The Straits Budget, 16 July 1895

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 133 1 The Straits Budget. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Ti ippines,
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    • 70 1 .»t SatHiikau, on the 4tli July, by the Revd. H F!t>n, Jo if A m Gerrit B-rk-tTJCR. SOU of P. dBRk HUY8KN, II, Ain-Onlitm, KaTIILRRN MaBKL. no! dAuifh er of the Lite Cmpt R->b JRr COUY BEK8TOK. TtKUAR TH E!f HU8SB Y. Ou the 5tll IDSt., Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore,
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  • 289 1 WTOIIALS. ?»r!i*m.-n» and the Elections. TV Miiiicipal Commissioners am! the G ’Yfrnor. Th- LMagwi Bay Railway. Tbe Governor and the Worm. TV Italian** and the Negus. Rxsms iu Minehnr'a. Tbe Geueral Election, in Object Lesson. (CAL. Market (Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger i i»t. Poii 'e News. Tbe
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  • 514 1 SiifOAPOBi, 16th July, 1695. PRODUCE. Gambier, f 9 4o. do Cube No. 1, 1262)4. do do No. 2, 9.00. Count Bali, 5.85. do Puntianak, 5.65. Pepper Black, 1045. Sago Floor, Sarawak 2.65. do Brunei., M 2.40. Pearl Sago 3.70. Coffee Bali, 41.* 0. Coffee Liberian, 44.00. Tapioca
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  • 593 1 The mail for Europ*, this week, leaves by the M.M.s. s. Ernest Si.none. The M. M. 8. a. Oxus with the mail from Europe of the 2Ut June is expected to-day. The mail for Europe next week is died for the P. A O. a. b.
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    • 44 1 London, Hth July. RUCCTION DATE'S. Parliament ins been do solved. The new Parliament is summon' d to m* et on tli- 12th of August. Most of the elections are fixed for SjlUtdttV Urlt. The elections iu London take place ou Monday next.
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    • 55 1 RUMMAN AM LABILITY. The semi-official Journal de St. Frterabourg, iu discussing tbe Chiuese loan to be raised under the guarantee of Russia, disclaims any political advantage t> Russia from the loan. That journal ascribes the guarantee to the desire of Russia to strengthen friendly relations with her
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    • 26 1 London, 10th July. Lord Knutsford, and Mr. H. Matthew* have be* n made Vibcouuts. Sir Heury James has b eu raised to the peerage.
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    • 10 1 Sir Richard Webster has been appointed At tornev-Geueral.
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    • 21 1 Au Italian squadron of ten vessels has artived at PorUinwutli, where it met with a most heart'free pti«»o.
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    • 15 1 THE DE LAGOA BAY RAILWAY. The railway from Pretoria to Brv has Ire n o|»t*ne<l.
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    • 55 1 London, llth July. HOSTILITY OF TXK NF.UITH. The ttttitnd** of M*»nelik, the ot Abyssinia. Ih* now become nut rke<l iy hostile to tbe Italians. The Netfus has imprisoued an named Capueei, on suspicion of his tfiviug information to General Barat.ieri, the commander of the Italian fortes
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    • 37 1 London, l<th July. Meetings are beim; held and upecehct) delivered daily in different parts of the country, in connection with the General Election. So far, there h an absence of any electoral exciteraeut
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    • 34 1 THK HIHKRIAN RAILWAY The correspondent of the Standard at Terliti reaffirms positively the statement that, an extension of the Siberian Railway Manchuria has bceu definitively agreed upon between Russia anl (Jhiua.
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    • 77 1 London, nth July. UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE#. MKMHKRB KI-KCTKD. In one hundred and thirty-eight seat#, the candidates will l»o unopposed at the El< ctions. The candidates at the Elections will he classified simply into Unionists and Liberals. A more precise suh-divisiou will bi reserved for the close of the
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    • 94 1 London, 15th July. UMBRA I, LOSSES The members elected so far are:— Off Unionists and 10 Liberals. The following are the gains Unionists 8'setits. Liberals 1 *e»t. Net Unionist gain 7 seits. Sir William Harcourt, and Mr. Thomas Roe, the previous sitting members, have been
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    • 776 1 (Straita Timet, Hth July). The late Parliament Ims lasted almost three years, reckoning from the General Elections which Look place in July 1892. The previous Parliament, iu which the Unionists hud a majority with L>rd Salisbury as Premier, was dissolved in June of 1892. The Geticrul
      (Straita Timet, Hth July).  -  776 words
    • 373 2 {Straits Times, 10th July.) Thk Municipal Commissioners arc considering themselves the l\»rm in which they can most convenient!) make complaint to the Secretary of State regarding the Governor's frequent, and vexatious interference in Municipal affairs. The inciting cause of this action, and the instance
      {Straits Times, 10th July.)  -  373 words
    • 363 2 (Straits Times, 10th July.) Th> Delagoa Bay Railway, now opened all the way from that inlet to Pretoria, the capital of the Transvaal Republic, has had a chequered history. The moment that the Transvaal became a gold mining centre, the advantage of railway communication I >e
      (Straits Times, 10th July.)  -  363 words
    • 203 2 (Straits Times, 11th July) j Thk worm has not turned. The members of the Municipal Commission, (after consultation which was carried on till yesterday evening) are unable to agree as to a course of action iu relation to the Governor’s interference in Municipal affairs generally,
      (Straits Times, 11th July) j  -  203 words
    • 448 2 <Straits Times, 11th July.) A micas colonisation lias brought continuous trouble upon the Italians on the Red Sea coast of the Dark Continent, and uow difficulties with the neighbouring Negus of Abyssinia add to their existing erplexities. Nine years ago, on the abandonment of the
      <Straits Times, 11th July.)  -  448 words
    • 296 2 (Straits Times, 12th July.) Since Russia interfered to release China from the grasp of Japan, curiosity has been aroused regarding the price set by Russia upon her good offices. On Russia’s solicitude for the interests of China resulting in a proffer to guarantee a loan raised by
      (Straits Times, 12th July.)  -  296 words
    • 307 2 (Straits Times, loth July.) The Liberal majority is destroyed in the very first days of the elections Giving to the Liberals the general Home Rule vote, but placing againat them the Home Rulers who adhere to the name of Parnell, the late Rosebery Government had a Parliamentary
      ’ (Straits Times, loth July.)  -  307 words
    • 447 2 (Straits Timet, lUth July.) The Governor and the Municipality may both read with profit, the extract we give from the Selangor Administration report. It may create in His Excellency’s mind some doubt as to the wisdom of his recent interference with the privileges of the Municipal Commissioners,
      (Straits Timet, lUth July.)  -  447 words
  • 15 1 DEATH. .4: tie C.-»uer»\ Hospital, Captain AaTHUft UH1* TlLl.T. Wot, aged 48. Jn*y Utli. 1895.
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  • 57 2 The following statement show* 0 revenue collections under the chief hca&lt; for the fimt five months of 1894and 1816 IS} 4. 1«H5. Jail-May. Jan.-Mi Rate* l.Vi,i)!*9 161,710 Taxe* 47.977 5".51i Liceii*®* ami Fee* 12.426 12.592 Slaughter House* I6.s*4 Market* 29.510 36.470 Water Supply 51,505 55.83S Mia«* llan&lt;
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  • 163 2 At a mealing of the Supreme Council Sartwak ou the 24th Juue, the K»jti amt* 1 that, Cholera (&lt;• now »u fsiugi\|H&gt;re, the toliowiug OrJ'i would be brought to the notice of tk m&gt; inborn, and with tbeir approval ti Urdus would be i*4ued, via:— An order
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  • 213 2 The Examiners’ report on the Sirs' Settlements Scholarships Examination f&lt; 1895, show that the grammar accidence and on parsing were in gecer well answered; iu dealing with oil* points of syntax and with exercises 1 punctuation and on analysis, a large l ,r portion of the candidates were by
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  • 800 3 TUESDAY, 9 TH JULY. A tax of t* P« r levied ou Cycles at Manila. f«i trial of Jab* Balfour is set down r July 22nd, before Mr. Justice Collins. The steamer Specialist, in shifting fiom g No. 2 berth at the wharf this poroingi got on a mud bank.
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  • 69 3 The following cases of cholera have been GoTerQ e Qt by the Municipal Health Officer as having occurred in Singapore from midday on the 6th instaut to midday on the Bth 1. Chinese male. Bernard Street, died. do Nankin do do 3. do do Victoria do sent to
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  • 118 3 The Italian military authorities have secured a new magazine rifle which was submitted to them by an infantry officer. It® chief characteristic is that it fires twenty shots automatically, aud that the firing may be intermittent or continuous at ih** pleasure of the tuaiksman. A rifle Of
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  • 131 3 Reuter’s St. Petersl*u-g eorrespondent t- legraphed on Juoe 7 The official Turkestan Gazette declares list the criticism which li tve appeared iu re tarn Russian journals will not preveut Ku-sa lrom faithfully observing the conv. utiou conc'uded with Great Br.tam regarding the Pamirs, so long
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  • 138 3 Mr. Barnbam, our Cousul at Aleppo, says:—German trade is making rapid strides in the province. The market of Hamburg, formerly unknown to the Syrian merchaut, is becoming the chief emporium for goat skins, gall nuts, trageantb, Ac., while in exchange for these articles Germany supplies every description
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  • 158 3 Mr. Gladstone has written the followiog post-card to Mr. F. A. Fawkes, of CLelrnslord. wlio recently seut to Haward**n a copv of his work, “Marmiduke, Emperor of Europe” —a romance treating of the political rearrangement of Euiope on a peace basis Dear Sir, Your kiud
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  • 167 3 There was shuwu to our representative this morning the original of an un published letter by Mr. VV. E. Gladstone, writWn fifty six years ago. The letter, which is certainly a curiosity in such a towu as Singapore, is interesting as
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  • 475 3 The following letter appears in tbe Shanghai Mercury Shanghai, 22nd June. Sik, —1 notice in one of your Southern contemporaries th it a lesident of Ceylon who bal occasion to post a letter for Bangkok took the precaution of attaching to the envelope
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  • 388 3 (Uonykony Daily Prest.) The discovery of gold on the Paseoh property of the Straits Development Company has led to a boom iu the »h ares of that concern on the Loudon rnaiket. A reef has been found yielding, it is said, 2 1 4 os.
    (Uonykony Daily Prest.)  -  388 words
  • 755 3 Mont persona are not yet aware that the Hutti *s Museum aud Library are now in tbe charge ot a now Curator. The aelec'ed candidate, Dr. R. HauiUcb, however, baa arrival aud lakeu over the dutes which, •luring the interval that elapsed before
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  • 164 3 Loiin Urn eg*y presided tit tie* thirty hixt li cotifi reuoti of the Institute of Naval Architects in I’ttris on Judo 11th .Hid paid a high to French eugiu-ers in the matter of uaval coustiuction At the diouer iu the tveuing Lord Duffei in
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  • 3069 3 The railway exhibition held at the ImperUl Institute has given rise to the suggestion there should be I railway museum—and the idea is a very good one. The early days of railway enterprise are full of iuterust, and the early appliances very curious. We are informed that with
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  • 178 4 .—Siam Oh* rver. Har&gt; it. Via lUmykuk London, 2nd July. Thf Sultan of Turkey lias appointed Chakri P.-islia to the jxwt of Inspector of the Turkish Province* in Asia Minor." This nomination is rejfarded aa an attempt to evade the demands made by the Powers. Tin 1 nephew
    .—Siam Oh* rver.; .—Har> it.  -  178 words
  • 81 4 Dr. MeCloakv having resigned the secretaryship of this club, he is succeeded bv Dr. Oroncher to whom all communh**. tions should be address* d. Members are requested to uote that the next monthlv medal handicap, to be played on Saturday. July *27th, will be the last
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  • 179 4 Mr. Chan-Toon, barrister, of the Middle Temple, has read a paper before a London Society on the Future Prospects of Burmah Under British Rule. Mr. Chan-Toon said that as the country was futile, and the struggle for existence had not leen keen, the Burmese bad hitherto take u
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  • 1534 4 Thk publicati n of Mr. J. M. Barrie's uew story will commence in Scribiier'* Magatiut either in Nevotuber or January, and it will ap|&gt;oar in book form in October, 1896. The forthcoming Life of Cardinal Wiseman will include letters from Mr. Gladstone, Lord Bearousiiold, Cardinal Manning, and
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  • 99 4 Tint Rt. Rev. Biahop Bourdon is appoint* to officiate to the Roman Catholic Troop* 1 tingapore, from 13th March, lt*9. r dnrimrtJ* absence on six in tilth's sick lesve of Bi*H Gasnier. With reference to G. A D. O. 3 of «-»jl June, 1894, the Committee of Officers
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  • 139 4 TwKNTY-nvKcandidatff! from the varioin scholastic establishments in the St rad* Settlements pr&lt; Rented themselves for oU petition iu the Queen’s Scholarship am the Government- Scholarships. The I" 1 perial demand on tho local exchequer he caused re?renchmei t in these educati uU plums, so that this
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  • 727 5 People should read the Straits Settle, uients Association report, which to-day we publish. It is a convenient record of useful work. t The Hou’ble August Huttenb&ch goes to Penang by to-day’s m il. By telegram, dit el yesterday evening, the Consul for Portugal b»s received official intimation
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  • 49 5 I he following cases of Cholera have been to Government by the Municipal Health Officer as having occurred in Sing*pore from mid-day on the Bth instant to midday on the 9th:— Chinese male. Beach Road, died. T do New Market Road, do do New Bridge Road, de
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  • 440 5 (From our Correnpomlrnt.) Ptitan, titk July. The Sultan on her way to Kelantan from Singnpo-e passed through KuuU Pa-liai-g last, morning, but no mails were received here by her. During the mouth of May some 86 pieuls of tio-ore and 670 ounces of gold were reported through the
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  • 250 5 Thu simmer Wuotan registered under *!i Oevmuti flag ami b&lt; Lived to le ill trier* &lt;1 locally, was mba'gotd by the autbcr ti&lt; s at Singapore yesterday. At half past 4 o’clock. Police Supei intend* nt Bell w*nt on boatd and seized the ship, at the request
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  • 128 5 At the invitation of the Sultan of Kedah,a number of gentlemen proceeded from Penang, on the sth insaut, iu H. H.’s steam yacht Good Luck to the Mirbow river. The party included Col. Pcnnefather, Mr. J. A. Kruijt, Mr. A H. Capper, and others. The entertaium* nt
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  • 2022 5 Under the heading of audi alteram pattern,” Sir Edward Sullivan addresses one of hia characteristic letters to the Hominy Pont The following extracts will fully cover the statements and suggestions The quarrel is a very pretty one, but v. rv simple, entirely a question of each side
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  • 2083 5 KKFORT OK TH1C SINGAPORE BR ANCH Yoi k Committee beg to present to you their Niiuiutl report and statement «&gt;f accounts for the year ending 30th June, 1805. The only changes that have occurred in the constitution of your Committee during the year have been the appointments
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  • 1248 6 The Chronicle sty* that in a West End inilliu r's shop there is quite the latest thing in ladies hats. Poisisl on the front is a dove with outstretched wings, round its neck a ■&gt;:na!l riviere of diamonds, and in its mouth a green twig. '1 his unshakable
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  • 1752 6 From our Correspondent.) 30th June. The Prinuess Wilhelm baa just steamed out of the Ljeemun and the man-of-war 'anchorage is empty aa far as combatant vessels are Now that the X»i«net and Rainbo tr aie stated to have Ixeu ordered to leave Formosa, we may possibly get a
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  • 138 6 The chapters in the Calcutta Customs Repoit, which deal with the Indian tea trade, are very interesting read ng. The higher priies realized in 1894-05 aud the hands Hue dividends paid by the Companies, the Report says, have resulted iu extensions being made and the opening out ol
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  • 416 7 At a'meeting of the Institute of Engiueer* and Shipbuilders of Hongkong on the 28th June, a paper by Mr. W. C. Jack of Hiiphoug was read on Engineering and Shipbuilding in the Par East.” Mr. Jack there hare been built in H&lt;mgfeoog vessels which, so far
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  • 569 7 Thic Chief Surveyor of Perak complains of the hardships to which bis staff is exposed, and be particuDrly cmiineots on the lack of vacation leave. He feems to imply that the Government have killel two of bis tn* n. The Collector of Kiuti complains bitterly of Government
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  • 230 7 ILLICIT SPIRITS. Lim Choon Seng chop Tong Lee Seng, No. 149 Orchard Road, appeared before Mr. Egerton this morning, in answer to a summons made by the Spirit Farmer, that he bad in his possesion twenty-five bottles of liquors and spirits, ou the 4th
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  • 458 7 Th&gt; third volume of Mr. Pringle’s Edi tiou of the Diary aud C &gt;asultitin"is of tho A_cut, G AOiXo. an l Cjuu.-II of Fo t S Ge &gt;rge, has just b*en issaeJ, and tells ol the development of Maira.s, and contains manv entne9 regarding the untiring
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  • 74 7 The following cases of cholera have been reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer, as having occurred in Singapore from iniddav on the 9th to middav on the 10th 1. Chinese male, Tanjong Rhu. Reported after death 2. Chinese male, Malabar Street. Reported after death. 3. Eurasian
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  • 105 7 An idea of the rate at which the resident European population is increasing in Calcutta may be formed from tbe fact that a firm which has only comparatively recently added house agency to its business has twelve homeless applicants lor whom it is iu vain trying
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  • 659 7 A SUCCESSFUL RUN. The attempt to revive interest iu the paper chase, which once was in Singapore a recognis-d and popular institution, promises to be rewarded with success, for last night when the first of a new series of meets was held the interest exhibited was
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  • 23 7 The master of the steamer Stent or, which brought 714 pilgrims, reports that, during his vovsige from Jeddah, 9 deaths occurred on board.
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  • 865 7 (From Our Correspondent.) CELEBRATIONS IN KEDAH The Moharram rejoicings in Penang terminated on Thursday, last, but at one little spot in the Sultauate of Kedab, tbe Sultau, bis suite, and a member of bis subjects are just now in tbe midst of tbeir Now Year celebration*. The-e celebrations
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  • 43 7 Thb coal production of India has increaHcd front 1,019,793 tons in 1880 to 2,774,091 tons in 1894. Production in Madras only commenced in 1891, when it wm 20 tout. In 1894 it was 1,337 tons. Burma and Baluchistan show st ill greater progress.
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  • 134 7 Private telegrams, leceived this morning, announce the death of Monaeignear Claeftsens, of the Roman Catholic Church, at in his 77th year. The deceased was born at Sit'ard in the Netherlauds province of Limburg in 1818, and came out to Netherlands India as ecclesiastic soon after
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  • 760 7 Sir Herbert Maxwell is an exceptionally modest author. The dedication of hie novel A Duke of Britain (Blackwood and Sons) indicates that it would have remained unpublished but for the encouragement of Lady Jersey. Lady Jersey has performed a public service, for A Duke of Britain
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  • 897 8 Ir wu diamond*, diamond* all the way at Covent Garden on 11th June. For Patti mum?— the divine, the peerless, the incomparable Patti—and strawberries and cream are not more indissolubly associated than diamonds and divas. Yes, Pa'ti— Patti the consummate Pat'i the unapproachable—was to make
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  • 51 8 A Committer appointed to consider the a-1 visabili'y of changing the uniform of the Cevlou Volun'eers have n commended that a lull white uniform should take the place of the scarlet tunie aud white trouser*, for all review order parades. The change will take place from the beginning of next
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  • 1544 8 (Penile Govern meat Gillette, Hth July.) Thk Acting DVrict Magistrate of Kriau iu his report for April, describes ow ou the 18th of that month, a Banjer Malay named Kahlan, uear Hagan 8erai, a al»! ol a follow couutryman named Salleh ami iwo women while they wore sitting
    (Penile Govern meat Gillette, Hth July.)  -  1,544 words
  • 418 8 .—Times of India. The insanitary condition of Bombay is a matter of only too frequent comm- n*. but Bombay would seem to b? Hyg ia itself compared with Calcutta, if we may judge from a recent report by the Health Officer of that city. This report seems t
    .—Times of India.  -  418 words
  • 43 8 Thk Secretary of State for ludia has telegraphed to the Govern meat of India approving of the immediate drafting of a llill to amend the Indian Penal Code, and dealing with the currency and circulation of base and worn coins in British India.
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  • 2447 8 Just now, eouutiag the Duke of Richmond and Qoidon, who i* Heventy-aeveu, and the Dnke of Manchester, who ia eighteen, there are seven eligible Dukes and a number of leaver parti*. The Duke* are: Richmond, seventy-seven Grafton, seventy-four Argyll, sevouty-t.wo: Norfolk, thirty-eight; Marl* borough, twenty-four; Roxburghe, nineteen and
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  • 219 9 The resumption of specie payments l&gt;y Chile, which occurred early last month, promises to furnish some interesting lessons on coinage legislation. Reports from there state that the Government tiied to familiarize the people with the new forms of silver and gold coin by getting out a preliminary i?sue.
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  • 345 9 Ridicule and reason, says a home pttper, are alike thrown away upon fullblown faddists, and the men and woonn of the Healthy aud Artistic Dress Association who lately met in Cavendish Rooms were, doubtless, proof against the absurd appearance they presented. Collectedly, the tight would, however, have boon
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  • 361 9 The Municipal worm is attain actively wriggling; and it looks as if the wo m ii turn and bite the heel of His Excellency—on Wednesday. W A. H. B. writes u letter in which he :n*ercutially suggests a coup li'etat in which Mr. Kershaw should a««ume the
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  • 60 9 The following cases of Cholera have been reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer, as having occurred in Singapore, from mid day on the Iflth instant to mid-day or the 11th:— 1. Chinese male, in Pauper Hospital 2. do. do. da 3. Chinese male Omar Road, sent
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  • 1916 9 Daendels Raffles. A dissertation ou the two celebrated Governors of Java by M. L. van Deventer. Translated from the Indisehe Oids bv Geo. G. Batten formerly Editor of the Penang “Times.” Marlborough and Co. Londou 1895. These two names carry us back to one f the most important and
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  • 1289 9 TIIK KTOKV OV A RACE TDIJ) BY THE WINNER Fhkue is a capital article iu the SineU"iik Ceutury f.,r June by Captain Lugard, *!-&gt;&lt; h, although on u suial'er eeale, tou lie# the same h-ssou of confide! cj and ot ride whi« h h:it*
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  • 540 10 Hongkong Vcnly Frets.) A paper has bet n issued by the Imjerial Fedeiation (Defence) Omuiittee, in which prouuuei ce is given it* the Smuts grievaiii'e iu conooctia wttJi the military contribution The Committee makes use ot (lie case of s&gt;iuga| ore to show that the es
    (Hongkong Vcnly Frets.)  -  540 words
  • 1997 10 FOK MKN AND WOMEN —ESPECIALLY WOMEN. Scribner t Magazine conia u* a n* r.e* ol f &gt;ur articles dealing with various pints, s f cycling, which is declared by (he editor to be I h i most popular outdo**/ exercise in Am Ties. 'I'he fit at
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  • 95 10 Last night the Gaietv Company pre* rented, with much skill, tn*» delicious little Comedy Delicate Ground —a story »»f the date of the French Revolution. The representation was excelleut throughout; but the audience was small. Yet we have aeen the people crowd the Town Hall t&gt; see
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  • 146 10 A Chinese leper, under seuteu' e i n'h for t!ie murder of a fellow lep rat Pulo Jeivjak, was hanged iu Penang ja l on lbe Bth msiaut. The mai appeared to te col ec f el aud re igned and walked 1 taping to the
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  • 667 10 lx* I. LA It N Kl* LAUIKs MAURY t Mr. Harry Qciltkr, io the Nineteenth Century, seis f ».t i nis views mm to what girl* should stu Iv. He con rsats tile cur* r.culutn through which they arc forced at ptv e-t iu liikli schools
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  • 1500 10 Priuot) Bismarck luta yet to bo converted to tlie views of the Vetotallera. In aimwop to Home Badeu burgomasters who interviewed him he remarked that he had Lately receive l several large presents of wine and hiM one fear was that he would not li T long enough
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  • 209 11 i l iu Bn infkok.) Paris, Hrd July. dcutructive tire has devastated the exten'j ve factories of the firm of Sodillot. causing' *®e death of one per &gt;011 and the injur? of ten. Ie losses are estimated at eight million francs. Tlie French Chamber has adopted the bill
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  • 370 11 ATclkubam, received io New Yo k from Coloo, says it is reported that the Fr. nch Company is trying to sell the Panama Laual to an American Syndicate. This Hongkong Sanitary Board has instrutted its secretary toeimpile in a small hand-book all the Ordinances end bye-laws •e
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  • 86 11 The follow ug esses «»f cholera hive been reported to Dover jincut |»v ih** Municipal Hr.lth Officer us having !&gt;e. ur. red in Singapore, from midday oa the 11th to midday on the I2ih 1. Chines** male. New Bridge road. Sent to Hospital. 2. Chinese male. New Bridge
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  • 325 11 TUE TOBACCO CROP Ue to the beginning of this mouth, 11*0,237 bales of last year’s tobacco crop had been shipped, says the Drli C»urant, of which 80,21t&gt; bales Were forwarded through the Ocean Steamship Co„ and o'er 42.000 through the North G&gt;ruian L'ovd. The balance weut tuto the
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  • 113 11 Thk annual general meeting of the above Company was held in the Company’s Office at noon to-day for the purpose of receiving the report and accounts, and electing officers. Mr. Craig occupied the chair; and there were present Messrs. Stringer, Napie*-, C. E. Crane, D'-ysdale,
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  • 756 11 The following extract is taken from Mr. H. Kopsch’s summary of -the Imperial Chtuese Customs’ Report ou the Foieigu Trade of Cbiua for 1894: Geueral.—lt is gia'itying to record that uotw.tbstiuding the numerous adverse it fiueuces under which commerce laboured, csptcially during thj latter hah
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  • 1745 11 THEIR CONDUCT IN SINGAPORE. A BAD KBOUK1). I' kom the point of vie# of the policeman "U hie beat, and the rna gist t ate oa tbe icb, there are good regiuoeuts, bad region tits, aid legiuients wl ose vice aud vrues d» uot rut* above mediocrity. Smgapoie
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  • 181 11 Thk fo'lowiug additional Prisou Rules are published in yesterday’s Government tmz tie i.uni|Huii mid Lurasiaii prisoners, sentenced to imprisonment for uny period exceeding one mouth, shall lihvu their hsir cut short, and their beards, whiskers and moustaches (if worn' trimmed dose. Those who wear no
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  • 1940 12 AN AHHIONVD CONTRACT. (Brfore Mr. Chief Jtut ice Cox.) In the case of Wee Cboon Chew plaintiff, and M. E. Nathan defendant, the plaintiff claimed st&gt;Bo damages for non deliveiv of ten cases of Benares opium. The claim a*t out wan that on the llib April,
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  • 37 12 Thb Siam Free, Prem says that a naval expedition left Bangkok for Kelantan on the 4th July. A force of 200 marines was exjiected to leave very soon under command of a native. No Europeans are employed.
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  • 1255 12 AI.I.ECKD ILLICIT MHKITH HKARINO TO-DAY, A» the Police Court, thin morning, Ik»fore Mr. Egerton. the bearing was resumed of the Yung Lee S«ng spirit case. Liui Ciioon Hii g chop Yong Lee Seng, No. l tl&gt; Orchard Read, was charged at the instance of
    1,255 words
  • 519 12 REPRISAL* AMAINKT CHINA RRIOANDAUK. CHINESE-MADE SHOE* M. Rousseau, thenewGovernor-Genera), ha* taken strong measures f&lt;*r the relea.-e of the Lyau let family h« I&lt;l captive bv bii/auds from China. The biigsndshave taken refuge in China, and hold tightly to their captives in hopes of ransom. Ti e Freueh authorities
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  • 651 12 HIK C. MITCHKLL. KAIiX'KU AT HOURABAYA. UNSEASONABLE RAINS. THE JAVA HANK. Tbe Batavia Nieu irebtad of the 2nd J u reports that Sir C. Mitchell and La/j Mitchell had lieen i» taring at Garut mountain tuwo in West Java, since tbe 29*h June. They were lesidmg in Van
    651 words
  • 644 12 CRITIMH ENTERPRISE TRAMWAYS. AN OCEANIC ADVENTI'RER SPANISH NAVAL FORCES A noticeable exhibit in the ludustri* Show now being held at Manila, is de«ci iln d in the Comercio as being product* from a flour mill just started tl* l bv an Englishman named K. P. Dus* can, an
    644 words

  • 456 13 lu th** Engineering Magazine Mr. E. A. Ouiei bridge, juo., writes on The Educational Influence of Machinery,” aud explode* what he coneideis to be a great economic fallacy a« to th•* mind-destroying infill* n-e »*f machiueiy upon the worker. Mr. Ou’erbridge disclaims all association or
    456 words
  • 53 13 The tevenue of Selaugor iu 1894 »mouuted to $8,334,44)8, showing an excess °f 1 7 over the reveoue for 1893. T^ e expenditure cunu to $2,817,292, an increase of $211,704 oter the outlay in ‘893. On the 1st January 1895, the **cess of the assets over the liabilities of toe
    53 words
  • 758 13 (Via Rangoon.) 29th June. At, cricket, Maryleboue boat Cambridge by an innings and 11 runs; some additional intnreit was tak-ui in the match owing to Grace, junior, playing ou Ixdialf of Cambridge. Middlesex boat Lancashire by 3 wickets and E»iex defeat'd Hampshire by 107 runs; the niatcn between
    758 words
  • 357 13 Mr. Nicol Brown, r.o.s, reiJ a pijwi on this subject ou June 7th, licfore I he Geologists’ Association st the University College, Gower S'net. Iu the course of bis leomrks, Mr. Brown siid The gold iudu»try hul b rn one of the slowest to udopt
    357 words
  • 615 13 Cholera seems to be gaining ground, nothwitbstauding the exertious of the Health Officer and bis staff to stay its progress. It was thought that assistance would be given them by the plentiful rain of the last three or four days. But this would not seem to be
    615 words
  • 171 13 SINGAPORE CLUH V. B.C.C. Plated ou Saturday ou the Esplanade. Ti e score* were as follows: SINGAPORE CLl’lt F. J. Guggisberg 1b w Stevens U Mi-. Juntie; Loach eJk b Maetaggart 15 P. T. Evatt e Parsons b Morren 11 H. Toppiu c Phillips b Maetaggart 28 A. B.
    171 words
  • 460 13 In the Municipal Process Report for th month of May, the Health Officer reports ns follows The number of deaths registered shows the very considerable increase of 199 ovei tho*e legistered in April, anl of 865 over thos i legistered in the correspoudii.g month of last
    460 words
  • 92 13 A*TiiCT OF TbAFFIC KiklllM MB TBS Month of Ju4i, 190'*. Hemdt of Reeeipte. Aflout. Pmeapri 923,286 8omob TickoU 81 Horses, Carriages, ol&gt;&lt;1 Doga 132 Telegraph Collsction* 11 Excess Farm 93 Parcels 808 Excess Luggage 4P 8i•* ial Train&lt; Miscellaneous 423 Total Cone) in/ $2&gt;t,637 Good* 936,245 Warehouse
    92 words
  • 651 13 (Selangor A&lt;lmintitration Report for 18^4.) Thu Waterworks, which will provide a constant supply of water to the town and Gorerutneui buildings of Kuala Lumpur, werepomiueuccd during the year 1891, and will probably be completed during the current y*ar. They are beiug carried out t.y a
    651 words

  • 287 14 The Hon’tlr the Officer Adm ini titering the Government, on hit def*»rture from tbo Colony on theBth instant, appointed by an lottruuieut under the Public Seal of the Colony, the Hon’ble Arthur Philip Talbot to be Ilia Deputy during bis absence. Amendin' nts and additions to
    287 words
  • 605 14 It is a great pity, of course, that li e Club lost their match with the Regiment on Friday evening, aud a few critical notes on their play may be useful. As we know the ground was exceedingly Wrt, in fact under water in some pans, aud consequently
    605 words
  • 438 14 THE SELANGOR RESIDENT ON JUDICIAL REFORM. From the Selangor Administration Report for 1894. I venture to think that all the Protected Malty States, on the west coast of the Peninsula, have now reached a stage in tLe.r development wheu more formal administration will further rather lhau hinder
    438 words
  • 318 14 MARkIKD V. SINGLE. On Saturday afternoon, the married aud single members of tbe Singapore Goll Club met in friendly rivalry fur the return match. Tbe nsult was tbe unequivocal defeat of the Benedicts. Tbe course was in excellent order, and it was a most enjoyable afternoon’s golf. It
    318 words
  • 1362 14 .H’DOMKNT ON THB APPKAI. THK CONVICTION .QUASHED In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. J ustic L ucn gave judgment in the appeal of Lim Choon Heng Chop Yong Lee Seng ago. nst a conviction of Mr. A. H. Lemon, m air is'rate. Mr. Justice Leach
    1,362 words
  • 708 14 From our Corr- spomUnt f Pekan, 11th July. Tut water iu the Pahang River is aga'it very low above Pekan. and only |Ni|irg boats can now go up. 'I he launch, whieii was sent to the Ulu, the nth r day, had to put back, owing to tbe
    708 words
  • 790 14 (Selangor Journal l'Jth July.) Edinburgh” in the uatne ofthelau* addition to European-owned estates iu&. laogor; it is situated at Kepong, and will bo opened up with Liberiau coffee bv Mr Dougal. The sale of the land was h*eldo» Saturday morning last, and the same night a Urge party
    790 words

  • 623 15 The mining manager's report, for the lour week* ending the llth July 1895, runs as follows: MINING. Haul) Uo/e Section. No. Shaft. This is now sunk to a depth of tit) feet below the )£0 feet level. The woik of sinking is proceeding slowly owing to the extreme hardness
    623 words
  • 129 15 Tuesday, 16th July. High Water. 4-2 a.m. 4.27 p.m. Assizes. M. M. Homeward mail closes 2 p.ui. M M. Outward mail. Wednesday, 17th July. High Water. 520 a.m. 5.26 Municipal Meeting. 230 p.m. Presbyterian Church Meeting. 9 pin. Thuksday, 18th July. High Water. 6.40 a.m. 6.27 p.m. sporting
    129 words
  • 993 15 Imst week's Government Gazette contains the text* of three draft Bills to lie laid before the Legislative Council THEATRES-KB IU LATION. The first of them is intituled An Ordinance to make provision, for the better Regulation of theatresaud theitritalperformances Thestateuieut of objects and reasous alleges that the Police
    993 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 785 15 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES Sir, —The niatutiual worm is a meek and inoffeusive creature which, according to indisputable legend, has a stupid habit of coming from the security of the earth in the early hours for the benefit of the fowls
      785 words
    • 222 15 TO THK KI)IT&lt;)K OK THK HTKAITH T1MKH Sie, —A fact of Home importance to the colony ha* cot yet becu call'd attention to in your columns. His Excellency the Governor is in Java, aud, abort ly after H. E’h departure for thus** dimes, the Officer Administering the Government, the
      222 words
  • 369 15 abbitale. Per s. s. Baa Seng Ouan from Bangkok Miss B. Geary, and Messrs. E. aud F. Geary. Per P. A O. e. s. Pekin from Hongkong Mr. Geo. Madge. Gunner R. Copley, ami Private John Robin-ton. Per n. s. Hydra from Bangkok —Mr. and Mrs. Koenitz. Per
    369 words
    • 168 15 Oud**r this heading the following abbrevitionr are used:—str.—steamer; ah.—ship. bq._barque; Brit —British; U. S.—Unitod States; Fr.—French; Gor.—German Dut.— Dutch Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.c..—Genera ,&lt;ai-go d. p.— passengers U.—Uneor fain ;T. P. W.—Tnnjong Pager YVhaif T P. D.—Tauiong Pngar Dock B. W.—BorneWharf; ,1. W. —Jardiue’s Wharf N. H. W.—
      168 words
    • 1167 15 Akki vAi.M Si ncr Noon ok Saturday. Bantljerinantx &lt;t, Dnt. Htr. 261 tona, ('apt. Krumor, 14th July. From Sandakan. sth July. (J.c., and 42 d. p. W. Manafield A (Jo. U.-Rdn. Carolina, Dut. atr. 192 tons, Capt. 14th July. From Palnuibautf, 13th July. G. c., aud J 1
      1,167 words
    • 172 16 Nam*. Pt'ti. and o* *■&gt;••• London. Qlenfruin. Aswanly, June 12; Jaue 13; Oworrhj. Livirpool Dioined, duo July, 18 Olouoan, duo lulv 21; Myrmidon du* July 2' Anclii««s, duo, Aug. 31 Ixiou Greenock. Oolong. Juuo MIDDLKHBO- ouoh. Dante. May 9; Carmart hen-hire. Cakdi r. Francis, Juiio 12; Ottonpool. MAKBKI
      172 words
    • 799 16 *r Fla&lt;* Vkmmvi/s Nam* A Tons. Captain Khom. CoNsi«N«aa n Bio J 's' Wuotun Ger. str. ■lO Ott* Amoy Jun 3 Khoo Aik s*ng 8 Hun B&lt;&gt;iiir tJuan Brit. sir. 409 Geary Bang) ok July 4| ns r«n&lt; 9 Cniiuartx str IBM Ward Hongkong July V Boustoad A Co.
      799 words
    • 530 16 y Vbsssl's Name. Pla A Km Captain ris-p-nstios July 9 Hebe Brit. str. Inkster Penang snd Deli Teresa str. Slakcr Meuado via ports 9 Pakan str. Bruce via norta 9 Hye Lsoug str. Nesbitt Penaog AP. 9 Kian Yang Op. NaeotlaU T ,br V. MMs4r. Gregory Saigon Caron a
      530 words
    • 166 16 PASSKl) SIJNDA STHA1TS OK AltKIVKD KOK OKDMKS. Ul.AU 1&gt; ATS Datk. and aif!»»&gt;NAift. CoMKANnRR ok From Wit.** Dbht'nation Re H»o. 1 Saimkj. «arki July 1 M City of Pertli WiUm v| y 27 Cardiff Hutu via Baron Cawdor May 28 Batoum Batavia 2 N. d r.r Colel.e- DeWyn 1
      166 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 309 16 S1K6 A POR E—S TRAITS SET I LEM ENTS. MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. The Munict P»1 Commissi mem of the T&lt;&gt;«n of Singapore are pre, ared to receive application# for the appointment i.f Municipal Engiueer. riV* Mr. Ja nea McRitchi-*, M.r &lt; .k decoded. EnoaoKR-NT for three years with on of renewal
      309 words
    • 554 16 FRAJML BWETTKNHAM. PAPER COVERS $1.00 CLOTH BOARDS $1.50 HALT LEATHER 92.00 SINGAPORE. STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. The book will bo forwordod to may port ou opplicotioo poot free at the above named pricee. Tbo money must be eent with all orders. Foetal orders to bo mads pa/eble to AbwoT Rsid. LONDON:
      554 words
    • 343 16 HORSES! HORSES" HORSES!!! 105 HOUSES PONIES of all claaae* by the s.B. Bhundara now on a wav here. lQ Magnificent pairs, Teaina and Tandem Hacks and harness iiorses of every fln«n, r tion. All the above have been specially selects for this market for Abrams’s House Rena? tory. H. ABRAMS
      343 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      672 words
    • 1117 17 LEA OBSERVE THAT THE Signature J K7 IS NOW J yry (j PRINTED J/ QAV IN BLUR IRK (pC''DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Soli! Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Cri» r 5t Blaokwoll, Ltd., London; an I Export,Oilmen generally. ilCTHL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapoiv
      1,117 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 339 18 JOHN LITTLE Co, Ltd ’S inga po re GENERAL PROVIDERS AND COMPLETE JOUSE FURNISHERS. COMPLETE iMO.OO COMPLETE £17.60 Beautifully finished, 9 pieu* .Drawing Room Suites, Jollll Little Co., Ltd. being now established in the extensive No. 100 D. Polished suite containing ahneirali made at our own work),ops Iron, selected teak
      339 words