The Straits Budget, 29 October 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 120 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 20 1 AT Glen A riff, Scotts’ Road, oil the 22nd instant, the wife of D. TraynEß Botd, of a urn
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  • 312 1 Editorials. Adairs iu Core*. Mr. Gentle and lie Berber. The Far E»e'eru Question. Russia ami Chits. The Liaott tig (Question. To Arras Penang The Goreruor aud the Municipality Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger Li>t. The Wieland. Cninese women Gunbliug. The Search for Burglars. Mr. H. E.
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  • 494 1 Singapore. 29th October, 1896. PRODUCE. Gam bier,! 830. do Cube No. 1, 12.60. do do No. 2, 9.80. Copra Bali 5.25. do Pontianak 5.10. Pepper Black, 10.75. Sago Floor, Sarawak 2.55. du Brunei 2.2b. Pearl 8ago 3.46. Coffee Bali 41.00. Coffee Liberian, 43.06. Tapioca small Flake 3
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  • 354 1 The mail for Europe this week leaves by the P. A O. s. s. Ka iter-i-Hind. The mail from Europe of the 4t.b October by the P. A O. Bokilla arrived this morning. The mail for Europe next week is hxed for the M. M. s.
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    • 63 1 London, Wild October. Prince Lobauoff, the Russiau Minister for Foreign Affairs, has had an interview with the Emperor VV iiliatu. At the interview. Prince Lobauoff said that Russia could not tolerate the Japanese establishing themselves in Corea Prince Lobanoff assigned as reasou for it that the establishment
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    • 26 1 London, Wrd October. Lord Salisbury has been appointed Warden of the Cinque Ports, in place of Lord Dufferin who had resigned the post.
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    • 23 1 The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies has rejected the extra credits asked for building new French war vessels.
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    • 56 1 London, 24th October. OOLLAPSK IN MINING (STOCKS i A severe collapse has talceu place io the miuiog market i*, London. [The Loudon raining market was lately inflated; there being a wild demand for mining and exploration stocks. Tim demand was so great that even Mr. Benloe Wilkiusou's
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    • 170 1 GERMAN UKSIUNS ON CHUSAN. It is tepoited that Prince Hobenlobe, the Chancellor ot the Geruiuu Empire, regard* the New Settlement* assigned to Germany at Tientsin and Hankow as inad equate. It i* also alleged that Prince Hokeulohe strongly urges th it Germany should acquire the Chusan islaud*,
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    • 108 1 London, 25th Qdober. Three cruiser* are ou the way to reiuforce the Russian Pacific squadron, which has beeu ordered to cruise in Conran waters iu readiness for emergencies. Japan has ratified a Convention containing the terms specified iu the telegram dated the 21st instant, as
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    • 164 1 London 26th October. AI.AKMIHT RUMOURS The Time publishes a telegram from its Hongkou£ correspondent to the effect that Russia has concluded a treaty with Chiua. That treaty is alleged to secure to Russia the right of anchorage for the Russian fleet, at Port Arthur. The treaty is
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    • 17 1 London 28th October. FUKTHKK HI»OD>UIKI> Kiots atteuded by massacres of Armenians continue in Turkey.
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    • 33 1 Chiua ha* agreed to pay to Japan, on the Bth November, the extra war indemnity of thirty millions of yen, stipulate 1 for the evacuation of Liaotuug by the Japanese.
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    • 13 1 Spain iutcuds to despatch thirty thousand more troops to Cuba.
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    • 361 1 (Strutt* Tim m, Med October,) a Rkcknt Router'* telegrams tell of revolution in Corea, and etate that Russia is determined not to allow Japan to establish herself in that country. Mail advices just received to-day give particulars of the political disturbances in Coreu which threaten grave trouble
      (Strutt* Timm, Med October,)  -  361 words
    • 288 1 {Straits Times, 24th October.) Thk Municipal President of Singapore lias u great aversiou to signboards. Indeed, Mr. Gentle’s aversion almost amounts to a hobby. The aversion is so excessive that, regardless of tin? traditions of centuries, reckless of the hallowing associations of literature, profanely contemptuous
      {Straits Times, 24th October.)  -  288 words
    • 826 2 (Strati* Timet, 25th October.) It seems not unreasonable that Russia should mass her naval forces near Corea. As we elaborated on Wednesday, Japan is in Corea on tbe same footing that Britain is in Egypt—until Corta I* strong enough to govern herself. By the treaty of
      (Strati* Timet, 25th October.)  -  826 words
    • 387 2 (Strnitt Timet, 26th October. Honi.kono is not precisely the quarter from which one would iXpect accurate nt ws of a treaty between Russia and China. Nevertheless, there might be reasons for -uch news coming through Hongkong—reasons why the real sender of the news might not wish to
      (Strnitt Timet, 26th October.)  -  387 words
    • 363 2 (Straits Timet, 28th October.) Tia removal of one point in dispute between Russia and Japan, by the Japanese evacuating Liaotung, is drawing nearer. The evacuation of that section of Southern Mauchu'ia, which Japan had wou from China nt the sword’s point, had lieeu forced upon the Japauese
      (Straits Timet, 28th October.)  -  363 words
    • 431 2 (Strnitt Timer, 28th October.) Penang, having the question left to its owu discretion and common sense, is now discussing the proposed demolition of Fort Cornwallis. Penang is exeroircd in rniud about it. The troops are to be removed at the earliest possible opportunity, and, on their departure,
      (Strnitt Timer, 28th October.)  -  431 words
    • 491 2 Strait 4 Times, 28th October.) H is Excelleucy the Governor seems to desire to irritate the Municipal (Vunmissioners to the point of revolt. Let us look at the Singapore Municipal finances, a* expressed in the Budget published in the current Government Gazette. The Municipality propose
      (Strait 4 Times, 28th October.)  -  491 words
  • 32 1 DEATHS At the General Hospital, uu the 25th iustaut, John Swir r, of Raub. Carry.—On 16th October, at Vale Lodge. Bedford. Arthur Ei*wari> Carey, fornorlv of Amherst Uda Pnselawa. Ceylon. Aged .'*3.
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  • 43 2 With regard to Dr. Brown’s anxiety for Chinese female immigration joto the Native States, the Perak Pioneer w nsiders that the doctor is tilting at a windmill. The Chinese always have settled their domestic affairs for themselves and will submit to no interference.
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  • 64 2 P f""" f>««Uud ha. umouauJ that nII Con»uhtr a| pointnienta cair. aalarica between $1,000 and $2 500 v g (American inenej) ahall be HlUu bv K-hcttd, dter l.miudcompetitive exijT lion. It I. bejel, m New Yorlr, that thh «U uiiumimo i he evils U f *PPoinling peihff nominees,
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  • 71 2 Thb Rangoon Time* says that mixed nmniages between Euro, cans and the S daughters of Burrnah (natives. p** simple) are becoming quite an epi& o j.. Reiently, a gallant son of Mars. belooiho* to ote of tbe Burmese Battalions, waathm married before tbe Registrar of»M*rria«? His
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  • 148 2 It is reported that the Muda Kj Vcr (Province Wellesley) is iu flood, and that the water rose h'gh enough, one night, u overt on the bund Iwwoon Dusun bid* aud Fermataug Biudahari. Very heavy raio has fallen in Kisu and Perak for some daya and the coustn is
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  • 290 2 {From Hr. Keyter't report for Sepit.alter. I Dckino the uumtb, Jelehu was by the Resideut, Residency buryme Financial Officer, Superintei <h nt of Worki and Surveys, and Colonial Chaplain During the visit of the Resident. all wu< mad «»n tbe Dato' Pengbulu ti Pcradoog. when a lengthy interview
    {From Hr. Keyter't report for Sepit.alter.I  -  290 words
  • 226 2 (Perak Pioneer, X'.ird October.) The Members of the Gopeog Club lw Tt decided to bold a Sky Kate Meeting B their course ou Saturday, tlie 7th DecentThe idea of the promoters of the mec’ :n is not to create another racing fixture but to provide an afteruocu’a sport
    (Perak Pioneer, X'.ird October.)  -  226 words

  • 117 3 next Assises open on th* 12th of Kovember. Amoho the passengers who arrived by the M. M. Yarra this morning were Mr. and Mrs. Sobst. and Mrs. Tb. Iterating. At the date of last mail advice*, Sir Charles Warren, K.C.8., was to speak at the Church Congress
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  • 65 3 A meeting of the members of the PeDang bar was held, the other day, to protest against tne action of Government in merging the post of sheriff iuto that of deputy-registrar. The result was that it was decided that a note, signed by all members of tbe
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  • 101 3 ■umber of them are Ceylou meu. —Mail ran Timet lx a recent issue we hazarded the suggestion that, in planting matters. Ceylou is the model on which Straits planters work. This remark, we notice, has been traversed by John Turner, an eminent planting authority in the Straits, who
    ■umber of them are Ceylou meu.—Mail ran Timet  -  101 words
  • 551 3 London, 37tk September. Col Smith, Governor of West Australia, regard* his selection M a new departure m the matter ef appointing colonial Governors. This is the first time, he snys, tne Governor of a British possession has been choseu because of his trade experience. He states that
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  • 706 3 (Prom our Correspondent.) Pekan, 19th October. During September, 2,658 bags, containiug 1,366 pikuls of tiu ore were exported to Singapore from the Pahang Corpora* tioa’a mines in Ulu Ku&ntan, the proportions being 648 pikuls from Sungei Lembing an<J 718 pikuls from Jeram Bat lug. The other chief export*
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  • 42 3 On the 16th instant, the Penang, eutered a house iu which thirty to forty men were holding a feast, and arrested eight Chinese suspected of beiug secret society riugleaders. The Magistrate remanded the examination to the -4th instant.
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  • 102 3 THE WIELAND.” Floating hemp Ac., about the holds of the sunken WielanJ, still retard all effective pumping operations. Socially constructed wire-woven cages are being employed to prevent interference with the free use of the pumps. On Thursday morning, it is probable that the first steps will be taken in connection
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  • 85 3 On th« 16th instant, advice* reached Macassar tbat tbe rebellion in Portuguese Timor was being put down and that the troops in the field had operated successfully against the rebels. The Resident of Dutch Timor reports to the Netherlands India Government that the rising in the Portuguese territory
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  • 157 3 The tobacco offered at the sale on tbe 26th ult. was, on the whole, decidedly better than that put up to tender ou the 17th, and both brokers’ valuations and prices showed an advance ou last time. Out of a total of 14,817 bales, 13,553 were Sumatra
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  • 599 3 On the fiist of May 1896 an Industrial Exhibition will be opened at Berlin, under the presidency of Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia. Tbe Exhibition is to remain open for six months. The German Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, and tbe Municipality of Berlin have
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  • 71 3 Some seven Chine*** women were before the Police Court, thi* morning, for engaging in a public lottery. They were released on bail till the 29th instant, aa «r*s also the promoter of the lottery. The case caused no little sensation among Chinese halm*, who were pr sent
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  • 717 3 (From the Timet of Ceylon.) London, 12th October. The Timet correspondent at Vienna etatee that the French, in refraining from the annexation of Madagascar, yielded to the moderating counsels of Russia. Conitantinople, 12th October. The garrison at Trehixond has been reinforced, and order has been restored. The Porte
    (From the Timet of Ceylon.)  -  717 words
  • 1344 3 The ordinary general meeting of ♦bis com pan v was held at London on 23rd Sept., Mr. E. Berdoe-Wilkinson (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said The accounts go to Feb. 18, 1895. At that date there were 184,292 shares issued with 17s. credited as paid up,
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  • 1282 4 Rom. Honhcur is said to be at work on a j ..‘tuie on a large scale. representing n fight between two enraged horses. The finishing touch**' will soon be given. au*l then will come the rivalry of nation* a* to which shall i>u«*ses8 it. It is to be
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  • 152 4 DEATH OF A GOLD KING.” The death his occurred at Bangal>»c, at the »ife of tM, of Michael Ftt/.gcrahJ Lave lie, a gentleman of Irish birth and bio-ding, who lelt the ranks of the British Army, the tdr 1 Regiment, at that station in the six'itM and took to prospecting
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  • 273 4 H. H. Sultan Jhkahim will be crowned as Sultan of Johore, at Jjhore Bahru, on Saturday, the 2nd of November, at 3.30 p.m. In the evening, the Sultan will give a state banquet at tbe Istaua Betar, Johore Babru. The iuvitations are accompanied l>y a most pleasing
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  • 40 4 THE WIELAND.” It is expet tel that the Witland will be raised in tbe course of to-inorrow forenoon, but, all such operations depend, necessarily, on whether the pumps, now hard at work, are kept sufficiently clear of the floating debris.
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  • 46 4 A Tokyo press despatch of the 4-th instant, reads as follows: The Japanese Consul at Singapore states hat the British Colonial Government has allowed the Chartered Bank to hold Japanese Government bonds us security against its note issue at §95 |*r hundred yen bond.
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  • 58 4 Mn. .T. Wright. 3<-d engineer of t’-** blue-tunnel steamer Sarj*d"H, (lied in hospital at Shanghai on the 11th instaut, of injuries received upon a valve on a deck stouin pipe blowing out. Tbe steam seal 1* d him fearfully and the force of tbe explosion threw him across
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  • 63 4 Mr. H.E. Wodihouse, the Senior Magistrate of Hongkong, and a member ot the Legislative Council, pissed through here yesterday, en route forborne. Mr. Wodehouse, who is a relative of Lord Kimberley, at'ended the races in the afternoon aud expressed his delight at seeing race horses run.
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  • 60 4 According to the Timet of Ceylon, Miss Rivett Carnac, uiece of Sir Richard Temple, late Governor of Bombay, has arrived in Ceylon, having previously embraced the Mahomed&n faith. She is about to l>e married to Mr. Le Mesurier. of the Ceylon Civil Service, whom we recently reported
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  • 56 4 The Japan Advertiser reports that the treaty of commerce with China promises to be arranged speedily. The inland tariff on Japanese goods has already been reduced to jier cent., in accordance with the mofct favoured nation clause. For the past thirty veirs, the western Poweis have been
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  • 107 4 Thu China dinette of the 11th inst says: —Prior to Admiral Boiler’s departure for Nanking last week, affairs between England and China had assumed such a threatening aspect that the big cruiser Eiljor, outside of VVoosung Spit Buov, had completely stripped for action. Every bit of tnoveahl
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  • 56 4 A Chinaman was thin morning sentenced to a fine of 120, or, in default, nee month, for stealing market produce from a garden. D t*ctitea, who were on the prowl last nigh>, for possible burglars, were rewarded by the prisoner unknow mgly depositing the baskets containing
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  • 74 4 Though Ceylon is speeding the parting guest.” in the persou of Governor Sir Arthur Havelock, by means of a public ball, proposed memorials of all sorts, Ac., it seems to have an eye to a careful investment of its tnouey. At an auction sale of his stable, Ac.,
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  • 85 4 Satisfied with the credentials of the lady manageress, Miss Allen, and with the status of the proprietors, the authorities have granted a license for the establishment of a billiard saloon and bar, opposite the new Municipal Market. It will be opened this evening. The piano, a
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  • 97 4 With reference to a correspondence in our columns under tbe above heading, it, seems proper to say that Mr. Aothouisz, the Magistrate, does not desire to preveut people seeing the races. It is true he adjourned the building disaster prosecution till Thursday, but, it appears, he is willing
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  • 108 4 On the 14th instant, Mr Mansfield, The Butwli Consul at F**o« bow. bad an interview with tli*; Viceroy «»f Fokien regarding the m ist-acre of mi'siojane* at Kucheng. The result >» that t*i*c Viceroy agreed to the immediate encutior <*f eighteen of the thirty-two men convicted of
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  • 196 4 Wm. G. Hals it Co.'s circular dated 19th instant, states :—Supplies shi w a marked falling off as regards quantity, only 7/8,000 piculs coining daily to market but. as there is hardly any demand for any where, and a* the weather is and has lately been
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  • 220 4 The Hongkong Daily Pr-t* notes that no announcement, has yet been made of the hitherto exempted colonies having been asked fora military contribution, and while the Straits and Hongkong are to pay 17.\ [>er cent, of their revenue, Ceylon is let off with percent, and Mauritius
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  • 284 4 (The Timet, Friday, SepteiAber tfth i Anv nnA who ountura. t Any one who venture* to refer in n to such weather as we now huve to end labours under the (lisa Wantage that 2 canuot decorously indulge in the freed and vigour of criticism which
    (The Timet, Friday, SepteiAber tfth i Anv nnA who ountura. t  -  284 words
  • 580 4 Mr. Forbes Robertson, the actor, i* u excellent teller of stories and a gnnit Saucer, who excels in a Scotch Reel (ntu jfussip). His eoinpanj is greatlj sought afo for a Highland house-party and on wet dtp he will amuse himself and charm his limms by painting idealistic
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  • 450 5 Thk bon don correspondent of the Mandietin' Guardian writes :—I have been at gome pains to ascertain the real facts, as far as they are ascertainable iu London, in regard to the reported further loan to China by Russia and Prance. At first there wys a disposition to
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  • 420 5 London, IttOt'ober. Notwithstanding the antagonism shown at the last School Board elections to the reopening of the religious question (the Moderate having had their majority reduced 1 the Arehbishop of Canterbury ha* determined to force the matter upon the attention of the legislature. and has invited leading
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  • 234 5 His Highness the Sultan of Siak called upon His Excellency the Governor this morning. He was accompanied by Mr. Fleury. Lady Mitchell's reception yesterday was numerously attended. Tbe guests were received on the ground floor of Government House, so as to allow opportunity to seq the finish
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  • 43 5 A dozen or fifteen riders attended yesterday’s paperchase. inducing one lady. Tbe grouud was heavy and sloppy, aud Mr. Maxwell came to grief towards the tiuixh, but was not hurt. The finish was witnessed by moat of Lady Mitchell’s gu *tts.
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  • 77 5 A shocking case of brutal treatment is reported from Bangkok for which several persons are now uuder arrest. On the 15th instant, tbe wife of a nobleman there accused a slave woman of stealing a gold chain. This the slave denied, and then the mistress instructed otb-r
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  • 84 5 The great impetus given of late to tbe principal industry iu Siam, tbe miiliug of rice, deserves attention, says the Siam Observer, from tbe fact that on all sides ut Bangkok one aees tbe erection of new mills andtherepairingand rebuilding or enlarging of existing ones. Thofe
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  • 147 5 THE WIELAND.” Last night, operations were begun to raise tbe Wieland, but it was found that the pumps were being couiinually fouled. The water that was drawn out was putrid, and a lamp which was passed down between mid-decks ut mid-night was extinguished bv reason of the foul atmosphere. It
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  • 154 5 A Blackburn correspondent writes The proposal of the Blackburn Chamber of Commerce to despatch a commercial mission to.Cbiua with the view of opening up new markets and developing the pres et trade in English-made goods in that eountrv, has been advance d another stage
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  • 46 5 The mail steamer Bohilla left Colombo at 5 yesterday, and is due here on Tuesday next. Tbe following is her passenger list from London to Singapore: Mr. aud Miss Fittock, Mrs. Fearle, Mrs. Kennedy, Master Fittock, Miss St. John, Mr. Frederick Downes.
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  • 73 5 The Ceylon Turf Club gives a Ball every year. Last year this function was not a success, so it was determined that this year nothing should be wanting to mske it a success, with tbe result that tbe expenses amounted to no less than Rs. 5,927.
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  • 225 5 (Perak Pioneer, 19th October.) In connection with the marriage between the families of tbe Tunku Temeuggong and tbe Datoh Panglima of Kinta at Kuala Kangsar, cocks are brought in from all parts of the country to fight against one another. A dollar is said to be paid to
    (Perak Pioneer, 19th October.)  -  225 words
  • 507 5 The Oldbam correspondent of the Manchester Guardian wrote ou Sept. 21 Recent eveuts show that the cottonspinning industry has entered upou one of the worst periods yet experienced. From inquiries made among leading gentlemen, both private spiouers and representatives of l.mited companies, it appears
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  • 204 5 PROBABLE AKKANUEMENT* The Interport Rifle match will be shot for by Singapore, Hongkong, and Sbaughai on an/ da/ betweea November 25'h and December 9th. It will be reapmbered that a misunderstanding and the going astra/ of an important letter ftorn Hongkong to Shanghai invalidated the firing
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  • 665 5 From our Corretpondent. Kuala Lumpur, Vl»t October. THE RAILWAY. H E. the Governor has sanctioned the r nlway estimate* of 1896 as drafted by the administrator for that department. Plans are now iu course of preparation and, before the end of the coming year, the line will be
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  • 119 5 —Mad roe Timet, There can be little doubt that the last frw year* hare, seen a great revival in planting enterprise, and tbe most encouraging feature of it is that tbe old tendency to ru«h to one particular kiud of product, which hod such disastrous effects in the
    —Mad roe Timet,  -  119 words
  • 120 5 A Chinaman, living in Kota-Bbaru. Kelautau, bad a Siamese wife. The pair quarrelled, and, on the night of 26th September, the wife ran away with nearly all the husband's valuables, and applied to tbe Sultan to become a Mshomedan. Th 4 busbaud vainly appealed for the return
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  • 648 5 Th E title of Sir Geo Vewnea’s new journal for woiueu is Woman't Life. e Dr. Stalker's nekr hook. “The Two St. Johns," which will be published by Isbister and Co., is nearly ready. e e e e Messrs. Clarke A Co. announce a work on Puritanism
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  • 1839 6 Tones. In report on Sanitary Measures in India ion 1693-94. kieb has just been published •s a Blue-book, contain* tact* aud figure* which are well caUuliited to direct attention to the vhmluom of that, division of the British Empire aud to the character of lithe respousiui iiies
    — Tones.  -  1,839 words
  • 28 6 A tklkoram from Loudon, dat.d 2nd ins'ant, otat'-H that the Licensing Committee of the London County Council have removed the restrictions on the Olympia, Palace, and Empire Music-halls.
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  • 1381 6 The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was hell yesterday afternoon. There were pres besides the President, (Mr. Gentle): Cil. Pennefatber and Messrs. Meyer, Joaauim, Nauson, Seah Leung Seab, and Moses. Letters of apology were received from Messrs. Paterson and Tan Jiak Kim. THK PRESIDENT'S OPENING
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  • 260 6 It is interesting to find among old residents in the Nvassa country entitled to expressions of opinion about what conc'ms i*s welfare a growing feeling as to toe value of Indian immigration, especially w th the side-light of goo<I behaviour of the Sikh soldiers. We reprint
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  • 3899 6 OCTOBER, 21st. present. Sin Chablbs Bullen Hook Mitcmh G. C. M. G. Hon. J. A. Swetteuham, Colonial 8«cretarv Bon. E. 0. Hill, Acting Resident ConncftL of Malacca. r Hun. W. R. t oliyur, Attorney-General. Hou. J K. Birch, Acting Colouisl Tre*» Ur r Hon. E. K. Iseuionger, actingAuditor-Gene»l
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  • 215 7 Operations for the raising of the IP island are being pressed on. The mail despatched from Singapore to London, by German paoket on the 23rd ultimo, was delivered on the 19th instant. Yesterday, three Chinamen visited a stole in town. They enquired for safe*, but one of
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  • 41 7 The Aunteur performance of “H.M.B. Pinafore will not take place during the cricket festivities, but about the middle of January. The east we have already published, aud the rehearsals will probably begin a week or so from now.
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  • 27 7 THE BENGKALIS.” The steamer Jirnglealis was offered for sale this afternoon by Messrs. Powill A Co. The highest offer made was 910,000. She was b ught in.
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  • 47 7 The house occupied by Mr. G. V. Thomas and Mr. C. 8. Crane, in Syed Ali Roid, was yesterday morning entered by burglars. The contents of an almeirah in Mr. Crane’s room were removed. The vafue of the property lost is said to be 960.
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  • 63 7 Mr. Tom Scott is expected by the Preutsen on the 14th Noveinb r. Mr. T. Shelford is expected by the Ihmtta on the November. Mr. H. M. Simons is expected by the Thamtt on 22nd December. The arrival of Mr. Simoos is a little uncertain, nor is it
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  • 62 7 The Right Revd. Dr. Ed. Gamier, Bishop of Malacca, will leave Marseilles on the 27th instant for Singapore, and is due here on or about the 18th November. He will probably be accompanied by the Revd. Father Vignol and a young missionary. Regarding Dr. Gasnier's health, it iB
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  • 80 7 The Committee of the New York Chamber of Commerce has cum ass**i I the members of Congress to obtain their views on the Silver Question. In the House of Reprt-s ‘iiUtive*. 88 members were in favour of free silver, 216 opposed it, and 52 were doubtful; while
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  • 108 7 One of tbe largest Birmingham tirms engag'd in the guu and ammunition trade last week received a large order from 8 >uth Africa tor guns. Tuose who gave thei r ler, says the Mail, offered a bonus of I,OOIV, if rbe order were executed and the material sent
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  • 105 7 A few well-dieased Malays are caihng at men’s bouses, represeutiog that they have beeu instructed by met), wheu in office, to deliver to the bearer certain articles. One of them ippreseuts Himself as a gas-fitter, aud thus, sought occasion, ou behalf of the Gas Company, to <*n»er
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  • 134 7 The first thirty-knots torpedo boat destroyer, ordeied in May last by the Admiralty for the Bri ish Navy, was sent afloat on Sept. 24, from Messrs. J.a'rd Brothers’ works at Birkenhead, eightyeight working days after the laying of her keel. Hi?r sister ships, lying iu close
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  • 190 7 The British Consul at St. Petersburg, iu his report for 1894, icviewiug the s a'e of the cottou industry iu Russia, obseive that the Russiau cotton spuming and weaving industrv during the past year was in a nourishing condition, as evidenced by the extension of existing
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  • 85 8 A Saloon uewspiper, the 2itkoHy ti o\ the I2tb insaut, gives n description of three alleged French swindleis. avid to be enjoying themselves at mu hotel in Singapore. Due of them is e-aid to give himsell out as a nobleuiau ou* 10 t he*** arts, intent
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  • 270 8 Th* Se' f tarv f»r the Congo State has tutboris.'d the publication of a Htatemeol that Captaiu Lotbaire bas b eu recalled With a view to his furnishing information coacerniug tbe execution ot Mr. Stokes. Should bis explanation be deemed insufficient, tbe mtiter will be
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  • 541 8 $230 Jl rooT. On Sunday the 29th September, at Sacdakao, a special afternoon service was held within the rising walls of the new church dedicated to St. Michael and All Angels, it being S». Michael and All Angels, da;,, to celebrate the ietjnod anniversary of th.laying
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  • 59 8 Foochow, IHth October. The presence of the meu-of-war at Foochow hae qnieteaed the Kucheng people. 'Tie Taotai is exerting himself to arrest all the criminals. The Court has released thirteen innocent prisoners. The work is now proceeding rapidly. The Viceroy is frightened and concedes everything asked for.
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  • 70 8 Shanghai, 17th October. News has just reached hereof an explosion yesterday at Kiuugchow on board the Chinn Merchant's steamer Ktnty)>ai, which was carrying n large number of Chinese troops. Out of about 700 persons on hoard. t»7B perished. Mr. Wise, second engineer, a European passenger,
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  • 91 8 Amoy, IHth October. T HI Thai ct has arrived here, with news that the Japanese captured Takow two days ago and iiad completed arraugoniouts for the bombardment of Talwaufoo to-dav, the Black Flag Chief having refustsl to agree to .au unconditional surrender. Tip* Japauese sacked the
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  • 94 8 At a meeting of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce ou Sept. 25tb, a letter w&a read from the Foreign Office in reply to one from the Chamber with respect to the proposal for a railway from Burma to the China frontier. It stated that the
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  • 503 8 (B. S’. B. Herald.) From letters received from Mr. Hewett at Peuungab, it seems that he went up the Tuugad river to get the hill men there to cut the reutis for the telegraph line from Kuala Tuogud to Sequ&o. He had to talk to the chief
    (B. S’. B. Herald.)  -  503 words
  • 148 8 Telegrams reached Japan on tin Bth Oct. that Beoul was the scene of revolution, it appears that the Tai Won Kun. father of the Kiug aud oue of the greatest schemers iu the country, proceeded to the palace with a body of Ooreau soldiers and with a
    148 words
  • 149 8 leather, tin. tor'«>iNe-»hell. ami ra'tau. Japan Weekly Advertiser. Mm. Oi Keutam, who his just returned to Ja|*vu from a tour of iutqiectioQ of the condition of trade at Singapore, reports very favourably ou the chances that themselves to Japanese traders ic that port. The direct,
    leather, tin. tor'«>iNe-»hell. ami ra'tau.— Japan Weekly Advertiser.  -  149 words
  • 630 8 ROMEO AND JULIET,” AT THE LYCEUM. Thirteen years have cotne and goue since, <«i March 8th, 1882. Hr. Henry Irving’s revival of this “high anthem of love” took piece. The memory of that uiglit live# nud will loug live in the mind's eVC of tllo&e who were privileged to be
    630 words
  • 134 8 The next criminal Assize at Singapore 18 fixed to open 04 the 12th November. The R. A. Dance at the Boustead Institute las* night, was a success, the St. Cecilia Baud supplying good music. The mariue Police, last night, arrested a sawpau coot lining aaudalwood. A (juhutity
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  • 35 8 Last might, one of the houses heloDging 10 Mr. Donaldson, in Orange Grove estate, was entered by burglars. Some $3O in cash were stolen, as also was clothiug to the value of $l4.
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  • 94 8 The regulations directing vessels from Dolt carrying more than twenty deck passengers to be quarantined on arrival ut Penang, have been cancelled. The following appointmeuts take effect from Ist November: Mr. R. J. Wilkinson to act as Second Magistrate. Singa|>cre. Mr. T. H. Stevens to act
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  • 105 8 In the absence of the proprietor at tLe last races, a venturesome Malay voutb was thrown from one of the revolving cars. He was removed to hospital, but up to latest reports, had not regained <on sciousaets. Another youth, yesterday, visited e shop in Wilkie Road and provoked
    105 words
  • 170 8 AKKAIILS IN MINDANAO Thk Go*ernor-Geae*al of tbe Philippines, says the Comercio, has broad views concerning the development of the territory wrested from the Malayan Maliommedtns iu Miudanao. He favours tbe settlement of Chinese among tbe natives to arouse their trading instincts and lead them into commercial pursuits. H.
    170 words
  • 205 8 Onk of our reporters was last evening on board tbe Widand, to see the operations that are being conducted to laise the vessel. Anybody reaching the spot where she has be**u sunk is sickened by the smell of sugar, but. overcoming such sensitiveness, he must admire tbe manner
    205 words
  • 1558 8 Kuala Pilah, VOth October. (From A Correspondent.) Though Kuala Pilah has. progress steadily since 1887, she has not made rapid strides in her advancement, but there ar indications of coiuiug prosperity i D the n«J Uituie. The tin mines are looking We ii especially the mines of
    1,558 words

  • 269 9 Tiw Princess of Wales in always kind and thoughtful. Wlmmi she wa» told not ho very ago hoir Mr. Barrett Browning', the son of tin* well-known poet and poetess, had Parted a school for the impoverished lace workers of Asola. she Immediately gave a larjft* onler for some
    269 words
  • 2242 9 I (From our Perak Correspondent.) By reason of the licensing regulations, I the professional Petition Writer of the Native States is gradually being elevated in stjle; nevertheless, the following assorted gems, which I have culled from the collection of an official, do uot belong to the
    2,242 words
  • 540 9 THE SULTAN'S DAYS AKE PLEASANTLY SPENT THE LAST OF THE KEUEI<S From Our Correspondent.) Pekan, 22 nd October. During the past week, the Sultan of Pahang, with his eutire household, has been living at the Kuala, in S&iyid Hassan’s Bungalow, which is built on an island all its
    540 words
  • 624 9 (From Our Correspondent.) ACCIDENT** A most disastrous mine slip occurred at Snngei Beai on Monday morning (21st instant,) r* sultiug iu the loss of ten lives, all Chinese. On day following, a Tamil coolie bad a remarkable escape on tbe railway. In order to obtain material for a
    624 words

  • 1275 10 ACHKKN NKWH KMIO NATION KKHTKUTIONR I.ABOI'It ui'KxTIoNM. PORTUUVCHR TIMOR Mill BOR. AKMKNIAN ItKMEK. CoKrKK AND SUUAR. (Translated from variant newspapers.) Advice* from Acheeu iu the Batavia .Vur u until ad of the 12th instant. state that the A* hit ese, on finding that their tiring at long rsug*
    1,275 words
  • 231 10 in Central Asia will start in January. —Siam Observer. (Via Bangkok.) London, ‘JOth October. land Salisbury has sent an ultimatum to the Government of Yeucxitcla demanding a prompt Hcttlein nt <-f the long-standing claims of Fiigl.-md against that country. Advices have been received from Massowah to the effect
    in Central Asia will start in January.—Siam Observer.  -  231 words
  • 254 10 < Details are to hand of the sinking of I the Sanchez Barcaizfegui, a Spanish man- of-war, at Havuns, from which it appears that she was sunk by the Cubans. It I appears that a tarty of ten Cubans, commanded by Captain Enrique, left Quautauumo in
    254 words
  • 11017 10 FIRST DAY. (Tuesday 22nd October Stewards; Judge: Mr. C. Sugden Assistant Judge and Time-keeper Capt. Warren, r.a., Handicappere Mr. H. Fort, aud Mr. T. E. Earle; Starter: Lt,-Col. Pennefather; Clerk of the Course Mr. W. A. Cadcll; Clerk of the Scalee; Hon. Major McCalium, c.m.o., Mr. C.
    11,017 words

  • 171 12 The Governor and the Municipality id again on the list of pablic topics. Selangor keeps the Prince of Wales’s birthday on the 11th November instead of on the 9th. Four men have beeu arrest ed by the Police, in connection with a gang robWv on Serangoon Road.
    171 words
  • 35 12 A steam launch named Bitmarck foundered in the Menam river at Bangkok on the 21st inst.aut,|through overcrowding. Those on the spot at the time state that ten lives were lost including several children.
    35 words
  • 59 12 Rumour has it that a recently appointed Veterinary Inspector from India, who arrived at Penang, the other day, for service there, refused to take up the appointment, aud left to return to India. According to him he had been misled as to the value of the dollar,
    59 words
  • 81 12 Thrui Fusiliers, at this morning’s police court, charged two Chinamen with ass suiting them last night. A native policeman deposed to seeing the Fusiliers running and the Chinamen chasing them with sticks in their hands. The defence was that the prrftecutora bad takeu cheroots without
    81 words
  • 114 12 On* of our reporters visited the Wieland agaiu on Saturday evening, and though the vessel had beeu psrtially raised in the early inoruiug, operations to umpbtvout thoroughly snd to remove all remaining damaged cargo were still being actively pursued. The smell that prevailed in the'lower bo’d* was flmost
    114 words
  • 269 12 On Thursday, before Mr. Anthooiaz, Mr. Tau Jiak Kim said Messrs. Crane Bros were responsible f.»r the foiludaiions. There were several contrac’ois employed. At the end of Mr. Tau Jiak Kim’s evidence the Magistrate hinted that the responsibility for the colla|>«e set ined to lie betweeu Mr.
    269 words
  • 274 12 According to official statistics just issued, while the total trade bctwt*en AustriaHungary and Japan in 1891 amount* d to 485,000 y.*r, as against J 40.000 yen in the l-ive* -ding v« ar. there was a failing off of more than 4,oooyeu in ttie expjr s tromthe former country.
    274 words

  • 214 13 TttfclK ARRIVAL AT BANQROR. Si Rahman, the chief of the Pahang rebels, aud four of his comrades were brought up to Btogkok on the 20th instant, bv the Mongkut Rajmkumur. The Bangkok finis says that after giving themselves up to the Siamese forces sent to effect their
    214 words
  • 202 13 Thk Government Qasette publishes the Municipal Estimates for next year. The r?veuue is given at $812,000, of which $319,000 come under rates and taxes, and $142,000 under the beading of waterworks. The revenue proper reaches $722,000, but this total is swelled by $6,000 recoverable outstandings;
    202 words
  • 52 13 Is Septemlnfr, the Suugoi Ujong (lev•rauivot sanctioned the application of Messrs. Rurt auJ Sbarjx- of«:iug Lane, London. for two blocks of land of five hundred acres each, between the 10th and 12'h mile stone on the Port Dickson railliue. The land is taken up for
    52 words
  • 1123 13 Mr Softleigh Will you let me kiss your Mi** Dymples Whst Wlieu we are not •tfn engaged? The Duke and Duchess of Coburg evidently approve of early marriages. Priucoss Alcxaudr» who is to marry Prince Ernest of H'dieu-loke-Laugeuburg, a first cousin of the German hmperor, is but .seventeen.
    1,123 words
  • 2255 13 Minutes or Proceeding ok the Municipal Comm i ssi oners at an Obdinart Meeting held on Wednesday, the 9th October, ISM. Present. —The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq.; The Inspector-General of Police. Col. Pennefather; Win. Nausou, Esq.; J. P. Joaquim. Esq. C. G. Paterson. Esq.; and A. C. Moses.
    2,255 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 120 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE "STRAITS TIMES Sir, —In your issue of yesterday, there appeared a paragraph, beaded aa above, in which a correspondent seeks to be merry at the expeuae of the Acting Chief Magiatrate, because he insisted ou probing to the bottom, the cause of our
      120 words
    • 189 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES Sir, —Noting a paragraph in yours of yesterday, re Mr. Anthonisz deeming to allow himself, the lawyers, the u< cased, the court peons, aud all interested interlopers iu the late building dissst r, the opportunity of witnessing th- race-,
      189 words
    • 182 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRUTS TIMES. Sie, —It may be a coincidence that I should thirst after the same stream which supplies a Government official with information, but, while guilty of that failing, I object to his damming that stream at its source. Yesterday afternoon, I visited
      182 words
    • 170 13 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES.' Sir, —Yesterday afternoon, on re-risit* Hatties Library, I found that only one of the two book* referred to in my letter of the 2&d instant, had been returned to its shelf. Its number Is Q 12. Q 25. however, was still
      170 words
    • 70 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE "STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,—l tuust decline to publicly auswer •A Reader’s’ remarks eoDceruiDg the book* ho wished to consult in the reference library. It was scarcely goo 1 form on bis part io rush into print with complaints about possible mistakes made by the
      70 words

  • 565 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. Letimbro from Penaug:—Messrs. LeWt, sml Arglosburg. From Bombay M i-» Per s. s. Uly**et from Manchester via mv-ts:—Messrs, proctor, Blactc, Nicholson, tVr s, Davies, and Mrs. Wat ok, aud M r. All ml. Per s. Sitk from Deli: M* Osttenbux h. ter a. s
    565 words
  • 132 14 Under this heading the following abbrevitions are used atr.—steamer ah.—ship, bq.—barui’.e; Brit—British; IT. S.— "mfed States; Fr.— French; Gor.—German Gut.— Dutch; Joh.—Joliore; Ac., G.c..— < ienera cargo; d. p.-- passengers; U.— Lncer tain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T P I).—Taniong Pagar Dock; B. W.— Borneo Wharf;
    132 words
  • 1452 14 Arrivals Since Noon or aturday Chnpra, Brit. str. 1,435 toil**, apt. Hill. 26th Oct. From Reoatig, 24tli Oc». Rich and 3 d. p B<m*fe id A Co. For Moultmdu, U.—VV. Dr Carpcntier, Dut. Mr. 757 ton*, <'aptain Bowb e. 27th O* t. From Batavia, 25th S pt G.*,
    1,452 words
  • 92 14 MASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. fU« Date p Datk and Ship's Name. Commander. or Fiiom Whiri. Destination K1 Ri<». Sailing. ma*eh. Del In Hrit sh. Jutoopolis I.initiator Sept 20 Mauritius Sourabaya tMj ont. s.s. li-d Cross Bombay I tat* via IS s.s. Ala.onia Davies Oct 16 'inmpore
    92 words
  • 981 14 fruAO* Sam* roHH.j Captain. Fhom. CcifAi«,N»w* N R».. 1 Oflt. v I I 21 Verona P.O, ktr 1950 Joouue Bombay Oct 12 P. AO. Company 21 Coen inn.ttr 8 3 Wilium* Rutavia Oct loiDaendela A CoT 21 Glenahiel Brit.atr. 2MO J nee |Yo oliama opt 25 Bouatead 4
    981 words
  • 582 14 Date. Vessel'* Namk. Fuu a Uio Oaftais. Destination. Oct 2! Ban S“n «man I'rit »tr Oea*y litng <•* Mac)i«*w *tr Farrell n«*' n intu V.'lwU H.u *L\ .*on T Bratidati Zi Juno *t Ciuncron I lit v• ort* 2* Amher~t str. rlrimmen Klanj via |x>rt* j Vcruuu P.-» *T.
    582 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 136 14 NORTH BORNiO REVENUE FARMS r Y*ENDERS will be r. eeived by the Seere1 tary to the Governor, Saudakan, on or before 30th November next, for the following Reveou Farms for 189t>. Opium Farm. North Borneo East Coast. Province Alcock (Kndat). Spirit L cense Farm, North Borneo East Coast, Piovince Alcock
      136 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 511 15 mark. iuk GLASGOW. MARK. tLKTmC LIGHT PILLARS BRACKETS. ELECTRIC WIRE WAYS. Laftp PilUarK. Shop Fraita. Bandstand*. T*mb Rails. A'eraidafes. BannrnU. (resting*. Spandril*. Brackets. (•IlMS. liltf*. Arradf*. Railing Pauliwns. Pi lasers. Balraniex. Terminals. Hacxtaffs. Altar Rails. Oral. Frtnt*. •ml. RhRik llark lowers. u O c=-*: KM •75 4 •r K n
      511 words
    • 190 15 AYERS Sarsaparilla IS THE GREAT i Blood-Purifier, NERVE TONIC, —AND—j STRF.NQTH-BUILDER. It attacks and break* up every humor, mire* skin eruj*llons, restores I exhausted vitality, and drives out every element of disease. Sufferers from indigestion,general debility, or any other ailment arising from impure blood, should take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It gives
      190 words
    • 1217 15 3X LEA PERRINS’ OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW J (j PRINTED //Q Xr ,n blu ,nk i DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse A Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents,
      1,217 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 A a SINGAPORE, i;i,M TKO 1*1,ATE ttKI'AKTMKXT.- Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriagt ]*resents I'ri/.es for Athletic meetings, &r. We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, *£c. j- I
      350 words