The Straits Budget, 2 July 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 134 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE ‘STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 20 1 On tf>* *J r >tl» June, at Highbury,” ’euvig. th wif* of J an as Gibson, of a auj?ht#r
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  • 338 1 rDITOKIALN. Affaire* in Uganda. The Progress of (Cholera. The Ma-ndau an Qiastion. China’* In ternuity. The fc\>rnio*a Troubles* L/ Market >us Shipping New*. Pasavntrer i*t. Poli«e New*. T ha Governor’* Departure The Cholera. Our l olonial Secretary. The Chinese Protectorate in 1894 Birth aud Death Registration The
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  • 506 1 SlNQAPoRB, 2nd JuLT, 1896 PRODUCE. Gniuhier f 9.25. «lo Cube Nu. 1. 12 62%. do do No. 2, 9.00. Copra Bali 5.90. do Poutiauak.. 5.05. Pepper Black, 11.12*4,. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.95. do Brunei 2.47%. Pearl Sago,....,.... 3.7lt. (’o(T«#* Rali 41.00. tlodia Liberian 44 00. Tapioca small
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  • 457 1 Thr mail for Europe ihn we k haves by the M. M. s.s. Oceanian. Toe M. M a.B. Caledonien With the mail from Europe of Ibe 7tb Juue is due to-day. The German mail from Europe arrived uu Thursday in the Bayern. The Germau in ill
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    • 47 1 London, 25th June. Lord Salisbury is conferring with the Opposition leaders. It is repo'ted that the Duke of Devonshire, Mr. J. Chamberlain, Mr. Goauheo, do* probably, also. Sir ffoury Jamen will nord office in the new Cabinet under Lord Salisburv.
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    • 61 1 4DJOURN gK NT OF THE RO(TMK S r William Harcourt has slated that the la>e Ministry wholly Glared, with Mr. C impbell-Banner man. in the responsibility for the hostile v<*t j on Friday. That \ote, being virtually one of een«u r e ou the Ministry, compelled
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    • 39 1 News from Ustand t report lighting with Kabtrega, Kmg of Uuyoro, on the 3rd M ireh list. Li th» lighting, Captain Duimiug won kitted, anl Major Cunuingbum wounded. Th* remit of the fighting is not stated.
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    • 135 1 London, HHth June. IHsPlMAL or OFFIOA* The uew Ministry is constitute] a« follows Lord Salisbury.—Premier and Fo eign Secretary. Mr. Ualfour.—First Lord of the Treasury. and Leader of the Hou«e of Commons. Mr. J. Chamberlain.—Secret try of State A'or the Colonies. Duke of Devonshire.—President of the Couucil.
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    • 85 1 London, '47th June. Mr. J. Chamberlain, now Secretary of of State for the Colonies, Las issued his election address. In that address, Mr. Chamberlain declan h t hat the Unionists Lave agreed todiseard absolutely any wild constitutional i Langes such as those which
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    • 28 1 Political relations betwoen Bulgaria and Tin key have been btrsiued. from the Tut Wish Government having warned the Bu’psriMllM egiinst mining limitation in Macedonia.
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    • 55 1 London, tiSfh June. AN EARLY DISSOLUTION. The completion of the new Cabinet is not expected until Saturday. Lord Salisbury has declared in the House of Lords that the policy of the Government is to dissolve Parliament at the earliest possible date. Lord Salisbury hoped to fix the
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    • 30 1 The French Chamber of Deputies has resolved, by an immense majority, to postpone the credits for the expedition in the Western Soudan under Colonel Monteil.
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    • 30 1 HABVARO DKCUMKS TUB BNOUMH GHALL.BVU*. The University of Harvard has declined to accept the challenge to Athletic Sports made to it by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
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    • 64 1 London, 29th June. FURTHER APPOINTMENTS. The following further Ministerial app •iutments have been made Lord George Hamilton.—Secretary of S ale for India. The Marquis of Lausdowue.—Secretary of State for War. Sir Matthew White Ridley.—Home Secretary. Lord Ciora. Privy Seal. Mr. C. T. Ritchie,—Board of Trade. Loni Ashbourne.—L«rd
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    • 49 1 Th< Chinese Luau, proposed to be tloa'e by the aid of Russia, bar virtually c illapM*d. The «olldpx; in alleged to lie due to China object ng to pledge the Chinese custom* revenue to Russia, as condition of Russia guaranteeing the loan.
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    • 41 1 London, let July. The foundation stone of a liomaa Cat ho. lie C.tthelnl at Westminster has been 1 iid by Cardinals Valiullin and Lugue, in the presence of au anSTuhluge of prelates, clergy. and laymen.
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    • 22 1 Professor Huxley has died. [A biographical notice of the late Professor Huxley will be found in another column
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    • 297 1 Strait• Times, 25th June.) Kauakkt.a, whose name is menti< lied in to-day’s telegrams as causing trouble in the Protectorate of Uganda, is the King of Unyoro and has always proved to be u harassing neighbour to the British in UgauJa, which lurdert. on IJnyoro. Kabaregu, last yen*’,
      (Strait• Times, 25th June.)  -  297 words
    • 414 2 (Sfraita Timet, 2tith Jn nr.) Tlfc. cholera visitation at Siuga|* coincides with the appearance of that scourge simultaneously in other parts of East, so far apart as to point to *sum« common etching cause. In India, cholera has ever been endemic, and that eoifntry, especially the
      (Sfraita Timet, 2tith Jn nr.)  -  414 words
    • 368 2 Strait» Times, 27th June.) The Sultan of Turkey, already bard pushed in the matter of the menacing demands for reforms in Armenia In Britain, France, and Russia, now finds himself in further trouble by an agitation to ruisc the Macedonian question. Both the Armenian and Macedonian questions
      (Strait» Times, 27th June.)  -  368 words
    • 443 2 (Straits Times, ‘39th June l'llK collapse nf tho Chinese loan that was to have In-eu floated by Russia throws buck again the grave question us to bow China can meet the indemnity arrangi d to lie paid to Japan. It is also a kind of a slap in
      (Straits Times, ‘39th June )  -  443 words
    • 485 2 (Straits Times, Ist July.) To-day’s telegrams from our correspondent regarding the critical situation of affairs at Anping in Formosa shews that the centre of interest there continues to be on the south coast of the island. There, trouble grew formidable after the collapee of the ao-called Republic
      (Straits Times, Ist July.)  -  485 words
  • 16 1 DEATH. On tit* JKth Juot*, at “The Pavilion,” Hill. Mr*. K. A. Sabkibs, agod 84 iar».
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  • 362 2 Twelve of tbe crew of the shipwrecked H'eatner St. Paaerat arrived fiom Labuan yesterday, by the Ranee. Capt. Young and he officers are expeted shortly. The vessel bus been ahaudoned, aud she li-s a total wreck on tbe Satnarang Bauk about 20 or 25
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  • 963 2 (Ptom our correapomiettl). Peimn, 25th June. During his recent visit to Pab*ng Mr. J. B. \V. Leech went over the country in the Ulu Lipis D,strict in search of suitable land for tin-mining purposes, ami while there selected a plot of ground at a place called Sentul where
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  • 752 2 (Dritith North Borneo Herald, lst June.) Th* Government hive notified thit the P»iw of tobacco laud is raised to 910 r acre. A lel»grani re*ivel by the Governor io tb** tufor'if iiioo lint tb t<»ln.v., crop tioui Kiuow E<ta»e in M. iru In B*v sold
    (Dritith North Borneo Herald, lst June.)  -  752 words

  • 1584 3 The Governor having left tlio Colony oo leave, the Colonial Secrutary, the Hon. j A. Swettenbain, took the oaths, as the Offic* r Administering the Government, in ihe Council Chamber at noon to-day. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Mitchell left for Batavia at 9 a.m. to
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  • 63 3 FRIDAY, the 28th inst., being tho Miniver•ary of Har Majesty's Coronation, a Royal Saluta (21 guns) will be fired at 12 noon ou that date from Fort Canning. The Head-quarter Office will he cloned, except for business of an urgent nature on that, day. Lieut. S. M. Biony,
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  • 75 3 The following are the Bangkok returns of the export of rice, brokeu rice, and paddy for April, 1895: White KIm. Broken Rio*. PimI.Ij. pc. c. pc. c. pc. To Bingauosb UV880.OI 8S4.7* 1,831.55 Houffkoof 4SS. 47$. W) a.OUS.tW Const 86ft.06 7*1.0 UCB ««.iao.4»> 8,3.3.75 .',8*4 56
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  • 149 3 A Scotch golfer of twentv years’ standiog writes to a London paper—“ lam greatly pained to b*ar the name of tbe Royal aud Ancient game habitually mispr< uouuc« d by novices in England, who p* r ist is souudiog the letter *1 in the w..rd, although on
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  • 190 3 A bombat contemporary h°ara from London of a chtng? just introdueed in the examinations for calls to the Bar. Tbe change is that whereas formerly uo student was allowed to offer himself for ex amination in R n man Law until be had put in at lea at
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  • 116 3 The Japanese Minister for Finaui'e, notified in the Official Qavtte of June Ist that the rates of exchange on foreign currency in Japanese silver yeu, for the calculation of the value of imported goods subject to ad valorem duty, to be adopted at the Imperial Customs
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  • 247 3 Mr. B. I. Barnato, tbe member of the 0«|k; Legislature who was recently enterin'o**d at the Criterion by a company over which the Lord Mayor presided, is known as the African Metal King. The story of his success ft ads like a romance.
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  • 563 3 The Khedive of Egypt haring reci -tly passed a decree for the more effectu lighting of the coasts and islands of the Red Sea, it now only remains for the Treasury to devote a certain portion of the considerable revenue it derives aouually from shipping in
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  • 393 3 The wonders in the use of paper and wo id pulp seem not likely to cense soon. The l*teit application of piper is for the manufacture of Urge guns. Quns have been mad** from leather pulp, itnd th *ee are bound with hoop*
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  • 902 3 Tan Noddeutscbcr Lloyd hare added the Crtfeltl to their He* t. She is a steel screw steamer built thin rear by the Act. Ges. Vulcan, at S'ettin, who bare supplied the engines, which are of the triple-expan-sion type, with cylinders 22*, 38$, and 601 inches in diaiu-t-r by
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  • 52 3 At the last Criminal S.tsious at HongLong, E. W. McKenna pleaded guilty to Lilliug the chief mate of the ship Either Roy at Iloilo. A quarrel took place on board and the prisoner, after great exasIteration, stabbed hit superior to the heart. The Chief Justice sentenced him to two vears’
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  • 999 4 The Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee has brought out a pamphlet entitl'd The Strait Settlemente and Imperitil Defence. The pamphlet recites the storv of the Military Contril u»ion increase in the S'raits from .£50,000 to £100.000 and tells how heavy expenditure ha* been incurred on fortifications and
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  • 216 4 —Japan Gnzetf*. Eng'and is doomed. She knows it and is terror-stricken. Gasping and helpless she looks upon Jap*n and is afraid. r**s' any one should deem this language tin-•-Rile 1 for let him read the sj eeeli of S« uator Ncwland*. of Nevada, who is
    ,—Japan Gnzetf*.  -  216 words
  • 246 4 Times of Ceylon > If, ss is reported, a tendency is making itself ft It iu official quarters at home that the proportion of revenue should be the liue on which contributions should be made, it will eod in another unfortunate sfa’e of things being brought
    ( Times of Ceylon >  -  246 words
  • 286 4 An Extraordinary (JotH'.mmmt Gazettt issued to-day contains the following uot.ti cations in cnnu*«-t<nn with the departure oi tue Governor for Java His* Ex< ellency Sir Chnr'es Bulleo Hugh Mitchell, Knight Grand Cross of the Mom Distinguished Order of S'. Mi< ha 1 and St. Georg-*, Governor and
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  • 1258 4 From our Curreepondent.) Pekan, 19tk June. The Acting Resident returned to Pekan firs morning, accompanied by Mr. F. A. Swctteuham 0.M.0., Ibiiisb Resident of Peiak, who is staying at the Residency. A new buoy, to replace t be ooe tbat recently hack at its mo iriugs, baa been
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  • 590 4 (From our Corrt*/<>mient Thk Limut is now oul of dock and is expected to have a trial trip. Un'il then we have to depend solely Uf»on our land defences in of a In stile attack, aided it may be by a few t irjoj lo boats. How far
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  • 1613 4 Telegraphic information waa here thia morning by Captain Blair, v Tanjong Pagar Dock Oompaujr, the atranded steamer St. Pancrat. ash*! at Labuan. The news is rather discoum ing. It appeara that the deck is awaabT low tide, and the vessel is straioiog j 0 alarming manner with
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  • 149 5 Honykony, lUth Juris. Nnws was received from Formosa via Amoy *“t L'glit. stating that the detachments of ®xriiie» from the Ctn fur ion anil Victor FJmanP taken up from Hongkong by H. lyMnhoir, under the command of apts. fehnhami Hrabszon, wore safely landed at Anl'lnP bin Yung-fu. the Blirek
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  • 173 5 A SPANISH EBPOKT.t Manila El Comercio contains a telegram from Madrid, dated the 9th Juue stating thatamadinan bad been arrested in Scotland for attempting to assassinate He Majesty Queen Victoria. It may be that thi* telegraphic despatch is exaggerative ol the real facts. Her Majesty
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  • 189 5 Thb cruiser Terrible was launched from Messrs. Thomson’s Yard at Clydebuuk, near Glasgow, on May 27th. She is longer than any previous vessel or her t ides. The Terrible and her sister ship the Powerful, now under construction at. Barrow, are each 500tt. long between perpendiculars,
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  • 241 5 The Pekio correspondent of the N.C. Daily Newt wri'es —The Chinese want t borrow on a silver hubs, but their wishes tin this point are not likely to In* realise 1 Th** EmjH-rvir apjiointed light oflicials lo conduct the negotiations and it is found mpossible to
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  • 291 5 Thk Icbang correspondent of the N. C. Daily Xewt writes —A single lady belougug to ih* American Baptist Mission arrived the o her from Sutfu. Suifu is t least 1,000 lades from Icbang, and this journey si e undertook al no. Her expo riences were
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  • 113 5 The following cases of cholera havt been reported to Goverumeut by tbs Municipal Health Officer, as having occurred in Singapore, fiom midday on the 24tb instant to midday on tbe 25th: 1. Chinese, Victoria Street, sent to Hoepital. 2. do. Jedda Street do. 3. do. do. do. 4.
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  • 200 5 Those esses were returned as Cholera by the Police, but hnd not been verified wheu the Heturu was strut iu to Government. Iu a Government Gazette Extraordinary are published the regulations made b> the Municipal Commissioners under the authority of Section 202 a of the Ordinance. These are put into
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  • 119 5 Cholera broke out at Haiphong (Tonijuu) about the middle of this month. Sevi ral death* are leported sanitary precautions have l»een taken, but carrying t.hem out meets with great difficulties among the Chin-re. They withstood the disinfection of iheir houses on ihe ground that ir woul 1
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  • 235 5 Vo oamxu to latest reports from Tients.n, Li Huug-ebung is to re-occupy the post f Vicetoy of Chihli. Sheng Huugsliun ho a ready returned to hs post as Customs'ai at Tientsin. This can have but one meaning The old pul cy of shift
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  • 216 5 Mr. W.lliain Frmcm Finlason. ba*'rbd< r. who died .two mouths ngi, was the chit! aw repo*ter for tie Timet. Iu the emirs of Ins journalistic work U had acquuei extraor Im irv fu-ilityin writing lough rnd Mr. Frederick Wicks, writing to tin Timer on ibis subject,
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  • 220 5 Tub China Mail has it on the authority of a military expert recently in Hongkong for stating the defences of the Lyeemoon Pitas would simply be no defence at sll if attacked on the same plan as that adop'ed by the Japanese at Weihaiwei and Port Arthur, namely,
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  • 720 5 In his report ou the trade and commerce of Havana, dated 15th March laat, the British Consul-General given a description of the pres nt deplorable condition of the sugar iudustry in Cuba. The sugar crop for the lBll3 94 is stated toluvc teeuoue of the
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  • 953 5 —Scientific American 84 H KM KM PRorotfKD AND IN PHOUKKH* Thk Hups Canal coat $115,000,000 and ia cipitalized at $1 >0,500,000. In 1892 it pud a net profit of 98,333,383 33 J, which wss p oluted by the ps stage of 8 659 vessel* through tie c-snal.
    ,—Scientific American  -  953 words

  • 1524 6 Much, sensation baa beeu rau-ed in the Spa a«ti capital by the news ttn-tn well* known milliouaire had bequeathed the greater part of hi* fortune to ti e Qaeeo* Regent, with leversiou to In r cbildien, and this event ha* indu< ei many
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  • 492 6 Loan Halifax, ,n moving in tbe Hous-* of LorJs on the 28th M.ij.tbe second reading of the Divorce Amendment Bill, explained that tbe object of the metsure m* to repeal Claus *5B of ihe Divorce of 1857 and to provide that ministers of In* Church of
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  • 1965 6 Colonel Fu ade. the defeated candidate at the Walworth election, was unfortunate in more ways than on». It appears that after the result of the poll waa announced the gallant Colonel went out and mingled with the crowd which waa cheering his opponent's success. When tho unsuccessful candidate
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  • 512 6 The Pari* correspondent of the Tim ba* had an interview a retired From? diplomatist, who, speaking with regard the intervention of the three Power* m n Far East, remarked Mr firm conrictiou i*— fto( j am not afraid to say so in spite of th*
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  • 1217 6 Oub atleat’oa ba* b cn called to the fact that the native com m no it v are regarding the new British dollars with a good deal of suspcion. Toe Asiatic money changers refuse to change tb«in at leee ihm 3 or 4 per cent, discount. Last
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  • 115 7 Th* following cases of cholera have beeu reported tsi tbe Government by the Municifml Health Officer, a* having occurred in oiugapore from midday on the 25th instant to midday on the 26ib 1. Chineae female, Chin Chew Laue Died. J Do. male. Tanjong Pag.r Ro.vd do. a S
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  • 119 7 On the Ist in«t., the keels were laid of four new ships for the Russian Navy, the guuboat Ckraleryi, lb«* coast defence lrouclsd General Admiral Apraxia, the firstclass cruiser Kossijo, and the trainingship Viernyi. The Emperor and a uumber of members of the lin fieri* 1 Family,
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  • 154 7 In Fiance a detei mined < ffort is being ma<te by tbe pr« sent Administration to riduce theexpens s of Governuient. Wbat a known as tbe Anti-O<>lonisl Party ha* come forward auJ advised the Governmeu» to give up uII her Colonies except thou* lyiog directly on the
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  • 178 7 The annual return, a*ys a financial contemporary, of the urooun's of BriG-h Government secur ties hold by »he various departments of S ate at d Public Offices has just been published, and tbe 6gu s a 4 e more stufeecdous than ever. Gf Consols and Locul Louis
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  • 256 7 Mr. J. A. Swetienham, who has become the Colouial Secretary at Sinus |K>re, is oue of tbe most distinguished figures n our eolonisl administrative life. A* AuditorGeneral of Ceyl<*n, Mr. Swette’.haui has mmniunJed an influence aud a (ow.r which be h-is, perhaps, himself ne r appreciated. He
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  • 383 7 heii'j: i»qnir*Ml In the country. —Morning P>*t. The promotion of Lord Roberts to tbe rauk ot Field-Marshal b'ings about what is perhaps itotaly unprecedented state of affairs. For many years post, with the exception of members of tbe Royal Family, there have been no appointments whatever I
    heii'j: i»qnir*Ml In the country.—Morning P>*t.  -  383 words
  • 520 7 —Japan Adi'triiatr. Thf. value of sugar exported from Formosa >eirly is not less than a hundred million yen. A scheme is on foot among the leading merchants of Osaka and Tokyo to foim a large Sugar Kefiuing Company there, when the isluud has
    .—Japan Adi'triiatr.  -  520 words
  • 1017 7 (From the Timet tf Ceylon.) Lmdon, 15th June. In the House of Commons last night, the vote for the erection of e statue of Cromwell in WostiuiuNter Abbey was adopted by a majority of tiftoon. The proposals led to an sniraabnl debate. The Irish Party supported the Government,
    (From the Timet tf Ceylon.)  -  1,017 words
  • 99 7 Pant, 17 th Jnnr. *i he French and Bus-mu press discuss the s guitiriuicc of the Cun's action iu investing the President of the French Hepublic with the Order of St. Andrew, on the eve of the Kiel festivities, and the day after the debtte in the French
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  • 206 7 Gmikal VmiR, who commanded ttii Dutch forces iu the cainpiiga couduited laat year against the Haliuese iu the Dutch Hast Indian Island i f Loiybok, arrived at the Hague oq the 1st lustaut, ou his reiurn borne. On entering the city Genetal Vetter was received by the
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  • 239 7 Tins is bow C e Pinang Gazette describee the now coin :—A e msigumt nt of one lea of British dollars arrived at iho Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ou Saturday eveuiig per s.s. Rotctta from Bombay. I'l o design of the coin is not so artistic us
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  • 776 8 H'l Tihh It is a very significant circumstance that in 1893, the year when the Kice Combination iu Burma came into operation, tbe figures of exports from Bangkok and Saigou should have shown such an unusually favorable comparisou with those of Rangoon, considering
    H'l Tihh *.  -  776 words
  • 134 8 Mr. W. G. liufie ha- received tin* following lett r from ihe lb nice ol NN’ales i!srlb*)rougli Bdii-e, Psll-iimll, Ist mu*. Dear fir.—The Prince of Wales lin- *ntelie*l with much interest tie- tine scons whirh yo*i continue to make in the great matches this year. He
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  • 1725 8 HTATK.MKNT UV M UAKOTAUX THE OH IN A-JAPAN PEACE Kkpltuto to an interpellation brought forward by the Marquis de I’ Angle Beautuasveir, M. Hauotaux, Minister for Foreign Affairs, made a long statement in the Senate ou tlve 31st May on the foreign policy ot tbe Government. The
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  • 127 8 Thk Governmeut of India, having obbCive<l th it local Governments and AdminislratiouH iu addressing if. regarding volunteer office*s who are about to retiie fiorn their corps, frequently recomnu ud that their services should receive lecoguilion, h«j.* stated that it is of opiuion that whenever volunteer officers have reudered
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  • 1397 8 I/O ad on, Ut June. Mr. Honniker Heaton. If. P.. ha* a letter in The Times on the aubjoct of the delay iu the appointment of a Governor for New Sooth Wale*. Ho point* out tluit at the pros «nt time there i* on y one
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  • 360 8 THE M.M. STEAMER YARRA.” A <'LAI.M ON THK O0> BKNMKNT Soml idea of tbe casualty to the Yarra frun her profeller getting eu’anjed in dredgi r chains at Colombo can be formed, save the Time* of Ceylon, from the fact th »t the chains which have been cut oft from
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  • 1501 9 Mr. Aknot Reid arrived from Penang t 0 t y iu the B. I. Pentakota. (jr akantink ban been enforced iu the l»|,iilipiu.B «nd ut Siigou against arrivals from Hmgkoog. Mk and Mrs. Bibch (of Perak) ’eavo Ku.'Uud the mail of the 18th of July. Mi B
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  • 316 9 The Government Gazette publishes the text of a Bill to b» introduced into the Legislative Council entitle I: an Ordinal ce to amend the law with respect to the legist ration of births and deaths. It le eulets with amendments the hesitation Or d inane*, of
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  • 72 9 The following cases of choltra have been reported to Government by the Municipal Health Officer as having oc urred in Singapore from mid day on tbe 26th instant to rail-day on the 27th Chinese Male found in 5 foot way in New Market Hoad, aud sent to Hospital.
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  • 235 9 (From our Cor ret yon dent.) An iute.eating ceremony took place on M<>n ay the 24tti, atSudiyau Lukut, the event being the opening of the uew tapioca luct ,rv, belo iging to Mi s»r*. Chau Kim Ho k and Onj{ Kun Wee. The Besiden* at,d
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  • 294 9 The Pekin correspondent of the North Chinn Doily Nf o’* wr.tes: lu my lormer e'ter I called atteu'ion to the dele ion from ihe Treaty ot Peace of the p-it of Wu*how, in Kuaugai, situated ou the West River. Great impel-Aiu-e his fo* a long ii ne
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  • 271 9 The by-laws for the regulation of Traffic ou Caveuagb Biidg', passed by the Municipal Comuiisttioneis ou the 29th May, have been coufirmed by the Governor-in-Council. The L w Choon Hin Club, at Singapore, has been exempted fiorn registration uuder the Societies’ Ordinance. Mr. A. llowe,
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  • 1157 9 THE EXPEDITION AGAINST ORAM; NAY A TUMONUOONO LAWAI. (Sarawak OazelU). In the middle of May an order was aeut to the Rejang and Bitang Lupnr that au armed force of Mala)’ aud Dyaks was to l>e got ready by the 25th ol‘ that mouth, for the purpose
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  • 731 9 The other day new- came of uu all g. d formidable rising of the people iu ihoo.uutry comprising ctrtaiu sections of the pmfcci ui* s of Cb‘dccbou aud Haichou .«ud i lie depart meut of ChiMyiugchou, at** ut three days' journey iulami from Swa'mv, under
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  • 1859 10 MEETING OF THE SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB 1*01X1 VKTOKD A special meeting of the members of the Siugapo e G. If Club was held on lliurs* dav sf*eruo »u, at tbe Club Hou*-e, for the Euii»os* of discus* rg the question of polo eing played on the Ra«*e
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  • 137 10 I’iik following interesting Wet*ttba«c bvn icceivcl in regard to the iimmunitiou ex] sunliture by the Ist Brigade iu rei. it Ch t• h 1 actions i 1 MalakumJ f*ass, 3r*l At ril, Bedfords (795 men.) 1,600 rounds King’s Koval R.H*r, 773 uteu.i 1,455; and 3/ tli
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  • 1830 10 Mr. W. Evans, the Protector of Chinese. sign* the Chinese Protectorate Report for last year. The Jlej ort notes a coutinuauce of the quiet as regards Societies which characteroe I 1 wt year. No diaturbaoc.'s of uny imporiame have occurred in any of thu three Settlements,
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  • 169 10 The full British jtarty p> oceediug on 1 h>* Pamir Commissiou consists of five British officers, with one Native officer, Jetnadir Kban Bahadur Zahrulla Khan, Central India Horse. Conductor Stoddart is Camp officer, and Kbau Sihib Abdul three other assistant* are on the Surrey
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  • 1143 10 FKTKOLKUM. ACHKKN AFFAIRS A FIKKBALL. LOMBOK. Petroleum boring iu Java 150n ,i to do well. Iu the districts r p Sourabuya. the oil wells yield aud a brisk local trade in the prodec J sprung up. In Mid Java, this busiuess has also been smarted w t success.
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  • 154 11 An extraordinary general meeting of the above was bold this day. M*. John Finlay sou preside 1 und there weie al o present: Messrs. John Ardemou. C. Stringer, A. Lapse, C. Sugden, C. A. Kau- Le, T. McCa inou', T. S. Thom o-», A. 0.
    154 words
  • 345 11 Fo leany foiChnll player-* fo'-get. says an Indian coiiteniLoiarv. that n player who was (Hiside wliph the I-all w,« la-t kicked, is oaside whether there are three players or uo players between him anil the goal by the time h** readies the liall. provided of course. Ihai no one
    345 words
  • 300 11 —Siam Observer. Havat. Fie llttnykok. > L'huIoii, :J.*I Juiie. Thk effort* of the three Powers to induce Turkey to adopt the proposed reforms for Armenia, or to state what points are objected to snd tflmt accepted, have so far failed. The Prsne.h and uss an paoers, in discussing
    —Siam Observer.; .—Havat.  -  300 words
  • 1058 11 (Madras Times.) It has be*n our part, on more than one oce iMo-i.toregi-otthat,with an overtcciuing populition of Indian labourers on the one side, and a vast aul uusuppliel libour market on the other, some modus vivendi lias uot been arrived at by the India
    (Madras Times.)  -  1,058 words
  • 772 11 General Vettkr, who cominuudcd the expedition to Lombok and left Java for Holland a couple of mouths a no, has been appointed Commander of the Netherlands India Army and Chief of the War Deput ment in Netherlands ludia. Geucal Vetter will return to Java in September neit.
    772 words
  • 70 11 The following cases of cholera have L en reported to Govtrumeut by the Muuici|iil lien It h Officer as having occurred iu Singapore from middav on the 27th ultimo to midday on the 29th 1. Chinese male, found ou 5 fool way in Beaeli Hoad. Scut to Hospital.
    70 words
  • 95 11 London, 4th June. Ai'llmr Orton is making a complete revels lion of all detail** connected with the uotorione Tieli borne fraud. A man named Jean Luie haa sworn to the truth of a long affidavit to the effect that rexawell. a lunatic in New South Wale*, ia
    95 words
  • 103 11 The umal monthly undid buudicap wot played off on Saturday, with the result hat Surg. Capt. Greig won with a net total of 89. The following returned their scores 1. Surg. Capt. Greig .54 .VI I**7 18 89 2. Justice Leach ‘>s 48 lu3 10 93
    103 words
  • 143 11 sIMJI.K. «’l I II oiHI -KTITIoN Medal liny. Won by I. 51. A Hinson. Handicap retire 47 44=9) j net score 85. The welcome lain »»f Saturday fortuiwti Iv did not interfer* with this com)***titioii. The playeis were r*>tnct«d to the ii sc of one club, and
    143 words
  • 328 11 h. c. r. 5r«- t.iik" l nih match. r' u 'tic*] on Finlay, van concluded .t'lrlay. th*' result oeing a draw hi fav'i ir of the Club 11 ad not Mr. L-ach *nd Mr. Isa<ke ma c a big stand, j-.i'it s* tic light UK.imnr, tin k ginn-nt
    328 words
  • 97 11 Til BLACK BLAGS AT AJWNU. BRITISH MBK-or-WAB CLBAKBD BOR ACTION (By Special wire from the Straits Times Correspondent.) Honykonj, 1st July, 10.5 a.m. The British guard and the foreigner* at Taiwanfu and Anping were withdrawn by the Admiral on Saturday. Consternation j rev* ill Am mg
    97 words
  • 87 11 LATKK Hontjkoi g, let July, 12 Noon. In spite of a telegram from the Biitinh Minitt rto Pekiu aayiug that the force* lauded at Anping are to be retained there, all the marines have been withdrawn from theie. The foreign community remain at Anping. The situation there
    87 words
  • 734 11 I AMI’IIOK AND OHOI.EKA. The news that the price of camphor was advancing at the rate of a penny or two per pound every day, as the result of the recent war between China and Japan, and that England aud the Continent were threatened with something like
    734 words

  • 1026 12 THE nEHTRUCTIoN US TKADIKO PACILITIKM (From a Correspondent.) The reclamation work a’ong Be < h Rood io which the Government has |x r•everel with considerable energy, h <m now such dimensions an to be in d*s* proxunih to tin Bouh Road Market. Bv this work a
    1,026 words
  • 1254 12 Tbe next stage in the polo v. golf c mtroversy is one on which it would l»e unsafe to prophesy. It is the turn of tlm Sporting Club Committee to move, and a* present they stand in check. So far they have advanced no arguments iu favour oi
    1,254 words
  • 1208 12 iSY/« mj"/ Joilfnul, y lli Jill)*'.) 1*0 K K Adi or (BIMK XWllNO CHIN RUE TMi: NRLAKOOK HUNT HMuonmj (Hai.LKSOF. ,»1RK VKUAUK CeUCOftATroN A CoK'HSt'OWoexT send* the following:—“No ihii* can fail to bare untie d tin* enormous of set Jour erime among tbe Chinese miners in Selangor. Mnrdeia
    (iSY/« mj"/ Joilfnul, '.y/ lli Jill)*'.)  -  1,208 words
  • 939 12 Pam'ts.M'it Thomas H«ury Huxley, whose death iw announced, in to-day's telegrams, was born on Mm 4. 1*25, »t Ealing, Middlesex, aud was educated at the school in his native place, where his father was one of the uia-tei>. This preparatory course was f .Mowed by private
    939 words
  • 202 12 (From onr .Muir Cnrrr*i»nul*Bt) A fn'ged oole tor SRI oo 'll II aud Siiattgbiii B.iuk was pai i m by a respect ible Cbiccse trdder at trevcoue offi'C, Muar. Asa work of d c *ption it vvis xirv C'liuisiiy doti though, if in-xed wi it otlur lliU'a
    202 words
  • 175 12 The Government Gazette publishes the following Order by the Queen in Council:— Whereas by the Twentieth Section <rf Thi» Finance Act, 1894.” it is enacted that Her Majesty the Queen may, by Order in Council, apply that aection to auj British |M>sseesion, where Her Majesty i* satisfied
    175 words
  • 62 12 l*«r Himalaya, from London. J u,ie 'i Messrs. J. U. D. Jones, M. A- Haws*. W. F/Nuit. B1 UrJ I'er Oceana, from Locdon, June 21* G Per M M. es Caladoiiitn, from Marseille Jane 9, Meters. Ridley aud Bodde *n< •ad Mrs Mai well, Mr E. Trotter and
    62 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 303 13 THe kditou or the htbaith times.-SiK.—All-»w uie i*pi»ce in your columns 4 .K)iot out both the hideousnesn and the ln»irertn*>A of the dtsign of the new Kritmb dollar. It was agreed by a select •(lUiui'fte. of friends who sat up >n the JrW coin Ihs* uiuht that,
      303 words
    • 170 13 ii» thk editor of thf. straits times Sir. —Now tl at the dread Cholera has ,viii-' anion>t us and is carrying off a Duuib l r of people da ly. *a little informant.u is ti* reun ui*?* watt'd l*c invaluable to it .iu v |K>r.ioUs ui the coniuiun
      170 words
    • 175 13 iv* rnr. editor or thf. straits times '•ir, —In icpijr tu your correapouieut Reiip*” of yesterday’s date, I herewith kud you a roci|M*, ae it to uoe by a me lical friend of uiiue from Kurrachee. In 1889 there was an outh eik of Ch >lera in the Prrxian
      175 words
    • 530 13 ro rm. KDITUR OK TIIK HTKAITH TIMKn Mk, —The degeneracy of the age is vfulenced on ever? side by vices either ptnuded ur implied. Ttie ethical standard "> I* wer, and th*‘ moral maxims ate looser, ‘‘tan they were in the prim days of our «ncidfatherB.
      530 words
  • 635 13 arrivals. Per M. M. s. Tibrc from Sa’gon: —Mr. Jo' n .eiC'iste’’. P-»r s. Lubeck from New Guinea; M-sars. H. K .«u, C Weep, C. v. Htge P Ls.'dbe g. Cspt. HruIni. sud Mr. aud i»n*. K K aft. Ptr s. a. Calypeo from Deli —Messrs, van Rees,
    635 words
    • 139 13 Under this hoailjug the following abbrevi lions are used str.—steamer; eh.—ship, bq.—barque; Brit—British; U. S.— United Statos; Fr. —French; Gor.—German: Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Jidioro; Ac., G.c..—Goners eargo; d. p —de“w passengers U —Uncer fain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W .—Biirijei Wharf;
      139 words
    • 1428 13 Akkivai.h Since Noon or Saturday. Ynnariva, Bril. str. 2151 tons, Capt. Weston 30th -In i«. From Birry 22-d May oal. P. Hiuioos A o. For Nagasaki. U.—W. Olenogle, Urr. str *****1114. Capt. Gasson, 30th June. From Amoy, 21 h June. To*. Bouvtesd A Co. For Now York, 1st
      1,428 words
    • 120 13 i\inne, Port, d»"/ Date of Lon PON. G lona vou. Breconshire. Gieuftu u. Crown of Arragon, May 21; Liverpool Stent or. due July 8; Diomed, due July. l 8 Glasgow. (lolong Mogul. May 19; Gukxnock. Oopack, May 15; Mipdlesbomouoh Dante, May 9; Marhkii leh. Cnledonien, due July 2;
      120 words
    • 213 13 IWSNKI) HUNIM STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. i< i,.vh Dat* Rk> Datr. and Hhip’hNamh Commandf.u. ok Fboii Wuim Distinction marks If.Jo. Saiuno. Juno 19 od.s s Ulre ht Do II ><*r Jun 1» R Htavu» jKotteidam IV I) i'.H.M Jonlsn Hi l In lor Jim fi Fakahk wan Aiohm
      213 words
    • 1114 14 "9 I I IVimil'i Name. 4 Tows Captain. Fbom. Mailii Comhiunbbs. n Kio_ 1 On May Brit. atr. 1746 Ushood Bangkok Juu IS Bunao Company Ltd. 24 'Japan P O atr. 2795 Leigh London M»j 2i) p A U. Company 24 Tibia MM itr 963 i)rn>oij Saigon Iuu 21
      1,114 words
    • 648 14 > Vr.witu’w Name. Fla k Bio Captain u«»v.\a.-un June 24 Kian Aid I'nt «tf. Mo>« Djamlii* 25 I jp I mu' «tr. .Whit TenaDj t L p.» t» 15 P.. iui I tr Bruce Patbn via purt* 25 M«!um iV. Fyfe I'angaok 25 Ja an »tr. Bowman Pen»n.' Rnrnon
      648 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 543 13 B v H T pERAK BY FRANK SWETTENIIAM. PAPER COVERS 11.00 CLOTH BOARDS $1.50 HALF LEATHER *2:00 SINGA POR fr. STHAITH 1'IMKS OFFICE. The *KK>k will be forwarded to any part ou application poat free at the above named The money inuat be sent with al irdera. Postal orders to
      543 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 706 14 AUSTRALIAN HORSES AND PONIES. Messrs. Meeke and Little litre just arrived, uni are uniting ►nine beautiful carriage Hoi'sen and Pomes cheap. Apply to 6/7 CLARKE'S LI VERY STABLES. SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The public are informed that the addraaa of the Society's Inspector, Mr. E. F.
      706 words
    • 317 14 \.f AHIE BRIZARD AND ROGER JM. BORDEAUX. Brandy Cur*. ao Quality. Auiw tte i* Maraschino I Superieure. Liqueur® J Sole Aleuts for the Strait®, tu. th. 1 a. M OINE COMTE Co. M A ISON F. PAUL CO. FRENCH HAIR DRYING SALOON NEW INSTALLATION. MECHANICAL BRUSHES. FOUR SEATS, JUST ARRIVED.
      317 words
      220 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      290 words
    • 308 15 9 ho only Madicint of the Lind awarded a Certificate at tha Calcutta Inhibition, 1883-84, open tv ail Countries R LALOR’S t aoim k Registered HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Mr thirty year* has maintained its f Its energising effects are shewn from the
      308 words
    • 1064 15 LEA PERRINS I OBSERVE THAT THE SIGN A TU RE j IS NOW A 1/ PRINTED Q yiv I" BLUE INK /TCs' DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE wra: of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Blackwell, Ltd., London acd Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE.
      1,064 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 416 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd Singapore GENERAL PROVIDERS COMPLETE k_ FURNISHERS. Cheeterfield Drawing Hoorn suite from Europe. i andsoincly upholstered wiili naddlebags and velvet consisting ot a 7ft. spring stuffed eoueli, 2 Divan chairs, G small chairs. COMPLETE $300.00 3 r W' m Bedroom suites. No. 1GG A. Bachelors suite varnished
      416 words