The Straits Budget, 18 September 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 134 1 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The s e circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and enang, roug out all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the h PP lnes and French Indo-China. No
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    • 15 1 l t'i imt., at Pulo Brsni, the wife if.i Mti :.vLF2, of h daughter.
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  • 307 1 u:toriai.s. T. >il» Tim Railway. Tho K» «*-»nr i»f Cricket. Ji!d lapi*»(Mi\ editing in E/v|»J. A frii'Hu Truu bio*. IMrZ t kim i.O VL bjuoiaf io/iv New.-. Vtawifr'r List. P 'in*«* ;Vc« s. i':e Assize*. Ti Biuc Book Report for 1833. 'j iaew* Alarri Uuitoms. i.'.t* (j'wrnmevt
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  • 536 1 Singapore. 18ih Sbptimbsp., 1894. PRODUCE. Gainbior, 8.12%. do Cube No. 1, 12.50. do do No. 2, S.%. Copra Bali, 5 t»0. do Poutianak, 5.155. Pepper Black, ll.lib Sago Flour, Sarawak.... 2.75. do Brunei 2.50. Pearl Sago 15.70. Coffee Bali, 36%. Coffee Liberian, 40. Tapioca small Flake, 4.00.
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  • 697 1 This week's mail for Europe is take*» by the P. «fc O. s. s. Rohilla. Toe P. &0. Siam, with the mail trom Europe ot the 24-tti A arrived yesterday. Tin. German mail from Europe per Darmstadt is du oq Thursday. The mail for Kur«»p« ut
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    • 84 1 London. 11th Sejitemher. CHINESE SUFFERINGS IN COREA. JAPANESE MOBBED. It is reported at Shanghai that (bo Chinese Hrtnv in northern C-»rea are so hard pushed, that they are destitute of supplies aud have eveu bet u driven to eating their horses. At Newchwang. in North China, twelve
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    • 21 1 The Convention, providing for couuecting the Chinese telegraph lines with those in Ir.dia aud Bur mail, has been signed.
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    • 84 1 12th September. THE MIKADOS MOVEMENTS. It is alleged that Corea has concluded, under pressure, a defensive alliance with Japan against Cliiua. Tlfe Mikado, or Emperor, of Japau and his ministers are going to the Japanese head quarters at Hiroshima. [Hiroshima is the name of
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    • 29 1 There are several indications of a rapprochement between the Vatican and the Quirinal at Romo —[that is between the Pope aud the Italian Government.
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    • 28 1 The British Court will go into mourning for ten days for the Comte de Paris. 13th September. THE ST. LEGER. 1. Throstle. 2. Ladas. 3. Matchbox.
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    • 66 1 A NAVAL EXPEDITION. M. Le Myre de Vilers, supported by four men-of-war, is being sent to Madagascar to ascertain whether the Hovas will submit to France or whether an expedition will be necessary. The French Press hails with enthusiasm the proposed expedition, and anticipates that Madagascar will
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    • 58 1 SPEECH BY THE DUKE D’ ORLEANS' The Duke of York atteodel the funeral of the Comte de Paris at Weyliridge. Thousands of Fieuch Royalists, who were pre-cut, afterwards assembled in Loudon, where the Duke d* Orleans addressed them, declaring that he would fulfil the
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    • 38 1 14th September. A stubborn ba’tle between the Chinese and Japanese is said to have been fought at Kaicbeng in Corea. There are conflicting reports regarding the result, but it is believed that the battle proved indecisive.
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    • 31 1 DEPORTATION OF AN EDITOR. The editor of an Italian newspaper at Cairo has boon ordered to quit Egypt, owiug to diatribes in his journal against the British administration.
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    • 25 1 Tribesmen are besieging the port of Kilwa in Geriuau East Africa, and meuiCiug L.nli. German gunboats hare been despatched thither.
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    • 130 1 loth Sejdentber- THE BLACK FLAG CHIEF IN FORMOSA. BRITISH SOLDIERS INCITED TO JOIN THE CHINESE. The whole of S juthem Corea has revolted agaiust the J»p m jse. A thousand Japauesi troops attempted to tnirch from Fusan to Seoul, but were prevented *>J Coreaus. Only eight
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    • 68 1 Captain Duboulay, of the Artilleiy, proceeds to the Japanese headquarters, aud Captain Cavindish, of tta Argyie aud Sutherland Highlanders, proceeds to the Chinese headquarters as British Attache*. Admiral Tyrtoff commands the Russian squadron in Corea. It is reported that the Japanese tried to surprise the Cuioeie camp
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    • 46 1 ALLEGED PURCHASE OF THE PORT. A syndicate has bought up the port at Deiagoa Bay. Rumour says that the purchase has bcea made on behalf of the 1 Transvaal Government. The agents of the purchasing syndicate declire that it is a purely commercial venture.
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    • 25 1 TICE CONSULS STRIPPED? The Moon have attacked the British and Danish Vice Consuls at Cassbiinca, and stripped the Consuls of their clothing.
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    • 239 2 (Straits Time*, J 1th September.) The Siberian railway, the rapid progress of which towards completion was mentioned in yesterday’s telegrams, takes rank as the greatest railroad scheme in the world. The railway is expected to stretch over 4,785 miles, and to cost over J036,000,000. It is
      (Straits Time*, J 1th September.)  -  239 words
    • 490 2 (Straite Tunes, Tlth September.) The sentence passed at the Assize Court on the Ceylonese Eurasian, Christoffelsz. is a disagreeable incident in t he State encouragement of cricket. Christoffelsz b a young man who, as a member of a Cevlon inter-colonial team, played cricket well. In deed,
      (Straite Tunes, Tlth September.)  -  490 words
    • 331 2 (Straits Timet 13th September.) I The mission of M. Le Myre de Vilers I to Madagascar, in furtherance of French interests there bv armed force, means that I France intends to bring Madagascar mat,I tors rapidly to a head. That island has lieen for years the object of French
      (Straits Timet, 13th September.)  -  331 words
    • 497 2 {Straits i i liter. tth September.) The t i*oii 1 »1* wifli an Italian newspaper editor at Cairo, reported in to-dav s telegrams. brings into u«*ti.-«* tbe obstructive working of ilu* Capimlations tliere. The subjects of foreign PowtTs in are exempted l»v treaty arrangements, called “Capitulations."
      {Straits i i liter. / tth September.)  -  497 words
    • 354 2 (Straits Timet 15th September) The scramble for Africa, which has lieeu such a prominent feature in international politics in recent years, has resulted in the tribesmen concerned resenting the way they and their territory had lieen thus unceremoniously parcelled out. Germany affords the latest instance of the trouble
      (Straits Timet, 15th September)  -  354 words
    • 506 2 (Straits Times 17th. September.) Gt late years, Delagoa Bay has come into promiuent notice in South African polities, especially since the development of the Transvaal goldfields. The Transvaal liorders liegin fifty two miles from Delagoa Bay, which lies on the East coast of South Africa, on the twenty
      (Straits Times, 17th. September.)  -  506 words
  • 139 2 The tas e lor litigation is reported to be growing in Rangoon in proportion to of prosperity. TLe courts are uot only pay their way, but yield a surplus to the public revenue, the balance amounting list year to over half a lakh of rupees. lu five
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  • 563 2 1 he Collector at Port Dickson iu his report for July gives the following repoit ou a recent ease of piracy there:— The Gambling, Opium and Pawnbroking Farm at Arang Arang was robbed on the Ititli inst. between 1 and 3 a m by 15 or
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  • 116 2 I" bit report on the men* of T.hiti, Consul A n o'” 1 las i r,&“ will certainly have a Koo ,l I**' l venting, to sc me extent th D p* s«le of the article. I n the Ms, tl e sale of opium has Uen
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  • 171 2 On the night of the 26th i Chaiilet, the commissioner of Mod<m» in ToDqiiin, w.fe and daugb.o, kkmp£ mII* a frontier town b y •>!' stream from Cbioeae territoy.’ Tl d a garrison of three bundled meu tb l’ whom a hundred and sixty are EuroiJ It appears
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  • 476 2 CHINESE IMMIGRATION IN DKLI Mr. Latino, in his consular repoit ou Singapore for 1893, notts that dunug luat year, especially at the outset, the tobam. market was so favourable that an ext*-. sion of piauting enterprise looked 8itable, and need of labour supply arose in Deli. Hence
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  • 181 3 sit t a a error of punctuation iu the i>WI Tariff Bill, it is not certain diamonds are free of duty in the l u; itd State*. vaII d Arnold ChristoffeUz, at the Kl> eCjuit this morning, pleaded guilty S !"hrtw counts of critniual breach of trust
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  • 121 3 a in t ng of the Honglcong L *gispV>. <\> lucii on the o»d instant, uie Hou. I K IV ilios gave njtic of the following nation i. i: a fart ilial a rrrtain and not iiiroitsiH ..,V nro|Nirtioii of the amount voted by ,e.
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  • 559 3 c< miter attractions of the Tangliu i last night no doubt prevented imtuy :r;u itu Ming the performmce <f this .«j'liur burlesque by the Willard Opera ii. The ttorv, on which the play is r>u:h. his already appeared in our col•aiiU? I'li** burlesque rests
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  • 420 3 -Kobe Chronicb. That the treaty between Great Britain aud Japau has beea revised is uow plnced beyond any possibility of doubi. Iu replying to Mr. Treuch at the audieuce at which the uew British Minister was presented, his Majesty the Emperor remarked lam much gratified that
    -Kobe Chronicb.  -  420 words
  • 460 3 As au endeavour has beeu made t > persuade people at home that the story ol tlit* outia*e ou Mr. Garduer by a portion of Mr. Oiori’s Legation Guard ot L2,0u0 uie i were exaggerated, a correspondent ut oeoul lias seut the
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  • 38 3 Great difficulty, says the Hongkong Daily Press, is being experiened in obtaining griffins for the next spring meeting at Hongkong from Shanghai, and negociations are said to be going on for the purohaae of Singapore and Indian ponies.
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  • 664 3 ANOTHER DRAW IN THE FINAL. The first and second teams of the Lincoln Regiment, which have been left in for the final of the Association Football Cup Competition, met agaia oo the Eesplanade yesterday afternoon. There was a most interesting game and, notwithstanding that they were allowed
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  • 279 3 In the House of Commons ou the 16th August, Mr. Webster asked the Secretary of Slate for War whether his attention «»ad been called to the voluntary and gallant services of the Ist Bittalmn Shropshire L’ghfc lufantry Regiment during the plague at
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  • 1469 3 MUNICIPALITIES. The Report give** the actuil Revenue and Ex|>enditurc, Cash Balances, and Outstanding Loaus of the Municipalities of the three Settlements respectively, for 1893 Revenue Singapore $854,828'# Penang 285,609 Malacca 22,425 $1,162,862 Expenditure Singapoic $859,038 b Peuaug 302.855 Malacca 22.761 $1,1§4 657 Cash Balance
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  • 107 4 The cup uow being played for ha* hitherto been wroDgly designated as the “Garrison Cup/* The priz* is presented by several officers of the Garrison, and should be called the Officers* Cup. Tb w 2ud round resulted —Go wans beat Orman 4 up and 3 to play,
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  • 213 4 Lieut.-Colonel Jerrard, Acting Comma ndajit of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps, in his report for the M*asou 1893-4, saysI would l>eg to reiterate the opinion expressed iu my memorandum to the Colonial Secretary of 27th February. 1H94. that the best possible effect would he produced by a
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  • 513 4 Tub Newchwjing com* pimbn* *>f ih* North Chinn. Doily St v.< writes uuder ddie of tlie August a> bdlmvs I have just return* *1 from t)i *iu »>f the R*v. .Dm Wyle, wliuse ivm-iiii* arrive*! fiom L aoyang t»:s uuniii g, »n
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  • 1462 4 is unfavourable toChiua. H-wykong Daily t*re#8. Definite news has been received, that Pcre Joseph Jozeau was muidered at Hongju on tbe 29t.h August, not by C.oreaoH, as previously reported, but by Chinese soldiers. Hongju is a short distance south and a lit tie east of Yashan. Referring
    is unfavourable toChiua.—H-wykong Daily t*re#8.  -  1,462 words
  • 448 4 E. A. Christo ffelsz, who yesterday pleaded guilty ou three counts of criminal breach of trust while employed as a clerk under t he Government of Selaugor, was this morning at the Assize Court, sentenced bv the Chief Justice to three vears* rigorous imprisonment. Mrs. Donaldson, accompanied
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  • 52 4 THE OFFIC ERS’ CUP. Third round. J. B. Robertson heat Paddsy by 2 up aud 1 to play. Drysdale beat Gen*le by 2 up aud Ito pUy.‘ AHiiison heat Stringer by 3 up and Ito play. The remaining ties in this round must be played off by
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  • 153 4 The Sarawak Gazette of the Ist instant reports a piracy case on the .coast there, the vessel attacked being Chinese. It was committed by Segalang Melanoes. who aft tr murdering the crew and passerine s, live in all, took the boat to their village helped themselves to
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  • 176 4 The whole of the ’ricksha runners at Hongkong struck work on the 4th iustant. It is the old grievance tevived—the insistaiiee of the Government, that the men shall be decentlv clad aud that they shah b ar their number prominently disp'aved on the back of
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  • 294 4 Messrs. \V. G. Hale A; Co.'s circular dated Saigon, 8th instant, states Rice fluctuates daily, but is inclined to keep up, on account of lather short supplies from the interior, though there should he surely about a million piculs remaining. There is still a fair demaud
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  • 156 4 THE PLA GUE AT CANTON. The following l et er ha. b~„ H. M. Consular CaotoD, August 30,1.', Sir, —With reference to preti pondeneeou the subject of th- 1 break of the plague in thee, the honour to infoiiu von that ti 1 1 had ceased to be epidemic here
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  • 245 4 The following letter Las been re<* lu by the Hongkong Government from tL Consul at Canton H. M. Consulate. Canton, August 3Ut, 1*4 Sir,—I have the honour to inform vob that the Canton Likin Office has issue! a notice to Chinese merchauts forbiddin* them
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  • 383 4 MOROCCO BOUND Morocco Bound,” a musical larciuu coinedv, was performed by the Wiii;-nd Opera Company last night to a cruw.M bouse. The fault of the play is its I* ngib, which huriied things. Tbc plot was published in our issue of yesterday. The second act opened
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  • 389 5 4N( *ND the fleet denounced i.i hi > a c t „kk battle imminent. Shanghai, 4th Sept. v i Gov ei nor or tbe Huoau L Ija.k i»i uc loassist Li*bQng«cb>iog P^ viD j*J r t,, ll? t.Le war against Japau. d tUU r haul' has been
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  • 177 5 A <»*.i“any uudcr the above tit'e has oen r-jis \>y Kiujsford, Dormau and t o.. 23, Kbsex-sire-t. Strand, W.U., with «>. £">o,»to*> in shares. Object, v aoj« i up. and vroik concessions u l.rndi X. rtii ilorneo to adopt an »i .i le
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  • 268 5 1 linti.|i 1>;li <|ix- Oewialf. arrived at <»n ?lie 2sth August with four 0,- rs J jj.jf. s J Jv? ja< Up f OD) U n !l mid-cc« an on the previous day. e v j^ ulll p 0 f chief officer of
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  • 372 5 A minute by the Governor of Ceylon giving effect to the final decision of the Secretary of State on the question of ex. change compensation in Ceylon has been issued. European officials are to draw half their salary at Is. fid. the rupee; but the Ceylonese members
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  • 57 5 The withdrawal of Chinese merchants from Kob stys the Chmro Shimbun, has seriously affected the match trade there, is the Cbiuese were the best customers, and it is expected that the match factories at Hyogo and Osaka will have to their business, throwing out of
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  • 177 5 The Xortli China Daily Neas says The Chinese Government has promised every possible reparation for the brutal and uupievoked murder of Mr. Wylie. So serious does the Government recognise the situation to be, that an Imperial Edict expressing the sorrow of the Throue at the news has
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  • 198 5 Now, says the Pinamj Gazette that the letting of the rev< nue farms in the Straits is settled for a time, it is interesting to study the course of letting the opium farms in Netherlands India. Taking first the farms of Deli, Siak,
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  • 228 5 Telegrams in the Deli Conran}, dated Batavia 7lh instant* state that a detachment of sixty soldiers uoder command of Captain Lind green* who had been missed, had returned to Ampenan on the 6th iustant. The telegram alleges that they bed been surrendered by the Raja of
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  • 229 5 N. writes to The Times Any one who has bad any experience of Chinese ways will not be surprised at the dictory telegrams regarding the war in Con a. About ten years ago some of our (politicals had a meeting on the Sikkim froutier with some of
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  • 391 5 During the first half of this year, says the Jiji, the imports exceeded the exports by 6,544,500 yeu, while the import of specie also exceeded its export by 795,700 yen. This peculiarity was partly due to the tiuctuations of exchange, but also
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  • 3370 6 YE8TBBDAY, an ordinary general inciting of ‘the Municipal Commissioners was held at .the office, Finlayson Greeo. The President took bis seat at 2.35 p m. There were preseotMessrs. Nauson, Hare, Meyer, Tan Jiak Kim, Moses, rmd Bell, and the Hon’bles T. Shelford and Seah Liang Seah. The minutes
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  • 282 6 NO INVITATIONS TO BE ISSUEP ALL ARE WELCOME. The Governor bad communicated tp them that he would be happy to open the reservoir extension ou Saturday tUe 29th September at 5.15 The Pres,dent said that no invitatious would be issue 1; but tbe geueral
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  • 243 6 Thb United States Seo»t» I ratified the new Treitv bet*« U I Stales and fbina. 0 ,h I I The Siam Obttrver of th,. r,., I anu ounces tbat the Siamese,! I Kelantan have succeeded in ar. e* I .ebel chief. 8i Rahman, and a ‘n I
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  • 45 6 A jinrikisha maker in Janmisshi to have received an order from ihe Wr Department there for 1,000 jinrikishn for military purposes. They are reported to be urgently wanted, aud were being manufactured as quickly as |>ossible. work being carried on night and dar.
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  • 48 6 the officers' err 3rd round. Hi veil beat Maekay 3up T. D. Taylor Graham *2 up. Greig Go wans 6 up. Vade scratched to Gillespie. Nansou and Fowlie halved tbeir wa'cA and are playing off to-morrow, <two rounds). Plav for the fourth round commence* to-dav.
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  • 80 6 The Siam Observer notes that, it yrupcrlv worked, the distiict of Gliirbi can be proved to possess rich coal deposits. Last veil* two concessions were is»u?i by the Government to work for coal there. These Hi ter concessionaries have obtainec the right to work
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  • 65 6 Siam Observer. Rangoon, September 6th.— It iL nounced that tbe Convention settling Iroutier between Burma aud China l»een ratified. Tbe British Gove rumen gives China Mong Lem aud Kiaug lying between tbe Salween aud the koug. China gets certain rights aUJ u which
    Siam Observer.  -  65 words
  • 163 6 THE P. O. COMPANY AND SUEZ Egyptian Gazette. If the buildiug of an office by the P-* O. Company at Port Tewfik rumour of the Director-* te jj tion to make Suez again a port o instead of Ismailia is likely to p roV the company will have come 0
    Egyptian Gazette.  -  163 words

  • 85 7 t| WA YS IN FRENCH INDOCHINA. Paris, ath September. v tnffrtte declares that Lauessau U* (jovernor-Genera 1 of Indo-China w i!l retl,r w it)i the projected public works, ’i f ,»f whirl* will lie the construction of the twP on Hanoi and Hue. A eoro- raj 1
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  • 42 7 Japanese naval authorities are ’i,e exc* edinglv anxious to a<quhe P' 1 0 f Cardiff coal, the dense siuoke St v *h Japanese coal gives forth rendering L nnJerirable for tactical purposes. j* 11 u
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  • 78 7 .mu ahon of the Minister for the \-f V V i»ublUbvdin the Japan Official Ga1'auiiounresthat for the present the V W ru< tion or repair of all vessels, native foreign. ,K>t to the (ii.vtruueiit, will be suspended at. all r f 'll it, building
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  • 136 7 mhav is proposing to get out a drainv expert from England. Bearing in the experience of Madras with Mr. aud other Indian Municipalities’ ,frits, the Times of India suggests that polish Engineer with no Indian exret«r is practically useless for Iudia. p r vcirs at least he should
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  • 477 7 »ll i: \|KK< HANTS AND HER PEAl'KKl I. MoUJIKS In a work entitled Slav and Moslem Historicd Sketches” (the Aitken Publichiug \>uij'anv AIrs. J. Millikcn Napier I Broadband who writes, it appears, to I correct certain impressions of Air. George I Kennui —has a
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  • 581 7 (FROM A CHINESE COKTRIITIOA) So many ancient customs amongst us, Chinese, are daily approaching a vanishing point that it may reasonably be inferred, some of the absurdities still observed in connection with Chiuess marriage will sooner or later (probably sooner) ha\ eto go overboard also. We are
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  • 131 7 The number of vessels transiting through the Suez Canal has be«*u decreasing of late years and we fii d, trom a return furnished by the Sutz Canal Company to a correspondent, ihat 1 his diminution is still maintained iu the first seven months of
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  • 176 7 (Slam Free Press, 7th September The discontent in the Siamese western provinces has long been patent to all who hate watched events in the Peninsula. The Siamese Commissioners have laid their hand heavy on the land. They have fulfilled the chief article of
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  • 916 7 From the British Consular Report for ISftH.) I have in pievious reports set out the progress that has been made in the establishment of cotton mills in Shanghai. At the beginning of the year two mills w»*re in operation—one a yarn mill of .5,000 spindles, aud
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  • 619 7 To-day we give a further and more detailed account of the fighting in Lombok. The details are very sad readiog: and it surely will be difficult for the General Commanding to explain how he placed his troops in such uutenable posts. Mr. Lavino on Singapore should be
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  • 101 7 WHEREABOUTS OF THE RKPORTED BATTLE. Thus the North China Daily News of the *29tb ultimo:—Ifc is confidently reported by the Chinese that the Chioene Northern army, now under the command of General Yeh, aided by a large contingent of northern Coreans, who are volunteering eagerly to fight
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  • 813 7 H. AT SELANGOR. MR. RODGER TO ACT AS RRBVRSNT. (ROAD-MAKING. Kuala Lumpor 13tk Sept., 1894. H. E. the Governor accompanied bj th6 Hon. Major McOallom Capt. Herbert (A.D.C.) and Mr. Burra (A.P.8.) arrived at Klang on Tuesday morning. The Resident, the Resident Engineer, and the Actiug Captain Superintendent
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  • 96 7 At the fire which incurred at the rear of a petroleum stoie at No. 11 Circular Road a short while ago, it has been elicited that i one mau was burnt there. When the i police went on the scene after the fire, it is alleged that they were told
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  • 2261 8 THE NETHERLANDS CONSULAR REPORT FOR 1893. The re|>ort of Mr. G. Ltvim*, the Netherlands Cousul General heie, on trade aud commerce in S ngapore in 1893, his been published in Holland. The retrospect of the year opens with noting that it showed little imp ovemeut upon
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  • 505 8 Supplementary to Strait* Turn* Telegrami. .(Via Rangoon. I THE HYGIENE CONGRESS WALLOON STRUCK BY LIGHTMNo THK FIGHTING ON THE BENIN COAST THE STAMBULOFF PROSECUTION SOUDAN AFFAIRS. A BRITISH CRUISER AsHOP.K JAPANESE THREAT AGAINST SHANGHAI Berlin. Mb September Baron Gaertner G riebenow lias been ted Consul General of tin*
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  • 583 9 MINKSE murdered. f IV PIRATES FROM THE M ISLANDS. ThEB e came i nt Singapoi-e this tm>rooU,. of the most, ghastly sight* ,c has t*v«T )tne into the |>ort for very 1 v \»u»s. A Chinese tongkang which 1*if Siu'-jap ,r,i 4,1 the 6th
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  • 184 9 fallowing appointments are noti!ml Mr. A. H. Capper to act as 2ad Asiisa!ltColonial Secretary, Singapore. Mr. K. J. Wilkinson to act temporarily 5 Sheriff of Singapore, vice Mr. J. B. u, o, who proceeds to take up his apNrum, :it as 2nd Magistrate and Coinmisof
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  • 1077 9 ANOTHER DRAW* in THE FINAI-. TWO GOALS EACH. The first and second teams of the Lio* eolnshite Regiment met on the S. R. C. ground last evmiug, to again try conelusions in .the final tie for the Association Football Cup Competition. For the third lil e ,Q
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  • 685 9 DECISION IN FAVOI’R OF THE KWAXG TI'SG. This claim aud counterclaim for damages which arose after the collision occurred ou the *24tb April last iu (he S rails of Malacca, was heard at the Supreme Jourt, Penang, last mjn’h aud judgm ent has jus*,
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  • 93 9 Lahore l*t Stjjf. The following is another version of the report that some Russian spies were leceutly expelled from Cashmere. A party of four Jews, who said that they were tiaders, and had come from Constantinople to purchase walnut wood in Cashmere, aud send it
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  • 81 9 the clemching of hands. The following extract is from the £inaKy Gazelle of the 14th, from an article relating to the report in anticipation of the blue book.” Discussing what used to be called the Penang agitation the Gazette gays: —The excitement reached its highest
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  • 697 9 Thk fiual tie iu (he Consolation Handicap. at the L id ie*’ Tennis was played on Saturday, wheu Mrs. Salzmano, owing l of 15, beat Mrs. Elcun. scratch, at 6—3, 6—2. A telegram has b *eu received from H. E. the Governor d ited Kuala Li pi
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  • 1062 9 THE SURVIVORS’ STORY. THE MALAYS WERE PASSENGERS. THE WHOLE INCIDENT VERY OBSCURE. The police are investigating the piracy ease which occurred on board the Chinese tongkaug Kim Hock Hin. The vessel, it will be remembered from our report of the occurieuce on S.iturdiy, arrived bere on Situ
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  • 634 10 Hi UK MEN KILLED, ONE BADLY WOUNDED. 1 BURSTING OF THE DONKEY BOILER. Tub explosion on hoard tin* steamer A>wwhich was briefly noted in the Sira if* Times of Saturday, has turned out to he an occurrence of a most serious nature. Chief engineer
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  • 962 10 THl FIGHTING ON THE TATUNG RIVER AND AT PORT ARTHUR. Tientsin, 30th August. We have it from an authoritative quaiti r that, io the recent fighting on the Tatung nver, the Chinese lost 1,300 men and 700 Japar ese were k lied and wounded. Chiin so soldiers
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  • 69 10 THE OFFICERS* CUE. 3rd round. Fuwlie and Nanton played off two rounds on Saturday, the former gaining a veiy decided victory, by 7 up and 5 to i*kv4th round. Dr. Fowlie plays Gillespie. Stivon J. D. Taylor. Ho* orison Allinson. Gioig Drvsdalc. CHAMPIONSHIP. The struggle lor the
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  • 133 10 At a recent meeting of the Sanitary Board at Kuala Lumpur, there was read a minute from the Resident of Selangor regretting Government had no power to pievent hqier.s growii g and hawking vegetables in the District of Kuala Lumpur. It was resolved that, as the
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  • 94 10 Aiisiua. t ok Traffic Earnings kor tha Month or August, 18U4. Heads of Receipts. A mourn Passenger a $15,040 .Season Tickets 184 Hordes, Carriages, mal Bogs.. 110 MYI- g npli Collections 2 Excess Faros 58 I’iiwels 212 Excess l.nggngc 31 M sccllaiifous 370 Total Coaching $10,026 Good*
    94 words
  • 572 10 A REVIEW OF THE WHOLE PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP. Mrs. Waddell beat Mrs Salzutami. Miss M. Kea-berry beat Mrs. Waddell. Miss VVisharr beat Mrs Dare. Miss M. Keashorry beat Miss Wishart. Mrs. Lovell, holder) beat Miss Keasberry. SINGLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Waddell, *cr. beat Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Dare,
    572 words
  • 470 10 WEDNESDAYS PLAY. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Anderson 7 Davies 7 Muir j String,- r Mosley 7 i i i /Moir i Maxwell s eu Ormiston > FlUiupton Catto > D AliUln j wi Morn-ni i nrk,r n Urr. Somerville Mair i Bueklaud Gralmui) 4 MeDougall i'aylor 6
    470 words
  • 2007 10 Minutes oe Pr.kj.kuis«s 7HI u I OIPAL COMMISSIUNEks T I arv Meeting on D, 21)rH August. in a bAT "it I 1 resent.—Th** President I Gentle, Esq.; the Acting Insi,vt, r 'p*'*' I of Po icc, K H. Bull. EsC X I Shclford, C.M.G.; the Kw'Ue sivl p
    2,007 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 100 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” IE »—I notice in your issue of the 30tb ultimo teference to an attempt made to horsewhip me by a British subject named Taylor. You are not correct in stating hat, “the editor received several blows. I olIv received
      100 words
    • 125 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES." Sm. 1 he iraders and other busiuess rncu of SuDgri Ujong, are now-a-days suffering very much owing to the incouveD’ciices caused by the judicial department. The registrar of courts, has be»u ou various occasions absent from the court,
      125 words
  • 622 11 ARRIVALS. Per s s. Dartvin from Tort Darwin Messrs. A. A. >*wan. aud Dutt Per 9. s. Isabella from Mu.vr:—Mr. W. J Gr-iham. Per M. M. s. s. Ocean tea from Marseilles —Messrs. W. Young, C. Trotter, Reibberg Gaudou, Do Gruyfer, and fister P. Pa*erseu, and Van Lchnigor.
    622 words
    • 347 11 Orvicn—Collyer Quay. W HARvfts and Godowws—New Harbour. Tbk mail steamers may be expected to arrive out wards and leave Singapore homewar- g >i thf following date*:— UoTwam Uovivaim 1894. 1894. Stem- Sept. 17 B**hillm Sept. 19 Ba*>ttn Oct, 1 Cathmy Oct. 3 .S*rwt Oc
      347 words
    • 266 11 in TV C T rOT TF BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN AND TUROPE VIA CANADA AND THE UNTIED STATES. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI NAGASAKI, K( BF, YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Screw Steamship?—6,000 Tons—10,000 Horse Power —Speed 19 knots Proposed Sailings from Hongkong.
      266 words
    • 213 11 Under Mail Contract with thf Austrian Government. The following are the date* on whirl) the Company’s steamers may ho expected to sail from here Outwards. For Hombwards. For Hongkong, Shanghai A Kobe. Trieate via ports. 1894. I 1894. 1'indol.oan S*pt-. 5 Hnrui Vnltrie Sf-pt. 14
      213 words
    • 458 11 Thb following are the dates on which the lail steamers of the Messageries Mari times lay be expected to arrive here HoHEWAKDS. OUTWABM. 1»4. 1894. Yarra 25 SaghrAifn 26 N«i«l Oct. 9 Sy«toy Oct. 10 Mtlbourn* 23 CeUdonie* 24 All steamers of the main
      458 words
    • 102 11 TO PENANG. RANGOON A CALCUTTA. One of the Company’s steamers is ntended to leave T&njong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the ■ibove steamers at through rates to all ports in [r.dia and Ceylon, also to East African Ports. XI
      102 words
    • 131 11 Regular Line Between Bangkok and Hongkong. The Mongkut, 950 tons register, Capt. Stouham. The s.s. Kong Bang, 862 tons register, -spt. Pi got. The s. ft Taichioi r, P62 tons register, Capt Deai s. The 8.8 Phra Chom Klao, 1,011 tons regiser, Capt. J. Fowler.
      131 words
    • 73 11 Capital aabacribed $2,500,000. Amount paid np 500,000. Reserve fond 790,000. Head Ofticb, Hongkong. General Agents, Messrs. Jabdinb Mathbson 4 Co The undersigned having bass appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Marine Risks at current rates. A Bonus ia annually paid to all
      73 words
    • 63 11 Capital £2,000,090. Fund in reserve exclusive of Capital £5,493,073. Like Department The Company has recently revised its Rates of Life Premia and ia now prepared to offer very advantageous terms to Assurers. Live Department The Company is prepared to accept first class risks np to
      63 words
    • 71 11 Capital Subscribed $2,000,000. Amount Paid-up 000,000. Reserve Fund 760,000. Head Orrics, Hongkong. Secretary, W. H. Rat, Esq. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to aooept marine risks at f current rates. All contributors of business whether share holders or not receive
      71 words
    • 40 11 FIRE. LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1903. Subscribed Capital, £1^00,000. Paid-up Copit&L. S00.000. Total Invested Funds over... ........£1,000,000. THE undersigned Agents for tae above Company re prepared to accep risks at current rates o premium. BARLOW 4 Co.
      40 words
    • 40 11 Capital £2,000,000. Fire and Marine Insurance effected at current rates 20 0 Cash discount allowed on Marine Policies in lieu of an mi* i Bonus. Wm. McKEKROW 4 CO. Agents
      40 words
    • 38 11 Capital £1.000,000 Rasnsva £600,000. The undersigned having been appointed Agent at Singapore for the above Company, ia prepared to accept risks by First Class Steamers and Sailing Vessels. GEO. KING, Agent.
      38 words
    • 56 11 Capital subscribed $2,000,000. Amount paid out 400,000. Reserve fund ,,1,056,049. Hoad Office, Hongkong. General Managers, Messrs. Jardink Matheson Co. The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company at this port are prepared to accept risks at current rates. A bonus is annually paid
      56 words
    • 167 11 Capital and Funds, £521,423. on the 31st December, 1881. THE INDIAN LTFE FUNDS now amoun to overTWENTY-THRE A LAKHS OF RUPEES in Government Securities cnlv, held bj the Official Trustees for payment of claims. Thb Posiiiv* Ststkx or Endowment Assurances payable at all
      167 words
    • 53 11 Capital £3,000,000. Chairman in Manchester: Edward Coward, Esq. Chairman in Liverpool: F. W. Reynolds, Esq. Chairman in Glasgow: Sir Donald Mat boson, K.C.B. Diobt Johnsoh, Esq., General Manager and Actuary. 11 The undersigned, Agents for Em above Company, am prepared to aneept Eire Rieka at current rates.
      53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 55 11 CORKS! CORKS! BROSSIEK JNR., 34, Bd. de Strasbourg, PARIS. COVE BAHLPACTtBEBK. OWNERS OP FOBE8T8 OP COBE TBEEfc CORKS OF ALL KINDS: For Wiaaa. Sods, Beer, EflwMeat Water*. Cider, end aJao lor Perfumers, Chemist*, Require the Trade Mark. Apply to MB88B8. L. J. CHATER k Co., SlBGAPOBfc. Agnta for M. OPPENHEJMER
      55 words

  • 719 12 Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1894 FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. 1st Race. THE MAIDEN-PLATE.—Value $250. A Race for Maiden Horses, First-class to carry list. Second class 10st.; and horses entered for the 5th Race,-9at, R. C. 2nd Race. THE ROADSTERS' PL ATE.—Value $200. A Race
    719 words
  • 212 12 Tu Company executes ships* repairs of all Aeaeriptions in the most efficient manner m* Asr me superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. VO. 1 Oaiviia Dock. Length—4ift toot. Depth of Water from 14 feet U Iff feet. Wrath at Entrance 41 feet. Ee. S
    212 words
    • 106 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamor; sh. —ship; bq.—barquo; Brit—British U. S.—United States; Fr. —French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.c.. —General cargo d. p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Taujong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W.—Bormx> Wharf; J. W.—Jardino’s Wharf
      106 words
    • 793 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Isabella, Brit. btr. 84 tons, Capt. Hudson. 16th cept. From Muar, 15th Sept. G.c., and 71 d p. Wee Din A Co. For Muar, 17th.— Rds Kian Ann Bri**. btr. 101 tons, Capt. Moss. lOtli Sept. Krom Djaiubie, 15th Sept. G.c., and 17
      793 words
    • 143 12 Name Fort, and Date of HaiVot? Liverpool Shu Ignacio de Loyola, Aug. 1 Achilles, Aug. 14 Pak Ling, Aug. 15 Teleinaclius, Aug. 15 Bark*. Me. Laurin, July 21; Glasgow. Uh> ses Dunt.cth, Aug. 11 Cardiff Ferdinaud Fischer. July 28 Marseilles Saghaliou, Sept. 2: Sydney, Sept. 1 6; Shields.
      143 words
    • 743 12 C F fj vo Vessel 8 Nam«. ions. Captain. Feoii Bailed Conkioneeh. Ri'j 1 Sept ae 0r 8^r ,0 Hongkong Sept 2 Kautenbcrg Schmidt A Co. 10 jJuuia.n i Bnt. str. 2131 Hugiil CalcntU ~ept 1 A Co. 10 fctej-shu'v Rn.str. 2913 Rad’off St P’burg JuJj 2* l on.eo
      743 words
    • 681 12 T.». M M iieft Fl'i ►•’-l f v »T;ov Sept 11 ra'roclas Prit. ptr. j K 1 in ou Sc ur» > a p* rt 11 Ajax i Mr. t Godni i Hongkong, sbut-glui a.a<i i ll etendburg Riw. ftr. I Rndl flf Xsua.-a i ll L derho n
      681 words
    • 224 12 PASSED Sl/NDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date Date, and Snrr’s Name. Commander of- From Where. Destination maR i> Rio- Sailing. Sept. 6 tier, bq Heinrich Henne Aug. 10 Singapore New York 6 Ned. s s Gelderland De Uoe (Sept. 6 Batavia Rotterdam <5 i> it s s.
      224 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements