The Straits Budget, 7 July 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 137 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” the Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 356 1 ITij’T »LI Ai> -,j Wife's Sister Bill. IV Dutch in Aehcen. \\r,Mating. lmmicration. G-man v. !.!>■ I'nrFi Presidency. TU Umiak Hill. AL quotations. >*•:; joe" News. List. ‘'ll. i Iig»*r> shot. ID- 'ijuail. Mavrnal De»***ir. 1.. .t I’haudu (’uses. Utters. N'*w Kivneh < ’onsul. Kijlilt'illH. Narrow
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  • 497 1 Singapore, 7th July, 1896. PRODUCE. Gambier, <.12L do Cube No 1, 11.35. do do No 2, 9.50. Copra Bali, 6.45. do Pontianak, 5.10. Pepper, Black, 10.00. Sago Flour, No 1, -.60. do No 2, ,,2.33. Pearl Sago, 3.45. Coffee, Bali, 34.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 35L Tapioca,
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  • 524 1 The mail for Em opt* this week leaves by the P. ami s. s. Kaiser- i-Hind. The P. and O. s. s. linrenna with the mail from Europe of the 12th June arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the M.
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    • 62 1 ho ml Oil. 29th June. A banquet has been given by leading merchants at Berlin to Li Hung-Chang. At the banquet. Dr. Von Boettieher, the German Secretary of State, made a speech dwelling upon the importance of Li H ung-Changs visit to Germany. Admiral Hollmann, of the Imperial
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    • 21 1 The steamer Arab has left Capetown with mounted infantry and artillery for Fort Salisbury in Mashonaland, via Beira.
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    • 16 1 The Italian Government is recalling a number of its troops from Africa.
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    • 58 1 DEMOCRATIC SPLIT ON SILVER. London. 20th June. The Democratic Party in the United States are deeply divided on the silver question. Mr. Whitney, one of their leaders, declares that the adoption of free silver coinage in the programme of the Democratic National Convention at Chicago will
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    • 37 1 Mr. Chamberlain announces that the Government intends to keep the garrison of the Cape at its lull strength, and that hence a battalion of the King's Royal Rifle Corps lias been ordered to the Cape.
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    • 24 1 So far, twenty whites have been murdered and fifty-nine killed, wounded, or missing in Mashonaland. since the revolt broke out there.
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    • 19 1 The Deceased Wife’s Sister Marriage Bill has passed through Committee in the House of Lords.
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    • 21 1 Li Hung-Chang is now at #Essen as the guest of Herr Krupp, the proi>rietor of the iron works there.
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    • 51 1 ]joiuloi t, Ist July. Mr. McKinley, the Republican candidate lor the United States Presidency, has delivered a speech on the currency question. In this speech, Mr. McKinley declares that he fully accepts the gold currency plank of the platform adopted by the Republican National Convention at St.
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    • 58 1 HIS TOUR IN ENGLAND. HE IS TO C.O TO HATFIELD. London, 2nd July It is announced that Li HungChang will visit Hatfield, the country seat of Lord Salisbury, and will also inspect the works of the Messrs. Armstrong at Elswick. Li Hung-Chang will visit Portsmouth, where one-hundred and
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    • 42 1 The Chamber of Deputies at Rome has passed a vote of confidence in the Cabinet. The Premier, the Marquis di Rudini, stated that it was necessary for Italy to retain Kassala to safeguard her rightful interests in the Egyptian question.
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    • 16 1 Ti ic House of Commons has read for the third time, the Agricultural Rating Bill.
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    • 13 1 Australia has beaten Yorkshire at cricket by one hundred and forty runs.
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    • 29 1 Lotulon \Wd July. Mr. G. N. Curzon, the Under-Secre-tary of State for Foreign Affairs, states that parleying continues regarding the French claim to establish a protective tariff’in Madagascar.
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    • 33 1 In the House of Commons, a resolution authorising an outlay of three millions sterling for the construction of the Uganda Railway has been carried by a majority of two hundred.
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    • 6 1 Fighting continues in Western Crete
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    • 54 1 LAUNCH OF A BATTLESHIP. London, July. The Emperor William, at the launching of the German battleship Emperor Frederick said that this vessel would be the forerunner of many other battleships of the same class. The Emperor declared that this would inaugurate a new era in the history
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    • 22 1 Li Hung-Chang has visited Cologne where he was received by the Burgo master, and by the leading merchants and manufacturers.
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    • 20 2 TCKKISII REVERSE. The insurgents in Crete have repulsed the Turks. The Turks lost two hundred killed and three guns.
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    • 30 2 FRIENDLIES Sl’Sl'EC TED. London, 6th July. Yesterday, the friendlies at Buluwayo showed such restlessness as to arouse fears of their becoming disaffected. Numbers of white settlers are quitting Matabeleland.
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    • 56 2 THE GOLD DEMOCRATS. In the choice of candidate for the United States Presidency by the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, it is believed that a dark horse will win. The gold faction at the Convention maintain reserve, in the hope of gaining something from the present
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    • 99 2 OlUKCT OF HIS MISSION. JJ Hung-Chang has received I he Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle, set in diamonds. At a banquet at Cologne, it was announced on Li Hung-Chang s behalf, that he hoped his visit to Germany would not arouse unjustified expectations. It
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    • 23 2 OUTBREAK OF ('IIoLEUA. Cholera has broken out anion*; the Egyptian troops at Wady-Haifa, with twenty six eases and nine deaths.
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  • 18 1 DEATH. o th. 4 General Hospital, Singapore, on knight •>: Wednesday, 1st July, Peatk ,1 4 Masters, age<l 42.
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    • 198 2 (Straits Times 30th June.) The Deceased Wife’s Sister Bill has passed through Committee of the House of Lords. That is a welcome fact, for we may now have some confidence that the Bill will become law. In announcing, last Wednesday, that the Bill had been
      (Straits Times, 30th June.)  -  198 words
    • 186 2 (Straits Times 30th June.) The Australian Directors of the Raub Gold Mining Company are averse to the go-ahead proposal of the Singapore Directors to increase the milling power to one hundred stamps. It is evident also that a large and influential portion of the Australian shareholders are averse ty
      (Straits Times, 30th June.)  -  186 words
    • 397 2 (Strait* Times Ist July.) The victory of the Dutch forces in Ac been on Monday last at Anakgulung isofmort* importanccthanappears on the surface. Of late, the main difficulty with the Dutch commanders there lay in bringing the Achinese to a general engagement. l T p to
      (Strait* Times, Ist July.)  -  397 words
    • 629 2 (Straits Times 2nd July.) It will be seen from our Municipal report that the Singapore Municipality will probably buy from the liquidator of the Tanjong Pagar Land Company about 136,000 square feet of ground at thirty-five cents a foot. That should amount, roughly speaking, to $47,000. When
      (Straits Times, 2nd July.)  -  629 words
    • 244 2 (Straits Times 6rd July.) The Indian Immigration Commission appointed by the Government has reported in a way calculated to give satisfaction to the planting interest. The Commission emphatically dwells Upon the high importance of agriculture in the development of the Colony and the Native States. That development is
      (Straits Times, 6rd July.)  -  244 words
    • 327 2 (Straits Times 4th Jvh/.) The launch of an additional battleship for the German Navy has given the Emperor William another opportunity for emphasising the naval needs of Germany. The Emperor has ever taken keen interest in tin* German Navy, and has always supported the demands for increased naval expenditure,
      (Straits Times, 4th Jvh/.)  -  327 words
    • 260 2 (Straits Times 6th July.) The Republican party in the United States stands now on a high tariff and gold standard platform with Mr. McKinley as Presidential candidate. Mr. McKinley commands immense popularity as a thoroughgoing Protectionist and. with a gold plank in the party platform, his
      (Straits Times, 6th July.)  -  260 words
    • 312 2 J (Straits Times 6th July,) A Bill, tobeintroduoed into the Legislative Council next Thursday, seeks to scttlethe vexed Burial question, so far as jt a fleet st he eipal limits. Under the ’"O control of burial and within and without Mi mu.; laid upon the n" 1 '‘Si
      J(Straits Times, 6th July,)  -  312 words
    • 43 2 THE GRAFTS.” Ukak-Ahmikal Charles L mA s»*cond in conunnnd on the China tiou, hoisted liis ling on the cruiser, Captain E. I*. Jones at ness, mi Gt 1 1 June. The (jrafr lothJiiiii-fnrl'lur *'“'BBS tlie place ul the cnu*cr.‘ W. If. Henderson. H
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    • 285 2 (From fh*' Times of I b,„d„n, Mh J' 1 A further despatch from the TraiH Government affirms that the reeeiit j patches urging the prosecution j Cecil Rhodes were animated bynoM spirit, the Transvaal Government ri 1 desiring to co-operate with Gr»*at \> j in promoting peace and
      (From fh*' " Times of I  -  285 words

  • 600 3 has Been arran K°d A Liiykx, of Messrs, j A CV. ami Mdlle. L. van j i*|,. sT daughter of the late j f V- r r/,M 1 V ;,n Oosterzee, Dutch vv ;iii'l niece ot Mr. J. J. p^ 1 1 tiiiir Consul-General for u a!
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  • 38 3 arrival tra, }JP or t s.s. St. Peters- ri U)on U ui° m Hank ow on Sunday atd lpf t f 1 a r car S° of 6,800 tons of oin 11 Odessa, yesterday, at
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  • 36 3 At the final Levee of the season held by the Prince of Wales, on the Ist instant, at St. James’s Palace, Sir W. Maxwell, k. c. m. g., was among those who attended.
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  • 33 3 THE RESIDENT'S CUP.” Tin: Resident of Selangor has intimated his intention ofgivinga Challenge op -to be called 44 The Resident’s up. to be shot tor annually by member of the Selangor Rifle Association.
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  • 39 3 Iwo tiger cubs have been shot bv Chinese at the ninth mile stone on the Bukit 1 imali Road. The first, a very pretty specimen, was killed on Saturday. and the other on the following day.
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  • 39 3 THE COTTAGE.” The Perak Pioneer understand that, for the future, the 44 Cottage” on the laiping Hills is to be considered as one of the residences of the ResidentGeneral, and no one else may occupy it without his permission.
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  • 39 3 Lord Sei.borne (Undcr-Soerotarv for th<* (doiiies) and Mr. G. \V. Murray (oi the Treasury) have been appointed British delegates to the Colonial Office Conference, which is about to be held to consider the Pacific Cable scheme.
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  • 39 3 THE GRAFTON.” The Grafton 12. 7,350 tons, 12,000 horse power. Captain E. P. Jones, flagship of Rear-Admiral C. L. Oxley, the newly-appointed second in command of the China station, was to sail from Chatham on st-h instant for China.
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  • 46 3 Di king the squall on Sunday morning a large flame pf the forest tree at the the junction of Brass Bassa Road and Queen Street was uprooted and fell in Queen Street. The tree was promptly cut up and carried away by Municipal coolies.
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  • 46 3 A Chinese lady, named Leo Tung Hee, went last night to sleep? at* the house of her mother-in-law in -Short Street. This morning she reports to the police that her maternal relation, her twoyear old baby, and the little sum of 5*170 are missing.
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  • 44 3 The Editors of the Shanyiuii Mercury have published a signed apology in that journal, for inserting in its columns letters reflecting upon a convent there. The apology withdraws all imputations in these letters, and expresses regret for the insertion of the letters.
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  • 48 3 About the middle of this month, a great earthquake took place at Kameishi in North Japan. There were 150 shocks in twenty hours. A tidal wave followed, which extended along seventy miles of coast and drowned about ten thousand persons. Many towns were also destroyed.
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  • 62 3 A Golf Driving Competition, held at Penang on the 23rd instant, resulted in a win for the Captain of the Club, Mr. W. N. Dow. Mr. Dow’s drives were: 182 yds.,lB9|yds., 189 yds. Total 560 j yds. The next best single drive was 187 yds. by Mr.
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  • 50 3 On Saturday, a match was played between two teams styled, respectively, Perambulators v. Etceteras. The former scored 84 in their first innings, Eric Maxwell being top scorer with 20. The other side only put on 46, of which Brownlie wa£ responsible for2l. Woodroffe took five wickets for 11 runs.
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  • 46 3 Mr. Trotter, Postmaster-General, charged Chi Hang, Hokien, before Mr. Saunders, on Saturday, with importing twenty-eight unstamped letters into the Colony the previous day. The prisoner was convicted, and fined Si00 or six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment; half of the fine to go to the informer.
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  • 60 3 By the mail yesterday, official advices were received from Paris that Mr. Charles Albert Pinard, French Consul at Adrianople, Turkey, has been promoted to be French Consul at Singapore in the place of the late M. Joel le Savoureux. Ife is not yet known when M.
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  • 89 3 SINGAPORE V. SELANGOR. We have received a telegram from Kuala Lumpor this morning announcing that the golf match, between a team representing Singapore and four of the Selangor golfers, has ended in a draw. The Singapore team consisted of Mr. J. B. Robertson (Capt.), Hon. J. M. Allinson, Mr.
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  • 67 3 At Punjoni, during May, milling was carried on during 26 days, crushing 1,000 tons, yielding 442 ozs. of melted gold. Calcining was carried on during 2$ days, treating 42 tons of concentrates, yielding 75 oz. of melted gold. At the Cyanide Work**, the clean-up from 610 tons of clean
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  • 71 3 In a lane, leading into Tank Road, a European, on Saturday afternoon, narrowly escaped from being gored to death by an infuriated cow. The cow, it appears, had but recently calved, and had broken loose from its stable. The owner trying to entice it hack again, the
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  • 75 3 It is not often that a Chinese wedding is to be seen at St. Andrew's Cathedral, but such a wedding did take place this morning. The bridegroom was a Teoehew planter from’Johore,' and the bride, a Cantonese woman. They are both converts of the Church of England,
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  • 84 3 Mu. Scully has arrived from Penang to assume duties as Senior Usher of the Police Couo, in place of the late Mr. Watkins. It was intended to promote Mr. Eber. the second clerk oftlie Court of Requests to be senior usher and to reduce the salary of
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  • 75 3 The Nippon Yusen Kaisha lias increased its capital by 13.200,000 yen, making the total 22,000,000 yen. The Company’s new rates on the European line, as accepted by the Conference, were, it is said, to come into force at once, commencing with the Pat moral which was to
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  • 283 3 H. M. S. PINAFORE." The combined Willard Opera Companies, under the direction of Mr. Clifford Willard, opened a short season at the Town Hall last night. The reputation of most of the thirty artistes, whose names are already familiar to Singapore, could not fail to drawalargeaudience
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  • 45 3 It was at first decided that the capital for the railway to be built from Pekin to Canton should be furnished exclusively by Chinese, but it has since been agreed that foreigners may also subscribe capital on the same terms as natives.
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  • 55 3 HEAVY FIXES. A Hylam, Way Ah Tong, was fined •S44U, or six months* rigorous imprisonment, on Saturday, for being in possession of illicit chandii, valued at $44, on Johnston’s Pier, on the 26th instant. Teo Hong, Hokien, for a like offence, the value of the cliandu seized
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  • 65 3 Ix a tent lately put up in Albert Street, near the W aterloo Street, end, for giving a variety show, the opening performance on Saturday night was put a stop to, owing to the explosion ol two korosine lamps, such as are used in circuses. Happily, no one
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  • 129 3 Planters, on the lookout for cheap land, should get a report on the coffee plantations of Mexico, prepared by Mr. F. Stronge, Secretary of the British Legation, and issued by tin; Foreign Office. Mr. Stronge writes very encouragingly. He tells us that 250 acres of suitabb* land
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  • 271 3 THE HANDICAPS. 150 yards Hat race, Ist heat: —F. Dennys (5 yarns), Lt. Wild (6 yds.), Lt. Dawson (i yds.), E. Maxwell (11 yds.), G. P. Steven (11 yds.), W. A. Cadell (14 yds.), M. Uodos (16 yds.); 2nd heat: H. A. E. Thompson (ser.),
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  • 275 3 The defaulting storekeeper of Messrs. Belm Meyer Co. was on Wednesday last committed for trial at the next Penang Assizes. Khoo Swi Bock was charged with: (1) that on or about loth January, as a servant in the employment of Messrs. Behn Meyer Co., in such capacity
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  • 228 3 H. M. S. ÆOLUS A CONSULAR BLIGHT. H. M. S. jEotus, which is conveying to the Cocos Islands the annual Commissioner sent there by the Singapore Government, (Mr. *Keyser of Jclebu) left Batavia on the morning of the 20tli June to pursue her journey to Christmas Island, and thence to
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  • 111 3 Ox Sunday night in response to a general invitation by Messrs. Adrian and Louis D’Cotta, there was a large gathering of the public on t the grounds of Carolina Cottage, Tanjong Katong, winch were prettily decorated with flags and banners, and lighted with Japanese lanterns, on
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  • 395 3 Frr/.n the Time* of Ceylon”) Lon Jon, 18/A June. At a banquet at the Mansion House to bankers and merchants, Sir M. Hicks-Beach made a speech, in which he said the gigantic fabric of British credit was based on the gold standard, and he believed the vast majority
    ( Frr/.n the “ Time* of Ceylon”)  -  395 words

  • 1034 4 Via Australia.) MR. CHAMBERLAIN ON COMMERCIAL UNION. Mr. Chamberlain,.the Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaking on the 8th June, at the Congress of the Associated Chambers of Commerce, made another important speech on the subject of a commercial union of the
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  • 531 4 P. O. MEETING. Tiie half-yearly general meeting of this company was held on Friday, 5th June, Sir Thomas Sutherland, M. P., presiding. The Chairman observed that there had been an increase in their passenger traffic on*all their linos without any exception. With reference to their freight department, they had been
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  • 29 4 The Singapore Volunteer Artillery has accepted a challenge from the Selangor Rifle Association for a friendly match at shooting, on the 25th or 26th July ndxt.
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  • 4160 4 TWENTY MORE STAMPERS SANCTIONED. The fifth general meeting of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Limited, was held on the 22nd May, at the registered office of the company, Cheek-street, Brisbane. About 140 share-holders were present, personally or by proxy. This
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  • 140 5 A telegram to a Bangkok paper says that Spain will send 100.000 more troops to Cuba between August and January. A Chinese infant fell into a duck pond at the ~>h milestone, Serangoon Road, yesterday afternoon, and was drowned. A bullock, with six legs, is being exhibited
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  • 33 5 The printing of the new Japanese stamps issued to eomnicmorate the war with China has just been completed. They are to be issued on September 1 lit 1 1 next.
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  • 36 5 For the past week or two. says a correspondent, tights between Chinese, Klings, and Malays have occurred almost daily in the neighbourhood of Albert Street. The disturbances generally take place at about *2 p.m.
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  • 37 5 THE DIOMED.” The master of the„ British steamer ItiuMwl, which arrived yesterday from Jeddah with 71* pilgrims on board, reports that, during the voyage, seventeen deaths, from small-pox, occurred m hoard. The steamer is now in quarantine.
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  • 43 5 A Taiciikw, named hew Tye llok. was arrested on board the s. s. Chu-n Shuti, yesterday morning, for being in possession of illicit chandu, valued at >110. During the day, the prisoner was lined $500, or one year’s rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 46 5 Owing to frequent mutilations of the journals at the Library, a notice has oeen posted to the effect that all journals will in future he kept in the •lerk s room, and *****-subscribers, wi.-li-mg to read them, will have to give name and address.
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  • 70 5 A soldier was caught bathing in the liigh service reservoir at one o’clock this morning. He was arrested by the Sikh Aatehman, and will be charged with the >ff*enco. Two Japanese women wore seated on a seat in the grounds at the time. The man said
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  • 60 5 A Variety Company,, consisting mostly of Japanese artistes, gave a successful performance last night in Albert Street, near the end of Waterloo Street, f here was a crowded house, the audience being composed mostly ot Eurasians and natives. In place of the Jkirsee Theatre Company, which is about
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  • 61 5 The new Chinese postal service is making headway and the Government are, says tlie Mercury, beginning to abolish their old system of overland courier services throughout the empire, by doing away first with one half of the men and horses engaged in the service's. This will mean
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  • 146 5 H. M. S. PORPOISE.” As in the case of H. M. S. Centurion the crew of the Porpoise, now in Singapore, are not so happy as they might be made. In the last commission, the Porpbise was noted for being one of the best ships on the China station, so
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  • 100 5 HEAVY ACHIXE8E LOSS. Telegraphic advices received in Singapore, to-day, report that on Monday last, (29th June) the Dutch troops surprised an Achinese stronghold at Anakgalung, and fought a severe action there. The enemy fled, leaving one hundred and twelve dead behind. Among the slain are
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  • 100 5 Ox the Ist of June, a new departure was made, says a correspondent, at Tanglin with the Fusiliers, which does not altogether please tlie men of the regiment. In the afternoon, in addition to 1 lis pi»it of tea and bread, which is termed a supper,
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  • 99 5 Mu. John Ferguson w riles to the** to point out that there is no fear of over-production in coflee. There lias been a falling-off in the production of coffee within British dependeneiosduring the last sixteen or eighteen years from I,7O<UJOO to 100,000 cwts. Brazil has maintained, and even
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  • 122 5 A mokiex, named Wee AJi Seng, undergoing a term of imprisonment, was charged before Mr. Blngden, yesterlay, with making a false charge to the Acting Inspector of Prisons, concerning Warder Martin. Mr. VSullivan apt reared to prosecute. The ui'joner accused the Warder of having struck him with
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  • 288 5 From our Correspondent.) Kuala Pilah 25th Jane. Mr. Da Pra, late Manager of the Batu Bersawah Gold Mining Co., arrived here two days ago with Mr. Ragano. The latter is suffering from a bad attack of fever, and will remain in Kuala Pilah for some time before*
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  • 44 5 The Hongkong Electric Company, on the 20th instant, passed the report and accounts for 1895, which show’ed a profit of $24,000, against $8,858 in 1894. The Chairman, Mr. H. L. Dalryrnple, noted the steadily increasing nature of the Company’s business.
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  • 313 5 “the lady slavey. n The performance of the Musical Comedy, “The Lady Slavey,” by the Willard Opera Company afforded plenty of amusement to, and was much appreciated by, a goodly audience at the Town Hall last night. Take a crowd of hungry creditors, an impecunious Irish
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  • 443 5 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The following is the report of the. directors of the above Company for presentation to the shareholders at the sixth ordinary general meeting to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 2, Prince Street, Singapore, on Saturday, 11th July,
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  • 185 6 SINGAPORE V. SELANGOR. As announced yesterday, the golf match at Kuala Lumpor, between a team of Singapore players ffnd the representatives of Selangor, resulted in a draw. This morning, we have received a further telegram giving details. From this it appears that: J. Glassford beat J. B. Robertson, Bup.
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  • 607 6 CONTRACT Sl’EED ANI) ECONOMY. L\ a letter to Mr. Hanbury, Secretary to the Treasury, dated May 11, fchr John Long, m.p., referring to the newpostal contract tor India and the har East, expresses disappointment that the lowest speeds for which tenders have been asked are thirteen and a
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  • 1330 6 RECRUITING LOCALLY.” GOVERNOR AND THE COLONIAL BECBETARY DIVERGE. A PARALLEL. Those who read the discussion in Committee of Council last Thursday, on the Municipal Bill, must have been struck with the game of cross-purposes that the Governor and the Colonial Secretary seemed to be playing as regards the leave and
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  • 453 6 AN IMPORTANT ELECTRIC INSTALLATION. A contract for tin* installing of electric lights in 11 to Sultan of Colic's new place at Tinggaron, Dutch Borneo, has )>een marie with Messrs. Bagnall and Ililles, Kleetrieal Engineers and (-outractors. their Head office at Yokohama, Japan. The palace is a
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  • 1115 6 OXFORD UNIVERSITY V. THE AUSTRALIANS. Oxford made a good beginning on their own 2round on Monday, June Ist, compiling a total of 237. On Tuesday, despite the five bowlers tried on behalf of the University, the Colonials were not dismissed until their innings yielded 308 runs. On
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  • 1130 6 f J:,IU 1 hill sof ('ey!'nl. Sir,—l have just been on a an old Ceylon coffee planter spreading the Overland Tiroes 'of c 1 there, I saw a letter from \i P '3? Carey, dated 6th May, 1896. Althii my name
    f J:,IU •' 1 hill sof ('ey!'nl.  -  1,130 words

  • 80 7 from Achcen report that !n;a laken up positions at a place idled 1. "ii- near the soasln»rc. r l here, dr '■•••iiiese hold many forts from which they regularly lire upon the nit‘ii-ol-\var in the neighbourhood. Lqxinsr lias alreadv been bombarded I vtmi- mmvI toms ami ao expedition ag.uust
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  • 148 7 1HK lam,trial A CO* of the .">tll ilist.. -G- -Lava furnishes a capital object "°n with regard to the disadvantages firtitious standard of value. The v ’i o Ionics arc kept on a gold basis, ’li** result, among others, that > consiilerablc quantity of very w
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  • 168 7 he correspondence is published r,; r David Sassoon, who comatiK d u ;i recent memorial that sevealk-’\ lUln ,Ui *rehants in China had h,) lal fX t'*nsive thefts of opium Indi/ M< ,lried 011 being shipped from Tin-1* a, V* le Indian Government. itj s >n °f Revenue,
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  • 401 7 A regular deaefset is being made at the burglar. Science Sifting* gives an account of the new anti-burglar device: “The electric light, it says, gave him a fatal blow when it took away his cloak of darkness, and electricity lias been following him relentlessly with even more efficient
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  • 331 7 ILK. the Governor and party are leaving some time this week in the Sea Unite for a trip to Malacca. The three months during which the Municipal Commissioners decided to :li«eontimu\ as an experiment, the fire alarm guns expired yesterday. W hat do the Commissioners propose to
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  • 27 7 The entries for the Penang (’racket Huh tennis tournament, to come off shortly, are said to he very satisfactory, and interesting competitions arc expected.
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  • 35 7 It is reported that Mr. J. F. Lamb lias been appointed Secretary of the Penang Turf Club. Tin* Committee of the ’lull intend to hold a general meeting to confirm the appointment.
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  • 37 7 Cion Ah Jah, a Hokien, was fined $lO, yesterday, or fourteen days* rigorous imprisonment, for importing into the Colon}* seven bottles of brandy, valued at $7. The prisoner was arrested in Keppc! Road, on Tuesday.
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  • 34 7 The total length of railway lines throughout the Japanese Empire, including both Government and private railways, will he more than 6.000 miles shortly. Applications for new lines are constantly being sent in.
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  • 41 7 There have of late been considerable thefts of live timber from plantations at Pasir Panjang. Very early this morning. Inspector Ballard was on the watch, and succeeded in arresting five Chinamen in the act of felling the timber.
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  • 42 7 It is mmouredat Bombay that, during August or September next, sixteen or seventeen vessels will be chartered by the Government of India for the conveyance to Suakin of an additional Indian expeditionary force of five or six thousand men.
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  • 45 7 Xg Ti. a Hokien, on seeing a basket containing tobacco leaves, at the entrance of a shop in North Bridge Road, on Tuesday, picked it up. and was walking off when he was arrested. 11c was sentenced to three months* rigorous imprisonment, yesterday.
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  • 41 7 Ski.angor is not free from tiger depredations, though no human life has been endangered recently. The brutes have been giving trouble at Cheras and Ulu Langat. Numerous attempts by the European community towards their extermination have proved fruitless.
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  • 49 7 Trade in Teluk Anson k> caul to be almost paralysed. Shopkeepers are complaining of loss of custom owing to the decrease of population. The decrease the* is only among the boatmen who, in the olden days, earning good wages, were always the best customers to local tradesmen.
    49 words
  • 54 7 The mining land in the l lu Langat district is described, says the Perak Pioneer a* only moderately rich, and several mining centres have failed. It is said that the Government must sooner or later make up its mind to depend inaiply on agriculture for this
    54 words
  • 63 7 Tiie Ipoll Club is being enlarged. No chits are allowed in the Club, says the Perak Pioneer owing to certain long outstanding accounts. Members have now to deposit &> to account. This is an excellent rule for some of the defaulters, but it is rather
    63 words
  • 65 7 Sekiovs crime is on the increase in the District of Lower Perak, probably owing to so many boatmen being thrown out of work. The District Magistrate of Lower Perak has put up a flag over his ollice, which is hoisted when he is at work there and taken
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  • 91 7 For seven or eight years past no note has been taken of the import of gold bullion and coins in Japan, remarks a Japanese contemporary, but during April .and May last seven million yen worth of gold has been received, which is understood to be part
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  • 70 7 1 All the German ships and some of the foreign ships in the harbour are decorated to-day in honour of the marriage of Captain Mulilenbein of Messrs. Hartwig A Co. to Miss Clara Tutein, the only child of Mr. Tutein of Messrs. Hammer Co., and one of the
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  • 70 7 Mr. Noel Trotter has applied for three months’ vacation leave and twelve months’ leave of absence, and he will go home in September. On his departure, Mr. C. A. M. Johnston, it is said, will come from Penang to act as Postmaster General. Mr. Johnston is expected
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  • 85 7 Mr. Mac Master, engineer in charge of the new Municipal filter beds in Bukit Timah Hoad, died of dysentery at half-past eleven o'clock last night, at tlie General Hospital, whither he had only been removed three hours before, He had been ailing some days. Mr. Mac
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  • 103 7 A cask of kidnapping a girl, aged 9 years, with which one Gow Tan is charged, was before the Court of two Magistrates yesterday. It appears that the prisoner brought the child from Batavia, and, on the passage to Singapore, the girl was continually crying, and it
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  • 117 7 Two Taichews were arrested on board the s. s. ('hvn Sima on Tuesday, for being in possession of seven tins ol illicit ehandu, valued at &800. One prisoner was discharged the other was fined $5OO, or one year’s rigorous imprisonment. Hi Ah Long, a Macao, was arrested
    117 words
  • 344 7 We (Whisky Trade lievien) haw tasted during the past fortnight (April 1896) a sample of Buchanan's Mouse of ('ominous Scotch whisky, named, we presume, owing to the whisky* having been supplied regularly to the refreshment bars of the British Mouse of Commons. The name is legion now of
    344 words
  • 442 7 THE “PIRATES OF PENZANCE.” It was pleasant to renew acquaintance with tlie characters of this opera, produced by the Willard Opera Company at the Town Hall last night. It was interesting as affording an opportunity of comparison with the production recently undertaken by amateurs, and it was
    442 words
  • 142 7 The number of immigrants that, arrived from China, during the month of June, totalled 11,.‘i44, there being twenty-five steamers engaged in the traffic. In the returns, 4,103 are given as coming from Amoy, 3,136 from Swatow, and 4,100 from Hongkong; but of the latter number, fully one
    142 words
  • 179 7 Mu. J. Lloyd •Wharton, M.P., presided on the 2nd June at a council meeting of the Central and Associated Chambers of Agriculture, held at the Society of Arts, Adelphi. hi the course of a discussion on the desirability of establishing national granaries, Mr. Yerburgli,M.P.,said it was advisablethat
    179 words

  • 1200 8 NOTES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS IN SINGAPORE. (By a Jxr/Jy Correspondent.) Motto for tbe wee*k The wisest habit of all is the hahit of care in the formation of gooei habits.” HOW TO MAXAOE OX SMALL INCOMES. What the minimum limit of income is, at which it is possible for
    1,200 words
  • 107 8 A SUCCESSFUL RUSE. Yesterday, a woman, living in a Chinese disorderly house*, came* te> the* Police Station and e*omplaine*d that two samsengs had demanded money from her on pain e>f having her house* burnt down. Su|H*rinte'ne!e-nt Be*ll marked twenty dollars in notes, and arranged for her
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  • 111 8 The monthly Government sale of opium took place at Calcutta yesterday, and telegraphic advices report that a considerable rise in prices was the feature of the sale. Benares sold for Rs. 1,330 per chest and Patna for R 5.1,300, this being unusual, inasmuch as the former drug generally rules
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  • 286 8 Ix a recent issue, we quoted a paragraph from a home paper giving some figures regarding the coaling of a steamer at the Alexandra dock, Cardiff. The vessel, the A/goa, had taken on board 11,671 tons of cT)al and coke in 43 hours. Of course, most of this
    286 words
  • 1172 8 SINGAPORE v. SELANGOR. Kuala Lumpur Tuesday. Messrs. Robertson, Allinson, Adamson, and Ainslie. the team sent by the Singapore Golf Club to represent them in a match against Selangor, arrived at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday evening, having travelled to Klang by the s. s. Hye Ijeong. The match was played
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  • 204 8 In the House of Commons, oh the Ist June, Sir H. Vincent asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the German Government had, with the assent of the Prussian Parliament, greatly increased the large bounties heretofore granted upon tlie manufacture of German sugar, particularly on
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  • 289 8 (Via Rangoon.) Simla. 20th Jane. It is stated here on very reliable authority that Her Majesty’s sixtieth year of sovereignty will be celebrated with much eclat in England next year, and that a large pageant of Indian chiefs will be cordially invited to attend. It is extremely probable
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  • 1419 8 A meetixg of the Munich M *ion was held ywi,.! |ial(> J There were present- m sident), Mr. Shelford c«\. Mr. Seali Liang Seah Mr‘’u r sB H» r Mr. >l..,** Jiak Kim. Letters nm, ,r lilv to attend Colonel Peiuiefather and Mr'j* hxaxck. f S9 The
    1,419 words

  • 34 9 lHjr o,n °rtality returns for a w. :1 hh the 27th June 0 <J 2 deaths, of which Wditn eo^ 11 for 149 Malays 32; f 4 Cholera caused five The ratio
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  • 319 9 Mr. Shelford has made a valuable suggestion to the Government, and it is to be hoped that the Government] will fully consider that suggestion. The[ proposal is that the Government should consent to have their property assessed tor Municipal purposes, or, that] in respect ot that property
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  • 90 9 A telegram has been received in Singapore announcing the loss oft the steamer Anehitte*. No further particulars are yet to hand. The vessel, which oriuinallv belon<7e 1 t<> Messrs. Holt, was sold To Messrs. Soon Ann oft Penang, and was engaged in the rice
    90 words
  • 136 9 A Kling lad w as charged before Mr. Blagden, "yesterday, with cheating in respect of fifty cents. It appears that tin* lad went to a fruit-seller, in North Bridge Road, the previous evening, and bought a couple of durians, for which he tendered a roll of
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  • 173 9 ALLEGED ROBBERY AND ATTEMPTED MURDER. A remarkable story came to the ears of the Police last night. A Chinese lad, named Yong Poh, aged 16, reported that at five o’clock that evening he hirecfc a sampan, No. 1,214, to go on board a ship in
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  • 834 9 FIRST DAY, JULY 2ND, The annual athletic sports of the S. C. C. commenced yesterday on the Esplanade. Though it must be confessed there was nothing on the card of eight events that promised any performances of exceptional interest, the crowd was as large as
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  • 39 9 Two Chinese boys quarrelled yesterday afternoon while playing pitch and toss, and one stabbed the other under the arm with a broken bottle. The lad was severely injured, and had to be taken to the hospital.
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  • 1151 9 The Commissioners appointed by the I Straits Government to inquire into the question of Indian Immigration into the Colony and its Dependent Native States have sent in their Report, which ’was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. The report, is signed by the Commissioners: the Hon. A. M.
    1,151 words
  • 459 9 ANNUAL COMPETITION. (From Our Correspondent. In the presence of a goodly number of critical spectators, the Selangor Fire Brigade held their fourth annual Competition Drills on the afternoon of Saturday and Monday last. The following gentlemen nominally officiated, and, although certain of them were not present
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  • 48 10 The Austro-Hungarian Budget for 1895 includes provision for promoting the commercial interests of AustroHungary by the establishment of permanent Consulates at Hongkong and Singapore. In view of the recent development of events in the Far East, the cost of an independent legation in Pekin is also included.
    48 words
  • 75 10 During the calender year 1897, not more than .‘>9,000 chests of Bengal opium will be offered for sale at Calcutta, and not more than 3,250 chests in each month of the year. Of the quantity to be offered for sale each month, not more than 1,625 chests will
    75 words
  • 112 10 The amount of the Japanese Government bonds purchased by London capitalists last year and this, through the medium of the London branch of the Shokin Oinko, is not less than 1,450,000 yen, in addition to a large amount held by clients of the foreign banks at
    112 words
  • 149 10 Lee Ah Choon, who lives in a little lane off Hill Street, started for Tanjong Pagar this morning with a view to going to China. He has since stated to the Police that, when he arrived on board the steamer, a Chinaman, named H ean Chu Tee
    149 words
  • 332 10 a gaiety girl. A good house was present last night to witness this musical comedy, and to judge by the frequent and hearty applause which greeted the string oi somewhat disconnected items, the audience was well pleased with the fare provided, as indeed they had reason
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  • 1793 10 THURSDAY, 2nd JULY. PRESENT. H. E. the Governor, Sir Charles Mitchell, g.c.m.g. The Hon. Colonel R. W. Plunkett, r. a., Acting Officer Commanding the Troops. Hon. J. A. Swettenham, c.m.g., Colonial Secretary. Hon. \V. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon. H. Trotter, Auditor-General. Hon. E. E. Isemonger, Colonial Treasurer. Hon.
    1,793 words
  • 209 10 Share business is dull in Hongkong just now. Between noon yesterday and noon to-day, one case of cholera was reported. There was only one case of plague reported at Hongkong on the 26th June. 4. The Court of Appeal meets at Penang on the 21st August next;
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  • 34 10 This orders ol* the day for next Thursday’s meeting of Council include Committee stages of the Municipal, Lepers, and Telegraphs Dills, and the first readings of the Women’s Protection ami Burials BilL.
    34 words
  • 35 10 THE GLORIOUS FOURTH.” To-day is the "Glorious Fourth.” One American -hip in port is dressed in honour of the occasion. The Consulate is closed, and, this evening. Mr. J. P. Joaquim, Acting Consul-General, givesa dinner.
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  • 40 10 THE DRUMMOND CASTLE.” Loud Salisbury has instructed the Marquis of Dufferin to thank President Fame on behalf of the British nation for the humanity and kindness shown to all classes of the victims of the wreck of the Drummond Castle.
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  • 58 10 A Macaonkse, named Yun Tong Nang, was arrested at two o’clock yesterday morning, in Kallang Road, for being in possession of illicit cliandu dross, valued at $3. He was fined $BO or three months’ rigorous imprisonment. Goh Ah Chengwas arrested in South Bridge Road on Thursday for a
    58 words
  • 88 10 At five ocloek last eveni* conclusion of the dav’s U„ u Enjr Ho look,,! T> Messrs. 1). Brandt and i Hoad, and went home. T seven the watchman .,h7 N tl,at •>« iia,i i„:;,7 >. body, moving almm building. He at once went the watchman, and
    88 words
  • 117 10 now to score as a steelilcu-haser.Hjini Mail. On the morning of the l>< th Peak residents, at Hongkong lr U thing exciting to talk about came down in tin* Tram-car W iil, r i.ony TorddigM It. C C Master, was being taken the pathway from the
    now to score as a steelilcu-haser.Hjini Mail.  -  117 words
  • 182 10 NEW FSE FOR MK. BUCKLEY’S COOK-Mur.) A CROWD of sixteen Chinese servant Hylams, Macaonesc, and Taiclmws. it* were found gambling in the cook-hou* of Mr. Buckley's residence, X O ]> Orchard Road, at 10 p.m., on Thursday' figured in the dock before Mr. Blag<k yesterday. Mr. Brydges
    182 words
  • 341 10 LA CIGALE.” Au dr AN'S pretty and tuneful cornu opera “La Cigale was selected bytb*Willard Company for performance I®** night. As a whole, perhaps, the Coinpam are not quite so successful in that kino of piece as in burlesques ot the hp* of the u Gaiety
    341 words

  • 113 11 I rizriu: IN SINGAPORE. l lT vKj»'i“Su|«rint4snden BcU large seizure of eounterI i l V 1 V n at a mariuc store at 55, i*l 4 r V to a ddna I iV wen- made. The I :i f L >s 1m»x**s and 11 I. i
    113 words
  • 115 11 I .priiirt a Kling, named ri inniml hivach of trust, I n postponed on several I fiiiallv deposed of by f vesterday. There were .',•!!!.-nil against the pri- criminal hreaeli of trust in 51M.71. belonging to his f. Manasseh and Co., I ~’ontli' of February, March, m
    115 words
  • 478 11 I j; i -ta.l.M.i* iiyU I t!a‘latest addition 1 i, i! Line «»f -t'-amers belonging I!-k:;-'wu firm of Messrs. i- Vi"*'. o.. arrived at 8inI J. uw'ut N»W York yesterday, and jpr,' n<wm to-day for Japan. I Captain McGregor, is vessel, fully worthy B -ak i
    478 words
  • 1146 11 THE CHINA REVIEW.” THE TRIAD SOCIETY. The first number of the twenty-first volume of the China l{ei~ieo? opens with another instalment of a paper, by Inspector Stanton of the Hongkong Police, on the Triad Society or Heaven and Earth Association, known here as the Tan The Hoey. This part deals
    1,146 words
  • 587 11 AC1IE EX. Sl’GAK. ('Translated from various uemspa pvr*). The military operations in Aelieen resulting from Umars defection*have now passed the first stage. General Vetter, the Commander in Chief of the Netherlands India Army, who had been appointed Government Commissioner m Acheen, has been relieved of that appointment, and
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  • 1130 11 There are now 23,500 teetotallers in the British Army in India, out of a total force of 69,000. It is, perhaps, not generally known that General Roberts is a teetotaller, and the Commander-in-Chief is next door to teetotallism. More than two-thirds of the whole of the ministers of
    1,130 words
  • 479 11 THE TOBACCO TRADE. THE COOLIE TRAFFIC. Tm: report of the Netherlands Acting C< »risu l-( ienera 1, on tl le t rade of Singapore in 1895, lias been published, and extracts from it appear in the Deli Courrant. The report gives the imports from Sumatra to Singapore at
    479 words

  • 1021 12 We were all supposed to have a holiday on Monday of this week. But holidays in Singajiore are a fraud. That, of course, does not apply to the happy Government servant, who was, no doubt, able to absolutely neglect his ordinary business from Saturday forenoon till Tuesday
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  • 179 12 This morning at eight o'clock Dock watchman No. 10 saw a gharry driving up to Borneo Wharf. Attached to the back of the gharry was an unusually large box. The watchman's suspicions wore aroused. He stopped the gharry and, on opening the box, he found a
    179 words
  • 173 12 We have received tin* following letter: A day or so ago, there appeared in your paper a paragraph which we. the chief and Ist class petty officers, consider to be detrimental to tin* ship on account of the statement being entirely false. The ship is and
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  • 143 12 Paris 26tli Junt The French M»H.literranean squadron has been received with great cordiality at Lacorogne, and with enthusiasm at Fermi. The townspeople gave a series of banquets to the Officers of the fleet, and joyfully hailed the new combination of France, Russia, and Spain. "21 th June. According
    143 words
  • 65 12 lx consequence of the growing business connections between Germany'and China, the Imperial Government at Berlin intends to increase the number of consulates in the Celestial Empire. At present, Germany" has consulates at Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Shanghai, Tientsin, Hankow, Swatow, and Chefoo. As for the other spots, where consulates
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  • 157 12 Between noon yesterday, and noon to-day, no case of cholera was reported. 4 The Hon. A. M. Skinner, c.m.g. arrived this morning from Penang in the Marquis Bacquehem. 4 By the Austrian Lloyd steamer Mar?uis Bacquehem this morning, Captain Yederico Gaggino has returned to rejoin his elder
    157 words
  • 47 12 Sir William E. Maxwell had accepted an invitation of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to visit Liverpool on Ist instant, and deliver an address on tin* Gold Coast and Ashantee affairs. He was to be entertained at a banquet on the same night.
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  • 46 12 We are informed that Police Inspector Patterson, of Malacca, has applied for and obtained the vacant post of Superintendent of the Tanjong Pagar Company’s police. Mr. Patterson was a first class Police Inspector, and has served in the Settlements Force since IMS 4.
    46 words
  • 52 12 Tm: Civil Service Commissioners announce that the number of Eastern cadetships to be competed for at the examination, which is to be held next month, will lx* not fewer than twelve, namely three in Ceylon, three in tin* Straits Settlements, and six in the Protected States of the Malay
    52 words
  • 61 12 ester day a coolie in the employ of the Public Works Department was engaged on the repairs to the roof of tin* Raffles School. He slipped on the long sloping staging reaching from the roof to tin* ground, amf tumbled the whole way down. Curiously enough
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  • 84 12 On Saturday night a Sikh employed as a sub-warder at the Prison quarrelled with a rikisha puller about the fan*® and another Sikh interfered with a view of putting an end to the dispute. It is alleged he was stabbed by the other man with
    84 words
  • 66 12 Tut; following, appointments by the Governor are notified in the Selangor Government Gazette Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. Walker, c.m.g., to be Commandant of the Federated Native States Forces, hitherto known as Sikhs, henceforth to be styled Guides. Mr. Gerald Rrowne to be Government Secretary, Selangor. Mr. I). H.
    66 words
  • 157 12 This morning, at about a quarter to two o'clock, the Police discovered a fire at 11, Kling Street, the residence and business establishment of Sin Yap Ann, aship’schandler. At about the same time the owner was awakened by the crying of a child, and discovered a
    157 words
  • 62 12 On the 27th June, Mr. Belfield. Magistrate at Batu Gajah, sentenced one Harfleet, the jailer there, to three months hard labour for biting the fingei of a person named Rooke, so severely during a quarrel, that the finger had to be amputated. Harfleet to appeal against
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  • 82 12 The Singapore Municipal Supplementary Budget No. 2, of 1896 is published in the Government Gazette. It provides for an expenditure of $50,159. Of this amount, 927,000 are donations to the Provident Fund, Sanitation accounts for 54,912 which includes $BOO as honorarium to the late Dr. Jansz and to
    82 words
  • 88 12 A twako arrived Pulo Kokob yesterday, with a Kling crew and laden with sago. Detectives afterwards saw two bags of sago being taken along by several Chinese, who stated they had bought them off* some Klings. Going on board the twako the detectives discovered two other
    88 words
  • 107 12 JULY MONTHLY MEDAL. I)r. Fowlie 42 41 scr. 83 H. E. Hooper 51 50 1(5 85 J. M. Allan 50 51 14 87 A. A. Gunn 45 48 (5 87 G. Mh chain 45 46 4 87 Dr. M. Robertson 52 40 14 87 E. M. Merewcther
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  • 109 12 lx celebration of the glorious 4tli of July," Acting Consul-General of the ITiited States, Mr. J. P. Joaquim, entertained a large party of friends to dinner on Saturday evening. Among the guests were: Chief Justice Sir Lionel and Lady Cox. the Hon. Mr. Shelford, C. M. G., and
    109 words
  • 121 12 Ox Saturday night the Willard Opera Company presented to a fair house the latest London success Gentleman Joe.*’ and the performance was in every way a very successful one. The piece itself is an irresistibly comic comedy in two acts, and though the fun occasionally is
    121 words
  • 152 12 Thk Government Gazette publishes the text of a Bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council next Thursday, intituled: an Ordinance to consolidate the law relating to the Protection of Women and Girls and for the suppression of brothels. Experience has shown the need for
    152 words
  • 1166 12 AUSTRALIAN,, The Colonials rc<ri tt victory on TueX Wembley-park. The h h <t making 0.,, cut a very or h second venture, and' wer.. a the paltry total of 37 wh i. i total made this season in The Australians made by 185 runs. Spoffortl, home team,
    1,166 words

  • 1117 13 X <j-,. HK' DMTRI III'TES THE PRIZES. I’m Athletic Sports concluded t v afternoon. The sun shone ri-iilv. ind a cooling breeze blew l L r),t! ivr Me plain: and the Club !’;i\’Hr an-!* crowded with members, ait i friend- anxious to witness u,l ...jliul the
    1,117 words
  • 53 13 We learn by telegram from Penang that Mr. Lawrence Jackson, barris-ter-at-law on ♦the Oxford circuit, has been appointed Judicial Commissioner of the Federated Malay States. The salary attached to the post is $7,200 a year. We gave, a few days ago, a sketch of the duties devolving on
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  • 165 13 The Austrian man-of-war Panther arrived on Saturday afternoon, from pola and exchanged salutes with Fort Canning. This morning her commander, Captain Koppel, accompanied by tlie Austro-Hungarian Consul, called on H. E. the Governor at Government House. The Panther is a torpedo cruiser. 224 foot long, 34 feet
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  • 1863 13 THE STRAITS AND FREE TRADE. SPEECH BY MR. ADAMSON. Last mail papers give details of the meetings held in London bv the Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire, to which Sir W. Des Vceux (formerly Governor of Hongkong) w’as the delegate from that
    1,863 words
  • 133 13 (For the Far Eaxt) Per P. A O. s. s. Home from London, June KsRev. J. E. Pease. Mr. L. A. M Johnston, Mr. E. S. Smith, and Mr, Newland, Mrs. West, Mr. W. J. P. Hume, Mr. C. W. C*. Parr, Mr. X. T. Gray. Mrs. Go!land.
    133 words
  • 1861 13 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday, the 17th June, 189«. Present:—The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq* Job Pennefatlier; Inspector-General of Police; Th. Sohst, Esq.; Seah Liang Seah, Esq.; Tan Jiak Kira, Esq.; The Hon. T. Shelford, c.m.g. M. Meyer, Esq.; A. C.
    1,861 words

    • 203 14 THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I presume the “News of the Churches” belong exclusively to E.8.C.,” and I see that he has no objection to an alteration of the heading. If the words “Education and Church” meet his approval, perhaps others too can send
      203 words
    • 569 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I observe in your issue of yesterday a statement that a married couple can live in a house of their own upon a hundred and fifty dollars a month. True, your fair correspondent “A. L. O. S.”
      569 words
    • 718 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Your correspondent A Thrifty Benedict” is amusing if not instructive. He only tells us how not to live on a certain income a year. He reminds me of the story of a poor couple living in the
      718 words
    • 873 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRUTS TIMES.” Sir, l The evils attending marriage on a small income, so feelingly dwelt upon by your household contributor, have ever been a burning question, but her own experiences give keener point to her observations. She is evidently the
      873 words
  • 630 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Sr/ Bantljur from Cotie via ports: —Mcrsrs. W. A. Foster, A. L. Bagnall, and R. Bemiewitz. Per s. s. Hong H r an from Bengkalis The Sultan of Sink. Per s. s, Pen&ng from Cotie: —Messrs. Simons ami Slocum. Per s. s. Malacca from
    630 words
    • 186 14 Under this heading the followingabbrev tions are used str.— steamer; sh.—ship bq. —barque Brit. -British; U. S. United States: Fr.—French; Ger.—German; Out. Dutch; Joh.—Joliore Ac., G.e.,- (i.-nend cargo d.p. -deck passengers; l\- Urmt tain ;T. I*. W. Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T P. I). Tanjong Pagar Doek W.
      186 words
    • 1289 14 Arrivals Sisce Noon of Satiric Amherst, Brit. str. 108 tons, Capohiw men, oth July. From Klang. .‘lni July. G. e., and 114 d. p. Wee Bin and Co. Klang via ports, 7th. —Rds. Ban Seng Gium, Brit. str. 40* tons, C*Pj Geary, oth July. From Bangkok July. G.
      1,289 words
    • 164 15 PAflSEP 8UJIDA 8TKA1T8 OR AJUtlVKDH>R OKDKKS. n LAG Date From Dkstix- Ri>" ATL A! D 8hips Name. Commander. of Where ation marks. Kig Sailing. June 2* 2* 8 8 ’li^ ru s Summow Calcutta Batavia Brit. s.s. North Sands Bombay Batavia 2*•* u* a Stewart Mar 24Cardiff Singapore Brit.
      164 words
    • 1390 15 a i Flag i Vessel’s Name. b !Tons. i Captain From Sailed. Consignees. Rig Jue. 27 Shelley Brit str.j 1267 AYallace Amoy June IHR. Schmidt b Co. 27 Sink Dut.. str.j 240 {Schmitz Deli June 23.Daendels and Co. Myrmi<lon Brit.strb 1815 Gardner iLiverpool Mav 20jW. Mansfield b Co. 27
      1,390 words
    • 873 15 Date. Vessel’s Name Captain Destination June 26 Cheang Chew Brit. str. j Webb H’kong, Swatow and Amoy 26 Darwin str. Edwards Port Darwin 26 Tetartos Ger. str. Cornelsen Penang and Rangoon 27 Saint Ronald Brit. str. Clement Bassein 27 Waslii str. Bullen Penang 27 Sappho str. Shepherd Malacca and
      873 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1938 16 WALTER MACFARLANE CO., GLASGOW. /-v GLASS ENAMELLED DRAIN AND SOIL PIPES j S. are impervious to rust, have perfectly smooth interiors, l and can be supplied tested to any pressure. i FIRST CLANS AWARD, INTERNATIONAL KAMTABY RXHIBITION, LONDON. Macfar lane's Cox doctor Pipes, for Koxnjater, Stove, Drain, Soil, and VentilaNy
      1,938 words
    • 580 16 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE is Non PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS TH[ OUTSIDE WRAPPED of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sc’d Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Cronso Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO. INN I THE BEST REMEDY FOE ACIDITY
      580 words