The Straits Budget, 31 December 1895

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 138 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” T e rai s imes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore an*d enang, t roughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies,
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  • 281 1 Editorials. Th« Paece < n Earth. President C evelaud Mistak*. l)rii*es and Turku. The Hydrophobia Danger Shl'.au and Czar. Local. Market (Quotation*. Shipping New*.. Passenger LLt. Police Naw*. Tu-»eilay N'iglit'i Dinner. Aj «>fti**i*ari» s of tlie Straits Service Kafttan Boy-.’ Sch 01. Tut* Third Quarter’s Trad* Singapore
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  • 512 1 Sinoapokb, 31st December, 1895. PRODUCE. (Jambier 8.20. do Cubs No. 1, 12 5'l. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra Bali 5.55. ao Pontiauak 5.20. Pepper Black, 9.50. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.70. do Brunei 2. J 0. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali 40.0( Coffee Liberian. No. 1 44.25.
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  • 492 1 Thu UUil for Europe this week leaves by the Saghalim. The if. M. s. i. Caledonien with the mail from Europe of the 6th December is expected this afternoon. The mail for Europ t uext week, is fixed for the P. aud O. s. s Rosetta.
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    • 70 1 London 24th December. KINANCIAI, RECOVERY Oil AMUR TOWARDS PEACi: The New York money market has recovered, and it closed strong yesterday. The tone in America, as regards the Venezuela question, has decidedly become calmer and friendlier. The change ir most notable in the Kcm York Tribune which
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    • 53 1 London, 2Sth December. I'KKsIPKNT CLEVELAND IN IIIACItKOIT IMPROVED PROSPECTS OF PEACE President Cleveland is falling into increasing politic il and financial discredit. Tli*- money market is improving hut sensitive. It is believe I at Washington that, eventually, a peaceful and honourable settlement of the Venezuelan question will
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    • 94 1 London, 2>ith Decent bee. THK DKUSKH.IIKATKN IN BATTI.E *THK ARMENIAN AGITATION. •A Turkish official despatch announces a gre*t battle witb I ho Druses, a tribe iu Mount Lebanon who bad risen in revolt. The battle took place on list Saturday. 2lst iusUut. with the alleged result that,
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    • 34 1 London, 2?th December. The House of Representatives at Washington have passed the Tariff Bill, which is expected to bring in a revenue increase estimated at forty millions of dollars annually.
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    • 24 1 The Turkish troops iu Asia Miuor have eaptured Zeituu, a town which had fallen i'lto the hands of Armenian insurgents.
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    • 23 1 London, USth December. The missing steamer Strathnevis. on a voyage from Vancouver to Japau, has been safely towed into Port Towuseud.
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    • 59 1 The House of Representatives at Washington is now debating the Bond Bill. This Bill empowers Mr. Carlisle, the Secretary to the Treasury, to issue three per cent, bonds. A vote will be taken on Saturday whether the issue of bouds shall be to the amount of fifty
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    • 54 1 London, WHli December. THE SUIiTAN SEEKS THE CZAR: The Sultau has despatched Arif Pasha to St. Petersburg laden with costly presents for the Czar. It is rumoured that Arif Pasha is entrusted, besides, with a special mission to the Czar. Latterly, there has been a decided rapproachmeut
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    • 28 1 The House of Representatives at Washiugtou has passed the Bond Bill by one hundred and sixty nine votes against one hundred and thirty six.
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    • 379 1 PEACE ON EARTH (Straits Times, 24th December.) It is good to note that the wiser elements of United States feeling are now making themselves felt. If it may b« permitted to do anything so oldfashioned as to weigh the pulpit against the press, tve take leave to suggest that in
      (Straits Times, 24th December.)  -  379 words
    • 465 1 Strait* Times, With December.) I’kksidknt Cleveland’s electioneering stroke has failed. It has tailed so completely that the President has fallen iuto probably fatal discredit. His term is drawing to a close, and the wave which carried him and the Democratic party into power in 1892 has spent
      (Strait* Times, With December.)  -  465 words
    • 332 2 {Strait-* Tlr.u r >th D >»'(; Thk lining ol the Diuses against Turkish rule, reported at the time when the Sultan war in t-ueli dire di-lnss, last month, turns out to be a serious matter judging from the bloodshed bt twe* ti Druses and Turks in the
      {Strait-* Tlr.u *, ?r>th D ’• >»'(; .  -  332 words
    • 263 2 (Strait* Time*, iSth therm her.) Eight persons have now been sent from Perak to the Pasteur Institute at Saigon. These eight persons have been bitten by mad dogs within the last lew weeks, and live of these have been bitten within the last few days. Besides the*
      (Strait* Time*, iSth therm her.)  -  263 words
    • 340 2 I Strait* Tin us •'KHh December). To-day's teh grams point to a probal le solution of the Kastern Question hv an understanding between Kussia and Turkey. There has been no want of advisers at the Sultan’s Court to counsel such a step, and M. De Nelidotf, the
      I Strait* Tinus •'KHh December).  -  340 words

  • 205 2 At H. 1 >. M’s Consul ite, Bangkok, on the 21st l)e«ember Mr. French (ibe Cousul) speaking on tin* quest’nu of diseased cattle ou a complaint, lodged with him against Mr. Micabef by Mr Snr.ff, an Inspector in tlm Siam po|j. for r«*frsi! of duty ou
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  • 369 2 THE UNDAUNTED CONCERT. A concert was given on Saturday night in the Towu Hall Theatre, by the Ebony Minstrel and Variety Troupe of H. M. 8. Undaunted, at present in the harbour. A number ot’ naval and military officers were present, but notwithstanding the laudable object of tha promoters, aid
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  • 302 2 hi Ha njkok.) l'aru, '-tint December. Tic* Italian Chamber luis voted the twenty millions demanded by Signor Crispi f<»r the campaign in Abyssinia, but ha.*> coitdeinncd any pdiey <>f Itabau colonial expansion there. President Cleveland’s message to Congress is couched in thre iteuiug language, and has given rise
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  • 29 2 Between January 1st aud March 31s next, all dogs found in the streets, roads or public thoroughfares, or beyond the enclosures of houses in Province Wellesley, will l>e destroyed.
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  • 1457 2 Chbistm a* has been extensively observed in Singapore. There have been several special services and a number of public Christmas Trees. This is as it should be. We shall mll think better of barristtrs because of lawyer Buckley’s muuiticeut Christmas Tieat for tbe Suudav Scbool children.
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  • 318 2 An ingenious fanner of Texas has invented a plau for obtaining a plenf il’ul supph of ice on dcmaud in the hottrsf weather. He sends nj* a huge kite, to tlie tail *f which lie attaches a tin can filled water. When the kite reaches
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  • 161 3 This Municipal President in a passenger to Penang by the P. O. Hohilla. The fourth ordinary g. n-ral meitiug of the Punjom Miniug Co. is fixed to be held at Hongkong on the 28th iustaut. Mb. J. A. Swet’euh un warns everybody concerned that school examinations in
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  • 37 3 Sir Charles Cameron Lees, Governor of British Guiana, has informed the Colonial Office authorities that, be will probably uot be able to return to his governorship*. He is uow approaching sixty years of age.
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  • 36 3 At a general me-ting of shareholders in tb«* Nippon Yusen Kaisba, held at Tokyo ou the 1st inst., the promised extension of the Company's service to Europe, America, aud Australia was unanimously agreed upon.
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  • 39 3 The Perak Yacht Mena arrived this morning from Port Weld with Mr. Birch, the Acting British Resident of Perak, Capt. H. L. Talbot, Messrs. O. Marks, F. W. Itjugias, 11. Stevi, aud A. lXstmau on board.
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  • 41 3 Imukis shareholders have agreed t > raise a subs. ription defence fund of It) Mexican ceu’s per share, or under us means allow, for the purpose of defending at law any shareholder attache i by the Attorney of tb*- Liquidator.
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  • 49 3 Tuk Chinese Government transport I'hr’Hlui left ChefvK) on tbe uig'it of the •*>!ii i st.i :t lor Port Arthur, with three T ut sin i'ao* us arid General Sui <>n board, to t ike over tile |•«»rt trtiiii the Japanese ou til* lo.u ili«',ulit.
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  • 40 3 It is reported from Pekin that one of tb*-clauses of the new commercial treaty between Japan aud Cliiua provides for t he augmentation of the I. M. Chiuese Customs s*rvic-} by the admission of a number of Japanese.
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  • 41 3 Wb understand that the Russian fleet mteuds making; Kyao-chau Bay its headquarters this wiuter. The Chinese authorities object, as they had arrangements male for fortifying that very desirable harb >ur. —Chin i (Juz tie.
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  • 41 3 Messrs. Leach, Norris, Reardon, Scriveu, *nd Wray, Apothecaries of the Straits Service, have creditably passed tbe cxatninatiou, qualifying them for the seuior grade of their rank, and will now draw a monthly stipend of Si7s. Cor.
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  • 48 3 An arrest was made at Peuaug ou the -bth iust., in connection with the forgery °f a cheque ou tbe Chartered Bank there, $7,000, referred to the other day in the raits Time*. The defendant was brought u and then remanded to the 3Uib instuut.
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  • 40 3 Last night, at the Singapore Club, the Committees of the Singapore Cricket Club and of the Singapore Golf Club eutertained their cricketing aud golfing guests, fifty sat down, Mr. Justice Leach presiding. Au enjoyable evening was spent.
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  • 77 3 I he Liang Exploration Syndicate (Liuii* hd) has been icgistered in London, with Capital of £lOO,OOO. The object is to *J>pt and curry into effect an agreement made between J. B. M. Leech aud E. A. atsou of the one part and E. A. Watson 0u l>ehalf
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  • 46 3 Major.Qbkkkal Jones-Vaugh in, after inspecting the Perak Bikh-, is .eporbd to have said having served in India, he had some experience of the native r. gim-nt* of that Empire, a id ho thought the Perak them C U,,Mnd ver y favouiah y with
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  • 44 3 The British ship Alexander Yents, from Si nga(K)re, arrived at Gravesend on the 27th Nov. Slier, ports tint when towing up Lower Hope, she collided with a foreign barque, and had her bulwarks damaged on the starboard quarter besides other damage done.
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  • 46 3 Ax tlie Peuaug Assizes, a Jawi Pckan. who had beeu storekeeper to Boustead A Co. there, pleaded guilty to selling sugar consigned to the firm, without delivery orders, and was sentenced to three vears’ rigorous imprisoumeut, Tbe sugar missed was valued at $lO,OOO.
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  • 53 3 Ihe Pahang Corporation held un ordinary general meeting on tlm 28th November. The Chairman, Mr. G. A. I ontitex, remarked that the operations of theCorporat on during the past yeir had beeu only partially sitisfuctory. owing to the s:na 1 vi* Id of tiu aud the low price
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  • 54 3 According to Foochow advices, the Viceroy P;en has selected the expectant Tuoiai Yen K‘ai (a Mtu.bu) to go to Singapore and other southern ports where wialthy Chinese abound, in order to induce the n to take up the management, on commercial Imsh, of the
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  • 55 3 '1 he death is anuoumed of General the Hon. Sir I rancisC'dlmrne, who cti'nimiiidcil the mi'iturv forces iu the Far Eist from 1874-77. He was appointed to the command of the troops iu Chiua aud the StraitsS*t l leuieiitsiu 1874. Hecommanded the IVrak Expedition iu 1878-77 aud was
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  • 62 3 It is slid to be practically decided that the contracts for building tLe t-u uieu-of-war by which tbe Japanese uavv is to be iocreised will all go to English firms. Rumour his it that Eugbsli firms will supply tbe whole of the m icbin-rv aud gear for
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  • 61 3 A committee, interested m the Maucln-s--n-. t>.ii|> Cin ti, marshal liguit s to make out that saving results from shipping Straits produce direct thither by that waterway, instead of by wav of Liverpool. The alleged saving does not look considerable, aud. for some of the articles
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  • 58 3 The report of the new Central Borneo Compauy notes increasing sales of coals from the Labuan mines, and substantial progress iu the company’s effoits towards success. The directors believe that if improved coaling facilities be afforded for large ocean steamers at Libuan. it will be possible t<» dispose
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  • 85 3 30,000 PORTERS WANTED. Accra, 27th, November. The Kim's of Accra, Christiaosborg, Akwapim, and Krobo met ou Friday and Saturday at Christiausborg Castle to confer with Mr. Maxwell, Governor of the Gold Coast. His Excellency told them that be should require them to provide 10,000 carriers to proceed
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  • 135 3 At the ordinary Penang Municipal meeting on the 20tb instant, Captain Auderson noted that none of the applicants for a vacant Municipal clerkship had given satisfaction. Captain Anderson further pointed out the impossibility of the Municipality securing good clerks owing to the Board offering uo good prospects. He
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  • 55 3 The China Gazette says:—Mr. H. M B..vii», the late |»opulir Manager of tinlocal branch of the Hongkong mid Shanghai Banking Cor|>oratiou, lies lieen appointed general Inspector for all bnauche-a in every peart of th<* world, Mr. John Walter, tin* late general Inspector, hiving l*eii j eruiaue illy appointed
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  • 69 3 Not for twenty years (says a Loudou correspondent) has any Chancellor of the Exchequer beeu promised s> ros-ate a prospect as that which awaits Sir Michael Hicks Beach for his Budget next vear. The revenue continues to increase by leaps and bouuds, and the Treasury is Wcomiug filled
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  • 89 3 The new Government Japanese Do. k which was opened at Siselio on the stti December, cm, it is alleged, accommodate the largest ship of auy navy iu t he world.’ The measurements of this d« ck liave not yet been unde public. Japao will be thus independent of
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  • 200 3 On the 2<>tb November, the House of Lords decided tbe appeal cast* of Harrowing v. H. Katz and Co. The appellant, Harrowing, is owiier of the ss Ethtlreda aud the respondents are merchants iu L >udou aud Singapore. The appellant sm-d the respoudeuts t» recover balance of
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  • 238 3 IMPORT AND EXPORT DECREASES GO-A HEAD MALA! A. The returns of imports and exports of merchandise iu the Colouy for the third quarter of the present year have just been published. The imports, exclusive of treasure, during this period, compared with the mouths iu the correspoudiug
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  • 1236 3 PRIZE DIHTRIHUTION. Yesterday at eruoon the Deputy Governor, the Hon. J. A. Swetteuham, distributed the prizes to the pupils at Rattles Boy s’ School. The lurge schoolroom was crowded with the boys aud their trieuds among those piesent being Bishop Hose, Atcbueacon Perham, Rev. G. M. Rdtli,
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  • 463 3 Labt night, at tTown Hal!, the Philharmonic Society gave a successful Concert, the room being well tillol. Tbo* pn gramme consisted tu the tiist part of Mendelssohn's Cantata, Liu *a 8 <ni and in the second part of some miscellaneous vocal and instrumental recitations. The principal vocalists
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  • 1921 4 At the meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Couucil on the 14th instant, the vote for $440,2f5 for Military Expenditure was the last item in tbe Estimates upon which discussion was raised. Tbe item had previously conn before tbe Fiuance Committee, the unofficial members of refused
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  • 89 4 The post office at Wuhu iu China has issued a fresh set of stamps, calculated to gladden collectors. In the quality of the paper, as well as in the perforation and desigu, these stamps readily attract attention. The ornamental features of the Ch'ncse writteu character come out strikingly iu
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  • 85 4 The Penang detachment of tbe Regirneut, which bad been relieved, Laa arrived at Singapore in the Telamon. From and after the Ist instant, persons desirous of collecting orchids in British North Borneo must take out rd annual permit from Government, for which a lee of $250 will
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  • 33 4 At tbe sittings of tbe next Court of Appeal in Singapore on January 9th, the cases to come on from Bangkok are Kinder v. Maclean and Pbya Krai Koaa v. Lillie.
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  • 41 4 On Christmas Eve, tbe cricketers and golfers and others were invited to spend an evening with the S. V. A. The evening was pleasantly spent. There was, first, a smoking concert aud then a dance.
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  • 41 4 A Reuter telegram, dated London, 17th instant, to Baugkok papers, states that tbe Turkish troops have attacked tbe Cretan tusurgeuts, and have been repulsed with tbe loss of 24 kdled aud 36 wounded. Turkish reiuforcvmeuts art being sent to Crete.
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  • 47 4 Thk Geruiau steamer Thekla, which arrived from Harnbu g yesterday, is the latest addition to the Kiugsiu line ot steamers, and she is oq h-*r first trip to tbe iviot. She is commanded by Captaiu Ciiusti ins- u. the senior commander iu tbe Hcet.
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  • 57 4 A ret of uew rules for H B. M Consular Court, at Bangkok to tome iut«* o t riti uou Jauuary l*»t, next, have Iwei trained, Tuere are alt* rations in old rules, and some new oues have b»eu adopted, and the diffeieut regulations
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  • 54 4 To raise funds IVr the increase of the Japanese army aud mvy an 1 building define s. tie tux on site ivill be large* iucre.wsed, aud fees will bechaiged not only on transactions such as transfers of laud, houses, ships, and so forth, bur upon the registration
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  • 63 4 Mr. E. R Moon, Unionist M.P. forNoith St. Pancras, was at Bangkok by las ad vice*, ui tour rouud the world. Couiiu* across by the Canadian Pacific toute, lie went up the Yaug-tsze, visited Cauton, M acaj, and Hongkong, aud then came up to Bangkok.
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  • 57 4 Whilst the Russian -steamer X tjni Xovyurd which arrived on Tuesday afteruoou, was on a voyage from Vladivostock to Singapore via Nagasaki she picked up on the 14th instant in the Chiuu Sea 22 men from a water logged junk. These men were brought to Sigapore and
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  • 203 4 The negotiations between the Siamese Government aud the contractor as regards the proposal stopping of the BangkokKorat railway line at Genkoi, a point lull wav between Bangkok and Korat, Lave •come to an end. Certain terms. s> tinBangkok Times uuderstauds, had boeu put forwards bv the contractor
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  • 75 4 Am increasing demand for horses from Australia has sprung op in Hongkong and Japan. Ou the 18th instant, au Australian dealer passed through Hongkong on his way to Sydney, with orders for teu ponies for the Yokohama Jockey Club aud for twelve for the Hongkong Jockey Club. In
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  • 103 4 Bangkok shipping ageuta, says the Siam tree Press, look to keen competition iu the coming year. Messrs. A. Markwald are expecting a new steamer out shortly fi r the rice trade, and several more Norwegian boats are expected. The Si raita Steamship Company are likely to
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  • 127 4 The latrine on the site of the old town market (near Cecil Street) has had the effect of depreciating the value of adjoining house pro|>erty, as had indeed heeu anticipated by the Chinese residents there from the outset. When the Municipality started that public convenience, it was
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  • 216 4 From ik Dietnrt Ojßrert During October applij-af ions were rereived for laud from Etiro[«-*tus and o’hers for blocks varying in area fr« in 320 to 1.000. t rr-.eH.cti appliinint pro|*>sing to pltnt ci lire. The Ke»:*lrut ha* since given in>tructn-ns to th^Chief Surveyor tohivi 20
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  • 313 4 A general meeting of this Company w<i«< hel<l **n 2*th NVtinbcr, at the Cm non-street Hotel. Mr. S. Sjiencer presiding. The Chairman said that the results of the past half year w-re the worst that the directors hal ever had to lay before the shareholders. This
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  • 914 4 (From our 2lit Dfcnnher. STATE ENOINEKR VI. MITCHELL. An appeal from the Chief Magmt ute decisiou in this case whs heard ou Friday the 6th iosUnt, by the Acting Resideoi judgment being deferred. Mr. Berriugtou gave judgment again,, the defendant (Mitchell) L> r damage* done to the
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  • 937 5 A philosopher observes Six things are requisite to create a happy home «hie of thesis a good cook, aud the other five are money." e Caller: Ouo of your sons is a minister and the other a physician, aren’t they.” Mother (proudly):— Yes, one preaches and the other
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  • 189 5 H. E. Tifc Governor, Lady Mitchell, and party arrived at Penang from Klang on the 24th instant. Mr. Clifford, and the Moralist, and C ricket have to-day squeezed out News of the Churches.” Tre Mail despatched from Singapore to London, viA Marseilles, on the 3rd, was delivered
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  • 24 5 1st Caddie Tuan Damy banyak )utndei. 2nd Caddie: Bot.4, saya fiicir Tuan "Damy" hulih lawan sauia Colonel Bogey 1st Caddie: Fetbl
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  • 35 5 The match fixed for Monday and Tuesdiy having fallen through, a new fixture lms been arnmged in its place, to lie called England r. the World, play to l*egin at 10.30 a.m. ou Mondav.
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  • 59 5 Li eut. -Colonel J. R. M. Chard, v.c r e. (in command), Major W. F. Hawkins, r. E., Lieutenant R. J. B. Mair, h e., Captain and Qr.-Mr. R. H. Robinson, a. s. c., Surgeon-Captain A. B. Hiiide, a. m. s., Surgeon-Capta'U F
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  • 61 5 From the Ist January, so runs a postal notice. M* ssr-. F Clarke A Co’s omnibuses, ruuuing IctWwCU Singapore town and Kranji, will Is* provided with boxes in which letters may Ik* posted. The letter-l>on*B will !>e takeu at the end of •■aoh journey to the Post
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  • 75 5 On Christinas night a fishing boat, with two Ma’aye, was attacked by six Cbinatueu near St. John’s Island, and the men to preserve themselves jumped iuto the water. Both.fortunately, succeeded in reaching the store after a long swim, but one was slightly wounded hy a paranj. Almost
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  • 77 5 The district magistrate, iu his report dated 30th November, says The rich tiuds of tin deposits at Siak continue. Iu places the luspector of Miues has stopped the pit workiugs and has ordered ojk*ii workings instead, as this will lead to a more correct estimate of
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  • 165 5 Tub Clnneae, who icceutly gave largo donations for the benefit of the Penang Free School, have received the following letter of recognition from the Resident Councillor: Penang, ’10th December. GENTLEMEN.— With reference to the subseilotions, amounting to over S12.000, which the Chinese -eonnnunity of Penang
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  • 1121 5 I do uot know of any graver defect in Mr. Kershaw’s character than his habit of wandering about frequented roads in khaki clothes villainously built. That habit is not of much co.itequeuce in an Official Assignee, but*it was not dignified in an Acting Attorney'General, and it would
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  • 74 5 /'ar.'*, I'tth December The SpmiLlt forces have commenced a vitrorou- campaign iu Cuba against the insurgents. Eight hundred Spanish troops have lieen surprised and surrounded by Cuban-, and have been annihilated after a heroic defence. lHth December. A Zanzibar tribe known as the Masai have fallen upou and
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  • 79 5 The dinner of the Singapore Gotf Club was served on Thursday night iu the Singapore Club, Mr. Stringer presiding. Covers were laid for about sixty guests, and the tables were charmingly decorated by the wile of the President, assisted by a number of other ladies who are
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  • 267 5 The usual Christmas Children's Treat, at the Town Hall, on Thursday night, proved a decided success aud reflects every credit on Mr. Back ley, who has been giviug entertainments of thi# kiud to the young for the last thirty-two years. Such was the attraction of the Treat
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  • 1992 5 By Hill'll Clifford, n**ently Acting* J Resident of Pahang, now on l«*ave. KIPTH AKTICI.K T1IK EXPERIENCES OF rA.IA HA.ll HAMID. 1 vo »|»-nt my lift-, in wurnuil itrlfv, Ami now I’m wuilu* ot.l I'lumml uml wrought, amt ilurml ami fought, Au I all ni> tulu ia t
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  • 7197 6 8. C. C. V. PLANTERS. On Saturday, th* cricket festival comin need witli a match b-tween the S. 0. U. md a teiui of Native States Planters. and captuiutd by Mr. Dunman of SuoifM Ujoug. Tbe planters lost tin* to.-s Play then s’aried and continued until
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  • 1598 7 Tii’iiliif, '34th December. BATAVIA r. PENANG. Owing to the uou arrival of the B itavia team, this match did not come off. SINGAPORE l\ KRI.ANGOR. J. B. Robertson bent J.G.GIassford hy t up. A. W. ttiven C’.G. Glassfurd 4 Ur. Fowlie A. Herrington 9 A. W. Vaile A. Huhbaek
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  • 2057 8 SPECIAL DAY. DEC KM HER 2StH. Although n > very considerable iuur*st had b eu manifest iu the work ot tl.e herses engaged lor the special day's racing arranged for tie Christmas week, th** splendid w«ath<r on Saturday and the alienee of any rival attractions iuduced ab bi.iwa|>oie
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  • 392 8 About 40 members and guests of the various cricket teams embarked yesterday morning alvout 8 o’clock ou board the s s. Ntera, for a visit to H. H. The Sulttu of Jobore, and a tour round the island. All went well till about 10.30 when
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  • 34 8 The Hongkong Dairy Farm Company has just declared a dividend of In per cent, after writing off 97,1168, paving *1,000 for directors’ fees and carrying, foi ward 92,426. Th‘*y evidently drink milk iu Hongkong.
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  • 365 8 In one Church in Singapore they tell stories, siys the wri’er of News of the Churches. M-k K Sbewau of Hoogkoog has joined the Board of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Mr. Edward Moon, Unionist m p. for North St. Paucras, arrived yesterday froui Bangkok by the
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  • 40 8 The following directors of the Widows and Orphans’ Pension fund for 1896 are appointed by the Governor: —the Attorney General, the Colonial Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer (Penan?), Mr. W. C. Suter and Mr. G D. Mclntyre
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  • 45 8 1 hl Goviiuor, by auLonucem* nt iu the o'iz*tte, has appointed the following Committee fur the mtnigeinent of the Botanical Gardens Singapore, for 1896: The Director of the Botanical Gardens. Messrs. R. W. Hullett, W. Nanson. C. Stringer, asd A. P. Adams.
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  • 45 8 From a steamer leaving the harbour yesterday, a couple of Chinese coolies jumped overboard, just off Teluk Blangab, evidently to evade their agreements. L’ufortuua'ely for them, the |K>lice were ou the spot, picked them up, and conveyed them to the lock-up.
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  • 53 8 In J&pau street, yesterday, a respectable Chinawoman gave birth to twins both females who were joined togethrr bv a flesh bind at their abdomens. One child had 4 hands, the other had none. One was dark, the other very fair. They both lived ouly for about l.
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  • 66 8 Lately, the deteetive staff found a number of cigars in a shop in South Bridge Road under suspicious circumstances. Inquiries were made at Katz Bros., and it was found that a quantity of cigars were missing. The shopkeeper in South Bridge Road, and a coolie of
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  • 40 8 The Aurora, au Austrian man-of-war was at Bangkok by last advices oh a voviae round Ihe worll. She has been eighteen months on her voyage; and proceeds from thereto Singapore, Ceylou, Aden, Sue, and Trieste. u 1
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  • 44 8 Saturday’s Government Gazette nouuces that the Governor has appointed the following Committee of Management of the Raffles Library and Museum t nr 1890 The Colonial Secretary, Messrs u W. Hulletr, H. N. Ridley. W. Nausou W J. Napier, and R. J. Wilkinson.
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  • 52 8 The Variety Troupe at the Adelphi Hotel bad a successful show on Saturday night. There will be no performance to-night; but the troupe will re-open to-morrow night. New Year’s Eve with several new performers not yet seen in Singapore. For New Year’s night, specially attractive programme will
    52 words
  • 72 8 At Bangkok ou the 22nd instant, the German steamer Amigo left for Hongkong followed a little later by the also l*ound for Hongkong. The Phranan] endeavoured to pass the Amiyo, but rail her stern against the Amiyo, causing some damage. The Phranang proceeded on her voyage, but
    72 words
  • 77 8 As a mark of their dissatisfaction at some of the sect on a iuthe New Ordinance, which comes iu force next week, a number of the leading pawnbrokers had resolved to shut their shops. This morning, however, afteraconferenceof two bours’du rat ion, held at the Central Station,
    77 words
  • 88 8 Is the early morning yesterday, heaw rain began to fall aud lasted tin eotiuoush until 6 o'clock this morning Much (jamage was done in the h»w outlying districts and a eoup'e of bridge were washed whileotbrrsareeonsid ATsblv damage]. Scott Road, Syed Allie Road.and Thomson Roadare all under water,
    88 words
  • 136 8 Yesterday, a telegram was received announcing the death, at Alexaudria, of Brother Abbao, the visitor or ’inspector of the Christian Brothers’ Schools iu Hongkong, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, and Raogoon, He was an English Canadian, aud for five years, from 1888, was director at Hongkong until promoted.
    136 words
  • 158 8 There does uot seem to be much cor nectiou between earthquakes and luminous paints but there is nevertheless a state* inent which travellers in the Philipp Islands will be able to corroborate. a those Islands as every one is aware Earth* quakes are not uncommon, and the inhabitants
    158 words

  • 589 9 ARRIVALS. PerV Kweiyang fom Swatow Mr. H. BuiwPer P. A O. a. Malacca from Shanghai: Meeste. Jules Neher, and P. Sarasin. Per a. a Chaw Phya from Klang Meaara. Kidd, Belharry, and Mra. Nelson. per a. Hye Leong from Teluk Arisen:— U sera Fi RWto Oees, D* Pra.
    589 words
    • 1611 9 Under tin* heading the following abbrevi-. tion* are used str.—steamer; sh.—ship, bq.—barque Brit —British U. S.—United States, Fr.—French; Gor. —German: Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.C.. —Gouora' cargo; d. p.— passengers; U.—Uncertain ;T. P. W. —Taujong Pagar Wharf T P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J.
      1,611 words
    • 188 9 /Vrl, /At t« o S<ii ,i London. B irnoo, due Jan 3. Eton. Avr. Gieufruiu. UflKPCM Deucalion, due Dec ,1| Myrmidou dna Jan. t», Ajax. Glasgow. Keutigorn Nor. 8; Diomed. Greenock. Barcelona, Nov. 19 Barry. Falconhurat, Aug. 31; Widy Riektnara, Sept. 18 Kigel. Oct. 1; Penarth. R. C.
      188 words
    • 1051 9 P Fla*» Z Vekhil*’ Name. j Tone. Whom Hailep Conaionbbe. Ki«t u -r i'll! Cl»n« Atjeh Deo ‘JO HN M Consul General a Cheung Hye Teng tmi.Mi. o*3 Svot teuang Dec 2 Hun Leon* ACo Kiau Ya*!* atr. 70 N -oodah Moat Dac Run Hia ti o True ah
      1,051 words
    • 548 9 I 1*at» VgMat’a Name. “lag ft Rift CarTAiM. I'ixtuution, 24 Ban Whatt Hin Brit. utr. i Olaeo P. Hranilan 21 i orneo str. I Smith Bangkok 24 i*t?ntor atr. Peter- Jeddah, A’dam, ft L'pool 24 1 Cheng Hye Teng atr. 1 Scott Penang 24 I Kian Yang ►tr. Nacodah
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      810 words
    • 1453 10 LEA PERRINS’ OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINiiL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: Crosse Blackwell. Ltd.. London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLB A vJO. I &TAKVED INTO
      1,453 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 276 11 JOSEPH BAKER, Confectioner AJU> Vienna Baker. Begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen SingaiKire that he has opened a Confectionery and Vienna Bakery, at No. Victoria Street, next to the Convent. CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR CAKES, and weddiug Cakes at moderate chargee, and H ll other different kinds of cakes of
      276 words
    • 402 11 “PSYCHO CYCLES.” 4 Starlit Bros' Newest Shapm. PNEUMATIC AND CUSHION TYRED. A slock always on hand suitable for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. RILEY, HARGREAVES Co., 13, BATTERY ROAD. ED .W. A f. KELLY WALSH, LTD. HOOKS SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. the times atlas complete t morocco. BLACK S
      402 words
    • 388 11 r t DELPKi HOTEL, SINOAKOux.. UNDKR NEW M NAIIKMKNT Mrs. Puhlma.nn oemr a ijturm hei runs Hull tit** public generally mat Air. laaener (of Deli) ha* oeou minuted <u> partner of the ab -ve from tins (late, the establishment in inn willbecouI acted under their j >iu coutro..
      388 words
      588 words
    • 179 11 < AU BON MARCHE 30. RAFf IjKS SQUARE Tailors, Ontlltters, and General Importers. Experienced European Cutter. THE FINEST SELECTION «F Coatings, Trownenng*. Fancy Tweed* Cheviots, Teunia auJ Linen Drills, Ladies’ Underclothing. ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Hosiery. Towels, Rugs. Umbrellas, Walking Sticks. &r. XMAS CARDS. Children’s Suits of
      179 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 351 12 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd SINGAPORE. KliHt'TIlO |Mi%TK W -Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriag Presents Prizes for Athletic meetings, Ac. We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Militan Trophies, Presentation Plates, Ac. -V'-
      351 words