The Straits Budget, 17 December 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 129 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE. “STRAITS TIMES.’’ Penane throue-hn. t i| S .u circulation of an Y newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and g Philinrfi 1 Vc 6 Pr t cted States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands
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    • 16 1 At Knala Pahang. cn the *>tli Deeeiulier. th© of J. M. 1:>hkI8. of a (laughter.
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  • 408 1 Ruitorials. If 1 were b iug I* The Flintshire” Affair. Britain and America. Tin Neg a and the Italian'. The Legislative Council. Local. Market Qnotati m*. Shipping News. Pasneutrer Li t. Police New?. Arrival*. Tin Hut euWh Competition. Fa'her l.emonier. Inspection of the Convent♦ of the Far
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  • 514 1 Sin iapokb, 17th Decem bek. 1SM5 PltODUCE. tumbler. s do Cuba No. 1 12 5U. do do No. 2, Copra Bali, 5.55, Pepper Black ltU** Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.7v. do Brunei 2..V). Pearl Sago 3.4<». Coffee Bali, 40.t* Coffee Liberian. No 1 4k0i' Tapioca stnall Flake, 3.7b
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  • 478 1 Ihk mail for Europe this week leaves j b 7 tb M.M. s.s. Yarra. The M.M. at. Natal with the mail from Europe of the 220 d November is expected to-morrow. The German mail from Europe by the Sachten arrived on Fiiday. The German maif for
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    • 36 1 London, JOth December. M Nelidoff, the Russiau ambassador at Constantinople, iutends to have an audience of the Sultan, at which he proposes to deliver a letter from the Czar to the Sultan
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    • 82 1 ITALIAN REVERSES An Italian force under Major Toselli has been surpris'd and surround'd by the army of Meutlek, of Abyssiuia, at Ambagati. General Arimondi, the Itahau commander ou the coast, when advancing to the relief of Major Tos-dli, was forced to retreat to Mtk.dl after a battle
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    • 49 1 London, 11th December. THK SULTAN YIELDS. The Sultan, by Iradc or decree, has authorised additional foreign giiardsh'ps to pass through the Dirdanelles for the protection of the Embissiea at Constautinople. Said Pasha, who had takeu refuge at the British Embassy there, has returned to his residence.
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    • 76 1 LOSSES AND REINFORCEMENTS. Further particulars of the Italiau disister iu Abvssiuia show that, of the fori-e under Mojar Toselli, seventeen officers, forty non-com missioned office's, and also a mountain battery detachment which whs with Major Toselli, were massacrod at Ambagati after six hours’ desperate fighting The
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    • 18 1 The British ultimatum to Veue/.uela has beeu fiually delivered to th > Government of that Republic.
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    • 57 1 Lond/tu, lthh December. PERILOUS SITUATION. The Italians have evacuated Adowa, the capital of the proviuce of Tigre, aud uro concentrating their forces at Adigrat. There, they are preparing to resist au attack by an army from Shoa. of which Menelek is kiag. The Sboau army is
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    • 31 1 Prince Hohcnlohe, the Chancellor of the German Empire, has declared in the Reiehstag that the Government is resolved upou most strictly enforcing the laws against the Socialists.
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    • 64 1 London, Vith December. RUSSIA AS PEACEMAKER The British and Italiau additional guard ships have passed the Dardanelles on their way to Constantinople. It is reported that the Sultan yielded on the gutrdship qu stiou, upon M. Nolidoff, the Russian Ambassador at hie court, appealing to
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    • 26 1 The Itilian Parliament Imi voted an estra amount of four millions of lire for the expenses of the war iu Ab\ ssiuia.
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    • 19 1 London, 14th Deer mb* r. Further attack* by native* on British missions in Madagascar are reported.
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    • 12 1 Parliament is summoned to meet ou the 11th February.
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    • 24 1 Utter desolation is repotted to prevail in Armenia, where thousands of people are homeless and perishing from cold and star, vatiod.
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    • 14 1 A nervous feeling still prevails among the Christians iu Constantinople.
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    • 20 1 London, Ititli December. The Duchess of York has boeu sifely delivered of a sou. Both are doing well.
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    • 67 1 lthe sultans decker The Kurds are reported to be piilagiug in ali directions, unopptg-d. Oue hundred aud sixty villages are alleged to have been plundered by them m the last thre* wchs. By Irad£, or edict, the Sultan has Iccreel the merciless puuishment of all murderers aud
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    • 625 1 IF I WERE KING (Strait* Timet, 10th December.)' Mr. Huttenbach, us a well deserved rebel to his prolonged study of import and export returns (which, like the sums of our schooldays, never coiue right,) has been indulging iu day dreums. He has beeu speculating as to what he would do
      (Strait* Timet, 10th December.)'  -  625 words
    • 413 2 (Strait* Tim**, 11th December.) Fi RiHfcii light is thrown upon the Flihi«l,ire incident at Saigon by a letter •iml a statement addressed by Captain Banuatyne, the Master of tbit vessel, to the British consul there. The facts of the ease, as stated by the aggrieved Mastet, are
      (Strait* Tim**, 11th December.)  -  413 words
    • 423 2 (Straits Tuts, 12th December.) Thk Venezuelan question has now come to a head, and the Venezuelans have an opportunity to pat the Monro*doctrine” to the test. That d«»ctriiie, which many U. S. citizens look upou with su|>erstitious reverence, dates >me seventy years back, and, as formulated by
      (Straits Tuts, 12th December.)  -  423 words
    • 530 2 (Strait* Tiines, 1 Itli December.) 1 itotui.k has long been thickening around the Italian Red Sea colony, and the outbreak of war with the neighbouring Negus or King of Abyssinia had been only a question of time. The Italian Government had never courted war, and
      (Strait* Tiines, 1 Itli December.)  -  530 words
    • 691 2 (Straits Times, Nth December.) Fhk Legislative Council session, which concluded yesterday, began on the 2nd September. There had been an unduly prolonged recess, owing to the Military Contribution troubles which crippled the Ccuncil by the resignation of most of ita unofficial members. When the Colonial Office made
      (Straits Times, Nth December.)  -  691 words

  • 143 2 The Alacrity, with Admiral and Mrs. Buih r ou I oard, arrived at Lihuan on the e\cuing of the 7th iustant aud ucxt da}’, t ho Admiral, the Captain, aud three of his officeh vteited ibe New Central Borneo Coy’s Coal
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  • 103 2 It is well known mnarksthe Siam Obeer ver, that, of all religions, the most tolerant is that of Buddha. No doubt, this has muck to do with the success which seems toattend the work of the missionaries iu Siam Although recently there was an instance of
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  • 766 2 Tv Note nib* r, 32nd. The Jupiter,* first -class battleship of tl* Majettic type, lias been successfully launched at Clydebank. Her displacement is 14,901) tons. A fire broke out hi Chicago demolishing t hree enormous buildings. Nineteen basin**, firms were burnt ont. The damage
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  • 357 3 M>* Hewn. Drew tod Namier, will not return to Singapore. Hii health will allow him to practice io England; but it is not considered advisable that he should risk a return to the East. Ma- Bibht, the raining at Haul), is »o taken with the success of
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  • 27 3 An *'Xfrvi ptvilion i<* l> *4/ **••<» •**••1 «n the S.C.C. grounds for th* accommodation of the enormous crowd* of spectators *xp*cted during the Christmas cricket week.
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  • 33 3 The Hon. H. Trotter. Mrs. Trotter, two Misses Trotter, and Mr. aod Mrs. Merewether arrived thia morning bv mail from Penang; and Mr. and Mrs. Talbot and Mi« D’Almeida arrived from Colombo.
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  • 37 3 M r R. Derrv, formerly a Forest Officer at Malacca, whose appointment was abolished at the recommendation of the Retrenchment Committee, is so rumour has it, to he appointed to a similtr place in Perak.
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  • 34 3 Father Letnouier, at one time stationed the Straits, will pass through Singapore next week, on board the Na/a/. on his return from Paris to Hongkong, where he >* procureur-gencral of the foreign missions.
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  • 45 3 H. M. S. Red pole arrived from Sandakan *t Labuan on 27th November, and after coaling at the New Central Borneo Coy s (and taking the coal produced by that Com pan v), ahe proceeded on the folding day to Hougkoug. vis Manila.
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  • 41 3 1 hk first conviction under the Uniforms O-'li'nnc*. recently passed l>v the Lejis* I't v »> Conned, occurred in the case of a Hindu, named Narayanan, the other day, Bukit Tambun in Provine* Wellesley, "heoffender was discharged and cautioned.
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  • 65 3 I he Rev. Spencer of the West hiu;i Mission of the M. E. Church, i* stopping m Singapore for a few days on 'ontc for America. Mr. Lewis ia one of Missionaries recently driven out from station at Chungkiaog, when the mis•ion property was looted and the
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  • 64 3 OORBETT BEATEN BT FITZSIMMONS. I he long-expected fight between Corbett •oa r it»iiuui *u* for the championship of tb-t world took plane in America. The battle was oue of a protracted nature, bemg fought with greit stubbornness on both side*. It is r»*p *rted
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  • 68 3 It is stated that at a ball given at Poona recently, in honour of the Viceroy of India, one lady had her leg badly cut right across with a spur, auother received a severe cut on hi arm from a heavilyjewelled bracelet, aod a third
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  • 69 3 The new steamship Thekla, built oy the Reiherstieg Shipbuilding Yard and Engine Factory for the Kingsiu Line, was about to leave Hamburg last month on her first voyage to China and Japan, but got aground near the fish-market. The next day the steamer got off the ground again,
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  • 69 3 Mr. Asquith, q.c., m.p., ha* lieeo retaiued for tbe defendaut by Sir George Lewis iu the breach of promise action brought by Miss Wat tins, professionally known ms Birdie Sutherland, agaiust the Hon. Dmiley Majoribauks, which has been entered for trial in the Queen’s Bench Division before
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  • 101 3 Pjcrae, as we have already noted, has agreed to take part in the Singapore Cricket Matches. The Perak Pioneer says —Mr. Birch will select the Per.»k e'even and the Native S'ates eleven. Captain Talbot will captain tbe S rails eleven and tbe eleven from the "North,” Mr. Duumiu
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  • 108 3 Rkvd. Mother St. Henri, accompanied bv th*» lady superiors of the convents at SiugaiKKc and Tokio, arrived from Paris list Wednesday. She h«s deputed bv the nv'.it'cr p "'-er 1 in Pa p s of the Older ul t>.e Ho.y l.ifaUb Jesus,
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  • 134 3 Mr. A. C. Courtney. Secretary to ihe Colombo Cricket Club, writes as follows to the Timet of Ceylon I regret to inform you that, after a ropreaoutative eleven had been arranged to go to Singapore in December, several members of it wore obliged by unforeseen circumstances to
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  • 136 3 The estimated revenue and expenditure of Perak for 1890, are published in the Government Gazette of that State. The revenue reaches $4,*202,000, mostly from customs (82.172.000); licenses (8805.000); railway receipts (8022,0(H)); Uud (8240,000); and Municipal ($149,000). TV expenditure Aggre„a'es 83,895,899 of which establishments account for $905,000;
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  • 154 3 It I w«r# King of France, B'Ul better Pope of Boar*, I’d have no ttfbting men abroad. Me weeping midi nt home OH It is now decided to give a silver medal for the best four liue verse, after the above s‘yle, describing bow the condition of
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  • 53 3 Yesterdat afternoon, a coolie dropped a quantity of cash in the street, and while busy picking it up a small boy attempted to assist him. Thereupon a quarrel ensued in tbe course of which tbe voungster stabbed the c >olie in the abdomen with a penknife, inflicting
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  • 104 3 The following are declared by the Civil Service Commissioners to-be the successful cmdidaies at an examination held on Oct. 22, 1895, and following days, for Eastern cadetships. Four of the candidate* will be appointed to cadetships in the Ceylon Civil Service, and four to cadetships in the Straits Settlements,
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  • 111 3 Several matters bearing u|*ou the Far East came before the Manchester Chamber of Commerce on Nov. 13 :—ln view of the International Telegraph Conference to be k Id next year at Buda-Pestk, the lodia, China, aud Colonial Committee hud lad un ler consideia'ion tbe high charges at pre*eut
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  • 152 3 Thu death of Lady Clirke, the wife ot Lieut.-General Sir Audiew Clark*. K.E., is announced. Lady Clarke accompanied Sir Andrew to ludia and the colonies, and energetically shared with him the work of his various appointments and commands both tb»re and at horn**, by interesting herself
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  • 225 3 British productions when shipped directly from this country to French Indo-China are subject to duty under the French minimum tariff but when transhipped at Singapore they are treated as if they were the productions of a British colony, and are thus charged with duty under
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  • 104 3 Mr. >i i received, at ihe C l *uial Orti -e ou Btli Nov* uib *r, a Lrg* depu'atiou from the lemdou Clumber of Cotiitnert* wb>» wait*! upon him with a r'ewofeu idi ghiam'ere t*n hooperation i) •h’* mutti-r of the Tliirl C
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  • 81 3 Thk District Magistrate of Taujong Malini describes a re-cut visit to the coffee coucessiou grant d to Mr. Haudyside; tiie cstite is now heiug looked nfor by t-n ChineseciHihe-, iu fa<*t practical'/ abaudou* d. most of it choke 1 by second* ary growth aud lallang tour bet high in
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  • 189 3 From the monthly reviews of the Sumatra tobacco sales in Holland, the following particulars are derived: —In October there were sold at. Anisterdxin *25,022 bales, aud at K »tt* rdaiu 1,327 bales. The toue of the market was favourab'e, but there were only a few fine loin, go
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  • 430 3 (Front the Ti -enf Ceylon") London, 2Sth November Thk Queen, in addressing a detachment of t lie .Scots Guards at Wiudaor, prior to their departure for Ashautee, said she would follow their progress with infarct, and pray for their safety. Her Majesty wished them Godspeod. Lord Salisbury, replying
    (Front the “ Ti -enf Ceylon")  -  430 words
  • 400 3 I TUB FAR BAST But I ought to remember that I aui addressing you us Foreign Secretary, »nd at the present moment it is a happy thing to a* y that foreign affair a iuforest y«.u moat. Our internal sffiirs are ao qui t that tbore
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  • 588 3 THR OH UTS AND HONOKONO UONTKAsYeD Thr 'oilowing despatch from the B<*cre•arj of State on the subject of the Military Contribution ban beeu received in Hongkong Downing Street, 26'th October, lH9ff. Sir. —I liav the lion in* to acknnwle 'go the receipt of your despatch
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  • 624 4 The Rtub mining inau&gtr's report for tbe five weeks cutting ou the sth instant mentions that a drive in the Raul Hole No. 2►hilt h.ul Htru« k a quartz vein supposed to belong to the lode formation in this direction new country had been o| ened up by sto|>e«
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  • 427 4 Mr. Chamberlain presided at a ban quet to Colonel Gerard Smith, GoveryorDesigna'.v of Wt stein Australia, giveu on 111 hNoveinber, at the Imperial lustitu e. In tbe Cw,urae of tbe evening. Mr. Cb»»mbetlain says I liave now to |>ropo*e to yon tbe to»*t of our
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  • 85 4 Recently, the acting District Magistral •of Kunli Kaugmir held an inquest on tbe body of a Ch namau, who had hanged himse fiu a larbe/s shop. The man bad evidently male up his mind to eud bin existence, us I e had fastened the cord
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  • 268 4 The Midlaud Railway Company is now pushing forward its preparations for taking an active part in the race t> the North with the coming year. Their new express engine, which ia being built at Derby, has eight wheels, namely, a bogie in frout, a single part of
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  • 599 4 TRADE AND INDUSTRIE*. TLe uevrtase iu Ainei.cau imports iu 1894 was due mainly to the fuel that tbeie weie Du lu p' i tat ions of silver *pec uin in tb: t against the extensive mu s «»t the year previous. On the otbi
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  • 27 4 The Singapore Debating Society seeks the aid of ladies. A report of the Cashin-Seth case is being translated into French for publication in Paris.
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  • 54 4 THE P. O. COLLISION. The damage done to tbe Bohilia by the Hector runuing into her, is said to have been found more serious than it was at first thought to be. and she has to go into dock at Shanghai. Two of her plates are broken and others cracked,
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  • 53 4 SALE OF A P. O. STEAMER. The Kobe Chronicle of the "27th November savs —The negotiations for the sale of tbe P. AO. steamer Biam have been brought to a conclusion, the final payment being made yesterday by her Japanese purchasers. The vessel ha* consequently been withdrawn from the berth
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  • 77 4 The result of the stle of damaged Manila Hemp and Cardiff coals (ex s.s. Wielnnd at Borneo wharf, this morning, was: 128 hales Hemp realized an average price of about $5 per bale. C'-a's—oue lot of 335 tons realized $5.4-'* per ton and a lot of 25
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  • 85 4 Op ihe s• xtv selected candidates for tbe lud'xn Civ l 8* r*he, who have nassed the final examination, six are natives of Irdi«. More significant syll, the candidate who comes out at tbe Inal of tbe list is Abdullah Ilm Khan Yusuf Ali Khan Bthadur. Then
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  • 83 4 According to detjwtches from Pekin, t he Censor Sun u-ch’ien presented, ou tbe 13th Xoveuil*er, a memorial to the n rone, ridiculing tbe idea of still continuing the examination of military students and grad tutes iu archery, which is uow obsolete, out of date, and a curse
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  • 91 4 Japanese in future will not be verv much welcomed iu Thuringia. A few years ago two young workmen came from JapaD, took employment in a flannel manufactory in Thuringia, where thev worked for about two years, aud then t'.ey ie'timed to their own couutrv. But iu <i short
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  • 341 4 THE EDGAR DISASTER. ACCOUNT BY A HfRVIVOK. A letter tion Mr. C. E. Lo\d Th mm, one of the officers of the Edgar, has be. n received in Yokohama, andtheDai/y Hera/<l lias lieen furnished with the following i xt ract desciibiug the Edgar disaster. Tie writer was one of the
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  • 111 4 To meet the increase of work in the Siug&pore agency, tbe Direct ore have just created a second European Assistautship and hare appointed M. Cb&ix to it. He arrived from Hongkong last week by the Salawie to take up his appointment. A few days ago, M.
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  • 151 4 A meeting of the Singapore Debating Society was held, last nig it, at tbe RiftLs Museum. There was ouly a moderate attendance, the bu iflks beiug of a more or less formal nature. Mr. Sidney Jeffrey was unanimously elected bon. Secretary. The meeting then discussed a scheme
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  • 630 4 MR. STEAD S VIEWS. The storm cloud which threatened lias not vet burst, and with every daj’s respite there is hope that the skv may clear, un<J the rumbling of distant thunder die awuv along the horizon. At present the alarums of war are only audibly in
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  • 54 4 Amongst tbe passengers returning to Singapore to-monW by the Gefmau i Ud jj steamer Scu'hsen are: the Right Revd U F. Hose, Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak who is accompauied by Mrs. Hose nJ Mr. R. W. Hullett, the principal of the Raffles Institution. Tbe Rev. W <;
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  • 77 4 M. Louis Villary Peralta arrived by the Sydney last WeduesJay from Eurote to take up bis appointment as Vice-Consul for Spain at Singapore. He is one of the candidates who lately passed a u cessful legal examination at Madrid, which entitles him to practice as a
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  • 92 4 Mr. L C. Brown writes to tbe Penan* Gazette assuring a correspondent that there is uot likely to be any difficulty abrnt Perak, Selangor, and Malacca cempetiqg lor tbe Champouship of the St •aits, to be played at Singapore at Christmas. He says tbe competition is °l**
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  • 312 4 The following appointments have bien made at tbe Admiralty:—Sub-Lieut.— H.G. Duff, to the Immortalit.', to date Oct. D. A te tv rain from Victoria (8.C.) state* that Her Majesty's cruiser Royal Arthur will rein tin there all tbe winter, reads to proceed to the Far East.
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  • 304 4 Ir ii now reported that there is a great probability of the Duke and Duchess of \oik paying their visit t<» Australasia at the close of the next London season. The Colonial Office authorities will, it is understood, shortly commence to make preparations to this eDd. It
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  • 526 5 Th* following verses have beeu received. Tbe competition, of course, remaius opeu for some considerable time. Tbe people of Penang and tbe Native States might feel hurt if they were not allowed to try for tbe Huttenbach Medal. Were I Governor hiyh and a debtor would try
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  • 70 5 China Gazette. Shanghai, 2$th November. Withix the past, wet-k the China Foreign t tftice has made up its mind to give a pointblank refusal to all applicants for railway concessions, and several of the foreign Ministers, who have been touting on behalf of their nationals for
    . China Gazette.  -  70 words
  • 221 5 Shanghai, &*th November. Two Ningpo i licit, I Hilts wain and carpenter iespec ivt*lv of the China Navigation Co.’s steaui r Whani/iao, Captain GoodaM, w ere charged in the mixed Court this 'Horning, before tbe Magistrate and Mr. Scott (British Assessor), with maliciously aud wilfully
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  • 786 5 orohs i nihonman to the captain. Touching the extraordinary proceeding* ot the Saigon authorities iu tbe accusation aguinst the master of the Hi>,t*hire, we print tbe master’s letter to his Consul and bis statement f r the Consul’s information:— To H.B.M. CoilT" 4>k U''*mbrr- IE
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  • 285 5 FO ITRTKKN I>AYS ON A DEREJ/OT. The steamer Titan wuicu arnvid yesterday, brought two Chinamen who bad been picked up at sea from otY a haltsunken junk. The men were iu a very exhausted conditiou and the story that they had to t .>ll was of
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  • 674 5 RESIDENTIAL TOUR The Acting Resident left laiping on tour abyut the middle of last mouth. A visit was paid to Teluk Anson, where inquiries were mad« ivg»rdiug tho boat traffic on ihe Kiuti river. Th -n Ipoh was visited as well as the villigesof I’ekah Menglembu and Ltbat.
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  • 69 5 The Nippon Yusen Kaisha has decided to pay the eunrmous dividend of 30 |er eeut. for the present year —lo.per c nt. out of ilie ordinary profits and 20 percent. out of ]> ofits made on tha steamers chartered by the Govern uii--nt during the war, 'says •b
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  • 65 5 JoiiN Birch and Co. of Loudon publish a work entitled Photography Us matt rial* and af>i>tiances, especially for the information of beginners to prepare them for consulting advanced textbooks in that art. It is meint as a price list of the firm's photographic goods for colonial and foreign circulation,
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  • 79 5 The other day, iu Krian, a Chinaman and a dog were frtruck dead by one flash of lightning on the Jin Heng during a thunder storm. At the time, 6 p.m., four men were sitting round a table in front of the joss, eating their rice. They
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  • 1747 5 Tin* Princess of Wales has sot the fashion of wearing high, or scini-high, bodices at tlio theatre. The marring* of Lady Honry Somerset's son mill the daughter of the Duchess of St. Albans will take place in February, and probably iu Loud ou. Mr. George Augustus Sabi, whose
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  • 39 5 Tmk Hon. A. M. Skiuuer at rived at Penang ou the Bth instant. Ou anival, Mr. Trotter, accompanied by several oflciils, went on board to welcome the Resident Councillor. Mr. Skinner ofl landing drove up to the K 'sideucy.
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  • 88 6 Bishop Qwnirr h much better, and will probably leave rite hospital soou. Ok Friday, 3rd Jauutiv, theft is to lie a Eurasian Faucv Dn o Hall in the Town Hall. Mr W.E Sm iim. w •«> win f.irm*rly Manager of the Unaltered Mercantile Bank in Malacca, is
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  • 52 6 T?he annual sale of fancy articles in aid of the Conveut Orpbauage will be held in the upper room of the Town Hall, at 8 p.m., on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The Saota Cecilia Baud will play on Wednesday night and probably also on
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  • 67 6 Toe Hon. J. M. Vermont is liid up from the effects of a bite from a dog. It appears that ou the 6th iustaut, some of his dogs commeuced to fight under the table at which he was silting. The result eventually was that one of the
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  • 75 6 The Right Rev. A. E. Medlyeott, the English bishop of the Roman Catholic division of Tricbur, Southern India. |*sicd through Singapore on Tuesday ou board the Kaitari-Hind, on his way to England, via China, Japan, and America. On Tuesday morning he came ashore, and said mass in
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  • 495 6 (From the Progres* Rr/tort for October.) FINANCE The usual comparative statement of the chief revenue receipts for the first ten months for the vear shows: 1894. 1895. Jau.-Oct. Jan.-Oct. Bates 9313.838 8325:41 Taxes 88.844 93.591 License* and Fee* 20,178 20,256 SlaugLt -r House* 35.533 Markets 59,812 73.364 Water
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  • 803 6 NEW "POETRY." We have received the followiug competitive vers’sftoui local poets, aud then* sceuis no doubt uow that the principal sub-e-litcr will have to call iu outside assist* anee in adjuduaMug for the award of the Huttenbach medal: TO THE PRINCIPAL SUB EDITOR OF THE STRIT8 TIMES
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  • 65 6 With the development of commerce the sytt-ui of credit iu Japan is rapidly impioving. Speaking ou the subject at a recent Bmkeis' reunion in Tokyo, Mr. Y uuiuuoto Tatsuo, of the* Bank of Japan, xpressed surprise at the wonderful iucrcuse during tbe p ist few years iu
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  • 789 6 From our Corretindent. 9th December. THE SELANGOR PLANTATIONS SYNDICATE Several serious errors have crept iuto tbe notes which appeared under this head in Saturday's issue of the Straitt Time*. The t *tdl cultivated area has l*en iuoreused not froui four to six acres, but from four hundred to
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  • 1212 6 “Merry Christmas! Out upon Merry Christmas! What’s Christmas time to you hut time for pitying bill** without money; time for finding yourself s year older nud not an hour richer; a time for balancing your hooka, and haring erery item in ’em through a round d
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  • 1610 6 Wettminettr Ouzettf'. SOME TRIE STORIES OF ANIMALS AFLOAT. Those who have only seen bears in a state of captivity can scarcely realise (writes our naval contributor) tha», under certain conditions,they are not only delightful and aniusiug pie's, but aim) the best of “cbums”with our blue-jicLe s on board
    Wettminettr Ouzettf'.  -  1,610 words

  • 85 7 (I'm* Bangkok.) -ird December, President Cleveland, in the course of his inesange to Congrem, ,tnt«l that England i«l not yet replied to the A raeriean Note of July Imts proteating against any enlftrgomet t of British Guiana. Pan's, sth December. Tile amount of the loau for French ImloOhina
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  • 117 7 Messrs. Abelk and Olmau’s Company are still in Singapore prt’forming nightly in tbe Concert Hall adjoining the Adelphi Hotel. Tbe arrangements are of tbe 44 free-and-easy style with boys to supply refreshments; smoking, too, is permitted in the Hall. This is as it should be at this
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  • 1538 7 Miss Gmddeigh: 4 Are you in love, Mr. T»p#l«igh Mr.Tapelei gh i absent-mindedly) Out of it just now, Miss. Auylhing ebw 1 can show you Ha wss the victim of a tandem accident, aud the surgeon who had been called in remarked to him, 1 will be honeet,
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  • 189 7 Me. Hill, Acting Resident Councillor of Malacca, ia likely (after his Malacca term ol offiee) to go on long leave—presumably to recuperate from tbe slcepicosh of Malacca. Mr. Elcuui—who enjoys »lie wide-spread distrust of tbe schoolmasters—will continue to act as Inspector of Schools. The second rmragraph of
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  • 36 7 THE AVOCA The two boats’ crews of the steamer Avoca, that was recently burnt at sea, left Batavia yesterday for Singapore. An enouirv into the cause of the disaster will be held here on their arrival.
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  • 47 7 Calendars have also been received from the Northern Assuranoe Co. (Behr A Co.) Imperial Insurance Co. Barlow A Co.); Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. (Syme A Co.); Alliance Assuranoe Co. (Paterson Simons, A Co.)! and the Netherlands Fire Insurauce Co. (Hooglandt A Co.)
    47 words
  • 76 7 Yesterday evening, when Mr. Argyll Robertson of the Chartered Bank was dressing to attend the Governuieut House dance, he missed two gold watches, valued at £7O. Information was at ouce given to the police, and a detective shortly afterwards discovered a man in a house of ill repute
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  • 81 7 The Times qf Ceylon notes the discovery of a new process of extracting the gutta percha gum from the leaves instead of the trunk of the tree which produces it. This plau has been put in practice in Sarawak bv Professor Horeraut, with success. He has, it is
    81 words
  • 91 7 Thu Kubsid.ii Volunteer Fleet Association have addel u new steamer in the Kherson, a steel twiu screw three-masted vessel built this year a‘. Newcastle by R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie Co. (Limited). The Kherson Indents to the port of Odessa, is 6,OtX) tons gross, aud Hies the Russian
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  • 164 7 Madtiil, J7th November. Thu Marquis de Cabri nan albas pu bits bed in the local |>u|iers a startling exposure of Municipal frauds aud abuses, aud, in consequence thereof, a dastardly attempt has l>een made to murder this outspoken public benefactor. Fortunately, however, tbe Marquis escaped unhurt.
    164 words
  • 90 7 Lady Mitchell’s dunce, last uigtit, wee tbe dance of the year. The fl<or was ia excellent order, tbe rooms were very prettily decorated wit h flowers and flags—evidently the result of special effort—tbe on the table and on the pillars of the dining room I>eiiig especially lovely.
    90 words
  • 110 7 The Governor uod Indy Mitch* 11, and party, leave to-morrow in tbe SeabtlU, ihe departure being made from Johnston’s Pier at 3 o’clock. Pert Dickson will be reached on tbe Isth and a stay of two da}s will be made thebe. The Seabtlle wdl then proceed to
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  • 112 7 DISASTROUS EXPLORATION. News received froui German New Guinea at Sydney on tbe 25th November, gives details of ttie terrible privations and sufferings experienced by a large and wellequipped party, which started out about two months ago to explore that territory. Of the forty*three nxn forming the original party,
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  • 178 7 THE H. O. C. V. ARMY NAVY. MATCH PLAY 19 HOLES. 1 up. J. B. Robertson v. Lieut. MacDuugal. 2 A.W. Stiven r. Lieut. Ainslie. 4 Dr. Fowlio r. Major Morgan. *J H. Vade r. Lieut. Greene. 2 Geo. Machain e. Major Hawkins. 1 M. Allinson r.
    178 words
  • 237 7 MUKDKIt AND SUICIDE. A shocking tiogedy took place at Jjyd- nev, on the 17thNovember, at Nc. 129,Maequarie street, wh’eh is keowu iih a tashional»lo boarding-house i*i Sydney. Mr. Ar'hur I>aore, an actor of It* repute, the shci It >8 wife, a tine actres*,
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  • 159 8 TO THK PKIKC'IPAL BVH KIMTOR OK TMt STRAIT* TIMKH SiK,-*Her-with a verm*, wlii*-li, b* i g uio*t m accord amt; to the terms of c hipetition, I aui sure, will secure the rn •i.,| I aui, p. q. If lie were Governor o* Singapore. Not beii g
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  • 749 8 A UKKKZK IN THK HONiIICONU LKtiIKLATIVF. CXM/NOIL. MR WHITKHKAD S VKXATIOIS AND tSELKS* qUEaTIONS. The following is extracted from a report of the lasi meeting of the Hongkoug Legislative Council held ou the 6th iuat:— Hon.T.H. Whitebe id: —Haviugrei-eiieJ your Excellency'a pertuisjion to do 80, I beg
    749 words
  • 68 8 As-onost ill lueu of war due at Slugs|«i»e this month a*e th» Austrian crobeis Aurora and d/Wr««, the Ku*siau eru ►ers Dimitri JJontkoi, G roeinttchy, and Hunk, to reinfo ice the Pacific Squadron 'n I a< tt»i Squad■ on tit d r the cni unnd l Bar Admiral
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  • 95 8 Dato Mahomed, the State Commissioner, hit Muar for Johore on Monday night, by the opium boat, ou special duty, aud is exacted to return by the eud of the week. Three large croc diles, two of t em measuring 11 bet each and one of 10 feet, were caught
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  • 649 8 i From the Times of Ceylon i Berlin, 2nd December. The German Government has dissolved all Social and Democratic organi/atiou- in Berlin and nr ests, prosecution**, aud sentences for political offences are daily iucrea-ing. London, Jnd D cent her. A telegram rece.ved from Zanzib«r rtat* that the steamer
    i From the Times of Ceylon i  -  649 words
  • 154 8 It r*|H>ried in Chin sc official, circles nt Cnut >u that Wuchowfu, ou the Wed div*r, is shortly to bo opened to forego trail*. It is also reportel tha l iu adlitiou to the new ports mentioned iu the tieaty with Japan, a port is to
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  • 233 8 It isp*rf«ctly easy tocoi struct iu theory, iud even iu fact, a lady’s saddle that shall coutaiu no hygienic objections. Such a saddle would be somewhat iike the padhd *eitof music stool; it wou’d be mo eor icssovil; it Would l-e iufitted with air; it would
    233 words
  • 569 8 The follow iog isS:r William Kobmsou'* <l**q>Atch to the Secretiry of Stale regarding the military coutributiou iu Hougkoug. A few days ago, we published the Se* r tirv if StaVs rtplv rdusiug to acce*le to the r* «{Uests Govcnnueut House, Uon<jkon§, 2Sth Aogutt. /so.j. Sir.
    569 words
  • 2186 8 London, Itith November. The yiarquiN of "bdiabury has been asked to convene an international conference for tho |mr]Knw of preventing (f»iublin|f (dealing in “futures iu wheat. The Prime Miuinter, in reply, says he cousiJcrs that it would be iK'letM to eon veno a conference, u it
    2,186 words

  • 370 9 A novel by Mr. George Gissing. entitled Sleeping Fir<*>." i- to Ik* pnbl shed «»rtl_v »m Mr Pi*d»er I’nwi'i’** Autonym **'er!o« t Mi-s- Dougnll. the author of the story. Tl.e Z-'it-Geist.” Iu»* writ'en a new novel .•ailed, A (jiiestiou of Faith.” whi.di Messrs HiitehiiiHou will puhli*h. It i»
    370 words
  • 367 9 A Cobkebfondent draws our attention to the prevalence of raVes i„ the Ni-ive State*, and the uecevs.ty for very energetic ut ensures being taW u lo |revent t()| lotriHluviio of this trrible disuse into the Settlement. H ur*ev that the GovernWent Hud tfk Mu liiipilitv should thit
    367 words
  • 65 9 Pirn K<v*mi. tV comtni*sii»uc r and uis broth, r Puru Narisson, assistant commissioner for Tongkah, who arrived at S«Qga|»ore ou the Dth instant, in th Pukat from Peuang have goue to Bangkok to atteud the cremation cereinonii s of their father who died about a year ago. Their
    65 words
  • 82 9 The Hongkong Daily Petit r learns that Mr. Byron Breuau, Her Majesty’s Consul at Canton, has been apj*oiuted by the Home Government a special commissioner to inquire ioto the conditions of British trade at the treaty ports of China and also at Hongkong and the p
    82 words
  • 215 9 APPOINTMENT OF SIR F CLARKE OF HONGKONU. Sir Fielding Clarke, Chief Justice of Hougkong, has accepted th 1 vacant Chief justiceship of Jamaica rendered vacaut by the death of Sir Henry Junes Harford Hancock. The new appointment carries with it a much increased salary, as
    215 words
  • 872 9 Thk well-known Evangelical B shop of Mid-China, thi R*v. Dr. Mode, lelt Loudon tor Shaognui m the Baramattu ou the 7th November. Tin while oc th bishoprics iu Cbiua ate in nliar.e of old missionaries of the Cnurth Mntsioiary Soci :iy, which has I tee a
    872 words
  • 2433 9 .Br Hugh Clifford, recently Acting Resident of Pahang, now on leave. 1 THIItli AKTItl.K. tiik DOINGS OF' kaoinda UMAR. Vu i tin* 1'iihikIiiii in HottlcN Ihtnli.mi M n. in ihe itruUm* e|.».|; tor hi- Miiitli Tlie wlu if n> my »utnA ml I hr r *»t t»
    2,433 words

  • 133 10 At a intetirgo r ih P- n ng Cricket Club, held on the 10 h insbmt, s-veal important alterations to the Rules were made, including the taisiug of the subscription to $2.00 jer month and tbe inauguration of a more stringent rule retardirg the psymeot of ucmbeih’
    133 words
  • 246 10 CUSTOMS RECEIPTS. RAC1NU. HEMP. The customs receipts ai Manila showed i decrease iu September, coin) and with tin- figures in the corresponding peiio.1 of ti e i previous year. The ►hurtage is ascribed j ti> the parsing of goo !s in tin- cusl-mis lioua* being interfered with by
    246 words
  • 1287 10 It is useful (although scarcely customary) that a colonial judge should have, when lie is appointed, a working knowle Ige of law and haviug such a knowledge must have made life easier to Mr. Justice Leach. That knowledge he partly acquired in Hotigkong,wbere he practised at the
    1,287 words
  • 98 10 No'i 111 NO definite, says tLe Siam (jbnervtr of the *th instant, his yet been come to with regard to the Korat Railway beyond the fact, tLat the Siamese Government wsll take over from Mr. Murray Campbell the line when completed to Genkoi. and that such work
    98 words
  • 169 10 Tml Legislative Conucil of Hougkoug have just p issed a Bill to am nd the B.nkruptoy Ordinance iu force there. One amendment lemedies a hardship in ihe present law, arising from cases in which Chinese traders iu difficulties rotnnieme to remove their goods for the purpose
    169 words
  • 989 10 LEPERS AND THE PUBLIC. ACUKEN. POROKKS AND COUNTERFEITERS HLVB UPON SIR J. BROOKE MALIOAN PEARL FISHERY. Translated from various Newsjmpers.) Leper* now flock from all pxrts of Java to Sourabay* where a ro uiau of repute, Dr. Albricht, ha* given out that he baa found out a remedy
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  • 1232 10 It nuderstoc<l that Verdi’s new version 0 f Macbeth will bo ready for production for Mdrne. Calve during the next Loi dou reason Signor Tains guo, the operatic vocalist, wl* was seized with sudden illness when he about to start on his Ger mau tour last inontk is
    1,232 words

  • 498 11 MONDAY 16TH DECEMBER. Th- floating dock at Surabaya has sunk Inn tiicu.i! aw I 1 1 tv> Mr. ilutr.'U* !«ch. as The hon ew*rd mail by tbe \arra c »es it t m. to- ud now A Telegram an noun the death of Geoige Augustus Salu. Lieut. R. H. Griffith
    498 words
  • 30 11 The Netherlands Trading Society has issued a summons, at Pcuaug, against the two sureties of the defaulting cashier, claiming the sum of $15,000 on the secuiity bond.
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  • 33 11 The Captain C’liiua at Sourabaya Las been arrested ou suspicion of being concerned in the making of counterfeit Java Bank notes. He is one of the richest Chic.niian in Java.
    33 words
  • 42 11 It is pre]H>sed to call a meeting of the English-speaking ladies of Kuala Lumpur to discuss the question of organising a bick Fund, with the object of providing good nursing aod the necessary medical comforts in caves of sickness.
    42 words
  • 51 11 At the Football match, Penang v. the Deuclunent in garrison there, the military won by five goals to one. The following is tile record of games played between Penang aud tbe Cetuclnneut:— Played 6. Won by Detachment 5. Draw n 1. Goals for Detachment 21 for Penang
    51 words
  • 52 11 The rumour that the iukpot, won ou Saturday by Mr. H. opt r, was purchased tu*m the Hongkong Government is erroneous. The Hongkong Government has an inkpot for sale, but the price is bevoud what ti e SiUK*ajH»re Golf Club can afford unit**, perhaps, for the Championship of
    52 words
  • 59 11 Rumour at Bangkok has it that the last has not, yet l»etn heard of the Chinese Seortt Societies there, as, after the arrests that were made by the luariucsaud police, recently, a large number of them profess to have embraced the Roman Catholic cieei, thiuking it
    59 words
  • 66 11 Tht Governor proposes, weather permitting. to travel overlaud from Suugei Ujoug and to arrive at. Kuala Lumpur on the 18th iost., being met by the Acting Resident at Berauaug, the frontier station. Lady Mitchell will leave Port Dickson for Klaiig by the Sea Belle arriving on the
    66 words
  • 81 11 The Bangkok Golf Club was to hold its first meeting ou the 11th instant. The preliminary roll of membership has been signed bv H.K.H. Prince for the Siamese, and by Messrs Do Bunsen, Barrett, Leckie, 8.-ckeit, aud some 26 others, Mr. D. G. Anderson acting as Secretary.
    81 words
  • 105 11 Yesterday afternoon, the proprietor of a vernacular newspaper found one ot his servants drowned m a small tub ot water. Suicide had evidently been committed, I he water not being three feet de p. The police inquiry into the matter teuded to show that the deceased
    105 words
  • 378 11 (Viu Bangkok.) London, sth December. It h 8 beeu arranged between Engl ud and Belgium tliat Lot ha ire shall bo examined as to ike murder of Stokei at Boma, and that his trial shall thou take place liefore tho Su orior Council of the Congo Free State,
    378 words
  • 79 11 The following Circular has beau issued by the Selaugor Planters’ Association It bus been proposed upon the occasion of His Excellency the Governor’s visit, to present him with an ild lress praying for certain ref rms which appear to Ve much ne d d in connection with
    79 words
  • 91 11 The P. 0. steamer Peahawur with the English mail of the 29th November is due to arrive next Monday but as she pieks up at Colombo the mails from the Anetral a it would not l e surpi ising if she come in very much ahead of
    91 words
  • 257 11 f<»r i®n»l)lv last year, has l>een realized.— Perak Pioneer. Dr. Fox will leave England early in February with Major Trancbell. Tbe land Mr. Tait has taken up at Tanj«ug Mai.m for planting coffee is said to be very, rich, tbe loam being three aod four Let thick iu
    f<»r i®n»l)lv last year, has l>een realized.— Perak Pioneer.  -  257 words
  • 239 11 TOVHK EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES. Dear Sir, —In your issue No. 18,793 of Saturday, the 7th ins’., you bring under tbe headiug of New Enterprises in Selangor the following about the Selaugor Plantations Syndicate, Ltd. It ia stated, that Mr. Huttenbacb (the com- pauv’s manager) proposes
    239 words
  • 118 11 from Europe, on the 12th iu«t. —Selangor Journal iSth December. We are uoable to give with certainty the name* of those who are likely to go to Singapore for tbe Christinas festivities, but we hear that Messrs. E. V. Csrey, L. Dougal, and C. and J. Glassford
    from Europe, on the 12th iu«t.—Selangor Journal iSth December.  -  118 words
  • 376 11 tMh December. It is notified bv proclamation, that from Ist April, 1806, the Registration of Deeds Ordinance Amendment Ordinance of 1805 shall come into operation in the Island of Penang, Province Wellesley and tin ir Dependencies. The texts of two Ordinances: No XIV and XV of 1805, passed
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  • 316 11 The verses sent iu for the Iljuttenbach Competition have latterly been so entirely outside the rules of the competition, that we have ceased to print them. These rules require a four-line verse, describing bow the condition of creditors and debtefrs would be ameliorated were Mr. Hutten- bach
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  • 86 11 J. B. Kenslar. a teacher in the Government Mu lay School at Siuga|&gt;orc, has brought ou( Pupil's Aid in the shape of Mal ty versions of selections from Collins Improved Reader No. 1. The work is in romanised Malay and aims at giving an idiomatic rendering
    86 words
  • 206 11 a great success. The dinuer of th* Strait* Settlements A«s iciatiou took plaee a* I lie Grand Hotel, London, ou 20th November. Mr. William Adamson preaided, and the (‘hief guest w.ia Sir Cecil Smith, tbe lite Governor. The gathering was the greatest success t b»* Association has
    206 words
  • 134 11 Monday, 16th t)ioi{infR. High Water. 11.13 p in New Mooa. 1.2o p.iu. Philharmonic Choir. 5.40 p.m, Tuesday, 17th December. High Water. 10.23 a in. 11.52 M. M. homeward close*. 4 p.m. Wednesday. IMth Dscokmiikk. High Water. 11.3 a in. Muniei|*al Meeting. 2.30 a m. Furniture Auction. Sophia Road.
    134 words

  • 734 12 THE BURNING OF THE AVOCA.” ARRIVAL OF THE CMC*. This morning tbe Captain au l crew o' the Avoca, that soui j time ug w burnt at sea, arrived fiom BaIhva by th General Pel. From Captain Mill-hip, •who was in commaud of the id-f I'e I Vessel, our represeutaiive
    734 words
  • 136 12 •On Saturday eveuiug, a prison warder named Crook w.ih in lhe Kith-man's Arms with a coa)|aniou. A friendlv argument took placi which ociitHimnd a good deal of noise, the p&lt; int in question being their relative uurits in the noble art of self defence. Eventually the couple
    136 words
  • 2953 12 (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, iHk December. THE HEALTH OF THE STATE. FINANCIAL FRUUKEMM THE ESCAFE OK A REBEL THE RAUR RAILWAY. From ilu Residency Surgeon’s Medical Ue|Htrl for October, it appears that the health of tbe general community has continued good, though a slight iucrease, hardly worth mentioning,
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  • 336 12 THE CLUB VERSUS COLON EL Hooey Golfers evidently litre the bud, for the bright cheerful weather of Saturday brought out uiore player* tbau have been aeen ou the links for many a day. The course was the tegular course, aud the chauge was welcomed. The details of
    336 words
  • 225 12 The tenth ordiuary general meeting of the C &gt;mpan\ was held at Penang ou the 9th iiist., when the Directors submitted the following report t# the shareholders Your Directors submit a statement of accounts lor the veai eudiug 17th October, 18H5. The net
    225 words
  • 73 12 Per P.ifcO s.s. Australia, from Loudon, Iiof. 22 Mr. II. M Simons, Mr. A. H. Calto. Mr. nnd M V. J. F aser, Miss Frnsor, Mis* Ksrr 4 Mr. G. P-weira. and Mr. ij. E. C. Pereira. Per M. M. s. s. Oriin. from Marsoine** Nov. 24, Messrs.
    73 words

  • 3411 13 DECEMBER, oth. PRESENT. Chable* Bullkn Hugh Mitchell j A. Swattenbam, Colonial Secretary. vv. R. Gollyer, Attorney-General, j J. K. Birch, Acting Colonial Treasurer. ‘v E- Issmußgsr, Acting Auditor-General. a tfuttenhach. on T. O. Bogaardt. t J. Burkiaabaw. Dr. Lim Boou Kenf. £g.S. Murray. AMENT. E. M»j or 'Gru«
    3,411 words
  • 623 13 ARBI V ALB. P**r s a. 8 ttiin from *N *w Gain** Mmht St rawer, Fust. Fie tier, Lanaemeyer, and Berghann. Per s. a. Hebe from Deli:—Messrs. Twekweld sad Btnof. Per ».i. Librlle from Labuan :—Mr. There t«. Per s. s. Ban Hin Qua a from KUor via
    623 words
    • 104 13 Under this heading tho following abbrevi-. lions are used:—atr.—steamer sh.—ship, bq.—barque Brit.—Bntiab U. S.—United States; Fr.—French; Ger. —German Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., O.c..—General cargo d. p.—de&lt;*h passengera; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong t’agar Wharf T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardiue’s Wharf N.
      104 words
    • 1169 13 Arrivals Since Noon or Saturday. Canton, Fch. tran. tons, Cart. Mararoli, I Mli Doc. From Marseilles, 11th Oot. Bousiead A 10. For Saigon, U.—T.P W. Bcndar'e, Dut. atr. life tons, Cspt. Or;a, 14th Dec. From Palembang, 13th Pee. G.e., 18 d.p. Liong Bee. For Palombsng, 17th. —Rds. Juno,
      1,169 words
    • 197 14 Name. Pert and Date of Sailia London. Oopack, Not. 4; Diomed, Not. 14 Etoo. Palawan. Gleurtn*;. AjT T Liverpool Ningchow, Not. 12 Anchises due Dee. 25 Pyrrhus due Dec. 25 Amstekdam. Print Van Oranje, Not. 13; Glasgow. Kentigorn Nov. 8; {Shields. Oromaso, July 5; Babbt. Aldebaran, Aug. 16;
      197 words
    • 185 14 PA88ED SUNDA STRAITS S.’t AKK1VK1) I'Oii OKDKHI. fun i, rrs Dat*. and Ship’s Nim. Commanobh os Fkom Whlkk Dcm ation k Ri«. Bailing. makkb. Dei* 1 Ned s.s. Merapi Mink Dec 1 BaUiis Rotterdam I Ned a s s r.imo Bagchus Get 2d Rotter am ntavia ,i b Nor
      185 words
    • 1045 14 m I Flaw i •7 Vessel’s Name. 4 Tons. 1 Captain. Prom. Sai id Consignees C. 1 Deo 1 9 Hun Seng Oiutn Brit. sir. 499 Geary Bangkok Dec 6 Ban Seng 9 Singm ore str. 748 Main Bangkok Deo ft ioo Rene Chan 9 /.weens I str. 940
      1,045 words
    • 581 14 Dati Vibbil’s Kami. Fi.AO.tRu Captain. DuaTtwartoi D*“c. 9 Flintshire Brit.ntr. William* Saigon 9 Borneo atr. Smith »m geek 9 Norma r «ah Put. -eh .•««!..h Kotawarinrir 9 .&gt; ii inum SaAli soil A Acmkh K&lt; tawaruigiu 9 Tibre MM str. Gregory Saigon 10 Keong Wai Brit. str. Unawortb B
      581 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 669 14 UE1DS1EK CO. MONOPOLB. Purveyor* to the IMPERIAL and ROYAL JOURT OF GERMANY and to th« IMPERIAL COURT OF RUSSIA. RAUTENB£KG SCHMIDT Co.. SOLE AGENTS. 17/4/ THE M /STRAITS TIMES. Th« S-rmsiTe Be do it. Thk price ot the Strait* Timm la follows:— Daily issue per year 80 dollars, do. do.
      669 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      711 words
    • 369 15 water as fa-.t as it came in. Twenty men might have got her into port. It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s hack the last imaupplied n«ed that makes poverty abject ami despera'e. These bodies of ours carry the semis of disease with them all the time—chiefly the
      369 words
    • 248 15 AYER’S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL FOR THE KAPII&gt; CORK OF Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE THROAT. ®lt will relieve the most distressing cough, soothe the Inflamed membrane, loosen the phlegm, and Induce refreshing sleep. For the cure of Croup, ■Whooping Cough. Hors Throat, and all the pulmonary troubles to
      248 words
    • 713 15 LEA PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE j ls N QW J yry U PRINTED j ,N BLUE IN DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTBIDS WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Weroeeter: Crotes A Blackwell, Ltd., Londoa and Kxpert Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore
      713 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 407 16 41 LITTLE Co, Ltd •t SINGAPORE. OAT ■•■i.lTK DBPARTMBWT.-Our Electro Plate Stock.contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriags Presents IVizes for Athletic meetings, £c. We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, Ac. VA ir
      407 words