The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 26 May 1904

Total Pages: 16
321 336 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 124 321 ■Vl\ I I'd, :;-.:j and "i oshino Dil the 1 >'. taster, 322 and Prer >g .ti 322 Ml Labour !abinet 323 T. legrams, tkii h Dilfmma, :;j.; NEWS 324 324,325 Mexican D 325 ining 32 1 324,330 S. C. Carnival, 333 A. R I ib. 334 Medal, 334
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  • 76 321 t«>t!i»' Singapore Free P ling from Burope to the Btraita by are invited to Bend to the name of their steamer and date of •ore. Copies will then be mailed carious ports of call. m Europe wishing detailed inforrea \< can bave a w>pj of Share Li I posted, to
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  • 22 321 D UP TO M.tV 111 ft 1", 11l l l 11-3 tid 2! 194 142 5 dia 11 58 25 J
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 54 321 an Pan Road, Bangkok, th< m I 11. Bw insow, of a daughter. Ul M ;,t Tanj Rambntan, Kinta, Perak, tlio iriffl of E. I iri c, of a daughti Wait, a- Singapore, on T\ esday, 24th May, l'"> 4. (Victoria Day), the *if< of Mr. Pkkcv L. W
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    • 27 321 OnthelOtfa May, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, bj the Rev. A. J Walker, A. L. Haudb Bhort, of Sherbro I i to M. D. Brady, Tientsin.
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    • 21 321 On the \~t'. May, ;it Koula Lumpur, Flora Maud (Flo), the beloved irife of Edwin Van i vz k i
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  • 33 321 Haj 25. "Correspondeata wishing to maiDeenquiriei >n oomU'iny or financial questions au»l matters, may do so by addre ring letton to Finanos/ 1 c > this ottico.. and same shall have his attention.
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  • 118 321 ,Maj2s. Tin 75.50 Gambier M 9 l<> d>. Cui-*? Xo. 1 ]5. do. df». \~o. -J 1 t Pepper, Blaok (ordinary S'ppre 28 do. White, (Fair L \V. 5 p.c 42 Nutmeg* 110 toMie ]h.) 4;\. do. SO to the fi>. > 90 Mace (Band*) 1 15, Clove* (Anitoin*)
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  • 289 321 Wireless Telegraphy for Seaports. May 18. Hew shall the Pksi the People's right maintain, L'nawpJ by inriuence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts dray7 t 1 to Religion, I.oyahy and Law. The Government of [ndo-China is taking -teps to establish an installation of wireless telegraphy between
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  • 291 321 Thi operations, undertaken by the Japanese torpedo-boal flotillas m the endeaTour to clear the various bays near Dalny from submarine mines have not been achieved without a very distinct loss. As io whit that was there was some contradiction m the wires. A premature explosion of
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  • 213 321 ti] ;.\i. Pfiajg, Quartermaster-General <•!' the Russian army m Manchuria, is announced by Reuter to bare wired to St. Petersburg u his opinion that ;h»« Jaj Dese advance tuirarda Lia is characterised by indecision.' 1 It may be remembered that a London tele- (pram of May sth stated
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  • 229 321 Owe great difficulty m following the present campaign is the chaotic spelling <>f many of the three-or four syllabled place names that swarm on the Large-scale maps. Some are Japanese tames or spellings, others CMiinese, some Korean, others Russian, and the disparity of the versions i< as
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  • 819 321 The Kaichu Landing. V V 1* To-dai conies tl -rtani news,— which although prematurely rumoured before, i> now quite authentic -of a Japanese debarkation m force m the i r!«ii of Liaotung, close to the point where the Peninsula begins to project southw,;)•<!>. Tiii.> In the most importani lauding yet
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  • Page 321 Advertisements
    • 54 321 MARTIN'S S J|PIOL &STE Y E Mb H«tnedy lot all Irr«<ularitles *h\ B kix-p a box of Mtrun fi I',n« .11 the huuM SO BOf y In irity of tlm M\r-Ui. 1 Umelj IIOM Iliuar «>. r«>' otu«o«:i 1 Uie'm heDJt At Ctxtinihlh and Htnr jr 1 V. fr» 5-
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  • Page 321 Miscellaneous
    • 327 321 THK WEEK. The last mail despatched from Home on April -J 1 arrived here on Sunday by the B. I "Zamania' 1 on account <»i the mails having been sent by the Indian route, the strike at Marseille- preventing them being sent by M. M. 'I'll*' Homeward mail was carried
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  • 218 322 The Japanese Consular telegram to-day ralatei only to the doings of the lies; division of the Second Army thai land 1 at Kinchau Bay, some 33 miles from Port Arthur m dived line. The heights s;ii<l to have been captured on the 16th would appear to be ilie
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  • 697 322 Considering the Budget difficulties Mr Austkn Chamberlain* bad to cope with, it is quite satisfactory to leirn th it m spite of our heavy expenditure figures on the X.iW. the Government, through the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has made public iti determination to begin two more battleships
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  • 1039 322 May 20. Wai new§ indeed, to.di<v. The Japanese have incurred their first serious war disaster. This, strangely enough, noi ou land, when the issues are open, and fortune may fall to either wide any day. Hut at sea, when to all appearance the Japanese had
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  • 210 322 A further rerrion o! Admiral Tooo'a report to Tokio, and rewired from London Uy Iteuter does not add much to whal is tlreadj direct h through the Japan.-.- Coutul. Th« keene -i t!i<. k Kaluga- Yoshiiio collimiou, m a fog, is ginui, without comment Arthur,
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  • 539 322 The !rown Agents, evil h h are so familiar m this the object of very strong South At:.-... [1 .I tlial Th»» Transvaal excitedly protested a_ram>t the Alt "i-»- 11, i m \u- rut-t "m: mental supplies for the Tr n tkoi ica i>l ten
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  • 271 323 May 21 lay for disI us 1■ a "sowing of m undelin v from t Port Arthur shore, I to I that thU disaster n i uif >us running against a irried i.\ tides and curthei era mj floating about, or a few feet under
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  • 114 323 of Ihe position <«t bat i Leships iv schemes is section of opinion Qvinced that too much money •••I up m these great fighting On ih<' '2~>\\\ April there was a Washington over tin* priation, which is larger this year evious year, au<l which provides (i the nations
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  • 361 323 made 1 .1 if.-. j 1 1 The H J< as C. W oi Austral i South Wales. i I entire hon< itv of purpose ar, universally admitted. ET6O those who differ most widely from the I. policj have nothing but good to say about the
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  • 767 323 May 23. There art* two or three items d to-day's wires that do n »t st;iu<l the test oi <■ imination. One i»l tii«'>» i is tli-* st«»n al> M Genera] 9 oessel's sortie from Port Arthi driving back the Japanese, inflicting a i thousand men, th< Russians
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  • 1141 323 Ml ay 25. QUITE the most important tliiiiLr I<> hi deduced from the war telegrams, issued yesterday m slip form and appearing to-day I also, is that General Kuropatkin Ims made up his mind at lust to his central plan of resistance to the Japanese main advance with
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  • 57 323 Mr. Tom I>. Mackay, tli passengei ageni for the Pacific Companies, staying here for a few days longer Anyone who \v;mt> t«> know about "li "Mongolia" the finesi steamer on the P or about the way to get to St. Louis and b:ij themselves there at a moderate cost -ough!
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  • 251 323 The Gterman Bteamer "B arrived b< re yesterday from Hamburg with a cargo oi pre-serve-1 tish for Nicolajevsk. She c >aled at Tanjong Pagar and left for I Forth tinin rniii_r. It w ul<l be inte esting to know if the Japs will treal tin- Bianca's cargot* <• > 2
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  • 816 324 A lAamn r. -in Japan on April 20 states that tbe ice at Viadivostoek and m the vicinity had almost malted away, and traffic is now uninU-n upted. The orden of the day for next Friday's <■ Mii'-il in«M'!;iiu r include a supplementary vote of $9,450
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  • 176 324 The past month has been a \evy dull one for business, and, with the except ion of somo fair transactions m Duff Developments, we have littte of interest to report. Tanjong Pagan have bpen b <[iiif»t Imt steady market at 9260. and continue m demand at this
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  • 353 324 A League match was played on tb< Kajtiea school ground yesterday l>etweeu t and the 62nd "i 1 A. T-he boys were without Lheir usual left I bill playeJ up svell v i g w i 1 < < Eveutualh the Arl llery won by 3 0, two oi
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  • 86 324 Lust night this popular native show staged their new play <• V mji Smerang "to a large and enthusiastic audience m which there were many Europeans. Miss Mary de Wolffs took the leading part with much skill and was ably supported by the r*st of th»> Company. Tiie
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  • 167 324 The following properties were disposed oi U\ auction at Powell «fc Co's sale-room ve»t«rdav afternoon Freehold land and Shop-h r »use 5 Seleirie Boad Singapore town, area 1017 «q ft comprised m part of lot '2 of Oovt. (Jr.iui No. 67. Bought l>v Boc>Beineah Bfarican for $2600. Freehold
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  • 122 324 Mr W. Bailey, Straits Civil Seirioe, liaving returned from leave is posted a§ Assistant Protector of Chinese. He is stayine at th« Hotel ile P Europe. A Klin- vm arrested yesterday aiteruoon for entering the house of Mr C. Schmidniann i»i IVvon»hire-rd nud stealing two suits of clothe ra)ped at
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  • 1078 324 "mik*' i.ur last notes the entries have been published and we now have the handicapper'fl feuminary on tlie first day and the Ex t Griffiu Race on the 2nd day. Taking the Maiden Plate horses m the i ord< r of their entry, beading a field of 15
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  • 401 324 At the lltli annual meeting m r April 19th, the Chairman (Sir A said The deposits show a slight deer pared with a year ago, bui ,i Eluded one or t,,, exlLi*^ the Bmal] reduction h in..,'. real. Turning to the cred you will see that
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  • 177 324 XVs f ei t s\v» Chinaman named were eh i rq ai* h retaining stolen Mr Hose, D. I' P, prosecuted, B itte i!rr.:' t r i^ 1 Chop ml rlef -ndtnl Serge mt I Mm dei botisc when* he Pound U i bag barrels lard, som
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  • 81 324 iB< ni-lit a murder, nol >el obtain ib!i», o urn J i tl i,'i i i her i] larrellod, a.»«l i paraup; and attacks] his I ing one of t hern and i> ><l iv wr«>" [c then killed hi md tin i-rawled Ui Tampenis i
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  • 20 324 A broken b»t «r*i s»>nt Ux h as mark <•!' their irrief t<> Ibe f loci J ol bridge \W!h rrieketer.
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  • 1591 325 m ih»* B, 0. C. tennis touroalucoessful from the point of good play. a»ha«beesi generally the of play Wai imt 10 hiu'li, probably ><» the* fact that tournament then was little r practice t'ur long time. were m t In- upper clasoei men absent, in,m!/hpmi. Battenburgh, Beatty, i
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  • 146 325 "Civil Engineer." \1) h ia possible to doal in hhaxt on tin- houie market. l>ut the only meat o i;.llv for sp.'<-:i!.»tiv«- dealings m >,v *•<': .ii»<l i\n)esfl you have a very comprehensive (.'ode with your London friends, you would ftnJ that the cost of cabling would eat np
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  • 184 325 £824 Forfeited. Yesterday afternoon before a Bench CouH >mprising Messrs Michell an<l Colman three llflaini named Liong Ah Hob, Hoh Ton^r Lvi and Liin See Lok were charged %sith li iTing "ii May 9, contrary to an Order of the i >..-nior-in-Council, imported prohibited coin, t
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  • 99 325 Last night the Police found a Malay lying i ttakii Timah-rd unconscious, and removed li <> to the (forersJ Hospital, and this morning w\ it he recovered consciousness, the man told I ipector Ambrose that he was a syce to ;,J Powell Robinson and was riding his
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  • 261 325 Tl is morning before Mr Beatty ]\lr C. l>. (mx]\ living at "Maisonette," Tanglin-rd, proe uted his Ely lam Bervant named Ah r l\-wj; t <»r theft. Mr God? went home yesterday and heard the alarm bell on his box ringing. He went i tin- room and saw
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  • 332 325 The case reported yesterday as a murder at Taw penis appears from the Police iuveMipit ion to have been a Chinese amok, which is of very rare occurrence. It appears that one of 1 he coolies on a \>\% pineapple plantation at the Bth mile ou the
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  • 72 325 hing is becoming rife again i. oight while Cup tain Wbodside was passing through Keppol-nl m a rikiaha one of tin> fraternity snatched his hat and bolted with it, and .''.v,i though a Sikh constable on duty m the road pursued \\\n\ Keppel-rd, Anson-rd, and River V'allejr-rd, near t}u* ice-works,
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  • 406 325 H. If. 8. "Rinaldo" arrived here from Sarawak thi> morning. The Dutch mail steamer M Printei s. .phLe," whiefa left Singapore on the 30th April. arriTed at Suez on the IBfch instant. Mlt is out with the Russians they kluj Id be and not m Skibbereen,"
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  • 455 325 The Nbvoe Vienna publishes a letter from one of its correspondents now on his wa) to the front, m tli<- course <>f which he suns tliat General Kuropatkin has ,i 1> "h-uar I of 15 Knights of St. Gteor^e with a banner of the Order. The knights will
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  • Correspondence
    • 66 326 I), v g, B ui-couni of the tria l of thu *wan v!l<> br u K w m into Bißga^ 1 vl)<li <iTll r; tbey 01 T ti u i 't" I cannoi but oxvn^ur biti ntoH. E.the or'ina; I j > uIUn S the I If
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    • 87 326 011 Si tain Mil or) < <' v p. \v. 1 is ;.M i most like 1 i pro I h stiff 1 ra n<3 tniil re l Skull is < I ,m iph i 'il ti,,,r i sportsmen. ji< tilii <; in«!a 11 as on 1 Oulv
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  • 289 326 La bight Harmstoi us played under the patronag of E Sir John Anderson, and a special programme was given The large new i«'iit was .::t'.!v «i with bunting and punctu I 9 lock Sir .John, )vV led by M sraon aud Buite arrived, b ing r< I with
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  • 948 326 THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALTY. Tin* following appreciation of tiie Muni M.lmiiiistration of Singapore appears m "lad m Eri'^iii*rriii'_r of M.iv 7 Situated on the nijsnway between Ei and the Far Easi and the Antipodes, Sii pore is daily arrowing m importance, v consideration Her commerce i -a\i<\ her strategic value verj
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  • 34 326 D. P. P., ap .i iliii the char< i > uf, and Ab lul Chird ft] ed In fore aow aiiainsl i yeur .1 'malini .\<\ disl i i:i I tlie oOih,
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  • 100 326 ►r Chi" Lil I>■ Social hold a1 I t lie <j Lie Sit V >!1 I Thai I his houa •i: l m lior p»es< it sti ujj n ls oarncil by a 1 1 luti Jed •to oj"»iMi h ii i panese tilor idi lin i
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  • 129 326 E« d here For v uri 1 1 t Piuun«» ir »S i iv svllmenl." [UtU» J an 1 "Sir \\h »<' 1 The first named, as i u.i *wavth\ i er uiu 'iSir L »tliers, u>l m tin .i--i very Ho i* titu vi r, sun] has
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  • 47 326 A MIXED CHOIR AT THE VATICAN. Pimi Time m I For the rust time m mixed choir has bu n I They performed two The Pop "lijl:--;hi<I expressed I !i<- }iop« i bad iutroduced woul I i popular. is a jha m Siugapoi tie amount of vo
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  • 11 326 THE EMPRIESS DOWAGER'S PORTRAIT. ■i I the Shang iv h I
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  • 6 326 deal m.
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  • 16 326 an ins] V ll J_\ ill I m Id tlL'i I 1>; t\\
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  • 12 326 I M.I--•1 I .i)-; i to tfie ether, 5, ■-i
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  • 47 326 ila comment on Mr Johu A t\)- 118 I I l ..ip!.-: wnai 1 p < M VV ii! I Li for certain iul Will th v iiiiueefl be able I improveiuciit < i.!.. Po:H I us t. rfst« ul Ihe i nil ,-> n I
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  • 831 327 Ii i Sib Fbajtl B* i i nuHi ondon School ol Booooiiuci and l:i1^ London), on the nil Sir Fnmk Swettenham, -n Til.- A«l- the P* The oi b« 1 1 I ion t I f t h e i the Com v 11- t
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  • 128 327 NAVAL AND MERCANTILE CONSTRUCTION. first quarts r of tl r. I ired r 74 id i" m- tnents, including the trrow ;ii! E uildiu r« Gre l1 Bi itaiß I lusb cm i s smaller craft. Priv; than two third i I tboconl w constructing L 3 Sui the time
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  • 136 327 RIVAL WAR LOANS. 1 Fj tit of tl ij .t li v. rite 1 hear thai a Jupaui oan for le n millions starling is to be floul idon markei q c ly date. Pi i of A.inoric;ii] fiuunci us ii woul 1 !•<• 1 conditions t.. obtain ti loan
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  • 114 327 I REALLY MUST USE VI-COCOA" Tli' i umd of men and women, after readiii the j trticmars published, respecting the vf Dr. Ti Vi-<\«- a, have been indue« I to drinkers i 'i' < his \>- tpular bev< vu\ BuJ Mi.itiv have sai Ito t heuj i i reallj ise
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  • 212 327 A •>■■ n <-\ m tin imp] I hi uring of a <-.i- Im; Bi >h Court, ;it i; k. Ec 1 it flevi ibe top of Ibe jun r•. resisi inj for I imc ev< a the i issistu i bxlgo i< Twico it eject t\\ i! urned, toallv
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  • 284 327 Following is ilu article from a Russian correspondent :<• a borne paper, wh<-. writiug f rom St. Petersbui on 21st ul< Queei s1 aredribblingoutof Port Arthur. Admiral AL seiefTa nephew, who return* I !j»'i>* with Mod k. is responsible t"<- t\ latest irn. He declarer thai the telegram
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  • 94 327 THE "HANDY MAN AS "li U >vi :ivm for tl i i is an ev< *i«i'.n t [ited witb bei It ui;i\ news to Hi of our vow numerous on the :k. In >verj c ise t bej turn to hn] q war m itorial. ently a innei .m v
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  • 135 327 iwo or thi daya out fi v ilcutta Tacti ian w tiicfa r ived al Tilbuj a large on bill PoH ben <•; I Qage 1 phani on bo hd. A sea-si ;l >;:; and i hot t-. to, b thes* ralual m to be reached m the
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  • 1558 328 The Ndvv Krai* 1 confirms the announcement that the beadquarten of the .Staff of tho Manchuria armj are at Liaoyang, where house ii being built for Adjutant-General Kuropatkin. (TJ ouae il finished untenanted no* Some of the placet* the" Japanese are bus) j.' uriii'_ r n > ii
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  • 95 328 A prominent officer conversing witli a representative <>l" Laffan's Agency recently, m ■peaking of the rapidity of the firing on l>oard the "Alabama," said it was almost impossi »le to tire faster. To load rapidly necessity d opening the breach when it was still very hot,
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  • 155 328 Who has Qot felt anxious about the safety of j the ordinary keroaine lamp: Even uith metal oil-holders there is danger of explosion, and a> for chimneys, the expense for breakages is somethiug marvellous. The new as best c lamp, on the Carbona principle, has just been put on the
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  • 1103 328 < 4< Englishman n c Ltve heard more than once that military and official opinion m Russia and that is Hi.- .'illy opinion that one hears anything about Ls by DO means bo pessimistic m its outlook upon the war as that uf the English ai I Japanese critics.
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  • 351 328 The two battleshii Government witli ;ml Armsff,, each be -14- r > I tish battleship of docking accommo draught have been ivelj Th the same as Edward class i 12-inch, four 10-inch, a against four I_' ii\ h, fou m ihe British ships [hv biggest gu
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  • 67 328 The Japanese lam <>f 1 899, i •»::-tin-4 tra le Ihstween [K>rta of Japan un ler i !io panese !l tg, lup ►muierc t« [< »rm f ex<?ep( i"fi PJ c Mjii. now exercise I ♦■'1 m iiim bj ing penni under
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  • 65 328 i'li.- Kling named < N Hum sii r.->tc<| yesterday morni i ■••j iraa before Mr B-Mth I ntpector Perrett explains 1 Ili •■I tome difficulty m ggettiii^ Mi evidence, as thin gentlemen w u( tin' end of the monl li a»i i v Ibrou^fa Singapore. The cams wuh j week
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  • 96 328 Id >j»it«« of eountei attnictiui U ayan^ l\as>iiu rep sated t lie J Lanji Sineraug befure k large aud 1 The l'». I Bteami r I Kuratsu, Japan, yesterda) wit Ij 7."" I during ihe Kn r's stai I M •iv«'n oil I'«»'m<l i !i< H nil.".;, f.. v liidi
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  • 1232 329 hah Operations Wksi ..h the Li\««. Peking, May 2. Hn- Russians are building .),r.. k>uB aeai rlsinmintun. They have 1:1 i hundred >>v more junk- at Newchw.iU'j. .Hi 1 ;>!♦■ using the materials m tin* construction of a branch railway between NiucKamid and the f< I Yinuknu, and
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  • 185 329 HUMOURS OF ADVERTISEMENT. Talking advertisements, saya an Edinburgh paper, tbe iudiistry <>i a correspondent has utnulated n choice collection of specimens, from which the following are taken Annual sale no* going <>n. Don't •-,"> elsem liere to \ye cheated. Jome m here." Wanted, exerienced nurse for '><'ttlt><l bahj. 1 Mr
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  • 349 329 The Chinese Post Office began ito operation! io recenth as February, 1897, but si no- the collapse of Boxerism ;'n«l th-* restoration >t' quiet, n has been extended rapidly until mails arrive anil depart from every provincial <-;ipit.)l t m China, excepting onl\ the remote
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  • 1079 329 M Zinoxien", the Rus.-iiiii Minister at Constantinople, is pressing th<- Porte for th^ p;«yment of £930,0K>0 indemnitiei due )>y Turkey t.. Russian subjects since t!.»- Etusso-Turkish war m I*7*. The Ambassador's action is interpreted t.> mean that Russia will shortly ask permission for her Black Sea~fleel
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  • 609 329 The chief place m the iksu< >! the Free Prese for the second w—k m May I *85, was given up i<» a consideration ->;' the W A.ttendant'i report <>n the lighting <>t' Sintftipore waters. A number of minor alterations Dga enerai alt round increase iv
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  • 175 329 Tbe Mutual Building Swid ate ot Singapore bare now commence*! building operati on tr-e Dalvey Ksiai«'. <'•■ ,-<- have signed for the first two bungalows, Ihe ttuiM limit being 6 and months re*pecti> foT completion. The buildings at-- under th** lions MeBSBri Swan ;id<l M laren who li ),;vp;n-'l the
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  • 565 330 Onoemgrtltbe Shailjtfiai Municipal Council are advertising t tramway lenders. H If. s. B oaldo* 1 coated at Tanj >ng .r to-d festerd*} 1:l v of Sang*" will< ;i lVi this i D isIrl I it i y thi of M I S. v> i i c,
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  • 89 330 KELLY'S CUSTOMS TARIFFS. Ike extent Mid variety of the customs tariffs of the world are forcibly displayed m a book of 7<*> pp, issued l>y Kelly's Directories Ltd, a copj of whk-h feaclitt US. It is a large well, printed book of itself thai has hitherto been part of Kelh's
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  • 129 330 A Dishonest Boy/ i, i... Sylam "b*) m of Mr Sydney Bar] app before Mr Setb on v charge of th< H ani Mr E p i 1,«- ix mouths. 1 drew io the .mm-. 1 his writiii j At 7th the monej In the drawer, but
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  • 244 330 Sin.'.' the death at Paris on thi 22nd January of this year of 1 > shop I illation i ife atn< ngsl Ihe Roman Cai liolic congregation as t<> his successor m the Bishopric of Malacca, bul from the firsi the name of Father Barillon
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  • 419 330 The Ceylon Observer" has sin interview with Mr J. Campbell Kei iof Sultan's three sous who art going to Ei land with several other y- ing Malay lads fur education. This passage oc< urs: Our report r, m a s!um ition with Mr Kerr, learni t
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  • 52 330 A (J; man employed ;tt a large secoad hand shop m South Bridge-rd has been arresteA for itealing *7:; i worth of property from the ■hop, and mo>t of the property has been reooT♦iv i. Tin- accuaed appeared before Mr Sett this morning and the case wai remitted to a
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  • 935 330 Thk Worst m Modern Times. The terrible death-roll on board Admiral Makftroff*a ill-fatdl flagship the Petropavlovsk" off Port Arthur has established record m the history of modern naval catastrophe*. It itandfl l>v itself ms th<> most terrible 1"-- of lii' (i ai sea m ,nv
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  • 84 330 NoNDKsrRii>TK v 62 hd Cot. I. <, Yesterday evening the above teamc met ln B League fixture at tin- 8. C. i end Ksplanade. The soldiers iron the tosa and elected to defend the Ci tfa sdra end. On I commencement they weni ai tha r tsh, md
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  • 166 330 h Thibe a .ear fully-] I :i)' !> sga ;*t 10 am., t our n the to tbe l>t;ii?\ Int. The reina carry the w Then tbe rurkhas, feal m moo imbin on the left and I TL«- right ha, who climb Itl i ini<i fired The
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  • 178 330 Admiral A<l--mind I m of tl Arthur fleet, is report 1 Tsar, on the occasion < went, thai hi I that R 1 1 i > British, to o mvey 7" I: t m. •)<. 1 0,000 1 •.i ;i' M Mo-I of t Mr H.
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  • 850 331  -  Landy Angelina By Chinchiii ■i GI&LS, V careful study of Sheldon's, Nome Hot i other ladies' papers <>i th- first order, n.»t' to mention variov mala which cater for x ii;| •'< me feel thai then* ii cal journals. When I tee with charini >m Vtlli: the Home
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  • 192 331 Okdinakt Uutihg, Fimdat. May 20th. I'kkskn r His RTCwlkaqy the Governor (BirJohn Anderson k.< m <, i ihe Honiriethe Colonial Secretary (W. T. Taylor, c.M.G the Attorney-General <W. K. Collyer h the Colonial Treaonrer (F. <;. Penney!) the Auditor-Genera] (E.C.HUI.) 1 '1. Engineer Bffnrray.) •i M liii W.
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  • 414 331 CHINESE LABOUR IN SOUTH AFRICA. 1 is undent •<< i i 1 nt*go belie B .m rd to tin is oi employ* it of C ii :.1 unties ;tiv ill) I, and I lial t ii,- agn emenl L !v. Lv the i Afri n mn', tock Exelnm^ I ibour
    414 words
  • 67 331 A preliminary notice appears m osr advertisi'iLC columns of the s*le of the property of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co. (m jig i by Meaira H. L CoghUn on June 21. There .v' tin-.-' lots, Seretnban {»;•<•].• ny alluvia] concessions of 1,000 acres, anJ toe Jiiu aii<l <i 1
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  • 412 331 MUN I CI PAL COMMISSION. The us mil meeting of this Bouod was held m the Municipal Offices. Dr W. K. C. Middleton i presiding. t]io other members present beintr Dr M Robertson, If easra, Cho Giang Thje, C. J. Saunden, and A. J. Watkins, Lee Ohoon G D. K.
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  • 147 331 The final ii.- i ,i,. which I i men v. enter for tlv tt g i the S* Limning < V al on day wms rowed off last < Darbisi mp 1 titors. m i• firs! >u >n r ing to an injured Xc The race I i> i
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  • 794 332 Cob Tennet. er, LO. P. returned from ivrt Bwettenh l»y th»- "Malacca this morning. A Bengali wai vesterdai sent t tor .1 rear b^ tb*- Bench Court \\>v criminal breach (<f trust ai jvant m respect 1" £530, the property ot I' !1 Bros High-si 'I
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  • 1597 332 Quicfuid tufmtU homines no*iri wt jarrayo libelli. Jl' VENAL. A turn of the War kaleidoscope, aud now disaster is seen to l»e surrounding the fortunes ot .Japan. A battle-ship runs on a mine lurking beneath tin* surface of the sea, the convulsion of a mighti explosion,
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  • 52 332 According to the London correspondent of a Ceylon paper some planters m Ihe Straits have made forward contracts for their rubber at 58. perlb. for three years. The correspondent ■ays, it is a little difficult to understand whj manufacturers should bind themselves bo far ahead m
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  • 147 332 Under tho above title an [ndo-China paper t^ives the following, concerning which it is «mly needful to insist on its American origin: ••A star of quite the first magnitude has arisen m the firmament of polygamy. James Shiroee, of Now ITork, aged 33, was accused
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  • 118 332 LABOUR SAVING APPLIANCES. Mr Choo Cheng Khay, who has been the not and oiih miner m the States to iutrodu blondin, and use it m hii mines ai Suugei Be is about to make another innovation shortli m the shape of an endless wire rope, which it m beliered has
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  • 212 332 Through limn H. L C tghlan a i broken m the matter, the premises known* No 1. 2. t ">. Telegraph-si and N binson-rd, lately occupied bj th». ill!; and Orienta] S.N.Co, and now by Era Tiffin Rooms, arid the Japan I insulate hare been Bold for
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  • 99 332 Che M ihu i Citholic Puu >ral km of St. Pet^r, Malticca, is exempted \'vn<u > tralion under ;ii( j Societies Ordina The appointment of Mr I. I*.. unofficial tf*imber of th<* Ley t Oounci bas been confi ined bj I! is M■. Herr Adolf A.srnus is i
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  • 149 332 A Malax clerk iii the employ of the Pahang Government has died from the bite oi watersnake, [t appears the unfortunate man wen* «\\t fishing on Friday the 13th In whik Landing a catch hitton by a xv.iter-suake, Thinking t lie snake non-poisonous ho continued
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  • 389 332 Two Racers Dead. During the lost fern days there ban uceurred m Singapore i form of horse <li>e;i^' whu-h is apparently <juiu- new here. The illness bat taken the form <>)' lung trouble, an<l commen« ct's with aomutrhat severe fever, developu later into a pleuric form,
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  • 526 333 F. M 9 Yacht Meran arrived here from Klang yesterday with the Selangor ericn board. !i-' |p% ll pleased to ipprove of I i .i Shoshichii, tv < 'onsul for i arrived here yesterday »rmer }»«»rt d the i itter on th.21>1 nd i R none
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  • 2196 333 Srosi aj f i\N.i,,N. f Katoho. It yean nnce such a particularly iful and enjoyable outdoor entertainment baa been given m Singapore, as that which was held ou Saturday at Tanjong K,itong by the Singapore Swimming Club. Ostensibly started to inaugurate the new bungalow, which has,
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  • 56 333 CHINAMAN'S LEGAL SUBTLETY. Ah Foo, < Jbinnman v u\h teu< landed m Ausi sapro I grant, that d ap- ed i]jtl c grotm that ten words pean lanj to liim t bation instead toria quashed the iin -t Tli said the tion an lanj Id be Babmitted. It wa a
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  • 102 333 Melb >urne, April -The Mir .r Cus- lisL and A magazine whi I .pular m Australia. He t; lt advertisements from the C uimon wealth, and that but bi 1 md tut good literary t I among our own people, mpetent to br;n« fu-st-claßs publications." EXehastb decided
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  • 141 333 Glove Fight <>n Thursday. <>n Saturday Harmston's gave their iii>* matinee of tbe season ;m<l the programme presented, which was brimful of noi and fun, delighted the hearts of the juveniles. The usual evening performance I I o'clock drew a large audienco a:i<l many >mers found difficulty m
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  • 477 333 N EGOTIATIONS I JONCi DKJ>. Elenter' Agency understands thai ~'rjure of ie A.ngl !hinese T eaty regulating a conditions of Chin coolie emigration now only ;;w;iiir- the receipi tel -ww bic permission iV<r?n Peking, which maybe expected at any oment, as the Chinese Government received r
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  • 311 334 Second Lie it KUtton v. o. a. leaves Binj apore toy trds the end r»t this month on transfer to 8 We regret to hear that Mr 11. P. Kinghorn the act- Municipal Financial Assistant is I lid up w it fever m hospital. The Di
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  • 282 334 The 3. v Rifle Club held a daj'i shoot on Monday ut Balestier, then- l>eiiiLj competitions at •_'<". ■'.<>*> and •>«»(♦ yds and at 800, 900 and L ,009 yds, the former m the morning when the rgets were much obscured b) Bmoke, tl iter m the afternoon
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  • 204 334 A BULLOCK RUNS AMOK. 'i .V Police Sergeant. >■ lay morning while a batch of bulh had i».en landed \vo)n a steamer at Tanj Pagar, were being led through North e-rd near Elgin Bridge, one of them, v line bull it I. hli irp horns, br i owe and ran
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  • 556 334 Thi Story 01 v\n Biini \m. -THE BROKEN MELODY A.uguste Van Biene, the I) il earned fame and fortune by bit as an actor-musici m, drama Ti timea throughout tli England. The fol interview with him which ai the Weekly Dispa h. v I first produced, said
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  • 132 334 <>n Sunday ;ii 1 \> m. a < ant< nese fitter ha< a quarrel with Beveral oi her Chinese m Saj and the* assaulted him ..ii ran away He was pursued by several <•!' them on< stabbed him m the back with a large knife The wounded man ran
    132 words
  • 105 334 Ia t he E. and A. steamer Ei arrived a1 Hongkong from Austral brought two < Jhin im( on ihe trip «l<>\\ v sr< >iv 1 deutlv mi j.M.-.-.i on ill i Siina n admission into the Ooram alti > heir plan however, 'ii-1 qol bucc <!• '\\;i they weredis
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  • 2238 334  -  W. BEACH THOMAS All Bighti Besorved. By (Author <>f th>- Isthmian "Athletics" &c). There i> i class of person whm has a wholesome horror of all atLletics We hear much about M the brutal athlete," asif bewereacreature who only enjoyed kicking his neighbour's shins and had no
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  • 31 335 The following cards irere returned for the Medal •i > IV 1! I) Grant 136 Jj 111 ied a J. c. li. Darby, l> md J. S r\ mgeour.
    31 words
  • 125 335 WHITSUNTIDE CRICKET. Captain rs XI v 8. C. C. ion this m I ;i Pours n nd xi. on 0 I: 0 cP \i. 0 b B L 5 n on n 21 [ay 14 b 1 1 n 0 j 0 ...13 ...9 T tal Tot i\ Owo R
    125 words
  • 279 335 A j :v appropriate n > of bral ing the day for c nning the ;i-l < Jood Queen could and e< the S Punctually 10 o'clock lie i Mas filled V\ I'll pu'.'i I liei white li .ud >tlu»i tlit»Jr r id friends, m r\ v i
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  • 60 335 *1 V;»-.;iii, r. M ngcni at S:i_;«»M. ufoes to •I m 1 me ropacil v. H- i> »ac--3 .mi I.;. M. Bailoun. "'"i v i Municipal Secretariat eumloyee >y i i n.4 iil Gaviui^ Road iiiel >v*ith "•■•i'l'u; wiiirli threw bim bettvily to 8 »M<l, cuuHin^ ;tii in<-i>''.l iround m
    60 words
  • 2766 335 TELEGRAMS. (Reuter's Agency.) THE WAR. Reuter's correspondent at Tokio says that the Second Japanese Army cut the railway to the north of Tort Arthur m five places between Kay sth and 17th. The Japanese Losaei are 1 k>. Eteuter'fl correspondent at Che(oo lays that the Jap mccc are advancing on
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  • 122 336 (Special t<. the Singapore Free Press.") Bongkong, May -2-*, 6.10 pm. The Russians are reported to be hurriedly removing stores and provision* to Harbin. One hundred locomotives and 800 cars have j been collected at Liaoyans ready to convey passengers and goods. It is therefore concluded the Russians
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  • 140 336 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. (Special t.» the "Singapore Free Press. Hongkong, May 18, 10.13 p. m. Fifteen thousand Japanese landed at Kaichu I>a\ on the 16th under the protection of a heavy lire from their own war- ships. They are inarching towards Nieuchwang or Elaicheng. China has opened the following p»»rts to
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  • 513 336 Bl UOI RTBB\ OF Mi: Tanaka. H. I. .1. M Const i,. Becehred :J-50 pm Friday. Enemj which tookpart m the tiicht near Kinchow on the 16th consisted of Fifth, Fourteenth, Sixteeni h Sharpshooter Lnfantry Becriments, with eight quickfirerg. They left on the field thirty dead officer*
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  • 349 336 1 -52^ May 23. -JJ g. Capital, k S IS Belat Tin *lo 10 300.0005J 10J 10 Deciawah Gold 0rd. lo tj 75,000 16 15$ Do IVi... h> lo 40,000 11 Bruseh H. Tin lo 10 600,000 8} nJ GopengTiu £1 .£IIXI,OOO Uty 16) JelebuMin. AT. inliq. 5 5
    349 words
  • 112 336 May l^.-Per N.D.T, Ziet^n Prom Bremen. Mr A-; ierson, Hr Tso<?.- T Prom Rotterdam. Mr Oeimien. Prom Southampton.— Mrs Watson. Mrs Dawson, Mr Carith. Mr .7. Launder. Miss Soaralt, Mrs M. B. Tumor, Mr G. J. Potier, Mr Agnail, Mr Oar] Trail. From Genoa.— lfr
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  • Page 336 Miscellaneous
    • 77 336 ANJEB SHIPPING REPORT. i Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press" Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name; Where and when sailed. Destination. May 12. Brit, str., Whitgift; Ooltar Singapore. May 12. Norw. bq., Eos; Jorgensen Delagoa Hay Bangkok. May 12. Bw. bf| M Stavanger Anderson;
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    • 1367 336 VESSELS IN PORT. :o: Flapr and Tons Commanders Arrived From p or Talbot H M.S.. cruiser ">♦;•><> Bay ley May lo Penang Unoertain Bern Belle Col yacht 500 Ahraat May 12 Mala. 1;,,,^ Sea Mew Col yacht 895 Murphy Mar 16 Malac Roads. Gelderlaud Dut. cruiser 641 Kock May 16
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