The Straits Budget, 3 July 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 134 1 The Straits Budget BKING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 219 1 STRAITS TIMES TUESDA Y, 3RD JULY. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Editorials. I' !’r Crisis iu France. Nat \> S’n f *M Oours. Tn“ N> v French resident. R »nt at Ponang. L** l A!.. Mar -et v iiif pin; X*‘ws. List. Po!;ee Xews. ThfS r.airi Insurance Co. Tu) strap* F-rj Insurance
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  • 541 1 Singapore. 2nd July, 189k PRODUCK Gambior, 7.65. do Cube No. 1, 12. do do No. 2, 8.% Copra Bali, 5 90. do Pontianak, 5.70. Popper Black, 9.35. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.45. do Brunei 2.17%. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffco Bali, 36%. Coffoe Liberian, 39. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15.
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  • 621 1 This week’s mail for Europe leaves by the M. M. s. s. Oceanien, The M. M. s. s. I Oxus with the mail from Europe of the 8th June is due to-day. The German mail from Europe arrived on Thursday by the Karlsruhe. The German mail
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    • 143 1 London, 26th June. SORROW FOR THE PRESIDENT’S DEATH. FRENCH EXASPERATION AGAINST ITALIANS. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. The Italian Sauto, the assasti i of M. Carnot, proves to he a dangerous anarchist. The Bril ish, Italian, Spanish, and Amcri. I ca 1 parliaments have voted condolence with Fiance on the
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    • 49 1 27th June. The House of Lords and the House of Commons passed unanimously the votes of condolence on President Carnot’s assassination. All the members uucoverel on I passing the votes. The party leaders delivered impressive speeches, dwelling upon [the long friendship betweeu France and I Britain.
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    • 32 1 Serious anti-Italian riots have broken out iu Lyons, where shops occupied by Italiaus have beeu sacked and their contents burned. The Italian consulate at Grenoble has been attacked.
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    • 18 1 M. Dupuv, the preseut Prime Minister, is also a candidate for the presidency in Fiance.
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    • 15 1 28th June. M. Perier has been elected President of the French Republic.
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    • 34 1 The House of Commons has carried the Bill for imposing an increased duty on beer. [The beer duty is to be raised by the Bill to six shillings and*sixpence per barrel.]
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    • 15 1 Foreign anarchists publicly applaud the anarchist, Santo, as the avenger of Ravacbo and Vaillant.
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    • 71 1 29th June. The British and German press applauc the election of M. Casimir Perier to the French Presidency, on the ground of his being a strong and competent man for the post. The French Radicals, on the other hand, denounce the election of M. Casimir Perier as
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    • 41 1 30th June. Constant conflicts iake place betweeu French and Italiau workmen at Marseilles. INDIAN DEBT CONVERSION. The conversion of the four per cent Rupee loan of 1842 aud 1848, to 3* per cent stock is anuouLced.
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    • 18 1 The remains of the late President Carnot are lying in state at the Elysee.
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    • 72 1 Iu a discussiou in the House of Lords on the closing of the Indian Mints, Lord Reav, the Secret try of State for India, said that statistics proved that ludiau trade bal benefited by that fct*p. He, Lowever, admitted that farther ex* periemte must show the permanent
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    • 53 1 London 2nd July. Oaehuudred and fifty Anrobists have been arrested at R >m*\ The murder of President Carnot, is stated to have been the result of an Auarehist plot in which Sinto, the assassin, w;is chose.i by lot to execute the seutenre passed by
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    • 35 1 The Prince and the Priucess of Wales jave opened Tower Bridge with brilliant ceremony. The L *rd flavor of Ijondou aas beeu made a barouet, and the Sheriffs iave leen knighted.
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    • 11 1 M. Dupuv is forming a uew cabinet at Paris.
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    • 356 1 (Straits Times, k6th June.) Tub surmise that Anarchism directed the hand of President Carnot’s assassin finds verification in to-day’s telegrams, which note that the murderer is a dangerous Italian Anarchist. This instance of how high the Anarchists aim, and how, at any moment, other rulers
      (Straits Times, k6th June.)  -  356 words
    • 698 2 »S traits Times, 2?ih June.) The procedure which prevails in the '••ivil and criminal tribunals of the Protected Malayan Native States has. during the past few years, l>een brought to notice with more or less frequency. The subject is a very important one in viewing the progress
      »Straits Times, 2?ih June.)  -  698 words
    • 440 2 (Straits Times 29th June.) M. Casimir Perier, who now holds supreme power iu France bv election, in succession to the late M. Carnot, has long been recognised as an able statesman, and had l**en pointed out as the coming man for months l»efore. M. Perier had
      (Straits Times, 29th June.)  -  440 words
    • 666 2 (Straits Times, 29th Jane.) The Municipal Commissioners at Penang sometime ago appointed a committee to look into the Municipal expenditure there with a view of suggesting some retrenchment for the year 1895. That committee has just brought forward its report; and therein are made some startling recommendations
      (Straits Times, 29th Jane.)  -  666 words
  • 39 1 DEATHS. 0> tl.o 2*ith June, at Sansouei, Sydney l-v' T infant child of Capt. G. GRANT, tj r 1-noc Keppol Rond (Tanjong Partr .ou 28th June, at 6 39 p.m., Capt. Ln ,i < >, of Genoa (Italy), agnl 45 reir-.
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  • 302 2 TOIIACVO SALKS. TROUBLES WITH THE NATIVES (From our Correspondent.) Sandakau 22nd June. Since I last wrote, advieo has been received of the sale of the second half of the crop (232 bales) from Lamag Estate at the average price of f. 1.85 per kilo. This makes the average
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  • 51 2 Chinese troops have defeated tb** surgents in the Corea, where over Japanese troops have landed to protec Japanese interests. The Japanese b°* ernment are said to have refused to Wl1 draw their troops, except on certaiu cou 1 tions, which the Chinese Government a r reported to be indisposed to
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  • 55 2 The Education Report for 1893 lU dicatcs progress in public instruction jjj the Colony, and urges the starting ot nit: schools for adult Chinese. It make out that the expenditure on educ* tion in the Colony is not excessive, w counsels against any reduction in the eu u cation outlay
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  • 1256 3 w M 6. Leander returned to port and cr aucliorage at 3 o’clock this took U 1 jfternoeii. T t’ljinose stoker from the Pakshan ,r vet r*covered from the plague. q 14 .j, tin ties iii the same conditiou—that slowlv towards recovery. p l T«’u rt
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  • 22 3 (liy mire to the Straits Times) Hongkong. Tuesday afternoon. Fifteen deaths from Bubonic Plague occurred at Hongkong yesterday.
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  • 164 3 THIS COLONY'S CONDOLENCE. The followirg messages exchanged between H. E. tbe Governor of the Straits Settlements, aud the Governor-General of French Iudo-Chiua show a pretty little tiibute made by tbe Governor of *his colony to the Goveruor-Geueral of Fieneh Indo-Chiua iu tbe severe loss sustaiued by
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  • 182 3 The plague mortality figures at Hongkoug which bv our wire of yesteiday, showed that on Saturday there had been sixteeu deaths, and on Sunday twenty-four deaths, do not unfortunately lend belief in any great decrease there from that dtead disease. It is to be remembered that a very
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  • 260 3 The steamer Hanoi, shortly after leaving Hoihow for Haiphong on her last voyage, captured pirate junk. The Courrier d Haiphong gives the following account of the affairOn the 30th May, at 5.30 a m., the Ha noi left Hoihow for Haiphong. About eiyht o’clock, when
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  • 288 3 Referring to the Foochow tea trade a correspondent writes to the N. C- Daily News —The export to Europe so far consists of small shipments bv c« ast steamers for transhipment to mail steamers in Hongkong, the weight of which is insignificant. The first direct steamer,
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  • 397 3 TREE-DAUBING AND TREE BLAZING. GOVERNMENT AND COW SLAUGHTER. Allahabad, June 11th. The Pioneer writes In later development of the tree-marking movement, blazing with an axe or chopper, has become almost as common as daubing with mud. In roiiie recent instances both processes have been combined. The other
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  • 307 3 Hongkong Telegraph. Already employers of labour are feeling the pinch; building operations are practically suspended all over the colony, cargo steamers find the g’eitest difficulty iu loadiug or unloading, manufactures are being stopped—the Rope Works had to shut down few days ago, the Lee Yuen Sugar
    Hongkong Telegraph.  -  307 words
  • 174 3 The official journal of Fieneh ludoCh ni, in its number of the 18th instiut, gives returns of the imputation of cotton piece g o is of French aud foreign origin into Cochin-Chiua and Cambodia. The figures bear upon the first five months of every year
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  • 391 3 Mr. Hiram S. Maxim writing to The Time* on the subject of Herr Dowe’s bullet proof cuirass says: I will admit that I did not like to have a German come to Englaud and preseut something which many people appeared to believe beat auytkiug which could
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  • 337 3 In view of the excitement aroused by the Anglo-Belgian CooTcfiffOu, the article* of that instrument may be thus recapitulated (1) Groat Britain has a sphere in the Nile Valley recognised by Germany and Italy, to which, as Bir Edward Grey stated in the Houseof
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  • 595 3 —Siam Observer. The first reliable statistics showing the exteut of the between Siam aud the rest of the world last year have just been published by the CustomsDepait ment. Rice is set dowu at nearly 25£ millions of dollars in value. Theenoruoous increase in rice, will be
    —Siam Observer.  -  595 words

  • 920 4 Fortnightly Review. The Republican party in the United States, the party of protection, has hitherto been regarded as the party unfriendly tonsilver. During the conflict last autumn in Congress over the repeal of the Sherman Act, Mr. Reed, of Maine (the Speaker of the
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  • 805 4 The following is the tenth annual Report and statement of accounts for presentation to the shareholders of tbe Straits at the seventeenth Ordinary General Meeting. to be held on Thursday, the 5th day of July, 1894 Tour Directors hog to place before you the annoxod
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  • 423 4 The Biitili Consul at Batoum, in a reI oil ou i 11 .4 trade of the district, gives some particulars as to the production of aud «rade in Russiau petroleum. He writes A total increase of 105(.612 tons, valued at 4*191,412, took place in the exports from Batoum
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  • 306 4 I I iu Manila. THE MW NISH BUDGET. CHOLERA IN EUROPE. THE CRISIS IN MOROCCO. EARTHQUAKES IN SPAIN. I Madrid. 7th June. The budget for the forthcoming financial year shows a deficit of twenty-four million I pesetas, which it is proposed to cover by the expected surplus 011
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  • 1515 4 Lady Mitchell will hold a Reception to-monow (Thursday), at the usual hour. The duly on tin exported from the Upper Perak District is raised, from the 1st July, from §5.50 to $6 per bhara. Information bas been received that Colonel Walker will arrive at Lipis this evening,
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  • 149 4 ,—Times of India The Bombay opium tiade again sbo* 9 I material falling off. The total nunil^* r chests weighed and passed at the scales for export to different parts of India Juries the past official year* was 28,50*2 as compared with 32,570} in the previous
    ,—Times of India.  -  149 words

  • 169 5 Government Gazette of the lV the following noti,.j U J >* lt ,U 7th May, 1894, has been A .‘.tr.’ct that a duty of l\ pc*r cent. T t li«- gross value of coffee cxnftertu* 1st day of July, 1994. -ii l„. collected at Kuala
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  • 164 5 I r y laugor financ ial returns for 1893 I ‘.j p»ll*oving figures of actual revenue I "rl exh'U'l.ture during the year I v 82,765,351 I KM-diture.. 2,605,588 I Surplus 159. 63 I [.jriiiDg to the assets aud liability stateI the'excess of assets over liabilities j’ st January,
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  • 494 5 nail advices from Hengkongl I, the plague let urns had lucu I -a >!.-tdv diminuliou iu the mini-1 r ,.r ,’ii tdmi>Mc!is and deaths up to I > The tunics for the 24 hours ).i> m on tin* 19th, showed,! v. -u-ld-m in.‘reuse, and stood I
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  • 2467 5 Mr. Thomas Barclay, a member of the Institute of International Law, has hi ought out a pamphlet ou the Territorial Waters question raised in the Ravenna Chishima collision case in Japan. As the Chishima was a public ship belonging to the Japanese Government, the Emperor of Japau sued
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  • 355 5 In the Straits Times of the 10th April I there appeared an article, taken from an I Australian contemporary, which anirnadverted on the mirketfor mother-o-pear 11 shell in London, and the method of sorting, I and suggesting that an effort was about I to be made to
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  • 502 5 UNSATISFACTORY STATE OF AFFAIRS. |j Tiie fifth ordinary yearly meetiug of the 1 Chim Borneo Oompauv, was held on the !>th instant at Hongkong. Mr. B. Layton I presided Air. \Vheelev lead the notice convening! the meeting. I Tin* Chairman said- In piescuting the 1 repo'**t
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  • 796 5 DESPATCH OF TROOPS BY CHINA AND JAPAN. The Jiji publishes the following two paragraphs with the permission of the military and naval authorities. The rebellion, which has arisen in Korea, increases in extent; and as it is becoming evident that the Government of that country is unable
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  • 72 5 The following XI will represent the Lincolnshire the all-day cricket match v S. C. C. to-morrow (Thursday) Lt. H. H. Haritgton, Lt. C.C. L. Barlow, Lt. A. Jenkins, Lt. P. O. Hazelton, Lt. G. F. Davies, Lt. F. W. Stiinger, Sergt. Major Duneclift, Sergt. Claydon. Sergt.-Nealon, Pte. Coogan, and
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  • 1275 6 Towards the middle of last month, ihe Resident of Selangor visited the Klang district aud found marks of improvement on all sides. The progress of education specially interested him, but note is made of a poiut which the District Office* s and the Inspector of
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  • 247 6 Tin' District Officer of Kuala Selangor, last mouth, visited Puluu Angsa, Jriaiu, and Suugei Bulu, aud fouud everything satisfactory. The padi harvest was in full swing and the crops were turuiugout very satisfactorily. All the Pciighulus were instiucted to make careful le'urus of all the padi
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  • 347 6 Yesterday afternoon the members of the Raffles Cricket Club commenced their auuml Athletic Sports, in the presence of a numbei of spectators. The spoits uere held, as usual, ou the grouud at tuv v ir of t he school with which, Club is connected, auu the
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  • 1314 6 The s. s. Cheang Chew arrived from Amoy yesterday and was placed iu quarantine. The French transport Cachar arrived yesterday from Haiphong with 120 passengers on board. She left for Marseilles to-day. On the 21st. there arrived at Bangkok a brig from Kelantau, bringing 17 44 Kheks
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  • 26 6 (By wire to the Straits Times.) Thirteen deaths from Bubonic Plague occurred at Hongkong on Tuesday eighteen on Wednesday and eleven yesterday.
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  • 184 6 8. C. C. V REGIMENT. An all-day match was played ou the Esplanade yesterday between a team from the S. C. C, and a team from the Regiment. The match ended in favour of the military team. The following were the scores: LINCOLN REGIMENT. Lt. Barlow c. Maxwell b.
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  • 108 6 The Perak Government Con,,.- leprosy asserts that the a; "V which Malays have alwaJ H with disgust and aversion. “h of the people have placed ii etr^1 *»> that such as are afflicted withT' 40 not to be aduiittel to social intercourse with those who a disease,
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  • 128 6 SUMATRA TOBACCO SA LES. The tobacco sales, held at A on the 14th instant, resulted Deli Maatschappij, Amsterdam- bales. I D M,A 76.5 t BeUwsn, ”S' ‘.JI:’ 'Lnlse- I!, K ini A.B. 944 iHelvei^ 1 1 1 K-L.'ngkst 5») F S.S.T. C.-B. 403 ,T.„id -ft S. Co.-T.L. 3(»o T. 279
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  • 179 6 The Actiug District Magistrate i Knan in Perak, in his report for Mi; tells bow a fire broke out in the villa*if Parit Buatar at about 12 30 p.m on i 27tb. The fire commenced at the oort corner of a.block of atap buildings tactile main
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  • 376 6 H. M. ship Undaunted Captain Jok Hal I i fax, arrived at Colombo, savs th I Colombo Observer, on the morningotthr l9ih iust. The Unda unted was comoissioi.el at Devouport on 17th April with« I complement of 484 officers and uieii for service on the China
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  • 155 7 HA VAS TELEGRAMS FRANCE IN AFRICA. ...'-HIST ATTACK ON SIGNOR CRISPI. Vi m ol RAGEMENT TO COLONIAL ENTERPRISE. Paris, 19th June. 1 ,„(1 Belgium an* disposed to yield V' 1 v i t .ws on the Congo Convention. I r ll 1 -,-lii?-t named Lega fired a shot from u
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  • 251 7 j Deule. a French traveller, i latelv concluded a long trip \trirt from the Cape to Mombasa, i!.-}!. has just passed through Cairo heme. Speaking of Africa iu Mr. Deele does not consider it n ..mitrv ou the whole, with the exko«v\**r, of a few
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  • 354 7 returns of the Volunteer r ,ni t u in eouuection with the home hi lis.ition scheme, show that Lumber of infantry Volunteers i osts in the northern and im iu» s for the defence of Lcndou dr.n..! with seventy-nine position of whom 37,575 infantry
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  • 293 7 Supplementary to Straits Times Telegrams the grand prix race. CHURCH DEFENCE IN WALES. THE ASCOT STAKES. THE KHEDIVE'S MOVEMENTS. HIR K. GREY ON COLONIAL SELF-GOVERNMENT BIMETALLISM IN AUSTRALIA. (17a Ceylon.) m if n Paris, June 17. Tin-following is the result of the We for h M,Vn" d D
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  • 581 7 A frenchman named Looveu, who has been for a length of 1 ime resident iu Japan, has, says a contemporary, produced an interesting and exhaustive account of the Alilitary and Civil Administration of that country. Some time siuce a slight sketch of the Military organisation was given
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  • 161 7 (From our Cor respondent.) Kuala Lumpor Tuesday. Colonel Walker arrived at Klang yesterday morning by the Sappho. At the same hour Inspectors McKewan and Connelly, 30 Sikhs, and a 7 pounder, arrived by the Horsburgh from Perak. The party were met at the Ceutral Station by the Resident,
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  • 709 7 —The Time*. On the 1st mstaut, a large number of and military officers, including Admirals Saumarez and Boys, General Duune, Colonel Slade (late commandant of the School of Musketry, Hythe), Major Crabbe and Captain Dutton Hunt, district inspector of musketry, and contingents from Woolwich and Chatham, visited
    .—The Time*.  -  709 words
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  • 329 7 NEW LINE OF ITALIAN STEAMERS. INCREASING EXPORTS OF GOLD. Bombay, 12th June. It in notified here that the Italian GovernI meat has invited proposals for the estabI lislimeut cf a direct line of steamers I between Venice and Bombay. HitherI to the only direct lines between Italy
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  • 456 7 The Figaro (says the Pari* Morning Post'* corespondent,) published uii the2ud Juue a communication from M. Francis Laur on tie subject of M. Turpin’s inventiou. “It was iu prison/’ says M. Laur, “that Turpiu gave uie a glimpse of the scheme on which he was working. He
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  • 526 8 Kbrosine is now being exported from Japan in large quantities at prices slighkiy below those of tbe Russian oil. It is said that India will lose 60 million rupees this year in her with the Governmeut in England throikgh the fall in exchange. i H. N. M.’s
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  • 254 8 The French Foreign Minister, Havas* Agency wires, has ordered French Colonial Governors to encourage and favor private enterprise, and extend every assistance to nieu bringing energy and capital into French Colonies.” M. de Lanessan required some commands of that kind, it would teem. A recent writer
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  • 176 8 The terra-cotta work for the new Government House in Rangoon is being manufactured by Messrs. Stiff aud Sous of London, and to ensure the proper quality of tbe ornamental details Mr. R. Phene Spiers, F.R.LB.A., a well-known figure in the London architectural world, has beeu appointed to
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  • 432 8 An appendix to (he anuual report of the Bengal Chamber ot Commerce lor 1893-94, gives at a glauce a view of the grow th of the Indian tea-trade since 1866. About thirty years ago India s°ut annually about four millions lbs., of tea to the London
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  • 254 8 Yesterday afternoou in very favourable weather the members of the Raiilei Cricket Club continued their athletic sports. Tbe ground was very wet which had a tendenev to impede the running events. There were a large number of competitors, aul the programme was carried out very successfullv.
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  • 558 8 THE FRENCH ON THE UPPER MEKO NO BRIGANDAGE. COFFEE PLANTING. The Conrrier cT Haiphong contrasts uoI favourably tbe policy followed by tbe I French and Siamese Governments on the I Upper Mekong since the signing of tbe J Franco-Siamese convention. Tbe Siamese, I it seems, lost no time
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  • 149 8 The export trade of British India appears to be shriukiug iu sympathy with the falliug rupee. A few weeks ago, the returns of foreigu trade for the past year showed a marked contraction in expoits as compared with 1892-93; and the downward teudeucy is still more decided
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  • 133 8 Via Rangoon.) LIBERALISM AND THE HOUSE OF LORDS THE ASCOT GOLD CUP. CIVIL MARRIAGE IN HUNGARY. London Hist June. At a conference of two thousand delegates of the National Liberal Association held at Leeds a resolution was adopted with entliu- siasm to abolish the right of the Lords
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  • 405 8 THE LOMBOK EXPEDITION. BANK NOTE FORGERY. PEARLING IN THE ABU ISLANDS. The Batavia Nieuwsblad states that the preparations for the expedition to Lombok were goiog on briskly at Batavia, and every effott was being made to star; it on the 30th June. A sharp watch is kept by
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  • 441 8 ENTRIES Thi foiluwiug is a complete list ol the entries, for the S.C.C. Athletic Sports to be held next Wednesday and Saturday 100 YARDS FLAT RACE. A. Dennys, A. A. Gunn, P. K. Scott. T. Thomson, j. Elcuui. a. mcClosky. Rodesse, W. Jennings. J.
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  • 885 8 A. V. R. Thb AuociatioD football met last evening on the Eipl,.?,®' 4 cide tbe first round of A lenge Shield competition several disadvantages which th ing teams last week were e X em„. r W *K the first place the ground w is
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  • 43 8 Communications are still passio- tween the Government of India aud Amir of Kabul regarding the delimit* j of the Khyber-Asm&r frontier. 1- 0 that about eighteen thousand P worth of machinery of all kinds i* 1 sent to Kabul for the Amir's workshop
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  • 811 9 Ued Out belongs to the class of novels ha purpose, and the characters move Wit n 9C eues aud in a state of society out the common. The author leaves tbe Q tnl ck of romancers, and enters a w here hardly any before him have i n
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  • 723 9 The 8. 8. Frijga arrived on Sat urdav, from Hongkong aui was placed in quarantine. Seven robbars, caught plundering various plague-stricken houses, were executed recently at Canton. Mr. C. B. Dalmatia takes over from to-day the management of the Singapore Oil Mills, F. Engler Co. The business
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  • 2694 9 THE ENGAGEMENT AT TEMB FLING. MR. E. WISE KILLED. FOUR SIKHS KILLED; OTHERS WOUNDED. CAPT. TALBOT BADLY WOUNDED. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DESPATCHED TO THE WOUNDED. The Government is iu receipt of information to the effect that the attack on the lebel forts at Jeram Ampai oil the Tembeling
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  • 324 10 Two ri'ickct matches were )»1 tyed on the Esplanade on Saturday in connection with the .S. O. C. the scores are as follows S. C. C. Ist XI. F. H. Grant r. Tessrnsolin h. Ryan S Wilkinson t*. Tosseusolm h Ryan 22 Lt. H*iington b. Ryan 2 J. Cook
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  • 566 10 VOLUNTARY L1QUIDATICN. As may be seen from an adveitisement in another column it is proposed that the Straits Fire Insurance Company, Limited, shall go into voluntary liquidation, and a general meeting of the shareholders of that company has been called to consider a resolution
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  • 495 10 HALF YEARLY MEETING. The half-yearly meeting of the Raub Australian GoldMiningCompany, Limited, was held in the registered office, Creekstreet, Brisbane on the 31st May, when about forty shareholders were represented. Mr. De Burgb Persse occupied the chair. The secretary, Mr. G. S. Murphy, submitted the
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  • 678 10 KIKE brigade competitions. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTION. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. Thh Selaugor Volunteer Fire Brigade hold thoir second annual Competition Drills ou tho Parade Ground yesterday (Corouation Day). Messrs. Merryweather A Sous of Loudon presented four silver medals for the winuers of Compauy Drill, aud 3500
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  • 151 10 Monday, 2nd July. High Water. 9.8 p. m. Football. Cup Tie. R. A. v. Regt. Philharmonic Choir. 5.30 p.m. Tuesday, 3bd July. High Water. 10.44 a.m. 9.57 pm. New Moon. 12.40 p.m. M. M. homeward mail. M. M. outward mail due at noon. Church Work Association Meeting at Blanche
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  • 414 10 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. (Cth Sen day Anna Tbibitt.) st. Andrew’s cathedral. 7 a. m., Matins and Sermon. S a. m., Holj Euchariat (Choral 11 a. m., Litany Holy Encharit*. 4 p. m., Children’* Service. 5 30 p. m., Evensong and Sermon. 8r. Matthew’s Church, Sbpot Links. 8 p.
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  • 492 10 arrivals. Per s. s. Siak from Deli:—Mrs. Kamminga. Per M. M. s. s. Tibre from Saigon:—Mr. Muschler, and Miss-Muschler. Per s. s. Nienhuys from Banjermassin: Messrs. Kalfsterman, and Nelson. Per s. 8. Hecuba from Bangkok:—Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Dunwell, and Mr. Weise. Per 8. s. See und
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    • 477 11 Thu following are the dates on which the dail steamers of the Messageries Maritime# nay be expected to arrive here Homcwabds. Octwabds. 1894. 1894 Melbourne 19 Caledmiien 20 Occanun Ju)j 3 ftriu July 4 Saghahtn 17 Salasie 18 Sydney 31 Yarra Augt. 1 All
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    • 126 11 Regular Line Between Bangkok and Hongkong. The Mongkut 8)9 tons register, Capt. J. Stonham. The s.s. Kong Beng, 862 tons register, Capt. J. B. Jackson. The s. s Taichiou'y 862 tons register, Capt R. Unsworth. The s.s Phra Chom Klao, 1,011 tons regisrer, Capt. J.
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    • 216 11 Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company’s steamers may bo expected to sail from here itTTTWAiins For Homxwabm. For Hongkong, Shanghai A Kobe. Trieste A porta via Bombay I8S4. 1894. Marquis Bacqueiuvn July July JJ Mn
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  • DOCKS.
    • 215 11 The above Dock, situated iu Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, ias lately boen lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at*) r ordinary
      215 words
    • 939 11 The premises of the Company are situat' d at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars ran at short inter? Is carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter and
      939 words
    • 101 11 Under provisional agreement and subject to the passing of a resolution providing for the liquidation of this Company, the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited of London assume, from and after Ist July 1891, all liabilitiee under policies of the Straits Fire Insurance Company Limited.
      101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 300 11 KATZ BROTHERS. A FRESH SHIPMENT OP AMERICAN TINNED FRUITS, COMPRISING Muscat Grapes, Bartlett Peers, Black Cherries, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Nectarines, Apricots, Quinces, Peaches, Apples, Egg Plums, Dessert Figs. LADIES FANCY SPRING BELTS, LATEST STYLES. GENTLEMEN’S SPRING AND CYCLIST BELTS. Fancy Decorated Trays—Porce’ain on Metal, and Wood, in Sets of Five, orSingle
      300 words
    • 499 11 KUPPER’S BEER CHOP “PAYONG.” The only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB’S Iron Safes and Locks. The best in the World. APOLLINARIS WATER The Queen of table waters. A most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $15.00 per case of 100 glass bottles. $7.50 per
      499 words

    • 216 12 Undor this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str. —steamer; sh.—ship; bq.—barque Brit —British U. S.—United States; Fr. —Frouch; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.c.. —General cargo d. p. —dock passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J.
      216 words
    • 1351 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Bayern, Ger. str. 3.4?3o tons, Capt. Soli* molder, 30th July. From Shanghai. ***** June. 8 d. p. B«hn Meyer A Co. For 1 Bremen. 2nd. —B. W. Sri Hong Ann, Brit. str. 108 tons, Captain Rozells, 2nd July. From T. Anson via ports
      1,351 words
    • 149 12 Ni. 'me. Pert and Date of Haihni t 1 From London* 1 hire May. j Canton, May t Ulenorchy May 23; Oceana, May 25 Benlomoud. May 2o Formosa. May 2«>; Ti>:re, May 27; Luldesdaie, Juue Glengarry. June Australia, Juue 8; j Guadalquivir, Juue Id; Himalaya, Juue 22; m
      149 words
    • 135 12 KASSEL) SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR OKDJ-.KS. Flag j Date p.rt Oats, and Ship’s Name. Commander. ok From Where. Destination Rio. Sailing culars June 2uNed. sf*. lede M emeier June 20 Batavia Rotterdam 22 Ger. sh Hera Meyer Mar 29 Cardiff Singapore 2?! 8i it. ali *eiator Smith 25
      135 words
    • 1004 12 3 Flag I I Vzmkl-b Nam*. To,re Cattaih. From Sailed. Cos ms l% I Rio 1 I Wn«t»n Oer. ttr. 1201 Otts Penang Jnne 23 Hock San 4 C I 5 'SST 83 Grant Muar June I T r! mm. ttr. 963 MahoU Snigon June v.„, I !fea g
      1,004 words
    • 519 12 I l-i VtssE 8 Nam* F vo A I~i i it -tination. June. 25 Dab >lla Brit.str. Grant Muar 25 i Libelle sir. Grant Saigon 20 Pakriian str. Jtnkius Saigon 26 W uotan Ger. str. Ott Hoibow an<l A mo t 26 M.Mstr. Mtilnis Saigon 26 K?6 Leoug Brit.
      519 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 335 12 JOHN LITTLE CO PROVISIONS. FRESH SHIPMENTS. JUST TO HAND DANISH BUTTER. P. C. Bunch and Sons Finest Selected in 1 and 2 lb. tin*. FRENCH BUTTER. Bretel Freres, Specially Selected for Exportation, 1 and 21b. tins. BACON. Lusk’s Finest Wiltshire in Canvas Crosse and Hackwell’s in tins 2 to 41
      335 words