rkofiaiid has been surveyed, he will p
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  • 51 3 i> Simgei Ujong, last year, various coffee estates continued ijv 'ir largely their planting areas. v aV (offee cultivation was not as it might have been. Padi and most cases,been planted wr. the coffee trees and weeds v? W:. allowed to grow. Chinese i!it::in Lii- been more
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  • 59 3 D/i?fit has arisen between the panes'* h.i |»erial Household (who are tb* largest shareholders) and Direful' of the Nippon Yu sen lisha in regard to the recent increase capital. Foreign captains are to be ipeiisfel with by the Nippon Yusen lisliauiiy on the Tientsin a nd Vlad
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  • 65 3 ■he Director of the Government &nical Gardens at Buitenzorg (Java) wts the receipt of two handsome donations, one being a sum of towards the cost of the epilation of a li Flora of Buitenzorg,” a promise of a like amount next and the other a sum of 18,000
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  • 88 3 r the Penang Assizes, the case Clio Meh, charged with using •Knmne a forged cheque for $7,000, concluded on the 31st July, when primer was found guilty by the i/ a majority of 6 to 1. Justice con ewnred with the verdict, and mm to nine months’
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  • 122 3 •SeUo 2f of Kuala Langat, lavfct] to interest the 8 i,./ 1a fi du<’ation. His expei ie difficulty there *ir f V ,j u ‘J rll parents that it is for »p, at *heir boys should be J* Mustril 7 C( i m ,lain tlial tlie Natan,
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  • 967 3 Your Committee beg to present to you their Annual Report and Statement of Accounw for the year ending 30th June, 1896. r l he. composition of the Committee has been eonsiderablv chanj ged since its election at the last General Meeting. It is at present constituted as
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  • 265 3 PENANG VIEW OF THE BI RIAL CLAUSES. At the Penang Municipal meeting, on the 31st July, the President, Mr. J. Y. Kennedy, laid on the table a letter from the President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, containing certain suggestions with reference to the burial clauses of the
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  • 79 3 SINGAPORE ENTERPRISE. At Swatow, China opium is refined by a certain process to remove its coarse and rank flavour, and make it resemble the foreign drug. The business is conducted on a small sale by Chinese from Singapore, wdio have not only engaged the temporary services of foreign
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  • 115 3 The District Officer of Ulu Selangor, in hjs report for 1895, states that, as in 1894, so in 1895, the greater part of the land newly opened was for coffee cultivation. During the year, 1,595 acres were taken up, and nearly all are being planted with coffee. Whether
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  • 142 3 At a meeting of*the Municipality of Penang on the 31st. July, the President read a letter from Mr. Alan Wilson with reference to a proposal, at present before Government, regarding the promotion of an Electric Company, and asking whether the Commissioners would approve of the scheme. The
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  • 1929 3 DOES u NEXT OP KIN” INCLUDE WOMEN TAN J1AK KIM V. TAN JIAK WHYE AND OTHERS. At the Supreme Court, this morning, Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, gave judgment in an important will case, in which Tan Jiak Kim and others are plaintiffs, and Tan Jiak Whye
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  • 54 4 London 25 th July. The Cape Assembly has unanimously adopted the report of the Committee on the Jameson Raid. The situation in Crete is daily becoming worse, and the rebels will resume fighting unless their demands are conceded in a week. The Greek band, which invaded Macedonia, has
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  • 91 4 Madrid 17 th July. The Pope is ill, and has been compelled to suspend audiences. The insurgentsof tlieeastern part of Cuba are divided amongst themselves on the election of a successor to the late Jose Maceo in #e command held by the deceased. It is said that
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  • 165 4 The King and Queen of Siam left Singapore this morning for Bangkok, via Trengganu and Kehuitan. Their royal highnesses embarked at a quarter past ten, being seen off by Capt. Crauford, Master Attendant, and Mr. Scab Leang Scab, at Johnston’s Pier. The Colonial Secretary also paid
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  • 371 4 PROGRESS OF PLANTING. The report on the coast district of Sungei Ujong in 1895 notes that 4,363 acres of agricultural land have been alienated there. The largest blocks of land leased were as follows:—viz., Mr. Lumsden, 2,000 acres, for coffee cultivation Chan Kong Pian, 999 acres,
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  • 46 4 The cable from Japan to Formosa is expected to be laid and in practical working order by the 15th instant. Tiie total number of cases of plague reported at Hongkong, during the week ending at noon on the 25th July, was only nine.
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  • 55 4 At the monthly meeting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce, on the 25th July, it was resolved to address the Hongkong Government with a view to get representations made to the authorities at Singapore, asking them to abolish or modify the quarantine imposed at that port on
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  • 60 4 It is reported that the solution of the foreshore difficulty under dispute at Chefoo, which has been evolved by the Inspector-General of Customs, has been accepted by the foreign Minister at Pekin. The disputed foreshore is to be dredged and made available for boats, and a bund
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  • 55 4 A notification was published in the Japanese Official announcing that the new postage stamps with the protraits of the late Princes Arisugawa and Kitashirakawa will be issued on the 1st August next —five million twocent stamps of each design printed red, and two million five-cent stamps of each
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  • 60 4 M. Haas, the Consul-General for Austria-Hungary, was drowned at Pootoo (Shanghai) on the 26th July. The body has not yet been recovered. M. Haas had been resident at Shanghai for the last twenty-five years, having been appointed Interpreter of the Consulate in 1871. He was afterwards appointed Vice-Consul,
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  • 52 4 Admiral Sir Leopold Heath has been elected Chairman of the Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company,.in place of the late Sir John Pender. As regards the Eastern Telegraph Company, the Marquis of Tweoddale is elected Chairman in the same succession, and Mr. Denison Pender, the Managing Director,
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  • 72 4 It is reported from Pekin that the Chinese Government has placed an order for mint machinery with Messrs. Carlowitz and Co. The value of the machinery is stated to be £2,323. The machinery is to be delivered in Tientsin in six months. A mint similar to the one
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  • 81 4 In a paragraph relating to Penang Races, published last Thursday, it was stated that Mr. P. Dalian had shipped a number of racehorses to Penang, that Mr. Frank Holley was in charge, and that Mr. W. Dalian had been retained to ride them. We are asked by Mr.
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  • 71 4 The Hongkong Daily Press calls attention to the steady growth of the Government pension list there. Ten years ago, the amount paid in pensions was *36,252. Last year, this sum had grown to *112,776, or one-twentieth of the total revenue of the colony. Exchange accounts for about half
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  • 112 4 A short time ago, an official Chinese National Bank w’as projected by Dr. Yung Wing, the capital of which was to be ten millions of taels provided by the Board of Revenue. This scheme has fallen through. The Russo-Chinese Bank then stopped in, and, through the Russian
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  • 854 4 (From Our Correspondent.) In Monday's issue of the Straits Times underthis heading, was published the latest intelligence about the federal changes in the civil and military defence system of the Malay States. Since writing those notes, I learn that at, or after the parade on Wednesday
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  • 301 4 DAMAGE AT SHANGHAI. LOSS OF THE ILTI8.” HAVOC AT HONGKONG. A typh6on, which passed over Shanghai on the 23rd July, caused a considerable amount of damage in the Settlements. The w ind at times blew with extreme violence, accompanied by thick rain. The barometer recorded a greater fall Jhan
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  • 271 4 (Via Australia). CRICKET. London 15/5 July. The Australians won the match against the Players of England by an inning* and 137 runs. They have now commenced a match against Leicestershire, with Joans, Trott, aud McKibbin standing out for a spell. In this match the
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  • 124 4 to the Continent at about 20s. —China Mail, 2»th July. I. From a number of Eastern ports, we hear of a regular collapse in the freight market for homeward* bound steamers. In Hongkong, however, the rate has remained stationary for several months. There is a tremendous number
    to the Continent at about 20s.—China Mail, 2»th July. . I.  -  124 words
  • 1782 4 ALLEGED WRONGFUL fog THB cm AGAINST CHINr* r At the Supreme Court T I before Chief Justice Cox’. T NJ heard of Capt. DelamsL' owners of the steamer P- 1 J Mr. Fort appeared for tW**' 3 Mr. Fort m opening P I that the
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  • 1207 5 NOTES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS IX SINGAPORE. (By a, Lady Corresponde)it.) Motto for the week To do what seems right may involve an extra struggle sometimes, lmt one may be sure that, in the long run. it will bring the most happiness.” POULTRY-KEEPING. Profitable poultry-keeping by Europeans is a myth,
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  • 95 5 The Punjom report for June show's that milling was carried on during 26 days, crushing 1,060 tons, yielding 516 ozs. of melted gold. Calcining wtis carried on during 28 days, treating 50 tons of concentrates, yielding 85 ounces of melted gold. The cyanide works ran full time to the
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  • 127 5 A correspondent calls attention to the existing nuisance in the immediate vicinity of Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital, owing to the gardens located on the land directly opposite this institution. It is alleged that complaints have been made by Dr. Mugliston to the Medical Adviser to the Government.
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  • 1497 5 STORY OF THE DISASTER. INTERVIEW WITH THE MATE. 115 M1LE8 IN AN OPEN BOAT. The news of the wreck of the s. s. Rajah Brooke was, brought to Singapore by the mate, Mr. Eberwein, who travelled from the wreck in an open boat, with
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  • 5110 5 (7th Avgust.) INTERVIEW WITH CAPTAIN JOYCE. LIFE ON THE ISLAND. INTERESTING NARRATIVES. BRINGING OFF THE CASTAWAYS. (By our special Commissioner.) On Tuesday afternoon, there arrived in Singapore, the startling intelligence that the steamship Itajah Brooke was a total wreck on the Acasta Rock, one hundred
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  • 9 7 c arrived yesterday from Victory Island.
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  • 17 7 The letter of “No Middleman will be lead with interest hy those concerned in coffee.
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  • 26 7 1 tuuiNO July, 877 deaths were reported at. Singapore with a ratio of 50.88 per mille. Fever accounted for 259 deaths, and cholera seven.
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  • 24 7 Major-General Jones-Vaughan was placed on the sick list on the sth inst. Colonel Plunkett has assumed command of the troops.
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  • 29 7 This morning, a man of the sth Fusiliers was sentenced to a month's impriment for committing an assault on the landlady of the Prince of Wales Hotel.
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  • 33 7 The bubonic plague at Amoy, according to a letter received from an old resident, is assuming alarming proportions, and is creating a panic amongst the Chinese in that city.
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  • 33 7 Yesterday, while disinfecting the quarantine sheds on St. John’s Island, one of those recently put up caught fire, and was quite destroyed. The damage is estimated at about £270.
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  • 41 7 Tiib Committee of the Perak Turf Club are said to have decided to substitute the Pari Mutuel for the Totalizator at the forthcoming meeting, at Taiping, the former having been found to work so satisfactorily at other places.
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  • 41 7 The Colonial steamer Sen Belle arrived this morning from Malacca, with H. E. the Governor, the InspectorGeneral of Police,Capt. Herbert, and Mr. Wiseman. The Governor was met by Capt. Craufurd, Master Attendant, and Mr. J. A. Swettenham, Colonial Secretary.
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  • 54 7 In an all-day match played yesterday, between the recent Serein ban team and the ‘*stay at homes,” the former scored 97 in their first innings against 04 scored*by their opponents. The second innings was not completed, so the game resulted in a win for the S. C. (Vs Scremban
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  • 54 7 Messrs. Wm. McKerrow Co. have been appointed the Singapore agents of the Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insurance Co. of London. Last year, the company paid a divdend of 45 per cent, on the paid up capital. The company’s funds reach <£3,877,438 and its Fire Reserve
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  • 56 7 The Cable Company to which Admiral Sir Leopord Heath has been elected chairman is the Eastern and South Africa Company”, and not the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co. as report had it. The Marquis of Tweeddale has been appointed chairman of the latter company, in place
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  • 65 7 A few days ago, says a correspondent, a paragraph on the subject of medical students appeared in the Straits Tunes. It has attracted attention in the right quarter, and, in all probability, provision will be made, in next year’s budget, for sending a number of lads to Madras
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  • 100 7 At the Tanglin Club last evening, the farce “Bamboozled,” by Horace Marsh, was produced by amateurs very successfully. The audience was a good one, and appreciative applause rewarded the efforts of the ladies and gentlemen filling the following cast Sir Marmaduke Meadows. .Mr. A-W^S.^ Caut Frank Bamboozle..
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  • 62 7 Mr. Archer has arrived in Bangkok from Chiengmai, and will act as British Consul during the absence of Mr. French in Europe. Mr. Beckett goes to Chiengmai. These movements do not necessarily imply, says the Siam Free Press that Mr. French will not® etrtrn to Bangkok, or that
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  • 75 7 A meeting for bringing into working order the Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund of the Federated Malay States was held on the 29th July, at the Secretariat, Taiping. Mr. Birch, Secretary to Government, was Chairman. To enable the fund to be placed on a sound basis, the
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  • 77 7 complains of the condition of North Boat Quay from Elgin Bridge to Bonham Street. Half the roadway, lie says, is converted to private uses, and the place presents an unsightly appearance. In addition, this appropriation is a continual source of obstruction to the traffic which, during the
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  • 90 7 News has been received by wire from Paris of the appointment of the Revd. Father Rone Michel Fee to the See of Malacca, in succession to the late Dr. Edward Gasnier. The Bishop elect is only 40 years of age, and is a great favourite wit
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  • 97 7 According to shipping returns, the total number of immigrants that arrived from China during last month was 9,694, as against 11,344 in June; thus showing a decrease of 1,650. Amoy, as usual, figures first with a total 4,969, Hongkong has 2,961, Swatow 1,365, and Iloihow 399. Twenty-three
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  • 175 7 Sunday morning, August Ist, saw the completion of an important undertaking in the State of Perak: the opening of the new floating wharf at Teluk Anson, in connection with the Perak State Railway. The s. s. Malacca, of the Straits Steam Ship Coy., was the first steamer
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  • 199 7 Camuong Kapur, says a correspondent, seems to be selected as a place ot deposit for the fruit refuse of the town. Here, it is allowed to decompose in the open air, and one ot the results is that the fly plague, raised for the benefit of the Egyptians,
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  • 363 7 FIRST day’s RESULTS. s THURSDAY, AUGU8T 6TH. (By telegram from our Correspondent.) 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $200.—For Maiden Horses, (per Rule 14, Straits Racing Association) Weight per scale (10 st. 9 lbs.). Distance one mile. Mr. J. M. Anthony’s Bittern 1 Mr. Koh Ewe Cheng’s Young Gladstone
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  • 307 7 THE EFFORTS OF THE CONVENT. From a Correspondent.) Though it. is known to a limited section of the public that considerable labour and expense are freely given by the good sisters in the Convent to the work of saving the lives of Chinese infants, mostly girls; yet it
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  • 107 7 Messrs. Crane Bros., yesterday afternoon, held an auction sale of several valuable properties, and some excellent prices were realised. Woodleigh,’’ the residence of the late Mr. F. G. Bernard, fetched 5i6,400, the purchaser being Lim Loh. Four houses on the Tanjong Pagar Road were bought for $4,250, two
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  • 1089 7 GENTLEMEN r. PLAYERS. The Players rq toned the game at the Oval, on Monday, the 6th ult., with an innings of 248 (Brockwell 55). On Tuesday, their opponents compiled 303, C. L. Townsend playing* long and carefully for 96, while Foster put on 72. The professionala were
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  • 424 8 The Commission appointing the Governor to be High Commissioner for the Malay Federated States is published in the Gazette. It was laid before Council yesterday. The Attorney-General thinks that it is useful that information should 44 dribble from the Government Gazette into the Straits Times We think
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  • 49 8 Cattle dealers at Bangkok are complaining that, owing to restriction placed on the purchase of cattle from the Ratburi, Soophan, and Pratoomtanee districts, they cannot fulfil their engagements with the Singapore dealers. ?soine of the exporters have been driven r buy even cows for export.
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  • 49 8 GOWANS, ALEXANDER CO. Messrs. Crane Bros, held a sale O 7 ma chinerv an<l house,' and the unfixed machinery fctoMpug to t IK* haukrupt firm of PCp/wans, Alexander A Co. The fixed r;^ V 1111(1 were withdrawn, mnching more than iii IoU T ot,!Gr pro P ertv Wi soW
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  • 688 8 S. C. C. AND REGIMENT. The final tie of the above Clyllenge Cup was played last night on the Esplanade, between the above teams, and before one of the largest crowds seen on the. Esplanade for a long time, the ladies, especially, turning up strong. The night
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  • 124 8 It is notified that the undermentioned Officers haw passed in subjects (c) (d) am l (<j) b>r promotion to Captain at the examination held in May, 1896:—Lieut. J. (r. M. atson, R.A., Distinguished in Organization and Equipment; Lieut. H. S Ainslie, 2nd North’d. Fusiliers, IHstinguished in Fortification. With
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  • 1913 8 (First Article.) THE SELECTION OF LAND. Let us choose to us judgment, let us know ourselves what is good. Job. man, intending to build a tower, sits down to count the cost lest, after I having laid the foundation, he is unable to complete it, so one
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  • 100 8 The Penang Municipality occn nr J Jetty Sheds there under from the Government, and the ij propose to allow the Board to for the present to supervise the of landing and shipping cargo at 4 Jetty Sheds. But, from the Ist Jan J 1897, the profits, after
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  • 107 8 The Gourrier d' Haiphong calls an* tion to the irritating and thwart* policy pursued by the Siamese author? ties towards the French Government« the border of the Mekong proving ceded to Franco. The Siamese autW rities in that quarter are said to s \m no consideration to
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  • 334 8 The directors, in their report for tbr six months ended March 31, state tin the revenue for the period amounted# £466,093, from which are deduct £99,151 for the ordinary expenses affi £33,955 for expenditure relating ft repairs and renewals of cables, h. j during the half-year.
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  • 27 8 The photographs taken j><* mony of unveiling the Queen in Hongkong ha' to Her Majesty, who gnir keep. Her Majesty was'OTf at the record of the proc
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  • 884 9 Hil HAY. 7-yi AUGUST. present. Governor, SIR Charles •i t thE ,/c.r.M.G. p jliu'Hrt'r: ttenUaiii, c.m.g., Colonial J. A Jfpoll v*>r, Attorney-General. job. L■ Auditor-General. 11 i .i.ii»ii ,r er, Colonial Treasurer. h mkI.tsoil Acting Colonial O P* L- M. Alibi* 011 j)- Urn Buou Kong. U absent.
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  • 493 9 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The annual report on Indian Immigration into the Straits Settlements in 1895 was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. Mr. A. W. S. O'Sullivan, the Acting Indian Immigration 1 Agent, signs the report. Mr. O’Sullivan finds the supply of Indian labour in the Straits is
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  • 79 9 A Mr P B. Smith has arrived at Bangkok with coal from a concession on the Bandon river m the Malay Peninsula. The coal is now being tested on the Paknam railway, lhe concession obtained by Mr I*. B. Srmth consists of 450 acres on a
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  • 1237 9 The observant eye of the Moralist noted a great change in Her Majesty the Queen of Siam between her first and her second visit to Singapore. On Her Majesty’s first visit, she wore the Siamese national costume. On Her Majesty’s second visit, she was attired in tlie
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  • 1239 9 (I la Rangoon.) Allahabad, 24th July. The Pioneer hears from Suakim that the Indian force has such strict orders to remain inactive that only reconnaissrfhccs on the smallest scale are*allowed, and even these are purely local. Lord Cromer has evidently set his face sternly against any diversion towards
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  • 1978 10 (Ith August.) TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, One statement has been made in the controversy now going on regarding the alleged attempts of the American Missionaries to proselytise which, if not contradicted, would he a great injustice to a gentleman with whom many
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  • 156 10 0he Governor will shortly journey to Tuhang. At the same time he will visit *he Sultans of Kelantan ana Trengganu. The action ol \he five professional? named in to-day’s te/;gram, in refusing to play for the old country against Australia, except tfl double pay, is deservedly a
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  • 33 10 The New Prye River Dock Company of Penang distributes a 3% dividend for the first half of this year. The balance to credit of profit and loss account came to $3,187.
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  • 36 10 The house of Mr. Go Wee Wat, 44, North Boat Quay, was broken into last night, and two hundred and three dollars’ worth of property stolen. Entrance was obtained from an empty house next door.
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  • 36 10 It is reported that, owing to representations made by Towkay Lok Yew. the Selangor Opium Farmer, the Selangor Government has reduced the rent of the farm by 53,500 for the current six months.
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  • 94 10 LYING RUMOUR.” There has been a rumour in the city that the steamer Nam Yung, belonging to Messrs. Wee Bin and Co., was so knocked about in the China Sea that fifty of her passengers were drowned, and the hulk finally towed in to Hongkong. This is all untrue. The
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  • 47 10 On Saturday night, Mr. Seah Liang Seat’s boy was trudging along Sirangoon Road, with a bag of copper money over his shoulder. He dropped the bag, the money was scattered, and picked a lot of it up, and ran away with it.
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  • 49 10 During the past week, the medicine man at the old gaol ground has been doing an enormous business, and several remarkable cures, it is said, have been effected. Several persons with impaired eyesight, and some with deafness, profess to have been entirely cured by the doctor.
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  • 51 10 Towards the latter end of last month, two Chinese prisoners, at the gaol, committed suicide by hanging themselves. A brother of one. of the men, who is also undergoing a term of imprisonment, attempted to shuttle off this mortal coil, but w r as discovered in
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  • 52 10 Ong Siang Kiat, a rent collector in the employ of Messrs. Crane, has surrendered himself to the Police. A warrant had been issued for his apprehension, it having been alleged against him that he had failed to account for sums amounting in all to a
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  • 63 10 Cock-fighting on Sundays is becoming fashionable in the neighbourhood of Noordin Lane, amongst the Manila men living in that locality, and this, as yet, seems to have the notice of the Police. The tights are carried out on the same lines as in Manila, with knives fastened to
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  • 64 10 A POLICE STATION WANTED. Robberies have been frequent of late at Tanjong Katong. Mr. Buttar, who resides at one of Mr. Dunman’s bungalows there, is the latest victim. The thieves have appropriated a watch and chain and other property belonging to him. There is no police
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  • 66 10 t typhoon w r hieh passed over lig at the end of last month more destructive than any preorm there since 1874. At its on the 29th July, the wind blew at tuc rate of 108 miles an hour. Much Amage is reported afloat and ashore, ai/i
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  • 70 10 Between noon onSaturday aud noon to-day, ten cases of cholera were reported. Five were discovered after death. Nearly all the ca3eswere Malays. There has been a sudden outbreak of cholera in the Rochort Division. A Chinaman, who had died ofoholera, was found in North Bridge ftoad, and, within
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  • 100 10 The Times of Ceylon hears that the Oriental Estates Company have just taken up a large block of land in St*angor for cultivation with Liberian coXee. The block amounts to 1,600 acres, ind they propose to open 500 acres in Liberian before the end of next
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  • 93 10 At a meeting of the Selangor Planters’ Association on the 18th instant, the Chairman (Mr. E. V. Carey) proposed, and Mr. R. Meikle seconded, a to procure an analysis of the port wine commonly sold in the bazaars, with the object of asking the Government to iml>osc
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  • 571 10 SATURDAY KVEXlWb ;o I It is about four years I recollect aright, when Sherwin passed through s;, m Rossini’s “Stabat Mater part of it, was given bv monic Society here. excerpts from the saine «k a m again presented seven very satisfactorily opinion, however, the soV^ J
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  • 84 10 A match was played, on k* 1 between the Singapore Golf the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, and by the latter on tlieir own butholes. Scores SINGAPORE GOLF SEPOY LI>1> CLUB. St ivon Of. Major Morg* Vade .s e Adamson 0 Dr. Fo fHon.J. M. Allin8on 5 Jj> ncs Dr.
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  • 374 11 CU >I) l>AV; S BOULTS- ?aTI ,;i>aLA^ t th f0) n our Correspondent.) #1 y„ i: TlIOKOUCH-BRKD 1896 Lot). ,,K vNl jC/O to Second Horse. tLx l«*ve mn in 4th Race 1st at .<11 A) 1° ar, y H St. if Fuzz Buzz lOst. 1 If i■ Hst.
    374 words
  • 102 11 A boat arrived at Pekan on the 3rd f frum Kuala Luit, bringing the of Mr. F. \V. Home, of the Development Company. Mr. tent up to the Bora in June, 1 connection with the Company’s business, and fell ill with ls descrilNHl as cholera about
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  • 148 11 of the agents of the ConX mers waR heldat the Exchange- V tu a M,, on the 1st inst.,toconsi-1 l ,os siLiIity and advisability of I it ■J* lfc rates of freight for homeward an( a fter some discus-1 Ur that homeward rates and the regular nwj
    148 words
  • 458 11 acheen news. LABOUR QUESTIONS. (1 ninslated, from various A^eu’spapers.) The Batavia A ieutrshktd, of the 27th July mentions that a Chinaman, who bad been compelled to join Tuku Umar had deserted to the Dutch. The deserter biought word that 1 mars men were fast leaving him, and that
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  • 65 11 THURSDAY’S RESULTS. CHAMPIONSHIP. Mrs. Murray beat Mrs. Lovell —2-1. j 8INGLK HANDICAP. Mrs. Napier beat Mrs. Somerville -2-0. Mrs. Adams scr. bpat Miss Fraser+2 2-1. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Waddell A Mr. D. P. MacDougall—5 beat Mr. Woodward A Mrs. Mere wet her scr. 2-0. Miss
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  • 48 11 MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Lovell and Mr. Doyle owe 15.3 beat Mrs. Jelley and Mr. Jelley rec. 15.1 2-1. Mrs. Adams and Mr. F. Salzmann, owe 1,1 beat Mrs. NapierandMr. Anthonisz scr. 2-0. Miss Gunn and Mr. McArthur, beat Miss Fraser and Mr. J. MacDougall 2-1.
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  • 153 11 (For the Far East) Per P. A O. s. s. Canton from London, July 11:— Mr. A. Gande. Per P. A O. s. s. Oceana 'from London, July 17:—Mr. H. T Haughton, Mr. W. Muir, Mr. A. Knight, Miss Brown, Rev, J. S. Matado, Rev. K. Mazarkawa, Mr.
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  • 1175 11 THE COLONIAL SECRETARY’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR. A TALE OF PROSPERITY. The report on the Straits Settlements for 1895, signed by the Colonial Secretary, is published in last weeks Government Gazette. FINANCIAL. The report sets forth that the revenue for 1895 amounted to $4,048,360, the three
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  • 1142 11 LAST YEAR’S FIGURES. STERLING AND DOLLAR INCREASES. SINGAPORE INCREASES. MR. J. A. SWETTENHAM’S VIEW’S. The Government Gazette publishes the annual report on 4,he Trade of the Straits by the Registrar of Imports and Exports. That report enters into elaborate details, and 'dves a wide view of
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    • 170 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —In your issue of the 5th inst., I notice that a denial is given to the perfectly correct statement published on the 30th ultimo to the effect that Mr. Frank Holley was in charge of. the lorses that 1 have
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    • 241 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir. In your issue of 10th July, the quotation in your produce column for Liberian coffee was 835.50 per picul, or some $7 below prices ruling at the end bf May. Weekly prices current, issued by Messrs. Rucker it Bcneraft,
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    • 352 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —When asking you to kindly correct a mis-statement in a paragraph relating to the shipment of race horses to Penang, that mis-state-ment being that Frank Holley’ was in charge, T hnd no idea it would cause such a flutter in
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    • 482 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE u STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,—We beg briefly to reply to your correspondent No Middlemen,” not with a view of discussing which are the best markets for Straits coffee, but to correct his statements. The following is taken from Sanderson <fc Co.’s Market
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    • 177 12 To THE EDITOR OF THE u STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, I do not know whether Mr. A. Holley" is authorized to write on behalf of his nephew, Mr. F. Holley, and I am not at all sure that the latter will voluntarily endorse his good uncle's assertions. What, however,
      177 words
  • 470 12 ARRIVALS. Per s.s. Reynst from Sourabaya:—Messrs. Koesing, Bonsch, Kiericqi, and Hubert. Per s. s. Chow Phya from Klang via ports —Mr. E. Hogg. Per 8. 8. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports—Messrs. Gunn, Buxton, Mrs. Calford and Miss Simpson. Per 8. s. Aglaia from Hamburg:—Mr. Veillon. Per B.s.
    470 words
    • 210 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—-steamer; sh.—ship bq.—barque Brit.—British U. S. United States Fr.—French Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch Job.- -Johore Ac., G.c., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. \V. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. 1).--Tanjong Pagar Dock II. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W. —Jardine's
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    • 1467 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Anjer Heail, Brit. str. 1,236 tons.’ Captain Stove! 1, 10th Aug. From Amoy, 1st Aug. G.c., and 342 d.p. Guthrie and Co. From Penang. U. —Rds. Be z wad a, Brit. str. 5,273 tons, Capt. Mitchell, Sept. 9th Aug. From Calcutta 35th July.
      1,467 words
    • 871 13 I Flag r TONB F Bail, d Consignees Ger str. 1504 Unruh Hoagkong July 26 Daendels and Co ess sssst ssasrsa* 01 |j> ES'im jaSSU™ ltttfSafft. Brit. str. 923 Scott Amov Julv 9F% Vfiir» i i r* 'l& Jiff “»*> Igotfkong UuJ ““L^neLYco. V" r 0I jc; *i» o*>
      871 words
    • 541 13 L i i i uil. Veil's Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination I i 4 Sultan Brit. str. i Chopard Bengkalis and Bagan 4 Pakhoi str. Stott Samarang 4 Pakan str. Bruce Muar 4 Ban Hin Guan str. Hendry Klang via ports 4 Bengkalis str. Casey Palembang 4 Kut Sang 9tr.
      541 words
    • 223 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED~FO&~ORimR8: Flag j Date From i Debtdc- Bi* Date. and Ships Name. Commander. of Where ation marks. Rio. i .Sailing. i July 29Brit. s.s. Manningtiy White 'Java Port Said f. o. 29Ned. s.s. Merapi Mink July 29'.Batavia Rotterdam 29 Fren s.s. Saint Pierre Bianchi Colombo
      223 words
    • 468 13 Name port probable date of arrival and name of agents Adour, Saigon, end of Aug. M. M. Aglaia, Hongkong, Sept. 20; Rautenberg. Argus, Calcutta, a’bt Aug. 9; McAlister. Australind, Fremantle, Sept. 7; Boustead. Bantam, Sourabaya, Aug. 23; Daendels. Bayern, Europe, Aug. 20; Behn Meyer. Bawean, Batavia, Aug 9;
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 704 12 HOW DID THE THIEF GEI> You wake up some morning an( j your watch, your purse, your best do? and other valuables. Yet neither 5JJ 1 any member of your family heard j J during the niglit. Neither is there*! of how the thief got into the house J what
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 382 13 THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The “Straits Budget* The price of the Straits Tithes is as follows: Daily issue per year 30 dollar*, do. do. copy 10 cents. Weekly do. year 18 dollars, uo. do. copy 40 cents. At these prices, the daily issue is delivered post free anywhere. On the weekly
      382 words
    • 585 13 COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Will relieve the most distressing cough, soothe the inflamed membrane, loosen the phlegm, and induce refreshing sleep. For the cure of Croup, W T hooping Cough, Sore Throat, and all the pulmonary troubles to which the yonng are so liable, there is
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      319 words
    • 260 14 THE HORSE REPOSITORY. SADDLERY DEPARTMENT. 'VJEW and second hand harness always An on hand, also, all kinds of saddles, bridles, martingales, Ac., Ac., Ac. New harness made on the premises. Neatness and quality guaranteed, prices moderate. H. ABRAMS. U.C. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. MR. ABRAMS has now ready for immediate use:
      260 words
    • 171 14 RUSHED FOOD. Tky it and you will be satisfied. I. R. BELILIOS bogs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at 34, Beliiios Road, is now opened. Crushed Food.. $3.20 bag, cash. Indian Oats $3.40 Bran $2.60 To be had at 19, Raffles Place, aud 104.
      171 words
    • 607 14 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE ORIGINAL old Wholesale by the Ppopi&etops, Worcester; 3ros »3 «i r Blackwell, Ltd., London an i Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. 1S NOW PR) HTED IN BLUE IHK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTBIZ>E WRAPPER of every Bottle of the WORCESTERSHIRE i Singapore Agents, JOHN LIETTLE CO. I
      607 words