The Straits Budget, 19 February 1895

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 31 1 (in the 15th instant, at Langlandb. the wife of Geokue H. Miller, of a son. At Hotel tic it Pa x, ou 17th instant. Ms. J. Glbll, of a dau^Lt^r.
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  • 215 1 no*, ni'. The Weariier in Europe The Parle* iug lor Peace Cash v. Credit. India slid Silver. The Alie? oa of P«ace. ia C erm.r j. The Slaughter of the Generals ItCCiL. Market (^uotati^ne. Shipping Newe. Passenger Lid. Po’iee News. The Cane ag mat David Doualdann Military
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  • 526 1 5iA«*Ai*oaK, 19th February, 18u5 PRODUCE. Gamhior, 9 0 2). do Cube No. I 13. do do No. 2, S. y h Copra Bali, f>.3l). do Poutianak, 5.50. Pepper Black, l“od. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.90. (to Brunet 2.50. Pearl Sago, 3..jU. Codec Bail, 44.UU. Coffee Liberian, 45.00. Tapioca
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  • 654 1 The mail for Europe this week lcav« h bv the P. AO. s.s. Sutlej. The innil from Europe by the M. M. k.b. haven tut with dues to 2s'Ji January, arrived this morning. The mail for Europe n xt week 1* hxed for the M M.
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    • 112 1 London, tith February. OPERATIONS AT WKI-HAI WEI CHINESE NAVAL DISASTERS JAPANESE SUCCESS AT LIU KUNU TAO ThirU.HU Chiuese urprdo-b <ats attempted to escape from Wei bui-wei. The Japanese captured ten of them and sank two others. Tne reuniting oue torpedo boot escaped. J-tp.ui* ka despatch®* state that,
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    • 43 1 The (Jatcognt, a French liner hound from Havre to New York, with five huudred persous on board, is seven days overdo-*. The gravest umisty arires regarding her safety, owing to the terrific weath r prevailing i t the A'lantic.*
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    • 21 1 ARCTIC WINTER AT UOMk. The winter weither is of Arctic severity iu Engl ind an 1 on the Coutiueut.
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    • 66 1 London, Nth February. The Chtuese envoys, still iu Japan, have now received full powers to reuew the pari ying for peace there. SAFEL'Y OF THE “GASCOGNE." The overdue Freuch liner, Giteoyne, has safely airived at New York. THE FRENCH IN WEST AFRICA It is reporte 1 that
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    • 35 1 An amendment to the Address moved by Mr. Redmond, praying that Parliament should he dissolved, iu order to submit the Home Rule question to the constituencies, has been rejected by a majority of twenty.
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    • 43 1 The Glasgow Chamber of Commerce has reso'.vtd to petition for the abolition of the excise on low counts of Turkey red aud coloured yarns imported into Burma, as otherwise the Scottish trade in that article would be ruined.
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    • 61 1 London, Loth February. A Japauese despatch dated Wei-hai-wei, itth instant, states that, at. that time, the forts aud the ships held by the Chinese on Liu-Kung-Tao island, there, were still uueaptured. The Chiuoye cruiser Chiny Yuen whs sunk theie ou the Dili instant by shells from
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    • 29 1 In the division ou Mr. Redmond's motion for an immediate dissolution of Parliament, Mr. Ballour supported Mr. Redmond. Mr. Balfour did so solely from deair* (or a dieeolutioo.
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    • 136 1 London, Nth Febrim y. In view of divergeut rejsots, the following is stated as the present situation at Wei-hai-w* i: The Japan* so have taken the forts on the mainland, aud hive silenced these on Zhio island. The Chinese warships: Tiny
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    • 18 1 Six hundred grenadiers have been dtilled on the ice upou the S rpeutine.
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    • 25 1 London, 15th February. The Chinese p* are envoys have quitted Japan, in obelieuce t> fredi orders from the Cluue»e Goveruinent.
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    • 28 1 The Timet, on the authority of a private telogiam from India, reports that the Goveruuieut meditates increasing the import duty ou silver tl.e.e.
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    • 24 1 Mr. J. A. Swel ten ham of the Oylou Civil Service has beeu appointed Colonial Secretary ol' the Straits Settlements.
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    • 47 1 A conflict is reported to have taken plac- between French troops aud the Siunese at Kammouu on the left bank <>t the Mekong river. It is reported that a Fiench officer has been severely wounded iu the encounter.
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    • 28 1 The House of Representatives at Washington have reject® 1 President Cleveland’s proposal to substitute three per cent gold bon Is for silver coin bonds.
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    • 40 1 London, I Hilt February Li Hung Chang has been restored to all the honours he had been deprived of. He has also been summoned to Pekin, before starting for Japan to renew the peace-parleying.
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    • 41 1 At a great meeting held iu London, it was resolved to demand a full debate in Parliament on the cotton duties iu India. Twenty six members of the House of Comiuous weie prevent at the meeting.
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    • 111 1 The lit. Hon. J. Chamberlain, in moving an amendment to the Address, said that it was uot bopol to defeat the Government but his intentiou was to expose the tactics of the Goveruinent in keening back the Home Rule Question, knowing
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    • 71 2 LiiHUOi, i*S|/r brief Mult/. Tiug aud the Commanding' Officer on L’m-Knng-Tao isl*ud haveeommilted suicide The Chines* have surrendered Wei-hai-wei completely. The Japaue»ie have lila*. ra'ed the Chinese srldiers and siihrrs, u ni also all t he foreigners surreude *»n1,
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    • 89 2 THK KKICHXTAU VoTKS Kelt A MONETARY OONKBEKNCK. RISE IN SILVER SECURITIES. A strong bimetillie movement has set in thioughout G riusuy. The Reichstaq has passed a resolution rial I iiir upon the Gsrman G«iverument to •cenveue au Iuter-State mouetary conference. Frinot* Hobenlohe, the ChaneeTor of tbe Empire,
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    • 32 2 Thu Bench st Newmarket has dis-misM-d the summonses taken out by the Anti-Gambling League against the Jocke* Ulul, and has refused to grant leave to appeal against the d*cisiou.
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    • 34 2 Frost has uow prevailed for 27 *la*s The Corouers in London hold 9<or*s of imposts daily on victims of the eol 1 weather. There is extreme distr* ss ever* where.
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    • 450 2 Stiiiiff Tnnta, I?lh February.) Oi:u bl.giam *f yesterday nportim teir he weather in the A lautic, Arctic cold overall Europe, ni.d in* Meutvl.'y ti e fa* that a gloat lm.-r w»s thoti *.v r lw\ is bu a prelude probably to fu'tlicr mcjs-g telling of ditaitors
      Stiiiiff Tnnta, I?lh February.)  -  450 words
    • 770 2 [Strait* Timer, l.'ltk February.) The Chinese have at last recognised, tardily «n I r. luctumly; that they have no hope left but in tli mercy uni consideration of their victor. They sent peace ei\oy< to J ipjn a shijit time sgo obviously —Hiid, as we believe,
      [Strait* Timer, l.'ltk February.)  -  770 words
    • 984 2 Htrait* Tn.if*, J4th Ftbruary.) I»a Lm Boon Krao's paper, advocating tbr substitution of th«- «sh system for er-uit, is au interesting contribution. Allhmgb the young men before whom it wan re.ui cau scarcely be said of themselves to have initiated a crusulo such as the Doctor suggested,
      Htrait* Tn.if*, J4th Ftbruary.)  -  984 words
    • 839 2 'trait* Time*. l~>th February.' The disastioiH effect* produced by the 1 »w value of silver are up]>areutlv to be actvuttMted from the pn'icy which the Government of India is alleged to be now inedita'ing upon adopting. The Times, on the authority of a |>riv.ite telegram from India,
      ('trait* Time*. l~>th February.'  -  839 words
    • 279 2 Strait* Timet, pith February.) The uews, conveyed to-day by Reuter, that Li Hung Chang haa been summoned to Peking, baa received back all the honour* of which at different times he haa b*vo despoiled, and is at once to proceed to J*. pan as the chief
      ,Strait* Timet, pith February.)  -  279 words
    • 354 2 Strait'm Times, 18th February) fvKRMiNY, which started t!>•* Silver trouble over twenty y»ar9 ago, now feel acutely the results of her action in then demonetising silver. At the ck>y of the Franco-Gei man war of 1870-71, the attainment ot Imperial rank by Germany was signalised by her
      (Strait'm Times, 18th February)  -  354 words
    • 647 3 I Strait» Timet, IHlh February.) China does not want generals who cannot lead her troop* to victory, and us r»he possesses none capable of accomplishing that she doesn’t wont any generals all. This astonishing sentitn-m seems to l*c thoroughly reciprocated by the unsuccessful loaders, who
      IStrait» Timet, IHlh February.)  -  647 words

  • 657 3 The question of the possibility of cultivating opium in the Malay States is lieing considered liy certain mercantile people. It is felt that eveu tbu most m ssiouary of missionaries could not object to Malay princes encouraging the growth of opium il Mohammedan States, especially as the
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  • 77 3 The following telegram from Ruub, dated 9.10, 11th instant was received this morning:— Rough clean-up of battdry yielded 1 200 ok. amalgam, estimated quantity of stone crushed being 850 tons. At the previous crushing, finished on the 11th January, 1,200 tons stone yielded 807 ounces of smelted gold.
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  • 7801 3 THE SINGAPORE INSURANCE CO.’S LATE SECRETARY. VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY. Ok Monday morning, on the assembling of the Assize Court, presided over by Mr. Chief JusticeCox, David Donaldson suru n. dered to his bail, aod appeared to answer au indictment charging linn with thirteen cuuuts
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  • 195 4 the accused discharozd Ou Wednesday, on the assembling of tb* Asm1 7,0 Court, presided over l>v Mr. Justh* Collier, the ease as against David Donaldson «h* again brought up. Mr. Fort said be wished to mention* eaae that was tried before the Chief J u- tice,
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  • 775 5 M an 1 Miss Fiizell leave to day by Japan for Calcutta. A Tamil physician, liv alvertiseuien', j.r, uses recognition of k nd treatment bonrd the fcteamer Secundra. Paid Meldrum has I een ap|>oiuLd rresjending Agent for the State of Lore to the Imperial Inttxtute Journal. 1’h.lukams
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  • 112 5 An important step hus been taken by the Governinonr, the Kobe Chronicle says, showing iha‘ Japan is determined, if necessary, to strain her resources to the uiuio»i ju the picstiit struggle. The Impel ml sanction bus Ivmi given to the puttin in fore- of the National Army
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  • 117 5 TiiK P. A O. steamer Malacca arrived here this moruiug, with the 25tb Company, of the Southern Division, Royal Artillery. She left L-ndon on the 9th January, and called at Maltt, Port Said, Colombo, and Penang, aud now nro.eelnto China. The R A.Company, which comes from Malta, comprises
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  • 160 5 Thk Pinang Qatette, in noticing t lie Alor Sta-Sinagora railway scheme, p< i its out that the contemplated line from Penang harbour t.i Kulim rerju res the sanction of the S' r aits LegislHtivc Council, and that a dia.t Ordiu&ucc on this point is being prepared hv the
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  • 224 5 Haichevy, ria J pan, Oith January. On the JHh in taut a Gliino**? (Tartar?) General nam-d Son Naris Nakang, fruinihb rd rs of Kirin or Shinghing, presented liimuelf ut th- 'load-qnu tors <>f tlio sth Army Divis on and vehemently den li-e-d the ravsges of th-
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  • 203 5 Entries for 2nd and 3bd Days. Second Dat. 1. The Civil Service Plate —°ahin Boy, Smitcr Johnnie. Buslirat. and HercnJ**. 2. The Coffee Cup. —Bend Or, M yflower, and Hnzeldcan. 3 The First Colonial Vase.- (Griffinsi S muesli tries as 4th Race Ist day 4. The Opium and
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  • 982 5 SECOND DAY. i Pinang Gauette.) Aho vr 10.30, the guu fired aunounciug tbe tact that the train bringing Him Excellency bad 1- ft Port Weld, and a crowd immediately commenced to collect outs>de the station. The Perak Sikh* turned out, looking exceedingly smart, nmJ w. re inspected by
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  • 108 5 A Board of Officers composed as under will assemble at the R E, Divisiou Office, Palo Braai, on Friday next ths 15th iust. under para. 37, Sec. XV., Queeu’s Regulations, 1894, lor the purpose of reporting u]mui a site which has beau stdectod for the erection of a
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  • 287 5 A correspondent of the China Gazette writes Everything is as quiet as possible here the Olnnese go about their daily avocations just as usual and imagine in tbeir gtoss iguorauce that this is the Middle Kingdom, round which the universe revolves. J fancy the
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  • 547 5 (Four Day Later than by Mail.) London, 19th January. Prince H"hcnlnhe, who recently succeeded Count von Caprivi as German Imperial Chancellor prop sea the immediate expenditure of 18,< 00,000 marks (£900,o0i*) in increasing the trengtU oi the German navy. I he Republican party in the lluited States
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  • 1202 5 Fire Day's LaUr than by MaiL) COLLIERY EXPLOSION THEOSOPHIST DECEPTION. MH STOODAErS CRICKET TEAM. JABE/ BALPOVE. THE PRESIDENTIAL CRISIS IN PEANCSL LOB!) KOSKBERY ANI) THK LONDON. CITY COUNCIL. Lotuion, Uth January. The Timet, in su nu article published to-day, declares that profound distrust is felt with regard
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  • 100 6 The following K*tter to tin* editor,” appeals in the Financial Ftwt of 7th January From Singapore 1 receive tin- following: “Sir, England no touchco biuic*alli in; you volv roller thorp. M* beau man lie whoop it up sil\ er Melican mu hi dam foo', You uo foul: y.
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  • 741 6 KKITIHH SOLDIERA (jt/Altl» THK SLAV EH SLAVE DEALERS AMASS KiiRTI'KKH. At a meeting of the Australasian Association for the advancement of Scieute at Biisbuue ou the 15i.h January, at which Sir Henry Noiumu, the Governor of Quecusland was present. a pap-r on Born* o wa* real by
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  • 881 6 The improvement in Mr. Lavino’a condition, which we noted yesterday, haa not unfortunately been maintained to-day. A letter from Mr. Adamson, representing the grievances of the Straits Settlements in connection with the Military Contribution, has been seut to Lord Ripou. The local Secretary of t*be Straits Association
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  • 668 6 AGKicr LTU KAL ALLUTMENTS EVERY Ii»»T SOLD The Selangor Government held a t>ul of agiicuituidl lxnd in the Klrug dirt<i t, at Kin g, in the District Otlice, on Monday, the 11th mbtiUt. The iut.' was a suecss in eie y respect. The D s r.ct Officer
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  • 1097 6 HOUND THE WORLD FOR A WAGER. 50,000 TOOLS AT MARSEILLES. About two years ago a gentleman, who, uot imppropria'ely, had been dubbed io America “the boss dead hat,’’ pa sed through the East on a jounov round the world. He started trom Copenhagen centless, to beg
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  • 1264 6 < Supplementary to St rail* Tints ft] g raii] (F I'om tht' Tllit'S of Ceyl »n 1 Kl'sMA AND liRITAIN INDIAN AFFAIR* THE CZAR AND THE MOOTS (iREy* THE KEVOI.T I i HAWAII THE BALFOUR HUrp« CRICKET LN AITNTKA1.1 A om'ili.i t*K PARLIAMENT MINISTERIAL PK.NiUAMME DEB ATE ON
    < Supplementary to St rail* Tints ft] graii]  -  1,264 words

  • 135 7 Set«» f lay, luth .1 t&gt;nt try H 'ingii/iore. ITlh Janni&lt;&gt;j. 'in* ii iveriio** ask 1 the S oc &lt; i.»i))i*er ot t o iuu'*rcc t n miiii a r it lii* L g S a De CoUUen &gt;n I’isc* ot Ui l uo
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  • 383 7 Leo d'liti L"ter thin by Mu it.) A MATAHELK WAR PROBABLE. THE SULTAN ANI* THE POPE. WALANf'HKS IN SWITZERLAND THE REVOLT IN HAWAII I i* ROSEBERY ON LIBERAL DLhCONTENi Loidm January. lr. Cecil Rhodes, iu ml iroesing ho «&gt;ut I. ah Company, said tuat auota r war
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  • 1717 7 At the Raffles Club last evening Dr. Litn Boon Keng read an instructive paper, to iq attentive audience, on the tolutive advantage of the cash and credit systems. Dr Li in Boou Keng in tbe course of his remarks, which
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  • 92 7 Abstract or Traffic Eakninoh koij ihk Month or J nva t, 181*5. Heads of Receipts. Amount Passengers 823,8 *0 Season Tickets 168 Horses, Carriages, anil Dog* 81 Telegraph Collections J Excess Fares 96 Parcels VP* Excess Luggage 68 Miscellaneous *l9 Total Coaching 8 5,364 Goods .$39,553 Wsrehouso
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  • 2302 7 The usual meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon. Mr. Gentle presided aud there were also present: Mr. Moses, Mr. Nanson, Mr. T. Shelford, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Tau Jiak Kim, and Mr. G. T. Ha*e. MINUTES The miuutes of tbe last ordinary meeting held
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  • 357 8 Mr. W \V Hailey lias had tor some yeaisan ana of 2,(M.Nt acr of excellent coffee Unit in tin* n**ighl ourbood of Pctiliug nt.ilion. which is about 4« miles by rail from KuaU Luiupur. He ban been payin'*' rent regularly upon that land for a number of
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  • 66 8 At the inquest hell over the two Kltugs who were suffocated ou going dowu into the h &gt;ll of the steamer Carmarthen, •hire a few days ago, it was disclosed tlur one man was asphyxiated f om carbonic acid fumes, aud the other from carbonn oxide. The peculiar thing is
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  • 804 8 A icpirt on the Mergui fishing grouuds will probably bo published by tbe Burmah Government in April. An extraordinary general meeting of the St-aits lusuriuce Coy., takes plate at tbe Company's Office ou Friday, tbe 1st of March, for* the purpose of altering tbe Company’s Articles of
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  • 43 8 Thx following are the winners of yesterday’s races at Peuaug Thk Civil SERVICE PLATE Bnthrnl Thk Cofkkk Cup Bend 'Or. Thx First Colonial Vabk —IWmA»7/. The Opium and Spirit Farmers CtJP: Purtebearer. Thk Second Colonial Va*e -Hollands Tan Posada Cor Red**?
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  • 71 8 HANDICAP roK MR. JOHNSTON’S PRIZE The results of the sth round sre:— Dr. Fowlie (I) beat Dr. Muglistou (3)6 up and 4 to play. A. J. K. Greene. E.A., (7) beat A. Ifackay (3) 5 up and 4 to play. Dr. Crouoher beat F. M. Elliot (6)
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  • 124 8 It is stated that the Admiialty has ord» red 120 course-indicators, the iuventiou of Prince Louis of Batteub*rg. By means of this ingenious invention, the captain of any ship is immediately apprised wh*-u a vessel is off b*r course. Tue invention bus been subjicted to a lengthy
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  • 99 8 t 1 ia KuuyuOtl., DISESTABLISHMENT IN WALLs PI.VTKLS3 A MO\o THE fXKMPLm 1.1London, Tth February. Tie* Reverend D-ctor John *&gt; civsl, H*nd Mast rof e ujfby. and t o Hijfiit Itevernid Doctor Athy, Bishop of Hereford, have openly exi-ros-ed that tney aro in fax*' ur of digest ibiishueut
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  • 273 8 The B-.l sl» Coisular rep *rt ou th*- Japmeee p«irt of Hakodate iu the island o' Vex for 1593 calls st'ent **ii to the fad whist the ini list v and home trade of tlxisland is pros|«nug. the foreigu Hade is decl ning. The caus
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  • 331 8 The last issue of the British Central Africa Gazette gives particulars of the death ot Dr. M'Kay, suigeou onboard h* r Majesty’s ship Pioneer, who was killed by a lion on Oct 20. According to the account it appears that the doctor was
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  • 177 8 Leavs of absence is granted to Lieut. O. Tatuiaii. 2ud Northumberland Fusilier*, for 12 moiltbn, from (Into of Bailing of the birod transport Jumna, ou private affairs. The foilowing having arrived per P. 1 O. M.H. Malacca ou the 13th inn taut, are takeu oh th«* strength of
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  • 265 8 Tub Vieuua c**rr»apoudent of the Daily y eta te .-graphed ou Jou. 13 I hoi iutormed that the tirades biudiug tbePoweis of the Triple Aiiiktee couie to au end with the year 1896. B lore the close ol the preseut year, tu-goLuii-iu* lor their r-i,e*al wi 1
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  • 461 8 Thk annual general meeting «-f ’lit* .Sir*i loan h ft the Royal AsiaticS ietv was l*-ld. last everin*, at tin 4 s li brary. T e Bishoo pretitled over what ku« a lair m.el Ui». Tlie Secretary (Mr. R. J. Wilkinee»n. reatl the following report: Tho Coiuieil
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  • 638 8 RXKcnTION »Y HTRANODLATIOK M*W UAOL. MINING NEWS (Film our L'onretpondent.) l*«kan, 10th February Panolima Kkchil, a native of yauu who had been ►eutouctd to tile murder of the Sikh* at Kiula ling iu June last, waa t Xecuted iu the on the sth instAUt by the mean* of
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  • 266 8 According to Lloyd’s Register, it»fj pears that during 1894 614 vessel 1,046,508 tons gross—namely. 519 ste**‘ eiH ot 964.926 tons and 65 sailing of 81,582 tons —were launched iu 1 United Kingdom, this being excln»i* warships. The warships launch*! at w* Government and private yards am°® B
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  • 1613 9 THE 1895 SPRING MEETING. A special general meeting uf the memPeis of the Singapore Sporting Club was held in the Exchange Room, lust evening, for the purpose of passing a programme and fixing the datei for the next (Spring) Meeting- Mr. Sugdeu oeeup'e l the chair;
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  • 71 9 TUB CHINESE LOJ N Subscriptions for the Chinese Imperial Government Loan for .£3,000,000 —which was issued in London on the 4th itisf.— closed at the Hougkimg and Shanghai Bank, Loudon, on the 7th. According to a tele* gram received in Hougkoug the loau has been successfully floated. The
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  • 168 9 On the first day of the Penang Races—l2tli instant— says the Pinang Gazette, such large crowds attended that there was hardly a vacant scut on tho Grand Stand, and the number of people prosent is alleged to be larger than ever licforo. H. E. the Governor and
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  • 660 9 At the Flower Show meeting. last night, Mr. Khory expressed tender i-olicitudc for the colony. He feared that a flower show iu July and a fancy fair in Augu*t, would la* to&gt; much for the nerves—as well as the pockets of the community. It was an apt
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  • 22 9 It is uotifitsl that Lieut.-Col. H. Huntly, 2nd Line. Kegt., was placed on the sick list on the 15 instint.
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  • 118 9 HOME RULE. CHOLERA IN TURKEY CHIN A JAPAN WAR. THE OPBNINO I P OK CHIKA.| Pari*, 7th February. Sir William Hurcimrt declared in the House of tomnions that Home Rule continues to be the chief aim of the Cabinet. Cholera is reported to have broken out in Pera.
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  • 1005 9 WtttmimttfT Budget. The text uf a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation botw en Groat. H itaiu and Japan signed at Lm lou on the lthh Ju v, 1891, the rati final ions of which w**re exchanged at Tok'o ou t he 25th of Au/iist Iasi
    WtttmimttfT Budget.  -  1,005 words
  • 598 9 A mkktino of those interested in the promotion of a Flower Show was held at the Exchange last, evening. Mr. W. Nanson predded aud there weie also present: Mes M’s. *****, Fox, Padday, Escbke, Little, Khory. and others. Mr. Fox (hou. see.) opened the meeting by statiug
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  • 532 9 Tim ninth ordinary genersl meeting of the shareholders of the ab«»vo Company, -vas held at the Cuinpau/s Office, No. 6, .(Jollyt r Q -ay. this diy at noon, to receive he Direct rs’ report aud to piss the accounts for the year ending,
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  • 777 10 /'nun a Chtne*e contributor.) Ihe Chinese Coumhite at Singi|H&gt;re i* now icumved to a ai d coinrn*&gt;diou&gt; homo op|» the Solde rs" and Sad H Miie. rim hoiiae wan ou&lt; tin* ret-id* nee of a well known and wealthy Chiu unn the lute T ii S*
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  • 850 10 1»*LI IN 18!*4. 181*4 bus, says I be Deli Count at, prove 1 to b* a veiy g m*1 year to plaot-is on iht Eas’Coast ot Sumats. Tbe only draw-ha-k arises Iroul additional taxation in bibber import au l export duties, under cmb-uipletion b/ G oenrueut, iu cons queue
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  • 872 10 VKAKI. KIMIIKRY OFFICIAL OPIIJM-DKAI.INU. AKFAIKH IN LOMHOK. TKA ANI) I‘KTKOIJCI'MCOFFKK IN WKST SUMATRA. ('l\aMinted from virion* new*pa/&gt;er*.) A cruiser, the Borneo, has Ueu t&lt;JJ fT to proceed to Auiboyna aud Ternate to watch the operations of pearl fishers there The Government has had so much success in the
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  • 38 10 Th« G. O. C• has been pleased to grant leave of A&gt;«on&lt;*e iu vittiHUon to Captain A. 8. Vanreueii, 2nd Line. Reg!.. from Ist April, 1895, to the (Into of arrival of the Battalion in England*
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  • 45 10 The Strait Maritime Journal note* tliat the Flow* r Show a 1 Penang lias proved a success, uittl iiswits that, according to an exc-lleut aii’h *ritv, if there is one thing in wli'c’i Pci an outr-lrues Siugapoie, it is in the uui'terof hoitieiPtnre.
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  • 74 10 Tub Strait* Maritime Journal calls attention to the alleged circumstance that, iu Penang harbour, local steamers under the Dutch Hag habitually moor iu that |Mirt of the harbour just outside the Government offices, a pla**e from which any local British ahamers would, it alleges, be o derod away.
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  • 103 10 Thb Japanese naval force outside Wei-hai-wei, ul llie uulmh ut Uie attack oil t hat station, amounted to:—batt leshipa and cruisers 13, torpedo boats 12. wooden vessels atid small fry 10. The Chinese Heet remaining there at that time was reported to cousiat of eight ships, namely, the Chenyuen,
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  • 187 10 Thb signatories to the receut letter from Penang to the Governor, calling H. E.’s attention to the limited ntiniln r of Bri’ish -uhj**ct«* o*untied to tousult together iu lut Settlement to *el»*et for approval a nominee to sit on tLe Council of the Col ny, have
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  • 300 10 UR FRIZELLS PRIZE The follow Dg m th.- result of the double handicap meda' play for the bangle i resented by Mr. \V. H. Frizell. Major Morgan A Mrs. Matthews ..60 fit 111 10 lot Mr. Corrie A Mrs. Greig67 6!* Pl 6 28 1»I8 Mr.
    300 words
  • 1225 10 Thk improvement in Mr. Livino’sheaUk continues. tt Colonel Plunkett will be in a;., pore on the 2nd of March. Mr. Muhlinohaur left for Colon, bo Satunluv. ou a holiday to Ceylon. Ttb half-yearly general nwii u the S i'gapc re Club wi'l bo Leld on Fridai Ist
    1,225 words

  • 118 11 Handio’pjor Mr. Aler. Johnston Friz*. SEMI-FINAL. A. J. H Greene K. A. 7 heat I)r. F"wlie lm P P. A. (&gt;ille!*pio 3 beat &lt; ’roncjier 2 up »«d I to play. FINAL. A. J. R. Greene H. A. 7 t plays P. A. Gillespie 3 The p';tv
    118 words
  • 292 11 DEATH IF TIIE MAN F.ATKR From our Correspondents Ihk man-eating tign ss h »s length been kill &lt;1 aud the scourge- v t some weeks renwvcd. Many tun s attempts have h'en made to kill the brute but it whs not until Thursday evening, that the tigress walked
    292 words
  • 640 11 DIRECTORS KElSiRT Singapore. 12th Fehnmrg, 18!to. Gentlemen, —The diiectors bog to submit to you the snnusl statemeut of the c impauy's accouuU for f ho year» nded 31st Jauuaiy, 18H5. The nsult of the year’s woikmg is a cieJit bslvuco, iucludiug the suui of brought
    640 words
  • 474 11 (From the District Jficer's He port The commencement «&gt;f the month was market by heavy floods w hich did considerable dam vge to the work at Titi, aud wasbiuganay abridge further up the real temporarily stopped communication with Kougkoi. The mouth was productive of several unfortunate iucideuts,
    474 words
  • 341 11 BANKERS AND BROKERS V RAEBURN S N I This match was played on Saturday aft»ruoon, iu place of the pre-ai ranged eucouuter of married and single, which, almost at tin last moment fell through. The game whs a v*rv interestiug one, and furnished uu excit ng finish. Going in
    341 words
  • 548 11 It is good to hear of a circus tint bus bceu established for over two and a half centuries. Cooke’s Circus claims that the foundation of its fame was made in the year 1641; and, so far as cun be ascertained, that claim is a genuine one. For
    548 words
  • 301 11 RESULTS OK WEDNESDAYS PLAY. MIXED Doll 111, K HANDICAP. Mis&gt; Sal/.mitnn i owe l Mrs. Napier J. &lt;». Msetsurgart I 5 b. I Mr.Sergeaunt j «-5 *i-4. Mrs. Dure i Miss Frn»er i Mr. Hooper Or. Middleton) li-1 t»-l Mrs. Lovell 7 owe 15 A Mr-.
    301 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 162 11 TO THK KIMTOR OK THK STRAITS TIMM.' Sir, —Iu Monday’s issue of your paper, a correspondent advocates that the i»roposed Public Swimming Btib shall be supplied with seawa er iustead of fresh. This was the original intention and may yet be adhered to:
      162 words
    • 358 11 TO THE EDITOR or THK 1 STRAITS TIMKS.' Sin, 1 utn su e ihat you will have the sympathy and support of the public generally, in the Hue you have takeu ou this impo tint question of cash vertu* credit. Aa tou liuvo piopcrly point el out,
      358 words
    • 883 11 To THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIM Ijv" Slit,—I iV’ii so la,d ti s**u you bave litk'ii up the question of cash vs. credit in vy 1 lutku two suggest ions '1 First would not more| e &gt;p!e pay money over the counter if they get a
      883 words
    • 2539 12 To THE F.DIToU OF THE STI VITS TIMES Sir, —I have read with great pie isure a letter irotn ‘‘Auiieus ou the above subject wlrcli appeared in vour issue of the 21wt January, aud, while co J ial ly with all he hrvs, 1 would ent-rat you
      2,539 words

  • 581 12 ARRIVALS. Fef Choir Phya fraiu Klmijr —Mr. De Mortiay tVr ti. ti. London from Bat* via:— Maj *r G ueral and Mrs. Feitding, Prof Croud* &gt;u, &gt;ir. Waist, mid Mrs. Rtrh»rd*ou I er a. s. Dir in* from M*-lb &lt;nrif»:—Mr Mr*. 18) Mi ihhy. Messrs. Hi*l. »a'd ner,
    581 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 938 12 AYER’8 Hair Vigor RMTORCt OOLOH ANDPROMOTES Abundant Growl or THI x: It eurea itching bnmors, and keeps the cnlp eool, moiu healthy, and ree fro&gt;1 dandruff. A lady write* ‘I feel compelled to state f«»r the benefit of o t It e r s that six years apo I lost
      938 words

    • 146 13 Under this heading the following abbrevitions are need: etr. steamer; §h. ship, bq. barque Brit.—British U. S.—United States j rr. —Freaeh; Ger.— German Dut.— Dateh; Job.— Johore; fte., G.c..—Genera! oargo: d. p.— deek passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T p. D.—Tanjong Pagar Doek B.
      146 words
    • 1570 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday Oympie, Brit. sir. 120 tuns, Cspl. Wilsou. 16th Fei). From Pahang, 15th Feb. G.c., aud 36 d. p. B. J. Gunn. For Paliaug 18th.— Rds. Pakan, Brit. htr. 04 tons, Capt. Bruce 16th Feb. From Paian, 14th Feb. G.c., and 52 d. p.
      1,570 words
    • 165 13 A/ ante. Pert, and DaU of N»iWh London. I Meriouothtthiru. Glenjjarry, Livkbpooi. i Ntuutor, Jau.12; Tautaluw. IeU de Luzon. Barry. Erwin Rickmere, tfept. 18 j Etlm Hick morn, Nov. 18 I Richard Kiokwere, Deo. 4; Robert Rickinere, Doc. 20; (lARDlva. j Rouee Rickraers, Nov. 18; Paola Madre, Oct.
      165 words
    • 1305 13 iVsksrl’s Nam* A I’onh., Captain. From. S%ii.*i Conhionubh. m Kin F 9 b ;reUmachu. Dut str 1397 Barwi.e Liverpool [Jan 2,W. Mnraficld ft Co. 9 Pakan Brit.atr. 84 ruej Panan jbeb &lt;;VVea 1 in A Co. n Kan wkn.«» Noon str 199 Deimage Pontianak bob 7 'tan Seng A
      1,305 words
    • 570 13 Ymuhil'i Nami. Pla&lt;» A Rte Captain Destination 11 Penang Bnt.atr. Dunlop Same rang via po U 11 Tslemachai air. Parwur Soar*bajra ria porta 12 Uing.ap Dnt. atr. Narodab Hingkep 12 Singapore Brit. atr. Miiu Bangkok 12 Pegn str. Wli&gt; to Penang via porta 12 ir|M atr. John-on Srdnqj ria
      570 words
    • 118 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Dat* T I R*. Dat*. and Shic's Nam*. Command**. or Prom Whisk Dbstination MAaEt&gt; Rio. Sailinu. I Feb. 7,Brit. bq. Rsyard Richard* Jen 25 Hongkong New York 7 Brit. i.i. Mcrkaru Pergcmann Jan 3 liondon riatavia 7Rrit.BR India Jolinrton Feb 7
      118 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 240 13 B O C T p K B A K THANK HWETTENHAM. PAPER COVERS 11.00 CLOTH BOARDS $1.50 HALF LEATHER $2.00 SINGAPORE STRAITS TIMES OFFICE Thu oook will be forwarded to any part on application poet free at the above named pncee. The money must be eent with all orders. Postal
      240 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 617 14 LEA RRINS' OBSERVE THAT THE £J SIGNATURE fj -k/i/lfl'"' IS NOW J PRINTED Q jQS IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietor. Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. AUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN
      617 words
      906 words