The Straits Budget, 3 December 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 126 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Th S Penang" "throuahout SmST* rculati n of an Y newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, p throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indie, the
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    • 17 1 On November 29th, at the Raffles Museum, the wife of Dr. R. Hanitsch. of a daughter.
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    • 33 1 At the Presbyterian Church, SingaiwrH, on the 25th November, hy the Rev. George 11. Rei.h, m.a., Capt. Gsorie Smith, of s.s. Borneo, to Mart, third daughter of the l*r» Wii.liam Richmond, Kilmarnock.
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  • 518 1 Eiitoeials. Wt*ti( g Tune. The Cry of BI »od. Franc* fnket obsession The Nlsve of Duty. Jsber. Balfour. M Cliff«vd’s Malty otoriv* Th* Sultan's Foliy. Local. Market (Quotation*. Shipping N*‘Wi. Psowiger Li >t. Police News. The Late Mrs. MeOallum. A Fatal Fall. The Military Contribution. The Destitute
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  • 502 1 Sinoahork, 3rd December, 1895. PRODUCE. Gamlner I 8.32 do Cub© No. 1, 12 Oo. do do No. 2 10.00 Copra Bali, 5 55. do Pontianak 5.2'*. Pepper Black, teller* (a 10.00 Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.70. do Bnmei 2.50. Pearl Sago, 3.40 Coffee Bali, 40.* e Coffee Liberian.
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  • 389 1 The mail for Europe, this week, is takeu ou by the M. M. s.s. Salazie. The M. M. s.s. Sydney with the mail from Europe of the 8th November is due to-day. The mail for Europe next week is tixed for the P. A O. s.s.
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    • 68 1 London, With Nov, KKVOI.T IN~I RF.TK THK SITUATION IN ASIA MINOR Au insurrection baa broken out in Ciete, and the insurgent* have defeated the Turks there. The situation ot affairs in Asia Minor is reported to be improving. It is proposed to double the number of loreign
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    • 25 1 Tlit* Fr-uch Chuulier of Deputies has unanimously vote I the credits required tor increasing the number of French onsilates in Chim.
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    • 24 1 The Budget of Paly shew-, a surplus of eight millions of lire. There is no inciease ■•ither in taxation or debt.
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    • 109 1 London, 27th November. STRENGTH <»k foreign hUL'AORONH quiet m asia minor NI’MUKK OF ARMENIANS MASSACRED Fifty foreign men-of-war are now assembled in the Levant, of which eighteen are British. The situation of uifaiis generally iu Turkey is improving, aud Asm Minor is reported to be quiet.
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    • 36 1 London, 28th November. THE FOREIGN GUARDSHIPM The Turkish Government has consented to the foreign guirdships, now stationed at Constantinople for the protection of the Embassies there, being raised to twice the present strength.
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    • 13 1 A detachment of the Footguards will be despatched to Aihautee.
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    • 45 1 FRANCK TAKES POSSESSION The Freuch Minister for Foreigu A flairs has announced iu the Chamber of Deputies that, henceforth, Madagascar will be a Fiench Possession. The Chamber, after a heated debate, approved of the declaration by a majority of three hundred aud sixty seven.
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    • 65 1 The trial of Jabez Balfour has resulted in hie convictiou. On the tint indictment—for fraud—the sentence ie seven yean peual servitude. i On the second indictment—frauiu'ent £3* »ot oprctri'iMV. George Edward B ock, a co-mci used, I as l»e* n sent-nc d to niue
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    • 51 1 Signor Cropi, the Prime M 1 ulster of Italy, has made a speech duri g a deba'e in the Ch*ml**r of Deputes at Itome, expo t-siiig confidence iu the maintenance of |.CMC Signor Cr.spi fuith-r dic’ared that if, unhappily, events should turu out otherwise, Italy would maintain h*r
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    • 82 1 London, 80th November. MATTERS THREATENING The Sultan is reported lo be wholly in the hands of a clique at the Palace. Th* Sultan still refuses to issue a drman or decree authorising extra for ign guardshipa to be *tatioued at Constant inople for the protection of
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    • 20 1 All the Social'st Reichstag (or Parliamentary) Committees have beeu closed ou the grouud that they endanger public order.
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    • 17 1 Parrying between Franc** aud Britain on the Mekong question is at a xtandst ill.
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    • 129 1 London, 2nd December. THE SiII,TAN HTII.L OBSTINATE FBESH MASSACRES The Sultan is still unvieldiug as regards the demand of the Powers for permission to station additions! foreigu guirdsbipsat Constantinople for the protection ot the Euib isdea. H.M.S. Dryad, which has he *o awaiting 'he Sultan's answi
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    • 575 1 (Straits Times, 26th November.) The bon. August Hutt- nbjch is reallj being very hardly treated The Legislative Council, at the instigation, we believe, of au exceedingly cute Colonial Secretary, is referring all its debateable matter to a series of Select Committees. If the Government sniffs in the Legislative
      (Straits Times, 26th November.)  -  575 words
    • 355 2 (Strait* Time*, 2?th November.) Forty thousand Armenians are reported to have perished during the recent troubles iu Turkey. The figures are based upon estimate, but "there is reason for bclieviug that the victims must have fallen in thousands. The Armenians, for whom a subscription s now
      (Strait* Time*, 2?th November.)  -  355 words
    • 304 2 {Strait* Timet. 28th AToremher.) Franck has conquered and taken possession. The Chamlier of Deputies, by an immense majority, has approved of Madagascar being formally declarecka French possession. Tb* present French Ministry is understood to be committed to annexation pure and simple, and the present declaration of possession
      {Strait* Timet. 28th AToremher.)  -  304 words
    • 354 2 (Straits Times, Utith November.) Like the apprentice pirate His Excellency is the slave of duty.” The conscientious Pirate and the conscientious Governor—if we read aright Mr. Gilbert's libretto and Mr. Swettenbam’s letters—do their duty not entirely because they believe it to be useful, but because they
      (Straits Times, Utith November.)  -  354 words
    • 486 2 (Simil* Timet, 2fHk -Not member.) The news that Jabez Balfour bus be* u convicted and sentenced will U hailed wilh satisfaction. Balfour stands so pre-eminent among bypocrit s who rob widows* houses and, for a pretence, make long prayer* that it i* a pity his victim* have not
      (Simil* Timet, 2fHk -Notmember.)  -  486 words
    • 546 2 (Slwti* Tiut'r, 30fh y> vember.) Wt publish to-day the first of a aerie* of article* from Mr. Clifford of Pahang. The article* coueeru themsel ves with the habit*, the way*, and the character of the Malay* who inhabit the East Coast of the Peninsula. It may
      (Slwti* Tiut'r, 30fh y> vember.)  -  546 words
    • 363 2 (St roita Timea, 2nd December.) Again have affairs in Turkey taken a critical turn, this time on an issue which touches the Sultan's insane fears. The Sultan had long borne the repute of being a partial monomaniac. He had ever before him the fate of his predecessor
      (St roita Timea, 2nd December.)  -  363 words
  • 19 1 DEATH. At her residence, SuunysiJe, River Valley Road, on the 27th November. Mayill J. M. Moses, aged 76 years.
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  • 535 2 hi Ml A PORK WINS Singapore Usswoutheiuterport sbuou* match wtth the very doe s«.ore of Hit Additional interest «ai leut to the prr*u eucouuter by the adoption of a new wrap* the Lee-Melford r.tle, aod it* mjK-rwru is d m<*ustiated by the increased that have been
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  • 20 3 M*. 8*klk«bi> lia.« been nominated for Bocbore Ward by Mr. Sohst and Mr. O n Eng Seng.*
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  • 30 3 Messrs. Aojagi Iku'aro and Ishiw;ira XetfUOiaukti w 10 have beeu commission d bv the Japan Emigrition Sncie'y t.» visit tlV* Malay Peninsula, left Tokyo on October 3tst.
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  • 30 3 The Japan Beer Brewing Company of Tokyo has started brewing stout, and’ the company bas been ordered to supply that beverage to the household of the Crowu Prince.
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  • 30 3 Saioon is said to be the only place in the East which maintains a regular theatrical company specially brought out from Europe. The Government gives a heavy subsidy.
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  • 35 3 It is reportal that the Japanese Imperial Guards have suffered most severely from sickness in Formosa. The four regiments there were 25,000 strong, but only about 11,000 will return in good health.
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  • 41 3 It is stated at that the objact ,»f the German squadron in visiting Amoy was to arrange for a German concession at the port. It is believed that what the Germans really want is a coaling station.
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  • 46 3 A Japan newspaper notes that Germany seems to be reticent about recognising Japan’s right ot admission, on equal footing with the rest, to the general comitv of nations, and that uo good news regarding tbe proposed treaty revision bas been received from Berlin.
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  • 52 3 The British ship Barcraig, which left New York for Shanghai on the 25th of April, loaded with kerosene oil for the Standard Oil Company, is missing. She bis never been spoken. Ninety guineas per ceDt. have been piid on her at Lloyds. It is feared she is
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  • 71 3 A private telegram has been received from Hongkong to-day, stat>ng that the Japanese Government have instituted a ••‘arch for the uiissiug steimer Ulan, thit left Singapore for Nagasaki and Yokohama ou September 14th, aud has not since beeu heard of. This indicates that hope bas not altogether
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  • 62 3 Three Chinese traders, who had been abroad to the Straits Settlements and* the United States, were beheaded at Canton on tbe 27th October, for being rebel leaders. To ensure that they. and not substitutes, bad been executed, those leaders were photographed wh<*n condemned and their b*'ads were agam
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  • 61 3 Ihe 0. O. C. his been pleased to grant leave of abseuce to tbe undermentioned Officers, as stated Indow —Captain A. F. Dawkins, Northumberland Fusiliers, from dod December, 1895, to 2nd January, 1898. Captain D. Sapte, lsj, Northumberland fusiliers, from 27th November to 9th l»ecembcr, 1895. Major Hon.
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  • 139 3 I HE China Sea, with the Bay of Fundy, a reputation as tbe most stormy t, on the globe. Tbe recent gale, though We in (he season, appears to have ll extremely strong, and vessels from Bing t p, •re to Hongkong, according to “ougkong pajters,
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  • 240 3 the funxeal The funeral of the late Mr*. McCallum, wife of the Hon. Major McCallum, Colonial Engineer, took place yesterday afternoon, aud furnished a striking toatimony to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The funeral cortege left Beaconsfield" at a quarter past four, the
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  • 229 3 Thus the Hongkong Telegraph Li Hung-cbang is not a patriot is the subject which was to be del ated at the rooms of tbe Chinese Christian Association, Singapore, on the 15tb iustant. What earthly good tbc-Chnstian Chinese of the Straits expect to do by so far casting
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  • 150 3 The small Society, which has been established for many years to give help to deserving cases of persons who find themselves in Singapore d'9ti»u!e of friends or means, is again in want of funds. It is managed by a eoiumittre consisting of the Archdeacon of the
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  • 129 3 WHY HONGKONG CANNOT COME. The Hongkong Daily Prcft says —The Committee of tbe Cricket Club have felt regiet fully compelled to decline the pressing invitation of the Singapore Cr.eket Club to take part in a cricket fortnight there at Christmas time. Tbe meeting would have been quite
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  • 75 3 Early this month, five of the ringleaders in the massacre of missionaries at Kucheng were beheaded at Foochow. Eyewitnesses describe the scene as imposing. Three sides of sn ob'ong were by troops, estimited to number 1,200 to 1,500. At the end of the oblong was a large
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  • 187 3 TWKMTYTRKKK MEN HAVKI) The Commodore at Hongkong has received the following telegram r* apediny the accident to the K'lgar pulling launch at Chemulpo whereby forty-eigbt meu were drowned Lttid«d fo- drill under the Gunnery Lieutenant. Weather being quiteofine at the time, started pulling back,
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  • 103 3 It is refiorted iu a Japau uewspapt r, that several Japanese coolies in Formosa have been caught smoking opium. The Japanese Governor has hence directed bis officers to prevent the Japanese there from acquiring the habit of smoking that drug. In Japan, the smoking of
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  • 313 3 (From our Correspondent Touching Penjom mines, it is reported that tbe cross-cut in the Jalis mine is proving satisfactory, aud tbe ore obtained trom this part of the workings is said to l>* good crushing stuff, but the width of the lode has not yet been ascertained. At
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  • 277 3 Mr. Malcolm Macdonald, mauagiug director of the Boyle Fibre Syndicate, whose object is to promote tbe trea'incut of ramie fibre so as to render it suitable for textile purposes, was in Dundee yest* rdav (says tbe Dundee Courier of 30tb October). Along with Mr. Thomas Ferguson,
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  • 361 3 [The Straita Settlements Association to the Colonial Office.] Straits Settlements Association, Wbittiugton Avenue, London, 23rd Get., 1895. Sib, —1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Fairfield's letter of 25tb July, No. 11,337/95, transmitting to me, by Mr. Secretary Chamberlain’s direction, copy of Lord Ripon’s
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  • 401 3 (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November 28rd. PROGRAMME OP SPRING MEETING. A Geueral Meeting of the Selangor Turf Club was h*>ld this evening, iu ord* r to consider the programme of the Spring Meetiug. drafted by Messrs. Day aud Cumuiiug. it is hardly ne- essaiy to
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  • 109 3 Lamt night, there died at the Gem ral Hospital, a Mr. Steel, a nncbauieal engineer from Glasgow. About -five weeks ago, the deceased fell from the window of his room in the Adelpbi Hotel, a distance of about tweoty f**et, and was removed in an unconscious condition.
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  • 795 3 (From Our Correspondent.) Pekan, 21st November. With regard to the figures I gem rally give as to tne monthly exports of tin ore from the Pabaug Corporation’s uiiues ifx Ulu Kuautan, the followiug particulars, as to the work being doue iu tne loc cities from which tbe
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  • 981 4 Print i titir o rrespondeut. huuln Lumpur, Hist Noocntbtr, THE KAILWAY. Thb U'u re an.or Kxtei siou is op -n t Serendao, and, at 0 e pres* nt tale ot pro. e tin t* *h uidg* 11 Inough u* Ku« a Kubu about t* u day* hence,
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  • 970 4 V! nugerford Do you believe, doctor, thut the i>mm of tobacco tends to shorten a man's days?" Dr. P. I know that it does. I tried to s'op o cm, and the days were about ninety lion d long.” I OUhoak revisiting the home of his boy- hood):
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  • 194 4 Over 185,000 piculs of rice wereexpoite*i from Bangkok to Singapore iu July last. It is probable tbat the Government may arrange to abolish the license duty on litersellets. The Hon. Dr. Brown returns to Penaug to-day. He came to attend the commilte* s on liquor and bankruptcy.
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  • 50 4 This morning, when the steamer llye L'ony was passing Johnston’s Pier she collided with a iwaktno which was proceeding to the s.s. Teresa in the Roads. The ticalcow at once sank. There was on boxrd a cargo of rice valued at $3OO. Fortuuately, the crew were rescued.
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  • 51 4 The Siamese Miuistir of Justice has appointed a committ*e to enquire into th*; delay in triing cases now peudiog for some yetis in the International Court, and to make arrangement for their disposal as soon as possible. The causes still on the records are. at present,
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  • 46 4 A Petition to the Governor of the Straits Settlements to commute the death sentence passed on Ahamat, by the British CoLsular Court at Bangkok, to penal setvitude for life, was being circulated for signature there, chiefly among British subjects of Indian nationality.
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  • 51 4 Mrs. Trotter’s At Home” at the Residency, Penang, on the 22nd instant, is described as being very well attended. There were an unusually large number of Chinese gentlemen present. On leaving, many of the guests expressed regret at the approaching departure of Mr. and Mrs. 1
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  • 56 4 I he Penang Police have offered a reward of $500 for iuformitioo regarding the person or persons who forced the cheque on the Chartered Bank for $7,000 in ttie uatneof Mr. Mahomed Ariff in julv la*ti. A haudsoiue regard will also he X Veu for discovery of
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  • 51 4 1 he Orders of 1 be Day for the Legislative Council meeting on Monday ueit include Notices, Appeal* Bill (first r*adiug) and Hie Opium Ordinance Amendment Bill t third reading;. The draft Standing Orders, aud the Bills on Volunteers, Bankruptcy,’ Petroleum, Liquors, and Limitations are iu the Committee
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  • 54 4 PENSION OK GRATUITY The Penang Mu.uci|»ality have applied to the Governor for leave to pension off their Chief Clerk us a special case, though the Government had already suggested that a gratuity would meet ‘the circumstances. One Commissioner dissented on the ground that the law did not permit the Municipality
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  • 55 4 $2,000 FINE8. O* Wednesday last, tour Chinamen were brougbt up at Penaugfpr assisting iu carry* iu« on a Waiseng lottery. Two of them weie sentenced to six mouths’ rigorous imprison* men! without option of a tine. Another case win heard oa the 22nd in*taut and the three
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  • 66 4 A s|»eeiai meeting of the Municipal Commission is being held this afternoou, for the purpose of adopt iug and passing the Budget for 1896. It is unlikely that there will be any discussion, the estimates having been thoroughly threshed out in Committee. At this meetiug, ih* applications
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  • 108 4 At the Commanding Officer's Quarters, Penang, oa Thursday night last, Mrs. Armstrong gave a successful fancy dreas dance. There were several effective costumes. Special meutiou must be made of the hostess as the Duchess of Devonshire, Mrs. Shearwood who wote a very pretty and liecouiing
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  • 133 4 Amongst the list of notabilities who use the cycle are to l*e found the following: Nicholas II of Russia. Wilhelm II of Germany, Leopold II of Belgium, tbe Prime of Monaco, George I of Greer-e, Dou Carlos of Portugal, and tbe Duke of Cumberland, who have become ardent
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  • 154 4 Speaking of the made in lat ng the (Uilvitr, the S'a» j Obsrrrr SAVB The King srecent joa ney on the lin«*brouglit to 1 >g)it the fact th t the larger uart of t work of the eoutno- or m th** ron*trurti<m of the Bailway
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  • 286 4 THE JAVA BUDGET FOR 18 96. Amsterdam, .‘HUh October. In tbe Secoud Chamber of the Netherlands States General, during tbe debate on tin- <v i budg‘t for 1896, the MiuMcr Tor tbe Colonies explained bis policy at some length. He is not averse to reforms, but they are not required
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  • 22 4 Th* Peking and Tientiin Timet says it is reported that the railway is to be continue 4 from Tientsin to Pekin immediatsly.
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  • 80 4 HTKAITH TEAM* The following is the Team to plaj for the Strait. ‘Ceylou M Chn.tma.:—- l Authony, A. 8. Peiumg. Duumau, W. t nugie Uioinr Oii|fi b(' r y, F. O. Singapore* 1 Glaaefonl, <J. Q. Selangor. Leach, B. iagapore. Mackenzie, R. M. Perak. Neubrunner, E. W.
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  • 149 4 A Coeekspondent writes ln Noven. ber, four vessels will be commissioned, u the I m mortal ite by Capt. E. Chichester Narciseut by Capt. H. B. Ling, to relief tbe Mercury and tbe Caroline, both of them ate of the same class as tbe Undaunted. but better armed,
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  • 157 4 The Honorary Treasurer in acknow. bnlging the Mibsi riptions mention'd below, earn* s Iv apj-e«.ls to those wh<» have not s en the subscription lists to forward to him whatever they might fed inclined to give. The distress iu Atinenia is so great tint, just before
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  • 181 4 At the Penang Municipal Meeting ou th* -2nd instant, the subject of VerauuaS Obstruction came up on the Eugineer urging the need for keeping the verandahs clear. For instance, the verandahs B* ach Street are sometimes so blocked up that the putdic are not able to
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  • 214 4 Another performance was giveu by Mehsrs. Abell and Olman’s Troupe last uight at the Town Hall, before a small but appreciative audience. The full strength of the Company was.available, and the programme was varied in many respects. Professor Calabresiui gave an exhibition ol a seriesof new tricks
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  • 412 5 A HKRIOUB FALL A most regrettuMe and serious accident bei’el Major McCallum, Colooial Kngiutter, this miming, and the gallant officer in now lying at the General Hospital, suffering from the effects of a revere (all. The circumstance* of the accident are somewhat singular. *It ap|>ca e
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  • 367 5 THE NOVELISTS CONFESSIONS. Kob*-rt Louis Stevenson's Vailima Letters give charming glimpses of bis life. He had his owu troubles, financial and i*thc-r. H* says, under date December, 1890:—“ It is hard to arrange wisely the interest so disiributed. America, England, Samoa, Sydney, everywhere, I have no
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  • 342 5 (Fifl Rangkok.) n Parie, INth November. Ur. Arton, who is allied to be iiupiiested in the Panama Peandals, has been arrested iu London and taken before a magistrate when he refused to speak. m, Loudon, lHth November. Tlie leaders of tlie Liberal party in Turkey have disavowed any
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  • 415 5 On October 29tb tbe Hon. George Peel, Secretary of the Gold Standard Defence Association, delivered sn address ou curteocy before the Bristol Chamber of Coium- rce. Mr. Peel said tha‘ a conaidt ruble decline was visible iu the torlums of b.metallism. In tbe hist place tbe arguments
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  • 104 5 Last month, the Acting District Offictr of Ulu Langat proceeded inland, and gave out clothes, cheap jewellery, a couple of single barrel guns, aud 8120 iu cash to the Sakais of the Mukim as their share of the Durian Farm. The two headmen got the guns
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  • 58 5 Ihk S laum Tin Mining Company, iu liquidation, met at Hongkong on the lfit.h instant. The liquidator announced tbe elose of the windiug-up, leaving a balance of J 472 in hand. The Inluuce was paid over to Ihe liquidator by the shareholder» in
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  • 864 5 It is h gh time the British wife lurutd. r.»o long Las she sub jutted to defamation and distortion without so much as venturing to raise a protest, or eveu mildly remoiHilutiug with her assailant. Mr. G-ant AI leu, however, in his latest prououmement on tbe
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  • 1245 5 News has reached this end of the world, says a Straits correspondent of a London financial paper, that the prospectus of a subsidiary company lias been issued hv the Straits Development Company, the new company to be styled the Cherubaug Gold Mining and
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  • 537 5 (From Mr. Keyttr'i Report for October.) Thicks is little to record for Die past month. T visited the Kougkoi and Kenabui Districts whi*h, uow that the mines ait* cdosed, bear a desolate aspect. Some yeart ago, I vainly endeavoured to preveut tbe handing over of Malay padi del
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  • 93 5 Under Authority War Office leter 53/S.S./1332, dated 22nd October 1895, the word Ghnrrien will be omitted from Para 39, Local Itcvillation*, the first two lines of which will be amended so as to real: Conveyance by jiurickshas is allowed for Wan ant Officers, NCO’s and men." '1 lie
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  • 45 6 Til Kobe Chronicle learns that the Japanese Government intends to is*ue memorial stamp* of the value of two ten and fire ten in connection with the celebration of the victory over the Cbioese, to be held at the capital early next year.
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  • 58 6 The Russian Government has decided to construct a water wav between the Baltic and Black Sets, which will extend from Rigs, a’ong the rivers Dwins, Berexina, •nd Dnieper, to Kherson, and will boeomt'l liil in tire rears, ut an estimated cost of .£20,000,006. The prof-osed waterway wiU
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  • 677 6 M. Pierre Loti's forthcoming bcok on the Holy Lund, “*La Galilee." will be published fery shortly. t lleasts. Hodder A Stoughton arc about to publish Dr. Creegau's “Great Missionaries." with an introduction by Dr. F. E. Clark. Messrs. Longmaus A Co. have in the press “The Life and
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  • 66 6 Ths Japanese Cabinet, at a meeting on the 9th inat., agreed to increase the standing army t» 250,000. It is said that plana are now beiug prepared for new war-veaaels to be built for Japan. Among them, there are four first-class battleships of 15,000 tons
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  • 69 6 What may lie described as a novelty in acrobatic performances has been added to tbe list of entertaiments at the Aquarimn, Westminster. A girl, about sixteen years of age, is shot from a huge bow at one side of 'he buildiug, and, passing through a tirget in
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  • 711 6 Theatrical artists are fond of assumed names. Kendal is Griinston. Brodrib is Irving, Hare is Fairs, Conway is Coulson, and Higgins became Montesquieu Bellew President Cleveland is a seat-holder in the Washington Church to which Dr. Taluiage has accepted a call. Dr. Taluiage is to receive no detiuite
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  • 13 6 A Constitutional Crisis is avertod His Excellency lectures and yields.
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  • 38 6 Nominations to till the vacancy in the Municipal Commission close to-dav. Mr. Shelfnrd has been proposed us Mr. Co-mo Paters in’s successor. Up to the time of going to pies*;, there wag uo other nomination-
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  • 59 6 On the 21st Oct., while two Chinamen were looking at a Chinese marionette show in the market place, at* Kelantau, another Chinaman, armed with a kris, came up behind and atabbed both of them. The firat victim died early next morning the other is not expected to
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  • 109 6 Ths police in Rangoon are endeavouring to suppress what is known as tbe Madras Slave Trade. The other dav. the police, at Rangoon, arresTod a man called Shaik John, for having procured a young girl he had with him for immoral purposes, in Negapatam. The man acknowledged
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  • 81 6 A nxw process of manufacture has been commenced in tbe United States, and. if successful, will possibly be adopted else, where, namely the making of coconut butter from crude coconut oil from Cochin. The oil passes through two f recesses at the factory, and is afterwards churned with
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  • 61 6 Hia Excellency Frederick has sworn to do bis duty according to law, and. how ever difficult or distasteful that duty may be made to him, he may not shirk that duty in order to avoid unpleasantness. Mr. Swettenham. Bravo. His Excellency! These sentiments do him credit.
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  • 76 6 A kecks r Repoit from H. M. Consul at Hiogo and Osaka referral to ibe increase rf emi7r»tion under Governm nt supervision amongst the lower clashes in Japan, and stated that largo hatches of labourers continued to be despatched to Hawaii. A contract with tße Government of
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  • 312 6 Mb. Hewktt has withdrawn his application for leave. The leave of absence granted to Captain H L. Talbot, Deputy Commissioner, Peialc Sikhs, has been extended, with half salary, for four weeks from the 30th October. Captain H. L. Tallx>t. «>t the Perak Sikbo. has decided to sever im
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  • 1070 6 A VISIT TO THE STRAIW DEVKIA>PMKNT COMPANY 1 WOK KM Half au hour in a sawmill, in full working order, plays Ih-* eery mischief with one’* nerves. It will accomplish more than a Bmk Holiday ora Oolf Club dinner. A well-known artist in an old established periodical
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  • 775 6 KOTKS 05 THE 8TKAITH TEAM At last the Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club have selected their team to represent tbe Straits against Ceylon, although it must seem curious to some that the final selection of the whole eleven has been decided on fourweeks before tbe iutended
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  • 68 7 Major McCallum, who met with a serious accident yesterday and was removed to the G*uer*l Hospital, passed a fairlv good night and is, this uioruiug, much better. The muscles of the n»*ck and back are n« ccssarily much swollen, and are verr painful, but the patient’s condition i»
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  • 355 7 (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, li6th November. On Friday lust Mrs. Rodger opened a hospital ou the Pudoh Road. The institution will be entirely udder Cbiuese sup- rvisioo, and is specially d* sigued fo the reception of destitute Chinese. The Captain China and the loading towkaya, who w«re
    355 words
  • 1283 7 Fuor M. Paderewski'. We rend that ail ••nterpris ug New York tradesman has advertised a portrait of M. I aderewski, with a *'hrvsaitt!iooiuui head of hair, while underneath are printed the words Cse Dr. Baldy McGlurk's Hair T« nic.” Mr. Cecil Rhodes, the most interesting man in 1
    1,283 words
  • 74 7 At Bangkok, on the 19th instant, some 6shenuen caine upon a float in the harbour. They hauled up the striug attached to the float' and got two sacks containing 179 tins of opium, which they hauded over to the Customs inspector. The next day, two more bags,
    74 words
  • 3748 7 THE HUDUET FANNED. A special meeting of the M unicip&l Commission was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gentle presided, aud there were also preseut; Col. Peuuefatber, Messrs. Naosoo, Paterson, Moyer, and Moses. The Fhksident said he bad three letters to lay on the table, being the correspondence that bad
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  • 81 8 Jf. M. S. Undaunted arrived from Hongkong this morning. The directois of the Pengeraug Estate refuse to have their remuneration increased. 27,400 piculs of white rice were exported from Baugkok to Singtpore in August last. Report has it tint the Penang Civil Service will entertain tbe Resident
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  • 33 8 The G riuan steamer Denteroa has had to r turn to Bangkok from a coast port, owiug to a collision with a lighter. She will have to repair tie! ore proceeding further.
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  • 28 8 Admiral Buller dined last night at Go7erumeut House. He leaves to-morrow in the dejpatch boat Alacrity for Saudakan, and will probably spend sometime iu North Borneo.
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  • 38 8 At the meeting of the Perak Council ot Stat**, held on the 2nd iust., the Actiug Resident showed the Council a s|icciineu of the new fetrails aud Native States Note to be issued by the Government.
    38 words
  • 53 8 Up to the hou I c **sii g the uouiinulh' v '"0 I he Rochore Ward, the only p.q. h u n waB that nominating Mr. l i„. So. i o d. who, ou obumiiig the n*;es-arr twenty votes on the 6th prox, will b* du'y eheted
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  • 43 8 At T*lok B atii, iu Perak, there ri a coconut tree with seven brunches. The wind has lately oroken off four of th‘in so that there remain three ouly, but tire t ee is very healthy snd full of fruit.
    43 words
  • 44 8 On Monday last, the a< soon of the Hong Long L*g slutivc Council was to be op *n-d by tbe Governor, who, it was uudersto ai in laying tire Estimates for 1896, would review the condition and prospects of the colony.
    44 words
  • 38 8 The paddy around Bangkok is reported to be suffering from want of water. The general complaint is that the uuripeued grain has need of much more moisture than it seems likely to obtain under present conditions.
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  • 37 8 The Siam Free Press mentions th-; departure from Baugksk.on the 20th inst., of a Directing Engineer, two assistants, and some two hundred coolies for the Watana Gold Mines, now worked by a French Syndicate.
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  • 43 8 The German ships, which were at Amoy the other day, and whose movements gave rise to various reports, have now dispersed, The Irei.e is now ia Hongkong, the Cormo ran has gone to Foochow, and the Prinzess Wilhelm to Shanghai.
    43 words
  • 41 8 It is understood that the Hokkien and Cantonese portion of the Chiuesj community of Penang have already subscribed close on 51*2.000 towards the fund forrepairing and enlarging the Penang Free School, and further subscriptions are coming in.
    41 words
  • 55 8 On the sth instant, two Chinese ccolies were hauled at Kudat, in British North Borneo; these with two others bad been sentenc'd to death for the brutal inutder of a tiudal on au estate. The capital ren tence in th%Aase of two of tbe criminal* had beeu
    55 words
  • 57 8 Yesterday, before Ciptniu Craufurd, Master Attendant, niue tinmen of the s s Atjapanthus we e fined tweive days’ piy for reluming duty. One of the unn, wh jK'rsisted iu bis disobedi* no; of orders, was brought up at the Shipping Ofti e, this morniovf. and scut to gaof
    57 words
  • 64 8 The Singaj»ore;aud Selangor Turf Clubs, so the Bangkok Times is mtormeJ, are taking deep interest in tbe proposed urgants it ion of horse raciug in Baugkok. St*veral enquiries have lieeu made of late as to what is beiug done by owners who are ready to contribute to
    64 words
  • 73 8 Last night, there was a very pleasant concert at the Tangluv Club. The ladies who sang weie Mrs. Salzmunn and Mrs Herrings, aud among the gentlemen wh > sang w**r“ no less tbao six Naval Offi eis. There was also Mr. Batty, hiuiHelf a tower of strength;
    73 words
  • 210 8 At Baugkok, so the Siam Free Pres* alleges, employers of Chiu* se skiiled laboui raise lou 1 complaint of the difficulty ot getting bauds. There appears to be a heavy demaud for skilled carpenters, an n remarkable d* arth of labouiers. Employ era have come to
    210 words
  • 305 8 Euroj e«iLB. —British North Borneo Herald, 16th Nov. O.v the Byte river, for coffee plautiug purpose* 100 acres have been sold at $4 an acre with 20 cents per acre per annum reut, aud. it is leported, that 200 more are also being neg< ciated
    Euroj e«iLB.—British North Borneo Herald, 16th Nov.  -  305 words
  • 689 8 The ioilowing yarn is tukeu from our comic Yokohama contemporary, the Boa of Curios, of the 9ih iusiant: Those who know Doctor Thomas, the genial surgeou of H.M.S. Porpoise, which has ju>t re turned troui B bring Sea. hunting scaling s.-lioouers, wnl know lie tan take
    689 words
  • 1110 8 IT WILL > OOLf IKBTBAD OB CRICKBT. Yesterday set (be fatal seal upon the projected Christina* cricket carnival in Singapore. To the intense disappointment of all the lovers of the game here, a telegram was received yesterday afternoon from the Secretary of the Colombo Cricket Club, mtimatiog
    1,110 words
  • 207 8 The .following interesting note* on cricket and golt are contributed to the China Mail by a correspondent:— It is to lie regretted that Hougkong i, unabU to avail itself of the invitation from Singapore to take part iu the Christina* cricket festival. The members of
    207 words
  • 212 8 ALL roMMITTKK Thl Bangkok Tnnct pnhiisbc* a letter tp»ui a Siamese ioi respondent, complaining that th»* Legislative Council of Sian has done harily anything of note, though -l»*veu months have elapsed since it m started. Oue often reads in the Official Outfttei- f sub-commit tees for
    212 words
  • 265 8 >ll itauuui -China Mail The river steamer Kut Wo, built ou tbe Clyde for tbe Iudo-China Company's Yaogtse trade, arrived at Hongkong on tbe 21st inst., alter a wonderfully lucky voyage. It is at all times palpably uncertain how a river boat may
    >ll itauuui -China Mail  -  265 words

  • 1255 9 annual general meeting. The ordinary general meeting of the above Company was held at the Exchauge Roc'in*. to-day. .The Hon. G. 8. Murray presided aud there were also present: Messrs. Ifetilrv. Hutfou, Adams, J. Nausou, bain, Dutuiar, Eekardt, and A. J. Gin u, (Secretary). Tbe ui.nuLes
    1,255 words
  • 258 9 Burn and Co., Ltd., who carry on pottery works at Kaneegunge and Jubbulpore m India, have brouglit out an illustrated ca'alogue of th* ir wares. The ca*al gue is also a price list of the sanitary, arebitecturil. and decor itive material < the firm is
    258 words
  • 274 9 Fit Bangkok.) London, November. The Ashaiitee envoys, who have been in England for some time pas\ have accepted the terms of the English ultimatum to the King of Coomaaaie. ft* r. Chamberlain, however. doubts the validity of th**ir credentials, and is sending them to Coomassie with the British
    274 words
  • 2823 9 This delightful volume contains the letters addressed by Robert Louis 8‘evenson, during hit four years 1 exde in Samoa, to Mr. S duey Colvin, who during those /etrs wus not only his intimate f iend but li*s couti lwnt,critic, and, if the term may be used wi'
    2,823 words
  • 459 9 Mrs. Langtry has just taken to cycling, and describes it as a most exhilarating exorcise.” She has been telling a Birmingham interviewer that she is cpiite charmed with it. I wear a short skirt, Mrs. Langtry remarked when spoken to on the subject of dross. “It reaches to
    459 words

  • 65 10 This is S*. Andrew's day. A* Chinawoman last ni/bt poisoned herself because her husband ttu suffering from consumption and she hared that be would d e betuie l er. Thk S khs who hul in the Bin K kok Po i.s are piid title* u tieils a
    65 words
  • 22 10 The Russian transport Yaroslavl arrived this morning from Vlediv..-stock with 5 passengers, 35 steerage passengers, and 372 troops on board.
    22 words
  • 676 10 ACHRBN jrrAIBS a TAPIOCA MILL. PEARL SHELLING. CELEBES. ARMS SMUOOLINU. {Translated from various Newspapers.) The Home Govern aunt have decided against making any great change in the policy hitherto pursued in Ache n—that of gradual progress through taking advantage of dissensions among the Achinese. A slight change is,
    676 words
  • 1749 10 1 kstbkm Mr. Shelford. He has sutticient sense of humour to know that he is neither so brilliant an orator nor so eminent a man of affairs as his more enthusiastic admirers l>e)ieve. Yet, he is the best nnofficial public man in Malaya. The business of Legislative
    1,749 words
  • 692 10 AFFAIRS IN MINDANAO. COFFEE PROSPECTS FCTKOLEIM COMPANY The Cumereio of the sth November contains advices from Mindanao to the effect that rain? weather had frustrattd a grand display fixed for the 28ih October, or several Sultan* and numerous Datus from among the hitherto rebel Malayau Mahomedans tenderu g
    692 words
  • 4238 10 l By Hub'll Clifford, receutly i lrf Resident of Pahang, now on laave lu riKHT ARTICLE THE EAST COAST. Th« oharnj«<l «un»*t HnreiM low adowu In the l td We»>t through in<» VVu- MN, n far tak.o*t, aud th. y.l I w ,b *U. B»>r>l*r tl with
    4,238 words

  • 59 11 An a steam launch was paining St. John’s Island this morning a China mm was observed swimming iu the water. H** was picked up and said that a tovijkun g •>n which he an<l five others were employed had suddenly sunk iu the vicinity. There s, as
    59 words
  • 54 11 Specified i»ort rules, iu force at Penang, under the Harbours Ordinance of 1872, are made applicable to the Dindings. L m Loh, an inhabitant of Singapore, has been naturalised. i*li© Queeu’s Exequatur has Wen issued, mp -wering Don Luis Villar v Peralta to act as Vice-Consul
    54 words
  • 78 11 Towkay Yap Kwan Seng, the Captain China of Selangor, has rec ently given to the Yung Shin Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, a substantial building worth #3,500. The hospital originated in a charitable institution founded in 1882, inaiulv through the instrumentality of Captaiu YapKwauScng, and was maintained for
    78 words
  • 87 11 SECOND UHT OF SUBSCRIBERS Amounts already acknowledged f550 Messrs. Meyer Brothers .V) E. Nathan. Esq. 50 Messrs. S. Manaaseh A Co. 50 Gruuberg Brothers 25 N. N. J. Ezra Co. 50 Giltillan, Wood A Co lot) Futtfarcken A Co 50 nouymous, P. 6. 50 Messrs Briiikmaiin
    87 words
  • 129 11 The Collector of Lower Perak, last October, landed at Pasir Panjang Laut and went to see the old beaches and deposits of shells there. There are no less than seVeu old beaches, counting in from the present shore with swamps in between. From time to time
    129 words
  • 1364 11 VJIC REASON* WHY TUI BNOUSH LANUUAOB SHOULD IB TAUOHT TO THB CHINESE. At the Prinsep Street Chapel, last night, the Roy. Archibald Lamont, u. a., delivered a lecture on The Teaching of English to Chinese Boys in the Straits,” to a fairly laigu audience. Mr. Song Ong
    1,364 words

  • 139 12 MONDAY 2ND DECEMBER. Mk Eabee on Siturday w ui the*Bepoy Lines monthly medal. .Major McCollum’s h**i!tti eo ittnues to improve; but h is still in bosp tal. The Governor’s departure for the Na'Be States is posipoued souiew! at indefinitely. It is alleged that the lixtu Gajah Club has Wen suing
    139 words
  • 32 12 i'rtK three Chinese, who were fined $2,000 e.i h. at Penang, the other day, for carrying on Wuiseug lot erv, are said to have tet t in notices of appeal.
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  • 29 12 Mr. Scott succeeds Mr. Anderson tn the Tsnjong Pagar Board, and now fills the office of chairman, resigned, iu Mr. Scott’s favour, by Mr. Finlay son.
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  • 27 12 THE ALINE.” This afternoon, Messrs. McAlister Co. offc-ed for sal*' by auction the Sarawak steam yacht, Alin*. The highest bid was $15,000. The reserve price was 120,000.
    27 words
  • 36 12 Mu MacLe'Jnan, assistant utaoag* r of ti e H 'gs|mre Branch of the Hongkong am 1 .Shanghai Btuk, goes home on lsave by a. h. T-trr Head i< -morrow. Mr. Adams Culrutn replaces him.
    36 words
  • 42 12 l>a. F. U. Quinn, who was formerly in tb Jobore service, and who proceeded to Edinburgh in April last, has been successful iu obtaining the L.R.C.P, and 8. of Edinburgh. He is now trying for the Fadiaa Medical Service.
    42 words
  • 47 12 The appointment of the nurse matron at tbeGoneral Hospital, at Kuala Lumpur, is now filled by M rs. Abrams, a trained nurse from Singapore. Mrs. Strugnell, Mrs. Abrams's nuti'er, also a well-kuowu uune iu Singapore, has established hers-df as such at Kuala Lumpur.
    47 words
  • 59 12 Thk questiou of the better administration of charitable aud religious Trusts, on which a Commission reported so far back as 1890, is now reported to be engaging thi attention of Government, aud a bill drafted by the thou Attorney-General, Mr Bonser, on the subject is said to have
    59 words
  • 73 12 On the 20th instant, the Selangor Kill Assoc atiou unanimously passed u motion by Dr. Travers to the effect that the Associa ion* should adopt a clos-* season for lifie sliootiug. The mover was of opinion dial if all mate lies and coin pel itn w. r»
    73 words
  • 99 12 MONTHLY M LIU L. SAT C K DAY. 30TH MITE If BEK. Earle, T. E. 4t> 45 71 8 83 ilo gsn. Major 45 42 8 2 85 Stringer, C. 54 48 102 lt» 8t* Napi**r. W. J. 58 48 lOo 18 88 Jones, J. O.
    99 words
  • 80 12 CAPTURE OF A GANG or OurNTF.RFElTERA. 1 in: Netherlands Ind'a Government has ►uccee led in laving h inds on th* baud who h.tve. forth* list three or four years, b. eu i-ouo'erfeitiug not*-s of tbe Java If*nk nt arge amount, rtz., 1.000and 500 guilders. The duet
    80 words
  • 85 12 The Bangkok Time* alleges that tlm Chintse Bri tsh subjects, who carry ou the i 4 udu«ss of spirit dealers in Siam. complain of their being placed, contraiy to Treaty, ujon an unequal footing «i»h spirit dealers mij*r Siaun.B** juri -diction. They allege that it
    85 words
  • 140 12 In the Malacca Municipal Progress Report for October, it is stated that at the meeting of the Commissioners held on the 24 hot the month, they considered the question of building an incinerator for the destruction of night-soil; one used at Adiballa in India seeming to meet
    140 words
  • 242 12 AN AUSTRIAN GIFT. Dr. Luermg ol the Methodist Mishioi. litre has just leturued from a vi.*it to Europe, during which he delivered tectur- s on Singapore at Vienna. During his s'av at Vienna, s tbe missionary, Ihe follow* ing iucideut occurred:— in one of my
    242 words
  • 93 12 TIE GOVERNORS DEPARTURE DEFERRED The m i tiug of the Legislative Council held ths afternoon only occupied a few in mutes the majority of the bills being still before Select Committees. Tbe Governor aunounc d that he would defer bis departure for a wtek iuDrdcr to allow of
    93 words
  • 73 12 PRIZE APPOINTMENTS. At to-day’s Legislative Council meeting, there was laid on the table, a report of a Committee ou prize appointments to th** Government Clerical Stuff. Ybe Committee recommended that six prize appoiufmeuts, besides the two now available, should be reserved for deserving cltrks, an 1 that
    73 words
  • 101 12 EXCHANGE l i.UCEN'SAl U»X AND INCREASED SALARIES REFUSED. A Report ot a Committee appointed to consider a memorial from Sub>» d uate officers in the Government S-. rviie for exchange c->mpens it iou r nse iu silary was laid to-day on th.* Council table. The committee reommeud
    101 words
  • 230 12 A civil servant, playing at the Race Course, was reported iu the Straits limes as having made a heuoui-nal drive. V s ons of this drive tlojted before his diliriuus braiu during a recent attack of fever, aud he was heard tuuttenug to hiiuselt as follows Standing
    230 words
  • 274 12 TOWER OF THE SECRET SOCIETIES AU»U‘ •be middle < f !ost. nioLtti, much ill-ue ing iia<> shewn iiiodf between lL** Chinese of t o Gh" Hok and Dhee Ilin ‘adi n* in Bangkok. Lots ol life and const iut fighti* ghid b eu the result. Ou
    274 words
  • 494 12 (Ki<» liungoon.) London, I7tk November. la additiou to th** indemnity j*aid to rest Britain, the t ongo Stale ha* promied to restore the property of Mr. Hok<*s and to try Capt. Lotliaire by a competent tribunal. *1 ho Lancashire Conservative Workmen’s Federation held a meeting at Manchester last
    494 words
  • 359 12 Ik spite of ita 14 years of existence to-day—the Royal Charter bears the date of Ist November, 1881—the British North Borneo Company is doing so little good for itself and its shareholders, that the market quotation for both classes of shares
    359 words
  • 361 12 ~P*r>\k PioHftr. Uw«a Perak ba. contributed 'u,,,,, the general revenue for the first ten month of the year a sum of $5,702, which exceed! the estimate by $3,929. oe <1, General Jones-Vaughan is expected P* rak on or about the 6th Decern Ur an S will stay for
    ~P*r>\k PioHftr.  -  361 words
  • 540 12 (From vur Corretpundrut.) A uaU 1 Piloh, Xortmler. W 1 are having heavy rains with cold blasts of wind all day long. There has been no sun for the past five days, and the Muar Kiv. r bus riseu six bet uunug the week. >1 r. ft
    540 words

  • 1835 13 CHINESE DOCTORS AND CHINESE MEDICINE. UK ROlMiKR OK THK PKOBAHI.K KKSULT* OP TMK EXPERIMENT ON Friday. the 22ud Nov‘inlet, the •f.ui.jr bhiu Hospital, Kuala Luiupur. was declared df***u wi'h due «eretnouy. There w ,s a large an t r**pre c.ta'ive g*th ring *t the
    1,835 words
  • 1634 13 (In advance of to-morrows mail.) London, 2nd November. F ield Marshal Lord Wolsoley lias issued hid finit general order. He states that he intend* to encourage an unceasing advance in warlike appliance* and speaks iu terms of praise of •he ready loyality shown by all ranks of
    1,634 words
  • 1577 13 NOVEMBER, 25tm. present. f Bik Charles Bullkn Hugh Mit* u lu H.E. Major-General H T. Jones-Vaughan c.ft. Ron. J. A. 8 wet ten ham, Co’onial Secretary. Hon. W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon. J K. Bireli, Acting Colonial 'lreisnrer Lion. E. C. Hill, Acting Resident < onaeillor of Malacca.
    1,577 words

  • 47 14 At Bangkok, people live in dread of Cbimae secret societies. Report has it bat, every night, gangs of memlters, vary*B from 50 to 200 strong, are to be seen roaming about with weapons, and anybody that falls into their bands is immediately killed. 3
    47 words
  • 43 14 Tas summary ot the Burma rice crop pjospe la, th s j ear, says the total area cultivated is 5,000,100 seres, an increase ye if. On the whole, the crop prospects ar* eit retrely favourable in almost all districts.
    43 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 228 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE "STRAITS TIMES Sir, —Now t hat Mr. Shelford has returned to the Colony, it must be the popular desire that be should resume his scat in the Legislative Council, where he has done such good work iu the past. As
      228 words
    • 192 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THF. 1 STRAITS TIMES Sir. —It is very much to be regret*d that I his sort of weather as we have had during the last two weeks should have been referred for tbe visit of toe fitgship of the China Squadron. However, if
      192 words
  • 442 14 ARRIVALS. Per r. A O. s a. Mirzapore from Hongkong :—Lieut. R. H. L. Hicj. From Yokohama:— Misa Hardman, and Miss Doran. Per s. s. Hye Leony from Telnk Aiuon Mes rs. G. M Van Theck. C. Lovie, and J. Po r Kga. Pm s. s. Wiiiy Sang
    442 words
    • 207 14 Under this heading the following abbrevi-. lions are ueeJ:—str. —steamer sh.—ship. b q —barque; Brit— British; U. S.—United States Fr. —Freuch; Ger.—German Dnt.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., Q.e..—Genera' cargo d. p.—deck passengers tain; T. P. W.—Taujong Pagar Wharf i P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Doek; B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J.
      207 words
    • 1219 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Staliifra Brit. «<r. 1,156 tons, Cspt. Derby. :v*th Nov. Fr an Hongkong, 24th Nov. G.e., A 45b d p. W. Mansfield A Co. For Ssiiis'sng, t -morrow —W. Van Corn*. Dnt. str. 672 tons, Capt. Smit*. 3 th X«jv. Fro« Padsng, 20th Nov.
      1,219 words
    • 226 14 Name. Pert, and Date of Btiling London. Glamorganshire, Oct. 31 Gleueelc. LITfRPOOI St. Francis, Ju’i® 25; Macduff. Sept. 30; P. de Satrustegni. Oct. 25; Achilles. due Dec. 1 Titan bee. 8 Orestes, D*“C 9: Anciiiscs, Dee. 26; Glasgow. Temer. Oct. 8; Ningchow. Burntisland. Clio, Oct. 25; Amsterdam. Sumatra,
      226 words
    • 902 15 t lao 5 N»»«. To«. Ct «»m Tor Hnt »tr. «8 Taylor Bason Nov 23 Hook San ACo 26 Libl i Dut X l 5B« V o? erHCm n W r toW sov5 ov ltfW M»rwf.viaVo«. -i; fig* &sujirsi* 0 5 SSTi*. ::58 Sssf ;sr E°: sissftfc •26 Oil*.
      902 words
    • 421 15 Wf FtAoARi- Caftam. De»tsaTio4. Brit.xtr. Smith Bangkoi 38 J: 0 Andernm leg I 26 < nihil T*vlor Kagan via port* 38 unitor Nacwlah M ur 26 r ..ri i anf )(r r bitumen Klang via ports 36 Arnhem Cameron Klang via port* ‘.'li JtJno n „t*. r l> uni
      421 words
    • 195 15 HAM8KD SIJNDA STHAIT8 OR ARRIVED Foii UKiihHS. I IKa* I Date i 7. Date, and 8HU*’* Nam*. Commandek. or Phom Wh*.o Di«riM«Tiu< M Hu*. SAItINO. MthKH. Nov 30 Ned. bq. Amsterdam Do Yong Aug 8 LomImi ata 30 Nwl.liq. Nil D perandum Mulder Iuly 2< Rotterdam Uut.ivi n kO|Ne*l
      195 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 903 14 ONLY FOUR TO MAN THE DtAB. dear Wlmn you come to tlmA, it how closely related things nr« w thimr brine* mt another. T,l,u. a in thing bring* up another. Idoss of on a string, aren’t they i A letter I have just bom reading remember what- hap|ieued to me
      903 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 36 15 J. A. D. PEREIRA. Horticulturist and Florist. Collector and Exporter ok Orcwds Orders for Bouquet Sprays, Ac.. Ac. Carefully and promptly executed. Cheapest House in the Trade. NURSERY. OXLEY ROAD. •X. Address 26-18, Orchard Road, Tanglin.
      36 words
    • 83 15 PH a Koot romforUM#, rpwaAably Itixnnoua, and delightful Share, wk for ARBENZ 8 CELEBRATEO MANDARIN RAZORS, with fully warraatediaterchoagoabU blade*. Thomaaad* of onw-lK-iV •d ‘P** with nabo—dad thiKiMW of thwr «>P» theE’ubi tCbSi" mo»t reliable, *a»i#«t and himport higb-<'U*» lUiori in tb* world. Made by A ARBKNZ, Joce*a, Douaa, aad
      83 words
    • 881 15 fhk 0»»// us<lklrje<f th» kind a warded a Certiflcati it thi Calcutta tuhlbftlin, 1889-84,0f9H f* kd OiuntrUk 5..,.t,m. jjr LALOR S T M PHQSPHODYNE HAS THE LARGEBT SALE OF ANY FHOSFHORIO MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. *V thirty year* bi» maintained its Its easrgUiag effects are skewu bom the jrM-wife reputstioa
      881 words
    • 509 15 AYER’S Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR -AND PROMOTES Abundant GrowA or THE yu* HAIR i It cures Itching ha> mors, and keeps lb* ealp eool, umlst, healthy. and free fro* dandruff. A lady wrltiis I feel compelled to slate, for the benefit of others, that six years ago I lost nearly
      509 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 731 16 r ft PERRINS OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW. PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTBID! WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE i Whotesa’e l>y tha Proprietors, Wo tester: Cross* ft. Bla'kwell, Lid.. London and Txport 0 Imen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE 00.
      731 words
      890 words