The Straits Budget, 26 February 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 140 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF T&E “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 293 1 El'lTOfcl kLM A Railway far Hsub. The Time and the Military Contribution, aud Peace. Lotd Ko»ebery aud Disestablishment. TWi War. Tb*» Outlook in Egypt. Ooutri'nutious an t Commission*. To Japui. The Situation in Egypt. IjIjCX-L. Bark'd Qn itati it*, f.iijjing i>fvrs. 1
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  • 608 1 Singapore, 26th February, 1895 PRODUCE. Gambler, 9.29. do Cube No. 1, 13. do do No. 2, Ou«l Bali i! 1". do I’outiauak. 5.b0. Pepper Black, lu.50. 8ag«> Flour, Sarnwak g.9U do Brunei 2.60. Pearl Sago 3.50. Coffee Bali, 45.00. Coffee Liberiau, 40 "O. Tapioca small Flake 4.40.
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  • 648 1 of nine dollars per share for the half-year. The Clear Water Dairy Farm, Co. with a capital of $25,000 has been floated. All the capital asked for from the public has hem fully subscribed. Mr. Macßeao has devis'd an improvement iu Sm 'spore house-budding by constructing
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    • 55 1 London, liHh February. TROUBLES IN FORMOSA THK PEACE PARLEYING H.M.S Mercury has been ordered from Hongkong to Formosa. Tbc Biitish Consul iu Formosa is urgently askiug for protection to foreigners there. The Chinese Government, lias asked the Japanese Government t> send peace envoy* to Port Arthur to
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    • 27 1 The Anti-British feeling is reported to be more marked than ever in Egypt. The Tuna ascribes tins wholly to the influence of the Khedive.
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    • 33 1 THF. ADDRESS VOTED The amendment to the Address, which had been moved by the Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain, has beeu rejected by 29(> votes to 282. The Address was th *n voted.
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    • 37 1 London. 20th. February. A Japanese ship has brought to Chefoo the remains of Admiral Tiug and of other Chinese commanders, who had killed themselves. The Japanese showed the greatest honours to their remains.
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    • 42 1 THE ADDRESS CLOSURED Atter the division on the amendment moved by the Rt. Hon. J. Cbainberlain, the closure was applied t > the debate ou the Address by a majority of eight. The Opposition hailed with cheers the smalluess of the majority.
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    • 14 1 The Prince of Wales has caught a chill when skating.
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    • 39 1 An American four per cent loan has bjeu issued to the amount, of sixty two millions of dollars. London and New Vork arc the places of issue. The intereat is payable in gold or silver.
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    • 32 1 London, Hint February. The Government, of Jap in has applied for the sanctiou of Parliament to raise a further loau of oue burn!red millions of yens for war purposes.
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    • 38 1 The Americau loan, just issued, has hecu covered twenty times over in Loudou. London, 2'Jnd February. 1.1 HU MU OH ANUS MISSION Li Hung Chaug goes to Japan to conduct tbo pence negotiations there.
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    • 94 1 The correspondent of the Times at Cairo describes the situation of affiirs at Alexandria as showing signs which call to mind the events preceding the massacres there in 1882. There has been a great influx of Bedouins into the outskirts of the city lately. An
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    • 37 1 .London, 23rd February. OFFICIAL VIEW In official quarters, there is a disposition to view the situation in Egipt calmly. It is held that ueedless importance has beeu attached to the disquieting symptoms observed there.
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    • 80 1 London, February. THE PEACE PARLEY I NO THE JAPANESE WAK LOAN. The Kursiau Mediterraueau squadron has been ordeiel to the Pacific. It is believe 1 at St. Petersburg that Japan desires To have serious peace parleying* with Li Hung Chang, from her
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    • 41 1 A NEW MIXED COURT A mixed Court baa been fouuded in Egypt for the trial of offence* corny mittd by natives agtinst British officer*, soldiers, mariner, and sailors. The judgments of the Court will be saunnarj without api'eil.
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    • 10 1 The influeuza is raging in Britain.
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    • 829 1 Strait* Timet, I9.'h February.) Thk Times aud the Hoo. August Huttenbach are, iu certain respects, of one mind ou the questiou of the military contribution. That will probably be eminently gratifying to Mr. Huttenbach; but it will give scaut satisfaction to this colony. Mr.
      (Strait* Timet, I9.'h February.)  -  829 words
    • 204 2 (Strait* Timet, 19th February.) It lias becu decided to build on the property of the Kaub Austialian Mining Co., three and a half miles of railway, of 2.<>‘' guage, to connect all the mine* with the battery. The order for the rails is already telegraphed home.
      (Strait* Timet, 19th February.)  -  204 words
    • 776 2 [Strait* Time*, JOth February.) Thic Ministerial programme for the Aliening m soon of Parliament was un-fold-*d by i he Premier at Cardiff. Disestablishment iu Wales, the regulation ot tbe Liquor-traffic, and the Oie-tuau-on vote comprise the thice priucpil parts of a most unambitious programme. A more
      [Strait* Time*, JOth February.)  -  776 words
    • 373 2 l Straits Timet, 'Jlti February.) The fact that th* Jajiauese Government is about to appeal to Japanese patriotism for a new lo*u of a hundred million yeo, may perhaps be taken deduc'ivi ly as au answer to Cbiua’s request that Japanese peiw envoys should be sent lo Port
      l Straits Timet, 'Jlti February.)  -  373 words
    • 393 2 Strati* Time*. I‘Jml February.) Avvaihs in ErfVpt have uever settled down niot*M the British occui»atton which rescued it truui anarchy to the detriment of importin’ establish'd interests. Continually, untoward events there show the exteu f «d anti-British feeling, and the fi'-u e r* st'DUneut of the
      Strati* Time*. I‘Jml February.)  -  393 words
    • 229 2 (Strait* Timet, 29nd February An we uiiticimted ye-tordav ihe reply of Jipau t* »h request that rhe should a. n 1 euvoya id Port Arthur «o meet the emissaries of |»eace troui 0 una, has been a r» fu a*. The old Vidr y, Li Hang Chan/, s
      (Strait* Timet, 29nd February )  -  229 words
    • 922 2 [Strait* Time*, 22nd February.) This afternoon the Committee of llie SingajHire Branch of t he St ait s Settlements Association will meet for the purpose of considering the draft of a petition to the House of Commons—a petition on the Military Contribution question. Th difficulties iu the
      [Strait* Time*, 22nd February.)  -  922 words
    • 258 2 {Strait* Time#, &Hrd February.' Alarmist views of the situation w Eg'pt, on the strength of vestenlaj’i telegram, find no countenance in otfi.isl quart rs then*, and the disquieting sign* of trouble in that country of late anofficially regarded as needlessly arousing a'arm. Official views are very
      {Strait* Time#, &Hrd February.'  -  258 words
    • 259 2 Straith Timet, ‘/.Hth Feltruary-) Asst mi.\g the correctness of the in St. Petersburg that .Japan desire* have serious peace parleying* with hm»the news is encouraging and satisfied Although a uew loau iiaa just beeu voUd to prosecute the war, Japan would lie unreasonable if she subverted the
      (Straith Timet, ‘/.Hth Feltruary-)  -  259 words

  • 660 3 Mrs. Kooek auu »uu vs that, from this late, she will give a dim .it ut of t> u p rcent, on all goods paid for at time of urebase. That is, presumably, a result of the correspond‘U e still going on in our oluinus. Mr. Bailey
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  • 180 3 A CKYIjON OPINION. The Timet of Ceylon tl us comments upon the appointment of Mr. J. A. Nwettei.ham c.m o. to the C<1 uiial Sscrctai vship of the St nit* Settlements That he has s suecssful career before him is q.iite certain. Ho
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  • 224 3 Yokohama, to-'h February. Admiral Ito *end* te’e/rnm from Wei-hai-wei. dated the 7tb inMnut. wherein he report* that wiiilo th** Japanese fl*et wi*r tin*)' bombarding fmts tin* Chine** torpedo-is mm rushed out of Wei-hai-wei Havix.ur. The .lain not* Flying qusdron gav** them chssv ami succeeded in dashling
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  • 231 3 The 25ih Company, Southern l)iviri<>u. Royal Artillery, which arrived at Singapore in the steamer Malacca on the 13'h iustaut from Malta relieves the 26th Company. Southern Division, which has been stationed at Singapore for about four years. The 26th Company goes to Malta to fill the gap created
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  • 321 3 ON THE JURY THBRE TIMES A YEAR. Wn have received a communication from a gentlemau repretenting what appears to be a real grievance. Our correspondent’s ntme is immaterial; we are assured that his facts are correct. He says that lie was called to serve on a
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  • 534 3 (Svjtplenirntary to Straits Time# T*lnjrann.) From the** Timet rf Ceylon.*') FIRE AT THB WEST INDIA DOCKS INTENSE GOLD. THS ARMENIAN ATROCITY INoUIRY BYB ELECTION AT SOUTH FADI.INC.Ton THK EGYPTIAN FINANCES AFFAIRS IN NEW Ft* UN Dl.A Nl* London 9th February. A lirv broke out at the West India
    (Svjtplenirntary to Straits Time# T*lnjrann.)  -  534 words
  • 934 3 (From a Correspondent.) A teby successful Fanc/-dress Ball took place at "St. Andrew*" on the Peak Road the other evening. The boats, who were formerly well-known residents in Singapore, did everything in tbeir power to put their guest* at their ease *nd to enable them to euj‘>y thunst-lves;
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  • 2257 3 AS IT M DlrtCVSSRD AT BOMB. Ths following is the reply of the Ch*iriuau of the Straita Settlement* Association, of London, to the oe*|iatch of Lord Ripen, dated Nor. 6 laat, on the abore subject:— Straita Settlement* Association, 2, Whit-tington-avenue, London, E. C., Jan. 14. 1895. My
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  • 762 4 H. M. S. Sirift arrived here yesterday fiom Penang. The oidiiaiv geinral mretiog *>f the Pergeiang Planting C«*y., Ltd., takes i*ln< e on 'Thursday, tbe 28th of February, in tbe Exchange Rotmi. The China Mail hears that the British cruiser Leander will go south, from Hongkong. probably
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  • 139 4 The ioilcwiug rofoience to the British dollar »p!*e;*rs in ihe January issue of the British Trade Journal: It i- a pity that the effigy of the Queen i» to 1 e -lumped uiH»n it. as Orientals, especially tlie Chinese and Jaiwne-e, have an aversion to images of
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  • 141 4 Mr. H. H. Johnston, C. B., High Commissioner «i British East Africa, is ou a visit to India for tbe eucouragemeut of emigration from there to his province. But h:s principal object iu couiiug to India is to airaoge with Government for the coutinu&tiou of tbe system
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  • 169 4 The Times published ou Jau. lit, some Chiu esc State document-, which show that Iht-ie were officials in the service of the Kinpii** who foresaw the probability of nn attack by Japan a do/.**n y«*ais ago. A ce*luiii Chang-Pei-Long, who is described a.- a clover ambitious
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  • 1330 4 DEPARTURE OF THE K 1^rr U,B1£CT HTKAMER (Liverpool Journal of Commerce. Anotiikr epoch iu the history of the giest Ship Canal was the sailing from Manchester ’of the first steamer direct to Chins on the ltitli January, ami her arrival at and departure
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  • 204 4 Mr. Alexander Joh nston s Cup Handicap WON BY r. A. GILLBU'IE. A very iillere»tiiig content was v»-«*e r day brought to a con -iu-iou by P. A. Gdletpie beating A. J. R. Greene r.a. at the loth hole. It was difficult to believe that Gillespie ould
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  • 483 4 The Methodist Episcopal Church Anniversary L* re was r.-lcbrat-d bjr special services'in the Church ot that d'Uominalion la-t Sunday. A iVa m**, tiug iu the Town Hall followed. U*t night, at which upwards of 3<X) ptrs-ns attended. Alter the Tea, a public one ing was
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  • 36 4 A statistical abstract of the commerce of foieign nations, issued by t he Beng** Chamber of Commerce, show* that J*P** made the greatest progress duriog |«st de-wdr IV*T h itn|*or1* *0*1 eip*** are more than doubled
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  • 1171 5 B match which depends upon the last K, which has beou fought ding-dong, Kke fur stroke, round eighteen holes, is K r e golfing treat. This was the kiud Kglii Gr«eo and Gillevpie made yevter- D ifif* final for Mr. Jobustou’s Cup. Hca* oue of the best and
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  • 66 5 Leave of ahnence is granted to Lieut. P. S. W ilkiiiMon, 2nd Nortiiuiulterland Fusiliers, for 12 months from date of sailing of the hired transport Jumna on private affairs. Leave of absence in extension is granted to Lieutenants H. Bryan iml P. O Hazel ton. 2nd Line. Itegt
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  • 152 5 The Seamen’s Unions iu England have U*-n agitating against lascar competition, and have moved in the direction of extending accommodation for lascars on shipboard. An amendment to the Indian Merchant Shipping Act for tbi- pur|>ose has been laid liefore the Legislative Couu< il of India, where the proposal lias
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  • 288 5 Me. Ottomak Haupt, iu a letter dated Paris, Jan. 21. and published in the Financial writes:— Allow m<* to put oue simple question Assuming (hat the chasing of the Indian mints was, to all intents and purposes, ordered by the British Government, that somebody might derive
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  • 554 5 Thc mining manager's report, for the four weeks euding 9th February, 1895, runs an fellows MINI NO. Raub Hole No. 1 Level. —The only work goiug ou in this level is working the small cross leude s which show lair gold but aie small. la the intermediate drive between
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  • 141 5 Rumour continues to be busy with »>gird to the uuval programme of the Government. It seems pretty certain (says a home contemporary) that Lord Spencer has assumed an extremely firm attitude. What is more, Sir William Harcourt is .<-aid to have swallowed his financial sciuples, aud
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  • 184 5 —Niam Fret Prtu THE BLACKMAILING SCANDALS. THE CHINA-.IAI’AN WAR. THE KMl’EltoR OK Al’STKIA THE MADAGASCAR KM’KDITION. Paris, tlth Febriun y. The vx-mnyor of Gien 1ms been arrested for being implicated in the Poi tubs affair. [M. Portalis is the editor of the XIX Sieele.] Huerta has been opened
    —Niam Fret Prtu  -  184 words
  • 787 5 The half-yearly ordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Pa gar Dock Coy., Ltd., take placet* at the Company’s office on Saturday, the 2nd March. Cooke’s Cibcus continues to draw good houses. Last night, the performance reoeived hearty applause. The equestrian feats of the Misses Cooke are very
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  • 93 5 Sfbakino at the annual gathering of the Swansea Chamber of Commerce on the 23rd Jan., Sir John Jenkins, ebuirman of the Harbour Trust, referring to the serious oondition of the tinplate trade, said they were threatened with severe competition from America, where tinplates would be manufactured more
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  • 362 5 Sib Alexander Wilson presided on Jan. 23 at a meeting of the Society of Arts, when Mr. A. G. Stanton made some surprising revelations on the subject of tea. We have now, it seems, taken first plaoe as tea-drinkers in the civilised world. To us tea drinking is almost
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  • 407 5 A lecture was given at Aldershot, on Jan. 22, by C.d. J. F. Maui ice, C. 8., on How far the lessons of the Franco-Ger-man War are oui of date.” The Duke of Connaught presided. The lecturer incidentally referred to the recent
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  • 130 6 Tai Bangkok Time$ notiios the repot t of the Siamese Director General of Railways for the period from April to September 1894. That report note* slow progreas in tbe construction of the railway to Korat—a line which bas been much talked of. Trouble with the labourers and
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  • 129 6 At Me<sis. Powell A Co.’s auction rooms th’iEforeuoon,thirteen parcels of |>earls we»*e hroiu'ht under tbe hammer. There was u verv large attendance, chiefly of Chine***. Bidding throughout was brisk and tin* prio n reihsed are coo* derod to Is* verv goo i, oue pearl, s heautv, f-iching $1,*K)0
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  • 202 6 1 —Jo rum Moil. Now that tbe Itumi-kau has been added to the u»vy. th* total number of Japanese warships is 31. In a lditioii t t bese, w* it. the Nippon, there are 2*5 torpedo cruisers. Additions to the navy to lie effected
    ' 1 – —Jo rum Moil.  -  202 words
  • 345 6 The military correspondent of the Globe say a: —l“ir Charles Dilke aud Mr. S|snser Wilkinson ate about to bring out another oditiou of Imperial Defence.” A portion uf the second part will be re written, but the general principles remain the same a h ane service army of
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  • 72 6 Da. Dunlap, a missionary, arrived at Bangkok on the fUli instant from a trip on the coast, during whit h he visited Chankata on. There, the Siamese apeak exeetdiugly well of the behaviour of the French troops. The reports of the cbobra epide. mic at port (hut reached Bangkok
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  • 666 6 rAfTM ABOUT TUB SYSTEM HOW A HARD OAHB AROHK Thicks is one time iu a miu’s life when he feels the dignity and responsibility of lieiug a jurvmau. Only one—and that is the first time. Afterwards this heritage of lu&uhood becomes irksome, and if, by any means he
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  • 303 6 Hn Jan. 28th, Capt. Wiggins, waste read a paper b fore the G< ograpiiical Society of St. Petersburg, on the new s*a route through the Kara Sou end the Yenisei, iu couneetion whittle SiUmn Railway. Lieut. Dobiovoltxy will also rend a paper on the same subject:
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  • 1003 6 (From our Corres/ onJent). The usual annual observance of tbe accession of H.H. tbe Sultan of Jobore was, this year, eelebratel here on larger scale tbuu hitherto. The Pengbulus of the several districts took a voluntary part iu the erection of booths ou a vacant piece of ground,
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  • 1269 6 No on 9 CAD doubt that whenever Mr. O. A. Sala underfoot to write hit a utobiography he would produce a very interesting and entertaiuiog b"ok. This he has certainly done. The two volumes eni itloJ The Life and Adventures of George Augustus Sala, written by himself
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  • 288 6 Timet. Thk Blue-book which the Givercm* Las pubhslel with regard to the nig tions for the new treaty with more interesting than Blue-book* ly arc. In Gris case tbe so-cailed iug process,” which too often corsiitii supp'otunng what is most imporiaut uj most interesting, lias
    , Timet.  -  288 words
  • 335 6 —Kobe Chronicle. The cott. n spiuuing iudu«trv of J«*» improve y.*;ir by Tear, aud, as Otak»»i* centre of tbe trade, tbe amount of twprfr ductiun in t'id? city and of import*;**** u from foreign ouutries may fsitl?" t vkeu as a Rian la. d
    —Kobe Chronicle.  -  335 words
  • 16 6 rljl The St raits Settlements tCouncil Proeeed\ng, for 1 a r n published io Uxik form
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  • 1017 7 Is Secretary of State has directec xebange compensation be paid to the Justice, Mr. Cox and to Mr. J. 0. m s/, Magistrate, Police Couit, pore. The Secretary of S'ate deto enter into the question of the ile of officials of rack. The views of >f Justice
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  • 115 7 Tmh output of gold continues to increase iu tLe United Slates as well as iu Russia *rd in South Africa. The Engineering and Mining Journal has information which leads it to ihink that Lcadvillo in the United States will become a greater goldmining tl an it ever was a
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  • 155 7 Shortly after t> o’clock, this morning, the well known r»ce horse Pat. lielonging to Mr. I). I) Ma< kie, broke away from its syce on the sea beach, where the horse was having a bath, and gallc|*»d away at a i*reat,rate along Middle Road. At the junction
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  • 254 7 As an instance of Japanese enterprise and self-help, savs the Calcutta correspondent of the Pioneer, it is worth remarking on the presence htue of two uie:chants of that nationality, who have bein iu other Indian commercial centres is well during the past lew months on business iutent. Iu
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  • 97 7 ehtk.rday, before the magistrate, one E. B. Morier appeared on remand to uubwt r a charge of culpable homicide uol amouLt ng to murder in the case of the d« ath of Hoo Sam at Bangkok on the 28th January aud, secondly, with committing a rash and negligent
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  • 103 7 Thk severity of the dry weather has prevented cricket aud lawn tennis play on the Fsplanade until fuither notice! Tb* following notice was posted iu the pavilion this morning. “Owing to the dry state of the weather and the parched condi- tr-n of the
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  • 140 7 A veet stiff fine was imposed on a Chinaman at the Magistracy this morning for a breach of the Post Office Regulations. The man in question, named Loh Eng Seng, is the ehinchew of the local steamer Ruby which plies between Singapore and Palembang. When that vessel arrived
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  • 144 7 FRENCH INDOCHINA GERMANY AND AI.MACK. ACQUITTAL OK A FRENCH SrV THE BLACKMAILING CASE. Pari*. I’ttk February. M. CliAUtomps. the Minister of Colonics, will confer with M. de Lanessau on tho situation in Indo-Chins M. boussean, the i.ew <>ovei nor-geueral. will be invited to be present The interview is
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  • 334 7 BREAK-UP OK THK DUCI QHT COFFEE PROSPECTS. A HAMADRYAD KILLED. (From our Correspondent). 22nd February. Since writiug last, we have bad some welcome showers of rain, which were ur. gently needed as we were getting vi.-rv short, of water, and the ground was in a very arched
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  • 678 7 Via Rangoon. TIIB DEIIATB ON THB ADDRKMH THB OP!VH COMMISSION HTRKRT ROW IN AIJEXANDBIA. THE FINANCES OF INDIA. NO DYNAMITABD AMNESTY AFFAIRS IN UOANDA London, 9th February. In tlie House of CoinnioiiH, last night, iluriug the (lfbato on the Address. Mr. Jeffreys, member for Basingstoke, moved au amendment
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  • 84 7 Tin* under mentioned officers will assemble on board tlie P.&O. s.s. Ceylon at tile P.\ (J Wharf lit 11 a. in. to-morrow, to imqioct and report u|m>h the sreoiiimodatioii provided in that ship for 2t> Coy.. IS. D. t R. A., in aeeordanco with para. 3P, col ion
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  • 97 7 A match took place at Penang lately betwien Mhhstii. Hartley and Stewdit’s Spread Eagle nnd Mr. Weld’* Kitting Lap, 8500 a side, 1J miles, 10st.3lb«.no penalties. .Mr. P. K*r rode Kitting Cap, aud CaveHugh Spread Eagle. Mr. Aylesbury *eut them away to a good start and they kept together
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  • 1386 7 FIQHTINU THB WBITB ANT. AN HOUSE Kbsidbnts in the Taugliu district, and visitor* who haire been along Scott’s Road lately, may have noticed a bouse that bae recently beeu built aud occupied off that thoroughfare. From a casus) glance there is nothing, perhaps, which makes
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  • 466 8 The Tanjong I'agar Dock Cj., dividend is nine dollars |>er sliare for the half-vear. Mr. John Finlatson is a passenger to Singapore by th** M. M. Sulazic which is due about the 25 tb of March. Mr. Lavino. who has pissed th rough a nv*st s trious
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  • 406 8 KATA I, KAILWAY AOCIDRNT AUR1 HORTICULTURAL SHOW MR. UOUULAH OMHORNK DANCK AT TAPAH (From our Correspondent.) Nth February. A fatal accident occurred on Tuesday last, ou tbe Perak Government Railway, at Telok Anson. The line traverses a busy part of the town, running jiarallel with the main road,
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  • 416 8 Yrstekuay, lieiiig the anniversary ol the birthday of George Washington, tbe United States Consulate General at Siuga poie was closed, aud in tbe evening the Consul-Geue»al, Mr. Sjiencer Pratt, gave u dinner in tie* combined houour of the memory of George Washington, of the Hou.
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  • 831 8 (By a Corrutpondent.) In the Government Estimates for 1895, the expeodituie for educational purposes is atated at a figure which amouuts to 4.694 per ceut. of the estimated revenue of the Colony. In the preceding year, the actual expenditure in this departmeut was 5.145
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  • 59 8 Thr Governor distribute the prizes at the Penang Fieo School oo tbe 22nd iustaut, after which H. E. addr* ssed the boys, dwelling upon the advantage of their acquiring habits of honesty, punctuality, industry, obi* hence, and above all, truth. H. E in concluding, once more emphatically impressed oo the
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  • 1233 8 Thr meek-eyed morn apjwars, mother of dew*Steady, Pegasus, steady The cool rnornmg air, treading lightly through the leaves, hastens to meet the blushing inoru. The purple haze is liftiug over the sleepy palms, ilie dew ia lingering oo the spiky gun-*, the light of day is hurrying
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  • 602 8 THESITUATION IN ACJKEX LOMBOK AFFAIRS A FALSIFYING EXPERT A DEER ISLAND. THE SI'GAR MARKET RICE AND BF.KI HER I (Translated from carious iieu-spa/ters.) ReM<»vß seeks to make out tint tbs sure ss which att mdel the bold military policy pursued iu Lombok bas raised, in official circles, the
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  • 835 9 IMPROVEMENTS. TRADE WITH JAPAN. THE CATTI.K TBAPPIC. I.ALUNII THATCH. kick and petroleum. year, nearly six thousand coolies undef contract arrived in Deli di ect from China, say* the Deli Conrant, and over thirteen hundred returned thither, who took with them saving* which aniouuted to pore that $120,000.
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  • 67 9 I hat an Asiatic witness should I** so overcome by nervousness as to faint away in lie box is an extraordinary occurrence. Inis abnormal occurrence took pDoe in renang. The nervotiH Hiibject happened be a Klmg, who was testifying in an Ansiz** ca„. before Mr. Justice Law. We *tv told
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  • 892 9 DIRECTORS REPORT binyaporc, HXad February, Gentlemen, —Your directors now beg to submit the Accounts for the half-year ended 31st Deoemlier last. The net profit for that lieriod is 8204.411 making with the balance of 847,029 brought forward after payment of last dividend, 8251.441. From
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  • 584 9 The growing practic- o r playing with caddies ha* naturally excited a good deal of discussion in the Club House. The practise seems ojieii to strong objection, although, on the otl cr hand it clearly possesses sonic advantage*. A* 1 pointed out the other day it would lx-
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  • 748 9 The Netherlinds war-vessel Koning der Nedurlandcn came out of dry dock to-day. The Japanese torpedo catcher Tattuta sailed on the 11th iustant from Baiubay for Jajsui. Mr. A Mas John Buttery litre arrived ou a visit to Singuj* ire. They are staying at A d more. There
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  • 256 9 a planters association movement THE OHIMPIMU EVIL. UNION AMONO PLANTER* (From our Correspondent.) 20th February. Steps are now being taken to form a Planters’ Association in Perak. A circuit, signed by Messrs. Arthur Lutyens aud H.A.W. Aylesbury b*s been addressed to all the lending planters of Perak, inviting
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  • 141 9 (From our Corretpondent.) The Hon. Geueral Fielding, the I)ato Amur, Mr. Lake and others left bv the Pulai on the morning of the 20th in*tant, ior Johore. Ou the morning of the 23rd U. H. the Sultan with the Resident went up the river to meet a large
    141 words
  • 105 9 As a result, of 1he recent meeting of the Mi.lavitu Conference of the Methodist KpiKcopal Church, Dr. West is to be transferred 10 Penang to labour amongst the Chinese, and Dr.Kensett is to take his place here. Iutheeurly part, of the century, the Loudon Missionary 8ociety established a*
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  • 118 9 The latest Waziri news state that the pacification of Wa/.iristan is preceding apace. Most of the hostages have now beeu surrendered, the greater part of the loot captured iu the sir-prise of Wano has been restored, aud the country is being opened up by roadways between
    118 words
  • 177 9 For many years Natal has taken from ludia large importations of rioe, dholl, glue, and other “coolie-condiments” as us they are called in the trade, and it is. therefore, interesting to hear, remarks a contemporary, that Natal planters are turning their attention to the cultivation of rice
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  • 98 10 Tub Governor, we lmm f>oin the Pina rig tiaieitt, lame into town fr« m Penang Hill on the 21 at install*. to ini- t the Rtaideut *»f Fet.ak regarding the TapngParit Boat a r railway. In iln* veiling, 11. E. presided over 'h** Fiet* fbhool piixegiving. On
    98 words
  • 150 10 Thk Febtuarv monthly mi dal handicap wav played on Sttordat, when Mr. F. 8 B. Onffo. v was winner with a net total of 78. Only five couple* returned their ore* The course was very hard and fas', lienee some go '<l r* unils were made,
    150 words
  • 171 10 Subject to the approval of the Secretary of State for War, the Rev F. H. Morgan, i* appointed officiating clargvmnn to the Wesleyan Troops at Singapore from the I*' March. 1895. vice the Rev. R. W. Mini sou. who has resigned. Tie* G. 0.0 has lieen pleased to
    171 words
  • 163 10 ST CLAIR S X| V SOT. MAJOR DENBCLH-TH XI This ma*uh was played oti the Eaplauode on Saturday, the scores being ;ih follow*:— DUN ECU FT H XI. Per. Claydon b. McClure **3 Pte. Clarke r. Orman b. Murmi 21 Pte. Howard b. Stevens *2 Ser. Poulton b. do.
    163 words
  • 260 10 (Srlaugor Journal.) The Committee of the Gymkhana Club have at Rst neeivtd an answer from Singapore, iu reply U> their request that, nrofi ssionals should be allowed to rido Dtr.'. H. E. the Governor dearly states that, ou i:o account, will professionals be allowel to ride ou
    (Srlaugor Journal.)  -  260 words
  • 336 10 Tut following have booked wm |>a**enger« home by G-ruiaa mail ateauier Print II m rick due here on the lOtli Match: Mr. ll»-r« keo mili A family, Mr. S-'mliumhu tan lly, Mia. Mugha'on A thild, Mr. U. stalmaui-, Mr Eu'er, Mr. W. Ilalke, Mn Jardiuc A child,
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  • 517 10 REVIEW FOR TIIE YEAR 1894, BY MR J. LVALL, BROKER. The marked advance in prices obtained by planters during the year has given an impetus to the cultivation of Liberian coffee iu the traits. Es|H*eially has tins been the ease in the State of .*clangor, where the industry,
    517 words
  • 227 10 A Cenek'B. backed by oue of Hie lni|*’rial Princes, ha* meinoiialised the Thronn togrant permission for tho immediate building of a railway between the capital aud the Yangtsxe province*, and the Hoard of Revenue, when quee-t-ioned upon the mat ter by the Emperor, also re ported favourably
    227 words
  • 79 10 At Amsterdam, 'he ?erdiug Tobacco Com puny )m* b*ec form’ d for eultivatiou purposes ou tlm E-o-t Coast of Humatra wiih a capital i f 1,7> O,(XH) guilder*. The re pint of the United Laukat Plantations C" to Oct. 81*t last, shows a piofit of 4136,241. Thu directors
    79 words
  • 516 10 REVIEW OV TUB TKADI IN BINQAPOEI IN 1304, BT .MB. J. LVALL, BROKER. 8i\ years ago, J ventured to express an opinion that the Amerieau oil trade of the Straus wss iu jiopanly. The close of this year witnesses its almost total extinction The recent invader*, Russian bulk
    516 words
  • 197 10 (Perak Pioneer 'JOth February.l Mr. Hooper, lb** representative of Messrs. Ki rr. Stuatt »t Co. visi'ed Taiping on Motidxv Ins', to interview tbe Resident intounce*iou with tbe proposed Taipingl J rye Railway. He return *d to Peuaug the inine day. It is ag-iui rumoured th t the appointment
    (Perak Pioneer 'JOth February.l  -  197 words
  • 841 10 (Bombay Gazette.) In dea’ing in the Quarterly with the q,.cntico of Progress lit oiaysoi o, and the Success ef the henditiou Policy,” Sir Roper Lethbridge has a congenial task. Sir Rojrer it a frieud and admirer of the administrators of nuiuy Nn
    (Bombay Gazette.)  -  841 words
  • 555 10 Foe six we« k* lu»8 b3en without miu. On tbe 12th January, when there was a tail of 4j iuebe-, was the list shower ti'l to day. The tffecU of tbe were teeu in tbe parch, d state of the v.getatioD, and tbe ext'eimdy <hiai\ nature of
    555 words
  • 116 10 The Siam /'<•*■ in comrreotiog upon the Singapore new Hotel tie l’Euru|* scheme, says: *1 his is. indeed. a step in the right direction, for every visitor to fciugajtore ha* left it with a most unflattering opinion of that colony* hotel accommodation. The great difficulty
    116 words
  • 260 10 At the annual meeting of the Calcutta Trades Association, Mr. Ling ley, the Musler, iu his address touched on scvetal points of public importance, (he principal of which was the currency question. The Master gave prominence to suggestions, which, be thought, dtserved the attention of
    260 words

  • 1295 11 kkpokt for 1884. Abbreviated from the Selangor Journal.) Your committee, in presenting their second Anuuiil h ‘‘port, are g ail to I** able to state ibat during the year 1884 six new estates ami ,*lev«*n u<‘v* member* were enrolled upon the book* *l" s AwudaHou whilst the
    1,295 words
  • 153 11 Monday’s Results 18th February, 1895. CHAMFIONMH1I*. Mri. Kerr at b* ten by Mrs. Dare. fi-2. 8-4. TUESDAY A HKAULTA. I Ai PI* iV'UUI D Mrs. Waddell heat Miss M Kossherry 6-1 6-4 OPEN MIXED DOUHLEA. Mr* Bradflell) Mr*. Sslr.nisnn Mi*. Hrsddell) < Mr. J. G. Msetsggsrt.
    153 words
  • Correspondent.
    • 3984 11 T*• l HE EDITOR OF HIE ">TR MTS TIME* Sts,- -II the correspondence that is now going ou in your column* is iikelv to bring about reform in ih present baneful eredir system, you will have achieved a wonder', ui good. As you are perf* etlv aware,
      3,984 words
    • 73 12 1X1 THK KMITOl: OK TIIK STRAIT* TIAIKs Sir. —Iu connect i n with a paragraph under the above heeling which apjH-ired in your issue of 14th instant, permit me to point, out that the Selmgor Coffee Co., Ltd./’ of which 1 am til* local representative was ineorjiorated
      73 words
    • 436 12 ro THK KlilToR OF TIIK sTl! All TIMKS Siu, Mr. Maclleau’s imp<*rishable house, aud the initiation of new ideas in housebuilding here are interesting, and your description of the mdest ruetiid structure will call the atteutiou of budders to reforms in building. But 1 aiu uo; at all
      436 words
    • 556 12 TO THK KIHToK OK THK -STRAITS TIMK* Sir. —I Imve read your corn spond-nt I R-sidcut’a let erwoh interest and am J much ainu-ed by it. It is .*11 very tine fora mere nun to calcu'at the amount of Ins eveuilig dr* ss bought at an eija
      556 words

  • 503 12 ARRIVALS. Pith. m. H< in Pah Gvau from Macassar:— Mr. iSmitli. Pit h h. C.' Plnjii from Kisng—Mr. Vfl’Wi'k. Per P. A < V a. a. Sutlej from Hongkong M<**f»r* R. Flouting v rook*. nnd Homo. Per P A O. h. a. from Bombay Messrs. 11. M.
    503 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 251 12 KUPPER'S BEER. CHOP PAYONO.” Tin* only b <v Molt received any »w»nl at tIt** Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB’S Ikon Sake* and Locks The l>est in the World. APOLLINARIS WATER. The Queen of table waters. A most healthy and refreshing' drink io tropical countries. $15.00 per case of 100 glase liottles. 57.50
      251 words
      209 words
    • 426 12 JOHN LITTLE 00., LIMITED. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF BURMAH CHEROOTS Specially Manufactured aud ia flood Coudition. “Special Picked” iu boxes of 100 $2.00 Imperial No. 1 200 93.00 No. 1 200 $2.76 No. 2 250 92.50 VENCAT ACHELL l r M \S MADRAS CONDIMENTS. Bamboo Pickles iu oil
      426 words

    • 198 13 Under this heading the following abbrevitioua are used :—str.— steamer; sh.—whip, bq.—barque; Brit—British U. S.—Uuited States; Fr.—French; tier.—German; Out.— Dutch; Jeh.—Johorc; Ac., G.c..—Genera cargo; d. p.—de**k passengers; U.—Oncertaiu ;T. P. W. —Tanjoug Pagsr Wharf T P- D.—Tsniong Pagar Dock, B. W.— Rome. Wharf; .1. W.— Jnrdbie’s Wharf
      198 words
    • 1456 13 'krivai.h Since Noon of Siti’R'AY Macduff, B it. sir. tons, Capt Thomson. 23**1 F 1». F *in JLiycrpo d, 19,h Feb. G.e. Cat rs m -imous Co. For Ron/king U.—W. /Vims Alexander, Dot sir. 728 ton*. Capt, ‘muits 24th F *b. Fr*mi Padaiig. 13tli K*3 G.c., ami 2*
      1,456 words
    • 161 13 Same, Pert, and I fate of Sfathu London. Merionethshire. Glengarry. Jan. 23; Manila. Liybbpoul Ajax, Jau. 23; Titan, Jan. 17 Tantalus. (sla de Luzon, Jau. 20 Glaucns, due Mar. 3 Barky. Erwin Rickmers, Sept. 18 Etha Rickmers, Nov. 18 Richard Rickmers, Dec. 4 Robert Rickmers, Dec. 20; Gardikk.
      161 words
    • 996 13 I If I* Ah I K'khmki/* Nam* w I'ona. Captain. Fkom. Sailbp Combionii*. M KIU Fab I 18 deu'o- Dot. str 1277 Piter i Lrerpool Jon 12 W. M»n*tield 4 C>. 18 Knt fii-ni Hni.e*r.i 149f> How-** Ceh-ntta Feb 9 Houatesd Co. 18 hia Yang str. 70 X>,rolah Muar
      996 words
    • 620 13 a VgaaiL’a Namo. Fla t A Rio Captain 1 UcariwaTiON Feb 19 ('alypao Lrit.atr. Lowry Deli 19 Maria Valerie An*. »tr Vido* Penang, Colombo and Paanbay l‘.i Amigo Her. str. Huodewadt Saigon 19 ala hilde str.’ Moss Saigon lit Pakan J Brit,»tr. Hrnc« Pakai. ria jiort* 19 Hye Leone
      620 words
    • 72 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED POK ORDERS. IT LAO DATS Rjc* Daric I AND Ship's Nave. Comvandbk. or From Wrkkk. Destination MA|I| Hi,,. SAI LINO. Feb. 13 Nsd.n.s. Utrecht IMior.le F"b 13 Batavia Rott«rd«u 18 Brit m l MD<l.r Horn F-b I Si««.|»re 15 Hrii Stralbgylr Jo««* 80 N«d
      72 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 458 13 CASH VERM'S CREDIT. THIS SETTLES THE QUESTION. the central delivery company, ,USING THE FIRST AND ONLY EUROPEAN ESTABLISH M E VT THAT HASE THEIR BALES ON THE CASH SYSTEM offer their golds at loss* 25o/o CHEAPER than anywhere else Some of our Specialities. The MARVEL LAMP, with 13' Shad >
      458 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 731 14 •v LEA ft PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the Original worcestershure So’.ci \V o’nsa'e by the Proprietors, 'A'orces’or Crc, 3Iar!;\vo!l, Ltd., London (port O'lmen generally. .'.TAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN L ITT 1.1*!
      731 words
      594 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 223 15 WALTER MACFABLAWE k CO F '-Ji .1 L. fliU S.A W' i; V, i I ,1 f m in ri/.J ;•< •••A< i*»< c 10 \'.vT I tTU; wr k. (—*p 4 f •v< B 3&1 •{V rr t^>Hi I V y:?: o A. war-’ vv ft M <*• F~
      223 words
      105 words
    • 175 15 £JRUSHED_F00D. Tmr it „nd You will bk Satibfiid. I. R. BELILIOS bogs to inform tiw public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at •'4. Belilios Road, is now iptned. I First Class Crushed Food. $3.20 bag, oash 1 Clean Oats $3.20 I Indian Bran $2.00 H M 1 To
      175 words
    • 909 15 filLS Best Family Medicine CURE Sick Headache, Constipation, OYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES. Puroly Vegetable. Easy to Taka. Tb« delloate *ugar-coatlnf of Ayer's Pills dissolves immediately on reaching the stomach. and permits the full strength of each Ingredient to be speedily assimilated. As a purgative, either for travellers or as a family
      909 words
    • 466 15 THU) BTKA1TH TIM KB*” The “Stkaitb Budget.” The price of the Straitt Timet it u follows Daily issue per year 30 dollar*, do do copy 10 cents. Weekly do year 18 dollar*, do do copy 40 cente. The rates per quarter or per month are respectively one-fourth and one-twelfth of
      466 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 449 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd Singapore GENERAL PROVIDERS COMPLETE Cl»t st«;ifield Drawing Room suite tmni Europ saddled); spring stuffed couch, 2 Divan chairs, 6 small chairs. COMPLETE $300.00 1 T .1 k: j' ,/Mi in*. Handsomely upholstered with ebags and velvet consisting cl a alt. :«v IV. A r i w.
      449 words