The Straits Budget, 22 October 1895

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 336 1 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY 22ND OCTOBER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Editorials. Colouial Moth-ids. having Faeo. Government and Fiuanco Couimitte. The Military Contribution. Grievance before Supply. Armenian »<#lieL Japan and the Power* Local. Market Quotation' Shipping Passenger Li I. The Late M. H. Frank A Po-t OSee Case. The atimates f >r ISP'*.
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  • 508 1 Singapore, 22nd October, 1895. PRODUCE. Gambier sellers (a. 8.50. do Cube No. 1, 12.00. do do No. 2, 9.95. Copra Bali 5.25. ao Pontianak 5.10. Pepper Black 10.95. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.55. do Brunei 2.2b. Pearl Sago, 3 4«*. Coffoe Bali, 41.00. toffeo Liberian, 43.00. Tap.oca email
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  • 552 1 The mail for Euro|>e this week is taken on by the M.M. s s. Yarra. The German mail for Europe by the s. s. Karlsruhe closed on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week is fixed for the P. 0. s. s. Kaiser i-Uind. The mail
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    • 55 1 London, 15th October. THE SULTAN TO BE FURTHER PRESSED. Reuter’s correspondent at Constantinople asserts that Britain is resolved upon the Turkish Government adopting the scheme of reforms in Armenia proposed by the Powers. It is also reported that, to secure this. Biilain would Dot hesitate to put
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    • 64 1 London, l'iih October. The Sultan of Turkey is reported to have accepted, in principle, the reforms in Armeuia proposed by Britain, France, and Russia. The Sultau, however, declines to promulgate the reform meaiuns forthwith, lest it should appear that he had yielded to pressure. It is
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    • 18 1 London, l?th October. The Russian press shows bitter hostility to British policy on the Armenian question.
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    • 57 1 PROSPECT OK AN ASHANTEK WAR The British Goveruuieut has presented an ultimatum to the Kmg of Ashantee at Coomassie, his capital. The ultimatum demands the King’s consent to a British protectorate over Ashantee with a Resident at Coomassie. If the ultimatum be rejected, it is expected that
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    • 21 1 [t is reported that two thousand Spaniards have been killed or havedioJ, mi far, during the cauipaigu in Cuba.
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    • 253 1 London, 18th October. ALLEGED ACTION OK THE STRAITS ASSOCIATION. RATES OK OTHER EASTERN COLONIES The Straits Association has accepted Lord Ripon’s proposals, made in his despatch ot the 28th June last, as regards the Straits Settlements Military Contribution. The Military Contribution proposals made by the Colonial Office
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    • 40 1 London, 19th October, mom n m wuioii. Excitement bM arisen in Mount Lebanon from fatal conflicts between Druses aud Mutualis (two Mahommedan sects). The Mutual s complain of injustice at the bands of the Turkish Government.
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    • 43 1 MUSSULMAN DISCONTENT It is feared that the Sultan’s acceptance of the Reform Scheme for Almeida will not settle the question from the Artuei.i in poiut of view. Aootherd inger to the Sultan arises fr.>m increasing discontent amoug the Mussulman Liberals.
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    • 81 1 London, iilst October. It ia stated that Russia, France, a ><i Germany will shortly present a Note to Japan. This Note, it is said, will accept the reply of the Japanese Government to the representations of these Powers with regard to the question of evacuating the
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    • 371 1 (Straits Time B, 15th October At the ncent meet tug <>f the British Association, Dutch methods of governing the Malayan races oatne under discussiou. The subject cropped up ou the reading of a paper, dealing with native races and Western civilisation. Several speakers commented adversely upon im(K>siug Western
      (Straits TimeB, 15th October )  -  371 words
    • 264 2 (Straits Times, 16tk October.) Tai Sultan of Turkey shows signs giving way to the pressure of the Three Powers, but, to save appcarauccs, seeks In avoid public recognition of the fact, This policy of making believe that concession had not resulted from the logic of force has been
      (Straits Times, 16tk October.)  -  264 words
    • 983 2 (Straitt Timet, 17 th October.) The Hoodgntes King opened by the proposal for the second reading of the annual Supply Rill, the members of Council yesterday bathed in tbe cool waters of their eloquence. For more than three hours they coutiuucd, with unwearied voice, to educate his
      (Straitt Timet, 17 th October.)  -  983 words
    • 203 2 (Straits Times, 18th October.) Rkutkk has sent us a message all of which is very old news save only the statement that the Straits Association has accepted Lord Ripon's settlement of the Military Contribution dispute. We did uot know that it was the privilege of the Straits
      (Straits Times, 18th October.)  -  203 words
    • 258 2 (Straits Times, 18th October.) Thk Aimenians, scattered though they are all over the world, have ever l>een mindful of their compatriots in A-iati«-Turkey. Since Armenia Broper fell under Turkish rule, intolerance and oppression have drivt-u Armenians from iheir native laud to ueighbouriug au<l dixtaut countries, in search of
      (Straits Times, 18th October.)  -  258 words
    • 585 2 (Straits Timet, 19th October.) We suggest to the Governor that a strong Government should be able to discipline its own officers. It seems rather weak for any Government to expect a debating assembly to aid in imposing such discipline. If the Government thinks that its seuior
      (Straits Timet, 19th October.)  -  585 words
    • 347 2 (Straits Timet, 21« t October.) Japan lias receded on the Liaotung question upou pressure trorn Russia, France, and Germany, an 1 these Powers have doue auother service for China. The chief benefit of the concession made by Japan falls to Russia whom alone the speedy evacuation
      (Straits Timet, 21« t October.)  -  347 words

  • 279 2 (Perai Pioneer, ItitA October.) It is proposed to complete the road* connecting Perak, Selangur, aud Pahang prior to the establishment of the fedeia. tiou of the Malayau Native States. Captain Talbot, the Deputy Commit, suiter of Perak Sikhs, has obtained at extension of leave and is not due
    (Perai Pioneer, ItitA October.)  -  279 words
  • 457 2 [Selangor Journal, iHth October.) A member of the Provisional Committee of the Recreation Club. Kuala Lumpur writes:—“l have just received a letter fro* Mr. Maxwell at Accra in reply to an appesl for a subscription to the proposed Club. Mr Msxweil evidently takes as keen an interest ever
    [Selangor Journal, iHth October.)  -  457 words

  • 153 3 The Daily Telegraph, acknowledge* the receipt of seventy-six shilling* from the Selangor Cricket Club toward* the national testimonial to W. G. Grace, tlie fan) >us cricketer. Mkssb*. Howarth Ermkink A Co.’s defaulting bill-collector, wbo»o css? we reported recency, was, on Saturday, on pleading guilty, sentenced to six
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  • 59 3 A clerk in the employ of the Great Northern Telegraph Company at Shanghai has been dismissed the Company's service for improper disclosure of telegrams. At the preliminary investigation, the clerk admitted that be bad spoken about teler grams that passed through his bandswbile being entertained at tiffin or
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  • 76 3 According to the Hambtirgieche Borteuhalle, the firm of Rickmers, a shipbuilding company of Bremen, which also ,*wns several rice-mills, contemplate establishing, in conjuntiun with other firms, s regular steamer service between Hamburg and Antwerp and China and Japan, building for this purpose seven steamers of between 0,000 and
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  • 99 3 The Bangkok Tram wav Company met on the sth instaut. The Ch lirman, Commodore De Richelieu, explained that the Company had reached financial embarrassment from having only 7,700 ticals to m-rt extra expenditure amounting to ‘-.♦,7u0 ticals with ro provision for depreciation or reserve. The.' had used
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  • 146 3 THE NEW P. O. SERVICE. By the new intermediate service of the P. and O. Company, says the r China Er. l/rei*, there is now a weekly direct service to the Straits, China, and Japan by the British m iil line. Hitherto the new cargo boats of the company came
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  • 240 3 Ihk new Chinese cruiser. Fei Ying, *h’ch h is been built ou account of the tbiuese Government at the Vulcan wharf n ar s 'tettin, recently made her trial trip, u which she attained a maximum speed 21.82 knots per hour, and a speed of during a
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  • 100 3 Th* case iu which a f*ostal i»eou was charged with the non-delivery of c-rtaiu e.ters a case to which we have already referred,—was conclude lat tho police court, tins foreuoou. Th witness, Mr. Braat, ror whose evidence the case was |>o, too nod. stated that a
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  • 84 3 Thi Kobe Chronicle says :—Mr. Hamaguchi, who recently went to Shanghai for Hie Kanegafuchi Spinning Company of Tokyo to inspect the spinning industries there, bas returned to the capital, and upon bis report the Company have decided to established a factory in Shanghai. As the Company intends
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  • 93 3 Th* China Mail has no hopes of Hongkong ever becoming an important centre of manufacturing industry. In its opinion, Hongkong, though well placed in geographical position, has one greet drawback; it is too small to do anything. There is a lack of space on that precipitous rock for
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  • 116 3 Recentlt, a number ot military mutineers from oue of the Philippine islands took refuge in British North Borneo. A Spanish gunboat in comj>aiiy with a British North Borneo Government steamboat sought for the fugitives and found them at a place called Tuoku. The mutineers, on the uppoach of
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  • 118 3 According to the Cologne Gazette, a second Rus‘o-Chiu»6e loan will be concluded in November. France will again supply tbe money, and the German market will most probably be excluded from any |»art iu the transaction. In couiec:i->n with tbe loan is the project of a RussoChinese Bank,
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  • 298 3 The Morning Pont, in an article upon the cotton trade, its positiou and prospects, says The Continent, aud India, China, aud Japan have entered the field against Lancashire, and have i>een supplied with modern machinery by English firms. We have exported spinning and weaving machinery io Bombay alone
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  • 171 3 Fair Trader” writes to the Saturday Review regarding Mr. Chamberlain's polity of developing our C douial e-tate. He advances a point which he thinks entitle 1 to the consideration of all who are not free trade fauat'es. Mr. Chainberlaia propose* to build railways with British money loopoo up
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  • 734 3 (From our Correspondent.) 10th October. Tbbbk baa been nothing atartliog in Hongkong during the last week. Toe naval anchorage is still deserted but, provided the ships of the Squadron are demonstrating with effect up the Yangtze or the Bliu, there is no need to regret their absent‘9 from
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  • 509 3 PROHPIUrriNO POK UOLD EXPLORATION (From our Oorreopondent.) Some time ago, a party of prospectors from Australia landedou theshoresfd Huon Gulf io New Guinea with a view of prosp cling the country towards the inland mou utaiu ranges. They follomei the bed of the Clyde river for a
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  • 63 3 still 200 murines in the jungles. —Banykuk IHmes. H. S. M. S. Nirben left Bangkok for Kelantan on the sth instant, and was followed by the Fylla the next day, with despatches and reliefs for the forced in the |>euinBula. where, besides the cruiser Makut Hajakntnar
    still 200 murines in the jungles.—Banykuk IHmes.  -  63 words
  • 309 3 The Politizche Correspondenz learns from Constantinople that the Sultan inteuds to propose to the Powers that the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, beginning with the present occupant of the post, shall be President of the Armenian Commission of Coni rol, aud not, as was reported,
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  • 66 3 A large number of European* and others, friends 'of the late Mr. H. Frank and employees of the firm of Hieber and Co., attended the requiem service in the Church of the "Good Shepherd," yesterday afternoon. The service was solemnly reudered, the altar being shrouded
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  • 347 3 At the meetiug of the British Association, Capt. S. L. Hinde, who was one of* Baron Dban is’ force on the Congo, gave a description of some cannibals and their customs there. Almost all the races ia the Congo Basin practise cannibalism, and though in
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  • 473 3 M. Turpin has, it seems, been approached by tbe Porte with u view of applying his system of defences to the Dardanelles He said to an interviewer from tbe Libre Parole, r» ferring to the enormous development by armaments during the last twoutv years, that
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  • 1043 4 N. O. Daily Newt. TBI BRITISH NATAL DEMONSTRATION IN CHINA Shanghai, 30th September. Thbei are at present anchored at Woo■ung the ironclad Undaunted, the firstclass cruiser Edgar, the second-class < ru ear Arohar, and tbe third-clase cruiser Caroline The despatch vessel Alacrity, tly ng Admiral Buller's flig,
    —N. O. Daily Newt.  -  1,043 words
  • 1613 4 Written for the Straits Timet In view oftbe exciting literature—stories of battle and songs of love —with which the public of Malaya have lately been n-gjlcd, it way be that an account of a f- w days spent on th) Perak R ver, the
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  • 37 4 On the 18th Sept., at Catford, R. A. Marpies established a new record for the licensed amateur for a mile, which be covered in lmin. 56 2-5sec. Previously the best time was 2min. 1 2-5sec. by Platt-Betts.
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  • 1658 4 Mr. Robert Buchanan** novel, Diana's Hunting," will be published in one volume next week. •.e e Messrs. Oliphaut and Anderson will shortly publish a new story by Miss Maggie Swan, entitled Life’s Blindfold Game." e Messrs. Isbister will shortly have ready in their Gosp lof the Ago Series
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  • 69 4 In British North Borneo, since the instant, a revised customs tariff bw into operation, and there is said to satisfaction that important articles should l)e heavily taxed under tbe w■ Rice, which has hitherto been exe, from any duty, has now to bear aof 20 cents per
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  • 342 5 At (he Legislative Council uneting held this afternoon, Mr. J. R. Innea was sworn in as Actiog Clerk of Councils in the absence of Mr. A. P. Talbot, and Mr. Collier resumed his seat in Council aa Attorney-General. AH the members of Council except Major-General Jones* Vaughan,
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  • 39 5 Lm Ah Chow, a caretaker *>f tbe Chinese Temple in Johore Road, committed suicide last night, by stabbing himself in the neck in two places, by means of a peolnife. He had been ill for some time.
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  • 58 5 SPIRITS FOR H. M. S. REDPOLE.” Y ksterday, while some fourteen cases of spirits and wines, which arrived with certain luggage per s. s. Mirzapore, were being conveyed from the wharf, they were seized by the spirit farmer’s detectives. On projter representation, however, by the Captain of tbe Redpole. they
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  • 54 5 The removal of sewage difficulty troubles the Penang Municipality owing to financial embd rrassments preventing them from embarking in the manufacture of poudrette, which the Municipal President considers to be the real final solution of the question. Ultimately, it was resolved to bury the aightsoil on a
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  • 59 5 Mrs. Lanqtry, who has now qualified by sufficient residence in San Francisco, began on September 17th an action for divorce against her husband, on charges of desertion and failure to provide for his wife and daughter. Her attorney says she intends to abandon tbe stage, and after October
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  • 92 5 At Penang, the Government objects to policemen manning the Municipal Fire Engines, and the Municipal President favours the Municipality working the engines wit h their own coolies on tbe grouud °f its being cheaper than employing policelnen Captain Anderson thought it ooadvisable to employ Municipal coolies
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  • 36 5 (Telegram from Bomb dated 16tk October, 1895.) First Railway in Pahang, Raub to Bukit K oman, opened to-day. Locomotive now being used to haul quarts to battery, and transport by bullock cart stopped. Everything satisfactory.
    (Telegram from Bomb dated 16tk October, 1895.)  -  36 words
  • 57 5 M. le Comte le Maugin d’Apcbier has arrived at Bangkok to take up the appointment of Secretary to the French Minister, The Siam Free Press considers the appointment an important innovation, considering the rank of the new arrival, and that France is now particularly strong
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  • 64 5 The Russian volunteer fleet transpor t Orel, which passed through the port the 1 other day, on her way to Vladivostock, will be followed, it i< expected, at intervals b y the Nijni Novgorod, with railway materials for the tnni-Siberian R til way the Kuttroma, with troops
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  • 91 5 The police yesterday were successful in two prosecutions. In the one, a man and his wife were convicted of instituting a lottery in which women principally, took p >rt; the former was fined $l,OOO, or 6 mouths, and the latter $5OO or 3 mouths The man was also
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  • 103 5 A CoRREspoRDEifT write* On Mount Elizabeth, thieves were about considerably last nii*bt, as I heard a revolv< r fired twice. At 12.45 my dog barked fierce ly and I got up, after hearing a slight, but saw nothing. When I got back to tbe bedroom, I
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  • 106 5 The Peuang Finance Committee bad brought before them tbe necessity of a light at Tanjong Haotu at tbe entiance of the port of PenaDg. The Couintittce recommend that, an ordinary beucon light, suih a* those iu the touth chauctl cf Penang Harbour, visible at a distance of about
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  • 156 5 In August, the District Magistrate of Kiuta visited the Malacca Mining Company’s lode workings at Selekin and was impressed with tbe advance made in the erection of machinery for the treatment of tbe stone in which the tin-ore is found. The water supply has beeu availed of
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  • 170 5 A Chinese secret society riot took place at Bangkok on the sth instant. It arose from cargo coolies of the Ghee Hok Society quarrelling with boatmen belonging to another society about the use of a certain plank as gaugway. The coolies then attacked the boatmen, and the
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  • 108 5 MILLEK V. LATHAM. This was a suit brought by G. H. Miller, accountant, against H. Latham, broker, to recover $75, being half a month’s salary due for the month of July. Plaintiff was employed by Mr. Latham, who was Secretary of the now liquidating Mergui Pearling and Trading
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  • 112 5 —Siam Ofuervtr. (Kid Bangkok.) London, 6th October. Germany has obtained from the Chinese Governments crown concession at Hankow, as well as a settlement of the claims for the outrages at the German mission stations. The Hova Queen lias declared her dete rm ination not to leave the oapital,
    —Siam Ofuervtr.  -  112 words
  • 478 5 (From the Timet of Ceylon.) Parie, 6th October. The funeral of M. Pasteur took place to-day. aud was a moat imposing ceremony. A detachmeut of troops formed an escort to Notre Daine. President Faure aud the members of the Corps Diplomatique were present. Constantinople, 6th October. Said Pacha,
    (From the Timet of Ceylon.)  -  478 words
  • 1084 5 •T “X.“ Littlb time now remains before the horses will be asked to do their best, and the crowd in the enclosure gets bigger every morning. There was a very large gathering to-day at an early hour, and some rattling good work was witnessed. The course was heavy
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  • 2576 5 Rialto: Actresses don't have their diamonds stolon any more when they want advertisements." Kirby No. They get married and live sweet home lives e e e Mrs Fiudeeieole Have yon commenced to buy any of your trou**cnu yet f r your iusrrige, nest month?" Mi-s Ktaaaripuns: Yes, indeed.
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  • 1489 6 1 REPORT OP THE PENANG COMMITTEE. I Tmk leport by the Special Penang Committee of the Legislative Couucil on the Penang Estimates lot 1896, was laid before the Legislative Council to-day. The Committee which consisted of Mr. H. Trotter, the actiug Resident Councillor, Mr. J. M.
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  • 212 6 FIRE ON THE WIELAND”. EFFORTS TO EXTINGUISH ARE UNAVAILING A eire that has already done considerable damage, and that does not yet promise a speedy extinction, is in progress on board the German steamer Wieland (Messrs B *hn Meyer <fc Co., ageuts), lyiug a* Tanjong Pagar wharf. Tlie fire was
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  • 32 6 Two German torpedo-boats left Bine a pore yesterday evening for China. The Hail de-pEUM from Sinjapore London, via Brindisi, on the 18th ultimo was delivered on the 15th instaut.
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  • 58 6 The match, last evening, between repieseuting the Regiment and thi 8. C. Q oiided in a victory for the former by goals to nil,one goal being scored in the first of the game. Tbe regiment exhibited stiong couii*iua'ion and played fast throughout, wui e tbe 8. C. C. pla
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  • 75 6 The fire wh eh we reported. Yesterday as broken out on the Wieland u proving more stubborn in its resistance thau was at first an icipa'ed. AH through the night, efforts were continued to suppress it, aud tbe cargo, consisting chiefiy of hemp and sugar,
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  • 91 6 According lo l*i* st a* counts, the fire on bond ti.e H'ui.tml has so penetrated into th lower hold iu the fore|>art of the veoet that it is not likely to be overcoat. The qu s ion ut stuttling her has consequentlv arisen, but, the difficulty
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  • 183 6 The second quarterly meeting of tbe Suuday School Union was held yesterday evening, in th-* Presbyterian Church, the President, tbe Rev. J. A. B. Cook, takiug the Chair. Tbe missionary boiy was largely represmte), aud the R“V. Mr Murray, i be Presideut of the Pen ing branch
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  • 478 6 The State Eugioeer of Perak, Mr. F. St. G. Caulfield, bits brought out a report on the Teluk Anson Waterworks, a deecri| tion of which works appeired in our issue of Saturday las'. The report is rnaiuly a history of the Watcrwork scheme, but it supplements
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  • 113 7 Thebe is just received the October number of tbe Pall Malt Magazine. A* it usual with this remarkably well got op monthly, it is well worth reading. The illustrations are without exception beauti. fully drawn, the frontispiece being a charming little' sea-scape by Flaoieng, entitled “Homewards.” The
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  • 734 7 A RECORD COM) MONTH. (From our Corteeponden 12th October. During the third quarter of the year, barely 20 inches of rainfall have been recorded at Pekan, this quantity being distributed or* r 29 days, i he highest fall in twenty-four hour* having been on the 19th ultimo, when
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  • 27 7 Tn v E nu tnber of coolies employed on the egti l UB J 8 Perak, at present, is fn* at: immigrants 1,225 and ,r <* coolies 393.
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  • 1065 7 London, 28»t September, tri king demonstration of pro-Russian i French maitumvres. *e r use of the review the populaoe, on learning of the identity of the R naeiau General Dragomirow and Prince Labauof, tried to unharnesstheir homes and to drag their carriage, rhe escort of the
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  • 159 7 The police say they are taking special measures to capture those |iersons concerned in the recent burglaries. The po'ice ask that householders will not fire at persons who miy be seen outside bouvs. Possibly such persons may be pclicesgents! H. M. 8. Mercury arrived tes erdai evening
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  • 100 7 We recently alluded to burglaries on Mount Elizabeth, but, we liavu ascertained that tbe burglars are getting more persistent in their attempts. Last night, tbev visited Mr. Burkinshaw’s residence, where is staying, also, the Inspector-General of Polic But here they succeeded in remot ing only a box
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  • 161 7 The Singapore Recreation Club gave its first couoert to members aud friends of the Club at tbe Town Hall, last evening. Some forty voices, besides a well-composed orchestra, took partin thecoDcert. The progiamine was a very pleasing one and well executed throughout. Mention might lie
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  • 202 7 In Perak, the head of one of the departments has had to complain to Government of the annoyance caused by the frequent absences of his employees in Courts on financial busiurss," and has asked that a rule may be made that no public servant whose salary is under
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  • 39 7 A pick -u i* game at cricket took place on the 8.R.0. ground yesterday, between a team captained by Parsons, and the Roya Engineers, captained by Woodrofle. The former made 51, and the latter 54 for eight wickets.
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  • 70 7 A constable on duty, this morning noticed two Macao women carrying out a third from a house io South Bridge Road. Accosting them, he found the third woman to be in a moribund condition, and, when she was placed in a ’rikisha, she immediately died. No doubt,
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  • 158 7 BY X. rHOBE who found themselves at the rail* this morning at an earl? hour were not rewarded by any of those unexpected a pint that occasionally take plaoe on other mornings than those on which galloping usually takes place. Absolutely nothing of any importance or interest transpired,
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  • 242 7 8. C. C. V. FUSILIERS. The football match last evening, between the S. C. C. and the Fusilier*, was perhaps oue of the fastest that has been played this season. Pace characterized it throughout, and though the ground was intensely slippery, the many accidents that were caused added amusement
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  • 319 7 (Perak Ptoneer.) On the 9th instant, at Taiping, before HU Honour C. Leech and a jury, a Malay stood for trial on the charge of culpable homicide amounting to murder, of four other Malays at Kuala Kangssr whom he fell upon in an amok and killed. The medical
    (Perak Ptoneer.)  -  319 words
  • 214 7 Sim W. Bomber, Chief Justice of Ceylon. presided, on the 7tb instant, at a meeting of the Colombo Public Library, and made the following remarks:—lt seemed to him a matter for regret that the number of members was decreasing, and also the income of the
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  • 769 7 The of Piiiiccu Alexandra of au«l Gotlu and the Ho*editary Prince of Hoheuloho-Leiigoir.urg will take place in Colmrg in Ap il next, aud'the Queen may possibly he present at the marriage. The Hereditary Prince is well known in England, as he was for some years an of
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  • 293 8 There ha* been tome correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the representative* of the Anglo*Chiuebe School and theEaetero School; and the Principals of these schools have had two int« rviewa with the Governor, who has also consul'ed If r. Hill and Mr. Eleuro. The school* mast era
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  • 46 8 The sale of petroleuuioil in bull in Ceylon is said to have been hindered by the delay of the Crown agents in supplyiug the local railway au'h>riti>*s with the necessary wautliu* This brings into prominence one of the quegtionab'e advantages of Crown agents.
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  • 55 8 At Bangkok, on the 12'h instant, two Chinese entered mi opium shop and one ol them stole a pipe. The shopkeeper seized the thief and was then tired iifsni twice from a revolver by the thief* comrade. Th" 1 tdlels uiiis*'d the shopkeeper but hit
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  • 50 8 The iwo Mac to women whom we r.certlv repoitad an-huviug been arrested by the police, under suspicion of accelerating the death of a dviDg woman, have beeu exoueraled from all blame. It appears the woman had a suddeu a|>oplcptic fit aud was being removed to kllpUl.
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  • 63 8 (From our R< j>vrl of Lryishitive Council.) The Governor said that lie did not consider a man’* qualifications necessarily entitled him to higher salary, because one might have a Master of Arts as a domestic st rvjint and if he applied fora salary comin rate with his
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  • 208 8 TOBACCO PROSPECT* CHOI.KKA I)rkino September, rainy weather re va led in the planting districts, and the rivers ovuiflowed in several plae-s with damage to estates. The weather has some vlni inti rfered with outdoor work, especial v as legards drains, but, in otln-r resets, work is well forward.
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  • 459 8 THE OOV Ell NOB-URN ERAL IMPROVEMENTS AT SAIUON. The Governor-General, who is on the eve of departure for Frauce to explain to the Home Government his plaus for fiscal reform in the Colony, finds further difficulties in his way. The Home Government has decided'upon entrusting financial control in
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  • 47 8 List month, the Sultau of Eeluntun sentenced a Malay murderer there to hive lii« right band cutoff and to be itnpris mod for lif Th-* murderer h id tikeu the life of a Chinese child to rob the child's earrings. worth about four dollars.
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  • 45 8 The po'ice, lust uight, smsted two Chinaiueu, u*ar Killiuey Raid, aud our Malay near Tangliu, all sail to bear doubtful charade s aud to lnv-i previous couv ctiou* ag.iiust them. They are f.uspected of be ng coucerr.e 1 iu th.* re:eut burgl.ui ’B.
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  • 242 8 Via Rangoon.) Paris, loth October. A French official dcsj>a*ch stst-es that vutanauarivo was occupied hr the Frjuch f >rc on the .'lOth ultimo The French Governm *ut have telegraphed tli«*ir congratulations to G» n ral Duclicsue and his Army, and have also appointed General Duchesne a G.util fti
    242 words
  • 75 8 THE WIELAND.” We learn tbie morning that, although the efforts to extinguish the tire on board the Wielund have not, so fsr, been successful, the conflagration has been diminished to the exteut of removing the necessity of scuttling the ship. It is probable that the seat of the fire will
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  • 82 8 hardy Liberian plant and it* pro»pei;U. Madras Times. Steadily, Liberian coffee is outgrowing the prejudiceBwith which it has had to contend. Planters in India are beginning to pay some attention to it, and the results, in nearly all cfsjs have been a surprise. The old feeling. why should
    hardy Liberian plant and it* pro»pei;U.— Madras Times.  -  82 words
  • 745 8 THE PETROLEUM TRADE THE PHILIPPINE DOLLAR PIRE PROM A CIoAK END MILITARY MUTINY. AFFAIRS IN MINDANAO. At Mituila, a heavier import duty has ju i***u lai 1 in petroLum; bi.r the price ot tint oil Ins uot lisen. owing to u glut in the maike*. Upon news of
    745 words
  • 149 8 A special general meeting of the Siugaiwre Sporting Club, attended by fift**en memliers, was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sugden was in the chair. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Stiren. the following resolution was passed «That the members of the Singapore Sporting Club put
    149 words
  • 734 8 by -X." Cons ids kino the large concourse of sportsmen and others —princijally others —on the course this morning, some disrinction would belong to the men a ho remuiucd in lied. As is usual on the day of the final gallops. Dearly everybody was there, and the utmost
    734 words
  • 102 8 PINAFORE BY AMATKl'RH. Among the approaching festivities of the Christmas cricket fortnight, is an 8.C.C performance of H.M 8. Pinafore.” The Committee consists of L*. Col. Wav Major McCallum, Mr. O. P. Owen, Mr Batty, and Mr. Merewether. Mr. 8altma nn will conduct the music and Col.
    102 words
  • 115 8 8. C. C. r. 81'BALT KB If 8 OF THK GARRISON The match between the 8. C. C. and the Subalterns of the garrison commenced last evening. Play will be resumed this a'ternrou. Th° following so far are the scores: SUBS. OF THK GARBI80N. A. J. W« odroffo c
    115 words
  • 622 8 But ouc straw was needed to snap the vertebral column of uincteeutli century nnuauce That straw has come —wafted over the duck p >nd from a region whence arrive quantitie* of new-faugled and uncauuv things—blizzards. “Trilby sausages,“ and such like. We hear from one who knows—ami who
    622 words

  • 20967 9 OCTOBER, 16th. present. His Excellency the Goybbnor, dm Charles Bullhn Hugh Mitchelt, 551 G. 0. M.G. Hou. J- A. 8wetteuh»ui, Colonial Secretary. Hob. W. R- Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon! J. K. Birch, Acting Colonial Treasurer. Hon. E. E. Iseinouger, Acting Auditor-General. Hi,ii. Ms jo* McUallum, Colonial Engineer. Hon! Dr.
    20,967 words

  • 30 13 The General Officer Commanding has been pleased to grant leave of absence to Surgeon-Captain Y. J. Grcig, A. M. H., from 27th Octolier to 7th November 1895, on private affairs
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  • 187 13 The “Tom Morris" subscription sheet of the Singapore Golf Club is filling up very well. The Sepoy Lines Golf Club will shortly send outasimilarlist; but, of course, it is expected that men who are members of both clubs will subscribe on the one she* t only. The
    187 words
  • 49 13 The Sultan of Siak, writes a correspondent, is a fortunate g.ntlmin. He <lrev four horse* at the Tang in Club on Sat urday evening. Was In* ,luek due t** t ie goldec.-headed walking stick, the device o‘ which was a horse with diamond eyes r
    49 words
  • 46 13 On Friday nigh', two house s in Ch na Street were robbed. Some of the stolen property was recovered in a house io Hokien Street, when it was discovered from the broken til**s that the thieves had walked across the roofs of tbe intermediate houses.
    46 words
  • 46 13 The meet of the pafierchase for Wednesday w ill Ire at the Police Station, Serangoon Road, near the Pauper Hospital, at 5.15 and the finish will lie at Government House; The finish will, therefore, in* In sight of the guests at Lady Mitchell's afternoon reception.
    46 words
  • 44 13 On and after the Ist November next, parcels jsisted in the Straits Settlements and addressed to British India (including Burma) may Is* insured at the same charges for insurance aud under tin* regulations applicable to insured parcels addressed to the United Kingdom.
    44 words
  • 56 13 The two suspieious characters, whom we reported as having l>eon arrest«*d on Friday night near Killiney Road, have been sentenced to six and three months imprisonment each. Four other men, unable to give satisfactory accounts oi themselves, were arrested iast night, two on Orchard Road, one on Selegie
    56 words
  • 64 13 Yesterday, a tongkang with lour ('hinameu on board, ran into a fishing stake off Tanah Merah Bc«ar. The boat was immediately boarded by Ibu Malays who tore off both the regislration p'ates and detained one of the crew as security for damages done to the stake, A complaint
    64 words
  • 80 13 A correspondent writes Mr. Ant lion is/., as Acting Chief Magistrate, is setting a capital judicial example, though it is somewhat inconvenient. At the (dose of the hearing of the building disaster ease on Saturday afternoon, though he was reminded that next Thursday would l>e a raw day,
    80 words
  • 94 13 Tiirice Chinamen yesterday were noticed to be visiting several shops in succession, without effecting any purchases. Two of them generally asked for such goods as were placed on high shelves, and while these were bring taken down and tbe attention ol the shopkeepers engaged, their
    94 words
  • 94 13 Tbs following is the result of tbs monthly medal plated on Satunlsv IE. M. Merewether 5* 41 l< ~81 2 J. 0. Jones U 47-.0 3 Major Morgan 44 44 4=* (J. B. Robert am 9 4"—e» IA. W. Stiven 9 4?—«r -88 (H E. Fir
    94 words
  • 87 13 The quantity of rice shipped from Rangoon from Ist January to 9th October, 1895, was 761,224 tons, as sguinst 811,483 tons during the same period in 1894. The falling off has chiefly been in the shipments to India, which ativu it'd only to 56,142, as against 1 1-1,313 tons
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  • 111 13 News has been received in Banekek of the sale of the property of the K ibin Miuing Syndicate to the Ottoman Rank for £BO,OOO. The Ottoman Bank was started after the Crimean war to guarantee the payment of a Turkish loon to the Powers, the Bank
    111 words
  • 124 13 The Union Insurance Society of Canton, Limited, of which Messrs. Paterson, Simons, Co. are the agents at Singapore, have submitted a Report of the busi-ne-s of the Society for the year 1894. Alter providing for a bouus of on contributions paid in April last, amounting to $325,632, there
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  • 127 13 The texts of two Ordinances, VI and VII of 1895, passed by the Legislative Council on the 16th instant, are published, nice** Ordinances deal respectively with the Better Prevention of Accidents at Sea and with Telegraphs. The Ee Hoe Hean Club, Sings |*ore. in exempted from
    127 words
  • 204 13 THE FIRE ON THE WIELAND.” The fire that broke out on the U ieland on Tuesday last has proved to be the most serious of its kiud that the Tunjoug Pagar Dock Coy. has ever had to deal with. Night and day, relays of men were at work to stay
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  • 244 14 DEATH or MAT KILAU. Ills Exi-a leucy Pbyu Dluh Kora, the •|Hcial Siaratse Commissiont r to Kelantau an4 T'ingganu, sent in these States for the purpose of capturing the Pahang rebels, arrived to-day from Tringganu by the steamer Fan tee. He is now en ioute
    244 words
  • 588 14 London, 24th September Tlie repoits just issued uf th»» m«l*» of France how that the value of the iin|a>r| w for the j»aet three yeare has deercaasd by £25. n fto 00<t. and the exports f r the Mine periisl show s decrease of £’36,U00.000. M. Roche,
    588 words
  • 1621 14 MEMORANDUM BY MR. HUTTENBACM To-day, the following pap *r was pro]M>scd to he laid on the table at Legislative Council by Mr. Huttenbach hut we lielieve some question of order intervened to prevent it: The value of the exports of this Colony, unless we do a losing trade,
    1,621 words
  • 58 14 H. M. S. PINAFORE.” One of the players concerned iu the proposed production of 44 H. M. S. Pinafore says that the production is abandoned. Another of the players Havs he understands that the rehearsals will probably liegin a few days hence. It is to lx* feared that the proposed
    58 words
  • 160 14 Per P. O. ss. Vnlett front J 4 t >• doe, -<!, Mr*. Fitt. k. Mi** Fittoek, Mr K> uV, I Mi*H Ft-nrli*, Min* St. John,and Mr. M. F. D •win** Pe/ Hinutl'iijn, troin iAndon, Oct- 11. Min* Carpmnei, M nT»if, Mr. mil Al-*. Bit k. M\ M.
    160 words
  • 1139 14 RAILWAY BLIP. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, llth October. Hbavy ruins are responsible for a slip of the railway embankment at the 17 th mile on the Ulu Selangor line. Yesterday, in consequence of tbia, the train service was delayed. OOLV On Monday last, Mr. Clem. Glassford w
    1,139 words
  • 370 14 < From ovr Correspondent.) '••'r'c!" P' from r* "v has opened a billiard room in Pekin TV aru. in one of »S*» recently repaired brick buildings. The establishment i* well patronized bv Malavs. The Pahang River, nt and skive P lean, i« s> high as to 1h* almost
    370 words

  • 1332 15 T** new Municipal Bill is being p r icuted in Council to-dav. The following ar extracts from the “objects and reasons”:— Tbe object of this Bill is to consolidate and amend the law relating to Municipalities. Section 2 re|>eals the Municipal Ordinance of 1887 with certain
    1,332 words
  • 462 15 TO-DAY 8 POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS On Saturday forenoon before Mr. Antho uisz, Peek Kim Sai, the Contractor, was charged with having, during the month of September, caused the death of eleven jtersons by a rash and negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide. Mr. Stewart prosecuted and
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  • 40 15 Thk sale of orchids at Orchard Road on Saturday afternoon, was poorly attended, with the result that the prices realised were low. However, all the lots were sold, none of the plants fetching any particularly noteworthy price.
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  • 466 15 (Frotn our Correspondent.) Between five and gix o’clock on Friday morning, two of the Convent girls went to throw gome rubbish over the Convent wall into the sea, aud iu doing so. dropped the bucket. In trying to recover it. oue of them fell into the water and
    466 words
  • 380 15 see OLD INTERPORT PLAYERS The cricket mati h, which commenced on Friday and had b*eu arranged to he played between the S.C C. and the Subilterus of the Garrison, was resumed on Saturday atternoon, as between old interport players and the S.C.C., a match was dowu as a
    380 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 204 15 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIM KM Sir, —The Ordinance that provides for the maintenance of prison discipline seeing to me to be somewhat detective, if oue inay judge by the cases that crop up, from time to time, in our police courts. As au ex-prisong official,
      204 words
  • 457 15 ARRIVALS. Per P. Sl O, s.h. Rosetta from Hongkong Dr. N< li'.e. Per s b. Hebe from Deli: —Mr. Muller. Pur b h. e inn Yang from Mu«r :—Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley, Miss L. Wheatley and Air*. Dent. Per i». h. llye Lenny from Toluk Au-on Mr. J.
    457 words
    • 151 15 Under tins heading the following abbrevi* tioua are ose*i :—atr.—steamer eh.—ship, hq.—barque; Brit —British U. B.—Unite 1 States; Fr.—French; Ger.—German: Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.e..—General cargo; d. p.—de**k paaeeugere U.—Uncer. tain ;T. P. W.—Tanjoug Pager Wharf T. P- D.—Taujoug Pagar Dock ;B. W.— Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jnruine’s
      151 words
    • 1365 15 Arrivals Since Noon or Saturday. Aft. Sirion, Brit. str. 2,116 tons, Cnptniu. Spinks. 19th Oct. From New Castlo, 19th Sept. G.c., Boastead A Co. For Calcutta. 21st.—T.P.W. Bancoora, Brit, str 2198 tons, Capt. Alexander. 20th Oct. From Melbourne, 29th Sept. Boost ead A Co. For Calcutta, to-dav. W
      1,365 words
    • 165 16 Hi me, Pert, and IkUr of StU>London. Benlomnml. Malacca. Livnrpool St. Fr iDcia, June 25 Ulyases, due Oet. 23; Telemachua. due Oct. 28 Agamemnon, due Oct. 90; Glasgow. Tyrtn, July 3; Al 1DDLE8B JROUOH. Malacca. Shields. Oromaso, July 6; Barry. Aldoba'-an. Aug. 16: Torr Head, Sept. 12 Pakhoi.
      165 words
    • 111 16 1‘*SSEU*SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. fui Datr Date ami> Ship's .Nam*. Comma ndkr. or Fiiom Whahk Distikation Rf I lit. 8AIM.v I MARKS. Oct '.»Brit. b<i ‘’’orrrvrechan H *mmon<l Oct 6 Samaning Azores f n MMad a a Wcngnvan I > rouwer Oot 9 Bnturia Rottenh in lOtHrit
      111 words
    • 739 16 Brit. >tr 533tracbun W. Pacific '«pt 17 apUin It sWtin Oor .Jr *g 1 Mayar 4 S.* 14 RTiSS 1 SJ 2r So Thorp. Malacca Oct 13 Oor.rnment 14 -!dUn Mrit.-tr. 103 Ct.opard Malacca Oct M U-a«oS 4 Co. 14 0 H. r nM..tariDut lg (S !a?«,..C4 15
      739 words
    • 588 16 Data Vessel s Name Flag A Rio Captain. Destination. Oct 14 Minnpore p O sir. London Hongkong, *d» inijhai A Japan 15 Amhcr-t n’.*»r t Shimmen Kln.gviapota 15 Juno str •a. cron Klang via ports 15 Adowa «tr Owen Nagasaki 15 Sultan str. »itt-* Fremantle via ports 15 Phra
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
      95 words
    • 859 16 HE INVESTED ONLY 7/6. Thrbe in a man who haa spent the past twenty-five years of his life exploring for gold and other minerals in Queensland. New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and New Zealand. He has no donbt picked up some money, y»t ho says that the investment of 7/6
      859 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      746 words
    • 725 17 LEA PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED. //V BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse ft Blackwell, Ltd., London ar.1 Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LL1TLE tfc 00. THE SAFEOT
      725 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 363 18 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. ELECTRO PLATE department. Our Electro Plate Stork contains a complete range of articles lor domestic requirements, also suitable lor Marriagt Presents. Prizes for Athletic meetings, &c. We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, <fcc. \\<vs
      363 words