The Straits Budget, 23 October 1894

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, thePhilippines, and French
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  • 188 1 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 23 RD OCTOBER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. iti ITOUIA I.S. Th* Military Uontr.lnUiou aud Resignation •if (>ffi A Brin>!i Dollar. .\l«vi;ation in the Chi r a-Japan War. iiri“vaii(*o Before Supply. tx‘M-»nge Compensation. Sat tr lay's Coimei'. i. Mark‘*t Quotation*. •'tapping News. List. P.|’.l»*M N> **\VS. The (.t o
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  • 530 1 Singapore, 23rd October, 1894. PRODUCE. 'W.ior, 8.10. Cube No.*i, 12.35. do No. 2, B.%. to Pra Bali, 5.50. Fontianak 5.15. Black, 10.30. r Flour, Sarawak 2.45. b Bninei 2.20. 3.35 off*** Liberian, 40. l »Pioca small Flake, 4.15. do 1st quality 5.00. mod. Hake 4.30. small pearl,
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  • 771 1 The mail for Europe this week is takeu by the M.M. s.s. Melbourne. The M.M. s.s. Caledonien with the mail from Europe of the 28th September is due this evening. The German mail from Europe by the Bayern is arrived ou Thursday. The German mail for
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    • 81 1 London ltith October. GERMAN POMCY AT THE TREATY PORTS RUSSIAN MILITARY PREPARATIONS. Germany is no*v sail to In? willing to co-operate to pratict Kui\>|*eaus sit the treaty ports of Chiua. The Russian troops on the Anaoor have bt* *u ordc ed tj be kept iu realiness in
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    • 106 1 17th October. Vo POWER WILL CO OPERATE JAPANESE MOVEMENTS. The Tim* asserts that the British Goverutnout, by fruitlessly propjsiug to iuterveue in the war between China and Japan, has incur.ed a needless aud humiliating rebuff. In the opinion of that journal, this rebuff tends to
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    • 215 1 ISlh October. REUTER'S VERSION OF THE DESPATCH. “CALCULATED TO SATISFY.” Lord Ripon’s despatch, settling the question of the Military Contribution will shortly rea;h the Straits. The Secretary of State, iu this despatch, does uot fix auy specitic reductions in the Contribution, but readjusts the tribute in a
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    • 116 1 noth October. REPRESENTATION'S HADE TO JAPAN NO REPLY FROM JAPAN. It is officially announced that the British Government has lieen informed of China teiug prepired to negociate with Japan. Overtures have been male to the Powers interested to arrange for joint representations to Japan on the subject.
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    • 81 1 22nd October Forty thousand Japanese troo| s, under command of Marehil Oyaina, have left Hiroshima for an uuknown destination. The feeling is gaiuing in Europe that the Japanese successes have bec*ii overrated, and that Chiua
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    • 9 1 J. A. Froude, the historian, is d *ad.
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    • 521 1 (Straits Times, 16th October.) The Penang unofficial members of council will arrive ou Thursday and they will l>e invited to join the Singapoie members in considering whether the present stat** of the military contribution sy justifies them iu resigning their seits in council.
      (Straits Times, 16th October.)  -  521 words
    • 403 2 Slrrit* Timet 16th October.) ]i is telegraphed that the vexed queft ou of the British dollar has been settled by the Secretary of State sanctioning its coinage. A British dollar tor circulation in the Colony and Hongkong had been advocate for years on the ground of the
      (Slrrit* Timet, 16th October.)  -  403 words
    • 418 2 {Straits Timet, 17th October The ill-luck that has beset the present Ministry in their foreign policy generally has asserted itself also in relation to the China-Japan War. When the course of the war showed that Japan meditated an invasion of China Proper, with the result
      {Straits Timet, 17th October )  -  418 words
    • 370 2 (Straits Timet, 19th October.) The debate at yesterday’s Council was necessarily discursive. It was also unnecessarily discursive—or. at least, so His Excellency hinted to the junior memlx*r. The junior ineml>er is appareutly to In* the Ishmael of debate—his hand against eve rv man’s and every man’s hand
      (Straits Timet, 19th October.)  -  370 words
    • 673 2 (Straite Times 20th October.) It is decided by a majority of five unofficials to two, that the civil servants of the Straits are to receive half of their salaries at the rate of a three shilling dollar. That is to be while they are in the colony but.
      (Straite Times, 20th October.)  -  673 words
    • 865 2 (Straits Timet, 22ml October,) At the Legislative Council meeting ou Saturday all the nutdficial members resisted the military contribution in its various asj>eets. These asjiects were numerous. There was the maiu vote for $830,000 for the contribut ion during 1895. Then* was a vote for £200,000 for liarracks.
      (Straits Timet, 22ml October,)  -  865 words

  • 230 2 The Japaa Daily Advertiser gives the following as being the conditions of the new passports for British subjects in Japan:— Art. I.—British subjects travelling in the interior Shall observe the local regulations of tlie places they visit. Art. ll.—The bearer of this passport shall return it
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  • 812 2 i .J?" W* Special Co**;,. the L»gickiive Council on tbe T?**'* 1 for Singapore and Mala.** baa been publi.bed.. It re 01n r mt deoreaw of $B3,<M)O i„ The Committee sptcial addition of s6<io K i ll 11 ,j t made to tbe General HospiK! enable fresh milk
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  • 521 3 H-K. the Governor has received a from the Secretary of State, ir i ni r that a British dollar is sanctioned r tb** Straits and Hongkong. *f H E Austrian warship Fasana which a* here iu January this year, came into rue port s afternoon from Borneo.
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  • 320 3 'he IJrk.fch IV!i and Laugkat Tobacco ’Hfauv met at London on the 20lii v [’ttu:l>er, with Mr. J. Berry White iu chair. The chairman said that the 1 *U)puny had been doing badly of late, latterly, under better management, an -'uprovement had set iu.and a satisfactory J
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  • 181 3 Mb. Ed. Lorenz Meyer writes to the China Exnrexn from Hamburg on the above subject: Being an old SingajMire man I read your P*l** r regularly and so I came across what* you say about taxing philatelists iu the Straits. I confess I do not see that the
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  • 191 3 The Tientsin correspondent of the North China Daily News Mfcg* :—Treachery is meeting with more desert iu‘ the frightful slicing process” (Liny chih > which is now lining inflicted on some of those convicted of sclliug informa‘ion to the .’apanes®. The process began a few days
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  • 277 3 At tlie mc9t:ngs of the principal Brit sh Provincial Chamber* «*f Commerce in August, the (pieslien of British interest** in t iani came up lor <ousideiatiou iu connection with tbe Circu ar of the London Ch’tce'oe of C*»inmerce, in which hope was express'd
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  • 403 3 Mk. R. W. Egertox Eastwick. late Sheriff of Singapore. Ac., writes to the Times ept. Ilf): Considerable indignation has been very justly expressed in thL c uutrv on receipt of the news which revealed tic* continued existence »n Egypt of a most detestable
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  • 392 3 (Hongkong Daily Pre*$.) Ladt Robinson died at Craigiebiiro, Hongkoog, on tbe evening of tbe Bth inst. Although Lady Robinson was recently piematuiely conhned, and was known to be in a dangerous condition, it was not. imagined that the ease was so critical. The reports of the
    (Hongkong Daily Pre*$.)  -  392 words
  • 222 3 The report of the Shanghai-Perak Sugar Cultivation Co., for the season lSffff-94- states that the pnilit on working account isT’s. 75.15 b and the halm>cc of protit and 10-s account hrouglit forward from last s**as m is Tls. 7b.S"J. The assets -how that of this amount
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  • 313 3 Telegraphing from St. Petersburg, on Sept. 18. flit* Times correspondent said The British Military Attache, Major W. H. Waters, has left ?t. Petersburg for Central Asia, via the Trans-Caspiau Railway, to Samarcaitd and thence to Tashkent. Major Waters has teceived special permission to visit the Trans-Caspian frovince
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  • 164 3 (Via Ceylon.) THE CZAR. COMMOTION AT CHINESE PORTS. CHINA WAR LOAN. FRENCH WARSHIPS FOR CHINA. St. Pete mb tt rg, 6th Oct otter. The Czar and the Imperial family have arrived at Livadia. According to the latest bulletin ns'eived from Livadia regarding t e state of health of
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  • 275 3 WARSHIPS ORDERED To VLADIVOSTOK K. A Reuter's telegram. dated St. Petersburg, September 14th. said Tip* following ineii-of-wnr have been ordered to Vladiv* stock Turret ship I,ho* rotor Nlcluda* 1. and firstclass cruiser Pa mint Atom, detached from Meditenan au squadron second-class cruiser Djit/it, and torpedo cruiser<
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  • 540 3 From the District Report for Any net.) Some applications for mining bud were received in the SetnI district This is a mindistrict and is doing well, hut many Mtdny agricultural holdings have heen destroyed Several tali-ayer disputes wen* settled on t'n* spot hy the Collector of T
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  • 961 3 Berlin l&th 8epteml>er. Th* Chinese Foreipn Office has sent a communication to the General £nroy at Pekin on 3rd ultimo which the official Beichnanzeigcrrepreduces this eveninp as follows We liave already had the honour to inform your Excellency of the commencement of hostilities by Japan, and we
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  • 31 3 Lobd Randolph Churchill is re>orted to bo considerably benefited by his • Hakone, and was by last advices enjoying a series of visits to all the most notable places in Tokyo.
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  • 805 4 (Financial Nc>rg, JSth September). It is not a little surprising that upon all 1 sides one hears of languishing industries and busii esses going to the wall simply because those who carry them on are unable to obtain the financial assistance they need to launch out
    (Financial Nc>rg, JSth September).  -  805 words
  • 99 4 The following despatch has been received by the Governor of Hongkong from the Minister to Japan Tokyo, 27tb September, 1894. Sir, With reference to my despatch of 10th instant. I have the honour to inform your Excellency that I have now received a communication from
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  • 615 4 Arhanqbmknts are said to have 1 een made f<»r a St. Audiew’s Bail at Bangkok. Count Wickenburg left hist evening iu’ the steamer Carolina bound for Sumatra Tbb new premises now in course of erection for the Chartered Bankare rapidly approaching completion. H.M.S. Crescent left veslerday morning
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  • 54 4 The Dumber of Chinese kil’ed, wounded, and takeu piisoners at Ping-yang (Pyongyang) turns out io have t>eu mum less than at, first reported. According t > the Nichi Sichi the number kill* <1 aud t*l>eu prisoners at, and subseqmnt t« the < aptuie was 2,685,
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  • 93 4 On Abeyne Castle shootings the Marquis of Huntly had a fairly good hag of partridge voeterday, but owing to the standing corn the birds could not be followed. On TilUfourie Castle, Mr. Gregson held a grouse drive, when 90 brace were bagged
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  • 252 4 Nows came to hard on Sept. 15 that the important liabour of Delagoa Bay had fallen under Boer control, and that it was to ue ■‘orthwitli equipped as a first class port, Delagoa Bav lies within easy distance of Madagascar, only the Mozambique Chain'd intervening
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  • 716 4 M lk Myre de Vilers left Marseilles on Sept. 14, for Madagascar. The French Press continues to discuss the prospects of bis mission with unabated interest. The Paris Journal says that all the details have been arranged tor au expedition agiinst the Hovas, and that, if the
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  • 54 4 Havas telegrams in the Siam Free Preee state that Franc eand England have entered into an arrangement for united action in the East, and for the protection of their subjects in China and Japan. It is also reported that Great Britain has assured the Great Powers that she will prerent
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  • 642 4 INCREASE IN DOLLAR VALI E3. DECREASE IN STERLING VALUES. SINGAPORE AND PENANG COMPARED. MAIN INCREASE AND DECREASE ITEMS. The import, aud export returns of the Colon? lor tbe second quarter of th** year, compared with the cor-1 responding quarter of 1893, have been I issued. The
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  • 944 4 FOOTBALL I J CHINESE ATHLETIC SPORT* I I WHARVES I I VICTORIA INSTITUTION I 1 (From our Corretpondent.) I J Kuala Lu m]> I j Yestkedat evening, the Kl»n e I] turn ground was ihe scene of an I j contest between the Kuala Kub* I J Klaug
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  • 517 5 w iH be polite to hope that tbe Secrej state for the Colonies has done .df injustice in bis telegraphic surn,t bis Military Contribution des- lU d that Renters message is ap- ni to l)eiug correct. But, if tbe ■'y-M&rv Contribution ;s adjusted in a er ,-alenlated
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  • 76 5 i.A. rok Traffic Earnings for the M'-nth of Sepieasbbb, 1894. Head* of Receipts. Amouiit 513,452 Tickets. 79 Carriages, and Dogs 174 Collections 3 Fares 14 152 t: x, es 9 Luggage 38 314 Total Coaching $14,*259 535,364 Kent 37 397 Total Goods $37,441 Grand Total $51,700 <
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  • 692 5 THE CONSECRATION OF THH HALE. THE DANCE THE BUILDING. Kuala Lnmpor, 16th October. (From Our Correspondent.) The ceremony of consecrating the new Masonic Hall was performed yesterday by Bro. A. J. W. Watkins W. P. M., at five o’clock iu the evening. Nearly every member of the
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  • 70 5 An attempt is being made by the Ceylon Government to clear Galle harbour of the rocks which have rendered it an unsafe port. A diver has teen engaged, aud the diving gear and other paraphernalia have been received, and the work will commence at once. Tie removal of the rocks
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  • 90 5 At the eleventh meeting of the General Council at Sarawak, 20th of September, H. H. Rajah Brooke concluded his address by assuring the Councillors that he trusted them all implicit?, and hoped to see them all at dinner the following evening at 8 o'clock. There is in this a savour
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    Supplementary to Strait* Times Teleijra in a.)  -  923 words
  • 374 5 LX HEALTHINESS OF THE SEASON. ATTACK BY AX ALLIGATOR. ARRIVAL OF CEYLON PLANTERS. planting prospects (From our Corretpondent.) Batu Pa hat 17 th October. The monsoon seems to have set in up here, as we have been experiencing very wet and squally weather lately. We are now
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  • 601 5 At the Police Court, yesterday, Dr. Eugen Von Krudy appeared, on the complaint of Inspector Jones, ou a charge of defamation uuder section 500 of the Penal Code, and he was also charged with forgery of the signature of Hassaui Pillay. Emil Kahlert, described as an assistant
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  • 353 5 Mr. Baxendale, who arrived yesterday by German mail, goes on to-day to Penang on postal-telegraph business. The Penang Gazette believes that the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co. have got a much better thing in Maliwun thau they ever had in Jelebu. H. E. the Governor said in
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  • 398 5 There is, says* the New York Tribune, a powerful party at Pekin actively opposed to the present Euijieror, or to his policy, and led by no less a personage than the Dowager Empress. The latter is a woman if unusual ability and of imperious will. For
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  • 24830 6 THURSDAY, 18tH OCTOBER. This Legislative Council reassembled, yesterday afternoon, at half past 2 o’clock. The following members were present: His Excellency the Governor, Sir Charles Bullrn Hugh Mitchell, K. C. M. G. The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary, (W. Maxwell, c.m.g.) the Resident Councillor of Penang (A. M.
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  • 291 11 A Havas telegram auuounces that the strike which broke out amoDg the canal labourers at Port Ib’aid, and ia which a French eugineer was killed, has terminated. The main items of the Municipal agenda for the usual fortnightly meeting on Wednesday, are —the Police contribution and corn
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  • 94 11 The Canton Insurance Co., of which Boustead Co are the 3gents at Singapore, have issued tlieir report for 1893 It shows a balance at credit of §485,273, out of which 8235,223 have l ecu laid out iu a dividend of 10 J to shareholders, and a Ikiuus of 20 m
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  • 164 11 The Governor has directed that, for the fourth*quarter of the year 1894, the rate of exchange for the adjustment of accounts with the Crown Agents for the’Colonies shall be two shillings and twopence (2/2) to tbe dollar. It is uotified regarding tbe closing of the
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  • 269 11 MEETING TO-DAY. The second ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Mergui Pearling Com)>any was held to-day, at noon. After considerable delay a quorum was got together. The chairman (Mr. Joaquim), in opening the proceedings, said that the directors regretted to have to present a report
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  • 325 11 The members of the Association of Chambers of Commerce visited Fountains Abbey on Sept. 14th. The Marquess of Ri]K>u, iu responding to the toast of his health at a luncheon held in the cloisters, said ho entertained a strong feeling of the public utility
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  • 377 11 The nihwssm's to Jajtauosse arms by land and sea have intoxicated tin* nation, and the vernacular pres* participating in the excitement, is quite exulting in its demount rations of enthusiasm. Its talk grows taller day by day. The tight is not to 1m? given over until China is
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  • 3274 11 Ox Wednesday, before a court of two magistrates (Messrs. Egeiton and Anthonisz), James Burnett Paige sorrendered to his bail on a charge of exporting, on the 16th April last at Singapore, on board of a tongkang named JPrile of the Ocean, a quantity of arms and
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  • 299 12 At the Legislative Oouucil for next Thursday, 1 lie only order of the day is the Supply Bill. Major-General Jones-Vaughan returned this morning from Peuang in the s.s Arratoon A^car. The Biitisdi st.ainer Heuledi whieh arrived to-day from Loudon, has ou board about forty cases of gunpowder
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  • 162 12 MONTHLY MEDAL 20tH OCTOBER. Rooida. H’Cap. Total. Major Morgan 52 50 20 82 J. B. Robertson 44 43 Scratch 87 Dr. Tripp 53 67 30 90 Surgeon Oapt. Groig50 61 16 95 Gapt. Hawkins 51 54 6 99 J.H.D. Jones 57 59 16 100 W. Napier
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  • 286 12 Mrs. Alison, from w give a concert in the Drill Hall* 00 *1 ni*ht. Probably Mrs u “"V da„<* the serprntinelot 1 similar conce t in Hoooknn •uccess, under he patron^eW l^ emor. She w,ll be a 3aiBU X°' > V a pore amateurs. ere 8^ The
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  • Correspondence.
    • 180 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAIT* TlMEs Sir ith all apology for troubling you, I waut to trespass ou your lioie, and space in your paper, asking if you would oblige uie bv inserting iu your columns a few Hues. 1 have to put a case before
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    • 636 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMK> Sir, —I rejoice that the trifhng with the Military Contribution question has now come to au end and that, if oue can judge from the letter published in your yesterday’s issue, a sound and conaiitutioml measure will not improbably he
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    • 143 13 TO lHh EDITOR OF TIIE STRAITS TIMES >IK __l teg you most respectfully that BdV be allowed to publish these few iu vuur paper. Last Saturday, the I‘thinst* mv son, Tan Jiok Ijim.and some !:;h Anglo Chinese School boys went for 4 u ic to Pulo
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    • 1049 13 l<> THI KIUTOK OK THE “STRAITS TIMES. me. —The <ju*wtioii of exchange coinpfn•ciou t«» tlw» European members of the Straits ivil Service for the loss they have sustained in<] ar** *>usrainiiig through the unprecedented i. in exchange is now, bv direction of tlie •r sw *n*tary of State,
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    • 233 13 TO THE EDITOR Of THE STRAIT.-* TIME'.' Siiv, —Allow uie to point out a fallacy in the letter signed G. in your issue ol Siturdav. G. says “it is bard to see bow lie (the merchant)...loses by si low exchange,' and tbeu proceeds to prove that the merchant
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    • 216 13 to TUE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES Sir!--I was glad to see G.’s letter in vour issue of Saturday, as I too have wen under the impression that the merchants here and in other silver currency countries arc wrong in believing that, they have suffered or can suffer
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  • 818 13 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Choir Phya from Klang:—Mr. Nicholson. Per P. A O. s. s. iSu rat from Loudon —Mr. Benito Howe. I roin Penang:—Lt. Col .i. VV. B. Parkin, Maj T. E. Compton, Maj. d. G Parkiusuu A: Tlie Double A. M. 8kinner. From Bombay —Mr. H.
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  • DOCKS.
    • 902 13 The promises of the Company are sit» ated at T*njong Pagar adjoining the towi of Siugapo re. The Wharf nztAnda to nnii z~cuviaea by the entrances to the Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile in length with from 25
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 94 13 CLARKE’S PATENT BROWN LEATHER POLISH. I polishing, softening and preserving al! Brown Leather Goods, such as Boots, Shoes, Saddlery, Portmanteaux, Etc. In this preparation there are no creamy or sticky substance*, such us are contained in inferior Leather Polishes, and which leave an objectionable and corrosive coating on the surface
      94 words
    • 543 13 rpHE UN DER8IGNED, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS OF THE ALLGEMEINE ELEKTRICITATS. Gesellschaft of Berlin for the Straits Settlements Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, will he glad to furnish on application full particulars, and to undertake the supply, ubtallation and maintenance of Steam Engines, Dynamos, Electromotors, Transformers, Measuring and Testing instruments,
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  • 163 14 Th6 Company's premises are situated at Tanionc Rhoo. The Slip No. 3 is capable of LSiz up vessels of 500 tons, the small Slip No S for accommodation of launches and Mali crafts up to 60 tons. The Company executes ships’ repairs of
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    • 158 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str.—-steamer; sh.—ship b q barque; Brit.—British U. S.—United States Fr. —French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Johore; &c., G.c..—General cargo: d. p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain ;T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. p. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J.
      158 words
    • 1273 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Worcester, Brit. str. 1,189 tous, Captaiu Morice. 20th Oct. From Calicut, 11th Oct. Ballast. TJ.—Rds. Fazilka Brit. str. 2,69$ tous, Capt. Wil>ou. 22nd Oct. From Calcutta, 27th Sept. G.c., and 37 d. p. Boustead A Co. For Calcutta, U. —T.P.W. A. Apcar Brit.
      1,273 words
    • 145 14 Name, Port, and Date of London. Agamemnon, Sept. 18; Ning Chow, Sept. 19 Liverpool AgamemoL, due Nov. 3 Deucalion, due Nov. 13; Priam, due Oct. 25 Anchises, due Oct. 27 Barry. Me. Laurin, July 21; Rigel, Sept. 13; Beatrice, Sept. 16j Erwin Rickmers, Sept. 18; Glasgow. Dunbcth, Aug.
      145 words
    • 1148 14 C Flvg Vessel’s Name.! A Tons. Captain. From Sailed. Consignees. w Rig Oct.; 15 Wing Sang Biit.str. 1517 ’St. Croix Calcutta Oct. 6 Boustead A Co. 15 Endeavour str, 1763 Ibrcckon Barry Dock Sept 6 Boustead A Co. 15 Vindobona Au?. str. £682 Mersa Hongkong Oct. 9 Rautenberg Schmidt
      1,148 words
    • 610 14 DATS. V’«h«KLP N’\mk F».a« &Fl 1 CATIAI'. r-XSTINATIO». Oct. 16 Lady Mitchell Brit.str. Treweeke Ter-ang via ports 16 Surat P.O.str. Hon^k T wd 1. 16 1 Hi agno Ital. ptr. Barabino Penang and 1 ombav 16 Vyner S«r. str. Mco e Sadorg 16 Ciieang Chew Brit.str. Webb Penan/ 16
      610 words
    • 235 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOB OROKRS.^ Flag Date Date and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From Where- Destinatio mil Sailing. I Sept 30 Brit. bq. Moel y Don Evans Ang 17 ji-neiro Oct. 10 Ned. s.s. Utrecht DeGoedfi Oct. lo Batavia K.tterdam it lOital. rli. Nico’o Accaiue S&rgaui
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 63 14 ROWANS, 4 C os LOCALLY BOTTLED SPECIALITIES. Pee Doe. Teuueut's Pale Ale Pints Do. Quarts 2.50 Teuuents Stout Pints 1.75 Do. Quarts 2./o Light Shandy ...Pints 1.20 Do. Quarts 2.25 Dark Shandy I ’7? Cider Piu<s Do Quarts d.oO Brewed Ginger Beer Pints 0.92 Do. Quarts 184 SUPPLIED BY Messrs.
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