The Straits Budget, 9 July 1895

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OP THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 58 1 At Ba’acLva. Singapore, on the 2nd inst.. h* »if,- ..f Alexander Cummino, of a son Hit.vEY hi the 12ih May, at Anhani'Wei1. ierkshin*. the wife of Dudley FA. Hkrvky, ’M.G.. late ReaiJeul Councillor of Malacca It« sou. \t b’. 5. Rre’ urn. on the 5th instant, anii ihewdt of
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    • 33 1 At 8*. An Lew's Cathedral, Si g.q*or.\ on heJrl u-init. by R v John Perhaiu. Aich* ui a J nlonitl (’!ivtl*ir. Edward HRiiK.ii. k*r s to Be tha llLDi WaP-.sE.
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  • 294 1 Tutorials. Th.* Municipal Eu<iue)*r. 1*8.’, end 1895. The Governor and t"e Municipality. Th** R trenna —Collisi m Case J*. ng ueer. Ti e Naval Vote. The KW Go/irmn'nt *o*;al iiirket Quotatiuns. Shipping News. Passenger li t. Police News. The Glioler* The Military Contribution Th Appeal Court.
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  • 523 1 Singapore, !»th July, 189h. PRODUCE. Gambier, 9 25. do Cube No. 1 12 do do No. 2, tU»o. Copra Bali, 5.H.*. ao Poutiauak,> Pepper Black, ll.tNt. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.8o. do Byunei 2.45. Pearl Sago 3.70 Coffee Bali 41.00. Coffee Liberian, 44 0 Tapioca «mall Flake,
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  • 432 1 Tut mail f* r Kurop*, this week, le»v. s by the 1*. A. O. e. s. Pekin. The P. A O s.s. Kaittr i-llind with the mail irorn Kui op j of the 1 tth Juneuriived on Saturday. The mail for Emope m*xt week, is fixed
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    • 66 1 London, 2nd July. STRAINED RK/JVTIONS BKTWBEN TURKEY AND BULOAHfA Bulgaria has deainii le I from the Turkish Government explanations of orders given by that Government to the Commanding Officer at Adrian >pl lo act ou Ins own initiative on the Bulgarian frontier. The Bulgarian Government has intimated
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    • 54 1 KACILITIE8 EOR ANNEXATION. The Hoq«n of has read for the second time,*a Bill wbicii ooen intr>duecd by Lord Kipon regarding the bmnitiiies »'f < ’ol mioi. The H;ll enables Colonies to deal at once with al ehitioos iu their boundaries and annexation* —matters which now require -hucti-iu
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    • 79 1 London, 3rd July. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS The lit. H «n. A. jrB*lfour, First Lor.l •t the Treasury, has s'ated that he hoped ibat the Dissolution of ParPatnent would lake pi ice ou Monday next. Mr. 11a* four also declared that the -tacks of army r •serve la; increased at
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    • 80 1 SOCIAL REFORM WAR OFFICE DEMANDS. Sir Michael Hicks Beicli, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his aldress to the elector?, has announc'd that the policy of the Ministry will be directly the opposite of that of their predec •aaors. Sir M. H. Beach also said that the
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    • 74 1 The parleying to raise a Ch’neso loan is so far successful, that a loan isnn is now ex|*?cted loin? so arranged that Chiua may receive tin* amoaut iu December u* xt. It is s'atel that a Chinese six per cent loan for o ie milli m sterliug
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    • 32 1 London, tth July. The Turkish Government has replied in tie? most amicable terms to the demand bv Bulgaria for explanations of recent Turkish militiry movements on the Bulgiri«n frontier.
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    • 54 1 nr.KKAi of the hovas Tlie French forces moving upon the capital of Madagascar, have attacked the ilova position at Beritzoka on the way, and have captured two camps with large quantities of stun s. The engagement resulted iu the Hovas being routed with heavy loss. The
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    • 12 1 Cambridge won the odd event in the Uuiversity Sports.
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    • 54 1 JUDGMENT IN KAVOUR OK JAPAN The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has given judgment, in favour of Japau, in the suit b'tween the 1*. A Company aud theJapuics* Government, arming iroin t he collision belwc m the .Japanese man-of-war Chixfiimu and ilio P. A O steamer Havennu. The
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    • 55 1 London, oth July. AGREEMENT WITH RUSSIA SUCCESS ok THK LONDON l.oAN The agreement to raise a Chinese Iona under the guarantee of Kussia has been signed at Pekin. The terms of the agreement. are not known. The Chinese loan [for one million sterliugj issued at Loudou has
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    • 97 1 The new yacht Valkyrie has proved to b4 a complete disappointment. pi l nr new Valkyrie Is s yacht Idoiiging to Lor t Ounrawn and whs built, at the Clyde. It wot named after a yacht < f that mono wiiicli also belonged to the same owner.
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    • 25 1 The raeo for the Prints as of Wales’s Stakes resulted as follows Levar 1 Utica 2 None the. lKiwr 8
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    • 34 1 London, fith July. The naval niameuvres have be. n po*tpoue 1 for a week to enable the ciews of the vessels concerned to vote at the approaching General fClectiou.
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    • 62 1 THK ramn: oikstion The Xovoe Vrernya, a setui-oflicial journal at St. Petersburg, urges tl.f Kussiau Governmeut not to tiuudi th** delimitation of the Pamirs until the questions arising from the China-Japan peace have beeu settled. The No roe Vrtmya argues that Biitain must le made to feel
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    • 158 1 London, 8th July. SOCIAL RKKORMS. RELIEF To AURICULTVBK POOR I.AW AMENDMENT Ptior lo tin; pi "rogation ot Parliament for the (iisttolutiou, Loul Salisbury deliver* ed a h|> e h iu the House of Lords which is retai led as a umpires*,o to the electora'o. lu
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    • 89 1 Lord Selborue has beeu appointed Un-der-Secretary of State for the Colonies. i Lord Selborue was letter known as Lord Wolmer. and lie was Unionist member for West Edinburgh until his father's death, tho other day. Lord Selborue tried to avoid sitting iu tho House of Lords,
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    • 46 1 A French commercial mission, organised under official encouragement, starts in August for Shanghai to study thoroughly the state of trade iu China. The mission will travel through Chum to Ytiunau, where it is to meet nuo‘her commercial mission to start from Tooqtiio.
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    • 42 1 The China loau under guarantee ot Russia is reported to be irredeemable for HO years. The loau is secured on the Chinese Customs. Russia undertakes to make payments on the loau account in case China fails to do so.
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    • 686 2 (Straits Timrs, iiud July.) H. E. Tiih Governor appears to think that the Municipal Commis- oiii'i s of Singapore are persons of weak intellect or corrupt mind. At all ovcnts he deals with tlrcm so, in the matter of the appointrnentol a Municipal Engiueer. At the usual
      * (Straits Timrs, iiud July.)  -  686 words
    • 433 2 (Straitt Time), 3rd July.) The political situation arising from the resignation of Lord Rosebery’s administration bears a certain resembling to the situation in 1885, when Lmii Salisbury formed bis first Ministry. I that year, Mr. Gladstone’s second ad in nistration hud been in power since lSSii, hut
      (Straitt Time), 3rd July.)  -  433 words
    • 520 2 (Straits Times, 4th uly). Jhe Municipal neck is bowed undet the yoke of Sir Chari?s Mitchell. I is an undignified and irksome p**<-i--tioi., and we may almost expect the Com missioners’ labours to become feelffi and casual. At the meeting of yesterday, the question of
      (Straits Times, 4th ./uly).  -  520 words
    • 450 2 i Strait) ISmes, 4th July.) I’iie Ckiskima liareaua appeal case, judgmeut in which has just been delivered by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, possesses* important inter•aiioual points. The np|>eal had been ••dged by the Japanese Government •gainst a decision of the British Supreme Court
      i Strait) ISmes, 4th July.)  -  450 words
    • 390 2 (Straitt Timet, sth July unofficial mem I >ers of the Muni* cipal CommLsion must not rest content with the present di*|K>sal of the question of the post of Municipal Engineer. It is true an engiueer will be advertised for at the salary fixed by the Governor, in
      (Straitt Timet, sth July )  -  390 words
    • 259 2 (Strnita Times, f>th July.) The new Unionist Government has considerately postponed the Naval mameuvres for a week in order that th Jack Tars” may »?xercise their privileges of the ballot and vote for such a mag* numinous administration. It is rather a smart move. The electors who
      (Strnita Times, f>th July.)  -  259 words
    • 560 2 Strait Time*, Bth July.) r I mk new Unionist Government conn* in to power in a period of pofifirtl jjgj culty and national distress. The chan* if administration which has just takes place is the natural sequence of *Q C k conditions. The key note of the
      (Strait# Time*, Bth July.)  -  560 words
  • 95 2 The Fall Mali Magazine for July excellent budget of general reading, the illustrations are profuse Tbe peiiodieal maintains its well koo historical character by the first inata of some papers on the campaign of l r gar, while a scientific contribution of interest will be found in a sketch o
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  • 783 3 1 Ou*Loudoo correspondent ■♦*♦<*» that I s tr aits will be asked to pay, for milllurr purposes, trom 17 to 20 per ceut. of rereou-4. The estimated reranue for |tb« present year is $3,955,000. «At 20 ■V C( n t. t that would mean a paymeut of
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  • 68 3 T H °-p- Troops will be premut on Friday next tlm sth mst., at the final examination of the two companies 2nd North’d. Fusiliers uow undergoing their animal course of field training. Major J. J. Swiutou, K.A aud Major W. F. Hawktus, 8.8., are detailed as Umpires anil
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  • 205 3 |,RoPo Kr > naval demonstration. We take the following from tho China Oasc.tte of the 19th iust.The French Government not oulv claims for the destruction of miny millions worth of property in Szecbuen, and for the fullest reparation for the glaring outrages upon French missionaries,
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  • 279 3 The Eastern Bimetal ic Levgue at Shanghai lies brought out anoih r j:impblet entitled: Gold monometallism, the Upas tree of Great Britain. Th** object is to sli'*w bow British gold uiouomet illism stimulates rival industrial enterprise in China and Japan. The pamphlet tLu-* dludes to Chinese tin Rich
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  • 363 3 It is practically certain that there w li be li igatiou over the detention of th** Yarra in Colombo. 'The steamer wa« detained here a matter of ueirly uiue diys, through uo fault of her own, and there is little question that the Ceylon Government
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  • 144 3 THE PERCENTAGE TO BK FROM 17 TO 20 ru CENT. (From our Corrf.spondtnt.) London, 4th Jun«. The Govern mem’* decision as t> the Straits military payment will l** on the percentage principle. Between 17 to 20 |>er cent, of the revenue will be the figuiv. Mr. Paithfull
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  • 117 3 “3 OUNCES 12 GRS. STRAITS DEVKIA>PMENT COMPANY Jhe secretary writes:—" With reb reuce to the statement made by Mr. E Berdoe- Wilkinson, ebairmau of this com pauy, to the shareholders at the in ti.i* lie’d at the C4lllll n street Hut*d on lh» 23r«l May, t) the effect that he
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  • 671 3 Com mum rated.) It is a bel ef not. confined to a few, that s« cti »n 13 cf the Ordiuauee ioteuded to amend the Registration Ordinance of 1868 will, in the long run. be found to be useless. The section s| eaka only as to
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  • 419 3 YEATKKDiY afteruo ui, Mr. Justice ('ox nave hid judgment iu eeveial appml a a The first was Mahnoona it. liegina (»u ill i*ro«' i U iou of Eurni) This wan all a|i|** by the wife of a mau called Secondra against a (sentence of six months’ mpr 8
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  • 536 3 Loudon, Slh June. Terrible H sals have iKnirntl in tho northern I wii tof Hungary resulting in great loss of life, i large mnnltur of persons liciug d r owiicd. A fearful disaster has occured at Koheralo. f, some di«taueo south-west of Pressburg, aud n place f
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  • 218 3 Thi follow ug cases of Cholera have been reported to Oovernmcut by the Municipal Health Officer us hiving i<* urred iu Singapore from mi l-day ou tLe 291 b ultimo to midday ou the Ist. imtaut:— 1. Chinese Mate. New Brdge 1 nad, sent to Hospital. 2. Chinese
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  • 554 3 [From the Timet of Ceylon.) London, '*Ut June. In the debate on the Welsh Disestablishmont Bill yesterday evening the Government majority, in one of the divisions, fell to seven. The ()p|Nwitiou |iapors are urging tip>u the Party loaders to adopt resolute tactics for the overtlirow of tho Coverument.
    [From the Timet of Ceylon.)  -  554 words

  • 736 4 The Malayan (Pahang) Exploiation Company (Limited) has Uen registered at Loodoti by Slaugh’er and May, with a capital *f *AiAOO.OO), in AT shatei. The objeot is to adopt and t arry into effect, au agrten eat cxpresbcd to lx* made between tbo’Malayan (Pahang) Comcsaion Coinpauy (Limited)
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  • 226 4 th© fstiuiAt'M for tho Army uihl Navy. Siam Obterrer. .—//•rat. 1 Via Bauyki’l: London, lath June. Lord >**nlit>bury Its- ,i>.k* > <l lor nu assuran**e of d® co-ojjeration of tIn* f,ilH‘r.'il party so as to cun *Je him to carry on fli business of tin* country which should
    th© fstiuiAt'M for tho Army uihl Navy. Siam Obterrer.; .—//•rat.  -  226 words
  • 860 4 The re|Kirt of tbe dbectors of the Peninsular aud Oriental Steam Navigation Compiny for the half-year which ended ou March 31 state* At the dute of the la*t report the Cale dotiia had made her first voyage to Bombay, aud this vessel has now .competed
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  • 116 4 Th e cotton spinning industry m Japan seems, says th** Japm Moil, to have b**en most injuriously affected by ihe recent war. Seveial companies were unable to pay any dividend to their sliaioholders for the half-year ending Decemlier last. Eveu iu the csk* of cotn| antes that, could show some
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  • 2673 4 (The Timet.) We regret to announce that the Sultan of Johore. who arrived with his suite at Bailey’s Hotel, Kensington, last week, died there on Tuesday evening, the 4th Juue at 8 o’clock. Tlie Sultan, who was a not, infrequent visitor
    (The Timet.)  -  2,673 words
  • 126 4 Win. a. Halo JL Co’s circular, Saigon, 29th June, slates i. The rice market has been > since our last report, and, although has b ea no market change, still, t dency is toward a decline, there beiox actual demand for anywhere, but no chance for
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  • 237 5 The fifth ordinary general meeting of the nbirvlioldcn of the Singapore Laud Company, will be he'd at noon on Btttirr d»y. Ihe l«‘h iust. Mb Toehieo Fujita, the newly apJapaut'se Consul in the Straits tth ne nts, arrived by tlie mail yesterday from Japan. He is slaying
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  • 47 5 CESSATION OF TRAItE AT AN PI NO. (By sjiecial wire from the Straits Times Corres^tondent.) Hongkong, 3rd July, 11.20 a m. The custom house at A u ping has 1m ii closed, ami trade there is suspended. The foreign community at Anpiog is safe, so far.
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  • 424 5 Prokessok Kay Lankester has ad Jed a new tenor to existence. Hitherto a siinplworld has Itelieved that tlie more crystal am) pure the water it drank, the smaller the risk of d! ik*. The idea is the merest snare .in i delusion, if w.* uiay believe
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  • 103 5 I’hk .Japanese resideuts iu Siam are said io 1*? urging their government to secure a definition of their rights in that country. They have petitioned the Japanese Foreign Office, praying that, pending the appoint'nent of a Consul to the Court of Siam, the Representative of some friendly
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  • 1163 5  -  (By Archdeacon Per ham in St. Amlrew’t Magazine.) Cevlou has beeu under tbe influence of the west much lougcr than Malaya, aud it is not surprising that Christianity has made greater advance theretliau ainoug us iu the Straits Settlements. Colombo, with its many Churches and
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  • 370 5 Directors:—R.Craig,C. E. Craue, W. J. Nap'er, C. Stiiuger. The repoit for presentation on Saturday, 18th July at noon ruus as t'olluws: Your direct *rs now submit to you a statement of accouuts for the year ending 81st May, 1895. No purebas s have beeu made
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  • 48 5 The Bangkok Times of the 27th June states that, at, the Wat tana gold miues, a great deal of reef is in view, hut the permanent stamps have not as yet been placed in position. A large variety of labour is employed, including Siamese, Laotian, Chinese, and Japanese.
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  • 65 5 The cases of cholera were* reported to Government by the Municipal Health Offie<*r as having occurred in Singapore from midday on the Ist mutant to midday on the 2nd 1. Javanese female, Palombiiig Hoad, died. 2. do do do do do It. Chinese male. Johore Hoad, do 4.
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  • 790 5 (From a Correspondent.) ITS ARISTOCRATIC CHARACTER; ITS EXPERIENCE; ITS AOE ITB EDUCATION Ac. Ac. Ia formiug his third administration, Lord Salisbury takes up for the fifth time the duties of Foreign Secretary, his first tenure of this important position being under the leadership of Lord Beaconsfield in 1874,
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  • 1746 5 (Iiy One Who Has Lived There Alike au architectural feature ou lmd, a* it in a conspicuous object at tea from the dick of tbe {tossing steamer, from ita Mize, its led-brick colour and the prouiiuume of ita position, the Boustuud Institute bn a many claims for
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  • 151 6 ti n Übut-rrer. li*as I'to Biinylinh. hand on, Joth June. 1 ho new treaty wliioli France Ini** coilHnled with China practically super-edoa the projected Buffer tntn so far as Siam in concerned. tilth June. The Programme iann-d by the National Liberal Federation includes Home Ktile for Irelao I,
    tin Übut-rrer.; li*as  -  151 words
  • 1881 6 (From our Correopondont.y So far the plague cannot be said to have become epidemic this yeir as far as Hongkong and Canton am concerned. In Macao, the cases are much fewer Ilian they were aud of a mild r character. At Kowloon City there were, it is reported,
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  • 43 6 Mk VY. I>. Bakki-:?. Acting Protector of Cninese in Perak. Inis lieen granted two months ami twentv-1 wo days va< at'on leave, to be followed by tline months and eight data have on half salary, with effect from tie* 2<>t h J one.
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  • 42 6 Ouukus have beeu giveu iu ail the outdistricts of Penang to carefully observe the uiottality returns. In comparison with Singapore, Penang is said to be fortunate, iu that the death rate during the last few' months and at present is oulv normal.
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  • 2741 6 Apropo* of the recent honour*. At Common Council Electiou iu the City, iu the autuihu of 1881*, Mr. Besaut was one of the candidates. He was defeated, and the Time* the next day devoted a loading article iu its beat literary atvle, and a column long, to the
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  • 208 7 Tut actual profit made by all Indian It ill wavs duriug the past year is 5’69 jer cent, ou the capital. A C'hinmb leper, under sentence of death for murdering another leper at Pulo J to be h mg. d at Penang'Gaul on Monday next. This morning
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  • 178 7 l'be Municipality of Penang has taken vigorous sanitary uicisur* s against any outb>eak of Cholera The road coolies hive been set to woik in cleausing and disinfecting -s 11 dans iu private streets, empty tug lar e dust bus iu compounds and slums, aud cl ariug
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  • 461 7 ’.-I Ramble round the World, by Thomas If. D:»'r. Tmbi C'ufo aud Windu* 1804. Our author is u>t i literary unu. lie is intimately ideutifi-*d, as mo»t people kuow, with a greu* distillery of Scot'aud, but, ii was wiih no id *i apparently of a’vertising his wares that Mr.
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  • 105 7 WITHDRAWAL OP THE BRITISH OCARD PROM ANPINU. (By wire from the Strait it Timet Correspondent.) Honjkomj, 4th Ju/y, 1.33 p.m. H. M.S. Spartan has arrived at Hongkong. She reports that the British guard had bee i withdrawn from Anpiog because the British residents there had beeu
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  • 79 7 i The following cases of cholera were reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer as having occurred in Singapore from midday on the 2nd instant to midday on the 3rd 1. Javanese female, Kitllaug Lent. Died. 2. Chinese male, found on road-side. River Valley Kind. Sent to
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  • 623 7 [Perah Pioneer 26th and 27th June.) The British Kesideut bagged on elephant in Kuala Kangsar the other day. Duriug the last two mouths 5,680 acres of 1 ind were demarcated in Krian. It is rumoured that the Straits Steamship C.uipanv have made arrangements to convey cargo through to
    [Perah Pioneer 26th and 27th June.)  -  623 words
  • 737 7 COMMISSIONS KM RETORT. T«« following is the report of (he whole Board appointed at a special meeting of the Commiasionera held on April 30th, "to consider and report ou the vacancy caused by the death of the Municipal Engineer, and to make recommendations for supplying that vacancy,
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  • 60 7 It is reported that the Salvation Army is alk>ut to uudeitake ail energetic campaign iu the Far East, and that the initial moveineut will take place iu China, where the leader of the movement is Fong-foo-fing, a Chinaman and a member of the Salvation Army in Sau Francisco. Two members
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  • 1493 7 hutukkh mow tiir hihtory or the kootrm KEKORHATION. The Presbyterian Church wu comfortably filled lu«t night to bear th« Rev. Mr. Keith’* Scottish history lecture. The proceeding* opeuod with praise end prayer, and the choir the antbeui What are these which are anayed in white robe a
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  • 446 8 On the 25th June, a numerous ga’her. iug of Eur.<|eauH uu<l natives must rt <1 at it it kit Mas, to witness the ojteniug ot the ne v battery of stamps” for goll crushing which his Ik eu ended for the Bukit
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  • 3966 8 The usual fortuigbtly meeting of the Muuicipal Commissioners was held yesterday af'einoon, ind *r the presidency of Mr. Gentle. There were present: Messrs, Nans cn, Evans, C. G. Paterson, J. P. Joaquim, Meyer, Tau Jiak Kim, aud Scab Lrang Scab. The miutrt *s of the last ordinary
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  • 1301 9 The Queen -Regent of the Netherlands and bar daughter. Queen Willielmiua, will probably pax a private visit to Scotland iu August. The Queen lias been asked to give a garden partv at Buckingham Palace, where there has not bceu aurli a function for eight years. The little Princess
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  • 378 9 THK METHOD OF SCOWXO IN MATCH PLAY. The present uusiti-fa.tory method of assessing the results ot mitihes in jr.>lf has l»eeu cutudered by the Couucil of the Yorkshire Uuiou of Golt Clubs, aml a new principle was, after di*cu<siou, adopted for r« c mimcndatiou to the clubs in the
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  • 653 9 Colombo, Galle, and Trincomalee are declared to be the only port* in Cevlou where petroleum mav be iui|»orted from beyond the limits of Ceylon. A vkrt successful concert, followed by a dance aud supper, was given iu the Teutouia Club la-t eveuing. The band of the Rcgiun
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  • 71 9 The following cases of cholera have b**en reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer as having occurred in Singapore, from midday on the Jrd instant to midday on the 4th 1. Chinese male, Angus Street. Diod. 2. do do in SAinpnii do 9. do do do do
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  • 113 9 The Gaiety Comedy mid Mgsical Couipauy ope Ad last night, at the Them re with a representation of “A pair of Sp etacles.” Although the audience was uot a very large one, tin* performance was undeniably good, and the applause was pretty geueral A bright, smart, amusing
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  • 68 9 (By Teleqrmm.) Jtaub, 4th July, 5.45 p.m. Ckushinq in finished. 2,400 toon atone realized 1,500 ounce# smelted gold. Prospects remain unchanged. Battery resumed crushing on Wednesday. [The proportion comes out to five-eighths of an ounoe of gold to the ton of stone, or a little over half
    (By Teleqrmm.)  -  68 words
  • 231 9 The paper emanating from the Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee, says the Pinang Qaxette, shews what is thought iu rertaiu quarters on this most important t. As for the Straits SettUm nts, the circular does not shew that this Colony pays more than it should do. Indeed,
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  • 268 9 In one biaucli of of ludi.>u trade at least J.i|an will probibly bj without a in af» w \eirs. Last lndia. sav» the Calcutta Mail, iuijarl d upwards of eight lakhs worth of matches, of wlin h the supply Iron Jsptu amounted to over throe l<kh*, und
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  • 329 9 Wc Ting Fang, the retxmtly appointed Minister to Japan, is a Singapore Baba. His father Ny A Choon, was a Cantonese, who came to Siugupore and mairied here. His wile Lean Neo, was a Chinese Hakka baba wouiau. He was notuiualiy a Christian she was a decided
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  • 470 9 The Flower Show, which is to be opened this afternoon at 4 o’click, will doubtleaa prove a great attraction, although perhaps the exhibition ia not quite up to the standard of former years. The Hall, at any rate presents a very fine sppearance, most of the classes
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  • 36 9 The Japanese Navy Department will, it is stated, ask the next Diet’s consent to disbursement of 120 millions yen for building four more ironclads, four first class cruisers, four second class cruisers, and torpedo-boats aud gnu-boats.
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  • 540 10 THE “MILITARY CONTRIBUTION AND THE HEALTH OF SINGAPORE. (From the Colonial Secretary to the Muimifxil President.) Colonial Skcbbtabt’s Orricis. Singapore, 26th June /ff.9.5. Sib,— With r»*f*reuce to your letter No. 467 of the 22nd June, 1 am directed to •tate that the object of my letter No. 4,220 of the
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  • 1112 10 The story which Mrs. Mauuingtou Caffyn is contributing to the Zcit Geist Library i Hutchinson) will bo ready in about three weeks. A Carmen Sylva," the Queen tf Roumania. and Miss Alma Strcttell. is to be published by Mr. George Allen. It is entitled Legends from River
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  • 184 10 Bombay, 24th June. Tbe steamer Humbay jiifct at r.vtd from Jeddah, tsays when she left that part the British gunboats Dolphin aud Piyue wore bitig in harbour awaiting order* while tUe French gunboat Eloile was also reported to Ik* on the way. Tbe British Consul was slowly
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  • 2961 10 The ladies invited lodine with the “New VagalKinds" did not quite come up to expectation. Iu the matter of eating and drinking aud smoking cigarettes they met their hosts on equal terms; hut the art of after-dinner speaking is one they have yet to learn. Not one among
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  • 612 11 [A Week in Advance of the Lu$t Mail.) London, 10th June. In the French Chamber of Deputies to-day the Government was questioned as to its action in accepting the iuvitatien that France should be represented at Kiel on Ihe occn* ou of the ceremonial in connection with
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  • 43 11 An experiment is to be made by the military authorities at Saigon to teat Cambodians aa soldiers. Ooe battalion nationality is to be levied aa a beginning. Hitherto only Annainites and lonquinese have been enlisted, the Cambodians being considered weak and spirit* •as*.
    43 words
  • 409 11 Thb High Mass at St. Joseph’s Church to-morrow will begin at 7.80 a.m., instead of 8 a.m., theusp&l hour. The electric light is said to have proved a failure in Calcutta, and kerosene oil lamps have been substituted. H.M S. Lean tier, after a long sojourn in
    409 words
  • 59 11 The following eases *»f cholera have been reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer, as havmg occurred in Si eg* a pore from midday on tbe 4th iustant to midday on the sth. 1. Chinese male. BcAch Road. died. 2. Do. Rochore Road. died. 3. Do. do.
    59 words
  • 72 11 At a Chinese buDg.ilow in Penang, tbe other day, a boy (not a missionary) ventut£d too neur a cassowary inside an enclosure. Tbe brd kicked tbe boy dowu and went on attacking him. A Mr. Doral, an inmate of tbe house, in rescuing the boy bad a
    72 words
  • 88 11 The Government of India have notified (1) That in the calender year 1896 not more than 39,000 ehests of Bengal opium \Vill be offered for sale, and not more tbaD 3,250 ebrsts in each month of the year. (2) Tbat of the quantity to be
    88 words
  • 108 11 The „4rf Journal maintains all its interesting features this month, and contains, as usual, an excellent etching. It is mainly devoted to an illustrat'd review of the Academy, thoonly other contribution being M. Jean Bernae’s notice of tho Paris Salons. Mr. Poyntor’s lonian Dance ami Mr. Leader's A Minny
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  • 277 11 An amended regulation under tbe “Womeu and Girls’ Protection Ordinance” reads The Matron may bold religious services or classes in her own quarters at which inmates may attend, but she may on no account offer any indue meat to enforce tbeir attendance against their will."
    277 words
  • 598 11 The annual Flower Show of the Straits opened yesterday afternoon, iu tbe Drill Hall. The weather was fine, but several countera’tractions caused tbe attendance tob* somewhat limited, but doubtless a crowded assembly is reserved for this evening when tbe doors will be opeu between the hours of
    598 words
  • 493 11 THE FIRST CUP TIE. The first match of the Cup Competition wa» played last evening at the Esplanade ground, between teams representing theS. C. C., and the Regiment. It is seldom that so large a crowd has assembled t o watch the play, or a ciowd that has
    493 words
  • 359 11 A rather furious machine will doubtless attract a considerable amouut of attention at the Flower Show. It is {dared immediately in front of the entrance, and was yesterday inspected with interest by a number of visitors. It is called the patent Cocoa nut
    359 words
  • 833 11 FRENCH INTERESTS IN SIAM A NEW DEPARTURE. DELIVERANCE PROM CAPTIVITY. THE UPPER MEKONU. CHOLERA. DEARTH OK DOLLAR* The Co*rrier d'Haiphong complains that, during the absence of M. I'avie, tbe French Minister at Bangkok, on Buffer State Delimitation work, tbe interests of France iu Siam have been neglec'cd. It
    833 words

  • 1515 12 [From A Correspondent). Batavia we might nay is divided into two parts. Weltovrrdeu is what is knowu as the new town, sod Ba'avia pro|*er tli old. The last named is a dirty dilap'd it* d old place and is quite uotenaoted by tliEuropean population. In fact Chinese and
    1,515 words
  • 422 12 i I i'i II ii iooii. London. 'Joth Jour. A Convention lias been signed at F*«»V• n -et- the boundaries of tin* commercial relations between Yunnan ami Touquiti. Among tjie clauses is one permitting the introduction of railways and telegraph*. Tlie Duke of Aosta was married to toe
    422 words
  • 1289 12 THK OOMHEXHATIOM IMBBOULIO (From our Perak Correepondent.) Tmc agreement uieu who were eoini»elled to lefund compensation have yielded, aod with one exception are signing bill* (or receipts) for the full amounts of their salaries wh'le they are receiving only about two-thirds of it. A* many of them
    1,289 words
  • 585 12 MIS IHCKI.KH MITVHKLL MAlliiamOAN KANATICMM HtlU BKIII i.KNKRAI. VttTTKU. KOKOKII BANK MnTKS A HKK.N A >*KW TOBAI'CO LASIi. The SoHnibayti Courant calls atleu'iou •u tli" political dattg**rftrisiogfiom revral •f Malio.uuit’JiU ttutii'fMii iu Java. S gus of revival have beeu promin ’at of lift*, and a Gooroo or ichgious
    585 words
  • 391 12 (From our Correspondent.) Juio The line is not yet clear between TxU and Karnpor and there ia only one th a day between Telok Anson and Ipoh i elevated track has been made over a* slush, aud goods aie thus conveyedacrah while pissengers proceed to the on foot.
    391 words
  • 1092 12 (From The Time# Corree/mn'lcnt.) Clarkt <>f late vein baa fal!eu froai iia high «state. It is stiU p. excellence the wiue M every-day driiikiig but it has l<>st that commanding Mipr-oiuc it once enjoy. d. Last* of it is cot sumeo than formerly, and lower averag*
    1,092 words

  • 294 13 Tb** Natioual Shilling Testimonial to Dr. W.G. Grace threat**us. says the Globe, to withdraw even’ shilling iu the country from circulation. In forwardiug two huudred of these useful coins to the fund, lord Cidogau pertinently remarks:—“I trust, you have carefully considered the dFeet t f this new
    294 words
  • 21 13 Thi: P cuang Municipality were to hold special meeting on the stti July* to con*d*r the proposed Municipal Consolida,w *o Ordinance.
    21 words
  • 1477 13 Tm Globe Hotel is placed in bounds to the troops. -t Mm. J. D. Mclktohb arrived by the P- A O. mail to join the Singapore Branch of the Chartered Bank. One Rahman Cbitty was brought before the magistrate, this morning, for bringing* dog to Singapore from
    1,477 words
  • 49 13 Tmk following cases of cholera have been reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer as having occurred in Singapore from midday on ths sth iustaut to midday on the 6th. 1. Chinan* male. Rangoon Road. Sent to Hospital. 2. Chinese aisle. Havelock Rond. Sent to Hospital
    49 words
  • 89 13 An entertainment was given n* tin Tanglin Burrocks theatre on Saturday evening, by the Gaiety Company. Tin programme included the brilliant, romnl) Delicate* Ground,” Hinging ami dancing by Dot Car**y and D. Smith and concluded with Crazed whicli gave the company opporl unities of their vs>h>d abilities
    89 words
  • 245 13 The British North Borneo Syndicate Limit-d, has boeu registered bv \V. t. Howard, 20, Bucklersburv, E. C., a capital of £3,500 in £1 shares. The object is to enter into an agreement with th* London Traders’ Trust Corporation. Limited, for the acquisition of cer a
    245 words
  • 222 13 The labours of the Special Commilfcig appointed as far back aa 1893, to gat** (hia vexed question, have just been concluded. Of the four alternative schemes for disposal of town refuse, namely dstiuction by incinerators, removal bv rail, removal by water, and burial within Municipal
    222 words
  • 236 13 THK KOWHIIINO KFIHODR Thb ordinary general meeting was hold on tin* 13tb June, at Cotnhill. Mr. Janies Maoandrew (chairman), in moving the adoption of the report, said they had no ess during 1894, with one exception—th» Kowthing— for which they expected compensation. The war in China
    236 words
  • 554 13 (From our Correspondent.) Bek -a*, 191 Jk June. Mr. J. K, Oa’mi, the and Magistrate <1 tlie K 11*11 1mu Dm’ric ,Km I**to I’lk-m to se** ili»* Acting R»}ni- It'llt on I.U'iiht' lie i* staying at the lie i I envy and will r»-nrn to Kuantan licit w<
    554 words
  • 183 13 JULY MONTHLY MEDAL Won bv F. M. Elliott 89-6-83. Owing to the heavy rain of Saturday only 6 c vrds were handed in, but some excellent score* were made in spit** of the adverse conditions. Mr. Elliott seems positively to revel in raiu and storm for lie
    183 words
  • 48 13 Per Oceatut, form London, June 21, Mr. J. Gray, Lieat. A. J. Woodroffe. Per Paramatta, from London, July 4, Mr. Boiler. Per Aiittralia, from London, July 19, Mr. end Mr*. K W Bireh. Per M. M. e. e. 0«m, from Mlreeillait Jane 33Mr. Goldeaberg, Mr. Oetorae.
    48 words

  • 2234 14 THE P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. The 109th half-yparly meeting of tbia cou)|'ti ny w> a bald on 12th June. Sir Thomas St-th rland, M. P., presided. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the r.*j.or), expressed the hope that t ha' do« ument would be regarded by the shareholders
    2,234 words
  • 1131 14 {l J ail Mull Gazette, Pith June.) In a white-draped mortuary at the hack of #8, Kep| el htrest, Russel 1-square, quiet-looking earlv Victorian, red-brick bouse of exactly similar appearance to hundreds of other bouses iu red-brick row*«i Bloomshurv, »he body of bis late High
    {lJail Mull Gazette, Pith June.)  -  1,131 words
  • 419 14 Nmvai. > UK tluMU K» UEaTUWEO lit IHI. Ut 1 (iOINU MINISTRY London, it<Hh June. Tli<* Quecu. i m Lord t osolwry’s final re--ignariun of tli» Preini* rah ip, liaa conferred upon Inin "ths most ancient and most noble •rdcr of the i hiatle," which ia restricted
    Nmvai.  -  419 words
  • 1164 14 (From a Timet Corretpondent Thk accession of Nicholas II b roil new hopes both within and without H sia for the many classes of the Tsar’s jects who suffer from religious disable Iu particular, the Russian Jess were tS of hope that the uew
    1,164 words

  • 2106 15 Mimdtks or PnocnxDiNos or tub Municipal Commission Has, at an Ordinary Mbbtinu on Wbi>Nrhda y. thi 19TH JUNR. 1895. Prsssnt. The President. Alex. Gentle, foq.; Wia. Nan eon. Bsq. W. Evans. Esq. TauJiak Kim Esq.; J. K Joaquim. Esq.; M. Meyer. Eeq. A. C. Moses, Ksq. A mint.
    2,106 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 298 15 TO THM KIUTOK OK THE STRAITS TIMM Sir, —Anti-tauuiu’s letter in yourissue of yesterday cleuly amounts to a confession of guilt. i 1 is iuiqil is very budlv warpe 1 by a jieculiar vice which lie hasch sen toexmD- bfy. Thus, in reference to tea-drinkers: “They
      298 words
    • 244 15 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIME* Sir, —Iu the well-timed and straightfoiward aiticle <n "The Governor and i be Municipality." which apj*eared in jour issue of yesterday, jou rightly note, casually, that the new Secretary of State for the Colonies is au expert in
      244 words
    • 837 15 .TO THK EDITOR OP THE STRAITS TIM KM Sib, —In your issue of July 3rd, there appeared an interesting article headed “Unwholeaonieness of Pure Water” and intended to give a nummary of a presumably recent lecture by Prof. Kay Linkcatur. lam afraid tbe professor would scarcely
      837 words
    • 292 15 THE EDITOR OF THE "STRAITS TIMER. Sir, —Allow me r space in your paper to vindicate a great race from tbe charge of grow barbarity. Your correspondent 11 Selangorite/' whose letter appeared in your iaiueof 1 Oth ult., was shooting betide the mark when he said that
      292 words
  • 422 15 ARRIVALS. Per a. a. Klcano from Mauila: —Meearr. Miranda, Rodrigues, Purts, Tuaaaa, and Deckers Per a. a. C. Apcar from Hongkong Messrs. Fid<«, Smith, Parrel, Carey (Jim.), Lieut. Percival, Mia. Olifent, two miaaes Careys, and Mr. sod Mr*. Carey. Per M. M. e. a. Utxlav*ry from Batavia Meters.
    422 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 56 15 MAX STERN (X)., SINGAPORE. HEAD OFFICE, AMSTERDAM BRANCH OFFICE, BERLIN GENERAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. Wholesale Importer* of Hardware, Stationery, Plated and Metal Good*, To/a, Fancy and Piecegoode, Lamp*, etc. A LARUE STOCK ALWAYS KEPT. Orders for Europe will And prompt execa* tioa on farourahle term*. MAX STERN CO., BlNQAPOal
      56 words

    • 158 16 I ’<der thiit heading the following ahbrevitior.n are used: —str.—steamer ah.—ehip. bq.—haruue; Brit—British; U. S.—United Static, Fr.—French; Ger.—German: Dut.— DnUli; Job.—Johoro; Ac., G.c..—General card's d p.—-de«*k passenjrors U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pajfar Wliarf T P. D.—Tanjonff Pajjar Dock B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’s Wharf N. H. W
      158 words
    • 1338 16 Ahp.i vai.B Sincr Noon or Saturday. Knieer-I-Himl P. k O. str. 2385 tons, Capt. Seymour, 6th July. From Bombay, 26th Julv. P Si. O. Coy. For Shanghai to-<lsy. W. Burnt Jerome. Brit. etr. 1544 tone, Cant. Pugh, 7th July. From Barry, 30ih July. Coal P. Simons. U —H
      1,338 words
    • 186 16 Name. Pert, awl D*t< o' London. Gleufru n. Breconshire, May 31: A* wanly, dune 12; Bengloe, June 13: Liverpool Stentor, due July H Diomed. due July, lt>; G sucu'*, due July 23; Myrmidon, due July 27 Ixiott Greenock. Oolong. June 9; Glasgow Mogul. May 19; MIDDL.ESBOt.OUOH Dante. May
      186 words
    • 182 16 KASSEI) SIJNDA STRAITS Oil ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flao Hatk u Datk. anp Snn’VMniK ConM*yi>Kn or I Fhom Whakh Ls-tination u ln MARKS. KlO. |bAlLlNU. i June 27 B it.a.* *1. of Tavanto N'tle N. S. \Y. Batavia V7 a a Falkland Petrie Jnu 27 Batavia D. Breakwater ',8 Nor.
      182 words
    • 1057 16 fr'*** l I *1 w 1 Nam*.! ~oW' Captaih. ITbom. -ailri Conhu****,,. jj j j Ri 4 I I ,n i ,y rvilwrine kvc*r Brit. otr. 1733 Olifent Hongkong Jan 25 Sarkie* Mum J Nor atr 844 Borensen Muuntiu* Jan 15 Kwong Sang Loong 1 KW™* Spo .tr 501
      1,057 words
    • 585 16 Vkpsvl'b Sami*. k».« R<** Captsin 1 j n l T a r, r."i -t O ifei.t Penang and Calcutta 2 Kisn Ann r Mo** Djambie P<tknn str. I r ”C* an ri* i*oit* 2 J«tm r'* »*r Tl’lhul Penmg. Co otn' o A Londoa p)|i>l a »t Ni fcV
      585 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 384 16 PSYCHO” CYCLES. St At lit Bbo«’ Nkwmt Sbapih. PNEUMATIC AND CUSHION TYRED. K stork always on baud auitabls for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. RILEY, HARGREAVES Co., 13, BATTERY BOAP. m. w. A f. TH* STRAITS TIME8L Tn Stbaitb Budoit. Tn pries of the BkraiU Timm it an fellows:— Daily issne par
      384 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 761 17 WAITER MACEARLANE CO., GLASGOW. 1ECTBIC LI6HT PILLARS BRACKETS. I'MttrvitMnM. lamp Pillars. Shop Fnits. IUndstiim<ls. Tomb Kails. Vrrandahs. Kannrrrts. (resting Npandrik Brarkfts. (•lurnns. Waffs. Arcadrs. Kailiip*Patilius. Pilastrrs. HalrRRifs. Terminals. Flardalfs. Altar Kails. Oral. Fr#its. Ini. R«M»timx. (kk Tawfrs <■ *ry* 3 VSTIT V 5^ ELECTRIC WIRE WAVS. Straight Stairs. r •-tiii
      761 words
    • 1221 17 LEA PERRINS’ .OBSERVE THAT THE Jk SIGNATURE /i J w PRINTED //Q AX' IN BLUE INK flCs' DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE oIITSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, m mm a Worcester I H H Crosse 5- Blackwell. Ltd.. London 111 H| .port Oilmen
      1,221 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 396 18 LITTLE Co •I Singapore GENERAL PROVIDERS COMPLETE Chestcrffeld Drawing Kooin suite from Europe. Handsomely (upholstered with •addlebags and velvet consisting of a 7ft. spring stuffed couch, 2 Divan chairs, 6 small chairs. COMPLETE S300.00 FU a 1 k: A r> V. *>ir»try .w 1 Bedroom suites Nik 166 A. Bachelors
      396 words