The Straits Budget, 1 October 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 124 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India exeepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam f Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 49 1 Eaknsh tw Boustead —On the 25th Septemb‘r. at St. Andrews Cathedral. by the Vm Archdeacon IVrhini, Daniel Earn,HAW. of Manila, eon of DaNIRL Eaunshaw. Lloyd's Surveyor, of tlmt city, to Helen, eldest daughter of EdwauO BOUSTEAD, junior, of London, aud granddaughter of the I*!* Ei'Ward Boustead. of Singapore.
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  • 392 1 EdIToSULS. lh* Portuguese iQ India, h'tt igu*se Troubles. In Commission Assembled, brif-in in tn« fcs*t. Cmu* Tbs Sultsn and the Powsr*. The Disaster. Local. Market (Quotations. Shipping News. PaMenger Li it. A Su-picirms Death. The Cssriiu-Seth Case A Costly half cent. To Siugap->re Ladies.
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  • 492 1 SlNOAPORB, 1st Ootobbb, 1895. PRODUCE. G*mbier,.i s 70. do Cube No. 1 12.75. do do No. 2, 10.62ft. Copra Bali, 5.62ft. no Pontianak, 5.27ft. Pepper Black sellers (a> lO^BTft Sago Flour. Sarawak. 2.72ft. do Brunoi. 2.35. Pearl Sago. 3.55 Coffee Bali, 41.00. Coffee Liberian. 43.00. Tapioca small
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  • 616 1 The mail for Euriq* this week goes on by the P. A O. s. s. Khedive. The P A U. s. a. Kaiser i- Hind with the mail from Europe of the 6ih September arrived vesterday. The mail for Europ* next week will b_* taken on
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    • 60 1 London. 24th September. A military revolt has broken out at Goa. the capital of Portuguese India. Thtee Portuguese man-of-war have been ordered to meet at Bombay to await orders. THE FRENCH IN MADAGASCAR. The advance column of the French army in Madagascar has surprised and
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    • 29 1 Excitement prevails in Germauy as regards looting by the populace in the port of Swatow iu Chiua. The German press urge the sending of *ruisers there.
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    • 63 1 London, 2dth September,. THE KINO AND THE VETERANS Kmg Humbert has held a great review of Veterans at Rome, at which numbers of Garibaldians, wearing red shirts, were present. The King conversed with each group of ve'erans. Afterwards, the King and other royal personage* unveiled a statu*
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    • 38 1 OUTBREAK OK REBELLION Tli natives in Porluguere Timor have revolted. They have defeated the troops sent aeainst them, and killed three Government agents. The Governor of the Colony hah gone with reinforcements to nueM the rebellion
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    • 31 1 London, 26th September. The nomination of Mr. T. C. Bogasrdt aud Mr. J. Burkiusbuw, as members of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlemeats. lias been gazetted.
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    • 61 1 Colonel Smith, formerly V. P. for Wycombe, bee been appointed to bo Governor of Wee tern Australia. THE WAR IN MADAGASCAR. A FRKNOH VICTORY' The French force, advancing on Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, baa routed the whole of the Hova army which had thiity gun*.
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    • 60 1 The rumour of an impending issue of another Rus»o-Cbin»*so loan is denied at Bt. Petersburg. But it is reported that the French au*l Russ an banks combiued intend to start a bank at Shanghai. The bank will have a capital fixed at twenty millions of francs, and
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    • 37 1 A letter from the Foreign Office has been read at a meeting of the Leeds Chaml>er of Commerce, staling that estimate* for the survey of a railway from Burma to China are now preparing.
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    • 85 1 London, 27th September. OPINION or THK TIMES Thu Timet in publiahing a series of articles, dwelling with emphasis upon the wholly changed situation in the Far Eaat since the China-Japan war Hosed. Thu Timet notes the decline of British influence in that quarter owing to
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    • 23 1 The Anarchist who threw a bomb into Roth child’s bank at Paris has been sen•euced to three yea's imptisonm nt.
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    • 30 1 lAJKD DUNRAVKN UIVKH WAV It i« reported that the Valkune will remain in America for the wiutvr, mid is prepared to meet the Defender aguu in 189 G.
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    • 28 1 London, 2Sth Sept. A fre h expedition ha* left Mombisa to operate against Mbaruk, a rebel Arab Chief who had re-massed his fore* s.
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    • 34 1 London, doth Sept. BRITISH MKN-OK WAK AT LEMNOS It is reported that excitement prevails at Constantinople, owing to tho arrival of seventeen British tnenof-war at Lemnos, an island near the Dardanelles.
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    • 351 1 (Straits Times. 24th September.) Tiiat a military revolt has hr-'kcn out at Goa, draws attention to that relic of the distant past—the time when Portugal was the foremost colonial power iu the Hast. Goa was captured in 1510 by the famous Albuquerque, the conqueror of Malncoi,
      (Straits Times. 24th September.)  -  351 words
    • 394 2 (Straitu Times, 0-'>th September B> a coincidence, no sootier has a mutiny broken out among the troops in Goa, than a revolt bursts forth in the Portuguese section of the island ot Timor, 't he coincidence is the m >re embarrassing to the Portuguese colonial authoiities, from their
      (Straitu Times, 0-'>th September )  -  394 words
    • 839 2 (St mitt Timet, 06th September.) The City Fathers of Singapore, otherwise known as the Municipal Commissioners, are not, we fear, aa a rule held in any wery great veneration by a public that appears to be chiefly intent on golf and toi uis. Their dismissions are usually
      (Stmitt Timet, 06th September.)  -  839 words
    • 314 2 (Straits Timet, 07 tk September.) The encroaching influence of Continental Powers in the Far East prompts the most careful consideration of measures by which the vast trade of Britain with the extreme Orient can best he protected aud promoted. The Time*, recognising the altered condition of
      (Straits Timet, 07tk September.)•_  -  314 words
    • 367 2 Straits Timm, 2Sth September.) A few days ago a telegram announced that Germany was incensed at outrages perpetrated upon her missionary subjects at Swalow. Particulars furnished from Hongkongnow show theextent and character cf those outrages. It appears that the Basel Mission at Mollim, about 7U miles from Swatow, has
      (Straits Timm, 2Sth September.)  -  367 words
    • 372 2 (Straits Times, itOth September.) Tut excitement at the Turkish capital, on rumour of a British squadron of seventeen meu-of-war assembling near the Dardanelles, points to apprehensions there that Britain means to apply phy s:cal force to solve the Armenian question. Britain had acted in concert
      (Straits Times, itOth September.)  -  372 words
    • 1076 2 (Straits Timet, -ioth September.) Not for many years has there occurred in Singapore a disaster so unexpected, so inexplicable, or so suddenly and pathetically fatal as that which wo record in detail in other columns. That the newly-erected front of an imposing building should fall without the slightest
      (Straits Timet, -ioth September.)  -  1,076 words
  • 30 1 DEATH ON -24th Sept., at Ardlebank. Lloyd K'»tl, Malcolm, the beloved son of A Hack at. aged 9 mouths and 12 days. OBITUARY. M. Pasteur, the diatinguished scientist, is dead.
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  • 209 3 It is surmised that the Miss Yaukbilt referred to in the telegram yeaterkv as being betrothed to the young Duke >f Miriborough, is Miss Coasuelo ITaaderbilt. only daughter of Mrs. W. K. faoderbilt. (>u August 19th a maguiifeut lull was given at the palatial r* si-1-Que of
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  • 41 3 1 here are good prospects, it is reported, of raising the Tiruj-yuen, tbe sunken Chifl igship at Weiliaiwei. It is underthe liyoifo News says, that Admiral titiK s oO.OOtjdollar silver service, a present from Herr Krupp, is on board.
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  • 41 3 Mk. A. K Brown, Japanese Consul in 'limgow, has just placed with Messrs. j o! ui» 7 an( j (j,, t Renfrew, an order for a twin-screw ocean-going lelegraph completely equipped for laving, I'Kning up, aud repairing telegraph cables.
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  • 33 3 fß Chamberlain, it is said, will soou A* u governorships of Jamaica and VJ‘«*n«land a t his disposal; and a numr lucrative subordinate offices aud U|, judicial {nists are now vacant.
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  • 55 3 Mr. Blechyndcn, an Indian tea, reports from America progress up to the »nd of July. The latest move is to sectire the co-operation of the Balvatioo Army. It seetns that one section of (be army does ?v* K ?JS!i neM io tut Be,li °B ,e
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  • 48 3 The date of exchanging the banknotes of the Banca Romana falls due on the 31st December. The exchange will be made from the Bank of Italy (Bwca d* Italia) in Rome. After the 31st December the bauknotes of the Banca Romana will no longer circulate.
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  • 47 3 Rumour has it that oue of the conditions under which General Vetter accepted the Command-in-chief of the Netherlands India Army is the abandonment of the present passive attitude in Acheen, and the adoption of an aggressive policy, to result in the total submission of the country.
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  • 52 3 The teams of the London Athletic Club and the Cambridge University Athletic Club which compoted at. N*w York with representatives of the New York Athletic Club and of Yale University respectively, sailed from Queenstown for New York on Aug. 28th. The result of the contests was auuounced yesterday,
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  • 54 3 Another Russian Steam Navigation Company is said to be in the course of formation for the purpose of conveying mails, passengers, and goods betweeu Euro-pean-Russian ports and India, China, Eastern Siberia, and Sigh&lien, the special object beiog to bring colonial produce direct to Russian ports, thus avoiding transhipment
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  • 62 3 (From a Correo^oHilent.) The Assizes opeu on Tuesday. There are lliree criminal, and several civil cases, which will probably occupy three days. Padi-planting is proceeding favourable, and snipe are plentiful. Singapore sportsmen, who intend shootiug here this year, ought to come n-xt mouth, as. after then, all the
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  • 81 3 Thk Hamburg-American Steamship Company has ordered from Messrs. Harland and Wolff, of Belfast, a twin-screw steamer of 20,000 tons burden, which is to be chiefly employed for freight, but will also be able to accommodate 200 cabin aud 1,500 steerage passengers. Tue firm has obtained the contract because
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  • 166 3 First give the boots a tight treeing up either with trees or soft paper (the former method is the best then give them a good wash with soap and lukewarm water, but do not sodden them. This can be done with a sponge or very
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  • 166 3 Our prelates lately have rather prided themselves ou “the exquisite gift cf humour.” Perhaps they have been imbued by the rollicking spirit of fun that made light the heart of Dr. Rowley Hill, the late Bishop of Solor and Man, who found something to laugh
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  • 184 3 TO THE EDITOR Of THE “DAILY PRESS Sir, —I observe that the re[>ort of list month's crushing at Raub is somewhat lesssatiafactory than the previous mo'ith’s. It seems to me that if the uiaua.eme it were to pay more xtteution to br akiug out ore aod getting it to
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  • 176 3 Wr. G. Hale Co's circular, dated Saigon, 21st September 1895, states: —Our market still keeps up, somewhat unaccountably, there is hardly anythin? to be called a demand for auy direction: the weather has, lately, become very seasonal >1“, and, if it so continues, natives should relax
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  • 227 3 On Thursday, Aug. 22nd, the uew tor-pedo-boat destroyer Sokol was launched from the works of Messrs. Yarrow aud Co., of Poplar. This vessel has been built for the iin racial Russiau Government. She is 190 feet loug by 18 ft. 6 in. brain, and is the first torj»edo-lx*ut
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  • 236 3 Although the consumption of tea is increasing in Germany, the progress is slow. According to a consular report ou the trade of the Maunheioi distiicts, tbe consumption of tea by the well-to-do classes continues to extend; tea, however, remains an aristocratic, not a popular drink,
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  • 1226 3 (From our Correeyondent.) We have some min at last, but whether 1 it will make an? appreciable addition to our very email supply remains to be teen. 1 The rainfall this year has been far below the average, aud we can hardly aspect to Et our average allowsnoe
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  • 814 3 ROADMAXINO THE I .OHM OF THE ETHBL THE BULTAN OF PAHANG TO VISIT JOHOKE. (From our Correepondent.) Pekan, 2let September. The Malay School, at Pulau Tawai—(in which District tbe Sultan resided till Juue 1802) —which was opened by Government at the request of Imam Pr. ug Indera Stia
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  • 822 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER AND MURDERER A Reut r dt spatch from Liverpool says that the African Royal Mul steamer Cubeuda, from the We»t Coast of Africa, l»r ugs news of ru extraordinary case of cannibalism iu a Bi itish co'o.iy, as a r suit of which,
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  • 1139 4 THE SUN AS A PURIFIER. THE PURITY OF WATER IN INDIA. Th study of disease-germs has, duriop the past 12 years, been varied forwanl step by step in India by a number of permanent workers under no pressure to hasten towards discoverm*. The chief firovincial Govern manta maintain
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  • 2181 4 Me. Bancroft is an expert bieye’e-rider, but Mr. John Hare favours the soberer tricycle. Mrs. Gladstone describee Lord Norton, that good old Tory, as the kindest of dear William’s enemies.” Mr. and Mrs. Asquith will spend part of September at tt. Andrews. Mrs. Asquith is now quite restored
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  • 255 4 Ouk Wenchow eorresjHiudeut writingcu the 10th inst., relates the following incident :—Our Consul had a lively hiilf-L" ,ir the oth r day, in passing through thelsicu city of lue-un. He was returning from» visit to Ping-vang, and like all other foreign travellers going to or coming
    .—China Gazette.  -  255 words

  • 149 5 In the Penang Court. Judge to Counsel I don’t assent. Interpreter to plaintiff: Bukan latu ten. g M. 8. Redbreast arrived yesterday from Hongkong. She leaves Tor Trincowale# to-morrow. ||r. Christie Palmerston, whose complaints we summarise to-day, is the expert auoted by Mr. Berdoe Wilkinson. Lowbon ’who
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  • 46 5 The Rangoon Gazette states that block No. 3 of the Mergui pearl fisheries has been leased by a Singapore firm for Rs. 9,000 as against over ns. 11,000 for the aame block at tbe last auction. Blocks 1 and 2 were not purchased.
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  • 83 5 The Selangor Journal notes that tbe idea to have one set of racing rules for all the Straits and Native States Clubs, which has been talked of for 6ome time, has taken form, and representatives from all tbe various Clubs will meet together in Singapore during tbe next
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  • 68 5 A cablegram was despatch' d the other Jav from Hongkong to Lord Dunraven approving of liis ac'iou in refusing to race the Valkyrie 111 sgaiuft ihe Defender. because tbe A meric ins refust d to guarantee a clear e >urs*. The message was as follows :—’Lord Duoraveu.
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  • 78 5 The Siam Free Press hears that the Jafiancsc Government has taken measures to prevent the emigration of Japaneae labourers to Siam. The Steamer Fidelio, which was chattered to carry about two huudered Japanese skilled labourers to Bangkok, has ts en detained at oue of the Japanese ports
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  • 78 5 It is proposed to include an international exhibition of teronauticat apparatus anmng the interesting fr atures of the Paris Exposition of H»00. The sub committee on aerostation in charge of the matter are making preparations for the admission of. balloons. Hying machims, aud soaring apparatus of every
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  • 99 5 An inquest is to be held on Friday, regarding the death of the Chinese coolie who was washed ashore a few days ago at Siglap, with one aud a half pairs of handcuffs on »»ue hand. The handcuffs bore the stamp S.T.M. (Siogkep Tiu Mining Company), and
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  • 89 5 IV- exhibition entitled the Millenium, which is to be held next year at Budapest to celebrate the foundation of the Hungaraiu K-ngdom under Arpad 1,000 years -M?o, will t>e on a magnificent scale. Ihe Emperor Francis Joseph, under whose -tuspices the exhibition is being organised, will, with
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  • 117 5 Considerable interest attached last evening to the first round of the match bet* wee t fen mid Robertson in the second tie ot the golf championship competition. A close game resulted in the players being all even at the ninth hole, the scores respectively standing Robertson 43,
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  • 62 5 The Siam Free Press of the 14th instant buds that business continues alack in Bangkok. Freights are difficult to obtain, and steamers are unavoidably detained in the river. The crop prospects are not encouraging. The long drought in August destroyed a great deal of the young rice
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  • 93 5 The other day, a German firm received on order from the Japanese Government for a moderate quantity of magnesia bricks for tbe purpose of constructing an experimental smelting furnace —tbe result ot this experiment is to form tbe basis of proposals to Parliament for constructing a steel
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  • 135 5 Fimr rut curt incrkahk op imports I hr foreign trade of Calcutta during July lias, at Ur a alack peiiod of some mouths, exhibited au increase in total value as compared with the accounts for July, 1894. In the previous mouth, the total value represented a
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  • 133 5 At Bangkok, on the 17lb instant, the British steamer Kungtee and the German steamer Donar collided in port with the result that one of the poit boats of the Kongtee was stove in and one of her side irou plates was indented. On the 20th, u Court of
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  • 290 5 The plans for the two new battleships, the construction of which was authorised in the last session of Congress, are now being drawn. The Act provides that iLe cost shall not exceed 84.0o0.000 each, and that they shall be designed to carry the heaviest armour and
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  • 232 5 CLIFFORD OF PAHANG. Me. Clifford, Secretary to the Government of Selangor, chiefly known as Clifford of Pahang,” and probably the future Resident of Pahang, went home on nine months well-earned leave by yesterday’s M.M. Mail. Besides the dictionary, Mr. Clifford leaves behind him another result of literary effort, a result
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  • 76 5 The annual ladies* lawn tennis tourna ment, in connection with the Golf Club, has fust been concluded at Penang, the prizes being presented on the 21st by Mrs. Trotte r. The following were the winners:— Championship;—Miss P. K. Shaw. 2nd, Mrs. W. Hargreaves. Ladies Single Handicap:—Miss J.
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  • 134 5 Stone, like lumber, reg mres seasoning. Stone is often spokeu of as the synonym of solidity—" as solid as a rock,” we say, hut, as a matter of fact, stoue is very far froiu solid. A cubic foot of the mo9t com pact granite weighs about 164
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  • 397 5 On Ihe 22nd Juue Captain Dewar, of the Straits o/Sunda, discovered a quarter of an Lour before the ship left the jx>rt of Kobe that two of his crew were missing. They had both, it apjiears, slipped ashore without any oue on board beiDg aware of the
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  • 619 5 Havj*. (I'ia Bamjkok.) London, 17th Sept. A rebellion hss broken out on the bonier* of tlie Province of Fokieu, end the official* have been forced to flee to Hengneng. The whole district ie now in the hand* of the rebels, but a force is being inarched agsiust them.
    Havj*.  -  619 words
  • 150 5 According to the latent rejKirts upon the coal iudushy, is I he largest producer in the world, her output during 1894 haviug I con 188,277,525 tons. This was mined hy 705,244 persons. The United S’utes comes second in the lis» with 164,000,000 tons. Gmnuuy produced during the
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  • 1392 5 Mr. Christie Palmerston sends a# from Gunong Pasoh a very long letter shicb, if we printed it in iu entirety, would occupy as much space as two Council debates on the Military Conribution, with the report of a Municipal Commissioners’ meeting thrown io. At present,
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  • 1438 6 —Timet. No part of their British inheritance is more prized by Americans than our literature. This afl> etion for the masterpieces ot English literature has probably done much to widen the taste of the American reading public. It has learned in a good school, and its taste
    —Timet.  -  1,438 words
  • 2051 6 Dean Hole has decided to eutitle his book of recent travel iu the United States Kttle Tour in America." ft### Have you heard that the big sleeves are going out, George, dear Yes, iny love, I have, bnt I don’t believe it." Why uot. pray?" “I don’t believe
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  • 102 6 H. N. M.'s Ktrnittyin Wilkehnina der Xtderlanden (’apt. lierx, left for Batavia this morning. The n aJ dea|*atched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, ou the 27th ultimo was delivered ou the 23rd instant. Next Saturday, being the dual birthdav of their Koval Catholic Majesties the King
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  • 48 6 A tbleoram from Raub.dated 25th Sept.. 4 20 p.m., states:—Crushing finished:— 2,875 tong stone realized 1,350 ounces smelted gold. Prospects remain unchanged The previous telogram of a finished crushing bore date 4th July. It gave 2.400 too* stone as having realized 1.500 ouuces smelted gold
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  • 46 6 P. C'. No. 85 was yesterday fined $50. or in default three weeks, for receiving an illicit gratification to the extent of half a o nt. The accommodating China in in was li' ,p d 810, nr in default a similar three weeks.
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  • 114 6 TO SINGAPORE LADIES It is announced in our advertising columns that the ladies who desire to atteud the forthcoming race meeting will not be p nmtted tbe easy and unchallenged ed eutrauce of former years. Their male frit-uds. who must be members of the S. S. C.,are required to make
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  • 86 6 At tlit* meeting to he held ou Wednesday, 2nd October, at 2.30 p. m. the following are the orders of the day 1. Notices. 2. His Excellency the Governor’s Address. 3. Supply Bill, 1st Heading. 4. Vision Bill, Committee. 5. Pawnbrokers Bill, do. ti Telegraph Bill, do. 7.
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  • 303 7 FURTHER demands for BARRACK VOTES. At yesterday’* meetiug of the Finance Committte of Legislative Council, it was gtated for the Government that it was instructed that the troops tin uld, as s> on as practicable, lie withdrawn from Peuaug and be concentrated at Singapore.
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  • 377 7 J B ROBERT* >N BEAT* STIVEN. Last ev* niog, playing the second roun<J uf their tie in the Championship com pet itiou and followed by a large crowd of golfers, J. B. Roberts *u < asily defeated Stiveu by the subs'antiil margin of 4up and 2 to
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  • 115 7 The China Traders Insurance Co., in their report, for the year ending on the •JOth April last, announce that the net premia amount to $1,095,865 and the w orking account shows a balance at credit' °f $530,727. It is proposed to distribute •his in dividends of twenty per
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  • 2985 7 yesterday's meetiho. Thb usual fortnightly meeting of j,he Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gent le presided, and there were also present: Messrs. Meyer, Moses, -an Jittk Kim, W. Nanson, Scab Leang Scab, and Joaquim. FINANCIAL.. The financial statement laid on the table showed a total balance
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  • 2037 7 Ah, riches alone no lougor give the social entree." No, it talfe* riches aud a scandal now, sud a li.tle culture does no harm.’’ I wsut some fallen-angel ham," murmured Miss de Vout an 1 the grocer's assistant forthwith produced a can of the deviled article. Miss Longshanks
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  • 175 8 A Grbmxn trade journal tells us bow, on a count of its v ry fine texture and beautiful gra n. d*g-skiu has been us d fora long time iu the muiufa ture of glovi s, aud for this purpose at the present time it is |s rliaps
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  • 226 8 As Lml Wo >ck’s term of office does not expire uu»i January nex'. the hone Government, sivs the Tune* of India, have l>eeu singularly |»r.»mpt in appoint in/ his successor. The choice of Sir Arhur Havelock for a post which has not bitli
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  • 644 8 IN THE POLIO* COURT TO DAY Proceedings were re-opened in the Cashin-Seth caae this afternoon, at tha Police Court. In this case, as reported in our issue of last Friday, Mr. A. W. Caahin stated that he had laid a charge of theft of certain jewellery against
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  • 118 8 Iu future on ill vessels (not only ou mail vessels as formerly), letters for tue Straifs Settlements may be |K»s’ed ou board ou the high seas with tli- stumps of the vessel 's Hit ion tlitv or m i v U* post-d on board wheu ilie vessel
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  • 131 8 There is a story told at. the Siugapore Golf Club of a remarkable drive accomplished, the other evening, by a wortliv Government official, who has* recentlv bueotn- a votary of the game. He addressed the hall at the fourth teeiug ground, aud with mighty strength smote the
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  • 118 8 FRIDAY ,27TH SEPTEMBER. A native syndicate ha* been formed to carry on direct trade between Burma and Japan. It is reported that an Inspector for the Veterinary Department will arrive shortly at Penan# lroui India. A Spanish gunboat, the General Alava. arrived her», to-dav, from Glasgow via Penang. She is
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  • 39 8 The lucky drawer of the first prize in the Cal. utta Turf Club Sweep «>n the St. is a Mr. Bre#laner»of the Bon.bay tiillisrd-makiug firm of John K tier s A Co. He netted R*. 90,t¥H).
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  • 42 8 The other day i*» Jodi*, two candidates for elect ou to a wtrd in an up*eouotrv M unicipslity secured an cquW number of votes, and Governui *nt direct#d the final result to be d •leruaiued bv tbe **casting of lota.”
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  • 45 8 It is sai 1 that latteily tin re his been s total cessation of gambling, especially the 36 u trial game, in K ingoon, which is attnbu'ed to the District Magistrate himself having conducted tbe latest raid on a gam* bliug den.
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  • 44 8 Rumours to the rontraty. Messrs. Riley Hirgreives A Co.’s workmen were not on strike to-day. A native contractor doinz w irk for them dissppetied jesterd«v with a cheque g vt n him. and his m n an* looking for him.
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  • 40 8 The Perak Gocernm&ut Gazette notifies that Mr. F. A Saeiieuham, o.m.g British Re.-idea t, La> been granted three uieu'hs’ vacation leave, to be followed by six months' leave on half salary, with effect from the 25'h Sept»nl*er.
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  • 53 8 Tbe secretary of the Penang Band Commit** unreservedly c< ntradictst-ie assertion of a Penang n*ws|*hper that the Resid ut Councillor had applied for the free servic* s of the baud for a Fancy Dress Ball. Mr. Tro'ter applied for the bind in usual course, and ou
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  • 65 8 Tobtcre hts beeu applied by the Chinese officials to extract confessions from the Vegetarians charged with the Kueheng mas-a res. A corre-»}>ondeot ot the Chinn Mail defeuds the practice on the ground ihat the matter cannot be fairly considered from a Western standpoint only. Chinese prisoners exj»ect
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  • 87 8 The Ciazettr itive* cuireucv to a rumour ibat the office «»t sheriff is to l>v done away with, or rather that the depute n*g strar is to combine the duties of sheriff with thus*- of deputy registrar. That journal objects to any change* and is of opiuiou that the
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  • 89 8 When the Sultan of Jobore arrived at Kuala Pahang, the other day, he foutod the British flag flying; aud. later, be jestinglv asked the Sultan of Pahang if Pahang is annexed to Britaiu. The truth is that the ouly specitn-u of the Pahang flag poi« s-ssel by
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  • 95 8 In the Ceutral Proviuees of India, the jail authorities have* discovered iu the aloe fibre industry a profitable substitute for stone-breaking; Ihe aloe fibre industry promises to become in time more remunerative than it is now. The work is irksome, and intensely disliked by the prisoners. Moreover, u
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  • 97 8 To-dat’s telegram announces that Lord Dunraven will keep tbe Valkyrie j„ American water* until next year, a Q< u prepared to again meet the Defender. The news is gratifying, and will smooths the ruffled feelings on both sides. But tb*. race is so frequeutly interfered with by
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  • 92 8 It hjis remained for an outside sympathiser with’ tbe game of golf u Smgaf ore to offer for competition among tbe members a prize that eclipses is no/city anything that has yet been played for. This anonymous gentle, man is sending shortly from Macassar a real live
    92 words
  • 105 8 Dr Bouwill baa just suffer* d a serious loss u td*r very unfortuuMt- circumstances. Yes’et day nftorno >n, «f er making pro tVssioual cmJI, h sei.t bis horse and trap homi*. In gong through the eufraatv gate the lior>e-iu some way crossed its leys Mill fell, lipsitting
    105 words
  • 107 8 A novel A-sociation.jtWed the Secular Funeral Service Association, has been started in Colombo, the object of which it to give fuueiai servicer without fee or reward, to those who tnsy hapien to be Aguostics or Freethinkers, or to i hose who d i not belong to any
    107 words
  • 161 8 China Gazette. Thk provincial authoriti-s some month* ag», attempted to ioj|>oac >tn extra and altogether illegal war tax of Tis 20 percb«t (which wan afurwurds reduced to Tls. 12 per chest o- ph-il upon all iro|H*rt*d opium Tlie great British opium i»r»|><s h>it no time iu bringing the
    China Gazette.  -  161 words
  • 294 8 -Pend- Pionter Mr. Stanley is at present at Kuala Kaugsar and has given several exhibitions of his skill there. The Sultan has eogaged him for a month tor instruction. It is said that when the British Resident is in England he will negotiate with the Postal authorities with
    -Pend- Pionter  -  294 words

  • 33 9 The Rangoon Q axe tie, states thut Burma former!/ dr*w very large supplic of ground-nut# from the Btrait* Settlements, but within recent years Pondicherry has gradually ousted the Strait* from the
    33 words
  • 121 9 Passage to Peuang will be provided by the B I.S.N. Pnrnea leaving on the 28th mat for the undermentioned Officers proceeding ou duty: Major General H. T. Jonos-Vaughan. C.B. Commanding Troops 6. S. and 1 native sorvxnf. Lieut. R.H. Isac'ie. Garrison Adjutant and 1 native servant. The detail
    121 words
  • 120 9 Thk man who has much use for a lead feucil is the most pitiable of mortals. Pencil cases with their patent sliding arrangements are coustautly getting out of order, and to hourly sharpen an ordinary pencil is to ruin one’s temper and one’s wristbands. To the sufferer, however,
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  • 163 9 A new terror has been added to the vcltst art by the perverse ingenuity of a I'reoch performer, who has adopted a crab, like mode of progression calculated to raise tbe risk of accident to a maximum, and diuiiuish all chance of escape for ordinary wayfarers. M. Pieire
    163 words
  • 164 9 S.uie twenty-five riders, including four lidit-g. assembled at the Tanglin cross rouds at 5.10 last evening, to take part in *Lat proved to be one of tbe most enj.-y--ihlc chases yet held in Singapore. Mr. Holley laid the paper and tbe crowd ipiicktv followed him over
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  • 193 9 The Indian and Eattern Engineer says 'Tbe discovery of mica in Siam is likely 0 introduce into that country another lew industry. We are informed that the quality of the mineral mined, iv|> to the is good, and there seems to 1m? no ,Vas "n why the
    193 words
  • 37 9 Lord Dumratr* is generally spokeu of tk OWDwr of the Valkyrie 111., but to the Sporting Times be ouh owns oue- third of In r, the other two-thirds SbfuTOu oed HMTr MeC ,mont a
    37 words
  • 340 9 Thk mineral wealth of Upper Burma is known to be very great, but more d. finite Knowledge concert)ing it has still to be gathered. Much, however, has been done w this direction. The amber mines of the Hukoug Valley, and the jade mines of
    340 words
  • 419 9 l io, Ha h<j<h>h.) London, 18th Sept* mber. Much electoral excitement has taken place at Limerick, where Mr. O’Keefe, an Anti-Par-nellite, has lieen elected Member of Parliament in place of the dynamiter Daly and defeating Mr. Nolan, the Parncllite candidate, by eightyseven votes. Rioting went on for five
    419 words
  • 1619 9 Thk peculiarity of Mr. Hamilton Aide’s Elisabeth’s Pretenders” (One Vol. Chapman and' Halt), considered merely as a question of Cous'ruction, is the way in which it alteruVes between the foiin of writing ordinarily adopted in u v.-la ami that which is use I for plays Oth *r
    1,619 words
  • 37 9 !£\n»joon advices, dated 13th instaDt, r» part a considerable decline in the rice market, doubtless on account of the dull state of the Straits market and the reoent large shipments to Penang and Singapore.
    37 words
  • 44 9 At Hongkoug, there have just been received from England, thirty-one gold medals and oue bundled and thirty-seven silver medals for presentation to members of the hospital staff, police, and civilians, who assisted in the vvork of fighting the plague there last year.
    44 words
  • 91 9 A Bill toamend the Liquors Ordinance is to be introduced into the Legislative Council. It provides for Ihe issue of temporary licenses, gives additional grounds for cancelling licenses, allows the Farmer further power* of requisition and inspection and makes provision for preventing adulteration. One section renders the penal
    91 words
  • 1193 9 Curious subjects are discussed in print I from time to time, ospccin ly during August and Septeinlier. A cor.vspoudeuce hss been published iu tin* Author on the question of untrue fleti n, ms one of the font riba tors terms it. It nil licgan with s reuiarx mads
    1,193 words

  • 1269 10 Professor Herkomer has Won commissioned to paint a portrait of the Bishop of London, to whom it is ho presented t»y the clergy an i laity of h riioeeso as a trih de to hi- administrative eipseity. ’The |*o*trait is t cost 1’7*» ami this amount is to
    1,269 words
  • 261 10 Mbs. T•otter gave fancy dn ss I tall last night, at the Residency, Peoang. Ihe British enl American Consuls at Fin.chow wi'nesat-d, on the 17th instant the h*he»»l'irg of seven men implicated in the K ti' hcng u a*»ter Ihe istilii-ari'ns of the new Russian ♦r* a*v
    261 words
  • 100 10 -Considerable alterations are now Jbeing made iu tbe Cricket Club Pavilion, and they lire completed, this nopular resoi t will be more commodious and convenient than heretofore. Atthelastannual moot iug a sum of $2,000 was voted for improvements on the Club House. This is being expended in
    100 words
  • 63 10 Ou Thursday two l hiuamcu were fined f.»r a trivial nffouie, tLe fio*. with coats ati.ouutiug to $ll. The c-iurt peon who received tlie amount, *e ouwed for only $3 Yesterday, when comt accounts wets being put iu oidt-r, a d scre/ancy was dncoverc 1 and the
    63 words
  • 229 10 An uddilioual i emulation uudor the Quarautiue *u<l Prevention of Disease Ordimuce of 188 d enter* that all vessels iroui D li bringing deck passengers destined tor Peuaog exet eding twenty in number shall, ou arrival ai Penang, be put in quarantine, and there detained iftitil
    229 words
  • 506 10 FISCAL CHANCES OOFFEE-C MOWING. AjL'HEEN NEWS. THE “OOHTA RICA PACKET (Travtlated from variov* neictpaftcrt.) The Home Government have under consideration a revised customs tariff in Netherlands India to come iuto force uext year. The revised duties on coffee are exp» cted to arouse objection. Special enactments will be
    506 words
  • 414 10 Thk Government Ooxette publishes the text of the Oidiuauce for making provision t'ur the Public Si rvice for tbe year 1896 »o be introdured luto I>gis’fttive Cojuc I ou tbe 2ud Oe»oLer. It provides that a Mini not exceeding three million nine buudr< d mu l tilty-seveu
    414 words
  • 372 10 THV. SlTt ATION IN MINDANAO In Miud-tnao. the Malay rel*ds have been so cowed by their last reverse when over eighty of them fell on the Spaniards captur'Ug« u* of their fastnesses, that confined th' ir <Jetuousirations of hostility to hanw»ini; iv«»ys and working parties. Sin* e that
    372 words
  • 24 10 In the Supply Bill, the military expenditure for 1896 is set at $842,750. The expenditure under the Volunteer Ordinauce is set down at $8,200.
    24 words
  • 197 10 The smoker at the Masonic Hal' night, still promises well. Tbe followiJ• a copy of tbe program met bat will be through, but items will be added. Part I. Overture. Bro. H. Laugher and Mr Pi Pringle. Duet Minute Gun at Sea.” R,.„« Eluislie and O. Mousiey.
    197 words
  • 601 10 A measure wui late]y paatud tv tfc* Chamber of Deputies to rescue the Frvnck i eople fioni tLe perils of spirit -drinking ll jip|ears tLat a reci>nd statute will tooa l-e i ceded to deliver them ftolji th** dangm >»f c ffce-drink mg. Ju*t as
    601 words

  • 1359 11 ras LATB MR DE TRAFKORD 25th. September, 1895. Or Saturday rooming last, Mr. Cuthbert )t Trafford, Assistant District Engineer, [iota, died at Batu Oajah, from beri-'bjri, in heart it is believed, having been eakrned by dropay. The funeral took lace iu Batu Gajah, and the gun carriage n
    1,359 words
  • 97 11 The report of the Hongkong Cricket Club for tbe season 1804-05, which bus just b-eo published, contains the following item: —A cordial invitation has beeu receive 1 from the Singapore Cricket Club inviting au Eleven of the Hongkong Cricket Club to visit Siugapore and take part in a
    97 words
  • 380 11 THK QOVKRNOR-URN KRAI.rt PLANS MOVEMENTS AOAINHT UKICANIM THE UPPER MKKOMO. The Governor-Gem ral, it is reported, will leave Freuch ludo-Cbina for Krauce about tbe middle of October. He had counselled the Home Government to proceel with heavy expenditure on public works there, especially ou roads, railways, aud
    380 words
  • 737 11 HEAVY TOBACCO CROP. FBOSPBCTB OF A CRASH. COFFEB-OROWINQ. The Deli Courant fears that the labours of the Planters’ Association Special Committee, appointed to devise means to limit the tobacco output there, will prove to be a failure. The Committee had taken evidence and collected statistics aud compared notes
    737 words
  • 55 11 With reference to L. G. O. 120 of the 3rd May 1895, the services of 2nd Lieut. F. S. Dawson, 2nd Northumberland Fusiliers have berm placed temporarily at the dispoeal of H.E. the Governor. 8. S. for employment with the Perak Sikhs for a further period of six
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  • 91 11 An innocent looking young Malay constable was this morning before Mr. Saunders as prosecutor, in a case where he was offered a bribe of one dollar. He accepted it, but marched the giver, a cartmau, and his friend off to thp Police Station. His reason for so
    91 words
  • 198 11 WHAT THK CONSULS SAT T A Swede, or a man who says he is a Swede, who arrived here early in July last, was before the Police court this morniug for vagrancy. Inspector Fairhurst. on behalf of the police, stated that the object in view was to
    198 words
  • 1175 11 There can hi no doubt of the identity of the “trader named Stokes,” wbo bus b- en igu >raino isly executed by the Belgians in tiie Congo State, ou a charge of selling inunitio. sof war to the Arabs. References to him bv the score are
    1,175 words
  • 1988 11 The latest new opera hy Humperdinck, composer of Hansel and Qretel," and entitled Tho Kind’s Son." is about to l>e produced in Germany. It is of an oven inoro unusual character than ita popular predecessor. for it haa only two singing rAlet, the rest of tlie caate having
    1,988 words

  • 205 12 We understand that Messrs. G.T. Hare, K.J. Wilkinson, and G. J. L. Litton, ut present members of the Civil Service of the Strain Settlements, have telegraphically received permission from the Secretary of State to leive their present appointments and enter the Consular service in Cbiua. Dissatisfied with
    205 words
  • 64 12 Mr. Alexander Kidd has been sent to Singapore by Lloyd’s to lie exclusively engaged in their work, and he has opened an office at 7D, Battery Road, where Lloyd s business will in future be carried on. The owning of a Lloyd’s Office here »s partly ascribsd
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  • 37 12 Sim,—l bring your waahiog Wendsday. Not make finished now. I hare promised one weeks one time. I take wedm-day I bring weusday, doa't make baugiy with me my man all got sick now.
    37 words
  • 31 12 The aveiage amount of bank notss in circulation at Singapore, last month, stood thus: Chartered Bank, $1,445,910; Hongkong Bank, $2,747,884. The specie in reserve wss respectively $900,000, and 81,000,000.
    31 words
  • 40 12 Thx short-lived Formosan Republic issued a set of stamps :—blue, 3-cent; red 5 <*ot; purple, 10-cent. They are described as wretched productious, blurred aud indistinct. The stamps have a tiger iu the ccutte, with Chinese letters surrouuding it.
    40 words
  • 52 12 Ths China Traders lasurauic Company, of which Bousteal an 1 Co. are the agent* at Singapore, have issued their report for the year eudel on the 30ih April last. The net premia for the y*ar amount to $1,095,865 aud the working a< count shews a balance at c.eiit
    52 words
  • 51 12 Advices from Foochow to the 21st instant, state that the trials iu connection with the Kucheug in issacres were resumed on the 18th instant. Tho outlook was letter. The previom executions had ftightened the Vegetarians and stopped the persecution of Christians. H.M.S. Linnet bad arrived off the
    51 words
  • 52 12 The Siugaoore Municipal Supplemental Budget No 2 of 1895 is g*z tied. It provides for au outlay of $21,542. Of this auiouut. $8,700 cc mo uuder the Head of roads and stret*; $3 500 are nmmnted for under the h-adiugof filters; ind $6,352 aro payable a* exchange couijeufcution
    52 words
  • 55 12 Ik a contributed i«aragrai>h alsmt a driving accident to Dr. B*»awill's carriage, it was erroneously said that Dr. Bouwill was then makiug a professional call. It mav lie noted that, according Dr. Bouwili, the svee in charge wa* in reality au unskilled lal tourer. knowing littleof syce's
    55 words
  • 58 12 Imk Siuga|>oie Branco ut the Chattered Bmk of India, Australia, and China have received a telegram from their head office in Loudon to the effect that at the approaching half-yearly meeting of Shareholders of this Bank, the directors will recommend the usual interim dividend nt the rate
    58 words
  • 74 12 The Perak Pioneer, alluding to the res* houses built, by Governm-nt there, thinks the charges levied are far too betvy. It cousidersthat thesehouses should be carrud out on the liues for which tbev were originally intended, and should uct be converted. as they practically are, iuto hotels
    74 words
  • 90 12 Chm Ji S«-ug. the second steward of the s. s. Saladin, lying at the Tanjong Pagar dock, reported to the police this morning, ttie loss of money and jewellery to the value of $1,551. It appears that ou coming ashore yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, he locked
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  • 133 12 A “service of song,” Lucie Tom,” was given by various members of the Epworth League in the Methodist Church, on Friday evening, the 27th. The church was fairly well filled with au appreciative audience. The service began at 730 and lasted till about 9.30. A choir of
    133 words
  • 140 12 Tub alleged Swede whom we alluded to on Saturday last ay being before the Police Court on a charge of vsgrancy, lias been thrown back on the hands of Capt. Craufoi*d. The Swedish Consul, to whom the man was referred, has replied to the effect that since
    140 words
  • 159 12 officers or the garrison v. s. c. c. Owing to tie raiu that fell towirds Saturday evening, this interesting cricket match bad to be abandoned. Ap{*euded are the full scores see J. J. H. Onuna e Toppiu b Hinde 24 G P. tevtfiu c Himle b Wood niff lo
    159 words
  • 210 12 The Batavia give* phic part cularsof tLe r.s ug in Poit'igne**Timor. Th** out break uok lace in tbe district of Di i, where t lie Gov ruor r.*M lea. The Governor happened to be uwav at the time iu the inteii r wi-h a mmll military
    210 words
  • 301 12 The Masouic Smoking Concert b**M on Saturday evening v&« in all resfiects a .'•unjdete suo-eas. and. doubtless, as Mr. Brotnhead Matthews, the Chairman, hoiicil. <»nlv the forerunner of m&nv such s<*-ial gatherings. The large reading room, suitably arrang'd; just aeronunodated a very aj»preciat!Tv -tnnmny the lenvrtbv programme furnished
    301 words
  • 147 12 A general meeting of the o id; members of this Club was held on fe* evening, at which the following were elected for 1895-1896 LJ" 1 Mr. Justice Leach; Captain, Hon’ble 11 McCollum Hon. Treasurer, Mr Jif limes; Hon. Secretary, Dr. Cron** Members of Committee, Mr.
    147 words
  • 355 12 H. M. 8. Peaeoek arrived at Hongkooe oa the 21st instant from Anpiug in moaa, after encountering an e*ceptionall T severe typhoon, which resulted in vessel meeting with much damage. The Peacock woa tos.ed about in the typhoon like a log of wood, but she behaved rsbly. os
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  • 413 12 AX oI'TRREAK FROM KMIMC Regarding the looting of the Basel ima»iou near Swatow, which, as anuouuced b. r telegam, has aroused great excitement in German?, the Honykotnj Daily Prott supplies the following details:—The principal poiliou of the work of the Basel mission is done in the
    413 words

  • 2364 13 COLLAPSE OF A BUILDING. 11 LIT IS LPHT, On Saturday eveoing, just before nine o’clock, an extraordinary disaster occurred in Singapore, the entire face of the newlyerected budding of Messrs. Ka s Brothers falling into Kl'.ng Street, and burying, under r vast weight of material, over bal
    2,364 words
  • 1148 13 (From our Corretpondent.) MALAYS AND SUROERY. DEPARTURE OP TUP. SULTAN OP JOHoRE KAUB. NELENHIM, GOLF AT PEKAN Pekan, X4th September. A successful amputation was performed by Dr. (Joope this morning, the subj> cl having beeu a Malay womau who hud beet brought to Hospital from Chenor with hei
    1,148 words
  • 126 13 pur Ballarat, from Londou. Aug. Mrs. Rodger, Miss Rodger, Mr a d Mrs. Watkim. Mr. H. O. Stow, Mr. H. G. C- nw*y, Mr si,d Mrs. Curtis, Mr. And Mrs. Collin?, Mr. and Mrs Dodd, Miss Ghowmlo*. Miss A. C< Hi ns, and Rev. W. Harris. Per Rome,
    126 words
  • 453 13 Everybody knows that t' e British officer is, as a rule, a s cnl favourite, Cn bis subordinate is ungniously lookid looked upou by maty civil ana as one whose “room is prcti ruble t) his tompsny.” At places of pub ic resort. Private Thojnas Atkins
    453 words
  • 406 13 Loui« Pusteur, the distinguished s -in tiat, whose death is anuouoced in to-day's telegrams. w»g iu the seventy third your of his ago. He was educated at the University of Jena taking Ins doctor’s degree in 1847, and was appoint* d Professor of Ph vsio at
    406 words

  • 687 14 MONDAY’S RESULTS UHAMPIONHHII*. Ainslie beat Fletchor. A' CLASH SINGLES. Rainnie boat Paraous. -B' CLASH MINGLES. Morrison r. Toppiu unfinished. DOUBLE HANDICAr Fryau* aud hbvens 15*8 beat Auderaon and Waddell— 15. TUESDAY’S RESULTS. CHAMPIONSHIP Aim-lie boat O: P. Oweu. -A" CLASH SINGLES •Anderaou l*«< Giheoo. DOUHI.E
    687 words
  • 1147 14 Minutes or Proceedings or the Municipal Commission*aa at an Oedinary Meeting uki d on Wkdnihdat. THE 1 ITU SEPTEMBER, 1895. Present. —The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq.; The InsiM'cto'-'Vcneral of Police, Col. Penuefatlier Win. Nansoo, Esq.; 8eah Leaag 8eah, Esq.; J. p. Jusquitll, Esq.; Taii Jiak Kiiu, Eaq.; 0.
    1,147 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 121 14 TO THE EDITOR OP THE STRAITS TIMES Sir, —1 understand that in our midst there ia a humane society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, but it does not appear to give the public much practical evidence that it really exists. At all events, we
      121 words
    • 193 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES Sir, —One of the earliest lessons that the present Governor-elect of Madras, Sir Arthur Havelock, sought to teach the growing Ceylonese mind was the observance of three p’s —promptitude, perseverance, punctuality. He offered himself as a practical example, when he stated
      193 words
    • 104 14 TO THE EDITOR or THE "STRAITS TIME* Sib, I am sure the community will agree that the work done l>y the soldiers on Saturday night and Sunday morning in lemoving the Uebrit from Messra. Katz Bros’ fallen premises, was in every wav splendid. The sight of the
      104 words
  • 271 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. s Celestial from Samftraug :—Mr E. Chili. Per e. s. Chow Phya from Klang -Mr. E. (Yaliiert. Per s 8. Saladin from Fremantle:—Mr. W Burnside, and Mrs. Currie. Per s. Calypso from Deli: —Mr. Elliott. Per s.B. Pnme a from Rangoon via ports Messrs. Eton,
    271 words
    • 203 14 U«d«r this haidlof Mm following abbrevitiotM tn 1 tifiatr, »h.—ship, hq 1 barque; Brit BritUh U. 8.—[Tnitai Statee; Ft. —French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Joliore; G.e..—Genera cargo; d. p.—d#*-k p*»*»ugar» U.—Uncer tain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pager Wluuf;! P. D.—Tanjong Pager Dock; B. W—Borne Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’s Wharf; N.
      203 words
    • 1484 14 Arrivals .Since Noon or Sati rdat s Sri Tringganu. Brit. etr. 81 tons, Csptain t Willoek 2~f L Sei.t. Fmm Tringganu. 27th Bept. (}<•, A 80 d.p. Ong Kew Hoe A Co. For Tringganu A Kelantan, JUth.— -vds. j Poh Hin Guan, Brit. etr. 196 tons. C*pt .-inith,
      1,484 words
    • 172 15 ;V<iwm. tort, nn'i >*v- v, London. i«ptor. Jenlawer*. jlengarry. LIVtEPOoL It. f*r .nciu, Juno 25 [uton, due Oct. 5 belopi. due «t. 17 jIyMM, due Oet. 23; lector, due Oc*. 7 Glaboow. fym,J«ly*i Shields. Dromuoo, J uly 6 Barky. Aldebe-en, Auf. 16; Cakdi r. [oU'ithe, July 16; BUtiaiu
      172 words
    • 1125 15 *3 Tlie i T,. Vbssbl's Navb. A ’on* Captain. Peon. h*h.». Conmiuubbn. Rie I Mcua Pk. yet. 72 Johnson Poit Weld Sept 21 Perak Government 2t Fantee iiit. atr. SB Pallett Tringganu J ept *9 Goan Chin Beng •3 Formosa P.O. air. 2015 Bishop London Aug 18 AO. Company
      1,125 words
    • 449 15 Date, j Tum i Name. Flag k Rio Captaim. Destination. wV Keera B* At.. Morris ™uk Alsou lii ports Nor str. Gogshad Hankow •24 Will O'the Wisp Brit str. Nicol and Pontianak Penang "tr. Dunlop C he. ibou and Saroaraag •'4 •e. iindr* str. Parsons M adra* via
      449 words
    • 55 15 PA88KD 8UNDA 8TRAITS FOR ORDERS. n T AN©" 8Mir’aNAMB. CbUMAIIDlE. OF FmOM DESTINATION MARES, KlQ a J mmmmtmm Jfl'W fartSlT* p fcuri? >UD<1 1 ssnsas* Sr is? i£ $jt2LT ssr- K S 2"r r..ur IJltnl ab Mark Snffo Ner .so Sept2 I’ Minch Keith Rankin *P< New York FoongSuey
      55 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 228 15 Marie brizard and roger BORDEAUX Brandy Curacao yualite. Anisette Maraschino Soperieure. Liqnw* Sola Agents for the Straits, »n. ih A a. MuINE COMTE A Co HOTEL, SINGAPORE. U N I>K R NIW MANAGEMENT Mrb. PuHLMAltlf desires to inform her patrons and the public generally that Mr. Haasner (of Deli) hss
      228 words
    • 828 15 OFTEN TIRED BUT NEVER WEARY Lict s dixcuas this point for two minute*. a nun who say* that at a certain period he began to feel “tired and weary." that’s w *7 h *t i» bis letter. Now anybody has a rlwht to feel tired r or fatigued Ut« the
      828 words
    • 520 15 GENERAL FAMILY PENSION FUND. (knABuuiD mm) Accumulated Capital la the baode of GOVERNMENT OVER 27 LAKHS. Ftrwoe mtuTio in Gothiuit Sbcubitibo only. Opoa to all Obriotiano of both ooaoo. This io a purely mutual institution managed by a Board of Directum elected by tho ooribor* from among Ihemsolvwe. RATIOS M
      520 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 322 16 WAITER MACFARLANE Cfl f H t-i. V mi n t ft t cl t‘ ii V* 4 fl Vi w? *1 N M 4 > Am 5i3 *v i 4* f 4 Vi' W v >»**■ n 7^ V M r <<y w ♦a ::i v. 3>/A V <OI J
      322 words
    • 654 16 LEA PERRINS OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL' WORCESTERSHIRE Zs'.ii WIio*?sVo by tha Proprietors, v.’orcesrer: J Crov'i At Blackwell, Ltd., London and Expert O.linen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN l.l ITLfci i ro
      654 words