The Straits Budget, 30 October 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 139 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” i e rai s inr s as *be largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and enang, roughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies,
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    • 33 1 >>■ ihe 11*i» in>tnnt. at M ?c*au, Deli, Sum a*he wife of VV. R. Fox, of a son. Ar New Hirbour, on22ud instant, th i wife r.f A D Grant, of a son.
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  • 195 1 ¥u fTOHI Vl.d. Tiie Pr..-peels of Peace.'ut aad Emperor in Japan. aud Government. The SituUio:; in China. Jicrikishas Miaistcrii’ Changes in Garmiuy. I/O* \L. Market Quotations. kipping News. List. P“iie« News. the Gorertiment Gazette. The L*. f» marion Case. Aeciuid at the Drill Hall. I !iu
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  • 510 1 Singapore. 30th October, PRODUCE. Gambior, y do Cube No. 1, 12.35. do do No. 2, b.%. Copra Bali, M 5.40. do Poutiaiiak 5.15. Pepper Black, lo.3<*. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.50 rto Brunoi 2.20. Pearl Sago, 3.35 Coffee Bali, 3t9£ Coffee Liberian, 40. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15. do
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  • 700 1 The iu til for Eirop this week, leaves by tjc P. ii: 0. t. s. A lalacct. Ti**> from Kuropo of the oth October by tbe P.A O. s. 8. liohilla arrived ou Suudav. Th«* mail for Europ next week, is fixed for the M. M.
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    • 20 1 Lon.lon, 2Srd October. Reuter*correspondent atTientsiu states that pirleviug for peace is proceeding at Seoul.
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    • 66 1 24th October. The Japanese Diet has voted au address ?o the Government of Japau, urging it so to punish China as to prevent her from distiu biug the peace agaiu. The address also urges the Government uot to tolerate any Pow r so meddling at
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    • 112 1 2'dh Oct'her. BATTLE AT PORT ARTHUR. PEACE PARLEYING DENIED It is reported, from various sources, that a battle took place at Wiju [uear the Yalu Riverj on Monday last, with the result, it is stated, that the Japanese retreated to Pingyang. The Japanese loss
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    • 112 1 26th October. Lord Rosjbery, in a speech at Sheffield, confirmed the statement that China, after her first defeat, offered terms of peace far exceeding the limits of the previous Japanese demands. Lord Rosebery further said that Britain submitted the tjrms
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    • 18 1 The Czaifewitch ia now signing State papers [in consequence of the illness of the Car.]
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    • 46 1 27th October. The Japanese vanguard have crossed the Yalu river, scattering the small Chinese for«e there. At the date of latest advices, the main body of the Japanese had also crossed the liver, and were attacking the garrison of Kiuren Castle.
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    • 83 1 London 29th Oct ober. Tim CLiuese have fled from Kiuren castle. The Japanese have captured there, thirty guns and a quantity of matt rials. Arrangements for a Chinese silver h>an have nearly been co nplitei in Loud m. The amount is teu
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    • 49 1 O«viog to a difference with the Emj eror William, a iding from Socialist an 1 AntiPolish proposals made by the Emperor, Count Vou Caprivi (Chancellor of the Empire), and Couut Eulenburg (Prussian Mmister of the Interior) have resigned. Prime Honeulohe succeeds to both these posts.
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    • 42 1 CLOSING OF THE EMPIRE* A sensation has been c t ised at Lnidon, owing to the Entire Theatre hiving closed its doors, ia couseq'i mee of its iiceuse being tiulifi *i .it the instance of the purity pirty.”
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    • 308 1 (Straite Times, 23rd October.) To day’s telegram that parleying for peace is proceeding at Seoul, the chief 1 *wu of Corea, arouses hopes of a settlement but yet such j*arleying may ouly serve to provide occupation for diplomatists. It will tax their ingenu tv to induce
      (Straite Times, 23rd October.)  -  308 words
    • 260 2 (Straits TittU'S, 2ith October.) The Japanese Parliament, after »anctiouiog a heavy loau for warlike purjioses, has expressed its views on the direction to be given lo tie war. Those views, in short, favour the thorough bumibalion of Chiua, miiJ reject the idei of foreign intervention
      (Straits TittU'S, 2ith October.)  -  260 words
    • 846 2 (Straits limes, 25th October.) .As may be seen from our report of yesterday's Municipal meeting, the Conmission**: s grievously fee! the treat meut that 1h»*v have received from ih** hands of the h e 1 Government. The difference haarisen ov* r the amount, which the Singapore Municipality
      (Straits limes, 25th October.)  -  846 words
    • 340 2 [St ait* Time*, '?Gth October Lord Rosebery, has now thrown light on llie intervention proposal which w*s brought forward by Britain, and wh ise failure was alhged by some to be a humiliating lebuff to the Rosebery administration. L>rd Rosebery say s that, after reverses bcfcl
      [St ait* Time*, '?Gth October.)  -  340 words
    • 323 2 l Straits Times, 27th October.) The registrar of jinrikisbas, in his report for September, urges greiter competition iu the importing of such vehicles as tusthering the intioduction of a better class of ilnse ireful conveyances. Those thit ply in our streets show at a glance the pressing need of
      lStraits Times, 27th October.)  -  323 words
    • 376 2 V. mt<\ cr i At tin* date of lust until advices fumi Europe, rumour Imsv with the political relations between tin* Emperor William and Count Von Caprivi, file Chancellor of the German Empire. The Count succeeded Prince Bismarck in that |H>st in March 18U0, and
      * V. mt<\ */•'//» ( cr i  -  376 words
  • 13 1 DEATH. Ar Ardmore, Siugipor?, ou 28th Octob3r. Mak&lt;. ahxi, wife of John Anderson.
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  • 1106 2 Supplementary to the Straits Ti.nes Telegrams.) Via Ceylon THE FRENCH DEMANDS IN MADAGASCAR. TJIE R1SSIANS IN THE PACIFIC. THE BRITISH DOLLAR. FUXTIOX AT BIRKENHEAD. THE PAMIR &lt;J OVATION. THE CZARS ILLNESS. THE AMEERS ILLNESS. P.t ri*, 17th October. V. Le Myre de Vile is expected to roach Antananarivo
    , Supplementary to the Straits Ti.nes Telegrams.)  -  1,106 words
  • 174 2 PENANG AND SINGAPORE At the annual meeting of the Pei aL Cricket Club on the 23rd ibstant, Mr. F J. C. Boss, the Piesident, took* tbe chair Mr. A. R. Adams was elected cricket cap tain. The President, in Mr Adams’s re-election, said that there wa* nobody better than
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  • 80 2 The of Tiger Slayer in Ch et to the &lt;*• vemuieut of the Sir-d's Srttleu is {&gt;*••!:»HIy unknown to tic public. Much inhibitioo, however, is expressed l*y soon* Fiei eh newspapers at the fart that M. &lt;l** Nnrocurt, a sportsman of Norman hi rlli, has been selected
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  • 115 2 A well-known tirm of broken iu the tin trade, fays the Chino Express, hare written to deny that there is any truth u the reported tin syndicate. They stale that certain capitalists, who s*w that tb* average price of tin for the four lowest °i the last twenty-five
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  • 152 2 Calcutta, l?th October The Indian Daily Neva lately with great severity a performance gi' en the On the Thames Theatrical Co ui**|J On Monday night as the Editor, Dr. was about to retire to rest, haring put n pyjamas, three ladies of the company ente
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  • 43 2 Mb. Boland Vincent MUquith, oft* firm of Misquith Co„ died in tbe eral Hospital on Saturday eveningceased arrived from Penang on Tp morning lut nod went, direct to m a very low. condition, fro*“ “TjJL few. Helenwnwidownndonnd)^ of Indin, nnd wna n competent
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  • 808 3 IHS two alleged Japanese spies were at Naokiug on the Btb mat. 1 Datch despatch boat Singkawang ve&lt; j to-day from Rbio, with the Res £at ot Rhi D b Ard would be convenient if the Fort u c g time-gun could mike a little j Thj
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  • 327 3 THl FUGITIVE REBEL PRISON BRA shipping NEWS. A MURDER TRIAL. OFFICIAL MOVEMENTS. (.From, our Correspondent.) Behan, 17th October. One of the re!&gt;el prisoners, who recently escaped f ,o m Kuala L?pis goal, is Hdji Abdul Haup, To* Gnjah's son. Of the u hers, two a-e Treuggaunu Malay?, and
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  • 70 3 The Penang and Malacca Municipal Estimate* *re published in last Friday’s Government Gazette. Those of Peuang provide for a revenue of §320,550 against an expenditure of §320,723, of which §20,000 go lor police contiibution. As the Government has fixed the contribution at §24.000, the
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  • 605 3 THE CHINESE RESPECT JAPANESE FIGHTING POWERS. Tientsin, (ith October. We have the following inform Uinj from a reliable source. It reflects seriously on tJ*o Chinese commanders an! the Chinese system: —Before the lattle of Pingyang. a council of wav was held by the llxrec generals commanding. The
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  • 162 3 During the progress of the Concert at the S.V.A. Drill Hall, last night, a soldier was leportel to have fallen into the sea. Most of the audience left the Hall but the darkness prevented them from seeing the man, whose voice, however, could be heard.
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  • 1061 3 (From the Times.) Foe a number of years past very serious apprehensions have been aroused by the circumstances of the iron industry of the United Kingdom more esp r ally in view of the progress made by competitive countries. In commercial circles it
    (From the Times.)  -  1,061 words
  • 1657 3 A COMPARISON WITH MALAYA. Lord Sudeley, who recently Tinted th Malay Peninsula, has been also Tinting the Coolgardie goldfields in Western Australia. On hie return, be was interviewed and gave the following information M I am merely an amateur. My knowledge of mining has been confined to
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  • 172 4 Simla. Oth October —The returns uf the seaborn foreign trade for August eortinue to show that the trade has returned to normal conditions. The imports oi merchandise iu the mon'h a e slightly smaller tjan iu tlie corresponding mouth of the t .vo previous yturs
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  • 323 4 Last night, at the S.V A. Drill Hall, Mrs. Allisuu appeared iu her “Serpentine Dance/’ and nut with a reception vocifercus in its enthusiasm. A verv strong light is thrown upon the dancer from a lantern arraugeroeut in front of the stage. Gas is used, and, to
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  • 795 4 Complaints are pretty general about the Waiting at tbe races yesterday, and particularly with regard to lbe%tarting iu tbe Griffin Rice. For that event there was a field of tbirteeo horses; and, a&lt; griffins go, they were probably as well behaved a lot as ever came under
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  • 1887 4 THE TIMES ON THE STRAITS MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. The following article appears iu the Times of 26th September, uudtr the heading 44 The Colonies” The attention which is being directed to the v«*ry important question of the part that thu colonies should bear iu Imperial defence gives additional interest to the
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  • 331 4 Lord Ripon, in reply to numerous applications from the members of the English Bar for info-mation with regard to the conditions necessary for candidates to legal aud other appointments in the various colonies, has caused to be issued a brief summary of rules for the guidance of
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  • 1023 4 {Supplementary to Strait. Ti net Telenr (Via Cent™ (Via Ceylon ***•&gt; NON-INTERVENTION BY THF rv,„ THE TIMES" ON THE AwSSaF AFFAIRS AT DEUgi'U SOCIALIST VICTORY IN HFI&gt; ii-w GERMANY'S IOUC* wSS!? THE AMEERS A SERIOUS CONDITION OF TH &gt; f7lL I THE AUSTRIAN BUDGET I Philadelphia 13th Cctu~
    {Supplementary to Strait. Tinet Telenr (Via Cent™ \  -  1,023 words

  • 739 5 \x th&gt;? Police Court on Tuesday before jj r Leiucii, Hr. Eugcn Vou Krudy again spared, on the com pi tint of Inspectoi jl De n a charge of defamation under rtw n of the Penal Code, Emil Kahdescribed as an assistant to Dr. Krujv. was charged
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  • 506 5 Lady Mitchell’s reception yesterday was uumerously attended. It is announced that a new series of stamps his been issued for Labuan. The Nelson when she relieves the Victor Emanuel on the China Station, will alsc» be the prison ship. The Municipal Commissioneis are advised that they cannot
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  • 84 5 It has lreen agreed by the Eastern Banks, iu order to encourage natives to take up Bills now overdue, tint the following rule shall be suspended t.ll Dec. 31 next: —“When Sterliug Bills agaiust which advances have been made are not paid at maturity, the Exchange
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  • 148 5 IMPORTANT SPEECH BY THE EMPEROR. The extraordinary session of the N&lt;itional Assembly was opened at Hiroshima ou the 18th inst. Jn the speech of His Majesty the Emperor the following passage appears: We regret that Cbiua, having, iu distegard of her duty, decline! to co-operate
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  • 904 5 THE SELANGOR CLUB. LEPERS AT LARGE. THE GALOMPANG MINE. A PACTION FIGHT. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpor 20th October. The committee of the Selangor Club have published their report for the six months ending October 1st, to be presenlei to the members at a general meeting to le
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  • 2341 5 Tu usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wss held yesterday afternoon under the presidency of Mr. Gentle. There were present Messrs. Nansou, Tan Jiak Kim, Frasey, Moses, Meyer, Bell, Hare, and the Hod. T. Shelford. The minutes of the last ordinary meeting and of the last
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  • 440 6 TROUBLES WITH THE NATIVES MURDER AND PIRACY. THE GOVERNMENT SHORTHANDED (From our Correspondent.) Sandakan 16th October. The Government foices are about to start on the war-pith again. Resident Flint arrived here yesterday, aud reported that four of the Dyak Police, at a stition iu the Paias
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  • 339 6 Another European at Hongkong bas died front plague. Mr. R. Lapsley, a clerk employed at the Cosmopolitan Dock, was seized with symptoms of the disease on the 15th instant, and was removed to Hospital, where be died on the 17th. It is supposed that he contracted the
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  • 302 6 STEAMER ACCIDENTS. THE ENQUIRY INTO MR. WISES DEATH OFFICIAL MOVEMENTS PROGRESS IN KLAXG. {From onr Correspondent.) Klany 'Join October. Early this morn ing. the s.s. Xetru from Trdok Anson, and the s.s. Pegu from Singapore, ran agiound in the ICiaug River. Owing to an accident to her engines,
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  • 338 6 THIWOiT, 25th octobwl PBMKVT. Hu Excellency thb Gotuxoi, Sxb ontLiB Bullen Hugh Mitch ill, K. C. M.G. H.E. The General Officer Commanding the Troops, Major General fi. T. Jones -Vaughan, C. 8.) The Hon’bU the Colonial Secretary, (W. Maxwell, c.m.q.) the Acting Resideut Councillor of Malacca, (C.W.S.Kynnersley.)
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  • 612 6 ADDITIONAL K» T T.K.S fWnRRx To (-o-rs MADE BY THE JUDGES OF THE 8UPREME l OURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. (Laid before Legt.tdioe Council on 2»th Ode her.) The Ho .ou'able William Henry Lione Cox, Chief Just ce, aud His Hououi Archil.‘aid F t ..eraId L:iw, Puisne
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  • 180 6 THE PAHANG SIKHS THE PAHANG CLUB OFFICIAL MOVEMENTS A MONUMENT TO MR. Wist (From our Correspondent.) Pehan, 22nd October. A party of 15 Sikhs has arrived from Kuaotan to do duty here Since the Singapore men left, the Sikhs here hare heavy duties to perform. This transfer ietves
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  • 433 6 (From the President's Progress Report.) FINANCE. The following are the revenue returns for t he first uine moot In of the year as compared with the correspond in? period of 1893: 1893 1894 Jan. /Sept. Jau./Sept. Rates 300,365 310,045 taxes 73.621 81.509 Licenses ami Fw*&gt; 15,90t»
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  • 410 7 j T i s understood that Mr. Antbonisz is as the bead of tbe Bankruptcy DertniHit and Registration of Deeds Offices c Mr. Kershaw acts as Attorney-Gen-eral- \i reported that Mr. H. J Martyu, chaffered 1 he 8. s. Fantee, which will j vt at Penang by
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  • 83 7 I Ihspf'-httl from J. J L'g •'••rniti' Ht, Tokio, Japan, on (hi ?67 h doij of October). Fr. i.i V scr.ini* MmUu, Minister for Fo.*. **iyu Aii.ii: s, Tokio, Japan. To Siiito. Japanese Consul, Singupoie. The biit columns of tbe Japanese force in Corea crossed the Yalu River
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  • 147 7 From the Government Gazette, 28th Oct.) At a meeting of tbe Executive Council, held at Singapore, on Thursday, the 4'h Octolx*", t he following Order in Council was passed, aud directed to be published Whereas by section 224 of The Municipal Ordinance 1S87.” it is enacted that the
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  • 125 7 The Ngoe Choon Club, Singapore, is from registration under the Pieties Ordinance. r Joaquim de Pereyra is recognised J* m charge of the Spanish Consulate at from the lltb instant. Tbe exequatur, empowering him to Jet as Vice-Consul for Spaiu at Singapore, H.M.’s signatuie. The
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  • 1443 7 In Qlito?*ffrom the Eastern Archipelago, ethnograp a phical, and historical, translated jS om the Dutch, Mr. G. Q. Batten give® informal ion icgarding this section of w’e Far East to be found in Dutch fcourees. A mass of details about the Malay an islands J.’ef
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  • 583 7 AFFAIRS IN UIMItOK. COOLIES FOR GERMAN NEW GUINEA. PETROLEUM PRICES PEARL FISHING. SINGAPORE SHIPBUILDERS. (Translated from various Newspapers.) Bvlast mail advices from Java, the Dutch forces iu Lombok were busy demolishing the walls of Mataram, and raising batteries for the reduction of Chakra Negara, the main Balinese
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  • 557 7 (From the Government Gazette of 26th Oct.) In pursuance of instructions from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and with the sanction of the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to sanction payment of compensation for the fall in exchange on the following terras,
    (From the Government Gazette of 26th Oct.)  -  557 words
  • 444 7 {Time ft.) FboM ike point of view of public rxper.ditun* the heavy fall in exchange which has been so severely felt in Sings non* has also sar jointly aflocted Hongkong. Wlele the actual total of reveime estimated in dollars has increased about 2
    {Time ft.)  -  444 words
  • 123 7 An admiralty paper gives the determination of the longitude of Malacca, as fixed by observations taken by a surveying party from H.M.S. Egeria on the spot, last year. The results, checked, give the longitude of Malacca as lieing: 102° 15' (XT E. the probable error not
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  • 424 7 PENANG CALKS FOR MR TROTTER. Du. Bkown’s suggestion that. 51, 200 be voted by the Legislative Council as entertain me-ut allowance to tbe Resident. Councillor of Penang, calls forth the following remarks from the Pinang Gazette: It is requisite that at this Olid of the
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  • 12511 8 THE SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB AUTUMN MEETING. FIRST (DERBY) DAY, TUESDAY, 23RD OCTOBER, 1894. Committee: —J.R. Cuthbertson,C. Sugden, W. Egerton, Lt.-Col. Huntly, J. MacRitchie, A. S. Murray, A. W. Stiven, Stewards: Judge Lt.-Col. Huntly (10th Regiment); Asst. Judge and Time-keeper: A. S. Murray Handicappers •*—C. Sugden, W. Egerton, H.
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  • 946 10 Very great regret will be gem rally felt at the sadden death ot Mrs. AndersoD. the wife of Mr. John Anderson of Messrs. Guthrie Co. That sad event took pl*&lt;e on Sunday, about 5 o’clock alternoon, at Ardmore, Tanglin. The death was quite sudden and was due
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  • 1973 10 Mini tes of proceedings ofthfu cipal Commissioners at a» a B| nary Meeting held on the 10th October, 189*. NEb day, Present:—The President, AW the Acting Inspector-General of p,j: *tl*; Boll; G. T. Hire, T,u kL J p E B and A C. Mohcs. ll8 W: Absent —Win.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 415 11 Sir,—lf your correspondent “J will put Lis ideas into figures, I think he will g* that there is no fallacy m letter about exchange. Thus: 10,000 pieces shirtings at 6 00,000 at 3 i I*lo,ooo I I -510 SIUU.tOO,, 2. —£.0,000 I do not know how 44 J”
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    • 233 11 TO THE EDITOR OK THE “STRAITS TIMES Sir, In your issue of the 15th instant, it is nuntivned that a petition has l&gt;een sent by the Captain China and other citizens ot Kuala Lumpor lo the authorities, praying that measures may be adopted to disallow the
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    • 510 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES." Sir, —The following example of Native States Law, as administered in Selangor, should be a warning to people how they give credit to Selangor Government contractors, and should strengthen the hands of those who advocate an
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    • 186 11 TO THR EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES." Sir, —In the interests of the common weal, I think it must be admitted ou all hands that it is high time now that the Protected States of the Peninsula should join the Universal Postal Union.
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    • 699 11 To THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Your correspondent G., in his letter of 23rd instant, has quite missed the point, possibly from want of cleaness on my part. I will endeavour to be more explicit. The figures G. give 3, for the purpose of coufutiug me,
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    • 176 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." Sir, —Apologizing for troubling you, I wish to put a case before you that has tome uuder mv piivatc notice, and I think, for the sake of justice, should be remedied and lectified. People of Singapore may
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    • 557 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sir, I am g’ad to notice from the last part of J’s letter of the 25th inst. that he and I are at one as to the effect of a low exchange on the export trade and that lie agrees with
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  • 585 11 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. J/iom? Phya from Slang:— Messrs. Webb, aud Knight. Per s. s. Poh Ann from Sonrabaya —Mr. Art her Sargent. Per M. M. s. s. Melbourne from Kobe:— Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. From Hongkong:— Messrs. Warnecke, Kiiehner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schettenheten, and Mr. and
    585 words
    • 41 11 Insurances effected upon almoet every 4eS cription of Property at the current rates of Premium. Total sum insured in 1892. £B9l*Boo/)00. do 1891. £878,700/100. do 1890, £361,600,000. do 1889, £888,900,000. Singapore Agents. B3INBJIANN A Co.
      41 words
    • 50 11 Capital Authorised. ••••••••••••a* £1,000,00 qo. Subscribed. .JBfOOOftOO. do. Paid nP(M IM.M *M»M •00,000. LUTS DbPABTMENT. Bates of Life premium, tobies akoviag different methods of iisutßOflb and forms of application may be obtained from the gents fir tbe Lifs department. BTIVXM 4 Co.
      50 words
    • 86 12 Tapi'a! mbsc ibed *,500, 0 Amount paid up r» *y»&gt;\ Reseve fund 85 ),0 0. Bel*) Okfici VT'VOk)ID. General Agents, Messrs. Jardink Mveheso i A Co. The und &gt;rsigntd having been ap &gt;ointdd Agent r the above Company a e prepared to accept Marine Ris s
      86 words
    • 53 12 Capital £3.000,000. Chairman in Manchester; Edward Coward, Esq. Chairman in Liverpool F. V* Reynolds, Esq. Chairman in Glasgow £ir Donald Mathe* son, K.C.3. Diglt Johnson, Es^., General Manager and Actuary. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept Firo Risks at current rate.*. POT
      53 words
    • 37 12 rlstaldish' d l$S3 Head Office, Siko»ai»*kr. Capital Fully Subscribed $3,000,9"'' Capital Paid-up. 600,0**' Reserve Fund 201,1(*7 Balance of Working Account to i&gt;ist Dec., 1833 $461,106. Cash Assets $1,406,756. A. S. MURRAY, Secretary.
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    • 51 12 MERGED IN THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Fire risks accepted at CURRENT RATES. Local Boahd of Dieec jorh Alex. Johnston ' T. S. Thomson. 1&gt;. W. Lo- ell. A. II. Raeburn. A. N. van ilse van der PaD. Max. Puttfarcken. A. S. MURRAY,
      51 words
    • 174 12 Capital and Funds, £521,423. on the 31st December, 1891 THE INDIAN LIFE FUNDS now amoun to over TWENTY-THEEir- LAKHS OF RUPEES in Government Securities only, held i-y the Official Trustees for payment ct claims. Thb Positive Hystesj oy Ekdow:= 1 NT A PM
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    • 63 12 Capital *&gt;2,000,000. Fund in reserve exclusive of Capital £5,493.073. Life Department —The Company ha* recently revised its Rates of Life Premia and is now prepared to offer very advantageous terms to Assurers. Life Department: —The Company has prepared to accept first class risks up to
      63 words
    • 75 12 Capital Subscribed $2,016,000. Amou t paid-up 610,0'0. Reserve Fund 8 0/XK). Head Office, —Honoring. Secretary, W. H Rat Esq., The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepare i to accept mari le risks at cvrren’ rates. All contributors of business whether sli reho'ders
      75 words
    • 56 12 Subscribed Capital .£2,060, Total Invested Funde, 4.516,00* Anww».l Income, 9JW,im The underaigneo, agents for the above Company, a ce prepared to a*xept fire risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rates to be named on
      56 words

    • 173 12 Under Ibis headiog the following ablfevia- tions are used:—atr. —stAamer; sh.—ship; 1 bq.—barque Brit—British; U. S.— United States; Fr. —French; Gor.—Germau; Dut. Dutch; Job.—Johore; Ac., G.c..—General cargo; d. p.—deck passengers U.—Uncer- j tain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wliarf; T. j P. D.—Tanjoug Parar Dock; B. W.—Borneo
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    • 1068 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. McLaorin, Am. ship 1,313 tons, Capt. Oakes, 27th Oct. From Cardiff. 21st July. C« al. W. Mansfield Co. U. —Kds. Sri Sintan&lt;j, Dut. str. 147 tous, Capt. Muhlonbein, 27tU Oct. From Poutiauak, 25th (Vt. G.c., and 2 d p Yong Ban Song. For
      1,068 words
    • 201 12 Name, t'nt, and bate &gt;v Nti’/**.,* London. i Raduor.diire, Oct. 4 LIVERPOOL Chiugwo, S3f t. 30; Cfopr. 30 Polyphemus, Sept. 26; 11 T»la u« Luzon, fce. t. 27 Deucalion, duo ov. 13; Barry. Me. L-mrin. July 21 Rigel, Sept. 13; Beatrice, Sept. 16 Erwin Uickmors. SopL IS; i
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    • 117 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date Date and Ship’s Name. Commander. or From Whiju Destination d Rig. j Sailing. 11e I mares. Sept 19Ger. th. F’dinand Fische* Kruse July 30 Cardiff Singapore Oct 20 Ned. bq.'H. J. Co nen Godthely .Oct. 19 ttatavia Azores Islands 20
      117 words
    • 1061 12 I II VIBBBLB’ NAJf« Ton*. CaPTAIH. FROM BalLll&gt; p f v m Bm Co »wa» lM II Oct l —l 22* Penan? Brit r ,?®S S m '°P 'Sept 19 Tan Kin, Tu. o i! Rcn'edi 1580 Farqahar London Oct. 16 t*,tcr«&gt;t, si-* 1 II 22 -to 1056 B„2
      1,061 words
    • 658 12 DATii V R-Sfc-I Mavk. F-A'*a hi I j i'vsTie.vr.o Oct -2 Amlv-tst Drit. str. j Hiiniia?n K!?.ng via poet-* 23 Mat 1c Bn&gt;neb »tr. Hutch nsen j Htngfccu* J 3 Endeavour ttr. Brecon ;Cb it trip ong *.53 Hrdra 1 s*tr. McNid laigieK V 3 A nuiOß April* str.
      658 words